#Leon Kennedy blurb
cherubify · 3 months
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3827 words
cw: puppy hybrid f!reader, masturbation, dirty talk, virginity, fingering, mentions of other characters and lore / minors dni
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Leon didn't know what to do when he found you that night. He had returned from the gym when he found a little thing sitting at the steps outside his apartment complex. You were a little mutt, curled up into a trembling ball. Your fluffy tail coiled around your shaggy, dirty fur as your big puppy eyes stared up at him.
It would've been cruel to leave you to the elements, he lamented. And how cruel of a human would he be to say no when you began wagging your tail when you met his eyes?
"It's almost like you want me to take you home," he squats down at the base of the stairs. He held out his fingers and you sniffed him cautiously. When you had your fill, you lapped at the pads of his fingers with a soft yip. He stroked your droopy ears halfheartedly.
Just one night, he decided. He'd take you in, give you a shower, a meal and find your owners at first light tomorrow. If he failed to locate them, surely the local shelter would take you in, right?
So he scooped you up and brought you into his little apartment. It wasn't anything fancy, small for two but cosy enough for a single guy. He set you on the floor and you sniffed the tiles curiously. You wrinkled your nose and shook your head.
"C'mon," Leon gestured for you to follow, and you obediently padded after him into the bathroom. He placed you in the bathtub and ran a warm bath for you. It was a little scary so you tried to climb out a few times. But his firm grip prevented you from running, so you gave up and let him do as he wished.
When he finished, he rubbed you dry with a fluffy towel and a blowdryer. It was way scarier than the bath, but you dared not to escape when he furrowed his brows and stared at you pointedly. You whimpered as the stranger rubbed his hands all over your fluffy body.
Despite his rugged touch and scary frowns, he was a kind man. He even prepared a bowl of shredded meat for you. Up until now, you had been scavenging for scraps in the alleys.
"Slow down," he ordered. He squatted beside you and ran his fingers through your fur. "You're gonna throw up if you force it all down."
He was right, you did barf out your insides later. But a soft whine and well practiced sad puppy eyes did the trick to placate him.
You paced on top of a nest of towels. Leon had prepared it for you beside his bed. When you were satisfied, you curled into a ball and laid your head on your paws.
The brunette plopped onto his bed. Shirtless, he was enveloped by the soft glow of moonlight. Leon gazed tiredly at the puppy across him. He didn't expect this much work for a tiny mutt like you.
"It's just for tonight, so don't get too comfortable here. You hear me?" he warned as he fell back onto his mattress.
You yipped once. He closed his eyes, ready to let sleep take him.
On the brink of consciousness, he heard the sheets rustle. With one eye open, he saw you clamber up the bed clumsily, tiny paws gripping the sheets. You crawled over and settled beside him. You rested your head sweetly, droopy ears pressed against your head. Almost as if you were asking to sleep next to him.
Too tired to react, he closed his eyes. Then day came and he began his search.
Somehow, an entire month passed and there were still no signs of your owners. He even painstakingly left posters in the neighbourhood with a printed photo of you and his house number. However, nobody contacted him. Other than that one grandma that attempted to hook him up with her daughter. But he digressed.
His plan to drop you off at a shelter also backfired. When he walked into the building, the lady at the desk recoiled the moment she laid eyes on you. You even bore your teeth at her, which you never did. According to her, the 'mongrel' in his hands had caused a hell load of trouble during its stay. A fire broke out in the shelter a while back, and you had escaped during the chaos.
When he enquired if anyone else would be willing to take you in, you began to put up a fight and caused quite the scene in the shelter. So he begrudgingly left with you and bite marks punctured in his sweater. He reprimanded you about it later at home.
"You're such a pain," he lamented as he scooped pellets into your bowl. It was no gourmet meal, but it was delicious enough to elicit a delighted yip.
You learnt that this man was called Leon Scott Kennedy. He was a government agent, whatever that meant. He was smart, handsome and a huge tease. He would slap your sides playfully to disturb you, even though he knew you would jump around unhappily after. Despite his mischievous behaviour and quips, he treated you kindly and patiently. You liked that about him. He was much kinder than the people you encountered on the streets.
But sometimes, you could feel a deep sadness emanating from him. At times, he would wake up in cold sweat. He never spoke about it– but he would stand at the balcony, staring at the night sky with a distant look in his tired, blue eyes. You hated feeling helpless, you yearned to comfort him. But all you could do was sit by him patiently, hoping your feelings could reach him.
As you lost yourself to your thoughts, the agent sat at the dining table, a can of beer in his hand. He rested his chin on his palm, swirling his drink mindlessly. Usually he would spend his evenings at the gym and occasionally in a bar. But now with you by his side, he made the conscious effort to return home earlier.
He watched from the corner of his eyes. You were hunched over your food bowl, gobbling your dinner. For such a small thing, you sure had a voracious appetite. You always ate like you were still a starved pup.
"Slow down," he chuckled. He leaned forward, fingers extended to you. You eagerly approached, wagging tail and all. He petted you with a smirk, "The food's not going anywhere, y'know?"
You lapped at his fingers playfully. Then you resumed wolfing down your pellets. The brunette wiped the slobber off his fingers on his sweatpants.
At this rate, you were his full fledged pet dog. A liability, but a cute one. Not so cute when you tried to bite him when he pissed you off. Which rarely happened, but still. He rubbed his temples together, wrinkles deeply etched in his forehead.
But there was no way he could keep you in the long run, especially when there was no guarantee if he would always make it back home.
"What am I gonna do with you?" he sighed.
The stress radiating from your owner perked you up. You peered up from your bowl for the second time.
You tilted your head. A moment of silence passed and your jaw twitched, "Do... do?"
His blue eyes snapped to you and you wagged your tail curiously. His fingers slipped and his beer splashed onto the table.
"I have bad news for you. And good news too," a man's voice filled the house. Leon left the house phone on speaker and you paced around nervously.
"Let's hear it, Chris. Bad news first," he said.
"We've tracked the origin of your dog. Turns out Umbrella's been busier than we thought," Chris lowered his voice. "She was a test subject, along with other mutts, likely her litter. It was a similar project to Project Cerberus, but they produced inferior results. They were dumped in the Arklay Mountains. It’s likely they were torn to shreds by the pack there."
Leon glanced at you warily; your eyes dropped as he maintained eye contact, "So she's dangerous?”
To think that a B.O.W had been sleeping next to him for the past month. How careless he had been.
Chris hummed, "Not exactly. The T-virus in her is dead. Here’s the good news: the guys from the labs said she carries antibodies for the strain she was infected with. The higher-ups are eager to extract her blood for studies."
"Okay, but how does that explain her aboty to talk?" Leon plopped down on the couch. You padded over and sat at his feet. "Did the virus mutate and turn her into some- some hybrid creature?"
"Beats me. But that's all I know. If I find out more, I’ll let you know," the man said before ending the call. The line beeped and Leon turned off speaker mode.
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. You peered at him with your innocent puppy eyes. You had not spoken much since that night. But there was a newfound intelligence apparent in your eyes. picked you up and set you onto his lap.
"So you were abandoned by those bastards. Never would have guessed. Small world," he commented.
"Small... world," you mimicked. You placed your paws onto his chest and lapped at his face. His stubble was rough against your tongue, but you licked him anyway. A ghost of a smile settled on his face as he petted you. His face lit up suddenly.
“Oh! You’ve been nameless this whole time. I think it’s time I give you one. What do you think of… (name)?"
You shook your head, ears swaying side to side. He raised his brows, "Then, how about... Ada?"
You growled and barked, legs scrambling against him. He held you back and chuckled, "Just kidding. How about... (y/n)?"
He stroked your fur. You leaned against him and indulged in the warmth in his pets.
"I'm guessing you like it. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" He smiled, and you thumped your tail on his lap.
After that call, US-STRATCOM tasked Leon with babysitting you. The job was quite simple: ensure the special collar you wore stayed on at all times. It would track any fluctuations in your physical and mental state. An application on a tracking device would notify him of any changes too. Lastly, he would report to the research team on any developmental changes, such as improved speech, et cetera. From time to time, you would visit for blood samples too.
Thus, Leon was withheld from special operations temporarily.
Almost three months have passed since he found you, and about a month since he was tasked with your care. When he found you, you were mostly skin and bones. Now you had enough chub for him to pinch and tease. Much to your displeasure, eliciting distressed whines and playful bites from you. You had grown on him in such a short period of time. And him, to you.
Whenever he left and returned for work, you would sit at the door and bark greetings with a swishing tail. When he plopped down onto the couch, you would sprawl yourself on his thighs, nestling comfortably like he was your bed.
Leon was amused. He had never gotten a thigh pillow before but this dog somehow beat him to it. Unbelievable.
There were nights– or days– where he would return after meeting women. And those days were the least pleasant for you. You would growl brokenly with little fangs displayed, tail pinned between your legs.
To placate you, Leon would sacrifice his clothes and let you cover his face with dog slobber. You would spend the rest of the day marking him with your scent, burying yourself in every nook and cranny of his body. Only when you were appeased would you return to your sweet, easygoing self.
"You're such a needy pup," he exhaled sleepily. You were still busy rubbing your little body against his side even in the middle of the night. He placed a heavy hand atop your head. "Sleep."
You whined and relented, resting your head on his side. Big innocent eyes blinked at him as he stroked your head.
It should be annoying– the way you clung to him like super glue. But somehow he couldn't really be mad. Who could be with such a good girl? He stroked your ears fondly, he found it cute that you were this clingy with him, your owner.
But besides that, there’s been something kind of strange happening lately. Sometimes, Leon would find his bed sheets dampened with a strange liquid. It was sweet, with hints of arousal he was familiar with that women carried. But he never brought women home. And his sweet pup was not getting her cheeks clapped either. So where did this strange liquid originate from?
Whenever he asked you, you would run off to occupy yourself with toys. So he figured maybe you've been having wet dreams. If dogs could have them.
It was later than usual when your owner returned. When he called for you, silence greeted him back. Strange, you were usually at his beck and call. He searched his bag for his tracker and checked the tiny green screen. A red dot flashed incessantly on the screen, signaling a change in your physical or neurological state. He lowered his bags and whipped out his pistol. Had the T-virus returned and taken over you?
He scanned the halls carefully before arriving at the entrance of his bedroom. He listened intently. Soft, unsteady sounds leaked into the hallway. It sounded like whimpers. Had (y/n) finally transformed into a monster?
His hand rested on the doorknob. Then he turned it and slowly entered the room. He was attacked by the heavy scent of pheromones. It clung heavily in the air, and he shielded his nose with his arm as he scanned his surroundings. His gun leveled on his bed, where you lay.
Your legs hung in the air, back arched as your hand pressed against your soft, glistening mound. The moonlight filtering through the balcony curtains cast a silver glow onto the stranger. Your fingers drove into your insides greedily in a steady yet clumsy pace. The hand clamped over your mouth did little to mask your whimpers and sighs. He lowered his gun slowly.
"Leon..." Your sweet voice filled the air. You panted softly, toes curling as you chanted his name. That's when he noticed your tail, the same shade of fur as his puppy hybrid. And the special collar and the floppy ears atop your head were telltale signs. It seemed like you had transformed– albeit into something else. He pocketed his gun and stood at the doorway. You were too deep in your haze to notice him, despite the heavy gaze from your sole audience.
You were inexperienced– it was apparent in your sloppy movements. His sweet pup didn't know how to make herself feel good, huh? Maybe he could help with that– wait, what would you think if you knew these sick thoughts?
He licked his lips. It should disgust him. You were his lovely pet. So why was he getting excited instead?
A long winded sigh snapped him out of his daze. Toes clenched, you unfurled and clenched them rhythmically as you sped up. A cry escaped you as your stomach fluttered. You couldn’t cum, you’ve been trying for hours.
With a heavy sigh, you lowered your legs and started to sit up when your eyes met his. You stopped in your tracks and he lifted a brow.
"I think you forgot to ask if I enjoyed the show," he teased. Your blood ran cold. How long had your owner been watching you...?
"T-This isn't what you think it is," you stuttered, grabbing the sheets to hide your body. You squeezed your shoulders together fearfully, appearing smaller.
"Looked like you were enjoying yourself."
Leon sat beside you, his weight on the mattress dipped you towards him. He set his gun and tracker onto the bedside table. You turned away from him, ears pinned to your head.
"I don't know what you're t-talking about."
"Playing dumb? C'mon, you were begging for me." He chuckled darkly, and you hid your face in the sheets in your hands. You tried to leave, but he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap.
"How 'bout your owner shows you how to feel real good?"
. . .
Your legs trembled as he spread them further with his. Sitting on his lap, he had an arm wrapped tightly around your waist, holding you securely against him. The hard-on pressing against your back sent shivers down your spine. He teased your slick slit as he dragged his thumb up and down, up and down in a slow motion.
"How much?" He demanded, his voice low and dark. You let out a whimper when he pressed against your clit, sending a jolt down your core. "How far have you gone?"
"Leon," you begged softly, "Please stop. You're scaring me."
"Don't you think it's too late to stop?" His chest rumbled with laughter, and you clenched embarrassingly. "Besides, who was the one moaning my name like a little whore? C'mon, tell me."
You shook your head, but you gasped when he spanked your pussy. The bundle of nerves twitched as you trembled. You leaned forward slightly, panting as you clutched his arm weakly. Instinctively, you tried to close your legs but he forced them open again.
"If you try that one more time I'm gonna punish you," he whispered into your ear. He snaked his warm tongue along the shell of your ear and you let out a muted moan. As he teased your ear, a digit gingerly slid into your weeping cunt.
"N-No... Leon- o-oh..." you tried to struggle but your eyes rolled back from the simple ministration. You sighed sweetly as you leaned into him. A smirk settled on his face. He knew you were bullshitting. Thank god for your honest pussy.
"Stop trying to put up a fight," the brunette muttered as he stroked your walls experimentally. You bit your lip and clung to his forearm. "Just feel it."
Leon kissed the back of your head as he slid another digit in. He was knuckles deep within you when you relaxed against him. Your chest heaved with soft pants as you gazed down at where you were connected. Such a good girl, you stopped putting up a fight when you finally got what you wanted. He was sure to reward you for your good behaviour.
He began to move, eliciting whispery moans and whines from your soft lips. The sound of your wetness and his thrusting filled the room. Any shred of embarrassment had dissipated with each loving stroke of his fingers. Your brain was turning into mushy matter. You could barely hold a coherent thought. It felt so different from when you did it, and so, so much better. If only you had gotten his help from the start, then you could've felt this good all along.
You clutched him weakly, body trembling as you panted harder with each thrust. The funny feeling in your belly was growing, pulsating like a burning star. You pushed against him, eyes glassy. "Owner- Leon-'' you babbled, "Stop stop stop-"
He kissed the top of your head tenderly, "I'm here. Just be a good girl and feel it all."
He coaxed you through your orgasm as you shook and trembled like a leaf in the wind. When you finally finished, he withdrew his fingers from you with a soft squelch. You laid limply in him, thighs twitching as stars twinkled in your blurry vision.
His slick fingers rested against your plush lips. You willingly open up and lap at his digits.The taste of your arousal was sweet but slightly bitter, a strange combination, you sleepily wondered as you swirled your tongue around his appendages.
With a soft pop, you freed his fingers and collapsed against his chest entirely. You tried to match your breathing with his, and he stroked your hair and side lovingly. A few moments passed when he finally spoke up.
"Since when did you start transforming? If that's the right word." His voice was soft, like he genuinely wanted to know.
You peered up at him meekly. Your volume fell with each word, "For a few weeks. I didn't know how to tell you. Was scared that you'd abandon me. And you won't be my owner anymore."
"You don’t have to worry about that." He frowned. He placed a fleeting kiss on your lips, "I’m not gonna abandon you. Not now, or ever."
You clung to him, placing your head over his heart. It drummed in the confines of his chest, like an unwilling prisoner. You curled up against him as he looped an arm around your smaller form.
"So those fluids were from you all along?"
You nestled into him. You hummed in agreement, and he looked up at the ceiling.
“Don’t be mad.”
“I’m not,” he laughed. “You could’ve told me sooner. Then I could’ve helped.”
"... I was jealous," you mumbled to him.
"Huh? Did you say something?"
You pouted and buried your face in his chest. Your tail thumped heavily on the bed and he raised a brow questioningly.
. . .
"Where did you get that?" He peered up from his newspaper. The agent sat on the couch, staring at the girl across from him.
You wore an oversized tee that looked like it would fall off your shoulder at any second. It hung above your knees. And when you twirled, he caught sight of your polka dotted panties. He slowly set down his newspaper.
You twirled for him again. "I look super cute, don't I? I found it in your closet."
"Knew it. It looks good," he gestured for you to come, and you hopped towards him. You took a seat on his lap, your legs placed over his. He stroked your hair gently and kissed your nose. "Though I think you'd be even cuter without it."
"Huh? Wait-" you tried to escape but he caught your wrists. He pulled your shirt over your head and swiftly repositioned you so that you laid on the couch whilst he knelt between your legs.
The brunette hooked your legs over his broad shoulders, maintaining eye contact as he pried your thighs open. He pressed a kiss against your inner thigh and he hooked your underwear with his fingers. As he pressed more kisses to your thighs, he he slowly pulled down your panties. Your breath hitched in your throat.
"How do you want it today?" He muttered against your skin.
"Anything if it makes owner happy," you blushed as you curled your toes expectantly.
He grinned.
"Good pup.”
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all content written by @puppyina ! do not repost, edit or plagiarise. requests are open for any past written characters.
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leqonsluv3r · 1 month
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— leon and you begin a relationship and find yourselves infatuated with each other, a blurb
contains nsfw content, 18+, MDNI
masterlist taglist
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ever since you and leon admitted your feelings for each other, things had been different for you.
certain things had changed.
you found yourself more insatiable then normal, so did he. it definitely wasn’t just you, you both found yourselves barely leaving the bedroom in the honeymoon stage of your relationship.
it was like you both were hungry for each other, hungry for each others bodies like oxygen. it wasn’t normal but the affect you had on each other, it wasn’t just normal either.
like now, in the dregs of post-sex bliss, you both were laying in his bed in his apartment. your t-shirt was his and found a home on your body, laying with him in his rumpled blue sheets of his king sized bed.
limbs entangled and smalls snores leaving you both. you knew that in the waking of the night, you’d both find each other again. with your hands, your mouths and your bodies.
neither of you could help it, you were both addicted to each other now like junkies needing a fix. you wanted to blame him but you couldn’t, he was handsome. you were only human after all.
so when you both wake up in the morning, act like a normal couple for a bit, then it’s back to him ravaging you in bed. you didn’t even care either how he degraded you in the midst of all of it. you knew his respect for you ran deep, that much was aware.
but in these moments, like now, when your sat on his cock and he’s fucking into you…all of the respect is gone and only love and lust remain.
“pretty little pussy is squeezing me baby, christ.” he groans out, his hands are on your hips and he’s fucking himself up into you while you just sit on his lap and take it. “uhh…” is all you can respond, your fucked out this point and he’s practically splitting you in two.
your thoughts are only of him and his cock pounding up into you as your thighs hug his lap. you bury your head into his shoulder and whine. “poor little baby, can’t handle all this cock.” he manages to get out in between groans.
the only sounds in the room are your conjoined heavy breathing and his thighs slapping up against your ass, his hands burning brands into your hips to keep you in place while he uses you like a cock sleeve.
you moan in response and flutter around his dick on instinct, squeezing him a little. “oh? you like that, you like taking my big cock, baby?” he teases in your ear, one of his large hands coming down to squeeze your ass. his hips buck a little faster into you and start hitting that spot over and over.
“yes, like…your cock…” your words make no sense as you practically drool on his shoulder, holding onto him for dear life as he keeps fucking up into you. “i know you do, your a little slut for my cock…” he groans as he fists one hand on your ass and the other on your hip.
you whine loudly and your pussy flutters around him again at the degradation, letting it go straight to your core. he knows that your falling apart because of him, he knows he’s the only one that’s ever made you feel this hungry.
he’s trying to not let it go to his head, or his cock.
but he can’t help it, he’s bouncing you like your a fuck toy on his lap and your eating every bit of it up. “oh shit, fuck…baby…” he’s groaning and he smacks your ass cheek, squeezing the reddened flesh beneath his hands.
you squeeze around him again, your eyes practically pooling with tears as he abuses your sore pussy with his cock. you don’t even care anymore, too high on bliss and the feeling of euphoria that only him pleasuring you can do.
“made to take cock, made to be a good little cock slut.” he mumbles into your neck with another smack to your ass as he keeps thrusting his hips up into you over and over. you just whine and nod against his shoulder in response, your pussy tightening around him again.
he slips his hand around to the tight little ring of muscle, causing you to whine as he circles your asshole with his thumb. “maybe i’ll plug both your holes, keep you full and needy for me.” he hums through a groan. your body practically vibrating at the insinuation.
“please…” you whimper into his shoulder pathetically, his hand on your ass lightly smacking it again and his thrusts going deep and slower now. edging and teasing you in the way that makes your skin feel like it’s on fire.
“oh? really? you’d like that?” you can practically hear the smirk through his strained words in your ear, his deep and rough timbre vibrating through you like your nearing orgasm.
you moan and nod into his shoulder in response. he clicks his tongue, “whatever baby wants, baby gets.” he brings his thumb up to his mouth, licking on it and sucking it and spitting on it a little before he brings it back down to your asshole.
you almost scream in pleasure when he inserts his thumb into your ass, double penetrating you on his cock and thumb. you feel like you could die happily right there, filled with all of him.
you don’t even care how fucked out you must look, not when it feels so good to have him filling you up in both holes. “such a needy little slut, always needing my cock and fingers.” he mumbles into your ear with a small nip to your earlobe.
the hand on your hip is keeping you steady again as he starts thrusting into you faster, your arousal combined with his is lewd, echoing throughout his bedroom.
“gonna cum…” you manage to moan in between his rapid thrusts up into you, making you whimper and almost scream. you felt drool leak out of your lips and your eyes roll back a little. he thrusts his thumb deeper into your ass at the same time as he thrusts deep inside of you.
he hits that spot that almost makes you see stars, “good girl, such a good little slut…cum for me baby.” he rambles as he feels himself get closer. that band inside the both of you about to snap at each other’s movements.
all it takes is a couple more thrusts of his hips up into you for you to fall apart, clenching on his thumb and his cock as you moan loudly. he groans as he feels you come and he continues fucking you through it, driving your shaking body into overstimulation.
“too much…” you whine as you grip at his shoulders, your eyes squeezing shut. he keeps moving his hips up into you, chasing his own orgasm. “it’s okay, baby, i’m close. you can take it.” he presses a sloppy kiss to your ear.
you tremble and shake as he keeps thrusting up into you, you feel his muscle tense and then warmth floods your lower belly. your head resting on his shoulder and his thumb leaving your ass. he presses kisses on the side of your temple and down to your ear.
“good girl…good girl.” he murmurs into your hair, rubbing a hand along your bare spine in smoothing caresses. his cock still twitching a little inside of you. your body slumping into his on exhaustion from your previous love making.
you sigh in content, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck while he rubs on your spine. giving you love and aftercare even though you were still full of him, full of his come now.
you felt so full of his love and you hoped the honeymoon phase never ended, not once. you wished, selfishly that you could stay like this forever and be with him like this every moment of every day. even though you both knew better then that.
but the insatiable act of you two being together was one of the many reasons why you loved him so much. it was all of it, him and the way he treated you. he loved you for who you are, and you did him.
so even if you both fucked like rabbits, it was only proof that you two trusted each other enough to go to those places with each other.
because you both were truly insatiable for each other.
and that was enough for the both of you because you would never get enough of each other.
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an: thank you guys for 800 followers, again, holy shit balls. i love you guys so much and i say that every time but i truly mean it. you guys are amazing, so thankful for all of you. i hope you guys liked this, it’s pure filth and the idea has been contaminating my brain since i thought of it. pls reblog, like and interact. love you guys, kisses. xx.
taglist: @elihii @heartsforvin @argreion @sqiim @adollrable @leonkennedygvrl @cherubify (interact with my taglist at the beginning if you wanna be added <33)
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coqvttes · 8 months
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୨୧― been thinking about leon’s biceps…
୨୧˚ warnings: nsfw 16+ only, penetration, gn!reader, sub!reader, dom!leon, scratching, choking, some aftercare, slight manhandling, lmk if i forgot anything!
leon, who can’t help but smirk every time he flexes because he knows you can’t take your eyes off of his biceps.
and he just loves the way your nails claw at his big arms when he’s above you, fucking you into the soft mattress. you’re just so overwhelmed by the pleasure that you can't even think straight. you just need something, anything to grab onto. and after he's fucked you, he admires the many scratch marks you left on him.
he takes you from behind, thrusting into you roughly as leans down to wrap his muscular arm around your neck, pulling your body flush against his chest. he pounds into you hard before he starts whispering dirty words into your ear as he’s choking you with his bicep.
he’d fuck you hard against the bedroom wall, big strong arms holding you up steadily from under your thighs as you moan into his mouth that’s kissing you passionately. you're gasping for breath because you just love how strong he is and you can’t contain your pretty little noises.
he picks you up with ease and carries you to the bathtub to run you a nice warm bath after making love to you. then after a while, he’d get into the tub behind you and let you lean back into him and he’d wrap his arms around you to keep you close to him just how you both like it.
and you mustn't forget how he slips his arm around your waist when you’re out and about in public. he's just protective over you and wants to keep you close to him.
note: low-key might turn this into a fic 🙈
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‧˚ʚɞ˚‧ all works belong to © coqvettes 2023. i do not give permission to claim, translate or copy any of my works. reblogs are appreciated !
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p3terparker · 4 months
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: leon is too shy to make a move on you
𝘄/𝗰: 0.7k
𝗮/𝗻: this is my first leon fic and i haven’t written in months so please be nice to me 😭 i hope you guys enjoy!! ♡
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it’s no secret leon is shy. ever since the beginning of your relationship– which was months ago– you were always the one to initiate things between you two, not just sexually. he was too shy even to hold your hand or start a cuddle session. you don’t mind that; in fact, you even find it quite cute how he starts to blush when you do something as simple as kissing him on his cheek, but sometimes you don’t always want to be the one to make a move, which is why you had completely deprived him of any physical touch.
you can tell he’s bothered. he’s been staring at you as soon as you two sat on the couch together and put on your guy’s favorite TV show. he not so subtly coughs to get your attention too, but you choose to ignore that as you hold back a giggle. it’s obvious he wants to cuddle, but you’re not going to give him what he wants unless he does it himself.
as the show progresses to the next episode, you finally decide to speak up after feeling his eyes on you throughout the entirety of the first episode.
“you need something leon?” you ask while looking away from the TV you were watching.
“w-what? oh um, no. why do you ask?” he stumbles over his words as a slight blush creeps over his face.
“because you’ve been staring at me ever since you got home” you giggle
“oh.. sorry” he murmurs out timidly while finally looking away from your face and towards the TV.
that was the last thing that was said before the next episode started and you were engulfed in the show you were watching again.
it didn’t take long for his attention to fall back onto you, staring at you in disbelief because you’re not giving him what he wants. it’s killing you inside to not just wrap yourself in his arms, but you have to stand strong. you continue watching your show for another 15 minutes before leon finally reaches his breaking point.
“why are you doing this to me?”
you pause the show and get a good look at his face. he has a small pout and a look of sadness painted all over his face which causes you to feel a twinge of pain in your chest.
“doing what?”
“ignoring me”
“i’m not–”
“yes you are. you didn’t give me a hug or kiss when i got home and now you’re not cuddling with me like you always do” he cuts you off and lets the words pour out frustratedly.
you kind of feel bad but at the same time can’t help yourself from laughing at how frustrated he is over an issue he could’ve avoided by just making a move on you.
“you know you could’ve kissed me and cuddled me yourself, right?”
now he’s silent because you just called him out.
“yeah but… i don’t know how” he timidly says.
“what do you mean you don’t know how?”
“you make me nervous. you’re my first relationship and i don’t know how to initiate anything between us without making things awkward” he quietly states, barely able to make eye contact with you.
“aww leon, come here” you say while finally embracing him. you can feel the tension release from his body as soon as he lays his head on your chest.
“you could never make things awkward between us leon. and as for me making you nervous, do you know how nervous you make me? like seriously, you’re insanely hot and also have the sweetest personality ever”
“stoppp” he whines but gives you a look that tells you he secretly loves what you’re saying.
“alright alright, but i'm serious leon. nothing you say or do could make things awkward between us. you don’t know how much i want you to initiate something for once, i’m tired of practically wearing the pants in our relationship” you laugh while semi-joking.
you don’t know if it’s the entirety of the little speech you gave him or the comment about you wearing the pants in your relationship that caused a change in his demeanor, but suddenly he flipped your position to where he has you pinned beneath him on the couch and passionately kissed you.
“who’s wearing the pants now?”
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scandalcus · 9 months
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‧₊˚⊹ pussy drunk - leon kennedy x afab!reader
warnings: smut no plot, unprotected p in v sex, overstimulation, breeding kink? kind of sub leon notes: ....heyyyyy.... sorry for not posting anything in months here's a quick little leon kennedy drabble i threw together in literally an hour, hope u guys enjoy <3 dedicated to my babygirl ciera bc she made me obsessed with him.
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thinking about overstimulated pussy drunk leon who can't control his whines and whimpers as you fuck his arousal deeper into you, your pussy overflowing and leaking out a mixture of both yours and his cum that leaves a mess all over his thighs.
"so fucking greedy, can't get enough of my cum," he slurs, sloppily pounding into your abused cunt at a relentless pace, his grunts and whimpers practically music to your ears as they echo through the air with obscene slapping and squelching sounds.
"mm, need to fill you up," leon whines, begging and pleading between incoherent babbles, his desperation only fueling your desire further. you flutter around him, he nearly loses it feeling you squeeze him perfectly.
"this cock is yours, take it all, use me, please." he babbles. god, he sounds pathetic, reduced to a whiny mess in your hands. his grip on you tightens as he guides your hips against him, the sloppy sounds filling the room seemingly growing louder with each thrust.
strained groans erupt from his throat as his body tenses, his pace quickening as he feels his climax approaching him. the sensation causes you to go limp against him as you continue to take the entirety of his cock; it's torture, it's perfect, its not enough.
"gonna cum for me, make an even bigger mess all over your cock, hmm?" you goad, earning a growl from leon. "s'fucking good, gonna put a baby in you," he mindlessly babbles as his cock repeatedly hits your sweet spot, the sensation grows to become overwhelming for both of you as you both feel an orgasm washing over you.
you let out a cry as he pulls all the way out and slams into you a final time, a string of drawn out whimpers and groans follow as he spills his release deep into you, your own slick rushing out of you as leon leaves his cock in you, keeping you full of his cum as long as he can.
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gtgbabie0 · 9 months
This is kind of a silly request but how about reader giving Leon a kiss while wearing a lip plumping gloss and him feeling the literal tingles and him being like what the heck this is new. I saw this cute comment that someone said that when their partner mentioned the tingling their response was that their kisses are electric.
- Leon Kennedy x Reader
This is too cute!! Hope you enjoy my lovelies 💕💕
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“Hey sweetheart” Leon smiles walking over to where you’re sitting, crossed-legged on the bed. You’ve been piecing together the Lego bricks from the new set he had gotten you for your anniversary, eyebrows furrowed as you carefully follow the steps.
There’s something about the small frown that ghosts over the space between your eyebrows that makes his heart melt, despite the fact you’re currently ignoring him.
He tries again, this time taking a seat down next to you, the bed dipping slightly as he does so. “Having fun?” He says, watching as you study the instruction book. He chuckles when you look over at him with excitement in your eyes, nodding as you snap the colourful blocks together.
“Mhm, it’s almost done,” you tell him with a beam of happiness in your eyes, looking over at him as he reaches out his hand to tuck your hair behind your ear, he smiles as you lean into his touch.
You’re almost inclined to put away the Legos and curl up with him, and the way his thumb grazes against your cheek certainly doesn’t help. The warmth from his touch makes you realise just how tense you’ve gotten, an ache that stretches across your shoulders and down your spine.
Leon notices as you roll your shoulders slightly, a small sigh falling from your lips when he starts to massage you with his big hands. “D’you wanna take a break?” He asks, shuffling closer to you.
You contemplate his offer for a second, glancing over at your empty water bottle and it’s only then you become aware of how dry your throat is. You reach over to the reusable bottle with a “Mhm, I need a drink” and before you can even stand up Leon is already grabbing the bottle.
“I’ll go angel” he says leaning to press a gentle kiss to your lips, the taste of whatever is on your lips only makes him smile against you deepening the kiss. The feeling makes you forget all about the plumping lip gloss you put on just a minute ago.
He doesn’t make it out of the bedroom before turning around with confusion in his eyes. Leon licks his lips with an almost comical panic, “What the hell is that?” He asks wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
You can’t help but laugh at him, “What? It’s just lip gloss” You shrug biting back your smile. He shakes his head with urgency as he presses the tips of his fingers against his mouth as if he’s checking he’s still got lips.
“Baby, it’s like... pins and needles” he says taking the end of his shirt as he pulls it up to his mouth, wiping away the product. And if it wasn’t for the tingling sensation, that he’s currently freaking out over, he would have teased you about the way you’re so clearly eyeing his abs right now.
You giggle as he walks back over to you, sitting back down on the bed, “It’s not that bad. You’re so over dramatic” you tease, reaching over to brush his fringe away from his eyes.
“Over dramatic? Honey, I can’t feel them” he teases still prodding at his supple lips. You reach over to gently swat his hands away, “I guess our kisses are electric, huh?” he nudges your shoulder with his own, his eyes gleaming with joy as he chuckles at the slight eye roll you give him.
“Electric?” You repeat, trying to stifle the giggle that creeps into your throat.
He nods in earnest, leaning into you with a soft whisper against your ear, “So electric baby” and you can’t help but burst into laughter, a hand clamped over your mouth as he chuckles against your shoulder.
Leon pulls away for a moment, taking the opportunity to admire you as calm yourself down. His hand cups your jaw gently as he presses soft kisses to your lips, not minding the slight tingle that it causes.
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poisonedprose · 1 year
rookie!leon kennedy who has to perform a pat down on you because you were accused of stealing something and he's so so nervous because he's never done this before but no one else is available right now. his hands barely making contact with the fabric of your clothes and of course you were wearing a skirt. "can you, um, turn around for me, please?" he didn't think he was much of an ass guy, but fuck, does your ass look good in that skirt. his hands are back on you, again barely even touching you. if you did steal something, he probably wouldn't even find it with how lightly he was touching you. "looks like you're good. sorry." he so shy and nervous and he feels so bad about wasting your time and you turn around and see that hes so so hard :(( he doesn't even realize how hard he is until you're pointing it out. "have fun?" you smirk as you point down to his pants and suddenly he wants hide under a rock and never see the sunlight again for as long as he lives.
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sargeant-bxrnes · 8 months
leon’s nsfw alphabet [re2 version]
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࿐ ˚ . ✦ warning(s): definitely +18. explicit sexual content/descriptions of male & female bodies. [my english is a warning on its own, as always.]
my masterlist           request are OPEN
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Oh this man is THE best at this, he's so attentive and knows exactly what you need simply by looking at you. He's gonna clean you up, feed you, cuddle you (he loves post sex-cuddles to death), and whatever else you need. If you're not used to being pampered to that point, you'll probably feel a bit smothered by his affection. But don't be, he means well, he's just trying to show his love.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
The man is obsessed with you. Utterly. He likes everything about you, from head to toe, including those things not even you like about yourself. He likes your hair, your eyes, lips, your tits, hips, god... your thighs, your ass and of course, your pretty pussy. But he's not shallow, never will be. He appreciates you entirely.
About himself... Leon would probably choose his arms, his hands or his back, mainly because it's where your hands trail around more often, and he's proud you like his physique.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically.)
He is pretty responsible, let's state that. He knows that getting you pregnant by accident is literally the last thing you two need at the moment (unless things are stable and you two have talked about it.) He'd use a condom by default, however if you're on the pill, he'll drop the condoms in a flash, wanting to fuck you raw.
He likes to finish inside you, whether it be your mouth, pussy or wherever you're taking him, since he claims there's nothing better than that feeling.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Leon is a switch, so it's not rare for you to take the reins every now and then, especially when he’s tired after a long day. — However, deep down Leon wants you to completely take over, at least once. To control down to the last detail, the position, pace, if it's sensual or rough, to make him hold back his orgasm until you're ready to take it, or overstimulate him to the point he's a blabbering mess, simply because you don't want to get off his cock.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
Up until that point in his life, Leon is very in sync with his emotions. He's not the type of guy who sleeps around, he needs an emotional bond or any sort of feelings to have sex with someone, which meant he wasn't very experienced when he met you.
Still, he's a quick learner, it wasn't long before he picked up on what you liked and got really good on it. He knows what angles you like for him to fuck you, exactly where to curl his fingers when he's fingering you, and how to twirl his tongue around when he's eating you out.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
He's a simple man, he's not gonna go for the most eccentric position or anything pulled out of the Kamasutra. He likes to look at your face while he fucks you, it feels more special and intimate for him, makes him feel closer to you. Plus, looking at your face makes him get harder.
Missionary is his to go position, with your legs over his shoulders when it gets rougher. But... if you ride him? He's gonna go straight to heaven.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He will occasionally say a thing or two that will inevitably make you chuckle or giggle, but he doesn't take intimate moments as a joke, he's really into it, he takes pleasuring you and himself seriously, since it's something very important for both.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Leon honestly couldn't care any less about it. He keeps himself trimmed or shaven if you ask him to be, but he has no problem with body hair, he thinks it's natural. As for your body, he'll like you no matter what you do, it's up to you and your comfort. Hair or no hair, he'll love you and fuck you either way.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
(Let me pretend RE2 didn't happen like that for a sec) Ever since he began working at the Police Department, he was considerably busier, or more tired than he used for be when he was just at the Academy. When you are having sex is one of the few moments where you two are completely alone and able to enjoy each other's company. So it is a pretty big deal to both. And you better believe he's gonna make the best out of it.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't have much time to do it nowadays, and whenever he feels the urge he always restrains himself from acting on it, wanting to wait until he's with you. He doesn't see the point of using his hand (which doesn't compare to you at all) and being selfish when he could just go home and bury himself in your pretty pussy, offering both of you pleasure and orgasms.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Leon has experienced a bit but not enough to know all the things he likes yet, he's discovering it with you. All he knows is that he gets off on praise, both giving and receiving. It makes him feel even better when he knows you like what he's doing to you, makes him feel confident.
He's also into overstimulation, even if he doesn't do it consciously. He just likes to pleasure you as much as possible, making you cum as many times as he can, and the poor guy doesn't even notice your poor pussy cannot take another orgasm. He means well though, and he stops when you ask him to.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He's not into risky stuff (yet), so your bedroom or apartment is the best place for him, where he feels more comfortable and at ease, free and willing to let loose and fuck you like you deserve to be.
However, if the urge presented itself and it was impossible to ignore, he'd be willing to fuck you in your car. Nothing riskier than that, because of course, he's a police officer and has to set an example, right?
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Oh, this one it's easy. Everything. You turn him on. You don't even have to try sometimes, you just have to be yourself, walk like you do, sway your hips, laugh with that beautiful laugh of yours, or kiss him with your pretty lips. And God... if you wanna get him going really fast? Kiss his jaw, or his Adam's apple.
Oh, and also? When you hold on to his biceps when you kiss him, pressing your body against his, that'll turn on a switch inside him instantly.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Sharing. He really, really doesn't like to share, especially not you. Also, nothing that will cause you any sort of pain, he'd hate himself if he ever hurt you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
If there's one thing Leon loves is to come back home and have you welcoming him by dropping to your knees and taking his cock in your pretty little mouth, giving him the head of his life, sucking away all the worries he had along the day.
But more than anything he loves to give. Leon is definitely a giver, it's in his nature to serve and help others, and this definitely transfers to the bedroom.
If it were up to him, he would eat your pretty pussy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He likes to eat you in all the positions possible, while you lay on your back, while you're on all fours and from behind, and if you're up for it? He's a happy man if you ride his face or sit on it. He's obsessed with how you taste, and damn... the way you moan and whimper his name gets him harder than anything else.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He always fucks you in the perfect pace, depending on what you both need that day. If you two were tired, then slow, sensual sex is the way to go, a slow roll of his hips into yours as he mumbles praise into your ear while he rubs your clit with one hand and rolls/pinches your nipples with the other.
If you two are in desperate need of release, then he's gonna be faster, his hips thrusting harder into yours, his grip on your body firmer as he pounds into you, chasing your orgasm and his.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's needy. Not that he'll ever admit out loud. Which is why this is conflicting, he doesn't like to risk getting caught that often, but at the same time he's sometimes so fucking horny for you he can't keep his dick down, so if the opportunity presents and it's not too risky, Leon will never turn down a quickie. At least not when it's on a decent moment. But most of the time he forces himself to keep it in his pants, at least until you're back home where he can fuck you properly.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's willing to experiment in the bedroom as long as you want it too, and as mentioned before, as long as you're not at risk. If it involves harming you, then he's gonna need some time to get courage to do it; even with your consent. For example: Spanking, choking, tying you up... all of that, it's gonna take sometime for him to warm up to it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
His stamina has increased noticeably since he began training for the Police, so he can last two to three rounds, and it's up to you how long these last, but if it were up to him, he'd be at it all night, with some breaks of course but he doesn't tire easily.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Leon doesn't own any, but if you happen to own some, then he'd be down to use them on you while you have sex, with the purpose of teasing the life out of you, but he'd never, ever let you cum because of them— what kind of boyfriend he'll be if he lets you cum around some piece of plastic and not on his fingers, his mouth, or even better, his cock? He's always gonna finish the job himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The truth is that he teases you without noticing it. He doesn't think too much of it when he walks shirtless around the house, when he flexes his biceps doing random chores, or when he grunts and groans while he works out. Oh... but when he catches on? He's gonna continue teasing you until one of you both breaks. (It's more often him than you, though, man's pussywhipped lowkey.)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's not exactly loud, but he's not quiet either. He's not shy about moaning, or praising you, and if you’re really close to him, you'll maybe get lucky and hear a whimper or two.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Leon set himself the rule that you have to cum at least two times before he even allows himself to feel any sort of pleasure. Not only because he wants to make sure you're completely satisfied, but because he wants you nice and wet when he slides inside you. Simple man of simple pleasures.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's a good 8.5 inches, which is impressive. However Leon doesn't get cocky or brag about it, and if you compliment his size he'll just chuckle and downplay it (even if deep down he knows he's big.)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He's stressed all the time, to be fair. And as if he wasn't already a man with high libido by nature, his stress transforms into even more libido, so he's horny and needy all the time, there's no point in lying. Sometimes he's in the middle of his shift, and can't stop thinking about how badly he wants to fuck you, or eat you out— he constantly has to remind himself to get it together.
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Leon is only able to fall asleep once he feels you sleeping in his arms, comfortable and safe. His heartbeat will sync with yours, and he'll bury his face in your hair or neck, depending on the position, the feeling of your breath against his skin, your heartbeat, your warmth... it's the perfect lullaby to send him to sleep.
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moodyboozewriting · 4 months
Leon S. Kennedy with artist!reader
Imagining Leon with someone who's an artist.
Asking him to pose for a painting or drawing, and him being nervous about being a good model: "Is this okay?"
Him getting comfortable after you confirm the pose, humming pleasantly along to any music you play. Occasionally he even requests you to play certain songs.
His reaction to seeing your finished artwork, because you won't let him see any of the progress in case it turns out poorly. He's absolutely speechless, his eyes roaming up, down and around your artwork. "It's... incredible..."
You blushing because it 'really isn't that impressive' and you 'messed up everywhere' and honestly you 'should really start all over again'.
He shakes his head, grabbing your paint-covered or charcoal-blackened hands and reassuring you warmly. "It's perfect"
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dmitriene · 4 months
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cw: comfort, maybe slighty hurt, leon in need of acceptance, dog poem references, hints on established relationship, kisses, markong, hints of possesive behavior, slighty suggestive, female anatomy, just a blurb pairing: older leon kennedy x fem reader
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every action has a consequence, and an violent dog does not become violent on its own, does not bite an outstretched hand simply because it likes it, and does not defend itself by growling and pressing itself to the floor when you approach it — because she is not like this on her own, but because of the influence of society.
leon is much different from a wild street dog looking for food in the gateways and biting those passing by, he is different in that he does not bite the feeding hand, presses his muzzle to the warmth and believes in the fleetingly offered sparks of comfort, even if over and over again he will still be abandoned, broken by society, closed in on himself, drowned in oppressive darkness.
he himself licks his wounds, licks them with a flask of alcohol, trying to keep his distance, baring sharp teeth in fleeting aggression and dark humor, but time after time he still shortens the distance and allows himself to invade his soul again,to caress in order to deceive later, to instill false hope in an already matured dog, who remains a puppy inside.
you were the first to reach out to him in an attempt to soothe him, taking small steps to meet his exposed, sharp teeth and loud growls — from small gestures, be it a good morning wish, to slow touches, straightening the collar of his shirt when you notice that it is wrinkled, or his dark strands of hair, shaggy here and there, feeling a little harsh under the palm, and lepn doesn’t twitch, growl, or even bite, he just wrinkles his nose and looks at you through narrowed blue eyes.
he opened voluntarily, exposed himself to stroking touches, bit not in order to defend himself, but in order to express affection, mark you for the eyes of everyone else with a scattering of scarlet bite marks, somewhere yellowed due to the applied force, purple hickeys blooming along the line of neck and shoulders, left for show, and descending down to the partition of your breasts and in passionate, burning spots even lower, where his fingerprints remain on your waist, and on the inside of supple flesh on the thighs, where there a familiar marks again, a path leading to the wet petals of the bud, folds, tormented and swollen from his worship.
from that moment on, leon had a place where he could come and where he would be greeted with warm hugs, where his problems would lie as open wounds on his bleeding heart, each of which you would cover up, sew up, and kiss on top, making sure that by the time he leaves there are no and traces of past traumas, and he can’t help but stay with you forever, can’t help but return here again and again, knowing that he will be accepted here, that he’s not a violet dog.
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cherubify · 3 months
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leon kennedy is totally whipped for you– anyone with half a brain knows. it's evident in the way he gazes at you, tender and warm. visible in his gentle caresses as he strokes your hair lovingly, in the way he carefully pushes your hair to the side to zip your dress up. in the firm yet delicate way he holds your waist when he pulls you to him. and when he plants a fleeting kiss onto the back of your hand.
even after all he's seen, there is still a kindness present in those blue eyes of his that have seen more than he ever should. it's no secret, leon kennedy loves you more than anything else in a world inhabited by monsters.
that's why he keeps you locked up in a mansion in the mountains, isolated from civilisation and anything that breathes besides you and him. it's all part and parcel of his love– just like how he always reminds you how much he loves you. especially after a mission, where his life is nothing but a pawn in a game of constant unknowns and resident evils.
in the darkness of the room, lit by a passing flash of lighting, you whimper. red lightning runs down his back. threads of blood train after your nails. the bed is about to give out– rocking for goodness knows how long as heavy rain pelts outside the tall glass windows lining the bedroom.
his forehead presses against yours, not enough to bruise, but it's heavy, like his chiseled body that pins you down. it hurts. the puffiness between your thighs hurt. but your sanity rocks between pleasure and pain with each thoughtless thrust he drives into you. his blue eyes are hooded with a heavy veil of dark lashes, and you stroke his cheek shakily. his lashes flutter as he tilted his head ever so slightly, leaning into your touch.
even if he dies, he would claw his way out of hell to come home to you.
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all content written by @puppyina ! do not repost, edit or plagiarise. requests are open for any past written characters.
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leqonsluv3r · 2 months
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—your boyfriend leon supports you after you start your new job, a drabble
masterlist taglist
an: this is so self indulgent because i just started my new job. i needed to write this though, to get it out of my system and to stay somewhat active. imagine whatever leon you desire, used re2 for aesthetic purposes <33
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you were tired.
so very tired after your first day. you just wanted to crawl under the sheets and let your cramping legs wither away.
you kept running through the day with images encompassing your mind, like snapshots of the day passing through a slideshow. you had been up since 5:30 am, it was now 4:30 pm and you had just gotten home from your shift.
you were beat, worn out and just wanted to wither underneath the sheets. to just relax and not move a singular muscle. even reading, your favorite pastime, sounded tedious and the idea made your head throb.
serving senior citizens, the breakfast and lunch shift. it was rewarding but grueling, so tiring and your back ached. the coworker that you shadowed just smiled, saying; “you’ll get used to it after a while.” and you hoped, you really fucking did.
because how you would do this five days out of the week, you had no idea. you had no clue. you knew that you needed the money, that you needed the stability even though leon, your boyfriend, lived with you.
you had been financially unstable as a kid, could count on both hands how many times you’ve had to move. because rent was just too much for your single mother, or the neighbors picked a fight, or your moms terrible ex boyfriend knew you & your mothers current address.
that was enough to push you to work yourself to the bone, even leon, saying that it wasn’t a good idea. and he was a cop, he had been for two years. he’d seen shit, worked himself overtime. and if they didn’t live together, they’d never see each other. hence, them living in a one bedroom apartment together.
but if leon was telling her to slow down, to take it easy, you knew it was going to be tough. it was going to take all of you to have the life you dreamed of. going back to school in august, seemed like a pipe dream after your first day at your new job.
because how would you ever have time?
and you feared this, you feared the loss of the future that was so close in your reach but…just not within shot of your fingertips.
but you were grateful for leon, for him and just…how he made things so much better. he just loved you, supported you and knew how stubborn you were to prove yourself, despite the reassurances that you would be fine. that things would just work out, he had been in the trenches too once, as a child, he had made it out.
but you couldn’t compare your childhood to his, it was awful in different ways, it wasn’t worse. wasn’t something that could be measured. it just was. it was the past though. and you were desperate to prove yourself to leon, to your kid self deep inside of you and to the others that have told you that you wouldn’t, couldn’t do it.
because you could. and you would.
just to prove them all wrong.
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you were beat.
only your second shift shadowing someone and you were a goner, your back was killing you and your feet ached. you wish you could just win the lottery sometimes so you didn’t have to work yourself to the bone just for some money.
leon was helpful, he rubbed your feet, massaged your back and pressed kisses everywhere he needed to. he was supporting you, the thought and idea alone made you want to cry. because you didn’t feel appreciated, no one had showed it up until this point. but leon had, he’d cheered you on despite his skepticism of you taking on a larger workload. 
you loved him so much, so much that it hurt.
and that was maybe all worth it in some sense, to have him to come home too. it made things easier, made you feel cherished and loved, even considered in the sense that he knew what you were sacrificing.
what he sacrificed everyday he went to work and put on his uniform.
you couldn’t imagine a world without leon, in any timeline, any universe he didn’t exist, was an unlucky one. a very unfortunate one. one that you never wanted to be a part of.
in the weeks that followed as you continued your new job, he just kept saying sweet things, buying you flowers and books from your TBR list and cheering you on. “your doing great, baby. i’m so fucking proud of you.” or “i’m so grateful for you, your so appreciated.” or your personal favorite, “i love you so much, beautiful. so strong, so kind and sweet.”
and that was enough, it was enough.
even though your hands were dry from washing copious amounts of dishes, your back hurt from standing for so long or your feet were killing you, or your mind was swirled with exhaustion. it pushed you, it made you want to push forward, it was hard. but with leon loving and supporting you, holding your hand and kissing your exhaustion and stress away…it was enough.
you didn’t think that without him you would’ve made it this far, that you would’ve pushed past the boundaries that you did. but you were thankful for him, for everything he did for you.
you wouldn’t be able to push forward alone, you’d likely fall. and leon would be there to catch you…
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an: this isn’t the update i promised, i know. but i just needed to write something. to deal with this change in my life and what better way to do that then with writing something about leon??? but anyways, pls like, reblog and interact with my masterlist linked at the beginning. let me know if you wanna join my taglist (also linked). i’ll have a oneshot up soon, pinky promise. i love you all, kisses. xx
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scarsrealm · 6 months
questionable actions. | re2 inaccurate, yandere, leon scott kennedy
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“STAY behind me.” Leon’s voice dripped with protection and care for you. You simply nodded at his orders, in fact, you were glad he was protecting you; especially in these conditions. But at the same time, his “protection” became odd. He would make sure you’re 100% safe by holding you close, a little too close. You understood he was just making sure you were okay but it came to a point where you felt a bit uncomfortable.
You were running through the police station, following Leon as he guided you both through the halls. The zombies were almost everywhere, you thought you had no chance of winning. You just wanted to be free and get the hell out of here. The zombies would lunge at you, you could hear their growls and groans. Of course, Leon would do what he always does. Protect you.
He would hold you close to him, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. The way he held you made your body feel tense, not being used to this sort of thing. His behavior was off-putting. You could feel his breath against your skin. His hands would touch your skin, making you flinch a bit. His lips were right next to your ear, whispering that he'll protect you. You were grateful for his kindness and help but you thought there had to be some sort of limit.
It was when things got worse that his protective nature became more... possessive?
"I'm not going anywhere without you," Leon said. “Leon, it’s fine, I’m a grown woman, I can handle a little—“
“No.” And that was it. The word was simple yet the way he said it made it clear that he wasn't budging on this. He didn’t want you going anywhere without him. He wanted you right by his side. He didn’t care if it was a small, harmless task. He didn’t want you leaving his side, no matter what.
Leon was a cop, so of course, his first priority was to keep you safe, but you thought he would've loosened up a bit when you tried telling him it's alright. But it was like he was stuck in this mindset.
There were times where you would go to get supplies, such as medkits, herbs, or any handgun ammo, and you would be fine on your own. That is, until Leon caught wind of you being away from him and he would come to you, scolding you for being alone.
"Y/n, I told you not to leave my side."
“Y/n, come on before you get hurt."
"You can’t keep just disappearing on me..."
He would constantly be on your tail, always looking for you. When you were with him, it was great! But whenever he wasn't near, or if he didn't know where you were, his behavior would become frantic and panicked.
And it was the worst when you tried defending yourself.
"Y/N!" He yelled, coming back to you after killing off a few zombies. "What are you doing!? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
You rolled your eyes, wiping off the sweat that was on your forehead. “Leon, im not completely helpless! I can handle myself!" You explained sternly. You didn't mean to get mad at him, but he needed to stop babying you.
"What? Are you serious?" He scoffed. "I don't want you risking your life like that. You could’ve gotten bit.”
You groaned. You didn’t want to argue, you were tired of it all. "Just stay behind me and let me take care of everything." He said, holding his gun in front of him. "Leon, im not a child, I can—"
"Just let me protect you."
"Why are you acting like this?" You questioned. You were getting a bit annoyed with his constant need to look after you.
"Because I'm the only one that can keep you safe.”
That sentence confirmed that something was wrong. You had no idea why he would say such a thing. You two just met, he doesn’t even know you that well, and yet he acts as if he had known you for years.
"Nothing. Just stay behind me and be quiet." He commanded.
This was crazy. You couldn’t wrap your head around it. What was his problem? You didn’t know. But there was a feeling deep down inside you, something that screamed to you that something was definitely not right with Leon.
But it was too late to ask questions. You were forced to be at his side.
Leon was so serious about you that he didn't even hesitate to kill. No matter what. Even if they looked like a normal human, he would pull the trigger. Anything that went towards you, he would take it down.
He was ruthless.
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reno2005 · 6 months
Good Vibrations
Leon S Kennedy x GN!Reader
Words: 329
Summary: You wonder what Leon's been up to every morning
Notes and Stuff: short and sweet(literally)/ I imagined over the years he became a coffee guy / I hope someone gets the reference
“Leon, you don’t have to feel bad for asking me for a cup of coffee.” You mumbled as you got up to make him one. You figured you were never too good at it, mostly just throw in a random amount of sugar and creamer and call it a day, until he began to slowly ask for it more and more often. He was becoming a bit of an addict you thought.
You also noticed he’d disappear right after getting the finished cup. You didn’t pay it much mind at first but curiosity crept up closer and closer. One day you decided not to head straight back to bed.
“I need to know…” you mumbled as you brewed yourself a cup just to be able to function this early. You made it the way you always do and set out on your investigation.
You almost searched nearly every room until you opened a room leading out to a balcony. There was Leon leaning on the rail watching the sunrise. The way the sunlight played upon his hair made your heart race.
“Hey…?” You greeted him, surprised. “Is this where you disappear to every morning?”
“Hey. Yeah.” Leon looked back at you with a warm smile and took a sip of his coffee. He looked back at the sunrise.
You walked up to the rail and lazily leaned yourself on it. You tried to take a sip of your coffee to help but the hot liquid burnt your tongue. You snapped away from it.
Leon looked at you as he softly chuckled. “Y’know you don’t have to stay here with me. I know you like to sleep in.”
“I’m already awake anyways.” You sleepily mumbled as you tried to act rested. You gave him a sleepy smile and looked at the sunrise with baggy eyes. “Besides this is pretty nice anyways.”
He looked at you for a few seconds before looking back at the sunrise. “Yeah, it’s a nice view.”
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kittycatlukey · 5 months
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“I Love You.” — L.K.
Tagging @alespov ✨
Leon Kennedy x Fem Reader
Part 1/1
Warning: mild language, violence, usage of weapons, death, angst, and some RE4 spoilers!
You and Leon were good friends. Replace good with best. You two confided in each other, protected one another, and were in love but it was left unspoken. But it was obviously felt. There was a pull between you that couldn’t be denied. And anyone with a pair of eyes could see you and Leon cared for each other. You would die if it meant keeping the other alive. That’s what love is supposed to be, right?
“I’ve been waiting for you, rookie.” Krauser flipped his knife in the air and caught it. “Oh, worried about the girl, is that it? Hmm, that’s just like you. You always had poor judgment. You’d better be worried about the one beside you too.” He chuckled, taunting Leon. “But if you think I’m going to let both of you out of here alive… you’re even more naive than I thought. You can’t save them. You can’t save anyone!”
Your heart was pounding against your chest as you stood beside Leon.
“Give it up, Krauser!” Leon yelled at him. “Being a lackey for these maniacs… won’t bring your men back. And what the hell for? Revenge on the government? You think they would want that?”
“Revenge? You think I’m doing all this… for revenge?” Krauser asked Leon, looking down at him.
“Isn’t that what this is all about?” Leon questioned.
“You see, in that jungle, I had a revelation. The most important thing in this world is pure, unadulterated power! Los Iluminados have given me that.” Krauser stated.
Leon responded in retaliation, “You know, you were always an asshole. But at least you had some kind of code, some honor! And look at you now.”
“Enough reminiscing. Move out and draw fire, soldier.” Krauser did a backflip and drew on Leon with his assault rifle.
And for some reason, time didn’t slow, it felt as if time quickened. As soon as I seen Krauser had his gun aimed at Leon, I moved in front of him. I had moved just at the right time.
And I had been shot, taking not one but three bullets for Leon. One hit my left shin, another hit my left thigh, and the last one hit the right side of my stomach.
In that moment, I felt my entire body go numb. I couldn’t feel anything as Leon dragged me behind cover. He then ripped parts of his t-shirt off in an attempt to stop my bleeding, but we both knew it would be futile.
“Y/N, why would you do that?! Taking bullets for me?! Are you crazy?!” Leon had shouted, tears evident in his now reddened eyes.
“I would never let you die, Leon.” I murmured, feeling light headed already. “Get up and kill that sick son of a bitch. I’ll be fine for now.”
Leon nodded, the color had already left his face.
“And hey.” I grabbed his hand, staring into his ocean blue eyes. “I love you, Leon.”
“Y/N… I love you.” Leon spoke, his voice wavering. “I’m sorry.”
And with that, he had went to fight Krauser. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Krauser’s voice.
“Better run, rookie!”
My body was shaken until my eyes opened. My eyes fluttered openly slowly; they felt so heavy. At first, my vision was blurry. My eyes took a long time to focus but once they did, I noticed Leon was the one above me.
“You have to stay alive. Please. Please don’t go. Please don’t leave me.” He pleaded before his bloody, calloused hands released my shoulders and cradled my face.
I wasn’t sure if the blood on his hands were mine, his, or Krauser’s. Maybe even a combination of the three.
“Goddamnit, stay awake!” His loud voice forced my eyes open again that I didn’t realize I had closed again.
“L-Leon. I don’t know how much longer I can stay… Just know… that I’ve loved y-you for a long, long time.” I told him weakly. “I’d do anything for you.”
Leon had tears rolling down his face. “I know. And I’d do anything for you… I’ve loved you for a long, long time too.”
I smiled when he said that. Even though I was dying from blood loss, I was the happiest I’d ever been knowing he felt the same way about me, and that he was getting to live. I didn’t care if it costed my life. I had nothing left to lose.
“You killed Krauser?”
He nodded.
“Good. I knew you could.” I replied before closing my eyes again. At this point the numbness had worn off and I could feel each bullet where they were lodged inside me. It felt like my whole body was on fire. “G-Go save Ashley. P-Please.” I spoke but it was barely a whisper. I don’t even know if it was even audible.
“No, no. Please stay with me, Y/N.” Leon pleaded once again, caressing my face. “I love you.”
It hurt me that he sounded so helpless and sad.
“Don’t die on me!” Leon shouted trying to wake me up again.
And this time, I had no choice but to let go…
This was a sad one… Sorry about my writing being rusty. I haven’t written anything in about six months. Hope you all liked it though! Love you all! 🫶
If anyone is wondering, college is going great! It’s hard and stressful, but so fun. Just turned 20, and I start clinicals in May. I made the President’s List (4.0 GPA with at least 12 credit hours) each semester I’ve been going. I have some good friends, and have been staying very busy with homework and studying. I have a very important exam that I’ll have to start studying for so send me some positive vibes! They’re very much appreciated. Then my boards will be coming up. But it’ll all be worth it in the end! I graduate this year: December 2024! So excited about that! 🤍🩺🫀
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gtgbabie0 · 11 months
Thinking abt boss! Leon finding his assistants NSFW Twitter where they write a bunch of kinky concepts and sometimes post faceless nudes but he easily deducts who it is by little specific details, like a familiar background from a zoom meeting or something RAHHH
Babe I’m literally screaming!! Thank god for your amazing mind!
No, could you genuinely imagine? Leon thinks you’re so innocent and kind, you’re always the sweetest person in the room then he finds your Twitter and he’s literally so taken back.
When he finally connects the dots and realises that you’re the one who’s posting all this? Well, he just cannot get enough.
He reads all of your posts and he genuinely cannot believe that they’re coming from that sweet little mind of yours, his cute assistant.
He literally cannot look at you the same way, especially not when he literally jacks off to your nudes almost every night, imagining what it would be like to have you cumming around his cock. He is a complete mess because of you and you have no idea and it just drives him absolutely insane.
He feels so special that he's the only one that knows about your little hobby, in fact, it turns him on even more.
Late, slow nights in the office? Leon will just pull up your Twitter and palm himself through his work trousers, the fabric very uncomfortably tight.
Bored at work he could spend hours just reading all your dirty thoughts that you post, thinking about you.
Oh! Just Imagine he gets a glimpse of your panties from under your skirt and he recognises them from one of your posts? Omfg he would literally cum on the spot. He so absolutely wants to just bend you over and fuck you senseless!!
Leon has always been the best boss you’ve had, always the kindest, so when you walk into his office one night and he’s all red in the face scrambling to close his laptop with uneven breaths, well you have to make sure he’s okay, right?
I have so many thoughts right now so many. I might write a mini-fic where you catch him 🤭
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