#Like 4'5
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*throws this in the direction of the Coroika tag and dips*
So uhhh, my in game octoling is now a character (her name is Twist, she/they) and I just think bright/bubbly x grumpy grump with a good heart is a cute ship dynamic
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hellafluff · 1 year
Just came to the sudden realization that... Miquella probably wasn't small. Oh sure hes small for the demigods, but they're all at LEAST 8 feet tall. I had always assumed him to be the height of a normal 10 year old but nah, he was probably the same height, give or take, as the Tarnished
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pendulumstarway · 5 months
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How do I even explain this guy? Started off as a gag oc based on Absolute King Back Jack, got fleshed out and now he's a serious character.
Anyways, meet Vice. A retired duelbot based off Mr. Jack Atlas himself. Funny, since that makes two Jack robot impersonators. But hey! This guy's cool, at least. He runs a quite powerful RDA deck, and proves to be a formidable opponent.
But in all honestly, he'd rather be soaring above the skies at high speeds, or finding new hobbies than duel all the time...
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mushroom-for-art · 6 months
@distortionmewtwo Lucifer@Vector:
The big horned mew hovered in the air, gazing down at Vector with undisguised judgement. "Just what are you supposed ta be? Mew? Mewtwo? Some Meowth's hairball? You look like what you'd get if someone threw an algae-choked fishtank and moldy bread into a blender! Hah!" He did a lazy little roll in the air, sneering down at Vector. An eager, evil dare in his eyes for them to retaliate.
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The strange creature hunched over watching the horned other with expression and body language that clearly read as pure terror and uncertainty her eyes glued to the floating individual as he loomed over her sneering and mocking.
However when he didn't strike nor more too quickly her ear like horns straightened slowly no longer back in fright turning if anything to inquisitiveness as she shifted her body slowly though still watching him to crouch using one hand to stabilise herself as her head slowly tilted to one side.
She blinked slowly in a manner that indicated she may not have even understood what he had been saying, or was choosing to not acknowledge it her tail moving and swaying lifting to rest on the top of her head two of the spikes sticking up while the third morphed back into the jelly like substance of her tail as she curiously mimicked his horns, at least the best she could.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery or so they say, though it could've been read otherwise. Foolishly perhaps, she seemed a bit fascinated by him now as her tail fell back down to resting on the floor, she lifted her body just enough from her crouch to curiously tap at one of his hooves as though seeing if it was real and not just a unique shaped paw, idly grabbing one of the points between her digits making little curious chirps and cooes in her throat.
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mikurulucky · 5 months
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My romantic f/o, the love of my life uwu.
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Somehow ALSO my romantic f/o from the same source. How I fell for him I have no clue lol.
But considering I fell hard for cartoon Beetlejuice when I was 17, I'm not totally surprised.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 5 months
Hey actually, why did The Grove have Carol execute a schizophrenic child and frame it as the only thing she could've done? We've got a bunch of people now saying she was right to kill a mentally ill 12 year old when she didn't know how to handle her.
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oversizedclothesdemon · 7 months
On one hand I feel like Piko is like,, short but on the other hand I also feel like he's way taller than Fukase is (hc 4'9-4'10) which would require Piko to be around 5'4 at the least which feels a little too close to being considered tall to feel short enough to be considered short?????
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rednephew · 2 years
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✧ — ⋆ “ So what if I’m only 3′5. What does it even matter? ”
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oc-poll-times · 1 year
Your ghost OC's are tiny :D
They're small and cute and that's all I could ever want in a ghost!
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maryyyy8 · 1 year
I've finally got a little AU Greens pin, so now I'm one step closer to being my sona irl. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. /silly
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heavensmortuary · 2 years
Actually since all of characters in Erzatsh are wildly different heights, there is some. Scaling difficulties. In perspective panels >:l
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top gun fanfic writers not mentioning Maverick's height challenge (impossible)
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moonglittering · 2 years
vi can crack all the jokes he likes about people’s preferences but he has a ship with lord farquaad from shrek ( @r0mc0m ) and he shouldn’t be talking about anyone at all.......... his own bf selection wild as hell
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wingstobetorn · 2 years
Lily is like Harley when he was a kid, but 5x angrier and filled with bloodlust.
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komaedamizuki · 2 months
don't think i rb'd it but that "dawn is a little person" headcanon is sticking now that I've seen some things from the pla art book
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room-surprise · 4 months
How Old Is Thistle?
(EDIT: I've made a follow-up post to this one that goes deeper into the math and additional evidence that the 5:1 ratio is correct. You can read it here!)
I've seen people debating this and a lot of folks insisting that Thistle is a child, and since Thistle just debuted in the anime, I wanted to do a full write-up to help myself and others figure this out.
We don't know how old any of the Merini family members are exactly, so the best we can do is guess based on the information we have, but after carefully studying the manga, I think Thistle is at least a teenager, but much more likely a young adult, and definitely not a prepubescent child.
Here's what we know:
EDIT: Depending on what translation you read of some of the extra materials, Freinag implies that Thistle is the same age as some of his advisors.
Here's a detailed translation of this panel from my friend Fumi:
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Elves age 5 times slower than tall-men.
16 year old tall-men in Dungeon Meshi's medieval time period are adults, they commonly join the military, get married, have children, etc.
An 80 year old elf is an adult. Pattadol is 82 and she's a lieutenant in a military unit. It's her first job and she's obviously a rookie, but Captain Flamela tells Pattadol to accomplish her mission or die trying.
Many fully adult elves look like what we might consider children or young teens, because they're short, petite, and have androgynous features.
An average elven adult is around 150-155cm tall (5 ft), meaning some are shorter than that, and some are taller. Thistle is 130 cm, which is short, but not unheard of.
Fleki is 130 (26) years old and she's 140 cm tall (4'7")
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Otta is 137 (27) years old and she's 130 cm (4'5") tall, the same height as Thistle!
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They are both women, but there's probably plenty of elven men in their height range.
Just so we can compare Thistle to some adult elven men, Mithrun and his brother are probably adults (or close to it) in the panel on the left.
Mithrun (in this image) is somewhere between 75 and 144 (probably in his 80's), and his brother is older than him (so he could be in his late 80s or 90s). As you can see, they don't look that different from Thistle, Otta or Fleki.
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So, how old is Thistle?
(Spoilers below the cut)
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Thistle was brought to the royal court as a child (found on the street, stolen or purchased, we don't know how they got him). At the absolute youngest I'd guess Thistle is 25 years old here (so about 5 years old for a tall-man.) He can already play the flute, and possibly the lute, and most children that aren't prodigies can't handle playing an instrument (physically or mentally) until they're around 5.
EDIT: We now know that Thistle is the same age as Freinag, the king that takes him in! So Thistle must be at least 25 years old in this comic, though realistically he could be anywhere from 25 to 40 based on how Kui drew Freinag.
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He lived in the court for an unknown amount of time, Freinag hasn't changed much but Thistle appears to have aged a little, so let's say it's been 5 years and Thistle is 30 (6) when Delgal is born. More than 5 years could have passed, but I'm trying to keep the numbers low.
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Delgal gets married and has a child. Delgal should be at least 15 at this point, but since he has a full mustache before his wedding, I think he's in his 20's, since teenagers tend to not be the best at growing robust facial hair.
(He has a full beard by the time Eodio's a young child.)
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Thistle puts the kingdom inside the dungeon around this point, however, people are still aging: Delgal's grandson Yaad is born, and Eodio is clearly a young adult here, probably in his 20's. Therefore, there is NO REASON to assume Thistle stopped aging. "The dungeon lords don't age" is a common fan headcanon I've seen people spreading, but it has no clear canon basis.
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Yaad ages until he looks about 13-15 years old, and at this point all of the people of the kingdom and Thistle appear to stop aging, and 1,000 years pass.
So, the youngest Thistle could possibly be, if he was 30 (6) when Delgal was born, if Delgal was 15 when he had Eodio, and Eodio was 15 when he had Yaad, and Yaad is 13 years old...
Is 73 years old, which would make Thistle about 14.6 years old by tall-man standards.
HOWEVER, I think it's VERY unlikely that all the characters are that young.
I think it's clear from Kui's drawings that Delgal and Eodio are not 15 years old when they become fathers, and that Freinag is at least 25 when he takes in Thistle.
If we assume Thistle was 30 when Delgal was born, and Delgal and Eodio were both at least 20 when they had children, even if Yaad is only 13 years old, that makes Thistle at least 83 years old (16.6), and makes him older than Pattadol, who is an adult at 82.
However, I think it's entirely possible that Thistle was anywhere from 40-50 when Delgal was born, and Delgal could have been anywhere from 20 to 30 when he had Eodio, and Eodio could have been anywhere from 20-25 when he had Yaad. If you use the maximum ages, and assume Yaad is 15, then Thistle could be as old as 120 (24).
I think a reasonable middle ground is assuming Thistle was 30 (6) when Delgal was born, Delgal had Eodio at 25, Eodio had Yaad at 20, and Yaad is 15... Which would make Thistle 90 (18) years old.
This of course says nothing about Thistle's emotional maturity or sanity, he's obviously stunted in some ways, but the point I want to make here is:
Thistle's age could be anywhere from 14.6 to 24 at the most extreme, but more realistically he's somewhere between 16.6 and 18.
And that's not even counting the thousand years that he's lived since then!
And that's all I've got to say about that 🙏🙏🙏🙏
(EDIT: Follow-up post with additional evidence here.) EDIT 2: I've seen a lot of people talking about the page Kui drew talking about elven earmuffs. It's considered just barely okay for Pattadol to wear them, but it's ok for Thistle to wear them... In which case I'd say Thistle could be any age younger than 83. That's handy as it knocks out some of the older ages!
So in that case Thistle's age is between 73 years old and 82, which makes him developmentally between 14.6 and 16.4!
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