#Lif x Reader
My Emo Girlfriend!
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You met by complete accident
Whether it be in school or the graveyard, it doesn't matter; It's all the same
You were acquainted, barely even friends; Though, that was more on your part, because you were scared of her
She didn't mind you, but you weren't good friends
After you see each other more often, you do get used to her scary appearance
It takes time for you to becomes friends with her
When you do become friends, you become close. In fact, she becomes one of your closest friends
At first you would hang out in school, but it slowly turns into you walking home together and then you both start hanging out
You still think it's creepy that she's so fascinated with dead things, especially rats
But as long as she isn't the one killing them, you're on board
You're her muse and she write love poems about and for you
She's absolutely sweet, the complete opposite of what you had originally thought when first meeting her
^ Though the curtesy is not shared with people who are mean to you
Most people think you are just friends.... Really close friends.... Like really close
She has a dark, twisted mind and loves creepy things, which is why it's so weird that she is dating you
But she loves that you're so different from her
You inspire her, because you make her see a different side of the world
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Pairing: Lif x reader
Prompt: The summoner gets a new outfit, based on Hel.
Description: You were a little apprehensive to try on the clothing made in the style of Hel... You didn't realize it would make Lif even more anxious than you.
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 1299
Notes: Whoo its a fanfiction!!! Not only that its a series!!! Anyways is anyone surprised to find I'm writing Lif to get out a little block in writing. I'm certainly not. This is not looked over at all, and yes I did do a whole ass sketch to decide how I wanted Hel summoner to look. You'll probably see a picture for that soon :eyes:
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“Wow this is really different…” You couldn’t help the way your voice softened as you traced delicate fingers over the clothing prepared for you. It sat innocently in your room, delivered by the tailor earlier and waiting for you to come and find it. You had asked them to make you some clothing similar tho the heroes from Hel (as well as those resplendent heroes from there; you did always tend to stare when another hero came though with the macabre designs).
Staring down the clothing now, you can’t help but feel a little intimidated by it. With its shining black armor, intricate designs and carefully chosen accessories you felt for a moment that perhaps something this nice (for lack of a better word) was too good for you. But, you had to remember this clothing was quite literally made for you. Each stitch considered carefully, every color chosen with care…
So its with a deep breath that you begin to dress in the outfit before you. Carefully slipping on your under clothing, you can’t help but admire the delicate headpiece and interesting armor. It was interesting to see what on your old outfit inspired the creation of this one, and the liberties taken by the tailor to create something that could absolutely be seen from the soldiers of Hel.
Once on and seeing yourself in the mirror you couldn’t help but feel a little heat over your cheeks. On the wall this outfit didn’t seem so revealing, but this skirt, with its cut edges seemed to ride up higher than yours, with the cut that usually filled you with confidence running much higher than before-- your saving grace being the bright blue thigh highs that showed just a bit of real skin. The shirt, meant to resemble the skin of the dead brought back, had careful patterns cut from it to show off your actual skin. At least, the armor resting on your chest and hips made you feel a little protected, not something the flimsy cape you wore could do.
Looking at your cloak, sitting lonesome on the bed, you almost felt like it would be better to replace your previous outfit instead. But glancing at your mirror once again, you steeled yourself; you couldn’t let your own awkwardness put this outfit down. So, with confidence renewed, you move to head out your door, trying to decide what heroes you should surprise with your outfit first.
You thought of the Robin’s, how they would probably be delighted to see how you matched them now. Or maybe Alfonse and Sharena, the latter who would be so excited to see you branching out a little with your clothing. There was any number of heroes who would be pleased to see you like this, you were sure. You really just had to pick a direction and walk!
...That was, of course, after you finished your patrol. It was that time. In all your giddiness to try on your new outfit, you had nearly forgotten!
“Ohh I know I asked someone to accompany me today…” You muttered, heading out towards the perimeter of the castle to begin. You couldn’t quite remember who it was, though. Unbothered, and expecting to enjoy their presence anyways, you hum as you reach the spot you usually start your patrol. You didn’t see anyone around, though, so perhaps you were just misremembering the day…
“Summoner…?” You turned to the sound of a gasp, already quiet footsteps stopping at sight of you.
“Oh, Lif!” You smile at him, but his red eyes remain wide with shock. “Is everything alright? I hope I didn’t keep y--!” Your cut off as Lif suddenly sweeps you into an embrace. “Lif?” You curl your head up to look at him, hands pressed against hard armor. But he’s hidden his face against your neck. You can feel your heartbeat picking up next to him. “What’s wrong?” Your voice comes out quieter now, as you take the chance to hug him back.
“This outfit you’re wearing… I…” He stops speaking but it doesn’t stop your eyes from widening. “But you’re still breathing… still alive…” You feel his heavy breath land on your neck, cold as his embrace.
“It was supposed to be for fun…” You admit softly. “I… didn’t intend to scare you.” How stupid could you be? Of course an outfit like this would cause him to act like that!
“For a moment I…” He stops again, pulling you close once more to double check your heart was still beating.
“I’m so sorry…” You pull back, just enough that you can see the sadness in his eyes, just as much as you feel it in the way he refuses to let you go. “I promise, I’m not dead. I’m still here…” Your unsure what else to say, silent as Lif closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Don’t apologize. I… was just taken back to the past is all.” You can’t help but frown at his words. “So many times I’ve agonized about not being able to save you, and to see you like this…” He shakes his head.
“I-I can go change! I’d still really like you to join me for my patrol.” You remember how much pleading it had taken to get him to agree in the first place.
“You don’t have to do that. I… just need a moment.” Still, he does not let you go. As if letting you go would change reality, and you too would be under Hel’s domain…
“Then I won’t go anywhere, then.” You were still beating yourself up over being dumb enough to wear this around Lif. You hadn’t even considered how he might feel seeing you like this… “I just got jealous of all the other Heroes getting new outfits, so I wanted to join in on the fun. I really enjoyed the way other heroes outfits came out when based on Hel but…” You sigh and shake your head, unable to finish the thought. “Think of it this way, Lif. I match you now!” You say instead, trying to boost his mood from how somber he had become.
“Match me?” He echoes the words. It wasn’t an entirely displeasing thought, but… Even now, taking another look at your outfit, Lif has to stop the pit of anxiety that fills him. You looked so happy though, smiling up at him in that encouraging way.
“Tell you what. We can go slow on my patrol today, and I won’t drop your hand the entire time.” You decide, pulling back from him but taking his right hand in your left. “I know were both wearing a lot of armor, but you can feel how warm I am, right?”
“...I can.” He nods, because even thought your now gauntlet clad hand, Lif can feel the heat of your hand. It’s very comforting, though he dare not admit.
“Then you can know I’m still alive.” You grin wide at him. “And if anything scary comes along during our patrol, I know I can trust you to keep me alive and safe too.” You added. “So… come on! We’re already running a little behind as it is.” You urge him forward by walking yourself, causing Lif to follow lest he lose the warmth of your hand.
The two of you continued forward like that, silent but happy in one anthers company. Lif wasn’t sure he enjoyed your new outfit yet. However, if it meant he got to hold your hand like this, soak in your warm touch as he had before… perhaps it wasn’t all bad. And like you said; the two of you did match now. You were dressed like him, and not Alfonse so… maybe, there was a chance for him after all.
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iamdarkness · 5 months
Lif x Summoner, Lif x reader / Implied platonic Alfonse x Summoner, Alfonse x reader.
NSFW from first sentence.
Lif and the summoner find each other thanks to an unlikely person and Lif's questionable decisions.
Also a look into Embla's hidden night life and secrets. Set before and after the siege to Veronica's castle in book 5.
May do a second part. I know I should be working on the other ones but I swear I had this one sitting there for like a year and I was debating whether to post it of not. Hope you like it.
   -Say my name! Say it!- The husky voice says on the woman’s ears. He is taking her from behind. It comes muffled by the white and gold embroidered hood that covers all of her head and most of the face. She can hardly hear it over her own moans too. His trusts are relentless and rhythmic, his length reaching deeper than anyone she had ever been with. Between moans she manages to breath and utter the name he desperately wanted to hear.
  -Alfonse! Alfonse! Ahh!!
  -NO! Not Alfonse! Say it!
  Not confused by the request, the woman remembers the other times he had done this to her. She switches to his other name.
  -Lif! Oh God Lif! I… please!!- She pleads even though there is no god she believes in. This is what he wants and so she will deliver.
  A few more rough trusts on his part and she reaches her limit. When he feels her release, he takes his final trust then she feels him withdraw. After a short moment he kisses the top of her hooded head. She stays unmoving and knowing full well why he does not kiss her instead.
  - _______….My ______. My dear summoner.- She hears him come in his hand like all the other times he has done this. She does not dare to look back at his ruby red eyes. She feels drained of all energy after such a energetic session, but she stays put. A moment later she feels him lean on her back and rest his head on hers. She hears him whisper something and can make out some words he repeats like a prayer.
  -Soon my love….I will return you to me. Soon…- He sighs, a sigh she knows he does not need and remembering it, makes her shiver. This must have brought him back to reality, because he raises himself from the bed and she hears him start to dress up.
  -Take it off.- His monotone voice reach her still hazy mind. She knows what he meant and she complies. She starts taking off the hooded coat and turning a little so she can do it faster and catches a glimpse of him standing near the door.
  -Turn around. I don’t want to see your face. -He says in a rough voice. Such a different tone that some moments ago. She takes the garment off. She was wearing a night gown underneath without underwear.
  -I…You can come inside me…I am ready for this…I assure y…
  -Do I not pay you enough for your silence?
  -Yes… I just wanted to serve you better.
  -Then keep quiet. I will be back next month…here.- He lets some gold coins fall on her bed. She does not turn around but takes the coins. It is much more than she would do in a month by herself. He takes the coat and folds it neatly to place it inside a travel bag. Done this, he opens the door and leaves without a further word.
  The woman starts crying. She is not sure why her heart feels so heavy. The first time he had come to her, he had scared her, but she needed the money. He had made requests and offered a lot of money for it. The following times he had learned a lot about him even if he did not talked to her. He was dead and had been brought back to life it was obvious, but he looked like he had been a very handsome man in life. He was a great lover too. Sometimes he was gentle and loving and sometimes he was rough but not in a bad way.
He loved that woman and she knew who that woman was. She was the summoner of the Askran Kingdom. She wondered then if this warrior was one of the fallen heroes the Summoner used in the war. Her lover perhaps. If that was so, then…it meant he loved her when he was alive and his love endured after death.
  And then she understood her feelings. She was sad. Not only for him, who had died loving someone and was probably afraid to bee seen the way he was, but for his summoner as well. Did she even know he still walked the living world? Does she love him back? Did she grieve his death?….Then there was Her… She was here in the Emblian South city of Renar ; a whore not by choice, living this sad life. If only someone would love her the way this man did his Summoner…even if he was dead…
  =NO!….Do not even think about this…this is just a job…Soon we will be able to leave the city and my sister will never have to suffer what I have. We will have a house of our own and some cows…And this will be in the past and forgotten… I will forget him…just like he will forget me….but…what about the Summoner?…=
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It was almost dawn when she heard the silent footfalls of Lif’s booted feet. Her scarlet eyes did not move from her target. The Emblian Castle so much like her own home stood right in front of her. She stood on the roof of the tallest building in the South City. He was late, but she would not say anything. It was not that she feared his anger. He seldom was cross at her. She knew it was all a facade to keep others at bay and enemies afraid anyway. Besides, he new she disapproved of his monthly escapades. They not only were risky and a waste of time but she considered them … how would she word it? Oh yeah…cheating.
For all the indifference he voiced so loudly against the Summoner, she knew how he felt. He could deny it all he wanted, but he had stolen that jacket from the castle the last time he had entered it to spy on that Summoner…. err The Order of Heroes or so he had said. So if he loved that Summoner so much why visit not only other women but a common whore, only because she had the same height and constitution of the Summoner. Thrasir had never fallen in love, but she knew that if her lover where to do this kind of action she would surely dismember them…and then brake up with them.
  - Any news from Zacharias? - He asks avoiding her eyes. She looks sideways at him and does not answer.-Let it go Veronica. - He says tiredly. He had enough with his own disgust and self hatred to be judged by her as well.
  -He has not returned yet, but…Loki was telling Veronica there are rumors of war from another realm. The target may be Askr, but she said to be ready just in case. It is just as we were told. We should ask Thorr for more information. - She said as neither of them trusted Loki. Not that they trusted Thorr to begin with but at least the Goddess did not lie for fun.
  -Mmm. It may be wise. It also may be a good chance to find out more about the Alfather and his plan. Come, let us go to the base. - Their base being an abandoned country home the Askran Royal Family did not use any more. It was too close to the border and had been partly destroyed. They used the hidden bunker in the basement.
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  - Please help my sister.- Had been Bruno’s plea and it would be answered.
[line break]
  -Reginn! Take the left side and let Dagr take the right! Takumi shoot the sniper in the clock tower please! It’s attacking the Emblian front lines! Take Claude with you and scan the other tall buildings! BE CAREFUL! Guinevere back Zelgius up! Micaiah tell the wyvern riders to take each an archer not mounted, to the roofs, when the ninjas give the go ahead. Naesala and Henry… you know what to do.
Naesala looked down to his best friend Henry and lifted him off the ground. Henry gave one of his little laughs. They were in charge of the aerial attack.
 Bruno watched you give orders to the heroes behind his golden mask with a small smile, but you knew that deep down; he was very anxious for his sister. He knew she could handle herself, but against Nidavellir, she was untested and so he was afraid. Now that he had his friends by his side; it was an easier burden to carry, and he wished he could count on you to help him on his quest, but the war started by the bad blood of Embla and his fear of harming you all was enough to dispelled those wishes from his mind. Now he was waiting for your instruction on when to strike.
 -King Dimitri, Ike lead the front lines. Savior Dimitri, Alm And King Marth will be following with their squads. Bruno Sharena and Alfonse, be ready to go when they make way. Kaze and Saizo will be waiting for you to make your way into the palace unseen.
  -You will stay? -Asks Bruno.
  -It is better I stay and lead the heroes with Commander Anna.
  - I would feel better if you were to come with us. I do not belittle your heroes’ abilities to guard you but… You have been kidnapped before.- Said Bruno with furrowed brows.
  -It was all Alfonse’s idea. Besides (M) Byleth, F Dimitri and Grima are here to protect me…just…take care of each others.- Bruno looked at Alfonse and the younger man averted his eyes, blushing a little.
  -Alfonse… a word if I may.- Says Bruno. They both retreat a little way away and even though you can’t hear what they are saying you knew what Alfonse was telling him. He was afraid of getting you hurt after being kidnapped and then sent by Commander Anna on a solo mission to fight for days without his consent. Of course you preferred to go with him, but you also did not want to worry him. You knew who would win the argument. Alfonse was stubborn once he made up his mind. Alfonse had also expressed his mistrust of Bruno’s sanity. He was not afraid for himself or Sharena but he could not trust him with you and did not want you to be near him for longer than necessary. He held his friend dearly, but what was happening to him was of great concern to him and he need to take action just in case of him being overpowered by his blood.
  -I still do not agree. -Says Bruno looking sideways at his friend, while coming back after a while. - But I trust your judgment. It has been right previous times. - Alfonse’s little scowl dissipated at this remark. Bruno did not know you would be their back up.
  - Be careful Summoner. - Was all Bruno said and turned to get ready to leave. Alfonse turned to you and gave you a small smile you returned and winked at him, which made him blush.
  - You too guys. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
  -Well now I am concerned.- Says Fjorm smiling, with a pink tint to her pale cheeks.
  - Wow thanks. Any way, it’s great you are here. Fjorm I am a little concerned for Reginn. She looks…not her usual and well, I don’t blame her for it; but I am afraid she may have an accident or something. I don’t think she is focused.
  -I will keep an eye on her if you wish.
  - Eir can take you and if Reginn asks just tell her you are back up.- Fjorm nodded and turned to search for Eir.- And Fjorm…have I mentioned how great you are and how grateful I am you are with us? Because You are and I am.- She turns beet red at that.
  -Umm…I could hear it more often.- She says bashfully. That woman loves you and ever since Alfonse had had to accept the arranged marriage to his third cousin, she has not left your side. Alfonse does not like it but he can not say much about it.
 Kagero lands soundlessly behind you from Beruka’s wyvern and as usual she scares you a bit when she starts talking.
  -Summoner. The others give it a “clear”. Kaze and Saizo are waiting for the Prince’s group. - Says Kagero. You thank her and signal Alfonse for them to leave.- Kaze wanted to stay with you and is a bit annoyed he had to stay.
  -We’ll see him in a bit anyway.- You tell her while seeing Alfonse retreating back, his white cape being swallowed by the darkness of the night. You offer her a smile after his image is lost. -Come. Let us check how things are going.- You take your spyglass from your coat and take a look at the front lines. They are approaching the castle and while the Order attack the invading army on all fronts and surround them, Prince Alfonse and his team reach the inside by a “secret” entrance, Bruno had told you about. It was actually an old supply entrance no longer used that Bruno used to come and go whenever he came in secret to keep an eye on his sister. It had been sealed and he was the only one who could open it.
  -Look at Norne go. She is always so reliable and enthusiastic. Ike is falling behind…I wonder what’s the hold up.- Kagero takes the offered spyglass.
  It took you less than half an hour to follow Alfonse. You left the heroes to Anna who was aided by Micaiah and Robin’s capable hands. Soren would have been there too but he had joined Ike in the front lines when he noticed Ike had fallen into a standstill. The advance had flowed as expected after that.
  You were half way to rendezvous with Alfonse, making your way to the secret entrance when you hear a a woman half shouting angrily and half crying.
  -NO! Don’t you dare touch my sister! She’s just a child! Take my money but leave her alone!!
  There were shouting of men as well. Most of them were curses.
  You look around a nearby corner despite Fallen Dimitri’s warning of not getting involved and see a woman of about twenty years of age fighting off five Nidavellirian soldiers intent on taking a small girl of about 6 years of age. This enraged you to no end and turning to tell F Dimitri the number of enemies; he nodded that it was not a problem and Kagero takes to the roof of the building to take them from behind or warn you about others. You look around the corner and aim your shot at the nearest soldier. He falls in a flash of light. Confused the rest of the soldiers look around only to be met with a shadow so fast and strong they never even made a sound of alarm.
  When you get there you find the woman kicking one of the soldiers even though he’s already out cold…or dead…most probably dead given the wide gaping hole you could now see in his stomach, done by Dimitri’s lance. The rest of the men were in the same shape, even the one you had stunned. Dimitri was looking at the young woman with an arched eyebrow.
  -Hey hey! Calm down you are safe now. Did they hurt you?- You ask the woman and her angry face turn towards you about to respond and her eyes widen in surprise. She looks you over and says in a whisper. -_______….- You were surprised by her recognition, since you had really never been to Embla, so this meant she was a member of the army or something.
  -You know me? Have we met in battle?- You ask.
  -No…I mean…I have just heard about you.- Her red face is still visible even with the low light of the fires set to some buildings or the random torch or lamp on the ransacked street. This place looked like the bad side of town to be honest. -Thank you so much for saving us!
  -We need to keep moving.- Says Kagero landing soundlessly behind the woman and child.  
-Wait! You are going to enter the castle?- Ask the woman.
  -Yes but we came to help, so don’t worry. We are not trying to invade or anything.- You say.
  - We should invade them now that they are weak. It would end this stupid war.- Says F Dimitri gruffly.
  The woman gave a small smile at that but did not comment.
  - Are you taking the back alleys to get to the secret entrance?- She asks again and you nod surprised at her knowledge. She bites her lower lip nervously weighting her next move.
  -I guess it is not so secret if you know about it.- Says Dimitri with a searching look on his eyes.Then asks. -Do you work at the palace?
  -I have gone and I know things. I know of a faster and safer way to get there. I owe you my life and most importantly, I owe you Vera’s life. She is my dear sister. I need to repay you. Would you trust me to take you to that entrance?
  Confident that the your guard were with you and your skills were not too shabby either, You turn to them and agree to follow her. Grima and M Byleth already waiting for you.
  The woman who introduced herself as Zorine and asked you to call her Zoe, took you to a building down the street, apparently she had been working there when the attack started and had come to her small rented room to look for her sister as soon as she could go outside. They had waited for the people to flee and were going to a safe spot by the time they were spotted by the enemy soldiers.
  The building was a three story tavern that looked like it was a bit rundown on purpose, because when Zoe opened the door you were met with quite a different building. It looked too fancy to be a regular tavern for this side of town. Zoe looked uncomfortable and red.
  - Are you a bar maid?- Asks Byleth blankly but polite.
  -I thought I smelled something. It stinks of coupling… and vice…- Said Grima in a low voice and wrinkling his nose. Zoe’s face was scarlet eyeing her little sister.
  - My sister is a healer for the people who gets hurt in the tavern! Not a maid!- Said the little girl.- Zoe! You said I should never come here!
  ==Oh Fiddlesticks! Is she a sex worker?==
  - Hey Miss Vera. How would you like for my friend Prince Dimitri to carry you while we are inside the tavern and that way you will be safe. Maybe hide your face in his furry cape and that way you will not be scared.- You turn to Dimitri and he is a little stiff but understood your reasons. The girl looks at Dimitri and widens her eyes. You do not blame her, Dimitri is very tall and intimidating. Not a moment later her eyes shine with wonder and she smiles and agrees to it. When he has her safely in his arms she giggles at the fluffiness of the fur cloak. Dimitri reddens. Zoe now sure of her sister’s safety proceeds to show you to the basement of the establishment. While explaining in a low voice so as to hear if there is someone hiding that should not be here.
  - This place is a “tavern” for high ranking members of the empire and so they made a tunnel from the castle to the establishment. It is said the late King had a lover here that he wanted no one to know about, but the truth is that the tunnel is very old and has been here probably for centuries. The tunnel connects some other places like the High Temple of Embla and it goes all the way to the mountains and others to the South.
  - Ironic but not unexpected.- She looks puzzled at your comment and little laugh. - The temple…Well it connects the most important places right? If the rich people are at any of these places there is always a way to escape safely…but it being a church and a bro…a tavern is a little ironic, but we know rich people’s priorities…at least in my world it is that way. No offence to anyone.
  -We don’t have those in Faergus. At least no tunnels from the castle to a tavern that I know of…but we do not need them. There are enough…healers in the castle…- Dimitri says gruffly
  - Let us check if it is unlocked. The patrons of the tavern and the owner left through it, but I do not know if they locked it. There is another key in the Owner’s rooms.- The trapdoor to the tunnel was blocked as if someone had hastily piled the most rubbish they could find on top of it. It took you all less than three minutes to unblock and the trapdoor was luckily unlocked. When you get into the tunnel you think the woman and child will get away but she does not.
  -You do not know the city like I do and even less the tunnel. I had to come down here to lead costumers away safely or to serve in the castle and since the tunnel forks out you may get lost. I will lead you. The tunnel goes all the way to the entrance prince Bruno may be using to get to the castle. His is the old servant entrance on the East side. I heard they closed it when the war started. Currently only one of the servant entrances remain open… and the tunnel. There is of course another way that leads directly into the castle if you need me to lead you there as well.
  -I think that the entrance would be better. We already have a plan on where we will meet. Also I would not like you to be in danger because of us. - You look at her and she is looking at her sister. The girl apparently was so exhausted by what the situation that had fallen asleep on Dimitri’s arms.
  - We still need to remain in the city. I need to repay someone, the money I owe them…I can not leave without paying the debt.
  -Is that why you are working as a….healer?-
  -I do not do it for fun!- She retorts a little too loud and it is amplified by the tunnel’s acoustics. She turns to her sister again, but the girls is soundly asleep.- …I… I apologize…
  -No no! Don’t apologize. Also I understood your position from the beginning but I was curious about the reason. You are very young. I’m sorry if I offended you. I have to say I truly respect the workers. Not many people understand the real weight they bear and the extent of the service they provide to society in general but mostly to other women and children.
  -What do you mean?- Asks Dimitri.
  -You see at court they may do it for free to gain power and other selfish reasons but it is not the same with workers like her who are not here by choice. Some like her are extortioned and others kidnapped. Whatever the reason and situations, they keep people’s lowest of instincts in check. Many of them die because of them and…well…it is in a way a protection for many… it is … a complicated situation.
  - You understand! All the people I know look down on us, like we are the vilest and dirtiest of beings.
  -I bet you the first ones to judge are the clients.- You comment.
  - Yes!… Not all of them, but most of them. There is one client…- She pauses unsure of what to say next.- He is…a little rough around the edges, but he is…he seeks companionship…
  -He is in love with you? -you ask.
  -No! He is is in love with someone else, but I think he thinks it is a lost cause or a forbidden love…he loves her so much…and I understand why…-She says quietly.-It is thanks to him I have the money to pay off our debt.
  -Is that the money you were offering the soldiers? - Asks Byleth.
  -Well if he is such a great person he could have just given you the money…You know what…never mind… I am not going to judge any one here…Why do you even have a debt to pay?- You ask.
  -My father owned a lot of land close to the border, but when the fire giant came, he burned the villages and lands. We lost all the cattle and the other animals. He had already asked a Lord friend of his for a loan and hoped to sell the cattle to pay him.- She takes a moment to point to the right direction when you come to a fork in the tunnel. The light from your crystal lanterns give off a ghostly blue light that makes her look sick.- When he learned we had lost everything in the fire but the lands, his friend came to seize the lands in payment and wanted even more, so he tried to make my father give him my hand. After some talks, the friend gave him more time, but then the war and the drought prevented us from paying up the debt. Finally last year my father’s friend came and demanded his money and my hand. He took everything we owned and ran us off of our lands and house. My father was not only heartbroken, but also furious. He tried to duel him like a good gentleman does, but his friend killed him before the duel was to take place. He kidnapped me and my sister and when we managed to escape…he sold us to the owner of the tavern. I had until the end of this year to pay off my debt or my sister would join me as a ….healer.
  -Son of a bitch! Seriously? Can you tell me the names of those ass…er…really horrible men…-You end the tirade when you see her blinking face starting at you like you had suddenly sprout horns.- They kind of deserve it don’t they though?I mean, I only do it when I am really angry…sorry…- You hear Grima snicker at the back.
  -The Prince is not going to like it. - Grima chimes is.
  -He is not going to know is he? I got candy! Oh here have some for you and your sister when she wakes up and please forget I cursed. It is very natural do do it where I come from, but being part of the Order, it is a big “No”.
  The Woman takes the candy with a surprised face and then gave you a look that you could not interpret, but it looked between bewilderment and endearment.
  - I have never met anyone like you Summoner. Thank you. Umm why do you carry candy around to a battlefield?
  - For energy bursts and….the truth is because I like to treat the kids in the Order and some of the heroes who like them a lot. Some like cheese or fish but I can’t carry those around.- You hear Byleth and Dimitri laugh silently.- But seriously, tell me more about those creeps. You think we can do something, without repercussions to you?
  The talk lasted until you arrived at the tunnel’s exit. Zoe gave you instructions on where to go. She was going to stay inside the tunnel by the entrance to wait out the battle. Dimitri left them his cloak to keep Vera warm and Kagero was instructed to stay with the two. She wholeheartedly agreed to it. Before you took off you noticed Zoe was trying to say something and looked nervous.
  - Summoner…there is something you should know…no, don’t worry it is nothing to do with this battle…it is something very important you need to know, but I can’t tell you around them. I know I am not important enough for you to take the time to hear me out, but please it is not about me. It is about you and someone you may know. It is the reason I know who you are. Can you meet me after this?
  -Can you not tell me now though?
  -I am afraid it would be too long of an explanation and you need to hear all of it.
  -Ok. We will return because Dimitri can’t live without his cloak anyway.
  -Please be careful Summoner! And thank you!
  -We will!
  When you leave and before she closes the trapdoor to the tunnel Kagero can hear her whisper and it intrigues her.
  -There is someone who would suffer a lot if harm came to you…I do not think he could take loosing you…again.
  You joined Alfonse and Bruno even before the time marked and you told Alfonse how helping out the two girls had ended with you finding a safer and faster way. Alfonse was worried at first but seemed to be very happy you were safe. He was very conflicted by the past situations. He did not want you to participate in battles anymore than necessary, but could not function well if he could not keep an eye on you or was far from you. Your kidnapping had left a scar unwilling to heal and he wondered what would happen if something more final would befall you…would he be able to get past it? Would he end up turning into someone like Lif? Of course it would not be entirely that way. It had taken the trauma of losing every loved one Alfonse had held dear, but also his entire Kingdom dying as well; to turn him into Lif. Nothing could compare to that pain when you had abandonment issues in the first place and Alfonse had more than enough of those.
  The plans went better than expected. Your group came inside first and you were able to get to where Princess Veronica and her ward were keeping the rest of the court safe. She was seemingly not as happy to see you all as much as she was to see her brother alive and well, but it was understandable, even a little funny. Soon enough Reginn, her group and Fjorm came to your side to fight as well. As in per the plan Ike and Marth had opened a way for her to get inside.
  When the battle was over it was almost dawn. It had taken almost ten hours to run them off the palace and the battle had gone well into midday for them to leave the city in a call of retreat.
  When everything was done Reginn collapsed. She had a high fever caused by the stress and how hard she had driven her mental and physical limits. Princess Veronica had begrudgingly allowed you all to stay in the palace until Reginn got better with a sour expression, until you reminded her of how she got to spend more time with her brother. She had indeed proceeded to go talk to her brother and try to take him away from your group. You felt a little bad for Alfonse, who would have wanted to spend time with his old friend, but it was understandable that the time he had should be spend with his sister. Who knows how long he had been away from home this time.
  Finally after resting a bit and eating a hasty breakfast; F Dimitri had come to let you know he was going back for his cloak and wanted to know if you were going to meet up with the woman. You took some food with you and followed Dimitri.
Alfonse not wanting to let you out of his sight on enemy territory followed behind with Savior King Dimitri Byleth and Grima. Together you all had explained to him how everything had taken place in all detail, since last night you had only told him the basics and did not want Bruno to know you had knowledge of the secret tunnel. He had been a little worried when you told him about how you all had gone to help the two girls, but agreed that it had been a blessing as well. He was more than angry when you explained her situation and and reasons for them. He had already planed on giving the woman something for helping you out, but listening to your story he backtracked and decided to give the two girls a bag of gold, so that when they left the city they could have a place to stay. He also came with the idea that they should come with them to Askr in case someone found out they had lead them through the secret tunnel and incarcerated them for treason.
  -I wonder what she wants to talk to you about. She said it was about you and someone you know?- Asked Alfonse pensively.
  -Yes and I thought right away about Bruno. I mean who else can she know that I know except him and Princess Veronica…or Loki…
  -Loki…That is troublesome. I was surprised she was not at Veronica’s side.
  -Yeah! I mean, I don’t understand why Veronica still lets her be around in the first place! I would never trust her after all the crap she has done…but I guess that if I don’t trust her and she wants to hang around; I would probably want to keep her on close watch as well…
  -Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
  -By that logic, she should give us our own room at the palace…oh wait…- You say laughing. Alfonse laughs quietly as well. He has gotten used to your silly jokes and strange sense of humor.
Finally you get to the place where Kagero is waiting for you. The battle had been close to the place but no one had found the tunnel.
As soon as Vera saw you; she ran to meet you hugging Dimitri’s fury cloak. She hugged you and thanked you for the candy and then went to give Dimitri his cloak, except she ran into S K Dimitri first. He looked down to her a little startled.
 -That’s the wrong Dimitri!- You called out to her smiling- We have four of them!- You tell Zoe who came to stand by your side.- All of them different age, but just as wonderful in every way.- Vera looked around the man and spotted F Dimitri behind and ran to him.
-That is my Prince! Here I took great care of your cape your highness! -And after he took his cloak she hugged him. This made both Dimitri blush.
 -Hey Alfonse. This is Lady Zorine who so graciously helped us last night. Zoe this is Prince Alfonse of Askr.- Zoe bristled at the name. Her face blanched and looked like she had seen a ghost when his smiling face turned to you and then to her. His bright deep blue eyes looked at you warmly and when he looked at Zoe; she felt like the ground would come to meet her at any moment. She felt sick. It was HIS face. but different. And that name…how could she forget that name. She knew the prince of Askr was named Alfonse but she had never seen him or even knew how he looked like. What did all of this mean? She was so confused.
-Whoa there. Are you all right? You look like you have seen a ghost!- You ask Zoe. She lowered her face and avoided looking at Alfonse. - I know he looks a little stern but he is a great guy! Alfonse I think you scared her!- You say jokingly but holding Zoe’s arm in case she needed support. You figured it may be because she had not eaten well and the excitement of the day had exhausted her. Alfonse blushed.
-Summoner!- He said flustered, but Zoe could still feel those intelligent eyes watching her. It was like he was trying to find something inside her.
-Oh here, I got you some food and drinks. I bet you are hungry. You may feel better after you eat something.- Byleth then took a satchel he was holding in his back and started taking out food from it.-  It may be better if you eat something. I am no healer but I can see what I can do if you are not feeling well.- Said Byleth standing by Zoe’s side with an apple in his hand.
-I…thank you Professor I think I will have a drink and the apple. I am just a little tired…and I have just been hiding. How thoughtless of me. You must be exhausted after such a long fight and here you are worrying about me and my sister.- She can’t help but cry about that.- You really are and angel Summoner ______…and your heroes..
- Prince Alfonse can attest to it being the other way around when it comes to me.
-She does get in trouble quite a lot.-Alfonse says jokingly because he understands you are trying to cheer her up. He smiles warmly but keen eyes analyse the woman.
-I got kidnapped two weeks ago. Gave them all a scare.- You say laughing and Alfonse pulls a face.- It was not my fault tho. I swear!
-What? Who kidnapped you?- She panicked. Had it been HIM? Had she been helping some sick kidnapper’s fantasy?
-Prince Ótr. The brother of the guy that came to attack you and a creepy lady that looks like a possessed doll.-You giggle. Alfonse gives you another look.- Sorry. I am sleep deprived and I find everything funny right now; but I almost crapped my pants at the time.- Zoe can’t help but smile at the statement and she can see the effect you have on Alfonse when you turn to his furrowed face and mouth “Sorry” while taking his hand. His face changes to one of deep fondness and devotion. He loves you, just as much as HIM. And by the look on your face, she knew you loved him just as much…she was having second thoughts about telling you about Lif.
==…What if it is important? What if something happens to her and you could have saved her? I need to tell her.==
You let her eat something and after that Alfonse who is very intrigued by what she has said she knows speaks first.
-Miss Zorine. I thank you for keeping my Summoner and my men safe.- She listened to his words, that sounded in that instant so much like HIS. The way HE said “My Summoner” like there was nothing more precious in the world.- I have heard of your plight and I want to contribute to your cause. Here. I hope this is enough for you to get a place to stay while you journey out of the city.-He hands her the bag of gold. Zoe looks at it and you motion for her to take it.
- I could not…I did not do it for money.
-I know, still I would like you to have it. Do it for your sister. I am sure _____ wants you two to be safe. In fact. We are journeying back to Askr in some days and some of our people will be leaving every day. If for some reason you feel you are not safe in Embla, you can come with us to Askr and take one of the houses that have been vacated by our losses of war. There are many of those throughout the land.
-That is a lot of money. ..-She looks to her sister. She is ashamed to accept it, but she knows she would do whatever it takes for her sister to be safe. She looks at you.- I need to talk to you and if after that, you still feel like I deserve the money. I will take it and maybe the offer too…
== …but not alongside you… I will not be able to look you in the eyes after that…==
  With furrowed brows and worry painting his face, Alfonse watched as you made your way to a place far enough not to be heard but close enough to still be safe. He felt dread pool in the pit of his stomach and waited with trepidation for whatever sign of distress you may give. He felt that whatever that woman was about to tell you, was not exactly good and it involved him as well. The way she had looked at him with recognition and fear. He wondered if it was just that the people of Embla generally thought him some horrible person. After all they were enemies. Still he had not met with that show of fear from other people in Embla, and this woman looked like they had met and was afraid of him in particular. He would understand if the woman was a soldier and they had come close in battle, but she was a prostitute. There was no way for them to know each other. Another point was that she also was way too familiar with you. Also like she knew you personally. So what did this mean?
  ==If only I had thought of bringing Beruka.==
  Now that you were away from the rest Zoe looked restlessly around as if trying hard for a way to start. She looked at Alfonse and then asked.
  -Summoner. It is not my place, but it is relevant to what I am about to tell you. Are you and the Prince…sweethearts?
  You sigh a little asking yourself why this was relevant and remembering the reason why you two could not be together answered.
  -No. He is dear to me and…but we can not…
  -I see…I do not know yet why this may matter but…I must thank you for coming back to talk to me Summoner. I thought about what I was going to tell you and how to do so, for a long time last night and I do not see an easy way to do it. So I will ask you a question instead. Do you know…is one of your heroes called Lif? - As expected, your eyes full of emotion widen at the name. Your relaxed posture changes and with this change comes the prince’s as well. With a quick side glance to where the Prince is standing near the other heroes she sees his posture now even more tense than when you had left. She noticed he was waiting for bad news but now he looked like he was worried about you.
  -Lif? Yes…how? How do you know about him? Have you seen him? Is he well?
  -Please my Lady. Listen to me. I will explain how I know of him, but you need to listen to all of it before asking questions or leaving. I swear I will tell you everything and in…detail if you wish it. It all started almost nine months ago. I was very new to the tavern and I was tasked to accompany one of the other women to the entrance to the palace. By now I was familiar with the destination of the tunnel. I was told to leave her and then go get her in the morning…she…was new to this as well and had never gone to the palace. When I was coming back by myself I noticed a light coming from the distant South side of the tunnel. It was the main branch that passes by the tavern and I had to go that same way. The light looked blue and as soon as I got near it, it disappeared, but not the glowing red ones. The red lights were smaller but I saw them perfectly when I covered my lamp. The tunnel is relatively safe since it was made for the upper class , no thieves or ruffians know about it so I thought it had been a client. I had never met a client in the tunnel but I had no idea other people may use it for other reasons, so I called out to him and told him if he needed help getting to the tavern. In no way did I wanted to have a client, but if the owner knew I did not help a client I would be fined and I did not need to pile more debt on my back. He got closer and he was covered from head to toe with a black traveling cloak and the only thing visible were his eyes. He…put a mean looking sword on my throat and asked me who I was and what I was doing in the tunnel. His voice was deep and chilly and I got so scared I thought I was going to faint. I managed to tell him who I was and where I was working. It never crossed my mind that it may be a spy or or something.
 - “There is an entrance to a brothel here? I don’t believe you. It is not on the map.”- his eyes narrowed while he spat that at me.
 -”It is a little way up from here . I passed it trying to help you to it…You…you did not come for the…service?”- And now I was scared.
  -”NO!”- He said almost offended and taking a step back.
  -”Oh…please do not kill me. I do not have money on me. I was only told to take a worker to the palace secret entrance!”
  -”I don’t want your money.”- He said angrily- “You said you know where this tunnel leads? I will let you go if you help me get around. This map is incomplete and I need it to be accurate.”
  -”I yes of course! I will…I can tell the matron I have a client and I will be back. Otherwise they will  punish me and fine me…I don’t mind the punishment but…I just …I can’t owe her more…
  -”You are a …you work in the brothel then?” I nodded at him. I was so ashamed for some reason after he had the care not to call me a whore…it may seem like a small blessing but it means the world to me you see.” I will pay you what you make in a night for you to help me.When we are done, I will be sure your matron will not punish you.”
 -I agreed to this and we took off without reporting back. You see, they don’t care if we do not come back. They will not look for us, but when we do come back, it meas we were not killed and then we need to be punished for loosing them money. I showed him the way to the palace and on the way where the tunnel branched I told him where the different ways led. I asked him if he had no need to write it down but he shock his head.
  -”I will remember it.” He said very confident of his memory. It took a long time to walk all the way to the palace and to some of the branches he was interested in. Like the Scholar’s Library. That one was a strange one. I was surprised when he actually asked me if I had ever gone inside it. I replied that  I was was not allowed to go inside. I felt like a fool when he said I could enter through the tunnel’s entrance…He stayed there looking at the entrance for a long while. Who knows what he was thinking.. although now that I know you, I understand him a little and he was probably thinking of you.- She paused for a bit then sighted.
  -Do you like reading Summoner? Did you spend a lot of time with him reading?-Zoe asks you and you nod yes. Because now you too are remembering the time spent together reading and drinking tea in the library. His favorite place in the palace. She keeps going.
-I was so distracted by this I slipped on a small slimy puddle of water when I shifted my feet and almost broke my head on a stone. He was very fast and held me by the arm.
  “Careful ______. Don’t hurt yourself…” It was the first time he called me by that name…by your name. His tone was… so different as well as his voice and when I looked at him questioning myself what was happening I saw him. I had noticed his crimson eyes were not like those some Emblan families have. His were …so bright they seemed to glow, but now that he was close to me and he had let go of his cloak that was covering him entirely, I could see his body. That is when I learned he was not of this world. His eyes widened when he saw my face and saw me looking at him. He let go of me and almost shoved me away…but he took his sword out again and pointed it at me.
  ”You will tell no one or you die!”
  ”I will tell no one I swear to you! Please I have a small sister I need to protect!”-I told him. Pleading for my safety. This seemed to do the trick. He lowered his weapon and told me still angry not to look at him again. So I avoided looking at him from then on. -Summoner I do not know how he looked like when you knew him but he…he
  -Lif is dead. He was one of the army of the dead . I know how he looks.
  -So you knew he was dead…
  -It is complicated. I know him from when he was alive and then I saw him dead, I did not recognized him…I lost my memories of him…he disappeared after and I have been looking for him for a long time…wondering if he was still around or if he was lost to me for ever.- You tell her. She nodded and kept going.
  -When we entered the establishment he came in with me and gave me my money. He then asked me to tell him where the matron was so he would be sure I was not to be punished. I did what he told me and went home. I suppose he did talk to the matron. She did not punish me and she looked like she had been threatened. She looked at me strangely after that. Then a week after, the matron came to me and told me that I needed to be ready that night. I was going to have a special guest…- Zoe lowered her face in shame.-Summoner…did you two love each other?- Zoe asks.
  -Yes…once, long ago…in another life…we were…we made a promise. We had a ceremony with one of the priests of the Divine Dragon Askr in one of the villages we were visiting…but it was never made official.
  -Summoner…. I did not know …I was scared and not even scared of him…just scared to have my sister pulled into the work and she merely a child of six! I was told to bathe and be prepared. They gave me the best room and was told that one night every month I would have this guest. No one else was to touch me. He paid enough for the month… The whole month.-She takes a pause when she hears you crying. - Please I am so sorry! Please do not go, you need to hear the rest. I swear on my sister…she is my only treasure …that you…please do not think badly of him…You…you have nothing to fear. I swear!- You nod for her to go on and turn around to motion for the others to stay back. They had rushed to you when they heard you crying. Alfonse looked livid and even more worried than before, but he held back. She sighs and goes on.- When I enter the room he is already there. I was scared but he told me that I can say no to him if I want to. He says he will pay a lot and I just needed to do what he asks of me. One of those things is…he does not wish to see my face, nor hear my voice. He said I was the right height and skin color…I did not know what he meant. He gave me something from a satchel he had and it was a white coat embellished with gold trimmings. He said to wear it, with the hood on and to not speak at all. I found out later he had stolen it from your castle.- She pause while you weep. Her face is downcast, unable to meet yours.
 -He did not want me Summoner. He wanted you…from the first time. He never saw my face after. I wore the coat he lent me every time. I talked when he wanted and said what he wanted..the way he wanted…and what he wanted was for you to tell him that you loved him… He loves you so deeply…He loves you still…after death. I am nothing to him, he comes because I barely look like you in the dark…
  You start crying harder and hold on to her. It was not her fault and you can’t be angry at him for seeking companionship. She is surprised by this and for a second does not know what to do. She had gotten used to people being repulsed by her, that she had forgotten how it felt to be treated like a human being by other people besides her sister. Zoe started crying too. She had her own reason and seeing you like this had made her let go of the negative feelings that she had been holding back for so long.
  -Summoner…He is…not …he is not like the other clients. They only look for pleasure and to fulfil their sick fantasies. They mistreat us and harm us. He only looks for your love and this saved me and my sister. It is thanks to him I have enough money to pay off my debt…but Summoner. There is something else.- You look up to her face.- He also goes by Alfonse…-She looks at the Prince and then back to you. -I know he looks different but his voice when he talks to you is so much like…
  -Alfonse…- You look back at him and motion for him to come.
  -Are you going to tell him?
  -It is …important to him as well.
  Alfonse comes walking fast and his confused face looks to you and Zoe questioningly. He can’t figure out why Zoe would know something about you that would make you cry except that Zoe may know someone important to you from the World of steel and… There was a knot in his stomach…
  ==Did she tell _____ something that may want to make her go back home? What if she wants to leave…Oh Askr no…I could not live without her please!==
  - Alfonse…Zoe met Lif in the tunnel.- Alfonse who was looking almost green, widened his eyes at the name. If Zoe had been looking at him she would have noticed the change. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off of him. He still looked worried but it was not the same. Lif…Lif he could deal with…even if it meant…
  -Lif! What was he doing? Is he spying on Embla now?
  -She doesn’t know. She says he had an old map and he paid her to show him around the tunnel and where it all led. If Thrasir had been with him I would suspect they were maybe spying on Veronica.- Zoe noticed Alfonse was thinking about it. Trying to
figure things out.
  -He has been here with another woman he calls Veronica.- Zoe says and is surprised by the both of you turning to look at her so fast.- she is like him, but she does not glow….she …she calls him Alfonse too.- Alfonse stiffens and you look worriedly at him.
  -When was this?- He asks when he recovers.
  -Three months after the first visit. I wanted to know what he was doing. I followed him after… you know…He met up with her.- Alfonse widens his eyes. This tells him all he needs to hear to understand why you ere crying, the way she would not look at him in the eyes. He reddens and pinches the bridge of his nose.
  ==First visit?…Great…he’s been consorting with a prostitute of Embla…how low can he get? Although, this may be a blessing in disguise…No. Do not lose focus. I can not make her stay by my side…not the way I need her to be…I can’t deny her happiness just because it is not I making her happy…Even if it kills me inside…The Kingdom is above everything…even me.==
  - It was probably Veronica who told him about the tunnel…Although…I wonder if Zacharias know about it? Maybe he does not trust us with the knowledge.- Alfonse brows furrow even harder. It pains him to learn his friend do not fully trust him.
  -Maybe he doesn’t know about it. Remember he was exiled and well…he spend a lot of time with you in the Order. Even Princess Veronica may not know about it yet.
  -You may be right. I may be reading too much into it. Still…if he…they are spying on Embla then they may be spying on us.
  - They are.- You say.- He even got into the castle unseen. He has one of my coats.
  -What? Why?- He turns to Zoe not wanting to meet her eyes but finding her looking down in shame.- How do you know about it?
  -Memento. He uses it on her Alfonse.- He gave you a questioning look. As intelligent as this man was he was sometimes too innocent for his own good.
  -Why would he dress her up as a Summoner? It’s not like she can use the sacred weapon.
  -Sex Alfonse. He uses it for sex.- You say quietly in his ear.There really was no other way to say it. - He pretends she is…me.- Zoe glances up at him incredulously. Alfonse covers his red face with his hands and turns around. He just wants to go home and lay down to sleep for a week strait and forget about Lif and whatever he has been doing since he disappeared. And why did he not stay dead? He knew what would follow… and he did not like the prospect.
  - Great. Just when I thought this could not get more embarrassing. Do you know anything of what they do here?- He asks with a pinched expression.- Besides…
  - No. The day I followed them I stopped because I was scared they would notice me and I was very cold. I had only my nightgown on and…but I heard them saying something about her brother. I think she wants to see him. She was scolding him for wasting her time she could spend looking for her brother and he answered that she could just go by herself and let him do what he wanted. He said “ Veronica you are not a baby. You can go by your self without me holding your hand.” -Zoe shifted uneasy.
  -Whoa! I’m surprised he still had his…erm… Still ballsy as ever…-You giggle. Alfonse rubs at his face.
  - Well she told him “ Who wants to touch your hand? Who knows what you touched with it. If I was the Summoner I would never let you touch me. ”
  -Oh…that was worst than a blow to the groin for sure.
  -Can we focus on what is important here?- Asks Alfonse impatiently.- Is there something else we need to know?
  -Only that he comes tomorrow night and I will not be here anymore if I can help it. I promised him I would not talk and …I am afraid he may retaliate if he knows I told you. I would have took this to my grave but you saved me and my sister and he …you needed to know. I owe you everything. I was concerned your safety Summoner___.- Alfonse is looking at you pleadingly almost asking you to let it go, but he knows he can’t ask this of you and he turns his face away, anger and pain visible in his eyes. Zoe feels conflicted, seeing the pain in both of you and the way Alfonse was behaving it reminded her of Lif once again.
  -Are they related?- Zoe asks to no one in articular. Alfonse looks at her alarmed and then to you. You held his gaze a moment and said.
  - It is up to you.
  -No…you do not owe me an explanation. I was just wondering aloud. It’s just…he is called Alfonse as well and you …pardon my boldness Your Highness, but you look alike and the way you reacted just now and your voice…Also the way you are talking about that woman Veronica as if she was related to Princess Veronica.
  Alfonse sighs.-This time no matter what happens and for your own good…You must keep your silence and your thoughts to your self. This situation may get you and your sister killed. Remember that by helping us you are already in trouble. If someone knows about it, they may charge you with treason. This is why we are going to help you get away before someone knows about this. Also for this reason. We will tell you the truth. You too deserve to know. I will tell you sou you know who you are dealing with. Lif…may not show you mercy if if he thinks you are a danger to his plans or desires.- Says Alfonse sternly.Alfonse did not say this lightly. He knew that as much as he wanted to deny it, he was not much unlike Lif. In fact. The thought had flashed in his head that, had he met Zoe first, this situation would not be happening and HIS Summoner would not be thinking of….- Three years ago the Goddess of death Hel came to invade the world of the living. Do you remember?
  -Yes. Her army attacked close to the border and we were very scared.
  -Lif was one of the the two generals. The other is Thrasir as she wants to be called. They chose the names of the first king and first Queen of Askr and Embla.
  -Wait…you are saying this is the same person? I have heard so many tales about him!They say he was ruthless in battle and that he was not afraid of anyone! They say he could kill a whole battalion by himself! At first people thought they were on our side because it was said he wanted to kill …well…you two.The Prince and the Summoner of Askr…but then they attacked us and…It can not be the same man…They say he was a demon.- Zoe says. Her voice trembles as she shakes visibly with fear.
  -Perhaps that is what he became for a time…- Said Alfonse.- His real name is Alfonse. Prince Alfonse of Askr.- Zoe gasped.-Thrasir is Princess Veronica of Embla. They both hail from another world that would have been our future. In his world Hel came and attacked and… every person…every living thing died. His world is empty. To bring his people back, Hel told him to bring her the lives of another world like his, so he went back in time to a world in the past where he was still human, to help her kill us. We were able to convince him to help us destroy Hel instead. He did.
  -He is the reason we are standing here alive and still talking. He sacrificed himself and his world…- You tell her so that she does not think so horribly of him.
  -So…there are two of Your Highness and two Princess Veronicas?- Asks Zoe and then she looks at you.- Are there two of you too?
  -No. I died in his world and I was summoned by the sacred weapon to Askr again or…It is complicated. You can say I returned to the body of my earlier self. He does not know this because I lost my memory and I did not know it at the time either. I wanted to tell him the truth but I did not know if he had gone back to the world of the dead this time for real or…he may be looking for a way to bring back our people. It is difficult to explain…it gives me a headache every time  I think about it.
  -You died for him and for his people…that is why he keeps on saying he will come for you soon. He is looking for a way to save you them? But he does not know you are alive! And he tried to kill you.
  -Good times…No. If he had wanted to kill me he would have. He had like three chances and did not do it.
  -He…would not have been able to. No matter how twisted he may have become by his pain…He would not hurt you or Sharena.
  -How about you, Your Highness? Would he harm you?
  -He hates me…- Alfonse said turning his face away. That is all Zoe need to hear to understand.- We need to leave. We have been here in the open too long. It may be dangerous to you and your sister.
  After that Zoe took the gold offered and took her sister with her. About to say her farewells. You on the other hand had another idea. Alfonse knew this and although he said nothing about this he left the site followed by S K Dimitri with a sour expression. Kagero offered to guard Zoe and Vera. It was a lot of money she was carrying and you told Zoe your plan.
  Preparations were made and Zoe was going to leave the city the morning after with a group of Askr soldiers and other people. F Dimitri had asked to leave with her and the child he wanted to protect. You let him go and sent other heroes home so that it would not look suspicious for the two of them to be around the two girls.
  A barn owl cried in the night and perched on the rail of the balcony of a dark and half ruined manor house. Moments later a hand reaches for the owl and takes a note it bears on its leg. Blue light floods the owl’s vision and irritated by it, it turns its face away into the night, but waits patiently for sign of another mission.
 Lif looks at the note and without turning his head say.
  - Nidavellir is at Veronica’s South City Castle. Alfonse has come to help Veronica. Bruno is with them.
  -We were told not to intervene.
  -Will you pass up the chance then? I have business in the city any way. With all the chaos no one will notice us.
  There was no answer from Thrasir, only her retreating footsteps echoing in the empty room.
  ==Business...You only want to see her don’t you?== The voice in his head chimed in in a very good imitation of Thrasir’s own voice and tone. He growled, but inside he knew and hope twisted his stomach in knots.
==She will be there…she will be there! ….and so will Alfonse…==
The pair of red eyes glow brighter and the ghostly breath comes out in venomous vapors. The Owl takes flight scared.
  After a long nap,(well as long as a Summoner of Askr is permitted to nap with everything going on in a war that is)you get up not wanting to wake up Sharena who had fallen asleep in the same bed as you. You think Alfonse is afraid of your safety and had asked Sharena to stay with you. If he did not trusted his friend, he trusted Princess Veronica even less. You go look out of the window. It looks down to the imperial city. It looked somber and dark after such an invasion.
Night had just fallen and the dying light of the sun bathed in purple and reds the sky in the west, but your eyes were set to the South where home lay. You were thinking of everything Zoe had told you and trying to make the best plan to get to talk to Lif and may be convince him to accept your help.
Wise people say that sometimes the best proof of love you can give someone is to leave and never come back and you were willing to do that if he told you to, but he did not know all the truth. If after knowing the truth he still wanted you to leave, it would break your heart, but you were willing to do so.
 On the Eastern side of the protruding balcony where the shadows are deeper a figure hides from your view. It waits for the perfect moment and as you lean on balcony’s railing; your face between your hands. The assassin moves to strike and a hand comes to his mouth from over his head where a wide ledge is located. The assassin tries to fight off the attack but another strong hand comes to grab his throat and start squeezing until he starts feeling lightheaded and his vision blurs. It felt to him like an eternity but it has taken seconds for his vision to turn to black and his limbs to loosen and drop the knife he was about to throw. It falls among the hydrangeas and camellias under the balcony. The shadow above the ledge carries the unconscious man up to the the ledge to better get a grip. He will extract information from him and that is the only reason the assassin is still alive. Skillfully a pair of gauntleted hands tie the assassin up and gag him with his own clothes. He is about to be carried off when the shadow hears you humming a melody you would often hum when working. He scans his surroundings with his intelligent red eyes and then after making sure the assassin is not going anywhere and there is no one to spy on him, he moves down to the spot the assassin has vacated.
You were so close to him, just like the times he has gotten inside the Askran castle and yet just like those times he was unable to touch you.
- My Alfonse…where are you? When will I see you again?- You emit a sigh and his heart breaks a little more at that. He feels the sting of jealousy crawl up his chest and anger at himself for seeking you out and…
==Wait…Is Alfonse not here with her? Why?==
Your humming stops again as the sound of footsteps grow louder.
- Oh hey Alfonse. Sharena is still sleeping. I did not want to wake her up.
- I was told the servants will be bringing you food in a while. Let her sleep meanwhile.- He says as he joins you outside.- You were thinking about him.- It is not a question. You hum in response and change the subject.
-Have you been able to talk to Zacharias?- Alfonse stares at you and gives a sigh.
-...No. Princess Veronica is not too keen on letting him out of her sight…_______ he is not going to listen to you and he is dangerous.
Lif is surprised by the conversation. Who was the person you were thinking about? Who were you talking about ?
== Could it be Zacharias. Is she trying to help him in his quest? Why? Could she be…No…it can not be…=
Unconsciously he got closer as he tried to process and make out the pieces of information.
  - Alfonse we talked about this. I have been wanting to help him for years and you agreed at some point. What changed?
  == I got engaged to a woman I despise and I am afraid to loose you for ever…== Thought Alfonse.
  -I…I am afraid. I thought I was over this when I got engaged. It has been a year and …it feels the same as it felt the day I signed the treaty.
  ==What?! He..== Lif’s mind was reeling.
  - It only got worse when Ótr kidnapped you.
  ==WHAT!? That bastard will pay for this! I stay away for a while and this happens?! What are you doing Alfonse?==
  - I am worried all the time and angry and you are not making this easy ________. I know I should not be telling you this, I know it is not my place to ask you to stay…but I can’t…
- Alfonse I will try to be more careful. I swear I do not want to burden you. I know you got enough problems. That is why I am here, to help you, not to add to them, but do not ask me not to seek him out at least once. I swore I would help you until the end of the war and I will. I will not leave. I swear it still… I need to make things right with him. I have tried to help you but we both tried to undo the engagement and we couldn’t. That woman really wants to be queen and unless we find a treasure bigger than her fortune we can’t do much about it…and then there is the other matter. Let me do this please. He deserves it.
-And so do you. He is your husband after all.- The word made his mouth taste bitter.- I apologize for being so selfish…You have sacrificed everything for us and to help us and I only want more out of you…-Alfonse sighs.- Do it. I will instruct the men to do what you need and keep you safe. But rem…- His words were cut off by the sound of someone coming inside the room.
-______. I got your food and Sharena’s.- Came Fjorm’s sweet voice. You get inside to greet her and Lif is left looking at Alfonse’s sour expression. He did not miss the whispered “Sometimes I hate that woman.”
==Husband…just when I thought Alfonse was not a threat…Grrr…Alfonse ! Who did you let her marry!?…”He is dangerous”…could it be Zacharias? Dimitri… NO!…Let her do what she wants…What do I care…she is not my ______. She never was…== He thought this as if he did not care, but inside the remainder of his heart was breaking. Who was he fooling?
He looked to the assassin. He was angry and someone would pay for it.
That night the matron of the “tavern” disappeared when she was coming back into the city. A low ranking Nobleman was found dead after he ran into a couple of shadows while coming back into the city as well. They blamed robbers at first, but he still had his money on him and he had bleed to death while trying to escape whoever was chasing him. The wound was on his lower abdomen. His penis and testicles were cut off.
   The next morning, Zoe was not able to leave the city. She could not find neither the brothel’s matron not the nobleman she owed money to. The other workers who had been with her when she had left the city, had said she had just gone to pee and never came back. Then when she went to pay her debt, she learned the man had been assassinated and was told how he had died. Kagero was with her and was able to communicate, what had happened, to you.
  You leave the castle to visit the soldiers and heroes who did not want to stay at the castle. Some of them were gathering info all around the city while they were here. You took F Dimitri, Marth, Beruka, M Byleth to where Kagero had left Zoe and Vera. When you find her she is a little afraid about what had happened, but offered to help you with your plan.
  You take off to the part of the city where the brothel is located, but it is sealed off. With a small distraction you all were able to sneak in unseen. When you get there the place is obviously deserted. Zoe went to prepare the room you will stay in and meanwhile you tell your heroes the truth. Who you were and who Lif was to you. It was difficult but you manage to explain.
  - Is this why it was so easy for Alfonse to accept the engagement with that horrible…with Lady Braam?-Asks Marth.
  -No. We tried everything, to get him off of it without upsetting the treaty, before he told you about it. It wasn’t easy at all. Even without me in the picture, it is not easy to sign your life away to a loveless marriage.- Marth nodded to this.
  - I don’t see why his mother would want her as a queen.-F Dimitri mutters.- She is clearly filth.- He finishes with disgust. Even in the bad mental state Dimitri had never said anything offending to any lady that was not his worst enemy so hearing talking this way about Lady Braam spoke volumes of the type of person she was.
  -We will come up with something to help him out. You’ll see. If not just for him…for the good of Askr.
  -If a marriage is “Until death do us part”. Does this not mean you are not married any more?- Leave it to Byleth to be direct and a little tactless but practical.
  -I suppose in a way, but I still feel as if I am still married to him, and he needs to know the whole truth.
  -That is so romantic…and sad…- Says Marth with his left hand on his heart.
  -How do you know he will be here? In this place?- Asks Dimitri looking around angrily and a little jealous.
  -Zoe met him in the tunnel when he was sneaking inside the city and she helped him map it out. She told him her story and he wanted to help her and her sister. She has seen him sneak in other nights too. Every month actually.
  -So he was the one who assassinated the matron and that nobleman last night?
  -We believe so.
  -Mmm…- was all F Dimitri said. You got the feeling he did not entirely believe you.
  -Does she know what he comes to do besides…visit?- Asks Byleth. You know he does not buy the whole story. Marth looks embarrassed.
  -Not really. We believe Thrasir just wants to know about her brother. She is going to be really happy to see him tonight.
  -Oh so Thrasir comes as well?- Says Marth sending the others a look that was a little chastising.
 After a while Zoe walks you up to the room after you have given the heroes their instructions. Some of them would stay in the first floor guarding the two entrances and trying to be out of sight but giving you plenty of privacy. They will take turns as guards while the rest go to rest with Zoe and Vera. Beruka would be guarding the tunnel entrance, just to be sure no one else but him enters.
  - Thank you for not telling them about me… -You smile at her.- I readied the room and cleaned it. It has not been used in a while so do not worry about…um… things. The room is sound proof for privacy. The sheets and blankets are new. I got them from the matron’s stores. Er…just in case… I…I apologize for being so forward but…he is your husband after all. I hope everything turns out right.
  -God I wish it too. I miss him.
  -How long has it been, since you were together?
  - Last time I saw him was more than three years ago, when I still didn’t remember anything about him… More than six years for me since we were together…for him…who knows how long he has been alone with only Thrasir to keep him company. I always wondered if they were…together. I have been so jealous all this time.
  -I do not think so Summoner. If they had been together I do not think he would have…come here and she would have reacted differently as well. Well I better get going. I bet Lady Kagero must be tired of dealing with us by now. I will bring the heroes some food and then hide in one of the other houses just in case. Good luck Summoner!
  She leaves and you walk around the room looking at things. There are perfumed oils that smell very strong and kind of cheap, and bottles that look like wine. There are some things in the drawers that look like massage oils and ==Ugh! Are those toys???!!…Ugh I better not touch anything just in case…==
You sit on the bed, back to the door and ponder if you should have worn something better. The dark brown cloak you are wearing hides your garments. You are wearing only what other may call body armor and boots. A belt that houses a sword and a satchel with some items inside. You take off the belt and sword, then the satchel and open it to take out a small notebook where you have written some notes and ideas of what to do about different problems the heroes are facing. Time passes until you hear footsteps coming up the stairs and then approaching the door.
Lif went up the tunnel to the castle. He needed to see you again, at least one more time, before he stopped hurting himself this way. He needed to know who his precious Summoner had married.
 ==No! She is not my Summoner…she is just…Then why are you going to see her then…why do you want to know who it was she married and see how easy you can get rid of him… To see how it feels to break every bone in his body.==.
At the angry thought his hands made a fist, his eyes shone a bright red and he imagined all the ways he could get rid of a body without you ever finding out it had been him. He was also making a list of the probable heroes and friends that could be the offending recipient of…who was he fooling. If it was Zacharias, he was unsure if he could ever hurt his friend and he would never hurt Thrasir this way. Besides, Zacharias was a good man at the core.
When he came to where the entrance to the brothel was he stopped. There was a candle burning at the entrance. He had assumed the woman had left the city, but by this sigh he thought she must be there thinking he would be coming. He thought for a minute whether he should go inside. He spied a note by the candle. It read “ Please come up.”He thought he should go and tell that woman she was free to go now and so he entered the brothel thinking that even if it was empty, he knew full well where the woman lived down the street.
  He opened the door to find candles lit in a kind of pathway. Why was that woman here still waiting for him? Maybe she was afraid he would go out to seek her out at her house. He sighted. Sometimes being scary was very useful, but sometimes it was just annoying. He followed the path upstairs until he finally was outside the room. He opened the door to find candles burning. The room did not smell of perfume as much as other times. He took a small bag of coins from his belt and let it fall on the top of the drawer by the door. The figure in the bed did not move. She looked scared stiff. He sighted again. It was not like he ever hurt her and he had asked for her permission too. He closed the door behind him. Thinking she may need an explanation. She might have come to the conclusion that it had been him who had gotten rid of her two captors. He gave a step forward.
  -The people that own you are gone. You are free to go. You don’t have to be scared any…- There was something odd about the situation. The figure moved her head to the side a little at his faltering. For all the gold he had given her for her silence, that woman would have said something by now,she always had something to say and that smell. The smell was not one of those awful perfumes the woman always had to use…it felt familiar…it was… he found himself unsheathing his sword, but oddly enough it felt like he was warding off a demon out to get his soul, instead of trying to attack it. - Who are you?! What are you doing here?
  -Is this how you greet me now Alfonse?- You say to him and take off the hood of the cloak. You turn around to see him widen his eyes.
  He takes a step back and comes into contact with the door he had closed. He is still holding his sword up to you but his other hand is searching for the doorknob.
  -Summoner…What are you doing here? ==Of all the people who could find out I come here, it had to be you? I really am cursed!==
  -I came looking for you. I need to tell you something important…are you going to hold that sword up at me all night?
  -There is nothing to talk about Summoner.- He says, sheaths his sword and turns to leave.- You are a married woman Summoner. You shouldn’t go around looking for men in brothels, people may talk.- He says suddenly angry and jealous of this unknown husband of yours.
  ==The nerve!==
  -Well a woman just might have to go into brothels if their husband is the one visiting it! I am looking for my husband Alfonse… I heard he comes here every month.
  Lif turns around faster than he intended and looks angrily at you.-So you really married Zacharias? and he comes here every month? Do you not keep him satisfied enough Summoner? I took you for a more passionate woman, if not borderline perverted ==Marrying my best friend!==… but your marital problems are of no consequence to me. And don’t call me Alfonse.- He says angrily and steps closer to you.
  ==It has to be Zacharias! Who else would come here often…and to think he was my friend! How could they?==
 -What?! First of all…What the FUCK!? …The Hell you mean Bruno? What does he have to do with this? I am looking for you Alfonse! If you let me talk then I would…
 - I heard you talking to Alfonse last night. You were talking about his engagement and then about your wedding. He said Princess Veronica was not going to let him out of her sight and then he said he was dangerous and you said he was your husband…and stop calling me Alfonse.
  - You were spying on me?…Alfonse...Lif.We were talking about you. Yes I started out talking about Bruno to change the subject, but he switched to you because he knew I was coming here to tell you the truth. Lif I am in no way married to Bruno. Next time you listen to someone else’s conversation get all the facts and stop assuming things.
  -Why were you talking about me and what truth are you talking about?
  -Lif. You disappeared after our fight with Hel and I thought you were gone… after a time I stated having these memories coming back to me and after talking to Alfonse we came to the conclusion that I had been summoned twice to Askr. Once for him but the first time for you. I have been looking for traces of you to tell you, but I could not find any traces of you until I found Zoe by mere luck. Umm…Lif? Are you listening?
  Lif could not move. He was rooted to the spot. He stopped listening when you said you had been summoned to his Askr first.
  ==Is she? Why didn’t she tell me?…how?==
  -You…You are my summoner…and you didn’t tell me…
  -Umm, I just said I tried to find you to tell you but…
  - Why? I have been looking for a way to save you! How could you leave me alone all this time? You promised! You promised you would never leave me!- He steps back again as if he is trying to leave.
  - I know. This is why I came to see you as soon as I found out where you would be.
  - It is because I look hideous isn’t it? You rather stay with him? It that it? You love him more don’t you? He is perfect! Your perfect prince!- He is pacing around the room now, his agitated breath coming out like poisonous miasma around him.
  -Lif you were gone! How was I suppose to tell you who I was, if I didn’t even know you survived? Are you even listening to me? I love you I wanted to find you as soon as I knew you were here!
  -You love me? You love me now that he is out of your reach? Now that he left you and is getting married?
  -There has not been anything between us since I told him we were married!- You reach out to him and he pulls away.
  -Don’t touch me!- His hand hits you on the chest when he turns around to leave and you stumble and hit yourself on the drawer by the door then fall to the floor.
  -Ofhh.- He looks sideways at you and watches as you fall down. He tries to take your arm but misses it as you flail your arms in an effort to find something to hold on to. In an instant he is by your side kneeling on the floor.
  -_______! Are you hurt? I did not mean for this to happen!- He says eyes wide in shock.
  -Ow it hurts…I just landed on my butt…
  -Your arm is bleeding. Really Summoner, getting hurt in a place like this! You will catch an infection! Or something worse…
  -If I can manage to talk to you; it will be worth it.- He looks into your eyes as he helps you up and sits you on the bed. He sighs again and sits next to you.
  -You really did tell Alfonse we were married?- He ask looking sideways at you while rummaging inside your satchel for something to cure you. He knows you always bring a first aid kit.
  -Were? I told him we ARE still married…unless you don’t want me anymore.- He looks away at that.
  -The cut isn’t deep. You should head out to the castle now. I am sure he will find a way to undo that engagement if you tell him you love him.- His ruby red eyes are avoiding looking at you.
  - No. I am not going back until we talk.
  -What is there to talk about? You are Askr’s summoner. You will only go back to him.
  -Not to him. I am going back for the whole Kingdom. I made a promise , like I did you. I served you and our Kingdom until I died. I failed you and our people…I will not do so again.
  -You didn’t fail anyone…It was all my fault. I should have done more research…I was so desperate…
  - We were all desperate…but at the end you did the right thing. She is gone…we paid a high price but she is gone for good. Imagine how many worlds she would have ended before someone else stopped her… if any one ever did.
  -My people should not have to pay the price for my mistakes.
  - We all lost and you were really not wrong…it is the payment…and that type of payment is the kind that is hidden until the deal is done…Like a contract with the devil. I have been doing some research during my free time. I still can’t find the payment as a result of the rite. I also have been researching for ways to help you…- He looks you in the eyes now.
  -Leave it to you to be working on your free time.
  -Well. I don’t go to picnics or long walks in the garden anymore so I go to the library. Every day we have new heroes, many of them we never met before and they contribute to our knowledge. The library keeps on growing. I managed to summon some heroes back from the dead Lif. Including Lord Freyr, the god of dreams and fertility.
  -You summoned Lord Freyr?… dead heroes…
  - I do not want to raise our hopes but maybe one of these times …and I can try it on our pedestal, back in our Askr, to see if it works.
  -Ours - He murmurs closing his eyes.-…But you need to save this Askr first.
  -Yes and this war just stretches on like it is just pilling one on top of another. But we will try won’t we?
   - Perhaps. ..You need to leave. Do not get yourself into so much trouble and much less for me. I can’t be there to save you all the time.
  -Lif…You really don’t love me any more?- You ask him and he lowers his eyes.
==Is it Thrasir Alfonse? Have you left me for Thrasir?==
  -Does it matter?
  -Have you not been listening? I love you! Of course it matters to me.
  - You don’t love me. I am not the man you loved once. He died the day you died…You have no idea what I have done for her…just look at what she turned me into…- He takes off his mask then and closes his eyes. He does not want to see the disgust in your face.- And if it were just my appearance…
  - I can understand you do not like the way you look and have negative feeling about it, but you have to know I do not mind at all what you look like. - he opens his eyes then and you can see his feelings bared for a second.- Please my Alfonse, Do not shut me out because of this. Why do you always have to be so difficult? Sometimes I feel like I am always running around trying to get to you and you always run away from your feelings and from me.Just like when we met.- You caress his face. You feel the lips you can not see and touch the line that unites his flesh and his glowing body with your thumb and see him get closer to you. You meet him halfway.
  The kiss was tentative and slow, like he was still waiting for you to shun him and push him away and when you tried to get closer and placed your arms around his neck, the noise he made was almost a whine of need. He deepens the kiss and circle your waist with one hand and cradle your head with his other.The need to be close to you is overwhelming and he wants to be as close to you as possible. You feel his tongue exploring inside you; drinking you up like lost man in a desert. Meanwhile you feel the same way, but with the added feeling of exploring this different body. You are fascinated by the smooth and soft feel of his skin. You though he would feel cold but there is a warmth to his body just like a regular body would feel. It was very inviting. You did not want to let go and yet you feel him retreat a little and bury his face in the crock of your neck and take a beep breath.
  -I missed you. I have been so lost without you… no one to ground me…or guide me.
  -I missed you too love…- You caress his head and card your fingers through his hair the way you used to when you spend the night together. His hair looked darker and almost colorless. His vibrant blue and gold faded to dark blue and silver, but the feel was the same. All of him was this way. He looked different but he felt the same. He raises his head and before he tries to leave, you take his lips and kiss him. He seems surprised, but complies and soon you are breathless against him again. You feel yourself being lowered to the bed, but all of a sudden he stops and let go.
  - Not here. I will not let this place stain you and this moment.
  - All is clean love. I made sure of this. No one has used the sheets and blankets. They are a gift.
  -She told you…
  - She felt she owed me her life and her sister’s. I am glad she did tell me. Do not be angry at her. She is also grateful to you and wants to see you happy. -He makes a face and turns away blushing.
  - She did not have to tell you any details…
  - She didn’t. …Well only about the coat…and my name.
  - I am sorry I was….. unfaithful…would you ever forgive me?
  -For all you knew I was dead. That wasn’t being unfaithful. You did not know who I was and you were thinking of me. Weren’t you?
  - All the time.- He closes his eyes then ads.-I don’t deserve you or your kindness.
  -You can still make it up to me.- You say and wink at him.
  -You…are sure about this?
  -Yes. Unless you do not want me…I suppose..
  -I do…Gods I do. - He says and kisses you again.- I…missed….you…so …much…- He says between kisses. He lays you down and he half lays on top of you and watches you for a minute intensely.- I can not believe you are here with me.- He says quietly. He lowers himself and kisses you again while you circle him to reach his back.
His armor is full of cutting edges and pointy horns. He worries about it and so he raises himself to stand and take it all off. He starts with his fur cloak and gloves.All the while watching your reaction. You have seen his face and torso, but he was worried you would not find him attractive after seeing all of his body. He took off his armor, which surprisingly he could do by himself as if it was just placed on his body without fastening. He was left with only his boots, which he was taking off and pants. You get up to start taking off your clothes, while you hear his voice. You could only take off the boots.
  -No. Let me. I want to do it.- He had dream of this for so long. Being with you again and fantasizing about it had been one of the things that had helped him keep the little sanity he had. He sighs out of nervousness. He used to be a very self conscious man when he was alive and his new form was so repulsive to him. How he wished he could have his old body back. He stands before you a second, unsure of what to do. He wanted to see your face but at the same time he did not. He stood looking down until he growled a little and berated himself for being a coward. He looked up to your face and caught you staring at him in fascination. Your lips parted in anticipation. It was enough for Lif to feel a heat inside him flare.
  ==She…likes me…Doesn’t she find me disgusting?=
  -Sir…MY clothes will not be taking themselves off. -You say flirting, because knowing him; that pause he had taken, meant he is insecure and having second thoughts.
  He gets closer to you and kisses you again. You can feel his hands working on your top clothes. You feel them being lifted and help him, by raising your arms for him to take them off. The brief pause in the kiss to get the top off ends with his mouth once again taking your lips. His arms reach behind you  to undo the fastenings on your bra and then caress your back, before laying you down.
He let go of your lips to kiss your neck while his hand reached your breast. He hummed in pleasure at the softness of your skin and when you moaned and reached for his hair, he lowered his head to lick at your nipple. The gasp you emitted makes him smile and he looks up at you when he feels you kiss the top of his head. He meets your eyes and the ruby irises darken with desire. Holding your stare he plays with your nipple with his tongue while his hand reaches down to your pants. He unfastens them and reaches inside. Nimble fingers searching for the price he so desires.
At this point you have melted in his arms. There are no coherent words coming from your mouth but his name. His fingers play you like the strings of a guitar and your music is more precious to him than the any notes he could conjure with his violin.
-Does he touch you the way I do? Tell me. Has he made love to you?
-No…we have never…Lif …please! My Alfonse…My Lif!
 How he had missed your voice calling his name. He thought he would have hated that you call him by his name, but now he knew, the Alfonse of this world had not touched you the way he has and he does not want you to call him Lif.
-Alfonse…Call me Alfonse.- He says in your ear.
-Alfonse! My Alfonse! My love!…I…I need …I Need…-He also could not wait any longer. He had waited for so long and the knowledge that it was you this time, not a mirage or a fantasy…it drove him insane to wait any longer. He rose to pull your pants and underwear off and once done, he opened your legs to position himself. He stayed there admiring your body a moment. The intensity of his stare made you blush. You were so vulnerable right now and he felt a wave or warmth to know that you still trusted him enough to let him see you this way. He took your left leg with his hand, to hold it up but he wanted so much to taste you as well.
He made up his mind and he lowered himself to plant a kiss on the inside of your thigh.He moved to your womanhood. Your smell had always turned him on, but your taste…he had never thought he would enjoy something so much. You tasted just as sweet as ever and he closed his eyes as he twirled his tongue over your clitoris. His eyes opened when he hears you moan loudly. It had been so long since he had done this, but the sweet sounds you were making told him he was doing things right.
It did not take long for his tongue to bring your release, It had been so long and the desire to have him was so strong. He smiled to himself as he saw you tremble with ecstasy by his hand and tongue alone. He climbed the bed and over your body until he was level with your face and buried his face in the crock of your neck to take a soft bite of the tender skin. He could not hold on for much longer but he wanted you to enjoy your self first. You turn your face to kiss his head and he gives you a grumble of satisfaction then he takes your lips and kisses you. It was a tender kiss that soon changed into a heated kiss. By this time you were ready to take him in.
He takes a second to look at your face as he slides himself inside you. When you move and moan with pleasure he smiles for a second and then closes his eyes in pleasure as well. You felt so right around him, so soft and warm. He moves slowly at first, taking in the feel and making it last. He opens his eyes to watch you in the same situation.
Your hands were holding on to his back and arched in ways that made him want to touch deeper inside you. He kisses you deeply to be closer to you. He can hear you moans partly silenced by his tongue and he grunts in return. It is slowly driving him insane and he wants more, much more. He moves faster and you adjust to his rhythm. You feel one of his hands cupping one of your breasts. Caressing the perked up nipple with his thumb. All the while he is not kissing you he is telling you sweet nothings in your ears.
 You wrap you legs around him when you feel that sweet spot being bombarded with waves of pleasure once again. You hear him grunt in that sexy low voice of his.
-I love you Alfonse!
He lets go and shares that moment with you. Your words brought him the final push he needed to reach ecstasy.
Moments later he holds you in his arms.
-How I love you my _______ . How I have missed you and these moments…I feel like we are one soul that have been apart for too long and finally has come together again.
You hear him sigh deeply and his hold tightens. There is a slight tremor in his chest and after a moment you hear a strangled sob. You try to see what is wrong but his hand on your head keeps you from moving.
-I…I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to return to that loneliness…I …I can not take it! Not when I know you are here, near him and…
-Don’t leave. Stay with me.
-I can’t…
-I made a deal…with the gods…with Thorr specifically.
-She…came to us and said they could return our people if we helped them.
-Help them? With what?…wait…Alfonse?...Love how could you?
-I was not thinking strait… I have been so lost in the shadows…I thought it was a good option…and…I…I want to destroy the gods too. I need time and information on how to do it…
-That is a very dangerous game Alfonse.
-I know. I had nothing to lose at the time…or at least I did not know I had something to lose at the time. Come with me! Together we can do this!
-You are going to help them destroy my Askr and want me to help you? I gave them my word. To this people…including Sharena.
-No. Of course not…I… I don’t want him to die anymore…I have been so jealous of him, I was willing to do anything…
- I have been jealous of Thrasir.- You say. Lif looks at you and makes a face.
-Why? She is like a sister to me…a more exasperating sister.- He says under his breath. He sighs and hides his face in your hair and the crock of your neck.
  -It would not work and the power of summoning is the least the gods need…I would never help them destroy another Askr.
  -I know. I would never let them use your power either. I… just want you near me.
  -Oh…You have been spying on me…you can still do it and well they don’t need to know what you do when you spy on me. I can give pieces of useless information that may sound interesting to them.
  -And I can give you what I find out…
  -Alfonse…I don’t like it…I don’t want to lose you again.
  -Nor I you _______…Marry me again ______.
- Marry you…bejond death… Is there a way to marry souls without the Gods knowing?
-Marry our souls?- You feel him take your face in his hands and turn it upward for him to look at you.-Bind our souls …for all eternity…so we will be together even in death.Is that what you want?- He asks hopefully. His eyes shine like they have not shined since he was alive. His lips part and his breathing deepens.
-Yes. Do you?
-It is what I most desire…for you and I to be together always…no matter what…to belong to you and for you to belong to me.
- Then let’s find a way to do it.- You say smiling. You know he will find a way.
-I…I know how to do it…I never told you because…I never thought you wanted to bind yourself to me in such an intimate and final way.
- Why didn’t you say this before? It would have saved us a lot of time and problems and…God I love you Alfonse!- You give him a peck on the nose and then look at him again.- Let’s do it then.
-Let me just prepare the ritual.- This surprises you because you thought the ritual may require items not available to you at the moment; but you say nothing because you know Lif would take this as hesitation on your part.
He gets up and rummages for something inside his clothes that are scattered on the floor, while you sit on the bed looking at his magnificent body. He takes a deep breath and reaches for the dagger he carries in his belt and returns to sit by your side. He is unsure if the spell will work if he uses his hand so he cuts his cheek instead , where he still have regular skin. Blood comes out of the small cut. He takes your hand and cuts your palm until a little blood comes out. He puts your hand over his cheek and covers it with his own. He closes his eyes to relish in the warmth of your hand on his human flesh.
 Slowly he starts to speak.There are some words in the beloved ancient tongue of his people that you can not make out. Then his eyes open. Lif’s eyes shine brighter than you have ever seen them shine before, when he next speaks.
- By the power given to me and you by Lord Askr, I give myself entirely to you. I give myself to you so my soul can bind to yours for all eternity. Do you give yourself to me completely so your soul can bind to mine?
-By the power given to me and you by Lord Askr, I give myself entirely to you as you are giving yourself entirely to me so that my soul can bind to yours.
-Let our souls bind to each other for eternity.- He says and kisses you.
There is a feeling of something being pulled away from your body and a sense of togetherness you have never felt even when at the height of ecstasy while making love to him. The pleasure was beyond carnal pleasure and so clean it felt holy. For a moment it was as if you did not know where you ended and he began and the feeling of closeness was so compelling you wanted to stay this way for ever.
  The strength of the spell drained you both and you open your eyes to see his eyes shining a bright blue. You were not even aware of the moment you had closed you eyes since you could still see him. His eyes widen when he sees the same blue light shining in yours. The light fades and he knows the spell worked and Lord Askr has blessed the union. Perhaps it was foolish of him to still have faith in Askr, but his blessing had never left him and even if his Lord had not come to his aid in his darkest of times he understood every god had a different power and different use. Askr was the only God so far that had been good to his people and so he still held respect for him.
  - I feels so happy Alfonse!- You say and it was true. You may even cry of happiness at this moment.
  -So do I.- He gives a sigh of contentment and buries his face in the crock of your neck again and embraces you tightly. This man who is almost seven feet tall manages to make himself smaller by almost wrapping himself around you protectively. - Mmm…Mine…
 There is almost a purr to his voice that makes you giggle a little. He is like a big cat that just wants to be petted and be given love. It is such a contrast to when you had first met. You think back to that time. Of course the hunger for touch had always been there but he had been hurt and so he was cautious and he was also shy so it had taken moths for his trust in you to grow enough to let you into his heart. Touching had not been his love language until he had learned from you and that is when he discovered he craved it. And now you were finally here with him; he was drinking in every touch and every word like the sands of the desert; taking them all inside himself and hiding them like a treasure.
  Lif did not need to sleep but could do it if he so wanted. He did it when he felt his mind needed the rest but sleep would bring nightmares so he slept seldom. He did not sleep while he held you into sleep. It had taken you with a smile on your face and his name on your lips.
  For some moments he would be afraid this happiness would have been only a dream and worse yet that this happiness would end in tragedy somehow and he would bury his face again in your hair until that fear would die down and he willed himself to not think those dark thoughts. Your warmth and your smell would reassure him and he would be content again.
  -Who is Alfonse engaged to?- He asks suddenly out of the blue, a while after he felt you wake up.
  -Your third cousin Elanor Braam.
  -What would possessed him to agree to an arranged marriage with her? Of all my family…Unless we count cousin Damian…Still she is the worst kind of person.
  -She knows about Sharena…and how you…handled the situation.- He knew the situation right away. Sharena being the friendly girls she was, had made friends with many nobles. Among them was a Baron’s third son, called Ambrose Von Becker, whom she came to idolize for his musical abilities. In his efforts to gain social status he had befriended the friendly girl. Knowing he had no chance in courting her, because of his status, he planned to lure her into running away with him. The plan was to make her think she was going to go on a trip with him and his sister as chaperone but planned on going the two of them by themselves. Luckily Sharena had confided her plans to Alfonse and Zacharias who was at the time still training Sharena. Together they both had made her see the truth. Zacharias told her he knew Almbrose’s sister was away on a trip to the far South as she had insisted on him accompanying her.
However the damage was already done since she had sent him letters making plans and alluding to secret meetings that although were innocent in nature, could be viewed as something entirely different. Ambrose had told no one yet but tried to blackmail Alfonse into making him help accept an arranged marriage or he would tell everyone that it had been her idea to run away and that their meetings were more than innocent. Alfonse who was still young and did not want his parents to know took matters into his owns hands. Together with the help of his best friend Zacharias and his retainer Erland, they arranged a hunt where Ambrose suffered a disastrous accident that killed him. Sharena was but 13 years of age and Ambrose 25. And now the most greedy and hateful of the courtesans had gotten hold of the few reminding letters to blackmail Alfonse herself.
  -How?- You hear anger in his voice.
  - One of the servants told her husband. The husband sold the information. Elanor went to your…to the Queen and blackmailed her into arranging the marriage or she would make the whole situation known.
  -Does she have proof?
  -The servant and her husband…they helped her get some of the letters Sharena sent Ambrose. In one of them she mentions…the meetings and…they found the woodsman who helped you set the trap that got Ambrose killed. She has him hidden somewhere…until they get married. Sharena doesn’t know. She thinks…her mother is doing it for her money.
  -Do not worry about ti. I am sure there will be a way to help him.
  -How can I not worry…- You start but he moves to hug you closer.
  -Come here.- He says and kisses you.
  Dawn came and with it the voice of one Prince Marth of Altea.
  -Summoner. Dawn comes. We need to leave before sentinels come and we are wanted in the castle. Remember we leave at midday.
  -Thank you your Highness. I will be down in…(sigh) ten minutes.
  -You have to go…
  -Mmm…five more minutes…
  -I wish we had that luxury…Love…-He was so tempted to kidnap you away and keep you for himself and away from all dangers that awaited you. But he knew not only that you would not fall for such temptation, but that it was counterproductive to both your missions. So he settles for your accord on stolen moments every once in a while. It was a huge leap from being alone…well with Thrasir.
  ==Oh FUCK! Veronica!! She is going to kill …Well…Whatever...==
  He gets up faster than he wanted to and started to dress up. You followed halfheartedly and grumbling a little.
  It took you less than five minutes to dress and it took him even less time. Lif spent the rest of the time waiting for you to dress, looking out of the window. He made a point of not looking at you or he would lose his composure and pull you down on the bed once again. Once he heard you were making the bed and tiding up the place, he turned around and pulled you into a final kiss that lasted more than he thought he could without undressing you again.
  Strangely enough he felt content and hopeful when he finally left and not the endless emptiness and hopelessness that always followed him. By the time he reached the door to the tunnel he even felt like smiling at a bewildered Dimitri. Not like the man could see his smile under the mask and light but he did so non the less.
  Still he knew he could not say anything about his plans even to Thrasir so he tried to fake shame when he met with her.
  -Do we have another ally in our plans to take down the gods?- Thrasir asked as soon as he got near and not even looking at him. Silence met her inquiry while taken aback by the question Lif had stayed silent.- I talked to Bruno. Alfonse helped me have a moment with him. I told him about the assassin. He told me about your meeting. Strange how he trusts me more than you.
  -I just got here…
  -Hmmp… You forgot to tell her about the assassination tempt I assume.
  -Of course…How she forgave you I don’t understand… You can tell her when we go back to Askr to “spy’ on them. And erase that stupid smile off your face. We don’t want Thorr to suspect anything.
  -Yes…of course…how?…
  - You even walk different. Also you stayed all night.
- Do us a favor.Do try to give off that miasma of doom and hopelessness you always carry with you.- There was a strange sound coming from her that Lif had never heard before. It sounded like a giggle but instead of making him smile he felt awkwardly creeped out.Talking to her brother for so long had done wonders for her. She felt so happy.- Come before we give our entire mission away.
-Veronica…Thank you…
-Shut up.- Veronica never took a compliment or a thanks right and an apology much less.
-What do you want.
-Don’t giggle while I am present again…
-Umm….Now I know how to get your attention…
[line break ]
  It took time but eventually you could summon Bruno, Thrasir’s brother. The next time they came and found out Thrasir had smiled. The good part was that death had freed him from the curse too.
It was strange to see her smile. But it was also regarding. The more you talked to her the more you liked her.
 [Line break]
The news came two weeks before the Winter festival. A tragedy for the royal family had occurred. The Crowned Prince’s fiance had died in a fire in which her Winter residence had burned down along with many of her servants.
There was no need for an investigation. A servant confessed to have killed and then burned down the Villa with her mistress, her husband and a couple of the servants inside. Her motives were never knows as she seemed to have lost her mind after and was never able to talk again.
She had been sentenced to death but Alfonse was merciful and decided to let her live the rest of her life in prison since she had been a servant in his own household when he was younger.
On the day of the Winter Festival Alfonse found a parcel with a bow waiting for him when he woke up. It contained the missing letters that almost cost him his freedom. A single note written in his own fancy script read:
“Watch them burn.”
And Alfonse did. Smiling at the dark joke Lif had written in the note; he threw the bundle of incriminating letters immediately into the fire in the chimney. At last they were free.
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emotionaldepravity · 1 year
Hi there 😃 may I request something with yandere Ike or Lif from fire emblem? I'm not sure what kind of scenario though 🤔 😅
I gotchu don't worry! I thought I'd do them in a short story style. Hope you enjoy!
You didn't know that getting close to Ike would have been so dangerous. He seems to be one of the most normal people you have ever summoned to Askr. Not being a prince or noble, he had fought with only his own two hands. How could you not admire him? Oddly enough he had felt the same. He would silently stand beside you whenever he had the chance. If you weren't at his side, the moment he saw you, you would be. Most heroes didn't seem to mind your closeness, other than the odd look Ike might receive after being pushed out of the way, but Soren wasn't content watching Ike slip from his grasp. The mage could confront you only once to tell you that you were underserving of such special treatment. After all, you didn't know Ike's journey or his struggles like he did. The conversation had left you quite frazzled, but you had a hard time disagreeing. Once you mentioned it to Ike, he assured you that there was no need to be worried. He was going to take care of it. You had no reason to believe that involved anything other than words.
When you were called to the scene you were sick to your stomach at the sight. You immediately confronted Ike about why he would act so cruelly toward someone who you believed to be his closest friend.
"I told you once that I would walk down this road with you as long as you let me, but... Whether you'll have me or not, I will not let anyone stand in our way. On the battlefield or otherwise..."
Its no wonder that Lif is jealous of others around you: he had seen you die before. Everyday since he watched the light fade from your eyes, he longed for you. Days were long without you in his ruined future. Experiencing the light take him only to be brought back in front of you seemed like a nightmare, but you try so hard to make him feel safe. Your warm lively hands, so gentle, often tap him on the shoulder. You offer him a place at the table you eat at though he no longer needs food. Each time he wants to push you away, you bring him back in. Though your small acts of kindness aren't just for him. You are kind and thoughtful to almost any hero. More specifically you are kind to Alfonse. It drives him mad. He knows that that is technically him, but it isn't the him who understands your value. It isn't the him that gets sick at night wondering if you love someone else. He is the one that keeps careful watch of you on the battlefield and reprimands the idiotic royals that let you out of their sights. That is why he couldn't stay another day in Askr. That is why he steals you away in the night. There aren't many realms that he could hide you in, but with Hel's throne truly empty now, he'd have somewhere to go. He'd carefully sit you on the throne, as you slept, thinking only of how he'd wish it was the one his birthright afforded him.
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"Heh, I won't break! You could even bend me in half and I wouldn't give in!" Alfonse will then prove you wrong by putting you in a mating press. Maybe even Lif will join in on the fun
"And so another point is proven for you to leave the fighting to us. How could I have forgotten how adorably pathetic that your endurance is."
Even as he scoffed beneath you, Líf continued to savor the sweet mewls and whines that spilled from your lips as you continued to bear the full brunt of him and Alfonse vigorously pounding away into you, helping keep your thighs spread wide for his counterpart to push into your core while he kept your ass stuffed full with his cock.
While far be it for Alfonse to ever talk down on your capabilities, he couldn't help but chuckle in light agreement as he proceeded to cup your cheek tenderly, even while his thrusts were anything but.
"Now, now, not that I'd mind--I'll protect you from everything so we can continue to lie together like this, day after day, Summoner."
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avisteliterature · 2 years
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Líf (Fire Emblem) x Reader
RATING: General
GENRES: Fluff/ Drama(?)
SUMMARY: You like the rain. Líf likes it too for a specific reason.
Líf watches on with a melancholic look on his face as you stare out the window, seemingly in a daze. It's raining outside with the sky a dark grey, but despite the gloomy appearance of the world right now, you seem rather calm and content.
The former general of the dead knows full well how much you love the rain. If he closes his eyes, he can still remember those precious times in which the iteration of yourself from his world would mischievously pull him out into the rain with child-like glee to play around in. He remembers the moments in which he would kiss you underneath the pouring rain and feel you melt against him.
Perhaps it's because he longed to see that smile once more that he approaches you, gently taking you by the hand. You pull your eyes away from the window to look at him with a questioning tilt of your head. Líf doesn't say anything, merely giving your hand a small tug, wordlessly prompting you to follow him.
Surprisingly enough, the castle is mostly quiet, many of the inhabitants having locked themselves away in their rooms or are otherwise scattered quietly throughout various places around the castle. Líf leads you outside with nothing to shield the both of you from the rain.
"Líf—?!" You're confused by his behaviour.
He doesn't say anything, continuing to drag you along until you both arrive at your favourite spot—the garden. He turns to face you, the two of you getting more and more soaked from the downpour, but it seems like neither of you particularly mind it. You stare up at him, half-expecting an explanation. He doesn't provide one. Instead, he takes your face into his hands and leans down to gently rest his forehead against yours.
"Líf, what's wrong?" You whisper in the small space between you two, feeling concerned for him.
"Nothing," he answers. "I simply thought that you might... enjoy being out here."
You peer up at him, your eyes searching his face for any hidden meaning behind his words and actions, but you aren't able to find any. "...I do," you answer him, a small but genuine smile upon your lips. "I... really like the rain. It's extremely calming. It feels like the whole world just stops, and everything goes quiet."
You pause for a moment.
"What about you?" You ask, curious. "Do you like the rain?"
"...In a way," Líf answers vaguely. "...I suppose I do."
Though his reasons for liking the gloomy weather isn't as poetic as yours. He likes it only simply because it can make you, the one he loves, smile.
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writings-ofthe-heart · 9 months
Alright, second part that's been requested. Using another prompt because my brain is empty. This is insanely short, i apologize trust next fic will be delicious! @mizuswifey here u go :3
Prompt - "I really like your hands."
CW: None! Fluff only :)
(shes so hot ohmygodicantsothis)
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“I really like your hands.”
Mizu paused. Shocked, taken aback by the words that fell from your lips. You’ve been staring at her hands the entire time you had been eating. Mesmerized by them, the delicacy of the way Mizu’s hands would lift her chopsticks, drink her tea. Mizu wouldn’t believe what you said, heart pounding a bit. Her ears blushed, and she narrowed her eyes at you. You looked up at her, innocently, graciously. Mizu was upset, the only sentence ringing in her head, without looking up at your red face (from the cold),
“I’ve killed more men than you could ever fathom.” The blood on Mizu’s hands would terrify you, she knew. You only gave a long head tilt, the silence provoked. Mizu knew you were picturing the blood, the gore on her nimble fingers, the death of hundreds on her palms. Scars from battle scattered from her wrist to the tips of her pinky. You only sighed.
“It seems that’s the only way I’d have you, anyways. You are a samurai. The people you’ve killed were killed with honor.”
Mizu could’ve laughed. Could’ve. You had no idea who she was, who she really was in battle. She almost felt bad. You sipped Jasmine Tea, and it made Mizu wonder, would you ever know who she really was?
She shook her head, the slightest bit and slurped down the rest of her soba. It wasn’t important. She couldn’t have you distracting her, from revenge, the one thing she truly deserved. You began to eat quickly, seeing Mizu already finished. By the time Mizu stood, you were quickly eating the rest of the noodles and chugging the soup left over.
“Alright, let’s go.” She hummed, looking down at you. You felt yourself become weak which was odd... but what was stranger is that Mizu almost smirked at you..? Like she could sense your heart growing weak at her voice.
Mizu had no clue in the slightest, she just thought you looked pretty stupid. Hurrying up to please her, weirdo.
She smiled, finding the way you stumbled out of the soba shop to greet her... endearing. Still, you're a weirdo.
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mysticpink · 1 year
Child!summaner: what if you die and I’m still here?
Alfonse:….then you’ll be all grown up.. and you won’t need me
Child!summaner: I think I’ll always need you
Lif: *looks at Child!summoner talking to Alfonse*
Child!summoner: I think I always need you…
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natty1730 · 1 year
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Chapter 6 : Watercolor Eyes
Daisy could feel herself tossing and turning in her sleep, sweating from her past memories resurfacing back to her.
She heard Avó in her bedroom. Her Avó was on her knees at the foot of the bed crying her eyes. Daisy was only two at the time and didn’t understand what has happened. "Avó? Você está bem? O que aconteceu?, Por que você está chorando?" (“Avó? Are you okay? What happened?Why are you crying?” ). Avó was whipping her tears and looking at her granddaughter. She walks and lifts Daisy up and puts Daisy on her bed. “"Querida, é sobre sua mãe." ("Honey, it's about your mama. ") Daisy 's eyes were wide and she was worried about her mami. “"O que aconteceu?"("What happened?") . Both her grandma and Daisy were crying. "Algo ruim aconteceu com sua mami, ela sofreu um acidente quando estava caminhando para chegar em casa do trabalho." ("Something bad happened to your mami, she had an accident when she was walking home from work. ") "Ela está bem?" ("Is she ok?") Avó was avoiding Daisy’s eyes because they are the same as her daughter's. “Ela foi morta, Margarida,” (She is dead, Daisy)Daisy cried so hard and she hugged her Avó. "Não vovó, não, ela pode estar morta, ela é minha mãe, ela é minha mãe"("No Grandma, No, she can’t be dead, she's my mama, she's my mama") she cried and cried “"Quem fez isso com ela?” ("Who did this to her?")
Avó looks at the ground. "A polícia ainda está tentando encontrar o assassino da sua mãe. Eles não sabem quem é isso." ("The police are still trying to find your mama's killer. They don't know who this to her.") They cried and cried for hours.
The young girl jumped awake from her dream, and tried to catch her breath. She glanced at the time seeing that it was 3-am, and laid back down onto her bed to stare at the ceiling. Daisy rubbed her eyes away from tears that started to form, and shut her eyes tightly. 'God don't cry. You've been crying so much lately and it's honestly stupid. No one fucking cares so just shut up and take it." She flipped her pillow to the cold side and shoved her face into the pillowcase. 'I wonder what Dee is doing... he's actually really cool. I'm glad that I'll see him tomorrow.' She thought, smiling and slipping into a calm sleep.
No no no! Not good enough, Again!" Daisy's father said, accidentally spilling a bit of scotch onto the marble floor while doing so. "Father, please let me have a break! My fingers are starting to bruise, look!" The girl held her red-ish purple fingers up to her father's face so he could get a good look, but he merely shook his head and walked behind Daisy. "You will only get a break until you have actually perfected the piece, now again." The man held his daughter's head to look at the music, and forced her to stare at the sheet music. The girl drew in a sharp breath and started to play once again. Daisy could feel her tear ducts starting to water, and her ears started to ring. "God damn it Daisy !" Her father said, before letting go of her head, and forcing her up. It wasn't until the man shoved a rag into her hands, Daisy realized that her bruises had started to bleed, and the blood smeared on the keys. "Clean this up and go. Her father sighed, and walked away leaving Daisy to clean the piano with a rag and bleeding fingers. As the young girl started to wipe the keys of blood, her mind trailed to a certain blonde haired boy and his family. 'I can't believe that the man on the plane is Dee's dad, hopefully he's not over there when I work with Dee. That'll be awkward.' She wiped up the last bit of blood and ran to her room to clean up her hands.
This looks stupid." Daisy mumbled out loud, looking down to see all of her fingers containing band-aids. She glanced at her clock and internally cringed when she saw what time it was. '4pm, I've been playing for eight hours.' She thought to herself while sighing, and walking to the closest to grab her coat. Daisy shrugged it on and made her way downstairs to meet the butler and escape the house, even if it was just for a couple of hours. As the girl snapped on her seatbelt, she couldn't help but notice her father staring at her. "I had a pack of cigarettes lying next to my coat the other day... you wouldn't have happened to know where they are would you?"He said, pulling out of the driveway. Daisy's palms started to sweat and her heart got faster as she reached a hand into her pocket and realized that she stored the cigarettes in her coat pocket on the day her bed was stolen from her. The girl awkwardly coughed and shrugged her shoulders while looking into the window, "I'm not sure. I also don't know why you would ask me." She said, mumbled the last part, noticing her father just sighed . “Please meet me back here at 8pm sharp.”The girl just gave him a strange look “Yes, father.” before taking out her backpack and leaving the car so she could walk to Dee's house.
While walking to Dee's house she saw the car drive away, so she decided to slow down her pace and lit a stolen cigarette from her pocket. As she inhaled the stale smoke from the cigarette she stopped to look above the sky. Daisy took notice of the way how the sky's shockingly beautiful orange sunset was starting to be conquered by the rain clouds that were forming. 'I hope it doesn't rain while I walk to the car.' She thought while taking in one last breath before dropping the cigarette onto the damp concrete and roughly putting it out.
“Dad please just don't be embarrassed." The blonde haired boy said, sighing nervously while looking at his father. "I promise I won't be embarrassed, I just want to know who she is! That's all!" Glam hummed, while finishing up dinner. You're gonna love her dad! She is super cool, and really funny!" Heavy said, placing an ace on the middle of the table. "Oh come on! I didn't raise my children to be cheaters! Hmph." A muscular woman said, leaning back into her seat and crossing her arms rather angrily. "Ma I didn't cheat I swear! Besides, we're both losing anyway." The two slowly looked over to Ches who was relaxed as usual, holding his cards faced down.Hey, you should really try not looking at your cards until the end. It really works." All of a sudden everyone heard a faint knock at the door. "Please everyone just... be cool. We'll be in my room for most of the time so you don't need to worry." Dee said, quickly making his way to the door and subconsciously fixing his hair. But before he could open it, his father seemingly appeared out of nowhere and opened the door. Glam's height blocked Dee from seeing the girl who was standing at the door, but he could see his father's face turn into a look of surprise. Dee finally pushed past his father to see Daisy , standing and awkwardly scratching her head and Glam’s eyes widened in his mind he thought ‘she looks a lot like Gia’"Uh hey Dee's dad. Long time no see?" The girl said rubbing her palms on her legs to rid herself of the sweat that was forming. "Wait Daisy you know my-" But before Dee could finish his dad had cut him off. "Daisy! It is great to see you! Please come inside, I've just finished making dinner! Besides I'm sure everyone would like to get to know you! We have a coat rack off to the side, if you want to take it off." Glam hummed happily and walked back to the kitchen to set the table for dinner. Dee stared back at Daisy who was shrugging off her jacket and placing it next to an almost identical one. "Wait, so how do you know my dad?" The girl finally looked back into Dee's blue eyes and smiled gently. "I called him creepy on my flight here."
Outfit Reference
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ashandquiet · 2 years
My Most Unswerving Devotion
Chapter 2. Musings of a Duke
Regency! Soma Jarlskona x F!Reader
Summary: Since coming to Norfolk to stay with your family, the conversations have all revolved around matrimony. Just when your aunt has found a match for you much to your chagrin, quite by accident you fall for the wealthy Duke of Cambridgeshire; Soma Guthrumsdóttir. Can circumstance truly keep you apart?
A/N: This chapter is from the perspective of Soma, I hope you enjoy the bits of story building and I apologize for the long wait on chapter 2.
Read it on AO3
Soma had always been level-headed and sane.
Or at least she was sure she had been, a few bouts of rage, but that was due to anyone under duress, it wasn’t until this afternoon she found herself acting a fool.
Soma always followed a schedule, a strictly tailored schedule at that. She would rise just before dawn, dress, and take her breakfast in her study. It was there that her housekeeper and butler would relay the affairs of the servants of the manor, the places in need of address, and she would delegate resources as necessary. Then after having read the household ledger, Soma would take a short walk in the manor gardens to take in the fresh morning air. By the time she arrived back inside, Birna would finally be awake and sitting down for breakfast in the breakfast dining room, so Soma would sit with her and tea while Birna regaled her with the affairs of the servants, but with more sordid details as always. After breakfast, Birna would ride out to town to cover any affairs of Soma’s that did not require the Duke’s immediate attention and Soma would go check on land tenants.
After the morning's chores had been carried out, it was then that at her leisure Soma would take her gelding Alvis out to run the lengths of the land. It was here in the fields that she truly felt the strains and pressure of her inherited title lift from her shoulders. All the judgment and strain put on her by society could wash away, but in the end, it was just a wash. She did just as Guthrum had taught her, put on airs, and be intelligent and cunning. Never let them see how they affect you. 
He had taken her in when she was just an unkempt street child scurrying about Stockholm with a small gaggle of other orphans, stealing and scraping to stay alive. It was after the death of her poor mother and father had left her alone and abandoned, and she had been running about the port struggling to keep up with the much older children who ran the gang like wolves. The tall bearded man dressed in finery had stepped in her way causing her to fall and his outstretched hand had effectively changed the course of her life forever. 
Before leaving Sweden he had put her to work, mostly as a little spy because she could fit into places, and hear and see things that the others of his entourage couldn’t. Guthrum then grew fond of Soma quickly and wasted no time inviting her back to England with him, and Soma saw no need to protest, she was fed, warmly clothed, and most of all happy.
Soma was given the best possible education available, learning to read and write quickly, and excelling at arithmetic and humanitarian studies. She learned to be a great leader, as well as a listener under Guthrum’s influence and tutelage. It was there she was introduced to the younger Ragnarsson brothers Ivarr and Ubba, and she learned how to fight, shoot, hunt, and the art of swordplay, seeing the two brothers as adopted older brothers of her own. As she grew and became accustomed to her life in England it became plain to Soma that Guthrum never once attempted to raise Soma as a lady, knowing that he would never have a male heir; Soma was raised as a son, and eventual heir to Guthrum’s, land, title, and holdings.
Much to society's chagrin, Soma was never offered as a marriage prospect, even though she was named as Guthrum’s only heir and beneficiary. While in her teen years there were rumors that she would eventually marry Ubba Ragnarsson, while others argued that she was particularly monstrous and no man would be able to tame her feral nature. Many made little attempt to woo her, but she snubbed them in favor of horses, books, and swordplay. 
The study of law had entranced her, so at the behest of Guthrum, a law education was arranged. Under the guise of a man, she attended university and rose to be a scholar in her own right. It was there at university with its dances, shops, and libraries, that she befriended Birna, her most stout-hearted and amorous companion, a daughter of merchants who similarly to Guthrum’s circle had come to England from Scandinavia and gained such prosperous wealth that they stayed to provide a life for their daughter. 
Birna threw Soma into a life she had never before experienced outside the scholarly and dutiful confines of her being. The joys of drink, dancing, and social calls, as well as indulging in the finer luxuries that she had denied herself. She purchased her first townhouse and it was there that Soma and Birna threw small soirees, and Birna mocked Soma for her obsession and love of rugs and interior finery. 
She met and entertained women, and had a few brief affairs, most ending with the other party marrying or being sent away by family. However letters were always exchanged but as letters stopped arriving Soma would burn the lavender and locks of hair and resume her solitary lifestyle, caring for her friends and the makeshift family she had found in the city.
As her life beyond Cambridgeshire stretched in an expanse before her, opportunities of employment and adventure beckoning, in the country, Guthrum grew sick. Knowing he was not long for this world the Duke summoned his adopted child back to his side. Dutifully Soma came and remained with him until the day he died. She knew her days of freedom were over, obligation was her constant companion as she assumed the responsibilities of Dukedom. At the recommendation of Birna, she hired an old acquaintance of theirs, Lif as a secretary and brought Birna on as an equerry to the estate. 
Together the three of them formed an insurmountable team in making the land of Cambridgeshire prosperous and one of great renown throughout England.
However, the rumor mill never stopped churning, but what was there for petty country folk to talk about more than the affairs of Soma Guthrumsdóttir?
On these particular days after a morning full of settling disputes and arranging for gifts and aid to be sent to families within her territory, Soma found herself in most need of a ride. While her head swam with thoughts of land rights, tenant arrangements, and the lending of estates, Soma rode well off into the fields of Norfolk just for a moment's reprise from it all. 
It was there, near a blooming horse-chestnut tree that she had nearly collided with what she could only describe as an angel came to earth, the sound of her voice still shook Soma to her bones as she urged Alvis homeward.
She had removed her gloves to feel the bones and muscles in the woman’s wrist and at the light skin contact, she felt as though she were on fire. The way that she could feel the woman’s eyes burn as she watched her, the soft gasp she made when Soma had twisted her wrist in a painful direction, it all made Soma’s skin prickle at the thought of her. Soma couldn’t help herself; she had crooned and given her a pet name of all things. One meeting and all she could think about was how it would feel to touch skin to skin. To talk to her as if they had always known each other. 
Soma let out a frustrated noise as she neared the manor, she knew Birna would never let her hear the end of it if she came in looking like a lovestruck, amorous fool. The romantic sensibilities of her joyful friend would run away with her. How would she ever tell Birna she never even got the woman’s name? She was a damned fool, and all she could do was hope that Birna was off making some poor girl, or boy flush with compliments.
But Soma wasn’t lucky, and Birna was there sitting outside the stable on a bench pretending to read a book while watching the stable boy work with the horse.
“There you are Soma, you great wandering lordy you,” Birna called in her usual chipper tone as Soma rode up to the stable and dismounted. Soma flashed her a weary look and led Alvis into the stable, politely declining the offer from the stableboy to take the horse from her.
Birna got serious, “What happened.”
Soma shook her head with a sigh, finding herself rushing to get the cinches undone from Alvis, Birna would begin her further questioning soon and Soma could not bring herself to say what a fool she had been. 
“Was there an incident at one of the farms? Did a cow give birth and it was partially gruesome to have seen with your lordly eyes? Was someone's child struck by a goat and you were given the child to hold while the goat was put to death? Are we having mutton?”
“No, no incidents of mention,” Soma grunted, struggling with one particular loop, her friend’s well-intentioned questions making her more irritable by the minute.
“Let me help, you’re gumming it up,” Birna stepped between Soma and Alvis taking over the chore of tacking down Soma’s bay horse. She treaded slightly out of Birna’s way to watch her undo the cinch, yet she found herself gazing at her hands, again. 
“You look as though you’ve seen a ghost, Soma.”
“I’m alright I just need some time to myself, thank you Birna,” Soma felt grave as she nodded to her friend to take her to leave.
Stepping out from under the stable cover Soma ran her hands over her face, she was suffocating. Her throat was tight and she felt as though she would begin perspiring through her waistcoat, her hands clammy within the confines of the gloves, Soma stripped them off and tossed them to the ground. 
Somehow she had let herself act such a fool that she had forgotten to ask for the lady’s name, or an address, calling card, anything. She had even neglected to tell the lady her name, of course, Soma had wrapped her wrist with a handkerchief from her pocket that was embroidered with “SG”, her initials, but how on earth would it even find its way back to her? The most mortifying and frustrating realization of all hit like a boulder being thrown into water; How would she ever know if the beautiful creature she had met this day, also preferred the company of women .
Feeling helpless, which she hated the most, she started walking towards the manor to lock herself in the safety of her private rooms, where she could brood and mourn this terrible turn in private. It wasn’t the first time she had experienced such heartbreak and she felt as though it wouldn’t be the last. She knew herself and her heart, yet she always seemed to fall into the trap of self-imposed distress regarding affairs of the heart.
Taking care of the tie in her cravat she tossed it to the ground and made her way into the manor, taking long quick strides to her study not caring for the muddy footprints that she left in her wake. 
She has always desired women, both emotionally and carnally. The gentlest touch of another woman filled her with heavenly joy, in the passion-filled faucet of her heart she held the most sublime desires imaginable. It was her every aim in life to give a woman, whom she loved so deeply it cut like a knife, every possible thing and more. Soma had fallen like this before, and she knew that if she did not stop her heart from getting away with her she could end up broken, her heart exposed to the empty expanse of the world in the end just as before.
Soma let out an enraged noise throwing her hands in the air, she could feel the boiling rage rising within her at the thought of losing composure yet again. She was being choked, by manners and the very opposing forces within herself. Almost flailing to pull herself from it, she tore off her waistcoat throwing it across the empty room, not even having made it to her study yet. She panted staring at the offending garment. It wasn’t enough she still felt as though her clothes were constricting themselves around her. Soma then fumbled with the buttons on her vest and flung it in another direction, then the cufflinks, she yanked off her boots and collapsed onto her rear. Her eyes began to burn with emotion and she could feel her throat tighten. Soma undid the first few buttons of her collar and then drooped backward onto her back to stare upwards. Soma covered her face with her hands and suffered a strained sigh.
There was a shuffle of feet that came to an abrupt stop in the doorway, Soma turned her head to glance at the doorway where Birna stood looking a bit befuddled. Soma’s friend held the discarded cravat and suede gloves.
“Well aren’t you pitiful,” Birna chided as a maid rushed to take the items from her.
Soma sighed feeling quite pitiful indeed.
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[Yandere] Lif Headcanons
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You met her at the graveyard
You hadn't meant to be, you had accidentally stumbled upon the cemetery. The fog surely wasn't helping you feel comfortable, if anything it gave you the creeps
You had tripped over her feet when stumbling backwards
You yelped and nearly screamed when she yelled at you
"Hey watch it!"
You pushed hair out of your face and looked at the angry girl
"Sorry about that."
She blushed when seeing you and looked you over, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Uh, so what are you doing here?"
And you both began to talk and the cemetery a little less scary
Though, she freaked you out a little more than any graveyard could
You both were the clear embodiment of opposites attract
She posts you on her story and you post her on your story
She sends you pictures of dead animals she sees or pictures before she posts them
She loves walking with you and enjoys just chatting
She gets pretty aggressive if people are mean to you
She's the girlfriend to be like 'They asked for no pickles'
She draws you, but it's not really you, but it's like an abstract version of you [Does that make sense?]
You can imagine that she has you over a lot
She really enjoys your company and hopes you enjoy hers too
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zombieplaguedoc · 2 years
A-Are there any Metal Family Lif x readers on here? Don't ask why, I don't want to reveal why yet.
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lovehotelreservation · 6 months
I Know He's Better Than Me - He Knows He's Better Than Me
Summary: The decision was straightforward. After graduating, you were going to marry your college sweetheart, Alfonse.
And yet, on a night meant to celebrate his accomplishments, you still find yourself straying to the side of someone you shouldn’t.
LÍf is Alfonse’s older brother after all.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Alfonse, Reader/LÍf
[Previous Chapter]
just wanted to get a few more ideas out at last before i close the chapter on this piece!!!
thank u for years of support ; v ;
pls enjoy!!!
Spring was here.
The chills of winter had come and passed, replaced now with afternoons full of warmth and sunshine as budding flowers began to bloom with the new season.
Fitting, as Alfonse was expected to formally announce his official appointment as a member of the family company’s executive board. At last, the time of inheritance of burdensome prestige had arrived.
And with graduation looming around the corner, it would certainly be a miracle for him to have the time to take you out on a proper date.
Still, rather than lament, there was time for levity. Tonight would celebrate his ascension to the company board with a lavish party at the family mansion, helmed by Henriette and Sharena.
Of course, you would be in attendance, as the glittering diamond ring on your left finger would affirm.
With the party set to begin in a couple hours, you were about ready to head down and join Sharena with greeting tonight’s guests. You were adorned in nothing short of your best glamor--whatever you had your eye on, Alfonse was eager to buy on your behalf, even if you insisted on paying for your items yourself. At this point, all you had to do was check yourself over to ensure that you were presented as flawlessly as possible.
An impossible burden for anyone to achieve, let alone your darling Alfonse. But as his lover, you would do all you could to help him shoulder the responsibility that he was primed to bear.
It didn’t matter if you would spend the next few hours checking over your appearance to an excruciating degree–you couldn’t bear the mere idea of disgracing your lover on such an important night. Thus, within the bedroom of your fiancé, you gazed right at your reflection on the mirror of his vanity, making sure that not a smudge or smear of make-up had gone unnoticed.
And then the doorknob that led into the room twisted and turned.
A familiar face emerged within the reflection of the mirror’s vanity.
“Oh, Alfonse…!”
A smile immediately tugged on your lips before you pressed them together to ensure an even coat of lipstick was applied. Turning your head towards him, you continued with a twinkle in your eyes, “...finished with preparing your speech?”
His expression was blank at first.
But as he heard you speak, his eyes closed for a moment.
Alfonse sighed.
A conflicted noise.
“Yeah, about that…”
For a moment, Alfonse’s hand lingered on the doorknob, just moments before he strode on ahead towards you, making sure to leave the door open just slightly ajar.
Why did he even bother showing up here?
Líf sighed, taking a moment to roll up the sleeve of his black button-up shirt as he continued to meander along through the familiar surroundings of his childhood home, his inked arms revealed after once strategically covered upon entering through the mansion foyer. Though, the sight of astonished stares and nervous shifts from annoyingly wealthy rich faces he first received from other party guests made him wish that he tossed formality to the flames and just showed up in a muscle shirt and shorts–anything that would undoubtedly cause stifling rigid tradition to doubletake at his rebellion.
But if there was anything he refused to bear on this evening, it was attention.
That was all meant for his younger brother anyhow, especially since the only attention he cared to capture was yours alone.
And the last thing he wanted was for you to get caught up even further in the moronic politics of the family you would soon be officially a part of–even if the thought of that imminent day when Alfonse would be whisking you away in your wedding whites in matrimonial bliss clawed at his heart.
For now, he would savor every moment he could by your side, while you were still within reach, while your hand could still sneakily grasp onto his own before taking his brother’s for good.
Though he anticipated there wouldn’t be much of an opportunity for you to be alone together much, he still looked forward to seeing you.
As soon as he could find you at least.
While Líf continued onwards, he only had one destination in mind.
Alfonse’s bedroom.
While his reason for being here was mainly for you, he was originally tasked with finding his brother first by none other than Sharena. With Gustav soon set to make his toast in commemoration of his son’s grand ascension, this meant that finding the currently missing Alfonse was of absolute importance.
And Líf couldn’t exactly say no to Sharena literally pushing him on, pouting and huffing over how their brother could be late on such a momentous occasion.
An occasion that at once was originally meant for him, but one he vehemently refused.
And now his younger brother would get to bear the burden of an enforced familial legacy while also getting to marry the love of their lives.
At once a neutral smile, his lips curled down at the thought right as he–at last–finally approached the door that led to Alfonse’s bedroom. 
One tatted hand reached to grab the doorknob when he suddenly heard an all-too familiar whine from within.
Líf immediately froze, his fingers tensing while his stoic expression broke as his eyes widened.
He’d recognize that precious little noise anywhere.
As that same sound repeated–this time breathier in timbre–his lips parted as he was about to call your name while he stepped forward, until the flash of a familiar shade of blue that was akin to his own hair caught his eye and his breath through the crack in the door.
And then he peered further inside, feeling his chest become hollow while his stomach twisted into a maligned knot before plummeting down to the pit of his very being.
He could see Alfonse and he could see you.
Together, with you seated, bouncing on his brother’s lap. Whatever niceties you had planned for the evening was all in utter disarray–your hair let loose, your lipstick smeared from messy kisses, your breasts spilling forth out the front of your dress after it was likely yanked down, your dress’s hem shoved up to reveal the sight of your core swiveling up and down the long length of his cock, your expression hot and red with flustered ecstasy.
All the while Alfonse continued to imprison you within his grasp, one hand guiding you up and down his dick as he continued to squeeze and fondle your breasts with the other hand, his lips leaving a trail of kisses and bites along your neck as a sure means to be an absolute pain to try covering up at the party. Though his expression was just as pleasured, there was a certain intensity to his demeanor–while his kind blue eyes continued to admire the sight of your body rolling against his, there was a furrow to his brow that made his behavior seem more calculating.
Líf would know. He was his older brother.
And such was why he wasn’t all that too surprised by what he heard next.
“Are you just going to stand there, Líf? Can’t you see that I’m trying to have a personal moment with my fiancé?”
Líf immediately darted his eyes on you and you alone through the door’s opening.
Horrified didn’t even begin to describe the look that immediately swept on your face. Your wide eyes, the sudden tensing of your body, the desperate flail of your arms to try and cover yourself
“A-Alfonse…please! Líf’s right there–!”
And yet, you continued to bounce helplessly away upon Alfonse’s cock–how could you not, what with the commanding grip he had on your hip.
Whereas he simply guided you through the rhythm, it was at your response that his teeth suddenly clenched tight together as his arms then wrapped around you from behind in a tight vice, locking you further in place against him as he began to pummel away into you with a surge of vicious fervor.
“So protecting his feelings is what you care for most?!” Alfonse exclaimed just moments before he buried his face in your neck, the stern look on his features breaking with the muffled sob he then let out. “You’re really choosing the man who’s been trying to steal you away from me?”
You gasped with a vehement shake of your head. “No, that’s not–!”
“I won’t stand for it!” Alfonse lifted his head right as he grasped your chin, turning your head so you were made to look right into his tearful eyes as he declared, “I’ll never stand for it! I love you more than anything else and I’ll prove it to you right here and now…!”
And as Alfonse slammed into you even harder, so did his bedroom door shut, shoved shut with such intense fury that the hinges groaned from tremendous strain.
Yet Líf’s fist remained firmly curled at his side as he stormed away.
Too many emotions swirled within him, a tempest of fury and anguish that he had done all he could to quell over the years but was quickly spilling forth.
This damned day, this damned family, this damned life–his brother could have it all and more.
Everything except you.
Selfish guilt be damned.
The next time he saw you, those condoms were going to be trashed.
You’ve always been so damn indecisive–as you continued to leave your choice up in the air, he would gladly and vengefully make it for you.
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writings-ofthe-heart · 9 months
(Mizu, BES)/(Reader)
- prompt: "Always give them the first bite of food."
Cw: None
Info: Reader is fem sorry, may be ooc, i tried. I love my woman so much this is self indulgent and motivated by my day one <3
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Mizu walked. Like always, being followed by Ringo and his sister. You were quiet, but agreeable. Mizu only allowed you to follow because Ringo didn't want to leave you alone with your father. The sky weaned and the sun began to fall. Purple and black scattered to the East. Nightfall would arrive soon, Mizu thought absently. Her body ws always tense, ready to pounce on enemies, but her mind? Tranquile. Calm, it seemed like the soft, unmoving ocean.
You were only taken in by Ringo after being left on the noodleshops doorsteps. A cliche backstory, but what could you do? Growing up with Ringo was the best outcome of your childhood. Because of him, you had a certain joy within your aura. Despite the lack of speaking, socializing you did normally, you had good spirit. You were good.
The group set up camp. A fire was lit, courtesy of Ringo and you just looked around for sticks. A silence spread throughout the wintery forest. Mizu sliced the air, releasing an audible sound of her precision. You had stumbled across her, coming face to face when she cut down a tree with ease. You yelped.
"What are you doing here?" She grumbled. You shrugged, softly quipping, "Collecting sticks. What do you want to eat tonight?"
Mizu wondered why you even asked, "..." She rolled her shoulders, narrowing icy eyes behind her lens at you. "Anything is fine."
"Well, okay." You turned to walk away.
An hour after, you were all sitting around the fire as the pot simmered. You stood, grabbing small wooden bowls and scooping the soup into it. There were only two so you gave Ringo one and was about to hand the second bowl to Mizu when her hand stopped it.
"Drink some first. I can eat when you're done."
Confused as you were, you nodded slowly and sipped it. After half the soup was gone you refilled and slid it to Mizu who had dozen off, or at least that's what it looked like. She ate, and eventually you and Ringo fell asleep.
But this didn't just happen once. Another trip to Mihonoseki proved to be a habit of hers.
She broke a rice cake piece before even touching it and shoved it in your hand. Walking idly, you were startled and paused looking down at the crumbled, small piece of dry rice cake. Immediately you swallowed it, to be frank you weren't even hungry but, oh well.
Ringo knew something was weird with Mizu and his sister. First, he didn't pay mind because Mizu is just... odd in general. Not until the third instance where, Mizu not only offered, but refused to eat until you had taken a piece or a bite, did he start thinking more about it. His sister was pretty, he didn't try to disagree but you were oblivious to say the least, unable to see what's in front of you.
Mizu calmly set her chopsticks down. "Try it, I'm sure it's good but I can't risk being poisoned."
Another silly excuse, Ringo rolled his eyes digging into his own bowl of soba noodles. You sighed, dragging Mizu's bowl in front of you and slurping one, exactly one noodle.
"Tastes good to me, now eat! It's almost closed." You tried to hurry her. She seemed unfazed as now and only now Mizu began to eat the soba.
Ringo made an excuse to pull you outside while Mizu finished, (it was incredibly obvious and clumsy.)
"Hey. You must have noticed something weird with Mizu now right?" He holds you by your shoulders.
You purse your lips, "Um..? No.. If you mean her in general, well, I think that's just how she is."
Ringo exhales harshly. The cold wind making itself known in your ears. "No, her habit. Habit of making you eat her food first? Making sure "it tastes good?" Habit of randomly offering you her very first bite? Anything ring bells in your little head?" He grew more frustrated, practically shaking you.
You held up your hands, admitting defeat. "I thought it was just me!"
"You know, it seems oddly intimate for a person like Mizu." He noted. "You don't think..." Ringo gasped, loudly. Mizu appeared outside, her sword clinked as she looked around wildly for danger.
She furrowed her brows at you both, "Excuse me." Mizu walked back into the noodle shop.
"Mizu likes you." Ringo breathlessly, excitedly, exclaimed.
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ybklix · 2 months
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★ pairing: hwang hyunjin x fem!reader x lee minho
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✦summary: The summer you thought would be boring, starts to become entertaining once you meet two beautiful mature men with whom you look forward to having fun for a while, Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Minho, whose perfect lives with wives and children become entangled in their own downfall as they fail to control themselves with your sweet and wicked game of seduction.
♡ genre - warnings: MDNI 18+, smut, bit angst, dilf hyunjin & minho, sub!hyunjin, dom!miho, cheating, age gap, sugar daddy, oral sex, masturbation, fingering, grinding, pet names (some dreg), kinks: breeding, daddy, unprotected sex, creampie, mention of spanking, slapping.
₊ ⊹ word count: 17.7k
masterlist - taglist ⭑.ᐟ
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ NOTES: nerd hyunjin from mountains mv as main inspo of his looks!!
miniplaylist: she by harry styles / cola by lana del rey / homewrecker by marina / older by isabel larosa
a/n: thinking about nerdy dilf hyunjin since this post of mine hehe & added minho for more fun lol EDIT: this extended too much, sorry, so I decided to split it in a part 2♡
divider by youre-ackermine
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Everything started in that summer, a messy and unforgettable summer where you explored lands of desire, madness, passion, and lust.
You never thought spending the summer at your older sister’s house with her newly formed family would be so much fun, you were in paradise, surrounded by attractive mature men who lost their sanity with your slightest affection and youth; Hwang Hyunjin as a private tutor, Lee Minho as your neighbor, two men whose mid-life crisis went off in a war against themselves by not knowing how to control themselves with your sweet and perverse game of flirting, which you were not going to stop until you obtained your goal, no matter obstacles in the way, like their perfect lives, families and wives, you just wanted to have some fun. You never took it seriously, just some good sex, until the circumstances changed, sometimes not always for good reasons…
It all started, to be exact, on a Friday afternoon when your older sister picked you up from one of your friend’s house, where you stayed after leaving your college dorm for the summer. To be honest, you had two options: go to your parents’ house in your small town for the break, where you would be forced to take any job, or spend it at your sister’s big new house with her very well-behaved 7-year-old stepson and her husband, who was offering you a chance to visit his workplace sometimes, which was more than a dream since Mr. Bahng was a well-known and respected prosecutor and would feed your knowledge in your degree. The second option sounded pretty good for you, plus you’d be very useful to Missy, your sister, by taking care of little Chase, Bahng Chan’s son, from time to time.
You didn’t see anything wrong with the situation, you adored your sister even though she was a few years older than you, you were best friends without a problem, so you knew you wouldn’t have a dull moment, at least not all the time. Missy met Bahng Chan when she was 24 and studying for her graduate degree, Chan was then, her professor, 32 years old, a year divorced with an also 1 year old son, somehow, they fell in love and, Missy who for her motherhood was not an option, had no plans to conceive or adopt, accepted Chan just like that. They dated for four years, you knew Chan since you were younger, he was absolutely part of the family; they finally married two years ago and just last summer Chan bought a house in one of the nicest neighborhoods, moving in with her and him, and on special occasions when he had full care of his son.
To everyone’s good fortune, Chase was an adorable little boy identical to Chan, causing your sister so much tenderness as she watched him grow up that even on a couple of occasions her mentality was altered by wanting to conceive Chan’s child. Still, Chase was a little nerd, he loved school, he was too smart, and at his young age he had a life plan to get into the best college in the country —which you knew it wouldn’t be hard for him, seeing the kind of influences and contacts his father had—, but everyone knew he could make it on his own merit; he was of course at the top of his class and school, active, he played sports, he had a love of technology and above all, he was pure and very well disciplined. Missy and Chan would have him all to themselves the entire summer.
“Well, welcome, you already know which room is yours, oh, I didn’t ask if you were hungry” spoke your sister, closing the large door behind her.
“Mmm, I don’t think you cooked anything” you jokingly replied.
“No, but you can order something" she replied obviously, playing along, “If you want I’ll pay for it.”
“Thank you, Miss, I’m fine for now. Where’s Chase?”
“Mmm… I think he’s in his room.”
You left your things in the extra room you were going to stay in and headed animatedly to greet the little boy. His door was already half open, so you decided to slowly walk in.
“Chaseee” you chirped.
You could hear the sounds of video games from his television and when you were finally inside you confirmed that it was little Chase playing, however, he was not alone. You saw the attractive back of a slender man with long black hair sitting on the boy’s bed. As soon as Chase jumped up to hug you, he turned around revealing an attractive clean face done to perfection, bushy straight eyebrows, sharp dark eyes, accompanied by rectangular glasses, a slightly prominent nose, and full lips. He smiled at you, his gaze and smile were warm, and he stood up from his place, putting the console aside and walking towards you.
“Hello, auntie Y/n” Chase greeted you adorably.
You were so engrossed in reading the man with your eyes that you barely noticed that Chase had paused his game to go over and hug you, you returned the gesture, still standing and only hunching your posture slightly to gently rest your arms on him.
“Hi, Chase” you greeted him animatedly, looking at him quickly and returning your gaze to the man, who now stood before you.
Up close he looked a little better. He dressed a little unusual, making him look a little nerdy, but something about his look and gaze radiated so much confidence as if he knew how incredibly handsome he was. His black hair was slicked back, leaving free little strands that fell gracefully towards his face, and he looked so young as his lightly tanned skin was so smooth, but at the same time, you could tell he was someone older than you. He was tall and his limbs were long, his arms, his fingers, his legs in those black pants of a washed-out denim, baggy on his body, a collared shirt of a soft, thick gray fabric with the designer’s name on the pocket detail, giving the appearance of wearing another button-down collared shirt of red and white grid patterns, watch on his wrist and a thin necklace decorating his slightly bare chest; he looked good, too good for your taste, it felt good just to look at him.
“Ah, Aunt Y/n, this is my Uncle Hyunjin” the little boy spoke again.
“Nice to meet you, Hwang Hyunjin” finally said the man in front of you.
He sounded young, and had a unique voice that rumbled inside you. He didn’t stop looking at you either, almost as if he was mesmerizing you as well. He extended his right hand, you saw his large limb before shaking it, enjoying his light squeeze.
“Nice to meet you, too” you replied, trying to hide your huge grin, smiling downwards.
“Ah, you must be Y/n, Missy’s little sister, right?” he was quick to say, to which you nodded, unable to speak, but you had to, something in your nature wanted to flirt with him, “I’m a close friend of Chan’s and I come here for a few days in the afternoons as a private tutor for Chase.”
Hyunjin thought in those moments that you were not so little after all, you were quite a young woman and he felt the need to explain to you what he was doing there, in fact he felt the need to talk to you, you were a fresh and pretty young woman, you sparked in him the curiosity to talk further; regret came later for him, as he read your subtle bright look, implying that you were also interested. Hyunjin was older and knew every move of the game perfectly, so he blinked suddenly, coming out of his trance as he recognized that you were beginning to arouse in him curiosity for another woman, when he was happily married for almost a decade to the love of his life and they had two beautiful children.
You didn’t know what to reply, your brain was working fast to respond instantly to the handsome man, Chan’s friend; however, the little boy interrupted.
“Oh yes, auntie Y/n, Uncle Hyunjin is the best, he teaches me physics and math and also loves computers. He’s a biomedical engineer with a PhD, don’t tell anyone but he’s my favorite uncle” Chase spoke quickly, impressing you that the whole academic area was very important to him at his young age.
Hyunjin laughed softly, lowering his gaze to look more tenderly at the boy with a very cute smile traced on his face, his cheeks lifted and his eyes narrowed more, you thought he was adorable too. Seconds later, before anyone else could speak, footsteps could be heard down the stairs and a booming, animated, “Heyy, mate, where are you my champ?” in Chan’s distinctive voice.
The man entered his son’s room with a huge smile narrowing his eyes, “There you are, my boy” he said happily, seeing his mini-me version of himself and his purest creation.
“Oh, hi, daddy!” ran Chase to hug him.
Chan squatted down to better embrace his son, looked up and said:
“Oh, hi everyone” Chan extended his hand, greeting you and Hyunjin, with a shy smile.
You smiled back, you had to admit that Chan was always a very attractive and well conserved man for his age, he was a good man, he loved his son, his wife and he had to wear a suit almost every day that looked great on his muscular body, no doubt they were both lucky, because your sister was extremely careful with her appearance and she was a dream, a prosperous and sexy woman in her thirties, childless and with a professional career.
“Alright, lil’ mate, enough video games, go play outside” Chan commented softly to Chase, watching his face tenderly and still holding him.
“Will you play with me, daddy?” he replied, eyes sparkling.
“How about you let me change my clothes and then I’ll go to play with you right away, okay? You can play with Hyunjin.”
Chan looked at him, stood up and Chase turned to look in the direction of the two of you.
“And with aunty Y/n, too!” exclaimed the little boy.
“Alright, she can play too” Chan replied in a tired sigh, loosening his tie more, making him look effortlessly attractive, “Go with Missy so she can put some sunscreen on you before you go out.”
“Oh, I can do it” you replied at once, to which Chan whispered a soundless thank you, leaving his son’s room.
And again you were alone with Hyunjin… and Chase. You were slightly nervous, you had never stood like that in front of a boy, but you thought it was perhaps because you were very sure that Hyunjin was not a boy, but a man and you had never witnessed such a unique beauty as his. Hyunjin placed his hands in his pockets, also wandering in his thoughts, distracting himself from thinking about you and waiting for you to finish putting sunscreen on the little boy.
But Hyunjin couldn’t help it, his problem was always that he imagined too much, he loved to do it, it was his gift and curse at the same time, he was a bit delusional and kept fantasizing about how old you were, if you had a boyfriend, what year of college you were in, what your major was; because all he knew about you so far was your name, that you were the little sister of the wife of one of his best friends and that you were studying at the university. But it felt so wrong to have an interest in another woman. Normally he is not like that, he’s kind of shy but he has to socialize in his work from now and then, and he does it with female colleagues, he asks them about their life, he eats with them together sometimes, with another of his colleagues, in his lunch break, he texts them without concern when it’s something work related, he wishes them happy birthday… but feeling interest in you somehow felt so heavy and so wrong to him… and he recognized deep down that it was because of the fact that he found you attractive, so those two things combined, just resulted in Hyunjin’s light flirting, something he hadn’t done in years, at least not to impress or get the attention of any woman other than his dearest and most beloved Yeji.
Hyunjin was a romantic, he could be a bit of a nerd but he loved living a glamorous life, money, travel and love; so he goes through life quietly, exploring and living all kinds of experiences and, he comes to recognize when another woman is beautiful to him, but then he just moves on, remembering that there is no one more beautiful than the woman who wakes up in his arms every day, but for him… feelings are extremely important, he lives on hunches and feelings… and something deep down inside him is hard for him or he thinks it will be, to just let it go just like that, getting rid of you.
You played a little soccer in the sunshine together with Chase and Hyunjin, but quit as soon as Chan joined them, exaggeratedly pretending to be exhausted and shouting ‘time out!’ over and over again, just to get out of the situation, making the two men laugh, and made Hyunjin find you adorable, thinking you had a very cute relationship with Chase. You weren’t like that with all the kids, most of the time you didn’t know how to treat them, except for Chan’s boy, who was someone very special and smart and you almost saw him grow up too.
You entered the house, heading to the kitchen for some water, you already knew the place very well, you had stayed there a couple of times, Chan always reminds you that you are more than welcome and you know the pure kindness of your brother-in-law in his actions and words.
You took a napkin to wipe the light sweat from your brow and stood there, enjoying your refreshing water and the coolness of the house from the air conditioning everywhere. But your tranquility was disturbed when you saw that Chan’s handsome friend also entered the kitchen, confidently grabbing orange juice from the refrigerator. He walked over to you without thinking, standing next to you, with his glass in hand and finally taking a sip of the juice.
You thought everything about him in seconds, as you watched him slyly do the deed: his long fingers intertwining in the glass cup making it small held by him, his eyes closing softly as he directed the glass to his plumpy lips, his long neck and Adam’s apple moving as he drank, the ends of his hair slightly damp with sweat, everything about him was wow, the scene passed so slowly, you wanted this man, you were so determined and pumped up, until something shiny dazzled all your hopes away. As he lowered the glass from his mouth you noticed a ring on his finger, an important ring that indicated he was a taken man, belonging to someone else.
Hyunjin didn’t notice or acknowledge your displeasure, so he just continued with his questions, with a slightly guilty but bright smile on his face, convincing himself that he only wanted to ask about you, out of kindness, and not because he was really interested…
“Mmm… and you came to visit Missy?”
You turned to stare at him, you couldn’t do it because it made you nervous, but at the same time you just wanted to watched him over and over, you were embarrassed because you had a million of not-so-nice thoughts about a married man. You thought you should have seen it coming, Chan is 38, and his friends should be around that age, but he... something about him still remained so young, but it was to be expected that a man that handsome in his thirties would be married, more so with that shy, nerdy look; but something about you wanted to read him as a mature man, single, living life by visiting the children of his friends who did have children… your brain spun around, thinking if Hyunjin had children too and who was the type of person waiting for him at home.
“Oh, something like that, but I’ll stay here for the summer if that’s what you’re asking” you replied, as normally as possible.
“Ah…I see” he couldn’t have been happier to know that there was a possibility of seeing you often, “I’ll be teaching a few days a week for Chase, like a summer course… I guess, I’ll see you around.”
His slight change in tone, his look… you couldn’t process the fact that he might be flirting with you. You decided to give him back his vibe, you knew it was wrong, unbelievably wrong and that you’d be internally calling yourself a slut for the rest of the week, but you leaned back slightly more comfortably on the edge of the kitchen counter, smiling:
“So… what are you doing here? I assume your work is hard.”
He released a chuckle.
“It is to those who don’t enjoy it. I’m head of the whole department so, that has its perks” he hissed softly and smugly.
Hyunjin licked his lips, smiling and checking you out completely, giving you chills and now without any doubt he was flirting with you. Once again he used a slightly smug tone as did his expression, you couldn’t believe it, your body temperature began to rise… no doubt this was a man telling you that he basically did what he wanted and that he was the one in charge.
“Oh, I see, biomedical engineer you said? Well… said little Chase, it must be very interesting, really.”
Hyunjin took another sip of his juice, finishing it completely, staring at you as he licked his lips again, this time less casually and more sensually, savoring every last taste of the sweet but sour juice.
“What’s your major?”
“Law” you wobbled softly in place, approaching him smoothly.
“Oh, just like Chan and your sister” he spoke interestedly, raising his eyebrows, to which you nodded, shyly, “What year are you in?”
“Ah, I see, you’ve been in college for a while now… at this point I want to assume you like it, huh.”
Hyunjin thought eighteen plus three, giving you the sweet age of 21, if you had already turned it, he thought what a very nice number, it seemed like a number that had no limits… you were free, young and beautiful, able to do anything. Or you could be 22, 23, either was fine for him, he felt comfortable talking to you.
You made a grimace, your mouth slightly pouting, a sign that you doubted it, which made him laugh, a laugh so cute that you almost forgot that he was a completely taken man.
“Well… I like it but it has its moments…”
“I guess it’s hard, you should never underestimate any major…” Hyunjin was just about to tell you something from him in college, but he held back, the last thing he wanted was for you to see him as an old man, as the age difference was slightly considerate, over a decade gap, that he was sure of, while you were playing and probably around Chase’s age, he was in college and dating his current wife, “But hey, I see you did great this semester, you’re already here relaxing a bit…”
You looked into his eyes the whole time, each time you were getting closer and closer until both of your bodies were getting tighter and tighter together, almost sticking your blouse in the waistband of his pants, it was as if you both enjoyed seeing each other. This time you looked at him, innocent, with shining bambi eyes, raising your gaze because he was taller than you, tilting your head and running your tongue along the inside of your cheek. Hyunjin had to resist, clenched his left fist, and almost fell to his knees, in pity; he had never seen, he thought, such bright eyes, such a unique gaze in which he could see his anguished reflection of a distressed older man grieving, eagerly wanting to take your young body and pin you against the wall, screaming and scolding you to stop looking at him like that just now or…. he could fall, he was doing it, his gaze lowered to your lips, shiny from the water you were drinking, he didn’t know what was wrong with him, he hated it, but the feeling of wanting someone was filling him again, suddenly he felt all his blood rushing through his body, he was so alive again.
You were about to talk, to ask him meaningless empty questions that you knew he would be compelled to answer you… because his worried expression spoke for itself. He was so frustrated you almost wanted to squeeze his soft cheeks, telling him he looks a little tender when he’s needy.
Thoughts were betraying Hyunjin so much, it was like his final day where a little devil was whispering all sorts of things in his ear, and the little angel on his other shoulder had completely abandoned him. His body tensed, if only you could read his thoughts… you might be able to judge how dirty he was. He felt filthy, a dirty married man lusting after a college girl, as if there was no other cliché.
You liked seeing him like that, you didn’t really do anything elaborate yet, you were perplexed to think it would work so fast, you just gave him your best innocent look asking for sex, your best fuck me eyes, and the man almost trembled in front of you. But you took it as a game, as much as you wanted to fulfill his every fantasy and whatever he was thinking, as much as you were dying to get down on your knees right there and give him a blowjob… he was married and god, you studied law you knew the huge controversy about adultery backwards and forwards, you couldn’t do it, even though something deep down inside tingled in you, besides your throbbing clit trapped in your panties.
Just as the thoughts were about to have a fatal effect on Hyunjin’s body, Chan and Chase interrupt you, breaking the tension and making you slide down the kitchen island to get away from the dangerous distance you were with Hyunjin.
“Daddy, let me sleep over at Suho’s house, please!” the boy exclaimed, entering the kitchen with his father in the back.
“Go wash up and get your things ready, I’ll talk to your Uncle Minho to tell him if you can stay.”
You and Hyunjin remained silent, Hyunjin pushed up his glasses with a single finger, nervous and agitated, with his hands resting on the counter, crestfallen and embarrassed, about to be caught doing something improper; you on your own part were calm, watching Hyunjin’s expression with amusement, he was almost on the verge of tears. He cleared his throat, drawing the attention of Chan who watched him with a raised eyebrow in confusion.
“I have to go” Hyunjin suddenly spoke, his voice thick.
Oh, it was just starting to get good and create tension, you thought, disappointed, but you were comforted to see Chan agitated and sweaty in a sleeveless shirt, his strong arms and veins detonating; you couldn’t help it, you were just a girl with judgment and critical thinking, you admired your sister for getting someone very handsome.
“Oh, sure, Hyunjin, see you later.”
“Ah, yeah sure” he started to say nervously, avoiding looking at you, “Let Chase know I left, see you in a bit with rest of the guys… Bye, Y/n” he mentioned again a little awkward and more shy.
You smiled at the idea that he was so hard to read, he was confident, but then suddenly seemed so shy and clumsy, anyway, you thought that whoever he was married to, they were so lucky to have Hwang Hyunjin every day, while you… had him for the moment, just slightly wrapped around your finger, but you were sure it was a little slip and burst of lust, that he would go home with his partner and try to forget it all.
And he left, that time being the first time you met Hwang Hyunjin, an afternoon that moved every part of his world and left him thinking until his thoughts became a headache. Finally, he did exactly what you thought, he wanted to evade the guilt and his near slip. He came home, being greeted by the greatest loves of his life, his two sons, four and two years old, and his wife, who sweetly asked him how it went at Chan’s house, kissed him, and told him she had his clothes ready to wear for the night out with his friends later, without the slightest idea of what happened. Hyunjin knew the millions of opportunities he almost had, and a lot of women approaching him, but he was more shy and did not pay attention to them, he only had eyes and heart for Yeji… But now, how did he explain himself. He almost cried, however, he decided to release all those feelings and frustration by trying to make love to his wife, without success, it was relatively early for the kids to sleep and they were not giving them enough privacy; Hyunjin then remembered… they had gone weeks without intimacy with Yeji and sex was very important to him, they used to be so active and sexual, always on top of each other… but now, the last sexual encounter with the love of his life was when he gave her oral sex one morning before their kids woke up. He loved her, every part of her was delicious to him, and he knew her like a map by heart… yet the most typical frustration of a man ached in the deepest part of his being, not having sex. That night Hyunjin cried in the shower, masturbating thinking of you, and got ready, feeling pathetic when he still had it all, he was handsome, young, successful, and above all, he had time to stop and do things right.
You, on the other hand, stayed in to watch a movie with Missy, both of you relaxing, until little Chase went to disturb your peace a little.
“I’m off to Suho’s house now,” he warned.
Missy grimaced slightly, not wanting to go drop the little one off at the Lee’s house.
“Won’t your daddy drop you off?” asked Missy softly.
“Daddy’s still getting ready.”
“Ahh, I see, Y/n, take him,” your sister ordered you, causing you to be a little awed, but you couldn’t say no to the tender wobbly silhouette of Chase, all ready with a backpack on his back that Chan helped him sort out, “It’s here with the neighbors on the left.”
You smiled at Chase and got up from the couch to join him, he hurried off, leaving Chan’s property and heading for his friend’s house. It was getting dark, but there was still some light. You were surprised to see the house, thinking damn, little Suho must have a lot of money, or at least his parents, you had never paid attention to the rest of the houses, besides most of them were private properties, like Chase’s friend’s, he animatedly told you the code in secret so the gate could open, giving the view of a mansion… you knew the neighborhood was exclusive and Chan’s house was impressive, but this one you saw was much better.
You both walked to the door, now you knew why Chase couldn’t go alone, it was a few minutes walk despite being neighbors. You rang the doorbell, waiting a little over a minute for them to open.
“Oh, aunt, you’ll really like Suho!”
“Oh, Chase, I don’t think I’ll be able to stay and meet him…”
And they opened, abruptly, another handsome man, wearing a sleeveless black shirt showing off his strong arms and marked pecs and abs. He looked at you confused, almost in a rude manner, blinking in disbelief not knowing what you were doing on his property since he didn’t know you. Shiny, smooth, straight black hair, perfectly styled, his features were so sharp, sharp straight nose, big round feline eyes and thins lips with his pronounced nasolabial furrow. You thought about how many attractive men you had to see today and, if it was possible it was your lucky day.
“Can I help you…?” he was about to say, somewhat annoyed, frowning and narrowing his eyes.
“Uncle Minho!” greeted Chase, causing the man to lower his gaze and his countenance softened completely.
Minho laughed, hiding his upper lip slightly and showing his teeth.
“Ah, it’s you little Chase, come in, Suho is in his playroom.”
Chase suddenly became shy of Minho’s presence and came in a little embarrassed, being more respectful and less animated, giving you a little wave goodbye, and leaving you and Minho alone. You didn’t know anything about him, you barely even knew his name because Chase mentioned it and he was starting to intimidate you as well, his presence was so heavy but pleasant, his big eyes… if he saw you properly, he could look so kind… but just now he looked a bit unfriendly; even Hyunjin could have a bit more the appearance of a villain, but you couldn’t see him like that, instead Minho, something about him was so overbearing.
“Ah, I came to drop Chase off, I’m Missy’s sister… have a nice night!” you smiled at him, not knowing what to say.
Now Minho found you tender, he had already been impressed when he opened the door and the first thing he saw, as he was in a hurry as if to check through the cameras who it was, was a young girl, with the background of the sky painting itself in colors as night fell, your image was like a divine revelation, like an angel knocking on his door, but he hid the feeling perfectly.
“Wait” he stopped you, a great idea came to him, and you turned around, “What will you do today?” he asked suddenly.
You didn’t know how to answer, to which he continued, “Ah, it’s just that… would you mind watching Chase and Suho for a moment? And… a little girl. It’s just that my wife and I have to go out…”
You felt your luck crumble once you heard him say he had a wife, although of him you were ready any time he mentioned it, something about him was so domestic, it was obvious, to you, that he screamed husband material. Besides… a mansion to have it by himself with his son didn’t sit very well with you. Now you understood that it was about him, his wife and two children, Sunho and a girl.
“Do you want me to tell Chan or Missy to see if they agree or…?” he spoke again when he got no answer,
“Oh no, it’s okay, sure, I’ll do it.”
He smiled broadly, looking incredibly attractive, you didn’t know if you liked Hyunjin or Minho more, either one, it was a forbidden little crush, that you hoped wouldn’t pass into anything more than from your own thoughts, you weren’t that crazy and cynical, right?
“Thank you! It’ll only be a couple of hours. I’ll pay you, obviously” he said letting you in to which you nodded and entered, “Suho!!! Come here” he shouted, scaring you a little, being all fatherly, “What did you say your name was?” he asked you softly in contrast to his previous shout, standing next to you.
Minho looked you straight in the eyes and nodded, within seconds Suho and Chase appeared in front of you, and your nephew smiled happily at you waiting for the news.
“Y/n is going to take care of you tonight. Be good boys and take care of yourselves and obey her” said Minho in a serious tone to which they nodded animatedly.
You observed Suho for the first time, he was so similar to Minho, but at the same time, there were some slight differences to him.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Lee Suho” the little guy introduced himself so politely, causing you so much tenderness.
“Nice to meet you, Suho” you said with a smile.
Minho looked at you tenderly, and you deciphered that this was Lee Minho; he hadn’t even introduced himself and you had already said yes so he and his wife could have their moment.
“Go back to the playroom, Y/n will be right there in a minute” he warned, coming out of his trance, you liked hearing him say your name, “I’ll take you to meet Minji, she’s one year old, she’s so smart for her age” Minho spoke adoringly.
He guided you to what seemed to be her room, it was pink but still looked a bit sophisticated for a little girl’s, there were slight elements that gave you hints that it was a little girl’s room; you were impressed in every corner you knew of that house. As you entered you saw a slender woman playing with the little girl, both sitting on the floor.
“Park Suji” Minho spoke to her, a little coldly, catching the woman’s attention.
You noticed how he didn’t refer to her as Lee.
The woman turned around, causing you to finally see her fully and your jaw almost dropped to the floor, internally as on the outside you didn’t react. It was none other than Park Suji, one of the most recognized and highest paid actresses and celebrities, her face was everywhere, it was known that she was married and had two children, but she was extremely careful with her image and kept everything private, the world was dying to know what her children and husband looked like, everyone speculated that she had married a billionaire, but to her fortune, it was the handsome Lee Minho as her husband.
Suji looked at you both expressionlessly, waiting for Minho to speak.
“I got you a temporary babysitter, just for today, she’s Y/n, she won’t say anything, she’s Chan’s wife's sister” Minho explained himself a little frustrated.
Suji smiled broadly, finally hearing good news, she carried the girl and walked quickly in the direction of her husband.
“Thank you so much, honey, I knew you would, I love you,” she replied happily, giving Minho a kiss on the cheek, “Can you take care of Minji? I have to finish getting ready.”
Minho carefully carried his little girl, smiling at her instantly, Minho’s big eyes suddenly shone in adoration, seeing the baby return the gesture of happiness. You looked for brief seconds at Suji, she was so beautiful in person, she made a great pair with Minho, the two of them looked so fucking good together, you didn’t understand why Suji didn’t show him off to the world.
“Hey, my baby, she’s your newest friend, Y/n” Minho baby-talked, consumed with tenderness, making him press his lips together, gently squeezing her chubby arms.
You looked at him fondly, after being intimidating to you, seeing his soft side just because of his little daughter made you tender. Plus he looked fucking handsome with his big bare arms.
“As you can see, my life with Suji is very private, I really want to trust you that you won’t share any information, our children’s names, their appearances, ages…” Minho suddenly spoke seriously, his voice cutting and thick, returning to his intimidating self.
You shook quickly, “Oh, yes, I understand, Mr. Lee” you replied somewhat submissive and scared, making him smile sideways.
“Well, they’re all yours” he said, trying to pass you the little one to hold, but she objected mumbling a soft daddy, “Daddy will play with you, okay? I’ll bring Soonie to you, you want to see Soonie?” you held the little girl finally as she babbled a tiny Soonie, “I have three cats, they’re running around all over the house, I hope you’re not allergic. Well, I’ll finish getting ready and come say goodbye in a moment.”
Minho left in a hurry, leaving you stranded with his little girl in your arms, the little girl was calm and somewhat quiet with a stuffed animal in her arms, you saw her up close, she was completely the female version of Minho.
You didn’t know what to do, it was a bit easy to get lost in the house you didn’t know, but you went to Suho’s playroom, where at first he joked about being a girl-free space and minutes later he started having fun with his sister, who was running and shouting his name over and over again. Then you heard a shout from Minho, calling Suho back, he ran out, alerting him that we were all in his playroom.
Minho walked in, taking your breath away, he looked so casually dressed. He added a leather jacket on top of black sleeveless shirt, silver chains and necklaces with his light blue jeans.
“Okay, you know the emergency numbers and I’ll leave you mine just in case. I’ll be right back.” Minho addressed you.
“Daddy, did mommy leave too?” Suho asked him.
“Didn’t she say goodbye to you?”
Suho softly shook his head with a slight pout and wide eyes, to which you caught a glimpse of Minho annoyed, sighing and rolling his eyes almost disappointed. You passed your cell phone to Minho to type in his number a little nervously, you booked it as Lee Minho. He typed quickly on your cell phone and passed it to you; saying goodbye to all the kids with affection and goodbye to you with a gentle see you later.
Hours passed, you talked to your sister about how you got caught and you couldn’t say no, she laughed and joked about how Chan’s friends were all dilf’s. You gossiped with her a bit, having a celebrity as a neighbor, to which Missy told you that Minho works in an extremely famous entertainment company, which Suji is a part of and from there their love story began.
As it got later in the night you gave them dinner because Suho suddenly wanted pizza, hesitantly you asked Minho by message what his kids were eating, you didn’t want to bother him, but he immediately replied that it was okay to order pizza for the boys, as long as Suji didn’t notice, as she apparently had a healthy diet specifically for their kids; he only helped you a little by telling you what to feed little Minji. Finally getting ready for bed both children, six-year-old Suho, and 7-year-old Chase, completely independent in their routines, put on their pajamas, brushed their teeth, and went to sleep. The real challenge was little Minji who suddenly started crying, you didn’t know what to do, her diaper was clean, she had no fever, and she had eaten well… you were scared for a while, until you put cartoons on her and she managed to calm down little by little, leaning her little body on yours on the couch, where you both fell completely asleep.
You lost track of time and a manly voice calling your name softly woke you up, startling you a little, and the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes was Minho’s attractive face looking at you carefully and closely. Once you woke up, he pulled away a little, and you felt embarrassed to realize that you had his little daughter cuddled up, sleeping next to you on the couch, thinking what a good job it was to have left her in her comfy bed, but the TV was still playing cartoons.
“Oh, Mr. Lee, I’m sor-”
“It’s okay, I arrived a little later than expected, sorry to keep you waiting,” he said, a little frustrated, you wised up, noticing a relaxed expression on his face and his drooping eyelids, “I imagine Suji hasn’t arrived, right?” this time he slurred his words a little but did his best to sound aligned, you shook and a displeased expression reappeared, “It’s okay, let me take Minji to bed and I’ll come back to you.”
Minho approached his daughter, who whimpered softly as she was moved but instantly recognized her daddy’s strong arms. You were restless waiting, it was almost 3 a.m. and you wanted to sleep. He returned after a few short minutes.
“Did the kids behave well?” he said as he returned, to which you just nodded.
Minho suddenly moaned in a soft groan, “Agh, I drank too much. Y/n, it’s late, do you want to sleep over in the guest room or shall I walk you to Chan’s house? He’s there, we just arrived.”
He stared into your eyes, you felt like a little girl changing houses. Suddenly, the not-so-nice thoughts appeared in your head but now with Minho.
“Will you be alright in the morning?” you mentioned somewhat sheepishly, as you noticed he did look a little drunk.
Minho smiled, “Of course I will.”
“I… I can go to Chan’s house by myself, it’s just a few minutes away…”
He shook his head disapprovingly softly, “Come on, I’ll walk you quickly, everyone’s asleep.”
You made a very good impression on Minho the first time he met you, he thought at least for a few minutes in totality, about you, but then stopped as he got distracted and told himself he has better things to think about. And you, in those short minutes when he walked by your side, you saw him slyly, his hair shone under the light poles illuminating the street and the road, something about him was very different from Hyunjin, as much as you wanted to flirt with him, something stopped you and it wasn’t exactly morals and ethics.
That meeting Minho had with his friends had been chaotic and he learned slightly more about you, when Hyunjin suddenly brought the topic of conversation to the table, you… causing Minho to be immeasurably curious as to how it was that you knew Hyunjin and why you met him before him. Later Hyunjin realized that you were texting each other as you babysat Minho’s children, making a slightly inebriated Hyunjin think about hiring your services as soon as possible just to see you longer.
He finally left you at the door, where he quickly pulled out his wallet to pay you for your very unexpected service. You didn’t know how much a babysitter earned for a night, but you were sure that the amount he was giving you was a bit exaggerated, you tried to tell him, but he refused and before you both could say more, an also slightly drunk Chan opened the door.
“Ah, there you are, Y/n, come in. Goodbye, Minho” you turned to see him, unable to say thank you as Chan had closed the door.
“Sweet dreams” he wished you, leaving with tired steps to his room.
That was the time you met Lee Minho for the first time. There was no need for your intervention for him to start doubting his wife, he had been doing it for months, since Minji was born they started to have problems since Suji always wanted only one child; Minho agreed since it was her body and they would make a nice family anyway, but there was a time when Minho mentioned how much he wished for two since he grew up a bit lonely being an only child and always wondered how it felt to have a real sibling, Suji did not take it seriously and by an accident, she became pregnant with Minji, after four arduous years of taking care of herself after Suho’s birth, however, she did not tell anyone about her pregnancy and was planning on having an abortion, she was already contacting her manager to schedule doctor’s appointments, but that afternoon after taking the pregnancy test, her sister came into her bathroom to find it and getting excited, she congratulated Minho without a second thought. He found out while he was at work and ran to his wife to ask her what was going on, she told him that she refused to keep them, she was about to start filming a show and didn’t want to feel pregnant. Minho had to put up with it and let her do what she wanted, he knew perfectly well that she was not going to listen to him, she was not going to listen to him when he said how much he dreamed of feeling another little one in his arms again and being there for her at any moment, but to Suji’s bad luck, her sister had already told her parents, she was so genuinely happy that she could not contain herself, so Suji, out of intense love and respect for her conservative and religious parents, kept the fetus, but she really didn’t want to, arguing that her body would be deformed, that she was already in a critical situation being in her thirties, that one more pregnancy and birth would destroy her career.
But Suji’s problem was never with Minji, she loved and loves her creation resulting from her loins, sweat and pain… but somehow she took it out on Minho, resulting in endless fights and an incredible lack of communication. Minho didn’t understand, he loved her with a fierce passion… but since Minji’s pregnancy she stopped being the one he loved.
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But after the anguish and pain, a fatal relief came to the tormented souls of those two men. A relief so beautifully short-lived, the first time they both tasted the forbidden fruit, and the first sinner to commit the heinous act of adultery was Hwang Hyunjin.
After a week of getting to know each other, of flirting with him when no one was around, of talking and talking endlessly with certain guilty looks of desire, that’s when it all fell apart. One Saturday, when you let yourself get carried away with pleasure without thinking about the horrible consequences of your actions.
Missy informed you a day before that she would have her first meeting with the wives of their respective husbands, of Chan’s friends and that she felt happy and included, as a new woman; she mentioned that they accepted the invitation and that it was probably only because she was married to Chan and she would invite his close friends with their families. Missy invited you too and you couldn’t deny the opportunity to host a gathering full of mature and incredibly hot men of their ages. You couldn’t deny it, ever since you met Hyunjin, and from time to time talked to Minho, your mind was racing with thoughts of having a taste for men who were older. You fantasized about how experienced they must be, the way they must move, your thoughts made your legs go limp.
And it all happened the next day, when you did your best to dress slightly elegant but casual knowing the kind of people you were going to see, like Minho’s superstar wife and a few other rich women. Finally, the perfect families arrived, at least some perfect in appearance, the Hwang family, Lee, and one more, the small Han family of childless newlyweds. And then Missy and you showed up, whose women internally judged both of you to be the youngest of them all and not so much in keeping with their group, somehow. They thought for a few seconds that you were like some sort of dolls, two bimbos designed to make men happy but not enough to take you seriously enough to marry you.
You saw Hyunjin arrive with his wife and two children with his same slitted eyes and something inside you died. You had to stop, you couldn’t start creating more temptation in him, flirting with him felt so much worse. You met Yeji, a beautiful woman with long straight hair, dyed light brown color, she was also incredibly gorgeous, you even stopped understanding the reason why Hyunjin would even fantasize about you, having someone like her every day.
Then the Lee family appeared, with Suji’s perfect, clean-cut appearance. To be honest, you hadn’t flirted with Minho since, besides the fact that you hardly saw him often, you didn’t think Minho was an easy target, something about him made you extremely nervous, sometimes he looked at you normally, sometimes softly with slight sweetness but there were also times when he was so intimidating.
And lastly, Han Jisung, you didn’t know him that well, he looked slightly younger than the rest but his face was so mature, as was his soft and deep voice; he was accompanied by his young wife and they had just married in the spring.
The children were playing in the huge Chan’s yard, the women were sitting in a shaded area, ready to be served by their husbands… And you, you were there as an outsider, being the youngest of the group, not belonging to any man who was cooking, unless of course if thoughts spoke, you would mentally be Hyunjin’s property, he drove you crazy, he was so witty and nerdy that you wanted to do so many things to him.. and deep down, only with this one you had a harder time accepting it since you knew his kids, he was Minho’s, fuck, you would do anything just for a little touch from Minho, he was unbelievably hot and his sex appeal was undescribable. Something about those two men made you super horny and you were sick of holding back.
So, you just watched them secretly, between complicit glances, of which Hyunjin returned each one of them, however, Minho was taking care of Minji, while Yeji was taking care of her youngest two-year-old —at the same time not taking her eyes off her other son playing with Chase and Suho—, whose adorable little boy with the same face as his father was sitting nicely still on his mother’s lap. He was so quiet and adorable, you definitely felt so guilty sleeping with his daddy.
Yeji called Hyunjin to come over, telling him if he could please bring her Yoojin’s favorite toy, the youngest boy of them, which he had forgotten in the car and the adorable boy was starting to get restless for his toy and, while Hyunjin was there, he couldn’t help but overhear the conversation, the typical question of one of them asking you if you had a boyfriend, if there was some one interesting in your college, if you saw yourself formalizing with someone; Hyunjin suddenly felt jealous but was comforted to know that you didn’t have a boyfriend and thought that he could treat you better than any other immature boy of your age.
You for yourself felt stupidly bad about the obvious closeness of him and his wife, you didn’t know what was wrong with you, you knew it was pathetic and illogical to feel this way and that you needed a really good reality check, that your silly fantasies were not going to be fulfilled and that you were getting carried away with a married man with children.
You watched them play, endearing and making you feel miserable, Hyunjin and Yeji, smiling in the grass, with Yoojin and Yoohyun, the little boy and big brother. You felt a little listless and slowly walked into the house, not wanting to see anyone, not having the slightest idea that your image hadn’t faded Hyunjin and Minho’s mind and thoughts.
You sat on a couch in the living room, checked your cell phone uninterested thinking that you had worn your very nice and elegant sundress, had done your hair and makeup to… impress men out of your limits. You wanted to laugh at yourself, you really did, but a part of you seriously needed to try at least one of them or you felt like you were going to die, besides… you just wanted some sex, it wasn’t like you were looking to snatch their love for their wives.
You sighed in frustration, you were seriously about to text a guy your age from one of your classes just so you could see each other and please you, you had sex a couple of times, and at least this time you could imagine it was Hyunjin or Minho filling your pussy. You were really about to message him, you were in his chat trying to decipher the perfect message, but a bigger mistake suddenly appeared.
“Why that face?” a voice you knew so well spoke you softly.
He had managed to sneak away and searched for you until he found you, sitting looking like a beautiful little doll in your short dress. You looked up, meeting Hyunjin’s long physique, your gaze swept from his thighs to his face which had an adorable smile on it. However your eyes stopped for a second on his crotch, whose bulge in his jeans was so visible and wasn’t even hard, you salivated, thinking about how incredibly big his cock must be, causing you to shiver as it excited you a little.
Hyunjin adjusted his glasses and sat down next to you, so close to you that your thighs touched the denim of his pants. You raised your shoulders with a little pout, Hyunjin found you so cute, he wanted to rub his whole cock on your face, he had never felt such a big sexual appetite as just now, he wanted to satiate all his desires and satiate you, the magnetism of your bodies was incredible.
“I don’t know” you replied nonchalantly, you now being the one to divert your thoughts, he was married and his wife was out with their children, it wasn’t fair, “There are a lot of people out there.”
He laughed incredulously, not taking his eyes off you.
“Adults outside bore you a bit, don’t they?” he asked in an amused tone.
You nodded softly, watching him and downplaying it and trying to calm the small fire that lit your insides, you needed him so badly that you lowered your gaze to your thighs, unable to cease your thoughts and emotions.
“Then let’s have some fun, I’m a little bored too” he whispered to you so seductively that he caught your attention quickly and you found him licking his lips, you watched him raptly, as if you had imagined his phrase, but no, “What do you guys do nowadays for fun?” he purred, completely aroused and, a little hesitantly, he placed his large hand on your bare thigh, squeezing it gently.
You saw his hand and then you saw him. You couldn’t say no, you could, but you didn’t want to. You wanted every inch of him making you smile like you never had before.
Just this once, you promised and prayed, just this once you will have sex with someone married, you thought as you swore in vain, you hoped you would be forgiven and never caught.
“Would you like to know my kind of fun?” you smiled broadly.
Hyunjin nodded frantically, stroking your thigh; his cock throbbed in his pants within seconds of touching you, your soft, smooth skin, you looked so angelic to him that he could get down on his knees and make you his new religion, he needed you, he could eat you day and night, he couldn’t even organize his thoughts. He had lost himself, he never thought he could control his lust and put it over everything and everyone. He moved his hand up, closer and closer until he approached your center, feeling in him a rush of adrenaline, as if he was about to reach a goal that he exahusively determined to reach. You watched him, every limb of his manly body, weak, taut and yielding in sex, his bulge grew, his eyes sparkled… he was a new man, ready to fuck.
“But let’s do it somewhere else” you tried to say.
You were so weak too, you were a young woman about to fulfill her fantasy, it was obvious that your body was vibrating with excitement.
You stood up, your pussy was soaking wet and he barely caressed your thigh. You led him to your room, in such a fugitive and manic way, checking that there was absolutely no one inside the house who could see you enter the same room. Walking so excitedly feeling your sticky folds with every step you took. And wasting no time, once you locked the door, you raised your gaze, Hyunjin watched you with his sharp dark eyes as if he was catching his prey, with a smug smile on his face and in timid steps he approached your body, until he joined your body to his completely, finally catching your lips so passionately and desperately.
Hyunjin held you from your lower back sticking you to his body and performing the dirtiest and most atrocious act ever committed in his entire life, an adulterous relationship, an affair outside of his matrinomy, but the dirty man didn’t think for a second about all the life he led and built with hard work and love around the years, he was crazy but only his brain was working to think of you and the throbbing pain in his crotch from his well erect member.
You tried to keep up with his rhythm, his lips felt just as you had imagined them, soft and fluffy, and he kissed with such skill that it was a little hard for you to keep up with him but you enjoyed every second of the act, of his big hands lifting your dress to squeeze your ass, his erection colliding with your body and his face attached to yours to the point of feeling his glasses bump into your face, everything about him made you so horny and you couldn’t believe it was happening. His attacked somehow slow and romantic kisses continued, satisfying the inside of your mouth to perfection until surrendering in breathlessness, yet he kept depositing little pecks on your lips, so lost in you, every part of you that he wanted so much, finally for himself.
Slowly, Hyunjin opened his eyes again to pleasantly meet your face, smiling at it in a mischievous way and almost immediately, you got down on your knees, impressing him a little and making him eager to know exactly what you were about to do, he never wanted you to stop.
Both bodies were tense, lewd and full of sin in a spiritual context, surrounded by evil and lust, both bodies engulfed in flames ready to unburden their darkest secrets on that bright summer afternoon.
You licked your lips, two of your very important organs throbbing in pleasure for the forbidden, your heart protruding from your chest and your pussy getting more and more lubricated, you watched him with feigned innocence behind your not virgin eyes and unbuckled his belt, and the tedious button and zipper that blocked you from tasting your new favorite food, you were so hungry for his cock that you thought you would explode with excitement. You swallowed nervously at the sight of a big size still in his boxers and, finally you could take it raw in your hands, making Hyunjin let out a soft whimper.
“Fuck, play with my cock as much as you want, baby, please” Hyunjin whimpered needily, stroking your face and hair delicately.
His comment coming from the deepest part of his darkest desires sent an electrifying shock to your sensitive spot of your needy femininity, which was begging for some spoiling as well. Hyunjin was lost, he wanted to take you, to see what he swore would be the most delicious and pretty pussy his eyes had ever seen, so shiny and dripping for him, but an unknown force was taking over his fragile body and it wasn’t exactly guilt, it was something inexplicable that he let himself be carried away by every single thing you decide to do, he was for you and by you, absolutely devoted.
You looked at his erect and throbbing shaft between your two hands, thinking it was obvious you’d have too much fun, Hyunjin was ridiculously big, long like the rest of his limbs; you didn’t wait to play with his entire length, unable to believe he was hiding such an amazing cock under his tender and nerdy appearance, sometimes a bit of a loser.
You wanted to rub your whole pussy on his cock, it really impressed you, you had never seen one this big, but you just limited yourself to masturbating him, with trembling hands palpating every corner of his sex, from carefully and gently squishing his balls while resting his tip leaking precum in your tongue with your mouth open.
“Do you like it, Mr. Hwang?”
Hyunjin sighed and nodded, so excited by the formal way you spoke to him, even though you know he likes to be called simply Hyunjin.
“Ye-es, please keep doing it.”
He was so desperate for the moment he didn’t even know where to place his hands, he looked first timer, he felt first timer, like he was doing it for the first time and his cock was getting to know the feeling of a warm cavity to please him. He forgot the last time his wife had blown him, he was so hormonal and needy, but just radiating delicious, masculine pheromones that made you lose your mind. Tasting a man’s sweet, big cock, you felt so fulfilled. His hands found your hair again and you began to suck him hard, squeezing your cheeks so he could feel the softness of your mouth. Hyunjin trembled, so close to his orgasm as you teased him to the limit.
You continued more confidently, licking his entire length, moistening it to dirty slurping sounds on it, teasing his needy, squirting, pink glans, until you took his cock again, wrapping your lips around it, struggling to get it deep into your mouth.
Hyunjin whimpered, babbling your name, his every energy was focused on his cock and as he felt you sucking him at an exquisite pace, bobbing your head all over his cock, it was doom for him, you were doing it so well he had to throw his head back panting “Fuck.”
Hyunjin bit his lip, holding back his moans and watching you take his cock so well he grabbed more of your hair into a sort of ponytail to gently push you in, he didn’t want you to take your lips off his cock, his pumping sex hadn’t felt this good in a while, all of him came alive again.
“Fffuck, mmm baby, I’m gonna cum, you’re sucking it so good, oh my god.”
You would have liked his cock to fuck your throat, but you didn’t want to hurt yourself, he was so big you just wished he would use his big gift for good, and so he could keep fucking you, you wanted him so bad.
You sucked harder, masturbating the rest of his length, you were so turned on you thought about bringing one of your hands up to your pussy to attend to it a little. Hyunjin gasped in exasperation and cum all the way into your mouth. Saliva and his cum started coming out of your gob and you pulled his cock out of your mouth for a few shots to stain your chin making you smile broadly. Hyunjn was so full that he wanted to keep fucking you until you pumped him dry, no kidding, he wanted to be completely yours.
Hyunjin was ready to continue with you but the sound of his cell phone indicating a call in his pants pocket that lay lowered halfway down his legs startled you both. He snapped back to reality, he had loved the way you had done it and would pray for it to be repeated again and again… but you weren’t alone, there were people outside, waiting for you, and his family was one of them. Hyunjin nimbly pulled up his underwear and pants, adjusting his big cock and verifying that indeed his call was from his wife.
You stood up, somewhat confused, to which he leaned close to your ear to whisper:
“I’m sorry I didn’t make you cum, next time I’ll make sure to take care of you, okay?”
Next time… you thought.
Hyujin was about to leave, but shyly asked you if you could let him know there was no one there, you did, telling him there was no one around so he walked out of there, leaving you with your heart racing and incredibly aroused, you couldn’t calm down, you were so frustrated you had to play alone a little with your pussy until you made yourself cum with your own fingers.
Hyunjin felt dirty and guilty, but you made him see stars and now he was addicted to you. He just hoped he didn’t look so agitated.
On the way, Hyunjin met Minho, who was looking for you since your sister asked for you and he offered to do so, without any objection, however he met a nervous Hyunjin who strangely denied in a heavy manner to have seen you and left, leaving Minho blinking in confusion and came to your room, where he was about to knock on your door and call your name, but sweet somewhat strange and compromising sounds awakened something in him all of a sudden. You were moaning softly, holding back the sounds as you filled your pussy with your fingers, fantasizing about being touched by someone else, fantasizing that it was Hyujin and his big cock, you were so damn horny that you couldn’t calm down, you only got more aroused and prolonged your orgasm more.
Minho could decipher that your sounds were sexual and his mind went off in all possible scenarios, just like Hyunjin, he hadn’t gotten good sex in a while…
You on your hand, kept playing with your whole vulva, caressing and penetrating your slick entrance while thinking and thinking… putting yourself in his wife’s place, thinking that if you would have a hot husband and a promiscuous college girl managed to seduce him you would surely cut his penis in his sleep, but shit, it’s just that Hwang Hyunjin? you didn’t want him to waste his amazing size by not using it, you could take care of him.
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Your second atrocious and immoral act, was attributed to Lee Minho. You couldn’t deny it, the damage was already done, you already felt like a dirty slut and you might go to hell but the taste and feeling of Hyunjin’s big cock struggling to enter your cavity was not taken away from you by anyone.
A little secret didn’t hurt anyone if it was taken to the grave, right?
Ever since Minho heard you moan like a dirty needy little slut, or so he thought, every aspect he had of you changed, before he saw you as the pretty girl who was somehow Chan’s family and rarely thought of you, like when he felt lonely at times of the day, he would start thinking about what a young girl like you would do, oh, but after that afternoon, the sweet sounds of pleasure from your mouth made him so hard that he had to go off to work it out on his own, thinking it was unfair the way you left him and that you had to be even. That day he wanted to break down your door to fuck you right there.
Chan was giving you opportunities to visit his office to see a few cases and it just so happened that the big entertainment company that Chan also works for and of course, Minho does there too, was across the long avenues, but were basically across the street from each other.
It was strange, but suddenly Minho started visiting Chan more, hoping to find you there and when he did, he would take the opportunity to flirt with you in his unique way, which worked very well for you, you liked Minho so much but wanted to deny it.
Minho was more… you couldn’t explain it but he was more different, in fact he was so different from Hyunjin. Minho despite being rich liked to live a simple life and enjoyed the little things, it was as if being a father and being in a house suited him so well, he was such an old man. But he also had fantasies and liked to have a little fun, in fact he loved to tease people, which he started to do and you didn’t know how to act at first, maybe you were quite intimidated by the fact that his wife was literally a superstar, yet that didn’t stop him so that one afternoon when he seemed friendly and happy, he talked to you and as fate would have it, Chan stepped out for a brief moment, leaving you and Minho alone, so he began to tell you what he did at work and how he was also a professional choreographer and dancer, impressing you but justifying his maintained appearance and body.
He started joking with you, which made you feel good, his smile was adorable and you could melt right there just listening to his laugh. Minho started talking to you about a supposed new choreography which he invented and…. one second it was laughter and games and the next it became completely serious, as he suddenly stood behind you, holding your waist and placing his face next to yours, Minho had never touched you before because there was no need to. Your body tensed and your breathing momentarily cut off.
“And I’ve told the boys to take their work very seriously, dancing can leave them exhausted at times” Minho whispered close to you.
You found it meaningless what he had said, what did that have to do with him touching you, lowering one of his hands to your ass and the other near your pussy, but you didn’t complain.
“I had to tell them that in order to find themselves in such a sensual dance, they should start doing sensual things too…”
You were transfixed at his touch, he moved his body closer until you finally felt the touch of his cock as he was wearing loose shorts that clung a bit to his body, at least in his exquisite crotch.
You didn’t say anything, you just enjoyed the moment and how your body was struggling to keep up, but you were beginning to get hopelessly aroused.
“But me… who can help me with that, to give them my best too…”
Minho squeezed your pussy, surprising you, his whole hand under your femininity over your jeans. You collapsed, losing yourself, but before you could react, he pulled away from you abruptly.
“And well I also told them that creating some good tension on stage might be good for them by having the audience hooked on their movements” Minho spoke more relaxed, as if nothing had happened, almost in a mocking tone.
You turned to look at him, distressed. Minho had a haughty smile on his face and laughed softly in such amusement, naughtily running his tongue across his lips, but you didn’t find it funny, you found it ridiculous the way he had to approach and touch you, or so you wanted to feel as you were pathetically horny, screaming for sex from a mature, married man. Again, from a new man.
He saw your expression, so tenderly needy with eyes begging him to touch you again. He found it amusing and got even with you by letting him masturbate in the bathroom that day at Chan’s house. However, your expression… drove him crazy, he wanted to fuck you so hard until your pleading look is genuine, until you are covered in tears and in his cum. The thought made his cock twitch in despair.
“Minho…” you whispered, seeing his face and body in his snug, comfortable, sporty clothes.
His expression changed, giving you a dirty look, “Minho? Address me with respect, I’m older than you, kid.”
His authoritative tone and annoyed expression shouldn't have excited you so much, but it did, almost weakening your legs. Before he acted, however, Chan arrived.
And the next day it really happened, when you used the old technique of a slightly provocative outfit, getting all dolled up and thinking that if that worked on Minho it would be funny if he fell for the most typical and obvious, but you had to resort to that, you didn’t know how to approach him properly, when in fact you shouldn’t even do it.
But you were dying for a taste of Minho. One more unforgivable act and you would stop, you swore again.
Minho kept thinking about you, but he had no plans to fuck you, he had done enough with teasing you and that had already turned him into something he never thought he would be, a fucking cheating bastard, since he had no reason to touch another woman. But he kept fantasizing about how good you must feel, how inexperienced you must be, all horny, riding a cock senselessly and frantically believing that was the right way to satisfy a man, since that’s how you’d been taught to do it, at least by the dumb, immature college boys, or so he thought. Minho would be lying if he denied that he was incredibly attracted to you. But it was so wrong.
That day he casually went to see Chan on legal advice about something that came up as a conversation at his work earlier in the day, he could talk to him on the phone, but he wanted an excuse to at least see you, if he wasn’t going to allow himself to fuck you.
And he found you, attractively sitting behind a desk reading some papers, making notes, so focused and cute, making him feel so guilty and dirty as he had recurring thoughts of your weak sex-weary destroyed body.
But your face lit up at the sight of him and your attention was drawn to him.
Minutes later in the midst of conversation with his friend, Chan had to apologize and said that he remembered he had to leave urgently and it would take perhaps all afternoon, if Minho could please go drop you off at his house, to which strangely for Chan, Minho agreed instantly, leaving you alone once again at such a critical point for both of you.
Minho came dangerously close to you, with the dirty thought of fucking you on his friend’s desk, but he had to stop himself.
“Chan had to leave, I’ll drop you home” he spoke to you sharply.
“Now? I’ll leave now?”
“Yes, that’s when I have some time off.”
You had gone over the situation, feeling even guilty about raising looks from Chan towards you, that was not what you wanted, Chan was never your target because you had enormous respect for him and you thought that maybe you should start acting sane and also keep respect for his friends, stopping all the craziness.
You grabbed your stuff and your short skirt got exactly the kind of reaction you wanted from the beginning for Minho to have. It took nothing for him to drop you off at Chan’s house, go back to his job where his wife was busy on another floor and fuck her right there, but it took nothing for him to fuck you either.
“Oh, sure, wait here, I’ll go get my car,” he said.
He was so engrossed that he stopped thinking clearly. You got in his car, leaving Chan’s assistant to close the place later at closing time.
You were nervous and tried to distract yourself, thinking about how his car looked so good on him, it looked just like the kind of car Lee Minho would drive, you thought about what to eat once you got to the house, you just wanted to stop the crazy ideas, but now it was Minho who had them.
You didn’t even see him drive and acted modestly, while his piercing gaze saw every part of you, of your subtle cleavage and skirt so short he could see your panties easily in that position. Minho cursed menatally and thought he should have let you order a fucking cab. Chan argued that Missy was at some sort of all-important convection for Chase and they had the tickets for a while, so he didn’t want to disturb them at their bonding time and he didn’t want to keep you waiting.
You felt his heavy gaze and stirred a little excitedly in the seat, revealing a little momentary glimpse of your white panties. Minho tightened his grip on the steering wheel and looked straight ahead, so annoyed and helpless that he couldn’t do anything, he pursed his lips and wrinkled his nose a little, trying to calm himself down, you were literally doing nothing and you had him with his libido full, his mind spinning and his cock so hard it was squeezing in his jeans.
Minho was blinded in lust and finally spoke, confessing what his mind always wanted you to know:
“I bet you taste delicious.”
You blinked in confusion, thought you hadn’t heard his murmur right, innocently believing he was talking about food all of a sudden. Minho stopped at a red light and you both turned to look at each other. His intense gaze surprised you and you noticed him subtly agitated, his expression was serious and monotonous but his breathing was heavy, he was aroused, you noticed, it was impossible not to see his notorious bulge protruding from his pants.
You felt dizzy and heated, thinking how unreal the situation was.
“Excuse me?” you asked almost breathlessly.
“That I bet you taste delicious. I want to taste your sweet pussy until I make you scream, that’s what I said.”
You were surprised by his boldness and honesty. Minho spoke to you so directly, in such a demanding and serious tone, but you managed to see his slight sparkle in his eyes, almost enjoying what he said. He moved the car forward and it wasn’t superfluous to say that your world spun in every possible way.
“And… where will you do it Mr. Lee?” you returned to yourself, your weak body filled with pity and guilt glowing in desire again.
Minho smiled, so happy all of a sudden.
“I can’t fuck you in the car, the daylight is too bright. But we can do it at my place, there’s no one there now.”
You shivered and Minho was so happy that you easily agreed that he caressed your thigh; you sighed softly, he enjoyed teasing you until he brought his hand to your pussy, you didn’t understand how he could look so calm, with his cock aching and still driving while he pulled the fabric of your panties aside to caress your pussy, you were already a mess, it felt so good, but it was so wrong.
“Fuck, you’re so wet already, I see” Minho giggled softly, “We’re almost there, doll. Don’t worry.”
And Minho was almost cumming in his pants, his cock screaming for attention. All of you were doing it.
You arrived, Minho’s wife was gone, his children were being watched by his mother, everything was lining up perfectly for you, it seemed. You felt dirty again, with an ache in your chest but you couldn’t stop, you kept thinking about his mouth on your pussy.
Minho turned off from his cell phone every security camera in his house and directed you to a room, which didn’t look fancy enough to be his main room, but still looked spacious, nice and clean.
“Take off your clothes, sweetie” he commanded, so desperate, his hands on his hips waiting as he gasped for breath.
You obeyed him in a heartbeat, you felt so dirty filled with a voracious sexual hunger. Minho watched you, biting his lip eagerly until he saw you naked in front of him.
“Fuck” he sighed breathlessly, lust in person, so young and full of life, with soft round breasts and hard nipples, “Lie down and spread your legs, I’m gonna fucking eat your pretty pussy.”
His gaze was so penetrating and in trembling, excited steps you did his bidding, a command so rough and tactless it made your clit vibrate.
He moved closer to you, admiring you in that position with a smug smile, so submissive and begging to be serviced. He wanted to hear you ask for it. However, Minho resisted no more and pulled down his pants and underwear with a tug, you caught a glimpse of his big and taut cock so erect before he got on his knees facing the edge of the bed and in front of your pussy. You sighed, he was just as you expected.
Minho bit his lip at the sight of your exposed lubricated vulva, which throbbed in untouched pleasure.
“Look at you” he began to say amused, “the little slut so horny, tell me how badly you want it, say it now.”
You gasped as you felt the fingertip of his index caress your clit, your cheeks were beginning to burn in embarrassment, wanting to tell him that he was just as needy for pleasuring someone younger who was not his wife, such an old man horny for the forbidden.
Minho brought his face close to your pussy finally with you feeling his heavy hot breath and breathing, you shivered, watching him with your elbows resting on the mattress, he saw your whole body perfectly from that angle.
At this point you had no dignity, sex with two older, married men in a period of days were your biggest mistakes. So begging Lee Minho didn’t sound so bad after all.
“I-I want you to eat me, Mr. Lee.”
Minho smiled widely.
“Magic word” he requested, his eyebrows raised as if he was reminding something to a kid.
“Please” you whispered haltingly.
Minho gently pinched your clit before withdrawing his hand and taking care of your sensitive spot with his mouth. You moaned, small shocks of pleasure filled your body at the sensation of his warm and steady tongue making circles on your clit, then taking it over completely, biting and sucking hard, sticking his soft lips on the skin of your pussy. You arched your back and reflexively brought one of your hands to his soft, straight hair as you struggled to lean back with your other arm because you didn’t want to let him out of your sight, he looked so attractive with his face buried in your core. Minho left his right hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly and with the other he caressed the rest of your pussy, your sticky wet labia until he reached down to tease your entrance with his thick thumb, subtly inserting it making you sigh in desperation.
He finally lowered his mouth slowly to the rest of your cunt, licking and sucking your folds until he inserted two of his strong fingers into you, causing you to let out a squeal of surprise, Minho smiled with his lips pressed against you. You were a mess, you had never had your pussy eaten with so much attention and patience, you could tell he knew what he was doing and exactly which spots to touch, lick, nibble and suck, you were going crazy; most guys your age would lick senselessly and without a rhythm, with their exhausted jaws wanting to make you orgasm, they were inexperienced, they would be offended if you told them which spots to touch and you had to beg for oral sex… but Lee Minho, the expert Minho didn’t have to take any orders, he was giving them and he was making you see fucking heaven.
His fingers were filling your pussy so well like no one ever had before, digging deep inside you, your walls squeezing his digits so satisfyingly as he feasted himself on your delectable young cunt. Minho’s poor, exposed cock was on the verge of intense ejaculation, but he had incredible control of his body and wasn't going to cum until he was inside you.
You whimpered as you felt his restless tongue inside you as he removed his fingers from you, his nose bumping against your pussy as he tasted your perfect entrance, staining his chin and mouth, being strong evidence of how good he was making you feel.
After sizzling whimpers and your pussy being treated so specially, you were about to cum and Minho sensed it, so he replaced his tongue once more with his fingers, pulling away from you to see your beautiful flustered face about to climax.
You saw him, his lips and chin glossy from you, Minho was slightly flushed, his ears were bright red, he looked so tender and dominant at the same time, penetrating your insides with his fingers.
“C’mon, sweetie, cum, I know you’re about to do it.”
You were no longer thinking clearly, the tension of your orgasm was so strong that you frowned uncomprehendingly, your vision blurred slightly, his touches felt for a few seconds a couple of times better than before and in a moderate whimper, you let yourself collapse in an intense orgasm, shuddering and battling with the irregularity of your breathing.
You dropped your body onto the bed, tired as you relaxed your legs as you felt the absence of his digits in you. You were tired, satisfied.
Minho stood with a smile, wiping his residue of you from his mouth and pulled his body closer to you. You were recovering a little, your orgasm had been so intense that you didn’t react to seeing him this close.
“Open your mouth” he ordered.
You looked into his eyes and noticed his fingers heading for your mouth, you took them, sucking on them, tasting his skin and your own orgasm coated on them.
Minho kept watching you with a half smile, so proud to have you like this. He slipped his fingers out of your mouth, brought his face close to yours and played with your lips, running his thumb wildly across them. You were again aroused by the heavy breaths of the two of you and his incredibly dominant look over your body.
Minho pulled away, he was so hot that he stripped off his black shirt quickly, revealing his muscular body. You bit your lip, seeing his body and his thick swollen cock.
You magically regained your strength again and sat up, so fascinated and attracted by his big dick, your eyes sparkled as your brain only worked to think that you had to touch him.
Minho saw your intentions and didn’t stop you, he let you do it, you looked tender with your eyes slightly widened in admiration as you moved towards his cock. You stroked his abds and moved your hand down to his recently shaved and stubbly pubic area that detonated in visible veins his erect member. You looked so fascinated, as if it was all an attraction you could touch.
Your pussy throbbed, still wet in your recent orgasm as you felt his cock between your hands, it was big and thick, so visibly pretty that you were dazzled. Minho moaned, his cock was so sensitive, leaking precum, he had small, slight sensations of an orgasm but had not fully ejaculated his load, his balls ached and his body was tense, that was why he was going to fuck you all at once but he let himself be carried away by your gentle caresses.
You slid your hand down his length, staring into his eyes, Minho was doing everything to look hard and hold his position, but he was dying to whimper and fall to your touches. And, when he saw you were about to bring your mouth close, he stopped you. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to do it, but that he was eager to unload every drop into you one by one.
“Enough. Turn around and let me see your ass.”
You looked at him confused, which he intimidatingly raised his eyebrows waiting for you to react quickly.
You got into that position, squealing with excitement knowing that he was going to fuck you, still in the midst of the thrill, you wondered to yourself if you should ask him to use a condom, you didn’t want to end up making a big mistake. Bigger than fucking a married man.
Minho pulled your body with ease, making you stand up from the bed and letting your legs bump on the edge of it.
Minho took his cock, also debating whether to reach for a condom or fuck you with his raw cock, arousing him to immense levels at the thought of filling your entire pussy with every drop of his cum. He bit his lip, teasing your entrance with his bare glans, fantasizing about the idea of making you his, his heart was racing, he was about to do it, fuck you unprotected to feel your insides at first contact. You wiggled your ass while you arched your back ready to be fuck, needy and softly moaning until Minho spanked you hard twice unexpectedly, making you groan in surprise and excitement.
“Fuck” he sighed, “Why don’t you say anything, huh? You’re so fucking needy begging for my cock, you want me to fuck you like this without protection, don’t you?”
Minho spoke, in a thick voice that made your core rumble. The idea of his cock twitching inside you unprotected suddenly felt so good, you turned to see him, letting lust win again for both of you.
“Yes, please, Mr. Lee, fuck me.”
The thought filled his body and cock again, rubbing his cock against your folds to lubricate him and then gently thrusting his unprotected glans into you.
“Say it again” he ordered, the vein in his neck showing.
“Fuck me, please.”
His tip felt so good but you were desperate for his full length filling you up. Minho smiled at your needy expression. You raised your ass higher, the thought of the risk quickened his heart more, Minho was fucking fertile, his wife got pregnant as she ground his cock and cum in her folds and after she took the pill. And he could swear you were too, so young, panting for sex, so naive without measuring the consequences, Minho was blinded by pleasure and temptation that licking his lips he thought amused that he was going to get you pregnant so you would stop behaving like a little whore with any man asking for unprotected sex. He was going to teach you a lesson and at the same time he was going to fuck you like they had never fucked you before, all those immature guys who presumed to fuck you. He was going to make you remember and never forget.
Minho slid all the way in, stretching out your entrance until you felt his balls brush against your body and his tip touch the deepest part of you, caressing your cervix. You whimpered in pain and pleasure, it hurt like the first time. He grunted in pleasure, you were squeezing him so well, making him think for a second if you were a virgin or it was just his swollen, pumping cock that had to hold out so hard.
One of Minho’s hands went to your waist squeezing you tightly the other one grabbed your hips to finally push your body. At first he pushed your body, to peruse your wet open hole giving room for his cock and how his raw cock slid smoothly into you, the skin of his veiny cock coated in your glistening liquid, sliding in and out of your pussy, Minho was going to make sure he left every drop of his cum in you to teach you a fucking lesson, to let everyone know you were his, to make you remember the day when you were so well fucked and accepted his exposed cock in you without thinking.
Minho smiled broadly, starting to ram you deep, moving your body with each intense, rough thrust, making you whimper, you were still adjusting to his size but for now your body was starting to ache, combining with pleasure.
He gasped, your walls were so tight squeezing him so torturously that he could cum weakly in moments.
“What a pretty and tight pussy you have, kitten, it feels so fucking good.”
Minho kept pounding your pussy hard, weakening your body, feeling his large size protrude into your lower abdomen; he noticed how you were slightly desperate not knowing where to put your hands, so he quickly acted and grabbed your forearms with force exalting the veins of his strong hands, leaving you helpless at his disposal, with his cock filling every inch of you, and even more, your poor entrance and interior was starting to be attacked by Minho’s cock as he accelerated his rhythm, moving his hips on you so satisfyingly until reaching your G-spot, finally you managed to combine the pain with your pleasure filling you completely, you couldn’t stop whimpering, each intense impact of his pelvis against your body clouded your sight more and more.
Minho was panting and overbearing to have you at his disposal, listening to you whimpering, his ego went to his head, he knew he was good at sex and fucked hard and he did it so rough that it left you shaking and sore.
Minho kept up his intense pace, thrusting hard into you until you could hear your skins collapsing and your soaking wet pussy sliding on his cock, you were both mesmerized, Minho could count your encounter as one of his best sexual experiences, the inside of your pussy squishing on his cock was an heavenly sensation. Minho hummed in pleasure, finding your submissive position so arousing; you were in a slightly uncomfortable position as he was holding you by your arms so tightly, but the sensation of being slightly motionless made you experience sex like you never had before, Minho was making you explore so many new sensations that you whimpered in pleasure with soft tears forming in your glistening eyes.
“Mmm, you’re taking so well my cook, kitten, look at you like a fucking good slut. You like being fuck hard, don’t you?”
Your whole body got hot listening to him talk dirty, you could listen to him for hours while his cock is shoved in your pussy.
“Y-yes, Min-” he pounded you harder, “Mr. Lee!”
You babbled in a squeak oh my god, enjoying being fucked hard like you had never experienced before.
It was feeling so good but at the same time it was like you were being split in two, your face was flushed red as you were so close to your orgasm. You didn’t know how he was doing it but it didn’t feel like a fuck where he was mindlessly penetrating you, his movements were frantic but the intensity of the perfect control of his hips blurred your vision and took you to the edge.
You felt his cock throbbing in your core as your near orgasm squeezed it slightly tighter, almost milking him dry, however, Minho in one swift movement grabbed both your arms with one hand while with the other went in search of your hair, to pull it back and whisper to you in a husky voice, “Come here.”
You did your best to lift your sore body, with a little of his help, and press your naked back against his bare chest.
“Cum, little slut,” he growled in your ear, grabbing your neck with one of his hands while the other held your quivering body in your mons venus, his nimble fingers stimulating your sensitive clit, “Cum all over my fucking cock and I’m gonna cum all inside you to make you mine. I bet no little brat has ever fucked you the way I do” his lips were glued to your ear, you heard every gasping breath and felt the vibration of his voice on your back as you were pinned to his chest, you shook in response, causing him to let out a smug chuckle in your ear, with the ache in your abdomen from his cock and from your second intense orgasm, “You just love when I make you cum, don’t you?”
“Y-yees” you replied raggedly through the constant battle with your breathing and racing heart, the edge of your orgasm, and his intense thrusts into your pussy that made your body move, blurrily seeing the arm veins that wrapped around your neck.
Suddenly Minho whimpered in your ear, tightening his previous soft grip on your neck.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum too. I’m gonna fill your pussy with my cum you dirty slut.”
His ramming continued and he began to lightly choke you, more tears graced your face, the pain and pleasure was getting so intense that you collapsed again more fiercely and broke free from the growing knot in your stomach, falling into a rumbling orgasm leaving you shuddering and lifeless.
Minho also cum at the sensation of your orgasm collapsing on him, satisfying you audibly as you heard his loud moan and filling the inside of your vagina with every drop of his loaded cock just as he had promised himself. You felt his warm shot into you still with his cock inside and a tired Minho rested his chin on your shoulder as he slowly released his grip on your neck.
He pulled out of you leaving your dripping entrance.
“Let me see your pussy full of my cum, kitten” Minho ordered breathlessly.
Tired, you sat on the bed and spread your legs, you moaned at the tingle of the fluids slipping into you and Minho smiled, to pull you close and give you a short but tender and passionate kiss on your lips. Your first kiss, after the dirty act.
“Aw, you look so tired, you’ve never been fucked this hard before, my babygirl?” he spoke almost mockingly.
݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ ♡🧸ྀི ♡ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
You couldn't stop for a while, you lived a double life entangled in the guilt and strong arms of two men. They were both sex gods so ready to please you, they knew what they were doing and it drove you crazy.
There were many differences between the two, but you loved fucking them and having fun with both equally, with the same intensity. Neither of them knew that you were fucking them at the same time, honestly you were there for a good time, not to promise them that you would always belong to them, when they already belonged to someone else in the first place.
With Hyunjin, your encounters became serious when he returned to the topic of not making you cum and promised to do so, renting a penthouse exclusively for the two of you where you could both sin without a problem. That place became a witness to your dirty and fateful encounters.
Hyunjin was softer and more tender with you, he loved foreplay and you deciding what to do, what to touch, he put your needs before his, anyway he knew you were going to please him and that was enough for his miserable and needy slightly mature body.
You loved the contrast of the two of them, some days you would see Hyunjin and others Minho, you'd text for hours, have fun sending each other risqué messages and then take out every sorrow and frustration on you and your young, docile, libido filled body. You loved that with Hyunjin you were soft, he gave you the sweetest kisses and you could be in control… but with Minho everything was very different, he gave you orders for everything and left your body sore.
Hyunjin liked you, because he could fill himself with as much sexual pleasure as he wanted, just like Minho, you seemed to have no limits.
That night you felt guilty when he informed you that he had rented the place just for the two of you, but you decided to accept it cynically. He showered you with expensive gifts and filled your bank account with money, all while giving you some of the best sex. You didn't know where to put the gifts or hide them, so he gave you the keys to the penthouse so you could leave all his gifts and use them once you were alone, without your sister asking where you got a Cartier bracelet or new handbags from the latest Versace collection. You noticed that with his gifts, Hyunjin was looking for something more lasting which alerted you a lot, but then you forgot about it when you arrived at the place with absolutely nothing to worry about, you both had developed the ability to be soulless and cynical monsters, guiltless enough to enjoy sexual pleasures with the city light outside the big windows as your witnesses.
Hyunjin always made sure to kiss you before initiating any sexual act, his soft lips always lived close to your face and body in every moment you shared alone. He loved to touch you and slide his hand under your dress to caress and take care of your pussy. His deft fingers would easily slide into your already lubricated area and he would gently thrust into you. You both undressed and he continued to caress your sensitive pussy until he guided you to the bed still kissing you. You enjoyed his kisses so much that you both dropped on the mattress and masturbated his cock, you adored the feel of his quivering dick, Hyunjin drove you wild that you couldn't say no to his adorable face begging for sex.
Your encounters were like this, on lonely nights when you got overly turned on and asked him to lie down on the bed, Hyunjin with an adorable and wide smile would obey, in contrast to his colossal cock intimidatingly wagging at you as it was exposed. He was also pleasurably hurting your pussy every time you fucked. He was so handsome you could eat him out, you unloaded all that energy as you sat on his erect cock, grinding on it and sliding your wet folds into his stiffness, making him whimper.
“Mmm, fuck, it feels so good, baby, you love my cock, don't you, baby?” moaned Hyunjin taking hold of your breasts tightly and massaging them.
You nodded frantically in response, Hyunjin loved it when you had fun with his cock, putting it in your mouth, on your pussy, while riding him, masturbating him even with lazy footjob on his cock when watching a movie and the two of you are at the far ends of the couch spaced apart.
You continued, sliding up and down, rubbing all over your wet pussy making pressure on his cock and his exposed abdomen, panting, and seeing him so appetizing and handsome. You moved closer to him, as he himself had made you an addite to his lips and you kissed him, the sensation of his mouth working against yours made your pussy throb more and you remembered how good his lips felt on your pussy.
Pulling away from him, you looked at him with your huge bambi eyes that he adores and said:
“Can I sit on your face, Hyun?”
Hyunjin almost cum before your innocent gaze rubbing on his cock as you ask for fucking his face.
You knew Hyunjin wouldn't say no to you. And then he would cuddle you to keep chatting about his whole life, you liked him, you weren't going to deny it, he was handsome, interesting, kind… but he was married, you wanted to keep it to just sex without feelings, at least until your summer was over.
Minho, on the other hand, debated long and hard whether to continue seeing you and ended up giving in completely, offering the cabin he had a few hours outside the city as your main place of pleasure.
You didn't feel proud, you felt dirty and Minho always reminded you of that, he loved to talk dirty and sometimes referred to you with sweet names and sometimes blurted out in excitement somewhat derogatory names, both of which made you horny anyway.
Nights with Minho were darker, he didn't make sure to kiss you before doing any act, he loved to tease you and watch every reaction, whispering dirty and defiantly, “Wasn't this what you wanted?”
You loved to tease him and misbehave only to receive your painful punishment. It was as if you were balancing very well the sweet sex with Hyunjin, with the hard and painful one Minho was giving you.
He was so forward and a total pervert, at first he liked you to call him Mr. Lee, but as he became more confident he asked you to call him daddy. He liked to feel in control and the absolute authority of your body and pleasure.
Sometimes you would get very proud and try to play his same game, making comments that you knew made his blood boil and hurt his ego, throwing at him in a mocking tone, “And you? You're so needy too, daddy, look at you, your wife's pussy isn't enough so you come to taste mine.”
Minho paused, pulling his mouth away from your pussy, letting his heavy hand fall on your exposed and sensitive vagina, slapping it hard and making you cry out in pain. Minho hated talking about his wife when he was with you and hated it even more when you talked about her, unlike Hyunjin who used you as his therapist to tell every complaint he had.
Minho stood up, coming close to your face to slap it too. That night he was so furious, and not exactly because of you, but he was taking it out unfairly on you. He was fed up with his wife's glamorous life, her fame was starting to fall on his shoulders as it was starting to affect his children, which hurt him, they were the most precious thing to Minho.
He moved your body with ease, putting your body over his lap to begin spanking you.
But those were the unusual nights, what Minho liked about you was that you never seemed to get tired, your body never got full of him, apparently, you could take round after round until you ran him dry, he loved to call you derogatory names to remind you how unbelievably slutty you were behaving and in the end he didn't talk much like Hyunjin did, Minho showed his caring and affection by making you dinner and talking softly about him, though he was extremely reserved, though to you… something about Minho caught your attention so much, for days you wanted to deny it, but you liked him slightly more than Hyunjin.
But you lived trapped in the sexual fantasies of two men, you didn't really believe them capable of seeing you with fondness or affection. Two men, running away from home and families just so they could fill your pussy and fuck you releasing every sexual frustration on them. You were their little doll, their fucktoy.
But like everything, your little empire fell little by little once Minho was starting to suspect that you were also sleeping with another man, but he was manic, trying to figure out if that man could be Chan. Also Hyunjin's wife, Yeji began to suspect him, he was late, he didn't come to sleep, she went to designer stores and the workers kindly told her if she wanted another pair of the same garment, bag or shoes that her husband had already bought. But Hyunjin had a very huge problem, as he was slightly falling in love with you. He couldn't help it.
𐙚TAGLIST: @rylea08 @hann1bee @iovecb97 @armystay89 @bubblebisk
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mysticpink · 10 months
TW: death, blood, child death
“What if you die and I’m still here?”
He ran.
Alfonse ran as fast as he can.
“Then you’ll be all grown up”
He broke down the doors, “SUMMONER!!” He cries out, voice breaking.
Tired from running, so tried from fighting. Just tired.
‘Please be alive. Please be alive’
“And you won’t need me”
He saw them. A child no older then 8 in a white and gold robes. Laying near a red headed woman dressed in white.
He slowly walked to them, heart beating faster and faster, “no, no, no, no”
“..I think I always need you….”
The child was in fact, his summoner. They lay next to Anna, who was also dead. For a while now. It looked like she carried them before being killed herself and the summoner rolled out of her arms. Anna looked to be in very bad shape, one of her notable injuries is that she had a slash mark on her back. A big one for that matter. It looked like to be from a sword or a axe.
The summoner looked no better than Anna. They had some arrows in their back and battle markings on their face. Blood on their front, looking like they took a sword swing to the chest.
He feel on his knees, covered his face in his hands. He lost his sister, his mother, his commander and now his summoner.
In the first time in a long while. Alfonse cried. He actually fully broke down.
Why was Hel so cruel?
Lif was summoned to Askr only a few weeks ago. Honestly if you ask him, he is still very much in shock he was summoned here if all places. A world very much like his. But only everyone he cared about is alive.
He was on his daily patrol around the castle until he stop to hear familiar voices. He turned to see the Child!Summoner and Alfonse having a conversation that he couldn’t help but overhear.
What he heard broke him.
“I think I always need you….”
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