#Like she knew she was badly sick and wouldn't make it and would communicate that
faytelumos · 1 year
Into the Black With a Matchstick, pt2
@those-damn-snippets @thepotatoofnopes @robin-parravel @invader-mint-tea
cw: drug use (barely described)
It wasn't waking up from cryo that had Doctor Adina Ramirez clutching a sick bag for dear life. The massive headache that came from being a freeze-dried raisin person and the feverish, wholistic hunger were nausea-inducing, of course, but her stomach was stronger than that. It wasn't even the ship's interface blandly informing her that there was an intelligent, non-human body attempting to establish a communications line. Even walking up to the console and seeing that the four biologists (including both astrobiologists) who had failed to wake up before her hadn't quite been enough to bring her to her knees with a sudden cold-sweat.
It was the mission clock.
26,008,372 years, 217 days, 8 hours, 36 minutes
She had checked four times to make sure that was million, and not thousand. Maybe if it was thousand, she wouldn't have needed the bag.
Doctor Johnathan Harrison sat at the table with his hands buried in his hair, leaning forward on his elbows, the rehydration pouch sitting in front of him. He hadn't punctured it yet. Adina had unfortunately almost finished hers.
The agreement had been that if and when space travel technology advanced, a crew would catch up to The Solstice and update everything. Maybe even wake the crew and check up on everyone. But almost fifty times the length of recorded human history had passed between the launch and this wake-up call.
Humanity was dead. Even if the sun was still alive (she thought it should be), there was simply no way that humans still existed on that planet. Just as terrifying, perhaps humanity had completely collapsed back to the stone age and rebuilt from scratch, hitting a second space age and setting off into the sky without any kind of record of The Solstice to recover.
She wretched again.
"You're gonna make me sick," John whispered shakily.
Adina coughed and spat, then wiped her face and pulled the bag away with trembling hands. She closed it off and carefully placed it in the receptacle.
"Okay," Adina breathed, though her voice was scratchy and uneven. "Aliens. We have to talk to the aliens." John laughed, suddenly and unsteadily.
"Welcome back to the land of the living!" he joked, "Your entire planet is probably dead and there's a real alien ship knocking on the door — have a Slurpee!" Adina laughed, too, even though it made her head scream and her guts ache harder than ever.
John got to work setting up the channel. The frequency the aliens were using was unorthodox, but easy to replicate. But Adina felt like the entire ship was spinning like a top, her badly dehydrated and starving body wobbling all around her. God knew how much more time the aliens were going to give them to talk — for all she knew, the initial message was, "You're trespassing, respond immediately or we'll turn you into space dust."
And then the computer had asked for a confirmation, then proceeded to wake up five pods in careful succession, then handed out a lunch pack, and then finally informed Adina that there had been a message.
"I can't do this, I'm gonna pass out," Adina breathed. Holy shit, she felt like human garbage. The word "dizzy" came nowhere near this sensation. John watched Adina with bloodshot eyes and shaking fingers.
"I, I know of something that'll help."
It took ages, but they finally ended up in the medbay, and John pulled a small bottle out of a hiding spot so out-of-the-way there was no way in hell he hadn't been the one to stash it there.
"Doctor Harrison?" Adina said cautiously as John found a syringe. "Did you smuggle drugs onto an international, interstellar spaceship?" John looked at her like he was confused, eyes wide and lips parted as he held his items. He blinked once, and for a moment he looked every bit like a kid caught breaking the rules red-handed.
"It's a performance enhancer."
The aliens looked like exactly what would happen if a lion and a hyena had a baby and it came out a dinosaur.
There was no sense of size with the video feed, but she could tell by their eyes that they were huge. Her guess was a meter and a half at the head, which was well bigger than both Earthly carnivores. The scales on their bodies were thick and healthy, with Paxie's being a glimmering maroon and the other's some kind of iridescent purple-green. Both monsters had jaws that were definitely designed to crush sturdy bones, but Paxie was bigger and had longer teeth. The other one's shoulder spikes were thicker, and its head was more aerodynamic.
These drugs were something else. Adina almost couldn't feel her body right now, which was exactly what she needed. Her brain was running on overdrive and she could feel it, but she was keeping pace like a thoroughbred. These aliens were large carnivores with adaptations for high levels of sunlight, dry air, blunt force trauma, fast-moving targets, and strong prey. Something like this and smart enough to have an instant universal translator could do whatever the hell it wanted with The Solstice and still have time for lunch afterwards.
God, Adina was starving.
"Captain Ramirez, Lieutenant Harrison, please excuse us," Paxie choked before turning off the translator. The other one said something in their unfiltered language.
"What do we do?" John whispered.
"They're trying to be friendly," Adina uttered. "Hopefully they mean it."
"Are we betting the last members of humanity on that thing's friendliness?" John said.
Adina watched Paxie. Their appearance set off alarm bells all across Adina's brain. But she couldn't tell how much was basic instinct and how much was logical caution. And if she was being honest with herself, she'd probably never in her life been this mentally compromised. High on some weird stimulant and staring an honest-to-God intelligent alien in the face while the death of her entire species was pounding on the walls, she knew if there was another choice in leadership, she'd have to tap out immediately.
But she was the first biologist lucky enough to wake up, and she'd finished her thesis a year before John.
"We don't have a choice," she breathed shakily, trying to school her expression. She was the leader of the human species right now.
She was not ready for this.
"No matter what happens, we're at these people's mercy," she whispered. "The best we can do is appease them until we get our bearings." John sighed raggedly, and Adina could see from the corner of her eye that his hands were shaking badly again. Hers probably were, too. She couldn't look at them. She just kept watching Paxie, because she was in charge now, and everything she had ever known depended on her getting everyone through this alive.
Paxie tried to keep their breathing even as the shuttle hissed and trundled towards the alien ship. Both sides had agreed that there was no need for the ancient ship to adjust its course; the Xoixe vessel could adjust and keep pace with it without any trouble. Paxie thought it a clever enough resolution, since the composition of the ancient ship's fuel was so foreign it wasn't yet clear if anyone could make more.
Paxie wasn't scared. Of course not. These creatures, unnerving as they were, posed no threat. They were small and their machinery, upon closer inspection, was in a bad way. And it was no wonder, with how long they'd been adrift and asleep. But Paxie would be lying outright if they said they weren't intimidated by the task of assimilating these things. Of course it would turn out that when they finally got a chance to make first contact, they got the most unusual creatures in the universe. It was just their luck.
The boarding party was comprised of three individuals. Paxie had flexed their authority to afford themself a seat with only a hint of shame. The second person was another Xoixe, Ensign Kime, a xenomedic. The third individual was the most important of the group.
Sergeant Klte was a Qomo, one of the smaller species in the Xoixe's catalog of allies. Given the delicate and relatively defenseless physiology of the new aliens, Paxie had determined that Klte would be the best received as the face of the alliance. Klte, like all of its kind, stood on four thin legs, each ended with three hooked claws. It rose up on an elegant, slim torso, four thin arms with four claws each sprouting from reedy shoulders. Its head was sleek and mostly featureless, its face consisting only of a thin, lipless line for a mouth and a pair of large, black eyes. The pale skin that looked much softer than it felt completed the look of a spindly, almost harmless individual.
Paxie was quite proud of themself. Klte was downright cute, and the aliens would surely warm up to its lanky and pale appearance. Especially since the two species shared compatible atmospheric needs.
The boarding ship rotated slightly and decelerated, then made a low-pitched rattle. The clamps were secured. A moment later, there was a brief, deep hiss, and the airlock doors unlocked and slid open.
Captain Ramirez and Lieutenant Harrison both stood in the hall, and they had to look up to meet Paxie's eyes. Paxie dipped their nose respectfully before speaking, and the translator repeated their words in a small speaker on the outside of their environment suit.
"May we come aboard?"
Ramirez and Harrison looked at Paxie and Kime with wide eyes. But when Harrison noticed Klte, they… flinched.
And then Ramirez gasped quietly.
Paxie glanced back at Klte, concern worrying at their stomach. Perhaps these weren't fear responses. As a prey species, these newcomers could have mannerisms a Xoixe simply didn't understand.
"Please, follow us," Ramirez said, and both of the small creatures turned and walked into the ship. Paxie was going to lead, but the tunnels in this vessel were… tight. Being a carrier, Paxie was about as big as Xoixes got, and they weren't confident in their ability to move around in such a claustrophobic space, especially with their full environment suit on. They turned to Klte.
"Go ahead; I might have trouble."
"Aye, sir," Klte hissed in its rasping voice. It clicked forward, and Paxie also allowed Kime to pass before finally stepping in and bringing up the rear.
Paxie couldn't see well over Kime's shoulders, but they heard the moment when Klte popped the seal on its helmet. Ramirez gasped again, something struck the metal floor, and Kime halted abruptly.
"What happened?" Paxie barked, perking their ears against the inside of the helmet.
"Nothing, we're all fine," Ramirez replied. Kime tried to look backwards, but there was no room in the tight hall. Paxie shifted, trying to get any kind of view, but their helmet just smacked against the cable routing in the top of the hall. They gritted their teeth.
"Admiral," Kime uttered, and she had turned off her translator. Paxie did the same.
"I don't have a good understanding of their chemical biology yet, but these creatures are exhibiting signs of extreme stress."
Paxie watched Kime's back as they all clamored through the corridors. "You're my eyes, Ensign."
"Their muscles are tense, eye movement is rapid as far as I can tell, hypersensitivity to sound and visual input, and I may be detecting altered blood-flow."
Paxie held back a self-deprecating sigh. They had truly thought Klte's appearance would be soothing, but there must have been something about it that set off the new aliens. Paxie couldn't help but wonder what possible characteristic a Qomo had that was unsettling.
"We'll see if distance with Sergeant Klte will make a difference," Paxie said. "Hopefully our new friends will be comfortable enough joining us to tell us what's happening here."
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
For All the Stars in the Sky - a Goosemavcarole fic
Mav misunderstands Goose and Carole when they say they want to be with Slider.
For a prompt list, "I wouldn't trade you for all the stars in the sky"
Words: 851
Goose and Carole came back from reading Bradley to sleep after a suspiciously long time. There were often times when Bradley needed more care when bedtime came around, and it was usually when they either moved or visited them on deployment. But it never took almost an hour.
He heard them as they huddled just outside of Bradley’s room. Without making it too known, he tried to listen to them from his place on the sofa.
"What if he takes it badly? I was kind of harsh on him earlier after the HOP," that was Goose.
He had deserved the lecture. There was something about this place that brought out the worst in him. Goose had been saying that he was flying against a ghost for years, but now it was only getting worse. And leaving his wingman was a stupid move.
"Nicky, why would he take it badly? We're just going to talk."
Just going to talk? That didn't sound good. He tried not to spiral but couldn’t help himself. Goose was getting tired of him, not just in personal terms but in the field too. And Carole, he hadn’t seen her in months, just like Goose hadn't, but she must be getting tired too. It wasn't hard to believe.
Then he heard movement and went back to pretending he hadn't heard that. 
"Pete, honey, can we talk?" Carole said. 
She slid onto the couch and rested her hand on his left arm. Goose sat on his right, giving him a smile that didn't thaw his anxiety as much as it should have.
"Sure." He gave them his best fake smile back. "What about?"
"Well, me and Carole have been talking and, after some observations, we're thinking of giving it a go with Slider," Goose said.
He met eyes with Carole over his head. Pete darted to look at her and only saw her widen her eyes as she turned her head. She saw him watching and rolled her eyes, her smile coming back to her again. 
"What he means is, we've been picking up vibes from Slider and we've been wanting to maybe try something with him, if he wants to of course, and just wanted to see if you were okay with that."
This was it. The end of the road. They were sick of him. He knew it would happen eventually, everyone left in the end, but he'd hoped that maybe he'd have a little more time.
"Oh god, I knew it, and you're being so nice to me, too, god it would be easier if you were mean about it, then I could hate you-"
"And now you've got Slider," he said. "Oh god, you're trading me in for a better model, I mean he's tall-"
"Muscular, well endowed from what I can guess-"
"Pete!" Goose and Carole cried.
"What are you on about?" Carole said.
"You're breaking up with me and trading me in for Slider!"
Carole rubbed his arm, Nick's hand brushed the short hairs on the back of his neck. Calm stopped the growing panic for a moment, but he still didn’t have answers, so it hummed in the background. 
"Petey, we wouldn’t trade you for all the stars in the sky," Carole said.
"But-" he replied, trying not to melt from her words.
"We're not trading you in, Mav," Goose said. "We just wanted to know if you were okay with me and Carole getting with Slider, while us three stay together-"
Carole interrupted, "-but if you’re not, then we won't, okay? That's what this is all about, communication."
Pete took a second as his eyes filled with tears. He focused on his hands as his eyes went from blurry to clear as he willed himself not to cry. 
"You can," he said, his voice got higher pitched. "Get with Slider , I mean, I'm okay with it."
"Are you sure? You don't sound okay with it," 
Goose pulled him into a hug. His aftershave flew around his head. In this cocoon, with Carole's hand on his back, he felt safe enough to let out a few tears. And once he let a few, the floodgates opened. 
"We won't, okay?" Goose shushed as he sobbed.
"I really did mean it, you know, it's just, I thought you were breaking up with me and I don't want to lose you two,"
"Pete," Carole joined the hug. "We don't want to lose you either."
It had taken a while for him to be able to be vulnerable with them. For most of his life vulnerability was a weakness, and habits were hard to break, especially when in the navy where emotions were discouraged. But now he was getting there, slowly, with the help of their love.
"Maybe we leave it a little while longer, hey?" Goose suggested. "Sex with Slider can wait a bit longer, right?"
"Yeah, it can." Carole said.
"Sex with me's better anyway," Mav mumbled.
Goose chuckled, he and Carole bounced with the movement. God, he loved these two. That only made the idea of losing them hurt more.
This is what Goosmavcarole means to me. Pete is hurt, Goose and Carole want to love him. Thanks for reading!
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mrfoox · 2 years
Ok I've said it before but if I'd somehow get access to a couple millions I'd use it to fix up my grandma's child home
It was the first place my old grandparents owned their own land after many years going from different yards to work as staff.
The house is in bad shape but there's so much history there I wish I could preserve it
#miranda talking shit#It has an super old wood stove which is used for heat#It does have an ordinary oven and fridge but those are probably from the 60s at best#Theres just somuch about it that's ... Amazing idk.#Like the place had so much rocks when it was optained it wasnt possible to plant much of anything so#My grandmas brothers spend years with actual dynamite to blow up the rocks and remove them by carriage#To this day theres still one massive rock on the property. It was most likely too big to get rid of. Its almost the size of a small house#I used to play on it its cool lol#I feel so attached probably bc i know how big it was for my old grandparents. They spent so long to even get the land and then fix it up#My old grandpa basically spend all his days doing hard and dangerous labor in the forests around#Transporting and cutting wood. And my old grandma took care of the hpme and the 11 kids#They also had two or three that died at an early age as well i think...#One of them was probably psychic or something. She died at 5 yrs old but always talked about how she wouldn't be around for long#Like she knew she was badly sick and wouldn't make it and would communicate that#I dont have the same strong connection to the place like mom but i still love it#Theres so many inconveniences and problems with the place but its special#Wish we had the funds to save it. Like it's been falling apart for many years#Only one of my siblings with decent amount of money is my sister but i dont think she cares much for the place
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getitinbusan · 5 years
When your cheating ex calls months later will you answer?
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Cheating, Heartbreak, Angst and Sex
You were just about to fall asleep when your phone went off.  With an exasperated sigh you rolled over wondering which of your friends was in need. You moved for the device a little annoyed but felt obligated to answer, after all,  they'd been there for you no questions asked during the break up. 
The screen lit up "DO NOT ANSWER" and your heart dropped. You'd once read that it was a good idea to rename your ex in your phone so you wouldn't feel temptation to communicate but that was months ago. You made the fatal mistake of not deleting his contact picture and now here he was showing up on your screen. He never did try and call, this was the first time you were faced with the decision of answering.  
Setting your phone down you pulled the covers over your head and tried to block it out of your mind.  A single notification pinged through your duvet and bounced around your head before you surrendered. With a mind of its own your hand snuck out of your blanket fort and picked up the cold device 
JK: Please Y/N, I really need you right now.  
Y/N: Why are you doing this to me Jungkook? I'm finally getting over you.  
JK: I'm selfish and I'm stupid but I'm also the loneliest I've ever been in my life. Our apartment is so empty, I haven't been able to sleep in our bed since you left. 
Y/N: I'm not the one who left Jungkook. You seem to forget that you checked out of this relationship before I packed my boxes.  
JK: Can I please just see you? 
JK: Please 
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Y/N: Are you really crying right now?  
JK: I haven't stopped since…. Fuck, I know you hate me, its killing me. Please just let me apologize in person 
You knew it was the wrong choice, seeing him was just going to rip your heart in two again.  
Y/N: Send a fucking car
The door man greeted you with a closed mouth smile and a nod. Embarrassment creeped through your being whenever people looked at you with pity, "I'll let Mr. Jeon know you're here."
Meeting you at the elevator he looked a mess. He'd lost some muscle and his skin was pale, his sunken eyes were red and tired. Reaching out to hug you, he thought better and instead jammed his firsts into the pockets of his worn grey track pants.  He was wearing a T-shirt and you were forced to observe his tattoos like a fucking train wreck. They were like a banner, there written across the body you once worshiped, saying, "I fucked someone else."
He noticed you looking at his arm and ran his hand over it, "I guess you haven't seen them yet." He proudly held it out for you. You felt sick to your stomach, "Yeah, I don't really want to look at them Jungkook. You could at least have the decency to put on a fucking sweater or something."
He was puzzled by your reaction but reached for his flannel button down hanging off the back of the couch anyway. The tears came immediately, you needed to make him understand what he'd done. You sobbed his name, "Jungkook, how am I supposed to look at you when her writing is all over you in permanent ink?" 
He dropped to his knees looking up at you pleading, "But you have to, look at me Y/N, I never meant to hurt you. What can I do? I'll do anything to fix this."
The ache that had tormented your heart returned stronger than ever. "How am I supposed to trust you? You told me you were going to Geoje Island to hike Gyeryongsan Park. I didn't question you, I didn't ask you not to go, I wasn't a bad girlfriend Jungkook, I just fucking loved you. All I've been able to do for months is try to figure out how I screwed up… but I didn't, you did.  Now you have the nerve to ask ME how to fix it?"
You crumpled to the floor beside him crying uncontrollably, he was devastated finally seeing the effect his actions had on you. 
"I'm going to fix this, I'm going to put us back together," picking you up he carried you over to the couch and held you against his chest. You were both crying but the comfort of his heartbeat thrumming through you brought you a peace you'd missed so much. 
"All my life I've trained hard, I've done what I was told, I followed the rules and I've had to act as "Jungkook" the idol. The truth is, I don't know who Jeong-guk is. During the break I wasn't under the microscope, I just got to do what I felt like doing, and honestly, it felt really good. I hiked Gyeryongsan with my brother and we met a group of people, they were from the tattoo shop. I decided to just do it… because I wanted to. It took a few days so we got to know them, drank with them, ate with them, they just felt like friends." He paused his story sensing your agitation. 
 "Did you think of me at all Guk?" Your heart was racing, anger creeping back in as you remembered seeing the pictures online.  "We don't get to be seen in public, we don't get to hold hands, we don't get to go out to eat. Why was it okay with her?"
He took a deep breath, "I could because she wasn't you… because I didn't care,  because I wanted to see what would happen" He put his fingers in your hair and brushed it out of your face, "I can't with you, I need to protect you, I need to keep you safe and out of the spotlight so you don't get hurt. The fans can be really mean, I honestly don't know what I'd do if the people I am so grateful for turned on the person I love the most."  
You let your fingers fan out over his chest, just getting to touch him again made your heart race. You didn't want to get sucked back in but here you were, his words were believable and you even felt a little bad for him. He placed his hand on top of yours, his tattoos demanding your attention  "Why didn't you talk to me? You just let me go, let me believe what I saw." 
You traced the outline of the heart with your fingertip and you felt a tear land on your face as he leaned over you. "I was just trying to figure out who I was, I didn't think you'd love ME, especially after what you saw and heard. When we were in New Zealand I did a lot of reflecting, even though I'm struggling to know who I am, I'm less of that person without you. You not only make me more of the man I want to be, you put up with who I have to be." He kissed your forehead and you understood.  
"Guk…I'm so tired, take me to bed." He let out an audible sigh of relief knowing that you were willing to move forward with him.  
Raising your arms over your head he pulled your shirt off your body and replaced it gently with one of his oversized T-shirts. Turning down the sheets you crawled in, it felt like your mind could finally have a rest. Sure that your doubts and sadness would come back, at least for tonight, they had been defeated. He wrapped his arms around you as you both gave in to months of mental exhaustion, sleep conquering sadness, hope turning into dreams that once again dared to reveal themselves.  
The sunlight danced on your eyelids, the scent of Jungkook heavy in the air, you must be dreaming. Afraid to open your eyes, afraid it wouldn't be real you felt his hand on your waist and you couldn't help but smile.  He knew you were awake, nuzzling into your neck he whispered, "It feels like heaven having you back." 
Turning to him you placed your hand on his cheek, "My head is telling me to go but I really want to be here, please make me stay." 
Leaning in he kissed you, god it felt good. You'd blocked out every memory of the pleasure you'd once shared but with one kiss they came flooding back and you wanted him so badly inside of you.  
Roughly you kissed him and began tugging off his clothes. Pulling his shirt over his head the sight of his tattoos fueled an aggression in you to take back what was yours. "Tell me you love me Jungkook," you growled as his cock hardened in your hand.  
"I love you," he panted back, "I fucking love you more than anything."
He sucked your nipple into his mouth as you straddled him sinking down onto his eager dick. Both of you moaning you continued your assault, maybe you could fuck the pain away, "Did she make you feel this fucking good?" 
Like you weighed nothing he immediately flipped you onto your back, laying over top of you he stared frozen. 
"Stop,  just…stop….I didn't fuck her, I didn't do anything with her… I need you to believe that." He was crying, "please believe me"
You did, maybe it was naive but in that moment you really did.  Holding his face you let your lips ghost over his, "I believe you."
Taking control he moved slowly, deliberately, entering you while not breaking his lips away from yours. He rolled his hips deep into a rhythm that rubbed perfectly inside of you and you were lost.  The pleasure elevated by his admissions of love and desire for you as he called your name and moaned in time with his motions.
The raw feelings like electricity heightened your desire, as you let go you cried aloud clenching around him as you both came. "You're so beautiful giving yourself to me, I don't deserve you," he was so emotional, you'd never seen him like this. 
Laying together coming down from the high of passion, life did what it always does, the adrenaline had worn off and the truth came creeping back in. Unsure of what may or may not have happened it was a betrayal nonetheless. Trust had been lost, lies told and promises were broken.  Where did you go from here? 
He lay beside you stroking your hair with a small content grin on his face and you ran you hand over his chest, fingertips across his collar bone and skimming down his arm. The words on his skin screamed at you and sadness draped over you like a blanket of darkness. Noticing the wetness gathering on his chest,  he sat up to see the tears quietly fall down your cheeks. Leaning over he retrieved his long sleeve shirt off the floor and pulled it over his head. "I hope one day you can look at me and it won't hurt. My arms are supposed to protect you and comfort you not make you sad."
You rolled over to face him, " I hope so too."
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I don't even know where to start 😦
I'll call the new girl W.
W told me it's so weird that I speak so badly about my colleagues and the department because neither of them said anything bad.
Apparently all of my colleagues immediately knew that I quit the day I officially quit. They just still haven't acknowledged it towards me.
W called A to ask how she liked the tax department. And I swear she fucking told her that she loved the tax department and found it so refreshing because everyone is so nice and no one gossips.
The only thing my boss said was that there were problems with me and that for a while no one liked coming to work.
What a load of bullshit! D is the biggest gossip in the entire town hall and everyone knows that! Plus they all keep disappearing into homeoffice without notice.
I completely lost my cool there because they're telling her the complete opposite of what's real. I'm so mad that they keep that happy family front to showcase how perfect they are and how I was just a problematic colleague. No, HR and the personnel department know the truth and I don't plan on being their go to enemy in stories after I leave.
So I told W a short version of what really happened and how things work.
Of course someone who's only at the office for their long shift once every 6 weeks will say things are cool now. But the person that's there 5 days, 42 hours a week almost always alone is probably the one with more intel.
I told her about how E came into my office and would complain that we laughed and didn't include him. I told her that E complained that 3 of us were having lunch together and wouldn't ask the others to join us despite us just sharing an office. I told her that E lacked understanding when I told him I didn't like 6 people sitting close together in my office because I'm claustrophobic and cornered at my desk when we're all together with no way to escape and it made me panic. I told her that I spent days at work crying in my office and no one would care. I told her that my boss gave me a bad evaluation despite doing everything around the department. I told her how I was "responsible" for making things worse because I didn't want to join their birthday presents or their stupid WhatsApp group. And I told her that they had a 4 against 1 meeting where they told me how much I suck for 35 minutes.
But I also told her that the tension was caused due to certain events and people and that it just escalated because they stink at communicating like adults/like a boss and employees.
And the best thing is that she's been here for 3 days now and has already caught onto how bad at communicating they are because D and E have been sick since I started training W and my boss forgot to tell us 😂
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sainadazai · 4 years
When your crush is angry all the time
Ch. 2
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Y/n pov
First day at U.A. high. This is actually going to be so sick, think of all the boys and girls and weird quirks. Best of all I get to meet boom boom. Hopefully I don't do that thing where I think about him so much I forget we don't know each other, that would be embarrassing. 
I smile to myself as I approach the tall building with students flooding in and out. A couple of kids seemed to notice how strange I looked, I didn't have the uniform yet because my mother refused to let me have it. She told me I'd have to get it from her during school so she could show her students how dope her kid was. 
Not sure if I should be flattered though. Mom always compliments me like I actually did something to have the power I have. When really all I did was not die. Usually the interaction goes -
"Oh my god, honey you are so fucking cool, look how good you control your quirk, you train so hard!"
"Yea mom, it's crazy how after psychopaths try to breed you at ten years old you learn a thing or two about combat."
Then her face falls into a deadpan to cover her guilt and we move on. Sarcasm is honestly one of my all time favorite coping strategies. Like you can even make it better by not making any facial expression so people's minds are just fully fucked. 
My outfit couldn't feel more out of place right now, but I obviously notice the profuse blushing of boys and girls as I make my way through the halls of U.A. If my bestie was here I'm sure people would be fainting, since she makes a habit of dressing in fishnets and chains. I guess I could wear clothes like that but im tired most of the time. So if I don't have to dress up, I won't. 
However that doesn't mean I still don't look good. Well, at least I think I do...
This morning I was lazy so I just threw on Baggio black jeans, a cropped tee, and a baseball jersey that I got from when I flew with my dad to America. We watched the game together, but I kinda zoned out the whole time. Of Course I added a couple chains just in case I get to be on top of somebody. Hehe call that ✨funcional fashion✨
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Dw of course I took a picture in the morning to post on insta and brag to my old friends about how I got out of that hell. 
I rushed in a door that said 1-b just before I heard a bell go off. The door shut behind me with a loud thud the second the bell stopped. That is one way to get attention, I guess. I didn't even care to take in the faces of the students in front of me. After all, I was only here for one reason. I skimmed the room trying to find that ominous glare, but to no avail. My first thought was that maybe he wasn't in class today. That was before I peeked out the window of the door and realized there were more than one hero classes here. 
If he is in the other class, I'll just have to be in there too. Is this stalking? Yes. Will it end badly? Probably yes. However, do I have anything to really lose? Nope. Not a single thing.
"Katsuki Bakugou." I figured I'd say it out loud with a Stern face, just to see if the teacher would be intimidated enough to take me to him. 
The teacher and the rest of the class visibly tensed at my stare, but apparently I wasn't intimidating enough. 
"Whatever business you have can be settled after class. Now, students, this is the newest addition to class 1-b y/n l/n."
"Pardos me Ms. L/n"
"I said no, im not gonna be an addition to your dumb class" I mocked him 
He then sent me a very odd face, in which he pursed his lips but simultaneously glanced at his students in fear. I suppose they might not be pleased at my rejection, but that's irrelevant. I'm not here for them. 
"Oh, so you think you're too good for us!? Huh?"
"Class 1-a scum can have you, you vial worthless, dumb, fat, stup-"
Some angry blonde kid was interrupted by an aggressive bonk on his head. I glanced to his side and made eye contact with a girl, she was quite pretty, but not prettier than boom boom. 
"Cool, okay so i'm gonna go to the other class then....sir?"
"Pft, you wish. Sit down. Now."
"I literally didn't ask dude...sir."
"Adding sir doesn't make what you're saying any less disrespectful, now sit down."
I pouted a bit in realization that he wasn't as dense as the police usually are. However that didnt mean I wanted to listen. Plus if I got in trouble, that might be even more fun. 
"Again. No." 
Suddenly I felt a hard push on my back, I fell to the floor and felt a foot pushed against my back. 
"Nooo.Mom, please. Not right now."
"I came here to teach historia you brat."
She took her other leg and swung it back, leaving all her body weight on my back. Then launched it forward to meet with my side just as she took her top foot off my back. I felt the contact of her boot on my bare side and felt the tingle of what I assume is pain rattle through my left side, to my right. Only to be cut off when a new sore of pain spread through my back. 
That was what I assumed was my body slamming against the front wall of the class. I kept my eyes clenched shut the whole time, only flinching the impact of the wall. I bounced right off and landed on the floor. 
"Yea...okay," I said between groans. 
Midoriya pov 😗
It was finally lunch time after miss midnight taught us history. It wasn't my favorite subject, but I still look at pretty good notes. I'll be sure to read over them later in case we have a pop quiz or something. 
This lunch period is kinda more exciting than usual because I heard rumors that there is a new hero course student, and new additions don't happen often, so he is probably really good. 
After getting my food from lunch rush, I rushed over to my table where me, uraraka, iida, and todoroki sit everyday.
I plopped the food down onto the table and followed by sitting down and saying hi to my friends. It didn't take that long into their strange conversation about water volcanoes and cheese for me to zone them out in search of the new face. 
I don't really know everyone at U.A. that would be crazy. Still, I feel like I have enough knowledge to spot an obviously new face. Plus he is probably with the 1-b students right now. I scan over the whole lunch room, eager to say hi, but I don't see any new guys, or any new faces at all. 
Maybe the rumors were just rumors. That's really a bummed, I was hoping I could get yet another cool quirk to write about in my journal. 
Most of lunch was spent with my friends talking about weird things called memes (he calls them me me's) and me trying desperately to find the new guy. 
Until lunch was just about to end and in came a girl out of uniform, but she seemed to hold one in her hand. She looked fairly (tall/short) and had pretty (h/l) white hair. It seemed almost to glow as she walked in. To me the whole scene played slow motion, her hair bouncing up and down as she walked and the sports baggy jeans risking and falling. They teasingly revealed her belly button every other step as they lifted and sunk. 
I sorta wished she would have just put her uniform on because I feel pretty stupid for staring at her belly button. 
Her face was pretty too, catching the light above on her cheek bones(im sorry if u dont have prominent ones, just take out bones and leave it as cheeks) making her seem shiny.
I felt my face heat up uncontrollably before I felt a nudge on my thigh. 
"Hey deku, I heard that the new girl is actually a midnight daughter. She is in class b, and I guess this morning midnight kicked her against a wall." Uraraka whispered in my ear, loud enough for just the people at our table to hear.
Now that I think about it, everyone was whispering. 
"Midnight's daughter. Wahhh! Then she must have a quirk like midnights. If she does then it'll be hard for our classes to keep up with her. Midnights quirk is strong and considering the already rising testosterone level in the boys in 1st year, we could all-"
"Shut up you damn nerd"
I cut off my rambling and looked up to make eye contact with kachan. Why is he even over here? Is he here to beat me up? Or to get ochako? 
"Katsuki, that's not nice, plus he is right, what if she can seduce us."
Kachan only furrowed his brows, however me, iida, and even todoroki a little went red with the image in our minds. 
"Baby, why do you keep looking at my belly button"
"Do you wanna show me how cool your quirk is"
"Nn Gg plus u-ultra"
Oh no. No. No. No. No. Well....wait. no. 
I took a quick glance back at the girl who had halted her movements. She seemed like she was frozen and had a big, wide smile plastered on her face. It was pretty cute. Like a little kid looking at candy. 
It almost felt like she was looking at me, but I didn't wanna wave, in case she wasn't. 
"Oh my, holy fuck, I knew this would pay off!!!!" She yelled, not even minding that the whole cafeteria now had eyes on her. 
She began running over to ...my table? Again it was slow motion, and again I kept looking at her stomach. I guess I don't see girls in short shirts often. I felt myself un-blush forcibly just for, you know, protection from bullies. 
"Boom boom, shit, I Promised I wouldn't do that. Fuck it. Hi, im l/n y/n and you are boom boom. Wait...."
My eyes can't pick who to look at and they keep going back and forth between the girl and kachan as they ....communicate. 
"No I called you boom boom." She dead panned 
"Well, I am, and I do." Again the girl seemed completely serious. 
"Wait, let's go back. You call people extras? Like in a movie, so then you think your the star."
"Babe, that's so much better! You're conceited too." She gushed 
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING BA-" bakugou almost launched forwards but ochako grabbed his arm to pull him back. 
"You are kinda loud, but I guess that makes sense. Hey! I know, tell me something about yourself"
"Oh, my bad hon, go on." She looked up at him like...oh. He is the candy she was looking at. 
"Fucking hell, im not your babe or your hun, extra. I'm not telling you shit about myself. Fuck you think this is, the sharing circle?"
The girl didn't speak for a minute, her face was quick to go from anticipating, to confused. What was she confused about? 
"I have a new idea" she instantly had a change of aura and her serious face remained, with one eyebrow cocked. 
She lifted her hand and pointed a finger at bakugou, then slowly walked forward. 
"How. About. You. Tell me what you are sharing..." she winked "circle is." 
I noticed that Ochaco , who was now a coward behind the kachan , flushed red. I don't think she was for the same reason as everyone else though. I could tell she was trying to be angry, but seemed to be failing. Bakugou seemed to notice this too.
I wonder why this girl is flirting with him right now, and what was with that nickname. 
"H-hey. Um do you two know each other or something."
"No" they replied simultaneously. 
"Oh, right, my bad. Hi, I already introduced my name, but I should explain. You are the attractive fire quirk boy I saw at the sports festival. When I saw how angry you looked, and the fucking DOPE aura you gave off, I begged to get transfered here. Got in on recomendaciones so I could meet you." She said not seeming to care about how truly creep that all sounds. 
"THE FUCK, YOU STALKER!ILL KILL YOU!" kachan screamed, subtly grabbing onto his girlfriend's hand, I suppose an effort to comfort her without being 'nice' 
"Hm? Oh...yeah. Well, you could say I am like a stalker. However, for a stalker i'm very pretty, so if you could just ignore that..."
"Well, that is what I came to you for..." she, again, had a serious aura change and a cocked eyebrow, this time retracting her finger to put her hands in her pockets. 
"Woah, woah, hey, calm down"
I get that he is trying to be protective, but calling a girl a slut is never okay. I wish I could fight back more, but it's not every hero- like to do so without talking first. 
After that small exchange everybody's attention fell back to the girl. I think her name was y/n. She looked a bit defeated, I could tell she had a crush on kachan, even if it was small. Her face is blank but usually in situations like this girls get all...tears eyed and. Oh no. 
I stood up right next to her. 
"Huh?" She looked over at me confused. 
"Dont cry?"
"Why would I cry?"
"Because he has a girlfriend" Ochaco  seemed to be making her way out from behind kachan, also a bit nervous for if y/n was to get sad. 
"Oh, uhm, I guess i'll just have to be the better person for him or something?" She ...asked herself.
"I've never done this before, but the look in your eyes has a fire behind it, and I wanna see it up close. I'm not gonna give up, we only spoke this once and that's definitely not enough." She made eye contact with him the whole time. Even stated her words like fact. Now, it may have just been me, but he almost smirked. 
"That's all, see you in class later!" In class? She is in 1-b? Did she transfer? 
Ochaco  was now side by side with bakugou looking furious at the new girl. While I eerily peeked up at him and his scary red eyes. They did a quick, up and down movement...I don't think anyone else could have seen it, but I did. Then he went down again and stayed there a bit, he was looking straight past me, so I turned. 
There I saw...the new girls butt! He? He checked out her- oh no. Why do I feel like this is the start of something terrible for me....
Hello new readers, it is me...the autor. Anyone who is ready for this is my favorite bc I don't get many ready. Also sorry for the horny midoriya, if I'm making the characters not innocent, he isnt an exception lmao. 
0 notes