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barefootbound · 3 months
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Leo chairtied and cleavegagged in army green
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・❥・ You met him in a club and instantly linked. Not only did you rub your bodies against each other all night long, but you also made great conversation once outside. He didn't smoke, but he gladly lit up your cigarette.
・❥・ After that night, he was the first one to text you, asking if you were alright and if you were hangover. He got pretty hammered too, and you ended up exchanging hangover recipes all day.
・❥・ When the night came, he called you and you talked for hours, about your hobbies, your life plan, and the last movie you watched, and among all of those topics, he slipped in an invitation to a date.
・❥・ The first date goes well, and you get to talk about your common interests. All that horniness from the night before was gone as soon as you both were sober. Still, you find each other very attractive. He gets to hold your hands so smoothly, by swinging his arm a little before grabbing your hand, his fingers gently intertwining with yours.
・❥・ You smiled and told him he was adorable.
・❥・ Not only did you bond instantly on the first date, but he was also a gentleman. He paid for everything and asked if you were alright with physical contact, like hugging. How could you say no? You felt safe in those big, strong arms of his.
・❥・ Sex happens very fast because, c'mon, you both are sexy people and very into each other, and second, he is touch starved. He calls you to his place, puts on a movie, makes some popcorn, and then playful little fingers begin to slide underneath your shirt, tickling your hot skin.
・❥・ Moving on, after your first night together, he asked if you could stay, and you found it impossible to say no. He looked at you with those big blue eyes of his and you instantly melted.
・❥・ He cooked you a delicious breakfast, and then he drove you home.
・❥・ After that, you bonded even more, but because of his job, he couldn’t spend a lot of time with you. Like, he tried, he wished he could stay a whole week with you, but that was impossible. Still, you assured him that you would wait patiently for him. You call him during missions to make sure he is okay, even at inappropriate times, but he appreciates the gesture either way.
・❥・ You’re the first one to say "I love you" which shocks him completely. He loves you too, but he didn’t find the right moment to tell you. He wanted to say it during a romantic night, but this works too. Leon is very happy to hear that, and he begins to place small kisses all over your face as he pulls you closer to him.
・❥・ Speaking of his job, you were very excited when you heard that he worked for the government. It sounded so thrilling, but he assured you that there was nothing to be excited about. He doesn’t talk often about what he’s doing at work, and when he does, he is very vague about it.
・❥・ Visits to the shooting range are a must. In fact, you went on one during your first dates. He helps you with the aim, and he watches you proudly as you become better and better. He also teaches you how to fight with a knife.
・❥・ When it comes to spending time together, he is okay with PDA and won’t hesitate to hug and kiss his partner if he feels like it. Besides, he loves to watch you even if you do simple tasks like wash the dishes or play on your phone. He loves every inch of you, from head to toe, and he will tell you that any chance he gets.
・❥・ Leon likes to make eye contact with you because it feels…intimate? I don’t know how to explain it, he feels safe around you, he feels relaxed, and he feels like he can be himself. He is also very romantic and will surprise you with spontaneous dinner dates, holidays, or special nights.
・❥・ He is very clingy once he is with you due to the fact that he is mostly gone on missions. Leon would hug you from behind, snuggle on your lap while you were watching a movie, and also like to be a little spoon while sleeping.
・❥・ Overall, he is a sweet guy, and he feels lucky to have found you. He will treat you right like no one else has before. Just hug him tight and tell him how much you love him, because he desperately needs it.
Taglist: @rokurodokuro @lunarastrobabe @alewesker @shadow-wolf510 @skylar-todd @lunarastrobabe @ravenrune
I hope you liked these! Reblogs and comments are always welcomed, and if you want to request something my ask box is open ☺️
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khreborns · 6 days
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The chidlike whimsy and joy in his heart goes on. 🤭
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violettea · 1 year
really appreciate freaky creature
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silenthillrn · 1 year
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AGREED he looks so bad, they changed his look and made him look older than he should. Also his fashion is so bad later wtf
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mootorratturid · 1 year
Laupäeval autasustati 2022. aasta parimaid mootorrattasportlasi
Laupäeval autasustati Tallinnas Tallink Spa & Conference hotellis 2022. aasta parimaid mootorrattasportlasi ning motokrossi ja enduro distsipliinide Eesti meistreid ja karikavõitjaid. EMF-i nõukogu president Marek Kiisa tänas kõiki võistlejaid, korraldajaid, vabatahtlikke ja pereliikmeid eduka aasta eest. Ta kuulutas alanud, 2023. hooaja eelkõige turvalisuse aastaks. “Inflatsiooni ja üha…
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persephinae · 1 year
It also has Andreas Pietschmann. Don't ask me what I mean. I know what you are. v_v
i had to google the guy 😆
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honey-and-diamonds · 2 years
i cant believe memindy didnt give us a trailer for the special ep 🥲
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press-b-to-bee · 15 days
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Collab with Leok [tiktok/Insta]
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aeori-o · 1 year
Been a hot minute (I think??) since I got tagged for a thing. @sapphoid tagged me here for five most listened songs (recently). My car still has a CD player so all 21 songs on that are probably the actual literally accurate ones but also far exceed 5 so I’ll go for the five that I go for on other platforms recently.
Harbinger - Kiki Rockwell If I listen with headphones it gives me goosebumps :)
Specter - Saint Mesa Spell check is PO’d that this isn’t ‘spectre’.
Blast Doors - Everything Everything Had the absolutely fascinating experience with this one in the car of someone dissing it without understanding any of the lyrics for being rap?? I’m so bad with music genres I don’t even know if it is rap but having someone say “it doesn’t matter what the lyrics are they can be total nonsense and it’s fine as long as they rhyme (/derogatory, implying all rap is ‘stupid’)” took me out. It was like bro have you ever listened to a song (of any genre) before?? Aside from the hyper literal songs that exist they’re all total nonsense. 
Used to the Darkness - Des Rocs The remix used for Destiny 2′s Lightfall expansion trailer also slaps and is how I came across the song and I did like it better than the original but the remix is not on spotify so I wound up on the original a lot and now I don’t know which I like better. Both slap. Both is good.
Breaking Bad Remix (Seasons 3-5) Should this count because it’s a meme song?? idk but I have shown it to multiple people lately who have not heard it and it basically is always on loop in the back of my head somewhere so it’s going on here anyway
Just having a little Hunh moment at the concept of ‘most listened to song’ because it used to be that I could only listen to music on an mp3/iPod or on my computer (I had a walkman as a kid and CD players in the house but when I really started to actually develop my own taste in music I was only on PC and mp3 players) so it used to be very possible to actually see what my most listened to songs were. Just kind of getting hit with a weird (very mild) melancholy that I’ll never be able to quantify that ever again. Between CDs in the car, spotify, youtube, whatever random app I use on my computer to listen to stuff I own there’s no way to really aggregate what I actually listen to most. I find it a bummer because I love seeing that sort of thing and also sad that I have no way to see what it used to be, either, that computer and those mp3 players are long defunct.
ANYWAY! Alynn tagged most of the people I’d tag for this but I’ll tag them again with some others to fluff out my list, ehehe
I tag: @phantomeus @thejabberwocki @refundtheticket @morbid-mordecai @videogamerkm @auyamx @dappercapricorn @leok-rogue @mellieeggo @myszka-polna @twink-satan
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Today we've published Episode 170 where we chat with returning guest Hayete and new guest LeoK. In this episode we discuss and break down the gameplay of Assassin's Creed Mirage. This was a great conversation, and we end it with a quick discussion of Leo's early impressions of the new Assassin's Creed VR game, Nexus. YouTube link to episode: https://youtu.be/_ukag0ZSMIw Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0sRJfCvGPzjFHuo750Cimc?si=cdbdc5c7d1fa466c
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barefootbound · 3 months
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Watch Leo chairtied and cleavegagged
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razzek · 1 year
how does your blindness impact your art? I would have thought that it would be impossible for a blind person to work in a purely visual medium like you do, but clearly that's not the case. do you use adaptive tech or specific styles/techniques?
(I apologize if this question is ableist. I would like to know more about your experiences, but I don't have a great grasp of what's appropriate to ask and what isn't. I am not trying to be rude.)
Oooh thank you for asking! :) For the record, I’m pretty chill, I know there aren’t exactly a ton of us blindies out there, so feel free to ask questions with the language you have. :)
Haha oh man, my blindness has impacted my art from the very first thing I drew at age 4. I have a small amount of vision in my left eye; no depth perception, no peripheral vision, no distance, pretty good colors though. Life to me is basically a smear of nonsense colors that I put meaning to through context and location. The closest thing to seeing anything clearly I’ve ever gotten was watching cartoons, which I did obsessively as a kid. So first and foremost, I don’t and can’t draw from life, it makes no sense to me. The bold, simple actions of animation and the heavy stylization has taught me a ton.
Over the years my style has become very much about being high contrast, high visibility. But it also tangles with my love of doing pretty intricate detail work (it’s soothing, what can I say XD). In the past I was strictly a traditional media artist and I drew with what I had on hand. Growing up in poverty, what I had was the pens I used to write with in school and the paper I scrounged out of recycling bins. I basically mashed my face on the paper and worked in light angled over my shoulder that wasn’t too bright. I clipped paper to clip boards so I’d always have something lightweight enough to hold in one hand while I drew with the other. I’d sketch in pencil and ink using my very beefy prescription reading glasses, and everything I do had to be self taught. Life drawing class just doesn’t do anything for the dude who can’t see the model. :D
In 2019 a botched cataract surgery cost me most of my functional vision. I can no longer read print for any length of time, I don’t watch tv, and increasingly I just forget to look at most things with my eyes. But! I have an iPad. :D It took a few years and finding a pair of beefy store bought readers so I can focus enough to draw, but using Procrate and zooming down to the pixel as well as sketching on a black background makes the art still possile. I still draw mostly the same way I did with traditional media. I know brushes could probably be used to make some things easier, but I don’t have the spoons or visual stamina to figure out how to use them except for making quick backgrounds (pro tip: never have your character or object floating in a white void, even a single line to ground them will make your work better).
Color of late has been an interesting thing because I literally do not understand how light and shadow really works. I’ve read up on it but there’s only so much anyone can do when they just can’t see the thing. I like to ink the best and color is just an experiment I’m trying every time I do it heh. I make up little rules of style for myself and do a lot of guesswork based on the full shape I think a thing or character has, if that makes sense. I don’t know how a lot of things work visually so I will make stuff up, guess, or you’ll see some funky style things that happen because I read a medical paper once and just like drawing the holes in an iris (that’s what the lines in characters’ eyes are heh).
I’ll have to make a video sometime. Some of this stuff probably makes more sense in action.
Tl,dr: I mash my face onto an iPad and use 35-ish years of drawing experience to guess at what leoks right. :D I don’t think I would have become an artist if I wasn’t blind, I would have had more to look at to distract me. XD
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foxpapa · 7 months
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La Valletta - Malta
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Furry song leok
aw hell yeah!!
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