#Legal separtion
600shekels · 10 months
2 Chronicles 35: 10-14. "The Benediction."
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10 The service was arranged and the priests stood in their places with the Levites in their divisions as the king had ordered. 
The secret to success as a Jew is to understand the mysticism and know how the meaning behind interchangeability between unity and division. That is how to separte the whole, separate from the whole and then unify it again and find one's place, one's end of the line so to speak.
All of Judaism and the mission of the Jew pertains to success at these things. This is how we make peace with the world, how we spend our time so we donot waste it, and skin ourselves of what did not resolve itself during the lives of our ancestors:
11 The Passover lambs were slaughtered, and the priests splashed against the altar the blood handed to them, while the Levites skinned the animals. 
12 They set aside the burnt offerings to give them to the subdivisions of the families of the people to offer to the Lord, as it is written in the Book of Moses. They did the same with the cattle. 
13 They roasted the Passover animals over the fire as prescribed, and boiled the holy offerings in pots, caldrons and pans and served them quickly to all the people. 
All of this work is done in order to meet the education, citizenship, and legal requirements of society. Not one Jew will have difficulty understanding this. The needs of Society are not in a Jew's blind spot. In fact, this is what it means to be boiled.
pots= what goes into a pot does not make the pot impure
cauldrons=from the Book of Ezekiel 11:
Verse 3, which relates the wicked advice given, is clearer in the earlier King James Version than in the New King James: "It [presumably calamity] is not near; let us build houses" (KJV). Perhaps better still, the NIV has, "Will it not soon be time to build houses?" What about the rest of the verse? The New Living Translation renders it, "Our city is like an iron pot. Inside it we will be like meat—safe from all harm."
In Ezekiel's day, this directly contradicted the warnings he and Jeremiah had been giving. As leaders, those making these claims should have heeded the threat posed by Babylon and leveled with the people. Yet, instead, they are shown wickedly promoting a false sense of security. Evidently, they themselves were living in denial—confident that even if they came under attack, the walls of Jerusalem and the presence of God's temple would protect them from harm just like a cooking pot protects the meat inside from the flames of fire outside.
Of course, this was foolishness—especially as God had sent such dire warnings through His true servants. The leaders had a responsibility to heed and spread the warning themselves. But they failed miserably in this respect, even going in the exact opposite, quite evil direction by saying all would be well. The same thing often happens among our national leaders today—and will in fact get far worse as the end of the age approaches.
God places the blame for the great number of deaths in the city on the shoulders of the leaders (11:6)—as He earlier placed it on the shoulders of the religious leaders (8:17; see also 9:9). This could mean that the high murder rate is due to a failure to honor and teach God's laws.
Or it could refer to the deaths that have already come as punishment for the people's sins—the leaders being culpable for failing to properly acknowledge God and educate the nations in His ways and for giving a false sense of security, for not warning the people. When Ezekiel received this vision, the leaders already bore responsibility for the two previous attacks on Judah that left many dead in 605 and 597 B.C.—just as they would be responsible for the terrible slaughter that would follow. The same will be true of leaders in the end time.
In this light, God then uses the cooking pot analogy against them. He agrees that the city is a cooking pot of meat—only it is a pot of dead meat! The corpses of the slain are the meat, being cooked, so to speak (verse 7).
Yet this would not include the particular leaders being addressed. They would indeed be killed, but not before they see the full calamity being brought. God says that the city would not be their cauldron. Rather, they would be run out of it and given into foreign hands, to be executed outside of Israel (verses 8-11).
Our caution concerning life in the modern world stems from the fact we don't know if our cauldrons, our kings, queens, presidents, and prime ministers are going to protect us or cook us.
Perhaps we need more pans instead:
pans=carry the positive energy from one generation of Tzaddik to the next. As the pan is passed, the Tzaddik gives up his negative energy takes the blessings within, and is purified.
The Nussach of the Pan itself reads, אנא לעורר רחמים רבים: "Please have a lot of mercy." Who recieves mercy from the Pan is also able to give it.
14 After this, they made preparations for themselves and for the priests, because the priests, the descendants of Aaron, were sacrificing the burnt offerings and the fat portions until nightfall. So the Levites made preparations for themselves and for the Aaronic priests.
The Fat of Passover Portion, where the stored essence of all the fluids, parts, and efforts come together is called the Aaronic Blessing:
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them,
"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.’ So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.”
The Gematria calls the benediction "Huzag" to gather and go outside, into life.
The meaning of unused verb חוץ (hws) is unknown but it probably had to do with being outside as noun חוץ (hus) means the outside (of a tent, camp, house, city, country). This is also the regular word for street (the area "outside" the house). Adjective חיצון (hison) means outer.
Our verb αγω (ago) essentially describes the artificial directing of something's natural energy — like water along the banks of a channel, or groups of people along directives and instructions — which comes down to a partial restriction of free movement.
In the subjunctive mood (which expresses a wish) and applied to oneself or oneselves, our verb translates as something like "that we might lead ourselves" or rather simply "let's go".
For the priest, rabbi, anyone in a related field, the Aaronic Blessing is a plea to God and man alike to at long last give up its suffering, and provide satisfaction at last all that dedication to Him was not in vain.
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One of the most important things in our life is our children. That is why in the case of a divorce that we need to have the best Child Custody Attorney available for the protection of our children. Divorce can have a huge effect on children. Many times they are too young to understand. It is important that everything is brought to the table when deciding custody. This decision is absolutely made in the best interest of the child and anything that proves that should be considered in court. Schedule a no-cost consultation with Scott Allen. Please call us at 919.863.4183 or email at [email protected].
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mam-te-moc · 3 years
So what do you think about the separation. Are Elsa and Anna separted after Frozen 2 or not?
Ahaha oh boy 🙃
So as I understand the thing is, some part of fandom says Elsa and Anna are separated at the end of F2 because Elsa moved out and doesn't live in Arendelle anymore, and some part of famdom says that the sisters are not separated because Elsa visits Arendelle, and often.
From my point of view the important thing here is a meaning of a word separation. Well, English is not my native tongue, so I often check what a word means especially if there is a similar one in my native tongue, because sometimes similarity is deceiving.
So I checked online dictionaries. Google gave me this: the action or state of moving or being moved apart. It's a very general definition. Cambridge gives me more choices: a situation in which two or more people or things are separated. Again, not helping. With no agreement on what exactly to be separated means we can't explain a separation. But there is another meaning that in my native language is almost exclusively used when somebody talks about humans and separation: an arrangement, often legal, by which two married people stop living together as a couple. I didn't even know if a legal separation is a thing in Elglish-speaking countries, but wiki says it is
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Of course Elsa and Anna re not a married couple, but this definition above perfectly explains what a separation means when we speak about people, especially people that are family: a mensa et thoro literally from table and bed, which means that people do not share every day life together, they do not live together anymore. Moreover if they have kids, there are child custody arrangements, and Olaf's situation, who was created by Elsa but has a deep connection with Anna, fits kinda perfectly this definition. And the most important in this definition is that separated people are still a family and can get back together anytime.
So since Elsa and Anna don't live together anymore, thus don't share daily routine, I would say that we can call this a separation. And it doesn't matter how often Elsa visits Arendelle (still from post F2 book and comic it looks like every few weeks and probably this won't change anytime soon because we didn't get any Frozen news during Disney investor day) because the heart of definition says it clearly: when you were sharing everyday life with somebody and now you are not, you are separated. Of course a separation may not be seen as negative, if people are fine with it.
Of course, again, i am not English native and definitely the way this word is used in my mother's tongue influences my understanding of the subject.
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When Can a Child Decide Custody?
Rather than making you read more and then giving you the answer later, I’ve decided just to say it up front: under North Carolina law a child almost never has the final legal say as to which parent he or she will live with.  In other words, custody is always up to the judge.
If you have spent any time at all looking over our firm’s website, you know I am a strong advocate of parents trying to keep their children out of custody fights.   I also generally don’t think a child should be put in a position of either feeling like he or she has to choose between parents or that the child has the power to make the choice.  All the judges I’ve ever been in front of seem to feel the same way.  I’ve heard judges explain to children who have been brought in for a custody case that the decision is not the child’s, and I have seen the relief on children’s faces when they understand that.
The main determining factors that the judge will take a look at when deciding which parent receives custody are things like the stability of the parent, their ability to provide for the child financially and mentally, and in general, just being a good model citizen and parent. It’s the judge’s job to award custody in a way to meet the best interests of the child. A child’s statements about preferences are merely more evidence a judge can use in evaluating best interest.   Every parent knows that a child does not always know what is best for him or her.  Children, by definition, lack the emotional maturity to make reasoned decisions.  That’s why the judge is free to agree with or disagree with the child’s own personal preference and is not required to do what a child says he or she wants.
They are expensive and they add several months to the custody litigation process.  In Raleigh, child custody cases an expert may cost between $4,000 and $12,000.  The cost can vary by location because different experts frequently serve different areas of the state.   There is a range that experts in the field charge and the number of children and complexity of the case all go into the wide range of possible costs.   The other obvious issue is how long the process takes. The expert not only has to do interviews of the parents and children, but performs psychological testing, reviews of relevant documents, and interviews collateral witnesses.
Scott Allen is a divorce attorney in Raleigh, NC with over nineteen years of experience in all areas of custody litigation and settlement.  He can be reached at 919.863.4183.
They can help in any Raleigh child custody or NC custody case that is being litigated because when the parents can’t agree and a judge must decide, the kind of information provided by the report almost always helps the court make a decision.
Raleigh divorce lawyer Scott Allen handles modification of custody, child custody, child support, temporary child support, and temporary custody hearings.
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Some couples decide to try a legal separation, a smart decision before jumping into a divorce. The legal separation itself is much like a divorce, as it involves a written agreement in which a couple outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party while living apart. The agreement outlines the division of debts and assets, child support and custody, visitation rights, and alimony. For more information about legal separation, divorce, or other marital issues, visit the website of the Separation lawyer raleigh NC of Allen and Spence, PLLC.
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The family law Raleigh NC provide rare legal representation to families and individuals who are dealing with these matters. By efficiently and expertly controlling every aspect of your child custody case, a skilled attorney will make your life easier and help you deal with stress and emotional issues. Family lawyers and child custody lawyers handle child custody issues in addition to fathers' rights, grandparents' rights, enforcement and modification of child support, modification of child custody, and paternity issues.
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