fluffyskies · 10 months
Soo likee, I'm back with another lee Monoma thingy, I really wanna see ler Iida, maybe Monoma is being a bitch and Iida teaches him to stop it by tickling him? So whenever he bullies 1A he gets tickled by Iida? So a poke to full out tickling till he's crying, but I'd like to see the tickling till he's crying version pretty please 😁
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Lol I guess ppl like seeing Monoma suffer XD
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sunflowernoodles · 1 year
Touch Starved
Hope everyone’s having a lovely day! This ones a bit long but enjoy! 🌻
Lee: Shoto
Ler: Iida
Ships: mentions of Seroroki
At the 1A dorms, tickle fights were a regular occurrence. Weekly, sometimes daily fights for the sole purpose of having some dumb fun. This confused a one Shoto Todoroki.
Mainly because he never got included in these tickle fights. It made sense, Shoto thought. He didn’t know if he was ticklish, how could his friends possibly know? But still, that didn’t change the fact that Shoto so badly wanted to be a part of it all, or help his nervousness when tickling was even slightly mentioned
Earlier in the day, Shoto saw Denki pinning Sero on the floor of the common room and tickling his sides, not letting up when the blond noticed Shoto in the doorway. “Hey, Todoroki!” Denki waved with one hand while tormenting his cackling friend with the other.
Shoto blushed, both from seeing the random display of affection and tickles and from hearing Sero’s laugh. “Hello, Kaminari.” He spoke, leaving before Denki got another word in.
Everyone giving Midoriya a random poke or squeeze to the side was normal too. But it made Shoto want to shrivel in on himself nonetheless when he saw Uraraka and Tsu trapping Midoriya in a little tickle hug later in the day. Shoto tried to ignore them.
All of that brought him to right now. Sitting within a pile of friends on the couch at night as the class binged movies. Shoto was enjoying the movies, and being smushed between several of his friends.
That was until, the characters in the movie they were watching started tickling each other for a brief moment. Shoto felt his face heat up as he grew nervous and tried not to fidget. Even minutes after the scene had passed.
“I’m tired.” Spoke Shoto after a while, not waiting on an answer before standing and quickly making his exit. His face burned as nervous butterflies flapped around in his stomach.
Shoto hid in his room, sitting on the futon and burying his face into his pillow with a whine. He was frustrated with himself, he didn’t know why. Shoto so badly craved to be touched and to be given affection by his friends, and here was a perfect form of affection and yet he was nervous. And for what? He and the others knew Midoriya liked to be tickled, and they found it cute.
The creek of his door snapped Shoto out of his thoughts. “Pardon me for not knocking, but are you alright, Todoroki? You left so suddenly.” Said Iida from the door. Shoto’s embarrassed worsened as he unhid his face.
“Todoroki, you’re face is red! Are you sick?” Asked Iida worriedly as he moved to sit beside Shoto and placed a hand on his forehead. Shoto fought the urge to melt into the touch.
“I feel fine. It was just… the movie.” Shoto half told the truth with a shrug and Iida removed his hand. The peppermint colored boy looked down at his hands in embarrassment.
Iida tilted his head in confusion, “Really? I thought the movie was quite tame.” He said, watching the way Shoto turned his head away from him to further avoid eye contact. Iida thought for a moment before he realized.
“Was it the ti-“
“Yes.” Shoto interrupted before Iida could say the word. Iida was taken aback a bit at being interrupted and Shoto’s uncharacteristically embarrassed and shy behavior.
“Did it make you uncomfortable?” Iida asked, earning a small shake of the head from his friend. The taller of the two stared thoughtfully for a moment.
“Do you …like being tickled, Todoroki?” He continued with a soft smile. Shoto tensed and shoved his face back into his pillow with a small whine.
“I don’t even know if I am and everything’s driving me crazy!” Shoto complained, “I just- I just want included in everything but I don’t know.” He spoke, muffled by the pillow.
It was quite for a moment, apart from the sound of shuffling fabric Shoto heard beside him. Iida placed a hand on Shoto’s shoulder and he gently pulled the pillow away, Shoto allowing him to. “Well,” said Iida, “would you like to find out if you are?” Iida offered with a gentle smile.
Shoto’s mind was screaming at him to keep up his safety wall, to not accept the offer of affection. But Shoto really, really wanted it. So after a moment, Shoto nodded and looked up at Iida shyly.
Iida smiled brightly, “Great! Could you lay down then?” He asked, and Shoto listened, moving onto his back slowly and nervously. Iida looked over him, making sure he was really comfortable one last time.
The anticipation was absolutely killing Shoto now. He didn’t know what to expect if he was ticklish, he understood what it was at its base, but Shoto was just so unfamiliar with any affection.
Iida, not wanting to overwhelm his potentially ticklish friend, gently needed at Shoto’s sides while paying attention to any sort of reaction. Shoto jerked, nearly gasping at the unfamiliar tingly feeling at his sides. His lips quivered slightly as he fought off the urge to smile and giggle.
“Well?” Asked Iida, already knowing the answer. His tickles stayed soft for now until he hot a better idea of how Shoto was.
“It- thihis fehels- ihit feels reheally weheheird.” Shoto giggled softly but the joy and giddiness was obvious on his face and in his eyes. The sight of his happy friend was almost relieving to Iida. He smiled.
“Yeah? Wanna try a different spot?” Iida massaged Shoto’s sides as he got an excited nod from the peppermint boy. Iida chuckled, “Okay. What about here?” He asked, scratching down to Shoto’s belly. Even if it wasn’t a lot, Shoto’s reaction was much more noticeable.
“Ohoho gohod!” Shoto giggled, kicking his legs out adorably. His mind felt a little fuzzy and he didn’t know what to do with himself, which Shoto oddly enjoyed just being able to lay there and laugh.
Iida lightened the tickles even more at that, “Are you alright?” He asked, checking in just to make sure. But Shoto pouted a little.
“I’m fine. Uh- You can keep going.” Shoto spoke shyly. While some of the giggles and other noises he was making were a bit embarrassing, it felt nice to laugh and to be the center of somebody’s attention.
Iida smiled, “If that’s what you want. …I wonder what Sero would think about this, hm?” He teased as he brought the tickling back up a fee notches and the red of Shoto’s face depended noticeably.
“No! I wohould dihihie! Iida!” Shoto giggled and almost squealed when Iida suddenly dug his hands up into his underarms. Shoto clamped his arms down but it did nothing to lessen the feeling.
“But its cute. And you like it correct? Just like you like Sero. I can think of a certain peppermint who may want his crush to tickle him now.” Iida continued and Shoto rolled onto his side with a squeal, hiding in his pillows.
“Nohohohoho! Iida, I cahahant! I gehet sohoho dumb around Hahantaha!” Shoto laughed, squeaking as a finger swiped up his back to his neck. “Iida!” He giggled, upset that his laugh calmed down a bit.
“You just like him, it’s okay.” Iida nodded, pinching at a strip of exposed skin on Shoto’s stomach where his shirt had ridden up.
Shoto seemingly gave up on the argument, just wanting to laugh and not think a bit longer. Thankfully, Iida was happy to oblige, “May I try something, Todoroki?” Iida asked, earning a small nod.
Iida ceased the tickle for a moment to get a giggly Shoto back onto his and to roll his shirt up. Shoto giggled quietly as he watched. “This is something my brother would do a lot.” Said Iida before he inhaled a big breath of air, leaned down and blew one of the biggest raspberries he could muster right onto Shoto’s navel.
Shoto screamed, “EEEAHAHA IHIHIHIDAHA! PLEHEASE, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!” He squirmed and kicked his legs and grabbed fistfuls of the covers underneath him. While Shoto did enjoy being tickled and the attention of it all, it was late and this was quickly sapping the rest of his energy. So after a few more thoughtfully placed raspberries on Shoto’s belly, Iida finally, really stopped and sat up.
“Are you alright, Todoroki? Did I go too far?” Iida asked as he took to gently rubbing Shoto’s belly to get rid of any left over ghost tickles and to calm him down.
Shoto giggled out breathily, face pink and eyes shut with a bright smile stretched across his face, “Fihine. Its fuhuhun, thank you Iida.” He nodded. Iida smiled a little.
“Of course, my friend. I’ll be happy to help whenever you need a good laugh. Sleep well.” Iida ruffled Shoto’s hair and pulled the covers over his sleepy friend before leaving, shutting the door quietly behind him.
Iida did answer honestly to those who asked when he returned downstairs. Besides, the movie was paused when he left and Shoto’s laughs and giggles could have been heard across the campus anyways. That and he was followed by a couple others that heard everything.
And maybe Iida did tell Sero, and everyone else, about the many new Shoto related discoveries. If Shoto asked, Sero didn’t hear it from Iida. But Shoto was added to the list of targets and people to include in tickle fights, making the following day very eventful for the currently sleeping peppermint.
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shoto-lee · 9 months
Tickletober Day 5 - Accidental
lee!kaminari / ler!iida
Summary: Iida helps Kaminari paint his body to resemble a skeleton for Halloween. He quickly finds out by accident that his paintbrush is quite the tickling tool...
"Stay...still... I'm nearly done..."
Kaminari harshly bit his lip, praying that Iida would hurry up with the painting.
"How did you even come up with this idea?" Iida asked, stroking his thin, kid-sized paintbrush down Kaminari's collarbone. "Why not just buy a costume? You really want to paint your whole face like a skeleton?"
"Well, yes... It's creative, right?"
Iida nodded, trying to focus himself entirely on making sure every glide of his brush and every color placed on Kami's skin was perfect. He tilted his head and dragged the brush dipped in black paint down his friend's neck. Then swiftly up and down in order to fill in the space.
Kaminari fiddled with his fingers, trying to hide his growing smile.
"Can you huhurry uhuhap?!"
Iida sighed, drawing white lines to resemble Kaminari's bones quicker and quicker, trying his best to hurry up the process.
Kaminari gripped his pants, trying to contain his laughter. His neck was extra sensitive - maybe even a tad bit ticklish...
"I'm hurrying, Kaminari. You understand that this is a lenghty p-"
"Ohohkahay! I knohow! Juhust pahaint ehelsewhere..." Kaminari interrupted, letting out a few giggles.
Rude... Iida looked Kaminari stern in the eyes and continued painting the same area on his neck, filling in the area with black.
"Kaminari. I have a question." Iida had suspected something for a while, ever since he'd seen his friend struggling to keep a straight face.
"Are you ticklish? I'm just curious as to why when I drag my brush here,-" He swirled the tool inside the right dip of Kaminari's neck. The yellow-haired boy chuckled and swatted away at Iida's hand.
"-you laugh." Iida finished.
Kaminari blushed. How did Iida figure that out so quickly? He thought he'd done a good job at hiding it... Guess not.
"Nooo, I'm nohahahot tihicklish! It just feels... weird." He explained, looking down to his lap.
Obviously, no part of what he had just said was believable.
Iida nodded, now finishing his work on Kaminari's neck. Moving onto his face, the ticklish feelings were gone. Something inside of Iida missed the cute giggles and laughs from earlier.
"Y'know, this is gonna look so coo-HOHOOL!"
Iida jabbed Kaminari's side with a finger, causing a jolt down his spine.
"Not ticklish, huh?" Iida teased, letting his index finger wiggle under Kaminari's arm. The boy yelped and clamped his arm down, trapping Iida's single finger to tickle his armpit as much as he'd like. And tickle he did...
Kaminari tried to grab Iida's hand, but was caught off guard by another few fingers pinching at his ribs. Iida had put his paintbrush down and picked up a new task. Extracting as many giggles from his friend as he could.
"I never realized how ticklish you really are."
"I'm nohOHOt! I swehehear, I'm nAHAHOHOt tihicklish!" Kaminari lied, almost falling out of his chair as he felt both of Iida's hand travel under his shirt and scribble against his belly. He strategically used his fingernails to enhance the tickling.
"Iida, gehehet ahawayaha! I'm gohohonna cryahaheh!" Kaminari pleaded, weakly flailing his hands around, hoping to get those two mischievous hands away from his stomach.
Iida removed his hands from Kaminari's belly and inspected his eyes, to make sure he wasn't actually crying.
"Don't you dare mess up my painting with your tears, Kaminari!" He shouted, running to get a paper towel.
When he got back, Kaminari was missing from his seat. Iida looked around, to see him magically appear behind him - seeking revenge...
A/N: i've decided that i won't be doing a fic for every day of tickletober, and the ones that i do write probably won't correspond with the prompt of the day! i'm just gonna choose the prompts i like and have fun with writing them
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00just-a-pancake00 · 2 years
The Bet (Kirishima, Midoriya, and Iida)
This is a fic based off from a pic I commissioned @skribblz to make a few days ago. Thank you so much, I love your art and I can't wait to commission you again someday >:3 Fic inspired from Bro Code by @fanfic-chan
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"Hey, Midoriya!" Kirishima called the green bean. "Oh! Hey Kirishima!" smiled Midoriya, Iida beside him as he smiled too at his friend, "Have you studied for the test today?" "You bet! Bet I can beat you and Midoriya once the scores are out." he grinned with confidence hence he had a good study session with Bakugou last night. "Quite invigorating! Although, I would see you losing to your own bet, Kirishima-kun." Iida reprimanded a little, a chop from his arm. "You saying I couldn't do it?" He asked, raising a brow, feeling more cocky than usual.
Midoriya was silent hearing his classmates argue over the bet, Mic coming in with the test papers as they all sat down. Eijirou and Tenya feeling competitive.
After the test, Mic then returns the test papers for their English Summative as everyone was rather excited except for Sero's whining hence he struggles due to his Hispanic languages. "GOT 38/50!!" Mina squealed. "That's a good improvement!" Momo smiled at her, "Keep studying and you'll ace all tests." "Lucky, I got 33..." Sero giggled. "How much did you get, Tenya?" Midoriya and Uraraka asks as they inched closer to Iida hence he always aces English class tests. "49/50. Just once mark." He replied, the two happy for him as they clapped. He then heard Kaminari pipe in impressed as he looked at Eijirou's score. "Dude I'm jealous!!" The electric blonde pouted as he looked.
"All that studying paid off! You just need to have the dedication!!" Kirishima smiled at him before seeing Iida approach him. Midoriya and Uraraka following.
"How was your score?" "Just one mark."
'Just ONE mark?! I'm screwed-' Kirishima thought with a drop of sweat trickling from the side of his head.
"Got two marks..." he admits, "Fine! I lost the bet!" He huffed feeling playful defeat, Tenya looking at him as he chuckled.
"No need to act defeated. At least you have a good score. But that doesn't mean you are not safe from the stakes." Iida praises, assuring him, making the redhead shiver since it was not working of being assured.
"W-What Stakes-?" Kirishima made a quivering smile, Midoriya smiling.
"You get tickles once we are back at the dorms!" reminded the green bean, Iida nodding as Uraraka and Kaminari laughed at him. Kiri is doomed. The best way to do it is to evade.
"C'mohohon Ihihiiidaahaha!! Pleeheaseee!!! M-MIDORIYA, STOHOP HEHELPING!!!" Squealed the redhead, kicking his foot from the grip of the class rep. Iida's fingers touching and tickling the foot, the pads of his fingers sending tickly messages to the redhead's brain. It was not helping either as Midoriya was holding his elbow together while attacking his side and tummy.
"Geez, Kirishima-kun, you are so ticklish!" Midoriya laughed, prodding a rib as it extracted a squeal from Kirishima.
"Yeah, if you have not underestimated me, you could have avoided this~" cooed the class rep as he kept scribbling, now using five fingers to tickle his foot.
"NOHOAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!" Squealed Eijirou, trying to reach out to him before Midoriya pulled his arms back.
"Remember~ If you raise your arms down, this would last longer~" Teased the bean, giving Kirishima warning tickles on his armpit as he squealed.
"THIHHIHIS IHIS NOHOT FAHAHAIR!!! AHAHA!!!!!" He threw his head back and released more laughs from his mouth.
God knows when would this end. Kiri swore to himself that he should never challenge and bet with the class rep ever again on a test...
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Heyyyy! I wanted to request something and was looking through your info so I hope I've done this correctly <3
Can you write an Iida x self insert (Em/Ginger- nicknames) switches? MHA <3
Also I wasn't sure I'd I had to explain my self insert so- ginger, quirk is Wave manipulation (sounds, light. Etc), she/they pronouns <3
Your writing is amazing and looking at your page was so great cause you have everything organised 😭 also you're very pretty. No worries if you don't want to or don't feel like doing this, hope you have an amazing day! 💞
Running Errands
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Friday 3:10 P.M.
“AUGGGH FINALLY A BREAK” Em groaned as she stretched. “No we still have school tomorrow” Denki chuckled as he reminded her. “Umm don’t know what planet your on because, our break starts tomorrow” Kirishima smiled.
“Oooooh TENYA!” Em jabbed his sides. “GYAHa don’t start!” He flinched away clenching his books. “Well you’re taking forever, come on so we can do our home work and SLEEP”
“You two sure are close these days, you two a thing~” Mina teased. “N-no, we certainly are not” Iida slightly blushed, as he chopped the air. “Nope, well not yet atleast” Em couldn’t help but tease. “Em!” “Chill prez, I was just kidding anyways see ya’ around mina!” Em waved, as the two of them disappeared around the corner.
In Iida’s dorm
“So, what should we work on first Math or Science” Iida asked. “Do we have to do this” Em slowly began to whine. “Yessss we do, unless you want your grade to drop” Iida mocked.
“Hey, don’t mock me!” Em jokingly scrunched up her face. “Hey, don’t mock me!” Iida continued his antics. Em shoved him playfully. Iida did the same back. Resulting a little wrestling match going on. Flipping back and forth, one of them having the upper hand.
Em being held in a headlock, not being able to escape, but also being stubborn not letting Tenya win, she reach up to his side clawing at it. “HEhey, that’s cheheating” He giggled, as he loosened his gripped as expected. Which allowed Em to slip out, and tickle him some more.
“Hehey nohoho E-eEHEmehe” he laughed some more, as you were on top of him scribbling at his sides. “What so this isn’t fair I couldn’t breathe when you had me in a head lock” Em exaggerated. “NAhAhaha buhuht yOhoOuhu staAhAHArted ihit” Iida’s laughter starting to get louder. “Too bad suck it AHAHAHAHA yOhoHohoU cheEHEHEATER”
She squealed as she felt two thumbs drilling into hips. “NAHAHAHA YOHOHOU JEHEHERK WHEHERE SUPPOHOHOHOSED TOHOHO BEHEHEHE WOOHOHOHORKING” Em tried to slip out of this situation she created. Iida getting the upper hand “noho don’t try toho get away now” Iida breathlessly giggled, as he pinned you wrists above her head.
“NONONOHOHOHO” She anticipated activating her quirk, which caused Iida not being able to see nothing but light. “C’mon Em you can’t use your quirk on me” he smirked. “Sahays whoho?” She continued her attack from earlier.
“NAHAHAHAHA YOHOHOHOU LOHOHOW-BLOHOHOW” regaining his sight, he shoved his hands under her ‘pits. “TEHEHEHEHNYAA NAHAHAHAA STAHAHAHAP”
“AHAHAHAHAHHAHA TRUHUHUCEE TRUHUHUCE” They both called, they both stopped, panting out of breath.
“Sohoho whahat about *Hic* the wohohork” Em asked. “Wehe cahan finish ihit *hic* tommohorrow Ahhhhh Ihi gonna take aha shower” Iida groaned, as he got his belongings to take a shower.
15 minutes later
“That was relaxing, Em if you wanna take another shower you ca—“ Iida looked over and found you asleep in his bed. He didn’t want to wake you so he just plugged up your phone, and drifted off to sleep.
Next morning 8:23
Iida fully dressed, now all he needs to do is wake Em up, he lightly shook you. “Hey Em, c’mon it’s time to get up we have errands to run remember”. She opened one of her eyes to look at him before rolling onto her other side.
“Well that was rude, Em c’mon let’s go you said you were a morning person what happened to that?” He shook her some more before poking at her face.
“Em if you don’t get up I’m will tickle you” he plainly threatened. “Ten’ if you tickle me I will make sure your blind ‘n deaf” she mumbled. “Oh so we’re throwing threats around hUh?”
“Dunno you tell me four-eyes your the genius not me” She bit back. “You know wha— I have had enough of your attitude” Iida scoffed as he yanked the covers off of her.
“Doho nohohot it’s tOHo early in theehehehe mornihing for this” She giggled, as he clawed her sides.
“Oho I don’t care, you want to be such a brAHAhahat hehey dohon’t tihihickle mehehe” Iida giggled, she clawed his sides aswell.
“Nahahahaha rohohound twohoho mohohother fuhAHAAHAHAHCK AYEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOHO” he repeatedly squeezed her hips.
Iida having 2 good points, meh I guess they were good to Em at the moment.
“GOHOHOOD” They both stopped tired once again as Em went to go change.
“Ihi’m ready”
“C’mohon yohou goof let’s goho” Iida giggled as the both of them giggled their butts out the dorms.
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shoto-chann · 4 months
Izuku’s Lee Mood
My Hero Academia
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Summary: Izuku can't help but find himself in one of his love/hate moods: a lee mood! How will he ever deal with this lovely curse all day?
*Warning: Contains small amounts of swearing
Izuku Midoriya woke up today in a lee mood. He knew it right away the moment he woke up. He couldn't stop giggling no matter what he did. "Dahahamn ihit! Whyhy tohodahahay of ahahall dahahahays?!" Izuku said as he got up to get ready for class. He loved/hated when he was in a lee mood. Ever since he was a kid, he's always had random lee mood days when he wanted someone to tickle him crazy. He assumed he grew out of it after attending UA, but he was proven dead wrong today. He didn't know how to handle this. He could never bring this up to his friends. They tease him about his ticklishness already. If he were to admit something like this to them...but then again, if his friends did know about his lee mood, then he could get wrecked with tickles, his favorite activity. "Ugh, stop it, Deku! You're an adult now, stop acting likena child!" Izuku managed to say before leaving for class.
Izuku wished he had stayed in his room. The day has been one close call after the other. First, after one of Aizawa's lectures, Uraraka and Iida walked up to Deku. "Hey, Deku! Iida and I have a question for you!" Uraraka said as she lightly tapped Deku's shoulder. Izuku’s brain interpreted this to scream like a girl and almost laugh. Both Uraraka and Iida were taken aback by this sudden action. "Midoriya, are you okay?" Iida asked. "Yesimtotallyfineokaygottagobye!" Midoriya said quickly as he left in a hurry. Both of them were left in shock.
Next, during lunch Deku was talking with Todoroki. "I heard that our next lesson's gonna focus on combat training against people who put us at a disadvantage" Midoriya said. "Interesting. I wonder who I would be put up against. Hunter outmatches me in power and abilities. Yaoyorozu can create weapons and defense to counter my ice. Your Quirk allows you to outmaneuver me. There's also Bakugo, with his insane agility and raw power" Todoroki answered back. During their conversation, Kirishima accidentally bumped into Deku. His brain, once again, interpreted this to scream and giggle. "Midoribro, you good, man? That was-" "Yeahimtotallyfinenothingtoworryaboutkirishimaokaygottagobye!" Midoriya once again ran out, leaving his friends confused once again. "What's wrong with Midoriya? He's been acting more awkward than usual" Todoroki asked, to which Kirishima shrugged.
What really made the day a lot more embarrassing was combat training. Midoriya was put against Hunter, who was playing a villain in this scenario: Midoriya was attempting to save a hostage (Mirio) from a villain who outmatched him and had to find a way to get the hostage to safety. During their combat training, Deku's sparring game way totally off, not just because Hunter had better versatility and combat ability, but Deku's lee mood was slowing him down, and it was showing. Usually, Midoriya had no problem fighting against Hunter and won five times out of ten, but he had to concentrate on not breaking down laughing while also keeping Hunter away from the hostage at the same time. Not an easy task for the One for All wielder. Toward the end of the training, Hunter slid in on ice and pushed Deku back with wind. He then caught Deku with a new move he made: lighting ropes, tying Deku up in midair. Deku struggled to get out, but he couldn't help but get that feeling again. His body was tingly all over and he couldn't help but laugh. Hunter, still playing the villain, smirked and decided to mess with the hero for a bit. "Looks like I caught me a hero. Let's see if I can make this hero talk" Hunter walked up to Deku with his shit eating grin and chuckled. "Let's see if you know anything useful, little hero" Hunter poked Deku's chest, and in return he got a full on screech laugh. Deku's screech laugh was so sudden and loud, Hunter jumped back and lost his grip on the rope, too shocked by what happened just now. Everyone else in the class just looked at Deku like he was crazy, including Aizawa. Deku just turned red on embarrassment and stayed quiet the rest of the day.
Once the day was over, Izuku immediately went to his room and plopped on his bed. "Damn it, Izuku. What is wrong with you? You shouldn't be like this. You completely embarrassed yourself today!" Deku groaned as he buried his face in his pillow. Just then, he heard a knock on the door. He decided to stay quiet, not ready to face anyone after today. The door opened slightly, and Shoji walked in. "Hey, Midoriya. May I come in?" Shoji asked. Deku didn't respond, but he didn't say no. Shoji sat down next to him and looked at him. "What's up with you today? You've been jumpy and very weird all day." Deku didn't want to answer. "Come on, Midoriya. I'm worried about you. You're not acting like yourself. Well, you are, but not in a normal sense. You get what I mean?" Deku just sighed and sat up straight to look Shoji in the eye. "It's...complicated," Deku finally said after a moment a silence. "Complicated?" "Yeah. I...I don't know how to explain it." "Well, take it slow. Try to describe what's wrong slowly. Start from when you woke up." Deku thought about this for a moment, afraid but excited to tell Shoji. "Well...I woke up today feeling...strange. It was like..." Deku had to hold back a powerful giggle in order to not embarrass himself...but he also wanted to giggle to give away to Shoji what was wrong. Aaah, this was so confusing for Deku!
Shoji noticed Midoriya trembling slightly, as if holding something back. A sneeze maybe? A cough? Or maybe...
"Midoriya, can I try something?" Shoji asked. The question took the young hero in green off guard. "Uh...sure?" "Okay. Lay down please" Delu did as he was told reluctantly. He was a bit confused but also excited to see what would happen. Was it possible Shoji knew? No, he couldn't know. Deku has never told anyone about this. The only one who knew about his lee mood was Bakugo, but even he would never openly admit something like that to anyone because of how ridiculous it is. "First, do you want me to do what I'm going to do?" Shoji asked. "What?" "Do you consent to what I'm going to do?" What are you going to do, Shoji?" "You'll see, if you consent" "Uhum...I guess I consehent-" And just like that, Izuku couldn't hold back his giggles any longer and just burst out giggling.
It was mainly Shoji's fault. It was he who started tickling Izuku’s sides the second he consented. "WAHAHAHAHA! Shohojihihi!" "So, I was right. You do have it" Shoji tickled Deku's sides a little faster, making Deku squirm violently. "SHOHOHOJIHIHI!" Deku screamed. But...this is what he wanted. He didn't want to move. He didn't want to run. He wanted to stay and let Shoji wreck him.
It seemed Shoji understood what Midoriya wanted because what he said completely shocked him. "You've been having a lee mood, haven't you?" Midoriya only laughed loudly at that, confirming Shoji's guess. "No wonder you've been jumpy at touch. You just wanted a little attention." Shoji decided to switch it up. He grew six other arms and looked at Deku with an evil smirk (not like he could even see the smirk, but Deku could just feel Shoji smirking at him). "Well, I know exactly how to solve your problem" "HOHOHOW?!" "How else, Leezuku?" Shoji teased as he went absolutely ham on Deku, tickling every inch of his tickle spots without rest. Deku, being the energetically ticklish baby he is, screamed bloody murder and laughed so loud the window in his room broke. He couldn't help but wiggle and giggle like he's never done before, but he never tried to escape. He was in heaven! He loved Shoji's fingers wiggling in the hollows of his armpits. He loved the way his fingers traced his ribs and his small belly button slowly. The way his fingers danced all around his knees, teasing him more and more as he got closer and closer to his death spot. Shoji was also having some fun, wrecking Midoriya like this. "Having fun, Leezuku?" "YEHEHEHEHES!" "Good" Shoji said as he stopped. Izuku, although still dying like a hyena, noticed that Shoji stopped and started complaining. "Whyhy dihid you stohohohop?" "Because you're having fun" "Buhuhut thahat's not fahahair!" "Sorry, Midoriya. That's just how it is" "NOHOHO! Plehehease keheheep gohoing!" Deku begged. Shoji's ears perked up hearing this. "Come again?" "I wahahant mohohohore! Mohohore more mohore!" Deku laughed while complaining and whining like a brat. Shoji chuckled. "I don't think you do" Deku whined even more. "Oh...it seems the little brat doesn't like to be told no" Deku kicked Shoji's leg in retaliation. "That's it, you brat" Shoji scooped Izuku in his arms and went to town on his hips, squeezing and scribbling them. "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"Midoriya quickly started crying from laughing so hard, his squirming and wiggling never letting up. Yet he still intentionally opened up his other tickle spots for Shoji to attack, and Shoji obliged. Both of them started laughing as time passed on and on.
Twenty minutes later, Deku had enough and called it quits, but Shoji continued to tickle him to ensure that all of his lee energy had left his body, which took another ten minutes. Once Izuku calmed down enough after the tickling, Shoji sat down on the bed with him. "Is that better, Midoriya?" "Yeah...thanks..." Deku answered. "How did...you know-" "You're not the only one I've met with a lee mood." "No?" "No. You'd be surprised by how many of our friends here have lee moods." Like who, Shoji?" Shoji sat and thought for a bit. "Well, Ojiro has a lee mood and comes to me every time. Then there's Kaminari, Uraraka, Ashido, Koda, Kirishima, Tsu, Hunter... I can name more if you'd like" "Wow. So many of our friends have lee moods too...I thought-" "You were the only one? Not even close" "...And what about you, Shoji? Do you have a lee mood too?" Shoji didn't answer and looked up for a moment. Midoriya could've sworn Shoji was embarrassed because of his small blush. "You must be tired after all of that" Shoji said. Midoriya wanted to protest that he didn't, but he yawned in response. "You're right" Deku said. Shoji chuckled and ruffled Deku's hair. "Okay, I'll leave you be. Get some rest, but remember that you have homework to do" Deku nodded. "And remember, anytime you have one of those days again, just come to me, and I will help you. Okay?" Deku nodded again. Shoji got up and left the room, leaving Deku to sleep. As Midoriya drifted off to sleep, he felt much more at peace knowing that Shoji was here to help him with his lee mood. He would have to thank Shoji properly later once he was awake...
And after he buys a new window for his room. Oh boy, Aizawa's not gonna be happy with this one.
The End
I hope you enjoyed reading my first fic of 2024. I can't wait to put out more stories for everyone. If you made it to the end, here's a little teaser for the next story coming soon:
🗡 🌊 🗡 🔥 🩸
If anyone can guess which characters and what fandom I'll be using for the next story (besides the lovely person who requested this story), they will get a free tickle monster character created by yours truly. Good luck to you all.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥shoto-chann🔥❄️ out
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yourllocalaroace · 8 months
DAY 18 - Magic
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Ler!Villain:Mr Magic(creative name I know)
Stop right there villain!’ Iida ordered. ‘I’m going to catch you!’. He was currently in the middle of a chase with a villain who was causing chaos in the city. He seemed to be pulling ‘Magic’ tricks on people, for example turning people’s cars all furry and fuzzy, objects grew legs and ran away, doves were appearing out of nowhere etc. and although it didn’t seem to hurt anyone he was being a nuisance. 
‘For my next trick, watch me disappear!’ He replied to Iida, making a big puff of smoke appear in between him and the child. He then sped off. Finding a small alleyway to seek refuge in. ‘These UA kids.’ ‘Always meddling.’ He huffed. 
‘What about us UA kids?’ A familiar voice spoke behind him.Mr Magic swirled around to see Iida standing there. He still caught up to me?! Damn I need a new strategy. 
‘If you know what’s good for you, you’ll come with me peacefully.’ Tenya warned, ‘Your tricks may be harmless, but you’re still causing distress for people.’ 
The villain knew he had to come up with something, and quick. He could already tell he wouldn’t win a 1v1 against the hero, so he had to create a new plan. Iida was blocking the exit, making escape impossible. 
Unless… he could find a way to move him. A smirk appeared on his face when he came up with an idea. 
‘Speaking of Tricks, you’re in luck because you get to see a magic trick specially made for you!’ The man chuckled. He took off his hat and reached deep inside. Iida got in a ready stance. Preparing to fight whatever came out of that hat. ‘Ta-da!’ The villain produced a small doll that looked scarily exactly like Iida. The engine hero looked in both confusion and intrigue as to what would happen next. Mr magic gently poked the doll’s side. Smiling when he saw Ingenium jerk like he’d been touched.  ‘Hehe! I’m going to have lots of fun with this.’ He then moved his fingers under the dolls armpits, and Iida let out a small giggle and crumbled to his knees. 
‘Ahehe! Whahat do you think you’re doing!’ The hero tried to keep up the menacing act,but it didn’t work with the giggles he was letting out. ‘Aww what’s the matter little hero? Something funny?’ Mr Magic changed to tickle the doll’s stomach, and Iida burst into rich laughter. ‘PFFT- NAHAHAAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAP THAHAHAHAT AT OHOHOHONCE!’ Mr Magic ended up escaping, but it would take THE Iida Tenya took long to catch up.
Hope you enjoyed 🤍🫧
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featherstreams · 6 months
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Twice the Tricks, T-Poses, and Tickles
Notes: Thank you so much to the anon who requested this and for the kind words!! This sounds adorable, and I'm so glad you liked my first one! I hope you like it!💚 Todoroki is a sweetheart and deserves to smile more. (Also, sorry for the long build-up to the tickling part and the lame ending) (Second Note from rewrite: I rewrote half this fic from memory before the lovely anon who requested this reached out to me with the fic saved! I decided to leave in a lot of the changes to hopefully improve my writing a bit! Thank you so much to that anon and I hope you all enjoy!)
Lee: Todoroki
Ler(s): Kirishima, Kaminari, and Midoriya
Word Count: 1,534
Warnings: None!
Summary: After a successful prank on Bakugou using the T-pose trick they found online, Kirishima and Kaminari decide to move on to another victim during a boring lull during class. Chaos commences.
~ Part One ~
“Ughh, I’m so boredddd…”
"Shut up, Dunce face." Bakugou snapped from his place at his desk where he was fiddling with his pen.
“But Kachaan~!”
“Call me that again and die.”
Kirishima chuckled from is own place at his desk. Bakugou had been giving both he and Kaminari the cold shoulder ever since their prank a few days ago, aside from little quips and banter like this. He was surprised their explosive classmate hadn't enacted his revenge on them yet, but he wasn't complaining. Being on the receiving end of Bakugou's revenge, especially when it came to tickling, was... He shuddered at the thought.
Redirecting himself back to the present, Kirishima stood from his seat and walked over to Kaminari's desk, clapping his friend on the shoulder. "Why don't you play a game on your phone or something?" He suggested.
“Aizawa-sensei took my phone away,” Kaminari whined, dropping his head on his desk dramatically. “I won’t get it back until the end of the day.”
“You can use mine if you want,” he offered, rummaging through his back pocket.
“No, you don’t have the games I like. And I won’t have any of my saved progress, anyways,” Came the muffled reply from the blond, who didn’t bother to lift his head from his desk.
“Stop complaining so much if you’re just going to turn down everything you’re given to help.” Jirou called from where she was sitting on Mina’s desk her phone in her hand as she softly played some sort of tune for the alien girl.
“Speaking of sensei,” Midoriya piped up from his own seat, interrupting Kaminari’s defensive response, “I wonder what’s holding him up.”
It was Tuesday, and the entire class was in their usual classroom for the day. They were supposed to be working on some sort of training assignment, but indeed, their sensei, Mr. Aizawa, had been called away around ten minutes prior by another teacher for help with… well, none of them were quite sure what. He’d told them to sit tight and not cause trouble before leaving to deal with whatever the situation was. It hadn’t taken long for the majority the class to melt away from their assigned seats and group up in their usual cliches. The responsible ones of the class- the usual suspects, Iida, Momo, Bakugou- had taken this free time of sorts to work on their homework, but many of the others- Like Kaminari- were growing bored and restless.
"Oh, oh! I know!!" Kaminari exclaimed suddenly, lifting his head from his desk to grin at Kirishima in excitement. He lowered his voice then, glancing around as he spoke. "The prank! We should do the prank!"
Kirishima grinned, crossing his arms. "Hell yeah, man. I'm sure that'll be great entertainment. But who should we do it to?" He asked, now joining the blond in scanning their classmates for possible victims. "Sero and Mina likely know about the video already... Actually, I think we should avoid the girls in general. That wouldn't be manly to trick them into being helpless without their permission."
Kaminari rolled his eyes. "Always the gentleman."
"Midoriya would figure it out too fast.” Kirishima continued, ignoring the quip. “Iida would never let us..."
"Todoroki!" Kaminari exclaimed, already standing up. It was the perfect choice, after all; what did the half and half hero know about social media? Nothing, as far as they knew. Content with their decision, the two boys approached their target, who had been engaged into small conversation with Midoriya while Kirishima and Kaminari had been talking.
"Hey, Todoroki! Wanna try out this test we heard about?" Kirishima asked with a smile as they stopped before the pair. Todoroki, who’d been mid conversation, stopped and turned to look at them, curious.
"Test?" He echoed, tilting his head.
"It's a strength test!" Kaminari said cheerfully. "Bakugou even tried it the other day!"
A glance at the hero in question showed that the blond was now looking at them, stunned and furious. Don't rat us out, please... But Bakugou only let out an indignant sniff and said nothing, returning to his classwork.
"Oh... Sure. Okay." Todoroki said evenly, standing up from his seat on Midoriya’s desktop. "How do I take this test?"
"Oh! Let's see..." Kirishima searched for something they could use, scanning the room. Nothing, nothing… Shoot, maybe they’d been to hasty with this. But then Bakugou suddenly caught his attention when he moved, pointing to an area in the far corner of the room. Following his finger lead him to a bō sitting out beside the supply closet. Of course! From their karate-type lesson with Mr. Aizawa last week. That would be perfect!
Kirishima rushed over and picked it up, flashing a shark-toothed smile at Bakugou for the help- receiving only another indignant huff of dismissal- before returning to his friend and their new victim. Kaminari was in the midst of explaining what Todoroki was going to be doing as Kirishima stopped in front of them, staff held securely in both hands.
"Got a staff!" Kirishima said with a grin. "Go ahead and lift your arms up to the side- Yes, just like that!"
Todoroki did as instructed, standing like a statue with both arms perpendicular to his body while he watched Kirishima thread the bō, or staff, through the sleeves of his uniform jacket until it could be seen peeking out the other side.
"There! How does it feel?" Kaminari asked with a smirk. Todoroki calmly tested the staff, lightly pulling on his arms, which barely bugged.
"Secure," He replied after a moment. Half the class was watching now, curious and interested. Was Mina recording on her phone? Oh, she definitely knew what was going on.
"Great! Now, try to get it out! You can't use your quirk," Kirishima added when flames licked at Todoroki's left fingers. The peppermint boy obeyed, fire extinguishing as quickly as it’d appeared, tugging on his arms and shifting his feet. His brows knit together as he focused on the task, but remained unsuccessful aside from getting his elbows in a few inches.
"I can't get out," he said finally, blinking at the now-smirking two boys that had put him here. "Does that mean I failed?"
"Not exactly," Kaminari said, cracking his fingers. "You see, the strength test wasn't about your arms, exactly. It was about how long you can last."
"How long I can last? Last wha-AHAT! H-Hehey!" Todoroki's question was cut short when Kirishima jumped forward and squeezed his sides. The half and half hero pinched his lips together, jerking a few steps backwards only to run into Midoriya and his desk.
"Clever, you two," Midoriya commented, giggling as he looked up at his tense friend.
"Thank you!" The boys chorused together, both poking their way around Todoroki's sides and tummy.
"Come on, Todobro~! Tickle tickle tickle!!" Kirishima cooed. Giggles spilled through Todoroki's pinched lips, his cheeks pinkening from the teasing. "Awww, listen to those giggles! Who knew stoic Todoroki had it in him?"
"How adorable," Kaminari agreed with a smile, pinching his way up Todoroki's right ribs, earning a soft squeak. He had no hope of containing his reactions when caught so by surprise on top of having two ticklers. He was squirming now, trying to twist side to side as his arms remain stubbornly up and useless due to the staff in his sleeves.
He was squirming enough that it was growing exceedingly difficult for both Kaminari and Kirishima to tickle him, struggling to stay out of each other's way while also maintaining contact with Todoroki's wiggling torso. This became tricky enough that the redhead finally paused, pursing his lips thoughtfully as he evaluated the situation.
Then there were arms snaking around Todoroki's hips from behind, causing a surprised sound to erupt from the peppermint hero. They belonged to Midoriya, who pulled Todoroki towards him, keeping him secured against the desk and himself so he couldn't struggle away anymore. His own thumbs could be seen gently digging into the divotes of Todoroki's hips, and a snort erupted from the boy as he doubled over.
"Have at him, guys. His armpits are the worst for his upperbody," Midoriya supplied helpfully, a smile evident in his voice as he held Todoroki in place for the other two boys to play with to their hearts’ content..
"Mihidoriyahaha!!" Todoroki protested through his hysterical giggling.
"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya echoed back teasingly.
Kirishima, not wanting to overwhelm the stoic half and half hero with six tickly hands, decided to stand back and watch this time, as most of the rest of the class was doing by this point. Most of the girls could be heard cooing, with Mina recording the entire thing on her phone, and even Bakugou was watching, smirking at Todoroki’s situation in a way that only someone who’d been in that position could.
Kaminari drilled back in on Todoroki's ribs, needing no other encouragement to continue. The victim let out a shout of laughter before delving into hysterics at the combo tickling he was being subjected to.
"Guhahahaha-guys! HAHAHhahahaa Ohohokay! Hahahahaha! Plehehease!! K-Kaminari, Midorihihi- Aaahahaha!! NONONO!" The uncharacteristic squeal shot from Todoroki's mouth when Kaminari scribbled his devious fingers under Todoroki's arms. The struggling attempts to get away doubled as Todoroki's adorable shrieking laughter filled the classroom. It was so... High pitched, and adorable, and just so genuine from such a soft spoken, neutral guy. Kirishima nearly awwed. He was not alone, though others seemed to have failed in holding the sound in.
The poor peppermint boy's legs were trembling, and it didn't take long before they gave out on him, and his weight was fully leaning into Midoriya.
"P-PLEHEHEHEASE!! NOHOHOHAHAHA NO PLEASE NOHOHOT THERE!! I- EEK- I CAHAHANT!!" Todoroki cried out between his sweet laughter. This carried on for another unspecified amount of minutes, Todoroki’s desperation being dutifully ignored in favor of listening to his adorable laughter, before a voice cut through the noise, causing everyone to freeze.
"I leave to deal with a quirk emergency for fifteen minutes, and I come back to this?" Aizawa drawled from where he was standing, arms crossed, in the front of the room, eyes trained on the frozen scene. "I could hear you from three classrooms away."
Todoroki, who sat blushing and panting in what was practically Midoriya's lap by this point, turned red enough that his scar nearly disappeared. "S-Sorry, sensei." He mumbled as an almost equally embarrassed Midoriya quickly lifted his hands from Todoroki’s body in surrender, unable to stand due to being pinned down by the victim of their antics,
"Kaminari, Midoriya, detention." Mr. Aizawa merely said. The loud protests of "What?!" and "It was Kirishima's idea!" ("Hey bro, not cool!") that followed from the electric blond went ignored as Kirishima helped Midoriya remove the staff from poor Todoroki's sleeves.
As the three boys fussed over a tickled-out Todoroki, in which Iida and Uraraka joined in, no one noticed the smile or the chuckle that rasped out of Aizawa as the man closed the classroom door and set up to continue their lesson for the day.
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fluffyskies · 1 year
Hey <33
Can you do any iida and bakugou tickle art? Either can be lee/ler, love your art :]
Yes I can :>
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sunflowernoodles · 1 year
Dekusquad tickling Lee todoroki who just spent a weekend with his dad. He needs some tickles by his friends (without warning) (just a surprise tickle attack) ;)
This is such a sweet idea though!! He most certainly does. I hope you enjoy! 🌻
Lee: Shoto
Lers: Dekusquad
Shoto had been at his father’s since Friday afternoon, just returning on Sunday evening. He was absolutely exhausted. Endeavor had nothing but training planned for him and it was absolute hell, no breaks, just constant, vigorous training. He barely got any sleep as well.
As Shoto walked in the front door and through the common area, he was greeted by his friends. “Hi, Todoroki!” Midoriya called, followed by the others soon after. But Shoto barely hummed in acknowledgment as he trudged past them and up the stairs.
Shoto winced as he walked up the stairs to his room. His legs and feet ached and he wanted nothing more than to lay down and rest. But going to bed smelling of sweat and wearing clothes from an earlier training session wouldn’t help him too much, so even if he really didn’t want to, he gathered up some clean pajamas and headed to the showers.
After showering, Shoto got back to his room and flopped onto his bed with the lights still off. He sighed, his body was sore but at least now he could finally rest.
There was then a small knock on the door. Shoto gave a small frustrated and tired whine, but stayed in bed. “Come in.” He finally spoke then squinted a little when light from the hallway shone into his eyes after the door was opened.
He glanced at the door, seeing his friends. “We’re sorry if we woke you, Todoroki.” Tsu said approaching Shoto a little.
“No, its okay. I’m having some trouble sleeping, but I’m fine.” Todoroki spoke up, shutting his eyes and turning on his side towards the wall. After a few seconds, he heard his door creak shut and the light left, so Shoto assumed they left.
That was until, a small poke to his side made him gasp softly, “Wait. What- hehehey!” Shoto was suddenly giggling as a pair of hands found his hips and ever so slightly dug in. Shoto struggled onto his back and saw Midoriya in front of him, the others also beginning to sit around him.
“Whahahat dihid I dohoho?” Shoto questioned through surprised giggles. A slight blush was also beginning to spread across his face from the sudden attack.
Uraraka sat near Shoto’s head and lifted his arms up, gently tracing up the length of his right arm and to his hand, “You just seemed so sad and tense when you got home.” She spoke.
“I guhuess maybe a lihittle bihihit.” Shoto shrugged. ”Eep!” He squeaked when he felt a light scratching sensation near his ankle. Shoto looked over and Tsu and Iida down by his legs.
“Well, then we’re here to help you feel better and to relax! We have no school tomorrow so you can rest for as long as you need.” Iida nodded, squeezing at Shoto’s thigh.
Shoto snorted, followed by more giggles, “Yohou really dohohon’t hahave toho- PFFHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHO!” He laughed and threw his head back against the pillows as soon as Uraraka dug into his underarms and Iida and Tsu began actually tickling his legs.
“We’re your friends, we do have to. Now let us worry about you, okay?” Said Midoriya as he worked his thumbs into the dip of Shoto’s hip bones. Shoto snorted once again but nodded.
“OKAHAHAY!” He laughed and simply just laid there and took the tickles, far too exhausted to try and fight back or even squirm. The most Shoto would move was when Midoriya would suddenly put his head down to give him a raspberry on his stomach and Shoto would arch his back a little from reflex.
After a few minutes of getting tickled by his friends, Shoto eventually asked for it to stop. And they did. “Alright, Todoroki. I hope you feel better.” Midoriya spoke as the others backed up a bit.
Shoto’s limbs felt like jell-o, but in a good way sort of. “I doho I suppohose.” He giggled slightly as he felt his covers being pulled over him. Shoto was given some water and few friendly little kisses from the others.
“Mhm. Night night, Sho. See you tomorrow.” Uraraka said as she tousled Shoto’s hair. Then just like that, Shoto was alone in the darkness of his room again. But he felt much calmer and happier. And with the added sleepiness from the tickle attack, he fell asleep not too much later with a little smile on his face.
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t-annuki · 8 months
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Sorry for the inactivity, I'm doing this Inktober from IG called Husbanstober. Trying new brushes and drawing my husband is <3
Day: 1-8
Tadashi Hamada: Big Hero 6
Rex Salazar: Generator Rex
Garrus Vakarian: Mass Effect
Tenya Iida: Boku No Hero Academia
Jack Davenport, actor
All Might: Boku No Hero Academia
The Once-Ler: The Lorax
Tobio Kageyama: Haikyuu!
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gaybananabread · 8 months
Hii!! I'm so glad that you're gonna participate in the augtickletober! Please consider writing number 25 with lee todoroki, where he gets gang tickled by the boys from class 1A hehehe (I feel like I've seen many gang tickles for Bakugou/Midoriya, but rarely seen it for Todoroki, and I feel like Todoroki somehow deserves it). (Please no foot tickles) If you need plot recommendation (but feel free to use your own hehe): - The boys of 1A decided to help Todoroki practice since basically he's the one that hasn't received his provisional license. - Class 1A is having a field trip, and the boys have deep talks at their sleeping hall before sleeps and the topic of "Todoroki rarely laughs" pops up I hope this idea works well! Thank you so much for participating in this event, looking forward to it!!
TickleTober Day 25 - Gang Tickles
THIS! Thank you for the kind words and awesome ideas Anon! Definitely got my creative juices flowing! Sorry this is so late, I’ve had quite the week (O~O) And the candy-cane could definitely go with some gang tickling. Mans needs to laugh more! Did a handful of the 1A boys, just because more than 5 lers on one person gets a little iffy. Anywhosit, thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Todoroki
Lers: Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Midoriya, Bakugou
Summary: On a class field trip, the boys of 1A get to talking about their multi-quirked peer. After discovering that they all rarely hear his laugh, the goobers make it their mission to get him to crack a smile. Some fun, ticklish methods are utilized.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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It was a rare, yet heavily anticipated day for Class 1A; Fieldrip Day was finally upon them. They were out at one of the pro’s training facilities. One of All Might’s favorites, to be specific. The facility had a few sports fields, a training hall, and some nice barracks. If anything, it was better than a day of doing schoolwork at UA. Nothing against Aizawa; the teens just liked the change in pace. Plus, no math for a day.
Every student enjoyed the day; even Bakugou cracked a few genuine smiles. Ready to rest and recover, the boys hit the showers and got ready to sleep. Tokoyami was out the moment he arrived, not caring for small talk. A few conversations floated around the room as the male students entered the barracks, one in particular sticking out.
“Hey, Todoroki never really laughs, does he?” Sero had been the first to bring it up, but at that point, every student had their own little thought to add. “You’re right, I’ve really only heard him laugh once or twice. He smiles, but those are rare too!” Denki had seemed particularly surprised at the revelation.
“Why do you extras care? That half-and-half stiff is just taking after his father. Pros like him don’t act all happy,” Bakugou tossed his hair towel to the side, almost hitting Aoyama with the soggy thing. Kirishima, ever the apologist, tried to redeem anything the blonde had just said. “Th-that might be part of it, but he could just be a stoic dude. I wouldn’t call him a stiff, Bakubro. He’s just…a little serious.”
The tape hero jumped back in, trying to keep his conversation on topic. “Only time I’ve seen him even giggle was when Mr. Smiley attacked. Still, the guy pretty much held it in! Bakugou even laughed when he got hit, man!” That got a growl from said blonde, Sero nervously chuckling at the murderous glare he received.
Midoriya was fidgeting with his sleeve, looking down as they argued. He knew something they all didn’t, and saw a much different side of Todoroki. Iida noticed his antsy demeanor, outing him to his peers. “You seem rather tense, Midoriya. Care to share what’s on your mind?”
He squeaked at the sudden attention, feeling their eager eyes on him. “U-uhm, I dunno. It’s not really my place to share it…” Denki, bored and ever the trouble maker, pressed the matter. “Aww, c’mon Midoriya! You can’t just not tell us! We gotta know!”
The angel and devil on his shoulder fought for a few seconds, coming to the ultimate conclusion that a little laughter could do his friend some good. “W-well, I’ve seen Todoroki laugh quite a few times. You kinda gotta…m-make him, though.” The interested students hung on his every word, soaking in the new information. Make him? “What’dya mean by that, Midobro?
Izuku sighed, knowing they would want to hear more. At least Kirishima was nice about it. “He’s…he’s ticklish. Like, pretty badly ticklish. I’ve managed to get him really laughing a few times; it isn’t all that hard.”
Every teen that was paying attention seemed shocked. The serious, stoic, hardly-cracked-a-smile guy Todoroki was ticklish? It seemed hard to believe; the image of their emotionally distant peer a giggly, blushing, mess was just too obscure to imagine. Denki made sure to point it out. “No way! I’ve poked him before, and got nothing! I’d know if Todoroki was ticklish.”
Bakugou stared down his childhood friend before interrupting. He knew the greenette well enough to tell when he was lying. “Nah, the nerd’s telling the truth. Icy-hot is fucking ticklish.”
Kaminari looked like he’d just won the lottery. A goofy smirk formed on his face as he made a joke. “Wow, Todoroki is actually ticklish. I’m gonna go visit Hell for a bit, now that it’s frozen over.” Ojiro, rolling his eyes at the line, tased the goofy blonde’s side.
Iida regretted asking, feeling a bit guilty for indirectly exposing his classmate’s secret.. “Can you all be mature about anything? Our classmate would not appreciate us gossiping about this personal aspect!” Bakugou rolled his eyes, flopping on his mattress. “Pull the stick out your ass, four eyes. It’s just stupid shit, not like we’re talkin’ bout his dirty secrets or anything.”
The class president squawked at his argument, but didn’t get a chance to yell at him before Kirishima cut back in. “HEY! Why don’t we all put this info to use and, I dunno, make the guy laugh. I think we can all agree that he needs it.”
Nobody argued with him there. Not every student was up for it, some fearing retribution, others not wanting to be crispy-fried or frozen solid. In the end, the team consisted of Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Midoriya, and surprisingly Bakugou. They got a plan together; all they needed was the dual-quirked teen.
Todorki had always enjoyed longer showers; it felt nice to just stand under the water and think. He was expecting a few of his peers to question how long he took, though he wasn’t prepared to have five of them eagerly eyeing him as he left the showers. The boy tried to keep the suspicion out of his voice as he spoke to them. “Do you all need something from me?”
The electric blonde smirked, stepping forwards. “Actually, yeah.” With that, the group went into action. Catching him by surprise, Sero came up behind him and shot tape around his hands, hoisting them above his head. Kirishima held the shocked teen in place as Sero got a few more layers of tape on his hands and forearms, thoroughly restraining him.
Normally, Todo would’ve just burned throughout the tape and left. With his peers so close, however, he was hesitant; he couldn’t risk hurting them. The teen tugged at his arms, shooting a glare at his classmates. “What’re you all doing?”
They answered his question pretty quickly. Kaminari squeezed his sides, while Sero poked along his spine. He snapped his mouth shut, eyes growing wide. Oh, they didn’t. He forced out an order, managing to contain his giggles. “G-get off of me!”
This only encouraged his “attackers.” Sero used both hands, dragging his nails down Todoroki’s spine. The candy-cane arched his back, flinching right into Kirishima’s wiggling fingers on his belly. That got a snort out of him, the serious teen’s cheeks dusted with red.
“Oooh, someone’s ticklish!” It was already a struggle to hold in his giggling; Kaminiari’s stupid teases were an unfair challenge. “Sh-shut uhup!” The electric student gasped, eyes lighting up with playful mischief. “Was that a giggle?! C’mon, gimme a few more!”
Who knew Kaminari would be so good at teasing? The student definitely didn’t, that’s for sure. Thankfully, he moved his fingers to the boy’s armpits, trying to find his worst spot; he didn’t realize he had already found it. “How about here, huh? Does this tickle?” That damn word… He wished he could delete it from the blonde’s vocabulary.
Midoriya tried to conceal a smile, watching his peer move farther away from the jackpot he was looking for. He was conflicted; on one hand, it was wonderful to see Todoroki like this around other people. On the other hand, he would probably be more than a little betrayed if the greenette revealed his worst spot. Decisions, decisions… Eh, what’s the worst that could happen?
“You know you’re getting colder, right?” All four of the perpetrators turned to him, Todoroki’s eyes narrowed in a “don’t you dare” expression. Ignoring it and the inevitable revenge, he continued. “You actually already found it. It’s right around here…”
Denki parted the waters for him, letting the freckled teen do his thing. With an apologetic smile, he clawed at Todoroki’s navel, not flinching at the howl of laughter the action received. The other students’ eyes lit up, though Bakugou tried to conceal his. Izuku stepped back, leaving his friends the chaotic seed he’d planted.
Ten fingers immediately latched onto Todo’s stomach, Kaminari wasting no time. Loud, surprisingly bubbly laughter burst from him, a wide smile growing on the face of the typically-earnest teen. “N-NOHOHO! MIHIDORIYAHA! TRAHAHAITOR!”
That started a little competition; an unspoken game of “Who Can Get Todoroki to Laugh the Loudest” beginning between the four teens. Denki was in the lead, scribbling in and around his navel and teasing his lower belly. Kirishima was in a semi-close second, drilling his fingertips into the multi-quirked boy’s hollows. Sero, deciding to be a menace, toyed near his spine, tracing teasy little shapes up and down his back. Bakugou and Izuku hung back, though the explosive blonde seemed ready to jump in.
Todoroki was burning; not literally, but he could feel the heat on his cheeks. He trusted his classmates not to go too far, but damn, that shit tickled. He was mainly nervous of Bakugou; they had already found his worst spot, but he knows one more that would make the goofiness much more unbearable. A spot that Baku knew.
Deciding that he had waited long enough, the fiery teen cracked his knuckles, approaching the group. He crouched down, going for Todo’s outer thigh. He clawed at the outer edges, making sure to keep things as comfortable as they could be.
Todoroki shrieked at the addition of the spot, four people now trying their best to wreck him. It was almost maddening; all he could think about was “tickles, tickles shIT THAT TICKLES!” over and over again. His entire face was a bright red, almost matching the left side of his hair. “NAHAHAHA! GUHU- PLEHEHEASE! NOHO MOHOHORE!”
Denki saw how wild all the tickling was driving his classmate. Deciding to show some mercy, he went for one more scribble on the boy’s navel before backing away. Kirishima also took the hint, ending the underarm tickles. Bakugou reluctantly pulled away, not wanting to seem silly compared to the other two. Sero continued out of pure spite, wanting to hear the giggles a little longer.
The hot-and-cold student was wiped; five of his classmates “tormenting” him was exhausting. He practically hung from the tape restraints, giggling softly as Sero continued to softly tickle his back. It honestly just made him more tired, but in a good way. He still wanted it to end, but they were relaxing in the silliest way.
Midoriya checked the time, seeing how late it was getting. He had always been a bit of a mother-hen when it came to his close friends, even though he got injured far worse and much more often than they did. “Come on, Sero. He’s had enough.” The tape hero-in-training backed away, a smug smile on his face. “Fine. You know he was enjoying it, though.”
Kirishima hardened his hand, cutting the tape around the giggly, exhausted teen’s arms. It quickly unraveled, Todo swaying into Midoriya’s waiting arms. He carried his classmate over to the half-and-half student’s bed for the night, laying him down and pulling the blankets over him. He was out in seconds.
The rest of their classmates snickered quietly, each going either back to sleep or to their devices. The goof troop that wrecked him fist-bumped, silently cheering a job well-done. Sero, still proud of himself for bringing it up and starting it all, chuckled. “I’ll admit, that was pretty fun. Nice to see him laugh like that.”
His friends agreed, even Bakugou huffing a quiet “I guess” before heading to his bed. The teen had a strict sleep schedule, and while the tickling was fun, it did delay that. The rest snickered before dispersing, each heading to their own sleeping spots.
Todoroki found himself smiling and laughing a lot more after that day, be it from cheesy jokes or the occasional side poke. And honestly? He didn’t really mind. Turns out even the most serious of teenagers can enjoy a good laugh with friends every once in a while.
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giggly-squiggily · 9 months
Could we have lee!Hawks and ler!Tokoyami? Bird bros are life!!
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I went ahead and decided to combine these two cause Hawks energy akljrkjeakjrejk Thank you anons for giving me the chance to write for Hawks again- he's just so fun! I hope you like it! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @nutzgunray-lvt @sarahmaystock5578 @rachi-roo
“Guess who’s back, back, back? Back again, ‘gain, ‘gain. Hawks is back, back, back- tell you’re friends, friends, friends~” Hawks did a little shuffle as he came into the gym, laughing at his silly song. He was once again summoned to train the kiddos today, something he was unexpectedly starting to look forward to. “Hey kiddos, what’s new?”
“Hawks!” Some of the students cheered while others tried to keep their cool around the pro-hero. Tokoyami didn’t look surprised to see him, but it was clear by the slight puff in his feathers that he was pleased.
“Thank you for coming, Keigo. I know we’ve been asking for you quite regularly lately…” All Might began, relaxing when Hawks waved off his concern.
“No worries, Toshi. I kinda like these ankle biters.” He reached out, grabbing Tokoyami with ease. “Especially this one- say, can I keep him?”
“H-Hawks!” Tokoyami fussed as the rest of the class laughed, amused. Not long after groups were set up throughout the gym for quirk practice. Hawks was soon left with a handful of students to entertain.
“This is so exciting! I don’t think I’ve got to train with Hawks yet!” Uraraka clapped, almost floating away in her excitement.
“Don’t go soaring away now.” Tsuyu shot her tongue out when the girl nearly floated to the ceiling. “Stay with us, girl. *ribbit* *ribbit*”
“Tokoyami- what’s Hawk’s training style like?” Midoriya asked, notebook in hand and pen ready. “I’ve analyzed his quirk ability and his way of fighting by videos on the internet, but this is also my first time training with him. Do you have any pointers?”
“...I think Tsuyu just got carried away.” Todoroki blinked, watching the two girls float into the sky. In the back, Iida came running to their rescue.
“Hawks is…it’s hard to explain. You’ll see for yourself; just be ready.” Tokoyami seemed a bit stiff as he watched Hawks stretch out. “He likes to play games.”
“Ah I see….Um, what kind of games?”
Turns out, Hawk’s “games” weren’t just training related.
They were deadly.
“Come now- is that the best you can do?” Hawks teased, flying high above as the students tried tagging him. The goal was simple- capture the villain- in this case Hawks-  who had taken one of their teammates -Tsuyu- hostage. The two biggest obstacles where he remained in the air at all times and he was allowed to fight back. With his arms full, he mainly used his wings and feathers.
The flying part was a little challenging but fun. Uraraka and Tokoyami had the best chances of getting up there while Todoroki and Midoriya had to be creative with their quirks. Ice stairs and Float seemed to be good options.
The real problem was the feathers. Mainly…
“Here I come- Aheheahhahahahaha!” Uraraka squealed when those dastardly things tickled her sides, sending her off course and floating away.
“Uraraka, hang o-Ahehahahaha!” Midoriya was no better- the second they made contact, he was a mess of laughter, Float giving out instantly as he crashed into the mats below. Tokoyami and Todoroki were in no better shape- Dark shadow seemed to enjoy the feeling much to his owner’s dismay, and Todoroki could barely keep his ice going the second he was targeted. Running also proved useless- the feathers were like homing missiles following their every move.
“Is that the best you got? Come at me!” Hawks laughed in his mock villain role, holding Tsuyu like a baby against his chest as he carried on reigning tickly terror upon them. For the most part, she seemed fine- relaxed even.
Then she remembered she had a role and would cry out. “Help me, guys! Save me! *ribbit*”
“Hehhehe…thihihs is impossible!” Todoroki groaned, curled against the mats as Tokoyami landed, Uraraka beside him. “How are we to save Tsuyu if he keeps on tickling us?”
“There’s got to be a way! We just need to find some sort of weakness.” Midoriya turned to Tokoyami then. “You’re his sidekick- do you know anything?”
“Sidekick..” Tokoyami blinked before looking thoughtful. “Yes. He does in fact have a weakness. However- if we were to exploit it, we’re going to need everyone’s aid.”
“What is it?” Uraraka asked. A small huddle was formed as the information was shared.
“.....That’s so obvious.” Todoroki blinked.
“Why didn’t we think of that sooner?” Uraraka sounded equally astonished. “Deku?”
The green haired boy was quiet, face concentrated as he ran through a million thoughts. Finally, he nodded, looking up. “Guys, I got an idea.”
“You really think so?” Tsuyu asked her “captive”, cheeks pink and something hopeful in her voice.
“You bet I do. Come on- I’ve been around that kid for a good few months now. I can tell when he’s in l-” Hawks never got to finish his statement, shooting out of range as black whip snapped at him. “Whoa there!”
“Go! GO!” Midoriya cried. Within seconds, Hawks was surrounded, just barely dodging Uraraka and Tokoyami as they dived at him. “You silly kids- forget what I can do?” Hawks went to summon his feathers-
“Todoroki!” They cried, and suddenly Hawk’s legs were frozen in place, as were the edges of his wings. He could still fly- but if he were to sacrifice his feathers, he’d crash. Clever, clever kids.
“Here I COME!” Uraraka took her chance, using a move Hawks didn’t even know she could do to pull Tsuyu from his grasp. Once safe, Midoriya shot Black Whip out again, encircling Hawk’s waist and pulling. Within minutes, he was against the mats. He had lost.
“Oh man- you kids are gre-AHAHT!” Just when he thought it was over, it had only begun.
“That’s right- tickle him!” Dark Shadow cried in glee as the group did just that, poking and prodding at every spot within reach as Hawks thrashed and squirmed beneath them. Black Whip was still around his waist, squeezing him slowly like a pulse. Uraraka had his wrists, pinning them with ease as Todoroki and Tsuyu dug into his exposed armpits. Tokoyami the little sneak was going for his legs, squeezing his thighs and knees like no tomorrow.
“Wahhahhaait wahhahahhahait! Aheahhahahhaha, kiiihihihihiddos leheheheht me uhuhuhuhup!” Hawks cried, cackling like a child as various tickle spots were attacked at once. He tried his best to keep his wings from bashing them- the last thing he wanted to was to knock anyone out- but even that proved difficult when Midoriya decided to go for the horrible spots within them, making his laugh go near silent. “Plehahahahhhase yoohohohu wihihihihin!”
“Hmmm…yeah, we did. Let him up guys.” Midoriya called. The tickling ended soon after, the kids shining with pride as Hawks gasped for air beneath them. “Good work everyone!”
“Yeah! We did it!” Uraraka cheered, high fiving Tsuyu and Todoroki. Tokoyami snickered behind a hand, Dark Shadow beaming with pride.
“Hawks, are you okay?” Midoriya eventually asked, watching the Pro Hero sit up on his arms with a soft laugh. “We didn’t overdo it, did we?”
“Heh, nah y’all did fine. That was clever- using my means of attack against me. Good job.” He reached out, patting their heads one at a time.  “Next time’s not gonna be as easy though- come here, fearless leader!” 
He reached out, grabbing Midoriya before any of them could react. Within minutes, he was in the air, a new captive in hand. “Let’s see what you can do now!”
Thanks for reading!
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wreckingtickles · 5 months
What about the concept of everyone discovering kacchan was ticklish? I love reading stories about how his classmates first discover it! You just know he would try extra hard to not laugh and give it away for the sake of his pride
Ohoh, this is interesting! I think much of the class found out due to Kirishima becoming more and more brazen with his tickle-attacks, especially after everyone started living together, so at some point a couple of their classmates must have first heard, then seen Kirishima teasing Bakugo in the common area.
Though I'd also like to flip that notion on its head and say that a few of Bakugo's neighbors actually found out in the opposite way: they heard Kirishima's anguished laughter coming from Bakugo's room one time when the blond was exacting his revenge (he lacks the self-awareness to realize just how comfortable Kirishima has made him with the whole thing - months before he would have never even thought about tickling someone back, though he was doing it with his own sadistic streak). Iida, Shoji, Kaminari, Todoroki, Sero, Ojiro, and Sato definitely heard that, though Todoroki and Sato didn't quite realize what was going on and Ojiro couldn't believe it, while for Sero and Kaminari it was business as usual. Anyway, Iida definitely came up asking them to keep it down and what warranted such a ruckus, and Kirishima came back from the edge to damn himself and pant that Bakugo was getting his revenge for Kirishima tickling him while Tokoyami was in the common room, whcih earned him another round of hell (not like he doesn't love it, but Bakugo pushes him well past his limit).
Now, all the girls found out through Mina, she would definitely broadcast that kind of humanizing thing that makes boys cuter; and like Kaminari and Sero, Mina found out from Kirishima just. not. keeping his hands to himself (naturally, Kirishima is the last one to realize how gay he is for Bakugo). The information would eventually find its way to Todoroki, Sato, Tokoyami, and Mineta - Sato would be surprised, Tokoyami would too but he wouldn't care, and Mineta wouldn't care but would be envious that Bakugo gets into tickle-fights with Mina (which doesn't really happen, but you know how Mineta's mind works).
Now, Aoyama? The boy's weird enough that he probably saw a Bakusquad tickle fight and joined in just because he was passing through - but probably, secretly, also to be included? And someone at some point probably yelled at Todoroki to stop a fleeing Bakugo, and Todoroki DID! Eventually leading to Bakugo's retribution, which in turn allowed everyone to discover that Todoroki, shameless as he is, can be quite the ruthless ler, on top of a very ticklish (and cute) lee.
Right, Kirishima. How did he find out? The obvious way: he tried it. Multiple times. But the fact that Bakugo's always bristling and yelling gave his reactions plausible deniability, but then he noticed that Midoriya looked like he had some tea. So he naturally tickled the information out of Midoriya, I suspect with Denki's help.
As for Midoriya, well, the two grew up together, and as Bakugo got more violent, Midoriya forgot just how ticklish the blond was as they growing up, but he recognized the signs from Kirishima's blitzes.
Sorry, I always end up generalizing a lot because the bird's eye perspective is very interesting, but if you'd like me to hone in on certain details (e.g. reconstruct a certain incident), definitely ask!
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simplysmilingdrew · 2 years
You're in a big trouble!
BNHA tickle fic
Lee: Kaminari
Lers: Mina and Jirou
A/N: This fic was really hard to write. I wanted to write something important, about friendship, fears that everyone can experience in a way or another, and seeing the positive sides of ourselves, because a mistake we often make is to underestimate ourselves. Hope that you will like it. English is not my first language so, if you find some mistakes, please tell me and I will correct!!
“Hero too, I am a hero too! My heart is set and I won’t back down!”
The song had been echoing in Kaminari's ears for at least half an hour.
He was relaxing on the couch of the common room with headphones on, listening to that beautiful song.
It reminded him how much fun they had at the school festival; how much they had worked hard to make an unforgettable show; how beautiful Kyoka's voice was…
Yes, he had a crush on the Hearing Hero… but he had never dared to take a step forward in this... after all, his Quirk short circuits and bad grades did not help him with the self-esteem.
He didn't realize he was also humming, but he felt perfectly a touch on his stomach. Kaminari jumped up, his eyes widening: “Hey Mina! What are you doing?”
“Hehehe, I was right! Someone was singing our song.”
Kaminari sat cross-legged: “Was I singing? Didn't notice, sorry. "
Mina smiled: “You must really like it a lot, since you always listen to it. Or should I say… you like Jirou's voice? ”and she winked at him.
Kaminari blushed instantly: “Uuh? N-no no, what are you saying? I simply wanted to relax and this song helps me-”
“Because Jirou is the singer, maybe?” Mina insisted from behind the couch.
Kaminari’s face turned even more red and tried to cover it with his arms: “W-what are you saying? It's just that, uh… it's a special song for me, it reminds me about something we've done all together. Why do you say I like Jirou?”
Mina's black eyes lit up: “Ah-ha!! I said you liked her voice, not that you liked HER…”
Dammit. Kaminari turned purple, closed his face between his legs and wished only to sink completely into the couch and disappear among the cushions. Mina giggled and sat across from him: “Come on, Jemmingway! Just kidding. I didn't mean to embarrass you, but it's pretty obvious that you like Jirou. You’re not that good at hiding your feelings.”
Kaminari's tomato-colored face emerged from his knees: “What? What do you mean with obvious? Did she notice it? Who else knows? Oh my God, I'm screwed!!! "
“Woah there, Sparky! Calm down!! Don't freak out! We of the Squad have noticed it, I am sure of this because we were together! But for Jirou, I don't think so and trust me when I say that, if she knows, we didn't tell her anything. Cross my heart.”
Poor Kami tried to go back to the closest thing that we could call “a state of calm” and, still with his hands in his hair, asked again: “What do you mean with obvious?”
“Well, your eyes light up when you look at Jirou or you talk to her; when she laughs, you laugh with her; you listen to her song as many times as Bankugou screams 'die', so...”
Kaminari let out a chuckle: “Well... you see... you're not wrong... but, I...”
Mina pushed his hair out of his eyes: “Come on, shy one. If you want, you can tell me everything, buddy.” she said imitating his pose.
Kaminari rolled his eyes, made an embarrassed expression, scratched his head and smiled: “Actually, it's true… I do have a crush on Jirou. But I'm afraid to tell her... I'm only capable of making a fool of myselself, I always fail tests and I certainly don't have to remind you of my 'Wee'. And she is… so cute, smart, she has a beautiful voice and I love to see her smile. But... I don't think I'm a guy who she might be interested in…”
Mina sighed: “If we are talking about grades, remember that you have number 19 of the class in front of you. I also fail tests, but I’m not the grade that the teacher writes on the paper, and same goes for you. I am the most agile of the class and I have taught everyone how to dance for the Festival. Even to Iida, Midoriya and Aoyama with their ‘trunk like dancing style’. You're good at mid-range combat and your Quirk is great, both for simply charging batteries, or for saving lives as a defibrillator, if you think about it for a sec.” Mina said.
Kaminari's expression totally changed: “Trust me, if Jirou didn't really like you, she wouldn't even helped you with the guitar lessons. Also... do you want to know a secret?!” Mina whispered.
Kaminari put the ear closer. Mina covered the space between his ear and her lips with one hand: “Hehehe! Jirou sometimes stares at you and smiles. I've noticed this from the Festival!”
Kaminari felt his heart locked in his throat and his mouth dropped open: “What?! Are you serious? No I-I've never noticed!” his face turned again red as a tomato and he covered it with his hands.
She giggled and ruffled his hair: “That's a good thing. I mean, she totally likes you and maybe feeling something for you, but if you didn’t notice her eyes on you, my dear, we have to borrow a pair of glasses from Iida. You. Must. WAKE. UP. AND. ACT!!"
With each word, Mina poked Kaminari's tummy, making him laugh. Then she started to poke him in various spots, all over his torso and under his neck: “Did you understand? You have to move! Come on! Talk to her! Or at least give her a little present, like the choker you gave her after I-Iland. That is now fully integrated in her Hero costume, hehehe!”
Kaminari could not answer back in any way with Mina who kept her attack on every single weak spot: “Hahaha! Stop it Mina! I Gah-hahaha, I got it!”
“Hehehe! You're in a big trouble, Kaminari!” Mina yelled, and she threw herself at him and then tickled him on his hips and sides. Kaminari burst into laughter, throwing himself back onto the couch and arching his back.
“Nonono! Tickle naaahahahaha!!!”
When Mina went for the armpits, he shrieked and let out electric shocks that made his hair stand. Mina laughed with him, surprised by the reaction.
“Hahaha!!! Kaminari, what the hehahaha! What the hell did you do? Your hair!"
“Minahahaha! Plehehehease, dohohohon’t!” he pleaded, trembling.
“Hehehe! I'm sorry, but it's too funny!” and she began to move her fingers so delicately that it was like the touch of a ghost.
Kaminari instinctively closed himself like a hedgehog, and then stretched his legs in the air, kicking a little: "Hahaha! Oh gohohohosh! Minahahahaha!"
“Yes, that’s my name and I know you like light tickles and you're so cute when you giggle like that! Oh! Hey, I know! How about, you ask her for a date at the park? Buy a new pair of airpods for her birthday? Or a box of chocolates for Valentine's Day? Simple ideas that would be perfect!" she exclaimed, still gently tickling him.
“What-hahaha!? Ihihihi, I’m naaahahaha brahahahave enough tohoho ahahahask! I alwahahays froze and I wohohohould panic!" and he began to shake his head frantically from side to side.
Mina stopped instantly.
Kaminari, completely surprised, tried to catch his breath and raised his head to look at her. Mina was staring at him with a dull look.
Kaminari began to worry: “W-what's wrong? Why did you stop so suddenly?”
She pouted and pointed her finger at his nose: “Denki 'Chargebolt' Kaminari! Do you realize what you just said?”
After such a sentence, Kaminari's concern turned into terror: “You faced the USJ Villains. You helped rescue the I-Island hostages. You saved Bakugou and Kirishima from the Shiketsu student. You protected Midoriya and Bakugou from Nine's lightning attack. You played the guitar in front of the whole school and you are one of the few who survived after pulling a prank on Bakugou! Seriously… do you really think that you're not brave enough?”
Kaminari was stunned. Actually, she was right. He wasn't totally a coward, but...
“Mina… thank you for your words. I understand what you mean but... it's different and more complicated...”
Mina pressed her finger against his nose: “Don't you dare contradict me! You ARE brave! Maybe you don't feel ready to talk to Jirou yet, but underestimate yourself, talking only about your failures and defects is wrong! I mean it, never humiliate yourself like this again! Did you hear me?!”
Maybe Mina's reaction was too exaggerated, maybe she was taking the argument too seriously, but looking at Kaminari, she remembered that day... a couple of years ago, when Kirishima apologized for not being able to intervene when the giant Villain threatened her and the other classmates.
For a moment she saw their faces overlap... with the same incredulous expression...
Maybe... those were the words she hadn't been able to say that day ...
The girl took a deep breath and in a serious tone she said: “Now, in the view of the facts and this terrible declaration, I Mina 'Pinky' Ashido, also known as 'Raccoon eyes', I sentence you to the maximum sentence!" and she grabbed his knee as hard as she could: “A minute of tickling in your worst spot!”
Kaminari's eyes became two headlights and he grabbed her arms: “WHAT!? No, you can't do it!”
“Any objections or complaints will not be tolerated!” she said completely serious.
Kaminari started to shake, but also giggling: “M-Mina wait! I beg you! I take back what I said, I swear! I'll buy you all the packages of your favorite candies at the market and even a case of that soda you love! But please don't! I could die here!”
“What did you do so bad, Kami?"
Mina and Kaminari gasped at the sound of the familiar new voice coming onto the scene. Jirou's voice.
The girl had leaned on the back of the couch and she was watching the scene with curiosity: “So? May I know what's going on? Your screams Kaminari could be heard from outside the dorm.”
Kaminari and Mina met their eyes for a second: Mina narrowed her gaze and gave him a little smile; Kaminari was even more frightened.
“Dear Jirou, you came here just in time...”
Kaminari threw himself at her, fearing the worst, in a desperate attempt to protect the secret: “Nononono! Mina don't do it!”
In response, she gently scratched her fingers under his knee and he instantly fell backwards, letting out a laugh.
Jirou became even more incredulous: “What the hell...”
“Now I'll explain everything.” Mina said: “Our dear Pikachu...”
Oh no! Pleasepleaseplease ~
“Practically humiliated himself, talking a lot of nonsense, and this is unacceptable!”
“…What!?” Kami and Jirou asked in unison.
Mina continued, in a serious tone of voice, but with an amused expression: “That's right! He dared to say that he is a good for nothing, that he only makes a fool of himself and he considers himself a coward! He didn't want to hear reasons, despite my attempts to make him understand the nonsense he was saying and I got angry!”
Jiro turned to look at Kaminari: “Dang Denks, what the hell is going through your head? Are you still under the effect of a short circuit by chance?”
He was more incredulous than before, with his mouth wide open trying to formulate any sentence, without success. A marble statue. Not even Aizawa's angry look ever reduced him in that state.
Jirou continued: “Are you convinced of what you said? No wonder that Mina wants to punish you. None of us have ever thought of you as weak or a coward. Not even Bakugou, trust me.”
Kaminari raised an eyebrow: “Dunce face?”
Mina rolled her eyes: “That doesn't count. It's just Bakugou, you know him. We are all nothing but 'extras', and then you can find him always teaming up with you and Kiri.”
Jirou nodded: “Yes indeed. And for the nicknames, I don't know what’s worse. He, who keeps calling us with those terrible nicknames, or us who still answer to him when he calls us using 'em?”
“Pfft-hahaha!” All the three of ‘em burst out laughing.
“Hehe, better not find out. In any case, Mina is right. It's totally uncool AND unmanly humiliating yourself like this, sooo...” Jirou's gaze shifted to Mina: “What is the penalty for this heinous crime, Your Honor?”
Kaminari began to tremble again: he had forgotten that Mina was holding his knee hostage.
“Well... at first I thought that tickling his worst post for a minute was a fitting one, but...”
Kaminari knew that troubles were coming, looking at Mina’s smile.
“… In all my magnanimity, I decided to halve the length of my sentence… BUT Jiro will help me, by tickling the other knee! Maybe two of us will get a better result, hehehe!”
Kaminari's face, if possible, took a bluish tone: “W-what!?” it came out like a yelp.
“Um, interesting... Fair enough. I'm in!” Jiro answered, quickly grabbing Kami's knee from behind the couch.
Kaminari's heart stopped for a second and spoke with a trembling voice: “Waitwaitwait! W-wait! Wait girls, time out, please... I-I know there's no way to stop you… but please... Go easy on me… ” more than the tickle, now it was Jirou's presence that frightened and embarrassed him.
He knew his reactions very well, and they were the reason why he was everyone's favorite prey in the class, along with Midoriya. He didn't mind having tickle fights with his classmates, sometimes it even happened with Uraraka and Hagakure… but Jirou!?
They had barely touched each other, and now he was in the position of being tickled in his worst spot by her. Oh dear!!
Mina stroked his knee: “Hey hey, don't worry! It's just a game and only thirty seconds, Denks. I promise. Not one more. And we absolutely won’t be ro-OH! Right! Maybe you don't know it Jirou, but Kami is terribly ticklish under his knees. He can handle only light tickles. Be careful to never be rough, or he could even feel pain. That’s why we hardly tickle him there.”
“Ohmygosh, really? I didn't know. I'll be gentle Kami, promised. Like as if I'm playing my… electric guitar, hehe! Who knows what sound will come out.” she asked, sticking her tongue out for the joke.
Kaminari looked at both the girls, trying in vain to hide an embarrassed smile. He closed his eyes with his hands and lay down on the couch, moaning in protest: “...two against one is not faaair...”
“For this time, just deal with it Sparky!” and the torture began.
Kaminari immediately burst out laughing, holding his belly with his arms and trying with all his strength not to kick so as not to hit the girls, but they had grabbed him well and, as promised, they were giving him only light tickles.
Mina sneered: “Come on, Kami, you can do it! 5 seconds... 6... 17... 78... 45...”
Kaminari's laugh took an octave higher: “MINAAAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE! DOHOHOHOHN'T DO THAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“I should play this guitar more often! It has a really nice sound, especially the high notes!” Jirou laughed.
Kaminari began to weep like a waterfall but, despite the torture, he was really enjoying all of it and, even if it was only for a moment, he could see Jirou's amused expression and smile, and it warmed his heart.
Her touch, if possible, was even more effective than Mina's: light and delicate, as if she were really plucking the strings of the guitar.
“… 29 aaaaand 30! Hands up Jirou!” Mina exclaimed triumphantly and they both released Kaminari's knees. Red as Kirishima's hair, he closed himself sideways, trying to catch his breath amid the laughter and the tickly feeling still all over him.
“Are you okay, Denks?” Jiro and Mina asked, massaging his shoulders and back.
In response, he rolled over on his back ... and raised his thumbs to the sky: “Weee!”
“Pfft-hahaha! Yes, he’s fine!” they both laughed.
"Hehehe... I-I am fihihihine... thahahanks for nehehever being rough on me...”
Mina bent down to hug him: “What are you saying, you silly! We love you! We would never hurt you!”
Jirou got behind him and ruffled his hair: “But that's obvious, Jemmingway!”
Mina then whispered in his ear: “... and I would never have dared to reveal your secret...”
Kaminari looked at his friends and smiled: “Heh… thanks girls. For everythig.”
Jirou poked his neck with her earphone jacks: “Come on, tell us the truth. In the end you were having fun, am I wrong!?”
He chuckled: “Ohohokay okahahay! You are rihihihight!” and he took her jacks to stop her.
“Of course he enjoyed it. Although most of the time he is tortured by boys, he too manages to win many fights. His Quirk is terribly effective.”
Kaminari froze... with an interesting idea in his mind: “My Ladies of the Court of Justice, may I make a statement?”
“Permission granted. What is it about?” Mina asked smiling.
Kaminari hid his eyes behind his hair: “I would like to show you that lesson is learned. And I think...” he gave some very slight shocks on Jirou's earphone jacks: “... that I have found the right way.”
Jirou jumped back, laughing at the funny sensation that had expanded throughout her body and then stopped, bringing out a worried but also amused expression.
“...What could be braver than me facing both of you, after your torture?” Kaminari asked, letting out small shocks from his hands.
Mina immediately realized what was happening and she slowly backed away: “Kami, I know what you have in mind, but your Quirk-”
“Thirty seconds. In all my magnanimity, the penalty will be thirty seconds for each of you, I promise. But I’m taking the liberty of using my Quirk, since I am alone... And the first one I catch, will have to help me taking on the second one. Does it sounds fair to you?”
The girls looked at each other, sharing the same amused look: “Fair enough, Sparky. But...”
Mina threw a pillow straight in Kaminari's face, who ended up falling on the couch, laughing.
“You have to catch us first! Run for it Jirou!”
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yourllocalaroace · 7 months
Hi! I have a request for a bnha fic with the character of your choice and the villain Mr. Magic if it's not too much trouble (I fell in love with him 💕)
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Note: Hello Anon! I’m so happy you liked Mr Magic, I didn’t expect anyone to actually request a fic with him( ̄▽ ̄)
Ler!Mr Magic
‘I’m telling you Bakugo! This is not an ordinary villain!’ Iida tried to tell him, but of course Bakugo’s stubborn nature meant he wouldn’t listen. 
‘It’s not that it’s not ordinary, you were just too weak to handle it.’The blonde scoffed back. The villain in question was ‘Mr Magic’, and after his encounter with Iida he was able to escape to a different area of Japan where he had begun causing chaos once again. The area happened to be an area that Bakugo was patrolling for a work study with Best Jeanist. So Iida had called Bakugo to try and offer him some advice before tackling the fiend. 
‘I don’t need your help 4 eyes, I’ll catch this villain quicker than you run.’ And with that he dropped the call. 
Iida sighed. At least he tried to tell him. But apart of him was still unsteady knowing he couldn’t get Bakugo to listen to him as the class rep. Oh well. Mr magic was now completely in his hands. And the ‘King explosion God’ would soon be eating his words when he came across the villan. 
Katskui was currently using explosions to blast his way around the area where Mr magic was last seen, Keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. At first he saw nothing out of the ordinary, but Suddenly he heard the screams of a civilian coming from an alleyway. 
‘Found you,’ 
With one huge explosion he blasted straight into the alleyway to see Mr Magic using one of his tricks to make someone float in the air. 
‘Look at you! You’re flying as high as a bird!’ He cheered, lifting them higher. 
‘No! Put me down!’ 
‘So you’re the villain that’s been causing all the trouble huh? At the sound of this new voice. Mr Magic turned around to see the explosion boy standing in front of him. 
‘My My what’s this? A new spectator for my magic show??’ He beamed. 
‘Cut it you clown. You should just give up before I blow you into pieces.’ 
The villain stared him up and down, before dropping the person he was levitating. ‘You’re from UA. Jeez why can’t you kids leave me alone.’ He muttered. 
‘You look like you belong  at a children’s party to entertain kids, and you’re supposed to be some big tough villain Iida was warning me about.’ Bakugo couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Now I really have seen everything!’ 
Mr Magic gritted his teeth. ‘At least the kid before had some respect. No matter. No harm in using the same trick twice.’  
He then lifted up his top hat and places it on the floor before reaching inside. 
‘Hey! What are you doing? I didn’t come here to watch your stupid performance.’ 
Mr Magic produced a doll that resembled Bakugo perfectly, from his blond hair to his angry expression.’ 
‘The hell is that.’ He decides not to waste any more time and leaped at Mr Magic with an explosion in hand. ‘Prepare to die bast-!!’ He was cut off and stopped mid air when he felt something of his stomach. He landed on the floor with a thud. He looked up at Mr Magic to see him smiling evilly while holding the doll up. He then watched as he scribbled his fingers against the dolls stomach. 
Katsuki stumbled Back with a giggle and clutched his abdomen. Then when he felt it again he couldn’t stop himself from laughing gently. 
‘My, My you seem even more sensitive then the other boy I encountered ! Mr magic said slyly. 
‘No I’m nahahahaht!’ He cried out when he moved to the dolls side. ‘Stahahahap!’ 
Mr Magic just laughed back, and raked his fingers up the dolls back. 
‘Nahahahaha! Stahahahap! Ihihihi’Kk kihihihill yohohohou! 
‘Will you? Will you really? Are you sureeee??’ With each word his gave a jab to the dolls back, watching the younger boy squirm. He then reached in his pocket, and pulled out a feather. And wiggled in the armpits of the doll. 
‘AGH! Fahahaahck! Whahahahat is thahahahahat! It was fuzzy and tickly and Bakugo pressed his arms against his sides.’Yohohohohou’ll pahahahahay fohohohor thihihihis! ‘Ihihihihi’ll blohohohow yohohohohou to pieces if yohohohou dhohohont Stahahahap! Bakugo tried to threaten, but it lost all its power with all his giggling. 
Oh yeah? It might be hard when you’re laughing like that.’ He brushed the feather up and down the length of the doll’s body, Smiling when the boy’s laughter increased volume. 
‘AHahahaha! NahaHAHAHAhaha! DOhohohN’T DohoHOHO thAHAHAT!. 
‘I noticed that you react a lot whenever I ticked riiiiiight here.’ He pressed 2 fingers on the top of the ribs, just under the armpits.’ 
‘Nohohoho! shihihihihit dohohon’t! I swehehehehare youhohohohou’re dehehead!
His threats went ignored as the Mr Magic dug into that spot as hard as he could, excited by the boys reaction. 
‘NOHOHOHOHO! FAHAHAHAHAHACK STAHAHAHAHAHAP. NAHAHAHAHT THEHEHEHEEHERE NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHERE.’ All Bakugo could do was scream in hysterical laughter. His legs kicked out frantically and he squeezed his arms as hard as he could to his ribs, not that it would make a difference. ‘STAHAHAHAHAP JUHUHUHUST STAHAHAHAHP. 
‘Hmmm…. Only if you say please.’ 
‘Fine. Suit yourself.’ 
The magical man brought fingers to both sides oh the dolls ribs, digging into his tickle spot on both sides. 
‘DAHAHAHAHAMMIT! I SWEHEHEHAR YOHOHOHOHO’RE DEAD.!’ He didn’t want you to beg, but his face was burning red and tears of mirth because pricking in the corner of his eyes. 
And with that a huge puff of smoke filled the alleyway, allowing Mr Magic to make his escape. A breathless Bakugo stood up shakily and watched the smoke eventually dissipated. 
‘That clown-faces bastard.’ ‘He won’t escape again.’  End
Hope you enjoyed!🤍🫧
Please send in requests🤍🫧
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