#Lena Arondite
alexissara · 2 years
My Currently [Or Recently Active] TTRPG OCs.
The best part of TTRPGs for me as a GM or a Player is making characters. As a story teller I have always been a character driven woman and I've always enjoyed a big cast of characters since I really enjoy characters in general. I wanted to share some of the characters I've been really enjoying playing as recently while I've been playing TTRPGs.
Feel free to share yours as a reblog and if you like my OCs and want to see work featuring these or similar characters in the future you could run on over to my patreon or ko-fi and help me have the money to make more cool art.
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[Art By https://twitter.com/Atobe_draws ]
Lena and Nela Arondite [She/Gay]
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Playbooks: Scoundrel, Ensemble, Matriarch
Blood Princess Lena Arondite, Captain Lena Of The Liberators, a woman of several titles who is always ready to defy fate. Lena is plural and her headmate Nela shares the body with her, they both use the name Lena with most people. Lena was a runaway princess, not wanting to marry the man her parents set up for her. So after a few failed attempts to escape with her beloved she ran away on her own which lead to her becoming Captain Of The Liberators. After years her crew were captured by a Bounty Hunter Lena played a game of cat and mouse with forcing her to surrender herself for their sake. She was forced back into being a princess but this time serving a different country reporting back any and all information to their head of information.
The disaster Lesbian fell in love with a lot of people, went through a big encounter finding out she is plural and that their purple eyes weren't an accident but that The Pure Lady, a twisted parasite goddess had intended them to be part of her plans inserting a piece of herself in them when they were yet alive. Lena was captured by her and saved by her friends and new lovers she made at the Academy she had been forced to attend.
After this she playbook changed representing the relationship between herself and Nela as they began to really understand the powers granted to them by the defeated goddess and more about themselves. During this time they also had a couple of babies. Becoming a family woman with both new babies and dating a mother of twins paired with her found family she switched over to a Matriarch. Gay are dealing with the conflict of wanting to do it all for everyone and be it all for everyone. Lena loves her family, wants to make the world a better place, has obligations to the kingdom again for a long term plan to remove the throne, and is helping fight in a revolution all while trying to be with all the people she loves.
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[Art by https://twitter.com/matte_bat_ ]
Selena/Selene Tsukino [She/Her]
System: Super Idols RPG
Playbook: The Actor
Queen Selene built an indie pop power house with her dear friends. She created the new band The Powder Kegs gathering who she thought were the best indie talents on the table to win the battle of the bands reality show The Tour. Selena's parents were part of an international mob her mom and dad ran the Japanese part of the operations but they would often take her traveling with her. With that they imparted the importance of her learning English along with her families native Spanish and Japanese. She would eventually move to America with her aunt once her parents were in hot water. The pop star hoped that her music could inspire other trans women and lesbians to be fully themselves but also hopes that it can inspire people to oppose the oppressive structures of power that lead to her family being involved in stuck in mob activity.
As a super idol she has the power to create things with her voice and shapeshift. She is not great at fighting and is far more of a tactical mind putting together schemes, flirting, seducing, manipulating, and a pretty good shot if she has to. Queen Selene is determined to win the gameshow and boosting Empress Records to make her dreams come true. Even then though, her secret dreams may come to clash with her new friendships and partnerships and it's an exciting ride.
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[Made With https://picrew.me/image_maker/1414503 ]
Arma Guardiana [She/Gay]
System: The Watch
Playbook: The Lioness
Arma has recently been turned into an NPC for the story the next character is in but I still wanted to go over my poor traumatized transbian. Once, Arma was in love with a girl named Elspeth. They were from separate flocks, ones that had a centuries long grudge but she demanded their love be respected and it was at the very least tolerated. Traveling together with a group to gather resources for their peoples Elspeth was among the first few to be corrupted by The Shadow, a force that turned men into terrible monsters and seeked turning others mostly into things of beauty of objects.
Arma defeated the corrupted Elspeth but didn't kill her hoping she would return to normal one day. She joined The Watch a group of women set to fight The Shadow taking care of her own Talon of Soliders. Eventually leading to her facing off against Elspeth once again only now she was far more powerful, thinking she was totally lost she killed her only to find she was in fact still in there, knowing there was some way to heal her she had not thought of.
After that battle she was even more jaded defying orders to face the Shadow at it's source with her talon. Together they defeated it removing it's sway over their continent but refused a hero status becoming a wander after suddenly taking care of a baby.
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[ Made With https://picrew.me/image_maker/1630807 ]
Lethe Guardina [She/Her]
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Playbook: The Naga
Born of the shadow and her mother Arma Lethe was always a strange girl. Her mother raised her to hide her true nature, her flame powers and her origins. Even she isn't sure how Lethe came to be or why, all she knows is she looks a whole lot like her now long dead girlfriend Elspeth. Lethe became a healer using her powers to heal "The Scared" from their shadows letting them go back and live life no longer monstrous and a threat to others.
With her two fellow healers at her side they are traveling the lands helping heal people one person at at a time. Yet, on their latest mission they had managed to heal someone only to let someone else escape and grow more powerful in the pull they had from the shadow. The trio are now licking their wounds at their own failure as they return to the city unknowingly getting wrapped into something bigger.
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[Made With https://picrew.me/image_maker/1650524 ]
Tiara Tamer
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Playbook: The Chosen
The key to the gate between worlds, Tiara Tamer knows her destiny is important yet firmly disagrees with her mothers approach to her destiny. Tiara is set to be wed to the number one player of Essentia: The Summoning in the world with her card and the Key's to her mother's company all gifted to that top player if they can manage to stay on top. Tiara cooked up a scheme with her best friend Ariana for them to take the number one spot. Yet, Ariana ended up betraying her when she became number one serving her mother as dutifully as the last number one.
Tiara heart broken clings to just a few sparks of joy left in her, her childhood best friend Bell and a new group she has been assigned to work with that seem like maybe, just maybe they won't be the same kind of users she dealt with her whole life. Still the card game playing Lesbian's willpower and confidence is faltering as she faces heart break after heart break.
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[I can't find the source picrew I used]
Serena Owlnight (She/Gay) [Four Houses Edition]
System: Thirsty Sword Lesbains
Playbook: The Chosen
The Vampire Witch Serena Owlnight was reanimated in a strange way unlike any vampire before her. She became a vampire after totally breaking the mind control of The Pure Lady [Remember her from Lena's info] having lived as her twisted Paladin for some time. The witch had lived with her adoptive mother Jillian Owlnight helping her with cases and living life as a chill flirty lesbian. Until when she was looking into some missing persons for someone and found a Pure Light outpost preparing to mind control a group of people. She fought to set them free but was captured after getting everyone else out. When she was set free by the party she returned to her mothers side only to eventually move with the rest of the party to help her best friends and girlfriend all of whom had decided to take up home with the parties.
Serena is looking to uncover what it means for her to be vampire all while Elder Vampires look to turn her into their own tool. This is all happening while she helps no the front lines of the revolution of her home land. She is a organizer for the anarchist movement across Dragonia and doing her best to make sure the labor forces in the revolution don't crumble. In secret she worries she is a danger to everyone around her due to the nature of her transformation and the trauma for being made to fight against her core Values for years under The Pure Ladies control.
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