lychandesu214 · 2 years
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reyesjuliana16 · 2 years
“Go green, breath clean”
Environmental awareness helps us to understand the consequences of our actions and how we can avoid causing harm to the environment. It also leads to positive changes like a more efficient use of resources, less waste production, and cleaner air, and water. We are now aware of our environment, environmental issues, and ways by which we can initiate to save our environment.
All of us must pledge to the environment so that we can live a healthy and peaceful life in the future.
Advocacy- Platform by Juliana Nicole Reyes
Save water- Pay attention to how much water you use. Look for simple ways to cut back, like turning off the tap when you brush your teeth.
Walk to work- Cut down on CO2 emissions by leaving the car at home. Walking to work is a proven way to improve your health and boost your mood.
Recycle- Waste in landfill sites causes air pollution. Recycle instead of just throwing things out or finding new homes for products you no longer want.
Unplug it- Don’t leave electronic devices plugged in when you’re not using them.
Turn out the lights- Remember to turn off lights whenever you leave the room.
If we want to save a life here on earth, we need to save the earth first. We must keep in mind that our actions and activities have an impact on the entire earth. All of us have a moral obligation to make our planet a safer and healthier place to live for ourselves and future generations. So let’s plant more trees and make our earth green and clean.
#SaveourEarth #LettheEarthbreath
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romanshomeonwattpad · 2 years
hi guys, i wanted to talk about something.
so climate change has been getting drastically worse, and as someone with a platform (kinda) i wanted to spread awareness.
human activities are at the root of this phenomenon. Specifically, since the industrial revolution, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have raised temperatures, even higher in the poles, and as a result, glaciers are rapidly melting, calving off into the sea and retreating on land.
sea level will rise, and cause poor countries such as india and thailand to go underwater. the government in america doesn’t care bc it won’t affect us until later on—which is fucking horrible.
by 2100, all the glaciers will be melted a lot of countries will be underwater. it’s inevitable.
i wanna make a difference. we only have a few years left to slow this down, and that’s by spreading info.
the gasses released into the air are burning off a the layer in the atmosphere that protects us from the sun, and when that layer is gone, we will all die from the sun burning us. we need to do better.
ways to help :
stop littering
stop using plastic and paper.
save electricity in ur home
save water, and use sink water instead
plant more
here’s a few tiktoks that explain better.
and here is petitions to sign and donate.
instead of using google or your browser, use ecosia because they plant a tree every time you use it. sweet right :)
use the hashtag #lettheearthbreathe on all platforms and let’s save our earth. thank you guys.
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chameleon-madrigal · 2 years
Hello I wanna take this time to SPREAD AWARENESS to everyone here!
Scientists were being arrested in the midst of our battle to save the planet. For years, people have been consistently warned on what catastrophe awaits if we don't take actions.
✅ Encouraging people as well to use ECOSIA as your search engine as they plant trees while you search on the web. 80% of their profit goes to non-profit organization that focus on reforestation.
✅ Don't burn plastics & don't cut down too many trees so that we can continue to breathe pure air.
✅ Delete unnecessary/unwanted emails to reduce your "carbon footprint" on the computer, which is referred as total greenhouse gas emissions expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.
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As you all know, we are facing a climate change crisis and scientist all over the world are being arrested since they're trying to help us. We have less than 3 years to fix this and later then, the affects would be irreversible!!!
The affects are already clear as day such as in Philipins and that area, people are fighting with typhoons and floods and in many countries when it's supposed to be summer time, most of them still struggle with cold weather. IT'S NOT TOO LATE!!! HERE ARE WHAT WE CAN DO TO PREVENT THIS!!!
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1) Purchase energy efficient appliances such as lights, air conditioners, heaters, refrigerators and waching machines.
2) When you aren't using something, turn it off. That includes light, TV and other electrical equipments.
3) Don't burn plastics
4) Delete unwanted e-mails. This way, you can reduce your carbon footprint of your PC
5) Save water
6) Drive less
7) unplug electronics when you don't use
8) you may also use ECOSIA and OCEANHERO when you research.
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cherryhanji · 2 years
Scientists are now getting arrested and getting desperate. We need to save the earth now!!! According to them, we only have 4-5 years. LET THE EARTH BREATH.
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Ways to help:
Eliminate Waste from Lunches
Stop Littering
Reduce Paper Consumption
Save Electricity
Save Water
Plant more trees/plants
original post is not mine. i just reposted it here to spread more awareness. credits to the rightful owner.
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ssssachi · 2 years
Hello! Please take your time and read this. I want to use my small platform to raise awareness of what’s happening to our world.
“We’re going to lose everything” Peter Kalmus, in regards to the climate change.
Dr. Kalmus says in a tweet that he and other protesters were arrested and links to an essay he wrote to emphasize the importance of addressing the climate change that is occurring right now. The dire warning that time is running out to meet the world's climate goals is the driving force behind these protests. Their demands were firm, and they wanted to put an end to the use of fossil fuels, which would exacerbate climate change.
We must raise awareness about the severity and truth of the climate and ecological emergency and work to prevent it in any way we can. Climate change is a serious issue that must be addressed before it is too late for all of us. We should use our platforms, no matter how large or small, to raise awareness about the severity of climate change. The important thing is that we raise awareness.
We only have a limited amount of time to save our planet, so we must act now, before it is too late. Everyone can contribute to putting an end to climate change.
We can help by walking, cycling, eating more vegetables, limiting our travels, composing leftovers, reducing, reusing, recycling, and repairing, changing our home's energy source, switching to an electric vehicle, and even simple things like using less hot water and avoiding products with a lot of packaging.
A small action is still a significant step toward saving our Mother Earth.
Let us plant more trees and conserve our water resources.
Together, let’s save our planet Earth.
Click the following links for more informations about climate change:
Here are some ways to help prevent climate change:
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as-ayage · 2 years
Over 1000 scientists from 25 countries protested and spread awareness on climate change. Our world warmed by more than a degree Celsius. They demand faster climate action and an end to burning fossil fuels.
I don't know much details for now and I'm afraid I'll spread fake information, so I'm leaving the research to you.
We need to act faster on climate change or we, and the future generations, will suffer the consequences. This is not a joke.
Here are some ways we can do to help save our only planet:
Spread awareness. Inform your family and friends of what's going on and ask them to pass along the message. We need more people to act now.
Save electricity. Unplug appliances you don't use, turn off the lights and use natural light if possible, use LED lights.
Delete unwanted or unneeded emails. If everyone around the world deletes at least 10 emails, we could save 55.2 million kilowatts of power.
Save water. Take shorter showers, turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.
Do not waste food. Eat the food you buy and stop wasting. As much as possible, limit livestock products as they're one of the most energy consuming to produce.
Practice the 3r's. Reduce, reuse, recycle. This helps reduce waste and minimize landfill waste.
Do not burn your wastes. Especially plastics.
Plant trees. Or plants. If you can't do so, use Ecosia, a search engine that plants trees. The more searches, the more trees.
Limit using your cars. If you can use a bicycle or walk from one place to another, please do so.
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ellmeria · 2 years
Astrology and tarot aside, I think we need to have a conversation and spread awareness about what is happening now.
Regarding Scientist Rebellion:
On April 06, 2022, a demonstration transpired in Madrid, Spain, consisting of scientists and researchers. The movement was dubbed the “Scientist Rebellion.” They called for greater and immediate action from world leaders to curb climate change and the burning of fossil fuels. Instead of hearing their plea, the police took them out and arrested them.
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Reference: insideclimatenews.org
What Can We Do as Responsible Citizens?
Plant more trees
Conserve water
Save electricity (unplug appliances when unused)
Lessen plastic consumption
Stop littering
Stop deforestation
Stop burning garbages
Delete unnecessary emails
Minimize social media usage
Use Ecosia instead of Google (they plant trees for the searches you make)
Everyone must take part in this call. It is our future that is at stake. Let the Earth breathe.
Other sources of information if you want to read more:
Scientist Rebellion official website:
Here's Ariana Grande for our last reminder:
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engsoc-olfuqc · 2 years
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Let The Earth Breathe: An International Protest to Call for a Change 
Written by: Rolan Avellano  In Collaboration with: KC Jimenez and Ari Labatorio
Humanity has experienced vast changes in climates around the world. Some countries have experienced a more severe heat during summer than usual, some encountered strange temperature shifts during the winter or rainy season, while others are facing more disastrous catastrophes.
As we face the upcoming changes due to climate change, people have observed the adverse signals of the impending irreversible events if the awareness of conservation and protection continues to decrease over time.
Foreseeing those events marked as a warning to the future generations, as the possibility of living through a harsher environment became more apparent, the sudden changes are not still in full effect, facing the worst quality of living across social groups
This April, the #LetTheEarthBreathe became a major world trend as multiple personalities, local accounts, foreign climate groups, and individuals called for help to provide attention to arrest scientists, who are currently protesting for ‘what is coming’ based on their studies and predictions. This call for awareness emanates from an emotional speech given in front of JPMorgan Chase Company in Los Angeles, in which one of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California's scientists, Mr. Peter Kalmus, urges people to listen to his warnings about climate change.
“We’ve been trying to warn you guys for so many decades,” Kalmus says, with a trembling voice. “The scientists of the world have been being ignored. And it’s gotta stop." He added. 
He emphasized “We’re going to lose everything” and “We are not joking, nor lying and exaggerating”. According to studies, JPMorgan Chase is the largest financier of fossil fuels of any bank in the world from 2016 through 2021, providing $382bn over those six years, according to a report from a consortium of NGOs. This appeal for help was successful as it was able to reach multiple countries around the world.
To add an idea about this, fossil fuels are decomposed carbon-based organisms that died millions of years ago. These fossil fuels are burned to generate heat, which is then collected and utilized to produce steam that would be used to make electricity. However, when fossil fuels are used, masses of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases are released. It's important to keep in mind that these products typically trap heat in the atmosphere, causing the temperature to rise even higher. This temperature increase can be neglected; yet, its tremendous threat to humanity's survival should not be ignored.
According to Sky News, if the World Temperature continues to rise by two degrees, mountain glaciers and rivers will start to disappear and mountainous regions will see more landslides because the permafrost that bonds the soil together will melt away. In addition to that, because of the melting of glaciers and other ice reserves of our world from different poles, the sea levels could also rise overtaking some of our lands by submerging them. 
Because of these threats, the ecosystem will also collapse and the extinction of some animals will also begin. Plants will also start to struggle in growing resulting in further addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. To avert catastrophic climate effects, the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's new report warned that rapid and profound reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are essential by 2025.
 How can we help?
During protests last week, scientists from around the world raised similar concerns and called on their governments to take immediate action to address climate change. We, Filipinos, can also do the same. 
The weather here in the Philippines has never been more erratic and unpredictable. Our country is threatened by climate change occurrences such as increasing sea levels, increased frequency of tropical storms, rising temperatures, and heavy rainfall. This is attributed to the country's susceptibility to natural disasters like typhoons and droughts, reliance on weather patterns, natural resources, and extensive coastline, which houses the country's major cities and the majority of the people.
Healing the planet starts with us, we may begin with a small number of individuals within our community, assessing our way of living and considering how we may live more sustainably without having to damage our nature. Our actions greatly affect our surroundings without us knowing it, it completely mirrors our attitude towards our nature. 
 Here are some simple, helpful ways that each of us can make a difference:
  Begin telling what you can change with a small number of individuals within your community. 
Assess your way of living and consider how you may live more sustainably. 
Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Stay informed about the climate catastrophe and be vocal about it. Make use of any platform you have at your disposal. You must speak up and use your voice! 
Support groups in the Philippines that work to safeguard the environment. 
As a result, this leads by example can encourage others. Moreover, having a good initiator and someone who prioritizes environmental protection, such as those who are open to converting to renewable energy sources and supporting indigenous tribes is also a must, due to the fact that individuals often get confused about what to do or where to start. We are the only hope for our beautiful planet's survival. 
 Proofread and Fact Checked by: KC Jimenez and Ari Labatorio  Pubmat by Precious Villamor
Freedman (14, April 2022) / We’ve been trying to     warn you for so many decades: Nasa Climate Scientist Breaks down in tears     at Protest / Retrieved from https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/nasa-scientist-protest-extinction-rebellion-b2057563.html e
Sky News (08, October 2018) / What will happen as     the world gets warmer /Retrieved from https://news.sky.com/story/what-will-happen-as-the-world-gets-warmer-10336299#:~:text=If%20the%20world%20temperature%20rises,10%25%20of%20the%20world's%20population.
Client Earth (18, February 2022) / Fossil Fuels     and Climate Change: The Facts / Retrieved from https://www.clientearth.org/latest/latest-updates/stories/fossil-fuels-and-climate-change-the-facts/#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20link%20between,temperature%20has%20increased%20by%201C.
Jordans & Borenstein (05 April 2022) / UN     warns Earth ‘firmly on track toward an unlivable world’ / Retrieved     from .com/article/climate-united-nations-paris-europe-berlin-802ae4475c9047fb6d82ac88b37a690e
Buis (09 March 2022) / Too Hot to Handle: How     Climate Change May Make Some Places Too Hot to Live / Retrieve from https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3151/too-hot-to-handle-how-climate-change-may-make-some-places-too-hot-to-live/
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ladymacabrebeth · 2 years
Universal Love by Lady Macabre Beth
Three days ago, I experienced something inexplicable. A rush of emotions surged within me. It all started when I watched the news about scientists protesting and warning us all about the shortened life of earth if we don’t act now.
Typically, I’m not the kind of person who gets emotional over the news. I’m usually that type of person who detaches herself from any emotion when watching the news. I always make it a point to stick to facts rather than rash reactions. However, this news awakened something in me. It’s as if my life flashed before my eyes. Is this what patients feel when they’re dying?
Now I do not have any terminal illness, nor am I dying. I’m merely a human who experienced something inexplicable. I can't stop thinking about it & now, here I am writing about it to let it go from my mind.
Anyhow, what I felt that night felt quite extraordinary. Nothing pseudo-deep or pretentious. Just merely extraordinary. For the first time, I felt a deep love for everyone. It included people, animals, plants, and even objects. I felt my connection with everything and everyone on this planet. Hell, even cockroaches. Everything and everyone on this planet has a contribution to the collective.
Three days ago, I was on the beach observing random strangers. As I looked into their eyes, it was like an invisible string tethered us all. Many stories are glimmering in their eyes. But imagine that one day it will all just disappear? It reminds me of that final scene in Don't Look Up and Melancholia. People were going about their day-to-day routines until their entire existence vanished in seconds. What a tragedy.
It's quite an irony that many of us wish to die already, yet when faced with a life-threatening event, our first instinct is to save ourselves. We say that we don't love ourselves, but the mere fact that we protect ourselves in any threatening situation shows that we subconsciously love ourselves. That self-protection in itself is a form of self-love.
But what transcends self-love, you may ask? That would be universal love.
I tried googling what it was that I felt that night. The closest I found was universal love. It is an awakening where an individual experiences love and connection with everything and everyone on this planet. There are no hierarchies, and everything is one.
I haven't told any of my friends or families about this. It was too overwhelming to share something I can't verbalize. But anyhow, writing about it helps me organize and calm my thoughts.
In the end, will the petty issues we have right now even matter? Will all the race discrimination even matter when we're all part of the human race? Earth is our home. And knowing that we're near the end, how would you live your life starting from today?
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that anyone who reads or relates to this won't feel alone. We're in this together in trying our best to extend the life of our home. Sending my love to all.
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onixsn · 2 years
Please spread awareness!
For ways you can help, you can use ecosia! And also deleting unwanted emails! Also conserving energy and water!
We must act now!
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queerpolyanna · 2 years
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KAINGIN For Earth Month 2022, visual artist Jinggoy Buensuceso transforms the CCP Front Lawn into a burnt forest with over a thousand contemporary bululs made of molded fibreglass infused with burnt debris, soil, and dust, collected from areas in the Philippines that encounter the most serious environmental struggles. These new sculptures, and their state at every phase of the exhibit, represent the forests that are synonymous to humanity, as their fates are intertwined. If forests die, we die. #savetheplanet #savetheearth #lettheearthbreathe (at Cultural Center of the Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdGh2TEhRCs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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judyconda · 2 years
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Earth Day BY JANE YOLEN “I am the Earth And the Earth is me. Each blade of grass, Each honey tree, Each bit of mud, And stick and stone Is blood and muscle, Skin and bone. And just as I Need every bit Of me to make My body fit, So Earth needs Grass and stone and tree And things that grow here Naturally. That’s why we Celebrate this day. That’s why across The world we say: As long as life, As dear, as free, I am the Earth And the Earth is me. ” 🌏🙏🏻✨ We all breathe the same air, drink the same water and live on the same planet. Let us all join hands to save our planet. Let's make it a happier, healthier and greener planet for generations to come. Wishing everyone a Happy Earth Day. #motherearth #motherearthday #earthday #earthday2022 #sacredearth #savetheearth #savetheearthnow #lettheearthbreathe #letearthbreathe #lettheearthbreath #Spiritique #mystique #mindfulness https://www.instagram.com/p/CcpenCDJqrG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loveacheloiss · 2 years
Let the earth breathe
Good day! I just published a new blog post and it's about our home, Earth. Feel free to check it out! :)
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