#Laura Dren
floorman3 · 2 years
The Son Review-Zeller analyzes a different kind of illness this time out
The Son Review-Zeller analyzes a different kind of illness this time out
Florian Zeller wrote and directed The Father a couple of years in which Anthony Hopkins won his second Academy Award for playing an elderly gentleman who suffers from dementia. This was controversial because he beat out Chadwick Boseman who would have won a posthumous Oscar for his role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. The Son is Zellers follow-up to The Father but it is a prequel to that film. It is…
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gaygoetia · 2 years
Oneshot characters not played by Laura, Marisha or Ashley (part 2 of 2)
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person666 · 4 years
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kendrene · 5 years
Because I am evil.... Carmilla AU where Carm stays a vampire, set in the future where Laura has already passed away... and then Carmilla meets Laura's reincarnation. And recognizes her.
Wow! Just rip my heart out, will you? I like this prompt because it’s sad and hopeful at once and speaks to the angst monster that lives inside me. Thank you for sending it in! 
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thebarkingraccoon · 4 years
The Road
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Based on: Curative (Fanfiction.net - Quotev)
Summary: After the farm was overrun and the group is forced to survive on the run from a growing horde, Daryl catches himself thinking about Laura.
Request: @dren-whalen​  Cause you’re thinking about doing prompts, how about one about Daryl being on the road, of course being busy, but sometimes there are down times to think about Laura. 
Food was beyond scarce. Everything in the area had been scraped up long before they arrived. Whoever was here cleaned this town out like it was last food they'd ever see. Probably was, but that didn't make Daryl any less annoyed when he returned empty handed for the fifth time.
The town was called Tallulah, a little town that existed entirely on a handful of roads. The only thing that kept this town on the map was it's river with plenty of old worn out signs for river rafting, tubing, mountain trails, and waterfalls. It was beautiful here if they ignored the dead wandering around.
There was a police department they immediately rushed to for more ammo. Clearing out the cage there with whatever they could carry and, after securing it, took the department to rest in for the night. It wasn't much and the town was absolutely not secure. They had to be on guard.
A few split up. Glenn headed to a local grill just down the road and Daryl headed farther north to a trading post on the edge of the river. It was less likely to have any food, but there was always the chance for some granola bars or roast peanuts. Plenty of signs leading the way to make life easy.
It was quite the walk, but the road was beautiful. The forest was so overgrown some of the roads were covered in plant life. Other sections had been retaken by the mountain rocks, crushing the asphalt below. When the trees broke he could see out over the mountains, watching the shadows of clouds pass over.
Since this town was so far out of the way the amount of walkers in the area wasn't too bad. The time crunch came from when the horde started to reach the area. They had some time but never enough to rest fully.
Daryl felt that pressure rising when Lori started showing. He knew there was a time limit on how long they could go before she went into labor. Rick was already sweating since he had known since the farm. The clock was ticking and they did everything they could.
A big hand painted sign stood just to the side of the road. Some letters had since worn off, but there was still enough to make out broiled peanuts. The folks in these mountains sure loved them; sold them anywhere people could be found.
He hitched up his crossbow, pulling his poncho up over his shoulders to free up his hands. The trading post was bound to have walkers scattered about.
Sure enough, a few shambling corpses wandered aimlessly outside the store front. He brought his crossbow up, aimed, and took out the first one. When the body dropped the second walker turned around to see, spotting Daryl.
He rinsed and repeat, nothing really challenging out here. As he passed the bodies he retrieved his arrows and looked for a door.
A couple of cars with blown tires out front and a massive stair self of bird houses lined a wall. Enough wind chimes on the front awning to create a constant stream of metal twinkling music. There was hand made decorations all over, even the door rattled and chimed. The amount of noise this place made...
Inside a walker was alerted to the sound of the door chime. It hissed and growled, turning around to limp its way over. Barely able to move, but still doing its very best.
Daryl shot an arrow straight through its forehead then started checking the building for any others. As he searched he noticed a lot of clothing hanging up for sale, some hats, sunscreen, and handwoven bracelets on stands. No signs of those peanuts though.
He huffed his disappointment away, going to pick up the arrow from the dead walker. Hoping for something more, he started digging for anything worth bringing back.
Pushing aside racks full of junk, shifting through bags, and combing through the back counter. Still, nothing. He cursed under his breath; another waste of time.
As he came up to the racks in the middle of the building, he was faced again with the collection of handwoven necklaces, bracelets, and various charms. All small nonsensical trinkets not worth their weight anymore. But still he looked.
He saw a few peoples names. Andrea. Bethany. Was the closest to the youngest Greene girl. Carl was accurate. Caroline. Darryl. He frowned and scoffed at his own name, wondering who spells his name with two R's. Glen. Herschel...
Daryl stared at it, the name, the bracelet with her name woven into it. He reached up tentatively and took it from the hook. It was rough, the material having sat there for so long had hardened it. Some cheap tourist crap to sell claimed to be handmade when it was mostly plastic.
His thumb rubbed over the lettering, clearing some old dust out of the way. The reflective pendant shining just a little brighter. The tag hanging off was folded over with writing inside it, so he decided to look.
The paper tag had Tallulah, GA written on it and a picture of rapids behind it. Inside the fold was printed;
"Latin, dating back to the 9th century, Saint Laura. Meaning: Bay Laurel. Represents: Victory and strength."
He chuffed, thinking about how silly it was he was sitting here an a trading post lamenting over a bracelet with her name on it. It was a generically made product to sell, nothing more.
But he had nothing of hers, nothing to remember her by. When they finally found a place to rest, what would he say goodbye to? The memories of her he kept close to his heart were tainted with vivid scenes of Shane attacking her, witnessing her fighting for her life against someone she should've been able to trust. How he wasn't able to help her... how she struggled against a virus none of them could do anything about.
She left, he had to force himself to remember that. She didn't die or get taken by the horde. Laura just... left.
It didn't matter if he went back to the farm to find her, she wouldn't be there. He didn't get to argue with her to stay or even get to say goodbye when she refused.
No more nights at the campfire skinning rabbits and sharing those bashful glances. That bright smile, her kind eyes. She was just... gone. As far as he could see she was gone forever.
And he had nothing to remember her by.
He swallowed hard as he felt his throat tighten, his eyes glossing over. He wanted to say goodbye so badly, because at least if she was dead he wouldn't have to worry about her so much.
Whenever they found a place to stop and settle, they would mark graves for the people they lost. As much as he wanted to mark that grave for Laura and bury his memories of her, all his feelings for her, he knew she wasn't dead.
Laura was out there somewhere wandering the world without them. How he pleaded in silence that she was okay out there. He just wanted her to be safe, with or without him. Wherever she was, if she's alive and well he could come to terms with her being out of his life.
Refusing to acknowledge the sting in his eyes or the swelling of his throat, he hooked the bracelet back on the rack and looked up. A small mirror hanging from the top of the rack for people to model the sunglasses and hats in.
He saw himself, his red eyes... and a sign behind him just peeking out from behind a fallen shirt rack that said "Broiled peanuts, this way." with an arrow pointing through the back door leading to the porch.
Daryl turned around, gingerly opened the back door on the look out for walkers, and spied a door at the end of the back deck. A white painted door that appeared remarkably untouched. Still, better safe than sorry. Daryl knocked on the door and waited for a sign something was inside.
When he was met with silence, Daryl opened the door to reveal tables full of packaged broiled peanuts. The place was stocked to the brim with them, all full.
Quickly, he grabbed as many bags as his pack could carry. Stuffing them in tight as possible before zipping up and heading back through the trading post.
On the way through, Daryl paused. He couldn't ignore his head telling him to stop.
He was fast about it when he swiped the bracelet off the rack. As if someone would spot him stealing a bracelet with her name on it.
Daryl stuffed it into his pocket and began the walk back to the others.
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wormwoodandhoney · 5 years
hello laura, hm, will we see a little from the 10th kingdom too? in your legacy academy? like prince wendell or wolf's child(dren)?
nope, sorry! animated disney only! i do love the 10th kingdom, though!
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zoe-fish · 7 years
who did ashly burch play on critical role?
she played a goblin named piglet, a halfling named dren who was gay with laura bailey’s halfling, and a tabaxi named clothesline, all in separate one shot episodes
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therevue · 6 years
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With the long weekend before us, The Matinee features some several upbeat tunes, including some funky numbers, to get you through the workday. There are also some laid-back, easy-listening tunes. Click the homepage link in bio to hear fantastic new music from Natalie Prass, Hop Along, Air Waves feat. KEVIN MORBY, illuminati hotties, Control Top, Drens, Laura Jean Anderson, Black Light White Light, and Video Age. ... Supporting labels: ATO Records, Saddle Creek Records, Western Vinyl, Tiny Engines, Inflated Records ... #TheMatinee #indiemusic #newmusic #NataliePrass #HopAlong #AirWaves #KevinMorby #illuminatihotties #ControlTop #Drens #LauraJeanAnderson #BlackLightWhiteLight #VideoAge #funk #soul #indierock #electronic #indiepoprock #postpunk #surfrock #surfpunk #singersongwriter #psychedelicpop #discopop #newmusicalert #newmusicdiscovery #pressplay #takealisten
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stejarmasiv · 7 years
Al doilea proiect gratuit de casa aparține firmei Arcolar din Baia Mare și am bucuria, onoarea și privilegiul de a vă introduce munca d-nei Laura Zaharia, cea care este pilonul arhitecturii vernaculare din Maramureș și inițiatoarea proiectului de salvare a Casei cu Clăi.
Acest proiect s-a situat pe locul 2 la concursul organizat de Consiliul Județean Maramureș, în decembrie 2017 și în faza de concept, prezentată în acest articol este o minunată idee pentru construcțiile ce se vor realiza de acum înainte în Țara Maramureșului. Daca imaginile prezentate în acest articol nu vi se par suficiente și relevante puteți solicita biroului de arhitectură documentația completă și eventual modificări, contra cost.
  proiect gratuit de casa mica Arcolar
Am prezentat anterior în două articole Casa cu clăi, merită revăzut, pentru că se regăsește ca idee în noul proiect gratuit de casa – Casa Arcolar de dimensiuni mici :
Donatie pentru restaurarea unei case de 100 de ani din Mara – Maramures
Casa cu clai – raport final de omenie altruistă pentru casa de lemn din Maramures
Casa cu clai, din satul Mara
Voi publica mai jos, prezentarea d-nei Laura Zaharia care a insoțit acest proiect la concurs:
” Prezentarea conceptului – CASA MICĂ – ARCOLAR.
Principalele repere pentru:
volumetrie simplă: plan rectangular, volum paralelipipedic, acoperiș prismatoid (cu un mic accent al șoprului în zona intrării) pentru casă, acoperiș în 2 ape cu pante inegale preluat din volumetria specifică coleșnei maramureșene pentru garaj;
învelitoarea propusă: draniță. Pentru amplasamentele dinafara zonelor de protecție a monumentelor istorice, în cadrul proiectului de adaptare la teren se va putea propune învelitoare din alte materiale cu condiția să nu fie strălucitoare și culoarea ei să fie în nuanțe de gri (tablă plană fălțuită, tablă cu acoperire din granule minerale, șindrilă bituminoasă, plăci de fibrociment, țigle solare);
lemnul este folosit atât ca element structural (pereți, planșeu, șarpantă), cât și ca element de finisaj la interior (dușumea, lambriuri) sau pentru tâmplărie (ferestre, uși, obloane);
ritmurile prispei sunt prezente la Terasa suficient de mare ca să poată adăposti activități în perioadele cu vreme bună;
împrejmuirea și poarta sunt tratate simplu, cu scânduri montate vertical și acoperiș în 2 ape (draniță);
suprafețele exterioare propuse: dale de piatră pentru accesul pietonal și carosabil până în sona de acces în locuință, după care accesul carosabil până la garaj se va face pe o alee verde consolidată cu sistem de rigidizare al terenului;
colectarea apelor pluviale se va face fără jgheaburi și burlane, prin colectarea ei într-un sistem perimetral de dren ce va avea strat finit din pietriș.
Imagini 3D ale Casei Arcolar
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proiect gratuit de casa mica Arcolar
proiect gratuit de casa mica Arcolar
Arhiva de imagini mari o puteși descărca accesând link-ul : Arhiva imagini rezoluție mare
Casa are regim de înălțime P+M;
Lotul are 12m x 50m, cu latura îngustă orientată către sud;
Sd = 80mp;
Sc = 140mp;
Suprafețele încăperilor respectă prevederile din Legea locuinței 114/1996 și Ordinul 119/2014 pentru respectarea normelor de igienă;
Parterul este format din: camera de zi cu loc de luat masa și bucătărie (28,55 mp) hol de acces, casa scării, baie (5,70 mp), spațiu tehnic, terasă
Mansarda este formată din: 2 dormitoare (21,90 mp, 16,40 mp), un balcon, hol și casa scării și o baie (4,25 mp);
Înălțimea liberă este de 2,60 m la parter iar volumul dormitoarelor de la mansardă asigura minim 15mc de persoană;
Lățimea minimă de circulație este de minim 1,20m;
abordarea sistemului de izolare termică a urmărit confortul contemporan prin prevederea termoizolației la nivelul pardoselii de la parter, dublarea pereților din bârne din lemn cu vată minerală cu un strat de aer pentru ventilație, și termoizolarea în 2 straturi a șarpantei;
elementele de limbaj modern se regăsesc în modul de iluminare a încăperilor de la mansardă (ferestre în planul acoperișului), în balustradele din lemn și sticlă și în conformarea terasei supralărgite față de prispa tradițională.
Proiectul și planurile Casei Arcolar
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Arh. Laura Zaharia”
În următoarele luni se vor întocmi proiectele finale și complete, după aceste concepte declarate câștigătoare, apoi va urma alcătuirea și publicarea unui catalog, pentru ca aceste proiecte să fie disponibile publicului larg. Sunt mai multe categorii de dimensiuni și fiecare clasa va avea podiumul specificat în publicație. Oricum, clasamentul este doar orientativ, pentru că aprecierea finală a  fiecărui proiect va fi dată de numărul de case construite folosind ideile pe care le promovează toate aceste birouri de arhitectură.
Cred că nu vom ști niciodată de câte ori au fost folosite proiectele pe care pe prezentăm și promovăm aici însă fiecare moment va fi un câștig real pentru spațiul rural. Așteptăm ca celelalte Consilii Județene să reacționeze la provocarea lansată de Maramureș. Sunt convins că măcar în jurul polilor economici ai țării se vor găsi resurse pentru ca ideea concursului organizat de CJMM să fie reprodusă și oferite astfel de idei pentru a orienta arhitectura pe un făgaș normal.
Cluj, Iași, Timișoara, Brașov, Constanța, București … vă așteptăm ! Ghidurile sunt concepute de oameni inimoși și dedicați, ia aruncați o privire la zonele albe, sper să fie completate cât mai curând. Accesați pagina OAR pentru update-uri.:
Harta Romaniei cu Ghiduri de arhitectura OAR
Proiect gratuit de casa – Casa Arcolar – pentru Țara Maramureșului Al doilea proiect gratuit de casa aparține firmei Arcolar din Baia Mare și am bucuria, onoarea și privilegiul de a vă introduce munca d-nei…
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Carnival at the Pier
Patron Kathy and Charles Adams Helen and John Ahn Stephanie Campbell The Drenning Family The Eade Family Mary Elizabeth Horan The Iino Family Dolores and Jack Keshtkar Linda Konner Kathy Lee Laura and Steven Lee Penelope Linge Nicolette McDougall and Steve MacDonald Nancy and Dana Messina Mimi and Bruce Nelson Kylie and Addy Rasgon The Rocker Family Luisa and Gary Romoff Aimee and Mark Rosenbaum Laura and John Saade Merrie Mac and Bleecker Seaman Karen and Andy Sun The Tesoriero Family Gretchen and Mark Theodore Monica and David Thomas Irene Weinrot Melanie Weinrot Joy and Sean Whiteley Brande and Jason Winget Brooke and Brett Wyard Cindy and Andrew Yoon.
http://ift.tt/eA8V8J from Interest 1 Source:http://ift.tt/2nhauvK
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thebarkingraccoon · 7 years
dren-whalen Hey! Are you ever planning to showcase Laura’s medical skills after she starts recovering? Or get her to read a medical text to showcase her intelligence/start picking up medical procedures just in case? Or have her do a run into an infested hospital (with her ability she practically can get those high medical necessities)?
I ask this because at the moment she’s a human mask, scout and scavenger and I don’t think she will feel human with only doing those things. I know she has come to know and accept that she IS a walker. However, I feel like there are times where she’ll want to feel human again. And you already show that by using her relationships but she should be able to feel like that by doing something that doesn’t require her special abilities. She’s more valuable not just cause she’s a walker given intelligence but she’s also a doctor, starting doctor before the apocalypse but a doctor nonetheless. And because she was 25 when starting her intern/graduated(?) medical school, she must be really smart (Note: This is me thinking that before getting into the actual doctoring program, she’ll need to finish 2-4 year preparatory courses. I could be wrong.)
Hey! Good question: Yes, Laura’s medical training will be brought up again. As you mentioned first she needs to remember things, anything really, and recover her life. Before the outbreak Laura was incredibly smart, she excelled in her medical training and rather than going out with friends, partying, or whatever else Laura’s favorite hobby was studying. She loved college, she loved learning. It was her form of escapism since she felt uncomfortable around too many people. Depending on if she regains ALL of her memories (including training) or only SOME there will be a variable of how useful her medical knowledge is. ;) No spoilers though, so I can’t answer too much! I can say her father’s connections as a successful doctor. (he worked in a field of study, identification of mostly common/uncommon diseases/viruses/etc. and during his final years he managed to gain access to the more dangerous diseases locked down. He did not conduct ground breaking studies or make any world changing discoveries, but he was desperate to do so. A man with a terrible god-complex and a need to validate it which eventually lead him to be fired under the table.)
dren-whalen Ignoring her walker abilities for now, Laura just as a doctor is valuable in a world where a group with a doctor can dominate the apocalypse. But then you add her abilities, she can get those medicines in huge hospital where walkers are still rampant and still to dangerous, heck she’ll even know what to find and how the work. Should also know how to ration the medical supply. Not saying to showcase this instantly, I’d want Laura to get reacquainted with the group. Let her walk through her turmoil before doing this because I see this as something “badass” Laura would do. To me this seems like a Laura-out-of-her-shell would do. Rick, Daryl, Merle and the others already dominate in walker/human killing, Laura too but she should dominate in something else too like how Rick does with leading. I dunno if you’ll agree with me but it’s still a good food for thought, if I convinced you enough. But anyway, huge fan! You’re doing great things! I always look forward to updates!
Yes, this is all very true. A group with a doctor would have a significant advantage over anyone or anything else. Laura’s training is invaluable and as you said, it will help in more ways than one. Combined with her condition Laura is on the fast track to becoming one of the group leaders. Excelled in medical training, Walker abilities, immune, and carrying the cure. Laura could effectively start and run a group on her own without the Atlanta or Red Atlanta. Thanks to her abilities she might even be able to start, grow, and sustain a settlement with greater chances than Rick, Red, or even the Governor. Of course, all this relies solely on Laura’s personal ability to cope, heal, and recover from her ordeal. While she has this incredible strength, resiliance, and intelligence to survive (and keeps others alive too) she has one terrible glaring fault. Again, no spoilers! I will say the Infection inside of Laura’s brain, the Voice that has controlled and even saved her, will continue to resurface. All that matters in the end, with Laura, is if she can control it. I won’t say anything beyond that. ;) (However, I do agree with you. You’re on point with the details! :)
dren-whalen I love how Daryl and Laura’s relationship was. Even if it was a short encounter compared to the whole timeline. I hope they get to explore their relationship more and never separate from each other again (compared to the long months apart). To be honest, it kind of scared me every time you say that Daryl roughly kissed her, understandable cause he’s a rough dude but I imagined a really hard kiss or forced.
Oh man I love writing Daryl and Laura together. It’s a hard sell for sure, Laura was such a wall flower and Daryl was not the kind of guy to go for a girl like her. Of course with the world the way it is, events put them together and they developed beyond what they likely would have had the world not gone to hell! I feel like Daryl was out of control, a combustive man who would either be extremely kind and hopeful or a volatile man ready to throw the first punch. He needed someone to give him that control, someone who didn’t harass him into “fixing” himself. He was not broken, he was just himself the only negative trait he had was left over anger towards his childhood and the feeling it didn’t matter anymore at the end of the world. Laura did not question him, didn’t try to change him, she liked him for who is was and she didn’t care about anything else. Their relationship has a down to earth depth I enjoy exploring, but we can’t have it all at once. ;) And don’t worry, I use “rough” not as a descriptive substitute for “forceful” but rather to explain his inexperience. He is not casanova, he’s not a tactful man that knows exactly how to please a woman; y'know those kind of fantasy lovers that know precisely what she wants 24/7. He’s just a man, he’s real and that comes with awkwardness, exploration. Their first time being passionate together was cut short granted, but it was only their first attempt. With more experience and practice they will become more adept at understanding, reacting, and pleasing each other both intimately and platonically. :) Not to mention Daryl went on a limb to make the first move. He is attracted to her and he does want to be with her. Laura wants that too! Only she is limited, struggling to live her life. It’s a painful reality for rape victims, some times they heal by going celibate for a long time. Sometimes they heal by getting back into intimacy with a trusted partner when they are ready. He took a chance and Laura responded positively, he knows that. She just needs time and as displayed, he was not going to pressure her or force her to take a step she wasn’t ready to take. :)
dren-whalen I also really like her friendship with Rick. It’s so relaxed. Like what you’d feel with a best friend but at the same time as if you just  found a new friend. Hopefully, they still get those rare moments when they would still joke around each other.
I miss Laura and Rick’s friendship a lot. I’ve missed putting them together to just hash it out, vent about their problems or sit together peacefully. It’s so cathartic to have them in a scene together. There will likely be more moments, but there’s a lot to work through on both sides. I’m trying not to bore my readers by re-reading Rick’s dip into a psychotic break since we all know what happened and he expressed how he felt about it. I don’t need to repeat it, but I also don’t want to demean his struggles. It’s hard to balance the two!
dren-whalen I’m looking forward to her developing/reestablishing/strengthening solid relationship with Glenn, Carol, Sophia and Daisy! Reading her act like an older sister to Sophia would be amazing! Protecting her, teaching her how to use the horde to get away and such and such!
I am looking forward to expanding Laura and Sophia’s similarities and differences. Laura spent a significant time as a walker while Sophia was only one for a few days. Sophia’s side effects will not be as pronounced as Laura’s, but there will be a few things of interest. The Laura / Glenn / Carol / Daisy friendships are all separate enterprises to take on one by one. It will be hard, but eventually we’ll get to see them all have a moment with our reunited zombie girl. It’s just… time does heal all wounds, it leaves nasty jagged scars. For a while they’ll just have to accept that and it’s hard not to write them all together again, as one big mismatched family group. :<
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