#Shoto deserves all the love and affection in the world right now
sunflowernoodles · 1 year
Touch Starved
Hope everyone’s having a lovely day! This ones a bit long but enjoy! 🌻
Lee: Shoto
Ler: Iida
Ships: mentions of Seroroki
At the 1A dorms, tickle fights were a regular occurrence. Weekly, sometimes daily fights for the sole purpose of having some dumb fun. This confused a one Shoto Todoroki.
Mainly because he never got included in these tickle fights. It made sense, Shoto thought. He didn’t know if he was ticklish, how could his friends possibly know? But still, that didn’t change the fact that Shoto so badly wanted to be a part of it all, or help his nervousness when tickling was even slightly mentioned
Earlier in the day, Shoto saw Denki pinning Sero on the floor of the common room and tickling his sides, not letting up when the blond noticed Shoto in the doorway. “Hey, Todoroki!” Denki waved with one hand while tormenting his cackling friend with the other.
Shoto blushed, both from seeing the random display of affection and tickles and from hearing Sero’s laugh. “Hello, Kaminari.” He spoke, leaving before Denki got another word in.
Everyone giving Midoriya a random poke or squeeze to the side was normal too. But it made Shoto want to shrivel in on himself nonetheless when he saw Uraraka and Tsu trapping Midoriya in a little tickle hug later in the day. Shoto tried to ignore them.
All of that brought him to right now. Sitting within a pile of friends on the couch at night as the class binged movies. Shoto was enjoying the movies, and being smushed between several of his friends.
That was until, the characters in the movie they were watching started tickling each other for a brief moment. Shoto felt his face heat up as he grew nervous and tried not to fidget. Even minutes after the scene had passed.
“I’m tired.” Spoke Shoto after a while, not waiting on an answer before standing and quickly making his exit. His face burned as nervous butterflies flapped around in his stomach.
Shoto hid in his room, sitting on the futon and burying his face into his pillow with a whine. He was frustrated with himself, he didn’t know why. Shoto so badly craved to be touched and to be given affection by his friends, and here was a perfect form of affection and yet he was nervous. And for what? He and the others knew Midoriya liked to be tickled, and they found it cute.
The creek of his door snapped Shoto out of his thoughts. “Pardon me for not knocking, but are you alright, Todoroki? You left so suddenly.” Said Iida from the door. Shoto’s embarrassed worsened as he unhid his face.
“Todoroki, you’re face is red! Are you sick?” Asked Iida worriedly as he moved to sit beside Shoto and placed a hand on his forehead. Shoto fought the urge to melt into the touch.
“I feel fine. It was just… the movie.” Shoto half told the truth with a shrug and Iida removed his hand. The peppermint colored boy looked down at his hands in embarrassment.
Iida tilted his head in confusion, “Really? I thought the movie was quite tame.” He said, watching the way Shoto turned his head away from him to further avoid eye contact. Iida thought for a moment before he realized.
“Was it the ti-“
“Yes.” Shoto interrupted before Iida could say the word. Iida was taken aback a bit at being interrupted and Shoto’s uncharacteristically embarrassed and shy behavior.
“Did it make you uncomfortable?” Iida asked, earning a small shake of the head from his friend. The taller of the two stared thoughtfully for a moment.
“Do you …like being tickled, Todoroki?” He continued with a soft smile. Shoto tensed and shoved his face back into his pillow with a small whine.
“I don’t even know if I am and everything’s driving me crazy!” Shoto complained, “I just- I just want included in everything but I don’t know.” He spoke, muffled by the pillow.
It was quite for a moment, apart from the sound of shuffling fabric Shoto heard beside him. Iida placed a hand on Shoto’s shoulder and he gently pulled the pillow away, Shoto allowing him to. “Well,” said Iida, “would you like to find out if you are?” Iida offered with a gentle smile.
Shoto’s mind was screaming at him to keep up his safety wall, to not accept the offer of affection. But Shoto really, really wanted it. So after a moment, Shoto nodded and looked up at Iida shyly.
Iida smiled brightly, “Great! Could you lay down then?” He asked, and Shoto listened, moving onto his back slowly and nervously. Iida looked over him, making sure he was really comfortable one last time.
The anticipation was absolutely killing Shoto now. He didn’t know what to expect if he was ticklish, he understood what it was at its base, but Shoto was just so unfamiliar with any affection.
Iida, not wanting to overwhelm his potentially ticklish friend, gently needed at Shoto’s sides while paying attention to any sort of reaction. Shoto jerked, nearly gasping at the unfamiliar tingly feeling at his sides. His lips quivered slightly as he fought off the urge to smile and giggle.
“Well?” Asked Iida, already knowing the answer. His tickles stayed soft for now until he hot a better idea of how Shoto was.
“It- thihis fehels- ihit feels reheally weheheird.” Shoto giggled softly but the joy and giddiness was obvious on his face and in his eyes. The sight of his happy friend was almost relieving to Iida. He smiled.
“Yeah? Wanna try a different spot?” Iida massaged Shoto’s sides as he got an excited nod from the peppermint boy. Iida chuckled, “Okay. What about here?” He asked, scratching down to Shoto’s belly. Even if it wasn’t a lot, Shoto’s reaction was much more noticeable.
“Ohoho gohod!” Shoto giggled, kicking his legs out adorably. His mind felt a little fuzzy and he didn’t know what to do with himself, which Shoto oddly enjoyed just being able to lay there and laugh.
Iida lightened the tickles even more at that, “Are you alright?” He asked, checking in just to make sure. But Shoto pouted a little.
“I’m fine. Uh- You can keep going.” Shoto spoke shyly. While some of the giggles and other noises he was making were a bit embarrassing, it felt nice to laugh and to be the center of somebody’s attention.
Iida smiled, “If that’s what you want. …I wonder what Sero would think about this, hm?” He teased as he brought the tickling back up a fee notches and the red of Shoto’s face depended noticeably.
“No! I wohould dihihie! Iida!” Shoto giggled and almost squealed when Iida suddenly dug his hands up into his underarms. Shoto clamped his arms down but it did nothing to lessen the feeling.
“But its cute. And you like it correct? Just like you like Sero. I can think of a certain peppermint who may want his crush to tickle him now.” Iida continued and Shoto rolled onto his side with a squeal, hiding in his pillows.
“Nohohohoho! Iida, I cahahant! I gehet sohoho dumb around Hahantaha!” Shoto laughed, squeaking as a finger swiped up his back to his neck. “Iida!” He giggled, upset that his laugh calmed down a bit.
“You just like him, it’s okay.” Iida nodded, pinching at a strip of exposed skin on Shoto’s stomach where his shirt had ridden up.
Shoto seemingly gave up on the argument, just wanting to laugh and not think a bit longer. Thankfully, Iida was happy to oblige, “May I try something, Todoroki?” Iida asked, earning a small nod.
Iida ceased the tickle for a moment to get a giggly Shoto back onto his and to roll his shirt up. Shoto giggled quietly as he watched. “This is something my brother would do a lot.” Said Iida before he inhaled a big breath of air, leaned down and blew one of the biggest raspberries he could muster right onto Shoto’s navel.
Shoto screamed, “EEEAHAHA IHIHIHIDAHA! PLEHEASE, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!” He squirmed and kicked his legs and grabbed fistfuls of the covers underneath him. While Shoto did enjoy being tickled and the attention of it all, it was late and this was quickly sapping the rest of his energy. So after a few more thoughtfully placed raspberries on Shoto’s belly, Iida finally, really stopped and sat up.
“Are you alright, Todoroki? Did I go too far?” Iida asked as he took to gently rubbing Shoto’s belly to get rid of any left over ghost tickles and to calm him down.
Shoto giggled out breathily, face pink and eyes shut with a bright smile stretched across his face, “Fihine. Its fuhuhun, thank you Iida.” He nodded. Iida smiled a little.
“Of course, my friend. I’ll be happy to help whenever you need a good laugh. Sleep well.” Iida ruffled Shoto’s hair and pulled the covers over his sleepy friend before leaving, shutting the door quietly behind him.
Iida did answer honestly to those who asked when he returned downstairs. Besides, the movie was paused when he left and Shoto’s laughs and giggles could have been heard across the campus anyways. That and he was followed by a couple others that heard everything.
And maybe Iida did tell Sero, and everyone else, about the many new Shoto related discoveries. If Shoto asked, Sero didn’t hear it from Iida. But Shoto was added to the list of targets and people to include in tickle fights, making the following day very eventful for the currently sleeping peppermint.
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kiribakutodo4ever · 7 months
I started this fanfiction on Wattpad: @bleachlove4ever
KirixBakuxTodo x OC reader: The dark side of MHA
Ryouichi Shinko is just a normal girl, or wants to be normal. Her quirk rather fits for a villain than a hero. And we all know you can't stand between the two side in this world.
This constant struggling is tearing her personality to pieces... And every piece is searching for a help in similar souls.
In this way she got friends, from friends to lovers...
A story about that nothing is just black or white, a story about love and family.
I've fall in love with Bakugo because of the anime, then Kirishima and Todoroki tag along because of the ASMRs of Yagami Yato and Yuzuya. Please follow them on YouTube.
This is an OC story, because I had this idea of this quirk in my mind a long time ago and it was evolving constantly. So it's needed to be done this way. It deserves an OC.
I hope you like it.
Chapter 1.
When they cry
Author's POV.:
Bakugo, Kirishima and Todoroki became friends in the first year of highschool in UA.
Obviously the glue of this friendship was the always bright and sweetheart Kirishima. He was the perfect opposite of Bakugo and Todoroki was amused by the dynamic of their relationship.
And there was Ryouichi Shinko. Ryouichi was more silent than Todoroki if that's even possible. She was tiny and fregile, but she has a strong will. Shinko had a weird but very complex quirk. She had a good talent to bland in but her quirk didn't allow her to always lost in the crowd.
She's got a dark and sarcastic humor that not everyone gets, not like Todoroki.
He was the first who noticed her, because dark humor means high intelligence and self awareness.
Deku was around her most of the time as Shinko's quirk got to the surface more and more. Her capabilities amused him.
But the girl didn't like this kind of affection so she acted like Bakugo around him.
Of course Katsuki was enjoying these situations but when he tried to approach her he got the same treatment. And that's... that was a real challenge for him. He wouldn't admit it but he liked her, because Shinko has some nerves to do that.
And Kirishima... He always tried to tag along when it came to communal activities because Shinko was a real team player not a leader type as Ida but everyone could count on her no matter what.
And when the four of them were together... that was the real deal.
Even Shoto got his voice and smiled around them because Ryouichi liked to tease the other two with him.
She was that kind of person who wasn't too noticeable just when she was not around.
And one day... she's gone...
Before the class ended Aizawa stepped in the classroom.
He looked seriously concerned.
*We have to talk about Ryouichi Shinko* - he stepped to the center of the room.
*As almost everyone knows by now that was an incident yesterday and she was the center of it. *
The class was dead silent.
*She will get to face the consequences of course but now we have stand up for her as a class. *
The guys were confused.
*A few hours ago her parents officially reported she's missing*
Everyone gusped, and instantly started to chat what could happen to her.
*If anyone knows anything report to me or Present Mic, or directly to the principal, got it?*
Aizawa was a good observer, he noticed right the way those glances that Bakugo, Todoroki and Kirishima shared with each other.
*Bakugo Todoroki and Kirishima! In my office!*
They didn't get it at first.
*Now!* - he said more seriously.
In the office:
*So what do you know?*
*Nothing*- Shoto said cold, the other two just nodded.
*I'm not stupid kids. I know you like her.*
No response.
*So I ask you once more. What do you know?* - he asked more slower this time.
*Her father wanted to send her to Korea, because of the yesterdays events.* - Kirishima split it out.
*What?!*- Bakugo yelled.
Todoroki just raised his eyebrows.
*What are those consequences that you mentioned?* - Bakugo asked suddenly so calm like he was just talking about the weather.
*Guys, I'm the one who's asking questions here!*- Aizawa tried to keep his calm.
*We have to know*- Kirishima said, Shoto just nodded.
Aizawa was waiting for a few sec.
*She's got suspended for the end of the semester.*
*That's three months* - Eijiro whispered in disbelief.
*She almost killed that girl.*
*That bitch fucking deserved it!* - Bakugo grumbled.
*Katsuki!*- Shoto tried to calm him.
*I'm done! Someone has to say it!*
*What happened?*
*Two days ago, after class we found her on the rooftop...* - he started to talk.
*Her upper body was full of bruises*
Aizawa was speechless.
*That girl bullied her, for several weeks now. She didn't fight back, because she was too afraid she would loose control...*
*We tried to talk with that girl yesterday morning*- Todoroki added.
*Obviously it didn't work.* - Bakugo looked at his friend above his shoulder. He just turned the other side.
*But why didn't you tell us?*
*If Shinko never fights back it just would be worse*
Aizawa couldn't argue with that, Bakugo was right.
*I'm going to talk with the principal. Any clue where she could be?*
They were silent again.
*I see. Do you know why she did this with Shinko?*
*It was just pure jealousy*- Todoroki said with a hint of anger in his voice.
Aizawa raised his eyebrows.
*Because she's our friend*- Kirishima told him. Bakugo just tried to keep his calm. He was on a breaking point.
*Ok, you can dismissed*
The pieces finally got together. With these new informations Aizawa could do something to make this whole situation better. But first they have to find her.
*How do you know about Korea?* - Todoroki asked Kirishima as they were walking back to the classroom to pick up their stuff.
*She texted me last night*
*And you just tell us now?!*- Bakugo was angry really angry.
*I didn't think she would run away* - Eijiro tried to protest.
*It's ok.* - Shoto put his hands on Bakugos shoulder.
*I have an idea where she could be*
He immediately calmed down.
*Then let's do this!*- he said as he was grabbing his backpack.
*Yeah, we're getting back our Rubie*- Kirishima was cheering.
Shinko has long red hair with some black strings in it. So they just called her Rubie, after Bakugo gave her this nickname.
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colorseeingchick · 4 years
Special Cuddles Headcanons (Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki)
All Cuddles are special!!! But some are more special than other if there’s a bigger emotional link behind it, so here are some headcanons for those types of situations hehe
A/N: Headcanon writing perplexes me for NO REASON so I’m so sorry if this is not how headcanons work OAISDNFOWI 
Warnings: slightly suggestive? Aged up regardless (they’re all pro heroes)
Midoriya Izuku 
Cuddling with Deku is by far the most frequent form of physical affection you guys share.
Usually, you would be tucked up against him, with his arm around your waist while you who lean against his shoulder.
And you two would usually read a manga, scan his journal, or just watch videos together like that.
It was a major source of comfort for both of you.
But sometimes you wanted to be closer to him.
If you both came back from training or patrolling and were exhausted, you would usually just want to watch anime together and just relax.
Deku would probably be on the couch before you, waiting for you. 
And seeing him itself just made you put your guard down a bit.
When you would arrive you would pull his legs apart (which would, of course, get him really flustered).
“Wha-what are you doing Y/N??” 
But you were too tired to actually mess with him, so you just turn yourself around and plop down between his legs.
Your back would be resting against his chest. 
And you would tug his arms around your stomach so he could hold you tight.
Once he realized you weren’t trying to do anything more than cuddle, he would settle into the hold. 
You would stroke his arms that were wrapped around your stomach or use a thumb to stroke his knees that were on either side of you. 
He would rub your belly on instinct and would press kisses onto the side of your head and face.
He would also whisper sweet nothings and compliments into your ear. 
“You’re so cute, Y/N.” “You work so hard, baby. You deserve to rest.” “Is this comfortable? Do you want me to adjust?”
In your relationship, Deku always wanted to protect you. But just as much as he wanted to keep you safe, you wanted to keep him safe as well. 
He definitely fell in love with you when he saw how strong and resilient you were.
But that also came through in your relationship at times, in that you tried to stay strong even when you weren’t feeling like it.
So when you would cuddle with him like this, where you were entirely wrapped up in his arms and completely vulnerable, and he could feel your breathing-
This was his favorite thing in the world. And his favorite way to be with you. 
You would just stay like that for hours, eventually falling asleep in his arms. 
BONUS: sometimes you would wake up and he would still be awake watching TV holding you.
And sometimes, if you were really feeling it, you would rub up against him “in your sleep” and watch him stutter, blush, and feel his grip around you tighten (the poor baby was worried you were doing this entirely subconsciously and feared waking you up if his body *reacted*).
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou loved being the dominant one in the relationship, constantly being the one showering you in affection. 
When you two cuddle on the bed, he’d always pull you onto his chest so he could hold you. And you two would talk or fall asleep like that. 
Or at least, that’s the image he would usually want to project.
The truth, though- is that he’s one big cuddly baby.
Bakugou will NEVER admit it. He also refuses to initiate it.
But you could also read him well enough to know what he wanted/needed. 
If he came back from his agency really frustrated, or even worse sad, you knew what to do. 
You would sit up in bed, and when he came through the door, you would beckon him to come to you.
He would then try and sit next to you, but you would pull him so he would be directly in front of you. 
“What.” He would stare you down with an intimidating glare. 
But you see how much your boyfriend was hurting inside.
“Come here.” 
You pull him forward by his face and kiss him, stroking his cheeks.
At this point, he would let all his sadness out.
You would pull him down onto you, so that he was on top of you this time.
His arms would happily encase you and your legs would wrap around his
He would nestle into your chest (if you have boobs, he IS using them as a pillow) 
You would rub the back of his neck and run your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp as you did so 
You could see the goosebumps rise up on his neck and arms.
And you lightly run your fingers over the sides of his arms so it tingled and made the chills worse.
Extra points if you can get him to shudder. 
He would glare up at you, but his face would still be buried in your chest so it would just be cute.
After that, you would close your eyes too, letting one hand rub his head while the other traces  “I love you” onto his back, passively humming. 
With this much soft affection, this man would knock OUT. 
You were his safe space and biggest source of comfort.
And no matter ‘weak’ or soft he may have been on bad days, you would never make fun of him for it.
Even better, you wouldn’t mention it. You knew that it would only make him defensive or insecure.
So those moments of pure vulnerability and intimacy would continue on as a shared secret between you two, always present when you looked at each other, love shining in the back of your eyes.
BONUS: Bakugou would go an extra mile to hug you tighter, tease you more, and cover you in bites and kisses the nights after he received special cuddles from you. 
Todoroki Shoto 
Cuddling for Todoroki was always a special occasion. 
You guys would cuddle on the weekends usually, if you guys could somehow get a day to spend at home (Todoroki half-lived at the agency). 
During this time, you guys would take turns being the big spoon.
Todoroki liked it. He loved it, actually. 
Physical affection made his heart flutter, and the warmth he got from you made even his own flames pale in comparison.
He wanted to be closer to you in any way possible, but he was also really sensitive to physical contact.
It could get really overwhelming because of his past experiences.
So he would be really nervous to ask you to initiate it, cuz he also didn’t know how he would react to it. 
Until one day he did, while you guys were cuddling, him spooning you.
“Y/N.” “Yes?” “Can I be closer to you?” “Like, physically?” “Yes.”
You giggle, because it was such a Todoroki question. 
It was innocent, obvious, yet genuine. Everything you loved about him. 
You also were aware of his sensitivity, so you knew that pinning him down or pulling him onto you would probably give him a heart attack, so you proceed with that in mind. 
Loosening his grip around your body, you wiggle your way around so you are now facing him. 
He looks at your eyes wide and unmoving. 
You then wrap your arms around his body slowly, so he could process what you were doing.
Closing your eyes, you softly pull yourself forward, your forehead pressed against Todoroki's.
When his hands grip your waist and lower back to pull you fully against his body, you open your eyes to stare directly into his hetero-chromatic ones.
You think it's wonderful until you realize-
"Shoto, why are you not… breathing??"
This boy had been holding his breath, and you could tell because his chest wasn't moving against yours, but his heartbeat was aggressively hammering against his rib cage so hard you could feel it.
"I was worried I would be breathing on your face and it would cause you discomfort and make you let go."
That was the last thing he wanted right now. This was everything he craved.
 It was like a hug, but better. your face was level with his now. Your body was entirely pressed up against his, both of you were pulling each other close, and your legs were intertwined. Best of all, he got to stare into your pretty, pretty eyes.
But somehow, it wasn't invasive. Probably because of the way you went about initiating it. It was heaven to him. He didn’t want it to end. 
You giggle once more before saying, "I don't mind you breathing on me, Shoto. I'm more concerned about how tight you can hold me-" 
As a response, he squeezes your waist, pulling you tightly against his abdomen.
"-so just relax, love. I'm not going anywhere." 
You two would then proceed to talk, sleep, or stare into each other's eyes, just like that. 
BONUS: This way of cuddling became more frequent for you two as Todoroki got more acclimated to the contact, but Todoroki soon realized you wouldn’t want to cuddle that way for too long because it got really hot. 
So one day, before he laid down next to you, he stripped his shirt off- and you obviously freak out.
He had an undershirt on, but STILL- AHHHHHHHH 
“Just so my clothes don’t make it hotter while we cuddle.” He said it so nonchalantly and clearly didn’t understand why you were freaking out. Oh Todoroki.
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anormalweirdo · 3 years
This is part 2 of the surprise aka the NSFW part I will be added here so you can read that if you want don't forget to enjoy. Also everyone is aged up and the two boys are pro heros
After a few months of hanging out you finally realized just how much you liked them. You kept it for a secret for the longest time and even got yourself a boyfriend to try and keep your mind off the boys. After a while your finally stopped crushing on the boys(or so you thought) and was getting ready for a date with your boyfriend. While getting ready you got a phone call from an unknown phone number. Hesitantly you answered and the moment you did you heard moaning from a woman and a really familiar voice moan "yeah baby you like that don't you"(she know she don't🙄). You stand there in shock with tears in your eyes while listening to this random girls moans. You stood there for a while until you cleared your throat catching their attention. " What the hell is this and who are you even with?" You said while trying to not let tears fall down your face. Once he realized who's voice he heard he stopped what he was doing and sat their looking at the girl in shock. "Y-you did this on purpose didn't you?" was all he said before the girl started to laugh" of course I did I'm tired of being the one hidden from everyone while you just flash her off to the world". (by the way forgot to mention your boyfriend- well now ex is famous and is known for dating you). After she got done talking she mentioned how long they've been doing this and how she don't regret it and then hung up right in your face. Instead of crying all alone while watching movies you chose to call up your bestfriends Deku and Todoroki to watching the movies with you. You called Deku and luckily Todoroki was near him at that time so he put you on speaker. The moment you told them everything that happened they were both furious but soon calmed down after hearing you lowly said hello multiple times. They said they were coming over and before you could even disagree they hung up and you stood there face covered with tears and a messy living room. After a couple of hours you heard a knock at the door and went to open it. The moment Deku seen you he quickly grabbed you and brought you into a tight hug“ I’m so sorry that lowlife did this to you”. You just stood there while lightly sobbing in his arms(god this is bad😭) after what seemed like forever you finally stoped and invited them into your home and watched some movies. There was one movie in particular that involved a more naughty scene, now obviously the three of you didn’t know about this scene so to say it surprised you was an understatement. “Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t notice that was gonna show up”you said while turning your eyes away from the tv. “Oh it’s fine” Deku reinsured while blushing. He slowly turned his head to look you right in the eye. “ You ex really doesn’t deserve someone like you y/n” he said before looking at Todoroki whose eyes were basically glued to your face. He quickly turned his face the moment your eyes turned to look at the both of them, “y’know what’s crazy I aft I’ll had a bit of a crush on you for a while but never got the chance to say anything” Deku said as you and Todoroki looked at him in disbelief“ I thought we were gonna tell her together Midoriya” Todoroki mumbled loud enough for the both of you to hear. You stood there in shock and a little bit of disbelief. You couldn’t believe that after all these years of you thinking they were to good for you, believing they would never fall for someone like you. You were so shocked, so surprised that all you could do was stare at the both of them. “ If you’ll let me, I’ll like to show you just how much you mean to us” Deku said while Todoroki just nodded. All you could do was nod before Todoroki went to kiss you while Deku whispered how much he’s happy that you gave him the opportunity to show all his affection towards you. All while Shoto(had to put out they first name) began to put you on his lap to deepen the kiss. “ wait” you said which caught both of the boy’s attention“is there anything we can help you with darling” Shoto asked while his hands slowly rubbed the sides of you hips. “Are we gonna do this…here on the couch.”
You asked while looking at the two boys. “Where’s your room doll face” Izuku asked while Shoto picked you up making you giggle. “Down the hall to the left” you said while leaning your head against Shoto’s shoulder. As you entered your bedroom Shoto placed your smaller body on your bed while Izuku chuckled before putting his head lightly against your neck and placing small kisses on the skin“here’s the fun part baby are you sure you wanna do this if not that would be perfectly fine” he said while continuing to kiss your neck but with a little bit more pressure. “Yes I’m sure Izuku I really like you boys plus it would be a great way to take my mind off my ex” you said while smiling. The boy didn’t need to hear twice before he basically attacked your neck with kisses and bite marks making you moan quietly. “As much as I love to watch I’m sure I’ll love it way more if I get a piece of them as well” Shoto said while taking off his shirt showing off his fit body. You looked up just to feel something slowly covering your eyes but just before you was completely blinded you heard the low voice of Shoto whisper“ is this ok for you I would never force you to do something you wouldn’t want to do”. You nodded slowly before you felt a hand lift your face to make eye contact with a certain green-haired man“ I need to hear your beautiful voice baby” he said before kissing you for a quick second. “ Yes it’s ok” you said while trying to cover your face in embarrassment before feeling your head being moved and feeling the same blindfold being pit over your eyes.“ How does it feel? Is it too tight?” you heard Izuku ask before you answered that you were fine. “Time to get started if it’s too much make sure you say peppermint so we can stop everything ok baby” you nodded your head and felt a hand pushing you towards the bed laying you down. As you were laying you felt each piece of clothing being removed one by one until you felt the coldness hitting your skin making you shiver a lit. Expecting something to happen you prepared yourself but after waiting a few seconds you realized that nothing was happening. You we gonna say something until you felt a lick on your sensitive area making you moan loudly. “Wow all that from one little lick darling imagine if I we to keep going” you heard a voice say instantly knowing whose voice it was. You kept quiet, too embarrassed to say anything before you felt more licks making you more sensitive and soon you felt a lick to your most sensitive area causing you to moan even louder. “H-hey slow down" you said between breaths. “No can do baby we’re just getting started but if you’ll like us to stop you know what word to use”. Izuku said before you felt even more licks and sucks to your most sensitive area. You felt closer and closer to your climax as he continued to lick and suck every where while the other gave you all types of marks over your body. You soon reached your climax and moaned out whosever named came out with was both of their while your legs started to shake a little. “ Aw baby that’s so cute but we’re not done yet” Izuku said while opening your mouth slowly as he entered into your mouth while groaning softly. “F-fuck baby your mouth is so warm” he said while slowly putting his head behind your head to help you take all his length. On the other hand you felt Shoto slowly prepping you. You felt him slowly enter you and although it felt good it was also a bit painful since you never felt anything as big as him before. “Fuck you’re so tight and warm” Shoto said while slowly thrusting into you. The vibration from your voice was vibrating against Izuku’s dick which had him getting louder as he was close to his climax as he helped you take more of him into your mouth which had you gagging at how big it was. You knew you was gonna be sore the next morning but you didn’t care you just wanted to make them feel as good as you do so you took more of him into your mouth which cause him to leak a white sticky liquid. As you tried to swallow most of it some of it leaked out your mouth and landed over your face
and mouth. Izuku just looked down at you like you was a masterpiece his masterpiece. You soon noticed you was on the verge of cumming and started to tighten your walls around Shoto with caused him to wince and groan loudly as he pounded into you harder and faster and as soon as he did you came right on him but that didn’t stop him at all, he even started to go faster which you thought was impossible. He soon came while Moaning your name as more white sticky liquid filled you up. As he slowly exited your body he looked at the mess he made on you and smirked“ you look so beautiful like this darling” he said while grabbing his phone to take a quick picture of his mess. Soon after you tried to sit up but was quickly pushed back on the bed. “Oh honey you don’t think we’re done do you? Baby we just got started”
This probably sucked and I’m sorry. This my first full smut I ever wrote and I hoped you enjoyed😁
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dollymadness · 3 years
Hello. It's my bday today! I just turned 19.
Write me a a b'day hc. SHOTO, TAMAKI, BAKUGOU!
heyyyyyyyyyyyy ☺️💜
happy birthday princess, hope you had an amazing day
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Shoto isn't used to recieve anything on his birthday, not even a sign of kindness. He didn't had time for this, he had to train — Endeavor would say.
So, he did his best to make sure you don't feel the same.
He patiently waited for you to get back to him, after partying, with a warm blanket, soba and a cake he made all alone.
A huge pile of presents is waiting for you as well, mostly because he dindn't knew which one to choose. There's plushies, a new pair of boots, expensive bags and some mangas.
When you arrive, he just looks up to you and smile softly, opening his arms so you could run to him into a hug.
He wraps his arms strongly around you, saving your scent and placing some sweet kisses on your neck.
"Happy birthday, darling." He tries to be as quiet as possible, whispering in your ear. "Did you enjoy your day? I waited for you."
You then tell him every detail of you day, still stuck on his lap. He stares deeply into your eyes, not missing a detail of your story.
"That sounds amazing, i'm so happy you had fun!" He says in a way that you can sense is honest.
"I love you..." Shoto gently grabes your hand and places between his. "I wish you the best, always. All i want is to see you smile, to see that beautiful, breath taking, light in your eyes... I'm with you, don't forget." That was his birthday wishes for you, he had been rehearsing for almost a week, anxious that he wouldn't know how to express all his fellings for you.
"I got you all this..." Todoroki points all the stuff you haven't even open yet. "But... there's one more important than the others." He moves you away from his lap, going to grab a small box — "Tiffany & Co" Is he for real?
The jewel is too cute for your heart to take, and it's matching. He puts his, and hands your necklace.
"I wanted to give something that would remind you of me..."
"It's lovely..."
He puts it on you, and kiss your lips with passion. Shoto then places you in the huge amount of blankets and gives you the food he cooked.
He jumps in and cuddles with you "Want to watch your favorite anime?"
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He took on a date, a picnic at the park. He prepared everything, there is fruits, candys, an apple pie and some drinks so he will be able to relax.
Tamaki wanted to give you something personal, so he gives you a handmade bracelet.
"I-i know it's nothing b-big... it looks s-stupid now that i g-gave you... sorry-"
"No, baby! I loved it, especially because you took time doing this just to surprise me. Thank you!" He cheers at the praise, showing his.
"The butterflies were so hard to m-make." He jokes a little, smilling at you, and you laugh with him to end the tension.
"And you manage to make it look perfect!" He blushes hard, trying to hide his face.
"I'm glad you liked..." You take him into a warm kiss, pulling him in by the collar.
"Y-you deserve the world... i adore you so much..." He curls on you, gesturing for you to pat his head. "I love you, bae... Thank you for everything."
"I love you so much" You answer, giving him the affection he is craving.
He serve you some food, making sure that you are enjoying every detail of the day.
When you two are done eating, Amajiki quickly packs all and take you by the hand, pointing the bracelets with a bright smile as your arms touched.
He takes you to a walk, you both just chat and chill. He then gets you a big bouquet of white roses, again blushing only to give you.
"White roses mean eternal l-love..." Tamaki shyly explains, kissing your hand.
"So you bought me the right ones, pretty, because we are a forever kind of thing."
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Katsuki planned you a surprise party. He invited — better saying — ordered each one of your friend to come.
He cooked every food that was served and chose the elegant decoration of the room, making sure everything looked in the way he bet will please you.
Bakugo said he wanted to see you in your birthday, to give you your gift. So he invited you to his house, where the party will happen.
You didn't sense nothing suspicious from him and went only expecting him to be there.
As soon as you stepped into his house, a buch of "SURPRISE"s from your loved ones made you jump in your place, turning to Katsuki quite unbelieved that he did all this.
"Don't say anything... is your day, anyway, dumbass." He kisses your forehead and passes, going to Denki and Kirishima to have his little freak out away from you.
"BABY, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Mitsuki comes to you. "Happy birthday!!! We got you a gift, sweetie." By 'we' she means her and her husband, that is watching from the distance.
You are surprised that even your boyfriends mom got you something, and even more because it's a beautiful, perfect cloth.
"Katsuki bought you this." She hands you a big box, for the weight you guess is filled. "He is too shy to give you, but i'm doing this for him! Thank him later!" She smiles and let you alone to see what it is.
There it's, a HUGE plushie of orange a cat. You smile, taking the other box, seeing it's a delicate ring. You look up to him and your eyes met.
Instants later, he is with you again.
"So... old rag gave you this shitty thing..." He curses, but doesn't appear mad at all.
"Yes, it's so cute! Thank you, angel, i love you!"
"There's no need to thank me, it's what you deserve and-" You stop him with a kiss, firmly holding his waist.
"Tsc..." He mumbles when the kiss ends. "I love so much, idiot..." His face is all red as you kiss him again and again, interlacing your fingers togheter.
Muahh, happy birthday again 😽❤️
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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prologue • masterlist
pairing: Miya Atsumu x fem! reader
warnings: light swearing, atsumu calls reader ‘baby’ and ‘lovebug’
genre: high school AU, fluff, light angst
word count: ~1.2k words
synopsis: “No matter what...I’ll find my way back to you.”
a/n: hello! ahh yay for starting fresh with a new series <3 the taglist is open so just lmk if you’d like to be added ! this story is pretty special to me so i hope you all like it :) please reblog !! enjoy xx
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prologue • box
You dragged your finger across the albums of photos that stood neatly in the bookshelf. Each one had an age attached to it, as they went in order. You knew what was held inside, as you had seen them a million times before. The last album on the shelf was smaller than the rest. You pulled it out and held it in your hands.
“Whatcha doin’ lovebug?”
You felt Atsumu’s arm wrap around you as he took the photo album from your hands. You chuckled.
“Just looking.”
Atsumu took your hand and led you to his bed. The two of you sat down and he opened up the album.
This photo book wasn’t like the rest. The others on his shelf had only pictures of him, corresponding with the age on the cover.
This album contained photos of just you and him.
The first page had a ripped polaroid of your first date. He took you to an amusement park. The next was your second date, where he took you on a nature trail. The album was filled with pictures, souvenirs, and memories of you and him.
“Gosh we look so young here,” you sighed.
“That was last year Y/N…”
“I know but look at us now. You’re graduating, that’s crazy.”
“And you’re a third year now. I guess time really does fly.”
Atsumu turned to the page, revealing nothing. He smiled.
“Guess I’ve gotta take you out again soon,” he said. You ruffled his hair, taking the book and placing it back on the shelf.
“Did you iron your jacket for tomorrow?” you asked him. He sighed, crashing down onto his bed.
You chuckled to yourself. You walked back and laid on top of him.
“You’re a bad liar Miya Atsumu.”
A smile creeped onto his face. He quickly kissed you before wrapping his arms around you and lifting you from his bed.
“ ‘Tsumu-!”
He spun you around, hugging you tightly. He placed kisses all over your face.
“I might be a bad liar but at least I’m a good kisser-”
Atsumu set you down and cupped your face. You smiled, feeling your face get warm.
“I really do have the prettiest girlfriend in the whole damn world,” he whispered. You pressed your lips together.
“Flattery gets you nowhere ‘Tsumu. Come on, I can’t have you looking like a wrinkled mess for your graduation.”
You tried to break away from his hug, but Atsumu pulled you back.
“One more kiss?” he pleaded. You laughed.
“Sure silly.”
Atsumu’s face always grew pink when he was about to kiss you. Not out of nerves, but just pure excitement.
He held your chin in his hand, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. He slowly leaned in, placing a pillow soft kiss on your lips.
“You two are gross,” interrupted Osamu. You jumped away from your boyfriend, trying not to laugh. Atsumu stormed over to him.
You pulled Atsumu away from his brother before he had the chance to beat him up. You sat back down on the bed with him.
“Ready for tomorrow?” You asked them. Osamu chuckled.
“I’m just surprised ‘Tsumu is actually graduating.”
“You both worked hard. It’s well deserved,” you smiled, giving Atsumu’s arm a squeeze.
“What time is the ceremony?” asked ‘Tsumu.
“We have to get there earlier but it starts at five,” explained ‘Samu.
“What time are you getting there?” Atsumu asked you.
“I’m gonna ride with your parents so same time as them. I’m gonna sit with them so you won’t miss me,” you smiled. Atsumu grinned, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“Well mom wanted me to remind you to iron your uniform jacket for tomorrow.”
Atsumu huffed.
“Alright alright I will…”
Osamu left the room, leaving you with Atsumu. He looked at you with puppy dog eyes. You sighed.
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
You hung the suit jacket in his closet after it was neatly pressed. Atsumu snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Thank you baby.”
“Of course.”
You placed your hand on top of his. Atsumu raised a brow.
“You’re shaking. Everything okay?”
He moved to stand in front of you, taking both your hands with his. You shook your head.
“I’m okay. Just cold I guess…”
Atsumu tisked. He led you to sit back down.
“Look I know you probably don’t want to talk about this but-”
“I don’t.”
“Then we don’t have to, but I did want to give you something.”
Atsumu reached into the pocket of his shorts, pulling out a small box.
“ ‘Tsumu…”
“I know we haven’t officially had that conversation yet but no matter the outcome of it, I want you to know that I love you.”
Atsumu handed you the small box, placing it in your hands and folding your fingers to grip onto it.
“Open this when the time is right.”
“But how will I-”
“You’ll know. You’re a smart girl after all,” he smiled. You felt your lip begin to quiver. You looked at him.
“Hey no tears lovebug...I haven’t even gone anywhere yet.”
Atsumu held your face in his large hands, using his thumbs to wipe under your eyes.
“I love you Y/N,” he whispered. You sniffled and brought your head to his chest. He rubbed your back, rocking you back and forth.
“I love you ‘Tsumu.”
Atsumu walked you home that night.
He has been walking you home every night since you two started dating.
You and Atsumu Miya began dating when you were a first year and he was in his second. You became a manager for the boys volleyball team, purely out of needing to fulfill your club requirement. You never expected to fall for the cocky setter.
When Atsumu first saw you, he was a drooling mess. He not only worried about this developing crush on you, but how it would affect his performance. He couldn’t afford to get distracted by the gorgeous manager who he was chasing on the sidelines. So, his solution was to make you his. Lucky for him, you wanted the same.
You were well aware that Atsumu was in the grade above you. Therefore, there would be a time where he wouldn’t get to walk you to class, sit with you at lunch, or force you into detention with him. You were well aware of this fact. However, you ignored it until now. Suppressing time so that it never passed. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t go anywhere.
Yet here you were. The night before his graduation. Still hopeful that time would stop just for you and him.
You placed the small box that Atsumu had given you next to your own copy of the photo album you and him shared. You were tempted to just open it up and see what was inside. However, you knew that wasn’t why he gave it to you.
There would be a time where Atsumu Miya would be more than just a couple blocks away.
That would be the time to open the box.
You unlocked your phone, making sure your alarm was set at the correct time. You saw the goodnight texts from ‘Tsumu, making your heart grow warm. You loved him so much.
You didn’t have time to worry about what the future held.
All you were to worry about was what shoes matched best with your dress for tomorrow’s graduation ceremony.
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[taglist OPEN: @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @misszenin @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful @katlingclaw ]
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animatedarchives · 4 years
hi, hon! i absolutely adored your katsuki imagine, so i thought i’d request a shoto imagine. could you do an imagine where the reader’s in a quirk marriage with shoto, but the reader’s actually happy with it cuz they love the idea of love, and they think shoto’s really cute? thank you! ❤️
author’s note: HIIII CLARISSAAA i’m sorry this took so LoNG i really tried my best to write this so i really hope you like it!! thanks for requesting and for all your support I LOVE YOUUU ❤️❤️
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genre: fluff with a little bit of angst (because who am i without it)
warnings: unrequited love
word count: 2.3k words
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“Will you marry me, Y/F/N?” 
Shoto’s words echoed in your mind, the nostalgic feeling of butterflies returning as you fondly remembered his proposal. A warm smile settled upon your beautifully drawn face, your bright orbs looking tearfully at the magnificent double doors in front of you.
It was finally happening.
A warmth bubbled in your stomach as the doors finally swung open, welcoming you in with a shower of delicate rose petals. Time seemed to slow and the world faded into the background; the melodious music never reached your ears and the uncountable stares and open mouths went unnoticed. Your eyes - made up with beautiful eyeshadow and a light coat of mascara - focused on one thing and one thing alone: him. You didn’t even remember kissing your father’s cheek as he left your side to take his seat. All you knew was the feeling of your small, dainty hands slipping into Shoto’s gentle but strong ones.
A small voice inside your head nibbled away at your consciousness, trying to drag you out of the clouds and back into the harsh reality. But as you looked at the man standing in front of you, the very same one you fell in love with, your heart began to swell and you pushed those thoughts aside, wanting to remain in your rose-coloured world for a little while longer.
The officiant’s words passed by you soundlessly, your heart fluttering at the thought of being wed to the love of your life for the rest of eternity. Barely able to contain your excitement, you examined your fiance’s perfectly sculpted face to distract yourself from the burning anticipation. But as you did so, the whispers in your head grew louder, harsher and more incessant. Their words clouded your mind, and the glimmer of hope you held onto slipped right through your fingers. 
This was just a quirk marriage-
You didn’t want to believe it. You wanted this to be the love you had always imagined, the ones in the fairytales you had always read growing up. But as you scrutinised every detail of his face - his less-than-elated expression and the small smile that never fully reached his eyes - the truth slapped you in the face. Your heart began to sink as you realised that the love you had always wanted just wasn’t yours to own. 
This was just a quirk marriage. 
And Shoto didn’t really love you.
You tried for so long to pry your heart from his hold, doing anything to convince yourself to stop loving him. But no matter how hard you tried, your eyes would always drift back, for it knew where your heart belonged. That was why you agreed to this loveless marriage; your heart refused to be swayed and you just could not imagine spending the rest of your life with anyone else, even if he didn’t love you. In any case, you would much rather love and not be loved back than to be loved but not be able to feel anything from it. 
“Upon request, L/N will be sharing her vows first. L/N, please,” the officiant said, allowing you to take the spotlight. Before the wedding day, Shoto had asked if you were alright with saying your vows first. You thought it was rather uncharacteristic of him to suggest, especially considering how traditional he was, but you didn’t overthink it and agreed without a fuss. Clearing your throat, you looked adoringly into his eyes as you recited your love letter aloud for everyone to hear. 
“Todoroki Shoto, the only man my heart has ever belonged to,” your voice trembled. You paused to take a breath, calming yourself and focusing on the feeling of Shoto’s comforting touch. 
“I’ve always idolised the idea of love, dreaming about how it would feel to have my prince charming sweep me off my feet as he kissed me passionately. When I met you, I thought you were the furthest person from that ideal - you were cold, emotionless and unpassionate about everything except yourself because you wanted to be the best,” you said. You shook your head amusedly as the words left your mouth, your past thoughts seeming so ridiculous now, as you stood at the altar. “As I got to know you, I slowly started to understand. I began to see the determined boy who worked so hard to protect those he cared about. I treasured each rare smile and precious laugh that graced your stoic face. I caught a glimpse of the steady fire burning in this icy cavern and I couldn’t help but be drawn to its warmth. And slowly…” you trailed off, hoping your veil concealed your blush as much as you wanted it to.
“Slowly, you became the prince I had always dreamed about.”
The audience sighed dreamily as you publicly confessed your love for him. Even Shoto’s expression softens as he smiles at your sweet words.
“I know going from a platonic relationship to a romantic one is difficult, even impossible for some people,” you said, glancing at him knowingly. “But it was definitely not impossible for me,” you smiled, praying it didn’t look as sad as you felt.
“Shoto, I promise to love you unconditionally, with all my heart, my soul and my strength, for the rest of my life. I willingly give you every piece of me because I wholly trust you with everything that I have. I promise to be there whenever you need help and to never leave your side or let you face things alone. I vow to always give you the affection you deserve and I will never ever stop loving you, both in this life and the next.”
The tiniest bit of wetness coated your lashes as you finished your speech and you tried your best to blink them away before they ruined your makeup. 
“Thank you, L/N, that was absolutely beautiful,” the officiant smiled, genuinely moved by your words. “Todoroki, your vows, please,” he probed before stepping back to let your fiance speak. Shoto spared a quick side glance at his father who sat proudly at the front, his massive form blocking the poor audience’s view of this magical moment. His father was the only other person in the room besides the two of you that knew about the pretence of this marriage. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself to say the words he had so carefully crafted and memorised weeks before. 
“Children grow up by learning from their parents and their teachings,” he started, avoiding direct eye contact with his parents, who were sitting at polar ends of the front row. “Mine didn’t have the best relationship and every night, I would hide under the blankets in my room, wishing for better days I wasn’t sure would ever come.” 
You had heard this story a million times before, yet your heart still broke every single time he told it.
“I never knew what love was, but I knew what it wasn’t,” he continued, trying to bring some hope back into the audience’s hearts.
“Love wasn’t selfish; it was about giving to the other person and always putting them first before yourself. And the one who taught me all this wasn’t my parents… It was you,” he said as he gazed into your eyes.
“When we first met, I felt strangely inferior because I knew you were a better hero than me, but I didn’t understand why. However, on the second day of the internship we did together back in UA, I realised what it was,” he said, recounting the memory.
“It was love,” he smiled softly.
“I remember watching how much you cared for others, putting your life on the line to protect them even though you were injured,” he recalled. You could barely remember all this happening, but it touched your heart that he treasured the memory so much that he remembered every little detail. “Your selfless actions opened my eyes to what I was lacking,” he continued. “It wasn’t power that would make me the best hero; it was my heart for those I wanted to protect.” 
“If I were the number one hero, I would be defeating villains left and right, and have all the fame and money in the world. Yet after a long day of work, I’d still return home unhappy and purposeless. Without people I loved, who would I be fighting for? But if I didn’t have power, if I were quirkless even, it would be the people I loved that would give me the strength to face the world every day. Even without any powers, I would not be powerless at all. And…” his voice softened, barely a whisper. Emotions swirled in his eyes as his next few words ghosted his lips.
“... I would be happy.”
You never expected Shoto to be this vulnerable; he had rarely shared this much in private, let alone in public. Even so, you couldn’t help but hope he continued, the curiosity within you eagerly craving for more.
“The lesson you taught me is something I will cherish forever, and something I want to pass on to my children: the source of your strength does not come from your physical capabilities, but the purpose inside of you, the reason you fight, and the people your heart burns for.”
“That’s why I could never just marry for power. The pretence of a quirk marriage was just so I could get my father’s blessing,” he finally admitted. 
Discourse shook the crowd as people murmured amongst themselves. Even you were completely floored by Shoto’s confession. You looked worriedly at Endeavor who was fuming in his seat, outraged by the revelation of his son’s blatant lies, and understandably so. Declaring his true intentions and exposing his false claims to his father in front of everyone at his own wedding? Truly the ultimate act of rebellion. Endeavor was about to storm right up to the altar when your friends held him back in his seat, quieting the crowd in the process. 
Suddenly, you felt Shoto’s fingers under your chin, gently guiding your face back to his. Your thoughts were completely muddled, everything happening so fast and all at once. If he wasn’t marrying you for your quirk… then… 
Your breath hitched as realisation dawned upon you, his next few words being the only thing you could hear.
“I’m marrying you because I love you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know how you were still standing when all your brain was doing was malfunctioning and trying not to spontaneously combust. 
“You are my purpose. You are the reason I fight. And the fire within me, the one you said you were drawn to, is the same one that burns brightly for you.” 
Your heart was pounding so furiously against your ribcage, you thought it would explode. For so long you had convinced yourself that your feelings were not returned that you couldn’t possibly believe it was true. And yet, every fibre of your being wanted to believe it, hoping so dearly that it wasn’t just a dream. No amount of joy could ever compare to what you were feeling in that moment. 
“L/N Y/N, I promise to never hide my true emotions from you anymore. I will openly and wholeheartedly love you with every piece of me, and I will not hold back ever again, no matter what anyone says. I will always be by your side, protecting you and our love as we face the world together.”
Despite mustering all of your willpower, a tear still slipped from your eye, but was effortlessly wiped away by the man you would now call yours forever. All those years of wishing and hoping had amounted to something: your dreams had come true, and fantasy had become your reality. 
“That was truly touching. Though it came as a surprise, it was not unwelcome in the least,” the officiant smiled at Shoto, who returned it gratefully. “You may now present your rings to each other.”
Shoto gracefully extended his left palm. “May I have your hand, my princess?” he asked with the same gorgeous smile that had first captivated your heart. Still high on euphoria, you grinned and gingerly placed your left hand in his. The warmth of his hand contrasted beautifully against the cool metal as he slid on the glittering diamond ring. It was absolutely flawless, just like everything else about that day. Reluctantly, you pulled your eyes away from the stunning jewel to return the favour, slipping the ring onto his left hand. It fit perfectly on his finger as if it were made for him, just like you were. 
“Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: I now pronounce you husband and wife!” the officiant announced proudly. “You may kiss the bride,” he said under his breath, a cheeky smirk evident on his face. You barely had time to register the hollers and whistles in the background as Shoto scooped you up in his strong, muscular arms and planted a passionate kiss on your lips. It was everything you had ever imagined it to be and more.
As he broke the kiss to admire your gorgeous face, his eyes sparkled, brimming with abundant love and adoration for his new wife.
“I’m sorry your prince charming took so long.”
You beamed at his sweet apology, forgiving him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and gently pushed his head down to close the space between you. You loved the taste of his lips against yours and could hardly believe you had unlimited access to it for the rest of your life.
“Finally, you’re no longer my princess, but my queen.”
You couldn’t do anything but smile, the butterflies in your stomach finally bursting free from the cage they had been contained in for so long. As you walked down the aisle for the second time, you couldn’t help but think of the stark contrast between both times you graced it: first, the bittersweet feeling of entering a one-sided marriage and now, the overwhelming joy you currently felt knowing it was no longer one-sided. 
The fresh breeze outside complemented the new air of romance between the newly wedded couple. Jumping into his arms once more, he spun you around as you both laughed in pure bliss. 
This wasn’t just a quirk marriage.
And Shoto really loved you.
Certainly, this was your happily ever after.
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© written and published by animatedarchives 2020. please do not steal or repost. thank you.
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rosezure · 4 years
Todoroki Family - My Opinion
CW: parental neglect and abuse, anxiety, therapy, Touya Todoroki/Dabi, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, spoilers, swearing (please remind me if I forgot anything).
Disclaimer: All of the information on the Todoroki family dynamics is based on my interpretation of what’s been (so far) revealed through the anime and manga. These are all just opinions, you are free to agree or disagree respectfully. I do not wish to invalidate anyone’s opinion. Family dynamics have always been a very sensitive and triggering subject to me, so I hope that you respect that if you wish to discuss this with me.I would like to give my own two cents on the Todoroki family situation. As someone that has dealt with abuse and neglect in a (slightly) similar way my whole life, this story hits very close to home. I will try to be as thorough and objective as possible. But, feel free to call me out (respectfully) if there is anything ambiguous or if problematic. Thank you.
I am going to focus on Touya/Dabi and Enji’s story. I do not know enough to talk about Rei’s role in all of this, so I will not mention her. But, I might update this as new chapters come out.
I will talk about Dabi’s early years by referring to him as Touya since that was his identity at the time. Any comments about him as an adult will be referring to him as Dabi.
I was a psychology student for about two years, and when we learned about child development, here is what I gathered:
When you are a child, all you want is to be loved, to be safe. This is essential to a child, as it is what develops them into a healthy and independent adult. And, this is especially important concerning parents or guardians. Effective parenting practices ensure that the child will have a better chance at developing according to their age and needs. This will grant the kids skills that they will use and perfect as they grow up. In other words, children that are well-taken care of have a higher chance of being strong, healthy, and emotionally developed adults.
When a parent or guardian is ignorant of how they can impact their child’s growth, it has many negative effects. In Touya’s case, Enji Todoroki was clueless. This does not mean Enji should not be held responsible just because he was ignorant. Enji knew he was not being the best parent, but he did not know how exactly. And, at the time he was blinded by his greed and ambition, so he would not have been paying attention to that. Even so, (personally) I do not think parents are afforded the luxury of ignoring their bad parenting if they are made aware of it. They are responsible for another human’s life and growth. They should be held accountable if the child develops issues and hurts themselves or even others.
With that being said, Enji Todoroki was a horrible but clueless parent. From what I have understood from the manga and the anime, at first, he had no idea why Shoto was so "rebellious" (in his opinion). He also seemed to not understand Natsuo and Fuyumi. So I am led to believe that he was, at the time, oblivious to how much he negatively impacted Touya. 
Touya just wanted his father’s affection. If that meant grueling training and preparing to become a hero to defeat All Might, then so be it. It was the attention and affection he knew. He was not led to believe otherwise. Touya's sole positive interactions came from him showing he could fulfill his father’s sick dream. In a child’s mind, that was the only way to secure parental love and approval: To train as hard as possible and become what his father so desperately wished for.
Then his hair started turning white. He started getting injured because of his quirk. His only source of positive attention, his only hope for affection, was killing him. And it had to be stopped. I am sure in Touya’s mind, this meant he would not be loved anymore. 
And then Enji stopped training him. Natsuo was born. Shoto was born. And Touya felt that his source of love was directed to that baby. The baby that Enji saw as a success. Enji made Touya feel like a failure, a broken toy. And he was being replaced by a newer, shinier one: His brother.
When he tries to attack Shoto, he is trying to take back his place. Touya was trying to gain back his father’s love and attention.
Enji wanted to prevent Touya from hurting himself more. But he failed to communicate that. Instead, his words made it seem like his plan was foiled. Touya wasn’t enough, so Enji’s chance of using him to end All Might vanished. Touya wasn’t what Enji needed anymore.
Touya’s world didn’t collapse all at once. It didn’t even crack all at once. From what I understood, it was a collection of hairline fractures that never healed. It was a dislocated shoulder that was never put back in its place and was left to hang. It was a pounding headache that only grew more and more painful over time. 
When Dabi was born, Touya had been buried in bruises, paper cuts, minor broken bones, chronic illnesses. Touya was killed by exhaustion and pain. He didn’t die at one point, he was dying all along. 
As someone who suffers from chronic issues, I know that the somatization of symptoms and other sources of pain can turn a simple illness into something much more serious. Think of it as a butterfly effect, but all inside one person: Every single negative experience, from both outer and inner sources, all summed and turned into one massive festering wound. 
Touya’s mind was a living open wound, it seems.
So Dabi was born. To seal the wound shut. Clean it? No. Protect it? Maybe.
But this particular type of wound (the psychological, emotional one) if left untreated can become infected. And infected wounds are harder and more painful to clean and treat. 
Dabi’s mind is a bandaid over an infected wound. It seems objectively okay, maybe even sane. But he’s clearly in pain. He’s not in his right mind. His decisions all stem from the pure rage and anger of a child that was abandoned. 
What chapter 300 brought was the perspective of a child that just wanted to be loved. That's all he wanted. And the only love he knew was when Enji Todoroki trained with him, no matter how gruesome and painful it must've been.
I'm gonna briefly and superficially compare his situation to mine. Of course, I didn’t suffer half of the pain he did, and I won't go into any detail as to not trigger myself. But, I only got attention when I was either extremely sick or I was needed as a trophy child of some sort. Even then, if I was ill, the attention I got was so I could get well soon and go back to being "useful". I was an extension of them, at best. But I still craved their attention. I still do in a way to this very day. It's not something that just goes away once you realize how toxic and abusive it is.
No matter how much pain I’m in, no matter how love-starved I am, I still want their approval. Inside me, there’s still a scared child, crying out for her parents to love her. That child is now my responsibility. I have to give her love, nurture her so she can grow with me.
Does that make sense?
I have no idea how Dabi is feeling. And I don’t think we’ll ever truly know. He is fictional, after all, and there’s no telling if Horikoshi will be delving into that.
But maybe Touya is still inside Dabi, crying, screaming to be loved. And Dabi is trying his best to tend to that child, but he never truly grew up to know how to take care of another being. Dabi doesn’t know how to take care of himself emotionally. 
I’m learning because I, thankfully, have access to therapy. But it hurts. It hurts to realize the ones that were meant to take care of you, didn’t. It hurts to look into yourself and see a shaking, teary-eyed child begging for crumbs of love.
Now, with the whole "redemption" thing being debated, here's my own personal opinion. You don't have to agree, and I'm not asking you to. Again, this is just how I view it. As a survivor, I'd be relieved to see my parents try. The damage is done, true. I'll never regain my childhood. I'll never have what people with different, better, parents have. The past can't be reversed. And I'm seeing it repeat itself with my little brother. But, if there's a minimal chance that my parents can own up to what they did, that they open themselves up to changing their behavior and learning, then maybe we can build something new.
Build. Not rebuild. The foundation of our past relationship was rotten from the beginning. A new one must be built. A new foundation must be developed if we ever hope to make something of our relationship.
If the Todorokis, really want to reconcile, reconnect, rebuild, then they must start from scratch. If Enji Todoroki wants that, he’s gonna have to start from zero, from nothing. And I'm not entirely sure if Endeavor is doing that, but he is trying, somehow. We don't know for sure if he even has the emotional skills to do so. We can't say for sure that he's got what it takes to man up, own up and learn. But, he seems to be trying.
And that's something I've accepted I'll never have.
So if there's at least a 1% chance that he is truly trying, that Enji wants to redeem himself, then let him. Let their family try and heal together if that's what they want.
I'm not sure about the Japanese culture when it comes to family. But where I come from, a family is an important base of our personal and social development, to the point that reconciliation more often than not is the best route.
Still, I know it's not for everyone. So I respect you if you believe he doesn't deserve a chance. I understand if you say Enji Todoroki should be kept far away from his family. You're right, and you're valid.
But, please, please, if the author decides that he redeems himself and does try his best to start a new relationship with his family, let him. Let them heal. Together. Let them try and make up for the lost time in the best way in the present. Let them rebuild.
I know I'd give anything to rebuild my family.
Let Touya be healed and put Dabi to rest. Touya needs to be loved, he needs to be taken care of like he never was as a child. Dabi needs to be told he tried. He needs to be told he did what he could. 
But Dabi is also an adult now. He’s got legal responsibilities. The pain and devastation he’s caused and helped cause can’t be overlooked. He needs help, but he also had to be held accountable. 
Touya/Dabi needs to face himself and start over. He needs to face the man he’s become and at the same time take care of the child he wasn’t able to be. 
If the Todoroki family is reconciled, I dearly hope he gets to be a part of this new book. Not a new chapter, they need to throw that whole book away and start a new one. And, if possible, I’d love to see someone like me get the ending I won’t be getting. 
I hope this made some sense at least. Again, if anything is unclear, ambiguous, or problematic, let me know and I’ll do my best to correct or remove the bad parts. If you’ve read this far, thank you. If you share a similar experience, I’m sorry, and I’m here for you. 
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
small angst headcannons
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I chickened out and made these have a fluffy ending because I’m a bitch
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-Shinsou loved teasing you, you were cute when you were mad
-normally you would just brush off his comments because you know he doesn’t really mean it when he calls you “the most annoying person on earth”
-but you’re on your period and you are just a wreak 
-you’re cramping like a mother fucker, your tits ache and you are So emotional 
-Shinsou is not helping
-He is bothering you and making fun of you.
- “Jesus cutie are you stupid? you can’t figure this out it’s easy?” he scoffed not really meaning it
- you are unreasonably mad, you know that it doesn’t make any sense but you are mad anyway!!!
- “Fine I’ll go find someone else to help if you’re going to be a dick about it,” you say
-you snap your book shut and leave 
-Shinsou is just there like “...what?”
-He is so confused like that was pretty mild for him.  
-He figures you must be mad about something else he did
-Shinsou is quick to follow you outside and when he finds you you are fucking crying
-fuck fuck fuck 
-you push him away and tell him to just leave you alone
-tbh you don’t want to see anyone right now especially not Shinsou if he’s just going to be mean to you again
-he is high key panicking. 
-Shinsou is very insecure and convinced you are going to leave him. 
-He lets you go and tries to figure out what he did 
-peep him texting him all your friends seeing if you’ve said anything about him 
-He doesn’t know what’s up but he is ready to apologize and make it up to you
- your friends have no clue why you would be mad at him but they do know that you are on your period
- he shows up to your place a few hours later with pain killers, chocolate and water
- “Can I come in Kitty?”
-you start crying again but happy tears this time!!
-you are in for more cuddles than you can handle
-Shinsou is sitting on your bed, you are asleep in his lap your head resting on his shoulder a heating pad pressed to your middle
-Shinsou kisses the top of your head while you sleep thankful to have you to hold in the first place. 
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-Shoto could be... awkward sometimes when it comes to affection and relationships
-So you guide him in most things
-but this should have been obvious to even him
-It was your birthday and Shoto didn’t remember 
-you had been prodding him for days asking if he had “any big plans coming up”
-he always gave you the same “I don’t think so,”
-but you had thought he was kidding!
-he had spent weeks searching for Midoriya’s birthday present  
-(trying to find all might merch that boy doesn’t have is near impossible) 
-but he wasn’t even there when you woke up
-he had gone to the gym and when he did come home he had refused to even kiss you because he was too sweaty. 
-of course, you were upset, how could he have forgotten??? you were his girlfriend!
- but when he asked you if you were mad at something, your deep scowl giving you away, you denied it and told him everything was fine
-it felt wrong bringing it up, especially when Todoroki hadn’t bothered remembering in the first place. 
-Mina texted you asking if you wanted to go shopping with her and you jumped at the offer
-you deserved a treat, it was your birthday after all
-Todoroki texts you consistently while you are out double and Tripple checking that you aren’t mad and you aren’t just saying that you're fine
-and you ignore him
-It hurt knowing he didn’t remember and that he had been so distant this morning
-you vented to Mina who shared your sympathy and told you that you just needed some good old fashioned retail therapy 
-it was kind of relaxing and buying whatever you wanted (Heroes make the big bucks)
-you kind of go overboard and Mina has to help you haul the bags up to your home
-when you enter the house it’s completely dark, which is weird, did the power go out? like this day couldn’t get any worse
- suddenly all the lights go on and- “surprise!!”
-Todoroki is the first to come to you, kissing you sweetly in front of everyone
- “Apologies, love everyone thought it would be best if I pretended not to remember, but I hope you didn’t really think I forgot. you mean the world to me,”
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Do you love her? Part 3
Angst, (some) fluff, language
Bakugo x reader (past), setsuna x bakugo, Kaminari x reader
Word count- 1,756
You look at Denki shock at his sudden boldness unable to speak. Taking your silence as rejection Denki, losing his boldness, begins to stammer,
“I- I shit, I’m sorry I said that I just needed to get that off of my chest. I totally get it if you don’t want to be my friend anymore. Oh crap i messed up. I mean I cant loose you as a friend. I know you’re still getting over Bakugo but I- I should have kept quiet. I just didn’t want to keep this from you but damn i should’ve just lied about what I needed-“
You cut him off, “Denki shut your mouth and let me speak,” He immediately stops rambling and listens, “I like you too. You make me feel complete again. You manage to make me smile even when I don’t feel like smiling. I cant imagine my life without you. I want to have a relationship with you. But if we do this we need to go slow. I know you wont hurt me but I still need time.” As you finish speaking you see his eyes slowly begin to widen along with his smile.
“Oh god- I thought you’re silence meant you didn’t feel the same way oh my god I cant believe it you like me back!” He says excitedly as he wraps his arms around you. You begin to blush and hug him back. When you hug him back he whispers in your ear “I promise I will never break your heart. I will protect it with all my power and make sure you never get hurt.” You smile softly at that and say “I know, and I trust you.”
As you guys hug, outside Bakugo looks like his entire world was shattered. He had not expected you to return Denki’s feelings. In fact he expected you to have closed off your emotions. He knew now he has to try harder to steal you from Denki. He could not allow Kaminari to swoop you in. Bakugo storms away forgetting about apologizing for the moment.
Later in the day, you and Denki are found in the common area really close,laughing at each other’s jokes
“Wow Denki did you finally ask her out?” Uraraka asks jokingly, not knowing it was true.
You look over at him to see him blushing like crazy, “Yeah, my phone charger finally confessed his feelings” You say laughing softly. He looks at you blushing even more.
You Look at him like he hung the stars and Uraraka could see how much you cared for him. “So when are you taking her on a date then, lover boy?”
“I- i we are taking it slow” he manages to say, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Ah, I see well. I hope you treat her better! Or else me and you will have some problems mister.” His eyes widen at Uraraka while you just smile. “Don’t worry about that Uraraka, I trust him” you say to her but look at him. He looks speechless at you, still not completely believing you are trusting him with your heart and love. “I promise I will protect her and never cause her harm” he finally manages to say. Uraraka just smiles believing him.
In the background, Izuku tells Shoto, “I’m glad they are together, he will really help her heal and I know he won’t hurt her.” Shoto nods before responding, “I am glad he confessed his feelings for her. I was about to do it for him.” Izuku just laughs at his response.
*A little time skip- A couple of months*
Bakugo has spent these last few months avoided the new couple disgusted at your low standard. He likes to think Denki is a rebound, someone who will keep you company until you get bored and want bakugo back. Although he is currently with Setsuna he has been close to breaking things off with her but he never does. He keeps thinking of ways to talk to you, reach out, but you have him blocked and avoid him when you’re alone.
“I will get you back y/n” he says to himself.
For you these past months have been wonderful with Denki you knew he loved you and he showed it to you. He would buy you flowers and your favorite snacks and even go shopping with you. You unconsciously compared your relationship with the one you had with Bakugo. Comparing them made you realize that bakugo never cared. He only cared in the beginning but after he stopped. He never even attempted to get to know you personally. He was only with you because you were head over heals in love with him. He was with you, not because he loved you, but he loved the idea of you being in love with him. Essentially, he only loved you because your love fed his ego.
You were foolish to think he actually cared, but Denki shows you how caring he is. Hell, he isn’t afraid to show you off or to give you affection in public. He wants you to know you are loved and that you deserve the world. He knows you are still healing but he will do everything he can to help you so you’re finally free from Bakugo.
Everyone can see how much he cares and how much he adores you. He worships the ground you walk. They also see that you are visibly happier than with Bakugo. Everyone knows that bakugo hates the relationship and they know that he hates that you can’t even look at him without being disgusted. He has somehow become colder.
Bakugo finally decides that instead of coming up with a plan he is just going to confront you. He decides to do it sooner rather than later so he no longer has to see you in Kaminari’s arms.
Days go by as you continue spending your time with Denki and others. Even now, Kirishima, mina, and Sero are cautious to talk to you. It hurts knowing you lost three friends, now they are just acquaintances. It hurts them too but they know its for the best, just in case bakugo wants to show up while you hang out with them. They are thinking they are sparing you from more pain.
Bakugo believes that full on confronting you is the way to go so he begins to avoid Setsuna. And oh boy, she pitches a fit so he reluctantly continues talking to her.
As you finish getting ready for your date with Kaminari you walk outside to wait for him. As you wait, Bakugo sees you alone and takes his chance to finally talk to you. He begins to walk out and stands behind you.
You sense someone’s presence behind you so you turn around smiling thinking its Denki. Your smile falls as you realize who it is, turning around quickly to avoid looking at him any longer.
“Y/n...” you hear him say softly but choose to ignore him so he continues, “Please y/n, I want to speak with you.” He reaches out to touch your shoulder causing you to flinch from his touch, “Don’t touch me Bakugo” you say coldly. He retracts his hand but continues, “Please, please forgive. You dont realize how much I miss you. How much I regret saying those cruel things to you.” His voice breaking as he speaks. His vulnerability almost, almost, changes your mind about him.
“Bakugo stop. We haven’t been together for months. Can’t you see I’m happier now? Can’t you understand that what you did and said really hurt me? I can’t be with you anymore.”
“Please y/n, please I still love you so much!”
You laugh at that, “You don’t love me. Do you love her?” You ask him that question for the last time.
“I don’t love her! I’m sorry I ever doubted my love for you! Please give me another chance!”
“Bakugo you don’t love me. I know you don’t. If you did, you would have never fallen for Lizard bitch Setsuna. You would have never stuck your tongue down her throat. If you love me like you claim you do, you would have fought harder for me to stay with you, not insult and degrade me and the love I HAD for you.”
He stays silent for a while, but soon speaks up, “I am so sorry for saying those things to you I was just so angry with myself for falling how Setsuna, and because I hated that you accused me of cheating. I want to make it up to you please just let me. I want a future with you by my side! I cant stand to see you happy with someone like Denki”
“You did cheat, bastard! What kind of game are you playing at Bakugo? You don’t want me unless I’m someone else’s. You don’t even know you’re being selfish right now! I am happy now but all you fucking care about is your fucking happiness! Leave me alone for fucks sake, Understand I don’t love you anymore, I love Denki and I am glad to have him in my life. He sees me as an equal and cares for my feelings.” You look back towards the door, where the hell is Denki when you need him? As you think that you seem him come outside hurriedly.
“I’m sorry I’m late- what’s going on?” Denki looks at you and bakugo. He notices your mad and bakugo looks broken.
“What happened?” He asks. You look at him and speak, “Oh nothing bakugo just came her to try and win me back.” He internally panics because deep down he’s afraid you’ll give Bakugo another chance.
“Don’t worry though. I already told him I have someone who not only sees me as an equal but also cares for me. Something he’s never done.” You smile softly at him and with that Denki’s worries are gone. He feels proud of what you said.
“Okay, well lets go y/n, we don’t want to be late for our date” and with that you hold his hand and walk off leaving bakugo behind.
Bakugo watches as the love of his life walks off happily. He knows he won’t love anyone as much as he loves you. He knows he’s going to have to live with the regret of losing someone who cared about him even when he was insufferable. That one question you always asked him will always stay on his mind, haunting him,
“Do you love her?”
The end.
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Here is Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
A/N- with that “Do you love her?” comes to an end. I hope the ending is okay? I felt like I may have rushed it but oh well i guess...
What other characters should I write for? Any requests?
Taglist: @tspice283 , @random-fandom-girl-24
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nanaminsonyfans · 4 years
❄️The Comfort of Shoto🔥
Masterlist ✨ Requesting Rules
Request; Could you maybe do headcanons for todoroki shoto with an s/o whose just going through a lot and a lot of really stressful things have been happening/happened in her life and it's been really affecting her and she just really deserves a break from everything so that's just what todoroki does
A/N; ahhh, this is comfort we all need currently from this fucked up world right now. rock and roll buckeroo
Pairing; Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader
Warnings; mentions of anxiety, teeth rotting fluff, comfort, s0ft boy
{gif is not mine}
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You had been venting to him about working being stressful work was
“Shoto, I froze up at the meeting, and I was giving the presentation! I’m so stupid, they might as well fire me!” You cried into his lap as his fingers ran through your hair. “Oh love...You’re the best at your job, they’re lucky to have you. You have just been having a tough time, it’s understandable.” Shoto took a deep breath. “Ask for three days off.” “What? Why?” You ask, finally sitting up, hair sticking to your tear stained cheeks. Todoroki’s cold hand cupped your cheek as he smiled. “It’s a surprise.” He rubbed his nose against yours, making your heart flutter. “O-Oh okay...”
The next week you got three days off as Shoto asked you too, when you got home you saw two suit cases in the doorway and Todoroki sitting on the couch waiting for you. 
“Oh! You’re home early!” You smile and kiss his cheek. “Izuku took over the agency for a bit, so we can got on a vacation.” He smiled at you. “Really?! Let me go get changed!” You grinned in a giddy tone and ran to the bedroom to get something comfortable on.
Todoroki knew the main reason you were so stressed with work was all your coworkers and your anxiety was a huge part too, so he decided to take you to a resort with a spa
When you got there you were so happy, Shoto was really treating you like a queen
“Ah! Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki, your room is 603, please enjoy your stay!” Being called Mrs. Todoroki made your swell with joy, just hearing that made you happy, butterflies were returning in your stomach like on your wedding day,
“Oh Sho, this is perfect.” You gushed when entered the room, the bed looked so fluffy! Your back ached just looking at it. You flopped down on the bed after setting your bag down. 
Shoto smiled at you happiness, and being happy over a bed? You were too cute sometimes
“I’m glad you like it, I wanted to treat you well.” He smiled and laid on the bed and hugged you from behind, earning a small giggle and you squirming. “You’re the best husband a girl could ask for.” “And you’re the best wife a guy could ask for.”
The once cold and angst ridden man you knew growing up, was gone. He was replaced with a lovely man you couldn’t love anymore. He made your heart swell with love and happiness, the was the pick-me-up you needed. 
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lettrespromises · 4 years
A.N : ❝ Dear reader,  I can’t tell you how much I loved writing this story so I hope you’ll like it as much as I loved putting it together. Please, please, please, can someone hug Shoto? He deserves all the hugs and the smooches in the world. As per usual, if you have the opportunity to do so, leave me your feedback! I may or may not have written this so you could forgive me for breaking your heart with the Kuroo fic. Yours sincerely,  Nikki.❞ Genre : Fluff, comfort, angst if you squint. Warnings : Nightmares, crying, Endeavor (it’s a valid warning.) Word count : 2.3K. Letter object : Shoto is convinced he can’t runaway from his fate as the son of Endeavor, even in his nightmares. Well, with the help of a cup of tea, reassuring words and a few kisses, you take it upon yourself to prove him wrong.
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« You were born a Todoroki, Shoto, you can’t run away from your fate. » « My blood is coursing through your veins, you can’t run from me either. » « I, the person you hate the most on the planet, am your father and whether you like it or not, you will end up like me undoubtably. »
Like him. Like Endeavor. Like his father.
A sudden cry for air broke the deafening silence of the night, as the ultimate solution to break free from the haunting voice of his father. He was everywhere— on the news, in the streets; but also in Shoto’s most personal boundaries— his school, his life, and even in his slumber. The only moment of the day where his subconsciousness is supposed to serve the sole purpose of relaxing him is shattered by Endeavor, and Shoto could tell (although it was his subconsciousness speaking in his dreams) that his father must have loved every second of it. He was gasping for air— his lungs seemed to be unable to firmly catch any ounce of oxygen, something as natural as breathing had become the hardest thing he had ever done, hell, even fighting villains appeared easier than breathing right now.
The palm of his right hand covered the flesh over his lungs, the coolness emanating from his mother’s inherited side was creating a harsh and painful contrast with the inferno which had freed its chains and was now burning Shoto’s whole respiratory system. He couldn’t help but curse at himself for not being able to control his left side, after all, it had always been what he bitterly called « the worst part of himself. » The sweat on his forehead, the trembling hands, the tears threatening to fall at any given second, the loud breaths— he cursed himself once more for appearing so weak, all because of his father.
Deep down, Shoto knew he couldn’t afford to stay the night in a room which was the bearer of all his fears. Just one glance at his room, and the sole thing he could perceive was his father’s face— the most simple objects reminded him of Endeavor. There was only one solution left, it was his favorite solution. Mustering all the strength left in him, Shoto got up and without glancing one last time behind him, clutched the doorknob until his fingers turned white to get away from his room as quickly as humanly possible. He was careful on his way though, he knew not to mix strength and loud noises— it was a beautiful contrast, both strong and quiet at the same time. After all, didn’t he embody said contrast?
If he blinked hard enough, Shoto could have sworn that the door of your room suddenly looked like the gates of heaven, and unlike his martyr of a doorknob, he carefully wrapped his  right hand around your doorknob with all the tenderness he could gather. And, oh, speaking of heaven, the sight of you sleeping away in Morpheus’ arms was worthy of an angel on a painting from the Renaissance. His gaze landed upon you, and unbeknownst to him, the tears that threatened to fall earlier had just put their threat to execution— just the sight of you sleeping was enough to make him shed a couple of tears. What a contrast between his room and your own. He was so lost in the sight of your frame, so amazed by the scenery, so fond of the light of the moon reflecting upon the highest parts of your cheekbones that he couldn’t help but kneel right next to your bed and take your hand in his to convince him that you were very much real. But one thing led to another and…
« S-…Shoto? What are you-…Oh. Oh! Is everything alright, love? » If you were careful enough, you could have heard your very own heart breaking at the sight before you— Shoto hung his head low, almost ashamed, and his body language testified how afraid he was. And it was in moments like these that you were his anchor, his safe person. Your palm made its way down to his left cheek, you knew how much he hated his side of him so you swore to yourself that you would always dedicate as much attention as possible there. Your touch was so appeasing, he rested his head upon your cheek but his gaze was still fixed on his knees. He wanted to talk to you, he wanted to exteriorize all this pain that has been literally burning him alive, because he knew you had all the answers to his pains. Shoto tried, he opened his mouth… But no distinct sound came out of it. « I’ve got you, Shoto, you’re safe here. You’re safe with me, nothing will happen to you as long as I’m here. I won’t let you go. Take your time, love. » Reflex kicked, you jumped out of your bed and instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck while your legs encompassed his waist. A bunch of sweet nothings said, pecks delivered on his forehead and a couple of strokes through his hair later, the sound of his voice was finally being heard.
« I-…I’m so scared. I don’t want to be like h-him. It’s just… » he lets out a sigh he didn’t even know he was holding, and eventually let his gaze darkened by fear fall on yours which was  shockingly contrasting by its gleam of reassurance, « It’s just… I-I just don’t want to be like my father. I don’t w-want to hurt you like he hurt my m-mother… » You applauded his bravery for gathering all the courage necessary to vividly talk about his emotions by planting your lips on his own, both of your palms cradled his face whilst your thumb were brushing against the surface of his skin in circular motions. Shouto had no idea how much he craved, no, he needed the sensation of the softness of your lips on his own, it was healing in a way. Although, at times, his intrusive thoughts got the best of him and made him wondered how you could be so helplessly enamored with him, the son of Endeavor.
Your hands ran down his body until they met his, then, you brought his knuckles to the height of your lips to plant a sweet peck on his knuckles. At times, you wished you could let Shoto see himself through your lenses, if only he knew the amount of love and adoration you held for him. « Shoto, love, will you come with me downstairs? Let’s drink a cup of tea together. » You kept kissing these words into his knuckles, Shoto was a bit too blunt at times, and displaying physical affection was a way to prove him how much you cared about him. You did not expect any response from him whatsoever, he hummed slightly and squeezed your hand ever so lightly as if you were made of precious porcelain to let you know that he agreed. You could only curve your lips into a smile at the carefulness of his actions. You both stood up at the same time, and let your fingers intertwined themselves with his while your thumb stroked invisible patterns on the surface of his hand.
The two cups were out. The water was boiling. The tea had now filled both of your cups. You carried the two cups in the communal living room and handed Shoto his rightfully deserved cup of tea (while being extra careful not to spill a single droplet of tea onto the ground, the sight of Aizawa-sensei’s glowing red eyes was enough to prevent you from being clumsy.) « Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate what you have done for me. » Shoto was a man of a few words but the sight of his eyes which were glistening from a sweet mix of gratitude and love was enough to melt your heart. You knew not to push the discussion any further, especially after one of Shoto’s disturbing nightmares. You were both sitting on the couch, letting the comfortable silence envelop you while you were drinking your tea. The latter was very special to you, Shoto’s sister had previously confided to you that tea actually helped to calm him down, and it was her secret weapon to make his fears fly away as a child.
Perhaps it was the tea, perhaps it was the stinginess of his eyes due to his tears, perhaps it was your relaxing presence, but Shoto’s lids felt heavy, a bit too heavy for his liking. He couldn’t find the strength to go back to his room anyway, you and Shoto were doomed to sleep on the couch. He carefully waited until you drank the last droplets of tea and set the cup on the table before you, his eyes never left your figure, as if he was scared that if he were to blink, you would magically disappear.
You were caught off-guard as you felt Shoto’s hands grab your waist and pull you down on his side. He rarely initiated any kind of loving gesture, so, you enjoyed these rare times to the fullest and always carried a smile on your face. His arms were circling your waist, his forehead was touching yours as he unraveled his true emotions which were usually always hidden behind that stoic face of his. His embrace was so reassuring to you, but to Shoto, having you cradled in his arms and his face nested in the crook of your neck was yet another way to make sure that you were here, with him, forever.
You took his face between the palms of your hands, and studied his face carefully. You could look at him for hours, days, months, and never get tired of seeing him, nor could you list one flaw about him. And thus the « let’s shower Shoto with affection » mission had begun : you delivered pecks everywhere. His nose? Check. His cheek? Double check. His forehead? Also check. His lids? Another check. His lips? Umpteenth check. But you payed specific attention to his scar, letting your lips linger a bit more on it. Shoto felt like he was floating, your touch was so divine, he couldn’t help but pay you back by delivering a kiss of his own on your lips. He finally felt at peace. His lids fluttered shut. His head was now resting on your chest, and the rhythm of his heartbeat was keeping any of his fear at bay.
« You will never be like him, Shoto. You’re your own person, a wonderful person that is. I wish I could list all your qualities but I’m not really sure if I’d have enough time. You make me feel loved like no one else, your smile can light up a whole room, your heart is made of gold and you’re never afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Baby, I’m so proud of you, you have no idea. I fell in love with Shoto before I fell in love with Todoroki. I love everything about you, even the parts you hate the most about yourself. » Shoto secretly thanked himself for having his eyes closed, or else, he was sure he would have let a tear or two slip away as your words sunk in. « I know I don’t say it enough, forgive me for that, but I love you. And truth be told, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. » He kissed these words into your skin, making sure they would stay with you at all times. You kissed the top of his head while your fingers were busy stroking his bi-colored hair.
« I love you too, Shoto. » It was simple, but it was enough for him, it meant the world to him. Your presence, your smell, your touch, your voice were all kinds of drugs he was addicted to, and to be frank, he wasn’t interested in finding a cure.
« Do you know why I now know why I will never be like him? Like my father? » The sound of his voice was almost inaudible as he pronounced the last word, not really caring to put an emphasis on someone who didn’t deserve such attention. « Tell me, baby. »
« Because I have you by my side, and as long as you’re here, I know I will never end up like this excuse of a man. » His response caused you to hold him tighter, to let him know that you were right there and you would never trade him for anything else in the world. He felt at peace, it was so soothing, just what he needed. And now your words were echoing in his mind instead of his father’s horrendous statements. Your voice was all he needed to chase all the nightmares away.
« Oh my gosh! Uraraka, quick! Come here, come here, and get your phone ready! » « Wh-… How cute! Look at them sleeping so peacefully while cuddling! Ahhh, is this what love is? So romantic! » Uraraka couldn’t help but swoon over the fairytale worthy scenery happening before her eyes. She quickly got her phone ready on camera mode and snapped a few pictures, all in different angles, while still being extremely careful not to wake you up. Both Mina and Uraraka shared the biggest grin while contemplating at the pictures and letting a few « Aww! », « That’s so adorable » and others « I wish I had this » escape. You told Shoto you could protect him from his nightmares, however, you weren’t sure if you could protect him from class 1-A’s best photographers.
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turkeyspamsandwhich · 4 years
With all of the new information from chapter 290, I was thinking about what could happen after the arc. And I don’t have anyone to talk to about my thoughts so I’m posting about them. This will be long and probably won’t want to read it but I hope that you enjoy it!
Even though everyone probably already knows *Spoiler Warning*
All of the debate about Dabi/Touya and what’s to happen to him, is he going to die, get consequences of his actions, or be redeemed? Honestly having him killed off would be a lazy route, since Twice is gone and Shigaraki mostly is going to die as well. And personally I wouldn’t like it because I feel Endeavor wouldn’t actually face his past. Kinda like punishing the abused and rewarding the abuser.
I also feel like the LOV will be done after this arc in a way because they’ve lost a lot of members and it may be set for the time skip after this arc with Shigaraki and AFO gone. So the idea of Dabi/Touya becoming the new main threat doesn’t make sense to me, but it’s still a possibility.
Dabi/Touya isn’t mentally well. He’s dealing with PTSD of his past and because of never getting mental help, his mind only got worse. His sense of reality is not right and he hasn’t had anyone to help him for years. Even during his abuse he had Natsuo, but after his death there was no one. His abuse broke him so severely, he only thought of ways to hurt the person who caused it and how he could get revenge. He wasn’t thinking of his family and the actions could affect them. He just wanted the world to know what Endeavor did to him. And he has every right to expose his abuser, he is the victim when it comes to the past and Endeavor cannot atone if he’s going to hide what he did. Still it does hurt the rest of the family, because it seems like they didn’t want it to go public, except maybe Natsuo but he was willing to try for Fuyumi. Does that mean Dabi/Touya doesn’t care about them? I think he does in a sense, he couldn’t stop his negative feelings for his father, so how could he stop his positive ones for the rest of his family. He may have surprised them but not gotten rid of them. I believe he cares about Natsuo the most. I’m unsure about Rei, it seems he does care with the information we have but still eh. Fuyumi, I have no idea honestly. And we know he sees Shoto as a puppet. Just because the way he outed his abuse in a selfish manner doesn’t mean he hates his family. I also feel Natsuo would play a big part if there is a redemption.
Now some of the things I’m thinking could happen. He faces the consequences of his actions. He may go to prison, because he did murder innocent people. His abuse doesn’t cancel out the wrong he has done. Thirty people lost their lives because of him. Even if those people were villains as well, doesn’t mean he had the right to take their lives. If he does go to jail I could see it similar to Overhaul, chained up forever. Or maybe the family’s influence/money could help him out and instead he’s put in a mental ward. He may be stuck there forever but he would get the much help he needs badly. I feel this is likely if he’s not killed in the arc, just like Overhaul.
Redemption. That’s a huge conflict with many people. Personally.......I want to see it, I want to see the victim get help so badly. I want to see them get help and become a better person. He still would need to face consequences of his actions of murdering people, and every terroristic act he has done while in the LOV. His actions are still his own regardless of the trauma he has faced, but if he didn’t have this trauma he wouldn’t have done any of these things. He was a broken child turned into a broken adult, all he knows is his pain of the past, he can’t move on and now he’s stuck in the cycle of abuse.
He has a problem with Shoto due to him becoming Endeavour’s new “favorite.” He doesn’t see Shoto as a person but a doll of his father’s, and he had planned to kill him, because he thought it would get him his father's love and attention. Which isn’t that strange, because I’ve seen that happen with children in abusive households. They still crave their parents' love and want it regardless of the parents hurting them. They turn their anger towards the person they think is taking that away from them, example the favored sibling.
Yet even though he's done and planned horrible things, that doesn’t mean he can’t get redeemed. Horrible people have been redeemed in anime before, ones that have done even worse things than Dabi/Touya. It’s possible for him to become a better person, maybe a good person, I don’t see him changing over to the hero’s side but more neutral. I think it’s possible, I don’t know if it will happen though. But we have seen it before and the character that came to mind was Gaara.
Now despite being a huge Naruto fan, I haven’t read the manga since the ending which was a loooooong time ago. And I’m not watching Boruto like at all, I refuse. I still remember a lot of it and there’s so many complex characters in Naruto that have done terrible things, but we’re saved and redeemed. Some even become fan favorites. Most of the characters I’m going to get into are from Naruto but I’ll get to them in a bit but right now I want to focus on Gaara.
Neglected by his family, and hated by everyone else. He was taken advantage of by his village and abused to become the perfect weapon. He killed so many people, regardless of who they were, if they had a family or not. No he wanted bloodshed and chaos, because that’s all he knew. Gaara became a psychotic killer whose goal was to everyone in his way to prove his own existence. It could be argued that he was a child at the time he did these things but that still doesn’t excuse his actions. Plus he mostly killed many more than Dabi/Touya, yet he was still redeemed. Naruto saw the pain in him and could understand why he became the way he was, even admitting he could have ended up like him if it wasn’t for his friends. He saved him and Gaara became a new person free from his past and pain. He got to have a family and gained friends. He became the Kazekage and was loved by his people, who once looked at him in fear and disgust now looked at him in admiration. He did unspeakable things but he got a second chance and did amazing things with it.
Itachi killed his whole clan, yes he did it so they couldn’t start a war but that doesn’t erase that he murdered innocent people. Even though the reason he couldn’t kill Sasuke was because he loved him too much he still left his little brother with no one and trauma. That’s horrible for a child to go through. Sasuke had nobody to turn to now he lost not only his family but he got to see his brother, who was the one person who he idolized the most. And yes later on, both the audience and Sasuke learned the truth about Itachi. He really was such a good person regardless of him being a good person he did bad things even if it was for the greater good. Once the truth was out people could relate to him, understand why he did the things he did, and he also became a fan favorite and now is seen as a hero. His trauma made him want to do good and his motives were different than Dabi/Touya’s but he still took innocent lives.
Now I want to touch a bit on this character, because they were a favorite of mine. However, I wasn’t the biggest Soul Eater fan so my knowledge isn’t as good. Crona actually had a very similar situation to Shoto and Dabi/Touya, their mother experimented on them and made them into her perfect weapon kind of like how Endeavor wanted to make his children into the perfect tool to dethrone All Might. They were mentally unwell and were made to kill people, and took many lives. Still Maka and her friends, spared them and took them in and showed them love.
The last one I want to get into is Zabuza. He was a killer for hire and did unspeakable things for money. He was willing to kill the team Kakashi, which had three children for his mission. Killing children is one of the worst things. During his journey, he met Haku and formed a bond that I don’t think he noticed until it was too late. And while his redemption doesn’t seem as grand as others, he got a pretty amazing one for what kind of person he was before. After Haku’s death, he turned on Gatō and his gang, and killed them. That saved the village directly even though he just wanted revenge. At the end, as he’s dying he gets to lay next to Haku and have a moment and that changed the way people viewed him. It left an impact on Naruto as well. His story has similarities to Dabi/Touya, they both killed to get their goal even though it wasn’t right.
There are so many more characters I could get into like Vegeta, who literally destroyed planets with whole civilizations. Isabella from the promised neverland, who fed children to demons. Obito and Nagato, who tried to end the whole world. So many JoJo characters, I can’t even begin to think of, but the point is redemption is possible.
So honestly a redemption isn’t that far fetched for Dabi/Touya, even with his crimes, and it would be nice for a villain to be redeemed because we haven’t really seen that in this series. And yes I’m a bit biased but I enjoy his characters, but now it’s mostly because I want the victim to find peace and be able to let go of the past. He is still a victim of Endeavor’s abuse, because he is still trapped in it. I want to see a victim get a second chance, but he still has to face the consequences of his actions. He doesn’t get a free pass because he was abused, it’s a reasoning not an excuse.
Also you could say the same for Endeavor deserving a second chance, but I can’t get behind a child abuser and wife beater. That’s the same reason I don’t like Overhaul like many others, touching a child in any way doesn’t sit right with me. So I was never behind Endeavor’s redemption, but I supported and understood the people who were into it. In the end, it’s up to Horikoshi about what will happen to both Dabi/Touya and Endeavor. I know either way it will be an amazing story.
Thank you to anyone who actually read my ramblings. Sorry if the formatting is weird, I typed it out in my phone. I hope you enjoyed this too long rant. And to anyone who disagrees with anything I said, I understand and respect your decision. But don’t be immature and rude about it, it’s not hard to debate people in an adult manner. We all have our own options and it’s fine to disagree but don’t be hurtful to those whose opinions differ for yours.
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our-heroes-rise · 4 years
slip of the tongue
pairing: todoroki x bilingual! reader
request:  Hi, I want to request a scenario for Todoroki. It’s about a reader who is actually his gf, but she talks portuguese as maternal language. When she got nervous, she start to panic in Portuguese, and she’s nervous to meet Shoto’s mom. How he will help her( something like that). I hope you like this idea. 🇧🇷🇧🇷✌🏻✌🏻
hero name: @todoroki-vivian
a/n: hi, lovely! omg yes, you can aboslutely have a todoroki request, i adore this boy. and i loved this idea so much! it was so darn cute. as someone of mixed race who grew up with a heavily hispanic family i think it’s always fun to imagine bringing home one of the bnha boys/girls. seeing how they’d react to be introduced to the sort of music, food, and p a r t i e s that i grew up with. i’d be completely useless teaching them any g o o d spanish though cause my mother never taught me when i was a kid :’). i only know a couple of phrases and the bad words lol. i don’t touch on any of that here because i’m not too familiar with portuguese culture and i don’t want to offend anyone by getting something wrong because i am uneducated on the subjectttt. there’s only like two words of real portuguese in here and they are from google translate because i wasn’t sure what the difference was between the spanish pronunciation and the portuguese pronunciation. OKAY after that whole thing i hope you enjoy this little scenario, i had a lot of fun writing it and it was super duper cute. thanks for requesting baby hero!
word count: 1,717
warnings: none! this is all fluff :)
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Your knee bounced with the subtle rocking of the train cart, heel occasionally tapping against the floor when the wheels ran over a bump in the tracks. No matter how hard you tried, no amount of slow deep breaths or mental reminders that everything would be fine, it would go well, would calm the ever growing bundle of nerves buzzing within the pit of your stomach. It crawled beneath your skin, flinching at the tips of your fingers which picked at the worn plastic seal of your seat, pinched at your bottom lip.
You watched the blur of winter barren trees whirl past the window, not really watching at all, thinking of every way not to mess up this very important day. This very, very important day on which absolutely nothing could go wrong because this was - it was his -
A comforting warmth pressed into your shoulder, calloused fingers wiggling their way through the gaps between yours, bringing a halt to your incessant fidgeting. Striking blue and grey find your gaze, softened by the unspoken question of concern knotting his brows.
What’s wrong?
“I’m just - It’s dumb, really,” you laugh softly, able to recognize how terribly ridiculous you would sound now that the words sit at the front of your mind. “I’m just overthinking things. I’m okay.” For extra reassurance, you give his hand a small squeeze, offering a smile.
Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to buy it.
“You’re not okay if something’s worrying you,” Todoroki says, head dipping to catch your eyes as you try to look away to hide your apprehension. “It might help if you talk about it.”
Bottom lip caught between your teeth once again, a soft sigh blows through nose, and you lean further into his shoulder, grateful for the gentle heat that bleeds through your jacket sleeve, soothing your nerves. You drop your attention to the spot where your fingers are now intertwined sitting atop his thigh, his thumb tracing over the ridges of your knuckles, saying he’s content to wait for as long as you need.
Well, at least until the arrival of your last stop where you would inevitably have to step off the train and face the anxiety tearing through your head.
It’ll be fine, stop worrying so much. It’ll be fine, it will be fine, it will be -
“What if she doesn’t like me?” You blurt suddenly, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as the eyes of a few curious strangers flicker over to you. Your face sinks further into the protective cocoon of your scarf.
His thumb pauses briefly before picking up its mindless pattern again. “What do you - ?”
“I - I mean, what if I say something wrong and end up sounding really stupid in front of her.” And the dam came crumbling down. “Your mother. The - like - the most important person in your life! I’d end up making a fool of myself in front of the most important person in your life. Then she might think ‘what’s Shoto even see in her? he could do so much better’. Which, you could, by the way. You could do worlds better but you’ve settled for me and sometimes I don’t really get it because - well - I’m me - “
“I don’t see a problem with that. I like you for you and if you are what settling is then I will gladly never settle anywhere else.”
“But what if she - “ your fingers tighten around him at the thought “- what if she doesn’t think I’m good enough for you? What if she thinks we should break up because she thinks I’m rude and annoying and uneducated?”
“Uhm. . . Y/n.”
“What if she thinks I’m a bad influence on you? I don’t want to make her hate me forever, that would be the worst feeling ever because I know she means so much to you.”
“Y/n. . .”
“That would just put so much strain on our relationship and I wouldn’t want you to feel guilty about what happened, ever. You don’t deserve that. You deserve so much better than that, Sho. I just - “
“Meu Amor.”
The name strikes a chord in your throat, catching you breathless, butterflies swooping in to replace the recoiling knot in your stomach. You whip your head around to find the corners of Todoroki’s lips pulling up in a small fond smile, eyes light with amusement. To begin with, Todoroki wasn’t big on pet names, preferring to use your given name, claiming it was sweeter than any silly nickname could be. Though throughout the seven and a half months you two had been together, he had referred to you with the occasional ‘love’ or ‘hon’. However, the number of times he had used that name could be counted on one hand.
Three. It was three times including right now.
He asked you how to say it while you were teaching him random phrases, goofing around in the middle of what was supposed to be a study session, the question being enough to make your face burn. His pronunciation had been rocky the first time, mouth working awkwardly around the words, throwing you into a fit of flustered giggles that had him pouting adorably at you, mumbling not to make fun of him for trying. But, now? Now his near perfect pronunciation left you wondering how many times he had practiced by himself. 
Meu Amor was the Portuguese phrase for My Love. His love. His love. 
“Y-Yeah?” It’s at that very moment that realize you have slipped out of your usual Japanese tongue, rolling through the tumbling hill syllables of your maternal language. “Oh, s-sorry. I. . . I did the thing again,” you mutter, flipping back to Japanese.
Todoroki huffs a short laugh that makes your heart flutter pleasantly as the sound reverberates through your own chest. “It’s okay, I think I got the gist of what you were saying. It’s cute when you do that, anyway.” He says the last part softly, meant for himself. You press your cheeks further into your scarf, hiding your own shy smile.
Todoroki takes a minute to speak, gazing at the same window you were just a moment ago, lost in thought. 
“Y/n,” he finally says. “Meu Amor, -” four times “- frankly, my mother could care less about who you are. I think you could introduce yourself as a high school drop out with a criminal record and her main concern would still be; do we make each other happy? Do you make me happy.”
You allow yourself to absorb the impact of his words.
“And. . . I make you happy?”
He shoots you an incredulous glance, then snorts when he sees you peaking earnestly above the edge of your scarf. “Irrevocably so. Do I make you happy?”
“It’s impossible for me to think about you without smiling.” You give him a bright cheeky grin when his cheeks flare with a noticeable shade of scarlet that crawls all the way up his neck to the tips of his ears.
“Good. Then that’s more than enough.” He squeezes your hand, pulling you closer into his side. “There isn’t a doubt in my mind that she won’t absolutely adore you the same way I do once she meets you. If she doesn’t already, of course.”
The statement piques your curiosity and you arch one brow at him. “What do you mean if she doesn’t already? Have you. . . Told her about me already -- In your letters to her?”
“I thought you already knew that,” Todoroki says, frowning in confusion. “She’s always asking about you and how you’re doing. I was pretty sure I mentioned it before.”
“What the heck? Shoto you’ve never told me that!”
“So - So then she’s okay with us being together?”
“I think she’s more than okay with it,” he replies, his quiet smile returning. “It’s possible that she’s more excited than I am for you to meet her, which would be saying something.”
“That would have been nice to know before I rambled off the entire Portuguese dictionary to the whole train,” you grumble, rolling your eyes.
“Sorry,” he says, but it sounds like he’s trying to suppress another laugh. And you really can’t stay upset with him for long.
Rough fingertips push gently at the tips of yours to splay your palm out over his, pressing them together. Lightly you run your nails down the long runs of his fingers, memorizing every bump, scratch, and scar, sweeping your forefinger along the wrinkle of his lifeline, then across his heart line. This - the way you were touching him - may not seem like much at all to anyone else, but it was worth worlds to you. It had taken Todoroki months to comfortably hold your hand, even longer while in public, then some to kiss you for the first time. PDA wasn’t what bothered him (not entirely, at least), it was the displays of affection part. Because of the way he grew up, physical affection was a foreign concept, often leaving him lost and a mess of rigid limbs and awkward apologies. But now, he could easily seek your hand in the middle of a crowded train, or wrap his arm around you in the common room, or press a kiss to the top of your head before the start of class. To know that he had made an effort to open himself up to you, allowing you to see this side of him, the side he had only shared with his mother before, made your heart melt and your eyes swim.
Shoto was right, this was more than enough.
A calm voice announces the arrival of your stop and you two stand as passengers begin to climb off the train. 
“Still nervous?” Todoroki asks, threading his fingers through yours once more now that you have both stepped into the morning rush, not wanting to lose you amongst the chaos.
Letting him guide you through the thick crowd, you smile softly, raising your conjoined hands to press your lips to the back of his.
This would always be more than enough.
“No, I think I’ll be okay now.”
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
I was wondering if you could do a Toya/Dabi x reader.Like the reader is childhood friends with Toya and is good friends with the Todo kids in general. So when their mom goes to the hospital, the reader kinda steps in and sorta kinda fills the role of mom. Reader is really close to Shoto.(Toya and reader are in a quirk marriage)But then stuff happens.Toya becomes Dabi.Reader became a teacher @UA and goes to the training camp.Then Dabi accidentally almost kills the reader by putting her in a coma.
You’re really good with plot Anon! Also I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE! But thank you for your patience❤️ please enjoy ❤️❤️ I added in something extra hopefully you like it!
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Children never see the bad in the world. They’re innocent and want to always see the goo in people and the world. As a little girl you always thought going to the Todoroki’s house meant a play date. You would spend time with all of them and even Shoto.
For whatever reason it was your father always wanted you to spend time with Toya. He was the eldest and was usually quiet and kept to himself. 
One day you had come and Shoto was hurt, with a patch over his eye. Rei wasn’t home either, they told you she had gone away. She was away and wouldn’t be back for a while. Being around the same age as Toya you felt the need to fill in the role for the younger ones.
You would help them with homework, and cleaning up after themselves. Almost like an elder sister or a mother. You were all close and created your own bond together. Almost like your own little family
As time passed you were both in your teens attending school together. At the time you were both best friends, knowing each other inside and out. One day when you were at his house doing homework, your father and Enji walked in.
His father always scared you in all honesty. Not only was his size intimidating but his aura just wasn’t pleasant. Toya always knew how you felt. He had the habit of holding your hand whenever he'd come into the room comfort you. 
“What is it old man?“ Toya resented him after finding out what he had done his mother. 
“Well“ you father spoke up “We’ve talked i over and believe that it would be best if you both-”
“You’re both getting married and that’s final“ Enji cut him off “You both have exceptionally powerful quirks and will make better children“
“What?!“ you both reacted
That’s right they were forcing you both into a quirk marriage, without any explanation to you both. If anything your father basically sold you, he was known for getting into debt despite having his own business. The Todorokies had money and everyone knew. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to marry you. Truth was, he had feelings for you for very long time but you didn't want to ruin your relationship. on top of all that he didn't want to bring you into his method of family and possibly make your life impossible. You were too good for him, for filling the role he never knew he needed or his siblings included.
At the time you were both 16 and were to marry at 19. But that day never came, Toya had gone missing. Nothing was left about his whereabouts. When your wedding day came, it marked 3 years of him being missing. They had decided to mark him under dead, since there was no trace of him. 
Even to this day you still think about him. You didn’t want to forget his face or his voice, or anything.
You stop visiting the the house hold, you called every now and then to check in. Sometimes you would visit Rei at the hospital and it gave you some tranquility.
You grew up to be a teacher at UA high school, helping students to become heroes. You heard even Shoto got into UA a well, and went to visit him. You always told him how proud you were of him, turns out even he grew as much resentment towards his father as Toya did. 
This weekend you were at the training camp with the students. Everything was going well, they were training, learning and even cooking. You look out your window and see that Bakugou was extremely good at cooking, which confused you a bit. But everyone to their own.
You were giving extra help to thos when fisoed the test with Mr.Aizawa. Everyone would always tease about how you thin had a secret thing going on. In all honesty you both acted the same towards it and brushed it off as a joke but soon it became true.
You both had a thing for each other. You didn’t believe you would have feelings like this again. The last time you did, he had disappeared from your life, like he never existed. But with Shouta it felt differnt, he made you feel like he wouldn’t leave.
Sure he never seemed to be the type to but he would hold you close and tell you as many times as you needed to what it
“I would never abandon you, ever” it was something small but it made your heart flutter. You never forget about Toya, but he would want you to be happy right?
As you walk down the hall to the class you oda by a window. From the corner of your eye you saw a tall dark figure at the window and instantly turned. You were alert and ready to defend yourself. You look around the hall and too the window. You didn’t even realize you were holding your breath as you approached the window and looked outside.
Looking form side to side there was nothing and the student were outside as usual. Maybe you were seeing things. A hand landed on your shoulder which made you jump and shriek
“Hey It’s okay, it’s just me” it was shouta “are you alright you seem a little jumpy” he said in his tired husky voice
“Y-yeah im down, I just...never mind let’s get to the class” even when you walk with him you still felt uneasy, it wouldn’t leave you.
About only half hour into the lesson crashes and yelling was heard. Looking out the window your eyes widen to see blue flames swollowing the trees around you.
Blue flame....but you haven’t seen blue flames since....
“I’m going to check what’s going on. Y/N Stay here with the students” Shouta said as he ran out of the class
“Me.L/N, whats happening? Shouldn’t we go an help?”
“No, lets all stay here it’s best if we don’t split up.” All the students gathering around you. You did a headcount to make sure you age everyone. Aizawa ran back into the room on high alert
“Everyone we need to love to the next room over-“
The wall came crashing down to reveal a member of the League Of Villans. Instances kick in you step forward to protect your students. You were trying hard to concentrate but something about this man, was so familiar.
“Step aside princess, before you get hurt”
“I’m not a princess and you’re going to have to go through me first” you took your defensive stance. He hurled his blue flames at you but you block using you quirk. With all the strength you could muster you were able to push him back far enough that it was only the two of you.
Whatever it was something had stopped you from making your next move.
“What’s wring princess? Too tired to fight back?”
You didn’t answer and went for an attack, the hit would have been direct and affective but you stop.
You realize now why you know him
“Toya....” you whisper to yourself. But why was he attacking? Didn’t he recognize you? You turn to him
“Toya is me y-“ you were hurdled back into a tree by his flame. The aching throb making it hard for you to focus, crimson ran down to your chin. He came closer and kneeled in front of you.
He braved yourself for the worst to come but all you heard was a gasp
“Y-y/n....?” He said in the softest smallest voice he could. “I-is....”
“Took you long e-enough.:.” You forced a smile as your world started to spin. Not only did the impact do damage but you were loosing blood. He was hesitant to touch you, he’s down so much damage already
First leaving you so abruptly, and now this? He saw your eyes finally fall and you fall limp
“Y/N? Y/N?!” He gathered you in his arms and started to run, he didn’t know where but he was running. He eventually found Twice
“Hey bud whatcha go there” he said in his quirky attitude
“That’s doesn’t matter she’s bleeding out I need you to help me” he laid you by a bush and ripped a part of his shirt and wrapped it ape under your head.
“I need you to take her some where no one else will harm her, but make sure it’s some where one of these punk hero’s can find her” he said putting you into the arms of Twice.
He nodded and ran off, Dabi furiously wiped tears that ran down his face. He can only hope you were found and tended to. He may be who he is now but, you didn’t deserve to suffer for his decision.
After drawing back and leaving, Dabi stuck around for a while to make sure you were found. Aizawa was the one who found you and cradled you in his arms. Like he did at one point, he watched as you were whisked away to an ambulance. You were rushed to a near by hospital.
He would hang out by your window some night, sometimes he would break in and just sit in the chair.
He had managed to put you into a coma. At least he didn’t kill you in all but still.....it was the same you. The same one from all those years ago. The one who truest knew him. Who even recognizes him after so long.
You’ve become so beautiful over the years. He didn’t dare touch you, afraid to cause more damage. He would think...think about who thinks could have been differnt. What if he stayed and married you? Who would he be if he never left?
One night you started to stir and your monitor had started to speed up. You were waking up! He wanted to stay and hold you and apologize for everything...but he couldn’t. He heard footsteps running down the hall. He stroked your cheek one final time and ran for the window.
You skin was so soft and warm, he wanted to savor it longer. But if he did stay he would have no chance to even glance your way again.
As he was about to jump out he looked back once more to see your E/C staring at him.
“T..oya...” you said weakly. He shit his eyes and made his way back into the cruel world. Tears pores out of your eyes as you watched him leave, once again.
Maybe, just maybe you’ll meet again......
I kinda like it :). But I hope this is what you were looking for! And I’m sorry this was so late!
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lollybliz · 4 years
bout to make a Monster of a fic rec post here we go
heyo @jinx108! We’ll start with the complete ones because sometimes you’re just not in the mood to wait for the last chapter, you know? I don't remember details of all of these so i’m just going to copy the author’s summary rather than write my own. I am literally just going through my bookmarks, I got 400 of these to sort through. if ive talked to or am familiar with the author im gonna mention them, but if I mention you and you don't want me to have Please tell me and i’ll remove it.
If you’re not into spoilers Please Tread Carefully, I don't watch out for that stuff so I wont know to label it
1>Crushing Truth by Bunzuku: Tododeku. “Romance is hard enough for a teenager to understand when they have a good relationship role model. For Shoto, it takes two excited meddlers for him to even realize what his feelings really are.“
2>Disowned by b00mgh: tododeku + others. Unrated, some traumatic elements. “Shouto freaks out under a bridge and I use the word "grass" a lot more than I really should. Izuku does his stupid martyr thing and everyone makes continuous references to his propensity to break his bones. Aizawa goes "oh FUCK my kids are dying again" and his students use him as emotional (and physical) support. A friend requests angst, I say what kind, she say idk make someone get disowned and i say oh this I can absolutely provide my good buddy.”
3>cotton candy hands by @chonideno: Kiribaku. I will take Any excuse to rec this fic, its the most fluffy pile of feels Good Lord. also the first fic I ever bound into a physical book. “Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no. A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro“
4>Catching Sight of the Storm by neo7v: Kiribaku, tododeku. A considerable amount of Whump and related angst, and kinda sad tbh. “Blind. Quirkless. Useless.The first two things were stated clearly by the doctor that sat about five feet in front of Izuku. The third was a word that Kacchan called him everytime he failed to make the jump on whatever forest excursion they were on or when he ran into a tree because he hadn’t seen it. “I’m so, so sorry, Izuku.” Was his mom giving up on him already? But he could still be a hero if he tried hard enough, right? Quirkless or not. Blind or not. Just because Izuku was useless now didn’t mean he would stay that way forever, right? *** A Blind!Izuku AU”
5>Yell Heah by fakecharliebrown: Chatfic. M a n y pairings. technically complete, but part of an ongoing series. “Iida creates a group-chat for Class 1-A. It doesn't go as planned.“
6>Sunshine by Rosey_Note: BIG SAD. tw- failed suicide attempt. KiriKamiBaku. “They didn't deserve to put up with his crappy mood. Because Denki Kaminari did not feel like Sunshine right now. And they deserved sunshine. In fact, Denki didn't feel much of anything right now.“
7>Electric Connection by  Onlymostydead: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk has always had... Weird side affects. Like his ADHD. And his constant energy. And his insomnia, which wouldn't leave him be right now, when he really needed to just get some sleep. But, thankfully, he has good friends.“
8>The Best (The Worst) by Onlymostydead: no romantic pairing. tw- rampant transphobia, both outside and internalized. “Bakugou Katsuki has known who he was since he was four years old. He was a boy, it was as simple as that. Around his friends, at school... But things couldn't just be that simple, could they?“
9>Lichtenberg Figures by Q_loves_you: no definite romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki has a very powerful force of nature running through his body. Kaminari Denki doesn't want to hurt anybody. He doesn't always get what he wants, and "anybody" does generally include himself.“
10>Eventuality by KikaTouka: ill be honest I don't remember this one at all, I maaaay not have read it yet :/. anyway. ShinKami. “Shinsou learns more than just hero lessons after being transferred to 1-A.“
11>Pickup Lines for the Soul by MustardSoup: ShinKami. “Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has. “I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe. Denki laughs. “Oh no.” His mother says, watching him. “Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.“
12>caught in my own web by @anxioussailorsoldier: ShinKami. “Shinsou needs some help after getting caught up in his capture weapon. Kaminari enters from stage left.“
13>not so summer love by nataliya: ShinKami. “Class 2-B’s common room, although typically quiet, was currently filled with five students—three slowly giving up on homework, one bitching about noise and another that rushes through the front door. “We’ve been waiting for you—” Mina starts, but Kaminari’s vaulting over the back of the couch, eyes wide as he practically buzzes out of his skin, emitting light like crazy as currents dazzle across strands of hair. “I have a big ugly crush,” He steps off the couch and onto the coffee table, much to Bakugou’s chagrin, “On big ugly Shinsou.””
14>Blamed by coldandhotsoba: ShinKami. Tw- they fuckin kill a guy and its a lil nasty. “This was not how the day was supposed to end. They were supposed to end the day like they do most nights.  Kaminari clutching onto him like a koala as he slept, wrapped in the millions of tacky blankets Kaminari had bought. Warm and safe in their bed. It was not supposed to end with both of them tied up in some cold metal room.“
15>Lightning Scars by Present-Mics-Scream (write_your_way_out): Shinkami. “It's hard to be confident in your abilities when you're surrounded by people with incredible quirks. Shinsou Hitoshi would know better than anyone. Sure, he was admitted to the hero course in his second year, but being admitted to the hero course, and keeping up with the rest of the class are two different things. Lucky for him, Kaminari is there to prove that the flashiest quirks come with the largest drawbacks.“
16>See No Evil, Hear No Evil by randomfan188: no romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki is legally blind. When he forgets to wear his contacts and breaks down during math class, comfort appears in the strangest of ways.“
17>how not to enjoy the weather, an article by kaminari denki by dreamtowns: no defined romantic pairing. “If there was one thing Kaminari hated the most in a world wth villains, it would have to be thunderstorms.“
18>”Studying” by emmyrox22: ShinKami, EraserMic. “Shinsou and Kaminari have been “studying” together for a while (but not for school). Shinsou gets stopped by his dads on the way to another “study” session and mistakes are made“
19>Weaknesses by sunflowerstorm: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk and storms compliment each other in the worst way, but he's convinced he can deal with it on his own... until he really can't any longer. When Shinsou accidentally overhears Aizawa confronting Kaminari about recent changes in behaviour and hears about the hell his quirks been putting him through, he can't just pretend he never heard. He wants to help.“
20>it’s hurt denki hours by memeingfultrash: ShinKami + others. ““Certain members of our class are...under the impression that...you’re the traitor.” Denki’s body went cold and felt like he was going to short circuit. ~some of class 1a believes that denki is the traitor and avoid him”
21>Petition to replace Mineta with Shinsou- (signed by Kaminari Denki) by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami + others. This is one of my favorites, I go back to reread it from time to time. It SAYS 41/42, but that's just a glitch cus chapter 36 doesn't exist for some reason, I talked to the author about it and its fine. “Mineta brings shame to the color purple. You know who does not bring shame to the rich color, but pride and sexual tension to one infatuated Kaminari Denki instead? Shinsou Hitoshi, aka sexy zombie man, aka the most perfect hunk of a man to walk planet earth, aka future husband. Shinsou has finally gotten his chance to prove himself to the hero course, and he did more than prove himself. The only question left unanswered is whether he will start in A or B, and how Kaminari can manipulate the end result.“
22>How to Get a Boyfriend (in Four Easy Steps!) by e1ana: ShinKami, EraserMic, + others. “Step 1: Get kicked out of the house by your homophobic parents. Step 2: Run headfirst into your brooding, mysterious crush. Step 3: Sleep in his dad’s (see: your homeroom teacher) house Step 4: Watch everything you thought you knew go to shit. This isn’t exactly the sweet, romantic plan that Kaminari Denki longed for. Will everything be ok, or will step 5 be to crash and burn?“
23>Bakugou and Todoroki’s Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701: Kiribaku, TodoDeku, + others. This is another one of my favorites, and the one I am currently folding and sewing into a physical book. you learn how to do funny things when bored and quarantined ig. “It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students. To say that things had snowballed was an understatement. Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.”
24>Colour Theory by chancellorxofxtrash: TodoBakuDeku. this one’s a series. “Midoriya/Bakugo/Todoroki slow burn soulmate AU. All three of them are nerds with their own emotional issues, trying to navigate their way through becoming heroes, and their own relationship with each other.“
25>Summer Sunshine by Mara97: TodoDeku. Ever want a Barbie in a mermaid tale/Bnha crossover? No? well here you go anyway! “Instead of worrying about college, Izuku spends his summer vacation finding out his father is, supposedly, a dead merman king and going on a quest to dethrone the current king, Endeavor. Along the way, Izuku becomes close to the three journeying with him, makes friends with strangers, starts crushing on an unattainable prince, and, in the end, learns to love himself. Oh, and he saves a kingdom, too.“
26>The snowflakes on our skin and the flames in our soul are one (and the same), my love by missunderstuffyou: TodoDeku, Kiribaku. this is one of the ones I keep a running reread comment going on. its at,,, 6, atm.  “Before your quirk begins to present itself, the soulmate link comes through, and suddenly whatever you write upon your own skin appears on the body of your soulmate. As your soulmate writes to you, the emotions they feel follow through the ink.Izuku Midoriya is four years and a few months old when he first feels the slight ebbing in his arms. It doesn’t hurt… he can just feel something, and it’s enough to make him sprint into his mother’s arms screaming that his quirk is coming. She had been washing in the kitchen, and the sudden screech as her son rockets into her side is enough to make her jump with panic, immediately grabbing at him and looking for cuts and bumps before she understands his words and the stupidly bright, alight smile on his face with large, watery, hopeful eyes. Shoto Todoroki doesn’t feel his soulmate connection open up. It is drowned in the aches of a small body worked far too hard.“
27>It was dark inside the closet by Chad_Champion69420: Pre-ShinDeku? maybe? its tagged shindeku but like. it’ll make sense if you read it. “Midoriya is invited to a party. He and Shinsou decide to play a little trick on the rest of the party during Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
28>how to woo your local trash gremlin: a comprehensive guide by Todoroki shouto by wonhaebunny: TodoBaku. this is the fic that dragged me into todobaku, fun fact. “five times shouto tries to confess to bakugou, and one time he doesn't bother tryingaka: wikihow is a scam and bakugou is a terrible, terrible boy“
29>top ten photos taken right before disaster by Shookspeare: ShinDeku. “Izuku participates in a harmless prank, only to end up ruining it and running for dear life.“
30>Secrets to Share by pechebaie: no definite romantic pairing. “Kirishima comes out first, and nothing changes. Kirishima and Kaminari still hang out to complain about class and talk about boys - and sometimes girls, too, in Kaminari’s case; he still plans stupid pranks with Sero that get them sent to the principal’s or nurse’s office every time; Ashido still kicks his ass at Mario Kart without hesitation; and Bakugou doesn’t get angry at him any more than he usually does.“
31>What One Hides by Pinalinet: TodoDeku. “All Might gives class 1-A an unusual assignment that results in Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto attending a weekly acting class. But with a mysterious villain targeting individuals without Quirks, and a developing issue of Todoroki's own, an after-school assignment is the least of their worries.“
32>whether or not we’re fated, we’re meant to be by juurensha: KINDA SPOILERY. TodoDeku + others. “Todoroki didn’t have a soulmark for most of his life.His siblings all did, but up until the day of the U.A. entrance exam, he had shoved the idea aside. It’s not like they could help him anyway. And then a 9 appears on his chest, and a green-haired boy barrels into his life with a fire and ice soulmark on his arms, and suddenly Todoroki cares very much about all this could mean.”
33>The Midnight Shift by meiishu @meiishu @totallytodoroki (idk which you’d rather I attach so I went with both): ShinKami. ““Hey Toshi,” Denki says, and he laughs, clearly embarrassed. He’s got on a jean jacket that did him absolutely no help and a white tee shirt that is currently stuck to his torso. It’s got a pikachu design in the center. “By any chance, do you sell umbrellas?” “You really went out in this weather.” Hitoshi deadpans, instead of dignifying that with an answer. or hitoshi works the midnight shift at the gas station, which also doubles as a pokestop for pokemon go. of course, denki is a regular.”
34>Rock the House by AkabaneKayo: ShinKami. “It wasn’t just his bed. It was his entire fucking room shaking. Only one thought crossed his mind at that moment: “Holy shit. My room is haunted.”“
35>Technically, they’re morning kisses by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami. “Most nights, Shinsou cannot fall sleep. Neither can Kaminari. It seems counterproductive to have a sleepover then, but they try to make it work. And they fail, but that is okay.“
36>someone to call mine by nearly_theyre: ShinKami, EraserMic “From: Me wish you were here, denks From: kitten 💛💘💛 what if i was tho? OR Four times Denki snuck into Hitoshi's room and one time he walked through the front door.“
37>Pretty by Onlymostydead (noticing some repeat authors? me too): no definite romantic pairing. “(Or, Kaminari still can't figure out bra clasps.) Kaminari has never really felt good about himself. Herself? Whichever way, not knowing doesn't make anything easier. Especially when he (she?) and Mina have their bodies swapped during training, and everything seems too right.“
38>If I offer you my hand, will you take it? by bleukitsune: Kiribaku. SPOILERY. ““Why?” Kirishima leaned back on his hands, trying to create some space between them. Too close. The ash-blond looked really nervous, his usually arrogant and cunning demeanor gone. “What do you see when you look at me? Kirishima is worried. Bakugou is hurting. After his confrontation with Midoriya, he finally reaches out to him. “
Theres way more but I haven't tagged them properly yet so that m a y come later if I can ever finish going through and adding my sorting tags.
and then a last few that Are Not Complete but im really very fond of them. not as many as id like to add, but my hands are getting tired tbh.
39>State of Mind by GuardianOfTheLoaf: no relationship YET but its looking like it’ll be either tododeku or shindeku, probably the former. EraserMic. tw- childhood neglect and severe depression. Izuku’s not a happy kid. “Izuku was a late bloomer, his quirk lying dormant until his tenth birthday when in a fit of emotion he grabs his mother and she disappears. With All Might slowly restoring his confidence Izuku begins the difficult journey into becoming a hero.“ 18/? chapters.
40>Izuku Eats His Problems by CosmicAce: ShinDeku. Izuku’s a flerkin, what more could you want? “His whole life, Izuku Midoriya was taught to keep his powers, his Quirk, hidden from the world. His kind were feared, hunted to near extinction because of it. He just wants to show people he’s different. That he can be a HERO. And nothing is going to stop him. Even if his Quirk IS like an eldritch abomination.“ 43/? chapters
and then probably my current favorite bnha fic- although it fights with Apertum Mortem for that spot but that ones d a r k and not here-
41>family of the year by periiwren: EraserMic. “Hitoshi is done. Done with moving around every few months to a couple that will scrutinize him and eventually dump him right back where he started. Good thing he’s well past his strike limit now- at least he can stay in one place, be content to age out of the system and finish out his training with Aizawa. Maybe transfer into the hero course, maybe be a hero- but none of that was guaranteed. The only thing for sure was that he was going to stay in that center for the rest of his childhood. Or so he thought- because Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi have other plans.“ 24/? chapters. we’ve been informed that this one’s gonne be l o n g and im Very Grateful.
42>Here There Be Dragons by here_and_there: pre-ShinDeku. “Izuku looked at the small circle Aizawa had motioned to in front of them. "I won't fit," he whispered, thinking. He raised his hand, tentatively. Sighing, Aizawa grumbled, "What?" "I-I have a question. Actually, two." His teacher just stared at him, unimpressed. Izuku continued. "Can we activate our quirks before we step into the ring?" Aizawa looked up into the sky, muttering something Izuku didn't hear. "If you must." "O-Okay. Uh, second question. You said we have to stay inside the circle, right?" "Yes." The man looked disappointed, not only in Izuku but in himself for letting the kid speak. "Great. Uh... does that include tails?"“ 6/? chapters.
43>Another Option by sandersonsister: TodoBakuDeku, Touya/Hawks, Dabi/Hawks. Potentially Spoilery, depends on whether horikoshi has the guts to confirm Touya. this one is waiting around the corner with a baseball bat, its really cute, and then r e a l l y painful. it might be getting better though. maybe. it might be getting worse. “When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.“ 33/? chapters.
That's it i’m done for now, oof. maybe ill edit more onto this post later, maybe i’ll just make another one. hope some of these work!
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