talvez-a-life · 2 years
eu só escrevi, e nem precisa fingir q está bom
ou sla, to meio enjoado, vontade de vomitar, tô sentindo algo meio esquisito, que nem sei nomear, uma dor de cabeça, e nem consegui me embreagar, comi algo que gosto, e uma caneca de chopp fiz virar, é todo esse calor do qual senti, uma sensação estranha no peito, não sei o que cometo, um amargor no que vem no meio, que sobe e amarra a boca do estomago, talvez seja medo, ou arrependimento, que geralmente não sinto, joguei fora um cigarro, nem fiz questão de terminar
era um sentimento ambiguo, no amago, que fere o ego, e dói no meio, termina doce, gosoto❤️ gosto* pior, nem sei do que estou falando, meio esquisito, perdi o timbre, se tivesse uma taça de champanhe faria só virar, se tivesse algum atalho qual pudesse tomar, pro dia acabar eu o tomaria, de todo jeito, acabaria antes de começar, eu ñ sei o q é isso, nem musica qro escutar, não há o q eu queira fazer, talvez alguma abstinencia, q doi, causa demencia, certamente, por conta de toda inconsequencia, acordei cedo demais, fiz quase tudo que queria, estou me enganando com alguma coisa, nem consegui ler, era tão dificil, continuo a escrever, verso atrás de outro, nem me preocupo com a rima, alguma coisa me faz, causa alucinação, eu tô quase o dia inteiro q ñ falo nem um palavrão, eu ñ sei, alguma coisa falta, qria por a mão, sem vontade de jogar, de sair, eu qria parar, e dormir, sem mais acordar, talvez eu ñ devesse estar aqui
me indigno, devesse ter conseguido acabar com tudo isso, tem uns 8 anos, q tentei, ñ deveria ter parado, ñ sei agr pq, parece tudo estagnado, eu tô escrevendo, nem vontade de postar, eu ñ tenho nem sequer do q reclamar, talvez algo me falte, alguma coisa q ñ vejo, isso aqui é mt facil, eu cheguei a lugar nenhum, dando voltas, sem saber o q tento contar, me falta palavra, acho q nem sei falar, morro mudo, ambiguo, eu ñ sei o q há, ñ acho bonito, fico sem ar, puta merda talvez deve fazer algo, sufoco, suplico
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switch-writer · 2 years
Past and Present
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(WARNING: THIS IS A TICKLE FIC, so, if you dislike that or tickles in general, I’d suggest scrolling. Thank you!
(A/N: SO. Villainous, amazing show. One of my favorites, however I’m pretty new to it so I’m not the best at writing the characters just yet. So this is one of like, 2 or 3 times I’ve actually written for it? And the other two I’m not proud of so this is good enough for me. So, hopefully it’s enjoyable! And Ngl, this has been sitting in the drafts for a few days because I was kinda scared to post it, sooo, I’m finally just gonna post it and hope for the best. Also! This fic is Lee!Flug and Ler!Demencia over all, though the roles swap briefly at the end, along with there being a little flashback. But anyways. Feel free to send requests about it or just ramble with me about it. Hopefully you enjoy!)
(Summary: Demencia, out of boredom and a need to mess with Flug, launches a little tickle attack on him, which reminds the doctor of some fond memories from the past.)
A day like any other, Blackhat sending off orders to Doctor Kenning Flugslys, 505 cleaning around all areas and quarters other than Blackhat’s quarters, Demencia doing… whatever she does, but let’s focus in on Doctor Kenning Flugslys, or rather, as he’s most known by, Dr. Flug.
Why just Dr. Flug instead of Flugslys? Well, let’s just say the man who most often wore a bag knew that most people pronounced his name wrong, so he can’t be bothered to constantly correct people, so he keeps it as short as possible. He could’ve used his first name, buttttt he didn’t like that either. A certain someone (cough cough, Demencia.) would call him Ken… too similar to the Barbie doll Ken for his taste.
But besides that little tangent, he was in his laboratory close by to his bedroom, attempting to concept works for devices he was asked to make, and he was currently focused in on his work, relaying every detail he could down to the actual thickness and thinning of the lines in his base concept sketch, following by beginning to write small notes around it.
However, this day was going to turn out just a little different than Flug expects.
How so you may ask? Well, there’s a certain human reptile slithering her way throughout the vents, managing to crawl into the laboratory and all throughout it into the doctor’s room. The doctor’s room was neat and precise as expected. Not that she cared too much about that, she didn’t give a damn about that frankly.
What she did care about is that the doctor wasn’t present, aka, her little plan of action was still in action and not cut short, hell yeah! Demencia did a small fist pump to the air out of her own excitement before continuing to quietly slither and sneak out of Flug’s room and right into the current room he was researching and working in.
Awww, he was so unexpecting. How perfect.
With the doctor distracted, it made it easy to slip right behind him. Flug, despite all odds, lifted his eyes away from his paper to right in front of him, somehow having a sixth sense he wasn’t alone, like someone was in the room with him. Surely not… but Flug tried to finish the note he was writing before his premonition sparked so he could look around afterwards, he didn’t wish to break his train of thought.
So, the doctor wrote as following, ‘Make sure to keep the model sleek and be sure to keep in mind-‘
“EeEEK!!” The Doctor screamed a tad in fear considering the fact he was pulled backwards, his chair going back right with him to fall, but the lizardish woman caught the chair before hitting the ground, saving the doctor while scaring the piss out of him. Demencia was just giggling away like she didn’t take 5 years off of his life with that scare, which Flug tried to straighten himself up and go into his little yelling mode in an attempt to scold her.
“Demencia! How many times have I-“ “Can it, nerd! You were sooo distracted! And I’m bored!” Flug huffed in frustration at the excuse, especially since his writing (which already was sloppy) had trailed off his page because his hand spazzed in surprise thanks to her, but he took a moment to think back since it reminded him of something.
Way back in his highschool years, a certain gal who had well managed pink hair would often do such things similar to get his attention, like scare him to get his attention. And when he would question why she’d do it, it was for his attention as previously stated.
Ah memories. There was one time she did that because she needed assistance with studying since she’d lack to do so the nights leading up to the assignment. Of course he’d refuse to just cough up the answers since according to him, it was very inefficient and she should’ve put more effort into studies instead of going to bug him for answers.
So, since he would refuse, said gal would turn to other methods. Like…
His train of thought was cut short because of how those memories never failed to fluster him. However, the small blush creeping on his neck was beginning to happen. Shit. “Well, maybe you should-“ “bug you!” Demencia finished his sentence for him, causing more frustration to come from the doctor staring up at her.
“No! Make your own entertainment like using the TV? Playing with 505?” “Sooo, I’ll make my own entertainment by messing with you!” He’s getting nowhere with this.
“Ugh. Whatever Demencia.” He mumbled, crossing his arms to be all defensive over it. “Hehehe! At least admit it was a good scare!” “It was nothing of the sort!” “But you got all scared, doc!” Demencia added more expression into her movements, her hands going claw shaped as she raised them over Flug.
That again reminded him of those ‘other methods’ the gal would use, the claw shaped hands, the wiggling fingers that followed and the teases that came before the storm. The ones that would be said as she’d request the answers ‘or else’ she’d do it. Cecilia, oh Cecilia, by god she knew how the hell to drive him up the wall.
Oh, yeah, he was still with Demencia. “Hm?” “What’s with your neck?” Flug paused to remind himself, thanks to the flustering memories, his neck and face was going a little pink. “…Uhmmm, it’s uh-“ Shit. THINK OF AN EXCUSE! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!
“I’m just uh- very hot! Whew it’s heating up here! I tell you these lab coats don’t help either!” He spoke very quickly while trying to say his excuse, geez he was a horrible liar when it came to those close to him. Demencia however huffed at this, her brow raising with her expression that truly showed she knew he was lying. Hell, it was hardly lying with how horrible he was at it.
“You’re a horrible liar, nerd! Spill! What’s going on?!” Demencia pried at Flug for the truth, Flug looked side to side before shaking his head. “No! There’s nothing to spill!” A little more convincing, but still horrible. “Liar!” Demencia racked her brain for a moment, claws… hovering way over him.
So, in a pathetic attempt to figure it out, Demencia did the same thing again, this time instead of her claw shaped hands being all the way up, it was closer to the doctor’s torso but still mostly above it and away from it. This provoked him to tense up, if she finds out, she’ll destroy him to no end. “D-Demencia! Please! It’s n-nothing!” “Then cough it up!” “No!” This was going nowhere for Flug, however, Demencia was slowly becoming wise.
She lowered her hands lower and lower to his torso, all while Flug tried to stay perfectly still to not give away anything as he squeezed his eyes shut, quite nervous and getting flustered at the mere thought.
There’s a moment of silence. What? Demencia usually wouldn’t go so quiet, if anything she should be asking more questions! Flug slowly opened one of his eyes, trying to look at Demencia.
“D-DeEHEHE- NOHOHO! NONONONO! NOHOhohHOHOT THIHIHIS!” Flug was already laughing away, the surprise attack going through any resistance of his as his back arched before flopping right back on the ground. His tummy always was a sweet spot. Which, Demencia had a big chaotic grin on her face that was only growing. “This? This is what’s making you all red?! Really?!”
Oh dear god, the teasing already?!
“NOHOHO! PLEHEHEE- NAHAHA- NOHOHOT THE NAVEL!” Demencia made sure to keep him on his toes with her attacks so they were all the worse. Flug ended up thrashing side to side and out of the chair he’d previously fell with, going and laying down, his tummy to the floor to stop the tickles there. “Ehehe….ehee…” Flug had leftover giggles since the tickles had stopped, burying his face into the floor and his arms.
However, once he felt himself getting straddled, he began to start trying to squirm again. “Nohohooo… Demencia pleheease!” “Hmmm, nope! I wanna know why it makes you all flustered! Soo spit it out or else!” Oh hell no- “Demehencia! Do not! No! Don’t even!” Kenning tried to scold the chaos driven girl in order to get her to not do so. But if anything, his refusal to say why it made him all giddy and flustered determined her even more.
So while Flug tried to scold, his lab coat was flipped over his baghead, covering his vision other than the dimmed light showing through the whiteness of his coat. “Hey! That’s uncahAhHAAhalled fohohor-!” The simple finger slide up the back worked well too, not that any spot didn’t at this point.
“Pff- wow Flug! You’re just a ticklish mess!” He groaned in embarrassment upon the reminder. “Actually, I think I should call youuu…” she paused to think, even doing the ‘hmmm’ sound to think. “Giggle bag!” “Eh?! You will n-“ He cut himself off as Demencia got off him.
“Eh?-“ he looked up at her, raising a brow, quite confused. “Is that all?-“ wait- wrong wording! “I-I mean! Not like that! I don’t need more!” He scrambled to correct himself as Demencia laughed at that, quite entertained. “Hahaha! Don’t tell me you want mor-“
“More isn’t necessary, Demencia.”
There’s the boss himself, sparking fear within Flug and excitement within Demencia. “S-Sir!-“ “My Lord!” Demencia immediately shouted, beaming with energy upon the sight of the refined and fancily dressed demon as Flug was practically scrambling to his feet.
Blackhat however seemed unamused at the two, glaring down Demencia. “You dare distract the doctor while working?” He said, clearly here to scold, she didn’t even care much about that and skipped right over to him. “A little, but that doesn’t-“ “Demencia.” He cut her off, his glare piercing through her, causing her to gasp slightly as she looked at him.
Blackhat kept the cold stare, gesturing to the door for her to get out of the room, which she begrudgingly did so. “…Now. Doctor.” Flug squeaked in surprise as the boss approached him. “I-I swear I tried to get her to stop, S-Sir Blackhat!” Blackhat rolled his eyes, his cane in hand. “Don’t act as if you pushed her away, you didn’t even try!”
Wait. He saw the whole thing? And didn't stop it sooner? How else would he know that he didn’t push away.
Flug however wasn’t gonna dance with the devil, so he just hung his head, staring at the floor. He was at a loss for words before Blackhat scoffed. “Head up, Doctor. Now, do me a favor and get back to work!” He demanded, using his cane to gently push Flug back over to his desk before gently elbowing the doctor in the ribs, causing a squeak. It sorta stung but also surprisingly tickled.
“… that tickled, didn’t it?” Blackhat said in a disappointed tone, not at Flug, but rather himself as if he just tried to tickle him intentionally. Flug gave a shy nod as he rubbed the rib, trying to ease the sting it caused after the sensation, causing the demon to groan and facepalm. “Get back to work.” He ordered before walking out of the room, grumbling to himself in frustration and slight anger the nudge to Flug’s side was somehow a tickly feeling.
Flug let out a sigh of relief before putting his chair right back up, pulling it out to sit on it to go back to work.
“EeeEHEHEAHA! WAHAHAIT!” Flug thrashed his hips away from the tickly hands, turning himself around to see Demencia. “That should’ve been me!” “Wh-Whahat?!” “That tickle jab thingie! It should’ve been me!” She voiced her major anger/frustration. So. Demencia grabbed him right by his hips, causing Flug to be extra squirmy, pleading for mercy and rapidly apologizing as he was picked up and put into his bed, getting his legs sat on.
“Pleeeease! Pleheheaseee! I’m sohohorry!” Flug was in a fit of nervous giggles before Demencia mercilessly dug her hands into the hollows of his hips, causing a shriek followed by high pitched squealing and even higher pitched laughter. “NAHAHA! I'M SOHOHOHORRY! I'M SOHOHOHORRY!” He apologized a bunch, Demencia refusing to let up. “I don’t care! You deserve this for stealing what should’ve been mine!”
“IHIHIT WAS JUHUHUST A LIHIHIHITTLE TIHIH- THIHIHI- TIHIHICKLE! PleHEHEHease HAVE MEHEHEHERCY!” “No matter if it was bunches or just a little one, it still should’ve been mine!” Mercy isn’t going to exist in this case.
But… this felt eerily familiar… didn't it?
“P-PLEHEHEASE! CECILIA! NOHOHO!” “Giveeee me those test answers Fluggy!” “NOHOHohoh! I cahAHAHAN’T!” Cecilia, soon to be Miss Heed, had her major doubts about his answers thus far. “Awww! But you can! Unless you just want more and more tickles!” She teased, causing Flug’s face to heat up as he laughed freely.
“I DOHOHOHON’T! I PROHOHOMISE I Dohohon’t!” “And yet, here you are! Refusing to give up the test answers! I really wanna keep tickling you to pieces Fluggy, I’m sure you definitely want me to as well, but I still need those answers!”
“I- I dohoHOHO NOT- PLEHEHEASE! NOHOHOT THEHEHERE! NOHOHOT THE HIPS! YOUR NAHAHAILS!” Flug was in hysterics, squirming side to side to try and get the tickles to stop despite Cecilia being correct. “Hm? Oh! My nails! I just got them done and everything, aren’t you lucky?” That was replied to with a shake of Flug’s head.
“No? You aren’t? But you’re loving the tickles! Just admit itttt!” “I'M NOHOHOHOT!” With that, Cecilia stopped the tickles, causing the soon to be doctor to catch his breath, looking at her. “E-Ehehe?” “What? Why so confused?” Flug ended up flustered, but managed to mumble an answer. “Wh-why did you… you know…”
“Stop you mean?” Replied to by a nod. “Well, clearly if you aren’t loving the tickles, you shouldn’t need them, nor care.” “T-That isn’t what I-“ “It isn’t what you what?” This was embarrassing to no end, his face going red by his point, luckily he still kept his face hidden from view mostly. He really liked the bonding experience and just being able to laugh… especially with her, but…
“Well?” “It isn’t… it isn’t what I meant.” He finally vocalized his thoughts despite how flushed his face was, which he got a ‘awww’ from her in response as he huffed. “Welllll, I’m glad! It’s adorable tickling you to bits! Especially considering you’re supposed to be here to become a villain.” She reminded him so he’d get even more adorably flustered.
“Mmm…” he crossed his arms, whining before sighing, turning his head back to her. “If I give you the answers… could you just… you know.” She flashed a smile at him, quickly hugging him. “Thank you!” The nerdy man gently hugged her back, a small smile on his face. “Mhm. But please, you should study more.” “I know I know.”
Cecilia chuckled before checking her phone upon getting a notification about Goldheart, her attention being stolen by the hero rather than going to Flug, much to his disappointment. After a minute passed, he ended up getting up, knowing it was pointless to even try and take her attention off of the one she’s recently started to admire…for some reason, I mean, he wasn’t even that great- but anyways. He knew it was pointless.
“Now wait just a minute!” “aAAaah!” Flug was pulled right back down into her lap. “I’m not done with you just yet, Villain.” “E-Eh?” “Where.” “Where what?” “Where are the test answers?!” “I- Cecilia! I’m not playing this pretend game!” “Who’s this ‘Cecilia’ you villain?! I only know test answers!” She said dramatically, squeezing at his hips, causing his little shrieks and squeals to start again.
“Where are the answers!?” “CECILIA!” “Whooo?” “PFF-EHAHAH! I'LL NEHEHEVER TELL YOHOHOU! I DOHOHON’T CONVERSE WIHIHITH HEHEHEROS!” “Much better! I mean, ahem. You shall! Or else!”
Cecilia and Flug, what a duo they were, however, due to the slowly growing obsession of Cecilia’s, it’s a shame they wouldn’t get to be more. After all, it’ll all end with Miss Heed, formally Cecilia, to be locked away and the doctor to give his advice before leaving. Still. Even with the heartache, the memories are cherished by Flug, and luckily, it seems like Demencia will gladly make new memories like this with him. That’s all he can ask for…
Speaking of Demencia…
“DEHEHEMENCIA!” “Admit it! It should’ve been mine!” “IT SHOHOHOULDVE BEEN!” Demencia, upon realizing how easily he admitted that, decided to loop back around to the original goal. “Oh. Wellll then admit why this flusters you too!” “NEHEHEVER!” “Hmph! Thennn tickles forever! All until you’ll never stop giggling!” Demencia grinned, being evil about this, causing the doctor to gasp and shake his head to refuse.
“NOHOHO! NOHOHO MOHOHORE! I DOHOHON’T WANNA GIHIHIGGLE FOREVER!” He played into the drama, Demencia’s grin only growing as she took a breath, blowing a merciless raspberry right on his hip, causing Flug to practically scream, but still shriek over all.
“DEHEHEME- I- HEEHEHEHAHAH!” Flug was past the point now on forming sentences, just a ball of laughter before the tickles finally eased. “Now, are you gonna fess up?!” “Eheheha… heheh! Mhmhmh!” He giggled his ‘mhm’ out, finally catching his breath as he grabbed Demencia by her shoulders to pull himself up, only for his head to fall in her lap.
“Pff- come on! Just cough it up before I do it again!” Demencia made her claw hands to playfully threaten him, causing Flug to hold his hands out in front of him. “Okahay! Okay!” Flug giggled before sighing in relief.
“It’s juhust… I can’t explain it.” “Eh?! You what?!” Demencia was in slight disbelief since Flug’s logic usually never failed. “I can’t! I promise! It's just… I dunno… it makes me kinda happy and leaves me in a positive mood…?” He was at a loss of words.
“Hmph! Boring!” “I’m being honest! It isn’t my favorite thing ever! It’s just flustering!” He huffed. “Think about it! You’re the one always poking at me a bunch! Why do that?”
After a moment of silence, Demencia did exactly that by poking his tummy, causing his squeak of surprise. “Nonono! Do not!” Flug poked her right back, before squeezing her thigh just once, causing a squeal. Thennn Flug just sat up and pulled her over to continuously squeeze at her thighs, causing her to break into small bursts of laughter, along with squealing and occasional shrieks.
“FLUHUHUG! DOHOHON’T DO IT BAHAHACK! STOHOP!” “Nope! You didn’t stop so fast. Tell me how this makes you feel!” He became stubborn. “You’re gonna understand why it’s flustering and makes people all happy, well, unless the big strong wrestler can’t take some tickles.”
With a slight pink tinted face, Demencia decided to take him on. “I CAHAHAN UNLIKE YOHOHOU! MEHEHEANIE!” “I am not a- you know what? That’s it!”
Needless to say, those two were gonna be having some fun with challenges and squabbling about things. It all makes for a fun time and a bonding moment, and frankly, that’s what they’ll both like about it.
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sophyahria · 3 years
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Happy 4th Anniversary!
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linyarguilera · 3 years
Acho que você vai gostar desta história: " IDEIAS DE UMA CELINY QUE VIVE NA LUA ", de celinyarguilera , no Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/277717881?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=celinyarguilera&wp_originator=sL0qdARZHMm6jPYkEWm77kE6CUkfrEe%2FnBG4wQSVAC%2Bwh8lu%2FHc43UAfxAHPmYFAW4L2a4cPWJe6AQtmm%2BcRhsVIBnOGRbNeuP5F8bSaT7o1YkRV6K8NYFC4MKGsQZN7
A leitura tem muitos benefícios, como:
Melhora intelectual;
Aumento da dopamina (para os que amam ler);
Melhora o raciocínio;
Te leva para outras realidades;
Aumenta o conhecimento, que nunca é demais;
Evita doenças neurais, psíquicas, como: demencia, Alzheimer, Ansiedade e depressão.
Venh ler meu livro de invenções loucas!
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orpheusblog · 3 years
Costumo dizer q a minha melhor caracteristica e a minha paciencia infinita ( ñ e infinita e evitem estar por perto qd explode).
Numa desta tardes de copos, depois de uma discussão na mesa com uma amiga numa situação um pouco tensa um amigo disse-me ao ouvido q respeitava a minha paciencia ...
Ñ vou desenvolver o q se passou. É complexo e dificil de explicar mas acima de td envolve a vida de outra pessoa o q e terreno proibido.
E uma historia brutal... mas conhecem-me, ñ exponho quem confia em mim... na realidade ñ o faço a ninguem.
Sabem q gosto de contar historias e ñ tenho dificuldade em encontrar vidas  interessantes.
Tvz seja a forma como interpreto as coisas, as pessoas a quem dou o meu tempo ou pq as pessoas acabam por se abrir cmg.
Tvz sejam as 3 coisas...
A verdade e q quando me contam algo sinto q passei a carregar a responsabilidade de respeitar essa pessoa.
A amiga de quem falo e uma tempestade... e da mesma forma como vive invadiu a minha vida e o meu coração.
Ñ façam filmes... tirem uma pagina do meu livro e ñ façam julgamentos precipitados.
Ok... ñ cultivo mto a paciencia. Se o fizesse meditava, coisa p a qual ñ tenho tempo nem disciplina. Td o q me define hoje tem a ver com os meus habitos e curiosidade q me levaram a gradualmente aumentar a minha tolerância e tempo de concentração.
Um aparte... chamam-me distraido e ate cabeça no ar o q tem o seu quê de verdade mas na realidade o q se passa e q a minha mente esta retida noutro assunto q pode ir de um detalhe q observei e me captou a atenção a problema grave com o qual estou a lidar.
Desde aprender a desenhar, a ler um livro, aprender um programa ou codigo, td isso precisa de concentração e se querem aprender o Maya por exemplo, preparem-se p uma viagem demorada...ñ consigo dizer-vos as horas de tutoriais q fiz... complexo, mais q o 3D Max ... mais q o autoCAD. Por coincidência tb e da Autodesk assim como o 3D Max... e o Mudbox.
Mas compreendo q as pessoa ñ tenham noção do empenho necessario p dominar modelação e animação em 3D.. . Demasiado... especializado. Obscuro p a esmagadora maioria.
Estas são coisas q desenvolvi na minha vida privada q outros so darão valor qd e se lidarem com isso.
E ñ pensem q ñ acontece... trabalhei c um cameraman da velha guarda. Excelente profissional e bom amigo. Fotógrafo espantoso e um genio no improviso tecnico... palavra.
Esse amigo ñ compreendia bem pq passava td o meu tempo a trabalhar ate q o seu filho precisou de ajuda a passar uma cadeira de modelação 3D na faculdade.
Utilizou o Max e ñ foi grande problema.
Tiramos um 17... tb ñ podia dar demais... ia dar bandeira mas na realidade falhei por 1 ponto... queria 18. Fomos roubados, lol.
Ainda me lembro da noite inteira a render frames... ainda tive tempo no fim de editar as sequencia de tiffs no premiere e acreacentar fx sonoros... as 9h da manhã o trabalho foi entregue e o resto é historia.
Acho q acabou por tirar design de equipamentos e fez um pos-graduação qq.
Ah, yah... disse obrigado e pagou bastante cate no Starbucks do Rossio, local onde reuniamos p colaborar qd necessario.
Mas distrai-me... retornamos o assunto.
O facto de ter educado a minha filha ñ e considerado qd me criticam, ñ sei pq mas p quem tem filhos é mto obvio q paciencia e um factor mais q necessario, é indispensável.
Mas o q tds parecem esquecer e q cuidei dos meus pais com doenças mentais degenerativas e td o q isso involve...
Lidar c essas doenças profissionalmente ou pontualmente ñ é facil...agora imaginem amarem essas pessoas e tratarem delas tds os dias.
Conseguem por-se no meu lugar???
Acho q ñ. Ñ a esmagadora maioria mas se possuem um pouco de empatia ou sencibilidade imaginam o q é ver os nossos pais a desaparecerem em frente aos vossos olhos sem poderem fazer mais nada q ajuda-los a passar os dias da melhor forma possivel.
Um dia de cada vez... ñ ha mais nada a fazer.
Para la de td a dor, o sentimento de impotencia cilindrava-me.
Passei mta coisa na minha vida, outros contos p outros dias. Coisas mto mas... lembram-se? Fui ao inferno e voltei... ninguem faz estas viagens sem ficar marcado, mas nada me mostrou mais a crueldade da vida q os ultimos anos dos meus pais.
Fiz td o q pude... mas hoje tlvz fizesse coisas diferentes...
Recordo-me bem q passei a fazer td em casa... e arrependo-me disso.
Assim q verifiquei q ñ conseguiam executar uma tarefa, tomava-a p mim...
Hoje questiono-me se ñ lhes retirei o pouco de autonomia q ainda possuiam...
Se fosse agora ficaria ao seu lado a ajudar e corrigir em vez de os sentar e fazer sozinho.
Se estiverem numa situação semelhante, prestem mta atenção no q acabei de escrever.
Deixem as pessoas viver no maximo das suas capacidades e se compreendi td bem, se tiverem filhos, deixem q errem e aprendam as suas proprias lições...
Errar... e o caminho para o bem meus caros... reconhecer um erro feito e uma lição infinitamente mais profunda q o melhor concelho do mundo.
Habituem-se a admitir os erros dos outros como parte indispensável da vida, apoiem depois e ajudem a limpar o estrago.
Se ñ estam preparados p isto... ñ se envolvam em relações e ñ tenham filhos... é melhor.
Outra coisa, na hipotese remota de precisarem de informação sobre demencia ou Alzheimers, contactem-me... tenho toneladas de boa info q vão ajudar-vos a compreender e a agir.
Devaneio novamente...lol.
Td isto pq uma amiga ontem disse algo q ficou a soar na minha mente:
" Ñ sei se tu es permanente na minha vida...".
Primeiro, grande observação. Ñ sabemos mesmo... td muda, as vezes rapido demais.
Fui abandonado recentemente... e ñ queria. Adivinhei e fiz td o q pude p o evitar.
Falhei... mas ñ dependia so de mim por isso ñ vou culpar-me.
A perda maior ñ foi minha e ñ, ñ estou a armar-me... sei o q digo.
Falarei dessa pessoa em breve... tenho demasiadas coisas ñ resolvidas p poder deixar passar td em branco... preciso de cor.
A verdade é q ñ abandono ninguem...
Fui criticado por ñ ter colocado os meus pais num lar...
Ñ fui capaz... imaginar os meus pais entre estranhos num ambiente q n lhes era familiar... e claro, longe de mim ñ era aceitavel.
E eis as obvias razões para a minha paciencia. Ñ é nenhum segredo apenas uma consequencia de um estilo de vida.
Posso dizer q a personalidade ajuda e o tempo tb.... experiencia ñ é fundamental mas um factor de peso pq ajuda na avaliação de cada situação mas na minha opinião são os "habitos q fazem o monge".
Pode ser q um dia comece a meditar... quem sabe.
Chega por agora.
Bom dia p tds
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eldritch-muppetshow · 4 years
((oh boy yet another fic for puppet hat. yeah, i’m having way too much fun writing this lmao. also ft. one of the hatbotlers))
It seemed like a good idea at the time, leaving Black Hat under a HatBot’s care. Flug would get a break, Black Hat would be able to move around more freely, and the HatBot— well, there was no real benefit for the HatBot, but that’s just how things worked at the manor.
When Flug sent HatBot M4-NN into the city to run a few errands, he expected the bot to be gone for a little while, especially since Black Hat would likely want to spend plenty of time in the city. What he didn’t expect, however, was for M4-NN to be gone for over twenty four hours and return to the manor with the groceries, but no sign of Black Hat on his person.
The bot rolled his way into the manor, lightly scuffed and sporting a small dent, but otherwise no worse for wear besides the absence of Black Hat. Wheeling further into the mansion, he pushed past 505, dropped the bag of groceries on the floor and tried to head for the elevator. Flug, however, wasn’t as oblivious as he thought, quickly following the small robot to the elevator and lightly grabbing him by his boxy shoulders.
The scientist’s worst fears were confirmed as he realized that M4-NN did not have Black Hat on either claw. “... M4-NN? Where’s Black Hat?” The robot shrugged, but the slight quivering of the corners of his “mouth” indicated that he knew more than he was letting on. Flug narrowed his eyes behind his goggles. “I sent you into the city with Black Hat so he could get some fresh air. Where is he?” His question was more forceful this time, but the robot instead tried squirming out of his grasp, still trying to get to the elevator. “M4-NN—“ Flug lifted the bot off the ground so he couldn’t roll away, starting to panic. “I’m gonna ask you this one more time: Where is Black Hat?!”
M4–NN’s only response was a sharp-toothed grin eerily similar to that of his boss.
Flug followed M4-NN through the halls, panicking all the while. “You didn’t lose him, right? You had him with you when you left, I know because I said goodbye to him and wished him a safe trip!”
The robot was unresponsive.
“Where did you go in the city? You left, you got the groceries.. where else? Where’d you get all those scuffs?”
Silence, aside from the faint squeaking of M4-NN’s wheels.
“Did— you didn’t leave him somewhere on purpose, right?” Flug gulped, praying that the bot was better than this.
The smile spreading across M4-NN’s face told Flug everything he needed to know.
Flug’s heart dropped into his stomach. “You did?! At least tell me where you left him! You and I both know he can’t be left alone out there!”
M4-NN ignored Flug and headed for the elevator instead.
“M4-NN, get back here before I—“ he was cut off by the elevator doors slamming shut in his bag-clad face.
“That little— give him to me, I’ll tear him apart, have you put him back together, and— and then tear him apart again!!” An absolutely furious Demencia paced back and forth across the lab, much to 505’s discomfort.
“I wish, but he can’t tell us where he left Black Hat if he’s dismembered.” Flug deadpanned, looking over the blueprints for the HatBot-lers again.
Demencia flopped down exasperatedly onto 505, causing the bear to yelp in panic. “Can’t you just look at the footage he took while he was outside?”
“The problem is that they’re supposed to be servants, not recorders..” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose through his bag.
Several hours later, M4-NN still refused to tell Flug or Demencia where he left Black Hat.
“Please! You have to tell me where you left him, or I’ll lose my job! Y-You don’t want to be sold off to someone else, right?” Flug begged, kneeling down to meet the robot’s eye level.
Demencia had joined Flug’s pleading, but not necessarily for the same reason. “If you tell me where he is, I’ll adore you almost as much as I adore Black Hat!”
M4-NN ignored both of them, instead opting to try leaving. He was quickly thwarted by Demencia, who jumped in front of him and slammed the door shut behind her.
Flug swallowed the lump that formed in his throat from what he was about to say. “I-If you tell me where he is, I’ll take whatever punishment Black Hat probably has planned for you! Promise!” With an evil grin befitting of the entity on which he was based, M4-NN nodded.
One trip to the laundromat later, Black Hat was finally returned to the manor safe and sound (albeit slightly damp and smelling distinctly like artificial wildflowers). Flug was forced to endure roughly an hour of being screamed at, several bites to his other hand, and being smacked many, many times by stubby puppet arms. The last one didn’t hurt, but he was forced to act like it did to avoid further hurting Black Hat’s already-bruised ego.
Stumbling out of Black Hat’s office, he winced as Demencia’s voice irritated his ringing ears.
“How’d it go?”
“... Not saying it wasn’t painful, but I think I was expecting a lot worse.”
“Aw, he’s losing his touch.”
M4-NN wheeled his way out of his recharging station and into the halls of the manor. He smiled widely, happy to have gotten the upper hand on his boss for once. And to top it all off, Flug decided to be nice for once and took all the punishment! He would have been skipping for joy if he actually had legs. In fact, he was so ecstatic about the events of yesterday that he didn’t even mind when he bumped into Flug— Wait.
He looked up at the scientist, the lenses of his goggles meeting his optics. He offered his constructor a nervous smile, only to yelp when Flug picked him up and carried him up to the lab.
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this that easily! Trying to cost me my job, leaving Black Hat alone where anyone could pick him up and take him.. I’m not trusting you to run errands unattended ever again!” M4-NN was placed on a lab table, and he watched Flug take what looked like a set of lenses wired to a chip out of a drawer. “In fact, you’ll never be unattended. You’re getting a camera installed behind your optics to ensure you never try something like this again.”
The restraints locked into place before M4-NN could even think of escaping.
Flug’s expression was unreadable behind his goggles as he placed a hand on the robot’s face, but M4-NN could tell he was livid.
“Now, hold still.”
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nightfurmoon · 6 years
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YOO guys, the Maldad Mecánica (Mechanical Evil) update is out!!
You can play it here! Remember to use a proxy or a VPN (I personally use a proxy, it’s easier and you don’t have to download anything) and change your location to Mexico or somewhere around it because it won’t allow you to play otherwise. As always, these little updates have special missions and if you complete all, you get something special! SO GOGOGO
I LOVE the Demencia update that they added. LMAO poor Hatbot-ler
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vocecomsucesso · 3 years
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Manter o cérebro ativo na velhice pode adiar em cinco anos o Alzheimer? ✅ VERDADE. Um estudo da Academia Americana de Neurologia demonstrou que atividades simples como ler, escrever, jogar cartas ou montar quebra-cabeças podem retardar em até cinco anos o início da doença de Alzheimer. 🟠 A pesquisa, que durou sete anos, observou quase 2 mil pessoas com idade média de 80 anos sem a manifestação da doença no início do estudo. Neste período, os participantes realizaram vários testes cognitivos. 🟠 O mais fascinante é que os resultados positivos foram vistos em pessoas que iniciaram a estimulação do cérebro aos 80 anos. Logo, a pesquisa demonstra a importância da estimulação cognitiva para uma vida longeva com qualidade e bem-estar. 💬 E aí, você sabia dessa verdade? #MetodoSUPERA #GinasticaParaOCerebro #MitoOuVerdade #Cérebro #MitosSobreOCerebro #Velhice #Envelhecimento #Idoso #Demencia #Alzheimer #HabitosSaudaveis #Longevidade #Neurociencia (em Método Supera Campos dos Goytacazes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSxQUPBpFKL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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28 de junho 2018
Sensações estranhas, um novo dia, problemas não resolvidos, dependencia, carencia, demencia, loucura, felicidade, briga e gritaria resumo dos outros dias.
Alguns assunstos mal resolvidos que não quero recordar, espero no futuro ler isto e estar rindo.
Ontem foi aniversario da Jefin, não consegui comprar nada minha folga de tanta tensão de ir ao dentista. Amiga te amo ja disse isso?
O clima no trabalho esta tão paz e amor, todos se dando bem, uma puta equipe. Vamos ver hoje né? Quinta feira, entrei cedo e amanhã acordo com as galinhas, folga da Jefin.
Ando meio angustiado, espero que seja só falta de rola, por que se for depressão eu nem quero.
Tem dias que estou pura confiança, outros a pura sacola que pega o coco do cachorro, real life né amores.
Volto logo..
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switch-writer · 2 years
Out of curiosity, what are your Flug hcs? Not even just tickle related ones(although those are more than welcome) I just wanna hear your thoughts on the lunch bag of anxiety
OH. OHOH. Well now you got me talking-
I have both casual and tickle related ones, sooo, have a mix! I’ll put it under the cut because this is a mixed bag and not his Tickle HC post. It’s mostly the main HCs I have for the anxiety lunch bag. Although I’m not exactly sure if you’re wanting anything exact, I’ll try my best!
Okay so this isn’t gonna be formatted normal for me either since again- mixed bag-
BUT. Flug HCs non-tickle wise… I feel like he’s naturally become a workaholic to dodge the issues he faced day to day, love/dating/friend issues in the past, constantly working in hopes of being congratulated and working for validation, so on.
He likely also avoids sleep on the daily due to nightmare issues, but because he avoids it and falls asleep at his desk, it typically doesn’t go well. BUT. He’s become willing to go to 505 for comfort since he probably woke up 505 with rambling and pacing while trying to calm down from a nightmare since- well- judging by what flug does on a daily, it’s gotta be horribly dark and graphic nightmares. 505 provides a lot of comfort ever since the bear woke up from his father figure trying to calm down. So. That’s good at least!
He likes to occasionally craft mini planes if he has spare parts/metal around, it’s his own little art project and while he prefers the original planes, it’s still a fun enough art project to do in his spare time since he likes staring off at his collection of planes.
Horror movies scare the hell out of him, especially since a lot of them are either very realistic or have ghost related plots, even slasher films. He doesn’t Horror Catalogues and that’s just because there’s no jump scare to get him screaming and hiding behind the couch. Flug just doesn’t do well with it, he didn’t do well with scares that were unintentional, he won’t do well with intended scares.
And then take a few tickle related ones, not a bunch since this isn’t quite his HC list buttttt a few.
He squeals and squeaks so so much when laughing because of the fact he squeaks and yelps a bunch when surprised in the show. And due to how high pitched these are, it draws attention and everyone in the Blackhat residence knows about this, Demencia knows, 505 knows, even Blackhat does. And they’ve all gotten him before. It just kinda happened.
He gets a tad nervous at the topic since that’s often led to Demencia jumping and tackling him to the ground and tickling him until he can’t think about practically anything. 505’s tickles are meant with pure gentle intent, and Blackhat… it’s as close as you can get to death without being hurt.
Tickles are common for him, even while working under Blackhat, mostly due to Demencia, but he’s also often got it growing up and while in his little villain school. Yet, he’s never gotten used to it. Holding in his laughter for him is also impossible because he keeps thinking about ‘what if’ whatever happens and makes himself giggle and laugh nervously from his own thoughts and he hates the fact he can’t help it because it makes it even worse. Why? Well- ‘Flug! Why are you giggling so much!’ Over the ‘what if so and so happens-‘ thoughts. In short. He’s screwed- he doesn’t have strength or resistance to tickles in the slightest.
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sophyahria · 5 years
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Don't mess with Black Hat Organization!
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sophyahria · 6 years
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A Villainous Afternoon.
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switch-writer · 2 years
Do you have any hcs of both Ler Black Hat and Lee Black Hat(assuming he's even ticklish in the first place)?
Blackhat tickle headcanons:
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I in fact have considered this, dear Anon! I hope you enjoy :]
• ALRIGHT. Let’s get this out of the way, I believe Alan, aka, creator of Villainous and the Voice Actor for Blackhat (both English and Spanish) as said he is in fact not ticklish but the rest of the gang is. So :/
• And I’m someone who loves sticking to canon if something has been made canonical… however. IM WILLING TO GIVE A FEW LEE HCS DESPITE THIS. Just for the fun of it/to humor the idea. But it’ll all mostly be Ler HCs. Okay? Okay.
• So, if he was/became ticklish (aka, Flug did a oops or something), I highly doubt anyone could even touch him unless you’re Demencia, even then it’d be rare. He hits me off as someone if he could prep himself for oncoming attacks, or if he knows that’s about to go down, I highly doubt it’d work. He’d keep his intimidating presence and just glare someone down for it. No laughing, no funny business.
• That being said, again, if he was ticklish, it’d be best to launch a sneak attack.
• Don’t keep tickling for a long long time either, his patience will run thin and he will potentially snap at you.
• Rough/merciless tickles definitely work, but oddly enough, I feel like gentle ones do better for him. Just light laughs and batting your hands and such. He likes having control and being able to actually get ahold of himself. Could you tickle him senseless? Definitely. But he’d probably prefer something more gentle if he had to choose just for the sake he feels more control if that makes sense.
• Plus, he’d probably be upset with tickles if he isn’t super trusting of you. Like, if your a client? Say bye, he’ll snap and beat you. Someone like Demencia? Ehhh no. Flug? …Okay so maybe no matter what he won’t be the happiest about it. But he rather have it be someone like Flug who knows his place and how far he could go. So be wary of your status in his eyes.
• OVERALL. He would probably be snappy about it, no matter if it’s gentle or merciless, just be sure to show you have respect for his limits.
• But, whether he’s ticklish or not, if you dare try and do so? You’ll have a demon to face.
• He’s someone who has a distaste for it usually.
• “Villains don’t engage in such activities! Now. Get back to work.” Or something around those lines.
• He’s not one to engage in it intentionally whatsoever. But if he were to engage in it, you better hope he’s feeling merciful.
• He’s a force to be reckoned with if you somehow find yourself on the receiving end of his claws.
• His claws are vicious tickle wise. He knows how to make it a tickly hell while making it non-painful. A beautiful but merciless mix. It’s also killer for navel traces, genuinely those are unbearable.
• However, he isn’t usually very gentle. Gentlest he’ll get is small scratches and scribbles to the neck, and even then, with his claws it’s very tickly and typically makes people super giggly. But in general, be ready to laugh your heart out.
• Tease wise. He’ll of course tease in his own Blackhat way. Likely something along the lines of “My my my, you seem to be getting a little… squeaky and squealy, are you now?” or “What’s with that little smile of yours? It seems very unvillain like. I think you need to fix that before the hero’s don’t take you seriously.” And if it isn’t something like that, it’s just little deep evil chuckles.
• “Ohoh… is someone a little too ticklish to handle this?”
• He’ll say that too.
• He found out Flug was ticklish by trying to scare him, using his claws to grab him by his ribs/side area… right? Wellll that got exploited real fast. And it’s safe to say Flug was likely rubbing his ribs to try and ease the tickly feeling after.
• Demencia once got wrecked by him. She was… happy at the least, but was extremely giggly. Not that her being all smiley and giggly is abnormal.
• Anyways. While he usually doesn’t engage in it, the times he’ll do so is usually to knock you right into your place or because he tried to scare you or whoever and his claws happened to hit in a tickly way. Or he just started squeezing your sides to add a surprise factor (though after those side squeezes he just goes about his day, doesn’t really last.)
• He doesn’t exactly understand the point of it though, he understands there’s some pointless science about it but doesn’t ask, let alone care. But to him, it’s just funny to watch people squirm like a fish out of water underneath him without actually murdering them.
• So cheer up tickles are basically non-existent due to his understanding of how it’s enjoyable being slim to none whatsoever. Add that lack of understanding with a overall carelessness towards most feelings and you got a 0.001% chance of cheer up tickles.
• If it’s actually enjoyable for people? Ehhh. He doesn’t understand whatsoever and would probably never understand why it’d made people sooo�� happy. Then again, his happiness compared to others version of happiness is drastically different anyways.
• Don’t ask for tickles either. Just- don’t. It’d confuse the hell out of him because again, he doesn’t understand how it’s enjoyable. You have a better chance of confusing him rather than actually getting any tickles. Better to poke him a bit so he’d pounce and tickle you to bits rather than ask directly.
• If you happened to get wrecked in his office, he’ll allow you to stay to calm down, maybe get you water if you’re red in the face. Depends how kind he feels. Though, usually after like, 5 minutes he’ll tell you to shoo and go work or something like that.
• Just, overall, tread carefully with Blackhat. He has a very merciless nature and likely goes until you’re a tomato or until he feels like stopping. So, please, be careful and wary with him unless you want to be wheezing after that.
• He’ll spectate tickles out of curiosity/confusion but after like, 30 seconds of watching he’ll break it up because ‘it’s pointless’
• But overall, he doesn’t really intentionally engage in it and most of it is accidental tickles while clawing at someone’s sides for a scare, or he tickles someone to knock them into place, but all of this is in fact rare. But, if you happen to get the Ler part of him, I hope you’ve picked out a coffin. Unless of course he’s feeling nice…!
Hopefully these are alright Anon! Feel free to request anything else in the future! :]
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