#Latest Hotel Industry Trends
phonesuite · 2 years
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In this blog post series, we will take you on a journey through key hotel industry trends that you should look out for in the coming years. Read More....
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market-insider · 2 years
U.S. Hotels, Resorts & Cruise Lines Market Data Stated That Occupancy May Not Return To Pre-COVID-19 Levels Until 2023
The U.S. hotels, resorts, and cruise lines market size is expected to reach USD 488.1 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 9.3%, according to a new report published by Grand View Research, Inc. The demand for hotels and resorts varies by property type and is influenced by factors such as location, size, and on-site amenities.
The market is likely to be driven by rising disposable income, the popularization of weekend culture, the introduction of low-cost airline services, and the developing service industry. Some of the primary factors responsible for drawing clients to hotels and resorts include inflation in spending power and style of living. Furthermore, the rise of digital innovation aided in the recording of this rising number, as well as the ability of players who manage shared spaces, such as Airbnb, to reach out to their target audience.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: U.S. Hotels, Resorts, And Cruise Lines Market Report
In addition, according to Forbes in 2020, remote work has also made it easier to work from any place, which is why an increasing number of digital nomads are working while staying in hotels. Many people are considering relocating outside of the Bay Area and other cities such as New York now that they can work remotely. According to a May 2020 survey of thousands of IT workers, two-thirds are considering leaving the Bay Area.
Hotels have another reason for wishing to accommodate long-term visitors. Hotels aim to fill the gaps caused by COVID-19 with long-term guests. The world's largest hotel chain, Hyatt, in 2020, introduced its Work from Hyatt program, which includes discounts and free high-speed Wi-Fi for stays of seven days or more.
According to CBRE 2021 estimates, hotels in the U.S. have noticed a significant drop in demand since the onset of COVID-19 in 2020 Quarter 1. Fear of infection, forced closures, and reduced business travel all contributed to a significant drop in the accommodation industry. Moreover, the data stated that occupancy may not return to pre-COVID-19 levels until 2023, with RevPAR following in 2024.
In 2022, higher chain scales have seen the greatest percentage and absolute declines in RevPAR. Chains in the upper echelon were particularly heavily hit. According to CBRE, the resumption of group travel will take some time, requiring a ramp-up phase, lowering occupancies, and slowing ADR growth for higher-priced chain scales and property types that rely more heavily on food and beverage revenue. Furthermore, according to the American Hotel and Lodging Association's State of the Hotel Industry 2021 study, the pandemic cost over 670,000 hotel industry operations jobs and nearly 4 million hospitality employees in 2020.
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mothrocks · 8 months
So I recently caved and watched Hazbin Hotel. I like animation, musicals, and animated musicals, so I feel like I'm kind of obligated to watch this new animated musical cartoon. After watching the show, I can't help but compare it to other animated productions that have also been released within the last year, namely that of Disney's Wish. I have a lot of thoughts, so here's this essay I spent like 2.5 hours writing :D
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Slight disclaimer, I do acknowledge that Wish and Hazbin Hotel have very different themes, target audiences, production methods, pipelines, all the things. As someone who just enjoys animation, I'm going to disregard this for the most part, largely because I just want to ramble about the animation industry as a whole and probably could for hours.
Hazbin Hotel features a cast of characters trying to rehabilitate the sinners of Hell to save them from dying a second (and seemingly final) death in the afterlife. I have my own thoughts on the show itself, but I generally thought it was good. You can tell there was passion behind it and that they were allowed a lot of creative freedom, rather than having to pander as much to studio higher-ups.
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I'm choosing not to summarize Wish and trusting that if you've read this far, you have at least a fragment of an idea of what the movie is about (not that there is much of a memorable plot, anyways). I don't like Wish. The characters are static and flat; there's no growth or character development and we have little to no reason to root for the main character, Asha. The story overall is unmemorable. The animation is fairly lackluster and looks unfinished. Lastly, the songs, one of the most important parts of a Disney animated musical, are just bad and incohesive and don't fit whatever vibe Disney and its producers were going for. I want to add that I don't think these qualms are the fault of the creatives behind this movie, rather, the fault of Disney executives stepping in.
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Compared to Wish, Hazbin Hotel has interesting and dynamic characters, a solid art and animation style, and a wonderful soundtrack. Hazbin Hotel, despite being a show about the afterlife, has life and soul to it. This isn't to say I'm a big fan of the show, I do have criticisms of my own. My question is, how does Hazbin Hotel, an animated adult cartoon practically birthed from the internet, manage to be infinitely better than Wish, a movie by fucking Walt Disney Animation Studios? The fact that Disney, the studio behind The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast (or even more recent things like Moana and Encanto), is the same studio that produced a movie as flat and lifeless as Wish is baffling to me.
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My speculation as to why this show is so much better than Wish is specifically because it was cultivated from random people on the internet who were passionate about their projects opposed to a company like Disney, who made Wish just for money (and to promote their anniversary). Disney has changed from what it once was and no longer takes risks in their storytelling or animation, only pursuing whatever writing, casting, or cost-cutting decisions that will line their pockets best. As someone who grew up watching these movies so much as a kid and learning about animation and storytelling and music from them, it's so disheartening to see any creativity within this corporation be crushed. Walt Disney Animation Studio's latest animated films since 2018 (Ralph Breaks the Internet, Frozen II, Raya and the Last Dragon, Strange World, and Wish) have all been lackluster in one way or another, with Encanto being the one exception. Disney has historically had dips in the quality of it's content, but this new trend in addition to the rise of streaming platforms (and even the introduction of AI) leads me to have little to no hope for Disney's animation going forward. Passion projects such as Hazbin Hotel are what makes me have any semblance of hope for the future of animation as a whole. Seeing one of the leading animation producers dwindle to this extent and kill any creativity brought to the table is just sad.
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toxinellebug · 9 months
Paris and the World under The Supreme’s Rule Headcannons
Back during WW2, when Marianne suggested to Wang Fu they should use the Miraculous, she of course meant using them to fight. Wang Fu decided to use them to make a wish;
World Peace.
The price?
World freedom.
So there are SOME good things… No war in Vietnam, no war in Isreal, and good news Americans; 9/11 never happened and school shootings do not exist because it is impossible for anyone to get a gun, not even hunters!
On the downside, no guns for hunting means wildlife conservation is a thing of the past. Animal overpopulation in addition to human deforestation has led to a significant decrease in food sources for wildlife, many of which have gone extinct due to starvation. Another plus side is there are no “slap on the wrist” punishments for criminals who assault women and children. Death penalty is a very effective way to prevent recurring crimes.
Prisons are also no longer a multi-million dollar drain on tax-paying citizens; no free room and board for criminals. They all have to work in labor camps to earn every morsel of food and live in 15 square foot cells.
(Marinette’s Grandmother is currently serving time in a labor camp)
There aren’t really much in the way of trials either… You are arrested for a crime, presented with the facts/evidence, then sentenced.
There are no homeless wandering streets, begging for hand-outs. There are special labor camps for the impoverished where they are assigned tasks that meet their physical and mental abilities, snd are paid enough to afford them cheap living quarters, approximately 130 square feet in size, and the most basic of food stuffs and hygiene products to keep them alive. No, they cannot refuse.
Remember, the Supreme knows best.
Project Oxygen is a go- several small parks have been “re-habilitated” into giant filters and fresh air is beginning to be sold in fancy plastic bottles thanks to Bertrand King. He’s been trying for a while to convince Gabriel that Adrien should do commercials for Project Oxygen, as it would be great for the boy’s career…. But Gabriel always comes up with an excuse to get out of it. The latest being that it wouldn’t match with Adrien’s new look.
Audrey Bourgeois ADORES Adrien’s new look! It’s so much more bold and edgy! Also, the latest fashion trend is not glitter, it’s metal studs- industry and progress in a sleek, metallic form.
Audrey is home more often than Andre, who could be gone for months at a time working on one of his movies. But of course he still handles important paperwork and does video calls to check on hotel and sends lots of very expensive gifts to his little Princess.
Chloe is even more abusive and demanding of Sabrina, and poor Sabrina puts up with it for her father’s sake-
There has been a lot of vandalism lately (thanks to Shadybug and ClawNoir) and talk that Enforcers just aren’t as effective at keeping the order as they used to be. Word is that tech Giant Tsurugi is in the process of designing new automatons that will be more efficient (and less costly) than human Enforcers. Who knows? There may even be a surge of Enforcer lay-offs if the project becomes successful. Chloe has hinted that she MIGHT be willing to put in a good word with Daddy, should Mr. Raincomprix be one of the many Enforcers who finds himself out of a job. The Hotel could always use more security guards/bouncers. But since Daddy ONLY hires the most DEDICATED employees… Well, how can Chloe possibly make a recommendation if she’s not sure Sabrina’s dad would REALLY give it his all? So Sabrina bends over backwards until she breaks and then some to keep Chloe happy.
Officer Raincomprix is also uneasy about talks of future layoffs, and as such, has become harsh in Enforcing law and order. No little wrong doing goes unnoticed or forgiven. No leniency. (Think Roger-cop without the Akuma).
Rose is not that perky. Under the Supreme, there is no socialist nonsense like Universal Healthcare, so medicines, doctor visits, prescriptions, hospitals… it’s all crazy expensive just like in the USA. This means, in order for Rose to be able to attend a private school like Francois Dupont; her parents work a LOT of overtime and pinch pennies whenever they can. So it’s very lonely at home and in this universe, Rose has not (yet) met Juleka (as stated in previous headcannon). Instead of Unicorns, Rose’s favorite animal is the Caladrius, (a mythological bird that can heal any illness). Though unicorns and kittens are still in her top five favs.
Rose doesn’t see the word through rose-colored glasses. She can’t see the silver-lining in ever raincloud… Instead, she tries to make it herself; if there is no positive, she will just have to invent one! It’s more work, and exhausting, but she HAS to, otherwise she’d drown in depression. Rose’s illness is kept a secret, not because she fears people will treat her with pity, but that she fears people will look down on her; like she’s a burden on her parents, like it’s annoying to have to put up with her weakness.
(I’ve actually been sick myself, since xmas day in fact- perhaps as punishment from the universe for making ClawNoir cataclysm Santa Claus)
Penny is Bob Roth’s personal servant- er, I mean, assistant… which means she’s also gopher for XY. (There is no woman in Paris more miserable than Penny).
Jean-Pierre Monlataing is still an Art teacher at Francois Dupont… and he teaches traditional art styles. Helping students practice time-honored techniques through repetition and standardization. Graffiti is not art, so no spray-paint cans in his classroom! Alix Kubdel is his most troubled student. Marinette does not attend art club. Nathaniel shows great talent for portraits.
Jalil strives to be better than his father; he admire Nathalie Sancoeur and hopes to rise to her position of Director of the Louvre someday.
Directors of Museums are prestigious positions you have to work hard your whole life to even be considered for, as The Supreme appoints them. As far as the public knows, this is for the sake of preserving history as well as ensuring that dangerous ideas from the past do not repeat themselves and inspire anarchy in young, impressionable minds.
The reality is that they are searching for clues to missing Miraculous.
The Supreme has already taken steps to ensure the Prodigious will never pose a threat to his power (Temple and access to cave have been destroyed and the bracelet has been confiscated and placed in a secure location).
But there are still most likely Miraculous scattered across the earth. Gems that, if fallen into the “wrong hands” could disrupt the peace and order that the Supreme has worked hard to maintain.
Marianne intends to find these Miraculous first… if only she had the help of someone younger and more physically up to the challenge.
When Gabriel/Betterfly/Hesperia forms “The Resistance” and Marianne is introduced to their ranks, this is exactly the plan she suggests in order to take down The Supreme and give power back to all the people.
She only has a few clues on where to start searching though.
…Fun fact, if you were to unify the Ladybug miraculous of creation with the Eagle miraculous of freedom, you would get Ladybird- determined to create a new, free world.
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theguildedliist · 2 months
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Matty has always been a bit elusive. He normally was the quiet one in the group, seemingly like a ghost. He often would wander in, most people being aware of the man as the scent of his Kilian Black Phantom cologne or Paul Mall Blues would indicate the quiet Irish actor was nearby.
Matty, or Matthew as he went by his stage name as all do would sit in the corner of the hotel’s lobby, the TV would play and the various staff would do their best to avoid him. Questionable people with questionable backgrounds tended to just assume everyone around them was armed.
While most preferred handheld weapons, Charlie was known for his guns and Helen for her blades, Matty was a chemical warfare kind of man. Poisons, toxins, elixirs, and other medicines of mayhem were his specialty.
In fact he was so well regarded that people came to him exclusively, other Industry Standard players or the Guild themselves. Whatever you wanted he could make.
He had found science and chemistry to be such a magical thing, once long ago. Nose-deep in books from all over, German, English, new or outdated he didn’t care - he just had to read it.
Matthew had told himself he was a kind person, a good person. He was doing the world a favor, saving the lives of the people around him, the people he cared for despite his thousand yard stare and empty voice.
Matthew told himself he was doing good, he tried so hard to be good. He would sit in the lobby, watching the others go in and out, moving around - the people he helped.
He would see the news, the contracted hit he took was of a higher caliber and the news would talk about the “fatal heart attack” before moving on to something else. Like always. Matty’s hand started shaking. He wasn’t the only one to have panic attacks or anxiety attacks - it was normal for everyone, but despite his normal quiet manner, he took the deaths very personally. Maybe he liked to suffer.
The check that was signed by the Guilded Member weighed heavy in his pocket, the signature would burn the minute he saw the teary-eyed daughter of the man he killed.
He would see Harper and Charlie walk in, holding hands as they normally did. The couple seemed happy for once. Isabella would be carrying shopping bags with Charlotte, both of them discussing the latest trends and the fashion shows they were invited too.
Matthew would then see Ricky and Helen joking in the lobby, both of them holding milkshakes, Maverick behind them on the phone as Donny would munch on fries from the nearest fast food restaurant. Ricky plucked a fry from the bag as he talked to Oliver, another agent.
Turning back to the tv he saw the channel switch, Gustauv DiVinny, the Hotel Manager was leaning against the door to his office - the remote in his hand, playing an rerun of some tv show in the 80’s.
He looked at Matty and only nodded before going back in and shutting the door. Matty watched as Helen pulled the phone from the intercom, signaling food. The actor finished his cigarette watching everyone he knew or knew only from the job make their way to the dining hall, laughing, talking, or just having fun.
He had helped all of them, with whatever they needed, whatever they had asked. A job was a job and if it meant the people around him could get to smile one more day, then he was doing good. He was the last to enter the room taking a seat next to Harper as Charlie was going on about a new gun collection he found in Germany. Helen sat between Ricky and Donny. Oliver was the loud one of the group, pointing his fork at Charlotte who would only smirk and play coy. Isabella would only laugh along with the others.
Harper and Helen put green beans on his plate telling him to eat. Ricky set some french fries and Oliver slapped a large spoonful of mashed potatoes.
He would silently listen to the group as they bickered and bantered back and forth.
He was a good person he would tell himself over and over like a mantra. I do good things.
He ate a green bean and smiled.
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berniesrevolution · 2 years
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While the uptick in strike activity in 2021 is heartening, its influence should not be exaggerated. The number and extent of job actions was noticeable but still very small by historical standards, and union density continued to decline. A significant labor upsurge might be in the works, but it is not in evidence yet.
In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis spoke movingly of the workers keeping the world turning in dark times:
People who do not appear in newspaper and magazine headlines or on the latest television show, yet in these very days are surely shaping the decisive events of our history. Doctors, nurses, storekeepers and supermarket workers, cleaning personnel, caregivers, transport workers, men and women working to provide essential services and public safety, volunteers, priests, men and women religious, and so very many others. They understood that no one is saved alone.1
These workers have done everything we’ve asked of them and more. They have been through hell, particularly those who have risked their health and well-being to care for the sick, educate the young, feed the hungry, and deliver the things the rest of us need to get through this period of grinding uncertainty. Employers, politicians, and talking heads have lauded them as essential workers, but the stark gap between the praise and the grim realities of working life in the United States — which was already miserable for millions before the pandemic — have pushed many to the breaking point. Indeed, record numbers of American workers have quit their jobs in what the media has dubbed the Great Resignation. According to the US Labor Department, 4.5 million workers voluntarily left their jobs in November 2021. The number of monthly quits has exceeded three million since August 2020, and the trend shows no sign of slowing down.2 Job switchers span the employment ladder, but turnover has been largely concentrated in the low-wage service sector, where workers are taking advantage of the very tight labor market to get a better deal for themselves. According to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, workers with high school diplomas are currently enjoying a faster rate of wage growth than workers with bachelor’s degrees, a remarkable situation that has not occurred in decades.3
Worker discontent is not only finding expression in the form of quitting and job switching. In 2021, we witnessed a modest increase in the frequency and visibility of collective action in the workplace. Tens of thousands of workers, union and nonunion alike, challenged employers through protests and strikes across sectors and in many different geographical regions. Workers in health care and social assistance, education, and transportation and warehousing led the way, but they were joined by workers in hotels and food services, manufacturing, and other industries. Protests and strikes tended to be concentrated in states where labor is relatively stronger, namely California, New York, and Illinois, but some states with low union density, like North Carolina, saw an uptick in labor action, too. Pay increases were easily the most common demand, but health and safety, staffing, and COVID-19 protocols were high on the agenda as well.
The year 2021 was less a strike wave than a strike ripple, and it has not yet resulted in any appreciable increase in unionization. A few trends stand out. The first is that labor protest and strike action were heavily concentrated among unionized groups of workers. Unionized groups of workers accounted for nearly 95% of all estimated participants in labor protests and more than 98% of all estimated participants in strikes. The second is that protests and strikes were concentrated by industry — namely health care and education, which together accounted for roughly 60% of all labor actions. Finally, protests and strikes were heavily concentrated geographically. Just three states with relatively high levels of union density — California, New York, and Illinois — accounted for more than half the total estimated participants in protests and strikes. In short, collective workplace action is by and large taking place where organized labor still retains residual sources of strength. In this context, spreading protest and strike action beyond its current industrial and regional confines depends on unionization in new places.
Conditions conducive to labor action — rising inflation, pandemic-related pressures, and a tight labor market — are likely to persist into 2022, and the Biden administration’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has been meaningfully supportive of worker organizing. US labor is probably not on the verge of a historic breakthrough, but in this context, workers may have an opportunity to make modest material and organizational gains.
Making new organizational gains is critical to the fortunes of the labor movement and the reviving US left. The vast majority of the workers involved in strikes and labor protests last year were already members of unions, not unorganized workers looking to unionize. This is why it is so concerning that last year’s uptick in labor action occurred amid a further decline in union density in 2021. The overall rate of union membership stands at 10.3% of the total labor force, while the total number of union members, just over fourteen million in 2021, continues its long decline.4 While some have argued that treating union density as the key measure of labor’s strength is a mistake, it seems clear that, at least in the US context, where union density and union coverage almost entirely overlap, it does provide an effective measurement of working-class power.5
Boosting the level of union density should therefore be among the leading priorities of progressives and socialists in the United States. As the power resources school of welfare state scholars has long argued, the relative strength of the labor movement and its affiliated political parties has been the single most important factor shaping welfare state development over time and across countries. Here in the United States, where we have never had a nationwide social democratic party aligned with a strong labor movement, the weakness of working-class organization is clearly reflected in the fragmentation and stinginess of our welfare state. The state-level wave of attacks on organized labor that began in 2010 have made it that much harder for unions to defend working-class interests and reduce inequality. But the fact that they were able to meaningfully mitigate the growth of inequality, even during the period of neoliberal retrenchment, shows that rebuilding the labor movement needs to be a chief priority of any progressive political agenda.6 The Biden administration’s pro-union stance suggests it understands this. But if it’s unable to act decisively to boost union membership, all the pro-union rhetoric it can muster will ultimately amount to little.
Researchers at the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) began documenting strikes and labor protests in late 2020. Their ILR Labor Action Tracker provides a database of workplace conflict across the United States, based on information collected from government sources, news reports, organizational press releases, and social media. It counts both strikes and labor protests as “events” but distinguishes between the two. The major distinction between strikes and labor protests, according to this methodology, is whether the workers involved in the event stopped work. If they did, the event is defined as a strike; if they did not, it is defined as a labor protest. The Labor Action Tracker also collects data on a number of additional variables, including employer, labor organization (if applicable), local labor organization (if applicable), industry, approximate number of participants, worker demands, and more.7
In 2021, there were 786 events with 257,086 estimated participants.8 Over 60% of the events were labor protests, while less than 40% were strikes (there was one recorded lockout). Roughly one-third of the estimated number of workers participated in labor protests, while roughly two-thirds participated in strikes. Further, the average number of estimated workers per labor protest (188) was significantly smaller than the average number of estimated workers per strike (553, see Table 1 for details).
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Neither labor protests nor strikes tended to last very long, which tracks with the generally sharp decline in strike duration in recent decades.9 Labor protests in particular were very short affairs. Of the labor protests with a start and end date, 96% lasted for just one day or less. Strikes also tended to have a short duration, but they typically did not end as quickly as protests. Of the strikes with a start and end date, one-third lasted for one day or less. Roughly two-thirds of strikes (68%) ended within a week, and over 90% ended within thirty days. One strike stands out for its unusually long duration: a 701-day strike by United Auto Workers (UAW) members against a metallurgical company in Pennsylvania, which began in September 2019 and ended in August 2021.
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An informed observer will not be surprised by which industries saw the largest number of labor action events (Table 2). The leading two industries by far were health care and social assistance and education, which are both highly unionized and have been subjected to enormous pressures during the pandemic. Together, they accounted for nearly 40% of the total labor protests and strikes. These industries also comprised over 60% of the overall number of estimated labor action participants — health care with 41.5% of the estimated participants, education with 18.8%. The overrepresentation of health care and education workers becomes even starker when we compare this to their employment shares in the overall labor force. In 2020, these two industries accounted for 16.3% of total nonfarm employment — health care with a 13.8% share and education with 2.3%.10 Put another way, the share of health care workers in 2021 labor actions was roughly three times larger than their share in the nonfarm labor force, while the share of education workers was more than eight times as large.
These two pace-setting industries were followed by a second tier of industries including transportation and warehousing, accommodation and food services, and manufacturing. It is not surprising to see these listed among the most turbulent industries, as they contain a mix of highly unionized employers and nonunion employers that have become a major focus of labor organizing activity, namely Amazon — the most frequently targeted employer, with twelve total labor actions — which was the target of twice as many labor actions as McDonald’s, the second-most targeted employer.
The industrial distribution of labor protests generally follows the overall distribution of labor action, with the notable exception of manufacturing, which saw far more strikes than protests. While the health care industry did not experience the largest number of strikes, it accounts for more than half of estimated strike participants (53%). Workers in education (12.4%) and manufacturing (16%) also accounted for outsize shares of the estimated number of participants.
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
[HOT-THEQOO] TOP 5 best female acting idols selected by 31 industry experts
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StarNews conducted a survey with 31 industry experts, including representatives of entertainment management companies and production companies (each expert to select 2 male and female), to select the acting idol with the most active performance this year and whose performance are most anticipated in the future.
5th place: Kim Sejeong (5 votes) (Latest works: The Uncanny Counter 2/Today’s Webtoon/Business Proposal) 4th place: Nana (7 votes) (Latest works: Mask Girl/Confession/Glitch) 3rd place: Suzy (9 votes) (Latest works: Anna/Start-Up/Ashfall) 2nd place: IU (11 votes) (Latest works: Dream/Broker/Hotel Del Luna) 1st place: YoonA (13 votes) (Latest works: King The Land/Big Mouth/Confidential Assignment 2)
■List of survey participants (in alphabetical order)
Kwon Jae Young, CEO of A9 Media ● Kim Nam Hyung, CEO of GF Entertainment ● Kim Yong Seop, Managing Director of FNC Entertainment ● Kim Jong Do, CEO of Namoo Actors ● Kim Jiwon, CRO of SM Entertainment ● Kim Hyeong Gon, Director of P Nation ● Noh Hyun Tae, CEO of iNKODE ● Park Hee Young, Vice President of MLD Entertainment ● Bang Jae Hyuk, Director of KQ Entertainment ● Bae Ki Hwan, Director of Tango Music ● Baek Chang Joo, CEO of C-JeS Studios ●  Seong Hyun Soo, CEO of Noon ● Yang Hyun Seung, CEO of UL Entertainment ● Yeon Han Jun, Director of THINK Entertainment ● Oh Jong Heon, Production Division 2 Head of IST Entertainment ● Yoo Hyeong Seok, CEO of Yooborn Company ● Lee Sang Cheol, CEO of In Next Trend ● Lee In Gyu, Head of Division of Antenna ● Lee Jin Sung, CEO of King Kong by. Starship ● Lee Hae Jong, Director of DSP Media ● Lee Hoon Hee, CEO of Starship Entertainment ● Lim Seung Chae, Vice President of WM Entertainment ● Jang Doo Bong, CEO of Story J Company ● Jeong Deok Gyun, CEO of J Wide Company ● Jeong Wook, CEO of JYP Entertainment ● Cho Dae Kwon, CEO of Alien Company ● Jin Jeong Kyun, Director of GLG ● Tak Young Jun, COO of SM Entertainment ● Han Jeong Soo, CEO of Mystic Story ● Heo Seong Moon, Director of Media Lab SISO ● Heo Jae Ok, Head of Division of Cube Entertainment.
At time of posting 14 Sep 6pm KST: 47K views, 271 comments (Will only translate comments relating to YoonA)
2. Look at YoonA’s latest projects line-up, everything is going well for her ㅋㅋㅋ 7. All are doing really wellㅋㅋ 8. I thought YoonA wasn’t good at acting when she was Saebyuk (in her first lead drama ‘You Are My Destiny’) but these days her acting is really good. Not just as an acting idol, but she's just good at it (acting). ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I thought IU was good since the drama ‘Pretty Man’ that starred Jang Geunsuk, and for Suzy, Anna, is the best... 9. I watched YoonA well in ‘King The Land’ ㅋㅋ ​​She was a perfect fit ㅋㅋ 11. What? These are all the people I like!!!!! Everyone is pretty and their acting is great. By the way, Yoona's recent works are crazy, they're all successful ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 12. YoonA was so cute in ‘King The Land’ and her acting is so good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 13. I watched all three of YoonA's latest projects. They were all good. So good. ㅋㅋㅋㅋShe is soaring especially in ‘King The Land’. 15. YoonA is also good at acting and is building up her filmography well. 16. Wow, just look at YoonA’s recent works ㅋㅋ 17. YoonA is really good at comical acting
19. YoonA, you acted so well, so natural ㅋㅋㅋ I'm looking forward to your next work. 20. I’m convinced (I agree) ㅋㅋㅋㅋEveryone's acting is good, and YoonA's batting score (percentage of her success rate) is especially good lately. 22. Wow, it looks like there aren't any (i)dols to remove (meaning OP agrees with all on the list). But it is surprising that Jung Eunji and Sooyoung aren't here.. I guess it's because there are a lot of female idols who are good at acting. 26. YoonA acted so well in ‘King the Land’ㅋㅋㅋ 27. Wow, 1st place for both men and women are ‘King The Land’ male and female leads ㅋㅋㅋ 28. It's freaking that both YoonA’s dramas and movies did well. The line-up of her recent works is insane ㅋㅋㅋ 30. YoonA’s latest works line-up are insaneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 31. Yoona’s career is insaneㅋㅋ 32. It’s the same with male idol rankings, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are the ones that always come up when acting idols are mentioned ㅇㅇ 33. YoonA's works line-up is insane 34. I really enjoyed watching Yoong’s ‘King The Land’, it’s my life drama ㅠ 35. Only the people who should have been chosen were chosen. 36. Nodding (in approval) ㅋㅋ 39. Oh, there are all these people who I thought they were good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 40. They all act well... 41. Agreed 42. They are all good at acting and pretty 44. Her latest work ‘King The Land’, ‘Big Mouth’, ‘Confidential Assignment’ shivering (because of the awesome line-up) 45. YoonA's acting was really good in ‘King The Land’. She was just like Cheon Sarang herself👍 47. It feels like the differences in acting skills among the actresses aren't that big. The 5 people seem to be famous enough to be in the top 5 in terms of influence and reputation. 48. Do well, everyone 49. YoonA is really good 50. I acknowledged 51. They are all well-known faces. 52. I saw YoonA for the first time through ‘King The Land’ and she was really good. 57. YoonA was really good in ‘King The Land’. 63. I clicked in the article shouting ‘YoonA’ 65. Lim Yoona's latest work is insane...;; 68. These are all people I like 69. The votes are more evenly distributed here, so the difference in votes is not that big... The male idols were overwhelming. 71. I came in thinking YoonA would be here, but she ended up in first place ㅋㅋㅋ. 72. (Comment deleted at time of translation) 74. YoonA's acting in ‘The K2’, IU’s in ‘My Mister’, and Suzy's in ‘Anna’ were really, really good. I'm curious about the acting of this three people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. 76. But this was released yesterday morning and suddenly both articles (male and female) came out as ‘hot’ topics. 79. To be honest, I was sad because I thought YoonA's (drama) filmography was bad, but these days, everything is really good.. ㅜㅜ And the movie filmography is good too. 80. I acknowledge everyone in this article, but it's a shame that Jung Eunji, Han Sunhwa and Sooyoung weren’t included. I really enjoyed Sooyoung's ‘Not Others’. 85. YoonA seems to choose her works well. 88. (Comment deleted at time of translation)
90. Lim Yoona’s form is crazy!!!!!!! 92. (replied to 69th comment) Oh, it looks like they got votes from all over. Female acting idols are also good at acting. 94. Oh, they are all good actors ㅋㅋㅋI also liked Jung Eunji, Sooyoung and Sojin ㅋㅋ 100. YoonA, IU and Suzy's singing and acting careers are all top notch 101. I acknowledged all of them 105. I thought about Bona, but the acting idols in the article are all very good 106. I also thought about YoonA's ‘EXIT’, but it is not her most recent work. 107. I enjoyed everything YoonA has released recently. 108. I came in the article thinking of YoonA. 109. YoonA❤️ I like her very much 112. King-jeong (t/l note: It is a slang to of 킹 (king)+ 인정 (agreed), to describe being full agreement of something) 113. I approved 115. YoonA’s recent career seems really good 117. Approved approved. 119. YoonA and IU, king-jeong. I want to watch Suzy’s drama, why isn’t it coming out yet? 120. We selected the acting idols who showed the greatest success this year and who we are looking forward to in the future. ----------------------- This is the survey topic. 121. I think YoonA’s career is so good 122. I heard about ‘King The Land’ being a huge hit on Netflix and ‘Big Mouth’ also did well, hence it is a back-to-back hit. 125. I acknowledged it 127. (replied to 120th comment) It is in the text ㅋㅋ 128. As expected, YoonA! 129. Ah, YoonA’s acting is good. 130. I acknowledge all of them 131. Approved 132. Ah, I approved of everyone listed here 133. YoonA is good 134. YoonA seems to be in good form these days. Personally, I think Suzy’s ‘Anna’ was the best ever, so I hope Suzy do another such genreㅠㅠ 135. Good 136. Approved 137. I acknowledged everyone listed here, there are people who I am disappointed that they are not on the list, but there is also no one in the list that I objected too. 138. YoonA’s filmography is good. All her works are very good, and she acts very well too. 140. Everyone's form is good, but the acting skills of the female idols are ambiguous. 141. I like YoonA so much 143. (Replied to 140th comment) What?;; As expected, all the malicious commenters are like sh*t. All the 5 females here have a besting acting of their life for at least once, so what are you talking about? 144. Yes 147. IU and Nana are good. No, all the 5 people listed here are goodㅋㅋㅋ 148. For the female acting idols, the votes are considered more evenly distributed. 149. (Replied to 140th comment) ? 152. I’m looking forward to YoonA’s movies and dramas doing well. I’m also curious about the ‘2 O’clock Date’! 153. I agreed with all listed in the article, Nana’s acting is really good. 156. I like Lim YoonA to the point of dying ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 157. King-jeong 158. YoonA is good. I thought her acting was good after watching her works recently 160. YoonA is so likeable these days. I've seen all of her recent works. Now, she is a ‘trust and treasure’ actress.
161. Wow, all of them are K-pop talent. 163.The 1st place for both male and female are Junho and YoonA, ‘King The Land’ couple is really good ㅠㅠ I hope they both do better. The chemistry was good, and their acting was good in ‘King The Land’ 167. King-jeong to all on the list
168. Wow, 1st place is YoonA, congrats congrats!! 169. The movies and dramas YoonA starred in, all received great success, so amazing 171. I clicked in the article shouting YoonA ㅋㅋㅋㅋI hope things go smoothly~ 175. YoonA deserves the 1st place. Her drama and movie careers are all good. 176. Regardless of her career, Yoona really showed off her acting chops with her ‘Confidential Assignment’ and ‘EXIT’, and she did well in King the Land as well. Nana and Kim Sejeong are rather unexpected, and I think Han Sunhwa or Jung Eunji are better. 178. All of them have improved a lot in their acting so it’s even better 180. I feel like all the idols mentioned in the original text and Sooyoung and Eunji are good at acting. 185. YoonA 189. YoonA has a good way of choosing projects ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 191. These are the actors who were active 'this year', but it seems like it includes only those who can be included... YoonA did well in ‘King The Land, and IU and Suzy are the queens of immense popularity who respond right away in surveys like this even if they didn't have any hit films or activities this year. (Just like stars who are ranked even if they are inactive that year when Gallup selects the best OO of the year...) Nana becomes popular because of ‘Mask Girl’ recently. 193. YoonA! 194. Even though Nana is really good, I recognize all 5 people there. 196. (Comment deleted at time of translation) 197. YoonA was such a perfect fit for ‘King The Land’ this time, so pretty 198. I'm waiting for YoonA's next work 200. YoonA! 201. Acknowledged acknowledged 204. I agreed with all the line-up here 205. Waiting for YoonA's next work 208. Line-up approved... 209. No, initially I thought how could Sejeong be in 5th place only, but as I scrolled lower (to reveal the top 4), the more I understood. 212. I only saw YoonA's works for a few seconds in passing, so I had the prejudice that I couldn't get into the character because I heard YoonA's voice that I used to hear.. I recently watched Exit belatedly and was so surprised that it turns out okay. I finally understand why her movies are so successful and how she gets casted so consistently. 214. YoonA is good! Han Sunhwa too!! 215. YoonA is really good 216. Even though I’m not a fan of all five of them, I acknowledged. 217. Oh.. everyone who are good are gathered here 218. Soshi is YoonA, but I was also surprised that Sooyoung was better at acting than I thoughtㅋㅋ 219. ‘King The Land’ influence is huge. Both sides (male and female) came in first place 220. YoonA is really good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I watched ‘Big Mouth’ and ‘King The Land’ recently, and she did well in both dramas. YoonA would be a perfect match for a little bit of ‘Big Mouth’ – ‘King the Land’ – ‘EXIT’, a bright, cheerful, confident and u undaunted not in a villain way character 221. The experts voted but there are people here trying to start a fight so ridiculousㅋ What is it? ㅋㅋㅋ 224. They are all good 225. YoonA’s latest line-up projects are really awesome ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
226, Everyone are gathered here, they are all good 227. Oh, YoonA approved 229. Really, YoonA is really good. I think she has star quality, good screen control, and acting skills. 231. If its YoonA, its king-jeong. 232. YoonA is building up her filmography for movies and dramas well. Her acting in ‘Confidential Assignment’, ‘Big Mouth’, ‘King the Land’ were really good. I admit her acting in ‘Miracle’ was also really good. 233. (Replied to 232nd comment) All same as you and ‘EXIT’ too!! 235. Oh my, YoonA's acting was really good. 236. YoonA, approved 238. Agreed 239. YoonA, approved approved 240. YoonA, approved 241. YoonA, I really enjoyed ‘King The Land’. So lovely ㅠ 243. Hehehe YoonA>< 244. All are good 245. Acknowledged 246. YoonA, approved 248. YoonA, approved 249. Oh, they are all good. And popular too. 258. Even if there are people who should be added in, but there aren’t people that should be removed. I went ‘King-jeong King-jeong’ while scrolling down the list. 259. I watched every project of YoonA that comes out after ‘EXIT’. Really, she is good at acting in both movies and dramas. 260. Agreed 261. It's a shame that YoonA keeps getting underestimated because of the disgusting keyboard warriors. 263. I clicked in thinking of YoonA. 264. Didn’t YoonA filmed a drama in the early days of her debut, she did really well in that too. 265. Agreed, YoonA and Suzy are good at acting 266. YoonA and Suzy are both good at acting 267. Agreed 268. YoonA did really well 269. Agreed for all 270. When will YoonA's next work come out ㅠㅠ I want to see it soon 271. YoonA has become someone that can be trust and treasure (to watch). I am waiting for her next work.
Source: TheQoo Trans: mystarmyangel
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rrichurd · 7 months
The shifting focus of travelers
In the past few years that have passed, travel trends have undergone a different motion of change. As traveling has been part of the nature of human beings since the early age of the world, But as we went on with this process of uncovering new information and preferences, we learned how to cope with the changes around us. The rise of these new ways to enjoy traveling reshaped the global travel landscape.
Somewhere in the 2000s to 2005, there was a huge growth opportunity for affordable travel. This transformative period makes it more accessible for a wider audience. Since one of the factors that consumers are concerned about is the cost of their fare, Different aviation companies come up with the idea of reducing in-flight amenities and focusing on point-to-point travel. As a result, the new generation, which prioritizes affordability and flexibility, is attracted to this kind of scheme.
Also, as the pandemic struck, a lot of travel restrictions were created to prevent the spread of the disease, which caused a lot of damage to the tourism industry. While we were there, online virtual tours were made. Virtual tourism has made a huge impact on the experiences of many travelers around the globe. It allows travelers to see from a different perspective what the technologies can do and offer. In 2022, when all the restrictions are lifted, a lot of people will return to travel, but in today’s time, travelers are more concerned with immersing themselves in wellness practices that will prolong the lives of everyone. People are more likely to visit resorts and hotels that offer the latest biohacks.
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In the future, astrotourism, adventure tourism, and cool-cationing will be the top travel trends. As people are looking for more adventurous and out-of-this-world experiences, Astrotourism is raising an interest in exploring outer space and discovering new things there. Adventure tourism is the main motivation for the new generation's travel bucket list. Lastly, cool-cationing, where travelers go to destinations with cooler temperatures, is a trend.
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narwatharsh01 · 7 months
Tourism Market: Trends, Growth, and Industry Players
The global tourism market is a dynamic sector that continually evolves in response to changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and global events. As we delve into the current landscape, it is crucial to explore the tourism market size, growth patterns, industry trends, and key players that shape the sector's trajectory.
Tourism Market Size and Growth
The tourism market has witnessed remarkable growth over the past decade. According to the latest data the global international tourist arrivals reached 1.5 billion in 2022, marking a 4% increase from the previous year. The tourism industry's robust growth is attributed to factors such as increased disposable income, improved connectivity, and a growing middle class in emerging economies.
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The COVID-19 pandemic, however, significantly impacted the industry in 2020 and 2021. International tourist arrivals plummeted by 74% in 2020, representing the largest decline in the industry's history. As the world recovers from the pandemic, tourism is experiencing a resurgence. The UNWTO estimates that international tourist arrivals will surpass pre-pandemic levels by 2023, emphasizing the sector's resilience.
Tourism and Hospitality Industry Trends
The tourism and hospitality industry is undergoing transformative changes driven by technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors. One notable trend is the rise of sustainable tourism. Travelers are increasingly prioritizing destinations and businesses that adopt eco-friendly practices. Hotels, airlines, and tour operators are responding by implementing sustainable initiatives to meet the demands of environmentally conscious travelers.
Another trend shaping the industry is the integration of technology. From mobile apps for seamless bookings to virtual reality experiences, technology is enhancing the overall travel experience. The use of artificial intelligence and big data analytics is also becoming prevalent, enabling businesses to personalize services, predict consumer preferences, and optimize operations.
Tourism Industry Players
The tourism market is comprised of a diverse range of players, including governments, international organizations, tour operators, airlines, hotels, and online travel agencies (OTAs). Notable industry players such as Airbnb, Expedia, and Booking. com have disrupted traditional hospitality models, offering travelers a wide array of accommodation options and personalized experiences.
Governments play a crucial role in shaping the tourism landscape through policies, infrastructure development, and destination marketing. Collaborations between public and private sectors are essential to foster sustainable growth and address challenges such as over-tourism and environmental impact.
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Tourism Market Analysis
A comprehensive analysis of the tourism market involves assessing key factors such as market dynamics, competitive landscape, and regulatory environments. The Asia-Pacific region has emerged as a powerhouse in the tourism sector, with countries like China, India, and Japan experiencing substantial growth. In contrast, established destinations in Europe and North America continue to attract millions of tourists annually.
The post-pandemic recovery has prompted a shift in travel preferences, with a surge in demand for domestic and outdoor experiences. Travelers are seeking off-the-beaten-path destinations, contributing to the diversification of the tourism market.
Travel and Tourism Industry Outlook
Looking ahead, the outlook for the travel and tourism industry is optimistic. The industry is expected to rebound strongly, driven by pent-up demand, increased vaccination rates, and the easing of travel restrictions. The global tourism market is projected to reach $11.38 trillion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2020 to 2027.
In conclusion, the tourism market is a vibrant and resilient sector that continues to adapt to changing circumstances. Understanding the market size, growth trends, industry players, and emerging dynamics is crucial for stakeholders navigating the evolving landscape. As the world reopens for travel, the industry's ability to innovate and embrace sustainable practices will play a pivotal role in shaping its future success.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
“Because the world’s wealthy don’t have time to create families, as they’re busy creating wealth” Meaning why go through the changes and risks of pregnancy and childbirth when that can be outsourced to an economically vulnerable woman?
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., March 26, 2023 (Newswire.com) -While completing her Executive Master's degree, at the Glion Institute of Higher Education Montreux Switzerland, IMA ART Fertility CEO Michelle Tang discovered similarities between the school's course work and the pathway to parenthood curated by the company. Michelle Tang's objective in attending Glion's Executive Master in Luxury Management and Guest Experiencewas to equip IMA ART Fertility with "best-in-class" tools to serve discerning clientele. The CEO's action plan includes further refinements of its immersive client experience and profound transformation to parenthood, based in part, on the lectures at Glion.
Mariana Palmeiro, of Glion explained how the latest market dynamics, economic growth, technological developments and globalization led to a surge of the transformation economy. The prestigious school identified that future trends in the luxury industry will focus on the Experience Economy, e.g. a luxurious yacht trip and the Transformative Economy - an experience which changed a client's life and fulfilled their aspirations.
This provided Ms. Tang further assurance that IMA ART's management direction, product offerings and personalized guest experiences were correct. IMA ART, which focuses on luxury fertility and surrogacy solutions for private high-net-worth individuals, offers the quintessential transformative experience that creates heirs and fulfills dreams of parenthood. For many around the world, who face medical challenges conceiving or legal restrictions, there is no greater aspiration than creating a family.
IMA ART client transformations begin long before departure to California. This includes an intensive battery of medical tests and screening, to prepare for fertility treatments. IMA ART Co-Founders personally pick up arriving clients at LAX and escort them to their hotel in Beverly Hills. Co-Founders accompany clients in-person to their medical appointments and arrange a host of luxury excursions in Beverly Hills, Malibu and Hollywood. IMA ART Fertility business hours follow client hours, providing individualized support, empathy and care.
IMA ART will continue redefining the journey to parenthood, through its first of its kind luxury fertility & surrogacy concierge. Whether this be in the digital space through continued updates to the company's proprietary app or through personalized guest experiences and through becoming an alumni of the prestigious school and networking with some of the greatest forward thinking minds in the luxury and hospitality space.  About the Company: IMA ART is a high-value, bespoke professional advisory service providing luxury fertility & surrogacy concierge and solutions in Beverly Hills. The company offers an exclusive suite of discreet fertility options to high-net-worth individuals.
IMA ART is a high-value bespoke professional advisory service providing luxury fertility & surrogacy concierge and solutions in Beverly Hills. The company offers an exclusive suite of discreet fertility options to high net worth individuals.
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What happens if the luxury fertility business results in a baby with disabilities? If they are admitting their clients are too busy to have a baby are they admitting that the raising of the baby will be handed off to nanny’s?
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phonesuite · 2 years
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As we move further into the 21st century, technology is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the hospitality industry. From mobile door key self-service to fixed-mobile convergence guest apps, hotels are using technology to create a better guest experience and set themselves apart from their competitors. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the latest trends in hotel technology and how you can harness them to take your business to the next level. Read More...
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nainamalhotra123 · 1 year
Geeta University: The Best Hotel Management Institute in Delhi
Delhi, the capital city of India, is known for its vibrant culture, history, and hospitality. With the growing tourism industry, there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals in the hospitality sector. Geeta University, located in the heart of the city, is recognized as one of the best hotel management institutes in Delhi. With its world-class infrastructure, experienced faculty, and extensive industry collaborations, Geeta University is the go-to destination for students aspiring to excel in the hospitality industry.
Geeta University has state-of-the-art infrastructure that meets international standards. The campus is equipped with modern classrooms, spacious lecture halls, and seminar rooms. The library is well-stocked with an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources, making it easier for students to access relevant information. The university also has a fully-equipped kitchen, training restaurants, and a bakery, providing students with hands-on experience in culinary arts.
Experienced Faculty:
Geeta University has a highly qualified and experienced faculty, comprising of industry experts, professionals, and academicians. The faculty members are passionate about teaching and mentor students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge required in the hospitality industry. They use a variety of teaching methodologies, including case studies, group discussions, and experiential learning, to make the learning process more engaging and practical.
Industry Collaborations:
Geeta University has collaborations with leading hospitality companies, hotels, and resorts, providing students with opportunities for industry exposure, internships, and placements. These collaborations help students to gain hands-on experience and exposure to the industry. The university also conducts guest lectures, seminars, and workshops by industry experts to keep students updated with the latest industry trends and practices.
Course Curriculum:
Geeta University offers a comprehensive and industry-relevant course curriculum that is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge required in the hospitality industry. The course covers various aspects of the hospitality industry, including food production, food and beverage service, front office operations, housekeeping, and hospitality sales and marketing. The curriculum also includes soft skills training, such as communication, interpersonal skills, and leadership, which are crucial for success in the hospitality industry.
Placement Assistance:
Geeta University has a dedicated placement cell that provides placement assistance to students. The cell works closely with leading hospitality companies, hotels, and resorts to facilitate placements for students. The placement cell also conducts mock interviews, resume building workshops, and career guidance sessions to help students prepare for placements.
In conclusion, Geeta University is undoubtedly the best hotel management institute in Delhi, offering world-class infrastructure, experienced faculty, extensive industry collaborations, industry-relevant course curriculum, and placement assistance. The university's commitment to providing quality education and industry exposure has made it a preferred destination for students aspiring to excel in the hospitality industry. With Geeta University, students can embark on a successful career in the hospitality industry with confidence and competence. For more information : Click here
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dreamsforce · 2 years
Top Sports, Entertainment, and News Websites in the world
Dreamsforce com is an event-based website covering all sports, entertainment, news, and travel blog events from around the world, including the USA and UK. It provides the latest sports, entertainment, news, and travel blog news. It is also a platform for users to share their stories and engage in discussions about a variety of topics. The website covers a wide range of topics, including sports, entertainment, technology, lifestyle, culture, and more. The website is updated regularly with the latest news and events to keep the readers informed.
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How the dreamsforce.com website is created:
The dreamsforce.com website was created by a team of web developers, content writers, and designers. The team worked together to create a website that was visually appealing, easy to navigate, and offered valuable content that was tailored to their target audience. The team first brainstormed the topics they wanted to include on the website, such as sports, news, entertainment, and travel blogs. They then designed the website layout and structure and wrote the content for each page. Finally, the team tested the website for functionality and usability before officially launching it.
The main purpose of making dreamsforce.com website:
The main purpose of making the Dreamforce.com website is to provide a comprehensive source of information about the Salesforce.com platform, products, services, and events. The website allows users to access a variety of resources such as blogs, tutorials, webinars, user forums, and more. It also provides a platform for users to share experiences and insights related to Salesforce.com and connect with other users in the Salesforce.com community.
How dreamsforce.com provides the service:
Dreamsforce.com is a leading digital media and content company providing sports, news, entertainment, and travel blogs. Our content is custom-crafted by experienced journalists and editors to provide you with the latest news and updates from around the world. We provide comprehensive coverage of sports, news, entertainment, and travel from across the globe. Our goal is to provide our readers with the most interesting, timely, and relevant content available.
Our sports content covers everything from High School Football, NFL, and NBA to soccer, tennis, and golf. We provide in-depth analysis and breaking news on the biggest stories in sports. Our news section keeps you up to date on the latest developments in politics, finance, and world events. We also have a dedicated entertainment section with movie and music reviews, interviews with celebrities, and the latest movie and television news.
Our travel section provides travel tips, destination advice, and reviews of the best hotels and resorts. We also have comprehensive coverage of the latest vacation packages and deals. Finally, we offer a wide range of lifestyle content, from tips on how to save money to the best places to eat and shop.
At Dreamsforce.com, we strive to be your go-to source for the latest news and information. We are committed to providing our readers with the highest quality content available.
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Tried to help you by providing detailed information about Sports, Entertainment, News & Travel Blogs. You can regularly visit our website dreamsforce.com to know about similar Topics. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Stay healthy wherever you are.
dreams force is a leading customer relationship management Website provider. As part of their content strategy, they should focus on providing content related to sales, marketing, customer service, and the latest industry news and trends. We could also provide content related to the latest sports news, entertainment, travel, and lifestyle topics to engage their customers and prospects. This content should be tailored to their target audience and should include blog posts, videos, and other interactive media. Additionally, they should work to build relationships with industry influencers and leaders to further amplify their content and reach. By providing a comprehensive content strategy, dreamsforce.com can ensure that its content stands out and reaches its target audience.
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researcher1008 · 7 hours
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Market Future Trends, Developments, and Growth Opportunities 2024-2032
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Insights
Reed Intelligence has recently added a new report to its vast depository titled Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market. The report studies vital factors about the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market that are essential to be understood by existing as well as new market players. The report highlights the essential elements such as market share, profitability, production, sales, manufacturing, advertising, technological advancements, key market players, regional segmentation, and many more crucial aspects related to the Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market.
Get Free Sample Report PDF @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-energy-efficiency-for-commercial-buildings-market/request-sample
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Share by Key Players
Johnson Controls
Eaton Corporation
Carrier (UTC)
Schneider Electric
Fujitsu General
Emerson Electric
General Electric
Bosch Thermotechnology
Technovator International
Cylon Controls
Logical Buildings
Important factors like strategic developments, government regulations, market analysis, end users, target audience, distribution network, branding, product portfolio, market share, threats and barriers, growth drivers, latest trends in the industry are also mentioned.
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Segmentation
The report on Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market provides detailed segmentation by type, applications, and regions. Each segment provides information about the production and manufacturing during the forecast period of 2024-2032. The application segment highlights the applications and operational processes of the industry. Understanding these segments will help identify the importance of the various factors aiding to the market growth.
The report is segmented as follows:
Segment By Type
Energy Management
Segment By Application
Hotels and Restaurants
Retail Chains
Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Segmentation by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Get Detailed Segmentation @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-energy-efficiency-for-commercial-buildings-market/segmentation
The market research report on the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market has been carefully curated after studying and observing various factors that determine the growth, such as environmental, economic, social, technological and political status of the regions mentioned. Thorough analysis of the data regarding revenue, production, and manufacturers gives out a clear picture of the global scenario of the Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market. The data will also help key players and new entrants understand the potential of investments in the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market.
Key Highlights
It provides valuable insights into the Global Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market.
Provides information for the years 2024-2032. Important factors related to the market are mentioned.
Technological advancements, government regulations, and recent developments are highlighted.
This report will study advertising and marketing strategies, market trends, and analysis.
Growth analysis and predictions until the year 2032.
Statistical analysis of the key players in the market is highlighted.
Extensively researched market overview.
Buy Energy Efficiency for Commercial Buildings Market Research Report @ https://reedintelligence.com/market-analysis/global-energy-efficiency-for-commercial-buildings-market/buy-now
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standspro1 · 1 day
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ITB Berlin 2025: A world-class travel and tourism event
It is anticipated that ITB Berlin 2025 will take place in Berlin, Germany, between 4th-5th March 2025. Following the great success of 2024 ITB Berlin, the event was brought back in Berlin to be the very first time for the general public. The host country for ITB 2025 in Berlin is Georgia. Visitors are able to easily walk through ITB Berlin’s exhibition hall. ITB Berlin exhibition hall with indications of the layout and sections in the marketplace. The topics in the fair are split into distinct segments, including the Business Home Tourism segment to LGBT+ and Medical Tourism Adventure Responsible Cheap Tourism, Youth Travel and numerous others.
Insights of the ITB Berlin 2025
ITB Berlin is a three-day event to showcase businesses, trade visitors, media, and consumers. Marketers also have the opportunity to use modern tools for digital marketing, like Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and machine learning, to better understand their customers and enhance their campaigns according to the results from ITB Berlin 2025. The event will be immediately followed by the ITB Berlin Lighting Awards, which recognize the best lighting. It is expected that ITB 2025 Berlin will cover an array of topics and the most renowned professionals will display their products and 11 of them are in the following order:
Entertainment, Travel and Tourism Officer
Business trip
Career Center for Education, Career and Orientation
Cultural tourism
Directions to ITB Berlin
LGBTQ+ Tourism
Luxury Travel
Health tourism
Travel technology and technology
Budget accommodation and youth travel
Event Details: ITB Berlin 2025
Name of the Show: ITB Berlin (Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin)
Dates: March 4th to March 6th, 2025
Location: Berlin, Germany
Organiser: ITB Berlin is organized by Messe Berlin GmbH, one of the world’s leading trade fair companies, with extensive experience in hosting international travel and tourism events.
Exhibitor Profile: ITB Berlin attracts exhibitors from various sectors of the travel and tourism industry, including:
Destination Management Organizations (DMOs): National and regional tourism boards promoting tourist destinations, attractions, and cultural heritage sites to travelers and tour operators.
Travel Agencies and Tour Operators: Travel agencies, tour operators, and travel wholesalers offering vacation packages, adventure tours, cruises, and specialized travel experiences.
Accommodation Providers: Hotels, resorts, lodges, and accommodation providers showcasing their properties, amenities, and hospitality services to travel professionals and consumers.
Transportation and Logistics: Airlines, railways, cruise lines, car rental companies, and transportation providers presenting their services, routes, and travel packages to visitors and travel agents.
Technology and Travel Tech Solutions: Providers of travel technology solutions, booking systems, travel management software, and digital platforms for online booking, reservations, and travel planning.
Why Attend the Show:
Networking Opportunities: Connect with travel industry professionals, decision-makers, and experts from around the world, fostering collaborations, partnerships, and business relationships.
Market Insights: Gain valuable insights into the latest travel trends, market developments, consumer preferences, and emerging destinations in the global travel and tourism industry.
Product Showcase: Explore a diverse range of travel products, services, and destinations from exhibitors, gaining inspiration and ideas for future travel experiences and itineraries.
Educational Seminars and Workshops: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops featuring industry leaders, thought-provoking speakers, and experts discussing topics such as sustainable tourism, digital marketing, and travel innovation.
Business Development: Discover new business opportunities, forge strategic partnerships, and expand your network within the travel and tourism sector, driving growth and success for your business.
Organiser Website Link for More Info: For more information about ITB Berlin 2025, including registration details, exhibitor information, and the event program, please visit the official website: ITB Berlin
In summary, ITB Berlin 2025 is a must-attend event for travel industry professionals, offering valuable networking opportunities, market insights, product showcases, educational resources, and business development opportunities within the global travel and tourism sector.
ITB 2025, located in Berlin, is an event where professionals from industry, decision-makers, and buyers from around the world come to the trade fair for travel in Berlin to find out about the latest trends in the field, build business relationships, and create business throughout the globe. Berlin International Tourism Fair ranks among the top international tourism fairs worldwide, as it is the biggest event in the world of travel. The ITB Berlin 2025 Germany also has a high participation proportion, more than 90 percent.
Get ready for the ITB Berlin 2025 showcase stage by getting the contact details of a dependable exhibition stand builder in Berlin. Look at Stands Pro, renowned for its exquisite exhibition stand in Berlin. With our vast expertise and unparalleled knowledge, We ensure that your presence during ITB 2025 Berlin will leave a lasting impression.
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neuwallsblog · 1 day
Neuwall Introduces Premium Trimless Operable Walls - Redefining Modern Interiors
The demand for innovative and aesthetically pleasing solutions is at an all-time high. Among these solutions, the trimless operable wall stands out as a game-changer, offering both functionality and elegance. Neuwall, a leader in architectural wall systems, is proud to introduce its latest range of premium trimless operable wall, designed to meet the highest standards of quality and design.
Trimless operable walls are increasingly becoming a preferred choice for architects and interior designers. These walls offer a seamless transition between spaces, eliminating the need for visible trims and creating a sleek, modern look. The importance of trimless operable walls lies in their ability to combine aesthetics with practicality. They are perfect for creating flexible spaces in offices, hotels, conference rooms, and even homes, where the need to adapt space according to different needs is paramount.
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At Neuwall, we understand the significance of offering products that not only meet but exceed customer expectations. Our trimless operable walls are crafted with precision, ensuring that every installation is flawless. Made from high-quality materials, these walls are durable, easy to operate, and provide excellent sound insulation, making them ideal for a variety of environments. Whether it's for a high-end corporate office or a luxury hotel, Neuwall’s trimless operable walls are designed to enhance the overall aesthetic while providing practical solutions for space management.
Neuwall is committed to delivering the best in class architectural wall systems. Our trimless operable walls are a testament to our dedication to quality and innovation. We have invested in the latest technology and materials to ensure that our products not only meet but surpass the industry standards. The trimless operable wall is a perfect blend of form and function, offering our clients a versatile and visually appealing solution for their spaces.
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One of the key features of Neuwall's trimless operable wall is its ease of installation and operation. The walls are designed to be lightweight yet sturdy, allowing for smooth and effortless movement. This ensures that users can quickly and efficiently reconfigure spaces without any hassle. Additionally, the walls are customizable, offering a range of finishes and colors to match any interior design.
As the trend towards open and adaptable spaces continues to grow, the trimless operable wall is set to become an essential element in modern interior design. Neuwall is at the forefront of this trend, offering solutions that are not only functional but also enhance the visual appeal of any space. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Neuwall’s trimless operable walls are the perfect choice for those looking to create flexible, modern interiors.
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