pyxisbr-blog-blog · 7 months
Lei Moral, da série "Entre sem bater".
Os iluministas estão se revirando nos seus túmulos.
Qualquer lei moral não passa em nenhum filtro ou bolha.
#LeiMoral #Entresembater #ImmanuelKant #Iluminismo
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iridiss · 8 months
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starlightomatic · 7 years
Hello! I recently bought an artscroll Siddur cause I wanted to start praying daily at home but it’s been really hard to figure out the right sections to read. I did a ton of research online and in library books and everything seems to say something slightly different, so I’m having a hard time figuring out where to start. I wanted to start with the Shema but haven’t been able to figure out exactly where it starts/ends cause translations differ. Do you have any advice/sources that might help? Ty
Hey anon! You start with “el melech neeman” (unless you’re in a group of 10 or more in which case you skip that) and then go right into “shema yisrael adonai eloheinu adonai echad.” Then you say the “baruch shem k’vod” line quietly to yourself (even if you’re in a group) and then there are the three paragraphs that make up the bulk of the shema.
The first one starts with “v’ahavta” and ends with “al m’zuzot beitecha u’visha’arecha.” The second starts with “v’haya im shamoah” and ends with “kimei hashamayim al haaretz.” The third starts with “vayomer adonai el moshe leimor” and ends with “adonai eloheichem: emet.”
I don’t know whether you’re involved with a synagogue, but if you are, heads up; shuls of different denominations handle this differently. Most will do the actual shema line (ie. shema yisrael etc) together out loud, but Orthodox in shuls, people say/mumble the three paragraphs quietly to themselves, with the leader bringing everyone back together on the last line. In Conservative shuls, they usually sing the first paragraph together, pause briefly (during which time most congregants also pause, but some say the second paragraph superfast to themselves), and then sing the third paragraph together. In Reform temples, they usually sing the first paragraph and the second half of the third one, with not much pause in between, and people don’t say anything quietly to themselves.
Hope this helped, and good luck! Let me know if you have any more questions! Next time I encounter an artscroll I’ll take pics to make this clearer, but I haven’t got one at home, so. Likewise if you want the English translations of where things start and end, I’ll also wait till I encounter an artscroll for that because translations differ between siddurim.
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yidquotes · 7 years
While there is certainly an accounting before a sin is committed and punishment is due, we must never get despondent after we sin, encourages us Tiv Hatorah. Our relationship with Hakodosh Boruch Hu is never so broken that it is severed completely. We always remain children of Hakodosh Boruch Hu. Even when we have sinned and personally developed a foul smelling odor, adds Rabbi Brazile, we still remain part of the total community of Bnei Yisroel and, like the foul smelling chelbonah which, when included as one of the required ingredients of the ketoret offering, adds to the full, sweet scent of the ketoret, so does each Jew, even the sinner, become part of the sweet smelling whole of the nation. The sinner can still reconnect, as the acronym for chelbonah alludes to: Chayav [adam] Leimor, “Bishvili Nivra Haolam/[One is] obligated to say, “For me was the world was created.” I am still important; I am still part of the community of Bnei Yisroel; Hashem still loves me.
Shira Smiles
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fabuladoladrao-blog · 7 years
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#Repost @lua.entrepaginas (@get_repost) ・・・ Oi leimores, hoje vim trazer pra vocês a nova leitura do mês ❤️ Recebi esse e-book do querido @sidneicoelhoescritor, vou deixar para vocês a sinopse e logo mais terá resenha.❤️ Sinopse: Ele nasceu predestinado a fazer coisas grandiosas e de fato a sua juventude foi muito promissora. Mas eventos inesperados transformaram o jovem talentoso em um homem vazio e esquecido. Dezessete anos se passaram, quando ele descobriu um poder tão sombrio que transformou uma cidade inteira em um lugar de trevas e solidão. Mas um encontro inesperado mudou tudo o que ele pensava sobre a vida e essa pessoa se tornou a única esperança de todas as vidas que ele destruiu.
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iridiss · 7 months
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iridiss · 1 year
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iridiss · 2 years
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