#c: thire
rooksunday · 1 month
Thorn had been staring at the datapad for nearly an hour, trying to find a solution to the meer rat infestation in the medbay, when a knock came on the office door. No one knocked on that door. Vode walked straight in and everyone else walked straight past. That's how Fox had—
Thorn pushed away the 'pad and pulled on his bucket. He cleared his throat.
"C-come in?" he said, not certain of the wording or indeed the sentiment, and sounding like a shiny as a consequence. He'd have to work on that.
When the door opened and Shiv walked in, some of the tension left Thorn, only to immediately return with reinforcements when he registered the look on her face. Thorn pushed to his feet. He braced himself on the desk. Coruscant never gave ground.
"Is it Thire? Stone?"
He couldn't stand another loss. He refused.
To Thorn's relief, Shiv shook her head. Then her gaze slid from him and she rubbed one hand across her mouth.
Thorn had never seen Shiv uncertain before. Medics weren't, as a rule. Different sequencing in their jars. At that expression on Shiv's face, Thorn's stomach twisted and he slowly sat back down. He flexed his fingers, unseen beneath the desk. Rats abruptly seemed an insignificant problem.
"Tell me."
"It's Fox," she said.
"I know it's Fox," Thorn snarled. "He's—"
"He's back."
Thorn tried to sit down again despite already sitting. The wheeled chair skidded back into the wall and he grabbed onto the lip of the desk to keep steady. His HUD registered an abrupt uptick in his heartrate. His ears were ringing. Somehow, his air filters were filling with crud, and making his breath come short.
"A-alive?" Fox couldn't be alive. Not after that.
As expected, Shiv shook her head in response to the weak question. Then she stopped. Shrugged. Seesawed her hand.
"Best if you come and see for yourself."
Thorn's last view of Fox, the memory he'd lingered over making to better etch it into whatever the Kaminoans had provided instead of a heart, had been of a soldier. That had been the image they'd wanted to send off. They'd done the best they could with his armour, buffing out the worst dents and touching up the paint, though they'd had to take a fresh helmet from the stores.
Thorn, Thire, and Stone had done the paint on the helmet. With a mulish expression, and a white-knuckled hand, Thire had added jaig eyes on the crest. No one had stopped him.
Then they'd sent what remained of Fox to the recycler.
So it came as a surprise to see Fox sitting upright on a medbay cot, swinging his feet back and forth like a shiny, one hand resting on his new helmet. His other hand was in the firm grip of Medic Gristle, whose usual glower was sliding toward baffled as they looked between Fox and their datapad.
The bafflement was understandable, given its origin in Fox. Fox, who was alive. Fox, whose skull appeared to be in one piece.
Fox, who was grinning.
Whatever Thorn’s face was doing, he figured it must reflect a variation of the stunned hope on Shiv's. As if embarrassed by her own emotions, Shiv gestured brusquely at the impossibility on the cot and then vanished to her office in short order. A traitorous part of Thorn wanted to go with her. He never got to keep anything on Coruscant. He didn't know how he was supposed to let go of Fox a second time.
"Thorn! I feel amazing!" Fox said brightly, like he'd just chugged the third caf of the day and was brewing the fourth against medical advice. "Hungry. But amazing! Despite Gristle here not letting me get anything to eat."
"I would if you'd let me finish my tests, sir," Gristle muttered.
"You've been testing me all morning."
"Because you were dead, sir. And now you're not. Your medical records are out of date."
Thorn winced, but Fox only barked his obnoxious laugh, and swung his legs a little faster. He looked happier than Thorn had seen him since their second day on Coruscant. He looked younger. Where had his scars gone?
Fox looked like a stranger that Thorn desperately wanted to be a friend. But he couldn't trust anything on Coruscant.
Thorn cleared his throat. He could've taken off his helmet but then Fox would've seen his face.
"What happened?" he asked, drawing closer despite himself. Then, weakly, Thorn added, "You were dead. And now you're not."
... It sounded just as absurd as when Gristle had said it.
"I know. Sorry, Thorn. I didn't mean to." Fox slowed his kicking feet and hunched his shoulders, looking down. He resembled nothing so much as Grizzer when she'd been denied a treat. Then his grin turned sly and he slid a sidelong gaze toward Thorn. Something on Gristle's datapad beeped. "Want to see something interesting?"
"CMO says you're confined to medbay," Gristle said, in nearly one rush of breath.
At the same time, Thorn said, "Yes."
Fox only heard one of them. In a blur of motion, so fast Thorn could only unpick the actions afterwards, Fox managed to evade Gristle, cross the medbay, grab a scalpel, and return to the cot. Then he drew the scalpel across his wrist, too fast for Gristle or Thorn to do anything more than cry out.
"Don't fuss," Fox murmured, his eyes gleaming. He flapped his other hand. Blood spattered from the scalpel. "Just watch."
Thorn watched—why could he only ever watch—as Fox's blood abruptly changed direction and returned to the wound, which then sealed itself, as if time ran in reverse. Gristle grunted and immediately grabbed Fox's no-longer-injured arm to scan, muttering under their breath.
"Results are normal," Gristle bit out.
Thorn stuttered. "H-How?"
Another cadet-bright smile. "I'm really hungry, Thorn. Can we go to the mess?"
"I suggest giving it another minute, sirs. For any… Complications," Gristle said.
"What possible further complications could we— Fox!"
Another impossible flash across the medbay, this time to— Thorn winced as Fox sank his teeth into the belly of the meer rat he clutched in his hands. Blood smeared Fox's face as he burrowed into the innards for another messy bite. The sound of tearing flesh and fur made Thorn's skin creep. The rat's tail was still twitching.
Fox's grin shone bright and sharp.
As Fox continued to chew, Thorn pulled off his bucket and sat it beside Fox's on the cot. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and tried not to hear Fox chewing on the rat's bones. Gristle lowered their datapad and watched Fox like a compelling holonovella.
"Sir…" they ventured, only to stop. What else could they say?
"I know," Thorn replied. Then he sighed. "Well, on the bright side, at least that's the rat problem sorted."
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cc1010fox · 9 months
Hound, barging into Thorn's office: UM. UM! Thorn: Um? Thire: Use real words, Hound. Hound: FOX IS CRYING!? Thorn, getting up from his seat immediately: Where is he? Hound: HIS OFFICE. THERE'S A BUNCH OF TROOPERS THERE-- Thire: Sergeant Hound. Hound: U-uh...Sorry. I'm in a panic, you know? I found a bunch of troopers gathered in his office, pouring out of his office, so I went inside to see what was going on. They were all trying to comfort him. Nobody knew what started it. He was just...crying. Thire: This is bad. Fox wouldn't cry in front of his troopers. Thorn: I agree... Thire, after entering Fox's office: Clear out! Thorn, worriedly cradling Fox's face once it's just the three of them: What happened, Fox? Fox, through sobs: I just wanted...five minutes of sleep...Why can't he give me five minutes? Thorn: ...The chancellor? Fox: I c-can't take it anymore...I can't take it... Thorn: Thire... Thire: ...I can get you close to him. Thorn: Thank you. Thire: Just do it right. One shot. I'll take care of the Red Guard at the same time. Fox, unsheathing his blaster and laying it on his desk: ...Use this.
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clonemando · 7 months
Tumblr media
@blackat-t7t Here is your Fox/Thorn H/C with a cuddle pile at the end. Enjoy.
There was a ringing snap as the old rusted barrier along the walkway gave out under the weight of a fully armored trooper crashing into it and Thorn watched as Fox’s gaze met his own wide with fear before he was falling backward over the edge. Thorn dove for him with a scream but his fingers barely brushed over Fox’s chestplate before his partner was gone swallowed up by the dark depths of Coruscant’s seemingly endless levels the same way many cadets ended up swallowed by Kamino’s waves.
For a moment he just stared feeling a void echoing the one he was staring at being torn open in his chest. Then Rex’s voice broke him from his daze.
“I didn’t mean- I didn’t- Thorn I- Fox-” He struggled to get anything out, horror replacing the rage that had been on his expression just minutes earlier as he corned them on their patrol to yell at Fox for avoiding him.
“You didn’t mean to kill him? Like he meant to kill Fives you mean? Well, you did. Guess you’re the brother killer now, Rex. Congratulations on your revenge.” Thorn said, voice level and empty as he watched Rex flinch and step back.
“What- What do we do now? Do we call-” Rex started eyes flickering around as if looking for some sort of help.
“Call who Rex? The Guard? I am the Guard and there’s nothing I can do now. He’s gone. He’s not a person, there won’t be an investigation. He’s not the first we lost over an edge and he won’t be the last and there’s never anything to do. You just… finish your patrol. Report the lost republic property to the Chancellor and put a few troopers on double shifts until we can get a replacement from Kamino.” He said starting to walk again. He had to finish his patrol. He was already late now and Fox would be upset if Thorn got himself punished for being late.
“You can’t just… just keep working! Shouldn’t you call Thire or something? There’s bereavement leave. The Kaminoans even approved it to keep their products at their most effective. The Jedi-” Rex started as he followed Thorn and finally he snapped.
“If you have forgotten, the Guard doesn’t have a Jedi. We had Fox. That’s it! We had Fox and he could only get us so much because he’s not considered a person either! Now we don’t even have him and we will all need to take triple shifts to cover all the stuff he has been shouldering on our behalf! I don’t have anyone available to cover this patrol. That’s why Fox and I were doing it. We just lost three shinies to senators and a full team was wiped out in a gang raid the week before. We don’t get things like leave or whatever the kriff bereavement is. The Guard belongs to the Senate, the Jedi abandoned us, just like you GAR bucketheads. So kriff off and go cry to your jedi for your extra days off and let me take care of my family. You’ve done enough Rex.” He spat darkly before turning on his heel and continuing his patrol. Rex didn’t follow him this time.
He raised his wrist to access his coms after another ten minutes.
“This is Commander Thorn reporting a 9-12 slash D. Commander Fox was lost to faulty railing in Sector 12-A. We will discuss promotions and schedule changes at the dawn shift change. As his second the Marshal position falls to me now. Carry on with your duties.” He murmured numbly before letting his arm fall and continuing to move on autopilot almost hoping the Separatists would chose to attack now so he’d have an excuse to shoot something. But the rest of the patrol was quiet.
Fox was exhausted. He had spent the last two days slogging through filth and fighting off the weird pollution corrupted creatures that prowled the lowest levels just to make his way to the closest working lift. Then he had to sit on the floor listening to the worst possible sort of music as he slowly ascended out of the dark toward his family and home. His arm was definitely broken and Shark was going to shoot him up with every hypo they had with complaints about the bite wounds he had getting infected but Fox was pretty sure he had gotten off easy.
He couldn’t explain how he was alive. The concussion made it hard to think straight but even with that he knew he had to have fallen at least 100 levels if not more. But at the last minute something had caught him and slowed his fall enough the injuries were survivable. He didn’t really take stock in the Jedi’s fancy force shit but maybe there was something out there looking out for him.
Once he was above the com-cut line where they lost signal to their coms he immediately reached out. “This is Commander Fox. I am injured and will need a medic and pick up from the lift in Sector 12-D, could someone also bring me some caff? I’m kriffing tired.” He grumbled into the line and smiled when it immediately started blowing up, resting his head against the side of the lift and letting his family’s furies and delighted voices wash over him like a warm blanket.
“Cut the chatter! Fox, Shark and I will be waiting for you once you reach the top. I… It’s good to hear from you but you have a lot of explaining on how you’re alive.” Thorn’s voice finally cut in and Fox’s smile grew.
“You’re going to be waiting until the Senate turns for that answer my rose, I have no kriffing clue. Woke up at the bottom with a concussion, broken arm and some jostled ribs but I was able to drag myself up and start walking to the lift not too long after the fall.” He sighed not even realizing he had used his pet name for Thorn until the line filled with cooing from the rest of the guard.
Fox passed out not long after that and only woke up again when Thorn was lifting him out of the elevator and onto a hover-cot and Shark started cursing him out. He squeezed Thorn’s hand then passed out again.
He flickered in and out of consciousness a few more times before finally waking up feeling better than he had felt in years. Blinking open his arms he was unsurprised to find Thorn plastered to his side and Hound using his stomach as a pillow. Shark must have allowed them to take him to the barracks at some point because he was laid out in the middle of the three mattresses they had shoved together at the beginning of the war so they could all sleep together and he was buried under his Guard.
“I thought… I thought you were gone for good. I thought I lost you.” Thorn’s voice was soft with fear and sleep and Fox ran his fingers through the long blond curls.
“Told you I was too stubborn to die. Can’t get rid of me that easily. I still have to scare the Senate into giving us rights so I can marry you one day.” He said with a small smile and Thorn sighed.
“While you were gone I shot the Chancellor. We’ve been dressing up in his robes and pretending he’s got the cornellian flu until we figure out what else to do but now you’re back it’s your problem. I’m taking a thing Rex told me was called bereavement.” Thorn said and Fox’s eyes opened fully from where he had started drifting off again.
“YOU DID WHAT?! THORN! I was gone two days!” He shrieked.
“He implied you were better off dead and I was in mourning. There’s scientific data proving making people work through grief lowers productivity. It’s not my fault!” Thorn whined and nuzzled his face in Fox’s neck while Fox tried to wiggle free but he couldn’t move from how he was buried under so many siblings.
“I’m going to kill you once I’m free. I’m going to kill all of you!” He growled but they all ignored him in favor of continuing their nap.
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bananasofthorns · 10 months
lunch break
read on ao3
In a rare stroke of luck - or, more accurately, bureaucratic alignment - Cody has leave at the same time as Wolffe, and they manage to talk Fox into taking a break for once in his life to join them for lunch.
Cody also uses the opportunity to finally make good on his promise to Kenobi to introduce him to his batchmates in a non-professional setting - Dex’s, in this case. He hasn’t yet decided if he’s going to regret this decision. Wolffe already knows Kenobi, to an extent, and they at least seem to like each other. Cody thinks that Fox and Kenobi will either despise each other or get along like a LAAT on fire, on fire part emphasized. Reason: they are both pains in Cody’s ass and he, unfortunately, still loves them.
He and Kenobi arrive at Dex’s early and claim a booth in the back; they sit across from each other and Kenobi allows Cody the seat that faces the door, since he has the Force and Cody just has paranoia. Wolffe arrives a minute or two late grumbling about traffic. Cody graciously does not make fun of him for being unable to account the hell that is getting anywhere on Coruscant into his travel times.
They make small talk - about the war, of course, because what else do any of them do with their lives - while waiting for Fox. After ten minutes without even a hint of his presence, Kenobi orders them a large basket of fries. Cody gets himself a milkshake and then resigns himself to the losing battle of keeping Wolffe away from his straw.
Wolffe could ask Dex for his own straw, or even his own milkshake. He does not, because Wolffe is an ori’vod and a bastard. Cody respects Dex too much to start a fight in his diner, but he resolves to make Wolffe spar with him once they’re back in the barracks.
It hits minute fifteen with no sign of Fox. Cody shares a look with Wolffe. They reach for their comms in sync.
If Fox does not respond to their pestering by the time it reaches minute twenty, they will write him off as a lost cause and enjoy lunch without him.
Minute eighteen arrives. There is no response to either of their messages, but there is a flash of familiar red through the windows of the diner’s door. Two flashes, in fact. Cody raises an eyebrow.
Fox and another Coruscant Guard commander that Cody doesn’t recognize slip into the diner with surprising stealth, given that they’re in full armor and there’s a bell above the door. Cody scrutinizes them as they approach.
They’re both limping, though the unfamiliar commander only slightly; Fox’s is much more pronounced even as he tries to hide it. When he reaches their booth, he lifts his arm gingerly to remove his helmet.
Wolffe greets him with, “What the fuck happened to you?”
This is a fair question. There is a large bandage plastered across the right half of Fox’s face, stretching from just beneath his eye to his chin. The rest of his visible skin is so bruised it looks like he went hand-to-hand with a commando droid.
“He got mugged,” the unfamiliar commander offers when Fox stays silent. “I’m Thire, by the way.”
Thire takes the seat beside Kenobi and leaves Fox to the fate of sitting next to Wolffe. He has a mullet, but he makes it look good, so Cody doesn’t hold it against him.
Fox sits, reluctantly, and finally graces them all with the deadpan scrape of his voice. “He’s my babysitter.”
Thire’s smile is as sharp and bright as a vibroblade in sunlight. “Yes. Sorry for joining your lunch without notice - we had to make sure Fox wouldn’t get into any more fights along the way.”
“This was not my fault,” Fox growls.
It is, obviously, an old argument. Kenobi interrupts before it can begin again.
“We’re happy to have you,” he says. “Have you been to Dex’s before?”
Thire blinks at him. He does not comment on the unusual presence of a Jedi in their midst, unlike Fox had, many times, when Cody had first broached the topic. Even now, Fox does not seem very pleased that Kenobi is here.
“I’ve had his food a few times,” Thire responds, which is a non-answer. Cody has become very good at noticing them in his time working as Kenobi’s right hand. “It’s good. This is the real reason I went with you,” he tells Fox.
Fox, eloquent as ever, flips him off. 
Dex arrives to take their orders. He greets Fox and Thire with familiarity and does not comment on Fox’s injuries.
When he leaves again, Wolffe keeps the ensuing quiet from stretching into awkwardness by turning to Fox and saying, “I'm serious, vod. What in the depths did you do?”
Fox waves a hand. “Blacked out. Woke up on the lower levels. Got jumped. They got in a few lucky hits,” he gestures to his face, “before I killed them.”
“Just a normal Centaxday, really,” Thire adds faux-cheerfully. “What about you guys? What have you been up to? Besides the war, of course.”
The change of topic is not graceful. Cody exchanges a look with Kenobi. Kenobi raises an eyebrow. Cody raises one back: no, it is not normal for Fox to show up looking awful - this awful, at least. Something bigger is going on here.
“You blacked out?” he asks for both of them.
“It's fine,” Fox dismisses. “Happens to everyone at some point, right?”
He is full of shit and he knows it. Cody tells him so.
More diplomatically, Kenobi adds, “I  am curious by what exactly that turn of phrase means, at least in this instance. I’m sure you weren’t drunk, but just to be clear—”
Thire laughs. Fox sighs. “I was not drunk.”
The two of them look at each other and proceed to have a conversation that consists entirely of facial expressions. Gone are the days when Cody could do that with his batchmates; they don’t spend enough time together now, and the only people he can read that well anymore are Rex and Kenobi. He has no idea what Fox and Thire are saying to each other.
Finally, Fox says, casually, “I’ve been losing time since about six months into the war.”
All of Cody’s attention snaps to him. The war has now been ongoing for over two years. This is not what he was expecting to hear at all; Fox has never even hinted at it before. 
“Ah,” Kenobi says delicately.
“And you’re just mentioning this now?” Wolffe asks with far less grace.
“Well, I kind of hoped the problem would go away on its own,” Fox shoots back dryly. “Clearly, that didn’t happen.
“I started losing time six months into the war,” he starts again. “A few hours, a day. A few days.”
“The worst one was over a week,” Thire inputs quietly. Fox acknowledges him with another dip of his head.
“Every time, I’d wake up somewhere on Coruscant, usually in the lower levels, with no idea how I got there. If I had all of my gear still on me, it was lucky, and if I was uninjured, it was even luckier. After a few months, I realized I wasn’t the only one this was happening to.”
“It’s all of the commanders,” Thire explains. “Fox and I have them the most often, followed by Thorn. Stone only gets them rarely.”
“So that’s why you look so bad,” Wolffe surmises.
Fox chuckles, low. “Yeah. Woke up way further down than I should’ve been with half my armor gone and in the middle of some natborns kicking the shit out of my body.” He scoffs. “They should’ve made sure I was dead first.”
Cody, Wolffe, and Kenobi all grimace, though the latter’s expression is likely for very different reasons.
“You said you killed them to get away?” he asks. “How many of them were there?”
Fox frowns. “Not sure; it was all kind of a blur, and my memories are always shit after blackouts, anyway. Five, give or take.”
“And you killed them,” Kenobi repeats. “All of them?”
Wolffe shakes his head, somewhere between fond and amused. “Of course you did, Fox’ika.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Fox and I were the top of the entire command class on Kamino,” Cody explains for Kenobi’s benefit. And, as much as he hates to admit it, “He graduated with the highest score in hand-to-hand combat sims.”
At peak condition, a handful of natborns would be laughably easy for him to take down. This time, he was injured and disoriented and obviously paid the price, but Cody still isn’t the least bit surprised that he came out of that fight on top.
“I see,” Kenobi says, nodding. “You must be a very formidable fighter.”
Fox smirks. Somehow, it just makes him look tired. “I am.”
There’s a rumble of that old, bitter anger in his voice. He hadn’t been happy to find out he’d been assigned to Coruscant instead of the frontlines they’d all trained for their entire lives. Clearly, his opinion has not improved. 
Wolffe clears his throat. “Do you know what’s causing the blackouts? Because they sound a little fucked up, vod.”
Thire and Fox exchange a look.
“Well,” Fox says, and then does not elaborate.
“We have...theories.” Thire glances around and lowers his voice. “As far as we can tell, the blackouts only happen after one of us has a meeting with the Chancellor.”
Well, indeed.
Dex sweeps over with their food. They all gratefully take the excuse to process what was just said. Kenobi looks like he’s bitten into something sour, but the expression fades as he takes the first bite of his nerfburger.
In the awkward conversation lull that’s arisen, Thire adds, “I think Palpatine is a Sith.”
Cody jerks his head up and stares. Kenobi chokes.
“Oh?” he manages, strangled.
Wolffe recovers first. “That’s a pretty fucking big accusation.”
Thire shrugs. He and Fox are both eating like they’re starving; Cody takes another, closer look at them and notes the sharpness of their cheekbones. A warning bell pings belatedly in his head.
Kenobi has recovered his dignity. “Yes, it is. I assume you have evidence, or at least suspicions, to back it up?”
“I’ve been around Sith before,” Thire explains between bites. “I was there on Rugosa when General Yoda stopped Ventress from assassinating the Toydarian king. I know what they feel like. The Chancellor feels the same way.”
Kenobi’s raised eyebrow betrays his incredulity. “Forgive me for presuming, but as far as I’m aware, none of the clones are Force-sensitive.”
“This is true.”
“So how is it that you can sense the Dark side on Chancellor Palpatine when none of the Jedi ever have?”
“Maybe he doesn’t bother shielding himself around us,” Fox mutters. He doesn’t look up from his food even when everyone’s attention swings to him. “Trust me, he drops all his other facades, too.”
Thire scoffs. “Yeah. He hates us and he’s not subtle about it. Stone jokes that he’s getting off on our misery.”
He seems to remember who he’s talking to and grimaces. “Uh. Sorry, sir.”
Kenobi does not seem to register the apology and has abandoned his food entirely, lost in thought. Cody passes him a napkin before he can press his fingers to his temples and get grease in his hair. He nods absently in thanks.
“A Sith controlling the Senate,” he murmurs to himself, with an expression like he’s connecting several dots and is severely unhappy with the picture they make. “Well, then.”
Louder, to Thire, he continues, “You do realize I’m going to need something more substantial than your word if I’m to bring this to the Jedi Council.”
Thire and Fox look at each other. Another wordless conversation commences. Wolffe, meanwhile, turns to stare at Cody; what the fuck? his raised eyebrows ask. This, at least, is not hard to understand. Cody shrugs back.
This is not the kind of bonding between the two sides of his life he had anticipated. He is honestly not sure if he’d prefer the possible-friendship possible-immediate-hatred or the sedition.
“I could just shoot him and see what happens,” Fox finally says.
Cody sighs. Wolffe presses a hand to his face. He has never looked more like an ori’vod.
“Please don’t,” Kenobi says, pained. “That could go incredibly badly if you’re wrong.”
“We could ask,” Thire suggests.
This is only marginally better than Fox’s idea.
Cody turns to Kenobi. They have done stupider things before and ended up with perfectly satisfactory results.
“I’ll turn on my helmet cam,” Fox adds. “Is that good enough evidence for you?”
Kenobi pauses and then shrugs like it hurts him to do so. He does not say no. The great negotiator has run out of will to argue; Cody never thought he’d see the day.
It is less than twenty-four hours later that Thire, Fox, and a third Coruscant Guard commander that Cody doesn’t know come stumbling up the steps of the Jedi Temple. Thire is clutching Fox’s helmet against his chest. The third commander is carrying Fox himself and yelling for a medic.
Cody does not personally witness that spectacle, but he is there a few hours later in the chamber of the High Council when Thire gives his report. The third commander - Thorn - is with Fox in the Halls of Healing, having refused to move from his sentry position by Fox’s bacta tank. Cody hasn’t even seen him yet, with how quickly the Council meeting was called; all he knows of his batchmate’s condition is how long the list of injuries is.
“Sir, have you heard of the Sith?” Fox’s voice, distorted slightly by the recording, asks.
Palpatine chuckles. It sends chills down Cody’s spine in a way it never has before. The holo wavers, once, before Thire gets control of the shaking in his hands.
“Of course I have, Commander. Who hasn’t, in times like these?”
“Are you one of them?”
It is times like these that Cody both curses and loves Fox’s bluntness. Naked shock flashes across Palpatine’s face before he can control his reaction; the mask of the kindly old man does not return. The Jedi murmur at the poisonous anger in his eyes. 
The recording stays steady. Thire does not shake, and neither does Fox, even in the face of darkness.
“An interesting question indeed, Commander. Let’s make sure you don’t remember it.”
Lightning bursts forth from his outstretched hand. Fox falls. The recording glitches and cuts on the edge of his scream.
It is only years of training that keep Cody from flinching. Thire’s knuckles are white on the helmet when he lowers it back to his side.
“Is that enough evidence for you?” he asks quietly, looking at Kenobi but directed at the Council entirely. Yoda’s ears droop. “Sirs?”
It seems it is. Cody has never seen the Jedi Council formulate and mobilize a plan so fast.
Fox is still in the bacta tank, but they let Thire take his slugthrower. The questions have already been asked, and he shoots first.
The Chancellor - the Sith Lord - dies quickly and loudly.
Afterwards, the Force is lighter than it has been in decades, or so Cody is told; he can neither confirm nor deny it, but the war is over, and he imagines the foreign joy he feels at this realization is a similar sensation.
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gamelpar · 1 year
Hound, making the missing poster for Grizzer: to the theif who stole one of the Coruscant Guard's massiff—
Stone: it’s thief
Hound: pretty sure it’s theif
Thire: i before e, except after c
Hound: oh okay, i’ll fix it then
Fox, reading a poster he comes across while on patrol: what the fuck is a thceif—
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Fox: Time for plan G Thorn: Don’t you mean plan B? Quinlan: No, we tried plan B along time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Thire: What about plan D? Fox: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Hound: What about Plan E? Quinlan: I’m hoping not to use it. Fox dies in plan E. Fox: I like plan E.
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lesquatrechevrons · 15 days
rugby au musings
something about me: I LOVE sports au, especially when I haven’t played in 10 years lol
the commanders!! (Non exhaustive list) (more squads under the cut!)
Cody: scrum half (domineering and in the thick of things, of course - he would be one of those scrum halves that basically captain it all)
Fox: fly half (much like the above, except he truly is everywhere at once running the show. *never* on the same team as Cody; if on a Corries only team, then Stone is his scrum half)
Thire, Ponds and I’m chucking Bly in this one because of his canon scope visor: fullbacks all the way! Deep in the back, the Hail Mary of defense, patron catchers of long drop kicks, and drop kickers in turn - can get dirty by running to the backs to create a defense line
Thorn: the dude with the canonical wings MUST be a winger, he might be a canon heavy gunner but this dude yearns to fly across the pitch and deliver all the schemes that Fox lil dastardly fly half heart can think of. And Doom would be a winger too - just on vibes!!!
Wolffe: epitome of the 8th, this guy controls the scrum from the back, knows where the ball is - I would say Comet and Sinker are flankers much for this reason.
Neyo: I am tempted to put him as n 8 as well except he’s canonically a mean sonova trained by death watch and whose battalion is Urban Guerrilla All Day All The Time, so I think he’s going to be right there in the scrum, Hooker with the fastest foot in the galaxy (the need to get the ball from the other’s side hooker and nudge it to the second row/n 8)
Colt, Bacara: they feel like props (first row scrum) to me, but they also have such second row/wingers vibes. at this point could be either forwards or backs - it really depends on the body type!
if torrent was a whole team:
Rex: imma gonna put my full face paint for this one 🤡 and say that Rex is a fly half like Owen Farrell was during the last World Cup. Rex secret weapon is a deadly drop kick.
Fives: I’m incredibly torn on this one because I feel like him and Echo would be stunning scrum halves! I’m going to go with scrum half for Fives and flanker for Echo, but they’re the kind of players that truly can be everywhere at once.
Kix: fullback 5ever, this dude is seeing the bigger picture, he’s got your back, he’s your last chance, and he gets underestimated at everyone’s peril
Jesse: another mr n 8!!! It’s all fun and games until that ball rolls his way and then he and and Echo and Fives get in the flow, that ball moves of independent will!
Hardcase: hooker! In the thick of things, he would get a massive kick out of the position name alone, and he would get to wreck havoc!! His tackles are intense!
Dogma… him I was thinking second row (the dudes that get flown in the hair during line outs (the side ball thing)) but he and Tup would be such a wings combo!!! Dudes can run!! and Dogma would be such a fastidious tackler, he would know all the Rules (rugby rules have the capital R), he would tiptoe just the line to not get carded!
Dominoes <3: Hevy is a prop (next to Hardcase! What a duo!!!); Cutup is with Kix with the backs, and Droidbait Is Second Row (behind Jesse and in front of Jesse!)
Alphas: They Would Be Playing Rugby League (the vibe is any Sam Burgess flying fist, but especially the World Cup one in against SZ)
Nulls: Aussie Rules (They Are Minding Their Own Stuff Slightly To The Left Of Everyone Else - and a sleeveless kit ;}c )
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kaminocasey · 2 years
25 Days of Life Day: Day 17 - Wrapping Gifts for the Corrie Guard with Thire
Summary: Thire is terrible at wrapping but surprises you.
A/N: I know I've missed the last two days but I plan on catching them up, hopefully today! This holiday season has just wiped me, mentally and physically lol.
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“No offense, Thire… but you’re not doing it right.” You laugh, watching his holoform as he struggles to wrap the giant sweater with a big massiff on it for Hound that you helped him knit. 
That was kind of the theme for his brothers and you’d been helping him with them for the last few months. Sweaters for all his vod. Thorn’s had a thorn in a foot, Hound’s had a knitted version of Grizzer, Stone’s was a giant boulder. Fox’s was obviously a fox. And he’d even made a littler one for Grizzer. It was really sweet. 
The only one who wouldn’t have a sweater was Thire, except you’d secretly been working on one behind his back so he could match his brothers. 
The only problem you’d come across is that Thire was such an unique name that you couldn’t figure out what it meant. So you decided to get a plant and start calling it Thire. He was incredibly confused but quickly accepted it so you just knitted the plant onto the sweater so he could have something as cute as his brothers. It was different and made up, but you know he’ll be appreciative.
He looks at you with big eyes. “Come help me, then… Please?”
You’re typing up your next speech on your holopad in your office. “I can’t, love. I’m sorry. I’m swamped with work here.” 
He continues to fold it incorrectly, making it crinkle in a way you didn’t even know was possible. This man is hopeless, in the most endearing way possible, and really might actually need your help. 
With a soft sigh, you turn off your holopad and look at him with the gift sitting in a pile of wrapping paper in between his muscular legs.
“Thire, what are you doing on the floor?” You hear a voice off the comm.
“Kriff, Thorn.” He scrambles. “I’m trying to wrap this gift for Hound.”
“Not well.” You add as Thorn comes into focus with his hands on his hips, staring down at a frustrated Thire. 
Thorn tells you hello and you smile as you pack up your bag and start walking to the door. 
“Where are you going?” Thire looks up at you.
“Coming to save you.” You grin. 
“Have I told you how much I love you?” He asks, gratefully.
“Yes but I never tire of hearing it. I’ll be down there soon.” You blow him a kiss and put your com in your bag, taking the elevator down to the Corrie barracks.
When you get down there, you walk quickly and sneakily through the barracks so no one would see you. Thire’s brothers knew about you two but that was about it. You could only guess the punishment for a senator/clone relationship would end terribly, but the moment you met him, you were smitten. 
“Good evening, Senator.” Fox smirks as he walks past you, holding a cup of caf, sipping it as he side-eyes you. 
“Commander.” You smile, politely.
“Staying?” He asks with a quirked eyebrow.
Fox has only ever been kind to you. You know that he’s not a fan of the senators but you’re one of the few that stand up for the clones and try to push forward bills that would protect their rights. So, you had a mutual respect for one another. 
“Just helping Thire wrap some gifts.” You start to open the door to his barracks.
“We’re doing gifts?” Fox pops his head into the barracks.
“Maker, get out!” Thire covers his gift for Hound. 
Fox chuckles and nods to you before leaving the room as you kiss Thire on the forehead and sit in front of him on the floor. 
“Here.” You grin at him and take the misshapen package and tear it open.
When you open the package, there’s just crumpled paper surrounding a small red box. You don’t remember him getting this gift.
“What is this?” You ask him. 
“Your gift. Sort of.” He starts to grin, scooting closer to you. “Open it.”
You pick up the little painted wooden red box. Corrie red, you realize. When you open, you nearly drop the box back to the floor. Inside the box is a thin red band that you can’t tear your eyes off of.
“It’s only plastoid… but it’s from my own armor… a piece of me.” He chuckles, nervously. “I was hoping it would be enough until I can buy you something better… you know, you deserve so much more.”
“Stop, it’s perfect.” You look up at him with teary eyes. “Is this…” 
“Yeah.” He smiles, taking the ring from you so he can hold it in front of you. “I know we come from two different worlds… and there’s so much demanded of us every single day… but you’re who I want. You’re who I want to come home to every night. If you’ll have me, I’d love to be your husband… more than anything in the galaxy.”
Your lips part, trembling. “Oh, Thire… this is perfect. This is… everything. You’re everything.” 
He leans in, kissing you softly. “So, that’s a yes?”
“Yes. Obviously.” You grin, cupping his face to kiss him passionately.
He leans into you, sliding the ring on your finger and then kissing your hand. You can’t stop looking at it. 
“So, were you pretending to be bad at wrapping gifts so you could do this?” You laugh.
“Oh no, I’m still going to need your help with that. I’m terrible at wrapping.” He laughs with you and then continues to kiss you, the gifts momentarily forgotten. 
It’s true. The two of you come from incredibly different places, but your love for each other is fiercer than anything that the republic could throw at you.
TAGS: @grievouus @brynhildrmimi @dumfanting @madameminor @rain-on-kamino @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
C&C fox ficbit
how would a desperate, chronically underfunded and undersupplied Guard get what they need?
be gay do crime!
set like 6 months?? after that other ficbit where Rex and Fox are Alpha’s favorite chaos gremlins, now with additional SADS.
also now under the tag ‘cunning and courage’ for reasons that will hopefully?? be revealed later. i make no guarantees.
His men were looking at him with guilty, hesitant hope, and Fox was well beyond fatigued and 10 hours deep into 'fuck it' territory.
"Take whatever you think won't be noticed," he said tiredly. "Thire will take it down to the lower levels tomorrow to sell or trade."
It had been a couple weeks since he last authorized a sweep. They tried not to do it too regularly to keep the CSF--or, Force for-fucking-bid, the Chancellor--from noticing a pattern, but they were in desperate need of supplies. Patches had nearly cleaned out their bacta reserves after Stone's disastrous security detail on Florrum.
Fox still couldn't quite remember what happened during that mission report. 
(Stone remembered. 
Stone remembered, and wouldn't tell him a thing about it, and sometimes looked at Fox like his guilt was about to swallow him whole. He stuck to Fox's side like a Felucian leech for weeks afterward, and became even more like his silent, immovable namesake. 
But Stone also came out of that debrief entirely unscathed, so Fox counted his fucking blessings and took the unexpected boon without a single damned complaint.)
Thorn shooed him out of the office, both to keep watch and for the flimsi-thin excuse of plausible deniability. Fox leaned against the wall beside the door, a hundred aches and pains asserting their presence as he listened to his men scrounge for scraps from dead Republic civilians. 
He closed his eyes, breathed in as deep as his broken ribs allowed, and tried to counter the sticky lingering guilt with the justification of his Guards' untreated injuries and exhausted spirits.
It didn't really work. It never really worked.
Rex and Alpha would be so fucking ashamed of him.
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
Kat, Kat, Kaaaaaaat!!! Loving the updates and the plot threads and OMFG it’s Thire I’d almost forgotten about him! Been meaning to ask WTF is up with that b/c generally the Corries Command squad are a quartet - Fox in the lead and the LT trio in his wake. Hasn’t poor Thire noticed ANYTHING amiss with his CO and fellow Corrie Lieutenants, or is he busy being Mind-Tricked or running interference between the Sith Trio & the Rest of the Normal Non-Sith Coruscant Guards, hoping that w/e the fuck it is the others will let him in on it soon. Eventually. They’d have to, right? (…. Right?)
This is set pretty early in the war, like 5-6 months in, so Thire was only just promoted from lieutenant to commander (and...I'm a little confused what you mean by fellow lieutenants? Thorn and Stone are both commanders like Fox). He's not super close to Fox, Stone, or Thorn except for his familiarity with them as COs, so there's not a lot of space for him to comment or make judgements.
That said, Thire does know something is up, but Fox and the rest are getting rid of senators who abuse the Guard and beyond that, he doesn't particularly want to know. But also. the mind-tricking from Palpatine definitely plays a part.
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
okay so reader came out to thire family as whatever and they were not happy and they went to thire best friend and they helped them get through it and let them know that they are enough
No fandom? Alright. Thanks for requesting!
'•.¸♡ it's ok ♡¸.•'
Multifandom/no one x gn!reader
Platonic ig
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You finally had found yourself, you no longer questioned why you felt this way and if other people felt this way, and you wanted to tell your parents.
You knew your parents were more on the traditional side but you hoped they would accept you and support you as they always said they would.
You asked to speak to them both to tell them who you were. 'No child of mine is queer! Stop this, you aren't that you're only pretending, stop it.' Your mother shouted while your father stood next to her with a disgusted look on his face. You wanted to cry, you wanted to tell them this is who you were and nothing will change that but you couldn't say anything. All you did was leave, you left the house hoping to not see them ever again.
You knocked on your friends door. They opened the door to find you with a sad expression as if you were about to cry but you felt as if you've already cried, you haven't but the feeling in your eyes said a different story, you couldn't hold it in for long and you started crying infront of them. 'Oh, come, lets sit down, okay?' You sat down on their couch as they felt to get you a cup of tea.
You were ready to tell your friend what happened. 'They don't care about me. They don't want me.' You said under your breath, your friend new what you meant and hugged you. 'It's okay, you can stay with me, everything is going to be okay.' They said comfortably in a calm voice. 'Why do they think I'm pretending?' You asked heartbroken. 'I don't know, buy you're not pretending, I know who you are and I still love you and always will.' Your friend smiled at you letting you know everything is okay.
'I'm here for you, you can stay as long as you need.'
Bsd: Atsushi, Kunikida, Jun'ichirō, Arthur, Oda, Poe, Sigma, Tetchō, Natsume. Mtp: Louis, John. Vnc: Noé, Jeanne. Hellsing: Seras. Blood c: Saya.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I need to make a shit ton of masterlists now :') and I need to make dinner.
Happy St. Patrick's day for anyone celebrating!
Have a wonderful day/night, go outside, if you can or just do something you like doing! :)
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clonehavensotm · 1 year
Hello and Welcome to Clone Haven’s Ship of the Month Event
Hello to all! This is the event where we give one clone/clone ship the spotlight for the month. On this blog you will find the monthly ship, the optional weekly prompts, and all the wonderful creations shared here on tumblr by participants. All creators and creations are welcome!
May 2023
Special May the Fourth event! (post made after the fact for posterity)
Every week we add characters and prompts and you can make any combinations you want!
Week 1: - prompt: "May the Force be with you" - pairing: any cloneship
Week 2: - prompts: a. First Kiss, b. Hair Care, c. Alternate Universe - characters: 1. Dogma, 2. Thire, 3. Crosshair, 4. Kix, 5. Boil
Week 3: - prompts: a. Mermay, b. Blasters and Vibroknifes, c. Pining - characters: 1. Tup, 2. Alpha-17, 3. Howzer, 4. Tech, 5. Wolffe
Week 4: - prompts: a. Only one bed, b. Fix-it, c. A holo image - characters: 1. Cody, 2. Hunter, 3. Hardcase, 4. Fox, 5. Glitch, Bonus: your favorite OC
Week 5: - Work on your WIP Week: Work on any cloneshipping WIP and share your progress!
If you do participate, please do tag us @clonehavensotm and use the tag #clone haven sotm so we can reblog your work! You may also submit your post directly to the blog (please follow submission guidelines).
Happy Creating!
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baybee45 · 4 years
A/N: Lieutenant Thire!Reader/"criminal reader"
Anything in italics is your internal dialogue hopefully that is clear but just case it wasn't. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PG, unless Star Wars swearing counts, If it does PG-13.
It's pretty fluffy with a a dash of spice.
Our Story
    "Stop right there!" The red and white armored trooper sternly warns. You freeze and slowly turn to face him, his blaster aimed and ready, as you nonchalantly raise your hands. You take the moment to catch your breath and think of a plan.
    "You're very fast sir, ya really must be something under all that armor. Maybe we can settle this with a drink? See where the night takes us?" You coyly ask, edging slowly towards the ledge. The updraft off the building blows strands of your messy hair wildly.
    "Your attempt at flirting isn't going to work with me. I will shoot! Now Stop Moving!"
    You come to a halt partially listening to his warning, but mostly because your heels were already teetering off the ledge of the roof. There was a decent 10 feet between you and jail time. Your mind races through the dwindling option for escape as two other troopers make their way up to the roof. The initial trooper with a pauldron-- that means he is higher rank, a lieutenant or captain maybe, you couldn't remember-- motions to the others and they make their way towards you with binders in hand.
    "I mean I don't even know your name yet sir. And honestly, I've never really been into handcuff but if that's your thing..."
    The troopers blaster waivers slightly and you swear you heard him chuckle as he shakes his helmet nearly imperceptibly. Tilting your own head to the side, you look at him through batting eyelashes and give him a mischievous smile.
    "You know if you shoot me, I'd most likely fall off the side of this building." You sigh. "Not a great ending to our blossoming story."
    "Well, don't move and Our story will continue, uh blossoming on... Lieutenant Thire" He clarifies. You hear a flapping sound, glancing down you see curtains blowing in the funneled wind.
An open window.
"Staying Still? Hmmph, now where's the fun in that Lieutenant!?"
    "Don't you dare! Hurry it along troopers!" He quickly barks. Thire must have seen the the glimmer in your eyes, or maybe the glint of the knife hidden in your sleeve. Giving them all a quick farewell salute, you jump back diving feet first down the side of the apartment.
    "For kriffsake!" You hear Thire yell, as you fly down the side of the building only slowed slightly by your vibroblade slicing into the duracrete. It was truely a beautiful firework display of sparks, flashing this way and that, off the speeding wall. Then with some skill and a lot of luck, you catch the top ledge of the window and swing yourself in.
A slight wobble in the landing, but a solid 9 for the overall execution.
    You try to orient your self in the dark room and then are momentarily blinded when the lights turns on. When your eyes are finally are able to adjust and focus you see a very, very large green Twi'lek. He is blocking you from an easy exit. His tiny human partner cautiously comes up behind him holding a bat.
    "Good evening folks" you greeted them with the ease of second hand speeder sales man.
    "What in the kriffing hell! What are you doing in here!" yelled the foreboding Twi'lek.
    "What do you mean..." You pretended to be shocked looking to the Twi'lek and then his partner who is still nervervously holding on to the bat.
    "You didn't get a written notice from your land lord?" You questioned and suddenly act as if you just now saw the weapon in her hands. The green giant looked down to his partner and his partner back up at him. Both looked equal and extremely confused.
You can work with this.
    Pulling out your datapad from your bag and start angrily taping the keys, pacing slightly with your back turned to them. "Steve! You son of a bantha! I could throttle you, just kill him!" You fumed to your small audience, trying to quickly put together a holonet site to give the story your weaving some actual weight.
    "I try, You known, to tell him," you said sounding exasperated. "I tell him a partnership takes two people... Two people working as a team." Your two suspicious hosts look to each other and back at you. Still unsure of what to make of this intruder and the verbal diarrhea of new information being spewed at them.
A troubled partnership with someone named Steve. That will be the key out of this situation, the legend that will be Steve and his inability to do his job.
    "When he doesn't do his part I get shafted." You practically wept, still avoiding eye contact with your increasing worried audience. You let out a resigned sigh, rubbing your temples trying collect yourself. Buying enough time for your site to become live. With a relieved but tired inhale you continue your one man show.
    "I'm so sorry, My name is Maree Jakorr" you said thinking of a grade school classmates mother. "And I'm part of a start up security company." You turn your datapad over and show them the holonet site you just put together. Its was barebones but got the job done.
It's Steve for kriffsakes, he can't even call up potential clients, and make sure the tenants are informed. There isn't much hope for his holonet site design abilities.
       You take another deep breathe you were getting a little too deep into lore. "As you can see we do mock break-ins to find weakness and then try implement different measures to increase security and safety. Of course this is supposed to be done with the home owners knowledge and consent." You explain. With a partially exaggerated groan you put away your datapad. "Well this is going to be fun to explain to the CG."
    "The gaurd doesn't have to know" squeaked the human. "I mean we don't need to call them." She said more confidently looking up at her partner. The Twi'lek looked lovely down nodding his head and pulling her in close.
You instantly adore these two, and make a mental note to send them something later for their trouble.
    "Oh you're too sweet hun, but as part of the test we call the CG to see how long it take them to respond to a threat. You know, extra data points for the algorithm, if that makes sense."
    "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." You say truely apologetic. "Well I guess I should leave you two be, so you can get some resemblence of a normal evening back."
    "Feel free to use the front door... or window if you prefer." Joked the Twi'lek. They both chuckle and she stands on her tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Gosh these two.
    "I'll try my luck with the front door I think." You laughed. As you hand reaches for the handle, you can hear the sounds of troopers knocking on doors as they sweep the hall. Their footsteps and voices getting louder as they near.
    "Do you mind if I use the fresher quickly before I go?"
They both nod their heads and the Twi'lek takes the bat from his partner and puts it away in the closet. "Just that door there at the end of the hallway."
    "Thank you so much, I promise I'll be out of here in no time." You say closing the door behind you, making sure not to lock it. You search the cozy room, looking for an alternative way out. Not to thrilled with the prospect of using window again for escaping. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed, only a options, the last resort, hopefully.
    Depsite the nerf burger, extra fries and large shake you devoured for dinner, you manage to squeeze yourself from the air vent of the apartment and into the slightly larger main vent of the building.
    Without a second to spare you see the troopers through silted grate, knock on the door of the apartment you once occupied. Your tempted to eavsedrop on the conversation, knowing you had given that beautiful couple enough information to give the undoubtedly handsome Lieutenant a headache. You think better of it, and make your long overdue escape.
    Once out of the building you causal walk the back alleyways making your journey home. You send Lieutenant Thire a link and a small message;
"Dear Lieutenant Thire,
I hope this holonet link clears up any misunderstanding between you and the lovely and completely unsuspecting couple in apartment 459.
Sincerely, 'Our story lives on for another day.'
P.S. Please excuse the poorly designed website, Steve did his best. Best regards xox 💋. "
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this-acuteneurosis · 4 years
Unexpected Allies
Never let it be said that Leia Skywalker doesn’t know how to have a good time.
(She doesn’t)
Never let it be said that Padmé Amidala ever made a political misstep.
(She did)
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ashxdragon · 3 years
Fanfics Part 2
So these are really unique and interesting Starwars Clone war fanfics I have collected. I like these gems b/c they all have a unique twist to them. Also, more love for these writers <3 . Some time travel, some crossover, some supernatural, force sensitivity clones, etc.
*some of these fics are mature
Fate is Overrated, Anyway
Fox shoots to kill instead of stun, and Fives dies in Rex's arms on the floor of a warehouse in Coruscant. He takes Palpatine's secrets with him.
After Order 66 goes out, a nameless assassin stalks any surviving Jedi and any clones who managed to defect. These two things may be more related than they appear.
Having met up with Rex and Ahsoka, the Bad Batch and Echo have just one goal: survive. Fives also has one goal - remember.
AKA the one where Fives gets Winter Soldiered.
- Love love love everything about this fic
Didn't see it coming
Basically Rex is one of Toph's reincarnations and after losing his sight in battle she helps learn how to Bend like her and he goes back to his job but with SUPER POWERS.
- one of a kind crossover (might sound silly but was actually pretty cool)
Explosive Memories
After being involved in an accident, Ahsoka is left with no memories of anyone and is forced to relearn her way of life.
- You will need to read this one carefully b/c its worth it when you realize whats going on. Hoping to convince the writer to do a part 2. *_* A girl can dream
The Force Works In Mysterious Ways
Ben Kenobi had lived a long live. He had known love and joy, sadness and loss. He had survived the genocide of his people. Fought the man whom he loved like a brother, despite feeling his heart break. He watched helplessly as the Galaxy fell into the hands of the Sith, as the few who dared to object disappeared. He made peace with this and with himself. It was a good live. Now, having cognized the Force at the highest level, he could guide young Luke Skywalker as a spirit.
CC-2224's life was harsh and tough. Not everyone can handle such rhythm, but CC-2224 had no other choice. He was born to serve the Republic and then the Empire. He did so dutifully even though he disagreed with Empire's methods and policy. He watched the legacy of his template die, an era of terror and fear take over the Galaxy. Chaos engulfed all living things. But finally, his time has come. His brothers were waiting for him. He can finally rest.
But the Force, it seemed, had other plans.
- This one has has de-aged clones (finally... almost all the de-aged stuff is with Anakin or Obi) and super interesting twist with Fett. hope u enjoy ;)
Void after Umbara
After Rex executes Krell on Umbara, he is sent back to Kamino for reconditioning
Ahsoka and his brothers will have to deal with the emptiness left behind now that Rex is gone
And the shinies that were send to replace their fallen brothers
- Its only 2 chapters in at the moment but I loved the second chapter so much I immediately re read it.  *Mature warning*
like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
“One of our own made an attempt on Chancellor Palpatine’s life just now,” Thorn said, frowning, “did you not get the priority alert messages Thire sent out earlier?”
“Fives,” Fox realized with a start. He scrambled to his feet, head throbbing painfully from the sudden movement.
“Yeah, ARC-5555,” Thorn nodded, “crazy, huh?”
(Groundhog Day!AU Fix-It where Fox finds himself stuck in a time loop after Vader kills him.)
someone to watch me die
He’s fading, can’t hold onto himself longer. Rex’s firm grip on his shoulder is the only thing keeping him here, a steady reminder that someone forgives him, that he isn’t completely alone.
Waxer has never cried before, not once. It isn’t him.
He’s not sure if the single tear that escapes him counts as crying, but it’s the closest he’ll ever get.
Waxer meets the ground. Hard.
Or; Waxer dies on Umbara and wakes up back on the Negotiator, three days before his death.
A Way Out, From a Certain Point of View
In which Maul drops from the sky, claims he has travelled twenty years from the future, kidnaps Captain Rex and decides to stop the war.
Stars and Oceans
Obi-Wan says his mind feels like the ocean on a calm day. In Cody's eyes she's a creature of pure starlight.
Part 1 and 3 of Favorite fanfics
*I’ll probably edit this post b/c i’ll randomly remember a story I wanted to add
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countessofbiscuit · 3 years
Millennia ago, a quarter of Coruscant had been terraformed into water, to regulate the planet’s climate and gently influence its weather. What wasn’t catacombed city and crumbling infrastructure was the Western Sea.
And riding 300 klicks roughly a meter above it? That was Commander Fox at top speed. 
Soaring upon a custom swoop engine was one thing, but it rarely left a signature. Here, Fox carved a canyon of salty surf — visibly impressed his bike’s thrust upon something. Dick-dragging, to quote Thire. 
And at such speed, he almost sliced Chuchi off at the neck, when she surfaced to his surprise.
. . . . . 
Mermay!Foxiyo may or may not ever be finished, but I was practically flying on a jet ski this arvo and got high on imagery <333 a drabble for Sordina in C ... 
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