#Lieutenant Thire x reader
hetalianskywalker · 4 months
Day 18: Just The Beginning
Pairing: Selkie Thire x Reader
Summary: You guard selkie skins for a living and are surprised when a Mer clone selkie requests your services.
Author’s Note: There are so few fics for this man. I hope this is half decent.
Warnings: Cursing. Pretty sure that’s it.
Word Count: 831
Prompt: Cautious selkies bring me their pelts to protect, for a fee. I have stabbed more fishermen than I can count, in the dead of night, at the foot of the safe.
Prompt 2815 by deepwaterwritingprompts
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Cautious selkies bring you their pelts to protect, for a fee. You have stabbed more fishermen than you can count, in the dead of night, at the foot of the safe.
However, today brought something completely new. Lieutenant Thire of the Coruscant Guard stands in front of you. For a moment you thought he was here to arrest you, but when you see his seal skin in his arms, you know that’s not the case.
“Do you wish for me to guard your skin, selkie?” You ask softly. He looks down at his cloak and sighs. Thire seems to consider turning around and leaving, but he nods. The Mer troopers had only recently arrived on Coruscant and since their selkies needed to shift at any time, you had assumed you wouldn’t get any as clients. Apparently, you were wrong.
“Yes, I do.” You gently take his seal skin from him and place it inside the safe. Thire stares at the safe as it closes behind you for a long moment. He goes to hand you the credits. You look at them a moment before shaking your head.
“I’m not taking what little you have.” He stares at you surprised. “Just tell me why you're putting away your seal skin.”
“We aren’t supposed to shift while we are here on Coruscant. And…” Thire looks a bit uncomfortable, shifting his feet. “Some of the guards' cloaks have been disappearing.”
“Disappearing?” You whisper, deeply concerned. “Why has no one…”
“We’re mer clones.” Thire says with a sad smile and a shrug.
“Also we have been ordered to not look into it. It will make the Republic look bad during these trying times.” He adds, deadpanning. You want to go scream at the senate for him even if you know it won’t change anything.
“That’s bantha shit!” You growl sliding a hand down your face. “You’re trapped without… it has to be a government official. That’s why those selkies are still here and able to do their jobs.”
“From what I can tell, yeah. But I’m not high enough in the guard to know for sure.” Thire admits with a shrug.
“I’m so sorry.” You sigh. “That’s fucked up, but I’ll keep yours safe. I swear.”
“Thank you.” The soft smile he gives you as he leaves imprints itself in your mind. You won’t admit it, but you look forward to seeing him again.
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When he gets missions off Coruscant island, he comes for his cloak and returns it when he comes back. Over the next three years, this is the routine you fall into with him and you find yourself talking to him for longer and longer each time he comes around. You watch him rise through the ranks until he is finally a commander and you couldn’t have been prouder of your friend.
However, with the rise of the empire, he stops showing up. You are pretty sure it’s to keep his skin safe during all the political turmoil, but the worry nags at the back of your mind. It only grows as you reach the empire’s first anniversary and you still have no word from him.
“Verd’ika.” You are beyond surprised when you find him and an entire squad waiting outside your home. Through their t-face helmets, you can see they are all anxious.
“Thire?” You whisper, staring directly at the shock trooper in question.
“I need my seal skin. Pack your things.” He orders quickly as he comes in. He motions for the others to wait outside.
“Thire, what’s going on?” You follow him to the safe, but stand in front of it.
“I know who’s been taking the seal skins. And he wants mine now that Fox is gone. We need to leave now.” You don’t need to be told twice and are thankful all your other clients had left Coruscant already; most heading back to the safety of Mandalorian waters now that the Sea Alor had returned. You open the safe before going and grabbing your essentials from upstairs.
Once you're done, Thire waits for you by the door. His cloak sits on his shoulders and he gives you that soft smile from three years ago. It’s nice to see it even if it’s weighted down with exhaustion and fear.
“Ready.” You say as you stop in front of him. Before you can react, he leans down and pecks your lips. Your eyes go wide and your cheeks burn.
“Just in case this is the end, I-” You cut him off and pull him down into a kiss by his chest plate. You can hear some of the squad quietly whistle and gasp in surprise. The best response though was a random ‘I told you so’ as you pull away. Thire stares at you in a beautiful mix of shock and enamorment.
“This is just the beginning.” You grin. “When we’re safe, you can speak your mind.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” With that, you all make your grand escape.
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homie-one-kenobi · 1 year
WIP Title Game
Tagged by @wizardofrozz 👁️👁️ I have thoughts and then write a plot only to leave them alone for years lmao
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
1. package Dark_Reality (Steve Rogers x OC)
2. Untitled Murder Mystery (Daredevil x OC)
3. Burning Chaos (Dr. Strange x god! OC)
4. Whiteroom (Clint Barton x OC)
5. The Hourglass Keeper (unknown romance x OC)
6. Last Kiss (Clone Trooper Dogma x Reader)
7. Look What You Made Me Do (ARC Trooper Fives x Jedi Reader)
8. So It Goes (Commander Thorn x Reader)
9. spitting yes good lol (Commander Wolffe x Advisor Reader)
10. We Can Call It Even (Captain Rex x Agent Reader)
11. Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve (Commander Thorn x Senator Reader)
12. The Lost in Time Trilogy - Created by War, In Eyes of Ember, and Remember the Beginning (Commander Cody x OC)
13. Untitled Star Wars Work (Lieutenant Thire x OC)
14. The Outlaw Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey x OC)
15. New Year, New Fortuna (crack fic Bib Fortuna x Reader)
Tag List except Idk 15 people: @ezraslittlebirdie @spookyold-saintjm @thisainttheway @rosetophighlander @techs-feral-wife @ahsokastechie @haven-is-happy @rinwritesfics @notthatfanfictionwriter @fakegingerrights @a-single-tulip @diviluscorner @ciramaris
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baybee45 · 4 years
A/N: Lieutenant Thire!Reader/"criminal reader"
Anything in italics is your internal dialogue hopefully that is clear but just case it wasn't. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PG, unless Star Wars swearing counts, If it does PG-13.
It's pretty fluffy with a a dash of spice.
Our Story
    "Stop right there!" The red and white armored trooper sternly warns. You freeze and slowly turn to face him, his blaster aimed and ready, as you nonchalantly raise your hands. You take the moment to catch your breath and think of a plan.
    "You're very fast sir, ya really must be something under all that armor. Maybe we can settle this with a drink? See where the night takes us?" You coyly ask, edging slowly towards the ledge. The updraft off the building blows strands of your messy hair wildly.
    "Your attempt at flirting isn't going to work with me. I will shoot! Now Stop Moving!"
    You come to a halt partially listening to his warning, but mostly because your heels were already teetering off the ledge of the roof. There was a decent 10 feet between you and jail time. Your mind races through the dwindling option for escape as two other troopers make their way up to the roof. The initial trooper with a pauldron-- that means he is higher rank, a lieutenant or captain maybe, you couldn't remember-- motions to the others and they make their way towards you with binders in hand.
    "I mean I don't even know your name yet sir. And honestly, I've never really been into handcuff but if that's your thing..."
    The troopers blaster waivers slightly and you swear you heard him chuckle as he shakes his helmet nearly imperceptibly. Tilting your own head to the side, you look at him through batting eyelashes and give him a mischievous smile.
    "You know if you shoot me, I'd most likely fall off the side of this building." You sigh. "Not a great ending to our blossoming story."
    "Well, don't move and Our story will continue, uh blossoming on... Lieutenant Thire" He clarifies. You hear a flapping sound, glancing down you see curtains blowing in the funneled wind.
An open window.
"Staying Still? Hmmph, now where's the fun in that Lieutenant!?"
    "Don't you dare! Hurry it along troopers!" He quickly barks. Thire must have seen the the glimmer in your eyes, or maybe the glint of the knife hidden in your sleeve. Giving them all a quick farewell salute, you jump back diving feet first down the side of the apartment.
    "For kriffsake!" You hear Thire yell, as you fly down the side of the building only slowed slightly by your vibroblade slicing into the duracrete. It was truely a beautiful firework display of sparks, flashing this way and that, off the speeding wall. Then with some skill and a lot of luck, you catch the top ledge of the window and swing yourself in.
A slight wobble in the landing, but a solid 9 for the overall execution.
    You try to orient your self in the dark room and then are momentarily blinded when the lights turns on. When your eyes are finally are able to adjust and focus you see a very, very large green Twi'lek. He is blocking you from an easy exit. His tiny human partner cautiously comes up behind him holding a bat.
    "Good evening folks" you greeted them with the ease of second hand speeder sales man.
    "What in the kriffing hell! What are you doing in here!" yelled the foreboding Twi'lek.
    "What do you mean..." You pretended to be shocked looking to the Twi'lek and then his partner who is still nervervously holding on to the bat.
    "You didn't get a written notice from your land lord?" You questioned and suddenly act as if you just now saw the weapon in her hands. The green giant looked down to his partner and his partner back up at him. Both looked equal and extremely confused.
You can work with this.
    Pulling out your datapad from your bag and start angrily taping the keys, pacing slightly with your back turned to them. "Steve! You son of a bantha! I could throttle you, just kill him!" You fumed to your small audience, trying to quickly put together a holonet site to give the story your weaving some actual weight.
    "I try, You known, to tell him," you said sounding exasperated. "I tell him a partnership takes two people... Two people working as a team." Your two suspicious hosts look to each other and back at you. Still unsure of what to make of this intruder and the verbal diarrhea of new information being spewed at them.
A troubled partnership with someone named Steve. That will be the key out of this situation, the legend that will be Steve and his inability to do his job.
    "When he doesn't do his part I get shafted." You practically wept, still avoiding eye contact with your increasing worried audience. You let out a resigned sigh, rubbing your temples trying collect yourself. Buying enough time for your site to become live. With a relieved but tired inhale you continue your one man show.
    "I'm so sorry, My name is Maree Jakorr" you said thinking of a grade school classmates mother. "And I'm part of a start up security company." You turn your datapad over and show them the holonet site you just put together. Its was barebones but got the job done.
It's Steve for kriffsakes, he can't even call up potential clients, and make sure the tenants are informed. There isn't much hope for his holonet site design abilities.
       You take another deep breathe you were getting a little too deep into lore. "As you can see we do mock break-ins to find weakness and then try implement different measures to increase security and safety. Of course this is supposed to be done with the home owners knowledge and consent." You explain. With a partially exaggerated groan you put away your datapad. "Well this is going to be fun to explain to the CG."
    "The gaurd doesn't have to know" squeaked the human. "I mean we don't need to call them." She said more confidently looking up at her partner. The Twi'lek looked lovely down nodding his head and pulling her in close.
You instantly adore these two, and make a mental note to send them something later for their trouble.
    "Oh you're too sweet hun, but as part of the test we call the CG to see how long it take them to respond to a threat. You know, extra data points for the algorithm, if that makes sense."
    "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." You say truely apologetic. "Well I guess I should leave you two be, so you can get some resemblence of a normal evening back."
    "Feel free to use the front door... or window if you prefer." Joked the Twi'lek. They both chuckle and she stands on her tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Gosh these two.
    "I'll try my luck with the front door I think." You laughed. As you hand reaches for the handle, you can hear the sounds of troopers knocking on doors as they sweep the hall. Their footsteps and voices getting louder as they near.
    "Do you mind if I use the fresher quickly before I go?"
They both nod their heads and the Twi'lek takes the bat from his partner and puts it away in the closet. "Just that door there at the end of the hallway."
    "Thank you so much, I promise I'll be out of here in no time." You say closing the door behind you, making sure not to lock it. You search the cozy room, looking for an alternative way out. Not to thrilled with the prospect of using window again for escaping. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed, only a options, the last resort, hopefully.
    Depsite the nerf burger, extra fries and large shake you devoured for dinner, you manage to squeeze yourself from the air vent of the apartment and into the slightly larger main vent of the building.
    Without a second to spare you see the troopers through silted grate, knock on the door of the apartment you once occupied. Your tempted to eavsedrop on the conversation, knowing you had given that beautiful couple enough information to give the undoubtedly handsome Lieutenant a headache. You think better of it, and make your long overdue escape.
    Once out of the building you causal walk the back alleyways making your journey home. You send Lieutenant Thire a link and a small message;
"Dear Lieutenant Thire,
I hope this holonet link clears up any misunderstanding between you and the lovely and completely unsuspecting couple in apartment 459.
Sincerely, 'Our story lives on for another day.'
P.S. Please excuse the poorly designed website, Steve did his best. Best regards xox 💋. "
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tanyawritesstories · 4 years
Bad Enough | Commander Fox x Reader
This sassy fucker needed a rival. A hot rival who he can't stand, but he also wants writhing underneath him. 😉
Word count: 3,530
Warnings: NSFW, smut, hate sex, arguing, dirty talk, choking, Fox is a smug bitch, brat taming?
The people of Coruscant were safe, until the war started. Your job had been safe too until the Coruscant Guard was created. Now your security force was at risk of being disbanded. It was all because of him, Commander Fox.
The Commander in charge of the Coruscant Guard and your number one enemy. You weren't fond of the idea of another protective force on Coruscant when yours was perfectly fine. Your police force was made of hardworking Coruscanti citizens of numerous different species and gender orientations, all who were devoted to their job. You were willing to work with the new Guard in the beginning, that was before Commander Fox destroyed all hope of that. Dismissing your offers to work together and disregarding the existence of your police force. You despised him and he despised you. The feeling was mutual. You actually got along with his men rather well, greeting them whenever you'd see them out patrolling, and they were always nice to you back. But their leader made your blood boil. Thank the maker your offices were in different buildings, though said buildings weren't as far apart as you would like.
You both worked directly with the Chancellor and he trusted you both, calling upon each of your forces equally. Although you hated when he called you both into his office to discuss the state of the planet's inhabitants. Which is exactly the predicament you found yourself in now. Standing a few feet away from your rival in front of the Chancellor's desk. You stood as tall and straight as you could with your hands behind your back, expression stern but compliant. You were glad Fox had his helmet on as he stood not far from you.
The thing that made your relationship with Fox worse was that, under the obnoxious red and white helmet, was a very attractive man. You would never admit that though, sometimes you were mad at your own mind for letting those thoughts occupy your brain. You were just thankful when he wore his helmet and you hoped he didn’t know the effect he had on you. Other than to make you fume, that is.
“I had hoped you would both join together in bringing this citizen to justice, he is becoming a danger to the people,” the Chancellor informed. “He has been seen going between each of your separate sectors. I believe the best way to catch him would be to join forces on this assignment.”
That was the last thing you wanted to hear.
“My men will get right on it,” Fox said. You weren’t going to be outdone. “My force will have him in prison by tonight,” you assured. You could see Fox turn to look at you out of the corner of your eye. “He was last seen in my sector,” Fox said, keeping his voice level. You turned your head, looking into the black line that was his vision. “So?” You said flatly, “Doesn’t mean I cannot step foot there. Besides, I’ve dealt with this suspect before, I know all his moves. It’ll be easy for me.” Fox clenched his fists, getting angry. “My men can adapt to any situation and they’re faster, we’re far more efficient,” the frustration was clearly evident in his voice now. “Efficient at what exactly?” You snapped, crossing your arms and facing him completely. “Actually completing our assigned missions,” he hissed.
“I’m sure you can work out something, as long as it results in this man being put in a cell,” the chancellor interrupted, “you’re both dismissed.” You and Fox continued to glare at each other until you decided to leave first.
That was the issue of that week, the next was a dispute over who would escort the Chancellor to Naboo, after that it was a fiasco over the infiltration of a shady club run by wanted criminals, then it was the investigation of several robberies in the upper levels, during which you nearly socked Fox right in the face if you hadn’t have been interrupted. Currently, it was a tug of war over a new sector of the lower levels that needed patrolling. The chancellor had sent messages to both you and Fox telling you both to discuss it together, you had a feeling the Chancellor was trying to get you and Fox to get along, it was never going to happen. You immediately moved your officers into the new sector before Fox could do anything about it.
You were sat at your desk looking through files and finishing reports when there was a knock at your door. “Come in.” The door slid open to reveal your only favorite high ranking clone in the entire Guard. “Thire! Good to see you,” you got up from your desk and met him on the other side of it. “Good to see you too, Y/N,” he greeted with a half smile. “What brings you here?” You asked. “Fox wants to speak to you, he asked me to come along.”
You weren’t surprised, but you were annoyed that Fox went as far as to bring Thire with him, knowing you liked the Lieutenant and were more likely to cooperate with him. If that’s what Fox thought, he had another thing coming.
“I’ll speak to him, bring him in,” you said. Thire pressed his comm, “she’ll talk to you, Commander. You can come in.” The door opened again and Fox stepped in only far enough for the door to close behind him. Unfortunately for you he had his helmet off and tucked under one arm. You looked him up and down for a second, why did he have to be so hot! It wasn’t fair, to your womanhood or your reputation.
You were almost mad at the fact that you had had several wet dreams involving the Guard Commander. If he didn’t infuriate you so much you might be tempted to act on it.
“I think I can talk to the Commander alone, Thire. Thank you,” you said. You could see Fox watching your interaction from your peripheral vision. You kissed Thire on the cheek, “Would you mind waiting outside, Thire?” You asked sweetly. The stunned Lieutenant flushed red and subconsciously lifted his hand to where you kissed his cheek. You could see Fox, his face twisted into an angry grimace. “Y-yeah, sure, I’ll uh, I’ll do that,” he stuttered making his way out of the office. Your nice demeanor fell as soon as the door closed.
“What do you want?” You snapped, going to sit back down at your desk. “I want to know why you moved your men into my sector,” he hissed, standing on the other side of your desk. You laughed out loud, “Yours? I recalled the Chancellor’s message mentioning my name in there too,” you turned your attention to your datapad. “I tend to skip over anything with your name in it,” he said. “That would explain it, you missed the important parts then,” you said flatly.
Fox slammed his hand flat on your desk, causing you to look up. “Get your men out of my sector,” he growled, leaning on your desk. Why did he have to growl like that, it wasn’t helping your secret situation. You stood up and leaned forwards on your desk, your face uncomfortably close to his. At your angle you had unknowingly put Fox in the perfect spot to see down your already low cut shirt. He stared at your cleavage for a few seconds before looking back to your face. “I suggest you deal with it, and get out before I find a reason to throw you in prison,” you said sharply. Fox shoved himself off your desk and walked to the door. “This isn’t over, you’ll regret crossing me,” he seethed, putting his helmet on. “Out!” You yelled. You could hear him huff before he exited your office.
A few days later some of your officers informed you that they had been told that your new sector was being taken over by the Coruscant Guard. They had been told that it was issued by the Chancellor but you knew that wasn’t true, the Chancellor would have told you as he usually did. You knew this was Fox just doing it to get back at you. You expected him to do something to get back at you but not something this drastic. The fact that he lied to your men, saying that it was the Chancellor’s orders, was what made you furious. You were thoroughly pissed and decided to confront Fox right then and there while you had enough anger fueled confidence to do so.
He was sitting at his desk looking through his datapad when you burst into his office without warning. “What the kriff is wrong with you?” You snarled, standing in front of his desk with your hands on your hips. He glanced up at you, not looking the slightest bit agitated. “What do you mean?” He asked, returning his attention back to his reports. “You know damn well what I mean, you took over my sector and lied to my men to get what you wanted! All because you wanted to get back at me,” you nearly shouted. He still paid you no mind and kept his eyes on his datapad. “I did warn you,” he stated. “I’m talking to you, can you at least acknowledge that?” You were tired of his disregarding you and wanted his attention so he would know you were serious. “I don’t usually acknowledge minor issues,” he said darkly.
That was it. You clenched your hand into a fist and hit his helmet with as much force as you could. It launched off his desk and hit the wall with a loud bang, that got his attention. He glared at you setting his datapad down, no doubt about to lay into you. “Now, fucking listen to me," you fumed, "I’ve had it with your shit and if you don’t move your troopers out of my area, I’ll go to the Chancellor, and if he doesn’t do anything I’ll go to-”
“You need an attitude adjustment,” Fox cut in, standing up. You were taken aback, “What?” “You need to watch your attitude,” he said again. “Oh, I need to?” “You need to be put in your place, cyare,” Fox said, his voice low. You didn’t know what that word meant but you knew his low tone of voice was making your insides stir deliciously, you tried to ignore it and form a sharp response.
“I bet you’ve never been bossed around before, have you? You’re a spoiled little brat,” Fox voiced. “What did you just call me?” You hissed. “You are, you’re a little brat,” he teased, “a brat who needs the attitude fucked out of her.”
Your tough exterior fell, was there a way he knew about the sexually charged feelings you had for him? You sighed softly, looking at the floor, desperately trying to regain your confidence after being called out. You heard footsteps and saw his boots in front of you. He took your chin in his thumb and forefinger and tilted your head up to look at him.
“You haven’t been fucked good in a long time, huh?” He said smugly. You swatted his hand away from your face. “None of your business,” you snapped, looking away. How did he know all this! “I’m right, aren’t I? I can’t be the only one who feels the sexual tension between us,” he moved closer to you. You were searching like mad for a thread of confidence or stoicism, but you weren’t finding any.
“I hate you,” was all you could muster. “And I hate you,” he responded, “I hate the way I can’t stop thinking about you, I hate how hard you make me all the time, I hate that you’re the only thing I jerk off to, I hate the powerful urge I have to bend you over my desk and fuck you till you’re screaming my name.”
Your breathing sped up with his every word, you had no idea he felt the same way you did. But you couldn’t fall to that level you just couldn’t, you hated him after all, or at least you thought you did. You slapped Fox across the face, trying to keep a shred of sanity when the object of your wet dreams was confessing he wanted you as bad as you wanted him. The look he gave you after was almost scary and you knew immediately that you were in trouble.
“Alright,” was all he said before he brought your lips to his in a bruising kiss. You were stunned out of your mind but kissed back, Fox put a strong hand on the back of your neck to keep you in place. You put your hands on his shoulders and pushed, trying to get him off you, which you weren’t sure you wanted, as you continued to kiss him back. If you weren’t wet before you certainly were now. You could feel your thighs getting sticky, shocks of pleasure going straight to your core from everywhere in your body, your mind screaming no and your cunt screaming yes.
Fox grabbed your resisting hands and slammed you into the wall, pinning your hands above your head and shoving an armored thigh between your legs. You whimpered at the friction on your heat, instinctively beginning to grind against it. He released your lips and stared at you, his dark orbs clouded with lust and frustration, a deadly attractive combination.
“Seems you don’t know what you want, little dove,” he observed, “your mind is telling you no but your sex is telling you yes, isn’t it?” You nodded frantically. Fox moved his thigh away from your legs and you whined. “You gotta tell me what you want, dove. Do you want me to pound that sweet little pussy of yours or do you want me to let you go?”
The small part of your brain that still held sanity was glad he was asking you what you wanted, but you only wanted one thing right now.
You nodded, not wanting to verbally admit that you wanted him, though with the friction on your womanhood gone you were more willing. “You gotta tell me out loud, dove,” Fox said, running his thumb over your bottom lip, his other hand firmly keeping both of yours secured. “I want you,” you said softly. “Say what I said, dove. I need you to be louder, what do you want me to do to you?”
You rolled your eyes, mind finally submitting to him. “Please ruin my pussy, Fox. I need it so badly,” you moaned out. He smirked devilishly, “that’s what I thought.”
He skillfully used one hand to yank your trousers and panties down to your knees, you kicked them off the rest of the way. You suddenly felt very vulnerable in front of the Commander, your legs closing a little. "Now you’re acting all shy, what happened to the loud mouthed little brat I was dealing with earlier?” He mocked. Fox ran his fingers teasingly over your inner thigh and that got you frustrated again. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around Fox’s waist, pulling him flush against you, making him grunt in surprise. The cold, hard material of his armor collided with your wet, warm folds, sending a pleasant sensation through your body.
“How ‘bout you just fuck me already,” you hissed with a challenging smirk. Fox’s expression turned serious again, “There she is.” He took his unoccupied hand and put his middle finger in his mouth, pulling off the glove in one fluid motion. It was one of the sexiest things you had ever seen. He stuck two fingers in your mouth and you greedily sucked on them. Fox watched you intently as you coated his fingers in saliva, audibly sighing when he pulled them out of your mouth. A string of saliva connected his fingers and your mouth, breaking and falling onto your chin and lips when he pulled his fingers far enough away. Your eyes glazed over with hunger and impatience, practically begging him to show you no mercy.
He crushed his lips with yours again, the sloppy clashing of lips and tongue as you both fought for dominance over each other’s mouths. Fox won when he brought his soaked fingers to your core, causing you to moan in his mouth. Electric like shocks going through your stomach as he rubbed your clit tortuously slow, teasing you again. He broke away from your lips and started kissing and sucking on your neck.
“Can you hurry up and get on with it, I have other things I could be doing,” you huffed impatiently. Fox bit onto your skin upon hearing your remark. “Fucking brat,” he seethed, sucking another dark mark into your neck, “you’re a pain in the ass.” You giggled, “ooh, the good kind or bad kind of pain?” You sassed. He growled and thrusted his two teasing fingers knuckle deep into your throbbing pussy. The noise you made was somewhere between a moan and a gasp in pain. He drew back from your neck, prying your legs from his waist and finally releasing your hands only to bring his now free hand to wrap around your neck in a firm hold.
He took a step back to look at you better, “You’re really asking for it with that attitude, aren’t you?” You smirked smugly, your confidence returning finally. “Hard and fast, baby,” you replied with a wink. Fox used his hand to undo the fasteners on his codpiece, maneuvering it until it fell to the floor. “You need help with the rest?” You offered. “Nope,” he answered quickly, stepping in close to you again, “because that’s all that’s coming off, dove.” You gasped, chest rising and falling slowly, turned on even more by the idea of him fucking you in his armor.
He removed his other glove and pulled his blacks down enough to free his hard and aching cock, red, swollen, and leaking precum. You stared unashamedly at his length as it rested on your stomach. He was big, not only long but thick. You reached to touch him but he batted your hand away, hoisting you into his arms and pushing you harder into the wall to make sure you wouldn’t slip. You wrapped your legs around his hips and hung onto his armored shoulders. Fox lined himself up and pushed into you surprisingly slow, a guttural groan emitting from him. You hissed in pain at the stretch until he slid all the way in, moaning out when he nestled deep inside of you. Your breathing was accelerated and your whole body was on fire with pleasure. Fox laid his head on your shoulder trying to ground himself and gain his composure.
“Kriff you’re tight, stars,” he breathed, “feel s’good around me.” You were so dazed with euphoria that you didn’t care how pathetic you sounded. “Fox,” you moaned, “please move, please!” He grasped your hip with one hand and placed the other on the back of your neck, pulling you into another heated kiss. He began thrusting, shallowly at first, gaining momentum, going slow but hard. He was teasing again.
"Fox, I swear, if you don't-"
"If I don't what, dove? You want me to go faster, want me to fuck you so hard you can barely walk tomorrow? Hmm?"
"Yes, yes please, Fox please," you whined. You wormed your fingers into his short hair, dragging your nails over his scalp. He growled and picked up his pace, slamming into you. The only thing your mind could process was how much pleasure was coursing through you. You chanted Fox's name like a plea, your moans and cries mixing with his grunts and growls.
You could feel yourself getting close to the edge, your walls contracting against his cock. "I know you're close, dove. Can feel you squeezing me-fuck, you gonna cum around my cock?" He groaned out. You were able to moan out a yes just before he hit that secret spot inside you.
"Fox!" You screamed, "oh Fox, I'm gonna cum!" He took one hand and moved it down to massage your clit, "where do you want me to cum, dove?" "Inside me, Fox. Please," you begged. He groaned, "maker, you're such a dirty little thing." He continued to work your clit with his thumb and then stuck his index finger inside, stroking your upper walls. The extra stretch was all it took. You came hard, clenching down on Fox, white hot pleasure shooting through you. Fox thrusted a few more times before spilling his seed deep within you, moaning at how hard you were clamping down on him, milking him for everything he had.
He made sure not to drop you as you both stilled and waited for your breathing and heart rate to even out. Fox stayed seated within you, he kissed you on the jaw and brought his eyes to yours.
"Do you still hate me?" He asked.
"Ask me again after round two," you replied.
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detroitbydark · 4 years
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Character: Commander Fox x Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Secretary!reader finds herself wanting to help her Commander. It's her job. It certainly is not because she's got a foolish crush. The Commander certainly doesn't feel the same...
A/N: Unpopular opinion: I love Fox. Our dear Commander gets far too much hate and not enough fics. I'm going to do my part to correct that. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think and if I should write more.  
The datapad has been loaded to the brim-reports, warrants, requisitions, schedules, and  guard rotations- awaiting the Commanders attention. You frown as you review the list you’ve uploaded. It’s hours worth of data the Commander will need to review and sign off on. Your not ready to spring it on him. He needed his rest. Since the incident with the Chancellor and the rogue clone trooper, Fives, he seemed to be getting too little of it. 
He’d stumbled in this morning at 0700 sharp- per his normal but the faint scent of fire-water hung in his wake. He’d been out all night again, too regimented to be late, but slipping in his seeming ability to care for himself.
You’d wanted to ask him how he was feeling, to suss out exactly what he needed from you. Though you’d been his personal secretary for nearly a year you still hadn’t figured out how to read his many moods. 
When you’d begin working  for clone Commander Fox he had been so clear and concise with his expectations. He liked his schedule, thrived from it. He required order and regulation. It was your job to keep his day running smoothly. You’d worked hard. Having proven yourself capable he’d reached a point where he seemed to trust you to know what he needed. 
It was anxiety inducing on the best of days. 
You were proud of his trust in you, privately preening over your ability to know what he wanted before he had to say anything but times like these- the times when he’d say not one word to you for days and arrive each morning like he’d come directly from the cantina, that you wished you had just a little more insight. You didn’t want to disappoint. You wanted him to value you, to know that you were needed and important.
You groan quietly. You were pathetic.Your fingers worry the hem of your uniform skirt. It hadn’t taken you more than a week before you’d begun to harbor a crush on the stoic clone and it had only grown worse the longer you sat at the desk outside his office.
This morning you’d let him walk by with only a soft, barely-there greeting slipping past your lips. Commander Fox had given even less in return, merely nodding silently as he’d entered his office. Your shoulders had slumped as his office door had slid shut, only to open again immediately with a quick growl to hold all comms.
You’d spent the morning turning away all attempts to see the Commander. You’d fought back your reserved nature to hold your ground with the pushier inquiries, offering soft promises to his men and higher ups. 
Yes, I’ll make sure Commander Fox knows you need to speak with him
The commander is indisposed right now. Can I take a message for you?
He should be available after lunch Lieutenant Thire. May I schedule for then?
The last, Lieutenant Thire, had let his irritation be known with a huff. You apologized but told him the Commander was taking care of very important matters. His look had been skeptical as he’d turned and left the office, his helmet held tightly under his arm.
 It was nearly lunchtime now and you’d not seen hide nor hair of your boss. You’d hoped, given some time, the Commander would be able to work past the hangover you were sure he had and rejoin the world of the living, knowing for a fact that you wouldn’t be able to put off the list of inquiries into his whereabouts much past the lunch hour. So you did what you did best and set to work making things run smooth. You sent an intern, the son of a well to do senator who was looking to add GAR experience to his application for the naval academy to his resume, to grab lunch with a few spare credits from your pocketbook.
When he returned you fixed a tray. balancing a mug of black caf, nuclear hot, and a Shawda club sandwich on the tray in one hand and the loaded datapad under your arm as you knock once on the Commander’s door. You frown, the scowl feeling as if it’s becoming permanent whenever Commander Fox was in your thoughts as of late. You use your hip to bump the control panel, silently moving into the darkened room as the door slides open. It closes behind you quickly, leaving you struggling to get a bearing on your surroundings. You blink rapidly for a moment before shutting your eyes entirely to allow them to adjust to the wild change in lighting before you reopen them, able to focus more readily in the low light. The blinds on the low window looking out into the midst of Coruscant are pulled tight with only a small sliver of light filtering through.
He’s sitting straight, feet on the floor and hands flat on his desk. You’d learned quickly that The Commander rarely if ever seemed to relax, at least not when you or other civilians were around. You’d walked on him and Thire a few months ago, joking and laughing with one another. The difference had been stark. His posture loose and relaxed compared to the stiff controlled way he held himself now.  He glances up, helmet still firmly in place. The blank black visor follows your movements as you pad softly across the room.
“I’ve brought you a little something.” You mumble setting the small tray down in front of him. The helmet flows from the sandwich and caf back up to you.
“I would have been fine with a ration pack.” His voice is a low rumble. Not quite disapproving but not particularly warm either. You’re sure it’s not meant to sound discouraging. He’s just pointing out a fact. Still, you feel your heart sink. You’d never worked for such a hard person to read and your natural inclination was toward pleasing those around you. Sometimes it felt like the harder you tried the colder he became.
“Yes, of-of course Sir.” You fumble, “I just thought you deserved something with a little more substance. It’s from Dex’s.” You say as if explanation.  A weak smile crosses your face. “I’ve also got some stims” you reach into your pocket for the packet and slidie it across his desk before he has time to say anything.
“Do I look like I need stims, Little Mouse?”
Little Mouse.
He’d taken to calling you the nickname after he’d heard some of the men referring to you as the little mouse scurrying about his office. It was embarrassing- except when it came from Fox’s lips. Something about it made your belly twist in the most delightful way.
Fox’s chair swivels to the side and you're both relieved and disappointed when his attention is no longer focused on you and instead on the ribbons of light filtering in through the window. He pushes the stim packet back toward you And waves his gloved hand dismissively.
“What else have you got for me, Mouse?”
You hesitate for a moment as he holds his hand out impatiently. You slide the datapad into his hand. Your fingers brush against his gloved ones. You quickly pull away. The commander's helmet cocks slightly and though you can’t see his eyes you feel his gaze on you assessingly.
You clear your throat. Something about the Commander has always made you nervous. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, competent and prideful, the air about him like he could take on the world and win.
“Sir, you really should use the stims. You’ve got a full schedule of meetings this afternoon and that’s before you have drills and range time scheduled-“
He holds up his hand and you stop short.
“It's just a headache. I don’t need stims.”
“But they’d help”
“Y/N” his voice his sharp and you swallow hard, “I said-“
“I could help then!” The words have left your mouth before you’d even had time to weigh the pros and cons of them. You’re just a shocked as the Commander at your sudden outburst.
Fox reaches up to his helmet and you hear the soft hiss of release before he’s pulling it over his head. Dark circles sit under his eyes. He looks exhausted. 
And gorgeous. 
Even with the uncharacteristic shadow of facial hair and weariness seeping from his pores he was absolutely captivating. 
The sharp cut of his jaw and the warm brown hue of his eyes draw your attention like they did everytime you’d gotten a glimpse of him. You don’t know where to look as you try to burn a few more details of the Commanders face into your memory banks to be pulled up and reviewed at a later time.
“How do you propose making my headache, go away?” He questions with a raised brow.
Your legs feel stiff as you move closer. His eyes are locked in your every step. “My Mama used to get horrible headaches” you begin softly “used to need to lay in a dark room and suffer through them till they let her be. I learned a few tricks over the years to help her. I c-could see if they work for you?”
“Tricks?” He chuckles, “wielding a bit of the Force, Little Mouse? Should I call the Temple and tell them they’ve misplaced one of their Jedi?”
Your eyes dip and your cheeks burn. You shouldn’t have said anything. You shouldn’t speak out of turn with the Commander. You-
“You all talk now?” His voice has softened and you're even more embarrassed. He feels like he’s got to handle you with kid gloves. You can feel it in the way his words flow over your skin. You’re supposed to be a reflection of him. How could you help him maintain-
“Little Mouse, get out of your head.” 
You look up at the order and glimpse satisfaction roll across his face.
“Come here and heal me if you will” You hear the teasing tone to his voice and you swallow hard before moving to comply. This was your idea after all. You could be useful. Helpful. 
You move around the desk slowly, keeping your eyes locked on the Commander’s. You feel him pick you apart with his gaze. He’s studying you, like a predator waiting for their prey to show a weak point. It’s a sorry line of thinking because suddenly you imagine Commander Fox, your boss, stalking you, his eyes burning with a want that you could only dream he felt for you. you move to his side. Your knee presses into his, bare skin against cool plastoid. 
Your heart flutters, beating against the bars of your chest. If he notices your nerves- and how can he not- he says nothing. Your hands rise slowly, hesitantly. You can not only feel but see your hands tremble as they move closer. You ball them into fists, squeezing until your knuckles go white. You release them just before they come in contact.
He’s warm. It’s the first thing you notice as one hand comes to rest against his forehead and the other cradles the back around where his occipital lobe was located. He kept his hair high and tight, not completely shaved along the sides but so short that it was almost nonexistent. You feel the soft prickle of it at the back of his head. You bite back the urge to run your fingers over it. He seems nearly as tense as you. 
“You need to relax Sir” your encouragement is barely a whisper. Fox inhales deeply, you focus on  the rise and subsequent fall of his shoulders. He repeats it twice more before you’ve seen enough tension drain to begin. 
You place pressure through your palms as if you're trying to bring them together in the middle. The Commander grunts but you’re already relaxing back. You repeat it, pressing your hands toward one another then easing off. The Commander lets out a soft sigh of breath as you continue to repeat the pattern. You’re glad he’s relaxing into your touch because you feel as if you're only growing more tense, nerves balling in your tummy. You’ve never touched him before outside of the accidental flutter of fingers against his own. Now your so close you can feel the heat radiate from his body. He tips his head forward into your hand and turning and repositioning his chair slightly so you suddenly find yourself standing between his spread knees. 
“That’s good, Little Mouse” he hums lowly and the sound shoots straight to your core. You barely have time to wrap your head around the feeling when his hand is coming up to rest at your hip. You squeak out a sound, his grip tightens, “don’t stop.” He orders.
“Yes, S-sir” 
“It’s Fox, Mouse. Call me Fox.”
“Yes Comm- Fox” Your hands continue a gentle pulse of pressure against his head. His thumb begins a series of slow, maddening circles at your hip.
“See that’s not so bad is it.” His voice has gone low, silky like you’ve never heard it. So much more dangerous than the usual gravel of it. “You’re always trying to take care of me, aren’t you, precious girl?”
You open your mouth to say something- anything- when the door slides office door slides open suddenly. You stumble away, as if you’ve been burned by his touch. Fox’s hand drops away but he makes no other indication anything is amiss. You blink dumbly into the bright light backlighting the new arrival.
“Am I interrupting?” Lieutenant Thire’s voice sounds amused as you take another step away and lower your eyes. You mumble a quick excuse and slip toward the door. You hear the Lt. chuckle. Fox’s voice, so much like Thire’s but yet so different calls after you.
“We’ll continue this conversation later, Y/N”
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