#Leadership Development Atlanta
hrdracc · 2 years
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Training and Development in Atlanta
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atlantachallenge · 1 day
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Team building workshops often get a bad rap. Critics argue that they are boring, ineffective, and a waste of time. However, these myths couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that well-designed team building workshops can have a transformative impact on your organization, fostering collaboration, enhancing communication, and boosting overall productivity. At Atlanta Challenge, our diverse range of workshops demonstrates just how engaging and beneficial these experiences can be.
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ankurkkr91-blog · 3 months
The Professional Development Institute Atlanta Academy Of Creative Coaching Can Help You Advance Your Career
The Professional Development Institute Atlanta, part of this well-known university, gives people opportunities to grow professionally and personally. This article lists all of the benefits of the Professional Development Institute Atlanta to show why it is the best place to improve your job. 
Programs That Offer Personalized Coaching  An Individualized School Program 
Personalized learning is used to meet the goals of each participant at the Professional Development Institute Atlanta. With the help of this personalized strategy, professionals from all walks of life and all fields can reach their job goals. 
Trainers With Lots Of Experience  The institute has a team of coaches who are all very qualified and have a lot of experience. They are ready to meet many professional growth needs because they know a lot about many things. 
Whole Course Of Study  The courses at the Professional Development Institute Atlanta cover a wide range of essential skills needed to advance in your job. Topics like leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution in the classes are meant to give participants the tools they need to do well at work. Our school offers students the skills to deal with any professional problem. 
Effects Of Revolution  At the Professional Development Institute Atlanta, we care about building your character just as much as we do about your work skills. People who take part often experience changes in their self-confidence, self-awareness, and point of view. This all-encompassing way helps people grow in both their personal and professional lives. 
Making Progress In One's Work  Many people found that their jobs took a big turn for the better after going to the Professional Development Institute Atlanta. The skills and knowledge you learn at the institute significantly impact your work, whether you're trying to get a promotion, a new job, or your own business off the ground. 
To Sum Up  The Professional Development Institute Atlanta at the Academy of Creative Coaching is more than just a place to learn. It's a place where people can start growing professionally and personally. It is the best place in Atlanta for professional growth because it offers personalized teaching programs, a full curriculum, and many great networking opportunities.
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davidmarksphotos · 1 year
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To train & coach people to preform at the highest level was always a dream! ✅📈 The classes keep getting bigger & bigger just like God’s blessings 💕 I tried to do it back home, but the environment was always different. My cup runs over 🧡 #leadership #coach #mentor #coaching #sales #development #networking #corporate #atlanta #job #god #blessed #fun #fyp #leader (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqI8-ERriEW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heavenlybackside · 3 months
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This Day In History May 8 1886 American pharmacist John S. Pemberton developed Coca-Cola, a drink he originally billed as a cure-all tonic.
On May 8, 1886, Dr. John Stith Pemberton invented Coca-Cola, forever changing the history of eating habits around the world. The drink’s name refers to two of its original ingredients: coca leaves and kola nuts (a source of caffeine). Since he was a pharmacist from Atlanta he had access to a variety of chemicals and natural ingredients. One day, he prepared a dark coloured liquid and decided to take it to his shop, Jacobs' Pharmacy, to mix it with carbonated water. At this point, a test was needed. So he had the customers of the pharmacy taste it, who greatly appreciated the delicious and refreshing drink. From that day Pemberton put the forerunner of the current Coca-Cola on sale at five cents a glass as a takeaway drink.
The logo as we know it today was invented and designed by Frank M. Robinson, Dr. Pemberton's accountant, who thought that the two Cs would have made a nice advertising logo. The Coca-Cola brand - written in its famous italics font - was born with a first advertising campaign dedicated to the drink appeared in the newspaper The Atlanta Journal, inviting citizens to try this "popular new take-out drink". The advertising campaign for the product launch appeared on the first awnings of the shops, on which the words "Drink Coca-Cola" stood out. But the beginnings were not exciting: in the first year they sold just about nine glasses a day.
In 1887 John Pemberton registered the copyright of Coca-Cola Syrup and Extract with the US Patent Office. A year later, disheartened by the lack of success of his invention and never fully convinced - and aware - of the drink's potential, he gradually sold the company's shares to various partners. Shortly before his death, he sold the rest of Coca-Cola to Asa G. Candler who bought back the shares of other holders until he acquired complete control of the company.
Together with his brother - John S. Candler - Frank Robinson - John Pemberton's former partner - and two other partners, Mr. Candler opened The Coca-Cola Company, with a start-up capital of $100,000. They invested a lot in marketing with free coupons, promotions, souvenir fans, calendars, clocks, cup holders and so on. He did everything to advertise the brand and make it famous. In 1894 the first factory was born, in Dallas, Texas and a year later Candler made a famous announcement: "Today Coca-Cola is drunk in every state and territory of the United States". Under Candler’s leadership, sales rose from about 9,000 gallons of syrup in 1890 to 370,877 gallons in 1900.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year
The most powerful being on the planet is a fully intuned sexual being; Someone who is fully intuned with their sensuality, sexuality, and thereby their ability to consciously and deliberately create.
In order to operate at a higher-than-average level, you have to release the need to judge yourself. Not judging or regretting any part of your journey, but experiencing and honoring every aspect is the secret to moving beyond a bored, shrunken sense of of self and coming into your full, phat, creative, joy-filled, sensuous, juicy aliveness so that you can create your new life narratives. Back in 2010, I left my leadership job in Atlanta and started to work 3 days a week as an art model for a professor and his students.
Calling in this well-paid position allowed me more space to spend 4-6 hours, 5 days a week in a forest alone. Spending that much alone time in a forest felt like the truth (the universe/love) was breathing me. Animating me. I would get so “high” naturally and become one with all that is, all there was, so there was less density and judgment about anything left in me, you see. You don't have to spend that much time in a forest to begin to feel how releasing judgement is a sacred keycode for living in a healthy magical existence. If the harmony feels right, allow yourself (your cells) to receive this. Judging everything on the planet as 'this is good/that is bad, this is right/that is wrong' actually takes up a lot of space in your body. However, discernment for what is true for you, is not judging but a kind of maturity.
To access the creative power that naturally and innately lives in your body, this magical divine energy that has been depressed (or pressed down into your body) and is now showing up or "manifesting" as aches and joint pain, fibroids, heavy periods, mold, candida, fibromyalgia, weight gain, rapid weight loss, overfunctioning, or addictions, is about creating more space within. Your developing spaciousness is key. What or who is taking up so much space in your body and life that you can't create new body and life narratives?
I started to sense years ago that maturing in my womanhood was not about constantly shopping, wearing dresses, overconsuming, or materialism but doing the solid meticulous real embodiment work that opens up a natural unrepressed sensuality that you and I both need in order to access our dormant pressed down divine gifts and power. When you are living in relationship to your divine energy, you no longer NEED to walk around in your human body with low-grade anxiety, low-grade depression, lack of fulfillment, constantly busy, constantly fighting and raging, or constantly running into the next thing because you are running away from yourself, your actual cells. You start to become clearly aware that you are something different from "normal" --like alien/angelic and intuition, foresight, secrets of the universe, manifestation, resilience, joy, aliveness, sexuality, and the deliberate creation come easier for us because you have accessed your real self beyond thepattern/programming. A heart opening frequency. In as much as prehistoric times, the Universe and our Ancestors passed down now forgotten stories and the lost arts of telepathy, tongues, prophecy, levitation, healing hands, etc. that some people still can not fathom are real. The beauty of this existence that we are all part of is that we can wake up those memories or realizations that life is incredibly mysterious and magical and anything is possible.
This melody of love work is intimate, mature, and takes you deep into your gorgeous body. Shadow work. Unconscious work. Breathwork. Movement. Breast care. Pussy work.
Holding gratitude for all your experiences, whatever they may be, is the first step to emotional maturity and its magical awakening. Trusting your choices eliminates the need to blame or shame another or feel victimized and allows us to actually be in the position of creator/God//supreme creator consciousness. Dare we to stop fighting and start feeling and twirling in spirals through life’s beautiful, and sometimes painful and messy initiations….and become whole and human again. --India Ame'ye, Author
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I love deconstructing 'lifestyle' articles like these, they are such a gold mine of biases and narrative formation by the chattering classes. Here we have a wonderful premise:
Now, Ms. Margo is living a dream of many American women who are seeking relationships abroad, some of whom cite the toxic dating scene in the United States
Well, no objection from me that the US has toxic dating norms. But, hm, idk, 'many women' - is this a true trend amoung the American Female? Lets see who this article features:
Ms. Margo fell in love with the city (and its men). She found a gig teaching English in Paris and moved there after she graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in May 2019.
Okay, not *that* crazy but I do think I know what kind of Sarah Lawrence grad gap years in Paris before her law degree;
For Cindy Sheahan...At the end of 2017, she quit her job and traveled throughout Southeast Asia for leisure, and she started using Tinder.
That isn't...most people can't list as their full time job "Dating in Thailand";
For Frantzces Lys...she started a podcast called “Chronicles Abroad” with her co-host, who had met Ms. Williams, 40, in Malaysia. In 2018, Ms. Lys interviewed Ms. Williams, the founder of a consultancy, and the two kept in touch. They started dating years later.
Oh yeah the extremely relatable situation of a podcast host and boutique consultancy founder travelling to Mayalsia!!
“When you decide to just live your life for yourself, you actually end up stumbling upon people that match your energy and the same ideals and values,” said Ms. Lys, a 42-year-old founder of a wellness company.
Oh a wellness company, who hasn't founded one of those!!! And a link to their company, wow thanks NYT, that was definitely gonna be my follow-up for Ms. Lys:
Cepee Tabibian, who moved to Madrid at 35 from Austin, Texas, felt similarly.
Okay that could be normal, what do she d-
In 2020, she met her partner, who is Spanish. Now, she is the founder of She Hit Refresh, a community that helps women over the age of 30 move to a different country.
Jesus fucking Christ none of these people are real. They are full-hog in the industry of packaging and selling their Life of Insight & Discovery for $500 an hour over zoom sessions to non profits hosting leadership seminars, their dating isn't dating its brand management. I don't doubt they authentically love their life but this, shockingly, is not a trend, is not a sample, is not ethnographic data, this is an ad buy by a sliver of globe-trotting wealthy woman masquerading as journalism.
Absolutely the only relatable person is:
Alexis Brown, for example, noticed a lack of “effort and intention” from the men she was dating in Atlanta, where she attended Spelman College.
When she traveled across Europe for vacation from October 2022 to January 2023, however, the people she dated made it clear that they wanted to spend time with her.
Who takes way more words than is necessary to tell me she had a polycule stretching from Paris to Prague during her study abroad, which, good for her, that is what study abroad is for. Shockingly, this is not a new development in the collegiate experience!
Buried amoung the branded bullshit is Alexis's real gem and the only true 'thesis' of the article:
“The dating culture in the U.S. is that it’s cool and normalized to be indifferent to someone and not really express how you genuinely feel,” Ms. Brown, 23, said.
Which is essentially that in Europe people will "express emotion" unlike the cold, busy America. I don't doubt this, but I would hope a writer at the NYT's could have slightly more social awareness; the 'reason' Americans do not "express emotion" is that if they did you would dump them right on their ass on the first date.
Someone telling you, to quote Ms Margo:
“This one guy was like, ‘I ran through traffic just to look into your eyes once, and if you don’t want to go on a date with me, I can die happy knowing that I just met you,’” said Ms. Margo, a 28-year-old English teacher from Los Angeles.
As an opening line is cringe and uncomfortable, because they do not know you. They are lying and you know they are lying, it is a horrible foundation for a long term relationship. American dating norms have been hammering this lesson home on every participant (but if we are being honest, its primarily women hammering this home on men) and it is probably right to do. Anyone who does this lacks credibility.
But when you are in ~*Paris*~, you don't care about their credibility, because you lack it yourself. You are on vacation, you have no future, just a sequential present. If the guy who tells you your eyes are his world turns out to be a clingy failson who requires at least a blowjob a day to keep his mood stable, you can just *get up and leave the country*, you cannot be trapped because nothing is keeping you there. By placing an ocean between yourself and your social standing you can radically change your standards.
And you know what, there is something to that! Maybe the 18-point-checklist you mentally process every Tinder swipe through as you plan out your dream wedding on Cape Cod to a status-swollen ghost in a Tom Ford speckle-gray blazer while on lunch break from your quant analysis job at a digital marketing start-up in Chelsea isn't the best baggage to bring into a first date! Through radically shifting your social context it might be possible to jar your brain out of what is holding it back. Its not what you found in Paris, but what you left behind in America, that could actually make a difference... and that reality could give this article some heft.
But then say that instead of trying to sell me on the idea that:
For Ms. Margo, a Black woman who attended predominantly white institutions throughout her school years, she felt ignored in the United States, as if she “was not an option,” she said. In Paris she felt seen.
France is less racist than the campus of Sarah Fucking Lawrence against black people. No wonder the humanities are dying if they are teaching this level of self awareness.
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atlurbanist · 2 years
The bicycle paradise that Atlanta planned and ignored
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A 1973 publication titled "The Bicycle" was commissioned by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), the Georgia Department of Transportation, and MARTA. It was the nation’s first regional bikeway plan. Seriously, it really was. And it would have been right here in Atlanta -- if it had been built.
In 1977, the City of Atlanta produced an actual, detailed plan would’ve produced a biker’s paradise, influenced by that publication (the image above is from that plan).
The city's stated intention was to: “provide bike paths within the rights-of-way of major streets and highways when such streets are improved or newly constructed.”
It also called for the development of “bicycle lanes in coordination with the construction of MARTA line segments.”
If the city had implemented the plan, by 1992 Atlanta would have had a reputation as a cyclist’s paradise.
I don't know the specific reasons why it never happened -- not beyond the basic inertia that seems to chronically vex cities like Atlanta, which suffer from decades of car-centric thinking.
My aim is not to make people sad about what never happened, by the way.
What I want is to send a warning: there is no shortage of great ideas for improving Atlanta's urbanism; what we have is a shortage of boldness within our leadership when it comes to implementation of the plans, and standing up to the resistance from people who fear changes to the status quo.
Watch out for that inertia.
Info source, Joe Hurley's great post here:
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aggravateddurian · 9 months
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Guess who just got off the plane?
You might recognise Chet Reid from the Chorus AU. Now he (and his loud af tropical shirt) are in Brother's Shadow. Reid will be continuing his role as the best sniper in NC (reputation is arguable) and will be hanging out with Vicky and Trey.
A little bit about Chet:
Chet's parents were NUS Air Force, and he grew up primarily on Wright-Patterson ASFB (Aerospace Force Base), Ohio. As a kid, he and his friends would play hide and seek with the bored SFs on base (this practice was officially not endorsed by leadership, but it kept the kids occupied).
After finishing high school, he betrayed the family legacy and joined the Army. He served in the Unification War, but he quickly found himself having second thoughts about America. He developed a hatred of the NUSA as an institution and blamed Rosalind Myers for the death of his entire platoon (he left the Army as an E-7 Sergeant First Class), specifically, her policy of reunifying America, as a new form of imperialism that benefited nobody but Militech.
He's never really been able to return to civilian life. Rather than go to therapy for what is very likely PTSD, he became a mercenary. For a while, he worked with Vicky and Trey in Atlanta, but after that gig fell through, he took a gig overseas before returning to America. He flew to Night City and a reunion with Vicky and Trey.
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Congressman Kwanza Hall (born May 1, 1971) recognized for his leadership as a civil servant and business executive, was elected in 2020 to complete the term of Congressman John R. Lewis. A large portion of his career has been dedicated to social justice and economic opportunity, in which he combines his various professional experiences including a fellowship with the German Marshall Fund and appointments on the Board of Directors for many nonprofits, including the World Affairs Council and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights.
He was born in Atlanta to Leon W. Hall, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s youngest lieutenant. His mother, Evelyn Cloyd Hall, was a civil rights activist and community organizer. He graduated from Benjamin E. Mays High School and attended MIT until 1995.
He became the IT Senior Project Manager for the Fulton County. He worked as the Vice President of Technology for GoodWorks International. He served as Director of Business Development at MACTEC Engineering and Consulting. He started his 15-year combined stint on the Atlanta City Council and Atlanta School Board. After serving three years as a member of the Board of Education, he was elected to the City Council for District 2 in 2005 where he stayed for 12 years.
He supported key legislation including expanding the beltline overlay and allocating funding for streetscape projects to improve pedestrian safety. He was honored for his advocacy for parks and greenspaces by Park Pride. The Atlanta chapter of the American Institute of Architects created the annual Kwanza Hall Award for civic leadership in architectural design. Georgia State University awarded him the Pioneer Award. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation recognized him. He was a candidate for mayor of Atlanta in 2017.
He served 33 days as the Democratic Representative for Georgia’s 5th district. He was a candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia. He became the Managing Partner at Homz Global and the CEO and Managing Partner at Chattahoochee Trails Park and Water Hub. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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roseslaces · 1 year
Dick smiled when he mentioned the next NCO. “And then there was Floyd Talbert. He had it all. We developed a personal friendship dating back to Toccoa. He was athletic and dedicated. You knew if your life were on the line, he would come through. At Toccoa, he was in 3rd Platoon, not mine. On the march to Atlanta, Talbert was slugging along with a machine gun. Behind him was Walter Gordon, who was supposed to carry the gun. I can still see the determination on Talbert’s face. I promoted him to sergeant in Normandy. During the counterattack at Carentan, he held the right flank along the railroad. After Normandy, I promoted him to platoon sergeant when Carwood Lipton took over as company first sergeant. When Lipton received a battlefield commission later in the war, Talbert became first sergeant. He couldn’t work with Captain Speirs—you will have to read his letter to see why he turned in his stripes. Talbert claimed that he was always comparing Speirs to me. We simply had different leadership styles, but I guess I should be flattered. I wrote to DeEtta about Talbert after the war. I told her that I was going deer hunting with an old sergeant of mine from Easy Company. That sergeant was Talbert. It wasn’t the hunt as much as I just enjoyed being around this guy. We didn’t have to talk to enjoy each other’s company, nor did we have to talk in combat or during a battle. A word or two, or a wave of the hand, and we knew precisely what the other guy was thinking. That makes working just lovely. Of the enlisted soldiers in E Company, Talbert is the only one whom I would classify as a friend. These are the ones you always remember. The men who do their best, you never forget them.”
Conversations with Major Dick Winters -  Cole C. Kingseed
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hrdracc · 8 months
Elevate Your Team with Human Resource Dimensions: Training and Development Atlanta
Unleash the full potential of your workforce with Human Resource Dimensions' unparalleled Training and Development in Atlanta. Our customized solutions empower employees, driving growth and innovation. Elevate your team's skills and boost productivity with our expert-led sessions, strategically designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. Transform your workforce and thrive in Atlanta's dynamic business landscape with HRD's cutting-edge training programs.
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atlantachallenge · 1 day
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Atlanta Challenge provides comprehensive leadership training in Atlanta through dynamic workshops and coaching sessions. Our programs focus on building essential leadership skills, fostering collaboration, and promoting effective communication. Ideal for both seasoned and emerging leaders, these training solutions empower individuals and teams to excel in demanding environments.
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threadatl · 2 years
Atlanta’s big urbanism stories of 2022
Thanks to everyone who answered our call for the biggest stories in Atlanta urbanism from the last year, both good and bad! Below are some of the responses:
The growth of opposition to transit on the Atlanta Beltline
If you’ve lived in Atlanta for the last 20 years and attended some of the many public meetings about the plans for rail on the Beltline, the vocal opposition that’s emerged over the past year likely seems to come out of nowhere. Is it just some loud noise made by a small faction? Possibly. It’ll be interesting to see if it dies away or gains steam in 2023.
For now, take a look at Ryan Gravel’s good writeup on the reasons why transit is essential for the Beltline.
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Westside Beltline: progress and delay
The Urbanize Atlanta site says it well: the construction of the Westside trail is very exciting (will it end up being a development magnet like the Eastside trail has been?), but the timeline for the full build-out has been frustrating for people in those neighborhoods who are looking forward to a fully connected path: “First, the good news for Atlanta BeltLine patrons and proponents: Another section of the 22-mile loop is making concrete strides toward becoming a reality. Less encouraging news: The Westside Trail’s Segment 4, spanning a crucial 1.3 miles, isn’t expected to open for public use until deep into 2025.”
The ongoing fallout from Cop City / South River Forest
There was a controversial land swap that resulted in loss of trees, a fight for the forest that garnered national attention from activists, and generally a lot of ill feelings on the local stage about this public safety facility that’s poised to be built in a forest that was previously slated as public green space.
ThreadATL wrote about it a couple of years ago. The fallout from the city’s awful decision to ignore the Atlanta City Design concept for the park has been terrible to watch.
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Above: lake at the Prison Farm in the forest now slated to become a training facility; source: Atlanta City Design
Atlanta Medical Center closing
AMC in Old Fourth Ward became the latest in a string of hospital closures in Georgia, most of them (like AMC) are expected to have an outsized negative effect on lower-income patients in Black communities. As the AJC article about it notes: “Patients and doctors interviewed over the past two months repeated the expectation that the lower-income and Black communities would be the most harmed by the closures. They worry many will drop regular visits or never find a new doctor.”
Another major concern is access: AMC was served by three different MARTA bus routes, which made it accessible to staff and patients who need that transit option. Will the new offices they have to go to be as accessible?
The failure of the Edgewood neighborhood to support gentle density
The proposed rezoning of 90 and 98 Whitefoord Avenue in the Edgewood neighborhood would have produced 48 new housing units, including 25% of them priced for lower-income households at 60% of Area Median Income (AMI). The property is 4 blocks from a MARTA station and 3 blocks from Edgewood Retail (a regional jobs center) — great for walkable access. Sadly, it got shut down down before it ever left the zoning committee of the neighborhood. The proposal is still up at edgewoodforeveryone.com
Progress with parking reform
Planning pros tell us that several low-parking housing developments have been announced for the first time in ages for Atlanta. This is a huge change from a few years ago, when anything less than a ratio of one parking space per bedroom was unheard of.
Also, thanks to the leadership of Councilmember Jason Dozier, Atlanta is putting a lower cap on the number of parking spaces that can be built for new real estate projects. At the end of 2022, City Council made an amendment to the zoning ordinance that lowers the maximums parking spaces allowed to be built for new developments in Midtown and Downtown, the most walkable and transit-accessible parts of the city.
Two Peachtree tower in Downtown set to become affordable homes
Invest Atlanta approved $39 million to purchase the massive Two Peachtree office tower in Downtown with the intention of converting it into affordable housing! This 44-story building dates to 1968. Invest Atlanta will hold onto the building until a redevelopment partner is selected. Funding for the purchase is coming from the Eastside Tax Allocation District.
Converting office buildings to housing seems to be a trend in Downtown. Another 1960s tower at 100 Edgewood Avenue (across from Hurt Park) is being converted to 268 new housing units, likely for students. And not far away, work has begun on the conversion of another office building to residential at 41 Marietta Street, where it intersects with Forsyth.
Trolley line Trail finally happening
Eastside Trolley Trail between Kirkwood and the BeltLine is happening. The PATH Foundation has started work to link existing stretches of trail. Urbanize Atlanta reports that the trail will “start on-street in Reynoldstown near the Eastside Trail, run eastward through Edgewood, and connect with existing PATH sections that were installed prior to the 1996 Olympics as the project’s first phase. The finished project will provide a nearly two-mile route for non-drivers from the doorstep of Kirkwood’s downtown back to the BeltLine.”
Krog Street Market district
The construction of new office space next to Krog Street Market — one from Asana and one from Portman — is helping to fulfill the promise of the Beltline as not just a nice place to live, but a nice place to work. The variety of destinations on the Beltline help to emphasize that Atlantans are ready to live and work in places that aren’t served by highways for driving, but that are served by routes for alternative transportation.
The sudden removal of Peachtree Shared Space
This one really hurt. The Peachtree Shared Space, one of the most exciting projects from the Tim Keane era of Atlanta’s planning department, was dismantled at the order of Mayor Dickens. The roadway was returned to its sad former status as, essentially, a four lane car sewer.
According to the website for the project, it was supposed to shift directly into a Phase Two at the end of this Phase One, and add more features such as seating.
It’s a safe assumption that the pushback on the shared street from powerful voices in Downtown — ones who didn’t like the idea of car lanes being turned into shared spaces with slower traffic — has succeeded. On Twitter, Councilmember Amir Farokhi wrote that he tried to change this decision about dismantling the shared space, but hasn’t been able to. Which is particularly disappointing since he’s the Council’s Transportation Committee Chair.
A developer was found for the Civic Center site
After a couple of disappointing false starts with other developers, Atlanta Housing has selected the team of Tishman Speyer and H.J. Russell & Co. as master developers for the 14-acre site, which has sat vacant for eight years. Atlanta Civic Circle has the story. Fingers crossed: so far, the developers haven’t pulled out. Though there’s some major concern over the amount of affordable housing that might be provided here (it should be a high amount, including deep affordability for lower-income households).
This was reposted from ThreadATL.org
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nurseeden · 17 days
Leading 10 Colleges with Thriving Nursing Programs: Your Guide to Pursuing a Nursing Career
**Title: Top 10 Colleges with Thriving Nursing Programs: Your Guide to Pursuing‍ a Nursing Career**
**Introduction:** Are you considering a career in⁤ nursing and looking for the best colleges to kickstart your journey? A thriving nursing program can provide ⁤you with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience ​you need to excel in the dynamic field of healthcare. To help you ⁣make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of the top 10 colleges ‍with outstanding ⁣nursing programs that can set you on the path to a ‍successful nursing career.
**1. University of Pennsylvania** – Location: ⁣Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Program Offered: Bachelor of Science​ in Nursing (BSN) – What sets it apart: The University of Pennsylvania’s nursing program is renowned for its cutting-edge​ research, innovative curriculum, and commitment to excellence in nursing education.
**2. ‍Johns Hopkins University** – Location: Baltimore, Maryland – Program⁣ Offered: Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) – What ​sets it apart: Johns​ Hopkins University offers a wide range of specialized nursing tracks, including Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Anesthetist, and Nurse Midwife, among others.
**3. University of California, San Francisco** – Location: San⁤ Francisco, California – Program Offered: ‌Doctor of‍ Nursing Practice (DNP) – What sets it apart: UCSF’s nursing program is known for its focus on ⁢evidence-based practice, interprofessional ‍collaboration, and‌ leadership development.
**4. Columbia University** – Location: ​New York City, New York – Program Offered: Master of⁢ Science in Nursing (MSN) – What sets it apart: Columbia University’s nursing program boasts⁣ world-class faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and⁢ a strong emphasis on global health and social justice.
**5. University of Michigan** – Location: Ann Arbor,‌ Michigan – Program Offered: Bachelor of⁣ Science in Nursing ​(BSN) – What sets it apart: The University of Michigan’s‍ nursing program offers a holistic approach to patient care, with a ‍focus on compassion, cultural competence, and‌ ethical practice.
**6. Duke​ University** – Location: Durham, North Carolina – Program Offered: Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) – What sets⁢ it apart: ‌Duke University’s nursing program emphasizes innovation, leadership, and quality improvement in ‌healthcare delivery.
**7. University of Washington** – Location: Seattle, Washington – Program Offered:⁣ Master of‌ Nursing (MN) – What ‌sets it apart: The University of Washington’s nursing program combines rigorous academic ⁣training with ​hands-on clinical experience⁢ in a variety⁤ of healthcare settings.
**8. University of Texas at Austin** – Location:⁢ Austin, Texas – Program Offered: Bachelor of Science in⁢ Nursing ‍(BSN) – What‌ sets it apart: The University​ of ‍Texas​ at Austin’s nursing program focuses on preparing graduates to address the‌ healthcare‍ needs of diverse populations in⁤ a rapidly changing healthcare landscape.
**9. Emory University** – Location: Atlanta, Georgia – Program Offered:‍ Master⁢ of Science in Nursing (MSN) – What sets it apart: Emory⁢ University’s nursing program is known for its ‌strong research ⁤focus, commitment⁤ to community⁢ engagement, and emphasis on health policy and advocacy.
**10. University of Illinois at Chicago** – Location: Chicago, Illinois – Program Offered: Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) – What sets ‍it apart: The​ University ⁣of Illinois at Chicago’s​ nursing program combines​ advanced clinical training with a strong foundation in nursing theory, research, and ethics.
**Benefits and Practical Tips:** – Pursuing a ‌nursing career can be ⁢incredibly rewarding, both personally and professionally. – Conduct thorough research on⁤ each college’s nursing program to find the ‌best fit⁣ for your⁣ career goals and interests. – Consider factors such⁣ as program​ accreditation, faculty expertise, clinical opportunities, and campus⁢ resources when choosing a nursing ⁢school.
**Conclusion:** Choosing the right college with a thriving nursing program ⁣is ‌essential to your success in the field of healthcare. By‌ enrolling ‌in one of the top colleges ‌mentioned above,‌ you‌ can receive a world-class​ education, gain ‌valuable experience, and build a strong foundation for a fulfilling nursing ‍career. Take the time to explore your options, visit campuses, and speak with current‍ students and faculty members to make an informed decision that aligns with your career ⁤aspirations. Good luck on your journey to becoming ​a​ professional nurse!
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factinhistory · 18 days
What Happened on September 2 in American History?
September 2 has been a notable date in American history, marked by significant events ranging from early bank robberies to landmark legislation and presidential visits. This article delves into key occurrences on this date, highlighting their impact on the United States.
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What Happened on September 2 in American History?
First Bank Robbery in the US (1798)
On September 2, 1798, the Bank of Pennsylvania was robbed of $162,821 at Carpenter’s Hall in Philadelphia, marking the first bank robbery in the United States. This crime was notable not only for the substantial amount stolen but also for its impact on the burgeoning financial system of the early republic.
The robbery highlighted vulnerabilities in banking security during a time when the financial infrastructure was still developing. The incident prompted changes in banking practices and security measures, influencing how financial institutions managed and protected their assets. The high-profile nature of the crime also drew significant public and media attention, further emphasizing the need for improved security protocols in American banks.
See Also: What Happened on September 2 in History?
Gas Lighting Introduced to Hawaii (1859)
On September 2, 1859, gas lighting was introduced to Hawaii, a significant technological advancement for the islands. This development marked a shift from oil lamps and candles to a more efficient and reliable source of lighting.
The introduction of gas lighting represented a major modernization effort in Hawaii, enhancing public spaces and homes with improved illumination. This technological shift played a role in the island’s economic and social development, facilitating longer working hours and contributing to the overall advancement of infrastructure in the region. The move also reflected broader trends of industrialization and modernization during the 19th century.
Battle of Atlanta (1864)
On September 2, 1864, during the American Civil War, Union General William T. Sherman captured and occupied Atlanta, Georgia, effectively ending the Atlanta Campaign. This decisive victory was a turning point in the Civil War, with significant military and strategic implications.
Sherman’s capture of Atlanta was a crucial moment in the Union’s efforts to defeat the Confederacy. The victory boosted Northern morale and was a significant blow to the Confederate forces. The fall of Atlanta also had political ramifications, influencing public opinion and contributing to President Abraham Lincoln’s re-election. The campaign’s success underscored the importance of strategic military operations in shaping the outcome of the war.
National Duties (1901)
On September 2, 1901, Theodore Roosevelt delivered his famous address at the Minnesota State Fair, titled “National Duties.” In this speech, Roosevelt famously advised, “Speak softly and carry a big stick,” encapsulating his approach to international relations and domestic policy.
Roosevelt’s address was influential in shaping U.S. foreign policy and his presidential philosophy. The “big stick” policy advocated for a strong and assertive approach to international diplomacy, emphasizing the need for a powerful military to support diplomatic efforts. The speech also reflected Roosevelt’s broader vision for American leadership and reform during his presidency, contributing to his legacy as a dynamic and progressive leader.
Eisenhower in Paris (1959)
On September 2, 1959, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower arrived in Paris for a diplomatic visit. This trip was part of a broader effort to strengthen relations between the United States and France during the Cold War.
Eisenhower’s visit to Paris was significant in the context of post-World War II diplomacy and the strengthening of transatlantic alliances. The trip highlighted the importance of personal diplomacy and the role of high-level visits in fostering international cooperation. Eisenhower’s engagement with French leaders underscored the strategic partnership between the two nations and their shared interests in addressing global challenges.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (1974)
On September 2, 1974, U.S. President Gerald Ford signed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) into law. This landmark legislation set minimum standards for pension plans, aiming to protect employees’ retirement benefits and ensure the stability of pension systems.
ERISA was a significant development in labor and employment law, addressing issues of pension plan management and employee protection. The act established guidelines for reporting, disclosure, and fiduciary responsibilities, enhancing the security of retirement benefits for American workers. Its enactment marked a major step in improving labor conditions and safeguarding employees’ financial futures.
Smith Sentenced for Belushi Death (1986)
On September 2, 1986, Cathy Evelyn Smith was sentenced to three years in prison for her involvement in the drug-related death of actor John Belushi. This case drew considerable media attention and highlighted issues related to drug abuse and celebrity culture.
Smith’s sentencing was a significant moment in the broader discussion of drug-related crimes and their consequences. The case underscored the challenges of addressing substance abuse and the impact of such issues on individuals and society. It also reflected the ongoing concerns about drug use and its effects on public figures and the entertainment industry.
Human Rights Now! (1988)
On September 2, 1988, Amnesty International’s “Human Rights Now!” tour began at Wembley Stadium in London. This global tour aimed to raise awareness about human rights issues and featured performances by notable artists including Bruce Springsteen, Sting, Peter Gabriel, Tracy Chapman, and Youssou N’Dour.
The “Human Rights Now!” tour was a significant cultural and advocacy event, using music and celebrity influence to highlight human rights abuses around the world. The tour played a role in mobilizing public support for human rights causes and brought attention to various social and political issues. It also demonstrated the power of artistic expression in promoting social change and raising awareness.
Obama Visits Arctic (2015)
On September 2, 2015, U.S. President Barack Obama became the first sitting president to visit the Arctic Circle, specifically Kotzebue, Alaska. This historic visit underscored the importance of addressing climate change and highlighted the challenges facing the Arctic region.
Obama’s visit was part of a broader initiative to draw attention to environmental issues and promote international cooperation on climate action. The trip emphasized the need for proactive measures to protect vulnerable regions and address the impacts of global warming. It also reflected the administration’s commitment to environmental stewardship and climate diplomacy.
Johnson Threatens Snap Election (2019)
On September 2, 2019, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson threatened a snap general election if rebel MPs passed a bill aimed at preventing a no-deal Brexit. This political maneuver was a significant moment in the ongoing Brexit negotiations and reflected the intense political climate in the UK.
Johnson’s threat to call an election was a strategic move in response to parliamentary opposition to his Brexit strategy. The situation highlighted the high-stakes nature of Brexit politics and the complex interplay between domestic and European issues. The threat of a snap election underscored the volatility of the political landscape and the challenges of navigating major legislative and policy changes.
September 2 has witnessed a range of significant events in American history, each contributing to the nation’s development in unique ways. From the first bank robbery in the United States to pivotal legislative actions and diplomatic milestones, this date reflects crucial moments that have shaped the country’s social, political, and economic landscape.The events of September 2 span a broad spectrum, illustrating the diverse challenges and achievements faced by the nation.
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