#Laurence King Verlag
hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Zeichen & Zeiten: Helen Scales – In 80 Meerestieren um die Welt– eine Rezension von Constanze Matthes
Zeichen & Zeiten: Helen Scales – In 80 Meerestieren um die Welt– eine Rezension von Constanze Matthes (Hördauer 08 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Zeichen-u-Zeiten-In-89-Tagen-upload-.mp3 Das Meer – gefühlt unendliche Weiten. Wir schreiben das Jahr 2023 und begeben uns auf eine unglaubliche Reise. Eine Tour um die Welt in 80 Tagen – unter Wasser. Wir…
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krautjunker · 1 year
In 80 Meerestieren um die Welt
Buchvorstellung Nach In 80 Bäumen um die Welt, In 80 Pflanzen um die Welt und In 80 Vögeln um die Welt erschien nun In 80 Meerestieren um die Welt. Wie bei den Vorgängerbänden handelt es sich um eine uneingeschränkt empfehlenswerte Sammlung von Kurzporträts faszinierender Arten. Mehr als 90 Prozent der Biosphäre unserer Welt – dem Raum, in dem Leben wohnt – sind Ozeane. Es ist ein Kosmos voller…
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vegansforfuture · 2 years
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In Kürze startet der Veganuary 2023. 😊💚 Anmelden könnt Ihr Euch aber bereits jetzt unter folgendem Link: 👍😎🌱 ➡ https://veganuary.com/de/jetzt-mitmachen/ Worum es genau geht und warum diese tolle, kostenlose Aktion sogar etwas für bereits vegan lebende Menschen ist, erklärt Veganuary hier: "Im Aktionszeitraum begleitet Veganuary alle Teilnehmenden mit einem täglichen Newsletter. Dieser bietet praktische Alltagstipps, Hintergrundinfos, News sowie Rezepte und neue Produkte. Außerdem gibt es bei der Registrierung das Veganuary-Promi-Kochbuch mit Rezepten von Bryan Adams, Oli P., Sadie Frost und anderen kostenlos als Download. Hilfe beim Einstieg in die vegane Ernährung bietet auch die im Laurence King Verlag erschienene Vegan-Box, ein illustriertes Kartenset mit kompakten Infotexten von Veganuary. Veganuary unterstützt auch Unternehmen mit der Workplace-Challenge, bei der Mitarbeitende vegane Ernährung testen und diskutieren. In den vorangegangenen Kampagnenjahren registrierten sich weltweit fast 2,5 Millionen Menschen. Bis zu zehn Mal so viele nahmen an Aktionen zum Veganuary teil oder ließen sich von der Kampagne inspirieren (Marktforschungsinstitut Kantar). Allein in Deutschland beteiligten sich 2022 mehr als 420 Unternehmen, darunter Start-ups und Großunternehmen, die großen Einzelhandelsketten, Restaurants sowie Food-Services und Gastronomie. In den Kampagnenländern wurden im Rahmen des Veganuary insgesamt mehr als 1500 neue vegane Produkte und Gerichte auf den Markt gebracht. Eine Auswertung des Marktforschungsinstituts Nielsen ergab kürzlich: Seit 2020 sind die Werbeausgaben der deutschen Unternehmen in Zusammenhang mit dem Veganuary um mehr als das Siebenfache gestiegen (plus 750 Prozent)." Quelle: ➡ LINK Fazit: Egal, ob Du bereits vegan lebst, planst vegan zu werden oder einfach nur mehr Pflanzenkost in Deinen Speiseplan einbauen möchtest, eine Anmeldung lohnt sich auf jeden Fall! 😎🌱 CHANGE IS COMING! 😊💚 
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leipzigermama · 3 years
"Das Katzen-Buch - Zu Besuch bei Katzen aus aller Welt" von Katie Viggers
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Mein Sohn wünscht sich seit Jahren eine Katze als Haustier. Ich bin zwar auf seiner Seite, aber am Papa kommen wir eben leider nicht vorbei. Er drohte gar mit Auszug, wenn wir eine anschaffen würden. Also bleiben nur Bücher, um sich die Vierbeiner ins Haus zu holen.
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Friedhof der Kuscheltiere ab Donnerstag im Kino
Friedhof der Kuscheltiere ab Donnerstag im Kino
REGIE Kevin Kölsch, Dennis Widmyer DREHBUCH Jeff Buhler NACH DEM ROMAN VON Stephen King (Heyne Verlag) BESETZUNG Jason Clarke, Amy Seimetz, John Lithgow, Jeté Laurence u.a. PRODUKTION Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Steven Schneider
 Kinostart: 4. April 2019 Im Verleih von Paramount Pictures Germany (more…)
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tatianareallyknows · 3 years
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Meine Rezension von der Graphic Novel „Frauen, die die Kunst revolutioniert haben“ ist jetzt auf @lizzynet.de online! (Link in meiner Bio) 🎨 . . „„Frauen, die die Kunst revolutioniert haben“ ist eine Graphic Novel von der italienischen Autorin Valentina Grande und Künstlerin Eva Rossetti, die kürzlich beim Laurence King Verlag erschienen ist und von starken Frauen, die die Kunstwelt durch ihre feministische Kunst und außergewöhnlichen Performances auf einer atemberaubenden Weise revolutioniert haben, berichtet.“ . . „Eine wirklich großartige und gelungene Graphic Novel, die in keinem bunten Bücherregal oder Bibliothek ab heute fehlen darf!“ . . Habt ihr diese tolle Graphic Novel auch schon für euch entdeckt? 😋🙌 . . https://www.lizzynet.de/wws/9.php#/wws/frauen-die-die-kunst-revolutioniert-haben.php?sid=50030700719189784063119091909220 . . #frauendidiekunstrevolutionierthaben #rezension #graphicnovel #graphicnovels @laurencekingpub @laurencekingverlag #kunst #feministischekunst #femaleart #art #judychicago #anamendieta #guerillagirls #journalismus #feministicart #feminism #rezensionsexemplar #tollesbuch #rezension #tatianaflores #tatianareallyknows #aplaceforeveryword https://www.instagram.com/p/CTmeEsYqo1g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iindex · 13 years
Roberts, L & Thrift, J. (2005). The Designer and the Grid, Rotovision
Müller-Brockmann, J. (4th ed. 1996). Grid Systems in Graphic Design: A Visual Communication Manual for Graphic Designers, A.Niggli.
Information Design
Abrams, J. and Hall, P. (2006). Else/where: Mapping: New Cartographies of Networks and Territories, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Design Institute
Jacobson, R. (1999). Information Design, MIT
Klanten, R., Bourquin, N. and Ehmann, S. (2008). Data Flow, Die Gestalten Verlag
Schuller, G. (2008). Designing Universal Knowledge, Lars Muller Publishers
Sweet, F. & Spiekermann, E. (1999). MetaDesign: Design from the Word Up, New York: Watson-Guptil Publications.
Tufte, E. (2001). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Conneticut: Graphics Press
Tufte, E. (1990). Envisioning Information, Conneticut: Graphics Press
Tufte, E. (1997). Visual Explanations, Conneticut: Graphics Press
Visocky O'Grady, J. and K. (2008). The Information Design Handbook, Rotovision
Wildbur, P. Burke, M. (1998). Information Graphics: Innovative Solutions in Contemporary Design, London: Thames and Hudson.
Woolman M. (2002). Digital Information Graphics, London: Thames and Hudson.
Interaction Design
Cameron, A. (2004). The Art of Interaction Design, Systems Design
Cotton, B. and Oliver, R. (1997). Understanding Hypermedia, Phaidon Press.
Cotton, B. and Oliver, R. (1994). The Cyberspace Lexicon, Phaidon Press.
McKelvey, R. (1998). Hypergraphics, London: Rotovision
Moggeridge, B. (2006). Designing Interactions, MIT Press
Moving Image
Bellantoni, J. & Woolman, M. (2000). Type in Motion: Innovations in Digital Graphics (New ed.), London: Thames & Hudson Ltd
Bellantoni, J. & Woolman, M. (2005). Type in Motion 2: No. 2, London: Thames & Hudson
Curran S. (2000). Motion Graphics: Graphic Design for Broadcast and Film, Rockport.
Lambie-Nairn M. (1997). Brand Identity for Television, Phaidon Press
Visual Identity
Mollerup, P. (1997). Marks of Excellence, London: Phaidon Press
Edwards, D. and T. Fabella (2000). Identity: Building Image through Graphic Design, Gloucester, Mass.: Rockport Pub.
Foges, C. (1991). Letterheads and Business Cards, Rotovision
Evamy, M. (2003). World Without Words, London: Laurence King
Holmes, N., Deneve, R. & Deneue, R. (1990). Designing Pictorial Symbols (New ed.), New York: Watson-Guptill
Modley, R. (1977). Handbook of Pictorial Symbols: 3,250 Examples from International Sources (Dover Pictorial Archive), New York: Dover Publications
Mollerup, P. (1999). Marks of Excellence: History and Taxonomy of Trademarks (New ed.). London: Phaidon
Vossoughlan, N. (2008). Otto Neurath: The Language of Global Polis, NAI Publishers
Last modified: 19/10/15
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Getlein, M & Howard, A. (2016) Art Visionaries, Laurence King Publishing, London.  
McKenzie, J, 2014. Arthur Boyd At Bundanon. Academy Group LTD, London.
Olivri,T (ed.), 2014. Geek Art- An Anthology. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, California.
Wyk,G.2013. Pop Art- 50 works of art you should know .Prestel Verlag, Munich.
Arthur Boyd,1985. https://s-media-cache-
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hoerbahnblog · 2 years
Zeichen & Zeiten: „In 80 Vögeln um die Welt“ von Mike Unwin – eine Rezension von Constanze Matthes
Zeichen & Zeiten: „In 80 Vögeln um die Welt“ von Mike Unwin – eine Rezension von Constanze Matthes
Zeichen & Zeiten: „In 80 Vögeln um die Welt“ von Mike Unwin – eine Rezension von Constanze Matthes (Hördauer 9 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/ZZ-Rezi-Mike-Unwin-80-Tagen-upload.mp3   Seit einigen Wochen und Tagen trage ich mich mit dem Gedanken, mir ein Fernglas anzuschaffen. Natürlich nicht, um das Leben der Nachbarn in Augenschein zu nehmen. Vielmehr…
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krautjunker · 2 years
In 80 Vögeln um die Welt
In 80 Vögeln um die Welt
Buchvorstellung Nach In 80 Bäumen um die Welt und In 80 Pflanzen um die Welt lese ich mich In 80 Vögeln um die Welt. Der Brite Mike Unwin ist ein vielfach prämierter Autor und Fotograf, der 2013 als Reiseschriftsteller des Jahres geehrt wurde. Mit dem Japaner Ryuto Miyake wurde wieder ein außergewöhnlicher Illustrator gewonnen, der für seinen federleichten Stil und seine sanfte Farbgebung…
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filmola-de · 5 years
Friedhof der Kuscheltiere startet am 4. April im Kino
Friedhof der Kuscheltiere startet am 4. April im Kino
  REGIE Kevin Kölsch, Dennis Widmyer DREHBUCH Jeff Buhler NACH DEM ROMAN VON Stephen King (Heyne Verlag) BESETZUNG Jason Clarke, Amy Seimetz, John Lithgow, Jeté Laurence u.a. PRODUKTION Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Steven Schneider
 Kinostart: 4. April 2019 Im Verleih von Paramount Pictures Germany (more…)
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leipzigermama · 3 years
"Die Geheimnisse des Himmels" von Giles Sparrow & James Weston Lewis
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Ich selbst bin ja begeistert, wenn mir ein kindgerechtes Wissenschaftsbuch mit einem Touch Geschichte in die Hände rutscht. Hier traf das Thema auch noch den derzeitigen Wissensdurst meines 9-jährigen perfekt.
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Friedhof der Kuscheltiere und wie eine richtige Grabpflege ausschaut
Friedhof der Kuscheltiere und wie eine richtige Grabpflege ausschaut
Friedhof der Kuscheltiere Remake
© Paramount Pictures
REGIE Kevin Kölsch, Dennis Widmyer DREHBUCH Jeff Buhler NACH DEM ROMAN VON Stephen King (Heyne Verlag) BESETZUNG Jason Clarke, Amy Seimetz, John Lithgow, Jeté Laurence u.a. PRODUKTION Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Steven Schneider
 Kinostart: 4. April 2019 Im Verleih von Paramount Pictures Germany
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shortfilmcallum · 6 years
Secondary research+inspirations
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Thaler, P. (2003) Pictoplasma 2 : contemporary character design. Berlin : Die Gestalten Verlag, 2003. Available at: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat06920a&AN=ncc.2576&site=eds-live (Accessed: 12 November 2018).
This image from “pictoplasma 2” makes me think of tribes and how they treat each other.
The story I thought of from this photo is that the character is the son of the tribe leader and he doesn’t really fit in as he’s too nice and caring which upsets his father as he wants him to take charge one day.
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Walter, S. R. J. (2007) Onedotzero motion blur 2 : multi dimensional moving image makers. London : Laurence King Publishing, 2007. Available at: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat06920a&AN=ncc.9179&site=eds-live (Accessed: 12 November 2018).
This image from “onedotzero motion blur 2” gives a first person feeling on riding a motorbike.
The story I could think of when looking at this picture is a pizza delivery guy rushing to a job but is running late and could possibly be fired.
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Thaler, P. (2003) Pictoplasma 2 : contemporary character design. Berlin : Die Gestalten Verlag, 2003. Available at: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat06920a&AN=ncc.2576&site=eds-live (Accessed: 12 November 2018).
This image from “pictoplasma 2” gives the impression of a lost baseball.
The story I could think of from this image is that a little kid was playing baseball with his favourite ball and he hit it too far to recover and the ball tries to travel back to the boy.
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Book Citations
In-text: (D'Alleva, 2005)
Your Bibliography: D'Alleva, A. (2005). Methods and theories of art history. London: Laurence King.
In-text: (Mundy, Gille and Ades, 2001)
Your Bibliography: Mundy, J., Gille, V. and Ades, D. (2001). Surrealism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
 D'Alleva, A. (2010). How to write art history 2nd ed. London: Laurence King Publishing
In-text: (Rodrigues and Garratt, 2015)
Your Bibliography: Rodrigues, C. and Garratt, C. (2015). Introducing Modernism. London: Icon Books.
In-text: (Rochlitz, 2008)
Your Bibliography: Rochlitz, R. (2008). Subversion and subsidy. London: Seagull.
In-text: (Millner and Moore, 2018)
Your Bibliography: Millner, J. and Moore, C. (2018). Feminist perspectives on art. London: Routledge.
In-text: (Salm, Borck and Grundmann, 2012)
Your Bibliography: Salm, C., Borck, C. and Grundmann, U. (2012). Manifesto Collage. Nürnberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst.
In-text: (Richter and White, 2016)
Your Bibliography: Richter, H. and White, M. (2016). Dada. Art and anti-art. Reprint. Farnborough: Thames & Hudson Ltd.
In-text: (Klingsohr-Leroy, 2015)
Your Bibliography: Klingsohr-Leroy, C. (2015). Surrealism. Taschen.
In-text: (Elger and Grosenick, 2006)
Your Bibliography: Elger, D. and Grosenick, U. (2006). Dadaism. Köln: Taschen.
In-text: (Wolfe et al., n.d.)
Your Bibliography: Wolfe, M., Burns, S., Cozzolino, R., Lobel, M. and Zagorin, A. (n.d.). Subversion and surrealism in the art of Honoré Sharrer.
n-text: (Ades, Butler and Herrmann, 2014)
Your Bibliography: Ades, D., Butler, E. and Herrmann, D. (2014). Hannah Höch. Munich: Prestel.
Biro, Matthew. “Hannah Höch’s New Woman: Photomontage, Distraction, and Visual Literacy in the Weimar Republic,” in The New Woman International: Representations in Photography and Film From the 1870s Through the 1960s, edited by Elizabeth Otto and Vanessa Rocco. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2011.
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babssmithart · 7 years
Tony Cragg - Contemporary Art and its Histories 2
This essay will introduce a piece of work by Tony Cragg, a Sculptor born in Liverpool in 1949 and now living in Wuppertal, Germany. He studied at Gloucester College of Art, Wimbledon School of Art and subsequently The Royal College of Art 1973-1977. He won the Turner Prize in 1988. He exhibited at the Venice Biennial as well as many international awards and is featured in many international collections.
Craggs’ early influence was an exhibition in 1969 where he saw the work of Harald Szeemann. The exhibition was entitled ‘When Attitudes Become Form’. It saw a paradigm shift in the avant-garde where subsequently Land art, Concept art, Minimal and Performance art and Art Povera established a hold in the art world. Szeemann was a notable curator who organised the exhibition of the ‘mentally ill’ by the psychiatrist and Art Historian Hans Prinzfhorn in 1963. He also gave Christo and Jean-Claude their first opportunity to exhibit the Kunsthalle wrapped, where he was appointed Director at 28. Much of Craggs early work survives only in photographs today as he experimented with drawing with sand in the air, arranging stones on his shadow and wood to turn himself into a triangle.
The sculpture that I would like to introduce is entitled Mean Average.
Photograph courtesy of YSP, © Michael Richter
Mean Average 2013, Bronze, 570cm x 241cm x 255cm
Featured at YPS, A Rare Category of Objects. 2017
The work was originally gifted to the city of Bonn, Germany on loan in June 2014.
This sculpture is notable for its’ grandeur, as the viewer considers the piece, the mind moves back and forth between geometric and organic forms that burst from the ground with a spiritual and otherworldly force. Faces appear and disappear as the viewer walks around it, there is no one perspective and therefore the viewers angle dictates the response. This is reminiscent of Cubism. It looks tactile and as it is presented outside it has a number of different appearances depending on the light.
The title of the work overcomes the mediocrity of the economically orientated environment, which Cragg tries to overcome with his sculpture.
Mean Average is described by Cragg in the exhibition guide, as,
A play of interweaving columns that is in line with one of the most important aspects of my work in the last eight years. It can be read as a geometrical figure but it can also give the impression of being organic or even morphing. I am interested in defining underlying form and structure. What meets the eye is only as a result of what has been constructed underneath, a little like a skin. There’s the inside and the outside, a duality that also symbolises our intellect verses our emotions. Already, these two facets of human nature existed in classic Greek mythology. My research for mean average started off with a small sculpture, that then developed into something incredibly big, almost out of my control… This sculpture also are traces of welding carried out in several actions. This reflects the idea of moulting and a different approach to structure. (Sculpture Park Y, 2017, p.15).  
The artists intention is to pursue the subject of intellect verses emotions. In (Cragg, T, 2003,p.9) Kay Heymer points out that Cragg’s interest in science characterises his work and his pursuit of this subject is demonstrated to the point until it yields no further answers and yet deals with the subject of material, proportion, ratio, visual ideas, contours, fragmentation and unity, repetition, isolation, movement and temporality. This opens up an exciting pathway to a scientific method of exploration within art and materials.
The medium is most important in Craggs work. In (Cragg, T, 2003,p.7) Wenzel Jacob states “The artist reminds us that the word materia derives from the Latin word mater which means mother.” He is concerned with using existing materials to describe objects and make them more comprehensible. His respect for the material is unique and the manner in which he works, reserved.
This investigation of materials was born out in his early work as he stacked and arranged objects without changing their form, totally trusting them to do what they need to on their own and he seldom interfered with their integrity. This was reminiscent of the work of Richard Long, whom he admired. Although Cragg worked thematically different and with very different materials to Long.
The following statements are cohesive and explain holistically the artists mindset.  In a short video (Cragg,2017) Cragg states “Sculpture is about how the material forms affect us. It is not utilitarian it’s not useful.  It is free and this freedom allows it to grow in the most beautiful ways. Sculpture is an incredibly dynamic discipline it has changed from being just about the figure, to being about all materials and being about this new definition, it has an endless amount of possibilities” He mentions his early work, stacking things up and having a certain ‘thing’ with a certain set of rules and how changing it creates that different association.
In  (Cragg, T, 2003,p.10-11) Heymer states “Craggs sculptural practice differs fundamentally from the craftsman-like approach of the artist such as Brancusi, for whom the authenticity of a sculpture depended on the artists personal execution of all aspects of the work , including its surface treatment the endless painstaking  polishing of bronze, the strenuous meditative sanding of marble. The primacy of the visual allows Cragg to delegate manual process within his studio. It opens up for him a distinctly more effective mode of production allowing him to work faster and attain greater diversity than a traditional sculptor. This illustrates the paradigm shift in the artists attitude towards the artistic process. “
Which leads us on to Duchamp, whose ideas fascinated Cragg. However the two were very different in that Cragg was working through  a myriad of ideas in an almost scientific process and Duchamp was satisfied with a single realisation.
In his workshop Cragg begins with sketches and small wooden models. He claims not to be a conceptual artist but to work through the material. He is influenced by nature, energy and natural elements. Initially the work begins with the possible elaborations between two points and finding correlations and links, this becomes the moment of creation. He wants to create what is behind the surface something dealt with in classical sculpture where the ancient Greeks showed muscles and symbolising signs of strength or fertility.  “ I am not an artist who freezed materials or tries to create beautiful effects. I focus on the internal structure of things, then I look to see what emotional changes I can attain by simplifying and modifying these compositions. This is mainly what my work is about. “  (Sculpture Park Y, 2017,p.39)  
Sculpture Park Y, 2017. Tony Cragg A Rare Category of Objects. 1st ed. Yorkshire: Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Cragg, T., 2003. Signs of Life : Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, May 23 to October 5, 2003. Richter Verlag.
Digital Sources
ArtFundUK. (2017). Tony Cragg at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. (OnlinevVideo). 22 March 2017 Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NayFQdCxun8. (Accessed:7th March 2018).
Bibliography Digital
RA250. 2016. Toby Cragg RA. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/art-artists/name/tony-cragg-ra. [Accessed 12 March 2018].
Emma Critchton-Miller. 2018. The Telegraph. (ONLINE) Available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/edinburgh-festival/8668954/Edinburgh-Festival-2011-Tony-Cragg-interview.html . [Accessed 11 March 2018].
Kate Kellaway. 2017. The Guardian. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/mar/05/tony-cragg-sculpture-interview-rare-category-objects. [Accessed 7 March 2018].
Bibliography Books
Sculpture Park Y, 2017. Tony Cragg A Rare Category of Objects. 1st ed. Yorkshire: Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Cragg, T., 2003. Signs of Life : Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, May 23 to October 5, 2003. Richter Verlag.
Taylor, B., 2004. Art Today. Laurence King.
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