#Li Xiao and Song Song are on the ups they're in love and a baby is on the way they just have to dodge the assassination attempts
chronomally · 4 months
Xu Kou really doesn't deserve any of this
#please feel free to ignore this#I'm reading Tyrant Pampering Wife Diary#If I found out my stupid-ass husband colluded with his stupid-ass family to rob his stupid-ass sister's stepson I would beat his ass#The chickens have come home to roost! The notoriously unstable prince has the emperor's favor!#You robbed his beloved husband of his assets and turned a blind eye to his abuse!#I know this is a wuxia setting but please Xu Kou divorce his ass#I would refuse to be collateral damage love is NOT that expensive#Honestly the dramatically different story trajectories for each group of characters are like so funny#Li Xiao and Song Song are on the ups they're in love and a baby is on the way they just have to dodge the assassination attempts#The Qin family is so mega fucked and every attempt they make to unfuck themselves actually fucks themselves even worse#The Song family has Had It and have bowed out of all the horseshit#Xu Kou is about to kill her husband and make it look like an accident because you fucking asshole how dare you#Also tbh if I was Xu Kou I would Not Be Happy#Are you going to do this to our children if a better prospect comes along?#Are you going to dishonor me and steal from my children if you bring in a new higher-ranked spouse? Kys#They told Madam Song and Song Guogong that they failed as parents but um so did Prime Minister Qin lol#Look at what your shit-ass children have done look at the mess they've made in their greed and desperation#They are all SO fucking lucky Hong Ren is the emperor because once Li Xiao takes the throne it's OVER
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Zixuan: *still on bedrest*
Yao: you did well, Zishie.
Zixuan: thanks Foxy.
Yanli: *holding the twins* A-Yao, hold them nah.
Yao: sure.
Rusong: aww they're so cute!
Yao: really precious.
Ruxuan, Ruming! I'm your uncle Foxy.
Yanli: and Xuan is mama bird.
Zixuan: *pouts* A-li.
Zixuan: I hope our children gets close to their uncle Foxy. Because they'll be around him a lot.
Yanli: they certainly will. And A-Yao would pamper them with gifts!
He already had A-ling pretty spoilt.
Jinling: I'm not spoilt by Xiao shushu. He just buys me things.
Yao: yea.
I must buy things for A-ling. And A-Song too!!
Yanli: I see.
Ruhua grabs Jinling's hair stick and threw it on the floor.
Jinling: Huahua! My crystal hair stick!
Rusong: how did it snap in two?
Jinling: it was a fragile type of crystal. Xiao shushuuuuuuu.
Yao: A-ling, A-ling. Don't worry. I'll buy you a set.
For you and A-song.
Jinling: *smile* thank you Xiao shuhsu!!
Zixuan: he loves to spoil A-ling and A-song.
As he should.
Mo xuanyu: Xuan gege, do you know how to change diapers?
Zixuan: c..change what?
Yanli: diapers, Zixuan.
Zixuan: ohhhhh. No A-Yu. I haven't changed one in my life.
The maids used to do it.
Xue yang: what a diva.
Yanli: so who's going to change the diapers, Zish?
Zixuan: and Huaisang is there.
He'll change their diapers.
When they're older, he'll be their babysitter but he has to undergo severe training.
Mo xuanyu: lol I agree. Where is he anyways?
Zixuan: gave him a vacation.
Because I want my twins to see beautiful things when they're born.
My babies are allergic to negative vibes.
Jiang cheng: *enters* I'm here! Sorry I'm late!
Yao: it took you long enough!!
Zixuan: *crying* Jiang cheng! Where were you!
Meng Shi: Jiang gui fei. What kind of conduct is this.
I'm very disappointed in you! You weren't aren't when my innocent little step son was giving birth.
You're married to two emperors. Act the part.
Jiang cheng: Tai hou and my emperor husbands. This wei wuxian was in lotus pier, and he used my sword~~
Zixuan: not in front the children!!!
Yao: oh my goodness!! How putrid!
Xue yang: wasn't bichen enough?
Su she: you have some freaky family members.
Mo xuanyu: *blocks Jinling and Rusong's ears*
Jiang cheng: that's not what I meant, guys!
He used my sword to cut lotus pods. Then the idiot dropped it in the muddy pond, so we had to fish out Sandu.
Meng Shi: and your sword is a mode of transportation.
Jiang cheng: yes! Taihou.
Meng Shi: why didn't you run or hire a caravan?
Jiang cheng: *facepalms*
Mo xuanyu: Jiang cheng, how could you.
Zixuan: what if I died during childbirth and my children became orphans.
And then my empire lost a super handsome and almost divine emperor with flawless skin.
Yao: and A-li would have sadly become a widow.
Then she would ask me to adopt the children.
Zixuan: it would be hard for them to fit in because they're not hulijings. A-li might become A-Yao's concubine, but she'll become more rich, and depressed cuz she misses me.
Do you know how it's like to be rich, depressed and a hot mess! And on top of that stressed?
Jiang cheng, do you see the ripple effect!
Jiang cheng: stop being dramatic. And look. I'm here.
Zixuan: I haven't had a drop of water or a grain of food, while waiting for you.
Because if I ate I would have thrown up. But read between the lines.
I fasted for you, my husband.
Yao: our confidante!
Zixuan: *sobs* consort Cheng. *sniffles*
Jiang cheng: jiejie. How do you deal with him?
Yanli: *laughing* just fine*
Jiang cheng: uhh.....are you done?
Zixuan: you have broken my heart. I don't think I can forgive you.
Yao: I'm very disappointed in you.
Jiang cheng: Zixuan. I made soup. Do you still want some?
Or are you still feeling nauseous?
Zixuan: gimme that, Jiang. You're forgiven.
Yao: poor baby has been starving from his fast.
Zixuan: Jiang cheng, I'm weak. Can you feed me? *bats eyelashes*
Jiang cheng: sure.
How are you feeling now?
Zixuan: I'm still sore.
Jiang cheng: now what did you name them?
Zixuan: Ruxuan and Ruming.
Jiang cheng: sounds ok.
Zixuan: be a little enthusiastic, nah. They're royalty.
They came out from my~~ what's the word?
Xue yang: royal Zishussy.
Zixuan: yea.
Jiang cheng: noted.
Zixuan: A-Yao will let you hold them.
Next day..
Around midday, a group of beautiful young ladies, all holding fans in their hands,  came to meet their dowager empress Shi.
Greetings taihou.
Meng Shi: greetings darlings. Rise please.
Someone from in front of the crowd: I'm Xu.
And I'm Lu Wan.
We're all aristocratic fox spirits.
Meng Shi: ohh, pleasure to meet you. What brings you here?
We want to see Dianxia!
Also we would love to marry him.
Taihou, I'm good at calligraphy and painting.
And I'm good at poetry and playing the Qin.
Meng Shi: *giggles daintily* excellent.
I always dreamt of Songsong getting a girlfriend, and settling. But then my Songsong is the one who must make the decision right. Why don't you go meet him?
Ladies: *squealing*
*goes to rush outside*
Meng Shi: hey hey wait. You have to go through Huangdi first.
Yes Taihou.
Well we got to meet our inlaws right.
The group of beautifully dressed hulijing ladies confronted and bowed to A-Yao.
Greetings father-in-law Huangdi.
Yao: *astonished* father-in-law???
Oh gosh, you all saw Rusong, didn't you.
Miss Xu: yes Huangdi, and we're in love!
Dianxia is extremely handsome.
Huangdi are we perfect for future concubines?
Xu: I'll be Dianxia's empress.
Can we see Dianxia?
We miss seeing him.
Yao: hmm sure then. He's in the garden.
Awwwwww Dianxia loves nature?!
We love nature too!
Yao: mhm. He's taking a stroll. And maybe he's going to sit and play the guqin.
*squealing* omg!!! We love music too!
He's so talented!
Let's go look for him!
Meng Shi: Yao'er.
Yao: A-niang?
Meng Shi: did a group of ladies come to meet you?
Yao: more like they came to meet A-Song.
Meng Shi: *giggles*
Yao: did you send them?
Meng Shi: yea,. They wanted to meet our little Song'er so I let them. Wangzi needs a Wangfei.
Yao: you're right. But Song'er loves someone already.
She's A-Qing of Yi city.
Meng Shi: A-Qing? Beautiful. I would love to see her.
And why didn't this child tell me? Am I chopped liver?
Yao: *laughing* A-niang, maybe he's shy.
Meng Shi: oh my. This boy.
He's a handful, but a cute handful.
Yao: agreed.
Rusong: *walking through the garden while reading*
Xu and others: *confronting him* greetings Dianxia.
Rusong: *looking up from his book* oh hello. How may I help you?
Xu: Dianxia why are you so hot. 
Rusong: I...I was born like it.
Ladies: awwwwwwwwww!
Rusong: are you here to meet Nainai? May I escort you?
Xu: no no. We met her already. We came to meet you. *blush*
Heehee, how are you, Dianxia?
Rusong: I'm doing well.
Xu: you're really really cute.
And such a gentleman too!
Dianxia what are you going to do?
Rusong: well I was going to play the guqin.
Aww the guqin?!!!! We want to hear!! Play it for us na, Dianxia!!
Please! We would love to hear your music!
Rusong: sure.
Dianxia are you single?!
Rusong: well actually I have a girlfriend. But she's out if town.
Ladies: *disappointed*
Xu: is she even a beautiful hulijing?!
Rusong: no. But don't worry guys. You can still hang with me and listen to music.
*cheering* yayy!! Dianxia!!
We still love you!!
Xu: just saying, we can be better than your girlfriend.
We are hulijings after all.
Rusong: *laughing* I see.
Xu: at least she's taking good care of our Dianxia.
Rusong: *smile*
Ladies: *squealing* dimples!!!!!
Rusong: shall we?
Ahhh right behind you.
Rusong: would you like some flowers? Feel free to pick some from the garden.
You're so kind Wangzi.
Rusong: maybe if you like a certain flower, you can make a bouquet out of them.
Anything to remember you by.
You're hella handsome.
Rusong: *laughs slightly* thanks.
I have asked my attendants to arrange tea and snacks.
Aww Dianxia, we were just here to listen to you play. You're too kind.
Rusong: well you're my guests after all.
Xu: so ideal just like Huangdi.
Rusong: us Mengs are known for our hospitality, and we hope that the empire does the same.
Xu: *melting* gosh, that's well said. But i love when your lips move.
Meanwhile, in one of the spring Pavillions~~
Yao: *having tea with Meng Shi and team dimple*
Meng shi: Yao'er, Yao'er, how is A-qing like?
Yao: very vibrant and energetic. Quite mischievous too.
Xue yang: she's a big simp too.
Meng Shi: oh. Lovely. Lol, a simp as well Chengmei?
Xue yang: yea. She popped out of me.
I gave birth to her.
Meng shi: *laughing* awww.
Yao: xue yang and Xiao xingchen are her guardians.
And they're all from Yi city.
Meng shi: ohhh I see. How sweet.
Mo xuanyu: we ship them a lot.
Su she: they make a good pair.
Meng Shi: that's good.
Xue yang: A-Qing is broke by the way, Miss Meng, so I don't know if that might be a problem.
Meng Shi: it's fine, Chengmei.
It's one's character that counts.
Yao: mhm.
Meng Shi: did you give her the thing?
Yao: of course I gave her the thing.
Mo xuanyu: *sips tea* what thing?
Meng shi: the hairpin Yao'er had commissioned for Rusong's soon to be bride.
Xue yang: I hope she didn't sell it by now.
Meng Shi: what?
Su she: it's a joke, taihou. Don't listen to xue yang.
Yao: she's good at heart, and she knows the significance of the accessories.
Meng Shi: oh good.
Yao: she has the same antics as Chengmei.
Meng shi: lol.
Anyways I need to talk to Mr. Dianxia later.
Yao: go for it, A-niang. He didn't tell you about his gf.
Meng Shi: exactly.
A-Yao, I think we should send her some gifts.
Yao: my same thought. And we can give some money to Xiao Daozhang as a sign of courtesy and good relations.
Meng Shi: yea.
Xue yang: what about meeee.
Yao: I'll give you candy, and maybe a new plot of land to practice your fierce corpse.
Xue yang: that's why I love you Jiggy.
Yao: *pats head* love you too, my little gremlin.
Later on, Rusong was walking down the hall, after playing the guqin for the fox spirits.
Rusong: why did Nainai send girls for me? That's so strange.
Oh right.......I didn't tell her about my girlfriend yet.
Rusong: I wonder if she found out? Guess I'll be hiding from Nainai for the while.
Meng shi: Songsong.
Rusong: *turns around* oh...hey Nainai.
Meng Shi: Meng Jin Rusong, the Hulijing Wangzi.
Rusong: (you know you're screwed when she or A-Die calls your whole name and title)
Meng shi: Dianxia *pinches cheeks* you didn't tell me about your gf.
Rusong: yea Nainai. I was going to tell you soon.
Meng Shi: baby Songsong, you're super cute. And I'm so happy for you.
A-Yao told me a lot about her.
Rusong: oh I see. The emperor of Hulijings and Kitsunes, Meng Yao Jin guangyao had let out my secret. *laughing*
Meng Shi: heehee yes. *kisses his dimple* secrets safe with me, Songsong.
Rusong: ok, Nainai. Today I'll spare Mr. Huangdi.
Meng Shi: but it's good that he told me. Because you wouldn't have told me.
Rusong: I would have, lol.
Meng Shi: *pouts*
Rusong: *hugs* Nainai. You believe your Songsong, right. Nainaiiiii.
Meng Shi: *pats head* I can't pretend to be upset with you, can I. You always put on that cute face.
Rusong: nah it's just that I'm naturally cute.
Meng Shi: oh really, Dianxia.
Now what did you do with the ladies?
Rusong: just got them some tea and snacks, then I played the guqin.
Meng Shi: lovely little Dianxia.
Later in the day......
Yao: Songsong.
Rusong: A-Die. Nainai was in her fox spirit matchmaker mood today.
Yao: *laughing*
Well you didn't tell her about your gf.
Rusong: right.
Xue yang: and you're a supermodel, so.
Mo xuanyu: who wouldn't fall in love with you, little Dianxia.
Su she: you have your A-Die's face after all.
Rusong: yea team d. And I can't help being cute.
Mo xuanyu: exactly.
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zhongrin · 11 months
I FEEL YOU ON THAT SONG (writing on the wall)
BECAUSE LIKE.. THE PACING? From talking about how art is their whole life, in a positive note and super optimistic, to TRYING to hold it up and make sure that people still understand that you have some passion for it, TO BEING ABSOLUTELY TORNNN. "My art is me" BUT IT IS SHRED TO PIECES BECAUSE WHAT IS ART IF NOT SUBJECTIVE?
"Sketching visions in my head, just to see them rip to shreds". GODDDDDD!! HOW ARE WE MEANT TO BE ARTISTS WHEN WE CAN'T SATISFY THE CLIENTS (bashes head)
And I don't mean artists as in the ones that draw, I mean artists as ANYONE who creates art. I know for a fact that artists can all agree on the notion that creating for the masses will eventually lead to a point where you don't even create out of joy and it's,, augh.
BUT RIN!! NEVER FORGET THAT WE LOVE YOU!!!! Your works are all very dear to my heart, I especially loved a particular one about Zhongli and Reader as parents and Xiao as their baby grhhhh.
YES THE PACING IS EXCELLENT honestly i saw the red lines starting the part after the chorus and i immediately got hooked. like. 'wait this does not seem right' and then it just goes downhill (or uphill in my eyes) from there hahahah
here's my honest opinion about art and artists, right. they're always seen as 'below' science and engineering and stuff but i feel like it's the opposite. it's something that can't be measured and it's something so complex that can't be explained in a logical way because it's so subjective.
and please you're too sweet es hsdlfkjskldf thank you <3 ough that one. yes. i hold that one close to my heart. i just love the concept to dad!li and son!xiao sobsob
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