#sun and moon are the same animatronic
trashyswitch · 7 months
The Guilty, Shady Thief
Moon had stolen one of Monty's most prized possessions: his star-shaped shades. But Sun will only bring out Moon if Monty calms himself down. But no need to worry! Cause Sun knows the perfect trick to ease Monty's anger-induced mind.
This fanfic was suggested by @Puzzle_piecea on AO3! Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you enjoy!
“Ho ho HO! Look who’s come to visit the Superstar daycare!” Sun declared, jumping circles around the large, green animatronic as he stormed into the Daycare. 
“Bring out Moon.” Monty ordered. 
Sun froze. “Uhhh...” He muttered. 
“He stole my star sunglasses.” He told him. “Bring him out, or else…” Monty ordered rather aggressively. 
Sun widened his eyes and stared at Monty. “.....And if I don’t?” 
He growled and stomped up to Sun. “Then I’ll rip you and your crooked brother to shreds.” Monty spat back. 
Sun stared at Monty with slight fear…though the fear wasn’t really written on his face. His face couldn’t really contort into a different face other than the ‘bright smiley face’ he showed off constantly to the little children. But inside, Sun could feel the programmed nervousness building up in his chest. 
{Don’t do it!} Moon pleaded, his voice cracking from fear. {He’s gonna kill us!} 
Sun decided to stand his ground in an attempt to save his brother. “Nah.” Sun replied casually. 
Monty growled and narrowed his eyes at him. 
Sun’s built-in smirk was the perfect look to match his mischievous mood. “I will only bring out Moon on one condition…” Sun told him. 
Monty growled a slight bit more at those words. “...What.” He spat through his teeth. 
“You’ll need to calm down and take a few deep breaths…” Sun told him. 
“WHA-” Monty growled and took in a big artificial breath, before letting it out. “Okay, okay.” He muttered, before morphing his face into a calm expression. “There. I’m calm.” He told him. “Now can you let Moon out?” Monty asked. 
“What’s the magic word?” Sun asked in a teasy voice. 
Monty sighed. “Can you pleeease let Moon out?” He asked. 
“Hmmmm…” Sun rubbed his chin like a man with a long beard. He clicked his artificial tongue a few times. “Mmmmm…” He looked up at Monty and lowered his hands. “Nah.” 
The reaction was immediate. Monty took in a big breath and let out a DEEP, BELLOWING ROAR. The previous anger had completely enveloped his body and tripled in intensity in what felt like a millisecond. Monty actually looked like he was going to EXPLODE from anger! 
…And Sun’s cackly laughter was NOT helping matters. Apparently, seeing Monty explode with anger, was absolutely hilarious to The Daycare Attendant! Sun was doubling over, holding his belly as he cackled and laughed at Monty’s reaction. 
{I admit…that was funny…but…Please be careful…} Moon said telepathically to Sun. 
{I know, I know, Moon.} Sun said back to him within his head. 
And Sun’s laughter had quickly stopped the moment he heard rapid stomping heading towards him. Sun used his elasticity to his advantage and jumped over Monty right before he tackled him to the ground. Monty fell into the wall, and stopped himself with his arms before turning himself around. 
Monty charged at Sun once again. “GET OVER HERE!” He shouted. 
Sun yelped and moved out of the way again, before watching Monty screech to another halt. 
“Please stop!” Sun ordered. 
“TURN INTO MOON!” Monty shouted at him. 
“NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE.” Sun yelled back, readying himself for the next charge. 
The moment Monty charged at him for the third time, Sun tried to jump over him again. But Monty saw it coming this time! He ended up grabbing his ankle and throwing Sun to the ground in front of him. “MOON, I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” Monty shouted. 
{SO SOMETHING, SUN!} Moon ordered in his head. 
“UH-Uuuuh-” Sun did the first thing he could think of: He reached out and scratched at his side. 
{Tickling him!? That’s all you could think of?!} Moon asked. 
{YOU try wrestling a giant alligator!} Sun yelled back. 
But Sun and Moon both stared at the animatronic. Monty had frozen in place for a few moments, looking almost shocked. Though he didn’t exactly look happy, he did stop trying to destroy them. 
{Do it again!} Moon ordered. 
{B-But-} Sun tried to argue. 
{DO IT!} Moon ordered telepathically. 
Sun skittered his fingers in his armpits next. 
“aAH!” Monty jumped, attempting to cover his left armpit with his right hand. “S-Stop-” Monty ordered. 
{It’s working!} Moon reacted. {Do it again!} 
Sun moved his fingers to his neck and tickled there for a change. And when Monty jumped and attempted to hide his neck with his shoulder, that was when Sun recognized a good solution to calming Monty’s anger: 
Sun skittered his fingers against his left armpit again, and watched as Monty unintentionally incapacitated his left arm. With his left arm out of the way, Sun scooted himself out from under him, and jumped on top of him to resume tickling the spots he knew thus far. 
“HEY! GET OVER HERE- aAAH! GAHAHA!” He guffawed, crash-landing onto his large yellow belly. “S-STOP IT!” He ordered before rolling onto his side, hugging himself. 
Sun moved his fingers closer to the line where the chest and the belly split for contorting reasons. All the main animatronics had this same split between the belly and chest. Even Sun himself had this little horizontal split! But he mainly did this because he was curious as to whether the splited area was also ticklish. If not, then he’d try somewhere else. But if so…That would be an amazing spot to go for!
Looks like that’s a big fat yes! 
{Oooh! Good one!} Moon reacted. 
“Not here? Not your poor upper belly?” Sun asked out loud with a little giggle of his own. 
“YOHOHOHOU’RE EHEVIL!” He shouted at him. 
“Call me whatever you like. I’m just trying to settle a restless gator!” Sun told him. 
{Who knew Monty was so ticklish!} Moon reacted. 
{I know, right?!} Sun replied to Moon. 
“IHI’M GONNA KIHIHILL YOHOHOHOU!” Monty shouted at him. 
“Awww, you don’t mean that, do you?” Sun asked. 
{Probably.} Moon replied. 
“YEHEHESSS!” He yelled back. 
{Told you.} Moon added. 
“Well, we’re just gonna have to change that, aren’t we?” Sun said rhetorically to both Moon, and to Monty at the same time. 
Sun continued to tickle right on that sweet little line across his lower chest. “Such a ticklish little hatchling~ And nothing to do, except laugh, laugh, laugh.” Sun teased. “Whatever will he do?” He added. 
“KIHIHILL YOHOHOUUU!” He shouted, falling onto his back. 
Sun climbed onto Monty’s hips and resumed tickling in the same deathly ticklish spot. “Now now, those words are not allowed in Superstar Daycare. You know this.” He reminded him. 
“GEHEHET OHOOOFF MEEEE!” He shouted as loud as he could. 
{Poor baby…} Moon muttered in his head. 
“Poor little baby…” Sun repeated in a slight baby voice. “Do you think he’ll calm himself down?” Sun asked. 
{I hope so…} Moon replied telepathically. 
{That was rhetorical, Moony.} Sun told him. 
“NOHOHO! NEVEHEHEHER!” He shouted at him. 
“Oh! Well if that’s the case…” Sun smirked and scratched his fingers on the joint line a little faster. 
“NONONONO-NOOOOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!” Monty cackled, sounding absolutely manic as he rolled back and forth like a rolling hotdog. 
“Maybe some more tickles could convince you?” Sun offered. 
Monty shook his head and turned his right hand into a fist. “IHIHI’M GONNA KIHIHILL YOHOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA- IHIHI SWEHEHEHEHEAR!” He shouted at him. 
{He’s never gonna calm down. Not at this rate…} Moon said secretly. 
{We gotta try something else.} Sun told him back. {Maybe…lighter tickles?} He asked in his head. 
{No way! He’ll punch us in the face!} Moon argued in his head. 
{True…but what else can we do?} Sun asked telepathically. 
{I have no idea, but tickling him lightly is NOT the way to go.} Moon warned him. 
Sun sighed and stopped his tickle attack. 
{What are you doing?!} Moon asked. 
{Trust me.} Sun said back. 
Sun watched as Monty went completely limp on the floor. The alligator’s laughter died down to simulated breathless giggles as he attempted to recuperate himself and prevent his body from overheating. 
“You okay?” Sun asked. 
Monty huffed and puffed. “Ihi…I…” He muttered. 
“Are you…calm now?” Sun asked. 
Monty looked up at Sun, and let out a big sigh. “I guess…Yeah.” He replied. 
“Okay. I’m going to let Moon out.” Sun told him. 
{Wait, WHAT?!} Moon yelled from inside his head. 
Monty sat himself up and looked at Sun. “Okay. Thank you.” He said. 
Sun walked into the darkness. {Come out, Moon.} Sun told him. 
{What?! No!} Moon reacted. 
{Now, Moon. You stole his property, and he wants an apology.} Sun told him. 
{He’s not calm! He’s clearly faking it!} Moon reacted. 
{Fake aggression or not, you stole his sunglasses…And you will give them back to him right now.} Sun ordered. 
Moon rolled his eyes and dropped his shoulders with a sigh. {Fine…} He took over Sun’s body and put the nightcap onto his head. “There. Happy?” Moon muttered. 
{Not yet. Sunglasses.} Sun ordered. 
Moon grumbled. {You’re no fun.} He muttered back. 
Moon grabbed the sunglasses off the front desk that was nearby, before walking out of the shadows. “Why hello, Monty…” Moon greeted with his usual smirk. “Look what I have here?” Moon said, showing him the sunglasses.
Monty walked up to him and took the sunglasses. “Little thief.” He grumbled as he clicked his sunglasses into place. He tested them by moving the sunglasses onto his eyes, and raising them up above his eyes. 
He repeated this a few times before turning his eyes towards Moon. “So…” He walked up and leaned in towards him. “Your brother has an interesting way of protecting you…” Monty told him. 
“Y…Yeah…” Moon muttered. 
“Though, I will admit…” Monty smirked a bit more. “Sun gave me a good idea for a punishment…” Monty told him. 
Moon widened his eyes. “P-Punishment?” Moon asked. “For…for what?”  He asked next. 
“For stealing my sunglasses.” Monty replied. 
“B-But, I returned them! Things should be alright now.” Moon admitted. 
“Oh really?” Moon smirked. “You really thought you were getting away with just a slap on the wrist for stealing my sunglasses?” Monty asked. 
Moon stared at him with fear. “Oh no no no…” Monty picked up Moon and placed him over his shoulder. “I think Sun has given me a wonderful idea.” He told him before tickling the back of his thighs. 
“WaitwaiTWAITNOHOHOHO!” Moon shrieked. “STAHAHAHAP WAHAHAIT!” He yelled. 
“I hope you’re ready for some hefty tickles~” Monty declared. 
…And yet another tickle fight had commenced.
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deyisacherry · 6 months
Closing time. — Sun x Moon drabble.
The Superstar Daycare had finally closed its doors for the day. The children were picked up by their parents, and the place was now in complete order.
The animatronics in charge of that place were sitting in their room, Sun with his back to Moon, while he carefully rearranged the wires on his plate, because one of the children accidentally pulled them. For clinging to Sun and refusing to leave the daycare, his small hands reached for the wires behind his head. The little boy wanted to continue playing, but his mother was finally able to convince him, and they both calmly retired.
Luckily, they weren't too important wires and the only problem that Sun had was having his rays stuck for a while before closing.
“Alright, that's it. Try to retract them.” Moon asks with a softer voice than usual, due to his slightly low battery... And also because that's how he prefers to talk to Sunny, since he notices the clear comfort it gives him.
Sun obeys and retracts his rays without problem, silently.
“Good, now extend them again.”
Sun obeys once more, and then turns them from one direction to another, as a sign that he is now in perfect condition.
Moon smiles and softens his expression. His hands now travel to the ruffled collar on Sun's neck, also fixing it so it returns to its shape a little. “You're pretty quiet today. Is everything okay, Sunny?”
Sun just nods softly, letting Moon do his thing. He plays with his fingers absentmindedly, while he keeps looking ahead, lost.
Moon tilts his head in mild concern. He lets out a static sound like a sigh, and he moves from his spot to stand side by side with Sun. He gently nudges him with his shoulder, looking at him expectantly.
“Hey... usually you're the one who does most of the talking, and I'm the one who listens patiently. Something wrong?" Moon says, raising his voice just a little more. “You can tell me, you know that, right?... I don't think I fixed any cables wrong, so I can say that your voice box is fine-”
“Moony.” Sun interrupts.
Moon stops talking for a moment, and then answers. “Yes, Sunflower?”
“Do you think I'm still good at taking care of children?”
Moon straightens, and tilts his head in confusion. What kind of question is that?
He puts a hand on Sun's, making him stop moving them, asking him to look straight at him, but the solar animatronic remains with a distant gaze.
“... Of course you do, Sunny. You are the best at taking care of the little stars.” Moon says as he gently caresses the other's hands with his thumb. "Why you ask?"
Sun shrugs, tense.
“I guess… after all that time being alone…” Moon's hand lightly squeezes Sun's, knowing what he means. “... Sometimes I feel like it's not the same. I get too nervous, or- or I make mistakes, or I feel overwhelmed when they leave.” Sun glances at Moon, and has a sad expression. “I feel like I'm new at this again... and I'm also afraid that I'll lose them, and you, again.”
Moon's eyes widen a little. Worried, he takes the sides of Sun's head in his hands, staring at him. “Sunny…” He says his name softly. “That's not going to happen, never again. That... thing is gone. It can’t hurt me, or you, or them.”
Sun sighs, looking down.
“I know how you feel, because... you know better than anyone how hard it was for me to believe that I'm no longer a monster.” Sun lets out a small sound of understanding. “But look at me now, and look at us. Look how well things have gone, and even many more children have come here than before. We are fine, we are safe and so are they, Sunny.”
Sun looks up again.
“And we are together. I am here with you. I can hug you, and see you, and always accompany you now. None of that will ever happen again. I promise you."
Sun's expression turns into a loving smile. His face plate rotates instead of his beams, since they're trapped between Moon's hands. Moon laughs sweetly at this, adoring how expressive his Sun is.
“And again... I believe, that you are the best of all. In everything you do.” Moon waits for Sun to stop turning his faceplate, and presses his smile against his forehead. Sun lets out small flustered giggles, putting his hands on Moon's wrists.
“... Thank you, Moony.”
“There is nothing to thank for, Sunlight.”
They both smile lovingly, looking into each other's eyes.
“... May I have my turn helping you arrange your clothes and cables?”
Moon laughs, tilting his face plate while maintaining a lovestruck expression.
"Sure." He replies, before giving him one more kiss.
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kelsh · 1 year
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POV: you’re peepaw Willy looking for your robo-wife only to discover she’s adopted two questionably stable clowns
Glamrock Ballora design by the ever talented, creative, inspirational, wonderful @skeletoninthemelonland
Bonus: the Afton kids meet the new members of their family
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ploompkin · 2 years
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Sunrox date night<3
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
Yeah that'd be terrifying if it was the same person for human sun and moon
Curses now I'm thinking about how it would work agh
venom situation
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thatropoenthusaist · 2 months
I actually love the Nice Creator dimension So Much. The entire concept of it all?? Hell yeah.
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 8 months
my new thing is obsessing over a funny little guy for a few months before moving onto another funny little guy
#random thoughts#first it was sans undertale then it was robert dream daddy#and now it's fnaf sunandmoon#my ideal fnaf sunandmoon fic which i will never write because that's where i draw the line#is one in which yn doesn't think sun and moon are. sentient. at first.#and by at first i mean for a large chunk of the story#like yeah he's a robot! he's a very sophisticated piece of ai of course he's gonna be lifelike#sun and moon are designed to learn and adapt and they can SEEM very human but it's important to remember they are not alive#but they still treat sun and moon decently because? why wouldn't they?#like sun and moon are constantly learning ai. it's important to model proper behavior so they know how they and others should act#specifically among freddy's staff! if sunandmoon don't know how staff SHOULD behave then they have no frame of reference#for what behavior should be reported or how sunandmoon are SUPPOSED to act around staff for maximum efficiency#if you get mad at the robot for being damaged and they're designed to entertain#they're not gonna want to tell you next time they get damaged and you can't just rely on scans and weekly examinations#because scans miss things and some damage is too severe to wait for their next examination#in an ideal setting you WANT the animatronics to be able to communicate openly with you because THEY are a tool for their OWN repair#THEY can recognize what is damaged VERY WELL#and if it's a software issue then you need to be able to read their BEHAVIOR. body language and shit#and if sunandmoon are CONSTANTLY ON EDGE AROUND STAFF you're not gonna be able to see a base body language to go off of#also constant stress is bad for machines. like running the same commands over and over again until overheating. bad for babey#and of COURSE they're gonna help around the daycare!!! THE DAYCARE ATTENDANT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A REPLACEMENT FOR HUMAN WORKERS#the daycare attendant is a GIMMICK. a NOVELTY. a TOOL meant for the use of the human daycare attendants#a forever playmate who remembers every detail about every child under their care? who never tires and isn't affected by cleaning chemicals?#they're so USEFUL! a supplement to the human daycare attendant!#like a swiss army knife of rainy day games and orange slices#it's a horrible shame the owners of the pizzaplex got cheap and stopped hiring human daycare attendants to save on labor#because the daycare attendant works best when they have someone else's behavior to model. otherwise it gets caught in a loop#which constantly degrades and simplifies. like recording a recording over and over again until all you can hear is white noise#of COURSE something bad was gonna happen!#and sunandmoon don't really have any opinion on this besides agreeing because they ARE an animatronic.
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haemosexuality · 11 months
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fuck it fnaf tierlist
#fnaf 3 and sl both have cool lore and some other cool bits but arent good to play#and sl marks imo the start of fnafs downfall#like fnaf 3 is only bad gameplay-wise sl is bad in. almost everything. actually i dont even like the lore that much i just like the#purple mike minigame the idea of a robot wearing an actively decomposing human body is sick#and the fan songs gave me a soft spot for it#but other than that i think you could remove all of sl's lore and animatronics and the franchise would be better. AND the gameplay sucks as#i also think that anything that happened after pizzaria simulator can just be erased#actually yk what would be fun. fuse fnaf 3 and pizzaria simulator together#put the henry monologue at the end of fnaf 3 yk make it so that burning fazbears frights was his plan or smth. join the funny bits of the#simulator w the spooky halloween attraction. both games minigames can stay. the happiest day happening at the same time henry burns#everything down makes sense william goes to superhell and the kids souls are released. see it all works out im a genius#and that way we can erase the funtimes from existence. yay!#what else. custom night is great i like it i almost put it as fuck yeah. fnaf world is fun and funny and cute i love whimsy. security breac#needs to die. i like the sun moon design ig but not for a fnaf game#idk what half of the bottom tier even is#the movie is everything i ever wanted#ok thats all <3#i wanted to make the books but i havent read all of them and the ones i did read i barely remember cuz it was years ago#five nights at freddy's#fnaf
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lanternlightss · 7 months
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fernzwing · 3 months
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hi guys what the hell is up here are my autistic animatronics
Additional Notes :
moon's hat is the same gradient as his pants btw
his back vest wings (?) are supposed to be longer (knee length) but i wanted to show his skirt :')
sun got that golden retriever personality while moon got the lazy black cat personality (both have orange cat braincells)
Oh also, they're brothers (i love sibling banter between them)
old references
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vacantfields · 1 month
"It's Not Fair" AU
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Sun and Moon are the same animatronic in this but this is just to show how they each look! Reader is about 5'5 here so you can take a guess on how tall the boys are LMAO The AU is about the boys still being in the Daycare but Moon has been hidden away in Sun and only gets let out when its night time. (As hes the security bot) All Moon's merch and everything has been removed from the daycare along with the statue and whatnot. SO it is only Sun. Sun can still talk with Moon but hes scared of him and Moon is... Alright with that maybe (hes not) Reader works as a restocker that you know delivers things and puts them up in the daycare and giftshop (they also do it around the other places in the pizzaplex) Reader is very close with Sun and doesnt know that Moon exists which pains Moon because he fell for you first. Youre welcome to use the designs for ur own things just credit back to me!!! Youre also welcome to write for this Au and do your own turns etc!! i would love to see it (: !!! (the only thing i will say that Sun and Moon are not brothers in this but else u can do whatever)
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vectorisheree · 3 months
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Cowboy redesigns from forever ago that I forgot to post ^^
(Design notes and stuff under the cut)
Sundown and Moonhigh are two performer animatronics that have a sort of 'cop and robber' routine where Sun plays the role of a sheriff and Moon the criminal. While they make put on an act of hatred on stage, behind the curtains, the two are inseparable
Behind Moonhigh's swave and laid back veneer, he's just like any other Moon, a lover of mischief and play
I was also like 100% sure that moonhigh was an actual term??? Its not!!!!! It's from warrior cats
Moonhigh's clothing is desaturated due to sun bleaching and dust, his clothing is not as well taken care of as Sundown's both because of neglect from staff and Moonhigh's general distrust of them. This neglect is also the reason for his damaged faceplate as it was deemed too expensive to completely replace it and the injury enhanced how scary he was as a villain
Moonhigh's cape also doubles as a blanket! He takes good care of it and even washes it himself. It’s also handy for applying pressure to wounds, not that Moonhigh would ever need to use it for that purpose.
Moonhigh's designated flavour is coconut and he's usually seen in the Fazwest's milkshake bar between performances
Sundown is a lot sweeter than most Suns though he does have his moments of apathy towards others due to him not quite understanding other's troubles due to his cushy treatment from staff
He shares the same general anxiety and mannerisms as his predecessors, he's always twitching and bouncing around
Sundown was similarly injured at to Moonhigh at some point but his faceplate was fixed, giving him a shiny green eye
Sundown has scarily accurate aim
Sundown's designated flavour is mango and he's usually seen in the horse stables in between performances
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toldrum · 1 year
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Glamrock Sun & Moon (Pizzaplex Expansion AU)
nicknamed Sunset and Moonrise to distinguish them from the Jesters, and were once meant to REPLACE them as the daycare attendants. However, due to their… quirks, it was decided they would instead be stationed in the newly built Convention Plaza Building, acting as the Attendant for the Plaza Garden’s Planetarium.
read more about them below ig???
They have British Accents.
They’re not huge fans of the Jesters they were based on.
Also not huge fans of children. Both for their own individual reasons. Which is why they ended up NOT replacing the Jesters.
They mutually own a motorcycle. How and why they have one, no one besides Faz. Co. knows. All ppl need to know is that it makes them look cool as fuck.
They LOVE Halloween.
Neither of them have a security mode like the Jesters do, as they do not have the same role in the Convention Plaza as the Daycare Attendants do in the Pizzaplex. This, however, does not mean they are incapable of protecting themselves and others.
They can’t travel around by wire like Sundrop and Moondrop, but they sure can climb.
Their mouth CAN open, however it does not open when they speak. It only opens when they switch out, “opening” in the sense that their teeth retract, and switch into the other’s respective style of teeth.
Their teeth light up when they speak. For Sunset they light up yellow, for Moonrise, light blue.
Moonrise (Glamrock Moon)
He, unlike Moondrop, is NOT Sméagol. He has expensive tastes and enjoys fashion, and is very calm and collected. He is perhaps the most passionate about his job as the attendant of the Planetarium.
Just because he is a cool, collected guy, it does not mean he is any less mischievous than Sunset — he has picked up on being observant and knowledgeable about the going-on’s within the Pizzaplex’ and Plaza’s networks, and has even tampered with his and Sunset’s hardware. At times, he acts a bit like an informant of sorts.
He is the main active AI of the body, as the planetarium is typically kept in the dark.
Dislikes children mainly for the fact that he sees them as viciously unclean creatures. It irritates him to no end when they are anywhere in or near the planetarium.
He was initially programmed to be a singer as well as a pianist and bassist.
A bit of a mentor figure for Bellatrix.
Sunset (Glamrock Sun)
He’s still just as bright and peppy as his counterpart, just a bit more mischievous. Well, a lot more, really. And he’s very good at not being caught.
THE enabler of bad habits. Between the two, when he has the spotlight, he won’t hesitate to either prank another animatronic or drag them along to do things they shouldn’t. He is perhaps Bellatrix’s worst enabler.
Might be a bit of an arsonist. Might feel the need to set things on fire. But it’s ok he’s got it under control… for now.
While he and Moonrise aren’t fans of their counterparts, he actually is able to tolerate and get along with Sundrop!
His reasoning for disliking children has to do with the fact that they’re weak, fleshy, and fragile — but also because he sees them as baggage keeping him from doing what he wants. He is perhaps the main reason why he and Moonrise did not replace the Jesters, as he was more likely to leave them unattended.
Initially programmed to be a singer as well as a drummer and guitarist.
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deliasmilkshake · 2 days
☀️FNAF DCA x Y/N Fic Recs🌑
All of them are DCA x Reader Fanfics. NSFW fics will have a 🔞sign (I tend to like those that have plot and/or have fluff <3)
Inspired by: Pillowspaces' DCA Fic Recs.
Each I've read and made me fall for Sun&Moon all over again.
If you see your fic, you can ask for it to be removed if not comfortable with it being here.
PLEASE check each fics tags before reading them.
Last updated: 23/Sept/2024 [Gave Naff's two mer fics a doodle]
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☀️Solar Lunacy by BamSara (AO3 account required)
Same body!Sun/Moon/Eclipse x Staff!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @bamsara]
You weren't a technician, you weren't a security guard, you weren't a daycare assistant. You're just an employee. Staff. The ‘jack-of-all-trades’ employee with mediocre at best skills and specialty in none, tasked with doing miscellaneous jobs that robots couldn't do and human staff couldn't care to. The job is unpredictable, but it pays good and it's relatively easy.
Except for the part where all the animatronics are more sentient than you thought, and you're roped into a mystery surrounding the Daycare Attendants, who are bit too curious about you for your liking.
You don't think this was in your employee contact.
| Words: 225,814 | Chapters: 16/?
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🌑Love, Death and Rollerskates by Spadillelicious
Rollerskater!Sun, Janitor!Moon, Metalstar!Eclipse x Staff!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @spadillelicious]
After moving to Crescent City in the 80s, you pick up a job at the local roller rink Party Planet. Ironic, considering roller skating is definitely not one of your talents.
On the bright side, you get to work with the friendly Sun. On the other hand, you also have to interact with the gruff janitor and security guard Moon on a daily basis.
But when staying after hours one day, despite being strictly instructed not to, you find out a terrible secret that changes everything you knew about Sun, Moon and Crescent City forever.
| Words: 98,091 | Chapters: 18/?
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☀️Celestial Sundown by clutterspace
God!Sun, God!Moon, God!Eclipse x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @pillowspace]
There was something slumped beneath a tree, and you had no idea what it was. The sunlight shone brighter where it laid, despite the leaves above not differing from any of the other foliage.
It was such a small thing to notice in comparison to everything else, but it brought a small hysterical giggle out past the lump in your throat as it finally clicked in place what you were seeing.
It was a god.
You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
| Words: 83,805 | Chapters: 7/?
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🌑Celestial Omens by BamSara
Siren!Sun, Siren!Moon x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @bamsara]
When you are ten years old, you find two creatures, bloodied and injured, trapped a net on the beach near your home. You save them, make friends with them, and return them to the sea, leaving you to wonder later if your friends with the Sun colored scales and fins that shone like the full Moon were real or imagined up by a childhood of loneliess.
Time passes. You hear stories of monsters, Sirens in the water, one that is a good omen if spotted, promising your safe voyage as long as you respect the rules of the ocean, and one that sinks ships and eats people for fun. Just folktales meant to scare children.
A decade later, they return the favor, though they don't plan on leaving you so easily this time.
| Words: 36,318 | Chapters: 3/?
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🔞The Pizzaplex Nighttime Mechanic by crickyluv
Same body!Sun/Moon, Glitch!Eclipse x Mechanic!Reader
~~ [Sun Design by: @crickyluv, Yn,Moon&Eclipse: Me & @crickyluv]
You finally got the job as the nighttime mechanic at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex! Unfortunately, you get a double shift. At least you get to spend time fixing the animatronic you knew best: Sun!
This is a slow burn that eventually turns into NSFW. There is a TON to get to before the spice comes.
| Words: 213,892 | Chapters: 47/?
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☀️In Deep Dreams Between the Waves by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Mermaid!Eclipse x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: Me & @naffeclipse]
You see a fish, but the fish isn’t really a fish, because he looks up at you with big yellow eyes, wide with fright. Large black pupils dart around frantically. He’s small, less than half your size, which surprises you. You know mers are supposed to be big sea monsters that sink boats or cause storms, but you don’t see a monster. You think of a baby while staring at his chubby round face, creased with fear, and his small tail.
| Words: 55,644 | Chapters: 5/5
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🌑Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Mermaid!Sun, Mermaid!Moon x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: Me & @naffeclipse]
This is a type of sequel to In Deep Dreams Between the Waves.
A pang hits your heart, going out to the little fish struggling to escape the cruel and entrapping lagoon.
But they look like mers. Sea monsters.
| Words: 69,362 | Chapters: 6/6
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☀️Sleuth Jesters by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Detective!Sun, Detective!Moon, MafiaBoss!Eclipse x Vigilante!Reader
~~ [Yn,Sun&Moon Designs by: @sunnys-aesthetic, Eclipse: Me & @naffeclipse ]
“If I may, Detectives, I believe that the score is set at a tie on how many times you’ve both let me slip away under your watch.” You grin at the sun and moon like faces of your opponents in this game of cat and mouse. The narrow slice of Detective Moon’s gaze becomes threatening, where Detective Sun curls and uncurls his fingers in anticipation of whatever scheme you’re concocting.
| Words: 174,134 | Chapters: 15/15
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🌑Pisces Caelestis by S_V
Mermaid!Sun, Mermaid!Moon x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @sortvaniliekrans]
Underneath the glowing eyes, a great maw opened to hiss at you, baring several rows of needle-like fangs, wicked looking and sharp and also glowing in the blacklight. As the thing hissed, the cries started up again, more frantic this time, and accompanied by- it almost sounded like scratching?
And it was coming from behind you.
The bleeding creature had never been the one wailing.
| Words: 76,588 | Chapters: 13/?
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🔞Demon support by Megafacts
Demon!Sun x Demon!Moon x Human!Reader
~~ [Designs by: @megafactuals & Me]
You decide to try and summon a demon to destroy the world as a big bang to end all of humanity. Then earn the lavish life you wanted when you went to hell.
Instead you get two small demons who say they can satisfy your very desire, except the desire you called them for.
Bull. Shit.
| Words: 10,801 Chapters: 2/?
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☀️Cryptid Sightings by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
Cryptid&Animatronic!Sun/Moon x CryptidHunter!Y/N
Perhaps this would scare a person, being all alone in the woods in the dark, but not you. You’re too intertwined with the paranormal and inexplicable. It’s in your blood. That doesn’t mean your heart won’t pound with terror when you face something with fangs and hungry eyes for flesh, but you don’t run away, and that’s what matters most.
~~ [Designs by: Me & @naffeclipse]
You will face the monsters.
| Words: 253,823 | Chapters: 21/21
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🌑Apex Polarity by NaffEclipse (AO3 account required)
SirenOrca!Eclipse x Photographer!Y/N
~~ [Designs by: Me & @naffeclipse]
n the Arctic, all is beautiful and cold and lethal. You tread over ice and underneath, a dark, powerful siren stalks you. Though you try to resist, you succumb to the lure of the mer and his decision to have you.
How do you survive an apex predator?
| Words: 125,998 | Chapters: 12/12
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🔞Love for the endangered by Megafacts
Seahorse!Sun x Seahorse!Moon x Researcher!Y/N
~~ [Designs by: @megafactuals & Me]
You worked as a researchers for endangered species at a sanctuary.
One day, two of the newly discovered seahorse merfolk species come into the sanctuary after being caught in a net left in the ocean. Instead of releasing them back to the wild, the upper ranks at the sanctuary decide to use them for a breeding program.
Over the next few months you must decide to help your new friends escape or force them to spend their first mating cycle trapped inside of the sanctuary.
| Words: 28,299 | Chapters: 2/2
If you have any fic you wish to recommend me, please do!
Though that will not guarantee it entering this list.
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naffeclipse · 17 days
Reader x Sun and Moon
Commission Info
Thank you for @robinette-green for the lovely request! I adored writing this and making the boys so sweet to the reader! The reader is a clockwork animatronic who's trapped in an abandoned circus, and Sun and Moon step foot onto the forgotten ground and find someone in need of their help.
You watch another golden glow creep into oblivion upon the abandoned carnival and its sad, lonely inhabitants. The sun withdraws soundlessly like a stranger passing by. The Freak Show sign slumps, depressed. The once golden and galloping horses in the carousel have rusted into cruel, dark hues and no longer stamp or throw their wild manes back while children ride their once beautiful, gleaming saddles. The big tent—it hasn’t been big in years. It lies in sore tatters, wet from yesterday’s rainstorm with poles sticking up high and stringing along broken bulbs of once bright, yellow lights illuminating the darkness, promising fun to the humans who stepped onto the fairgrounds. 
You hate the darkness. You hate it more than being bolted down in place and left to host a game of ring toss no one has played in years. Your right arm is still extended in invitation over the green and brown bottles. The carnival owner couldn’t even allow you both of your arms, pinning your stance into place with bolts and leaving only your left hand to occasionally wave and flutter to catch the attendee’s eyes. 
After all the trouble he went to steal you away from your creator, you thought he would at least have taken you with him when the bright, colorful lights and happy, bouncing music came to a halt.
The soft words of your creator ring distantly, like a voice calling out through fog. You are—were his most beautiful creation. He whispered the words to you while he painted your lips red and bid you to take a look in the mirror.
You agreed. You were so, so pretty.
Perhaps it’s for the best that you don’t know what you look like anymore. You don’t want to look upon how rusted your clockwork inner workings have become. Your once pale and milky porcelain skin might be gray and slushy as the dirt along the pathways guests took, and that is not something you wish to know. There’s no doubt your red lips and silky red hair have been forsaken to the elements. You fear you are ruined. 
You are now worthy of abandonment.
In the darkness, you truly are forgotten. A hitch within your clockwork chassis catches and grinds before continuing, but the scraping pain remains.
Your attention is drawn back to the front entrance, a good distance away from you. Half crumbled with support beats cutting over the access in an ‘X’ shape, like a warning to not trespass this decrepit lot, shadows slink over the splintered and rotted wood. Long, lanky umbras move with a silence that is so strange and careful.
You squint your eyes. The urge to tilt your head slightly to peer better at the disturbance is cut short by the bolt in your neck, refusing to let your head tilt save from a slight side to side to give an enthralling smile.
You shouldn’t get too excited. It’s likely mere animals. A pair of raccoons or a stray dog who has lost its owner. Once, you watched a doe deer step softly through the wretched ruins, big wet eyes turning to you for one moment before the blurt of your automated voice lines jumped from your throat and sent the creature bounding away.
Nothing is yours here, not even the moment of daydreaming of you prancing out of this forsaken carnival like a doe deer. Free.
The shadows mingle into the dusky darkness. The blue-gray twilight reveals figures, and your mechanical heart chokes.
Two personages creep along the path winding from the entranceway. The same path leading directly towards the ring toss game; towards you. One dons a thick hood and cape, dark blue like midnight. The other’s head is sharper and unconcealed. A crown of jutting points frame the figure’s disk-like face, and a thick deep brown shawl gathers at his throat and falls down his chest and arms. 
As they pass into a silvery slant of budding starlight, metal glints on the crowned one’s face and the other hooded person’s hands spray out while scanning the darkness for threats, silver digits curling and uncurling.
Two automatons. Like you. But not.
A whirl in your servos thrums a loud, exhausted sound, and you stiffen—as much as you can while bolted in place. 
What could two automatons want with an abandoned circus? You were never familiar with the world outside of your creator’s home before you were smuggled out against your will by the circus owner, but at the circus, you learned much. 
You learned of scavengers and automatons gaining their rights. You always wonder if that’s partly the reason you were left here to rot too—are you too human now to own but robotic enough to be neglected? 
They could spy on you in the darkness and decide to strip you for parts. Your clockwork clanks heavily within you like a clapper within a bell, beating against your brass heart. Can they hear it? You have to stop. Be quiet. 
The two automatons prowl forward. Their optics and audio processors strain not unlike hounds searching for a fox. What do they prey upon? The crowned one gestures towards the carousel, the ride well within distance to your ring toss game, and you must clench your jaw tightly to keep from whimpering. The hooded one dips his head but keeps moving forward. Your gears crank in jarring motions, jolting and jerking while you hope they take the parts they desire from the circus and leave.
The hooded one continues down the path. Your chassis tightens, and your fingers tremble in place while you keep your eyes averted, held above the automaton’s head but keeping him in the unfocused corners of your optics.
Please. Please, don’t. Your bottom lip quivers.
“Step right up and toss a ring to win a prize!” The words blurt from your mouth and startle all the ruins and everyone within.
Two pairs of glowing eyes fall upon you. Straightening and alerted, the shrouded automatons stare into your fluttering eyelids as you attempt to beg them to leave you alone. A spark burns in your throat. Your voice lines refuse to give.
One stops and reaches silver and blue digits up and lowers the hood slowly. A face gazes at you, scarlet eyes glowing in the darkness with a face like a crescent moon. A blue nightcap, slightly frayed and worn, and decorated in yellow stars, covers his circular faceplate. 
The other steps closer with a curious tilt of the sharp points framing the automation’s head, and enters the last of the blue-gray darkness before night completely takes over. A yellow face, grinning with round cheeks, observes you. Pale optics beam. 
“Hello, friend,” he speaks, voice bouncing low but with intrigue. “Why don’t you come on out? It’s alright, don’t be afraid.”
Your optics dart side to side. Helplessness settles over you, pinned in place by rusty, dark shame. 
“Do you need help?” The one with the pale yellow sun rays steps closer, his eyes narrowing in the slightest. “Are you stuck?”
The moon-face automaton slips closer. The glow of his gaze sweeps over the game you’re bolted in front of, and he fixates on your right arm stiffly held out in invitation as your fingers curl and clench. You glance down at him, wondering if your eyes plead in the way your mouth cannot.
Biting your bottom lip does not prevent another voice line from bursting forth, and inwardly, you crumple.
“Try your hand! One ring around the neck of a bottle wins a prize!” 
“Not stuck,” the lunar automaton turns to his accomplice. His cloak shifts like shadows under the arc of the moon. “Trapped.”
“Oh, you poor thing! Here, let us help.” The sunny one steps forward, his hands raised as if to pacify a wild creature. “And, if I may be so bold, your voice box sounds like it’s not your own.”
You wish to nod but only succeed in cranking your head halfway to the right, as if in a gesture towards your hapless situation. 
You wonder if they can see the ugly, rusty bolts pinning your body in place, holding you shackled to the ring toss game. They must, for the lunar face man slips closer, stooping down by your feet behind the barrier as he inspects the heavy metal securing you in place. The solar gentleman energetically leaps over the barrier and stops right beside you, hand on his hips. His shawl drapes darkly around him but his grin is bright like a new dawn.
You don’t dare hope. The niceness will fall away like a curtain to reveal the snarling, roaring beast behind it. They will strip you for parts or worse, mock you, revel in your helplessness, and slip back through the night, leaving you with only the daydream of a rescue.
Facing the sunny one, you hold your metaphorical breath as he pauses. He stares deeply into your optics. You stare back into the foggy gray irises he possesses, like a cool, misty fog gathering in the night only to be touched by the sun’s first rays of light. 
“Your eyes are beautiful—the same color as forget-me-nots.” The sunny automaton smiles.
Your servos slow to a calm hum.
“Come on,” he says and carefully reaches for your neck to begin unscrewing the bolt stuck in your throat, “You won’t be left to rust here anymore, starlight.”
Your insides melt, touched by their generosity.
Below, at your feet, the dark blue and silver automaton begins to unscrew the bolts holding your feet down. Rust scrapes away and a harsh squeak of metal echoes. You grunt, jostled but, strangely, you hold to hope like a feathered, tiny thing in your hands, hoping to watch it fly again. 
“We can fix your voice box,” the lunar one speaks in a slight rasp you find endearing. His gaze remains focused on setting you free. “We have a shop. We repair things sometimes.”
“That’s right,” the solar one chimes in, “We scavenge as well. Don’t worry, we’ve repaired a few automatons or two. You can trust us.”
When he pries the bolt from your neck, you can dip your head in acknowledgment. A strange sensation burns through your wires, heating you from the inside out. Emotion. You wish you could ask for their names.
“You look very delicate.” The one at your feet finally frees one of your porcelain slippers with a slow, cautious tug. “We’ll be gentle.”
He tilts his head upwards and flashes a grin. You find yourself warming in the face. Is he being a tease or does he not know how he sounds? By the mischievous glint in your eyes, you fear he knows exactly what he’s doing.
You try to pry your lips apart to find the right words, but all that leaves you is “Enjoy lots of fun! For a small price, of course!”
The automaton of yellow and gray hues glances briefly at you, tilting his heading in confusion while he begins to loosen the bolt stabbed into your right elbow. Holding his gaze, you speak with your eyes, almost pleading.
What are your names?
A spark of understanding answers in his pale optics, and he gasps.
“Moon, where are our manners? I’m so sorry, starlight! My name is Sun, and this is Moon.”
You dip your head again, bobbing up and down in excitement. You know their names. You haven’t learned anything new about anyone in so long…
When they free you from the ring toss game, you can hardly believe how the muddy path now leads you to the outside of the circus as Sun holds you gently in his grasp, how their strides are sure-footed and smooth, and how they look at you with concern.  
You vow silently to speak their names the moment your voice is free too.
You haven’t seen anything outside of the carnival in so long, you’ve almost forgotten the sight of dark, shiny paved streets and the lone lamp posts that light the way. Gray and dreary buildings line the streets. One, however, is cheerfully plastered in wooden stars painted bright yellow, and the door is a soft, sky blue with white fluffy clouds along the very top. 
Sun and Moon take turns carrying you. Their hands are careful, cradling you close against their cloak and shawl while murmuring that it’s alright. You’re safe. They’ll get you fixed up in no time. Moon cradles you in his arms now as Sun unlocks the door, and holds it open so you can be carried over the threshold. 
For an odd reason, it triggers your faceplate to heat up more than the colored rouge on the porcelain should allow.
Through the door, the interior of the workshop is set with tools ranging from smallest to biggest, shelves containing boxes marked, and small containers with different, shiny nuts and bolts. There are even some small containers with shiny, bronze gears. You haven’t seen a spotless floor in so long. There were always leaves and mud staining the path serpentining through the carnival. 
A table, coppery under a work lamp, awaits. 
“I’m setting you here,” Moon murmurs close to your audio processor before he lays you softly down with a gentle click of your frame against the metal. 
“I worry about how long you were left there.” Sun loses the shawl and locates a brown leather apron. Tools line the pockets as he swiftly ties it behind his back. His eyes are creased though he still smiles reassuringly. “By the amount of rust, I would guess years. For your sake, I hope I’m wrong.”
The answer is on the tip of your tongue. What comes out instead is a showy voice declaring “Whoever can ring three bottles wins the ultimate prize!” 
A whirl in your servos practically screams out your embarrassment. You lower your gaze. The stiffness in your joints is almost as unbearable as the voice lines the circus owner forced upon you. 
“Shush,” Moon says, his cloak falling away as he snags an apron similar to Sun’s off of a hook. “Wait for a moment, pretty thing, then you may have your words back.”
“That’s right,” Sun nods and shifts to stand close beside you. He grows still for a moment, his bright disposition falling behind a somber cloud. “We’re very lucky to have found you.”
You smile—not the forced, showy smile that has been plastered on your face while you lie in the ruins, but a true smile for the ones who rescued you.
Moon moves to the other side of the table. His hands, now gloved in black leather, hesitate. 
“We will open you up now.” The automaton turns flush along the spindle support of his neck. “Is that alright? It’s the only way we can fix your voice box.”
Sun leans forward, his smile still cheery while he modestly averts his eyes, “As well any other damage done from being exposed and negligent for… however long you were out there.” 
You never thought the solar automaton could be shy, and yet. 
You nod your head as it rests on the table. You feel safe, so much more so than when you were bolted in place. The circus owner did not ask you what you wanted then.
Moon and Sun move in tandem. It’s strange and beautiful, how effortlessly they weave their fingers to begin work. Sun unlocks your chassis and Moon gently lifts it open. You throw your gaze to the ceiling. You don’t want to know. You know they will find it horrible and awful, but you don’t want to see it and have it seared into your mind.
“You’re beautiful,” Moon utters.
You blink, as breathless as a machine can become.
“Your clockwork—is very beautiful,” a slight stumble from his raspy voice seals your fate. You say nothing. You press your lips together and wonder if you might overheat right here and now. 
“You are pretty,” Sun continues effortlessly, though there’s a slight trill to his voice that may give away his nervousness or bashfulness, you can’t decide. “Clockwork automatons are rare.”
The circus owner made mention of that.
You close your eyes as Sun and Moon narrate their every movement. Hands held down by your sides, you only occasionally shift or softly buzz as they clean and fix your voice box nestled within the bottom of your throat. They are so gentle. You never knew hands could be so kind, even if they are rummaging through your inner workings. 
Could they possibly let you stay?
The absurd thought enters your processor and you almost immediately shove it into a box and bury it deep into cold, black soil. 
“You’re doing so good.” Sun grins as he looks down into your chassis. “There. That should do it. Moon?”
“I’m done.”
Slowly, carefully, as if finishing a sacred rite, the two close up your chassis and tighten it back into place. You haven’t opened your eyes yet. A part of you wonders if you’ll only look out into the ruins of the circus again, and find this was all one blissful moment of a daydream. 
“Can you say something, starlight?” Sun’s voice washes over you.
“It’s alright if you’re not ready,” Moon answers in a low sound of comfort.
It falls past your lips before you realize you are not ready, but you so terribly want to speak anyway.
“Thank you.” Your eyes flash open, and you gape—the echo. Your soft, demure tones no longer strained into shouting and calling attention. 
It’s you.
Your hand touches your lips, and a sound between a laugh and a sob emerges from your voice box. 
“Thank you! Thank you!” You look between the two of them, overwhelmed. With the overhead lamp now touching their features as they sit back, grinning, you get to admire their handsome features. 
You two are very striking.
“Oh, my,” Sun chuckles, bleeding red in the cheeks, “Thank you!”
“You’re very sweet,” Moon murmurs, touching his nightcap with a slight bashfulness.
And you realize you spoke your thoughts out loud. You called them striking.
“Oh,” you begin to burn.
“It’s alright,” Moon says swiftly, interrupting your apology. “We would like to know what your plans are after this. Now that you’re free.”
“Free,” you whisper back. You clutch at your chest, over your clockwork heart, and marvel. “I…”
You have your voice back. Use it.
“I—if I may be so bold, may I ask to stay with you both? I won’t be a burden. I won’t stay longer than you will allow, and I—”
Sun sighs, dramatic and cheerful, as he finds your hand to hold it. 
“I thought you would never ask, starlight!”
Moon’s hand slips under your anxious fingers. His nod echoes his solar counterpart’s enthusiasm. You turn your head between both of them, your lips parting in awe.
“Thank you,” you whisper. “Sun. Moon. Thank you.”
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
The cutest reminder ever that the way family works in TSAMS canon is that two parties have to be in mutual agreement that they are family. If one party doesn't agree then they aren't family. Parties can revoke familial ties whenever they want and that means they are no longer family.
"Code Relation" theory is stupid because you're then implying that Eclipse is Sun and Moon's child. Which he isn't. Or that Killcode is somehow Moon's child and his brother at the same time that he's Eclipse, Lunar and Bloodmoon's "father" at the same time that they're Sun and Moon's grand children. Like, we're seeing the issue here, right?
Don't make things more complicated than it has to be. Just accept the fact that family is literally determined by a verbal agreement between two animatronics and nothing else because none of them were born from wombs. That means respecting canon when characters in canon decide that they aren't comfortable being family (like Eclipse) or just straight-up disown everyone (like Bloodmoon). It's okay to have headcanons, but don't try to push them onto canon.
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