#Lawrence Faydream
lumilasi · 1 year
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Finished the next set. Unfortunately it turns out, even for this one I had only 2 ladies...one of which isn't mine, again, lmao
Aimi (the last one on the right) belongs to @mad-hatter-rici
Anyway, short intro of each character below:
Harrow Araknos: The father of the beloved Goth Dad Jurou, a shadow elemental Soul Eater. He is bit of a rebellious and troublemaking figure, who has been, and has escaped prison. Despite all this he loves his family dearly (he ended up in jail because of his desire to protect his son) and while they argue and bicker a lot, Jurou does care about his father - even if he'sa frustrating reckless fool sometimes.
Shura: Jurou's childhood friend, a special type of light spirit native to the mirror world called Vigour Spirit. Shura is the opposite of his gothic bestie, being a very happy-go-lucky goofball, who knows how to not take himself too seriously. He is not one to be underestimated however, one of the very few people in the world who could actually defeat Jurou in battle.
Lawrence Faydream: A Dream-eater/bogyeman spirit and an influental member of the "Overshadowers Council" that handles the matters of dark beings - soul eaters, dream eaters, werewolves, etc - in the Mirror world. He is also the head of a special group/organization known as Shadowless, whose job is to protect the mirror world's secrets and prevent humans from essentially destroying themselves with powerful Mirror world artifacts they do not understand properly. Bit of a devious figure with plenty of shades of grey to his character. Father of Jurou's employee, Avane.
Angus Belmont: A Blood sage warlock who works as a doctor, being the family doctor for the protagonist family. Has some ancient dragonic heritage, hence his natural shapeshifting ability his powers give, gave him permanent dual eyes. A single father who is often powered by black coffee and pure spite towards needing to sleep. He's generally seen as scary but reliable doctor. He also has a secondary job as one of the Shadowless Kenzo commands.
Yui Blackthorne: Harrow's wife and Jurou's mother, she is a spider-woman from japan, who is a famous Jazz singer across the Mirror world. She spends most of her time nowadays spending time with her grandkids, sending them gifts and so on. Yui does still record, but doesn't do that many public concerts anymore.
Clover Belmont (Oliver Blanc): Angus' adoptive son and the best friend/honorary big brother figure of Ichirou Araknos, the nephew/adopted son of Jurou. Clover has a difficult, traumatic past hence he's changed his name from his original one. He is a witchboy with very unique power-mix that while powerful, unfortunately causes him lot of health issues like digestive problems and disfigured sickly thin waist.
Aimi: The right hand woman of Lawrence, a Grand Fairy who didn't want to become a guardian spirit for a child like her kind usually do. She does spywork/intelligence gathering/threat elimination for her boss - or just brings his daughter her lunch she forgot. Aimi is bit of an oddball in nature, but she is not to be underestimated despite her apparent silly goofy nature.
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lumilasi · 6 months
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Had this sitting on my computer for weeks, figured I could finish these doodles about my Nightcrawler brothers, and make them sort of an infodump/name change announcement thing. I decided there's no real lore reason to keep these two Japanese, and I REALLY liked the name Alois for (former) Yuuji/shinji. OFC this means I have to go fix up their bios, again....OTL
Fun fact; Alois is actually really skinny stick under that coat, the coat is just so thick, that it makes him look more built than he actually is.
Fun fact 2: Many people do refer to Alois as Alois Faydream due to his brother. but realistically he'd be known as Alois Blackthorne in the future (Jurou's other surname, Araknos can only be used typically by direct family members, as its more of a title)
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lumilasi · 1 year
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Major bio overhaul done:
Name: Lawrence Faydream (surname comes from the tradition his wife's kin have, where the family surname is formed based on the beings the two parents are, in case the Fae marries someone not of fairy kind. Lawrence by default has no surname)
Nicknames: Boss (Aimi, a young fairy who works as his right hand woman) old man/Dad (Avane, obviously) brother (Alois)
Age: Human form appears to be between 40-55, since he was born the same time as Alois, he's existed around 70-100 years
Height: 183 cm
Occupation: Overshadower Council member/The leader of the Shadowless Sect
Family: Estranged wife Evena, daughter Avane, brother Alois
Friends: He doesn't actually have close friends, but he is on friendly terms with most people working for him (Aimi, Amalia) He is also well acquainted with their family doctor Lionel Knight.
Love interest: Wife Evena (A mantis fairy)
Access into other people’s minds and dreams and ability to influence them, mainly either creating nightmares or devouring them. He can also cause hallucinations even when people are awake
He can turn into shadowy goop and cover an entire area, enclosing large groups of people into a hallucination
He can destroy other beings’ hallucinations easily, and is typically immune to them. This also includes seduction spells like siren songs. (This is something people have tried to use against him a lot, and then get pretty upset when it doesn't work lol)
He can trap people into their own minds, though only for a period of time, around 8 to 12 hours.
He can phase through objects and float.
As a more powerful dream-eater than usual, his hallucinations can actually become solid and cause physical harm. He is also capable of trapping even his own kind into their own minds, something only he and Yuuji are known to be able to do currently. Normally Dream-eaters cannot trap their own people.
He is physically fairly strong and durable as well; he's got some close combat skills to utilize if needed, as he's aware his powers can be countered fairly easily if someone knows how. He also knows how to use firearms, though one doesn't exactly utilize those often when dealing with magic beings. (Not even magic firing weapons like what his assistant uses are common.)
Like Alois, he can't have an effect on more resilient minds W/O permission, and his powers are weaker against light based magic.
He has the tendency to break the rules for the sake of his loved ones, sometimes potentially against the general well-being of everyone else he's supposed to protect, or against her family's will.
Overall he's a bit arrogant and tends to think he knows better with certain things, which can cause problems with his relationships, or his work.
His strained relationship with his wife has also caused him a lot of mental stress that has resulted in Lawrence somewhat ultra-focusing on his work, to the point he's struggling to form meaningful connections outside his family. He feels bitter towards his wife, even if he understands the way she's acting and the things she's saying are due to trauma. This has led to him somewhat avoiding to go and visit her, which has led to their relationship deteriorating further.
While he is seen as a good leader and a loving father & husband, Lawrence does have a level of arrogance to him, where he tends to think he knows what's best to do in certain situations. When he's made up his mind it can be difficult to convince him to change his plans, typically only his daughter is able to do this.
He's always been somebody who wants to have influence over how things are done, hence he ended up in the positions he is in. He is not above doing questionable things to achieve his goals. Although, he does still have a level if moral integrity, and is more than willing to go against the Council loudly, if he believes their plans are immoral in some way. This does make him seem hypocritical at times, being against the execution of someone while turning around and killing another person he wasn't ordered to.
In the end, he often does what he does for the well-being of those he cares for, and in his mind end can justify the means. Given he knows his family wouldn't necessarily always agree with this though, he tends to hide the darker things he does, sometimes even from his own subordinates.
Due to his logic-driven personality, he does struggle to sometimes understand and empathize with more emotional points of view, and he's not good at handling his wife's current state. He tends to prefer using logic to understand the world, which leads to his inability to communicate properly in situations where emotions are heavily involved.
BG Story Summary The brothers were born from a pair of siblings, who ended up losing their entire family in a natural disaster. Due to being born as a pair, the two were seen as unusually powerful; Lawrence was invited to join the Overshadower Council eventually (the group that manages the business of dark beings such as dream-eaters, soul eaters, vampires, etc) as they noted Lawrence's strength and remarkable leadership skills during an incident, where two demons were fighting and causing mass havoc and danger to civilians. He managed to trap the two and make them stop fighting, while delegating his brother to help people leave the scene. Given the strength of the demons in question, it was seen as very brave to do, especially considering the pair had only existed for roughly 5 years at that point. Lawrence met his wife when he was selected as the leader of the Shadowless by the Grandmaster Council. She at the time was a member of the group, and the two became close rather quickly. This eventually became a problem however, as it was starting to have an effect on both of their judgment. Evena decided to resign from her job due to this, though she did not reveal the real reason to Lawrence until a month later; she was pregnant with his child. The two decided to officially marry after that reveal, as while it wasn't a requirement for them to have a life together, Lawrence knew how important some traditions were for the Fae kind. Avane was born months later, a kid with unique wing structure, them being made of shadows instead of typical fae magic. Their life together was quite happy at first, with Evena looking after little Ava with the help of her fellow Fairy villagers, while Lawrence was mostly at work back in the capital, Chrysalis. He made sure to come home every weekend to see his growing daughter and beloved wife. He often brought them both some gifts from the city as well, and visited their dreams/dispelled any bad ones from little Ava's mind. Then, when Ava was around 6, something drastic happened; a Lycan that the Shadowless were trying to locate had figured out where Lawrence's family resided, and decided to attack them as revenge for the group capturing his partner. Evena was initially able to fight back, but was eventually caught off-guard by the enemy due to being rusty after so many years. During the attack, Ava was almost killed by the wolfman, saved last minute by her father and his trusty right-hand-woman, Aimi. The little girl survived ultimately with no lasting effects, apart from completely forgetting about the incident. Her mother however, was more affected, ending up with severe trauma that she suffers from to this day, which has somewhat destroyed her relationship with both Lawrence and her daughter, due to how her mind has been warped by the incident. She essentially feels betrayed and bitter towards both, like it was somehow Lawrence's fault everything happened, and that now he seems to prefer and love Ava more than her. She's also bitter and jealous that Ava seems to be fine despite everything, whereas she is suffering. None of this is logical of course, because her mind is not thinking Logically right now. Because of her condition, Lawrence has stopped visiting her mostly, unable to handle the bitter, angry words she keeps throwing at him. He KNOWS she's not thinking straight, but he doesn't know how to handle it...
Fun Facts:
Aimi - and her predecessor Marci Raye - are the only people who know majority of Kenzo's secrets.
His previous right hand woman Marci left her job due to traumatic incident, but still gets roped into her old job sometimes to help Aimi.
Aimi has babysat his daughter/helped Evena look after her, and is one of the few people whose hands he'd trust her life in.
Despite Lawrence's best efforts, his brother knows far more of his secrets than Lawrence realizes, because Alois can read him better than anyone else in the world.
The official reason Lawrence asked Aimi to keep an eye on Jurou Araknos was actually a favor for his father Harrow, given he'd spoken with the man secretly, and had been the one to let him escape. (This is all part of the plan to get Jurou to join him eventually)
Lawrence was also the person who revealed to Harrow's family his reasoning for killing a fellow Council member. He also may or may not have something to do with allowing him to escape.
Aimi found out about his true intent through Alois, and has agreed to help Alois to protect Jurou from her boss secretly, as she also wants to save Kenzo from himself, respecting him a lot ultimately.
Lawrence doesn't just look friendlier when at home/outside work; his overall demeanor and aura seems to shift into something much kinder and less menacing when he relaxes. Unless you mention his wife, it is a sore topic.
He prefers wearing simple and comfy outfits when at home, given he spends most of his time in uniforms. You could describe his at-home style kind of bohemian with some traditional Japanese clothes influences sometimes.
The Overshadowers Council symbol is typically silver, white, blue, purple, or black. Their robes are also somewhat inspired by the Moonflower.
Lawrence and Aimi have kind of a puzzling relationship in the eyes of fellow council members, given Lawrence is generally seen as Scary, but then he just casually chats with her like "Oh also, remember to tell my daughter we have visitors tonight for dinner." Let alone going with her weird habit of calling her weapons "pew pews." Most other members don't speak this casually with their personal assistants.
While he mostly handles the leading part of his Shadowless job, Lawrence does sometimes go out for hunts himself if he feels it is required.
Given Dream-eaters are shaped by the person whose nightmares they were born from,Lawrence's more arrogant and sometimes morally gray nature was likely something the human he was born from shared.
He knows how to use firearms because he essentially had to kill the Lycan attacking his family using a normal gun with a silver bullet, because the attacker had managed to create a powerful protection spell that made him immune to majority of magic abilities. (This was among the reasons why this Lycan was considered so dangerous)
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lumilasi · 1 month
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I meant to make these tidier, but since my mental health tanked pretty bad, I just don't have the energy for that currently. Just some Roman doodles to try and learn to draw him more consistent looking, as I am still struggling with it. I like some, others are a bit ehhhhhh.....
Also added some info blurbs as I did with the Cornel/Camilla doodles roughly week ago.
Some extra context below:
Roman's mum was a human who got bitten by a Lycan while pregnant, but due to having a mythical baby in her womb, Roman essentially protected her from transforming. In fact, the infection didn't take effect until Roman was around 4-5. Roman has Lycan heritage as a result as well, which mainly means fluffier dog forms, and strength boost during full moon & being affected by silver somewhat, unlike Grimmhounds normally would be.
Roman's mum had no idea the guy she'd briefly dated was a Grimmhound, as her family were Lycan hunters and probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two, so he hid his true identity from her. (He never really cared about her that much, just found it thrilling to hide RIGHT under the hunter's nose, then fled when he got her pregnant accidentally)
His GF's dad not liking him is not Roman's fault at all, and more Lawrence being stuck with a bias towards Lycans and Grimmhounds due to a traumatic event in the past that happened and kind of messed up the Faydream family. Part of the story is them addressing this said bias and snapping Lawrence out of his current, unhealthy state of mind, which has been damaging to his relationship with his loved ones.
Roman's full Grimmhound form is very powerful, given it gets an extra boost from his Lycan heritage, but he is uncomfortable using it most of the time because it makes him think of his late sperm donor.
Because he's lived a lot of his life not being accepted/being forced to be someone he's not, his friends and GF make extra effort to affirm that he's loved, and that he's fine the way he is, knowing he's struggling with that internally.
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lumilasi · 3 months
So i have been scrolling trough your blog for a while now, enjoying the lore and the many beautiful characters and designs. And i keep coming back to your blogs header image, the striking green hair, beautiful lighting, it is amazing, i haven't been able to find the full image though! i would love to see it and hear more about the character! love the design!
Aww thanks! Glad you like them! Also sorry for late(?) response, timezones and all....
This is the full image in the header: (there are 2 versions, can't recall which one it is)
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It was part of my Spooktober series last year. (Here's the OG post too)
Her name is Avane Faydream, or Ava Mantis; she's mostly known as Ava by her friends. Ava is a mixed heritage Mantis Fairy-Dreameater where she has abilities belonging to both beings. (Her Dreameater heritage is why she has black wings, typically her kin have green ones. Her eyes also come from her dreameater dad)
The image above is not her "canon" design though, apart from her hair, Here's her actual ref. (Some info below miiight be slightly outdated though, I tend to develop and change things overtime, but the designs at least are up-to-date)
She also has this outfit that was inspired by a really pretty Japanese modern dress I saw online once when researching for inspo for outfits to another character: (Her OG version was Japanese, now she doesn't really have direct connections to human world, but I'd say her mother, if placed on earth, would probably be from Asia somewhere, though not necessarily Japanese.)
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Ava is kind of my main lady, because she has direct connections to all of my "main" characters, from working for the Goth Dad Jurou/Alistair as a tattoo artist, to being one of Azul Samaros/ Chester Knight's friends he sometimes ask for help from. (When Azul says he knows someone, he goes "I know a gal" rather than "I know a guy" quite often lol)
She has a boyfriend, a bi Grimmhound (with some Lycan heritage) named Roman Bosco, who used to work for a human mobster (or more like was forced to/the guy was also in love with him but in kind of a toxic way....) and he's one of those absolute sweetheart, romantic teddy bear guys. (His ref here if you wanna learn more about Roman)
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(Roman has vitiligo btw)
Her dad Lawrence is sort of the 'antagonist' for my main story Night City Parlor, and she sort of tends to meddle in her dad's business to try and protect people from his influence. This includes Jurou, she actually went to work for him to secretly keep an eye on him, knowing her dad would be interested in someone as powerful as Jurou. (She also works together with her uncle, who ends up becoming Jurou's love interest lol)
She loves her dad dearly, but he's somewhat gone off the deep end after what happened to his wife/her mother; he's not coping with her condition well, burying himself in his dangerous and important work, which has started to erode his moral code. As a result, Ava feels the need to protect others from her dad's worse tendencies. (Ava has some of these personality traits from her dad, where she has the capability to be somewhat manipulative and occasionally struggles with empathy. Unlike her dad though, she is self-aware of this and actively works on not giving in on her worse impulses, and will let her friends/BF/Family call her out on it and listen)
I guess I can also list couple of fun facts:
Ava's design took me SO long to get into a place where I liked it. This is kind of typical for me with ladies for some reason, but once I did manage to create something I loved, she quickly became one of my favorite characters.
Ava has a couple of friend groups; 1. the day-to-day one with her coworker and friend Claude, as well as their boss' adoptive son (and Claude's BF) Caelan. 2. Her "sneaky action" group which includes both the former and current right hand woman of her dad, Marci and Aimi. (Typically ones she goes to, when she wants to meddle into her dad's business, or alternatively do something more dangerous lol) 3. Her Girl Bestie, Taiga (A kitsune, works at a hair salon she often goes to, they do girls night hangouts)
Ava is Demiromantic/Demisexual, she basically had no interest in either until she met Roman and slowly developed feelings for him. (She was actually kind of worried her dominant personality would be off-putting to him given his history, but they had a honest talk about it and he basically didn't mind because she tries her best to be the best version of herself despite her mental hiccups)
Ava is NOT good with kids, she has no proper patience to deal with them, and tends to be awkward around children. That being said she tends to try and be a good role model to the ones she has around her in her day-to-day life (namely her boss Jurou's daughter, who's a huge fan of hers lol).
Ava has a lightning bolt tattoo (not shown on the images above, given they are timed before she got it) designed for her by Roman. She basically appeared suddenly in his life like a 'lightning from clear skies' and completely changed things for him, gave him a chance to built the kind of life he'd actually want to live, instead of being forced to work for a criminal.
This got kinda long, but that's what happens when you get asked about your characters I suppose lmao
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lumilasi · 1 year
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Update: Decided to basically add ALL the outfits I've made for her so far into her bio post; she's kind of become my main character at this point. (NOTE her open hair guide doesn't match the other stuff that well bc I made it later, but it is supposed to be the "canon" look for how her hair appears when open)
Bio below:
Name: Due to Mantis fairies traditions when it comes to marrying a being who is not a fellow fae, she has two names;
Avane Faydream: her "Official" name used for any legal matters: the surname is essentially a reference combination of her parents' being types (A fairy & Dream eater) This is how Official names for fae with mixed heritage are typically formed.
Ava Mantis: Her "Personal" name she uses in her day-to-day life.
Age: 26
Height: 168 cm
Nicknames: Ava (most people) Fairy-san (Hitomi) little Magpie/Magpie (Her dad), Doll, boss (Roman)
Family: Father Lawrence (Dream-eater) Mother Evena (Mantis fairy), Uncle Alois(Dream-eater) Honorary big sisters Aimi and Marci Raye (A Grand Fairy & Weaponsmith Warlock)
Friends: Yume Kobushi (Her bestie/Pen-pal, a water witch) Caelan Blackthorne (Sea serpent) Claude & Hayden Faylune (Tiger butterfly fae & Moon Mage), Aimi (her father's right hand woman, a Grand Fairy) Marci Raye (A weaponsmith warlock that used to work for her dad)
Love interest: Roman Bosco (A grimmhound)
Rival: Irina Vasile. (She and Irina are both kind of dominant and bossy personalities, which is why they end up clashing. They don't hate each other though, but don't consider each other friends either)
A tattooist working in Jurou Araknos' tattoo parlor who also meddles into her dad's business to protect others from his influence & him from himself
Mantis Fairy skills: Her kind are largely known from being very fast and stealthy, good with long-range weaponry due to how insanely accurate they are, and were often utilized as spies or assassins in the past. While these jobs aren't that common anymore, Ava still has all these abilities as they are essentially "in her blood."
Basic fairy powers: She can summon and hide her wings and fly, as well as converse/seek guidance with nature itself. This is something all fairy folk can do regardless of their type.
Dream Eater power: She has some abilities from her dad, mainly the ability to read into people's dreams as they sleep, and influence the dream a little bit.
Shapeshifting Wings: her special wings are made of dream-eater essence rather than fae magic, so she can shapeshift them beyond just wings of different sizes. She can turn them into giant arms, animal shapes, clones of herself, clothes, etc. She can also detach these creations from herself, not needing them to be attached to her (except when they are just wings of course)
Artistic ability: She is a talented artist, which is why she works where she does.
Ava is bad with kids, and tends to easily intimidate them. This sometimes leads to awkward situations given her BF is naturally good with kids, which is actually somewhat surprising given most people would find his kind scary.
When her wings are "detached" from her, she cannot fly until reattaching them. Light magic also can render her unable to fly given what her wings are made of.
Avane is pretty calm and collected, and often comes off as very serious to most. She just warms up to people slowly, and with how chaotic most of her friends are, she tends to naturally fall into the role of being the responsible one among them, given she tends to be the one with most common sense/emotional maturity in a situation.
Despite her seemingly serious nature, she does have a sense of humor and doesn't mind teasing her loved ones or having friendly banter with her friends. She's just heavily introverted and often prefers her own company or having a chat with someone at a cafe or at cuddling with her BF home over going out and partying. She absolutely has her own childish, petty side to her, that tends to come out the most when she's very tired, either physically or mentally. (Basically when her typical ability to regulate her emotions extremely well is compromised)
She tends to not have much tolerance for shitty behavior, and sometimes does utilize her natural spookiness to others to her advantage to deal with assholes. She tends to generally come off as somebody difficult to approach, but once you get past her crack, she is quite the good and trustworthy friend.
Fun Facts
While her mother has no human world heritage whatsoever, her and her mom tend to appear to be hispanic/latin-american to humans.
While she doesn't like the Overshadower Council much for multitude of reasons (such as their dismissal of her mum's side of her heritage) she loves her dad very much and knows her dad dislikes their arrogant attitude as well, at least when it comes to dismissing his wife.
Her tattoo style is more monochrome or uses minimal colors when compared to her boss, and she tends to prefer floral/tribal patterns.
The lightning tattoo on her left arm was actually designed by her boyfriend as he wanted her to have something he came up with too (with her consent of course) and it was made by her boss. Her moon and stars tattoo on her other arm was also made by him based on her design.
Ava speaks Japanese, as her bestie Yume & her boss Jurou have taught her some. She also knows Italian thanks to herformer italian mobster boyfriend, whereas her native Fae language reminds Spanish a lot.
Having quite elaborate hairdos is pretty common for Mantis fairies; in fact there is an old tradition they have where once they turn 20, each fairy designs a specific hairstyle for themselves that they'll wear the most. After the first time designing it by hand, they use magic to easily recreate or undo this trademark hairdo. Ava's flower bud look is her special design.
She is demiromantic Demibisexual, and thought she was essentially aro-ace until she met Roman and developed a strong emotional bond with him, while helping him set up his new life in Mirror world.
Her eyes are that way due to her dad; her mum has normal human-like white sclera.
While Ava and Irina can butt heads a lot, they do generally respect each other and CAN work together if they must, though it does often lead to bickering and debates.
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lumilasi · 2 years
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Updated this with more up-to-date lore and his new name 
Bio below:
Name: Alois (Faydream)
Nicknames:  Al (Jurou,), Weirdo (lot of people) Uncle (Avane) Bee-san (Hitomi, Jurou’s daughter, because he keeps making her bee-themed pancakes)
Age: his human form appears to be late twenties/early thirties because that was roughly the age of the person he was created from. He has existed for roughly 70-100 years. His kind typically do not have a “childhood” as they tend to not be born from children. 
Height: 181 cm
Family: An elder brother pair-spirit Lawrence
Friends: Shura (A vigour spirit, type of a local light element/fighting spirit), Shika (A chimera and Shura’s beloved), Taiga & Cecil (a kitsune & a bakeneko who run a hair salon) Roman & Yoruga (his staff) Avane (His niece)
Love interest: Jurou Araknos/Alistair Blackthorne, a Soul Eater who owns and runs the tattoo parlor next to his cafe. 
He can access into other people’s minds and dreams and influence them, mainly either creating nightmares or devouring them. He can also cause hallucinations even when people are awake
He can turn into shadowy goop and cover an entire area, enclosing large groups of people into a hallucination
He can destroy other beings’ hallucinations easily, and is typically immune to them. This also includes seduction spells like siren songs. 
He can trap people into their own minds for a short period of time, typically around 8-12 hours which is the supposed average time people should spend asleep.
He can phase through objects and float.
As a more powerful dream-eater than usual, his hallucinations can actually become solid and cause physical harm. He is also capable of trapping even his own kind into their own minds. 
He cannot access more resilient minds without permission/his knife. If his knife is somehow disabled, a stronger person can prevent him from invading their minds.
While he has some control over his hallucination powers using his talisman or just wearing enchanted sunglasses, he can’t always prevent people from being affected when looking at his eyes. (He can cut them short if it happens)
Light magic based seals and protection spells is typically effective against his kind.
Alois is quite friendly and cheerful person at first glance, and might even seem a little comical, with how unapologetically eccentric he is. He is one of those people who seems to be able to laugh at himself and tends to not be embarrassed over small things. He also loves to learn about new things with almost childlike enthusiasm.
Despite this first impression, he is quite intelligent and dangerous if he wants to be, not willing to give people any mercy if he feels they deserve to be punished and he can’t be tricked easily. Alois is not the kind of person whose bad side you want to end up on. He is also very observant and calculative, traits that run deep in the family as both his brother and niece are like this. They all are generally the type of people you do not want to underestimate. 
BG Story summary
Due to being born as a pair, these two were seen as unusually powerful, and Lawrence was invited to join the Overshadower Council eventually (the group that manages the business of dark beings in their world, such as dream-eaters, soul eaters, vampires, etc) but Alois wasn’t interested in that, wanting to do something that made him more approachable for people, hence he started to run a cafeteria.
His reasoning for opening one next to Jurou Araknos’ parlor however, was not random. He secretly did this to initially keep an eye on the Soul Eater, knowing his brother was interested in getting the man under his wing due to his vast power. Alois is very against the idea, knowing how his brother has spiraled since his wife ended up in a mental health hospital, and how he could get corrupted by too much power in this state. His plan was just to observe and occasionally meddle secretly to prevent Lawrence from getting anything useful out of Jurou, that he could use as leverage to get him to join the Shadowless (something his niece and Lawrence’s right hand woman joined in on later). He never expected to actually fall in love with the guy, which did make things a bit more complicated eventually.
Fun Facts:
Alois’ cafe name Lunarte is a reference to the night (moon) and tea. The logo includes a moth emerging from a teacup (moths are often used to represent his kind)
Alois is commonly referred to as Alois Faydream, but doesn’t really use that surname himself as it is his brother’s family, not his. (Later, he starts being referred to as Alois Blackthorne, which is Jurou’s main family surname)
He has two staff-members, a Grimmhound Roman his niece brought for him, as he needed help with starting his new life, and a Moth spirit Yoruga who is helpful for extra tasks, like spying missions.
While his kind are typically represented by moths, Alois’ favorite animals - or bugs - are bees. 
Alois takes extra care to not cause hallucinations to Jurou’s daughter, as she has some severe trauma and is part human, making her more sensitive to be affected.
Contact lenses do not block his hallucination inducing power like they would with most Dream-eaters, due to how strong he is. 
While he and his brother have somewhat differing views on lot of things, they are still fairly close. Alois’ entire motivation for his actions in regards to Jurou initially were because he loves his brother dearly, and wants to protect him from himself given the state he is in currently.
Alois will not be caught wearing “normal” looking sunglasses. They always have to be a bit more fun than basic shapes. The simple triangle ones are the most basic he’ll go. 
His main reason for liking colorful things is to combat his natural spooky aura, as he doesn’t want people to fear him when he’s not trying to spook them. 
His voice claim is Urahara Kisuke from Bleach
He does also enjoy goth fashion occasionally, as its the style his LI and his family mainly go for. Typically his goth-looks still include colorful bits, either pastel or neon. 
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lumilasi · 1 month
Sorry about the Dad Curse, it sounds very terminal indeed, 6 cases? My condolenses /jk
(gotta love Good Evil Dads thou, they are fun!)
It truly is, I will never escape it. If I ever even consider making a (male) villain, sooner or later he evolves into a Dad. And, actually, typically they lose the whole "being evil villain" for the most part too lmao, so sorry about that!
TBF though, there is kind of a reason for this I think, outside me just having some character story/type preferences that lead to this outcome a lot; since I am not making a story/comic book and just draw stuff randomly, there is no real end to anything, and I personally need villains to get their comeuppance. But, that's just not gonna happen if there is no "End" so to speak, so....I don't feel like keeping villains around lmao (I also find myself not wanting to draw any characters of mine much if they are pure villains? They kind of would need a framing of a consistent story to make me draw them apparently, something I am not currently doing)
It's always been like this for me when I think about it? Like I initially assumed this trend started thanks to my Dad-AFO fics, but I'm now realizing that no, I did this loooong before my fandom phase was a thing lol.
I think the first case like this was probably Alexander.
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(this guy)
Bc If I recall right, the first incarnation of his that had kids, was in fact a villain....and I just couldn't keep him that way, this was already over ten years ago. (Also the villain stint was the only version of him that had short hair. Didn't like that look at all, it should've been a sign that take was not it for me lol)
Also, the other cases I was referring to in the tags to that post this tag was about, bc apparently I'm on the mood to ramble about this:
Jurou Alistair Blackthorne - his original take was supposed to be the story antagonist. instead he became the antihero dad, now more of a protagonist dad
Harrow Blackthorne - Jurou's dad was initially supposed to be kind of a bad, terrible father, but instead I ended up with extroverted Theater kid who loves his son, wife, and grandbabies VERY much and is willing to murder for them - and did end up in jail for said murder lol
Lawrence Faydream - started out as an evil, delusional spirit possessing the actual dad of Ava in the OG story, now is the dad, and while he IS the antagonist in a way, he is not villain or evil, just terribly misguided and struggling to deal with his own emotional trauma. Part of the whole deal is for him to eventually repair his relationships with his loved ones.
Amaros/Shaell Amaros - Started out (10 years ago) as kind of an antagonistic evil scientist Deity, now is a more benevolent if mysterious figure - and yes he is a dad. Though his sons don't know he is their dad, them figuring this out is part of that story.
Kuromoya Murasaki - while not an actual dad and was never meant as an antagonist, he has an evil-ish streak, and it only started to soften when I ended up making him the primary parental figure/honorary dad for a teen chimera called Yago. (considered teen among their kind, technically has existed for far longer. Lifespans in their world are often measured in centuries)
Angus Belmont: Started out as one of my more sinister villains in the OG story, (and I still kinda miss that version NGL,) but then Clover appeared, and BOOM, now he's a foster parent turned adoptive dad. And MUCH less evil and actually pretty decent person, even if he doesn't believe so himself....
Latest case: Cornel Sala. He has no actual kids (yet) but with the way his character is developing, I'm starting to think his relationship with Vee/Vincent might end up being different from what I planned, AND I have vague design concepts for Daughters he could have with Camilla in the future. Because ofc my brain would do this.
....Okay I had even more than six, because OFC I did. Guess I'll plop some pics at the end of all the characters mentioned, so this is not just a wall of text: (they are in order)
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(Side note: Kuromoya isn't normally blue, that's just his Soul Eater form, or the current one anyway. I need to design him and his sis & dad new ones, now that I have proper design rules established for how they work)
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lumilasi · 3 months
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I wanted to draw today but had no motivation, then got a random idea to do these weird intro things to all my family units, which proved kind of tricky because there were quite a few cases where I could've added more members. I also tried to give each the kind of introduction that gives you the basics, without getting too detailed.
I decided to only stick to the most core members for each. These by no means include ALL my characters or family groups, I just didn't have enough art drawn to make all of them.
NOTE: not all sets are "mum, dad, kids" type of deal. Some have a single parent, others have two mum or two dads, or the parents aren't relevant at all, and the Blackthorne mansion is full on found family type.
Coupla extra facts below:
Many families include adoptive children, I just didn't always mention it in the info blurb (Caelan for the Araknos fam, Hayden for the Faylune fam)
The blond lady with the Faydreams is Lawrence's right hand woman Aimi. I decided to include her with them given how central her role is with the family, despite not being related whatsoever, or adopted/fostered or anything of the sort.
Angus and Franziska both eventually have a love interest, Frankie just lives with her brother and adoptive nephew currently due to her struggles with anxiety about living alone. (This would change post-main story, when both siblings have started to properly address their mental pitfalls)
Sebastian is a rockstar, part of a majorly popular punk-rock band in Ether. Kaspian is ALSO a well known designer, many of my characters wear pieces from the brand he designs for.
Marci looks very young, but is actually around 50 in human years; magic users generally have their aging start slowing after they fully activate their powers, even if they originate from human world like she did. (Marci is an Aussie btw)
The Avara family have a relative in human world currently, a character named Henrik who happens to be Clover Belmont's boyfriend. (Henrik is initially unaware of his connection to the magical realm)
Only three members of the Faylunes still live at the orchard; the mum and the 2 teen non-identical-twins. Claude and Hayden both work and study in Chrysalis City, but they absolutely help out at the farm anytime they visit.
Avara family mum is Finnish and originates from human world. That's why the kids have finnish words as their names (Family tradition. Their surname is ALSO a finnish word btw, meaning "open/spacious")
Toushi later starts dating Lawrence's current right hand woman, Aimi.
Murasaki family is the biggest culprit with potential additions; there's...4 more characters I could've included there, but didn't as they aren't core family, more either important workers/friends/honorary members.
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