#Lego monkie kid AU
peasantflour · 1 day
Cowboy MK
(Poem by me, story based on S1:09)
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I see your discontentment
Forced into shoes too large to fill.
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I offer a different path
One to reveal your true strengths
without restrictions, hesitations, or fear
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Stifle your conscience
Don’t let him stand in your way
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Take the shot
And see where my guidance has led you
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This is a continuation of my original Cowboy Wukong and Macaque poem. I’m a little less proud of this one. The art is stilted and disproportionate in some areas, but we’ll pretend it was all a stylistic choice! I think it’s pretty neat overall.
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youngbonescomic · 2 days
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A banner for the discord and also,
I'm hosting a movie night in the discord in about 30 mins! There's also perks fir being very able to be apart of the backstage crew on seeing progress of pages in the works!~
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theweepingegg · 23 days
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LMK: The King & His Cub: Spider
Inspired by the time my brother Amin cried so loudly and started to climb on me cause he saw a spider.
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silliemop · 5 months
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ne-cocoa · 2 months
I need some healing after s5 so here’s some comfort (I’m sure we all need it lowkey XD)
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theghostshost · 1 year
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LMK Effigy AU- Sketchbook
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winterpower98 · 1 year
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The blob bastard is loose, he's gonna cause problems- Oh, he was put in a jar. We're good
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artepti · 23 days
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Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR)
"Taken and Torn" - Part 2
Previous │First │ Next
Not fast enough...
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emelinstriker · 3 months
{Eternal Servants AU} Macaque ♤ Sounds of Silence
Art drawn by me + the AU is mine.
Just a smol little hurt/comfort drabble on the topic of ESAU!Macaque being unable to sleep alone in a room.
[TL;DR] Macaque hears the voice again.
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♤ ~ Comfort ~ ♤
The dark-furred simian woke up in a cold sweat, hyperventilating as this damned voice invaded his mind again. Macaque held his hands over his six ears as he desperately tried to silence the corrupted whispery voice. "No... N-No... Shut up.. S-Shut.. up..."
Usually the voice wouldn't be a problem had Wukong been in the room, or anyone else for that matter. But he noticed very quickly when he woke up that he was alone...
All alone...
Tears welled up in his eyes at the voice. Everytime he heard it getting louder, the more he felt like he was losing himself.
Suddenly, he jumped onto his feet, his hands still desperately covering his six ears as he tried thinking of what to do. His mind felt like it was slowly melting as he quickly opened a shadow portal beneath him, making his panicked self fall through. Unlike his usually controlled and smooth movement when landing, he straight up fell onto something soft, his eyes were shut as he landed face first on the fabric.
That's when he noticed the voice getting quieter until it disappeared again. He was still hyperventilating as he looked up, noticing he was on someone's bed.
And not just anyone's bed.
"Mhm... What the wha... Mac..? Is that you..? Did you have a nightmare..?" You asked him tiredly, your words slurred a bit as you tried making out his silhouette. The only thing that made you know that this had to be your purple champion were his ears and tail.
Macaque hiccupped as he quickly crawled up to you, hugging you tightly while he felt you sitting up straighter to hug him back.
Now very much concerned, you gently rubbed his back as you comforted him, letting him cry into the crook of your neck. "Shhh... It's okay... You're alright... I'm here, Mac... I'm here...", you soothed him softly, swaying just a bit to try calm him down from his panic attack. The moment he loosely wrapped his tail around your waist was when you knew it was slowly working. After a while, the dark-furred simian's breathing became a lot more regular as you told him to take a deep breath, count to three, and exhale a few times. Once he was only sobbing a bit you decided to ask him, "Are you feeling better now? Did you have a nightmare?"
"I-It wasn't a nightmare, Master... I just... heard the voice again... Wukong wasn't in the room..." He responded shakily as he nuzzled into your shoulder to calm down. Sighing you kissed the top of his head, making his breath hitch as he kept desperately holding onto you, almost as if he was afraid you would disappear.
The monkey, finally having mostly calmed down, left a soft little kiss on your neck. "...Thank you, Master... For not leaving me."
That reminded you... Why did Wukong leave their room in the middle of the night anyway?
Suddenly, as if to answer your question, the door swung open and whoever entered was so inhumanely fast they were already next to your bed in a heartbeat, while the wind of their speed hit you in the face. Judging by the silhouette, you knew this had to be Wukong himself. It was too dark to see his expression, but his posture seemed to have been in a rather worried panic.
"Master, I felt a spike in-" He then stopped himself as he notices Macaque hugging you tightly in bed. He just stood there for a few seconds before realization set in. He sighed, "I'm... I'm so sorry, Macaque..." Your blue champion then got tackled into a hug by your purple champion, who sniffled into the older monkey's shoulder, Clearly having missed the presence of the other simian. Especially under these circumstances.
Turns out Wukong had left because he went to grab a small nighttime snack, but forgot to wake up the other monkey. He knew it was his fault for not waking up Macaque or taking him with him, and he felt extremely guilty for it as it reminded him of when the two of them became servants.
"I'm sorry for leaving...", Wukong mumbled repeatedly. You barely heard him profusely apologize, but Macaque heard it all, which made him hold onto his brother tighter. You smiled softly as you heard Wukong comfort Macaque. Despite barely being able to make out what was happening in the darkness, since unlike them you didn't have enhanced night vision, you knew they were hugging it out. And that was quite sweet to witness due to how rarely Wukong ever showed his emotional side in general.
"If you two want, you can sleep with me for the night. At least it might calm Mac down better", you offered as you scooted over to the middle of the master bed. While Wukong took his time joining you, Macaque was all too eager and jumped at the opportunity, happily snuggling into your side, holding onto you like a koala. If you listened closely, you could hear the faint rumble of a purr, confirming he was comfortable with his position.
Eventually you fell back asleep. This time safe and sound between two of your champions.
[ Masterlist ]
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glitchypotato3000 · 4 months
MK World AU Concept Art
@smallpwbbles Ah yes the Average Madoka Magica rebellion Experience.
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peachburger · 5 months
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A lil nudge
We are back babbbyyyy!!!
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muffinsouffle · 8 months
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Lantern festival AU!
In the night of the lantern festival, little Mk accidentally enters another world by following a butterfly that has a monkey pattern on its wings. In this fantasy world. lanterns, puppets, and dolls are conscious, and they walk around and prepare for the lantern festival, as if this celebration never gonna end. Now Mk tries to fit in to find a way out of this world to get back to his own, with a little help from Mei, a dragon girl who was the first person to help him when he was lost.
You guys can ask me about this AU and I'll answer gladly! And ideas requests are welcome too!
I hope you liked this post and have a wonderful day! 💖
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theweepingegg · 6 months
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This baby is going to be the death of him.....
(Context: MK falls off the cliffs when he first started to learn how to walk and Wukong got there in the nick of time.)
No monkey baby is harmed in the making of this art.
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silliemop · 4 months
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ne-cocoa · 2 months
My babies <3 + pizza date :3
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theghostshost · 1 year
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finding answers, and keeping cool stone warm.
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