lemonade-if · 2 years
When Life Gives You Lemons...
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"Lemonade" is an upcoming interactive fiction inspired by slice-of-life manga and my personal experiences studying abroad in Tokyo. Play as the new transfer student at Morigaoka Public High School and navigate school life, friendships, young love, and the unrelenting highs and lows of growing up.
Throughout MC’s life, they’ve had to move constantly due to their parents’ unstable jobs and turbulent marriage. Never have they been at the same school for more than two years, and never have they had any lasting identity beyond that of being “The New Student”, over and over again.
Now that MC’s parents have divorced, Morigaoka is anticipated to be the final transfer. The story follows MC as they traverse the unfamiliar terrain of stability and finally find that sense of belonging...along with something more.
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Description of Features:
A story-driven experience as opposed to a stat-based game. This is inspired by my favorite romance IF on Hosted Games, The Wayhaven Chronicles. My goal is for the reader to feel like the protagonist of an actual manga series, so while stats will have some influence (i.e. going for a bold response as a shy character will be met with surprise; attempting something physical if you are unathletic is likely to fail), your choices will be what dictates your narrative.
8 distinct romance routes. Click here to learn about the love interests! All ROs can be romanced by all MCs (no gender or personality lock). No interaction is copied and pasted between the different characters, and they will be responsive to your MC based on their own individual personalities and backstories. 
Of course, with love comes jealousy, and with jealousy comes enemies... 
Meaningful relationships beyond romance. Choose your desired friend group, with friendship scenes including SNS group chats, outings, and-- should MC not evade-- the topic of love interests. MC will discover that different friends and classmates have valuable insights (or misinformed biases) about the different love interests. Whether you ask for advice, heed the advice, or reject it entirely is up to you.
Family is also a relationship that MC can foster or ignore. MC comes from a predetermined background of divorced parents, but how that has affected MC, as well as what they think of each parent now, is the player’s decision. Click here to learn about your parents!
Different club activities, with unique club members and events (i.e. Music Club will have a live concert, Sports will have tournaments, etc.). In Year 1, the clubs available are: Cheer, Music, Art, Journalism, Basketball, Soccer, Track, and Volleyball. Joining a club is mandatory per school policy...but being diligent about it is not, so if you have better things in mind than 2 hours of practice...hm? Encouraging delinquency? I would never 🥴 Click here to learn a little about clubs!
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The story is planned to be a trilogy, with each book encompassing each year of high school + an epilogue. I am in the midst of writing the first draft of B1. A first demo containing Chapters 1 and 2 is aimed for release by mid 2022, and a second demo will be released after that, with Chapters 3 and 4.
If any of the above appeals to you, I would be deeply grateful for Lemonade to be on your radar. Until then, happy IF-ing! 
Click Here for FAQs
Click Here for B1 Chapter List and Teaser
Click Here for B3 Ramblings
Click Here for Update 2/16/22
Click Here for Update 2/22/22
Click Here for Update 2/26/22
Click Here for Update 3/1/22
Click Here for Update 3/9/22
Click Here for Update 3/21/22
Click Here for Update 3/24/22
Click Here for Update 4/11/22
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itsbluesaint · 2 years
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Golden boy in gym class.
Is really dumb how much time I spend on the background, I really need to practice those more. This is just one of the (I hope a lot more) little illustrations to come of Demian. And a really funny thing is that I was just about to post this when I saw that @lemonade-if just drop the drawing of Yosuke so I made this little sketch of Demian admiring his best friend playing basketball.
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realmsbetween · 2 years
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my mc for @lemonade-if with the template i’ve created for it! since the game is still in dev, i’ll most likely recreate it once the demo is out — for now i’ll share it for others to use for their mcs if they like (will upload separately)! more information about natsume under the cut;
natsume was a shy child and a crybaby, but grew with severe social anxiety after never quite adjusting to the constant moves. he copes by hiding under his hair, with a face mask, and — after hitting his growth spurt much sooner than his peers — hunching over and trying to appear as small as possible. he has a hard time controlling his expressions, which makes him seem like he’s glaring constantly. he fumbles over his words when speaking, so chooses to stay silent most of the time instead. due to sensory issues, he struggles to wear his uniforms properly. this all, unfortunately, has given him a reputation as a delinquent, and others tend to judge him before getting to know him.
natsume definitely keeps things to himself and isn’t much of an open book, but he really likes the company of others. it doesn’t take much to earn natsume’s friendship, but it can be difficult to get past his anxiety. he’s very sensitive, but incredibly loyal to people he cares about, to the point of impulsive defensiveness (or fighting...in case of befriending yuushin).
picking a club for him was really difficult, but music fit the most. i think natsume is most like himself when he’s alone and playing music, able to channel his thoughts and feelings through it instead of words. it’s really in his element! he probably has the worst stage fright though lol hopefully he can learn to overcome it and pursue something he truly enjoys...?
i imagine hikaru is someone natsume instantly finds himself comfortable with, since they just ‘click’ even after years apart. hikaru is probably his ‘safe’ person, someone natsume trails after and hides behind, even clinging to the back of his shirt if he gets too anxious. he feels more comfortable with his other childhood friends too, but hikaru is the person that really reached past natsume’s bubble first.
i can’t decide who he’ll romance! i’ll end up doing all the boy’s routes, but yuushin will probably be first. i actually don’t like love triangles despite being such a staple in manga, but i hope to explore poly relationships in fanworks in the future! ...if i can make myself draw or write lol [insert meme of ‘do not separate them’ with natsume and all the boys] route vibes:  natsume and yuushin: what can i say except for that i’m a sucker for ‘bad boy x sad shy boy’. if it stays in game that you can help yuushin out when fighting, his route will really bring out another side of natsume — that side being the Impulsive Fighting for yuushin’s honor if he ever hears someone threatening him. but natsume will also do his best to take care of him, even if the help isn’t accepted. praying for those soft moments for these two!! natsume and hikaru: this is where he loses all of his braincells. with the others, when he gets a crush he understands pretty much right away (hopeless romantic). but with hikaru, it takes him forever to realize he’s not just feeling ‘oh, this is my best friend, i missed him.’ from what i know about hikaru...he will not help that either LOL natsume and aleksei: he is NOT immune to aleksei’s charms, but doesn’t think he’s being serious. natsume’s self esteem issues have him struggle to believe anyone, let alone aleksei, would be interested in him. he’s just lucky his mask hides his blush. natsume and yosuke: i feel like these two are somewhat similar in ways that could either make them understand each other better...or make them butt heads completely. probably a lot of miscommunication and patience...but natsume cares for him a lot, so they’ll get there in the end!! thoughts from others, to keep with the mc trend: “He’s a bit...overwhelming, don’t you think? I don’t know what it is about him, but he just has this aura that makes you want to look away...”
“Did you know he has heterochromia? I saw after he fell asleep at his desk and woke back up when I walked in... I didn’t mean to look!! But, it sort of gives him his own charm, you know? He’s a bit cat-like.”
“I don’t think Hayashi is a bad guy, he can’t be if he’s hanging around Takeuchi, but...you don’t think he’s bullying him, do you? He’s always around him, just sorta lingering. He never makes small talk, just nods when Takeuchi tries to include him. Maybe he owes him money?”
“Hayashi is a bit misunderstood, I think. I let him borrow some hair clips since his bangs were bothering him, I didn’t see him use them, but when he returned them he looked a lot less stressed. Maybe he’s just not sleeping well? I haven’t seen his dark circles go away since he got here.”
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rkgk-art · 2 years
Do you know these times when there's like a trailer to a new game or something like that and what feels like 10 minutes later there's fanart of it already? Which makes you go "WTF these artists are fast LOL!"
That's me but with @lemonade-if 🤣 though it wasn't in 10 minutes sadly
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Nothing more to add but DAMN I hate slicked back hair, think of us artist when you create characters please😭🙏🏻
Oh and
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dedaxe · 2 years
Lemonade IF MC
ok first of all check out @lemonade-if cause they deserve more attention Anewaysss for my post on this account presenting *drumroll pls* my mc NAKAMURA KOTA
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Now for some mentions from his schoolmates~ "Nakamura-san? He's really nice I guess. Always saying hi to anyone he knows and helping anyone that needs helping. The poor guy's kindness is gonna get exploited at some point, either by the teachers or our classmates."
"Oh, the new kid! There was a rumour going around for a bit that he was Nakamura-sensei's long lost brother. Him hanging around sensei and joining in on the teasing didn't help either. Not to mention that he started contributing to the rumours! Poor sensei..."
"He's usually surrounded by people in school, so it's near impossible to get him on his own. The one time I did see him alone though, he was reading a romance manga. Had stars in his eyes and everything. Adds to the irony that he's really really really daft when it comes to anyone being interested in him. He was once given a love letter and was sad cause he wasn't told who to give it to. He refused to blieve us when we said it was for him. *sigh* Poor guy."
"Kota-kun is friendly, but he usually hangs around Aleksi, Hikaru and Yosuke if he can. I think he has a thing for Yosuke if the heart eyes he gives him are anything to go off, W-WAIT DONT INCLUDE THAT"
"He joined the basketball club recently right? I wish him luck. If anyone's going to get them to work together I would be surprised if it's Nakamura."
"One time I caught him doodling in his textbook, and let me tell you, they were GOOD. When I brought it up though, he got this pained look on his face before changing the subject. Another time I caught him daydreaming, and he looked sad, a complete 180 from his usual sunshine self. Wonder what happened."
"I'm not sure if this is true, but one of my friends saw him outside of school and turns out he has tattoos!! She tried to get a picture but he had already left by then. Such a shame..."
Name: Nakamura Kota Eye colour: Blue Hair color: Black Skin tone: Light brown Etnicity: Japanese & Indian
Height: 5'4 (was shocked to learn people grow above that) Hobbies: Sports, Singing (badly), Drawing Club: Basketball Romance: Yosuke (Yuushin on second playthrough though cause grumpy x sunshine)
A ball of sunshine usually, he tries his best to get to know his school mates and make friends. Looking at him and Hikaru standing next to each other could blind a person.
Helps whenever and whoever he can, not wanting to struggle on their own with anything. (Poor boy is projecting) Unfortunately, this leads to him taking on more than he can handle himself, which sometimes ends... poorly. Tends to take care of things himself, feeling unwilling to burden others with his problems.
Blames himself for his parents divorce on some level, despite knowing it was out of his control.
Has a love for romance stories and wishes to have one himself. Easily flustered, though not well-known as he tends to be unaware of any attraction directed towards him.
Very expressive. He's like an open book in any situation. (Which also means he's a terrible liar. Hence his specialty in changing the subject.) Also an idiot in terms of common sense.
Has a very loud, pleasant laugh, which is usually suppressed into a snort. Currently has a massive crush on Yosuke, an is not being as subtle about it as he thinks (anyone who knows him knows).
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kalorphic · 2 years
I saw you reblog about a brooding male hero who is fueled by his love for his wife-- there's a manga (upcoming anime) called Jigokuraku where the main character is exactly like that, if you're interested!
Oh? 👀
Well I am 100% going to add this to both my reading list and (when it comes out) my watch list, because that concept was mwah *chefs kiss*
Thank you so much for the rec Aki!! I was actually looking for more manga to read so this is much appreciated 🤍
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chameleontea · 2 years
Lemonade MCs
I’ve really loved seeing everyone’s MCs for Lemonade, and it gave me the courage to talk about my own MCs for Lemonade as well! The only thing is that I get a bit too excited about making MCs, and I like to have different MCs to romance all of the different ROs, so I kind of ended up making 8 different characters…
So, I apologize for showing up with a small army of MCs. I’ll split their introductions into two parts with 4 characters each so that this doesn’t get too long. I also sort of already thought of ROs, best friends, and clubs that I think could fit them well, but those could end up changing in the future.
Without further ado, here are the girls and one of my nonbinary MCs. Next time I’ll introduce the boys and my other nonbinary MC.
(Picrew used: link)
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Chiyo Fujihara [F She/Her]
Ethnicity: Japanese
Club: Cheer
Personality: Chiyo is a very outgoing and talkative person. She’s always been very in-tune with her emotions and allows them to show themselves whenever they want. So, while this means that she’s usually bubbly and happy, you’ll definitely know when she’s feeling negative emotions. It’s not uncommon for her to burst into tears without any warning or get angry and chew out a bully in defense of another student. The hardest part of her parents’ divorce was the fact that she had so many conflicting emotions about it, so it was sort of the first major time in her life when she really didn’t know what to feel or how to act. It’s just confusing and frustrating, so she tries not to think about it anymore than she has to.
Best Friend: Ren. I just feel like they could really get along!
RO: Aleksei. Listen… I think there would be a lot of chaos with these two, but it would be fun. Plus, Chiyo is the type of person to call people out, and Aleksei probably needs to be humbled sometimes.
Bonus facts: She definitely the type to wear gyaru fashion. Is always trying out new hairstyles. She’s 5’6. She has a phone addiction for sure. She is a terrible student lol. She does not try at all in school.
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Junko Hirano [F She/Her]
Ethnicity: Half Japanese/Half Taiwanese
Club: Art
Personality: Junko is… often seen as strange to say the least. She’s generally cheerful, but she always seems to be in a sleepy, dream-like state. Her head is always in the clouds, and she could fall asleep within seconds no matter where she is. Junko has an interesting way of seeing the world and tends to just say whatever comes to her mind, so other students often label her as weird. It probably doesn’t help that her drawings tend to be about creepy things, which also tends to have people distance themselves. Despite her carefree demeanor, her parents’ fighting, and divorce did have a big impact on her. She’s always blamed herself for it, maybe if she wasn’t so weird then they could have been a happy family.
Best friend: Hikaru. He’s so nice and cheerful and I think that Junko could use more of that in her life.
RO: Shion. I just have the image of listless little Junko just attaching herself to Shion on day one and never letting go lol.
Bonus facts: Tends to wear really cute, frilly outfits outside of school. Always wear eccentric hair clips, she collects them. Junko is 4’11 (She may be a gremlin, don’t feed her after midnight). Also, her skin tone is tanner than shown in the Picrew, sadly it didn’t have the option that I wanted for her. An average student, doesn’t necessarily try that hard to get good grades.
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Alice Campbell [F She/Her]
Ethnicity: White (Australian)
Club: Track
Personality: Alice has always been a very shy and quiet person. She has a lot of anxiety, and it can cause things like making friends to be really difficult for her. Seeing as she moved schools so frequently as a kid, she never really managed to make many friends. It made for a lonely time growing up, but she’s grown used to that feeling by now. One of the only times that she doesn’t feel self-conscious is when she’s participating in track. It just allows her stop overthinking and feel confident in herself for at least a short amount of time. When it comes to her parents’ divorce, she honestly can’t help but feel a little bit relieved by it. The constant tension and fighting just made her anxiety even worse, and she would always wish that she didn’t have to go home after school. Now that they’ve separated at least she doesn’t have to feel like that anymore, although she does feel a bit guilty for feeling that way.
Best friend: Yosuke. I feel like this is a bit of an unexpected friendship, but from what we’ve seen so far it seems like Yosuke reacts kindly to shy MCs, so I think it would be a sweet friendship.
RO: Leila. I think that Alice would be totally drawn towards Leila. She just seems so confident and chill and I think that Alice would be falling for her before she even realized what was happening.
Bonus facts: Usually likes to wear hairbows or headbands. Loves to read in her spare time. She’s 5’3, so another shorty. She’s fine with being called Arisu. School doesn’t come as naturally for her as some people, but she works really hard to get good grades still.
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Setsuna Ogawa [NB They/Them]
Ethnicity: Japanese
Club: Volleyball
Personality: Setsuna’s persona is a bit complex. They’ve always taken it upon themself to be the perfect child for their parents, I guess they thought in a way that if they were perfect then they might be able to keep their family together. They’ve always tried to get prefect grades and to be the best at everything they tried. They crafted a personality where they are really charismatic and flirty, and its always succeeded in helping to make them popular among their peers. It obviously didn’t work in getting their parents to stay together though, and now they don’t really know what to do anymore. They don’t know how much of their personality is real and how much was constructed. But they don’t know how to be any other way, so for now they’re ready to charm the hell out of a whole new student body. Hopefully they can learn more about themself along the way as well, because trying to constantly be perfect at everything is starting to really exhaust them.
Best friend: Aleksei. I mean come on; it only makes sense.
RO: Ren. They would be a true power couple. I think that a romance between them would just be a lot of fun as well. Also, the idea of Setsuna, Ren, and Aleksei all hanging out together… they could cause some serious havoc at Mori High.
Bonus facts: Wears very sleek and stylish clothing outside of school. They are 6’0. They totally have a secret tattoo. Similar to Alice, getting good grades doesn’t come naturally to Setsuna, but they do work hard to get them.
Thanks for reading! I didn’t go back to edit any of this so sorry if there are mistakes. I’m nervous to put this out there but hopefully people enjoy reading about the unnecessary amount of thought that I put into these characters. I’m just super excited for this IF as you can tell! c: 
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dat-boipancake · 2 years
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I finally sketched my mc for @lemonade-if his name is Tu Ohba and he’s an idiot and always sleeps in class
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little-leech-boy · 2 years
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THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG HOLY SHIT, mainly because 1) art rut, and 2) legs are inherently evil, anywho this is a character ref for Kaoru Tachibana! My MC that I’m planning to play as for @lemonade-if!! This one is a bit long in terms of notes so I’ll put it under a read more.
Another part that made me prolong this was that I didn’t quite know what the uniform for Mori looked like, so I decided at the end to say fuck it and go off of what I had to ref and eyeballed the colors a bit so that it’s a bit more cohesive, so idk how accurate it is but hopefully!!!! Accurate enough where I won’t have to do it again!!!!
Admittedly his character isn’t really set in stone, I have an IDEA on what I want for him buuuttt, I’m gonna have to wait till the demo comes out to solidify his character more. Due to this I literally have no idea what the character dynamics will be like with him honestly, he’s an oddball, BUUUUTT I will say that due to the existence of his childhood friends his carefully made self isolation is immediately in jeopardy, so he’s terrified and depending on how much they (Hikaru) want him back in the group after all these years he honestly should be. As seen below the clothing refs
Oh, and I tried my hand on making a spray paint-like brush to make graffiti art because that’s his art form, whether or not THATS his artstyle is something I’m thinking about, but I do want him to have a funky and loud kinda style
Finally, I DO have some song recs that remind me of him, or at least the idea of him, which I will state below :)
Dramaturgy - Eve
Law-Evading Space Rock - Neru
Matoryoshka - Hachi
Last two aesthetically speaking definitely fit his vibe, along with the lyrics and music itself of course, Dramaturgy also fits his shtick but more stylistically due to the lack of color. However Dramaturgy is the song I relate to him the most out of the three but I figured lumping them together might give a good idea on who he is a little.
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rabidrobopop · 2 years
Revamping this as an art blog now sooo...
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Here's a WIP design for my MC for Lemonade, an IF being developed by @lemonade-if that already has free board and room in my head.
Sumire is an absent-minded girl whose two interests in life seem to be art and keeping her grades up so her mother doesn't think her as impractical as her father when it comes to said art. A few fun facts about her:
- She has trouble keeping names to faces and has a system of assigning color hexes to people in order to remember them better.
- Thought the painting her father gifted to her mother was peak romance and in elementary gifted the best night sky drawing she could at the time to Hikaru. Never outright confessed her puppy crush so it just seemed like she was gifting him a neat drawing, but she still remembers and is mortified more by the quality of the art than her actions.
- Has made it a side quest of her own to try and switch Yuushin's cigarettes with the fake candy version.
- Will on several occasions compliment something about her classmates without thinking about the implications. Once said a student had eyes that reminded her of the color of a sunset and then was confused by how flustered they got.
- Has gotten into nail art recently and loves doing little portraits or landscapes on them.
- Has taken it upon herself to try and handle as many responsibilities at home for her mom that she can, i.e. cooking, cleaning, etc. She at times can be overly reliable to combat how under reliable her father was.
- Keeps as up to date with her dad as she can, often trying to fit in as many new updates about her life and projects as she can in the intervals.
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tai-420 · 2 years
Yes, I made eight different MCs for @lemonade-if
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Name: Amari Suzuki
Ethnicity: Half Nigerian - Half Japanese
Height: 160cm (5'3)
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hobbies: Cooking, protecting people (yes, she made it a hobby), she likes to paint and isn't very good at it, but "the most important thing is to have fun!". She also loves to take random strolls in nature.
Club: Track
Romance: Akane
"Amari-chan? She's in my class. She talks a lot and makes friends easily. She's very helpful: even though she doesn't do very well academically, when I had trouble with a subject she dragged me to Kisaragi-san, who taught me everything in five minutes."
"When I saw Suzuki-san on the first day of school, her scar really scared me, I thought she was a delinquent! But when she realized I was staring at her, she opened a huge smile and started talking to me non-stop. Every time she passes me in the hallway, she greets me excitedly."
"I just know that she's really loud and really fast."
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Name: Inaiê dos Santos
Ethnicity: ⅓ Japanese, ⅓ Brazilian Native, ⅓ Italian
Height: 168cm (5'6)
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Aro
Hobbies: Procrastinating, looking out of their window and wanting to go somewhere but never going anywhere (please take them out of their room 😭), scrolling through their phone, being bored... Basically, they don't have any hobbies (help my poor kid, they need friends).
Club: Soccer
Romance: Aleksei
"Ina-chan is very quiet. They only talk to you if you talk to them. I've tried befriending them sometimes, but as soon as some other friend of mine comes to talk to me, they disappear!"
"Santos-san isn't very diligent on school matters, but they always manage to get good grades. I mean... They seem to spend a lot of their time at the library, but I think it's just to isolate themself rather than study."
"Ina-kun? They almost never show up at soccer practice! We thought they would be good at it, since they're part brazilian, but they're not that much better than any of us, so whatever... Huh? That's all I know about them. I doubt there's anything more, to be honest, do they even have any friends?"
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Name: Jordan Williams
Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 185cm (6'1)
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Hobbies: Baseball, he is an amazing hitter. Making playlists, playing guitar, dyeing his hair. Likes to hang out, barely stays home. Studying - he wants to become a doctor so...
Club: Music
Romance: Yosuke
"It's surprising, how he always study so hard and has great grades and at the same time never misses a party. It seems that he's very popular in all groups, from nerds to jocks, he somehow fits everywhere."
"Jordan is that rare type of kind person who doesn't let others walk over him. He helps everyone but puts lazy people on their place. People used to pick on him when he arrived, but he quickly showed them who's on charge!"
"He's very funny! And has an amazing voice! I heard he's so popular some college students said he could hang out with them..."
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Name: Jun Dubois
Ethnicity: ½ Japanese ½ French
Height: 172cm (5'8)
Pronouns: He/they
Sexuality: Pan
Hobbies: He likes to play video games and soccer(that's his whole personality).
Club: Soccer
Romance: Hikaru
"Jun-kun is very good at soccer! He's our best defense, but isn't that bad either when attacking. They also have a lot of friends, I mean they're super cool."
"I just know that he's being tutored by Shion-san. He works hard but never really gets any good grades."
"Jun always invites us over to his house to play video games, no one can win against him."
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Name: Saoirse Walsh
Ethnicity: Irish (¼ Japanese)
Height: 154cm (5'1)
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Ace
Hobbies: Gossiping, breaking into places they think would make a good story, interviewing people, playing detective, listening to crime podcasts, making amateur ghost haunting videos, (adding evidence to a board, red strings included).
Club: Journalism
Romance: Leila
"Saoirse-chan is very... Eccentric. They're always running after someone because they either think the person is involved in some juicy story or because they need to take some photos for the yearbook, and they're quite insistent."
"Well, let's see. I've seen them jumping the gate many times, I've seen them breaking into a supposedly haunted house because some senior said there was a ghost there, I've seen them stealing some guy's clothes after P.E. so they could interview him - the dude was always running away from them -, I've heard... [Student keeps talking for ten more minutes about absurd things Saoirse has done]."
"I've heard they've been pretty interested in that whole 'band member who disappeared' thing. I bet they have one of those boards with evidence pinned down with red strings."
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Name: Sora Hasegawa
Ethnicity: Japanese (¼ English)
Height: 170cm (5'7)
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Pan
Hobbies: Drawing, make-up, fashion, she likes to make her own body her canvas, with colourful clothes and make-up. She likes to make her own accessories. She likes to hangout at the mall and is surprisingly good at the arcade.
Club: Arts
Romance: Shion
"Sora-san's a walking sign, I doubt you can lose her in a crowd. Both her clothes and her personality are colourful, her mood changes so fast! I once saw her laughing maniacally while stabbing a canvas..."
"Hasegawa is always making too much noise in the classroom. That is, when they actually make it to class, she spends most of the day at the art club. Ah! They're always getting in trouble because of their clothes."
"Sora-chan is in love with Shion-chan! Haha, it's not even a secret. She's always sketching Shion-chan with hearts around her face, and they're always running up and down, following miss top student, doesn't look like she cares though, I wonder if it's reciprocate..."
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Name: Sunny Campbell
Ethnicity: Jamaican
Height: 170cm (5'7)
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Hobbies: Gardening, she loves her little succulents. Dancing, singing, loves karaoke. She runs every morning before school, to keep in shape. She also skateboards and loves surfing. (Ok Google is skincare a hobbie?)
Club: Cheer
Romance: Ren
"Sunny-chan? She's amazing! So pretty... She looks like a goddess. She's also super nice! But I was very intimidated by her before, she feels kind of untouchable, you know?"
"She's stronger than she looks! Sensei once made us carry some boxes of books to the library, and while I was sweating by her side, climbing up the stairs, she hold the box with only one arm to fix her hair, the sun reflected on her on that exact moment, and she looked like an angel... U-uh, yes, hm, she's cool."
"Sunny is way more than just a pretty face. She's very responsible, helpful and very well mannered. I've told her that if she ever wanted to be part of the council we could definitely make it happen."
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Name: Taiga Kobayashi
Ethnicity: Japanese
Height: 180cm (5'11)
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bi
Hobbies: He likes to go to the cinema, his favorite genre is action. He also really likes animals and is always scouting the city looking for strays.
Club: Basketball
Romance: Yuushin
"I wouldn't talk to him if I were you. I once saw him alone beat up five seniors who were harassing him. I bet he's mixed up with all kinds of wrong people."
"We only accepted him in the basketball club because he has a mean attack. Everyone's too intimidated to go against him face to face. He incredibly shows up to every practice."
"Taiga-kun isn't that bad. We met when he jumped down from a really high tree with a kitten on his arms, right in front of me. I was terrified! But when I saw the cat I told him he could take it to the shelter I volunteer at. We're friends! H-he said so."
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lemonade-if · 2 years
Character Overview: Love Interests
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(Click Here for physical descriptions!)
Rather than giving away a profile, I decided to go around campus and interview anonymous Morigaoka students ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ Perhaps some direct quotes from peers would be the best way to convey the basic impressions of these eight characters.
Without further ado...
Ren Sugiyama 杉山蓮 (F) - Year 1 Class A
“Did you know? There’s a tree by the west campus gate called the ‘Tree of Rejection’. Apparently, 18 people confessed to Ren-chan there last month and she turned all of them down. That’s why I’m planning to confess to her by the shoe lockers instead...oi, why are you laughing. I’m serious.”
“Sugiyama’s filthy rich. Her mom’s that famous designer, Kanae Sugiyama. Wonder why the kid of such a hotshot would attend such a normal school like Mori High...not that I’m complaining.”
“Whew, Ren-chan from 1-A!! She’s got it all. Half of me wants to date her, and the other half wants to be her. I’ve heard she’s dated a few people in the past. I wonder what they were like...it must be a lot of pressure to date someone as popular and high profile as Ren-chan."
“I hate sports, but I joined one just so I could see Ren-chan cheer for me at our games...well, I suck so I have to watch the cheer team from the bench, but that’s still technically her cheering for me...um, are you okay? You’re looking at me like I’m disgusting.”
Yuushin Mikazuki 三日��勇心 (M) - Year 1 Class A
"N-no comment. Sorry.”
“Grumpy bastard. Mysterious. Absolute worst case of Resting Bitch Face I’ve ever seen. I sit in front of him in class so his glare pierces right through my back. Wait, don’t publish that last part, he’ll know who I am-”
“Um...I guess he ditches a lot. Why? Who knows...fighting, maybe? He gets called to the guidance room a lot for showing up injured. Imagine fighting Mikazuki though...he’s huge.”
“I don’t really know him, but a guy like that is bad news for sure. It’s best to stay away. I feel sorry for whoever gets assigned the empty seat next to him.”
A/N: Yuushin’s route includes heavier themes, language, and content than the other routes, including problematic behavior such as fighting and underage smoking. He is not an abuser in any capacity, but his route is not recommended for those seeking a warmer and light-hearted playthrough.
Shion Kisaragi 如月詩音 (F) - Year 1 Class D
“Class B’s Kisaragi is the school’s top student and the only first year in student council. I wonder what she’s like outside of school. Can’t really imagine her doing anything besides schoolwork...but they say the quiet ones are the craziest, right? Kidding, kidding...”
“She’s...smart? Studious? She seems really busy, too...I've never seen her just sit around doing nothing. Even during lunch, she's multitasking as she eats."
“I don’t know her, but I overheard her talking to the principal once. Her voice gave me this weird sense of deja vu...can’t imagine why...”
“I’m a moron, so our homeroom teacher always makes Kisaragi-san tutor me. She seems plain at a glance, but she’s actually really cute up close, especially when she adjusts her glasses...huh? You didn’t ask about that? My bad.”
Hikaru Takeuchi 武内光 (M) - Year 1 Class B
“Ah, the soccer team’s freshman ace! He’s an idiot, but he’s a fun idiot who knows how to work hard and play hard. Bright, easygoing, mischievous but dependable in times of need-- he’s the type who can get along with anybody. I doubt there’s anyone in this school who has bad things to say about a guy like him."
“Ever since I watched Takeuchi eat 12 servings of mazesoba for lunch, I’ve wondered if he’s really a human. It’s actually insane how much that guy can eat. If soccer doesn’t work out, he’ll have a good shot in the competitive eating world.”
“Sometimes, Takeuchi seems like he’s in pain...I asked him about it before, but he laughed it off. Maybe I imagined it.”
“There was a time back in junior high when I had detention with Hikaru for a whole month. We were riding our mops like racehorses through the hallways when we crashed into the principal, knocking off his wig...Hikaru tried to help by picking it up and putting it back on the geezer’s head but the guy went berserk. He retired shortly after that.”
Leila Ozaki 尾崎レイラ (F) - Year 1 Class A
“I heard Ozaki lives in a dorm? She moved to Tokyo alone for high school. No wonder she feels so mature...it must be tough to move out so early.”
“It’s unfortunate what happened to her band...you didn’t hear? Their vocalist went missing half a year ago and the police still have no leads. They were invited to headline some pretty big gigs but had to cancel all of them. They’ve been on hiatus ever since. Re;Light 13, you can look them up. Ozaki’s the drummer.”
“She’s cool as hell. I wish I could talk to her, but she’s always wearing headphones or airpods...she seems like the type of person who’d have really interesting stories. Someday, I want to ask her about what it’s like growing up in Los Angeles.*”
“You can’t think I’m creepy for this, promise? And you can’t tell...okay, Ozaki has a tattoo on her ribcage. I swear I wasn’t trying to look-- I just happened to see when we were changing for gym!! She noticed that I saw and just...raised a finger to her lips and smirked...” 
*Leila is Blasian, with an African American father and Japanese mother. She moved to Japan after elementary school.
Aleksei Zakharov アレクセイ・ザハロフ (M) -  Year 1 Class C
“He’s a shameless flirt. I’d never go out with a cocky guy like that. He’s completely irresista- unreliable! I mean unreliable! I definitely don’t think he’s charming!!"
“The exchange student in Class C, right? ...wait, what? He's not an exchange student? Huh? He was born in Japan? That makes sense. I always wondered how he was so fluent...”*
“Al’s well-built and athletic, so all the sports coaches were bending backwards trying to recruit him. You should’ve seen their faces when he ended up joining Journalism instead...he doesn’t even like writing.”
“I’m friends with Zakharov so I know he’s the type you should play around with, not the type to expect anything from. Still, there are people who think they can change him...you just can’t change people like that, you know? At least he has the tact to reject them upfront. He doesn’t get involved with anyone who likes him seriously."
*Aleksei is Caucasian. He was born and raised in Japan.
A/N: This route is more "bold" than others due to his personality. He will not continue to flirt with MC if discomfort is expressed. However, if MC does not indicate discomfort, he will flirt with them even outside of his route because he finds MC attractive in every route.
Akane Yoshida 吉田茜 (F) - Year 1 Class D
“Yoshida-chan is pure-hearted, down-to-earth, and unconditionally kind. She’s too good for this world, to tell the truth. I always tell her that it’s alright to be more selfish, but it’s hard for someone who grew up prioritizing other people their whole life.”
“Class D’s Yoshida right? I admire her. She's not the most confident in herself, but she always puts 120% into everything she does, no matter how much she’s struggling or how bad the odds. Watching her makes me want to work harder myself.”
“That reminds me, Akane invited me to the movies the other day. She said she got tickets for a fun movie that she's been looking forward to. It turned out to be some horror film with a weird killer clown...she said it looked cute...unbelievable."
"Yoshida-chan baked brownies for class a few months ago, right before finals. Don’t tell her, but she used salt instead of sugar. None of us had the heart to disappoint her when she asked how it tasted with such a bright smile. My buddy and I ate every last crumb to make sure she’d never find out...god, it was awful..."
Yosuke Takanashi 鷹無永祐 (M) - Year 1 Class B
“He has the looks to be an actor but the expressive range of stale bread. Seriously, I’ve never seen that guy smile or laugh, ever. Is he scared of getting wrinkles? I don’t get it, but all the girls think he’s so cool...what’s the deal with girls liking black-haired guys with emotional constipation...”
“Takanashi won regional MVP at Nationals last year, so he had scholarship offers to a number of elite schools. I’m just confused why he chose Morigaoka. Is he a masochist? Everyone knows our basketball team sucks ass..."
“Oh, I’ve known him awhile. He's actually a really good guy, but...I wonder what's up with his family. For all he’s achieved, you’d think his parents would at least show up to something. They've never even showed up for student conferences."
“At first, I couldn’t believe that someone as stoic as Takanashi could be best friends with guys as rowdy as Takeuchi and Zakharov. Now, I'm starting to get the sense that Takanashi's pretty passionate himself. It just doesn’t show on his face."
A/N: This route is a slower burn with a stubborn stick-in-the-ass. It is not recommended for those who would like “instant” gratification.
Aside from the ROs, there are side characters MC will encounter as well. Their overviews will be up at a later date.
Thank you for reading!   (´∀`)♡
Click Here to go to the Lemonade master post!
For those who want a little more:
Click Here for an ask about their hobbies.
Click Here for an ask about their heights.
Click Here for an ask about their favorite subjects.
Click Here for an ask about their romantic history.
Click Here for an ask about their names.
Click Here for an ask about their voice claims.
Click Here for an ask about flirting without locking in.
Click Here for an ask about PDA.
Click Here for an ask about their breakfasts.
Click Here for an ask about karaoke/singing.
Click Here for an ask about puppy eyes.
Click Here for an ask about their love languages.
Click Here for an ask about RO x RO (crack).
Click Here for an ask about school uniforms.
Click Here for an ask about flirting/initiation.
Click Here for an ask about "spicy content".
Click Here for example scenario reactions ask 1.
Click Here for example scenario reactions ask 2.
Click Here for example scenario reactions ask 3.
Click Here for a random blurb (Hikaru).
Click Here for a random blurb (Yuushin).
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itsbluesaint · 2 years
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Ok, so here is the thing, I'm new to sharing my art online and I'm actually a little scared, but that alright I can just post this and go hide again for a while.
This is Demian Reyes, [M] - Year 1 Class A
Some facts about him:
- Don't let the face fool you he is the shyest person you can meet, like just from talking a little too loud he would flush red and try to make himself as small as possible.
- Even if his shyness gets in the way he would always try to do the nicest thing for others, you fogort to bring something? here take his. Do you want the last cookie his been saving the whole day to enjoy? TAKE IT.
- He used to dance, but stopped cause the thing with his parents hit him hard even if he doesn't say it. Still deciding what club to join, the biggest contestants are music and art.
- Always wears really large clothes and clothes that cover most skin went he's outside his safe space (his room) blame his shyness.
- He is smol (5'2). He really was happy when he saw Akane and Shion, it was the first time he wasn't the smallest in a group.
- Loves to take secret photos when hanging out with friends, has little albums for each friend with small notes besides the pictures, he knows it's wrong to take pictures without the others given their consent but he really can't help himself and immortalize those memories so he doesn't forget them.
So yeah that him, I love this oc. Random fact about it is that he's and old oc of mine, and I finally get to use him. I got a few illustrations in mind that probably would take me a few more weeks to make and I hope to share them.
On and even smaller note, this if got me so exited and motivated me so much that I finally created art accounts bc I wanted to show the authors of the if this MC.
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realmsbetween · 2 years
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anddd the blank template for @lemonade-if! like i said in my mc introduction post, since this was made before the game has dropped, i’ll most likely update it once we learn some more — i just jumped the gun because the hype is real :)  here’s a link to the PSD template! i’ve tried to label everything nicely, but my DMs are open for questions! edit: here is the font i used as well!
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rkgk-art · 2 years
Ah...I'm always so super nervous posting other people's OCs...
Buuuut I wanted to join the super cute @lemonade-if 's wholesome MC gang bandwagon!
Sadly I'm not creative enough to create little scenarios like some of the others so I'm going with the good old bust up!
They're holding up their names like criminals because they're criminally awesome...haha, get it? I shut up now
I hope I did alright and you like it ( ; ; )
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MCs belong to:
@little-leech-boy (Tachibana Kaoru), @elliehasahoodieandaponytail (Lexis R. Marinos), @realmofgold (Shiratori Liangyu) and @sulkcubus (Kuronuma Kiyoko) for some reason I can't tag your blog lol
Um, enjoy?? (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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calithso · 2 years
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Two of my MCs for @lemonade-if. It's been a while since I posted anything related to IFs... well, it's been a while since I posted anything really lmao so apologies if my art has been changing constantly (i don't have an official art style yet i think)
I couldn't choose who to draw between these two so why not both?
MC descriptions and more under the cut.
Haruki Atsumi is a soft and charming (even though he doesn't realize) guy but he also wouldn't hesitate to smack a bitch with a smile on his face. Half bowl cut Haruki's blue hair color was almost his official hair color until I changed it to pink just because I wanted to lmao. Although charming, he has no interest in dating anyone yet. He's reluctant because of his parents' divorce. If they can't find their happy ending, how would he find his? So, onto his ROs. I didn't know if his RO should be Yosuke or Yuushin since I'm a sucker for stoic fictional men so Yosuke is an obvious choice, plus I like slow burns. But Yuushin's route seems interesting. Just the thought of gentle, pretty boy Haruki falling for the whole bad boy thing Yuushin has going on. If I can't choose one then why not try both? Also, I may try romancing Akane too because their dynamic seems cute. All the ROs are so good I can't just choose one, man 😭
"Atsumi is a good-looking guy. Whenever he passes by in the hallways, heads will turn. He's also always helping students and teachers around the school after class until the sun is gone and even then, he's still looking around for someone who needs help. Makes me wonder if he's trying to delay going home..."
"He always has a smile on his face. Although, I remember walking past an empty classroom when I saw Atsumi-san inside, looking out the window with a solemn look on his face. It worried me – still does, actually – but I didn't approach him since I felt like he needed some space. I do hope he's alright."
Mitsuki Miyano will hesitate to smack a bitch. She has a kind face and a soothing voice (no, she does not sing) but she's just like Yosuke, aloof and stoic but soft-hearted. She's not lazy, she's actually quite the academic but she doesn't want to attend P.E. because she just doesn't like moving around much. She looks tall but trust me, she's not lmao. She actually may be more alike to Shion than I would like. If their dynamic doesn't work out then I'll have to change Mitsuki's personality to something a little more smiley or something softer? idk but I hope ya'll get the idea.
"Miyano...? Ah, the new kid! She's kind enough to help people when asked but she'll never do things on her own. She always looks busy and seems troubled by something. I remember that one time I saw her slacking off during P.E. in one of the classrooms. She was staring at a table in front of her and she had this sad look on her face like she was about to cry."
"Miyano-chan is a no-nonsense type of person and she constantly has this bored look in her eyes but she has a gentle appearance, right? It's because she is. Past the hard exterior is a kind and sweet girl who just wants friends. Even her voice will soothe you to sleep. She could never hurt a fly. One time, we were walking home from school when she suddenly crouched down to pet a stray puppy. It was the first time I ever saw her smile so brightly... her smile is really pretty."
Ngl I really didn't try that hard to find Mitsuki a more suitable voice since my energy was spent finding a perfect voice for Haruki, like I had a whole pad of paper out to list down potential voices for him so for a whole day I compared them and eliminated the ones that I didn't think suited him. So, when it was time to find a voice for Mitsuki I just said, "She's calm. Saori Hayami."
i'm really bad at this 💀
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