#Like hahaha thank you Jee for being you and making it so fun
ssreeder · 4 months
if you could have ANYYY scene from the liab series drawn what would it be?? you can do top 3/5 if you want…
also whats your favorite scene youve written?
ahhhh hi!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to answer!
I’m so sorry I get so weird when people ask me what scenes I want art for idk whyyyy! I know it’s silly because you’re offering but what I usually tell people is to pick their favorite scene and draw that? I like to see what you pick and idk it’s more fun that way!
Oh unmmm my favorite scene I’ve written? Huh…. Idk? (I know im so good at this ahhhh haha)
if I had to pick a scene I’d probably say I enjoy writing zukka together, like in liab it was the dishwashing scenes and the tree scene and in ria it was camping & cuddles idk they’re just so easy for me to write and I love how sokka is and how zuko responds so I enjoy them a lot.
I also enjoy writing scenes with Jet, he’s one of my favorite characters and he’s so smart and loyal and cool but hes also a toxic manipulator who kills people. hehehe, so when I get to write him talking to Katara or zuko and then that one sokka scene in the tent, it’s fun to show his characters different sides. Especially now that he is calming down and realizing he might want friends.
& I gotta add that I love writing is any scene from a Jee pov. I’ve made him stupidly complex for no reason and I’m excited for his story to unfold during ITF. Anytime I get to write him, like the dinner scene or watching iroh and How talk,,, ((and this upcoming market scene)) idk he’s just so fun. But in a I’m not fun I’m brooding for reasons and also pining and projecting and being all together just a fun character haha.
I’m sorry if this was random and not at all helpful but I ramble so sorry… hehe thanks for the ask anon if you do decide to art I will be thrilled whatever scene you pick!!
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Baby Logan - Wolverine x Reader
Summary : You have to tell Logan you’re pregnant, and that of course, it’s his. You’re terrified he won’t take it well...
This is part of some sort of a serie, where the reader is afraid to announce their pregnancy. Here’s the one I made for Captain America : Baby Rogers, and the one for Batman : Baby Wayne.  and sorry if it’s a bit crap, I just have so much trouble writing good things lately ! : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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It was Storm’s 40th birthday party, and you were probably the only person present, along with Logan, that wasn’t drunk. Logan because his healing factor prevented him from getting drunk too long, and you because....
-You’re not drinking (Y/N) ? 
Ororo. The queen of the party. She was drunk since 4 in the afternoon, and was the most hilarious one ever. She kept trying to make sure everyone was having a good time, and unintentionally buzzing them with a small and weak lightning coming out of her fingers. Right now, she was afraid you weren’t having fun...
-You always drink, why are you not now ? Hahaha are you pregnant ? 
You don’t answer and look away. She stares at you, and it hits her. 
-Wait you are ?! 
-Shut up I didn’t tell Logan yet..
-No really, shut up ‘Ro ! 
She looks at you and, in her drunken state, suddenly understand what you just meant. From the corner of your eyes, you make sure Logan didn’t pay attention to what just happened, but he’s in a conversation with a very drunk Nightcrawler, and seem to have the time of his life listening to your blue friend’s Bible stories...Drunk Bible stories. He didn’t notice anything. Thanks God. Storm comes close to you and whisper : 
-Sorry. You didn’t tell him ? 
-I’ve only known for a day...or two...Ok I’ve known for two month. 
-Ro ! 
-Sorry sorry -she goes back to whispering- two months ?
-Yes. I just...I don’t know how to tell him. We never talked about it, or rather we did but he talked about his son, Daken, and then...oh my God I just can’t tell him !
-Oh, oh, I know how, I know how ! I can help ! 
-Yeah ? 
-You go to him, and you say : “Logan, I’m pregnant”. 
-...Thanks Ro’. Really. 
-Oh you’re very welcome honey ! -hips- 
She’s about to leave you to go and check on other friends when she really fully realize what you just said. The next thing you know ? You’re squeezed against her boobs in a warm embrace (warm because she’s kinda burning you with some small lightnings...). 
-This is the best birthday present you could give me (Y/N), I’m going to be an aunt ! 
You smile weakly at her and hug her back. 
-Yeah, I guess you are...Auntie Ro’. 
She lets out a small smile, and on her face, genuine happiness appears. Of course, she has been like a big sister to you for years...The happiness in her feature reminds you of the day you discovered you were pregnant.
Pregnant. You were pregnant. Logan’s. You were going to have Logan’s child.
A surge of happiness overtook you, and you resisted the urge of jumping excitingly...until you realize that, yes, you were going to have Logan’s child.
What if...What if he didn’t want a kid with you ? You often talked about his kids. Daken, his son with whom he could never get along and that skimmed to make Logan kill his other own biological children, of course not knowing they were his kids...There was Laura, whom he raised as best he could since she was about eleven. Amiko, his foster daughter, the one he promised to take care of to Mariko, a woman he used to love...The two girls were grown women now, taking care of themselves, coming to visit from times to times. You often talked about his children...but you never talked about having children together. You were even pretty sure he did not want one now...with...you.
You sat down on the edge of the bath, and the weight of the news you just got started to make your gut churned. How the Hell were you going to tell Logan ? The more you thought about it, the more you were afraid he’d leave you, bolt out like he used to at the beginning of your relationship...
It had been a very long time since his last escapade, not telling you where he was going. In fact, the day he first told you : “I love you (Y/N)”, he stopped leaving you without a word. Sometimes he needed his time alone, but the weeks he used to spent away turned into days, and then into just one day spending riding his motorcycle, coming back to your arms at night. But, what if a child was too much ?
Oh god it was totally too much !! And yet...you wanted a baby. With him. You had to tell him, you just had too. It was going to be ok, it was going to be...
-Darlin’ ?
His voice. Coming from your shared bedroom in the x-mansion.
-...(Y/N), baby, are you ok ?
You could hear the worry in his voice, and it made your heart beat faster.
-Yes, Yes Logan I’m good, I was just...washing up !
-Aaah, ‘f course. Come back to bed ?
You smile to yourself, and go back to the room. He’s sitting up in the bed, naked, and a mischievous smirk is on his face. You slip into bed and he immediately wraps his arms around you. You laugh, forgetting all your stress. Damn you loved that man. And you will tell him, just not now. For now, you were going to just enjoy being in his arms...Which was exactly the reason you got pregnant in the first place by the way. Yes, you’d just tell him later...
And here you were, almost two month later, with a belly that was starting to show, and you had to tell him, or he’d found out on his own. Of course he’d notice...most of the times, he’d fall asleep spooning you, his hand on your stomach. You were actually pretty surprised he hasn’t noticed yet...You just had to tell him.
Ororo pulled away from you, and smiled fondly at you. Sounding almost sober she said : 
-Oh I’m so happy for you. Don’t worry about Logan, he will be happy. I’m sure.
-Well I’m not...
-You’re stupid if you think he won’t. 
-Wow jee thanks Ro’ ! 
-You know what I mean. You really need to tell him. 
You don’t answer, and just glare at her. Of course, she was right. You needed to tell him indeed...it wasn’t fair to withhold such an information fro him. 
-I know Ro’, I will, I just...
-Don’t you dare wait until he’ll very obviously see it. Logan won’t appreciate that at all ! 
-What will I won’t appreciate ? 
You froze. Of course he would come over at some point...
-Oh hey Logan, (Y/N) got something to tell you. It’s super important ! 
You glare some more at your best friend, and she leaves with a wink. Oh she was gonna regret that later...But she was already gone, checking on Hank who was passed out on a couch. 
You turned to your boyfriend and smile shyly, but don’t say anything. He returns your smile and raise a hand to cup your cheek, brushing a gentle thumb over your lower lip. 
-Come on baby, it’s me, you know you can tell me anything. 
You shift awkwardly on your feet and...his lips pressing lightly on yours, and the smile you feel growing on his face as you respond to the kiss finally help you make a decision. You’re going to tell him. But not here, in the middle of everyone. You take him by the hand, and gesture toward your shared bedroom. He nods with an encouraging smile, and follows you. 
He was going to let you speak, to let you tell him. He was going to act surprise, and finally show you how happy he was about everything. But when he saw how much you struggled to get your words out, how much you were sweating and all...No, he couldn’t let you “suffer”. He had to help. Besides, stress wasn't good for the baby...
-I already know. 
-And you see I...Hum, what ? 
-I already now sweetheart. You’re pregnant. And I’m pretty sure it’s mine...It is right ? 
-Hum...I...you kn...Yes, yes of course it’s yours you idiot. 
A genuine smile appeared on his face, and you could only read happiness and a bit of amusement in his features. 
-Oh my god Lo’, you’re such an asshole...
-What ?
-You knew for the past two months and you didn’t say anything ? 
-You do know I have enhanced senses and that I fall asleep every nights with my hands on your belly right ? Of course I knew. As for why I didn't say anything...I wanted you to tell me yourself. 
Of course he wanted you to tell it yourself. You felt extremely guilty, you should’ve told him when you first learned it...But you couldn’t. 
As usual, your Logan understood you though. And as you listened to him explaining to you why he wanted you to tell him, and why he knew you were afraid and all, you couldn’t help but fell a little bit more in love with him, if that was even possible. Your heart melted when you understood that he was trying to give you time to cope with things, that he held his happiness in for so long just because he thought that you needed to tell him yourself...and that he understood why you were afraid to tell him. He really did. And as he was speaking, you realized your fears were, like Storm said it so well : “stupid”. 
Because the man facing you, caressing tenderly your back as he held you in his arms, was clearly totally ready to have a baby with you. Because that man facing you, loved you. You were sure of it, after all, he repeated it enough times...And you just felt silly thinking back on your worries. He soothed that too though, explaining to you that he understood your fears...
-I know that you thought that because of Daken and what he made me do I wouldn’t want any...biological children anymore. I can understand why you printed that into your brain. We talked so much about him...but I also talked a lot about Laura and Amiko. I told you that, though I was far from being the best father they could have, I took care of them gladly and...We never talked about having kids our own.  But...Ok I’m kinda loosing my train of thoughts there. 
He makes you sit on the bed, and kneel in front of you. 
-Listen (Y/N), you’re the best thing that ever happened to me in that long life of mine. The best. I never loved one like you. I...I know I will never love one more than I love you. And if I can build a real family of my own, it is with you that I want it. That kid growing inside you, I already love him or her to death too and again I might not be best suited to be the greatest father but I...
You shut him up with a kiss, you heard enough. He said exactly the right words to make you feel better, to make you feel happier than ever. He had the best reaction you could have hoped for, better than you expected definitely. He was...Perfect. Perfect for you, perfect for your future child, you just knew it. 
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ssreeder · 1 year
Suki: I can't believe you didn't tell me about you and Zuko this whole time 😔
Zuko: I can't believe you lied to me about the otter-penguins 😠😔
Anyway, I loved the newest chapter. Katara and Aang are so sweet and love Sokka so much and they are so worried, I'm gonna die.
Iroh, Jee and Rasu reuniting with Zuko kind of reminds me of the time when Hakoda reunited with Sokka. Just two fathers (and Jee and Bato) finding out about the horrible, terrible things their sons went through. Fun! Sokka must be feeling just as left out as Zuko felt in the Water Tribe camp.
One of my favorite things about this story is that Zuko, one of the main characters, never has a POV! What is going on in that kid's head! I love the mystery.
Bato likes Chang! And they're going to Ba Sing Se?? Yess. Zuko's uncles will meet each other?? Ara will find out about Shen's death? Sokka will find out about Jet ratting them out to the Earth Kingdom? What are Quon, How and Long Feng up to???? This story is so good I love it so much!!!
Also started rereading LIAB because it's been awhile and I might have forgotten some stuff so... Ara is making me sad 🥺.
Thank you for being a wonderful writer and just giving this stuff to us for free...
I mean… Suki has the right to be upset
but Zuko should be FURIOUS! how dare Sokka lie about the great otter-penguin wars?! Come on dude get it together!
Haha I’m sorry but you’re probably going to die even more next chapter because yeah… they love him but it’s like hugging a cactus haha.
at least Zuko got to see Sokka in the SWT camp iroh is like “sorry Zuko can’t come out to play and no you can’t come in to see him go home…”
OMG BATO IS LIKE CHANG IS FUNNY - & hakodas like damn it he kind of is……
Hahaha iroh and Chang in the same room together is terrifying can we throw jee in there too just to make him uncomfortable?! I love to see that poor man suffer.
You’re amazing & I love you for leaving me this ask and I’m sorry I’m horrible and take forever to answer. You’re amazing & yes Ara is sad and it gets worse ha poor girl. Wait until she finds out Shen is dead *cue emotional music*
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