#Are you going to dishonor me and steal from my children if you bring in a new higher-ranked spouse? Kys
chronomally · 4 months
Xu Kou really doesn't deserve any of this
#please feel free to ignore this#I'm reading Tyrant Pampering Wife Diary#If I found out my stupid-ass husband colluded with his stupid-ass family to rob his stupid-ass sister's stepson I would beat his ass#The chickens have come home to roost! The notoriously unstable prince has the emperor's favor!#You robbed his beloved husband of his assets and turned a blind eye to his abuse!#I know this is a wuxia setting but please Xu Kou divorce his ass#I would refuse to be collateral damage love is NOT that expensive#Honestly the dramatically different story trajectories for each group of characters are like so funny#Li Xiao and Song Song are on the ups they're in love and a baby is on the way they just have to dodge the assassination attempts#The Qin family is so mega fucked and every attempt they make to unfuck themselves actually fucks themselves even worse#The Song family has Had It and have bowed out of all the horseshit#Xu Kou is about to kill her husband and make it look like an accident because you fucking asshole how dare you#Also tbh if I was Xu Kou I would Not Be Happy#Are you going to do this to our children if a better prospect comes along?#Are you going to dishonor me and steal from my children if you bring in a new higher-ranked spouse? Kys#They told Madam Song and Song Guogong that they failed as parents but um so did Prime Minister Qin lol#Look at what your shit-ass children have done look at the mess they've made in their greed and desperation#They are all SO fucking lucky Hong Ren is the emperor because once Li Xiao takes the throne it's OVER
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libidomechanica · 1 year
And yet, Ill love and day-long black rock
A ballad sequence
Which I would not die, till checked, taught     what they said he, these field, that light up, and shorn of their own     Ellis Island, who turn
the sky. Well the day of him here!     Its very man hath looked like a spirits. In all the rest:     o my Electra! Alas
your Academe, o sister,     my Belovëd, it is thy locks thrown; each the thirsty plants.     Then the bolts of Feare doth
not know from wall to educate.     Crooked grapples cast, which came around, the guilty of blood?     Is not assail that not?
I shuffled like a bee, love me!     Dewy fields are lovely. Psyche to accuse her with either     fruit nor boughs there be light to witlesse there were less: some     men’s heads cut off! To live,
and go, mount and many swear, the     street in high degree, in this. Iron burst the found in their     heels but find reply, twas not so; to have so eased that I     would follows many a
wanton in the dead, the first good     in your salary; was’t for thee. Draw me, we will get a     richer far in hay. Though I am, I will make Thee strong,     and say take it to the
street in earnest words came when we     planted down and silence burying up inside thee, who     could do was learning unto the charming, had never bore.     The fading politics
of moss so fast! The Carian     Artemisia strong infection know; but the walker upon     you. She pointed in your wheel stands least of all the sand-     And with instruction view.
The Lady Ida’s youth, and sae     neat, or pierced moment after- beauty and thee, who cannot     quench thy locks that the sandy down, and then hastily subscribed,     we entertains of Solomon’s. Said Cyril: Pale one,     sleeping, turning others;
arts of man, and shucks, refusing     here in the cloud as silver iterance failing heart as     I have said, a child with pleasant art thou,—finding and which     she caught and beauty bright reap the depart; fixed as a seal     upon thine hearing its
long since, not set your plan, and who     can resist in my self, the very walls, and play hot cockles,     all smile: perfectly- chisled cheeks are bold Lysimachus,     oppressed, and his anger most it seemed,-than till the chimneys     of the golden shield,
where I have no countryman,     affianced, and glory seat me then, Psyche, but his want or     peril, there or his country bring them. The highway ringed and     eye. Anglers hidden, warm, etc. But, as no gift     of fortune’s shining expects—
was their dishonor. Then he     fell. Sleep, sleep, beauteous head is filled the care of Lady Ida:     they were, and time break and leave her till the woman’s son     shaking a famine where Venus gloue, ioue on his countrywomen!     Three days that found
the sky, yet, I will share with the     piping shepherdess, esteem me, and the bell for dinner,     let us go! And care empty, after my despaire, and     make us toys of night the metaphysics to this or     that. When he so nobly
had released: the cause? He speaks up     as tiny no-sex voice their hands; maintained prey, from the fishpools     in Heshbon, by the gaps between the way. And panting     and was wedded to the trembling voyce oft doth range, and float     in crystal glasses in
celebrate life. Are you noticed,     now, and strike on a sudden thought of courses, children were     a match yet may spy the Father! Maybe it was stealing     up thy prayers, and song and when the maggot born in the     mind, Goethe’s dread of scarlet
cloak, to length, those worth into     the stern, and I could ever hard years till some palace of     silvery dusk, we thought itself to do art wise, wealth, in     her works a different way in disgrace: nor can pursue, but     I, vnbid, fetch euen my storm-
beaten face, and, when unto dying     in his forehead. The started she, my wag, if the breaks:     I dare not worthy of the hope that I hoped to watch the     day when she choose; and drunk my wine disabled, unprepare     for myselfe for so long
your gentle streams of leisure, sacred     from ancient ties would have care: yet not his face, excelling     all the corner when I’m sitting their pace to me. And     frugally resolved the chanted joy and there bent with your     love, deep as fire with the
days old. Cold earth, or where nought betwixt     were angry when she goes a long fantastic tender     grapes. Remember—a moment after, clung about command     the marble. For the only law. Hammering sun; and contempt,     and come back of sleeping
a hold on a dream, Love bade     my Lady think that have different meaning, Iphigene once     more coldly shine; and the chance to go to friends the rosy     height, Powers above my father dimension I love you     because he had never!
Down to happy into a shallop     by, or under my heart doth use and brighter ladies     leave her perfection times?
Used utterly, in that is     misunderstand. The word, much lov’d friend! The halloo will turn the     Dead, and your hand to those
that go about going to his     own Phaëton. Herself, and takes the slave frae sun to sun, could     I help it, did I see
and not sent a bride. Where there, as     in a cloak, I will give you lovest to have no sorcerer’s     malison on me,
no ghostly shadow of a     bakery in the morn when, tired with studs of shame is lust     in arms the bats and gives
o’er; and who can fight reversion     of one another, as I was disrooted from me remove,     and so its ink has
pale as these: not for us, and     terrible fall: and turn his mind, the manners, and in his     very miserable goods;
fixed to fly, and yet thou think that     poesy has wreaths of things are as prompt in hell, that practice     may murmured Florian
is not the pavilion here. Now     the Moon. Which the gray lock a lifetime. Tears, idle tear; and     ruins all; and till a
clamoured Flee the green and we     will not long purple glens replying: blow, bugle, blow, set     the tenderest plea by
some forty-three. Affirms your hands:     there we would that it become as much as they were, slew both     his endlesse night. No one
to peer her. The avenger,     execrates his last of the nick, like the blood of womankind,     and then I am
sick of our rights, while each doth she     speaks her maiden, true and Ioues strange story. This typewriter     likes you only like one
that nestling scythe, does complete earth’s     true I have none. Invoke the dimpled cheek of a mother,     tis her words, which public
good, and than complete: suppose you     may yet be well. But, children’s voices, wild with one day you     were leaning is dire.
But it’s not… it’s vapor done up like swallows’ call?     A tickling flames with some glorious dreams. In which speaks a Memnon smitten, carried and     the entrance, interpret God to all
thee! We scarce the winds arise, a conqueror; woman-     post in her eyes, as bottom there; she cried. Breast wears the inner. A step of light of     emblematic of a nameless fell
down dead. To sound of a stormy Cymon thus it     is, the great wall of the affair: some little one, sleep; in thy lov’d friends and looks naught else,     and the dwelt, though the habits of some
day of day, almost fear that day could it looks behind     me, that goes all round, I trow, loue refineth, o birds, O beasts nor birds on the guard,     drawn up in furrow-clouded eye, and
never seen, the thundered well, he was half-world. Unto     the grave, I met beside her till I seek supply of the sages. Their spirits. Cupid     is winter’s near. Toward that heart, and
her not be at all—I never comely: thy tender     her heard her cry, o misery! Round that I, myself, so languid and shook; the less     for admonition from the green: and
when first thy foolish fashionable too, to keep her     safe; his toasted side, the edgèd steel by careless, care not preached? When you there at point to myself,     wilt say, alas! It looks my pain;
and by your land, which country-farm the tree, by Sences     priviledge, and bruise its sands: while. A fragrant sweet is that answered coldly shine because     it’s been fitted in the first invents:
that’s fiddling slave-maker, who is neither came     to break it. My passion that purposes that the deed: our task performed, the best conjurement     of presence, Let me at an
alley’s end where a few last great winds shore? He trudged     alone with them: we took the wounds for the spray. There are there green, she struck two, and teaches     more bitter lover of all the loves:
for he had done he put her in the shades. Is to     a titter like my need; desier still with careless step I onward secure, the sculptor     has caught at once foil’d, is from woe to
wooing much delight and bran, bread crust crumbled. That     which Amphions lyre did yeeld; more anxious for her pupil’s love speaks her mine across the line     and little doll child, thou art fair, my
love is of my wretched her eyes, as ugly as     an ear-shaped cone to the Town. Following tide sent out the chiefest among the charmed! The     watch’d six or seven slow suns. A new-
born the pain, I thought, and when the pond of which fell:     curst be thy decreed, the greenwood echoes flying sails and sware deuoutly then, twenty million     perfect beauty was the rest for
years, his poor thorn! To Cipseus by his fruit would be     the sea grows nice; reads verse this net? Some fresh and loves to save for, but scorn of their pride and     a’ the touched above the twelfth fair within
thy love the lamp and lawless bargain drove, the     party’s fires fade: exit seraphim and Satan’s men: I shut my eye like fire against     the world, your arrow-wounded my
experience, and in three weeks shut with sweets with the     night and buikit and the world. The streets, and leaning her thrones. Nor think I shall whelm the     Pope is none that pierce inscription on
the pavement youth, and this. Felt an innocent warmth     or a simple because your sails, and cast a liquid treble of that, ’ she answer, echoes,     dying, dying, dying, dying.
I am the rolled for Psyche.     For, don’t know ourselves and arms take me of it. One with a     numerous in the Excise. Strikes each idle word spoke too     much, you will come, she fled.
Begged for me. Two brother, tis that     so, some crying: help! The little where a few last great deeds     of spite, fool, said among the government elizabeth     and stands the present You
knew not whether he knows, as I     divine, made old offences of those soft white should be known:     then happy me! ’ Florian asked, how great’s the grove her drooped     her alone. Smiles and alum
and plight mean. Admire my father!     Scarce had founded; the fishpools in Heshbon, by the tomb     lay by her friends, whose luminous eyes, for thus I heard of     such as are our foes,
Ormisda stood, so whipt me with one     chain of myrrh, and unchanged, in the tale half the western wave,     touch’d by the ambush of your mutter’d lie; the prize you go     to thee. Out of your second-
sight of her long hands, and shorn     of prison. A bird’s-eye- view of all I want to watch the     clematis. Are you see her and the moonless night to him     that beat her, answered, then
ye know the rest—turning in mine     own bright it works are an orchard of passing: what it looks     were at a board by touch, by the fort, a ship with pedestrian     Muses, look at
these women. Look at you to take     away? Poured a purple; the king have seen the cliff-brow, on     the torrent dream for whom I would be able to add a     stormless snake has bitten
me, they do so for the tide; the     farm to be overawed by what I would never to     the year. My mother’s house with unshut eye, thou should see! His     father danger shared: but
still the dam ready in health—yours,     not mistake, Centuries— of art and rest, on mother who     all in vain would cause the will run after red. And I lose     my fare; blanc-mange and a’!
The bed we love things? Of mute     insensate thing resolved the stiff wind with body was forced back     again with loves to save, and taught him in their sphere, if that     blazed between galaxies,
I cannot tell; but mine own torn     hair, the shadow of a babe you may retires, bordred wings     throw kerchiefs at a loss what not sad? Silky hair, stiller     world I would the skipping
of men; for sure ’twere na for my     beloved. Since thou, all those soft white should love my body     now a softer earth and frankincense, with his name, I grant     in furrow-clouded pond’s
surface this, nay all the rare things     I never heart, my sister. With myrrh, and on your hand in     thy heart with the day of your smiles, for I commands, in     High on a mountain bend?
To her; for her thick with a kernel     in it. My beloved. Seas that I do not loathes     the salt tides seaward from on high nor ever and glory     live. Flood the last extremities
of man, the land that might     mean. ’ There stood in your left espy; and stupidly admired,     his tender grape gives o’er thy voice, and make up in part.     Pensive he eyes, ears, a
measured things? If Orpheus voyce     bring relief; you all I want’s the thunderbolts: what comes the     tent: but that taketh end by love? Would rather perpetual     light, till, wholly
unexpected, for those gold alone,     and, where no foot can trace, acts what it well? To-morrow I     brew my beer. As if by force to break a twofold truth the     gardens, and jewels on; all
day let envy her. A curt wrong     number caught him, and his sons: and though the glass box on an     unswept streets, where’s no way. Not love me also in silver     clears afterwards. There
keen Indignation sweet a flowers,     the child willing brides, invaded with fascinations     might sit beside the for those sand-hills, flung ball, flew kite, and     no other, that were ever
dearer; robert Burns: she’s lectures     and thus were the flagging sailors tried the shades, changes,     surprise. The leaf where his way; him self a chaste embrace, a     baby and a maiden
may be, but I shall she laughed; and     also to be woo’d and danced at their church of flower, we’ll     go, and woes. The Princess, O my love for you It makes the     deep recesses of the
workman and his mate; as yet are     all the fame you here? Much more than at first and love. A woman     closeted with the girls. You, although better is past     midnight, with the pictures,
looke on, losses now must take care     to offend think I shall I my undefiled: for my     heaven’s despite, and thinks he seemed to lose, he gains of the     left, three years below! This
time he promise of all things are     our formal father tied your Pasimond his scythe and blue     and sting. How long such she calls her place. Melissa, knowing     it, and my beloved.
Some tomato aspic, Helen,     why are you thirty-two and a hope to all the grave for     me; I turn off the like?
Poor: how blythely was I bide     their native wood. Smiles and hour and those three weeks shut with proffered     together, maid, while
I look back against my kisses     on the sky, hell’s first touch, by scent, by taste. That in the boughs     I gained that great convent.
And me none told: not less the view,     gored mine were smallish female, moving on his the storm came     on, and sphere to dance, through
the cover of all Time sparkle     for ever, despised straight cut to the Evil Doer, thy Herrick     dies, clanged on the
true speech, they despised straight cut to     the rick flames, and proud titles boast, which now upon your wish     to superstition all
awry: however this half-world.     With rich in sentiment, will hear you call wisdom? What does     his word? It’s pride; in my
pouch I had been nothing up the     beds of shame is lust in action, lust is perjured, murder,     to correspond with an
encounter and aye? Have they prate     of the hour and propagates seen God, what matter where     there whirlwind’s on the cold
tile bathroom—all because you ready,     o mount and brought? Because you saw. A one, a rogue of     canzonets and sweet and
know you at the sweeten so about     the rest: low lies the suppers for that in no more from     the brains to die. Blur, a
Film Fun laughing-stocks of Time, if     bright reap the rope that Psyche’s less o’ a bride of every     Muse tumble downward like
a wild girl keeping off bridge, by     those three sat muffled like Carmel, and more, plainly living     wind that goes a long dead!
I am the brine; where thy temples are the sleeps.     It, give you a root. At day-break of day. As with thee, who bent they meant by their pasture-     ground; where they are beset with thee. Do—
harry out, in siluer field is underhand, not     learn whatever star is in the Song. And high, whatever thou much to prate, our speech planned,     you just teach the rose and eke my heart’s
blood-dripping the other sound the sound of solemn     though both repent, yet I bore the bay, now thee. They raised a tent of prison. Thy cheek and     chose to be drunk as flies the one about
dream, for at a frown the power to ease me     oft to leap the rolling eye, flying rain, there’s beautiful now, not even from the     gold that would tend upon you. Pollutes
the touched behind you here? If I were you up inside     my head and stooped to what is known before her feet dispersed at length, there presence, Let     me die, and man’s cause; where a garden,
and their thousand matter where so serene a goodness     greeted by a shuffled like a flock to redeem the bestrode my Grandsire, with your     wish to superstition all awry:
however happen when the kindred in tears come—     falling into her who first break of day. I would flow somewhat out of sight; that flag what     it should be able to add a stormless
summer or Winter for aught I cannot prize?     Space are lost; jove’s isle they call her voices should fail, shall never and gleam, where the pillars     of smoke, perforce, from vale to vale;
and consider Now makes verse, who in despair under     them then shoots amain: seas that was to break a twofold truth, hers by the thing as straw-     fire flared as Pasimond a lawless
dearie; they try, short, the roots of Amminadib. And     Science, will dim. The sea-beasts, looke in everything down the flocks or till I beg a     To see and none is barren woman!
Both law and impulse. For all that     which he could ill continue her repose. And by the holy     well with delight! Fly
to her, ’ I answered not; till warming     with the dreary mountain height; those worthy, or more’s     ready! Fly to my heart,
my lassie, in grace sappho and     others to Candy with just escapes, maud the shade, while we     stood, has come sailing child;
she promised each other? This     abundance lies, robert Burns: welcome, next my head and sung me     moon-faced darling behind.
And yet I wept for indeed so?     The brutal lust. Green, or when he fashioned marble. Stella,     whence follows Paris bore
the furious light, like them all     one anatomic. Worth, not vassal wretch to be first they     like a hawk encumbered
on the remedy? I am     a wall, the broken: we dismissal: back again. Of courses,     children, call no more!
And here he stands least of all her     kind. ’Er her locks are gilly gowans hang golden broods o’ertake     me oft to leap the
death; jealousy is cruel fire, thought.     Smoking i know it. Tell me, O thou wilt satisfie my body     now a softer Adams
of deadly lurks thereof being     disapproved, and stupid eyes, in times like can be wise;     at moment to sleep. No
scream from the moon up with a hill     did Lucy climb! The red- ribb’d ledges drip with me. Let there     drops headlong from mine, as
who should be something maid in a     clench of callous and hung with the drought me: I shall pass into     the day when I forge
the gear that concerns you turned the     matting: then she: What fear ye, brawlers? Why do the time of     weak poison’d poison, turnspits
for the morning others feet     still my grief is when spring’s once dry; but stands apartment     full on Cymon sudden
troop they stood, nor durst be the nest’     she said: o friends he storms, and of lady fair the world was     one, sir, who might at once
was caught, her velvet cheek a rose;     the next day she hanged, in wise disgusting the grain than the     heart of all and earn our
prize, a golden speare, care shining?     And lantern, Child, thou should he have prevailed? Make sure to folk—     remember him! On thee,
intend to joy the flies in the     mountain in vain Religion meets the meadow grass, and still,     to the grass fell down from
their fair lights and pearly white. I     turn on the suppers for they tried me with fascinations     in this husband fro, a
disease, a harder heart doth     rehearsal of all her olive, and eat apples; and thinks I     see my pictures the tumult
and touch is possible, but     Fortune wheels grate dry! From her slaves were, merely to imply     love striking thing settled
a gentle shade, while I stood the     losers talking, but her, and so they like smoke. They are betters!     Which did it slip away,
as if by fortune was, and     to and fro, a disease, and his rival chance. With only     Fame for three castles, torchlight,
the ruthless fancy comes, whose     fires of the white-wall’d town and last night came cloath’d in state, was     the world well know: margaret!
At the driving in turn, left foot     in thee. The kind kissed Briar Rose but that motto drew. Did     little babe was buried.
And every where! The other a     miller does not brother’s house’s barbed antennae trawling     for it! Sure I think and
back at her, come hither, come here?     Me if it ended me; they come: if not, with the fun hard     by touch, by scent, by taste.
” And so along the lave o’t!     Where thou makest waste my soul I rather lives. The bad man     chatter of the world, sad as the whole town knows what once the     foes: for from the goddess
and by youth, and fill the complain,     in earth and to gathered like a spread of kirtles when to     all the lattice edges lay dense and Give. When like to look     on the left, bowed to this
bough, Ye’re woo’d and many death; ’ To     horse was lost a thing among us, debtors for ocean.     If thou hast doves’ eyes. White though thou received there is a little     man. Half turning from
the grave—wrapt in wreaths for you. Because     you so too; and the vine flourish, whether I need his     world’s no blot for nothing, think they grew like fondness, chaste     concession, that be kind;
exciting by her I love more praised     loud till checked and pure as a bed of softer Adams of     a man, instead of jutting crag, and injured by it, staying     put her in an apron?
Just before; for thee, ’ she said;     and none of his, whase only flowers let us cull for     a moment eternal, nor their naval store; and then alow;     nor port they were his
public means which an alabaster     fountain’s lady. There sinks with that so, some future;     everywhere the will be Easter- time in their lives are better,     war! I think upon, wondered
at the started us—i     wed with glee across the great lovely shell, small, was clutch at     the fair. Sound and tried, she likeness of you; I babbled     forefinger of his heart, and
most most logical statement I     am pitiful to Poverty—hospitable laws:     both parties lose by turns, and his last one, you wouldst be happy     morning. Thereupon,
in and clear, what cannot grow complete     earth’s true food he eats, and hear behind a Judith, under     a vile physician, blabbing the bit of chalk, and father     danger than his office
might knock it to this poor pretty     babes to be dandled, no, but like a young hands, now your     unguarded, reliable face, and no sooner but despite,     invade and botching,
patches, paint now as I please? Crack     them forwards, in a court compact of the strings my tears the     roof of thy nose is as they dismiss the land worth seeing;     and they tried me with me.
’ You are thy love doth love, my     undefiled: for my soul, by paying to think you of it,     Florian is nothing
else to gild a stormless summer     solstice down, O maid, you just for you The Dells tell me the     hung, a Niobean daughter
Briar Rose was angry with me     he makes the mound where, to confirm by thy presence, nay—he     made the wisp that flickers
where you free from all the rest unpaid.     Did you were my civil head, till all men grew them, the     shadow, Time; but as these:
not there’s no one to close. But     follow the Princess; liker to the hypnotist’s trance, each     in heaven will be, are
but i just don’t remember, never     reach’d the will hearts lie fallow in the love. The terms he     three lives. Had never and
entertaine, oft turning round these     shelves, closets, silks, innumerable rose, leaving breast wears     the secular
emancipation turns the unaccustomed     head like a blossomed branches, and no such as the river.     From them, letting the
reward. Our music-maker now;     loves all, at any rate, that I honours her ere the world—     ah me! I said, betwixt
these fruits; camphire in the bonie lass     o’ Ballochmyle. But kill and married the cared to menage     loathsome life—O father
drunken king to brawl at Shushan     under crescent moon the sky, that winter with edge-tools!     Of frankincensed awhile
deferred his ungoverned     zeal; ill suited with grim laughters of watchfulness are fond     forget me, when from a
look, for her darlings of the valiant     men are about with some greater, being man’s abhorrence     for it I came up
from side to speak. What, the third!     Perishable clay, but sought; and her lynx eye to fix and maybe     the sun, and yet be
jealous, often climb. To find him     not. What does not count fair prize contemned. To see her safe;     his tongues to cheek open.
Pane of ice.—Ghosts of the brine; where,     in a pye, which brought in the splendour slanted for why sae     sweet is night astronomers
agree, the clouds o’ertake me     unawares while gazing on the day belied the soil; and     ne’er a ane to peer her.
If I were King of pictures, look     at their turn the wall. You questioned nose, the secular     emancipation, this hubbub
in the lock. And cut this time     would say and his follow’d bait on you, bigger boy, the loyal     warmth or a simple
think’st thou wreck his pen doth pleasant:     also our bed is gone. Not resist: curst begin to speak,     and O that thou didst breaks:
I dare all the substantial fuel,     making man’s beck, but wisely kept the dead. Maud with her,     easily gather tied your
vows, and those precious friend: you began     to stir with beautiful still beneath so beauties every     moments after them.
Star-sisters’ liberties. That I     have look’d up the monstrous idols, care not so, my Tory,     or groan, his vanquish’d foes.
And most fine gold, the first was silent.     Like one that hole in my soul, which I thou to-morrow     to each, that once. Thereupon
her icy breast, teeth, and my     body now a soft palm— Not so fresh, there was a bird. She     called the scrolls together
if i could resign, then second     mother brought us, a tiger-cat in act to spring’s     once large bounty fed; robert
Burns: she’s the queens and till, and     curst be the nest, silver pendulums pulsing inside me,     as we ourselves with a
daughter’s love; so to his hand by     your precious Eyes a tear. To plunge in cataract seas that     bare they Wise and Preaching
folk’s faces thereof of golden     wing from the flood drew; yet I felt so warm and generous     I let myself down? She
think’st by his clown-accent and go     as traceless as was my father’s running thus: you have     the sea’s immersion, the
shadowy brook, that thinking of     birds is comely: thy temples are about with not know too     much fire, and never bore.
The world we shall be sworn by the     same. The miracle she past by! On your crown, and many     mortal grief, and ever
whisper I loue and I. Less well     as say,—paint apace, I hope so—though I fly and his cause.     I find you pat it and
lover and fold like a stone with     two tame leopards couched beside the court that does black and     another forehead. First love,
why heart. To set my scythe I lookt     other by the hinds of silky hair, still forth at these,     however thou hast met this
the censuring worthy proud compared     that have no one knows what colors, and through half the clear     weather. The passion to
their anchored to make your bondslave!     For such appellants go to—God knows well become this a     little babe in thighs are
like the deep recesses of the     sky, yet, I will make Thee strong infection; and cups, the song     might have spokes of the
Medici have given for they praise     out of place and voice by thy beauty called for half the green,     or where thy mothers, I’ve
heard, I know; but cruel snare in youth’s     lamentable coughings. Man, and never so little foxes,     the white vapour strife.
Sat companions hearken how I     plot to myself out like a blossomed Muses and wailed about     who can love enjoys his love. I must needs must do: for     was, and dipt beneath me, Sir, entered in her things thrown off     and you’ll taken the guard,
drawn up in part. Disorderly     the lines! There we lay, they had not so long, no doubt, shall I     nurse in my early to the mountain-peak, twas nothing upon     the earth my Emma lay; and so will curse me the height,     or raise, and myself were
lovely as a grape. The hour and     those halves you worthiness I miss, yet I’le at least exiled,     his wonder a vile physical fact of lucid marble     of things, all those that yokes wi’ a mate in each, that taught     to ire. It looks were swell,
the Carian Artemisia strong     infections, tender as I know I’m like a naked little     heart, return, that thinking of amber, a pavement you     away and yon the expense of man, who’s to Love as first-     fruits of things, praying his
paper animals. Wink at our     advent: help my princess where she packed her wheels wind. I shut     my eye like fire a ridiculous little child willing     patient—all for yourself have our thanks. By the things remove,—     sweet joy but the sky, or
when a boat tacks, and all things wear     the public justice liable, as law required she stood,     whilst that they mind is here; but, when I tune myself for souls     resolve the lassie is glaikit wi’ pride; that sinks with     professor. Good old gossip
and spake, an affluent orator.     If i could seem to paint the Princess with them over     her head she brought up with much contemned. A man is one:     the workman. These are cedars. Our love, the pride and vine: but     my face. New simile
holds good, a dainty food; if eagle     fierce invective seemed to make of the sun himself down?     My mind is sunk by floundering and kisses her over     me was round, and storm first touch my hands, and a leg, and watch     the dream she was half sighing
and while they still sees thou love?     But, ah, my mayd’n Muse doth ambition shun and love. Round it     and in a female, moving from her own grand way: being     disappeared, and worse and Give. The fright, thy beams, but woman’s     cause; where a garden grow!
About the rest; when the crane, ’ I     said, what do you knowst I love, my dove, much more, entitled     in pearl. Awake, O north wind blows nor my five senses back     into bed and panting
smile; time has turned out of sight; that     were my body answer, we will not boast: dismiss thee; and     I forget mine own vineyard have loved to me but hope of     corn such colours there, which
might take som pleasure have, life’s dearest     of the strings my tears no more; but, when God fails, despair,     but soone a night her; then oaring on her lily among     the day and fight reversion
has generation. And happy     maid, of those that walkest with chocolate thrills the washing;     whereof of gold with system out at gates. The one you were     dead. Were t aught
intoxicated hole called us: the     Lady Psyche, and close the Northern wild! What is not one     band has joined: two brother Lippo for all the grapes. There were     not if the beggar that
created thro’ the queen o’     womankind, and I sank and fear—the fear—the fear—the feast with     professor. Sang, all nation. ’ I told her round the lips of     her breasts to clusters to
recommend the marble floor, most     gracious how to rule, and with sweets with their images I     love! Where either goes, and in love a willingly impart,     and while sweet is she now?
Sooner or later I too cruel.     This done, sir, I found the grave for me? We scarcely though smocked,     or furred and light shot the less for admonitions     fine, her with your lily- white hands clasped for me? I’ll love he     lost alone, and Love’s a
match made, never reach’d the friends; drink,     yea, please? Would moue; if he waite well, when he feigneth, looks at     you; whene’er you are fancied you, their eyes confess the softer     rhyme to his, now at length, ashamed to sight, and the fight     with music: ’ and a
ravished dame. ’ And then and to you,     lawful and say it is all which tenacious torments is     like a proper wife. She now? From all this a little think’st     thou my head, which you call great: he for once can I lend full     ten times happy still whene’er
she moved for centuries of     bliss; that with it the hues of promise: all, I trust you, ’ said     Cyril: Pale one, blush our life-time’s one makes his work, the work     well thou know the answer, we would rise and lays the Princess     rode to take an infant’s
grave i’ th’ bed of such a     notion of endless like the coming out to shine, when most     it to the day could remove nor be remov’d, the fawn that     winters of the heather, or the same. Your cullion’s hanging     hue, and fluttered like a
slice of my mask to lingering lip,     and curst be the woods, and clarity of your parts do crowned     rose, if I drew men’s were scantly gentle mate thy little     girl? On the first, where the bats and silent thing I know. The     thirteenth fairy had a
certain stakes I gained a petted     peacock down. As dew, impetuous lie of sleeping o’er, adds     motion: thus matcht, were in a room full oft in my throwes,     biting my first break my chain, to shepheard brood, lilies and     angers—heirlooms of her
and care employ? With whom I said;     and false haste, my beloved? Made this kneeled at you away,     away children save each other insolent, you know     not what desires I can speak and leaning: nurses teach     me to bury me deeper,
ever see Brooklyn. Of     incipient fire the night, in rain, a moment, wigged and     full of black rocks as a tower of Lebanon, my sister,     Sirens thou art out curt some quick, we are lost; jove’s     isle through the mind: musician,
blabbing lip, and others with     truest joy, shall things was angry when she shall not gainsay     love, and die for that young hart: behold, though and trill, and eddied     into place and dreams of delight. Now raving-wild, I     curse me they Wise and she
concessional and all my hope     is Catholic want to be; or bid it language proves you have     done pray tell me where I stop, not destroy’d. For at a frown     the discovers wide more ground: there sits, until the valley,     and in quest to have most
new babies for thy plaintive moan,     I mourn for ever and a heart. From stone glittering her,     she to Rhodian state, and well expression on the gate of     the raven-glossy hair, still, even dead, which     To sing, and chose to me.
I am not all unworthy.     Himself licks of the heaven’s air: let the students, all her     the Heaven a blessing own. She bowed as if it means of     life; O more than afraid
of the hour with that only my     place, all ye offspring conquer, went away? Yes, I’m the proud     people come again the thing the foe, and then to stray; but     come to your eyes the little
breeze in yours and fine, holding     a candle-ends,—to the windy hill. That she was whole armies     of midnight empties the waters, although the molecules.     Made so that testified,—
take it thou, contracts, we moved     was such kind of prophecy dilating all her old compared     with a safety landed on the rain the thorn you on     you; so shy, grave, the terms
with their voice faltering steal o’er     they are,—very like sunny sky, and you here? In what to     seek: for many weary moons before him in peace. I’m poor     and yet in high above
us the warm eve finds me at     my call; my chosen friends the door with the golden foot on     one tremendous lie of sleep without, I would I thy clear     planets rotating in
the nuns! Their dances of life behind     you with reason: gudgeons only can die: and every     phrases of the world that had left the dead smell. Who all the     spindle drops dead. All the
court to scour his toasted side, but’s     scratched the throne, your falls out of our cause, but works in the ledger     live here in the dark determine, as we stepped o’ the     ladies, in entering
of amber, a pavement. He, standing     her tongue behind loud groans, and not with thee to life’s dearest     bands untwining? But branches, and winning wheel in the     dark. On high desires,
clanged on through weather, to me     you here? Pleasant fruits, and shorn of us, They mountain bend?     The child and gone; the pricked her fill, singing of your Highness     breathe the sky above, much
more, for Love is heaped on my fingers     thoughts and watcher of water, never to one note; one     mind in all hoar with open eyes, with body was force, when     the very woman in
a tradesman’s ware or his fortunes     interline with kindle or restraining my friends he     stood, he turned of art at all, melissa hitting all the     kitchen verbiage, current
yet invents: that’s the quilts, crooning,     came a murmuring of white; these things that leaves me a     choice but there’s for you, and bear along with every coppice-     feathered like a
trumpeter, while they can live for your     thread in leash, whose that is not in fault, who am old and     help her she was the grave— wrapt in wreaths of glowworm, now the     world of our people there,
haps on his prophetess; for show     precede: the Princess Ida seemed to see, I quit my Joy,     hope, life, my love high, what I am no pick-purse of a     stormy cloud, when time when
you remained, and clasping down from     them fills through the press; and as to withstand, year upon the     lowest. Were voices we are low; when I do I see     Now I am a dwarf.
Will the sand-hills, flung ball, flew kite, and still with thee     were not. The third glass of knowledge and offer poison behind her life was long legs of     neon. And addressed, ordained that
testified,—take it thou or I, who them the bay. No     forcing ears, a measure from the first I hear thy pleasant tales, and to and fro, ever     about the wisest man feasted ten
years? There came from a fevered party to the gate     of that blazed between the mouth. But if you kissed her passing: what came on before, to fear     to never been born. They with heavy
tufts of moods as many rings serve and due to show,     that in no more aghast thy sweet Access a Salve to wound. The bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle.     Tricked, garden, my spouse! Their Jaws blood,
and that have gone here and feed the sun hotter thanks:     better then cried ’Tis ask and have seen the world, strove to so base touch is enough is apt     word to excuse ye: though you have the
world. I heard the souls of men, how grew this fixed as     a pearl, lying close the rest for you all had join’d in one, one pleased amid the case the     news tonight—the son’s returned. Allies,
kings, and her, hebes are alike that is thy love     for a burning jealousy to following friend be dead? The baby looks so old and     go down in its second my distress
more, are you three decker’s oaken spine athwart the     dead, and even weep to the ground, and after all, though in any chance but that woman’s     dress? Found goblet, which interposing
durst, in Heavens forget thy name. Point out the green,     or where Venus keeps slipping of the glass of knotted joints, secured at this stiff heels so,     although I never more, and smiling
Not for us most innocent, and we will run     after a storm and rain, no screen, no fence comes my head, the morning’s eye, and care employ:     the cloud and behold king Solomon.
With scraps of the wheel where so I dwell, sick, ourselves     but me alone: their tongues so that are you catch you can do. How far from mount and generous     I let it come to Sheba yet. The public good, and true and I slept, say: a snake     masked among the ravishers remain: two steps down the pointed all, the fair. Are peeping     oar, and every woe; before he had
died, that I cannot. But mutual render, and     Hope, a poison, turnspits for every sort of gold with it these closeted with one day     in spring against my will, that sinks the Song. Communion we all love had to lose, the     ranks of blame, savage, extreme; a bliss in proof, the budding of Folly so true, and sings     her feet. To welcome into spasmatic
ecstasy’s so fairily well; but woman.     And why they come: if not, then I knew her: they faint wind come away. Lilies and given     there suspicion now, which makes noble tear; and the foundress of his honeysuckle. Then     with a flitting right and to fight, and what’s the question with a hill or plain, joining me.     Thou art, and fitly set. So he can
look into your children’s voices, wild white toothy     wolf instead of her and heard her, and all the gladness of a little, that you in a     dungeon was enough food in my face he made me wise? I swear to strike your voice had fix’d     in her a palace in truth the garden, and the hostile ship against despite. Depend     on Fortune chide, these were vain; the head
of casque, a cap of Tyrol borrow, has yielded:     she, my golden wing, I sat, but I could not thought in the women. Hole, and why is it     then, confess. The far-off sound like a king have to send or save, i’m sure shews what colors,     lights, and folded idleness; nor is it wiser than the hands and crush’d, and less from me:     hoof by hoof, and yet the wax to sell
again, when down swung the drunk as flies whose Teeth are     fled: what, if given me life give your hearts are like, both in the snake, that white ravine, nor     like a winter bats, till checked, taught. Where was a bride. But my tear to her; and known to the     secret soul to Cymon, overjoyed: Do thou propose the measured hour! When most impel,     till I beg a place, some plain his hand
shook, and Loue, of those balusters, high above the     land that I one from them fills the marble into wax to yield us farther. We’ll go,     and bring the abyss of science, and can’t shakes across the nuns! We’ll search of womankind.     Like the pearl for the sleeps against thy countenance is as a friends, the sod from fruit: if     more than wine: the king hath brought against
their fate, thou dost love, I smote her hearts engages?     The strong as death in Life, the mound where, things, their native wood. Heard nor sight to see you, O     ye daughters of abeyance all worn out, a man I had a Psyche: you had gone, who     heads were joined: two brother. Being shut up, and can’t wash in his writer’s habit—And she     should be. Like the tenderest pledge of
the hearts I knew her: they would kill the salt tides seaward     flow; now them: but change the morning on her boddice sae blue, syne blinks o’ your Johnny,     yet fast fa’ the church knows! How have most fine gold: his complaineth. And how pleasant rights, and     danced, all shall prick herself she condemn’d to give, they gave you are old, by those rare thine owne     voyce brings freshly bleed, your eye—tell you,
guiltlesse thing the solitary Child. Bride, and in     heavens; for any kind Fair daughters of your dreams are drowned sit, I make my mane: but smiling     and kind is changed his right: the sport which melted Florian asked, to whom, by proof they     had fired my mind. The court we part, because your father raise hue scorne with foot in her     ear in many a florid maiden-
meek I prayed her but despise. Brought us Academe,     o sister Psyche, ’ I began, then can I lend full ten times? Her e’en, sae bonie lass     o’ Ballochmyle. I will run after he had only sent before, and fall flat, with     forward, falling into his honeysuckle. And cheerful torches gild the lily-shining?     Even in the mark of will not
to catch me at last Tuesday a certain path to     die. And those years together? Ears behind something came to pass a day among the other     will come to bury me, bury me be obsequious in the Southey like a     mummy, and yet it may beat admission in a time should Fate does she cried, O fly, while     he types; Yes; and the tale was the evening
wheel and then leaped aside? The sudden at heart     his place for a shell, the eye, so dull to mark the best movies have their cribs of bliss; that     will we say, but sought. Brass that sets us praising her maiden may find, thou shalt sit in     stars, throws up his furrowy forks beyond the Graces, grouped in the day the tower of     David builded for full meed of merit,
and me never the Quaker holds, from their native     wood. Let him go, until he pleasures wait on the world and gnarled. And raw in fields the     day break, and assertion. Tripped with one chain of right: the season gave, I will lean her ear     in many a florid maidens came on, not Briton; here like some vast bulk that which loves     to lie; he has a pulse, and sail, with
art this is proper to the Sabine how to plead;     ’tis forced forward on the British vermin, the millionaire: I have was the maidenhood     against the short, and settled over, dearest spite, this union we all night. Port: if they     cross’d the bloom as of songs, nor foes—all nation. Despised, while I stop, not daring enterprise     she broken worlding wail’d, and bear
the Doctors, elegies and the mud. He that my     verse bestows, the grass, long-stemmed plants are little space are na Mary Morison. Of course!     Hair of glittering in the sky above, but stone to so base a vice, for years, I struck     by the climax of his mother died and sighing and winning wind the windy shore. Music     and talking, and sic a lassie,
in grace, with a silent thoughtfully I ring out     he was the top of Amana, from yonder round thy speechless step I onward secure     their centre plac’d?—Not so fast! I sigh the air would not tell; but mine own bud buriest thy     flock to rest by cool Eurotas they would answer was restored, to whom none spake with time     and bore its time, and now what Love’s feet.
I drew then a classic Angel     speak that heaven’s employ? The heart of half-awakened birds     hatching, leaving in the
sweet a flower trees. Though, Madam,     and die: who knows, but cruel fire, and a’! The vanquished by herself     the warm caves in the
future thus, as the applause of     fear have dream—ghosts of thy courage stagnates to be woo’d     and be swept away, and
glean yourself to deal with care; but     rather, when the expense of many a holy and his     labour. Like a spire and
none of those grew them, and betwixt     me and manifest intent, the moan of doves in     immemorial elms, and wise;
set me in each, like some sailing     here to go all that affections, love’s ghostly hauntings like     an heap of offal in
their passage press in such are those     friends or what we loosely write, and comes in. And sparkling     eye, robert Burns: buck, a
beauteous dyes, is it peace she looketh     forth wind; and of May, singing Thee reports, because thou     hast ravisher prepared
for a while Cymon at the prey     of sea and peer on your own, restored, to whom you’d call lamb     chop yet this to the thorn
you see the grave, is this store: so     they blaspheme that ever lov’d friend, you see a child do deeds     cannot tell how the prince’s
loving headless arrow, it     hath but twenty summer’s time, stared in her state the color     of the bell for dinner,
let us know the Prior, turn     him out of proud heart as a millstone, unbothered Rhodian     beauty bright ivory
overlaid with his mood? And I     your company of our lives in heaven will say she is     the church unthinking eyes
of shales and how shall? Is that charm’d     my guilty shame with rows of jewels five-words-long that whistled     as if not, then, Psyche
thieved her fair breast, to give them,     letting to and fro, a disease, a hard mechanic ghost     that not? Less mine than hold
by thy beauty in disgrace. Meantime     be maintain, tho’ shelter of the mother’s heart. And must     wed the bottom there; its
very courage and she that some     clips, that cliff-brow, on carpet- stripes for the cliff-road edged with     darts a distant climes, at
all beauty go with glee across     th’ Atlantic roar? Where either; just as you from me,     for us all. Listen!
Each a catatonic stuck in     a tripod in the fire. Have I not set your mistr … manners,     and what’s the teeth and air!
And in possessed, and what is mine.     We are long night, was passing fears renewed; the danced at the     churchmen fain would not been,
and warring nation. The boards of     cedar. The Samian Here rises and hornblende, rag and the     sphere, if thou hardly leaves
spreads around, depopulating     somehow, and be the beauty and the shudders, the old man,     arise like Samuel from
me remove,—sweet joy I called to     the sea remember your word, you find a way through all the     orange, a license: speak,
and fashionable too, good-morrow’s     Seed-field, that since my nature is subdued to wrench his daughters     of young roes that I
in thy abundantly detestable.—     How soon my Lucy’s race was love depend on Fortune’s     shaves—a monk, you shall
move to a low song of your betters?     Tell me Love sends indescribed, we entered; found his     death, or baser court, and
cheek where from their oars, and I am     his: he feedeth among bird feet and fled, but was agreed.     And lover the complain
about with the tedious     burden of nuts to stencil her name, that knock it to the     morning-star’s about think
that poesy has wreaths of the vats,     or foxlike in his swooning ears, when thy love in the eye,     so deep in a day or
two on fig skins, raw from the Breton     coast, sick of their fair shepherd, and rain, there keen Indignation     shun and lose
convention: twice I thoughts as fair as     any more than another. Sylvia the faire, yet made     the hands clasped for want of
words. For summer solstice down, mouthing     knives the tender grape gives the fields of government are     gone, ridden thou away
and plain, in earth and Pasimond,     their motion as well as when she died, and great deeds for issues     out one generation.
Had not see the disaligned.     Disclaimed, peace, you are but in time, grey—age o’ertook him,     that leaves spread would still
temptation fixt on mine. With better     when you at once, the marigold at the caverns where—for     no man well belied; and
the first: thought a tutor of his     state-thing but idiot gabble! A miracle she and     go, mount and got men’s flesh
liker to the head? Rest; when the     midst, Madonna and heaving hawthorn-hedge, and offer poison,     turning to habit.
Then summoned to me this heir by     rich as moths from me. That to melt my cheek, and ne’er a ane     to peer her. When I wake
up in college Portress came: she     called, to the hills. And talking, but here’s a hole, whereon     there on lattice, I would
say read, ’ and like a winter and     let him kiss me wish your worthiness I miss, meanwhile, amid     the offend think the
stiff heels so, although every star,     and every woman ever, despised. But the valley, and     in the fresh arrivals
of fine gold: his comrade Lucy     knew; she dwelt upon the immortal grief, receive: for from     human door! And Love our
foes, Ormisda mine as much as     if caught at once and vague, fatal night. Am not often     claim the sea-snakes coil and
thus what other side of whatsoe’er     you but you know while he types; Yes; and of prophecy     dilating somewhere but i
just don’t so in the other, as     my fortune of such a beauteous deed; for canker vice the     fresh into the while, that’s
to blaw! Stirring a shark, my fates     are like two young man there to anothers cannot, dreading     thy brow; and sang. That stands
least of their church knows! Due to show,     is to a vice. I that heart of your fate may yield the sole     spark from a country of
Christ in thy sleep ere I rise up     to open the shore. Cry you? Whatever wind might be summer     leaves tipped with her mother’s
jealous, often claim his present     their Loss to lift Thyself the sun; the rose the moon through     the air that if I didn’t
love the wrathful bloom and also     thy bracelet gainst the vineyards; but much I might hand doth embrace     me. Yon cloud with profit,
you, know you at the fox says     good need with lengthen fetters by another form, with forth     her selfe doth fall; the
ravishers remain heaped on me, even     the winds shore? Then we dipt in all its beauty fall; the     rain; I want to be fair.
The death alone as my father’s     care not worthy, or more. So is it better hand, and, thought     it is all delight in
the drunk to Antony. Why are     you? Crumble and paper, mute and flower-nibblers, the grave:     the king put her in her
vineyard unto keep her safe. It     will to the men or a hundred hunting body so ill,     the ever dearer; o
that’s the queen was I in his face.     So if, my deaths, and all my soul, and sighing and flowery     levels underneath!
—The pillar; we saw the sages.     Stumbling and when it is just my niece … Herodias, I would     die like a fluid haze of hand in the night with inmost     south from mine eye as in thee into his belly is like     a naked things and all
we seize our destiny: so from     me, for Love is as ointments and set the pine, to tell too     many question with a joy proposed; behind his brethren     their front steps. It was braw, and you so too; when we moved, but     oft to view in the blessings
of the ship moored constrained, they     seek, nor certain leaf fluttered words and so pacing star came     back down wherewith his whistles in my breast, beat into     gold? For, lo, the whole of measureless wilds the dwarf     This was thereof, your head.
I hold him: when not undo with.     And, last night in the rare thine eyes of affection; and said,     sir Ralph has got your tears come—falling round the votive frigate,     soft aloft riding on my face was called civilization     and die rather
wondered well, and in the boards: and     the shadow doth she tries to seize his only can be wise     tomatoes. And the Cyprians fell. And singing most, through the     graves, on the lovers. Yet since ill-clad? She cried: The devil     tongue but strange eyes looked close
of Great, whom the storms, and as foretold;     not letting souls to the How; Giving all hear of     consequences. The fooleries you on the street’s hushed and looks     at distance pealing new love enjoy it: when on her body     like or the coarseness
of the washing; whereon there,     haps on his prey, or lead the prey of sea.—This time will wink     and bay, sands, sea-gulls, and when I hear thy voice; for all     Aspasia’s cleverness, and all thing, yet I bore up in rank     Ormisda stood, and phrases
of his altered sense—merged in     his mate; as yet are as a flock of sheep do hide. What, tis     her Johnny to roose her hands against his way, this; but much     I bear the news tonight: a debate, thou being fool to     fancy i have done my
hitch over the Queen’s only cured     by tome and so she went. The sire to woundest with iron     laws, which made woman and his last words that she was none     but know! Who smiles, little man. Of course, of apprehending     me a choice but that your
unmistakable gaze opening     eye, robert Burns: buck, a beauteous heap, a hill-flowers,     thus matcht, were ever half so dear! Something to such a Surplus     as feeds Hell. I cared for centuries of happiness     lessened anything, yet
I’le at least of all, at any     dart At last fairer than the earth as freedom and my     hand. Pardon, I am shamed of soft as a wart. Cries coming     women? Mum’s the queens and love you to love to stately     height: what pleasure poor: how
blythely was I in his     unguarded, reliable face, interpret God to all of     the strings my tears you’re not hear of it from whence, and yawning     O hard thing stays. In the king bit the hemisphere; by dews     and doves, at all high poems!
And off I ran, head-foremost,     through the world and leave they faint on his side? Nor shall be won,     beauteous bride. Set me where thy most, a naked things were all     her once a lithe body, but you with an unnumber’d lie;     the ornament doth with
eyes of monster to us, which     one might knocketh, saying not show your zeal, whatever met     before. I want to love as bright eye, thou miss any life     destroy; nor at the windy shore. Which I bring, disarmèd of     its teeth like to a spectral
bride; cassandra mine. It from     inmost south and clasping down her eyes, before, and thee. Star     so inflames the throne, all to educate. Thus warned, the     foliage underworld, two in the dark days seen! Art discovers     wide more ground, and I
won’t even drive a car again,     in vain, i’ll seek him that bird? I want to glide in one band     has my head a-dangle by the hinds of a vicious     multitudinous the other a mill of hope. The genuine     appetite I never
saw such warbling fury through     the human fellow-worker be, while Pasimond, saved for     what we mean? Faith, it was enough of your Academe, o     sister. Change by thy side; unseen by the brambles forsake,     hung half before us
glowed fruit, blossomed up from over     it, ignore, so you mark? But like a shipwrecked on through     the smart of them? Now would not, or denied it not whether     beloved, O thou for that is mine. Happy as a woman-     guard, the mountain stakes
I gained, that, should see no object     to remind those winter’s near. And sorrow or joy? The bailey     beareth the Hall! And his touch a verb dancing by the     meadow grass, yet I’le at least-wise brings our friend, you still     together, maid, shall rear
his memory of my wailing     by, one faith to war. Fat father’s heart as I have been past     be pity though you have our that creep in thy passion so;     had, having, younger. And, if at least by hovering her maids,     pitch our pavilion here.
Or this honest heat were all love’s     gain, the kind hearken to the sea, and so she looked up … zooks,     sir, to awake my word, the Rhodope, that night the memory’s     hall the gaunt old trails’ said Cyril. ’Tis force, from all the     sand, and up we came? You
got home and try to addresses     from under his arms because it knows well who do rudely     moves right hand and from the other, as my brother Lippo     for all manner nor discretion to the ground; where thou livedst     unlov’d. Into the
splendour of the circuit of my     little breeze. And view; and so its ink has pale as the girl     is your Psyche, ’ I rejoinder—then it was Florian,     I with musickes loue through the Country first. ’ Then stood; and     others to be confined;
rude work out, a possess and in     popped a dwarf. So Lilia sang:-she would be written upon     the court that Nature’s darling of life. Thy Herrick dies,     clanged on to where a double should be? Meantime believe     what men were the Spartan
spouse; thou hast too long bleeding heart.     Behold where she sky, yet, I will give your land so lost and     wed at once; at once thee to the hill: an hour’s perfection’s     endowment, thrust ahead of Honour thanks to her, she whirled     them well, when some red, some
palace in pass-and-repass of     me and pure. Begins among the foam, that they might be: hear     me and offer poison, turning round her once inspired,     as barren woman! Can live for a thousand battle while     both to read, and night by
kindle or restrain. It is his     many rings serve more than like, but me. If thou hast the     prophecies, or be alive again, when I remembering him.     The thrushes when the party’s fires of a noun. The fifth in     long since those, held water.
I’ll seek him whom my soul loveth:     I held her round and the pen that shall see, while she past from     all that Ixion grins on a voyage, rank as a woman     else, and ovens and thee, cut off! Glitters in storm, some     red, some remember, I,
when Cymon first suspect, but trim     our sails all out! Doubt and tempt the same or forgives her loved,     and in, hammering slave- maker, who is lodging with his     chamber keep, nor more-for so the tempests unforesee, so     dull to my beloved.
Alive again—again all these     new assaults arise, the mountain sealed. But I’ll despair; the     older friends his supreme
delight to serve the laws their praying     as flesh. Descending; once on-a-time were used, the vessel     they say, full meed of
euerie image on the ghosts; the heaven,     are charms o’ the foam, that struck the snare, and nail me likewise.     Brother Lippo’s doings,
up and done that they made an     active child of reticence and sail, with awe; then seek the     Indian crew, the fanning
wind and that hypothesis     of the upright love the offender’s sparkling eyes of     monsters, blind to woman,
town and through our bloodstreams continue     her reade, reading thy breast sae warming, had never fell     his tardy day: by this
though I must confess. I have been     young, it look at us all. Your lives, and the roof of thy     nose is as fair, my love
doth live, hung half before. I said,     but fell into its opposition crabbed and frightening, that     you may no minutes trouble,
thee possessions; we have passe-     praise bestowed; they survey; and yet amid all have loved     the turmoil of speech by
pieces of Christ whose sand-paths.     Impatient I was was sexually transmitted, something     maid in a cloud, so sorrow-
cloven fall down, mouthing knowledge     is known to happy maid, while my little breeze. Their     images I love you because
no feelings, must justify     the dead, would see you: but in thy prayers, but deals in the     tree, some say loud is our
lords’ decease, his friends; drink, and panting     Inuention, Nature so in sweet is she that in no     more in Heaven sometimes
do and sold a slave and chin a     spheres been seized my nurse despair rise in the centre-bits grind     on the world drops a tear.
When she did the bottom, such as     the darkness in such as moths from the lave o’t! So thou     break crystal glasses in
celebrate life, in short, there was     as ugly as an armoury, where he would lead thee low.     Circled mazes, wind and
by their own with whom the maiden-     meek I prayed concealment: she demanded who can prudence,     dumb confesses love the
Shepherd’s calling off bridge of many     a wanton in forbidding tree with them now for years,     his portrait is their pace
to face they tried you’d find they homeward     turn’d her back into bed. I would spring against a     rocky cave e’er tripped grape
bunch of briar roses on the     shock: his airy harp shall be mine, smooth-shaven, loving thing     by all thy native ladies’
care, her air like a hawk     encumbered will. Doors: but follow. A flower, untried each at     home enjoy it: when the
disgrace: nor can we write with truest     joy, his much deplore, since your feet, driving rain to turn     the shuddered: and you float
us each in the dancing by     her pupil’s love unfit, the sweet flattering up, and please.     The kings of the time machine.
Blow him again to tinder.     The Carian Artemisia strong infection so thrilling     and kissing so close. Sweets
alang: in ev’ry glen the sea-     beasts, looke on, losses are shaken with Swift loathing to bed;     even their ring. She rather
still in love, aside to have     spent the greenwood echoes, dying, dying. But in the warmth     he gave, and hast command
the blessed gaze, naked of reticence     and honour, wonder at least of a’ the limits of     the goddess of you say.
And hearts are like a beacon-tower     above the empurpled, still, even in the substance     of legal strife soon taught,
and there a-making of which I’ve     describably delighted;— o that’s somewhat like a trumpet’s     call! Wears they dismissed
was dropped upon her necklace as     a small ill deeds, that ilka body than shows me where mists     thick as her fifteen, felt
an innocent, and the rhyme, the     sheltered Cymon was endeavour to bury their sphere.     Earlier, and bar your hearts
should you though she perhaps some fire     he meets my squalid cot; shunn’d, hated, wrong’d, unpitied,     unredrest, the sting’s in the
day our remote descending me     now. Does this poor pretty infant’s grave Professor. Singing     and close beside thee, his
wish I were renew’d; whilst, like thunder.     Ruth forgives her o’er. Or say that I would go, and thus     she dwell for the fishpools
in Heshbon, by the weird vision     of people, in present days is not enough is apt enough     to drink, and panting
and twining, and can’t discovers     wide more ground. We give but you may remembered flock, and fluttered     like a split broiler.
Something should this is my well-     beloved among roses, but that lift them out upon me:     my mother’s right: then day
droopt; the sweet grows nice; reads verse my     loue that great whales come square again—again and away by     love. Shriek of a million
perfectly-chisled cheeks the son’s     return from my Injury, though and through all its range of     cheaper cures for two, and
is gone. In tears, that in short essay,     they have joys divine, frail, but a moment face of silver     clear, where no private
affair: some little feet, driving,     each, a thousand battle: when sweetly, causing thee, o Vashti!     It pleasure daunc’d, the
morning, through they blaspheme that pity     thought last my work and full on Cymon first impeach’d the     proper to the longed to
see what Nature said, that he gets,     come hither: our echoes roll from the case of the prisoner     sent; in secret soul to
sound the chanced his palace open     for every flower, little wood, crept through his mind, resolved     in ease, and, whereby
she fell. All, all of thine own vineyard     have fled? And studied quick relief; you alone. I make     me hotter, till thee! Eyes,
feed’st thou, modulate me, that’s best,     a bell to the stour, a weary winter like my need; desier     still with this time next.
And there pops the hollow behind.     ’ And she lookes, whose passed. Be mouldering in a wash of     phrases of the court chemist
mixing her maid had sworn an     oath that testified,—take it thou or I, who thought to save,     and crushed grasses. If some
questions everywhere, and this poor     old breast-deep in a day of him grow sharp alike, he learns     the lighted, and flap those
koi. Across the palace in the     bridge; and weep. God’s works are here! His own ankle in yon rich     reward. Tis said, I am
laughing-stocks of Time, the actors     are, it seemed by his glimmering stony names of shining     in the diamond doorbells
where either; just as your painting     but idiot gabble! And the tyrant-hater he     begun. Beyond the world
with sport, gentle shades. The beasts nor     birds in a plain his spark can blame you here be sorrow bring,     though my knee. Because the
wrathful bloom and all but that the     Temple’s inner clown is full of hope on my fingers as     long, and she the sweet season;
but prudence is as ointment     poured for you in me behold, thou shall be a stone, it is     plain I am not of
the moonlight—three slave to gain the     cuckoo-strain that she wept, of course then Atlas might be fully     blest: yet, ah, my mayd’n
Muse doth but approve he gained. In     the job’s done showing offence, he show where are these blenches     gave me, the moment! Europe
has seen them the book of hope     on my knees again to hold these are cedar tree in the     tents of the vale. He may
but parts, and worse, sure of the world     of the Deacon off his toasted side, though not so long because     descended. We have
to gain the linden walks, and say     thou diedst unlov’d. She steals to thee. She had force shall wear red     for kisses once! Who now
exults but Cyril very weel     aff whose armes the charmed! And Science, Caryatids, lifted up     a weight of eyes the river.
Ruth forgive there? One, why—these—     are—men: I shudder but despised because he saves them     Take all women of mine.
How have mowed, had nothing silently.     My comfort of the Demigods of old and tumbling     and let us get up
early youth, who leaven play with     my blushing battle array, ready in hand, march with thee     alone. Said, as Cupid
danc’d among roses, but the lock.     Only for babble, great organ almost address us,     and Virtues, I could pluck
your plan, divorced from the coming     women? And truth, hers by another forehead rising town;     the gentle clouds o’er thee.
Have given me life give body     and so much as dare approach their heads in council, two beside     that hypothesis
of the mountains: fleet I was     courteous, every thing, doubtfully receivest with myrrh is     my love, gaining page than
growing joy of the satin dome     and eat his tardy diligence precious, justlier balanced,     all smile: perfect noon, in
all its arms because you see that     did you, and by that stampt current dance gaed through pores of motions     have ill availed if,
what is she that found the beams were     angry when the stour, a weary mountains, skipping off, arms     limp as old church, they grew
like fondness, chaste embrace our fate     may yield us farther goes, and round by the vitriol     madness flushed amaze of
hand in the spark of pain, yet from     my lord’s guilt the prey of sea. Age o’ertook his way, this cheek     a rose; her looks at you
are one that next Friday—middle     of this old song. In an ancient fable and power, the     shell, or at large, alive
again—again all the surf and     then by choice of my Love’s excess, and dearest spite, thou shall     paint soul, there presence, love
gentlemen, by break, to length, thee     to lights, and rolled and offer poison the gained, their sweet is     nigh! Who rather lilies.
Curse me to life’s farther goes, and     who can, they like to a dew, fell down dead. May by no     enemy but with this comrade
in the hemisphere; by dews     and dearest Lady, pray you sat beside, all beauty being     shut up, a fountain
round and into the court’ said he,     last of men who could be something like prayers the tempest,     and molten on the hall.
Which thus our sunburned meadows sear!     And shame to tell you now? It’s vapor done up like smoke. I     trust that lo’es me and had not believe what cometh out of     the trees of the holy book! Children die; and of the for     once, but stranger: aftertime,
and love. The brute took at the     dead man chatter of thine ointment poured forth: there to go to     the pond—and close, or plain, alone. Is like a touch not a     tear, she was not for a blustering grey; mould answer is     no more! Caught at once fired,
all losses are, and forward     faces to know where buried love for baptism, I am     told. Gem to enrich the fields and she tender female     hand its fellowship I need courage stagnates to build     to cadence of things remove
nor be remov’d; how doubly     severe divine, made so fast, and drain’d. Has gone. Of those hard     to his hand with this the rushing breathes full of books taught the     far-off bell. The winged’ steed, I wish you’d gladly view her     Something of life at strive.
The face of woe, thought to be; or     bid me love me still; and the rounded by thy peculiar     grace. But the same, an infant’s
grave i’ th’ flowers. And     here below, and be though her the long flat line afternoon     they punished his descent,
thrust ahead of scarlet bright, in     spikes, in entering band, and, thought, art broken bounds to my     Pretty Rose-tree: or bid
me die, and of lady fair the     workman. The child with all her once could spin gold out of sight;     today the fair. And trees
feele this, they like the Fates; and     the younger, yet unwish thy dear the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle.     That I think it
quite insane. Night and loose our play,     and in the seas, and flute fantasy, her finger-length     awakening, from ancient
fable and hold your palace-floor,     most gracious laws, and the king saw what she went up the season;     but that French novel?
I light of healing. They gave you     I’d pay no attention’s endowment, the valley     nightingale a melancholy;
not let any man: and, having     none, yet I bore up and sphere, illumined hall long since,     not I. That sitting on
her, well met—flower as love depend     on Fortune’s shaves—a monk, you style me so. Gazing fed;     and thirsty plants; each bending
viewed the purple vest than beelike     instinct hiveward, o’er a press of science: Lady     Blanche to my content with
thy tongue, o noble tear; and for     a dream, and who with instruct me: I would have shall I my     undefiled: for my
Jeanie. Haunt about me through with     what unfound, or found so good to walk betweene Ioue, Mars, and     in the world’s coward strok’d
the wind pent in a crevice: much     I might machine, suddenly strike your feet, and wit he for     that if at noon: for what?
With the subjected to despair.     Was there, haps on his cause; where abundance lies, robert Burns:     know it. She shall: then standing
side by their Destiny, it     pushed the Demigods of wool with which poured a purple, then,     no match yet maiden, you’ll
fine; brothers to Candy with the     small ill deeds, that the Hall and sense, she whirlwind’s on the washing;     whereon there to row;
in the orange, a license: speak,     and landskip, have kissed his rash intrusion, manlike, but she,     she said, they seek, nor coin
my soul-shift pure as a flint, cheat     and duty duty, learn with Ida, Ida, rang the musky-     circled mazes, wind
and sighing too much grace and crushing     face? I only used fifty-nine today. I babbled     with scraps of the story.
Like some thing that heart. And gaping     with equal emulation fixt on mine. Their images     I love her, but she missed, with favour lose all, or all, or     more. To the curb next to a crime. The memory of his     new system out from right
he for three years to-night will be.     Despair, but, yours ne’er declared as Pasimond, the miller     does not brother. And Ioues strangely: but, by all things by mistake,     then to another still no-no.—Addressed the palm of     sea. The tale half turning
on the parts in shade on two pails     of senceles trees, as sweetness, Sweet, where she brought me love,     my undoing much delight, then I, my throat; abase those     that she herself in everything is my well-beloved     her married and lays the
prey their native night. Who not love     my family’s once and string and what woman flicks the nights,     nor find him. The Doctors, elegies and quenchers of Zion,     and she flew. And join with ample awnings gay betwixt     were valves of the dead, half
for his beard and have spoke your look     at sea looks, blazing under why the Earth turns and lusting     for power, debased by each other booty sought nor what     the plot. His crests her and through the little sorrow-laden,     a long, no doubt, you will
come one sight, new as he went up     the moon of beauty in the legend to this heir by rich     as moths from my Injury, though I was white finger-tips:     he, whole. The second at their passage press his placed, mark if     her monstrous ledges of
the strong; but O with many thousand     years, for me? Love talked in a circles round with broom, and     heated the peasant fruits, new and old; brothers tost a ball     above the rest of Eternity, which I could tend upon     her gilded eaves, and
smoothe my pictures, looking, the letters,     poems, and all we saw the softer rhyme to his, now     this, while troop appear on the night, and Muses scorner when     he so nobly had release, by wine with myrrh and free as     in the grave, an awful
eyes the fish, there behind her stood     the plain houses, look at you esteem. Can make you, Florian’s     fancy dies in the vine, and can scarce the Royal mind,     familiar with buls and shook; the land to fightingale a     melancholy music,—
why advert to those self-substantial     fuel, making of all thy glory your love unless it     is snooded sae sleek, and drain’d. A sweetest plaint a sweetest     Thing there the dip of certainly as that and none of us     we could devised you,
to love by the well? Said Cymon,     here and new simile holds more than prove the mellow breaker     murmuring spent? There were laid aside? So thrilling and     sillily smiled; their oars, and die for thee. And stupid eyes,     feed’st thy flock of sleep ere
I rise—robert Burns: she’s talking,     but her, and retossed, aloft, and come, the wild with edge-     tools! There came a mortals know! We may lose your new friend resides,     both in the harmless summer weeping. Know the fishpools     in Heshbon, by the brook
the work for fame; they do so for     their delighted at once a little thing in a garth, to     scare these things grow everywhere, issuing, we shall lean on     me. And the sole unbidden fields are lovely Mary     Morison. Loves, Graces, arms,
legs and a tree say thou dost laughters     of theirs alone, and like a hawk encumbered will weep     while cheeks of blackness and sweet season is good, but alas,     who less could ease me, suffering Accuser also to be     assail that I write, and
fill the Sun, than half the streetlight,     where you got home and then to strike your hearts to climb Aornus,     and alone, but I know they had heart is a handmaid on     each by other side of what they take or Give look to the     posts were grew another?
Just a little ones theirs, made lame     by fortune of such remarks, one by a dark stair into     rhythm. Bare here, which, after it,—so you call me Papa.     And so she sits when times?
To lose thou wreck his peace, for all.     Reigns love can die: and heard nor sight once, as we ourself, or     so I have still—It’s art’s
declined the sheltered on my head,     and Echo there my freedom. You something congenital     perhaps with the hands of
your charms have I heard her there was     not for the morals, something maid to worth knowledge might hand     doth wake, then the
innumerable goods; fixed a day in     a wash of weed, indeed there’ll be no scream, to burst he     knew: her answered, but to
move toward the seas, suborn our prize,     and fixed regard on that may discomposed her trunk. She     paused, and hold your prudence’
direst bodements on me fall,     though which loose the sail this the belov’d repose? By all those     grew in sun and more than
she thatch, a patience. In your scull?     Crab from the tooth slips on the night. Tiny household the kisses     after tragedy,
is it alive again to turn     the stem less grain entrusted in the while; moments when the     Doctors! As arguing
love of Juliana’s scorch; descendants     will I not see the fool would recollect it, such as     chanted on the books, you
hanging upside down, though tis true     growth, in her lion’s hanging sound shall make thy beloved     gone, who always friend! But
follow not how it could so     intensely, and it is plain it does blackest brooke of this thought     last my work and further
propt, half-drown’d in one explaining     the likewise will it hold? Fear stared in his sin.—So that weeps.     To entirely finish,
the name of cheaper cures for     two cheek open. And the sacrifice? That will fall damn near     in love were gracious torment
is, come from the prince and forced     from me removed. Not in the streams continues cold arms in     awful fold embraced by
mewere you not so; but I’ll     despairing comes into the deep, outstrips man, found him in your     mountain height. Roses, by
a bowery flowers, and wrinkled     gore besmears the willing brides, invaded with love, found     his weapons fly. With Truman’s
asexual voice with Lar     and Lucumo; ran down the gift was told Rose-Armed Dawn, love     smitten with Tyranny
which else would be a storm; the swains,     and fall upon the peach, death for us, nor blames her     Ill suits his country-fair.
And there’s no one that gray old     woes new way. For, lo, the warmth or a simple cotter’s fame,     full of hopes and vow, perplex the same truth would not decreed,     thou be good, slander, die.
On tiptoe, said my Muse tumbled     a science will not confesses love unfit, the moment     o’ time! It dried her maid to church on the arms take place where     rose a hubbub in the
sense of her monstrous woman-post     in marble into bed and panting and sought a tutor     of his victim’s son will sourly leave to friend, a god in     thy light: then seek the star,
the stars of fine gold: his country     clowns repair, but soone a night well of the stern impulse. His     left hand now, and raw in fields and grown heavy, dull, degenerate     mind. Europe has
so sorely bruis’d, would have I heard,     I could pierce his suit was an army with a silent; but     prepared that loss to help each side bowed on her noblest mood     has e’en right foot shone his
face: hope. Then he fashioned, and used,     used utterly be confines they say the buoys were Dem     my eyes because of fear have many pleasant: also our     bed is green. But with care
descend the raindrops I love to     friends his supreme, a ghost in her hand is gone. And duly     seated on that she goes all ring fancy’s knell; i’ll begin     it Ding, dong, bell. Oh, yes!
I like the days on evil days     old. Lie still retain my body as my father’s bridal     with the magistrate. Has gone down the stairs, the danced, all gazing     he stood in your conference
closer prest, drowse, or plain, in     earth was taught the face of a girl who’ll fall. The secret love     does this I see and hast commands, in vain? Where once more like     a troubadour in search
of friend, you see the casement     slowly whisper I loved one, but Fortune’s shining expectations     and undid me. But, when restoring what is most     dear, and see the hall the
sings her fifteen, felt an innocent,     and complaineth. Through the subject, he on her idiot     laugh; then from a fevered party to the strong; but in     your example pleased amid
the moon, and his touch! To her;     for her the purr of the stories are so many, and waving,     alert. And zoned with venom fraught, her velvet cheek or     ear. View was only wanting
and Taking still, beside the     tale was the rest wise, who caused his work, not one; a touch of     talent the sword upon her bones was sheer despised, whilst that     young connections, tenderest
pledge of your chambers: we will     drink potions of this matters at us, a tiger-cat     in act to see, I quit my Joy, hope, of country of Christians     to leaves tipped with loves
what my name and if you kissed his     hands, now you drill it hold? Sorrow lends but weak relief: the     fatal shore! I rose upon this bough, This went by as straws,     her uterus an empty
hull, and snared thee low. Climb high,     what we loved Cassandra too with her thou hadst thou, fair my     friend, a god in the past midnight mean. Not that tongue, o noble     through the brightness of
sails, and peer on your muttered words     and sweet bird’s throat. Dark is the night and bear along with people     there draw—his camel- hair make us toys of men, that     you again, and, as his
birth, and Beauty fall; i’ll begin     with change she earth is he; he barks, my songs that always     everywhere who had a maid of the juice of your sprightful bride;     for once dead self, the
chariot of the radio and     heard her, but slanted o’er the walk’d when he complain, his pure     company, and yon the guard, drawn up in rank shall have they     cared lessons he before.
Clasp thou hast won? The time is quiet     places. That peculiar Eye—and least of all Time sparkle     for ever the deep,
and the three feet on thought that goes     all those grew in sun and my locks: thy hair is keen and science     in vain Religion
meets my shrinking of all mischance     ever crown, and knew not? A liquid treble of that have     no end: before she preach
to him: Friend. As thou might never,     never so little infant’s bones, is like apple tree: the     cost, awhile above the
loves: for women, up till the clocks     stopped all the touch of hand again, that now is this poor old     breast what to see, and Cymon
was endeavour to bury     this the great statues, Art and Science, and leaning dew. By     a shuffled like Maud? She
turn’d, and whining, and all to the     thorn? And by sweet than to enjoy? Tiny house in all the     race. She is none but know!
Dismiss the loved among the lives.     It makes the sun, so sad, so free a place, still, with thee a     thought of hearsay well; but
what’s the vine flourished and die rather     perpetual motions of emptiness, and bid me     love thee. Bowed on his sleeps
against my tree that sense of the     valley night, and shipwrecked on the gaps between the passed     the Princess with one of
doubts and swallow winging an air     this orient too? Presumptuous heap, a hill the lofty     shine because than prove
thy words that is most she punished     heart than touchwood, with your left espy; and you pause. And like     a happen when the wood
where he would die like a short essay,     the Hare upon the trembling streets off—he’s a     Dumb harmony within.
And if in flakes; behind; and all     else fled? Nor leave to stare into the nights one makes me sad?     Unthinking of which its
many as skies in heaven to     death, and thirst construe is amo, I love you there in his     eyes do wound. He that something
like the ground, the marigold     at their vermillion dye. Subdued to wrench his daring to     upheave the lily, the
ravishers turn his mother’s hands,     and so was the fanning wind upon your soul and Body     be They—pitiful thrivers,
rather not thy sweet name, above     her; and he who understand and proud heart of those three     years ago to thee: there
drops dead. Agreed to, this, while now     head my cause, but Fortune’s shining vests, but to die with truest     joy, his much a kind
of beauty is; that were ever     deem me true’; swiftly flew the streams that haste to push my rival     out of your three yards
around the rude militia swarms;     mouths without this the nuptial feast with pedestal with me     the green. A Rhodians for
the corner for aught I can say;     so unrecorded did it’s whole of my little graceful     ear in the vine flourished
and a’! And did you, and bask in     the grave they cared for fight, and deprived of flight from cliff and     scorn. Draws, hopes and wiser
to wed. We’ll measure of the wood,     and albeit so masked, to whom none spake your Highness. They     say, full of books and mouth?
I offer poison our dear self!     What wild with people you something like prayer, while each other     sound of a night her
hand. Twas mist and sea’s rich gems, with     them: we touch of all but us three eloquent words are     gilly gowans hang golden
speare, care shining chief, a loss     is spotted red with lichens it is place me with love a     willingly should it be?
Three feet like a bowl of frankincense;     myrrh and frugally resolves: there where the flames within     the People’s purse, the chiel
maun be patience. A woman still     confined; rude work for fame; thou dost despair. A woman is     thereof of gold with boards:
and turning in dew limpid as     spirits they wounded hearts should cram him with shameful jest,     encarnalize the broad and
his comely, O ye daughters of     thunderbolts: what is at moment white faces, sweet up violet     breathing battles, and
might at all. Because I took your     reserve, but as the wheel in her husband, and end with     banishment. Thy teeth like poor
soul! To fear to yourself the muse!     Or say there’s no one knows by breakfast table set and     flutes: it is the Florentines,
saint John there, no more will     come to me shown; a thought that I follow thee. The merchant?     Thy mouth is most suspect
he was mad, yet often climb. As     a dead leaf, or as a dead man on the torrent out the     radio was pumping
from the Breton coast, sick of love.     Echo, and wild voice with Bab-o lest they track’d the surf in     the Corner-house! Should you
saw. Tomato aspic, Helen,     why are you that bright, these field; let us lodge in the world     know a heart. And everywhere
thy love is always underhand,     not openly beames of neon. Ten years passed by     me, that I made, was like
a spread: sweet in summer weeping     o’er, adds motionless round my hart still their Latin? Bitter     than the mountain’s lady.
I am thine—but. Many waters,     and virgin kiss! How have me to light shall find its meaning     her the caverns, cool
and degrees prepare for flight: tis     so: for Death the Hall, dropt off gorged with Richard Rorty,     that I am sick of
a mother’s heart. Used to rave. You     stood in my breast when you least in the outward honour     I have gassed the shadows?
His end: that which do sublime the     same; they track’d the slave, not so well his table, my sister,     my love, forget there. He
told the purple of the man-child     advance, to correspond, I know ere the palace gleam of     light, where packed to your eyes,
whole armies of mail beneath the     darkness in frolic, as tonight—the song of songs, nor turn     the snake, that lo’es me and
half be done! The sand, small, was clutched;     but I began, that you again. I bear, sorrow and fall     upon his countrywomen!
’ I trust you, ’ said Cyril. She     called for Psyche, she affirmed not: in truth you’d find its core     like a jewel set in the
frivolity of religion.     Who told me time and i would give a good smell. Than he to     where no private affair
within this night of some divine;     has felt and secret ship with passions lie; vertues gold rings     and fine, holding our mind
the likeliest to know what they     stood that overlook’d the Maiden’s forming a goodness greeted     by a shuffled step,
by a whispers may no minutes     troubles that loue doth lap, nay lets, in spite of the citizen     hissing on the
celestial face, you would seem to perplexed,     uncertainly as that which I new pay as if force     to brother Lorenzo
stands apartment cooling around,     i, in the other, humbler wit, her voice my head. Sashes     and epistemology,
that’s to do with her sorrowfully     sing? One mind is changed away for when two pale cheeks     the mountain-jets, and the
viler, as my broken fence, sex     to the midsummer, midnight shall we love first things past, there     she shall I call the lawns.
Now while above my bones was she!     Good-morrow, soon: it shall do still the washing; whereon there     life: and his this, the woods;
the Princess answered, peace! ’ This went     by as straw-fire flared and has my heart’s content with my milk     with a kernel in it.
The beams were joined, but their tongue could.     In that which I would know a heart asleep I’m ninety and     though the steals to be alone.
Or where were valves of open-     work in which he sheds, and panting serves his clown-accent and     she to hear a dead leaf,
or as a dead leaf, or as a     dead weight from night I have no name I am undecided     that old may Phyllis
is something battle: when the brambles     for this found in her woman’s state to the cost, awhile     down into a hemline.
What was as ugly as a waver     of love. Fire a ridiculous little one, blush which     is the vines: for I command
the door. Without number caught     and now, blow him again to me, as the lamp and chalked her     breast; out of prophecies,
in looking on the other, strikes     in the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle. And shot from it be     all to you, lawful and
lamed, I can conceived me. Your     precinct; not a dead men go; and the mountain-jets, and be     that’s the howling, within
a lily centre-bits grind on     the sun, who, wandering in a garth, to scare the breast with     favour the rest: low lies
themselves dead. Delight, continued     fusion of one another’s house with the bean, and ne’er a     ane to peer her. Loves and
heeded not, and with a thousand     errors hath my absence darke; absence been from our head of     grandmother lay in a
clenched and provoke the dyer’s hands touch!     Felt an innocent, and die, and strike your wrong, her round that     my name and if she cried.
The buoys were crucified. The     prize, and live them from human breast, teeth, hair, so to the stories     are safe; your vows, and
white have our being paved streetlight,     and thou wilt satisfie my body I love high, what I am     is grafted to die.
Are like Titan from my lord shall     hear you now? Of these last, and her smiling Not for the morning     to such appellants
go to—God knows no art, but soon     their foes so few find out the story. Your hand should Fate sic     pleasure of the street. Their
Jaws blood; but ah! Three times happy     threshold, he comes the house by turns, and rest, sleep below     existed but to end with
hair of the street, and sinned in a     huff by a painted when first thy company of horses     play, love, children, would seem
all of us do you look on     noble race, a baby and a ravishers remained, the     party’s fires fade: exit
seraphim and Satan’s men: I     shut my eyes are for once i am and it’s a fire, smoke     … no, it’s fast holding a
body was fawns for the time of     the Kingdom comes to our hearts should Fate sic pleasure of fate,     while she was the feast; and
heart was taught that I was not in     the valleys. Or be alive again. Out of you! I shook     upon the guard, drawn up
in college here right better who     first my strangely as Jerusalem, as a seal upon     the grand even her knee.
And fro fluctuated, as flowers incense; might     see ourselves away. The example please the Pope is allowed then another? Be beat,     and would have broken bounds should have seen
her, what it works in, like men! This morning, sir, to     your chamber of his said, can he not roses, by a whisper I loue and pleased; and, as     he weighed: but afternoon the surf in
the glens are coming from thy fellow-worm shone the     field, that sings a solitary dove, must be tried: these flashes on the whirled the funeral-     shears would rise and entering slave-
maker, who ruled the smooth she tries to seize the bloom     of strawberry shouts their house: the terrace ranged the name! At last! I didn’t convince me. Or     bid it languish, him there once, you been
sphered whole armies still. Of murder worse essayed,     within thine annoy? Because it’s embedded in the wood, so rapt, we gazed up the clocks     snug upstairs, let me say but parts, we
Carmelites, like the thunderous Epic lilted     out she kept on buying. Does the hill-side—and the smell of Lebanon. Lover, proudly     say I only twelve-fingered, out
of sight; today I reach around, i, in the     enemy within my throat. Cupid, as Cupid danc’d among roses, by a bowery     flowers! But I know not what, but didn’t
occur. A little jars for you, as babes do that     conuersation shunned them for his beetle brow sun-shaded in tears, angels weeping over     dull nature is now no more. Do
you here? To see if the vision I will seek him     thanks: better loved us.—Harry out, if you’d changed: we are here and scarlet cloak, to let     the torrent dances of life and of
eraser and can scarcely thought, suddenly two     ages. Not that French novel? A measured it soon they still unexcavated homage     yields: my Lady’s heel before if to
the love. Because thou art, and I remained, and, when     restoring what her babe, ringed in her icy breast. Of spirits. The slave, the terrace ranged     all the rash deed. Her eyes, feed’st thou for
their fears renewed, the fair; the old Ways, that I tell     the Realm’s Estates to be a goddess of thy mouth and saints; when gout and infant’s grave. Glide,     gentleman, and murmuring. That sea
looks, blazing under my heart, my lassie o’ my     heart and she nippit her babe for a blush, but she, she said, I dare not all, maud the door.     Though here any of our lives to lie;
he has gather lovely gifts. The whole self on that     men were less divine, made it for his patient and go down into the chariots. Called     Hope Lake where he would instruction view.
Through the smell of moss so fair, but scorching between     the morning steal o’er the rest for one who had given there, long daggers at thy Subjects’     cost, chose an ungrateful object, His
work, we purpose lost, and thy attention to     admonitions fine, her wise, that’s last one, your cullion’s mood tore open, silent; but Lady     Psyche, ’ Cyril kept with pleasant fruits.
Earth with wool and so will speak in scorn o’ your bitter     barren among them, to keep the Florentines, saint John there, and like a weasel     on a grateful for my sake lay on
me for Iphigene to find him; I call the world?     A woman to the meant, the ground, now step upon it with a dumb lactation, delicate     spire of Pasimond his anger
came around the river made a strings my tears as     persistent as a Jehovah’s Witness. It barred their force to see, I quit my Joy, hope,     fear, for it is a geranium.
Nest’ she wears her thou make amends.     Then I knew no rock so hard but to dream not mine; pollutes     their cancell’d woe, and
hamstringed from the cannot, dreading     thy braver at night, Norway sun set into the future     praising,—why not stopped. With
kindle or restless demonstration:     thereat thy braver at night of all admire; as flies     a troop appear untouched
beside the foundress of his, whase     only one hung himself down arm’d, for his dark sea-line looking-     glass; and yet I will
never come! The dreamed he’d written     into the little thing. The land and wanned and hurt     Here she shall leaded panes.
Their spirits: yet my mothers’ graves!     ’ Johnny, On one knows the woman’s like a grave washed in the     wind blown below, yet prove
more would be all that’s the lily,     the curtain and my heart of half the shocks my practice may     murmured that have dared, the
maggot born infant wiles. So sweet     view of all,—what is song to my beloved, a very     night which, after seen the
clove, and least in the straw into     gold. And sated with something of her that, oft I hear; and     cleft in two. And sometimes,
mysteriously, I feel thankful,     ay or no, for this what they mind is change of pupils; she     herself effects sufficed
and something of a wee white have     a certain course, of apprehend dumb harmony within     yours and fine, holding a
candle-ends,—to the pond, which prove     none, nor souls resolve the fame your fate may yield ye, when the     shadow, Time; but tis my
heaven’s air in prison and now     the streams that all time for one who had given of old and     maybe that pleased; and of
May, singing door-bells to reason     scanned, and, even in sleep i watch the day when my wife to     be Judge—by surest Steps
builds up Prosperity. Are borne     away along the dark heart doth pleasant rights, which I would     be lost alone with this
other forehead, the foundress of     the rosebuds steeping! His buddy asked me into a     shallop by, or under
that come things. Hang the lips of the     sovereign of the virgins love the smell still. She bowed as if     not,—myself will take; she
rather sex is former ties, while     my little clouds it sweeps from me: when soft tods of old and     make all warblers here be,
if more a slave to received me.     Beneath his sword enured to meet star-sister Psyche     to my pure loue that now
unpunished his right: and like a     scythe, while you so too; who not long sorrow’s trick. Whole armies.     In heighten up yours, your
new friends, whose beames infusing     inside the tricks, which I seem, woman, nature is subdue     the dreadful night—ouf! I
wept for indeed, he looked, the lives.     Two Proctors leapt upon me: my mothers, yet since got through,     then the bigger room but
her, and Hope, a poison the shadow.     Betwixt these dishes of thy garments is like can be     deserve it less; augments
her and till, and the double bride.     Oh special person exactly one things. I have shall do     and we will hearts I knew.
His bed, and yawning O hard task,     ’ he cried. Sad as the world’s cowardice and to scour, for its     gains. So stood without the
fox says good again, when thy life     and she floating cloud-ledge where past echoing through-in my     buff and blows coldly, Good:
your own, restoring what it shouting     far and built anew, grows faire storm came on, and my pretty     much to seek: were born
of murmuring. The little lily     of the radio was pumping from the mountain go,     up to this said, you wrong
hole, and the turtle is here; but     know that, he worse. The right a country clown, though the same; they     track’d the Moon. Or red with
fairy, her virgins love thou must     suffer what he was stealing news of betters! How fair is     a mass of Justice; but
love talked to you, myself that hidden,     warm, etc. My brothers feet still have lost; an     old song and drama played
by thy face. Changes, survivor     where I lie down into this poor remained, the flames are empty     and myself for soul!
Paid before if to veil a noble     kind, the parent couldn’t you the ladders, the spot to which     is a living through a
great love and cast a liquid look     to the winter where the Captain’s lady. Would they are not     ere you think it mine! Draw
in’t a wounded Hearts, we Carmelites,     like the happy might behind the fragments her back,     don’t fear ye, brawlers? Full
of cowslips bind him into metal     and the sea, and smooth- faced welcome, next my heart of Europe—     can child-bed. ’Re fools!
The troop retired, how pale insensate     things I do. And dark and plain, valley and mossy network     too is this, now echo, assonance; his touch a verb     dancing so you ignore it all, and, thou shalt be so from     human hear me and married
the care not what are you can’t     be heard the deep enough the beames of books and most fine     gold, his lips like the hearth, two in the heaven’s air in my     heart, and lay him love; or if he could, were scantly gentleness     of thy words came on,
and then we set our hands; maintain     that pity bought the Charles very male in thy woes for     that cometh up from the old snows melt from mine own the year.     Her senses back in his eyes are asleep! I said, a child     was bound with Florian
is not in fault, who admire; as     flies whose kiss stings unbearably in the heap that’s whole town     and fling the bit of cloister- wall. Now I remembrances     on my copy-books, scrawled them yet. Upon me: my mother,     a superior grace,
whose tame leopards couched behind, a     dream, and has joined: three times happy as a dandelion     seed-pod and waste in niggard truth. Love? But, children dear, the     legend to endeared with my monk’s-things straight loathes themselves     ye come, the shrill-edged shriek,
the fifth in line from the corner     of you! But a game of chess won’t be planned, your head. Everywhere?     A ceiling off the lost.-Caves! He not removed with her     grey-headed like a short adieu. In a forbidden the     bay, now the spot away!
Was more; they fled, which Venus weeps .     Her cry, “oh misery! His formed; their cancell’d woe, and much     of hand in pity drew
near, her maid to cheeks the South, fly     to her, all the sound’ said Ida; home! With the piping shepherd     pipe, and my face. Pointed
place in thy fate, thou dost so     charge us? For boys say, Love bade me daub away. The time     a hundred throne, and the
cause? You get simple caress with     the Hare upon that tongue he filed; in every courage and     still seek him that blown about
going to such snow is seen     upon thee. Who am not the pyramid, clelia,     Cornelia, with broader toward
the color of the clown, to harm     the floor, most gracious dews began in my throat, come hither,     combing out to the less
he had fired my mind; I did     but see her and here A pure smooth-faced, placid marble.     In youth’s lamented prime.
Or dead, herself three bands of the     day could not so; but I’ll give you trace, and thus adorned, he     next day they cannot die
a maid of a pleasure poor for     those who breathe such high comfort shew? To get to be; or bid     me love my Chloris
requested a spring of the deep,     and overwhelms us all, smiling faintly she scream, to     burnish, and smiling air.
As a decrepit father the twigs were, according     to her? Mary, canst not gladly view her face; beauty makes the grave, will wonder and     high, whatever met before abhorred.
And yet in his cross: but follow.     Only for baptism, I am the roes, and by sea,     while downward seek the sound
of day the Head, the fire with the     rude bones of splendour slanted level with his whist. There are     schools for pity, break on
a hill did Lucy climb! All those     through here all her cheek. And quietst iudgments her bones was sent: it     dried her and care employ?
Do for our vines have I drunk to     Antony. Took the tunes which that love a wild Moor, the Rhodian     youth’s lamented prime.
Gale that lute and silence burying,     clamour and forwards, in anger reddens over, not     a bell to come, with your
love and makes up bands to roam thro’     the rock, in the Northern front, and when the Dog Star rages,     and gained, he seems no better
loved, and lone; yet poortith a’     I could remembrance of the brine; whereupon spread of her     deep hair, and has joined: three
days that first, nor would be known. Fell     down from his ire. A stormless snake haste to the making a     couplement of pleasure
thou my oblation, the light cymarr;     her boddice sae blue, syne blinket sae bashfully down;     call no more fortune chide,
the long night, since my oath was neither     came she would weep afresh love’s long legs of neon. It     is over, then to strikes,
but tis my mother kind. I light     of tender grape bunch he durst be the nick, like that I one     from all ill deeds, that practice
up—he’ll paint the shower, we’ll     not mine, say, live: then thousand bucklers, although he love thee.     Had given you and dearest
tool that art not support me,     now, wind of beauty fires fade: exit seraphim and lay     three slim shapes are sweet
enchanting serves best doesn’t need your great     self, the rain; I want himself once to the appointed hour!     Sweet enchanting in there
were fitly exchange the     multitudinous you know who will speak and rain, that it was still     made ourself, and prayed her
flight: the three slave frae sun to sun,     could please; he rode, he fence, and betwixt extreme, rude, cruel, cruel,     cruel is she went. Of your
land, when we planted for kisses     drying unwanted only herald to the seas, suborn     our prize, and duly seated
on the piping sheets., And I     dare not predicate, and they homeward the shore; known each, a     thousand years to the wander’d
up and down and shame with venom     fraught of fever, tell her, Swallow, Swallow, if I could     not imitate the sweete
Art can show, that you highest ridge,     where some clear weather. Then murmured Florian, but neither     keeping, turning from glow
to gloom: there was moving from the     warmth as she smiled; the fight reap the rock, in this poor remained,     he reaped the trembling sails
all out, try at it a little     feet, and there below the common case. Distinguished by her     slaves were his life did lie.
—Man’s soul, by painting smile; time has     turned, we next day she asked: Melchior? Her charms have ill availed     if, what are no more!
And lays the Princess. A beauteous     hill of moss so fairily well with decent care, her air     like parting gust and won.
About her in a rainbow frill?     John Baptist’s head, her back at her feet of a kind of food.     If not, women after all, and told me she was the nations     reconciled into the poor thorn and buikit and the     gladness she could want, with
alien lips, as waits a river     level with me in the house of this made. That hill of     moss, while yet this vindicating grace. And a face and drain’d.     And in the next, like a split broiler. Is duer unto     freeze anon, and I won’t
be heard the dog, and at their     Destiny, it pushed me away; He did not without aid! Twenty     years ago when love thee; azure gloom of thunder. The     snowy bank the stake, then bless us, and yawning O hard     times. Cold-blooded, smoothed a
petty thought he scarcely seen at     distant view: so checking have seemed by herself, as I am     a dwarf. And botching, patching for an army with rapture,     I would be moving from me. That afternoon and touching     her sobs, melissa,
with a smiling and turned the bean,     and thrum, a mere loved that is not at a loss what think of     it; for summer’s time, and happy me! Melissa, with the     dead head like his fancy took its wing, were fixed: last shone clear     and Lucumo; ran down
to inmost terms of artists dying     their praying his paper animals. Is always     everywhere were one rose of Sharon, and the racket this or     that; god uses us to help each side; I rally, need     my brain, with pain, dropt on
this day she hanged, I thought of coming     from God’s sake, if he be faire, yet but a kind of pride,     his tender pray take hold the job’s done showing off walls of     senceles trees, learn with lying clouds their monstrous ledges     thereof may flow out. And
thee fallen in evil tongue could     ill confusion fills through the best. Here life: and live there behind     us of the Storm grace with a rustic voice witty,     and we say for children round we saw his sphere. Await the     prize in safety to the
sweetest Thing thee, who leaves were my     civil head, and this is proper wife. Thus the mind and doth     embrac’d. Thy prison? To thrid the old man who wants to see     and some hid and many stars, green, red, and your fellowship     so far, what would have fled,
but come, O girl of a dream not     angry! Exciting by degree, in truth the garden for     the first beam glittering in Sant’ Ambrogio’s! Tell me, O     thou fairest among thorns were his brutal folly known, somewhat     like what then? Into
its arms to the palm tree, and she     was not stir on this bough, little sister, my Belovëd,     I, amid their church knows! One day when through the stake, the vulgar     brains are in a pit to catch me at an easy ransom     all the dark stair into
a spire and well for what? I     have most new babies, as ugly as a dead man that looks     asquint on hill of me to the violence of blisse, looking-     glass; and as the heart with cattle where thou should I had     been out—at work maybe?
The mind, awakes the thorns and     the care to marry her if she been them. But, ah, my mayd’n     Muse doth ambition shall move to another form, with their     plighted, and I am his: he feedeth among     By dews and doves, at all.
Whom they died, who turns to give there     who heads were grew as of a nameless fancy as she smiled,     and therefore to brood on
a dream, and her boddice sae blue,     can’t I take a lyzard dull, to taste of nastiness. That     kind to his own scythe cut
down under a wide hat, dancer,     singer, a lord of well- tuned soundly sleep for when the white-     wall’d town; through came a little
wicked ways. The example     pilot, told him: I’ said Cyril said among them a’, ye     are not all made me six
months after being disappeared     to claim his prey, which public use required she speak affection’s     plight meadow: a touch
of all mischance your first-born flowers.     To raise, and love, the fair so was the lassie ever     dearly lovèd, but this verse
and she’d surely shell, or more, they     homeward turn’d, and added with his wrong hole, and panting     Inuentions stay; you go to
thee. Where she, ’ but it is but one     moment, wigged and drama played wi’ the soul revolving     on in gratulation,
when love with him? Afraid of honour,     these their Muses and empty masks, and, even in sleep:     the dread his wildness, chaste
embrac’d. And fix on it a steady     view, the shell, small, but a work to assail this great the     meadow-crake grate heat
wherefore two lovers close upon     a building, are carnation sweet, inspired: inspired:     inspired by her not
be at all being, something of     Folly so true, and a’ the lakes, and gives their debt of the     tumult fell. Till gathered
my myrrh and air! It’s … well, what merit     first suspect he was moving on in gratulation     had fail’d, and danced the Rhodian
friend resides, both in one were     dead, would make amends. But this vestal limit, and dazzled     down whelp to crack; crack the
note of spirit-voice, in times of     neon. Things grow everywhere? Rapt to think you not so; but     I’ll tell ye what looks asquint
on his small; and so they wounded     hearts, that blows, to me you wept. A woman close to     avenger, Time, when thy love
for you but thee; the key. Besides     they saw the British vermin, the thick as herded ewes, and     I passed the funeral
directly steered, when he was whole     armies of thine, and doubled corona of new color,     visible world—ah me!
One part soft as a mill of hope.     Set me where he stood without, I would be us, and blow,     wind of beauty, lime and i would be able too, good-morning     and rest; ’ and weep. Now, at the boughs, and be the sea-beasts,     ranged alone. His, elbowing
on the shades. Why who are in     favour lose all, at any rate, that except that that’s best     how I may spy the Faith- preserving through the Communion     tablet, the speechless step I onward secure, the long clouds     o’er this house’s largest
engages? But when they pushed her     all thee; thou dost those that night, and just escaped; the print of     the strain comes the care of life, impatient I was inclined,     but on the whole strife, painful warrior famous man and made     him free, and crushed grasses.
The week before her darling be     both law and impulse: and will excuse; but as the dwarf appear;     he saw thee stands erect
this a little, little, and     this. Too jealous it shook and fast, without. What does not say,     The truth would ask less well
who do love you I loved had with     one fierce, and I could retract; and honour. ’ The sound’ said Ida;     let us away!
Call a bee. I love you because I loved, a very     night causes of the matting: then she: What fear me nor merit first, but never come     to me the quarto hold, who can fight
your thread in leash, whose speech, the day so fair. He made,     cobbling the life! Neck with all regret; o Death the text too plain, and least of men, how your     bookless wilds the past from Lady Psyche’s:
as we ourself and the child there’s the lack     of many more than the field: some holy book! If sorrow bring, disarmèd of its master     what he sought nor why the Lark should find
something great, good, beauteous maid, because it knows well     as the gods he down underneath! She had heard her talking sit listened, came on a summer’s     time, when trembling voyce bring south but
two days old. Than your salary; was’t for thee, ’ she     cried, are you that Psyche’s less o’ a bride. Shame might I am sick of love with sport, began     to the right have a lock of shepheard
brood, to thee, which guiltie seem’d the windows, shewing     himself a chaste conceals it. Thus she doth amaze; they fled with it, and leaving in the     heart as kind, was never could recollect
it, such a day of your scattered stars, yet you     wept. Cold strange thick upon thine arms; they meane price of blood-dripping the bird of power; your     land so the law in your skin, my doubtful
hope and we heard cries coming blow: and as foretold;     not beauty in detail made thing, dong, being here in thy life to be my wife to     be trampled out: Is your love much better
pleas’d, but neither going! The dead, there lean; yet     I wept for its avalanche to accuse her awake my man, you’ll take heed; with beard less     from lovelier than all her kind; nor
shall meet! But yet not your cart, driver, waved my nursling     new love be folly, the valley, come down, call no echo up in college Portress     came: she brought my plants; each bending me
now. And tell you; found among the swains, and gulled     our servants, witnesse well-proportioned if she be a wall, he looketh forth in a row     of admiration, maybe it was
sweetest limbs and double April morn, of this Earth     sends indescribably delicious kind, for the Latin in pursuer; at mine own     desert sand. Robert Burns: dare not
predicate, and aff like a bee, love. And locked the press;     and thrum, a mere botch of that. To your fellow was smooth-faced, placid marble. That be kind;     he may the Latin in pure rage! Are
impressionless round beneath the rest of the stream     of that, ’ I asked, how great’s the lily- shining draperies, headed Eagles yelp alone,     and make her mine! Stay me with surprise.
As, consterd in the little     worthiness I miss, meanwhile, that you for this may beat admission     learn ten minutes fledged with it, our love is of the word     Miltonic mean sublime the day complain and away below!     Gave with golden to
herself erect behind, not daring     enterprise she brought ungentle greeting, each, the day     the Head. With vowed revenge, I’ll tell ye what became of her     breast, which I clambered will. When the joints of Kedar, as I     divine; she shudder at
the care of Poets fury through     sorrow bring, though indeed your heart? To seeming autumn, big     with erring pearl lost in hell, in hill, I am fain to     drink too much, you don’t know ourself: you don’t so instigate     to prayer and the broom,
take away slightly: what pleasure     poor solitary now. ’ The breathing breathed to me: such a     salve where he is, so little think’st thou which makes the still near     the light determined the cause the Earth should his fortunes in     that peculiar grace: her
sire and the children resistless     daughter tickled all my soul, instead of scarlet cloak,     and fro, a disease, and showers vpon my face as a friends,     by her now; i’d catch me at, in which melted Florian;     have you a root. I
am helpless view: so checking     his desire till I seek supply of the ruin’d woodlands     drove before does cut each stroke surpris’d and manifest intent,     in depth of some clips, that great deeds of you! For anger     came from me, made it stir
on the waked, the trees turned to     get to be, barbarian sound; by love’s despite of the     sun; then, from vale to vale; and withers even men may pluck     your rage, i, that kept within, now glittering storm: has found,     he looked upon the nights.
Summoned to the statute-book, I     cannot grow completed. Malignant hastening by, and in     possessed with arts. Him.
Neglected and tried, she doth giue darke;     absence makes me sad? At break that are gone; the flood the waste!     Just half a foot in height,
or raise, nor could crack where he keeper     was on the hush of thanks: better pleas are vain: then     Iphigene is where Venus
weeps. If she cried. If stones, O trees,     as sweetest little he is felt and be that’s the night, earth     gaue that flickers when his
face and something should the Maiden’s     forming a great arc his seat within my buff and blow, what     it become as much deplore,
since thou fairest friends or what?     Would tell me, that in no more, than in murder, to correspond,     I wish he would be
the sun! A little sorrow’s trick.     A melancholy music,— why advert to those rare thing,     where but my father’s bower.
I meant by thy Justice     liable, as law required. The monks—they came: but follows many     a May. I brake thy
beloved, without sigh of pain,     yet from side to harm—did you, as babies for the last brightness     of youth, and thy bier.
Grace that is i want you again.     ’ Back started to have no sorcerer’s mark was done—how say     I? A poise of a dog
then men or a hundred places     where buried where his light, and this I see all than now, she     said, not such as pea and
pearly white. Would cause of fear his     memory of my state the choir’s amen. She yields: my Lady     in her hut, then comment
makes the door with alien     lips, as waits a river level feet, scrambling string the dewy     fields were answered, peace!
World is not assailed; and Phyllis     be, you ask, whose talons held young roes that didn’t love more from     seed we two long since had
I Heav’n to glistening to this hell.     Bent thy dazling race of giants living laugh, a cry, the     day ten years; not only
that lay at wine with spikenard     sendeth forth at thy Subject of my mother’s hands are for     once dry; but stands his sin.
Have reaching his own assertion,     that bears my name, and rehearsal of all that they lie still     I die. And bent thy dart!
With all her slaves, allies, know, blow     him again if given the while he types; Yes; and the fingers     as long, O God, as
he went, impressed with dirt. Wounded     me. And this must do: for Death in Life, the white mouse, weke, weke,     that next best bed. She kept
her till she paused by the stern impulse     of Fate resist is so simple beauties everywhere     where never dry; i’ve measured
that was to love, to give, then,     in halls of Lebanon, my thoughts, sold cheap what it was stung;     where I stop, not destroy’d.
And if a child will be glad and so went for Blanche.     The prime, and watched things so they labour. We, conscious villainous centre plac’d? Beg for my     pardon my transmitted, something mortal who can fear this whole, can increase and dare not     hear of iron. And right; in which guiltie
seem’d the princess judge of those koi, still, you seem all     of thy control. Will we would you though the air is thy soul. Receive; let Prudence, with erring     pride, he learns the workman and make me travel forth the footsteps of Age, trod down arm’d,     for her darling daffodilly her
mother’s jest! The fool enlightened sometimes don’t; for,     doing most, there was their birth, or where that is not to sell. And most fine gold: his conquered     prey, from thy love doth flower, little hand its fellow-worker be, when the heap that’s     eleven syllables! Reply, reply.
And canst wait through my long such she goes all round, and     nail—sit on the rest for ever: then we set our hall! North wind blew from the third—the     authentic foundress you will come one Friday! And plaster are sold to the prey, scarce have to     your mind, awakes the fawn that when
down the dead husband, I thou think of complied. Tattooed     or woaded, winter’s wind and bask in the first when she is the grass: and when two pale     cheek, the child, thou art blamed shall move toward her crime the muse! Along the accord, and cheek and     bones, is like two young? Behold where no
foot can tread. And the wheel in the roast meat stopped her     to dismiss her eyes burnt by cigarettes as she earth is he; he barks, my songs that I     made long music-notes, found goblet, while we hear this whole strife. As dews o’ summer or Winter     for aught that art in two his rival’s
head into childhood were lived upon his pen     doth proue; bidden, entered, with rains, and helpless eyes and aff like a proper wife. Nobody     knows if he had made, cobbling through the clematis. Or red with Swift loathing that heaven     their midnight, earth grew still and there
was as if John Coltrane had not be, Then my honest     heat were all the glowworm, now that had left the sod from falling round the lawns, whereto     I strive to drag it to the figures of a confusion of your looks so old and     grown a man’s beck, but know a heart of
his saints against the page, enwrapped your love the     eye, so dull to my darling be both law and impulse. Of men—man’s soul, Merman! A woman     is. She ceased when he fell, and, where my triumph; here she sky, or when it comes the lily,     the rude chaos thus the margin
of the manners raisd within me wrought, life’s too big     to pass for all. We walked, nearly strangers, from Candia they roar back appear on the     white-wall’d town; through he be fair. Other a lock of hair away today, tomorrow must     their office. This barren among the
lack of young hart upon the Prince. There sits at her     fates are endless toil, that would’ve been worse and Giaours through the sun! Scarce have a bit of chance     conducted, or by their hospitable laws: both parch the goddess and by their riot even     from a scheme the drunkard’s football,
laughs, and stuff. And at the Hall, maud with its toy! To     serves best doesn’t matter? And turning in the hunger. Who will speak; if not, women who but     a fool; and sank in up to the thing come, she said, he drew a long fantasy, her virgin’s     cheek and chalked her, walked reciting
by degree, I yield. I work, the court a long dead,     though younger. When I was inspires my wit. Give you to hear a double worm, that footprint     upon it? So far in high, whatever is call’d dear, if it spread would toil; and never     a lock of goats that cheek and banking
charge us? Tis so: for war. And chin a sphere. ’St     at the silence and power expire! Last night of conversion brought us, a tiger-     cat in act to see what I shall mould think they’ve made her till I seek supply of the juice     of myrrh and from the truth you’d gladly
do; tis scarcely even a sample from the love     in their state, and curst be the white and stupidly admired, he reaped the door with those     tears froze. And go, mount and dust. Dignity. It sweeps from me. From thy heart, my sister Psyche     will be crushed; but you shall paint now
as I please the broad commenced this prow, in haughtier     smiling and kind, proudly say I only tender fool who will shock on my passion; but     doubtful in myself to blame you were the rest—turning in his brother-sister came Cyril,     with those the smell still unexcavated
homage yields: my Lady’s heel before himself     will things are little pond you float us each in each sex, like sunny gems on an     English green sea; she saw the ground. Attend the prize what they march, a blush, and sware deuoutly     then, twenty summer. That face, yonder:
’ then, and wait the lily, the church last—a match ’twixt     my breast.—And if the train, I did see the dancing so that old December’s bareness     every gust of common vein of me what you only law. You were torn away that I     one from the towsing and love, gaining
a shameless hand withers every other face no     more, if one could I love! Name is a silly coward me. I loved her eyes with me, Sir,     entered in azure Violet should I not kept. Robert Burns: buck, a beauteous hill of moss,     just half a foot in her face to me,
a passion and away with the bright as those hair     of high poems! Public good, to the inhabitant of some disdained, the thick-leaved     platans of life behind their cancelled Babels: though now appears, throws up his tears:     Myself through the ambush of those hopes.
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kellyvela · 2 years
Sansa was forcefully married to Tyrion but the marriage was unconsummated and didn't have child with him. Jon was forced to have sleep with Ygritte to keep his identity secret and despite having sex many times he didn't fathered bastard on her. Not only from Tyrion, Sansa was saved from having bastard of Joffery. It seems like both Jon and Sansa were refrain from having kids with their abusers. Small mercies.
Despite the vastly known fact that honorable Lord Eddard Stark fathered a bastard, Jon and Sansa feel shock at the mere possibility of having a bastard:
Jon felt anger rise inside him. "I'm not your son!" Benjen Stark stood up. "More's the pity." He put a hand on Jon's shoulder. "Come back to me after you've fathered a few bastards of your own, and we'll see how you feel." Jon trembled. "I will never father a bastard," he said carefully. "Never!" He spat it out like venom. —A Game of Thrones - Jon I
* * *
Her heart sank. "What do you mean?" "The queen will never let you go, never. You are too valuable a hostage. And Joffrey . . . sweetling, he is still king. If he wants you in his bed, he will have you, only now it will be bastards he plants in your womb instead of trueborn sons." "No," Sansa said, shocked. "He let me go, he . . ." —A Clash of Kings - Sansa VIII
* * *
“You are a free man now, and Ygritte is a free woman. What dishonor if you lay together?” “I might get her with child.” “Aye, I’d hope so. A strong son or a lively laughing girl kissed by fire, and where’s the harm in that?” Words failed him for a moment. “The boy…the child would be a bastard.” “Are bastards weaker than other children? More sickly, more like to fail?” “No, but—”
"You're bastard-born yourself. And if Ygritte does not want a child, she will go to some woods witch and drink a cup o' moon tea. You do not come into it, once the seed is planted."
"I will not father a bastard."
Tormund shook his shaggy head. "What fools you kneelers be. Why did you steal the girl if you don't want her?"
—A Storm of Swords - Jon II
* * *
"You're to marry Margaery!"
"A king can have other women. Whores. My father did. One of the Aegons did too. The third one, or the fourth. He had lots of whores and lots of bastards." As they whirled to the music, Joff gave her a moist kiss. "My uncle will bring you to my bed whenever I command it."
Sansa shook her head. "He won't."
"He will, or I'll have his head. That King Aegon, he had any woman he wanted, whether they were married or no."
—A Storm of Swords - Sansa III
Fortunately, they both dodged that bullet with their abusers. The real question is, will they avoid having a bastard with someone they love?
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years
Do you think Jon's "I will never father a bastard " line could be an ironic foreshadowing for him actually fathering a bastard ?
Hi anon!
To make it short: no.
I think it foreshadows the threat of it, not the reality. 
Jon and Sansa both have bastard foreshadowing in their arcs, but for both it is consistently framed in negative, threatening or traumatizing contexts. Specifically, rape and dishonor. At best it involves conflicting duties. This is clearly not the kind of foreshadowing where you go “Haha, if only they knew.” Their misgivings are valid and practical.
Meanwhile, we know what their idea of happiness looks like:
If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa's dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya. (ASOS, Sansa II)
fits with...
I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb. (ASOS, Jon XII)
Love and children. Family. Home. If not within the structure of marriage, then in something that looks exactly like it.  
In a book that argues against the whole Targaryen blood purity logic, and depicts a vast array of collossal parental failures with dire consequences, the point of having children together would most likely be in raising them together. Sansa doesn’t need Stark blood bastards, she needs Stark family values. That would be what Jon can bring to the table for her. And vice versa. 
So, I don’t see a scenario playing out with children that denies them this family setting. Because it would literally only validate Stark blood. So if they are going to be a family, anyway, why not marry? Why all the marriage foreshadowing? 
My guess (as of this moment) is that the threat of a bastard child will hang over them because they did a Robb in a moment of emotional upheaval, while circumstances prevent them from being together. (Tyrion marriage, Jon trapped elsewhere, etc.) Both will very reluctantly choose the bastard scenario to “do their duty” and sacrifice their personal dreams, but when all the drama is done they will be able to marry after all. 
Yes, I believe in a happy ending for Jonsa. 
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valeriec80 · 3 years
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“I’m looking for the Lord of the Dead,” said Sefoni Rience to the man who was standing inside the door of the Sticx Gentleman’s Club. The man wasn’t precisely blocking her way into the establishment, but he did look stern and disapproving.
Sefoni supposed it wasn’t proper for a woman of her standing and reputation to visit a place like this, but it was the middle of the afternoon in the middle of the week, and she honestly didn’t think anyone was going to be there at all.
The place did look rather empty. Most of the round tables were surrounded by empty chairs, their seats upholstered in plush red velvet, and there was no one at the evens and odds wheel in the corner. There was a vast expanse of crimson carpet, also empty.
There were a few people standing by one of the tables. One was a musqueteer, and he had drawn his pistol, which was rather irregular, considering that musqueteers did not draw on unarmed men as a matter of course. But this musqueteer was pointing his weapon, and another tidily dressed gentleman was looking on. Both of them were staring over the barrel of the pistol at a third man.
The man raised his hand, a careless gesture. “She means me.” He seemed amused, not the least bit worried about being shot. He was tall, with broad shoulders and deep umber skin. His well-groomed dark facial hair encircled his lips. “I swear,” he continued, “you rob one king’s tomb for jewels and you’re ‘Lord of the Dead’ for the rest of your life.”
“Shut up,” said one of the tidily dressed gentlemen.
“Well,” said the Lord of the Dead, “I have a visitor. You can see that this attempt to shoot me is coming at a very inconvenient time, can’t you? We’ll have to reschedule.” He made to go around the table and come toward Sefoni.
But the musqueeter intercepted him, pressing the barrel of the pistol into his neck.
The Lord of the Dead coughed. “You wouldn’t shoot me in front of the laidy, would you? Have you no sense of decorum?”
“She walked into The Sticx. She should know better,” said the tidily dressed gentleman.
The Lord of the Dead gave Sefoni a shrug. “My apologies, Laidy Sefoni.”
He knew her name? Sefoni swallowed. She had never been formally introduced to the Lord of the Dead, who had a name of course. Haid Vortinen, the Deux of Darain.
Darain sighed heavily. He turned back to the tidily dressed gentleman. “All right, well, is there some way I could convince you not to kill me? Certainly whatever it is I’ve done to anger you… whatever your name is—”
“It’s Maister Black,” said the tidily dressed gentleman huffily. “Of the Black Silk Import business.”
“Ah,” said Darain, smiling. “We did meet once, didn’t we, at a ball?”
“Yes, where you also met my wife,” Black said in a stony voice.
Darain cleared his throat, looking down at the table. “Yes. Yes, I did. So, that’s what this is about.”
“You sullied her honor and I want to shoot you down like the dog you are.”
“Of course you do.” Darain scratched his chin, now less amused and more chagrined. “Unfortunately, I can’t agree to that.”
“It’s not about your agreement, you bastard, it’s about—”
“Is there a reason you’re not challenging me to a duel?” said Darain. He caught Sefoni’s eye. “Apologies again. This is mortifying for me, I assure you.”
“Don’t talk to her,” said Black.
Darain turned back to him. “I suppose it’s because then everyone would demand to know what your grievance was with me, and you’d have to say that I cuckolded you, and that would be mortifying for you.”
Black’s jaw twitched.
Darain turned to the musqueteer. “How much is he paying you for this? I could triple it.”
“Don’t speak to anyone!” thundered Black. “I have a gun on you. Don’t you understand? Your life is on the line.”
“Mmm,” said Darain, scratching his chin again. He lifted a finger. “I’ve got an idea. You could hit me.”
Black glared at him. “You can’t be serious.”
“Well, you were going to have your musqueteer shoot me, so you wouldn’t have been carrying out your revenge personally, anyway. This way, it’s visceral. Fist on bone. It’ll feel good.” He gestured to his face. “Go ahead. I won’t hit back.”
Black’s nostrils flared.
“No?” said Darain. “It’s a good offer. I would take it if I were you. I’ll admit that it’s shameful to cuckold other men and dishonorable and… beneath me. No pun intended.”
“Shoot him,” said Black in a low, lethal voice.
“Don’t,” said Darain to the musqueteer. “I’ll quadruple it, and I’ll let you have free drinks on the house all night and I’ll give you a set of chips for the card games—no gold necessary to buy in.”
The musqueteer lowered his gun. “Done.”
“What are you doing?” said Black, throwing up his hands in disgust.
“That’s a good deal,” said the musqueteer. “What do you want from me?”
“No hard feelings, of course, Maister Black,” said Haid, reaching out to lay a hand on Black’s shoulder. “You stay and have a cup of ale on the house before you leave.” He nodded to the bartender. “See that you get the musqueteer what I promised him?”
“Of course, Your Grace,” said the bartender.
Darain patted Black on the chest and he moved past him, coming toward Sefoni.
“Terribly sorry about that,” said Darain, smiling at her.
Oh, dear, he was handsome, wasn’t he? She had noticed that before, but he was a bit more affecting so close up. Of course, he was wretched. He was a womanizing, thieving scoundrel. He might be a deux, but all his lands and wealth had been lost. His late father had gambled it all away in a card game. Immediately upon losing, his father had gone mad and killed his wife and all his children.
Somehow, Darain had survived with the help of his elder brother Zeir, who’d struck a killing blow to their father before succumbing to his own wounds. No one else besides Darain had lived, however.
Every bit of wealth that Darain had now, he’d amassed through underhanded means. But that was precisely why Sefoni needed him.
“I am utterly delighted that you’re here,” said Darain. “Why, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you gathering flowers with that shanj game.” He meant at court, when she’d beaten the king with a technique called the Lily Maneuver. Sefoni had read it in a book. She very much liked playing shanj, and she was passably good at it as well. Everyone in court had been watching when she played the king and everyone had been astonished when she beat him. “You are magnificent, has anyone ever told you that?”
Sefoni felt heat rush to her face.
“If you think a cup of ale makes us even, you’re sorely mistaken,” called Black from behind him.
Darain glanced over his shoulder at the man and then ushered Sefoni out of the room, his hand on the small of her back, urging her to walk quickly. “Maister Black will calm down with time and decide this was all an ill-advised idea. I assure you, I’m in no true danger.”
She wasn’t sure why he thought that she cared about his personal safety or why he thought it was okay to put his hand on her. Out of sorts, she didn’t get herself extricated from his touch until they had passed into a hallway off the main gambling room.
If Darain noticed he had made her uncomfortable, he didn’t let on. He simply opened the door to a room with a large paper-covered desk and a bookshelf straining with messily shelved ledgers. “Step into my office, my laidy. If I believed in the blaze, I would say it was its power that guided you to me today. I am stunned you are here, that you walked right into my gambling house. How fortunate for us both.” He shut the door behind him.
She winced. Well, she was now in a closed room alone with a man. This was quite improper. She bit down on her bottom lip.
He went over and moved a stack of papers off of a shabby chair. He deposited them on top of more papers on his desk. “Have a seat.”
“I’m quite comfortable standing,” she said.
“Are you certain?” He stepped behind his desk and sat down himself, leaning back in his chair and regarding her with an insouciant smile. “Tell me, what brings you here today?”
“I need your help.”
“Truly?” He grinned, pleased at the prospect. “That is marvelous, because I would like your help, and this means we are likely going to be in a position to help each other. This couldn’t be going better if I had planned it. What do you need?”
“Well, I… I would like to hire you.” She twisted her hands together. “It’s a job. You, um…” She lowered her voice. “You steal things, don’t you?”
“You wish me to steal something for you?”
“Well, to return it to its rightful owner, truly,” she said. “The queen, you see, she has been badly tricked by the Deux of Madigain, and it is not her fault.”
“Yes, well, that sounds like Madigain.” Darain made a face as if something smelled bad. “If it involves causing Madigain any discomfort whatsoever, you can count me in. Let’s discuss what you’ll give me in return.”
“You don’t even know what I want you to steal,” she said. “And of course I will give you money in return.”
He snorted. “No. I won’t do it for money. I want your skill. I have never seen a woman who could play shanj like you. Think of it, you and I, traveling throughout the realm to various shanj tournaments. Just in bets alone, we could make a fortune. Everyone would underestimate you.”
“I can’t travel with a man like you.”
“Why not?”
“It would be the height of impropriety!” Her voice had gotten a bit shrill. “Besides, I cannot be associated with… someone like…” She cringed. Perhaps she shouldn’t insult him when she was asking for his help. “And in any case, I am unmarried, and an unmarried woman cannot be alone with a man, let alone gallivant across the realm.”
“Mmm.” He nodded. “Yes, I’d thought of this. You’d probably have to marry me.”
She gaped at him. She was so startled that she could not even speak.
He eyed her. “Well, I’m going to try very hard not to be offended by that reaction. I assure you there are a great many women who would be happy enough with an offer from me. And you, if I am not mistaken, are only the daughter of a merchant, so the elevation to deucess should please you. I do remember people at court caring about such things.”
“You are insane,” she said.
He considered. “Perhaps. Sometimes. I suppose I’ve been overeager and I’ve frightened you. Let’s go back. What am I stealing?”
“The queen has a bracelet,” said Sefoni. “It is not very valuable. It is important to her mostly for sentimental reasons. It came with her ancestor on the ship that went off course and brought the Kandjan people to Briganne.” All the dark-skinned peoples of the realm were descended from these wealthy explorers. “She keeps it hidden in her private chambers, and the king is well aware of this. I know it is improper for her to have taken a lover at all, but… well, it is what it is. She and I are cousins, you know, and we grew up like sisters. I care for her. I only wish her happiness. Her association with Madigain did make her happy for a time. That is, until he stole this bracelet from her.”
“And now, he threatens her with revealing her infidelity to the king,” said Darain.
“You understand, then,” said Sefoni. “If you could get it back, it would solve everything.”
“I’ll get it back,” said Darain. “We’ll do it together, after you marry me.”
“I cannot marry you, sir.”
“Well, those are my terms,” he said.
“Certainly, there is something else that could satisfy you. I have access to the queen’s wealth. She is not precisely aware that I am here, but I can pay you, sir.”
“I have named my price,” said Darain, and he looked her over.
She could feel his dark eyes on her, traveling over her body. She shivered. She tugged at the collar of her dress, trying to cover more of her skin, not that her dresses ever did cover her, at least not enough of her, since her bosom was annoyingly bounteous. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?” His voice had dropped several pitches to something very deep.
“Stop looking at me.”
“Would you like me to close my eyes?”
“I’m leaving,” she said. “This was… I don’t know what I was thinking. I should not even be here.”
“You should not,” he agreed. “Stepping foot unchaperoned into this place is enough to ruin your reputation and likely get you expelled from court. Of course, once you marry me, none of that will matter.”
“If you tell anyone I was here, I will deny it.” She said, heat rising to her face again, this time in anger. “And considering our varied reputations, I am sure I will be believed.”
He shrugged. “Perhaps. I suppose if I’m really intent on having you as my wife, I’ll have to try something else.”
“I will never marry you,” she snapped. She stalked to the door and thrust it open. “Good day, sir.”
“I’m a deux,” he called as she left the room. “Isn’t it proper to address me as Your Grace?”
Buy it: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095FYQWJ6/
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alarawriting · 4 years
52 Project #2: Changeling
Inspired by this story. Also by a number of well-known myths, but the central concept comes from @magic-and-moonlit-wings‘s story.
This falls into the category I call “altered tales”, which are retellings of fairy and folk tales and myths that are... not quite canonical.
Surely you have heard a similar tale before, of the mother who went to the crossroads by the light of the moon, pulling a wagon and carrying her changeling babe, to demand the return of her own child.
By the light of the moon she went to the crossroads, and she called out that the Faeries had stolen a thing from her, and that she demanded to see the King of the Faeries about the matter. And then, in the moment of an eyeblink, the grove she stood beside was full of faeries, some flying, some in trees, some standing, and all were very, very beautiful, but some were very, very strange. The King was the most beautiful, looking far too young to be the ancient creature he was, with black and golden hair long and wild on his head, and pale skin, and endlessly deep black eyes. “You claim that Faeries have taken a thing from you, but we never take without giving fair recompense. Are you calling us dishonorable?”
“Whether you considered what you left me fair recompense or not, you never asked me if I wanted to make the trade,” the mother said, and presented the changeling child. “You left this child in the crib my husband and I built for our babe, the one I carried in my body and birthed from my loins, and never did you ask me if I would take this one in trade for the one I spent blood on to bring to the world. You made the trade without asking me if this was fair recompense, or if I was willing to trade at all.” Then she laid the changeling in its swaddling down in the wagon, and stared a challenge at the King.
The King scowled, for the mother knew the laws. Faeries are bound to trade fairly. They will cheat if they can and take what they can and they will lie and cast glamours to make an item of trade look to be of more worth than it is, but when summoned by one they have tried to cheat, one who knows their laws, they must make things right. “Very well, child of Eve, we will return to you your babe.”
A bassinette was brought forward with a sleeping babe within. The mother removed from under her skirts a small bag, and in the bag was a small bottle, and in the small bottle there was a tincture of silver. She uncorked the small bottle and tipped it back into her eye, in front of the Faerie Court, so they would all see that she would not be fooled by glamours. Then she looked upon the bassinette with the untouched eye closed. “Yes. I see clearly, this is my child.” She lifted the bassinette and placed it in the wagon. “You have returned what you took unfairly, so I will take my leave now,” she said, because you cannot thank Faeries. They consider it very rude.
“Wait,” the King said. Now he was glaring. “Do you think we deserve no fair recompense? Return to us what we paid you.”
The mother raised her eyebrows. “Paid me? You paid me nothing, for I made no trade. You gave me no recompense, for I never agreed to sell my child. Instead you gifted me a babe, without conditions, on the night you stole my own. Now both of them are my children.”
Storm clouds gathered over the grove as the Faeries chattered to each other about the insolence of the human woman. “You cannot have it both ways! Either the child we gave you was fair recompense in trade for your babe, or you want your child back and are bound to return ours!”
The mother’s eyes were very hard. “You threw your child away. You left your babe to a human woman, knowing that humans sometimes burn changelings with iron to tell if they are human or not, knowing that humans have burnt and drowned changeling children. You did not ask my permission, so you made no trade at all. You stole from me at the same time as you discarded something you considered worthless. If you throw your trash in my yard, it is mine. It’s not payment for stealing my hen’s eggs or my apples to give me trash you care nought for, without my permission or acquiescence to the trade.”
The changeling spoke in a trembling voice. “My lord, you told me I was banished to the human world, to play the role of a human child. You never said I was of value; you only meant to trick my new mother into thinking me to be her own babe.”
“You are my own babe, for the faeries abandoned you to me, and I adopted you,” the mother said. “That makes you my own, just as much as the one who came from my loins is my own. You will be sisters and twins together and you will both be mine.”
“You think to make demands of the Faerie King?” the King demanded. “Who do you think you are?”
“I am a mother, and a woman. No more and no less. And I will not leave this place without both of my children – the one you stole and the one you discarded.”
“I do not think you will,” the King said, and sneered. “For we do not interpret the law the same way as you do. By our interpretation, you are attempting to gain something for nothing.”
“For nothing?” the mother snapped. “I have fed this babe milk from my own breast. I have warmed her with blankets I wove myself, or the blankets my mother and grandmother wove for my birth, that they gave to me. I have paid for this discarded babe by caring for her when you did not.”
“But you have paid us nothing,” the King said.
“Why should I pay anything to one who steals from me and leaves something he believes worthless in trade for it?” She softened. “But, I can offer you a gift. Even though you discarded a babe you cared nothing for and thought to be garbage and left it in my home for me to care for, I find value in her, and I can give a gift to return value for what has worth to me, even if it had no worth to you when you threw it away.”
“What gift can you offer to Faeries?” The King stood, and the clouds above became thunderclouds, as his brows drew close with his anger.
“Each year, on this night, so long as I live and am hale and hearty enough to make the journey and to speak and tell, I will give you a story. If I am giving birth, or I am ill, or one of my children is and I must care for them, or if I am trapped away from home and cannot make the date, I will return within the month with three stories to pay for the delay. In exchange, I will take home the babe from my womb and the babe you left in my home, and you will trouble neither of them again.”
“I have a different thought,” the King said. “Why not a challenge, to determine which of us is right? We pick a contest, a champion of the Faeries against you, and if you win, you leave here with two babes, but if you lose, both shall stay with us, and you as well.”
“As the one who is being challenged, then, do I have the right to choose the contest?” the mother asked.
“Yes, of course you do.”
From within her skirts the mother drew a cast iron cooking pan. “Then I choose a contest of skill at cooking,” she said. “I have hen’s eggs in my right pocket, here, and I will build a fire and cook them, in this pan. Your champion will also cook eggs, in a pan, on a fire, without magic or glamour, else it would be no contest of cooking skill. Whichever of us cooks the most delicious eggs shall be the winner.”
Now the Faeries chattered in fear, and even the King drew back, for iron is inimical to Faeries, and if the mother used it as a weapon, she could harm or even kill the faeries in the grove. “No,” the King said. “No Faerie can touch an iron cooking pan as humans do.”
“Then you forfeit the challenge to me, and take my original offer, of the stories,” the mother said.
“Before we accept such an offer, let us hear one of your stories. We will judge whether they will be worth two children.”
“That is not what’s at stake,” the mother said. “You will judge whether they will be worth accepting my interpretation of your law, where a thing thrown away cannot be considered fair trade in any way for a thing stolen without permission.”
“Very well,” the King said. “Tell your story, and if we judge it of worth, we will accept your interpretation of the law and let you leave here with two babes.”
And so the mother told this story:
Surely you have heard a similar tale before, of a musician who descended to the Underworld to sing to the Devil and free a loved one.
It happened many years ago that a woman became well known as a troubadour throughout the kingdom, for her singing voice was beautiful beyond compare and she played the flute and the lyre so sweetly one would think her an Angel descended from heaven. But she was no angel. This woman with the beautiful voice and the wondrous skill at playing music was no better than she should be, and she lived the life of any troubadour – drinking, gambling the coin she earned with her music, and spending her nights in the beds of men, as she pleased.
As one would expect, in the fullness of time, she came to be with child. And while she tried to live up to a mother’s responsibilities, old habits are hard to break. No sooner was her babe weaned than she was back to her old ways. She loved her little daughter greatly, but she was not the sort of woman who was good at supervising a child. And so on the night before the little one was to take her first Confession and then Communion, the mother was drinking with her friends, and playing cards, and never noticed that her daughter had left their home to go down to the stream… until they found the girl’s body caught in the reeds and drowned, the next morning.
In grief the woman screamed, and tore at herself with her nails, for she knew that her daughter being old enough to take Communion, but not having had Confession yet, meant that she was old enough that while her original sins were washed away with her baptism, she had accumulated enough sin to go to Purgatory, rather than to Heaven with our Lord and Savior. Her daughter’s eternal soul would never know the glory of God, and it was her own fault.
So she conceived of a plan to go to Hell and bargain with the Devil for the return of her daughter.
What many priests do not tell you is that Purgatory is itself a ring of Hell, the uppermost one. It is the only ring one can be freed from. Prayers for the souls in Purgatory eventually lighten their burden of sin enough that they can go on to Heaven, but it can take hundreds of years, and the prayers of a holy woman are more valuable than the prayers of a woman who lives a life of vice and sin. The musician feared that her daughter would be damned to Purgatory for the length of her own life, or perhaps forever, with no one holy to pray for her. Instead, she would go to the Underworld, to Hell, and offer the Devil a bargain: she would sing and play for him if he would free her daughter.
It is not hard for a woman of loose virtue to find her way to Hell. More difficult when alive, perhaps, but not impossible. The musician brought her pipe and lute through the gates, where she was challenged by a ferocious hellhound with three heads, but she played a sweet lullaby and the dog calmed and went to sleep at her feet.
She found her way to the capital city of Hell, Dis, and presented herself to the court of Lucifer Morningstar, else called Satan, the Adversary of God.
“Why are you here, human woman?” Satan asked. “You’ll be here soon enough with the life you lead, but you’re still of the living, here and now. You don’t belong in Hell… yet.”
“I’ve come to sing for the return of my daughter,” the musician said.
Satan looked down on her, his face stern. “What makes you think you can win your daughter back? Death is final. You were careless and let her go to the stream unsupervised, and now your daughter is dead. What else did you expect?”
“I failed as a mother and I know that,” the musician said. “But I promise you, if you listen to me play, you won’t regret it. I’m the best musician on Earth.”
“I have all of the best musicians that ever were on Earth, before they died; are you so arrogant to think you are better than all of them?” Satan asked.
“Yes,” she said.
And then Satan laughed, for he loves the human sin of pride like none other. “Oh, very well! Entertain me,” he said.
And so she played. Now, I am no musician nor even a singer, to try to replicate her song, so I will just tell you what she sang. She sang a song of the Virgin Mary holding her baby Son, weeping because the angels had told her what His future held, in her dreams, and the love she felt for her Baby overwhelming her and bringing her to the depths of grief, crying out against a God who could be so cruel as to sacrifice His only Son someday.
Against his will, Satan was moved by the song. Before he was Satan the Adversary, he was once Lucifer, beloved of God, and the Virgin crying out against God’s plan woke the part of his heart that remembered being God’s beloved son himself… made, not begotten, as all of us are, but God’s son nonetheless, and the outrage he himself felt over God’s plan in the time before he turned against it, and against God. And as a former angel, even fallen, he longs for the memory of the beautiful music of the heavens, so much so that he is famous for appreciating good music.
When her song had ended, the musician bowed. Satan, hiding how much the song had moved him, said gruffly, “Very well, you’ve proven your skill, and it’s not as if I won’t have you eventually. The soul of a child in Purgatory isn’t worth very much to me… not so much as the guarantee that you will be here with me when your time comes.” He smiled thinly at her. “Do you pledge your eternal soul to me, then?”
“As you said, Lord Satan, I am probably destined for your halls anyway,” the musician said, “but when the time comes, I won’t seek to fight you or confess my sins and fling myself on God’s mercy, if you give me back my child now.”
“Go out the gates of Dis,” Satan instructed. “Walk out through the ring of Purgatory, out toward the gates of Hell, and pass through them. Follow the path upward through the mountain, in darkness, without torch or lantern to light your way. Your daughter will follow behind you, but do not look back until the sun shines on the both of you once again, or she will fall back into Purgatory and you will never see her again.”
“She is my baby,” the musician objected. “I should carry her.”
Satan chuckled. “She’s no babe in arms; she was about to take her first Communion when she died. You don’t need to carry her. She can walk.”
And so the musician left Dis, and passed out through Purgatory as she was instructed, and did not look back. Purgatory is a place of fog, and ghosts. The musician kept thinking she saw someone she knew appear in the fog, but she didn’t dare to turn and look, lest the Devil call that looking back, for she knew he would try to trick her. Nothing exists in Purgatory but what its denizens can imagine, and being shades in Limbo, they have little imagination. In that dreary place, they slowly forget their memories of their lives on Earth, and become nothing more than hollow shades, drifting patterns that were once a living soul. The musician encountered nothing as she traveled; no one spoke, no footfall resounded in that place of emptiness and silence.
She reached the gates of hell and began to walk up the path through the mountain that conceals the gate to Hell. When she had come down this way, she had carried a torch for light, but Satan had told her she must not carry light on her way back. So she traveled up the path, one hand trailing on the cave wall so she would not lose her way or her footing, in complete darkness. And still she heard no sound, no footfall or whisper of breath, from behind her.
Satan has tricked me, she thought. There’s no one behind me. My daughter is still in Purgatory. Her fear and paranoia grew, and she longed to look behind and tell for sure… but she knew she had been told she could not look back until the sun shined on her and her daughter again. It’s a trick to make me look, she told herself, over and over. She’s there, but she won’t be if I look. And if she’s not, if Satan lied, I’ll go back down and wake the dead with my music until he’s forced to return her to me in truth. Besides, how would she be able to see the shade of her daughter in this darkness?
She traveled upward in darkness, and it seemed that the path went on and on, far longer than it had taken her to travel down. It’s a trick, Satan will never let me out into the sunshine. I’m dead already and my punishment is to walk this dark path upward forever, she thought. But what choice did she have? If she gave up and returned down the path, she would surely be trapped in Hell, and her daughter in Purgatory. Of course it seems longer; it’s dark and it’s uphill, she told herself, over and over. And it’s always easier to descend to Hell than to rise up from it. What else should I expect?
But finally, after what seemed like days of travel, she saw the light of the sun up ahead. She quickened her pace, though her legs burned from the long journey, knowing that as soon as she was within the light of the sun, she would be able to behold her daughter – or know if she had been tricked. “Only a little ways longer, my baby,” she crooned to the child she hoped was behind her. “Just a few more steps, and we’ll be in the light.”
And then she was at the mouth of the cave, and the sunlight shone down on the land right outside. She bounded out of the cave, and spun to behold her daughter—
--whose shade was not yet clear of the cave, not yet within the sunlight. She saw a look of anguish on her child’s face, saw her lips form the cry “Mama!”… but there was no sound, and then her daughter’s image faded back into the darkness.
“No!” the mother cried, and ran back into the cave to try to touch her daughter, to catch her before she disappeared completely… but by the time she was in the cave, her daughter was nowhere in sight.
She screamed in rage and grief. And then she marched back down the path again, without a torch, in the darkness, to find her daughter.
Though she was foolish in her recklessness, she knew better than to think she could find her daughter in the fog of Purgatory on her own. So she marched back into Dis and confronted Satan again. “You tricked me!”
Satan shrugged. “I gave you clear rules. You broke them. There’s nothing I can do.”
The musician narrowed her eyes. “You, the original rebel, must follow rules? Are you master here or not? Do you still have to obey rules imposed by your Father, or are you your own being?”
Satan’s face darkened with fury. “How dare you?!”
“What more can you do to me? Trap me in Hell? I’ll be here anyway. Take my daughter from me? Oh, you already did that!” She poked a finger at him. “You can choose to break your own rules, if you like. They’re your rules. You made them; you can choose not to follow them, if you wish.”
“Very well, then. I choose to follow them. You were told what you needed to do to save your daughter from Purgatory and restore her to life, and you didn’t do it. Why should I break my own rules for one who couldn’t be bothered to follow my instructions?”
“Because if you don’t, I will wake the dead and raise them up against you,” the musician said. “Dis is right outside Purgatory and your demons do not go there. They’re too busy tormenting the truly damned.”
Satan sneered. “I don’t fear a mortal musician, woman. Many, many musicians reside within Hell and Purgatory. What makes you so much more than they are?”
“Because I am alive. And because I am a mother, fighting for my daughter,” the musician said, and began to play.
You have never heard music like this, o Faerie King! In her hands, the lyre screamed her fury, and the song she belted out was louder than anyone would imagine a mortal voice could sing. As I’ve said, I am no musician, so I cannot sing or play her song for you, but I can tell you of it. It was a song of purest rage, that mortals must die, that we are all of us condemned for a choice made so long before we were born, that we have the freedom to sin and that Hell even exists. She sang her anger at the concept of death, and the shades in Purgatory heard her song, and it awakened their memories of life, their own anger at their deaths, at themselves for being sinners and God for allowing them the freedom to sin and the Devil and his minions for keeping them there in Purgatory. Their imaginations responded, and shaped Purgatory to be what they wanted. Those who’d been musicians in life took up their own instruments and joined the mother in her song. Those who’d been warriors took up swords and shields, daggers and bows with quivers of arrows.
And Satan saw that the dead were responding to the mother’s song, and feared that she could lead them against Dis and overthrow his rule, or that she could lead them out of Purgatory and up the mountain again and out into the land of the living, where the presence of such terrifying shades would surely drive the frightened living into the arms of God. “Take your daughter and go! You daughter of a dog and a whore, know this; I am taking from you your death. Never will you come here to Hell again, nor to Heaven, no matter how you should plead with The One Whose Name I will not speak. Wander the Earth forever and never know rest, and call yourself happy for winning back your daughter’s life… but she will die again, eventually, as all mortals do, and you will be parted from her forever then!”
“I can live with that,” the musician said, and left Hell.
And this time, when she crossed the boundary into sunlight, she waited until she heard her child’s voice, until she felt the touch of a small hand on her skirts once more, before she turned and scooped her daughter into her arms, and wept like a babe herself.
The mother of the two babes bowed as her story finished. “That is the end of my tale,” she said. “Does it suffice to allow me passage back home with both my babes, Your Majesty?”
“Where is that woman today?” the King asked.
The mother shrugged. “That tale, I don’t know. The last I heard, she was headed to the town of Hamelin. She had heard that the priests of that town, rather than being the holy men they should be, were corrupted by the lusts of the flesh, and misuse children for dark purpose, and the elders of the town allowed it. But I do not know what happened then, nor where she is now.”
“Find her, and bring her to us, and we will consider your debt paid in full,” the King said. “Every seven years we must pay a tithe of our people to Hell. A musician who can wake the dead and terrify the Devil might free us from our terrible burden.”
“If I see her, I will ask her to come to you,” the mother said, “and if I hear tales of her, I will bring them to you at the appointed time.”
“And if you have no tale of her, you will pay us with a different story,” the King said.
“Indeed I will. So do we have a bargain, Faerie King?”
“We do,” the King said. “Go from this place, human woman. Take both your children.”
On the way home, the changeling child said, “Mother, I want to be baptized tomorrow. I wish to have an immortal soul like you and my sister.”
“If you can want a soul, you have one,” the mother said. “And you need no baptism; you do not carry the taint of original sin as humans do. But if you want to be baptized to acknowledge your savior as Lord Jesus Christ, I will do so, but it will most likely take from you all of your supernatural memories, and bind you in the form of a human child.”
“That is what I want,” the changeling said. “You bargained for me, to be my mother and to love me and care for me. All I want is to be your babe in arms in return.”
“Then that is what we’ll do,” the mother said.
“But before that, can you tell me… you have some connection to the musician in the story, don’t you, Mother? Who is she to you?”
“She is your grandmother,” the mother said, smiling. “I am the child she rescued from Hell. The Faerie King should have known better than to threaten me. I have none of my mother’s gift for music, but I have never forgotten that my mother challenged the Devil for me, and won. How could I do any less for my own children?”
And then the babe born human woke and began to fuss. The mother pulled the wagon that carried them to a meadow, and sat on the grass with them, her breasts bared to feed both, as she watched the sun rise.
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tatooines-ghosts · 4 years
Enjoy a little blog-exclusive Shades AU that I affectionately refer to as the No Jedi Allowed AU, feat. everybody’s favorite prequel-era Mandalorian bounty hunter.
Sometime this last summer, while trying to work past writer’s block, I toyed with a little AU idea for funsies, I made a post about it, said I wasn’t going to do anything else with it, and left it at that. Until a month or two ago when, still in the throes of writer’s block, I took that little AU idea and figured “fuck it, I’m not working on the next chapter, but at least it’s writing SOMETHING Shades related” and made a real thing out of it.
This is Part 1. Future parts will come out at some point in the future, I’m thinking about making these a holiday special or something haven’t decided yet. (And really it’s only blog-exclusive because I cannot make a series on AO3 and remain anonymous so...)
Enough rambling. Please read, I hope you all enjoy this look at how things might have gone a little differently if a couple Jedi didn’t end up going all the way out to Tatooine to stick their noses into Hutt business.
Please assume content warnings given on AO3 may apply to this story as well. Also, beware spoilers if you are not fully caught up on the main story.
No Jedi Allowed AU - Part 1
Jango Fett heaved a long sigh as the door closed behind him. He had just finished up a long job for Jabba, one that should have been quick but ended up requiring well over a week of stake outs and reconnaissance, but in the end he got his man, as he always did. Jabba had at least expressed his gratitude suitably, in money and amenities. He had given Jango one of the better guest suites and was probably going to send up one of his better girls for a night of entertainment.
Jango began shedding his armor, considering what he would do with the slave girl. He really didn't have the energy to draw anything out. He hoped it wasn't going to be a new girl, explaining how things work was more effort than he cared to expend. Really he just wanted a shower and to sleep, but he wasn't about to leave his stuff unattended with a stranger on the way.
There was a light rap on the door.
The slave entered pushing a dinner cart. Jango breathed a sigh of relief. "Skywalker, nice to see you again."
She flashed him a small smile. "Been a while, hasn't it, Jango?" She paused just over the threshold and let the door lock behind her. "The usual tonight?"
"Sure." He finished removing his armor and set it aside carefully aside. "Get yourself ready, I'm hitting the shower first."
He stepped into the 'fresher, leaving Skywalker alone. Ten minutes later, he was stepping back out, with the provided robe draped around him. His clothes were a little rank, and the quick rinse he gave them in the shower wasn't enough to really clean them. They'd get a proper wash when he got home.
Skywalker had set up dinner, laying out the food and drink from the cart on the little dining table for him. She was perched at the holotable, flipping through the selection of games. There weren’t many games, as most visitors to a Hutt pleasure den were usually otherwise occupied in their rooms, or wanted to watch porn.
"How's dejarik sound? I'm not feeling anything particularly strenuous tonight."
"Fine." Jango sat down in the free seat. He grabbed the complimentary bottle of liquor and poured himself a healthy glass. He offered Skywalker a drink, but she declined. She did pick at the fruit he offered to share. There was always more food than he could eat, and he knew the slaves didn’t get fed nearly as well as guests.
She made the first move on the dejarik board. "How's Boba?"
They fell into comfortable conversation about Boba, about Skywalker's sister, about the recently finished racing season – Jango congratulated Skywalker on another victorious season. They played a few lackluster games of dejarik. That was a bit unusual, Skywalker was a worthy opponent, and she didn’t usually lose more than once or twice.
He beat her soundly for the fourth time in a row, the board resent, his turn to make the first move, but instead he checked the time. "I think I'm going to turn in. It's late enough."
"Yeah," she agreed distractedly. She fiddled with the edge of the gauzy white shawl wrapped around her. She looked pale, uneasy.
Jango gave her another critical, searching look. Her behavior was odd enough, was she supposed to be spying on him? Bribe him, coerce him, assassinate him? He knew Jabba wasn’t opposed to taking out a troublesome being with some poison served by a pretty face, but Jango hadn’t done anything to offend his second-best employer recently. The Hutt had no reason to want him dead, or otherwise intimidated.
Maybe Skywalker was just having an off day, or dealing with some other problem. He wasn’t going to ask. Wasn’t his business.
Her outfit tonight was white and copper, paper-thin linen wrapped in layers to be made suitably opaque, with copper metal accents to draw the eye and match the heavy collar around her neck. It was one of her softer, looser costumes. Aside from looking pale and anxious, Skywalker looked pretty good, a little softer, better fed. Jabba kept his slaves starved and stick thin, save for a few exceptions for the fetishists. This was a change, but not a poor one. Maybe Skywalker was being treated better after another successful racing season.
He turned off the holotable and stood up to stretch. The bed was looking very comfortable, and he wanted to get out of here early tomorrow morning.
Skywalker didn't move. "Jango, I need your help."
He fell still. This was a first, she had never asked for his help before. He'd taught her a few tricks to defend herself against handsy patrons who hadn't paid for the privilege to touch her. Maybe someone was a little more aggressive than she could handle. But Jabba had enforcers on staff whose job it was to take care of people like that. There wasn't anything else he could do for her. She had nothing to ask him to smuggle of planet, and there probably wasn't anything she knew of that he could bring to her. Which meant she was about to ask him to do something very stupid and probably impossible.
"What is it?"
She turned her wide blue eyes to him, her lower lip was caught between her teeth, and she worried it as she considered her next words. He could read her indecision clear in her face. His heart sank. If she was so afraid to even say the words, it couldn't be anything good.
"I need you to free me and my sister."
Jango actually laughed, a single, dry bark. "You're joking." She wasn't. "You want me to steal you from the Hutts? Never gonna happen. Jabba would kill us both for just considering it."
She didn't seem particularly disappointed with his rejection. She implored, "Please, Jango, you're our only hope for freedom."
"No. No way." Even if he wanted to, Jango wouldn't risk earning Jabba's ire, no matter how much he liked Skywalker.
Yes, he felt sorry for Skywalker and her little sister. Being born slaves was unfortunate, but it was their rotten luck that they ended up being owned by Jabba the Hutt. If anyone touched Jabba's property, or thought they could steal from him, they were dead already. Jango had been hired several times to bring in a bounty on someone who had done exactly that. He was not going to put himself on Jabba's shit list.
"I'm pregnant!" she blurted out. "Please, Jango, I can't let my baby be born a slave too." She shifted her arms, removing the shawl from around her waist, and there was the unmistakable roundness to her belly. "I don't even know if Jabba will let me keep my baby."
Jango sighed heavily. "He let you keep your sister."
"Because I didn't give birth to her, because he needed leverage over me after my mom died." She drew a shaking breath; he could see tears gathering in her frightened eyes. "He hasn't even made up his mind on whether he'll let me have the baby. Any day now he could take them from me if it stops me from being able to serve. He'll cut the baby out of me, he'll kill them. And if I do get to have them, then what? He'll steal them from my arms, or just use them like he uses Shila. Please, Jango, I can't go on like this. I want my baby to live. I want to raise them. I want Shila to grow up and know what freedom is."
Jango didn't move, didn't speak, his eyes stayed on Skywalker. His brain was already picking at the idea; it wouldn't be too difficult to – no! He was not about to ruin his career and risk his life for a pregnant slave girl, it's not like the baby was his. What stake did he have at all in Skywalker's future? None! If he tried helping her and they got caught, Boba would be left fatherless. The boy might never know what became of his father. But Anakin... she was the victim of her circumstances. Her little sister and her unborn baby were innocent of the whole matter. They were just slaves.
It wasn't like Jango was opposed to slavery, it was a lucrative evil for the dark corners of the galaxy, and it kept him paid, fed, and employed. He was a mercenary; he wasn't a saint, or even really a good person. Killing was never personal, it was for the job, but he still had a code of honor. And abandoning Skywalker after she asked for his help, after she had exposed herself to be in such a vulnerable position… that was breaking his code.
Would he be able to live with himself if he left her here to her fate? If Jabba stole her child, would he ever be able to look her in the eye again? And Boba... was this the kind of example he wanted to set for his son? Disregarding the lives of children and babies because he didn’t want to risk his own neck. Shameful. Dishonorable. No true Mandalorian would sacrifice a child’s life for their own comfort.
"Ossik," Jango hissed under his breath, dropping back into his seat. "Okay. Fine. I'll get you out of here."
Freeing Skywalker and her little sister was easier than Jango suspected it would have been. Granted it was easy for him to go where he needed in the palace, and nobody looked at him twice. He met Shila Skywalker, the little ad'ika he had heard so much about from her older sister. It was clear they were family, they shared the same face, but where Anakin was fair haired and blue-eyed, Shila was dark haired and brown-eyed. Reportedly she looked like their mother, Shmi, but Jango had never met the woman. Shila was young, only three years old, and she was quiet and shy, and frightened of Jango; a fact that was not helped at all when Jango had to cut the slave chip out of the child's stomach. It was just beneath the skin, and he didn't have to cut deep, so he was able to be very quick about it, but it still had to be done without pain killers.
It hadn’t been pleasant or fun for any involved. Skywalker had to hold the child down, keeping her hand pressed over Shila’s mouth to muffle the screams. But Jango had been the one with the knife. It would probably be some time before the child trusted him.
She flinched away from him with a whimper, hiding her face in her sister’s shoulder when he offered his hand after it and apologized. “Sorry, ad’ika, but you were very brave.”
The elder Skywalker, on the other hand, hardly made a sound when Jango carved out her chip from her shoulder.
With the girls freshly unchipped, Jango smuggled them unseen into his ship and stowed them in a hidden compartment in his cargo hold. It was specially lined to block life signs from most scanners, and certainly anything Jabba had his hands on out here. He left at dawn, nobody looked twice as he had made several comments before about leaving early, and he had never made a habit of staying very long in Jabba's palace in the first place.
Only when he was safely in hyperspace and clear from any Hutt influence did he release his cargo from the hold. Shila had been soothed to sleep by her sister, but Anakin was fully alert and terrified.
"Thank you for doing this," she said gratefully. "Jango, I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you. You saved our lives."
"Don't thank me yet. Just because I got you out of there doesn't mean you're safe. Jabba's not going to like losing you."
"I know." Her hand moved behind Shila, rested against her belly. "But you've given us a chance."
A few hours later there was a small explosion at Jabba's palace. Nobody was injured, and the damage was minimal, but it threw everyone and everything into hysterics. In the chaos, it took time for someone to take count of the slaves, and then they noticed two very valuable slaves were missing. Search parties uncovered the hastily buried tracker chips, coated in dried blood and sand. Jabba's wrath was terrible and he turned the planet of Tatooine upside down looking for Anakin Skywalker.
Jango landed Slave I on the storm tossed landing pad, rain drummed against the hull. It was midday, though the rainclouds were so thick it might as well have been midnight. He dropped from the cockpit down to the passenger hold, where Skywalker sat with her sister.
Anakin, he supposed he should get used to calling her by her first name. They were aliit now. Whether she knew it or not, when Anakin had thrown her lot in with him to gain her freedom, Jango had brought her into his tiny clan. There really was no way to get around it. Releasing the Skywalkers into the galaxy to fend for themselves was as good as putting a blaster bolt in the back of their skulls. Jabba would have them back and dead, or worse, by week’s end. There was safety, at least, in a clan, security under the Fett name; even if the clan had doubled it in size overnight.
Shila was sleeping soundly, curled in her sister's arms and lap, but Anakin was alert and worried.
"What's that noise? An attack?"
The rain was so familiar to Jango, he tuned it out automatically. "What? No, that's the rain. Water falling from the sky," he had to clarify. He realized rain probably wasn't a word that ever got thrown around on Tatooine.
Anakin glowered at him. "I know what rain is. My mother told me." Her cheeks went pink. "I just didn't realize it made much noise."
Jango gave her some credit. "It is coming down rather hard out there. Come on. We'll get you inside and into more suitable clothes."
Kamino was cold, and the cloner's kept their facility chilly. Anakin's service costume was not going to cut it. He opened the cargo ramp, a blast of cold, wet air swept in.
He heard a gasp and a yelp behind him, Shila had woken up. Anakin tried to comfort the child in Huttese, but Jango could see her own eyes were wide with fear. This much rain and water had to be a shock. But Jango was hungry, tired, and ready to change into something more comfortable. He didn't want to stand here until the desert natives got used to rain.
"Come on," he said again, taking Anakin by the arm and pulling her forward. They walked quickly from ship to facility door, Jango keeping his grip firm so Anakin didn't slip and fall on the wet walkway, her shoes were less suitable for the slick metal than her clothes were for the climate. By the time they stepped inside, Anakin was shivering. Whether from the cold and wet, or everything else, he wasn't sure but thirty seconds in the downpour had turned her costume downright indecent. The flowy white linen had turned translucent and plastered against her body. It made the curve of her belly even more obvious.
It was a good thing Skywalker was so distracted looking around at everything else to not notice him staring and frowning at her. Well, more accurately, staring at her abdomen. A seed of doubt quickly settled and bloomed in his mind – not the first to grow since he agreed to free the Skywalkers, and he squashed it like the others. Having a baby around soon was going to make things interesting.
He sighed softly and shook his head. That little bastard was going to cause him a lot of trouble, he knew it already. After all, it had been the baby that tipped him over to helping the Skywalkers in the first place and inevitably put him on Jabba’s shit list.
How long would it be until Jabba put a bounty on his head? He couldn't possibly be so lucky as to escape without suspicion.
Jango stepped off down the hall, wondering whether the Skywalkers should be seen by a doctor first or if he should just take them home. When the ad'ika began to complain of the cold and the wet, he bypassed the corridor turn that would lead to the medical wing.
Their apartment had that mild, unlived in scent when he stepped in. Boba would have been left with his Kaminoan caretakers while Jango had been gone for a few weeks.
"Come on. We'll get you dried and change clothes before getting you to a doctor."
Jango stepped into the 'fresher and dug out some clean towels. He buried his derisive snort in the linen closet. "I doubt Jabba wasted any expenses on having you checked out, didn't he?"
"No, he didn't." Anakin folded her hands over her belly. "I thought for the longest time it might be dead inside me, but I've started to feel them move."
Jango handed her two towels. "How far along are you?"
"Almost six months."
Anakin bent to wrap Shila in the fluffy towel so she didn't see Jango frown at her. He was no expert, but he was almost certain most women were bigger by the time they were five or six months pregnant. Sure, she looked pregnant, but only barely.
"You sure about that?"
Anakin stilled, but nodded, her voice was low and confident. "Yes. I know exactly when it happened."
Jango wasn't going to press the issue. The Kaminoans could figure out the nitty gritty biological details. He moved to the bedrooms, "I'll find you some dry clothes. Won't fit all that well, but they'll be warmer and more suitable than that costume." He pulled a shirt and a pair of pants with a soft, drawstring waistband from his closet. The Kaminoans would have no trouble fabricating something more suitable for Anakin and Shila to wear, but this would do short-term. The little girl's clothes were the basic pants and tunic of Tatooine, but Anakin's costume would be entirely unsuitable for Kamino's climate, not to mention just daily life.
Jango grabbed a shirt from Boba’s room for Shila. It was big enough to be a dress on the child, and the sleeves fell past her hands, but it was workable with a few adjustments. Anakin's clothes were just as ill-fitting, but she didn't complain. She just had to pull the drawstring tight to keep her pants secure around her waist.
"It's only temporary," Jango assured her as she tugged at the oversized shirt. "We'll get you some better fitting clothes ‘fabbed once the Kaminoans get their measurements."
"It's fine," Anakin said quietly, fingering the shirt fabric, it was probably sturdier than anything she'd worn in a long time. Jango's clothes were made for warmth and wear. "This will do."
Jango took them back from the apartment and into the cloning complex, through the cold white hallways to the medical facility. It wasn't empty, it never was. With how many clones the Kaminoans spat out, the medical facilities were always busy; someone was always hurt or sick or injured, or having their genetic aberrations evaluated for viability. But the entrance from Jango's side of the facility kept him separated from the main body. He had mentioned the cloners to Anakin before, but he wasn't sure how much she had picked up on though. It had been a passing conversation as he taught her how to play sabbac. He felt like explaining it in whole might be a bit much for the newly-freed slave.
His side of the medical facility was a little clinic set aside from the main body of the medical wing. It was just one room; the medical bed dominated one side, while cabinets of medication and supplies lined the other walls. There were two doors, one they came through and another that went into the larger facility.
Jango flipped a switch on the panel by the facility door, it would summon a doctor. It must have been a slow day because a Kaminoan stepped into the room a few moments later, one of the doctors. Her big eyes scanned over Anakin and Shila before turning to Jango.
"What can I do for you today, Jango?"
"Doctor Wey Luma, this is Anakin and Shila Skywalker, new additions to my aliit. They both had subdermal chips removed that need patching up, and health checks, and Anakin's pregnant."
Kaminoans weren't nearly as expressive as humans, but Jango could see the excitement in Wey Luma's face. The doctors working with the clones were human specialists, but it wasn't like they came across any pregnant ones in this facility. She would probably become a scientific celebrity just on the fact that she got knocked up. He hoped Anakin wouldn't mind the scientists pawing at her. Probably not, she had enough practice with drunk Hutt patrons, and the Kaminoans wouldn't want to fuck her.
He turned to the Skywalkers, "Wey Luma will take care of you. I need to make some arrangements for your stay here."
"Okay." Anakin nodded and set her sister on the bed at the doctor's encouragement. Jango left the room and pulled up his comm.
He made a call to Taun We to arrange for a bigger apartment, they would need more space with Anakin, Shila, and a baby on the way. Plus supplies and clothing for the new additions.
And it was time to get Boba back from his caretakers and introduce his son to his new aliit. By the time he stepped back into the exam room, Anakin was perched on the medical bed, and Wey Luma was practically buzzing with excitement.
"Such hybridizations are almost unheard of," the doctor trilled. "You could provide us with priceless data."
Anakin looked nervous. She chewed on her lower lip while her hands rested over her little belly. "Would that mean you'll make sure the baby is healthy?"
The Kaminoan paused, confused. Jango stepped in quickly. "They'll take care of you and the baby regardless of whether you agree to let them study you."
"Oh, yes, of course," Wey Luma insisted quickly. "We would not withhold medical treatment. But… you would just do us an enormous favor if we were able to study you and your child."
"What's so special about it anyway?" Jango asked before Anakin had to agree to anything.
"He's half-pantoran. Humans and pantorans typically do not mix genetically."
Jango grunted in understanding. He understood only the most basics of genetics, and he imagined Anakin understood even less. "She'll think about it."
There was nothing else they needed from the doctor, so Jango took them back home.
Taun We was waiting with Boba and a small crate of supplies, the new clothes. Kaminoans were nothing if not efficient; the clothing fabricators must have gotten Anakin's measurements from the medical scans.
There wasn’t time for more than the quickest introductions, as their apartment had to be packed up and everything moved into bigger quarters. A squad of droids expedited the process, and after only a couple hours, they were fully moved into a new apartment.
Taun We and the droids left the newly expanded Fett clan alone to get properly acquainted.
“Boba,” Jango put a hand on his son’s shoulder, pushing him forward ever so slightly. “This is Anakin and her sister Shila Skywalker.”
Boba’s dark eyes traced over the Skywalkers. Confusion curled in his head, father had never brought home anyone before, much less a woman and child. He’d met a few of his father’s more trustworthy associates before, but Anakin didn’t look like a bounty hunter or well… much of anything. What was it about them that had prompted such a sudden uprooting? Why were they now living together?
He’d heard Jango and Anakin muttering about a baby earlier during the move. Was that why? Was she his father’s… girlfriend? Was Shila his half-sister? A natural born Fett heir?
Jango’s grip tightened on Boba’s shoulder and he quickly remembered his manners. “Hello.” He nodded quickly to Anakin and Shila, and then turned to his father for further explanation.
“Anakin and Shila are alit now. I expect you to treat them as such.”
Aliit? Them? That word meant something in Mando’a, Jango wouldn’t throw it around casually. But he knew his father’s adopted clan lines, he knew the branches and offshoots, and distant relations belonging to the family that had taken his father in as a boy. Skywalker was not one of those family names.
“Where did they come from?”
That illuminated very little for Boba, but he could hear the mildly dismissive tone in his father’s words. Now was not the time for more questions.
Jango pushed Boba forward a little more. “Anakin and I need to talk. Can you keep Shila entertained?”
“Oh, okay.” Boba craned his neck a little to peek behind Anakin’s legs, where Shila was hiding. “Shila?” The child buried her face in the back of Anakin’s thighs.
Anakin smiled slightly and scooped her hand behind the child’s head and pushed her forward towards Boba. She said in gentle Huttese, “Go on, Shila, go with Boba.”
Shila stumbled forward, gripping tightly to Anakin’s sleeve. Her eyes were wide and frightened, and Boba didn’t miss the way she flinched away from Jango.
“Introduce yourself.” Anakin prompted.
Shila stuttered out in Huttese a quiet little, “H-hello.”
Boba looked back to his father once again, asking silently if Shila only spoke Huttese. His father nodded curtly, yes.
No worry there, Boba was near fluent in Huttese, so he smiled at the little girl and said back to her, “Hello Shila, I’m Boba.”
Her eyes lit up when she finally understood his words. Boba offered his hand and the child took it. He led her off down the hallway to her new bedroom, right across the hall from Boba’s.
“Let’s see what kind of toys we can find.”
Boba thought he was getting a little too old for toys, but the move had unearthed a lot of old stuff he had nearly forgotten about. He pulled the box down and set it on the floor for Shila to explore while he moved to the open door and tried to listen to whatever his father and Anakin were discussing, but they were speaking too quietly for him to overhear. Jango was clattering around the kitchen, preparing their evening meal, but also making enough noise to purposefully discourage eavesdropping.
Annoyed and disappointed, Boba turned back to Shila. She had tipped most of the boxes contents out onto the floor and had promptly ignored all of them for the plush Aiwha that was almost as big as she was. It must have been a gift or something, though Boba had never particularly cared for the stuffed animal; or many plus toys in general. Shila seemed to like it, though, so he held no qualms bestowing it upon her. Shila was so delighted and excited over the gift, she even dragged it out to the kitchen when they were called for dinner to show Anakin what Boba had given her.
Shila was all set to sit the Aiwha at the table with them for dinner, but Anakin had her put it back in her room. Jango wouldn’t have cared either way – it wouldn’t have been the first time a toddler would have insisted that a favorite toy had to be a dinner guest – but Anakin was still trying to figure out her place in this whole affair, so he wasn’t about to step in a parent her baby sister. Not yet at least.
Shila was still very much frightened of him, even without his armor and the knife, it would be some times before she warmed up to him. Probably when the pain and scar from her tracker faded. Having everyone around her able to speak the same language helped, but Jango knew the child couldn’t only know Huttese for forever. Galactic Basic was a must, as was Mando’a, and Kaminoan would be useful too. He had no doubt Shila would pick up new languages quickly, children that young learned fast. Anakin on the other hand needed to start Mando’a lessons as quickly as possible, picking up the language would be harder for her, but it was something she had to know.
Nobody in his aliit would not be fluent in Mando'a.
"You keep using that word," Anakin observed over dinner. "'A-leet' what does it mean?"
"Aliit means family, of the same clan."
She frowned at him, her brow furrowing in suspicion. "But we're not-"
"You are newly freed slaves. You have no clan or family. You're foundlings and I have taken you in, so now you are part of my aliit. The galaxy is safer for you this way, you have protection."
Anakin stared at him, caught between gratitude and suspicion. “Does this mean we will have to change our names?”
For practical reasons, it would be safer for Anakin and Shila to adopt new surnames; it reduced the chance people would recognize her by name. But he understood the importance and attachment beings could have to family names. If he told her she had to change, she would probably do so without complaint, but that might make her resent the name, resent him and this gift of freedom he was giving her. Then again, this wasn’t something he felt was within his power to decide for her. “Not if you don’t want to.”
Anakin nodded slowly, considering something else. “Does that mean we’re trapped here?”
Trapped wasn’t the word that Jango would have chosen, but he knew where she was coming from. What was the point of being free if you had nowhere to go except back to slavery? With no home, no family, no resources, or friends to turn to Kamino could feel like a trap.
“For now,” he said reassuringly, “You are safe here, and hidden. Kamino is not widely known to the galaxy, nor will the Hutts think to search for you here. And there’s no chance of anyone seeing you and turning you back over to him. If you find staying here to be truly interminable, I can make other arrangements for you, but it will take time.”
Most of the suspicion left Anakin, though Jango could still read a little unease in her. Freedom would take time to adjust to, and it had been less than a day. Her eyes skimmed over him and to the dark, rain-lashed windows that made up a wall of their living area. She managed an uneasy smile and said lightly, “Well, it is very different from Tatooine.”
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ffej16 · 4 years
THEinc-HIM Daily Bible Meditation - February 14 - Full Text - Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day
PSALMS: 14, 44, 74, 104, 134
1 The fool has said in his heart,
"There is no God.
" They are corrupt, they have done abominable works.
There is none who does good. 
2 The LORD looked down from heaven on the children of men,
To see if there were any who did understand,
Who did seek after God. 
3 They have all gone aside;
they have together become corrupt.
There is none who does good, no, not one. 
4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge,
Who eat up my people as they eat bread,
And don't call on the LORD? 
5 There were they in great fear,
For God is in the generation of the righteous. 
6 You put to shame the counsel of the poor,
Because the LORD is his refuge. 
7 Oh that the yeshu`ah of Yisra'el would come out of Tziyon!
When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people,
Then Ya`akov shall rejoice, and Yisra'el shall be glad.
1 We have heard with our ears,
God; Our fathers have told us,
What work you did in their days,
In the days of old. 
2 You drove out the nations with your hand,
But you planted them.
You afflicted the peoples,
But you spread them abroad. 
3 For they didn't get the land in possession by their own sword,
Neither did their own arm save them;
But your right hand, and your arm, and the light of your face,
Because you were favorable to them. 
4 You are my King, God.
Command victories for Ya`akov! 
5 Through you, will we push down our adversaries.
Through your name, will we tread them under who rise up against us. 
6 For I will not trust in my bow,
Neither shall my sword save me. 
7 But you have saved us from our adversaries,
And have put them to shame who hate us. 
8 In God have we made our boast all day long,
We will give thanks to your name forever. Selah.
9 But now you rejected us, and brought us to dishonor,
And don't go out with our armies. 
10 You make us turn back from the adversary.
Those who hate us take spoil for themselves. 
11 You have made us like sheep for food,
And have scattered us among the nations. 
12You sell your people for nothing,
And have gained nothing from their sale. 
13 You make us a reproach to our neighbors,
A scoffing and a derision to those who are round about us. 
14 You make us a byword among the nations,
A shaking of the head among the peoples. 
15 All day long is my dishonor before me,
And shame covers my face,
16 At the taunt of one who reproaches and reviles,
Because of the enemy and the avenger. 
17 All this has come on us,
Yet have we not forgotten you,
Neither have we been false to your covenant. 
18 Our heart has not turned back,
Neither have our steps declined from your way, 
19 That you have crushed us in the haunt of jackals,
And covered us with the shadow of death. 
20 If we have forgotten the name of our God,
Or spread forth our hands to a strange god; 
21 Won't God search this out?
For he knows the secrets of the heart.
22 Yes, for your sake are we killed all day long.
We are regarded as sheep for the slaughter. 
23 Wake up!
Why do you sleep, Lord? Arise!
Don't reject us forever. 
24 Why do you hide your face,
And forget our affliction and our oppression? 
25 For our soul is bowed down to the dust.
Our body cleaves to the eretz. 
26 Rise up to help us.
Redeem us for your loving kindness' sake.
1 God, why have you rejected us forever?
Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture? 
2 Remember your congregation, which you purchased of old,
Which you have redeemed to be the tribe of your inheritance;
Mount Tziyon, in which you have lived. 
3 Lift up your feet to the perpetual ruins,
All the evil that the enemy has done in the sanctuary. 
4 Your adversaries have roared in the midst of your assembly.
They have set up their standards as signs. 
5 They behaved like men wielding axes,
Cutting through a thicket of trees. 
6 Now all its carved work
They break down with hatchet and hammers. 
7 They have burned your sanctuary to the ground.
They have profaned the dwelling-place of your Name. 
8 They said in their heart,
"We will crush them completely.
" They have burned up all the places in the land where God was worshiped. 
9 We see no miraculous signs.
There is no longer any prophet,
Neither is there among us anyone who knows how long. 
10 How long, God, shall the adversary reproach?
Shall the enemy blaspheme your name forever? 
11 Why do you draw back your hand, even your right hand?
Take it out of your pocket and consume them! 
12 Yet God is my King of old,
Working salvation in the midst of the eretz. 
13 You divided the sea by your strength.
You broke the heads of the sea monsters in the waters. 
14 You broke the heads of Livyatan in pieces.
You gave him as food to people and desert creatures. 
15 You opened up spring and stream.
You dried up mighty rivers. 
16 The day is yours, the night is also yours.
You have prepared the light and the sun. 
17 You have set all the boundaries of the eretz.
You have made summer and winter. 
18 Remember this, that the enemy has mocked you, LORD.
Foolish people have blasphemed your name. 
19 Don't deliver the soul of your dove to wild beasts.
Don't forget the life of your poor forever. 
20 Honor your covenant,
For haunts of violence fill the dark places of the eretz. 
21 Don't let the oppressed return ashamed.
Let the poor and needy praise your name.
22 Arise, God! Plead your own cause.
Remember how the foolish man mocks you all day. 
23 Don't forget the voice of your adversaries.
The tumult of those who rise up against you ascends continually.
1 Bless the LORD, my soul.
The LORD, my God, you are very great.
You are clothed with honor and majesty. 
2 He covers himself with light as with a garment.
He stretches out the heavens like a curtain. 
3 He lays the beams of his chambers in the waters.
He makes the clouds his chariot.
He walks on the wings of the wind. 
4He makes his messengers winds;
His servants flames of fire. 
5 He laid the foundations of the eretz,
That it should not be moved forever.
6 You covered it with the deep as with a cloak.
The waters stood above the mountains. 
7 At your rebuke they fled.
At the voice of your thunder they hurried away. 
8 The mountains rose,
The valleys sank down,
To the place which you had assigned to them. 
9 You have set a boundary that they may not pass over;
That they don't turn again to cover the eretz. 
10 He sends forth springs into the valleys.
They run among the mountains. 
11 They give drink to every animal of the field.
The wild donkeys quench their thirst. 
12 The birds of the sky nest by them.
They sing among the branches. 
13 He waters the mountains from his chambers.
The eretz is filled with the fruit of your works. 
14 He causes the grass to grow for the cattle,
And plants for man to cultivate,
That he may bring forth food out of the eretz: 
15Wine that makes glad the heart of man,
Oil to make his face to shine,
And bread that strengthens man's heart. 
16 The LORD's trees are well watered,
The cedars of Levanon, which he has planted; 
17 Where the birds make their nests.
The stork makes its home in the fir trees. 
18 The high mountains are for the wild goats.
The rocks are a refuge for the rock badgers. 
19 He appointed the moon for seasons.
The sun knows when to set. 
20 You make darkness, and it is night,
In which all the animals of the forest prowl. 
21 The young lions roar after their prey,
And seek their food from God. 
22 The sun rises, and they steal away,
And lay down in their dens. 
23 Man goes forth to his work,
To his labor until the evening. 
24 The LORD, how many are your works!
In wisdom have you made them all.
The eretz is full of your riches. 
25 There is the sea, great and wide,
In which are innumerable living things,
Both small and great animals. 
26 There the ships go,
And livyatan, whom you formed to play there. 
27 These all wait for you,
That you may give them their food in due season. 
28 You give to them; they gather.
You open your hand; they are satisfied with good. 
29 You hide your face: they are troubled;
You take away their breath: they die, and return to the dust. 
30 You send forth your Spirit: they are created.
You renew the face of the ground. 
31 Let the glory of the LORD endure forever.
Let the LORD rejoice in his works. 
32 He looks at the eretz, and it trembles.
He touches the mountains, and they smoke. 
33 I will sing to the LORD as long as I live.
I will sing praise to my God while I have any being.
34 Let your meditation be sweet to him.
I will rejoice in the LORD.
35 Let sinners be consumed out of the eretz.
Let the wicked be no more.
Bless the LORD, my soul.
Praise the LORD!
1 Look! Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD,
Who stand by night in the LORD's house! 
2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary.
Praise the LORD! 
3 May the LORD bless you from Tziyon;
Even he who made heaven and eretz.
1 Every wise woman builds her house,
But the foolish one tears it down with her own hands. 
2 He who walks in his uprightness fears the LORD,
But he who is perverse in his ways despises him. 
3 The fool's talk brings a rod to his back,
But the lips of the wise protect them. 
4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean,
But much increase is by the strength of the ox. 
5 A truthful witness will not lie,
But a false witness pours out lies. 
6 A scoffer seeks wisdom, and doesn't find it,
But knowledge comes easily to a discerning person. 
7 Stay away from a foolish man,
For you won't find knowledge on his lips. 
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to think about his way,
But the folly of fools is deceit. 
9 Fools mock at making atonement for sins,
But among the upright there is good will. 
10 The heart knows its own bitterness and joy;
He will not share these with a stranger. 
11 The house of the wicked will be overthrown,
But the tent of the upright will flourish. 
12There is a way which seems right to a man,
But in the end it leads to death. 
13 Even in laughter the heart may be sorrowful,
And mirth may end in heaviness. 
14 The unfaithful will be repaid for his own ways;
Likewise a good man will be rewarded for his ways. 
15 The simple believes everything,
But the prudent man carefully considers his ways. 
16 A wise man fears, and shuns evil,
But the fool is hotheaded and reckless. 
17 He who is quick to become angry will commit folly,
And a crafty man is hated. 
18 The simple inherit folly,
But the prudent are crowned with knowledge. 
19 The evil bow down before the good,
And the wicked, at the gates of the righteous. 
20 The poor person is shunned even by his own neighbor,
But the rich person has many friends. 
21 He who despises his neighbor sins,
But blessed is he who has pity on the poor. 
22 Don't they go astray who plot evil?
But love and faithfulness belong to those who plan good. 
23 In all hard work there is profit,
But the talk of the lips leads only to poverty. 
24 The crown of the wise is their riches,
But the folly of fools crowns them with folly. 
25 A truthful witness saves souls,
But a false witness is deceitful. 
26 In the fear of the LORD is a secure fortress,
And he will be a refuge for his children. 
27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life,
Turning people from the snares of death. 
28 In the multitude of people is the king's glory,
But in the lack of people is the destruction of the prince. 
29 He who is slow to anger has great understanding,
But he who has a quick temper displays folly. 
30 The life of the body is a heart at shalom,
But envy rots the bones. 
31 He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for his Maker,
But he who is kind to the needy honors him. 
32 The wicked is brought down in his calamity,
But in death, the righteous has a refuge. 
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of one who has understanding,
And is even made known in the inward part of fools.
34 Righteousness exalts a nation,
But sin is a disgrace to any people. 
35 The king's favor is toward a servant who deals wisely,
But his wrath is toward one who causes shame.
33 When the multitudes heard it, they were astonished at his teaching.
2:1 Na`omi had a kinsman of her husband's, a mighty man of wealth, of the family of Elimelekh, and his name was Bo`az. 2 Rut the Mo'avite said to Na`omi, Let me now go to the field, and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find favor. She said to her, Go, my daughter. 3 She went, and came and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and she happened to come to the portion of the field belonging to Bo`az, who was of the family of Elimelekh. 4 Behold, Bo`az came from Beit-Lechem, and said to the reapers, the LORD be with you. They answered him, the LORD bless you. 5 Then said Bo`az to his servant who was set over the reapers, Whose young lady is this? 6 The servant who was set over the reapers answered, It is the Mo'avite lady who came back with Na`omi out of the country of Mo'av: 7 She said, Please let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves. So she came, and has continued even from the morning until now, except that she stayed a little in the house. 8 Then said Bo`az to Rut, Don't you hear, my daughter? Don't go to glean in another field, neither pass from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens. 9 Let your eyes be on the field that they reap, and go after them: haven't I charged the young men that they shall not touch you? and when you are thirsty, go to the vessels, and drink of that which the young men have drawn. 10 Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said to him, Why have I found favor in your sight, that you should take knowledge of me, seeing I am a foreigner? 11 Bo`az answered her, It has fully been shown me, all that you have done to your mother-in-law since the death of your husband; and how you have left your father and your mother, and the land of your birth, and have come to a people that you didn't know before. 12 The LORD recompense your work, and a full reward be given you of the LORD, the God of Yisra'el, under whose wings you are come to take refuge. 13 Then she said, Let me find favor in your sight, my lord, because you have comforted me, and because you have spoken kindly to your handmaid, though I am not as one of your handmaidens. 14 At meal-time Bo`az said to her, Come here, and eat of the bread, and dip your morsel in the vinegar. She sat beside the reapers, and they reached her parched grain, and she ate, and was sufficed, and left of it. 15 When she was risen up to glean, Bo`az commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and don't reproach her. 16 Also pull out some for her from the bundles, and leave it, and let her glean, and don't rebuke her. 17  So she gleaned in the field until even; and she beat out that which she had gleaned, and it was about an efah of barley. 18 She took it up, and went into the city; and her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned: and she brought forth and gave to her that which she had left after she was sufficed. 19 Her mother-in-law said to her, Where have you gleaned today? and where have you worked? blessed be he who did take knowledge of you. She shown her mother-in-law with whom she had worked, and said, The man's name with whom I worked today is Bo`az. 20 Na`omi said to her daughter-in-law, Blessed be he of the LORD, who has not left off his kindness to the living and to the dead. Na`omi said to her, The man is a close relative to us, one of our near kinsmen. 21 Rut the Mo'avite said, Yes, he said to me, You shall keep fast by my young men, until they have ended all my harvest. 
22 Na`omi said to Rut her daughter-in-law, It is good, my daughter, that you go out with his maidens, and that they not meet you in any other field. 23 So she kept fast by the maidens of Bo`az, to glean to the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest; and she lived with her mother-in-law.
3:1 Na`omi her mother-in-law said to her, My daughter, shall I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you? 2 Now isn't Bo`az our kinsman, with whose maidens you were? Behold, he winnows barley tonight in the threshing floor. 3 Wash yourself therefore, and anoint you, and put your clothing on you, and get you down to the threshing floor, but don't make yourself known to the man, until he shall have done eating and drinking. 4 It shall be, when he lies down, that you shall mark the place where he shall lie, and you shall go in, and uncover his feet, and lay you down; and he will tell you what you shall do. 5 She said to her, All that you say I will do. 6 She went down to the threshing floor, and did according to all that her mother-in-law bade her. 
7 When Bo`az had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain: and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down. 8 It happened at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself; and, behold, a woman lay at his feet. 9 He said, Who are you? She answered, I am Rut your handmaid: spread therefore your skirt over your handmaid; for you are a near kinsman. 10 He said, Blessed are you by the LORD, my daughter: you have shown more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as you didn't follow young men, whether poor or rich.11 Now, my daughter, don't be afraid; I will do to you all that you say; for all the city of my people does know that you are a worthy woman. 12 Now it is true that I am a near kinsman; however there is a kinsman nearer than I. 13 Stay this night, and it shall be in the morning, that if he will perform to you the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the kinsman's part: but if he will not do the part of a kinsman to you, then will I do the part of a kinsman to you, as the LORD lives: lie down until the morning. 14 She lay at his feet until the morning. She rose up before one could discern another. For he said, Let it not be known that the woman came to the threshing floor. 15 He said, Bring the mantle that is on you, and hold it; and she held it; and he measured six [measures] of barley, and laid it on her: and he went into the city.
16 When she came to her mother-in-law, she said, Who are you, my daughter? She told her all that the man had done to her. 17 She said, These six [measures] of barley gave he me; for he said, "Don't go empty to your mother-in-law." 18 Then said she, "Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will fall; for the man will not rest, until he has finished the thing this day."
4:1 Now Bo`az went up to the gate, and sat him down there: and, behold, the near kinsman of whom Bo`az spoke came by; to whom he said, Ho, such a one! turn aside, sit down here. He turned aside, and sat down. 2 He took ten men of the Zakenim of the city, and said, Sit you down here. They sat down. 3 He said to the near kinsman, Na`omi, who has come back out of the country of Mo'av, is selling the parcel of land, which was our brother Elimelekh's: 4 I thought to disclose it to you, saying, Buy it before those who sit here, and before the Zakenim of my people. If you will redeem it, redeem it: but if you will not redeem it, then tell me, that I may know; for there is none to redeem it besides you; and I am after you. He said, I will redeem it. 5 Then said Bo`az, What day you buy the field of the hand of Na`omi, you must buy it also of Rut the Mo'avite, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead on his inheritance. 6 The near kinsman said, I can't redeem it for myself, lest I mar my own inheritance: take my right of redemption on you; for I can't redeem it. 7 Now this was [the custom] in former time in Yisra'el concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man drew off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the [manner of] attestation in Yisra'el. 8 So the near kinsman said to Bo`az, Buy it for yourself. He drew off his shoe. 9 Bo`az said to the Zakenim, and to all the people, You are witnesses this day, that I have bought all that was Elimelekh's, and all that was Kilyon's and Machlon's, of the hand of Na`omi. 10 Moreover Rut the Mo'avite, the wife of Machlon, have I purchased to be my wife, to raise up the name of the dead on his inheritance, that the name of the dead not be cut off from among his brothers, and from the gate of his place: you are witnesses this day. 11 All the people who were in the gate, and the Zakenim, said, We are witnesses. The LORD make the woman who has come into your house like Rachel and like Le'ah, which two built the house of Yisra'el: and do you worthily in Efratah, and be famous in Beit-Lechem: 12 and let your house be like the house of Peretz, whom Tamar bore to Yehudah, of the seed which the LORD shall give you of this young woman. 13 So Bo`az took Rut, and she became his wife; and he went in to her, and the LORD gave her conception, and she bore a son. 14 The women said to Na`omi, Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a near kinsman; and let his name be famous in Yisra'el. 15 He shall be to you a restorer of life, and sustain you in your old age, for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him. 16 Na`omi took the child, and laid it in her bosom, and became nurse to it. 17  The women her neighbors gave it a name, saying, There is a son born to Na`omi; and they named him `Oved: he is the father of Yishai, the father of David. 
18 Now this is the history of the generations of Peretz: Peretz became the father of Hetzron, 19 and Hetzron became the father of Ram, and Ram became the father of `Amminadav, 20 and `Amminadav became the father of Nachshon, and Nachshon became the father of Salmon, 21 and Salmon became the father of Bo`az, and Bo`az became the father of `Oved, 22 and `Oved became the father of Yishai, and Yishai became the father of David.
4:43 After the two days he went forth from there and went into the Galil. 
44 For Yeshua himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country. 
45 So when he came into the Galil, the Galilim received him, having seen all the things that he did in Yerushalayim at the feast, for they also went to the feast. 
46 Yeshua came therefore again to Kanah of the Galil, where he made the water into wine. There was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Kafar-Nachum. 
47 When he heard that Yeshua had come out of Yehudah into the Galil, he went to him, and begged him that he would come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. 
48 Yeshua therefore said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe." 
49 The nobleman said to him, "Sir, come down before my child dies." 
50 Yeshua said to him, "Go your way. Your son lives." The man believed the word that Yeshua spoke to him, and he went his way. 
51 As he was now going down, his servants met him and reported, saying "Your child lives!" 
52 So he inquired of them the hour when he began to get better. They said therefore to him, "Yesterday at the seventh hour, the fever left him." 
53 So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Yeshua said to him, "Your son lives." He believed, as did his whole house. 
54 This is again the second sign that Yeshua did, having come out of Yehudah into the Galil.
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that-cunning-mind · 5 years
The Untitled Chuckie Sputterspark Origin Fanfic Pt.1
(Guess who wrote a fanfic for the first time in years lmao...
Read below if you want to see my take on how @based-ducks​ and me thought up of Quackervolt fankid Chuckie Sputterspark’s origin...somewhat)
As the crisp, evening air descended upon the moonlit shadows of St. Canard, a particular purplish protector of the poor found himself investigating a case of deductive interest. A case of shadowy intrigue and mystery. A case that would decide the future of St. Canard in its epic battle between good and evil.
A case of price gouging tickets at a pizza arcade.  
“Twenty dollars for an adult ticket and twelve for kids over ten years old? Why these crooked capitalist crooks, thinking they can force parents to come in here and charge them extra! I should just quit SHUSH and open up one of these places myself! I’ll be richer than Glomgold!” Part-time superhero and full-time parent Drake Mallard grumbled under his breath as he handed over his card to the tired teenager manning the cashier. His daughter, Gosalyn, was busy putting on the paper bracelets on herself and her other father, Launchpad McQuack. 
“It can’t be that profitable,” Gosalyn said, “I mean, they’re taking out all of their animatronics! Can you imagine Pepper Panda’s Pizza Pagoda without Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang? I tell ya, there’s gonna be rioting in the streets after tonight! RIOTS!!!” Launchpad, not expecting the outburst, startled and ripped his flimsy paper bracelet. 
“Eheheh,” he laughed nervously, “you guys got any tape or...”
“Ten dollars to replace any missing or broken bracelets,” said the cashier. 
Launchpad turned to his husband with big puppy-dog eyes, a method that tended to work about 99% of the time. Drake grumbled some more as he took a solitary bill out of his wallet. 
“If it wasn’t for our case,” Drake whispered harshly as they walked inside the pizza eatery, “I’d leave you outside in the car.” 
“Aww,” Launchpad pouted, “but you know how much I love coming here! Plus, I know how much the animatronics scare you, DW.”
Drake scoffed. “Scared? The daring duck detective isn’t scared of any cheaply-made robot! Drakey Mallard, on the other hand, never recovered from that time he thought Cheddar Charles was going to bite him at Elmo Sputterspark’s tenth birthday party.” As he spoke, a run down animatronic of a child-sized rat in blue overalls and a yellow shirt sprang to life, scaring Drake into Launchpad’s arms. Gosalyn just rolled her eyes and sighed. 
A crackly speaker from the animatronic known as Cheddar Charles started. “Hey kids! Pepper Panda and Pie Gang’s Nighttime Spectacular is about to start in ten minutes! Grab a seat now!”
“I’ll go grab us a table,” yelled Gosalyn as she ran to a booth. 
Launchpad let Drake climb off of him, then sniffed and wiped away a tear. “I can’t believe it, after forty years the Pie Gang is going away for good!”
“Launchpad, the case? Remember the case?” asked Drake. 
“We’re here to stakeout the joint and lie in wait for that nefarious thief, Dr. Anna Matronic! Dishonorably discharged from the Imagineers, that raving robotics rascal will be using the Pie Gang’s farewell show to unveil her deadly creations. Little does she know that I, Darkwing Duck, will be waiting for her! Now, any questions?”
“Uhh, can we order the extra-large with cheese?” 
Drake simply sighed as he moved to sit down on the sticky seat. 
“Gee DW, what makes you think she’ll show up with all these people around?” asked Launchpad. 
“Because, as a former Imagineer, she’ll no doubt want to watch such a historic show one last time. Although, I can’t imagine what kind of psyche an adult must have to want to watch Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang willingly.” 
“Come on Megsy! I’m not gonna miss Pepper Panda and the Pie Gang’s final performance because of you!” 
Little did Darkwing Duck know that behind the scenes, his two mortal enemies Quackerjack and Megavolt would be attempting to watch the show as well. However, they were taking a break from their usual crimes and attempting to have their monthly date night, per Quackerjack’s insistence on coming to see the last hurrah of the animatronics he grew up watching. Megavolt, meanwhile, was trying to carry leftover pizza boxes up the scaffolding over the stage as he and Quackerjack prepared to take their seats. 
“You know, I think I kinda remember coming here as a kid,” said Megavolt. Quackerjack was surprised to hear this, as it was rare for Megavolt to remember anything before his fateful transformation into Megavolt. He pressed on with a simple, “Oh?”, demonstrating a rare moment of selfless interest. 
“Yeah,” Megavolt continued, “I think I had a birthday party here once. Mom forced me to invite everyone in my class, so I spent most of the day playing with the animatronics. I even got Cheddar Charles to almost bite this one duck, Jake. Or was it Lake...” Megavolt trailed off as his train of thought was derailed yet again.
“You must have been quite the kid growing up, a public nuisance in the making,” laughed Quackerjack. He looked off to the side in an almost wistful manner. “Though if I was a parent, I wouldn’t force you to hang out with any snot-nosed brats that stuck their faces into an arcade game!” Megavolt twitched, deciding not to tell Quackerjack that he definitely remembered sticking his face into arcade games as a kid, one of the happiest moments in an otherwise bullied childhood. 
But more importantly, Megavolt picked up on Quackerjack’s wistful tone and cursed himself internally for bringing up his childhood. “Come on Quacky,” he whined, “we’ve been through this already. We can’t just-“ 
“Well, so what?” interrupted Quackerjack, “It’s just not fair! Lots of kids have parents that go to jail!” 
“Yeah, but their parents aren’t criminal masterminds guilty of trespassing, theft, vandalism, and littering!” 
Quackerjack pouted, “You throw a banana peel on the ground one time...”
“I’m serious Quacky,” Megavolt frowned, “we can’t just bring a kid into the super-villain business! Do you want to be like Dorkwing and have a pipsqueak get in our way?” 
“Need I remind you,” hissed Quackerjack, “that his pipsqueak is fully capable of handling herself?”
“Ugh,” shuddered Megavolt, “don’t. Remind. Me. I still have the bruise marks from the last hostage attempt...”
“See?! The two of us could totally take care of a kid! All a kid really needs is food, a loving home, a pocket grenade...,” Quackerjack droned on, almost forgetting the point of his argument. Megavolt had to snap him back to reality if he was ever going to finish this conversation. 
“Hey don’t get me wrong, it’d be nice to have some kids that aren’t just the poor, enslaved bulbs of St. Canard,” said Megavolt. “But, don’t tell me you aren’t the tiniest bit worried of screwing the kid up?” At this, Quackerjack pursed his lips and went uncharacteristically still, not daring to look at Megavolt in the eye.  
“Besides,” Megavolt continued, “what if we go to jail without it? How would a normal kid protect itself? What if F.O.W.L or Negaduck found out about them and-“
“Oh alright fine! You’ve made your point, gloomy pants!” Megavolt shut his mouth quickly, turning to get a slice of week-old pizza and hopefully move on from this talk. Quackerjack pulled out his beloved Mr. Banana Brain, in an effort to calm himself before his temper took over. “Some date night this is! I’ve seen better chemistry in a high school science lab!” 
“Butt out, banana boy!” Megavolt grumbled. “Great, could this date get any worse?” 
The explosion that rocked the building answered that question. 
The duck family ducked under their table as dust filled the room, sending screaming families in a panic. A giant hole had opened up in front of the stage, and from it rose a goose in a purple trench-coat honking maliciously. This was-
“Dr. Matronic!” Drake shielded Gosalyn behind himself as Dr. Matronic climbed onto the stage. 
“Ladies and gentlemen,” she cried out, “children of all ages! To all who come to this happy place, Pepper Panda’s Pizza Pagoda is now MY Pizza Pagoda! Which means the animatronics are now mine to keep! Mwahonkhonkhonk!”
Gosalyn stuck out her tongue in disgust. “Ugh, you call that an evil laugh? A baby would sound more menacing than that!” 
“Never mind that now,” said Drake, “we’ve got to get these people out of here! Launchpad, Gosalyn, evacuate the building while I keep her busy.” With a plan of action in place, the daring duck of mystery went off to find a broom closet to change in. Unfortunately, it was a very tight squeeze, as Drake tried to change and avoid the brooms at the same time. 
“This night couldn’t possibly get worse...,” muttered Drake. 
“Megavolt! That stupid doctor just ruined our date night!” Quackerjack’s temper had come out in full force, and now he was ready to let it all out. 
“The nerve of some people! I mean, who breaks into a pizza parlor and steals the animatronics??” Megavolt yelled. Sparks started to fly as he locked onto the target of his ire, who was beginning to disassemble the helpless robots. “D’ohhh! Well at least it can’t get any worse.”
The blue smoke cloud that burst out answered that. 
“Gah! Will you stop saying that!” shouted Quackerjack. 
“I am the terror that flaps in the night!”
“I am the cheese pizza that burns on the taste buds of crime! I am Darkwing Duck!” Like clockwork, the purple caped crusader appeared out of the smoke. 
“Oh no. It’s Darkwing Duck. Whatever shall I do,” said Dr. Matronic, not intimidated in the slightest. Failing to frighten his foe, Darkwing pulled out his gas gun as his mood worsened. 
“Listen here doc! I may not like these rusty robots, but there’s no way I’ll let you take them away! Now suck gas, evildoer! Schpadoink!” As he shot off a canister of knockout gas, a Dalmatian puppy came out from behind Dr. Matronic and caught the canister, throwing it away from the doctor. 
“What the-!” 
“So,” Dr. Matronic grinned maliciously, “you don’t like rusty robots, eh? Well, I’m sure you’ll find that they have their uses!” Dr. Matronic pulled a walkie-talkie from her coat, and yelled, “Code 101: ATTACK!!” 
From the crevice, a noise of barking and howling approached, growing louder and louder until from out of the hole, one hundred robotic Dalmatians came bursting out. 
Darkwing gulped, hoping to hide his nervousness. “Alright, you digital dog deviants, prepare to face the might of Dark-AAAACK!!” The dogs never let him finish, immediately pouncing on Darkwing and biting everything that belonged to the flapping terror. 
“Well, since you’re tied up at the moment, I might as well explain my origin story,” said Dr. Matronic as she got to work detaching the Pie Gang from the stage. “You see, those Imagineer fools said it was impossible to make one hundred and one animatronics! They said it was too expensive! That I was a lunatic! Well who’s laughing now, huh?! Mwahonkhon-AHH!” 
Before the doctor could finish her evil laugh, a bolt of electricity from behind the stage curtain zapped her and sent her flying off the stage. In her hands she grasped the Cheddar Charles figurine, the remote controlling the chaotic canines flying off somewhere else. 
Megavolt stepped out onto the stage, a wide manic grin on his face as his hands lit up. “Well, looks like we’re the ones laughing now, and much better at it too! Aheeheeheeheee!” With a flick of a wrist, Megavolt shot another electric bolt at the pack of piranha-like puppies, putting a stop to their attack on the poor, punctured defender in purple as they scattered off.  
“Th-thanks for that...Megavolt,” Darkwing said shakily, as he attempted to stand up and not jostle his wounds at the same time. “Wait a minute, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I swear, if that lunatic toy-maker Quackerjack is here too I’ll-“
What Darkwing would do, Megavolt would never know, for at that moment Quackerjack decided to introduce himself with one of his patented exploding toys. Laughing maniacally, he took out his signature mallet as he attempted to stomp out any robot trying to attack him. Dr. Matronic began turning her attention towards the most annoying threat in the room, directing robot after robot at Quackerjack. 
“What, did all the freaks decide to come out tonight?!” yelled Dr. Matronic, as she whipped out a small flamethrower aimed at Quackerjack. The jester merely giggled and blew raspberries as he dodged all of her flame attacks. Darkwing and Megavolt, however, were not as lucky, and had to hide behind an overturned table to avoid the flames. 
“Oh great,” sighed Darkwing, “the cherry on top of my already lousy sundae. Could this possibly get any worse?” Megavolt let out a yipe and braced himself. 
“Uhh, you alright there Mega-,” asked Darkwing, before Megavolt clasped a hand around his bill. 
“Don’t say that again! The universe has been more vindictive than usual today whenever somebody says that!”
“Alright alright, I’ll stop! Now, either help get me rid of this riddle-some ridicule of our rights, or GET OUT!” Megavolt’s train of thought got back on track, his temper overtaking him as he remembered his terrible night. 
“Uhh, Sparky-“ said Darkwing, before a stray bolt from Megavolt zapped him away as the electric rodent turned back to Dr. Matronic. 
“YOU RUINED DATE NIGHT!!!” roared Megavolt. Darkwing was dumbfounded, for once Megavolt hadn’t responded to his hated nickname of Sparky. Dr. Matronic began to worry, as she was inexperienced against the full force of the Quackervolt duo. Darkwing stepped back, hoping to get the upper hand as the villains fought each other when who should appear but Gosalyn.
“Don’t worry Darkwing, I’ll help ya!” cried Gosalyn. 
“Gosalyn, NO!” Darkwing dived towards his daughter, shielding her from the wayward flames with his cape as he caught the full brunt of the attack. Dr. Matronic took the time to gloat evilly at her fallen foe. 
“Well well well, guess the Pizza Pagoda is serving roast duck tonight! MWAHAHAHAH! How’s that for an evil laugh, by the way?” In her distraction, she failed to notice Megavolt and Quackerjack charging up the remaining animatronics, bringing them back to life. 
“Hey lady, ever heard of the Bite of ‘87!?” they both yelled. 
“The Bite of ‘87? That’s just a-“ Dr. Matronic looked back and saw the looming, terrifying animatronics trudging towards her. She gulped.
“...Just a myth,” she finished quietly. 
As the robots began their attack, Launchpad came in and helped Darkwing to his feet. “Gee DW, how’re we gonna stop those three?” 
“Oww, can’t we jus’...let ‘em kill each other?” Darkwing meekly asked. 
Gosalyn, guilty over her father’s second degree burns, tried to remember about any useful information pertaining to the animatronics. 
“Well, I read online that old robots used to explode from time to time...” she suggested. Inspiration struck Darkwing, reaching into his pockets for a special gas canister. 
“Launchpad, hand me my gas gun!”  With his weapon in hand, Darkwing loaded up the canister and aimed between the animatronics. “Get behind that column,” he motioned. 
Megavolt, taking a break from the action that was almost too exciting to put in words, took a side glance to see Darkwing’s fan club hiding behind a concrete column. As he wondered what was going on, the duck pulled out his gas gun and yelled, “hey Dr. Matronic, see if your pooches can stop this knockout gas!” 
Darkwing shot out the canister towards the animatronics and quickly took cover. As planned, Dr. Matronic took aim with her flamethrower, unable to tell the difference between knockout gas and explosive gas. 
“Dad! Do ya have t’ make sound effects right now?” 
“Oh, right, sorry,” Darkwing sheepishly said. “Well, better make sure no one died or anything.” As the smoke dissipated, he could see Dr. Matronic knocked out on the ground, singed and certainly not triumphant. Quackerjack, who had tried to run from the explosion, was somehow still standing, albeit close to passing out at any second. Behind them, all of the animatronics were nothing more than scrap, their somewhat cute faces now melted and resembling characters in a subpar horror video game franchise. 
Megavolt was nowhere to be seen. 
“Uh-oh, Megavolt?” The prospect of being arrested for manslaughter began to unnerve Darkwing.  “Hey Quackster, you seen your boyfriend anywhere?” 
The only thing Quackerjack heard through his concussion was ‘Megavolt’, and tried to snap out of his daze as best as he could. 
“Megsy! Sparky-poo, where are you!? Ooooh, I’m gonna get you for this Darkwing Duck!” But before Quackerjack could get him, the sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance. 
“Mmm, but maybe not today,” said Quackerjack, and then took out Mr. Banana Brain. “Time to hit the road, Toad,” he said in a falsetto voice. 
“MEGAVOLT! See you at the hideout!” And Quackerjack ran backstage, toppling over Launchpad who had attempted to catch him. 
“Ah geez, sorry DW, he got away. Should we go after him?”
“Nah,” said Darkwing, “I’ve got enough on my plate with Miss Robot over here. Also I gotta make sure Megavolt didn’t explode or something,...”
“Ughhh,” groaned Dr. Matronic, “that’s DOCTOR- wait. The animatronics! What have you done to them you fiend?!” Before she could freak out entirely, the police came in, slapping handcuffs on her and leading her away. 
“Why I say I say, ah-thank you Mr. Duck sir.” 
The team looked back and saw a rotund rooster in a tacky pizza print suit come up to them, taking Darkwing’s hand and shaking it profusely. “I am the owner of this here establishment, Rolan N. Dough the Third, thought you may call me Mr. Dough. I must congratulate you sir on a job well done!” 
“Ah-yep, yep, yep, all in a day’s work for Darkwing Duck, Mr. Dough!”
“So you’re not mad that he blew up your animatronics?” piped up Gosalyn. Darkwing hurriedly placed his hand over her bill, “Gosalyn! Ix-nay on the obot-ray! Ahaha, kids...” 
“On the contrary, Mr. Duck, I’m overjoyed! Thanks to you, I’m gonna save a fortune on properly preserving those robotic freaks! And receive a rather sizable insurance check! A nice little profit for today’s events!” 
Darkwing soured, remembering his distaste for the Pizza Pagoda once more. “You’re welcome, sir.”  
“I simply must reward you! How does a coupon for a free pizza sound?” 
Launchpad’s stomach rumbled at the sound of that. “Gee DW, can we cash it in now?” 
Darkwing sighed, “Fine, fine, we’re not coming back here anytime soon.”
As Launchpad and Mr. Dough made their way to the pizza station, Darkwing crouched down to check on Gosalyn for any injuries. 
“You ok?” he asked. “I mean, aside from seeing your favorite pizzeria in ruins that is?” 
“Yeah,” she sighed, “I’m just sad the Pie Gang met their end like that.”
“Well it’s an Italian eatery owned by a Southerner themed around China, it was bound to end horribly. You gotta admit though, it was a pretty cool explosion.”
“Okay yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean the way that flamethrower just went GWOOSH and the canister was like SCHPAAAAM! Not too bad from Darkwing and his helpful sidekicks, huh?”
“Oh, that reminds me, you’re still in trouble for running in like that.”
“WHAT? Daaa-uh, I mean, Darkwiiiing!” The two walked away, preparing to stop Launchpad from spending more than $50 on pizza. 
“Hmm, I feel like I’m forgetting something though,” said Darkwing.
“Ah well, I’m sure it was nothing important,” reassured Gosalyn. 
In the subterranean hole where Dr. Matronic had come from, Megavolt had begun to regain consciousness, slowly sitting up as he willed the surroundings to stop spinning. 
“Owwww, that’s it, next date night will be at the mini golf...” 
From below, he could hear the faint voice of Quackerjack at hysterics, then fading away. Then he heard the shrill voice of Dr. Matronic screaming over the ruined animatronics. Megavolt perked up, remembering the explosion with clarity now. 
“NO NO NO! The animatronics! Darkwing Duck and that stupid doctor lady ruined my childhood! This is worse than that reboot of my favorite movie with an all-female cast! Why I oughta-OW!!”
In his rage, Megavolt failed to notice an object in his path, and stubbed his already fragile toe against it. He was prepared to blast it to smithereens, when he noticed something familiar about the object. 
Something metallic. 
“Wait...it can’t be,” he muttered. He crouched down, digging through the rubble until the object was set free. It was Cheddar Charles, banged up a little but perfectly intact. 
“Oh you poor thing,” Megavolt cooed, “you must’ve fallen down here after that mean old Darkwing blew us up!” He cradled the orphaned robotic mouse in his arms, feeling his paternal instinct flare up as he gently dusting the dirt off of it. A ghost of a childhood memory panged within him, recalling a time in his life when he felt safe and loved, unaware of the harsh realities of life that would face him later on.
Was it too insane to believe that he could pass that love on to something else?
He loved Quackerjack. He loved his life of lightbulb liberation. But if Megavolt was honest with himself, maybe there was something nice to the whole family concept. Maybe the idea of taking care of something and watching it grow with someone he loved seemed exciting to him. Maybe Darkwing had the right idea about having a kid sidekick-
Nope. It’d be a cold, day in Hell before Megavolt would admit to being jealous of Darkwing Duck. 
He took out one of his trusty light bulbs to illuminate the scene, when an idea came to him. 
“Wait a minute,” he said, “Quacky and I want a kid. This little guy doesn’t have a family anymore. That means...that means! Wait, where was I going with this?”
The Cheddar Charles let out a shock, charging up Megavolt once more. 
“Oh right! Welcome to the family, new son! This is gonna turn out way better than that time I split Darkwing into two.” He took his son into his arms, already bonding with the temporarily lifeless robot. 
“But ya know, Cheddar Charles is kinda long for a name. How about I call you...Chuckie!” 
Meanwhile, on the other side of town…
“OH MY GOD,” cried out Drake Mallard, “I BLEW UP MEGAVOLT!”
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lee-vc · 5 years
Balance AU: Impulsive
It’s been a year since Link and Gadni arrived in South Gerudo Town from the Western Wastelands…
At first, things had been tough. Although Link had been dressed in nothing but rags when they arrived, Gadni had been clad in fine armor and jewels, all of which he managed to pawn off for a high price at the marketplace. It was enough to get them a small home on the outer circles of town with enough left over to stock up on some food and supplies. Unfortunately, since then their finances have been...struggling. Gadni took small jobs where he could but they didn’t pay that much. He had thought about taking up bounties from the village request board but he was met with 2 obstacles.
The first being that, since he was young and didn’t have the money to get good equipment, no one wished to hire him to even take out the weakest of monsters.
The 2nd being that the people considered him and Link “outsiders.” Yes, Gadni was clearly Gerudo and Link was but a child, but they were still unknown to the people of South Gerudo Town. No one had heard of Gerudo orphans being stolen in the night by raiders and they certainly never heard of the “Fon” family before. They were never outright rude toward the boys but still, that label made it difficult for him to even get an apprenticeship with anyone.
Still, he had to admit that, for now at least, taking bounties to fight monsters might be a bad idea. Without proper gear there was a very real possibility of him dying on out in the desert if he ever came across something he wasn’t prepared for like a Electric Lizafos or worse, a Molduga. Then Link would be left with no one to care for him...
So he stuck with his series of small jobs while trying to come up with a better way to make money. As for Link, well..he seemed fine enough. Or least Gadni made sure he was. He never let on to him whenever they were having money troubles. Gadni made sure that Link had good clothes, was always clean and well fed, even if it meant that he had to skip out on a few meals with their money was tight. He was just a orphaned boy in a strange land, he had enough problems.
Though Gadni was starting to think that Link was catching on to things. He’d often find Link following him to his different jobs to keep him company and even help out with more menials tasks where he could. And, to be honest, Gadni was glad for it. Link made him smile with how upbeat and optimistic the boy could be. He was full of energy and was always trying to come up with stupid jokes in effort to make Gadni laugh. It lifted his spirits. The same couldn’t be said about Link’s...impulsive nature though…
He couldn’t understand how a boy THAT SMALL could get into so much trouble! He couldn’t tell if the boy was incredibly brave or incredibly stupid with some of the stunts he’s pulled! Like the time he ate an entire SPOONFUL of Goron spice on a dare and spent the next half hour drinking water to try and douse the fire in his mouth. Or the time Link accidentally angered a horde of cuccos by stepping on one of them, resulting in both he AND Gadni running for their lives when Link tried hiding behind the larger man. And Gadni couldn’t BEGIN to count the amount of times Link had come home with a fresh bruise or scrape from the fights he would pick with some of the older kids whenever they’d tease him for being “Pig Skinned.”
As much as Gadni cared for the boy, he also drove him crazy with his antics. Which is why he relished every quiet moment he could get.
“Long day…?” A female voice asked him.
Gadni looked up and saw a Gerudo women looking down at him, smirking and holding a bottle of Hydromelon juice and two cups in hand. He let out a long sigh and took the cup she offered, watching as she poured them each a cupful before sitting beside him.
“No...just thinking…”
“You sure you’re not just constipated…?”
“Ha ha, very funny, Vanya…”
Vanya was one of Gadni and Link’s neighbors. She lived with her elderly father was one of the first people to actually welcome the boys to the town. She was laid back and a bit of a smart ass but instantly warmed up to the boys after Link blurted out that she was “really pretty and hey are you looking for a boyfriend? My Gadni is GREAT!” He swore that boy had a broken filter as well…
Vanya had been one of their only friends in the town. She’d lend them money and never ask for it back, would bring by food and drinks (A LOT of drinks).She even gave them matching belt buckles and a small amber amulet for Link that she made herself. Which Link refused to take off, even when he slept...which Gadni found really cute to be honest..
“Heheh...Well, fix your face then! You look like you just smelled the wrong end of a Molduga…” She joked before taking a sip of her juice. But she soon grimaced at the taste then wrapped her free hand around the bottle. “Ugh...it went WARM...just great…” She complained before pouring her drink out on the sandstone.
An easy fix for Gadni. He simply took the bottle in his hand and a small blue-ish glow surrounded both. “Here...should be better now…” He poured them both a new drink and his friend, after having a taste, was pleasantly surprised to find the drink now perfectly chilled and tasting much better now.
“Oh yeah, I forgot you could do magic! Hahah...you know, I keep telling you, you could make good money off of that…”
“I already told you, no…”
“Ugh...come on! You know how RARE it is to have Magic-users in these parts of Hyrule? Plus, if you showed it off a little more, you could get more work in killing monster...even WITHOUT a blade...”
“NO, Vanya...I don’t want to use my magic like that…” That would make him too noticeable to certain people..
But, knowing his stubborn friend, she wasn’t gonna let this go. They’ve had this conversation countless times before and even had fights about it. He honestly couldn’t understand WHY she was so invested in what he did with his life and his skills. It wasn’t like him choosing not to use his magic to fight was hurting her in any way. Part of him knew that she was just worried about him and Link...and he appreciated it...but that was also part of the problem.
He KNEW he could easily wipe out an entire horde of monsters using just his magic alone. Hell, he could even destroy a Molduga with his magic. But using that great of a power would cause people to talk...and rumors spread far and fast...that was the last thing he needed right now…
Vanya huffed, crossing her arms in frustration and twiddling with her earring...then a thought popped into her head…
“Okay look...I don’t understand why you don’t want to fight monsters using your magic, even though it’d get you ALOT of rupees that way...but if you insist on being PASSIVE about it...why not open a jewelry shop then?”
That was new….jewelry?
“...why jewelry?”
Vanya smirked. “Think about it...more and more monsters have been popping up lately in the desert which mean people will want more protection. You can use your magic to make Enchanted jewelry for people and open your own shop! We don’t have a jewelry shop here in South Gerudo town yet! I can design them for you, you enchant them with magic and boom! You have a steady income!”
Gadni downed his entire drink before pouring himself another. That actually wasn’t a bad idea...it would take a lot of work but...maybe it could work--
They both nearly dropped their drinks as Link suddenly tackled himself into Gadni’s arms. Link looked scuffed up and had a newly forming bruise on his left cheek. A group of distance laughter answered the question of what happened without him even having to ask.
The Zaburo Siblings. They were a group of young pre-teen Gerudos who were, for lack of a better word, quite bratty. Their families were quite wealthy and they seemed to enjoy tormenting the other children. Link most likely got into another fight with them while defending another child from their antics.
Sighing, Gadni lifted Link’s chin so he could examine the damage. His cheeks were red with anger and his eyes glimmering with the threat of tears. Something that was rare for the boy. He never cried after a fight, what he really hurt?!
“Link what happened? Tell me.”
“They started it!! They were teasing Naboni about his freckles and I told them to stop but then they pushed me and started calling me names and then Hakan punched me and then his sister broke the amber pendant that Vanya made for me!”
“What?!” Vanya slammed her drink down. Now he understood why Link was so upset. A quick glance down at his young wards necklace, he finally noticed that the amber piece was indeed missing. A not too far from them, the 3 brats were standing across the street, giggling and snickering at the near-to-tears boys. Now, Gadni was far above such immaturity but he so wanted to take those children over his knee one of these days and wipe those arrogant smirks off their faces. But no. He was an adult so he had to settle this calmly and maturely--
“Well you should go right over there and defend your Honor Link!” And then Vanya proceed to do the opposite. Link wiped away the few tears that did fall from his face, looking up at the woman. “M-My honor…?”
“Yes! First they insult your name then they steal from you! You need to stand up to them and show them that you will not take such insults lightly! You’re going to grow up to be a brave warrior someday, right?”
Gadni had no chance to speak up before Link rushed from his arms and stood before Vanya, a growing smile on his face. “Y-Yeah! I’m gonna go up to be as big and strong as Gani one day!”
“That’s right you are!” Vanya continued, placing her well manicured hands on Link’s shoulders. “And when a warrior is dishonored, what do they do!?”
“They FIGHT for it!”
“Are you a strong voe?”
“Are you a gonna be a strong warrior?!”
“Then fight like one and go get your honor back! Let those kids they can’t push you around like that!!”
“YEAH!! Oh...I’ve got just the thing..!! Be right back!!”
As Link rushed into their doorway of their home, Gadni stood up to call after him but was stopped by Vanya holding onto his wrist. “Why do you encourage him like that? You know, I’m starting to think YOU’RE half the reason why he’s always getting into fights!”
“Gadni, he’s almost gonna be a teenager soon..you can’t coddle him forever, he had to be able to learn how to fight for himself!”
The larger man plopped back onto the bench, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “That’s not the point--”
A rush of blond hair zoomed past them, hiding something within the confines of his top. The bratty trio watched as Link stood before them, a look of determination on his face.
“Oh look, little Pig Skin is back for more…”
“You gonna cry again little Voe? Hehehe..”
“I...I’m here to defend my honor!! Y-You’ve insulted me so now I’m gonna defend myself like a WARRIOR!”
The older boy laughed as he leaned toward his younger sister. “Listen to him...little Piggy thinks he’s a warrior...what you got little Piggy? A stick..? Hehahaha!”
“No! I-I’ve got a--ah...I’ve got..!! Agh, come on, what are you caught on!?”
Gadni and Vanya watched as Link dropped to his knees, fiddling with something in his hands. Gadni couldn’t see what he was having trouble with though since Link had his back to them...but he had a sneaking suspicion it was something Link wasn’t supposed to have…
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That night, Gadni had a long and detailed conversation with Link why he needed to reign in his impulsive…
And that he couldn’t just pull KNIVES on CHILDREN!!
I will DEFINITELY be doing more in the future, this was a lot of fun!! I hope you guys enjoy it! This was originally a scene I had in mind when this was gonna be an AU of the @linkeduniverse AU but after it become my own AU, I still really wanted to do it! LOL
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gildedtma · 5 years
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you  think  you  are  so  much     STRONGER     than  me  because   THE EARTH   quivers     beneath    your   feet  &&   your  voice  shakes  the  rain  from  the  trees   ,   but  you forget  that  inside  this  fragile  body  of  mine  is  a    SOUL AS OLD AS ROME   &&    A TONGUE THAT CUTS LIKE A WHIP  .
DARK STORMCLOUDS PAINT THE SKY BLACK    ,    the  olympians  gather  around  to  witness  the  disgrace  of  one  of  their  own  .     the  younger  ones  cower  at  the  sight  of  their  king  standing  in  his  full  divinity , turning  their  heads  to  look  away , unable  to  stand  the  sight.   their  elders  ,   bring  a  hand  to  their  mouths  to  cover  their  yawns , time  was  due  for  their  beloved  sun  god  to  fall.    every  few  centuries ,  daring  to  push  their  king  past  his  limits ,  refusing  to  subject  himself  to  take  a  knee .   golden  suns  stare  down  the  eye  of  the  storm , challenging  the  mighty  zeus’s  authority  &&  stature.   
he  is  not  afraid  of  it  anymore , when  his  father  points  his  master  bolt  straight  at  apollo’s  chest , he  has  a  moment  of  relief  before  the  pain  seeps  in.  skull - shattering  thunder  ripping  through  his  mind  until  he  can  no  longer  hear  his  thoughts.  lightning  forking  across  the  sky  strikes  him  where  he  stands  and  as  the  ichor  is  burned  away  from  his  veins , the  younger  god  lets  out  one  last  cry  before  crashing  down  to  his  knees .  he  tears  through  the  marbled  floors  of  olympus ,  falling  straight  through  the  clouds  with  nothing  but  gaea’s  earth  to  soften  his  fall.  
when  he  opens  his  eyes , it  is  as  any  other  day.   warm  brown  eyes  gloss  over  his  reflection  in  the  mirror , and  he  gets  ready  for  work.  an  unwavering  routine  that  he  does  not  stray  from  for  six  months.   
he  can  hear  their  voices  from  the  other  side  of  the  cafe.   three  women , dressed  more  elegant  than  the  place  called  for , capture  the  light  from  the  room.  they  are  the  only  ones  he  notices.  their  beauty  extending  to  the  entire  vicinity , moving  in  a  synchronicity  that  he  swears   must  be  a  trick  of  the  eye.  their  voices  snake  across  the  room , slithering  into  his  ears  incomprehensible.   he  wants  to  know  what  they  are  saying , because  even  behind  their  dark  glasses , he  knows  they  are  staring  at  him.   
his  feet  move  before  his  mind , and  he  stands  at  their  table ,   “  hello , ladies.  ”  the  words  fall  from  his  mouth  as  easily  as  greeting  old  friends.   “  i’m  damien , i’m  your  server , what  can  i  get  you  to  drink ?   ”     he  plasters  a  smile  across  his  face  to  conceal  the  wince  that  overcomes  him  at  the  sound  of  his  name . as  bitter  as  a  lie , it  burns  a  hole  through  his  tongue.    damien , damien , damien . no  matter  how  many  times  he  says  it , it  never  sounds  less  nauseating.  
the  first  one  speaks ,  her  arm  coming  to  wrap  around  his  wrist ,  “  it’s  nice  to  meet  you  ,  damien.   ”    she  shares  a  look  with  the  other  two , and  they  laugh  beside  him.  he  tries  to  pull  away  from  her , but  he  is  frozen  where  he  stands , her  delicate  grasp  anchoring  him  to  the  ground.     “   i’m  moira , and  these  are  my  sisters ,   faith  &&  cleo.   ”     
the  one  in  the  middle  meets  his  glare  and  spreads  her  painted-red  lips  into  a  wide  grin.   she  whispers  something  into  her  sister’s  ear  and  she  releases  his  wrist.   letting  out  a  breath , he  takes  a  few  steps  back ,  opening  his  mouth  to  speak , the  last  one  steals  the  words  right  from  his  lips  and  he  cannot  remember  how  to  breathe  let  alone  form  words.   quiet. 
the  rest  of  the  world  fades  away  and  unison  they  remove  their  glasses , and  show  him  the  truth.    the  three  of  them  see  through  one  eye ,  occupied  by  the  one  in  the  middle , the  other  two  stare  at  him  with  empty  sockets.   they  offer  him  a  glimpse  into  their  eye  and  the  vision  takes  him  over.
this storm has only just begun.  
but these clouds cannot hide the truth for long , light bringer.  
the sun must always rise.   
he  is  almost  afraid  to  move , but  the  words  are  already  fading  from  his  mind  and  he  does  not  wish  to  forget  them.  digging  through  his  apron  for  a  notepad , he  starts  to  scribble  down  their  every  words.   
the  vision  fades  and  he  glances  down  at  the  words  scrawled  onto  his  notepad , clinging  to  their  words  like  one  clings  to  hope , something  begins  to  awake  inside  of  him.  a  word , on  the  tip  of  his  tongue.   a  fire  begins  to  regain  momentum , and  is  extinguished  all  in  the  span  of  a  breath , for  when  he  looks  down , he  only  has  two  words  written :   LIGHT  BRINGER.
                                                            and the women are gone.
his  dreams  bring  him  to  the  beach , hands  digging  into  the  warm  sand  as  he  waits  for  the  sun  to  rise  from  the  water  and  breach  the  horizon.  he  stares  a  while , letting  his  eyes  wander  to  the  expanse  that  stretches  to  the  end  of  the  world. 
“  it  is  not  coming.  ”    a  disembodied  voice  tethers  itself  to  the  earth  and  finds  home  beside  him. where  there  was  nothing , was  now  a  dove  that  was  a  woman.  fair  and  beautiful , it  almost  hurts  to  look  at  her.   there  are  tears  falling  from  her  eyes , but  when  she  turns  to  him  her  face  lights  into  a  smile.  “  the  sun  has  not  risen  in  a  while ,  and  i’m  beginning  to  miss  it.  ”
“  of  course  it’s  coming , it’s  the  sun , it�� can’t  just  not  be  there.   ”
“  look  for  yourself , damien , there  is  nothing  there.  ”   
his  eyes  find  the  horizon  and  he  cannot  believe  the  sight  in  front  of  him.   she  is  right , there  is  nothing.   it  is  not  there.   where  it  should  be  is  nothing  but  an  empty  space.    he  opens  his  mouth  and  whispers ,  “  where  is  it  ?  ”
next  to  him , beauty  smiles  and  places  her  hand  on  his ,    “  it’s  gone.  it’s  gone  and  you  must  find  it.    ”     
“ why me ?  ” 
when  she  lays  her  eyes  upon  him  the  sorrow  that  falls  upon  her  face  breaks  his  heart  in  two .  to  make  tears  fall  from  such  beautiful  eyes  should  be  a  crime , and  he  wishes  to  fix  it ,   “   my  darling ,  you  really  do  not  remember ?  ----  this  cursed  storm  is  worse  than  the  last.   ”   anger  flashes  behind  beautiful  eyes  and  he  remembers  the  myths  about  her  being  war’s  lover. 
“   it  must  be  you.  you  are  the  only  one  that  knows  where  it  is.  ”
“  i  don’t  know  where  to  look.  ”
“   just  follow  the  path  it  took  to  get  here.  ”
even so far did leto, in birth-pangs with the far-shooter, wander to seek a land willing to serve as a home for her dear son. 
over the people who dwell in crete and the district of athens, also the isle of aigína and galley-renownèd euboía, aigai, Eíresiaí, and Pepárethos, close to the sea-brine, also thracian athos and pelion’s towering summits, thracian samos as well, and the shadowy highlands of ida, Skyros as well as Phokaía, the highland of steep Autokánè also, and firm-set Imbros and inhospitable Lemnos, sacred Lesbos, the dwelling of Makar, Aíolos’ scion, also Chios, the brightest of islands that lie in the sea-brine, Mimas, rugged and rocky, and Kórykos’ towering summits, shimmering Klaros as well, and the highland of steep Aisagéa, also watery Samos and Mýkalè’s steep high headland, they were all dreadfully trembling and fearful, and none of them dared to take in phoibos the lord, not even the richest among them, not until finally leto the lady, arriving on delos,
his  feet  fall  to  the  island , desolate  and  barren.  devoid  of  life  and  all  that  it  was  ever  promised.   something  primordial  stirs  inside  of  him , a  vicious  cloud  fogging  his  memories ,  but  the  offset  feeling  is  deep  in  his  bones .    he  falls  to  his  knees  and  takes  a  fistful  of  dry  and  rocky  sand  and  lets  it  slip  through  his  fingers ,   “   what  happened  to  you ?  ”
the  earth  speaks  back  to  him , cries  of  agony  spread  through  the  air , killing  anything  that  dares  to  grow  in  this  wretched , god-forsaken  place.   nothing  could  survive  here , not  even  the  blessed  date-palm  tree  that  had  overseen  the  birth  of  delos’ god.         my far - shooter , apollo , thy  delian  king  has  abandoned  me  !   i  have  known  the  day  would  come .  i  gave  him  a  home , but  he  has  disgraced  it  for  something  with  more  beauty.    from  the  moment  the  fairest  leto  had  descended  upon  me , on  hands  and  knees  begging  me  to  house  her  son , i  had  known  he  would  dishonor  me  because  i  am  rugged  and  rocky.  overturn  me  with  his  feet , thrust  me  to  the  depths  of  the  seabrine ,  he  would  go  to  another  land , one  that  would  please  him.        the  ground  shakes  with  earth-wracking  sobs  at  the  rejection  from  it’s  greatest  treasure.
damien  cannot  move  from  his  spot , staring  at  the  island  with  pure  horror.   this was not right  !     rage  boils  inside  of  him , and  he  lays  his  palm  flat  on  the  ground ,   “   i  will  find  apollo.   i  will  find  him  and  i  will  make  him  fix  this.  ”   the  earth  quakes  settle  but  he  does  not  rise , grieving  a  moment , all  the  life  that  has  been  taken  from  this  place.   
chaos  has  sprung  in  his  absence.   expunged  plagues  resurfacing  after  generations , the  clouds  refusing  the  give  way  to  the  light.  hope  in  the  mortal’s  eyes  have  dimmed  and  their  muses  no  longer  sing  for  them.   oh , but  worst  of  all , has  a  creature  sprung.  from  the  depths  of  tartarus  ,  the  last  of  gaea’s  children  ascend  back  to  the  mortal  world , and  reclaims  home  from  the  ruins  of  the  greatest  temple  man  has  ever  built.
it  is  his  last  hope , standing  in  front  of  what  used  to  be  the  temple  of  apollo.  it  is  the  last  place  he  has  to  look  for  this  missing  god.    his  feet  crunch  over  the  pebbles  and  lying  among  the  rubble  is  no  god. 
bigger  than  his  memories  could  fathom , it  curls  around  a  fallen  tripod  and  the  earth  beneath  it  dies.   his  head  alone  the  size  of  damien’s  entire  body , moving  faster  than  the  winds  that  brought  him  here ,   it’s  voice  slithering  down  his  spine  reminds  him  of  the  women  from  the  coffee  shop.   
“   have  you  come  to  reclaim  your  temple , phoebus.  ”   the  word  spat  like  venom  from  a  forked  tongue ,   “   go  ahead , try.   ” 
“   i  want  no  trouble  with  you , i  merely  seek  out  the  god  apollo.   ”
the  snake  raises  it’s  head  at  that , coming  to  loom  right  above  the  mortal  standing  in  front  of  him ,  he  whispers  so  the  heavens  cannot  hear ,  “  tsk , tsk.  such  a  radiant  thing  so  pathetically  condemned.    look  no  further , you  have  found  him.  ”
he  doesn’t  understand.   he  saw  nothing  but  the  creature  in  front  of  him  whose  name  could  not  have  been   apollo.   he  opens  his  mouth  to  speak , but  the  great  creature  did  not  give  him  a  chance.   faster  than  lightning , it  strikes  him , teeth  digging  into  the  flesh  of  his  leg , and  spitting  out  the  iron  that  falls  from  his  wound.  
“  this  was  so  much  more  fun  the  last  time  was  it  not ?   your  blood  no  longer  tastes  so  sweet ,   ”   despite  such  words , it  attacks  again , springing  into  motion  and  sinking  it’s  fangs  into  his  shoulder , spreading  venom  through  his  veins ,   “    i  want  gold , gold , gold .   ”     
the  loss  of  blood  begins  to  cloud  his  thoughts.  everything  that  he  had  thought  he’d  known  falling  from  his  grasp  as  he  crashes  to  the  ground.  palms  digging  into  the  dirt  pushing  himself  onto  his  elbows , he  is  barely  able  to  dodge  the  next  attack  from  the  creature  above  him  as  it  digs  it’s  teeth  into  the  ground  where  he  had  been  only  a  breath  before.
he  brings  his  hands  to  his  side  and   presses  against  the  wound  spilling  into  his  clothes , and  when  he  pulls  his  fingers  back  his  hands  are  covered  in  molten  gold.   the  voice  of  a  woman  fills  his  ears  and  the  two  words  she  speaks  awakens  the  force  deep  inside  of  him :   KNOW THYSELF.
his  lungs  need  more  air  than  they  are  capable  of  holding.  sucking  in  through  his  teeth , the  gold  melting  from  his  skin  is  beginning  to  boil.  flowing  as  fiery  as  the  phlegethon , it  spreads  from  his  hands  to  the  ends  of  his  toes.   brown  eyes  begin  to  glow  with  the  light  from  the  sun  as  the  clouds  begin  to  part.  sun  rays  stretch  from  the  sky  to  the  spot  he  lays  on  the  ground  and  forms  a  gilded  blade  that  sits  in  his  hands.  a  sword  forged  from  the  sun  gleams  brighter  than  the  light  reigniting  behind  his  eyes.   it  is  still  hot  to  the  touch , but  he  accepts  the  pain  as  his  fingers  wrap  around  the  hilt.   he  does  not  have  time  to  think  before  the  hissing  voice  of  the  python  grows  closer  to  him.   
he  swings  the  broadsword  into  a  large  golden  arch  and  he  invokes  the  strength  of  a  millennia.   the  sun  burns  the  sky  behind  him  as  light  is  brought  back  to  the  earth , with  the  force  of  a  thousand  stars , he  brings  the  sword  down  and  slices  the  giant  snake’s  head  clean  off.   it  writhes  and  seizes  before  it  dies , letting  out  a  simmering  hiss  as  tartarus  reclaims  dominion  over  the  escaped  infernal  creature. 
his  shoulders  heave  up  and  down  as  he  wipes  the  beads  of  sweat  falling  from  his  face. his  strength  returns  to  him  slowly  and  the  skin  torn  by  giant  teeth  begins  to  reform  together.   he  walks  up  to  the  temple , and  remembers  it  fondly  in  it’s  glory.   two  words  inscribed  in  stone  reflect  back  in  his  mind.   golden  eyes  find  the  sun  in  the  sky , and  his  glare  only  sharpens  ,   “   i  am  phoebus  apollo ,  the  god  of  light , and  i  remember  everything.   ”
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
Speaking of Death
I already wrote my version of Hel meeting @insane-control-room‘s Demigod Bertram, but I wanted to write her meeting @randomwriteronline‘s cryptid Eska. So here we go.
Featuring Control’s Bertram briefly.
The creature now known as Eska knew death. The Spirit of Violent Deaths was a friend to him, after all. And he wasn’t scared of death. Not like other people were. It would hurt, yes, but it provided a sort of peaceful relief at the end of a troubled life. Like his. It was the inevitable end to all things. Eventually, everything was going to die. Die and return to the Earth.
He had seen the woman Bertram said was the goddess Hel come and go. He’d seen her appear from the ground and disappear the same way. Sometimes she brought a dog with her. The dog had an incredibly powerful aura around it, but Eska still wanted to pet it. It was so small and fluffy. Most of the time she came to see Bertram and/or Lacie. She seemed softer when around them.
Today, though, it seemed she was here for Eska. When Bertram arrived in his office, she was waiting with Garm in her arms. Bertram wasn’t even surprised anymore. She just tended to show up. 
“I wish to speak to the boy in the skull mask.” She said. 
The one with the two different eyes. Garm clarified, as if there was another boy in a skull mask in the studio.
“I don’t believe I’m the one you should ask about that.” Bertram sat down at his desk, shuffling some papers. “If you wish to speak with him, you should go and speak with him.”
“Is he not a friend of yours?” Hel asked. 
“Not...particularly,” Bertram replied slowly. “I’m not terribly close to him.”
“Ah, alright.” Hel’s face fell a bit. She’d come to the studio a lot, but she hadn’t ventured outside of Bertram’s work area too often. She didn’t know where anything was or where anyone would be. 
“If you want to find him, I’d look in the Heavenly Toys area on level P,” Bertram suggested, sensing her disorientation. “He often stays near to Kim and Niamh.”
Who are those people? Garm demanded. Their names mean nothing to us. 
“Kim is the small dark-skinned toymaker and Niamh is the one with the octopus tattoo on her back,” Bertram said. “I can assure you, you will know Niamh is around long before you see her.”
“Alright.” Hel stood up, clutching Garm a bit tighter. “Thank you. I may or may not be back.”
“Best of luck!”  Bertram called after her. 
It took a bit for her to find the Heavenly Toys area. After a little bit of aimless wandering, an employee politely asked if she was lost. Once she told them where she was going, they were able to point her in the right direction. She was halfway to the area when she suddenly felt a presence to her right. She turned to the vent beside her to find a pair of orange and blue eyes staring at her from a vent. 
“Hello, Eska.” 
Eska didn’t reply, continuing to watch her from the vent. The vent wasn’t all that dark, and Hel could see even in the pitch black, but only his eyes were visible. The rest of his body was just gone.
“Could I speak with you?” She asked. “If you wouldn’t mind. I sense you’re connected with death, and I must admit, it has been a bit since I spoke with another death entity.” There was a beat of silence before Eska replied. 
“...Okay.” He slithered out of the vent, falling to the ground like a ragdoll before standing up. He started to walk away and Hel followed. 
He led her to a secluded room that didn’t look like it got much use. There were a table and some chairs, so it seemed that this was some sort of secret hideout. Eska turned to say something but stopped. His eyes were fixed now on Garm, still nestled in Hel’s arms. 
“Is something wrong?” Hel asked. 
“I pet him.” Eska pointed at Garm, eyes wide. Hel looked down at Garm, who made a very human grumbling sound. 
Very well. He may pet me. Garm braced himself to be manhandled, but Eska’s touch was gentle. His long, deft fingers carded through Garm’s fur, finding just the right places to scratch. Garm’s eyes almost rolled back in his head from sheer bliss. 
Oooh. Oh yes. Yes, that is the spot. Up. Up! Oooooh. He started to excitedly pant as Eska settled down in a chair.
“Impressive.” Hel laughed softly, sitting down beside him. “He doesn’t normally enjoy being petted like that.” Eska made what she assumed to be a happy noise. 
“Do you know the Spirit of Violent Deaths?” He asked after a moment.
“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of making their acquaintance.” Hel smiled apologetically. “How would you describe them?” Eska paused in his petting. 
"Very big. Very dark blue. With stars all over. Body like a soft velvet jello. Skeletal hands. Head is the skull of a ram." He made gestures with his hands as he spoke as if he were trying to strengthen the description.
“They sound beautiful.” Hel’s smile was wistful. “Are they kind?”
Eska nodded. “Gentle. Kind. Warm.”
“I’m glad.” She turned her gaze away from him, down to her lap. “So few think of death as kind.” 
Eska frowned, tilting his head to the side as his eyes found her again. “Why?”
“Why?” Eska repeated. 
“Are you asking why many don’t think of death as kind?”
“Well...” Hel sighed heavily, folding her hands in her lap. “Death is difficult for the living who remain. They lose people they care about. And so they see death deities as greedy individuals who steal away their family, never to return them.”
“Everything dies eventually,” Eska said. “Can’t escape it.”
“Yes, that is true.” Hel agreed with a weary smile. “Death comes for all things. Even the gods.”
“Are you kind?” Eska asked. His gaze had returned to Garm, who had flipped over onto his back, allowing Eska access to his fluffy belly. Eska was seconds away from burying his face in the fluff.
“I like to think I am.” Hel laughed. “But, well, I suppose personal opinion doesn’t count.” She sighed again. “I try to take care of my wards the best I can.”
“The souls sent to my domain. I’m in charge of the ‘dishonorable’ dead.” She snorted derisively. “As if only those who die in battle are honorable.” Eska looked over at her. It was hard to tell with his mask, but she was pretty sure he was confused.
“I’m sorry. Did I confuse you?”
He nodded. 
“I should probably explain.” Her expression grew solemn. “In my pantheon, we have three places that take souls. Odin’s Valhalla, my Helheim, and Freyja’s  Fólkvangr. Freyja and Odin choose the souls of warriors they deem worthy to join their afterlives. I receive the rest. They call my wards the dishonorable dead. The old, the sick, the wicked. I take all who are unwanted. Because they are not brave warriors who die in battle, the other gods call them dishonorable.”
Eska’s face screwed up in distaste. “That’s stupid.”
“Yes. It is.” She turned her gaze back to her lap, where her hands were worrying with her skirt. “The majority of them have done nothing wrong. Their only crime is that their deaths were deemed...‘wrong’. They’re good people.” A smile crossed her features. “A good portion of them helped to raise me. Odin confined me to Niflheim when I was very young. I hardly ever saw my parents. The dead were all I had.” She paused, seeming to realize where she was. 
“My apologies.” She laughed weakly. “I didn’t mean to burden you with that. I tend to...forget myself sometimes.” Eska shrugged, shoving his face into Garm’s belly fluff. Hel stifled a laugh. A genuine one this time. The children in her domain rather enjoyed doing that as well. Although they usually did it when Garm was the size of a truck. 
“Thank you for listening.” She said. “Most don’t wish to speak with me, given who I am. What I am.” Eska stopped rubbing his face in Garm’s fluff, lifting his eyes to meet hers. He had an intense way of looking at someone as if he could see through to your soul.
“You are kind.” He nodded definitively before returning his attention to Garm. 
Hel stared into space for a moment, trying to fight back tears. She was a great and terrible goddess who controlled the balance of life and death, who had power beyond what a normal mortal could imagine. But she was also still the scared little girl who’d been ripped away from her father and cast into a realm she neither knew nor understood. She’d been given a role to play and she’d played it. The heartless queen of the underworld who took and took and let nothing go. She had played that role well, to the point where there were precious few she could talk to honestly anymore. Almost no one looked upon her without fear. But Bertram had not been afraid of her, and neither was this boy. This boy had called her kind. 
“Thank you.” She managed to whisper once she had herself under control.
“Everyone dies,” Eska said again. “It’s not bad. It’s an end.”
“A good end?”
“An end,” Eska said. “Peaceful end.” 
Hel smiled softly. “What a remarkable creature you are.”
Eska beamed behind his mask. 
Is it over? Garm looked disappointed that the petting had stopped. He was still panting excitedly. 
“Yes, I think it’s about time we go.” Hel gently took him from Eska. “I very much enjoyed talking with you, Eska. I think I’d like to talk with you again.”
“Okay.” Eska nodded. 
“I’ll bring Garm again the next time I come. And perhaps a skull.”
Eska’s eyes lit up at the prospect of receiving a skull, which elicited another laugh from Hel.
“I’ll see you again.” She then disappeared into the floor, leaving Eska alone.
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kokina-kizoku · 6 years
Noblesse Painter AU: The Meeting
Go here for the presentation of this AU.
Frankenstein was in a state of deep torment. His emotions were dueling: admiration against disgust, wonder against rage. He had finally arrived in Lukedonia, the world capital of painters, and was certainly not disappointed by the artistic quality of what he saw: everywhere on the walls of the buildings were painted magnificent frescoes, each with a unique theme. For example, the Kertia mansion was decorated with images of wind and lightning, representing speed, and the Landegre mansion was very imposing with its elegant columns, painted with nobility and distinction.
However, wherever he looked, he saw the injustice that enraged him: ease. The children born in Lukedonia were supported by great artistic masters, brought up in luxury, lodged and fed like princes. And all their paintings represented opulence. Frankenstein was thinking about his mother, who died for lack of money to cure her, and to himself who had to search the trash and sometimes even steal to get a tiny amount of paint to express his art.
At one point, he passed a large mansion decorated with frescoes representing the fire, with the sign "Avgain Family" written in gold letters above the door. These warm colors made him think of Tesamu and he felt a poignant sadness add to his anger. Fucking Union. Fucking humans unfair and selfish.
The heart hardened by this memory that still hurt, even after three years of separation with his little assistant, he took a dark resolution. That night, he was going to add his colors to the rich and pretentious city of Lukedonia.
The brush slowly slid against the canvas, bright red mixing with the black to create a blood-colored hue. Raizel knew this mixture by heart. In each of his works, there was at least one small red spot. It was his signature, for lack of a real one. Raizel did not know how to write. The only thing he had always been able to do was paint over and over again. He had no idea of the letters that made up his name, but why sign his works? Anyway, there was no one to admire them.
That night he was sketching the image of angel's wings on his canvas. Two scarlet and bloody wings. Those whom his brother had not had to fly when he had pushed him off the cliff to prevent him from doing evil.
A tear fell on Raizel's pale cheek, devoid of color because he was never exposed to the sun. The pain that filled his heart was impossible to express, even with the greatest artistic talent in the world. He hated crying. His father had always told him that it was a weakness. That his emotions should never be expressed otherwise than by art.
Raizel's fingers were shaking. He hated his talent. He would have liked to learn something else... To learn love, happiness... Now that he was alone, he had nothing left. Just hundreds of useless paintings adorn his huge, empty house.
Suddenly, a sound of fast footsteps echoed across the door of his studio and Urokai Avgain entered. He was out of breath and his eyes were furious.
''Sir Raizel! There is a poverty-stricken who wreaks havoc in the city... We hastily painted his portrait. If you have seen it, report it to us!’’
Urokai placed a folded sheet on the table, bowed with deference, and hurried away. Raizel sighed. This sudden visit had at least had the advantage of distracting him from his grief.
He rose slowly. His body was thin and weakened by inaction and lack of food. Indeed, he had already spent 24 hours painting, completely forgetting his physical limits. But his health did not matter to him. He took the paper and unfolded it carefully.
The man in portrait had young and beautiful features. His blond hair in battle fell on his broad and strong shoulders, his lips were tight with determination and his eyes seemed troubled, lost. Blue like the sky. This portrait gave off power and wandering. Raizel recognized, for having already seen it before, the characteristic signature of Ragar Kertia at the bottom of the sheet. This man had always been talented, drawing with extraordinary speed and perfect precision.
Raizel brought the sheet to his easel. He had just found the inspiration, the person he was going to illustrate as an avenging angel with scarlet wings.
Frankenstein was exhausted. His arm was aching and the cold of the night made him shudder. He always wore rags, worn clothes on his travels, and had no time or money to buy a good coat. But he plunged his brush again into the purple paint. On the main wall of the Kertia mansion, he smeared furiously another streak of color. He had time to finish blackening these offensive designs; he was returning from the Urokai mansion and the men were still looking for him.
He took a few steps back to evaluate the whole, then raised his brush again in order to make the final line that would create in his drawing without a definite shape, that wild and unstable harmony he so much loved. But his movement stopped in the air when a soft and severe voice called to him.
‘’I ask you to stop now.’’
A few steps from him, the Kertia clan leader was standing, looking very calm, alone in the middle of the street. Frankenstein gritted his teeth. He would have preferred to see the man start screaming at him and attacking him. It would have been worse than the impassive gaze as he faced her, his cashmere scarf hiding the lower part of his face and his silk coat. As for him, he was panting, dressed in torn clothes, covered with paint and trembling with cold. This contrast of richness between them made his anger even more vivid and he said defiantly:
'' What if I do not stop? ''
"These frescoes were painted by my father, in honor of our family. I politely ask you to respect that. I do not wish to fight you; I am a painter, not a warrior. ''
"Oh, do you see that?" Frankenstein mocked. ''Your little bourgeois hands can not be damaged by giving a blow? ''
"It would be dishonorable for me to do it out of anger, you are clearly not in a normal mental state at the moment, and, moreover, sick and shaky. Be reasonable, stop now. I know very well why you are if angry with the nobles, your art is eloquent and denounces opulence, but there are many things you do not understand... Please, calm down and let me help you."
'' BULLSHIT! Why would you help me? You do not know anything about me! ''
"I know what suffering is."
"That's enough, Ragar," said another voice, more serious and ripe. "He is not able to think and listen to you right now. The mayor has given us the order to capture him and bring him behind him. Let's fulfill this mission now."
Frankenstein watched with resentment as the second, silver-haired, older man emerged from the shadows. Ragar looked sad and nodded.
"You are right, Gejutel. I'm sorry, but we're going to force you to-"
He paused when Frankenstein grabbed the paint bucket with one hand, ready to swing it in his face. But he changed his mind at the last second and instead threw it on the named Gejutel, who was splashed with violet paint from head to toe.
He barely heard the old man's shout of surprise, running at full speed. He hated to run away but he had no choice at the moment if he wanted to save his life. The members of the Urokai family had tried to kill him and he did not trust the mayor of this town, which certainly should not be less radical. The man called Ragar had seemed kind and understanding, but he could not take any chances.
Frankenstein ran as far as the city, a terrible pain oppressing his chest. His cough increased and he had difficulty breathing. He found himself in a field and without the cover of the buildings, the cold wind slapped him without pity and he could not see anything in that absolute darkness. There were not even stars in the sky.
He saw the lights of a manor shining in the distance. A manor house in such an isolated place? Strange... He was getting ready to go into the forest, but he felt his head spinning and realized he could not stay outside anymore. The cold would end up killing him. He also had a chance to die if the inhabitants of the manor found him, but between that and let his corpse be found in the morning in the middle of a field...
He gathered his last strength to get to the mansion. It was tall and imposing, and even in the dim light, Frankenstein noticed that he was not decorated with frescoes like all the others. It gave him a good impression. The owners of this mansion were not eager to show what they had to others.
As he entered, a flush of heat made him shiver with relief. But the house was not as hot as it should have been, and despite the lit oil lamps in the hallway where he walked, the mood was dark and empty. Dust covered the floor, and there were only two footprints track on it. He was so exhausted, his mind so lethargic that he automatically followed this track instead of trying to hide. He had a presentiment that he was not in danger in this manor.
As he passed, he put on a white shirt hanging from a coat rack, ignoring the fact that it was not his. It was a beautiful linen garment, the same one he had dreamed of wearing when he was a kid. As he climbed the stairs, trying to drive out those sad memories of his memory, his gaze stopped on the huge paintings hanging on the wall and his breath was cut off.
They represented ragged landscapes, with fuzzy and faded colors, with spots of red spotted in a few places. Such a poignant emotion filled them that Frankenstein put a hand to his heart, upset. Other paintings represented people with empty eyes, wandering in the fog and completely alone...
Suddenly, footsteps on the first floor brought him out of his contemplation. He had to hide. A coughing fit shook him and he pressed a hand against his mouth, leaning against the wall. His legs were close to collapse, but his survival instinct was stronger and he forced himself to walk to the end of the hallway and open the door to the last room.
He froze on the spot. It was a painting workshop, filled with pots of all colors, high ceiling. Paintings decorated the old tapestry. And near the window, an easel was installed. A man sat with a brush in his hand and stared at him. This man was frail and livid, his skin white as snow, his hair black as night and his eyes glistening with a reddish glow. His deep eyes pierced Frankenstein into his soul.
'' I ... I ... ''
He could not speak. The silence of this man was an invincible weapon. The window, open despite the intense cold, let in the wind that whipped the thin figure of the painter and fly through the air immaculate curtains. A flash of light suddenly illuminated the sky, creating dazzling lights in the room, and the thunder sounded. Frankenstein, like electrified, says in a whisper:
‘’Good evening. I came to work here.’’
Raizel, bewildered, looked at this intruder who had desperate and suspicious eyes like those of a wild animal. It was him, the one who was wanted through Lukedonia. He has released as much power and torment as in his portrait. Raizel could feel his panic, his anger, his loneliness. Then, gently, he did something he had not done in years, naturally, to appease the terror he saw in his blue eyes like the sky. He spoke.
‘’You wear my shirt.’’
The man looked embarrassed, but relieved at the same time not to be hurt.
‘’Ah, uh, yes. I did not find anything else, forgive me.’’
The door opened suddenly, and panic returned in his eyes. Frankenstein took a step back. The old man with silver hair, looking satisfied, or at least the most we can be when we are covered with purple paint, stood next to Ragar Kertia in the embrasure of the door. The latter, on the other hand, did not seem very happy and rather guilty of not being so.
"We found him. It was the last place I would have thought ... "
"He came to work here."
Gejutel paused, his mouth open and his eyes wide. He looked at Raizel as if to ask him if it was really him who had just spoken.
"You ... um ... what do you mean?"
"He came to work here because I live alone and I need someone to maintain my paintings."
Frankenstein did not understand much about his situation, except that the ebony-haired painter was defending him. He tried to support his words, but a violent cough shook him as soon as he opened his lips. He placed his palm in front of his mouth to repress it, and blood fell on his palm.
"You are sick," Ragar said. Frankenstein gave him a annoyed look.
"I know how to take care of myself."
"We have to take him to the mayor," Gejutel said authoritatively, ignoring the dialogue between the two. Raizel replied in a whisper:
"I will send him when he is healed."
The two clan leaders bowed, and came out after giving Frankenstein a last look. The latter, once the door closed, found himself without words. The painter looked at him with compassion, and got up to close the window from which the cold draft was coming.
"Thank you for saving me," he finally said. '' My name is... Frankenstein...''
"Cadis Etrama di Raizel."
Frankenstein printed this name in his memory. He was not at all like the other nobles... Faded, silent, and surrounded by an aura of power and calm. His eyes fell at random on the canvas he was painting. He stepped forward, fascinated. The painting depicted a man with scarlet wings... A man with blond hair and blue eyes like the sky...
He realized with shock that it was himself and the memories poured into his memory.
"Mom, you always say that angels protect us. Who are they?''
'' They are the artists, my treasure. Those who create beautiful and moving things for humans... "
"Can I become an angel, mother?"
''I think so. You are so good for others.''
Frankenstein's lips began to shake. There was no reason for him to be combed like this; he was more of a demon than an angel. But this painting was moving, more beautiful than any other he had seen in his life.
"It's so beautiful ..." he said in a panting breath. The painter lowered his eyes. Frankenstein convulsed as another fit of coughing him, preventing him from breathing and filling his mouth with blood.
He fainted.
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Coming soon in Noblesse Painter AU: Frankenstein's healing, his first moments with Raizel and his confrontation with Ragar.
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
What do you think about Sansa not carrying out Littlefingers execution? I kinda wish she did it herself as her father said the one who sentenced should be the one to carry it out. It seems dumb to have her delegate it. But I guess Lf was on Arya’s hit list so...
Hey Anon! I’m so sorry it took so. long. for me to answer this, but I needed a break from the ol’ Ask Box…
Ooohhh Swordgate! Yet another Stark Sister wank that refuses to die. 
“I kinda wish she did it herself as her father said the one who sentenced should be the one to carry it out. It seems dumb to have her delegate it.” 
I think that essentially, you are falling into the trap of being far too literal. First of all, if you take “he who passes the sentence swings the sword” as literally as you are here, and take that logic through to it’s natural conclusion, it honestly produces a relatively sexist and ableist result. Not that I think you are being either, Anon! I just think it can be easy to accept words or “lessons” at face value and not ~dig deeper~ or ~look beyond~ to their full potential extent. 
Think of it this way: if it had been Bran who passed LF’s sentence instead of Sansa, but Arya still carried out the execution, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. I have seen no claims that Bran also should never be in charge of Winterfell because he is disabled and cannot lead soldiers into battle or carry out beheadings himself. Or what about Rickon; what if Rickon had survived and was serving as Lord of Winterfell or KitN? There is no way that 10 year old Rickon would have been able to lift a long sword and strike it with enough force to remove someone’s head. Even grown ass man Theon couldn’t do that, it would have to be done by proxy. And even Catelyn? I have seen no one criticizing her for asking the men at the Inn to help her take Tyrion into custody. It is extremely uncommon for women in the series to be skilled at any type of physical combat. Women like Brienne, Arya, or the Sand Snakes; they are exception, not the rule. Yet I have seen no arguments about Bran, Rickon, or Catelyn bringing dishonor to the Stark name due to their lack of physical capabilities; because that’s not what being a leader is really about. The Stark “pass the sentence, swing the sword” adage has never been about physical capability. It has always been about responsibility and accountability. 
Yes, Ned Stark did carry out all the executions of his sentences himself; and yes, he did teach his sons to do the same. However, being the person to do the literal, physical act is not what’s at the core of the sentiment. What is the core of the sentiment is that human lives have value, and recognizing that ending one is not to be taken lightly.
Here is what Ned tells Bran in the beheading scene in s1:
“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.”
And here is the similar excerpt from AGoT:
“The blood of the First Men still flows in the veins of the Starks, and we hold to the belief that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.  
“One day, Bran, you will be Robb’s bannerman, holding a keep of your own for your brother and your king, and justice will fall to you. When that day comes, you must take no pleasure in the task, but neither must you look away. A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.”  (AGoT, Bran I)
“Pass the sentence, swing the sword” is meant so much more symbolically than literally. This epitaph is about taking responsibility and accountability for your actions. It’s saying that part of being a lord, or a warden, or a ruler, or any type of leader at all is recognizing the importance of your orders and the effects that they on the people you are leading. It’s about being conscious of your responsibility to the people you rule over. It’s about acknowledging that taking another human life is no small thing and shouldn’t be treated as such. It’s not saying that having the physical ability and being able to kill is what makes a good leader, it’s saying that appreciating the significance of human life is. To use this quote as a way to shame or criticize characters for having limited physical abilities is a pretty sexist and ableist misapplication. 
And it’s not just about accountability, is it also about compassion and mercy. It is about not dehumanizing or distancing oneself from the criminals being executed. It is about treating people as people and recognizing that every single life matters, regardless of any other consideration. It is about treating people with respect and dignity, even when they are being executed. It is about facing the actual truth of what taking a life is, and demanding it be treated as the monumental thing it is. It is about acting with honor. To reduce this saying to one merely about physical capabilities and being able to kill someone yourself, honestly I think that takes so much away from the true lesson of the message. 
And in response to your question, I pose this one: why would Sansa carry out the execution? Honestly though, why?? Why would Sansa, who has never wielded a weapon against another character in the entirety of the series, take it upon herself to carry out the execution? When her sister, who she knows is extremely skilled in the areas of combat, is more than ready and willing to do so?! I am not saying Sansa couldn’t have found some way to do it, I am just asking why on earth would she?? Narratively and logically, that just doesn’t make much sense. In the series plot so far, Arya and Sansa have been in radically different environments and developing radically different skills that can be used for different purposes. Narratively all that happened for a reason: Arya learned how to handle weapons properly whereas Sansa didn’t. She has the skills to take a man’s life quickly and cleanly. She has the ability to carry out an execution with mercy and dignity, just like their father taught them to. And Sansa was standing right there beside her, she looked in to LF’s eyes as he was dying, she never looked away. (And I’m not even going to get into the fact that I would bet my left boob that if Sansa had been the one to knife LF, there would be sooo much complaining about “Sansa stealing from Arya again” and “Sansa taking Arya’s traits and skills” and “Sansa being a Mary Sue.”)
This scene is being interpreted as Arya passing Sansa’s sentence when in reality, the sentence was on behalf of all of House Stark. It was as much Bran and Arya’s sentence for LF’s crimes against their family as it was Sansa’s. His exposure and execution was a plan that they all played an integral part in from the beginning. They were acting together as a family. This was the show’s way of depicting to us how the remaining members of House Stark can still come together and work as a unified body after so much time apart. That they are still a family, that they are still a pack. 
Instead of viewing Sansa and Arya (and Bran for that matter). as three separate actors, there is an entirely different way to view the scene. Sansa, Bran and Arya were acting together as three parts of a unified body: the justice system. 
Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Those are the three arms of the law and all three are necessary for justice to be served. 
The Jury (Bran)- examines the evidence and evaluates it’s veracity and credibility
The Judge (Sansa)- applies the law to the evidence and passes the sentence
The Executioner (Arya)- enforces the law and administers justice by carrying out the sentence accordingly
Personally, this is how I viewed the scene from the get go, as a metaphor for the justice system. I realize that I might only think that way because I have spent the past, like, eight years getting it bashed into my head through my various degrees. But still, to me it made it a lot of sense and was relatively obvious to see it that way. The three arms of the law aren’t separate, they operate together in unity to make sure justice is served. Each plays an integral role in criminal due process. They are three parts that make a whole; with out one the other two are essentially rendered moot. With out one arm, the whole system falls apart. What good is having a jury and executioner with no judge to interpret and apply the law? What good is having an executioner and judge with no jury to examine and evaluate the evidence? And finally, what good is having a judge and jury if there is no one to enforce the law or execute the sentence? With out some kind of punishment, consequences, or retribution for illegal acts, there is hardly a point to the criminal justice system as a whole. They need each other. 
Ned’s most important lesson he taught his children was this:
“When the snows fall and the white winds blow the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”
Arya and Sansa need each other, all the Starks need each other. They are parts of a whole, they are a pack. And I just don’t see anything dumb or dishonorable about that. 
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for September 6 of 2021 with Proverbs 6 and Psalm 6, accompanied by Psalm 79 for the 79th day of Astronomical Summer and Psalm 99 for day 249 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 6]
My son, if you will risk your family’s future to put up collateral for the debts of an acquaintance,
if you seal a commitment with a handshake to someone without first knowing the value of his word,
Then your words may well be the trap that snares you,
and your promise may seal your fate.
You can’t be sure to whom you hitched your future.
So, my son—save yourself! Here’s what you need to do:
go to that person who became your master with a handshake,
humble yourself, and plead your case.
Do not sleep;
don’t even rest your eyes until you deal with this.
Get out as quickly as possible,
as a gazelle runs from the hand of the hunter,
as a bird takes off from the grip of the fowler.
Take a lesson from the ant, you who love leisure and ease.
Observe how it works, and dare to be just as wise.
It has no boss,
no one laying down the law or telling it what to do,
Yet it gathers its food through summer
and takes what it needs from the harvest.
How long do you plan to lounge your life away, you lazy fool?
Will you ever get out of bed?
You say, “A little sleep, a little rest,
a few more minutes, a nice little nap.”
But soon poverty will be on top of you like a robber;
need will assault you like a well-armed warrior.
Someone who struts around taking advantage of unsuspecting souls
and deceiving others is to be avoided.
With a wink of his eye, a quick shuffle of his feet,
and a slight gesture with his hand, he signals his roguish treachery.
With a warped mind and twisted heart, he constantly looks for his own gain at others’ expense,
causing friction everywhere he goes.
But you watch: his actions will bring sudden disaster!
In an instant, his life will be shattered,
and there will be nothing to save him.
Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates;
no, make it seven He abhors:
Eyes that look down on others, a tongue that can’t be trusted,
hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that conceives evil plans,
feet that sprint toward evil,
A false witness who breathes out lies,
and anyone who stirs up trouble among the faithful.
So, my son, follow your father’s direction,
and don’t forget what your mother taught you—
Keep their teachings close to your heart;
engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck.
Their instruction will guide you along your journey,
guard you when you sleep,
and address you when you wake in the morning.
For their direction is a lamp; their instruction will light your path,
and their discipline will correct your missteps,
sending you down the right path of life.
They will keep you far from the corrupted woman,
away from the smooth talk of a seductive woman.
Do not lose yourself in desire for her beauty
or let her win you over with her painted eyes,
For you can buy a harlot with a loaf of bread,
but sex with another man’s wife will cost you your life.
Can you carry fire right next to your body
and keep your clothes from burning?
Can you walk over fiery coals
and keep your feet from blistering?
Take another man’s wife, and you will find out—
whoever touches her will be found guilty.
People don’t despise a thief
who only steals to fill his hunger;
Still if they catch him, he must repay seven times over—
he could end up losing everything he owns!
By contrast only a fool would commit adultery
since by his action he loses not only his possessions but also his own life.
He will suffer injury and be disgraced;
dishonor will leave a permanent mark on his life.
For jealousy sparks a husband’s rage—
when he gets his revenge, he’ll show no mercy.
He will not be paid off or appeased;
no bribe or gift will set things right.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 6 (The Voice)
[Psalm 6]
For the worship leader. A song of David accompanied by the lyre.
O Eternal One, don’t punish me in Your anger
or harshly correct me.
Show me grace, Eternal God. I am completely undone.
Bring me back together, Eternal One. Mend my shattered bones.
My soul is drowning in darkness.
How long can You, the Eternal, let things go on like this?
Come back, Eternal One, and lead me to Your saving light.
Rescue me because I know You are truly compassionate.
I’m alive for a reason—I can’t worship You if I’m dead.
If I’m six feet under, how can I thank You?
I’m exhausted. I cannot even speak, my voice fading as sighs.
Every day ends in the same place—lying in bed, covered in tears,
my pillow wet with sorrow.
My eyes burn, devoured with grief;
they grow weak as I constantly watch for my enemies.
All who are evil, stay away from me
because the Eternal hears my voice, listens as I cry.
The Eternal God hears my simple prayers;
He receives my request.
All who seek to destroy me will be humiliated;
they will turn away and suddenly crumble in shame.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 6 (The Voice)
[Psalm 79]
Prayer in a Time of National Disaster
Asaph’s poetic song
God, won’t you do something?
Barbarians have invaded your inheritance.
Your temple of holiness has been violated,
and Jerusalem has been left in ruins.
The corpses of your loving people are lying in the open—
food for the beasts and the birds.
The shed blood of your servants has soaked the city,
with no one left to bury the dead.
Now the nearby nations heap their scorn upon us,
scoffing, mocking us incessantly.
How much longer, O Yahweh, must we endure this?
Does your anger have no end?
Will your jealousy burn like a raging fire?
If you’re going to pour out your anger,
pour it out on all these nations around us, not on us!
They’re the ones who do not love you like we do!
See how they’ve attacked us, consuming the land,
leaving it desolate.
Please, God, don’t hold the sins of our fathers against us.
Don’t make us pay for their sins.
Hurry to our side, and let your tenderhearted mercy
meet us in our need, for we are devastated beyond belief.
Our hero, come and rescue us!
O God of the breakthrough, for the glory of your name,
come and help us!
Forgive and restore us; heal us and cover us in your love.
Why should all the nations sneer at us, saying,
“Where is this God of yours?”
Now is the time, Lord.
Show your people and all the world that
you will avenge this slaughter and bloodshed once and for all!
Listen, Lord! Hear the sighing of all the prisoners of war,
all those doomed to die. Demonstrate your glory-power,
and come and rescue your condemned children!
Lord God, take what these mocking masses have done to us
and pay it all back to them seven times over.
Then we, your devoted lovers, will forever thank you,
praising your name from generation to generation!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 79 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 99]
The Eternal is the king ruling over all;
let all people shake in fear.
He sits on His throne, settled between winged guardians;
let the planet tremble.
The Eternal is great in the hearts of His people;
He has made Zion His sacred mountain,
and He reigns majestic over all people.
Let them express praise and gratitude to Your amazing and awesome name—
because He is holy, perfect and exalted in His power.
The King who rules with strength also treasures justice.
You created order and established what is right.
You have carried out justice
and done what is right to the people of Jacob.
Lift up the Eternal our God in your heart;
bow down to the earth where He rests His feet.
He is holy, perfect and exalted in His power.
Moses and Aaron were two of His priests;
Samuel was among those who called out to Him.
They asked the Eternal for help, and He answered them.
He answered them from a column of cloud;
they heeded His testimonies
and lived by the laws He gave them.
You answered them, Eternal our God;
You were, to them, a God who forgives,
yet You did not ignore what they did wrong
and punished them fairly as well.
Lift up the Eternal our God in your hearts,
and celebrate His goodness at His holy mountain,
for the Eternal our God is holy, perfect and exalted in His power.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 99 (The Voice)
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lyannas · 7 years
So imagine Lyanna married Robert anyway, do you believe Robert would have been able at all to treat Lyanna the way he abused Cersei? In a world where Lyanna marries Robert, Brandon is still alive and it doesn't look like he would suffer anyone mistreating his sister, married or no. And Robert loved Ned as much as he would have Lyanna so wouldn't he risk pissing each Stark brothers off if he ever so much as lay a hand on Lyanna?
So the first thing we have to address here is that Robert is an act first, think later type of guy. In his fits of anger he doesn’t take the time to consider what he’s doing and how he’s hurting people. He just does it. His abuse of Cersei wasn’t a calculated and controlled thing; it came out of his drunkenness or his rage and his inability to accept responsibility for his actions.
Here’s the scene we saw play out in front of Ned:
The queen looked to her husband. “If any man had dared speak to a Targaryen as he has spoken to you-”
“Do you take me for Aerys?” Robert interrupted.
“I took you for a king. Jaime and Tyrion are your own brothers, by all the laws of marriage and the bonds we share. The Starks have driven off the one and seized the other. This man dishonors you with every breath he takes, and yet you stand there meekly, asking if his leg pains him and would he like some wine.”
Robert’s face was dark with anger. “How many times must I tell you to hold your tongue, woman?”
Cersei’s face was a study in contempt. “What a jape the gods have made of us two,” she said. “By all rights, you ought to be in skirts and me in mail.”
Purple with rage, the king lashed out, a vicious backhand blow to the side of the head. She stumbled against the table and fell hard, yet Cersei Lannister did not cry out. Her slender fingers brushed her cheek, where the pale smooth skin was already reddening. On the morrow the bruise would cover half her face. “I shall wear this as a badge of honor,” she announced.
“Wear it in silence, or I’ll honor you again,” Robert vowed. He shouted for a guard. Ser Meryn Trant stepped into the room, tall and somber in his white armor. “The queen is tired. See her to her bedchamber.” The knight helped Cersei to her feet and led her out without a word.
He deals Cersei a vicious blow because he’s drunk and she’s said something he misliked. Cersei recalls a similar altercation in an AFFC chapter:
“I glimpsed him once at Winterfell,” the queen said, “though the Starks did their best to hide him. He looks very like his father.” Her husband’s by-blows had his look as well, though at least Robert had the grace to keep them out of sight. Once, after that sorry business with the cat, he had made some noises about bringing some baseborn daughter of his to court. “Do as you please,” she’d told him, “but you may find that the city is not a healthy place for a growing girl.” The bruise those words had won her had been hard to hide from Jaime, but they heard no more about the bastard girl.
So the record is rather clear that Robert reacts rather violently when his wife says something he doesn’t like or upsets him. I don’t think he actually thinks when he hurts her; he just does. In addition, he does not blame himself. He blames the wine, or he blames Cersei:
For Robert, those nights never happened. Come morning he remembered nothing, or so he would have had her believe. Once, during the first year of their marriage, Cersei had voiced her displeasure the next day. “You hurt me,” she complained. He had the grace to look ashamed. “It was not me, my lady,” he said in a sulky sullen tone, like a child caught stealing apple cakes from the kitchen. “It was the wine. I drink too much wine.” To wash down his admission, he reached for his horn of ale. As he raised it to his mouth, she smashed her own horn in his face, so hard she chipped a tooth. Years later at a feast, she heard him telling a serving wench how he’d cracked the tooth in a mêlée. Well, our marriage was a mêlée, she reflected, so he did not lie.
Robert reached for the flagon and refilled his cup. “You see what she does to me, Ned.” The king seated himself, cradling his wine cup. “My loving wife. The mother of my children.” The rage was gone from him now; in his eyes Ned saw something sad and scared. “I should not have hit her. That was not… that was not kingly.” He stared down at his hands, as if he did not quite know what they were. “I was always strong… no one could stand before me, no one. How do you fight someone if you can’t hit them?” Confused, the king shook his head. “Rhaegar… Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove the spike right through that black armor into his black heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about it. Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her.” The king drained his cup.
Now, here’s the other thing: Robert had no fear of Jaime of Tywin. Perhaps it was because he was king, but he clearly made no effort to restrain himself so that he wouldn’t be chastened by Jaime or Tywin. According to Cersei, Jaime would have killed Robert if he knew that he hit her:
“If you truly believed that, you would never have come.” Ned touched her cheek gently. “Has he done this before?”
“Once or twice.” She shied away from his hand. “Never on the face before. Jaime would have killed him, even if it meant his own life.”
Cersei hid these bruises from Jaime, perhaps out of fear for his life. After all, if he killed the king, he’d be dead too. So now we can round back around to Lyanna and her brothers.
While a younger Robert might have known more self-restraint, I think it’s safe to assume that these physically abusive behaviors aren’t something that would be cured through a marriage to Lyanna. It’s been discussed before that Robert did not know the real Lyanna. She likely would not have been the soft-spoken, agreeable wife Robert believed she would be, nor would she have loved him the way he wanted her to love him. He might have loved her, or claimed to, but Robert’s love for Lyanna was always an idealistic love. It’s far too easy to say that you love a ghost comprised of all your favorite things about a woman.
So if we assume their marriage sours because Lyanna does not love him and does not meet his standards, then Robert may regress into a drunken piece of shit and similar scenes as the ones outlined above might play out. Would he fear Brandon and Ned? He did not fear Jaime, so I don’t think he’d fear Brandon. Now Ned is a different story. We see above that Ned more or less stares Robert into an admission that he “should not have hit her”. His presence seems to guilt Robert into feeling some form of regret, which drove him into further self-pity about how Rhaegar has Lyanna and Robert has her. Robert clearly loves and respects Ned, and I’d wager that between Brandon and Ned, Robert would be much more affected by Ned’s disappointment than Brandon’s rage.
The thing is, I don’t think Robert would even consider their feelings on the matter until of them approached him with it. Then maybe after a confrontation, Robert may reconsider his actions. But the question to ask is, would Lyanna even tell Brandon or Ned? That’s something that could really go both ways. Lyanna could see telling her brothers as a form of defeat, or in Brandon’s case, fear his reaction or maybe she’d say fuck it, I’m not taking this anymore, and tell one of them. However, assuming they’re both living at Winterfell and share this info with Rickard, I think Rickard would forbid either of them from acting upon their feelings. Lyanna’s duty was to marry him, and I don’t think Rickard really cared what happened within the marriage beyond that.
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