trashyswitch · 7 months
The Guilty, Shady Thief
Moon had stolen one of Monty's most prized possessions: his star-shaped shades. But Sun will only bring out Moon if Monty calms himself down. But no need to worry! Cause Sun knows the perfect trick to ease Monty's anger-induced mind.
This fanfic was suggested by @Puzzle_piecea on AO3! Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you enjoy!
“Ho ho HO! Look who’s come to visit the Superstar daycare!” Sun declared, jumping circles around the large, green animatronic as he stormed into the Daycare. 
“Bring out Moon.” Monty ordered. 
Sun froze. “Uhhh...” He muttered. 
“He stole my star sunglasses.” He told him. “Bring him out, or else…” Monty ordered rather aggressively. 
Sun widened his eyes and stared at Monty. “.....And if I don’t?” 
He growled and stomped up to Sun. “Then I’ll rip you and your crooked brother to shreds.” Monty spat back. 
Sun stared at Monty with slight fear…though the fear wasn’t really written on his face. His face couldn’t really contort into a different face other than the ‘bright smiley face’ he showed off constantly to the little children. But inside, Sun could feel the programmed nervousness building up in his chest. 
{Don’t do it!} Moon pleaded, his voice cracking from fear. {He’s gonna kill us!} 
Sun decided to stand his ground in an attempt to save his brother. “Nah.” Sun replied casually. 
Monty growled and narrowed his eyes at him. 
Sun’s built-in smirk was the perfect look to match his mischievous mood. “I will only bring out Moon on one condition…” Sun told him. 
Monty growled a slight bit more at those words. “...What.” He spat through his teeth. 
“You’ll need to calm down and take a few deep breaths…” Sun told him. 
“WHA-” Monty growled and took in a big artificial breath, before letting it out. “Okay, okay.” He muttered, before morphing his face into a calm expression. “There. I’m calm.” He told him. “Now can you let Moon out?” Monty asked. 
“What’s the magic word?” Sun asked in a teasy voice. 
Monty sighed. “Can you pleeease let Moon out?” He asked. 
“Hmmmm…” Sun rubbed his chin like a man with a long beard. He clicked his artificial tongue a few times. “Mmmmm…” He looked up at Monty and lowered his hands. “Nah.” 
The reaction was immediate. Monty took in a big breath and let out a DEEP, BELLOWING ROAR. The previous anger had completely enveloped his body and tripled in intensity in what felt like a millisecond. Monty actually looked like he was going to EXPLODE from anger! 
…And Sun’s cackly laughter was NOT helping matters. Apparently, seeing Monty explode with anger, was absolutely hilarious to The Daycare Attendant! Sun was doubling over, holding his belly as he cackled and laughed at Monty’s reaction. 
{I admit…that was funny…but…Please be careful…} Moon said telepathically to Sun. 
{I know, I know, Moon.} Sun said back to him within his head. 
And Sun’s laughter had quickly stopped the moment he heard rapid stomping heading towards him. Sun used his elasticity to his advantage and jumped over Monty right before he tackled him to the ground. Monty fell into the wall, and stopped himself with his arms before turning himself around. 
Monty charged at Sun once again. “GET OVER HERE!” He shouted. 
Sun yelped and moved out of the way again, before watching Monty screech to another halt. 
“Please stop!” Sun ordered. 
“TURN INTO MOON!” Monty shouted at him. 
“NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE.” Sun yelled back, readying himself for the next charge. 
The moment Monty charged at him for the third time, Sun tried to jump over him again. But Monty saw it coming this time! He ended up grabbing his ankle and throwing Sun to the ground in front of him. “MOON, I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” Monty shouted. 
{SO SOMETHING, SUN!} Moon ordered in his head. 
“UH-Uuuuh-” Sun did the first thing he could think of: He reached out and scratched at his side. 
{Tickling him!? That’s all you could think of?!} Moon asked. 
{YOU try wrestling a giant alligator!} Sun yelled back. 
But Sun and Moon both stared at the animatronic. Monty had frozen in place for a few moments, looking almost shocked. Though he didn’t exactly look happy, he did stop trying to destroy them. 
{Do it again!} Moon ordered. 
{B-But-} Sun tried to argue. 
{DO IT!} Moon ordered telepathically. 
Sun skittered his fingers in his armpits next. 
“aAH!” Monty jumped, attempting to cover his left armpit with his right hand. “S-Stop-” Monty ordered. 
{It’s working!} Moon reacted. {Do it again!} 
Sun moved his fingers to his neck and tickled there for a change. And when Monty jumped and attempted to hide his neck with his shoulder, that was when Sun recognized a good solution to calming Monty’s anger: 
Sun skittered his fingers against his left armpit again, and watched as Monty unintentionally incapacitated his left arm. With his left arm out of the way, Sun scooted himself out from under him, and jumped on top of him to resume tickling the spots he knew thus far. 
“HEY! GET OVER HERE- aAAH! GAHAHA!” He guffawed, crash-landing onto his large yellow belly. “S-STOP IT!” He ordered before rolling onto his side, hugging himself. 
Sun moved his fingers closer to the line where the chest and the belly split for contorting reasons. All the main animatronics had this same split between the belly and chest. Even Sun himself had this little horizontal split! But he mainly did this because he was curious as to whether the splited area was also ticklish. If not, then he’d try somewhere else. But if so…That would be an amazing spot to go for!
Looks like that’s a big fat yes! 
{Oooh! Good one!} Moon reacted. 
“Not here? Not your poor upper belly?” Sun asked out loud with a little giggle of his own. 
“YOHOHOHOU’RE EHEVIL!” He shouted at him. 
“Call me whatever you like. I’m just trying to settle a restless gator!” Sun told him. 
{Who knew Monty was so ticklish!} Moon reacted. 
{I know, right?!} Sun replied to Moon. 
“IHI’M GONNA KIHIHILL YOHOHOHOU!” Monty shouted at him. 
“Awww, you don’t mean that, do you?” Sun asked. 
{Probably.} Moon replied. 
“YEHEHESSS!” He yelled back. 
{Told you.} Moon added. 
“Well, we’re just gonna have to change that, aren’t we?” Sun said rhetorically to both Moon, and to Monty at the same time. 
Sun continued to tickle right on that sweet little line across his lower chest. “Such a ticklish little hatchling~ And nothing to do, except laugh, laugh, laugh.” Sun teased. “Whatever will he do?” He added. 
“KIHIHILL YOHOHOUUU!” He shouted, falling onto his back. 
Sun climbed onto Monty’s hips and resumed tickling in the same deathly ticklish spot. “Now now, those words are not allowed in Superstar Daycare. You know this.” He reminded him. 
“GEHEHET OHOOOFF MEEEE!” He shouted as loud as he could. 
{Poor baby…} Moon muttered in his head. 
“Poor little baby…” Sun repeated in a slight baby voice. “Do you think he’ll calm himself down?” Sun asked. 
{I hope so…} Moon replied telepathically. 
{That was rhetorical, Moony.} Sun told him. 
“NOHOHO! NEVEHEHEHER!” He shouted at him. 
“Oh! Well if that’s the case…” Sun smirked and scratched his fingers on the joint line a little faster. 
“NONONONO-NOOOOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA!” Monty cackled, sounding absolutely manic as he rolled back and forth like a rolling hotdog. 
“Maybe some more tickles could convince you?” Sun offered. 
Monty shook his head and turned his right hand into a fist. “IHIHI’M GONNA KIHIHILL YOHOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA- IHIHI SWEHEHEHEHEAR!” He shouted at him. 
{He’s never gonna calm down. Not at this rate…} Moon said secretly. 
{We gotta try something else.} Sun told him back. {Maybe…lighter tickles?} He asked in his head. 
{No way! He’ll punch us in the face!} Moon argued in his head. 
{True…but what else can we do?} Sun asked telepathically. 
{I have no idea, but tickling him lightly is NOT the way to go.} Moon warned him. 
Sun sighed and stopped his tickle attack. 
{What are you doing?!} Moon asked. 
{Trust me.} Sun said back. 
Sun watched as Monty went completely limp on the floor. The alligator’s laughter died down to simulated breathless giggles as he attempted to recuperate himself and prevent his body from overheating. 
“You okay?” Sun asked. 
Monty huffed and puffed. “Ihi…I…” He muttered. 
“Are you…calm now?” Sun asked. 
Monty looked up at Sun, and let out a big sigh. “I guess…Yeah.” He replied. 
“Okay. I’m going to let Moon out.” Sun told him. 
{Wait, WHAT?!} Moon yelled from inside his head. 
Monty sat himself up and looked at Sun. “Okay. Thank you.” He said. 
Sun walked into the darkness. {Come out, Moon.} Sun told him. 
{What?! No!} Moon reacted. 
{Now, Moon. You stole his property, and he wants an apology.} Sun told him. 
{He’s not calm! He’s clearly faking it!} Moon reacted. 
{Fake aggression or not, you stole his sunglasses…And you will give them back to him right now.} Sun ordered. 
Moon rolled his eyes and dropped his shoulders with a sigh. {Fine…} He took over Sun’s body and put the nightcap onto his head. “There. Happy?” Moon muttered. 
{Not yet. Sunglasses.} Sun ordered. 
Moon grumbled. {You’re no fun.} He muttered back. 
Moon grabbed the sunglasses off the front desk that was nearby, before walking out of the shadows. “Why hello, Monty…” Moon greeted with his usual smirk. “Look what I have here?” Moon said, showing him the sunglasses.
Monty walked up to him and took the sunglasses. “Little thief.” He grumbled as he clicked his sunglasses into place. He tested them by moving the sunglasses onto his eyes, and raising them up above his eyes. 
He repeated this a few times before turning his eyes towards Moon. “So…” He walked up and leaned in towards him. “Your brother has an interesting way of protecting you…” Monty told him. 
“Y…Yeah…” Moon muttered. 
“Though, I will admit…” Monty smirked a bit more. “Sun gave me a good idea for a punishment…” Monty told him. 
Moon widened his eyes. “P-Punishment?” Moon asked. “For…for what?”  He asked next. 
“For stealing my sunglasses.” Monty replied. 
“B-But, I returned them! Things should be alright now.” Moon admitted. 
“Oh really?” Moon smirked. “You really thought you were getting away with just a slap on the wrist for stealing my sunglasses?” Monty asked. 
Moon stared at him with fear. “Oh no no no…” Monty picked up Moon and placed him over his shoulder. “I think Sun has given me a wonderful idea.” He told him before tickling the back of his thighs. 
“WaitwaiTWAITNOHOHOHO!” Moon shrieked. “STAHAHAHAP WAHAHAIT!” He yelled. 
“I hope you’re ready for some hefty tickles~” Monty declared. 
…And yet another tickle fight had commenced.
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darknessofroses · 9 months
Doll Gator
Apologies for not doing this again, lots of stuff I need to focus on. But here's another t-fic crossover between Digital Circus and Security Breach
Summary: Ragatha and Monty enjoy spending time with one another and decide to tickle each other because why not
Lee/Ler/Switch Ragatha
Lee/Ler/Switch Monty
Ragatha was in Monty Golf standing at the entrance thinking about this new place that she is now in. She hasn't been everywhere in this pizzaplex, but she's planning to explore more when she has the time. This pizzaplex, it's very colorful and cool wherever she and the others had gone. The child that had found them when they had appeared, Gregory, was very nice. Freddy, when he introduced him and his friends, was also very nice and he seemed very sweet as well. Chica, she seemed very excited to know that there were new friends here. Roxy, she reminded her of Zooble a bit, they were both chill. And Monty, he was very friendly and she and him were friends. She heard about a Dj from Caine and Bubble, Freddy said he was a nice fellow, I guess she could take his word for it. And the 2 daycare attendants, Sun and Moon, were very funny in their own way.
Ragatha then wondered what her friends were up to. She felt bad for Pomni, the poor thing must be taking all of this pretty hard. Hope Pomni gets used to it eventually. Jax must be having the time of his life here. Caine and Bubble were ecstatic as usual. Zooble must be liking it, Kinger… was Kinger, and Gangle is whatever mood the mask is, so maybe she’s happy or sad. But the others that Freddy mentioned must be keeping them company. Ragatha then saw Monty strumming his guitar and got an idea.
"Hey Monty!" a voice called out. Monty then turned and there was Ragatha. "Oh hey Ragatha! How's it going?" he said. Ragatha said "I'm doing good! I have an idea that I think we'll both enjoy!" Monty raised his eyebrows in interest "Oh? And what would that be?" Ragatha giggled and said "We can tickle each other! If you want to, of course!" Monty was taken by surprise but he thought 'Why not' so he nodded.
"Great!" Ragatha then wiggled her fingers on Monty's sides. Monty giggled at his sensitivity and the light touch that Ragatha had on him. "Yohohohou are prehehehetty good ahahat theheheis" he said while giggling. Ragatha smiled "Well, yes, that's true. I've had some experience after all. Mostly with Jax. But you are very sensitive Monty" She then moved her fingers up to his armpits. This must have been his most sensitive spot as he started to laugh.
"HAHAHAHHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHA" Monty laughed. Ragatha giggled alongside him "Wow, this must be a very sensitive spot! Your laughter is so cute!" Monty couldn't respond as he was laughing to much "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE" Ragatha then stopped her tickling by only a bit by going to his stomach. "Is that better?" she asked. He giggled again and nodded as it was better. "Good! Would you like me to stop?" she then asked a minute later. He nodded again "Yehehehehes, plehehehehehease!"
Ragatha then stopped. "How was that?" Monty breathed heavily for a good minute before answering. Monty said "That was good. You are a very good tickler. Should I tickle you now?" Ragatha nodded "Yeah! It only seems fair. I tickle you and you tickle me!" Monty nodded in return and started to tickle her sides. "EEEEEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE" Ragatha started laughing and lightly kicking her legs. Monty smiled as he knew his claws were sensitive to her and others, he even liked her laugh, it was a bit sweet. He then wiggled her fingers over her belly, which made her squeal and laugh more "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA" Ragatha had made some cute noises while laughing.
Monty then stopped his tickling with a simple wiggle on her armpit which made her squeal. "Eek, wow, that was pretty good Monty, your fingers are so tickly." Ragatha said while giggling still. "Yeah, everyone says that, it's probably a pro of them." Monty said with a tease. The two then started having fun talking and tickling each other.
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rjlae · 4 months
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redybearsent · 1 month
Paper Mario: the Heirlooms of Doom
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Paper Mario: the Heirlooms of Doom It´s a little concept some friends and I came up with some time ago, it was made (like any other fan Paper Mario project) with the propose of writing a story like the ones from the first 3 games with some elements from the newer instalments of the saga.
-Plot Summary:" A thousand years ago, a powerful mage collected 6 cursed artifacts that had the powerful sprites within them, the mage sealed them on a chamber protected by a spell so no one would use the heirlooms for evil... Until one day, Bowser, Kammy, and a strange cloaked figure arrived at the chamber where the heirlooms laid... The mysterious figure broke the seal so Bowser would take the heirlooms. With those relics on Bowser´s claws, a series of unfortune events would start to happen all around the kingdom, and thus, starting a new adventure for our hero."
Mario: "It´s a him! You already now him."
Orbert: "The assistant of the mage of the legend, he was tasked to protect the chamber and now, with the help of Mario and Co. is on the search for the 6 heirlooms."
Niff T.: "An errand toad that knows a little bit of everything. He´s your first partner and the one with the ability of Tattling The Enemies"
Koorrow: "A deceased Koopatrol who fell during a fearsome battle against a legendary beast. He´s your second partner and the one with the Shell Toss ability"
Sherifit: "The bold bringer of peace and order of the Wild East Desert town. He´s your third partner and the one with the ability of Blowing Thing Up with his bullets."
Baketty: "A young baker rookie from the Luncheon Kingdom. She´s searching for the perfect recipe to earn her "Master Baker" tittle. She´s your forth partner and the one with the ability of Flying Mario Across Gaps"
Kenny Boom: "A heartthrob actor with great strength and aim. Don´t let his appearance fool you, he has a heart of gold. He´s your fifth partner and the one with the ability of Throwing Mario To High Places."
Yuki: "A yo kai from a snowy land where cherry trees blossom. She harnesses the power of cold hails. She´s your sixths partner and the one with the ability of Blowing Wind."
Miney: "The foreman of the Monty Mole Wrecking Crew. He was tasked with constructing a tunnel to the Mushroom Kingdom and somehow... He got dragged into the adventure! He´s your seventh and last partner, he has the ability of Hiding Mario Underground."
Check out the DeviantArt post: https://www.deviantart.com/redybearsart/art/1086784084
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noivoom · 3 months
I'm normally one to not worry so much about the quality of writing with these shows because to me they've always just been "the dumbass fnaf rp /aff". But. What the hell is this character assasination.
The fuck do you mean Moon suddenly doesn't care anymore. The fuck do you mean he's okay with killing Earth.
Really?? After EVERYTHING. Everything he's done to keep his family safe and make them happy. All the character development he's gone through. All his struggles with trying to prove he's better than the old him.
He's just suddenly.
A cold-hearted villain. That's it.
I'd actually be on board with this if it weren't for the way they're seemingly doing everything in their power to just turn Moon into an irredeemable asshole- There were some really interesting lines in "Moon KILLS EVERYONE" that make so much sense, like when Moon mentioned everyone getting in his way to stop him from doing things when he just wanted to do something, and now he's decided "fine, I'll BE selfish then for once" for example. I really like that as a motivation, but why would he just stop caring for his family?? I would've been on board if it was something like how I thought it was going originally, that he's convinced this is the only way to bring Solar back, if he can just do this then everything will be okay again. He knows this is bad but it's the only way, right? He doesn't want to do this, doesn't want to hurt his family and tear his relationship with them apart, but it'll all be worth it. Maybe this is selfish, but he needs to do it. Maybe they won't forgive him, maybe Solar will hate him too, but at least he'll be alive, right? So long as they're all alive and well, he can live with that. And then the others are fighting back because they don't want Moon to go down this path, they don't want to lose him, too. We can find another way, please just stop.
As it stands it just kinda feels like they're forcing things in a specific direction in order to justify whatever resolution they have planned, which at this stage seems to be bringing the Old Moon back. And honestly, bringing back the Old Moon is a fascinating concept to me, it would be so interesting to see how that would go- how would he react to everything that's happened in the time he missed, how would he interact with Sun, how would Sun interact with him now that he's started coming to terms with how toxic their relationship had been. But at the expense of whatever the hell they're doing to the New Moon? Not worth it to me.
I also have a lot of feelings about the way Earth just COMPLETELY decided "oh okay screw you then" with barely a hint of actively wanting her brother back- like come on you're telling me that when the Creator betrayed her she struggles to come to terms with it for weeks, but with Moon she gives up just like that??? But I. Honestly barely even have the energy anymore.
Why. Just why.
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nocturnalnewsiestrash · 3 months
Okay for my dead boy detectives Clue, I am going to be making alternative versions including different side characters since people have expressed interest in a Cat King one and I need to know the combinations that are most wanted so I know which combinations to actually make
Tagging the people who expressed interest in making their own clues so you guys have a chance for input:
@demelzathemer @cosmosinfinity23 @acheel-and-cat @gendrsoup @tiredwiredanduninspired
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doortotomorrow · 2 years
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ICONIC LINES FROM THE 100 - Clarke Griffin
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alex-issad · 4 months
For my swap au should foxy or monty be gender fluid? (Foxy and Monty swaped roles in the story)
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outsmartingbasilisk · 2 years
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Monty could reasonably fight off at least some of the animatronics, but that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? In a dire situation Monty would get between Gregory and his friends to ward them off, but he won’t shatter them or attack unprovoked.  Not only because just in general those are his friends, but after Bonnie especially Monty has tried his best to not lash out at other people and be seen as a raging monster. Willingly attacking his friends is hard, but at some points he really doesn’t have a choice.
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peligrosapop · 8 months
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Nobody expects the Spanish Inqusition
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trashyswitch · 2 years
Strikers Vs Fazteam!
It’s a tickle fight between the Strikers and the Fazteam! Who’s gonna win the fight? Who’s gonna lose? Who’s gonna tie?
This fanfic was suggested by @ourloadstar. I hope you all enjoy!
“And on the left…We have Glamrock Bonnie! And the Strikers!” The Map Bot declared, pointing to Bonnie and his team. On his team was Vanessa, Chica, Monty and Sundrop.
“And on the right, we have Glamrock Freddy! And his Fazteam!” The Map Bot declared next, pointing to Freddy and his team. On his team was Gregory, Roxanne, Vanny and Moondrop.
The team was split in 2, with 10 characters joining in on the game. But why did only 10 of the 15 characters join the game? Well…Because the S.T.A.F.F Bots didn’t feel like joining. Map Bot volunteered to be the host/judge instead of playing. Music Man and DJ Man volunteered to play the dramatic music rather than participating. And the Endoskeletons were way too busy being…themselves…to play the game.
“And when I say go, the game will start.” The Map Bot declared.
Bonnie and his team readied into their running positions.
Freddy and his team readied themselves into their running positions.
“3…” Map Bot counted down.
Freddy and Bonnie both narrowed their eyes at each other.
“2…” Map Bot counted.
The Fazteam and the Strikers all narrowed their eyes at each other.
“1…” The Map Bot counted.
The Map Bot raised up a Faz-Camera. “GO!” Map Bot declared.
And after hearing those words, all hell broke loose. The only sound and visual that could be distinguishable from the screaming and stomping, was the clicking sound and the flash of the Faz-Camera.
Bonnie went for Freddy, tackling him to the ground. Freddy grabbed Bonnie’s left ear and started tickling it with his other hand. “Let’s start with the ears, shall we?” Freddy declared.
Bonnie squealed and went for Freddy’s belly. “Nohohoho! Ihihif yohou touch my ehehears, Ihihi gehehet your behehelly!” Bonnie replied.
Freddy froze and squeezed his eyes shut as he tried not to laugh. “N-No! Ru-rude!” Freddy told him.
Bonnie dug his thumb into Freddy’s belly. “Tihihickle tihickle, Freheddyhyhy!” Bonnie declared, tickling right near the belly button area.
Freddy snickered and finally bursted out laughing. “GAAAhahahahahaha! BOHOHONNIHIHIE, NOHOHOhohoho!” Freddy reacted, letting go of Bonnie’s ears so he could cover up his own belly.
Bonnie smiled. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle, Freddy~” He teased. “Now tell me: Which side tickles more?” Bonnie started tickling the right side. “This side?” Bonnie asked.
Freddy squealed and shook his head as he laughed hysterically. “AHAHAHAhahaha! COHOHOME OHOHON!” Freddy howled.
“Or…This side?” Bonnie started tickling Freddy’s left side.
Freddy wheezed and quickly started cackling up a storm. He was just unable to stop the laughter that came from his artificial voice box and left through his mouth. “NAHAHAT THEHERE! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!” Freddy screamed.
Bonnie gasped dramatically. “Looks like someone’s left side is more ticklish than their right! How peculiar!” Bonnie teased.
“BEHEHE QUIHIHIET!” Freddy shouted.
“I’d rather not.” Bonnie replied with a wide smile.
“Ooooh! Looks like Bonnie’s got the upper hand on Freddy at the moment! Now, let’s see what’s going on with Chica and Roxanne!” Map Bot declared.
Chica had tackled Roxy to the ground and immediately went for Roxy’s armpits. “A little reminder, that I know every ticklish spot on your body.” Chica told her as she lifted up Roxy’s right arm. “So you should just give up now and call it my win.” Chica added.
Roxy growled and showed Chica her sharp teeth. “Fight me, chicken.” Roxy practically spat.
Chica bawked in laughter and started tickling her right armpit with her right hand. “That’s what I am! Don’t wear it out!” Chica teased.
Roxy squeaked and burst out in fits of giggles. “EEEHehehehehehehe! Yohohohou wohon’t breheheheak mehehehe!” Roxy said through her laughter.
“Oh, I won’t? Well, I’m afraid you can’t predict the future.” Chica reminded her.
“Yohohou cahahahan’t eheheheither!” Roxy argued.
“Oho, I know. But I am more capable of creating my future. It helps being the tickler in this circumstance.” Chica teased next.
Chica moved her bright pink fingernails off of Roxy’s armpit. “Now, if I can remember correctly…” Chica moved her right hand up to Roxy’s lower inner shoulder, and poked it. “Your upper arm is more ticklish than your actual armpit…” She started drawing very slow circles with her fingernail. “Am I right?” Chica asked.
Roxy squeaked and froze. “N-No…Whaaaat are you taaaalking aboooout?” Roxy asked, not wanting to admit it.
Then, Chica started skittering.
Roxy threw her head back and burst out in wild cackles. “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CHIHIHICAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Roxy shouted.
“WOW! Holy cluck! I knew I was right, but I was NOT prepared for such a strong reaction!” Chica admitted. “Maybe I should be a lot softer on this spot…” Chica added as she slowed her fingers down to a better, calmer pace. Rosy’s cackles turned to softer giggles for a little while.
“Chica’s got Roxanne howling with laughter! Pun completely intended.” Map Bot teased. “Now, let’s see what’s happening with Gregory and Vanessa!” Map Bot declared.
Gregory had headbutted himself into Vanessa, knocking her right onto the ground. And before she could comprehend what had happened, Gregory was already scooting himself to Vanessa’s feet and pulling off her shoes.
“Oh please…” Gregory rolled his eyes, wrapping his left arm around her feet and skittering his fingers on both her feet with his right hand. “I’m not scared of you, ticklish baby.” Gregory teased.
Vanessa squealed and threw her head back, falling to pieces with laughter. “YOHOHOU EHEHEVIL SHIHIHI-”
“Ah, ah, ah~” Gregory gave Vanessa a big smirk and moved his fingers up to her toes. “No swearing. Swearing earns you tickles.” Gregory told her.
Vanessa curled her toes and squeaked in surprise. The shock was written all over her face as she tugged on her legs desperately. “LEAVEMYTOES! LEAVETHEMALONE!” Vanessa got out really quickly.
“And miss out on winning? I think not!” Gregory replied.
Gregory moved his index and middle fingers to Vanessa’s two big toes in the middle. He started scratching right under there. But Vanessa curled her toes in immediately, squealing and cackling at the same time. So, Gregory moved his fingers to the next best place: the ball of her foot.
Vanessa threw her head back, knocking her hat off her head as she laughed and snorted. “AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA DAHAHAHAMMIHIHIHIT!” She cackled.
“Oooohoho, You swore again! Time for more fingers~” Gregory teased.
“Swearing gets you tickles, remember?” Gregory reminded her before tickling the ball of her foot with 8 of his fingers. Vanessa’s screams quickly dominated all the other laughter in the room.
“Goodness gracious! So much cursing, so many tickles! I cannot wait to see how this goes!” Map Bot reacted. “Now, let’s see what’s happening with Monty and Vanny!” Map Bot declared.
Monty had easily managed to pin down Vanny. But Vanny was wiggling around too much for him to keep her pinned so he can actually tickle her. “Whoa- Vanny! It’s just a game! There’snoneedto move so much!” Monty yelled.
“Let me go, you stupid puppet!” Vanny yelled.
Monty chortled. “Says the one made of felt.” Monty joked.
Vanny started to kick him off her. But this only filled the room with banging metal sounds. But to her surprise, Monty wasn’t grunting in pain.
“Ohgod- Gahahaha! Wahahait- wahahahahait!” Monty laughed. She widened her eyes as she realized what she was doing: She was currently tickling his belly with her kicking!
With Monty temporarily distracted, Vanny tried to wiggle her hands free so she could at least get some tickles on him. With a little bit of pulling and wiggling, She finally managed to get her wrists out through his thumbs and skittered both her fingers in Monty’s armpits.
Monty widened his eyes and squeezed his eyes shut as he tried not to close his armpits. As much as he really wanted to, he also didn’t want to crush Vanny’s hands in the process. So he fought every urge in his body and squeezed his fists instead. “VAHAHANNY! Lehehehet mehehehehe gohohohoho!” Monty ordered.
“Nah. Winning is the name of this game. And I never lose.” Vanny told him.
“Thahahat’s nohohot truhuhue. Ihihit’s cahahalled tihihickle teheheheheams.” Monty told her. Ahahand yohou neveheher lohohose?” Nohohot eheheven as a chihihild?!” Monty asked.
“Nope. Never lose. Ever. Always win.” Vanny replied.
“Thahahahat’s ahaha lihihie.” Monty said before skittering one of his hands on Vanny’s middle ribs. “Ihihi knowhow your weheheheaknehehesses.” Monty told her.
Vanny squealed and snorted, removing her hands from his armpits so she could cover up her ribs. “NOHOHohohoho!” She laughed.
“Oooooh! Looks like Ms. Never-lose-always-win is currently losing! Talk about irony!” Map Bot reacted. “Now, let’s see what’s happening with Sun, and Moon!” Map Bot decided.
Sun had wrapped his legs around Moon’s neck and used his body to bring Moon right onto the ground, Black Widow-style. Moon tried to sit himself up, and was immediately pushed back down. “Let me go, Sun! Why can’t we just be brothers about this?” Moon asked.
Sun laughed and wiggled his fingers at him. “What are you talking about? We ARE being brothers about this!” Sun told him before tickling Moon’s neck. “Now coochy coochy coo!” Sun teased.
Moon squeaked and curled his neck, giggling all high-pitched. “EEEEheheheheheheheheee! Ehehehehe! nohohoho!” Moon giggled.
“Now tell me: Which side tickles more?” Sun tickled the right side. “The right side?” Sun moved his right hand to the left side. “Or the left side?” Sun asked next.
Moon squealed and squeaked up a little storm. “EEHEHEHE! Bohohoth!” Moon replied.
“Both?” Sun clarified.
“Yehehehessss!” Moon said back.
“You shouldn’t have said that~” Sun teased as he started tickling both sides of Sun’s neck.
Moon’s giggles went lower to regular laughter. “Ohohohoho geeheheheheheeez! Hahahahaha!” Moon replied. “Nohohot bohohoth sihihides!” Moon reacted.
“Why not? I already know the truth, Moon.” Sun reminded him. “You like this, and I know that.” He added.
“Shuhuhush! Nohoho ohohone neeheheheheeds to knohohow thahahahahat!” Moon reacted.
“Yes they do! HEY MAP BOT!” Sun yelled.
“Yes, Sunny?” Map Bot replied.
Map Bot widened his eyes and threw his hands in the air. “Moon likes being tickled?! What a surprise! An absolute delight!” Map bot reacted. “Speaking of surprises:” Map Bot made a whistle sound effect with his voice box. “TIME’S UP!” Map Bot declared. “Let’s see who won this round!”
Map Bot rolled up to Freddy and Bonnie. Freddy was on the ground, exhausted, while Bonnie was on his feet with a smirk. “Never mess with a bowling champion.” Bonnie told Freddy. “Cause this striker is a winner.” Bonnie added, looking at Map Bot.
Map bot nodded and noted it on the back of a map. He rolled up to the female animatronics next. Chica was laying on the ground, tired while Roxy was looking up at Map Bot. “I think I win this round. Though Chica was a hard opponent!” Roxy told Map Bot.
Map Bot nodded his head. “Sounds good!” He wrote it on the back of the map as a Fazteam win, before rolling up to Gregory and Vanessa. Gregory was jumping in the air, saying “I WIN! I WIN!” over again.
Map Bot nodded and wrote it down as a Fazteam win, before rolling up to Vanny and Monty. Vanny dropped Monty’s leg like it was a microphone, making it crash loudly onto the ground. “This girl is always a winner. And there’s your proof.” Vanny replied.
Map Bot put it on the back of the map as a Fazteam win, and walked up to Sun and Moon. Sun was smiling proudly as he gave Moon’s neck one more tickle. “Tickling is my forte! Why are you surprised I won?” Sun asked, looking at Map Bot.
“I…didn’t say anything!” Map Bot told him as he marked it down as a Strikers win. Then, Map Bot walked to the front of the room. “Alright. We have a winner!” Map Bot declared. “And the team to win the most is…FREDDY AND THE FAZTEAM!” Map Bot declared.
Freddy, Gregory, Roxanne, Vanny and Moon all cheered with excitement!
“-For this round.” Map Bot added.
Bonnie, Vanessa, Chica, Monty and Sun all gasped in surprise. “Wait, it’s a game out of 3?!” Bonnie asked.
Freddy dropped his jaw. “Are you serious?!” Freddy reacted.
…And that’s how Bonnie and the Strikers managed to beat Freddy and the Fazteam 2-1.
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shadowbrightshine · 10 months
I'm thinking about an animation for roxca and fronnie in the glsmrocks set to light switch by Charlie puth and I need to think it through more, but like,
"Never wanna be each others" because fazbear is stuck in the 80s way of things and Freddy and chica fake date to cover for what's going on and like at the end Monty being supportive knocks the power out so the couples can dance properly.
Will elaborate later.
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Eclipse: My only weakness is fire
Sun: Yeah, fire is everyones weakness
Sun: It's fucking fire
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acidbathpuppy · 5 months
Watching mcconaughey as vilma in Texas chainsaw massacre the next gen has made me wanna manhandle someone real baaaaad
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wet-bread-album · 6 months
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plumbogs · 7 months
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Romeo's moved back in :)
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He taught Tango how to talk the rest of the way since he moved in with full motives. Community child raising effort.
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Beatrice is still going strong and having fun :)
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Simply doing phone calls is not enough to get Benedick happy again. I may have to do something drastic in an attempt to keep him from aging up depressed...
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Mercutio came over to visit :) the gang is all here. Plus Bianca came over for her usual visit. Apparently Mercutio has ownership of the restaurant?? Fascinating. I will probably have him transfer it to Romeo or something.
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Antonio maximized the logic skill, which came out of the blue. Good for him.
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He's so mad that he's getting thorns in his feet on purpose.
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WOLF BOY FINALLY HOWLED! Which, unfortunately, while it made Beatrice's and Antionio's night... it made Benedick spiral again. Frankly, his family sim wants are the worst things on the planet. He wanted to fall in love. Well... there's not really any women who he hasn't burnt a bridge with left anymore. And there is one best friend currently wandering around the lot. So, uh, he's platinum and in love with Beau now!! This won't end well but at least he's temporarily happy!!!
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he just ignores this and plays chess with Bianca. i'm sure it'll make the dorms a normal and fine experience when they all move in together in 2 rounds.
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in the meantime, romeo went out in search of himself.
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