#Like Phil nearly destroying his wings to save Tubbo
dnalt-d2 · 10 months
My Thoughts on the Purgatory Finale as a Whole
So it's been a few hours since the event ended and I think I have my thoughts sorted out for the most part
I had a lot of trouble pinning down what I thought about this for a little while, and focused more on the smaller details instead of the whole thing
And for me, the resolution to the whole thing (this event) feels kinda empty. I think a way a lot of people would put it is that it felt anticlimactic, but that's not quite how I'd word it. I liked the climax, it was tense, suspenseful, exciting, etc. But it's what came after for me that feels like the problem
And that's that this event felt like it was supposed to be a resolution. But it wasn't. Everyone went through all this, these two weeks, and the months that came before, doing everything in their power to find answers and get their eggs back, and we just don't have anything. There's no answers, we only got ONE egg, and we don't even know if he made it off the island safely. None of this feels resolute.
And I get that was probably the point. I still stand by that whatever was gonna happen here today was gonna happen no matter what, with maybe a change of which egg got saved (but considering the hard stop we got on 7 when Phil spun it, and when Tina spun the wheel by accident, it landed on 7 again, I think Dapper was always gonna be the one saved as well)
This is supposed to be one of those cliffhanger endings I guess, but I think it would've been better to end it here. At least regarding the fate of the eggs. Tell us if they lived or if they died, but don't just leave it hanging like that
Because I feel like a LOT of QSMP is spent setting things up and at this point, they've just set TOO many things up without resolving them. You can only have so many loose threads at a time, something has to be wrapped up eventually
(And yeah, I get that's just something that happens when you have this many people each creating their story and their own thread, that's just how it goes)
Now for all I know, literally every problem I had could be fixed by tomorrow, in less than twelve hours, and I'll eat my words if that happens, I'll devour them freaking whole
But we still have so many unanswered questions. I wanna have faith in the admins and writers though, and hope that this is something that was meant to be like this. Because I get the struggles of writing, and while this might have felt like a Season Finale to us, it could have just been a single plot point in the overall story, and we might not have even REACHED any Season Finale yet. We just can't know right now
So yeah, that's my thoughts on it, I'm incredibly excited to see where everything goes from here, but at this moment specifically, I'm mostly just...Thinking, still. I guess. My writer brain is still trying to figure out what this whole thing was, and I'm just drawing a blank
Guess we'll see what happens tomorrow
Let's hope we can enjoy the island
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petrichormeraki · 4 years
Quirk Time!
I have come up with nearly everyone’s Quirk for my SMP Academia AU, so here’s a list and descriptions for each! 
Inventory means the user of this Quirk can summon objects to their hand as long as they know exactly where the item is, and then return it to it’s old position. Tommy uses a chest in his room to put objects in that he can’t/doesn’t want to carry all the time, and summons items from there should he need them. 
Quirk: RAM
Ram is the Quirk that gives the user the ability and physicality of a ram. This means Tubbo’s legs are instead the hindquarters of a sheep, and he is amazingly agile in the face of physical obstacles. Tubbo also possesses horns, a thick skull, and can eat almost anything without any negative drawbacks. 
Enderman is a Quirk that allows the user to teleport short distances, and have a height of 7 feet at minimum. Eye contact sends Ranboo into a primal rage that is only calmed if the one who made eye contact disappears from line of sight. Ranboo is also extremely sensitive to water, and it will burn him like acid if he touches it with bare skin. 
Disguise allows the user to transform into any other individual, whether or not they actually exist. Quackity can use this Quirk to shapeshift into anyone, including himself with different features should he wish. Quackity often uses his Quirk for humorous purposes. 
This Quirk gives the user the ability to manipulate any open flame within line of sight. Sapnap often carries around matches to start a fire should he need it. 
Vengeance allows the user to be immune to death if they have unfinished business in the mortal realm. Jack often makes enemies to ensure he has a failsafe should he prematurely meet his demise. However, despite his Quirk, Jack’s body still endures the pain and consequences of anything that had killed him, causing him to be in pain almost constantly from past wounds that should not have been able to heal. 
Quirk: UNKNOWN (aka i havent figured it out yet hgdffhjd)
Whiplash allows the user to directly return any force inflicted on them to the sender. Purpled does not use this ability often, and not even to its fullest extent unless it’s a life threatening situation, but when he does it is an incredibly debilitating attack. 
Infernal is a Quirk that allows the user to transform into a giant demonic beast under immense pressure. Along with the other form, users of the Infernal Quirk can manipulate their life force in such a way to bind them to another individual. Bad has used this ability only once to bind his life force to the Pro Hero Diamond Man (Skeppy). 
Quirk: LULL 
This Quirk gives the user the ability to instantly put someone to sleep if they make direct eye contact with the inflictor. This Quirk also effects the user, as the energy it takes to send someone into REM sleep is incredibly depleting. Because of this, George is almost always asleep. When he has regained the energy he spent on sending someone to sleep, he is surprisingly energetic and engaged, and wears tinted glasses to prevent eye contact in casual settings. 
Quirk: EWE 
Variation of the Ram Quirk. 
Sonic Speed propels the user 100 times faster than the running speed of a regular individual. (1600 km per hour) Connor has to eat ludicrous amounts of food to keep up with his enhanced metabolism. Sugary foods “recharge” him the fastest, but is not healthy or reliable for long periods of time.
Pro Heroes: 
Diamond Man (Skeppy)
This Quirk transforms the user’s skin into unbreakable diamond. Skeppy uses this advantage to be a powerhouse in a fight against a villain, since his only weakness is his own exhaustion. 
Foxheart (Fundy)
Quirk: SHIFT
Shift allows the user to change between having a human form and having an animal form. Fundy’s animal form is a fox. He uses this to heighten his senses and sneak into high security lairs to gather intel on villains. 
Slime Boy (Charlie) 
This Quirk gives the user the ability to be unrestrained to the limits of a human body should they choose. Charlie is able to save himself from damage by turning his body into a slime-like consistency at will. 
Stopwatch (Karl)
Karl’s Quirk gives him the ability to stop, reverse, forward, and slow the passage of time. As of now he can only do so for a few seconds at a time, as it takes an immense toll on him. The longest he has ever used his powers was to pause time for a full minute to rescue citizens from a collapsing building. The attempt put him in the hospital for a month and a half. 
Dream knows all, and sees all. His Quirk has corrupted his mind, and has lead him down the path of apathetic destruction. He finds it entertaining to toy with mortals, but often underestimates what they can do since he sees himself as so much more powerful than them. Dream is threat #1 against the academy. 
Unaffiliated/Unknown Standing: 
Quirk: WAR PIG
This Quirk gives the user the characteristics of a boar, including the ability to be an unstoppable force in battle. When Techno smells blood, he flies into a rage that is only calmed when any opposition is destroyed. This ability is blind, which has caused him to harm his allies more than once. Due to his past of bloodshed, he has been dubbed as the Blood God. 
This Quirk gives the user fragile, beetle-like wings that protrude from their shoulder blades. Flying takes about the same amount of energy as running, so Phil only really does it if he needs to. Due to his insectoid wings and his past of destruction, he has been dubbed as the Plague. 
This Quirk gives the user the ability to completely waive all suspicion against them by crossing their fingers and telling a lie. (Ex. If Eret told a stranger he was their friend and crossed his fingers, they would accept him with open arms without any opposition.) Eret has used this ability to become the most powerful person in the city, but is lonely since he knows that none of his friends are truly his friends out of their own volition. 
This Quirk allows the user to freely manipulate souls of themself and others. Wilbur only discovered this Quirk after his death, when his Quirk brought his soul back in the form of a spirit. Prior to his death he was believed to be Quirkless. He has only used his Quirk one other time to bind two compasses to Tommy and Tubbo, using pieces of their souls so the compasses would always point to each other. 
Quirk: RAM
(See above.) 
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hollenka99 · 3 years
Hey @bupine last night I was looking at your winged Tubbo art and decided I’d start writing a short fic based on it in the morning. It was supposed to be just Tubbo and Phil being like ‘destroyed wing club? destroyed wing club.’ but then the flashback scene happened and took up most of the fic so uh... there’s that. I hope you like it.
Warnings: blood, briefly implied gore
He knows he shouldn't really be risking the visit, that the others will take the opportunity to undermine his authority once more if they found out. God forbid he got caught fraternising with their prisoner. He doubts he'd ever hear the end of it. Still, he believes the risk is worth the trip. "Good morning, Phil." A step back in a mock gesture of hospitality. "Mr President." As he heads in, he makes a note of all the possible points where he could be spotted from afar. The windows are the worst culprits. Too transparent. He'll simply have to stay away from them as best he can. "Tubbo is fine. I've come here because I want to offer you something that might benefit you." "Oh. I see." Phil chuckles smugly. "Play for both sides once, can't help but play for both sides again and again." "Shut up." "I personally would prefer to have a president who knows where his loyalties lie but then again, I suppose it's a good thing I don't consider myself one of your constituents." "You know, I came here to show you some sympathy but let's forget it." Shame grows on Phil's face. "I'm sorry." "Sure." "No, really, I am sorry. You and your cabinet have me trapped here so I can't help but be a little snappy at times. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?" It takes a full 10 seconds of Tubbo glaring at the blond winged man on house arrest before the president relents. When his shoulders slump, he can still feel the wounds of all that remained from the upcoming subject matter. "I used to have wings. I'm an adaptive hybrid so who knows why I needed wings but they were there since I was pretty young. After Tommy and I became friends, he would ask for short flying trips. Problem was he's taller than me so..." He huffs out a self conscious laugh. "They were green. Have you... have you ever seen a clear body of water when the light hits it just right? They were kinda like that. Or- or maybe standing under a forest canopy when it's sunny would be a better comparison. I don't know. I just know they looked really nice and I loved them." "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" "There was an explosion, same one that got me the burn scars on my face, and they got wrecked beyond saving. So a couple nights later, I stocked up on the appropriate potions, grabbed an axe and asked Tommy to deal with the remains." --- He can't take this anymore. The walls of Pogtopia's ravine exaggerate the growing chill of October yet are somehow more welcoming than any spot he could find himself at within the boundaries of Manberg. When he reaches the main living area, he spots his friend fast asleep with a pitifully thin blanket covering him and nothing acting as a pillow. If he was less selfish, he might force himself to wait until a reasonable hour arrives. But he's not. And he can't bare another minute of carrying a mess of flesh and feathers on his back if he has any say in it. He hopes the axe in his hand will help with that. "Tubbo?" Tommy mutters after Tubbo nudges him. "Please." He trembles. Even though Tommy is clearly only half awake as he peers blearily up at him, there is a softness as he appears to begin understanding the request. "Why me? I don't know if I have the steadiest hands." "There's- There's nobody I'd trust with this more than you." He's not going to break down at like 3am, he's absolutely not. "Please, Tommy. I can't- I don't want-" Arms encompass him ever so gently and mindful of the wounds recently inflicted upon him. "Is this really what you want?" "Get them off." "O-Okay. Let's move to somewhere with better lighting then." The stone would tell a story of someone's brutal slaughter without context and no amount of healing or regeneration potions can save him from his nerves screaming out in retaliation to the haphazard procedure. He knows there is a nether portal at the end of the path he and Tommy co-constructed nearly a fortnight ago. Pointing in its direction, he requests Tommy dispose of the wings on his behalf. Laid on his side and alone, he curls in on himself. His hands grips his hair as if it will placate any of what he's willingly subjected himself to tonight. However, all this results in is his fingers making contact with budding horns, the ones growing without his permission in an attempt to appear more favourable to Schlatt. He barely registers when Tommy returns to carefully extract one of his hands so an object can be placed in it. Oh, a potato. Just like the ones collected by the device Wilbur commissioned him to make. He doesn't want it, no matter what Tommy says about needing the energy. What he does want is his friend to allow him to unintentionally dig his fingers into Tommy's back a little too hard as he bawls. Luckily enough, he gets it without a thought of complaint. There is a silent agreement between the two 16 year olds that night. No matter what happens next, they'd make themselves survive long enough to see the day Tubbo wouldn't be so scared of being anywhere near Schlatt and Tommy wasn't so stressed by the responsibility of trying to bring Wilbur back onto a more rational path. --- "That's awful. I'm-" "Phil, as someone in a similar position, I would have hoped you'd know I don't want to hear a hundred apologises in an attempt to be polite." "No, you're right. Are you okay though?" "It was back in October so it's fine." "But are you fine?" "Yes." It's not entirely convincing and they both know it. Still, Phil seems to accept defeat with a frustrated huff. "Other than telling me you understand what it's like to be grounded, I'm not sure why exactly you came here." "Oh. Right." Tubbo takes this as his cue to pull out a long stick that's undoubtedly seen a fair amount of use. "This is probably coming too late to help all that much, not to mention I'm a little shorter so it might not be as effective for you as it was for me but..." He sighs dejectedly. "Losing that much weight off your body throws your sense of balance off by a lot. I mean, it's basically like losing a limb, right? Tommy helped me get used to it and even gathered the wood for me to craft this. I've gotten used to walking with nothing on my back over the last two months but I thought maybe it would help you." "Tubbo, this is very generous of you." Phil attempts to smile fondly yet it doesn't quite pass the threshold of convincing. "But I don't think I can accept this. My wings might be damaged but it's not as if I lost the entirety of both of them like you did. So while I greatly appreciate the gesture, please keep it." "Right." There is a silence for a moment that is only broken by fidgeting where neither of them allowed themself to look at the other. The president of New L'Manburg turns towards the exit. Phil speaks up while he still has the chance. "Tubbo, regardless of what people are saying about your leadership, know that you have a good heart. It's an admirable trait." "A good heart and meaning well won't make Technoblade see justice or keep New L'Manburg safe." "Perhaps you're right. We both know you sometimes have to put your morals and personal views to one side when it comes to the wellbeing of others, when it comes to duty. Just keep it in mind though, alright?" "...Sure." He checks his communicator to see if Quackity or the others have noticed his absence. Nothing of note. Yet. "I should probably go before I risk questions being raised." "Of course. Good luck and again, thank you for your offer." "Bye, Phil." "See you around, Tubbo." And this time, the smile is genuinely fond.
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