#lee sun
🔆 Opposite Day! ☽
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A Security Breach tickle fic, featuring the Daycare Attendant(s) Sun, and Moon! (Both boys get equal amounts of Wrecking or your money back-)
As a result of a crappy visit to parts and services, Sun finds Moon has a new sunny accessory around his faceplate and the daytime counterpart is far from satisfactory. However, when Moon goes to do repairs, those new ray sensors decide to make themselves known, and not in the way that was expected.
Thank you @coy-lee and @laughterfixs for helping me edit this fic! 😁 I appreciated the help, and as much as I would deny, the high pitched screeching that came out of our editing method 🤣
Anyone that comes across this fic should like, totally check out their shit. They make some MMMMMMMMMM!!! GOOD SHIIT!! Anyway, with that said enjoy!☺️
Sun's rays were gone. No joke, the now bald animatronic looked like a McDonald's egg patty. The other day, the Daycare Attendant(s) took a trip to parts and service for a tiny upgrade to their sensory system, and a little adjustment to their mobility settings. Everything seemed spick and span coming back from parts and services the day before- so, how come he isn't now? Oh how he and Moon HATED to go to parts and services... They seemed to do more damage than help.
Sun huffed, hooking the lunar-wire to his back to pull themselves up to their room. Typical matentience staff. He entered the room inward from the balcony, a close up view of trash cluttering the floor, and children's drawings painting the walls. They were going to have to solve this problem on their own, like always. Crawling into the dark depths of Moon's room. The daytime bot shifted control to the naptime animatronic. Moon had fixed them before using other bots, so maybe he could find a way to reactivate his-
Oh. ...
There they were.
His vision froze on the mirror in his half of the storage room, possibly more confused than Sun in the moment. Moon tried moving the rays, much to his shock that he could move each individually, or all together if he wanted to. This was to his brother's annoyance, as the security bot began to play with them by making himself look like a cat, or axolotl, even a pokemon by stretching the top two rays out as far as they could go!
"Well that is... peculiar..." he stated in a nonchalant fashion.
Peculiar? Those were HIS RAYS! This was more than just peculiar, this was DISTURBING!
"Oh don't be so dramatic Sunny... it's not THAT bad~ I think I like this new look."
Moon posed like a geek in the mirror, flaunting his new rays in various positions like a model. He looked absolutely ridiculous! Sun's rays didn't even match him.
Moon chuckled at Sun's party-pooper mindset, deciding to give one last pose in the mirror by imitating Sun's side of their statue.
'Haha... really funny Moon.'
"Hehehah... I'm glad you think so! I think it's hilarious~"
After his obnoxious laughter stopped, Moon decided to focus on the task at hand:
Fixing this.
Moon jingled his way over to a lone, deactivated security bot to pry it open and steal away some lone wires, connectors, sensory chips, even a couple of servos. Taking the new repair supplies with him, Moon kicked open a loose plank among the closet floor to reveal stolen parts and service equipment.
Sun really doesn't like knowing this stolen staff equipment was here, but... this was really their only resolution. Moon has since cut off their hidden security camera from seeing the surplus of tools, otherwise they would have probably visited the shock conditioning chamber again.
"Don't be nervous," the lunar bot soothed, "I'm not going to hurt us. This is a minor fix. First I need to examine how exactly this happened."
Moon's fingers lightly excavated the rays. Even though he could move them, he for some reason couldn't feel them... how odd. Involuntary movement arose from the tiny triangles as he lightly measured the edges of them from bottom to top inbetween his index finger and thumb.
Sun gasped inside of his head at the foreign sensation, doing all he could to try and retract his rays, but they wouldn't budge.
"Is something wrong Sunny? It doesn't hurt, does it?"
Moon wanted to be extra careful with his opposites rays. They were the equivalent to hair with nerve-endings, or a less gross example being the inside of a human ear.
'N-no! It doesn't... just- be-Ee Carefuhul…'
His brother's thumb had feathered over the center of his sunrays... It was terribly ticklish- but, he had to stay quiet. Moon didn't know he was sensitive in THAT way on this area... If he did, he wouldn't hear the end of it.
Moon warily accepted the warbled answer, his finger now venturing to the back of their faceplate. Everything felt in order back there... Dangit! If only he had a mirror.
Moon froze at the sound of Sun's thoughts overlapping his own.
Surely if Sun had a physical body, he would be fidgeting with his fingers.
'I have a mirror. It's just… hidden.'
Moon cocked his head with confusion at the response.
The two then played a little game of 'hot-cold' until Moon came across a tiny, dirty carpet.
Moon burst into giggly hiccups, raspy and Disney villain sounding. Their antics truly made his smile grow wider, even on the cloudiest of days. The lunar animatronic lifted the carpet to find a rather gruesome looking hole, wood splintered all around it in the shape of a foot.
'There was a... happy little accident that happened a while back when I was dancing. So much so, I kiiiinda decided to use it to keep things in like you do with that plank!'
Sun, the rule follower, the rule stickler, the anxious little Golden retriever that stuck to his programming... he STOLE things??
... Moon was so proud!
Sun was finally growing a backbone to scavenge!
What mainly decorated the hidden section were supplies intended for childcare purposes... also a purse.
"Seems you're more of a thief than I am!" Moon chuckled, rummaging through the compartment, placing his hands on the handheld mirror inside.
'I wouldn't go that far.. I merely like to have supplies management refuses to give us.'
"Oh, you mean like some parent's purse you stole? They still have their wallet in here!"
'.... I'm done talking now.'
Moon snickered over his friend's grumpy nature, covering the hole back up with the rug and skittering back to the mirror in his room.
He held the mirror behind his faceplate before flipping one specific nerve ending switch ontop of their head.
"There. Our faceplate and your sun rays have the pain receptors turned off... Let's see..."
Moon took the back hatch off of their faceplate to see where the error was.
Aha, the orange and blue wires.
The orange wires intended for sun's rays were plugged into the activation port for his hat hatch... speaking of which- he realized he wasn't WEARING his hat at all... did that mean Sun-?
Nope. Sun didn't have his hat today... He guessed that maybe maintenance didn't properly plug the hat turning system after the upgrades, nor pushed in the stability settings for transitioning. While reaching for the plug, the long ribbon around Moon's wrist SLOWLY feathered across three of Sun's rays. It took him by surprise, so he couldn't stop his reaction.
The animatronic stopped in his tracks, a bewildered look replacing the neutral one from before. Now that was straaaaange..
'N-No it wasn't! You just need to get back to the task at HaahahnnhnnhnhnnNHNND!? EEEEK!!'
Moon's hands had since traveled from the back of their faceplate to feel over two of Sun's rays.
"Such a peculiar reaction Sunny... I'm certain something may be wrong with your rays... Seems I might need to Investigate further."
Investigate? Uh oh...
'You really don't need to do this, it's probAHAHABLY NYAHAHA!!'
Moon drew a continuous spiral on one of them, while scratching at the other like a lottery card.
"You seem very happy brother~ Whatever could be soooooo funny, hm?" The lunar animatronic teased as the rays attempted to cha-cha away from his fluttering digits.
'OHOHO- NoOhohothing! NOHoTHing at ahall!!"
Moons fingers stopped for a moment to trace the edges of each ray starting from the bottom.
"Oh? It doesn't sound like nothing little star... my my my... you couldn't be-"
Moon got to the top two rays, and began to skitter his fingers quickly behind them.
"Tickle-tickle, tiiiicklish here? Could you?"
'SQUEAAAAHH!! Yohou MEheahHeaANIE! yohuhuu jeherrkyJEHERKjeEeherk!!'
"JerkyJerkjerk? Oh goodness, Sunny. I'm Offended. Maybe I should teach you a lesson... hehe..."
Moon smirked in the mirror as he began to spin Sun's rays in a circle.
'Wh... whahat are you doing!?'
The animatronic wiggled his fingers, continuously staring in the mirror so sun could see his demise. The moving digits moved closer until-
🎶"The rays on the sun went round' and round'~" 🎶
He began to sing the tune to wheels on the bus while tickling the life out of Sun's ultra sensitive rays.
🎶"Round' and round', "🎶
Ontop of his rays.. Skitter skitter, itch itch, wiggle wiggle~
🎶"Round' and round'!"🎶
🎶"The Rays on the Sun went round and round'~"🎶
Behind his rays.. Skitter, scritch, skitter skitter, wiggle-
"🎶All through the day~!🎶 Ooh- more name calling? That means another verse is in order!"
The lunar attendant changed things up a bit by making the rays retract, and eject while spinning.
🎶 "the rays on the sun went in and out~" 🎶
Moon used all of his fingers, targeting specific rays that had retracted, waiting for them to pop out in order to tickle them again.
Pop! Wiggle-wiggle wiggle~
Pop! Skitter-skitter skit~
Pop! Tickle-tickle  tickle~ 
Moon could sense that Sun was actually having a lot of fun through their thin, invisible mental wall, so he decided to crank it up a little.
 "🎶In and out~ in and out!~🎶 or what, give me a headache? You can't touch me~!"
Gitchygitchygitchy, itchy itchy, tingly tickles spread everywhere after Sun's threat, and the teasy song didn't help
🎶"The rays on the sun went in and out~ all through the day!"🎶
It was instantaneous when the power seemingly went out in Moon's arms. Great, another problem that he now physically couldn't fix.. maybe he would have to go down to-
As soon as Moon looked down, he immediately noticed a change in his arms...
"Yellow?" He asked aloud, extremely confused… that is until he realized.
They weren't HIS arms anymore...they were-
The yellow hands cracked their fingers and knuckles as a huffing, wheezing Sun voice inside of Moon's head starting to laugh without mirth.
'Heheheaha... ihi... I warned you~'
It turned out Sun's theory was correct earlier about the light sensors being breachable due to plug inactivity.. now to get some MUCH needed revenge.
The yellow limbs began to lightly trace over Moon's torso, making him squeak and sputter.
"Wahait!! I- We can tahalk about this Sunny!"
'Talk? You mean like how you tickled me to speechlessness? Sure, we can do that!~'
Moon let out a squeal as the digits dusted over his ribs, fluttered under his arms into his wires, feathered over his neck, traced over the edge of the moon crescent of his fa-
"SQUEAA!!" Moon screeched as Sun traced over the lower section of the crescent that would be considered his 'jaw'. Sun stilled at the reaction, baffled at the energy that erupted from seemingly nowhere. Moon felt Sun's sinister intentions bubble inside of their processor. The previous attacker grew nervous at the silence and the lack of movement from Sun's arms
"I-I uh-" Before Moon could say anything, Sun attacked. One hand flew to Moon's sensitive little tummy as the other danced over his jawline, drawing spirals in the moon crescent's craters like Moon did on Sun's rays earlier.
"SQUEAAAAAHEAHEAAAA!! EHEHEHEHE! -HIC-! ahahAhahahahAHAH!!" The sensation was overbearing!
Sun was used to tickling. Sun got to play with the kids all the time... however, since Moon was naptime duty on main, he hasn't built up quite the sensor tolerance Sun has, nor the fan speed.
Sun's left hand rapidly scrunched against the middle of Moon's tummy, barely touching his dent... OH how ticklish it felt- he never thought his tummy could feel so tingly.
'Please? You're gonna have to specify! Did you mean please go faster? Do these tickles make you happy moon? Do they? Do they? Awww of coooourse they do!~ Why else would you be so giddy?'
With that, Sun sped the tickling up on the poor little tummy and ticklish little craters.
'Gitchygitchygitch! Oho tickle tickle little Moonshine~'
Sun's voice echoed in sickeningly sweet baby talk.
'Is the tiny, little astronaut that ticklish to you? Hm?? Them walking allll over your tummy, and face? Over your cute little craters?'
The left yellow hand began to mimic walking motions, wiggling each 'foot' into his moon plate with each step, circling and tickling in each tiny crater he could find.
"EHEHAKAKA!!" The lightswitch- he NEEDED to get to the light switch.
Sun inwardly gasped, beginning to tickle more skillfully instead of playful skitters as Moon's plan echoed through their mind. Not only did the solar animatronic have a lot of tolerance, but he also had a lot of experience giving tickles out, especially to adults as per his playful and teasy nature.
The nighttime animatronic sputtered and spat chortle to cackle as the hands began to travel. His ribs, his hips, even seeing the sensitivity of the little buttons on his chest, his neck.
And. It. Tickled. HORRIBLY.
Moon could barely keep himself up in these circumstances. His legs felt like jello, yet somehow, some way, Moon managed to make it over to the lightswitch.
'Ah ah ah! Not so fast~'
Moon was forced downward, sun's arms somehow pulling the rest of his body away from the lightswitch and to his ankles. Upon this the devilish yellow fingers inched around his ankles, and heels, tracing eights and infinity signs all over to throw him off. Moon screeched as his 'Achilles heel-s' were discovered. The animatronic couldn't move an inch from this terribly ticklish situation as both hands held his ankles captive. It was when the hands forced his foot up did he lose balance. The naptime attendant fell on his butt, his shoed feet at the very mercy of his brother.
'Let's seee~ what's behind curtain number one?!'
The first shoe came off, revealing the foot underneath. Moon's feet were much like his hands, accept it had sensory cushioning on the bottoms to prevent finger crushing. The yellow digits lightly traced the sensory pad, and under moon's toes before coming back to the top of his foot.
'Not the feet? Not the feet? Is it possible they're terrrribly sensitive to kitchies? Hmmmm?'
Sun lightly scrunched over the top of the revealed foot before pulling the other slipper off.
Moon wiggled his toes as his brother traced lines all around the tops of his feet, paying attention to the tippy top of the little beans.
Snorting, Moon quickly tried to think of a plan through his laughter and Sun's teasing... AHA!
He wouldn't think what the plan was but he was going to do it.
'Do it if you dare~ I'll get at the bottoms of your feet if you try anything funny moon…'
Funny? Why would he try anything funny? He was the least funny person he kn-
Suddenly, Moon's hat projectile launched from the top of ther faceplate and upward at the lightswitch, leaving Sun to gasp internally.
‘You sneaky little rules twister- that's it!’
Just as Sun began to mercilessly skitter everywhere on the bottom of Moon's feet, the light switch had been flipped, turning the lights on.
His arms are now on the outside of Sun's body...
Oh... this was going to be fun~
"I uh-"
Before Sun could even come up with something to say, Moon's fingers flicked and fluttered vigorously around Sun's Tummy and ribs, even under his arms at one point.
bam the wires.
As soon as the words left Sun's mouth, Moon stopped.
The conjoined animatronic twins turned on their internal fans, cooling their shared system as they lay on the floor.
Sun airily laughed the rest of his giggles out, eventually calming down.
'Did you have fun?' Moon asked as their system returned back to its normal heating stats.
"... Maybe."
'Hehehe~ thought so!'
After a moment, Sun wobbled to his feet regaining his balance to step to the lightswitch again. Moon gave his brother the ability to swap their limbs again, so when they turned the lights off again, he would be able to fix them.
The lights turned off with a swift flick, changing Moon back into himself again, as bald and shiny headed as king Neptune without his crown. His hat was laying on the floor, but he'd pick that up later.
Without hesitation, he traversed back to the mirror again to fix the wires.
… were they that tangled before?
Perhaps Moon and Sun's ticklish scuffle tangled the wires up more than they were… their back faceplate cover was off during it.
"... well this will be difficult."
'HEY- uh… actually… what if we just… didn't fix it?'
Moon smirked at that, his attention fully on his brother now, that of which Sun felt. A bit nervous, he continued.
'I mean- if I'm able to swap your limbs out for mine… w-we can just… I don't know… keep that feature?'
That sounded like a fun little quirk… especially if they wanted to do something like this again.
"You know… that's not a bad idea. Who would really notice anyway?"
And from then on… nobody really did. Well- not except for when laughter could be heard coming from the fazbear theatre.. but Sun and Moon publically chocked it up to daycare antics rather than any insinuated malfunction if an employee were to ask.
Yet another secret well hidden by the mystery(ies) that was(ere) the Daycare Attendant(s).
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Buy here!
Commission info here ($8/100 icons)!
rb/❤ + credit if using
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