#Li Jiaqi
chineseredcarpet · 7 months
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Li Jiaqi becomes her Hilarious Family character again for the 2024 China Internet Audio-Visual Annual Gala
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trendingdrama · 1 year
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The Snow Moon 风月如雪 (2023) - Episode 1
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purplehanfu · 1 year
The Snow Moon: Episode 1
notes: Spoilers! Hey, I know that guy! Master list of all recaps
Fox demons- they do get around don't they? In this 10 minute per episode drama, we learn that a fox demon has managed the ultimate promotion- to emperor. Did he do it for the power? The glory? The sweet wardrobe? Or did he do it so he could scour the country for the mysterious woman in a painting he's obsessed with? I won't keep you in suspense, it's that last one!
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Fox Demon, Emperor, this year's winner of the Scorpion King Excellence in Eyeliner Award: Bo Qiu.
But let's start this tale from the beginning:
We begin by meeting our female lead Su Xiao Huan, who is grifting a group of townsfolk by first spinning outrageous tales of the dastardly doings of the fox demon emperor and then claiming that she can eliminate him (for a fee).
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5 minutes later...
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The townspeople see through her scam and leave in disgust. But handsome newcomer Lord Qiansui (and his personal assistant and/or assassin-on-call) is delighted to have found an old friend, even if she doesn't recognize him.
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Su Xiao Huan is happy to leave with him, but less than happy to hear about his plan to entrap the fox demon.
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He wants to send her to the palace to serve him- not like a servant or even in a creepy concubine way- more like in a To Serve Man way. Yes, he wants to offer her up as a snack. Su Xiao Huan has bitten off more than she can chew and finds herself entering the palace.
Once there, she meets Bo Qiu, the Fox Demon Emperor. Bo Qui realizes Su Xiao Huan is the woman from the painting, but she doesn't remember him at all.
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Su Xiao Huan, for her part, is more concerned with not being consumed.
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Threats like this will become a wellspring of flirtation in subsequent episodes (example below)
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Finally we get what I thought was going to be a montage of their shared past, but just turned out to be the ending theme because these episodes are short! (I do think some of these scenes are flashbacks though)
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When there was only one set of footprints, it was the fox demon emperor lugging your ass through the snowy landscape while the outro music played.
The Good
I love the low cut, slightly slutty way Bo Qiu is wearing his robes
Su Xiao Huan has a cute pet hedgehog
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The Bad
you can't fuel a drama on hotness alone (but you can coast on the fumes of hotness until you reach the gas station of a better drama)
the hedgewiggle exhibits more acting ability than some of the cast
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Hedgehog seen here giving us classic second male lead syndrome.
Final Thoughts
Imma keep watching it.
Master list of all recaps
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heymeowmao · 1 year
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风月如雪 | The Snow Moon E13 ° Lord Fox Demon, I have some things I would like to say to you.
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barananduen-blog · 3 months
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🌿Jackie Li Jiaqi for the 2024 Tencent Video Drama Party🌿
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More on her weibo: [-1-][-2-]
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lostinadrama · 6 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢 (2024)
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 5 months
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Youlan frying her brother's brain to become a cp stan was not on my bingo card
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 6 months
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The Legend of Shên Lí 與鳳行
Airing today!
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This time it's on my watchlist for the ladies!
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And this guy
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theapplehairgirl · 2 years
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⋆。˚ ⋆。˚ 
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well-dressedwords · 1 year
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I can't recall where I saw the recommendation for The Legendary Life of Queen Lau, but as soon as I saw Li Hongyi was a lead, I was willing to give it a try.
Queen Lau is *such* a fun show. Do not expect historical accuracy. AT ALL. But I'm fine with that - they know they're being silly and they're all enjoying it.
This happens anytime I actually enjoy a cdrama, even a bit. I end up finding a new actor (or more than one) that wins me over. It took me a hot second to realize Bai Shu also played the second Lord Langya in The Blood of Youth; I still love him in this, too. BUT!
Li Jiaqi. She is a queen (literally in the show). I love her. I adore her. She wins over (nearly) everyone with how she takes on life and challenges. Seeing the way her maid quickly warmed to her and then ended up on her side ~ just chef's kiss. Figuring out that the sister needs love & attention and giving them ~ so heart-warming!
Maybe Li Jiaqi's not exactly like Jinfeng in real life (I wouldn't know), but how can I not enjoy her performance?! What other show can I watch with her, that's halfway decent?
Anyway, this might be my first cdrama where the female lead doesn't have a slim, tiny face. She actually reminds me more of Chinese tapestries and paintings of court ladies than most modern actresses. That plus her wonderful personality just makes the queen/empress a gem.
Excitement about actors playing wonderful comedic characters aside, I like that they make the emperor essentially an immature teenager trying to be an adult in a really hard situation. Does he wrongly think that his new queen is a spy for her father? Yes, but his stance is understandable. His arrogance has logical reasons, and he does come to love and care for her. I'm wiling to wait to see if he will mature, so long as Jinfeng wants to give him that chance.
The one character I just CANNOT stand is her father.
Just because he's not actually "evil" doesn't mean he should be able to handwave the way he treats everyone, save our female lead's mom.
The way he's written, he's just a jerk, on many different levels. If you wanted to train up a good emperor, there are better ways than setting his back up, making him look bad, humiliating him, and putting him so at odds with you that he's willing to believe anyone else. If you hate your job, then make him a good leader faster so you can retire.
There are ways to write this role so we (the audience) symphathize with him enough to get through their power clashes. But the writers didn't do that. I just despise him, to the point that I skip over what are (probably) important scenes, to avoid having to watch him be condescending.
Despite this one gripe I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Next comedy on my list is Dear Diary (My Babylonian Lover).
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vanimeiy · 11 months
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#LiJiaqi’s agency shares new photoshoot
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chineseredcarpet · 8 months
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Li Jiaqi for Tencent Video All Star Night 2023
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yibo-wang · 1 year
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lunarriviera · 3 months
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Tan Jianci as Shen Yi, Jin Shijia as Du Cheng, Baby Zhang as He Rongyue, Zhu Jiaqi as Jiang Feng, Lu Yanqi as Li Han, and Qin Hailu as Bureau Chief Zhang,  猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin, season 2
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heymeowmao · 1 year
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风月如雪 | The Snow Moon E14 ° Why do you look so much like that darned fox?
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barananduen-blog · 1 year
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◼ 🔹 "Jackie" Li Jiaqi for Trendmo magazine 🔹 ◼
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More at [Source] They're really good! :D Eighteen pics total.
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