#I feel so attached probably bc i know how big it was for my old grandparents. They spent so long to even get the land and then fix it up
pansy-picnics · 10 months
SHE IS SO NERODIVERGENT OMG. i pretty much described the first few episodes to my friend as “rapunzel is autistic and no one else knows how to handle an autistic person” pffft. she’s just so. gosh. she’s so full of love :( she went through so much for her Entire life up until now but she’s still so full of love and passion and sometimes that’s what end up being her downfall, because no one else is taking the time to understand her and they misinterpret how she acts on her care for them. but she just wants to help people :((
SHES SOOO AUTISTIC AND THATS LIKE. HONESTLY I FEEL LIKE THATS ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF HOW THE SHOW ENDED UP PORTRAYING HER bc it definitely has a lot of flaws but like. she has a lot of traits that neurotypical people would typically consider “childish” or “immature” but the show doesn’t infantilize her for it and as an autistic person thats something that makes me really warm and fuzzy inside…..i think she should be Weirder and i think everyone should love her for it!!!!! AND I THINK THEY DO!!!! i will never let go of the idea that cass and varian despite everything they went through will be in her life forever. they care way too deeply abt each other to just let go because of a misunderstanding on rapunzel’s part!!!!! also cass has a massive gay crush on her so she couldn’t remove her from her life even if she tried /j
nothing about rapunzel is neurotypical and i stand by that tbh. its not even just the missing social cues things its the way she’s so in touch with the world,,, like the way shes always barefoot bc shoes feel weird and restricting? like THAT’S AUTISM? literally i have an autistic friend who’s sensory seeking and she said the exact same thing SHE’S JUST AUTISTIC BRO
sorry i can actually go SO in depth on how exactly i think rapunzel’s autism presents. like she’s the kind of autistic who’s really soothed by deep pressure and thats what she always gives everyone big tight bear hugs bc gothel never let her do that but she’s just trying to share that comfort it always gives her. (varian is like this too so they always squeeze each other SOOO tight when they hug and it looks really uncomfortable from an outside perspective but they’re both THRILLED.) she’s the kind of person who has tons of vocal stims and is always bouncing around in some way. she bites people but like Lovingly. she loves weird smells like rubbing alcohol and people have to take it away from her bc they don’t want her to inhale the fumes for too long. when she was a kid she climbed all over EVERYTHING she climbed on the tower roof a lot too if it weren’t for gothel’s gaslighting she would’ve figured out a way to escape by the time she was like 6 years old. she’s hyper emphatic in the way that she grows super attached to inanimate objects. she enjoys trying the most batshit food combinations just to see what they taste like and she usually ends up enjoying them. she’s banned from the kitchen bc once she put ketchup on a hard boiled egg. she’s the kinda person who only uses swears for Special Occasions.
rapunzel is the sweetest person in thw world i wholeheartedly believe everyone loves her. LIKE SHE BASICALLY REDEEMED *counting on my fingers* LIKE AT LEAST 6 CRIMINALS??? PROBABLY MORE??? and at the same time shes so Weird. like i think shes weird in a very specific way that doesn’t even have anything to do with the autism shes just kind of a freak bc like she grew up in a tower for 18 years ofc she is. like i think shes so infatuated with the world as a whole she loves Everything shed treat the worlds most venomous creature like a little puppy. whenever eugene is screaming about bugs in the castle shes like “awwwww little guy :(“ and goes and picks him up and brings him outside. shes like holding a tarantula the size of her hand like “eugene how could you be scared of this little face :(“ and eugene’s like “Blondie we need to burn this whole castle down”
its basically canon too like remember that one scene in beginnings where she brought that whole fucking wolf out from the woods and he just didn’t even bother her like they were chill. all animals are chill with rapunzel like that.
but also she probably ate bugs once like one day she got really bored in the tower and she saw pascal eating a bug and shes like “Oh huh i bet it must taste good” and so she just tried eating a couple of bugs because she could. and yknow what she probably liked it too but the only reason she doesn’t anymore is bc she feels bad for the bugs.
i also think she was weird in a sense that like…when she was in the tower something about her always just seemed a little Off yk? something about the way she stared or her body language…it was because of the abuse ofc. but like she generally had this very porcelain doll look to her. like she was so slim and frail (malnourished) and she was strangely pale and the few freckles over her nose just seemed Too perfect. everything about her just looked untouchable, unreal, almost uncanny…..something abt it just made you uneasy but you could never put your finger on Why. and i think it’s especially clear when people look at her like ten or so years down the line…she’s much healthier, shes got some more weight on her, she looks much more comfortable in her body. she always has the biggest grin on her face. she’s got a light tan and shes absolutely COVERED in freckles from head to toe. scars and birthmarks and stretch marks on her skin tell this story of the life she’s lived and what she’s seen. she’s covered in tattoos, all designed herself (because you cant convince me she wouldn’t go CRAZY as soon as she finds out about tattoos ok.) shes always bouncing around everywhere, theres happiness literally RADIATING from her and shes so bright it’s blinding….
GOD she makes me so emotional. she is just so full of love and joy……….she draws pascal with freckles so they match……her favorite color is all of them….she’d sacrifice her life for all of her friends any day. she totally gets all huffy when her loved ones try to care for her when shes sick because she doesn’t want them to get sick too. yk the way everyone talks abt princess diana like thats how everyone in the tangled universe talks abt rapunzel i feel. i’m just. FUCK. PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
man i know y'all are probably aware that rgg did yumi pretty dirty but i think it's extra weird that nobody really brings her up in relation to haruka (other than haruka being rightfully traumatized by her mom dying in front of her). like. "aunt yumi" was a big force in haruka's life for a while there, bringing letters and gifts and stuff, but we never really get much from that. in the first game haruka's focused almost entirely on finding "mizuki", so we don't hear much about her. like. how was haruka affected by realizing yumi was her mom the whole time (thus recontextualizing months to years of interactions between them), only to lose her immediately afterwards? to lose her mother (vague concept) and aunt yumi at the same time? did she question how much of yumi's stories and interactions with her were a lie? were the other kids at sunflower jealous of their relationship? the gifts? how did haruka feel about that before and after yumi died? how does she feel about jingu? like, does she ever go through old newspaper articles n shit to find something about him? to know who he was, no matter how terrible? or does she ignore him completely bc he's nothing to her? does yumi's romantic connection to kiryu make it easier for haruka to accept him as her new dad? or has her upbringing not stressed nuclear/typical family dynamics enough (or she's just attached to kiryu by now) that it makes no difference to her? do haruka and kiryu ever talk about yumi? like ever?
my point is that she's a crucial figure in both mr kiryu protagonist and haruka daughter figure's lives so it's super weird to kinda completely dodge the issue for so long. like obviously i think it would've been good if yumi was fleshed out more for her own sake but it's Extra Weird they didn't do it for arguably the central relationship in the series. like it's The thing that connects them at first. anyway. yasuko saejima and yuko nishikiyama also get similar treatments i just feel like this one's extra weird bc of the amount of screentime and focus yumi and kiryu+haruka get and the fact that haruka is not an emotionally repressed macho man. it's like she's already dead most of the time
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pragnificent · 5 months
Tagged by @tina-mairin-goldstein! Tagging whoever else wants to play.
1.How many fics do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total word count on AO3?
934,933. Wow, maybe I can break a million this year....
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just HANNIBAL right now (and for like the last seven years or so). Been vaguely thinking about picking up a second but nothing has caught my interest strongly enough.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Attachment - 7,592
The Fisherman and the Beast from the Sea - 4,565
Sashimi - 2,807
Hungry Ghost - 1,585
Identically Different - 1,382 <- This is my best series and yall should give it a shot <3
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, and I enjoy doing so, but sometimes the brainworms win and I don't get stuff done even when I really want to.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't love this story, but "Hannibal is effectively braindead after the fall, but Will keeps caring for the body and feels that Hannibal is there with him, up until the body dies and Will turns himself in because there isn't any point anymore" probably counts as the most angsty? If you are in the market for a "Hannibal receives a brain injury and he, along with everyone else around him, has to cope with that" story Tina's For Remembrance (Holes in the Floor of the Mind) is a much better pick. And as I continue to think about it, Means of Influence has a pretty angsty ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories have slightly bittersweet but still mostly happy endings. Part of the thing about that is I think it's really hard to envision a situation where Will is like 100% Happy Happy, his own mind hates him too much and every little scrap of happiness needs to be fought for and then vigilantly guarded. But I put both him and Hannibal through so much that I always want them to be as close to content as they each can be.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten two flavors of Fic Hate. 1.) People calling the five year old kid OC in ATTACHMENT slurs like "r*tard" and saying "he belongs in jail" and etc.
Every time Hannibal or Will fuck someone who isn't each other at least one person decides to Yell At Me.
I think I've gotten the old "you didn't tag for bottom Hannibal!!" nonsense once or twice too, but who hasn't?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
A little. I actually started Hannishark bc I was really intimidated by sex scenes and wanted to see if I could pull off a short monsterfucker story. I feel like I've gotten better at writing these but am generally more comfortable leaving them sparce on anatomical details and big on feelings/conversations.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one?
I've got a WRONG TURN crossover series that I'm very proud of here: Bear Mountain Road AU. You don't need to have seen any of the movies to read it, or anything, the movies' premise of "a clan of inbred mountain cannibals waylays travelers" is really just an excuse to put Hannibal (and Will and D, as child members of the cannibal family) In Situations. If I counts as a cross over, I've got a universe swap between the novels and NBC HANNIBAL here: Shiloh
I also have a vague idea for a SAW / HANNIBAL crossover but I've been sitting on that for so long, who knows if it'll ever happen?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not so far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yep, a couple of times.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Hannigram and Reba/D (guys we need a fuckin ship name).
15. What are your writing strengths?
Character, emotions, dialogue.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes, pacing.
17. Thoughts writing dialogue in another language?
Fine by me, tho I only think I've done it one or twice.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
19. Favorite fic you've written?
Identically Different AU !!!! This it the best thing I've ever written and probably the best thing I will ever write.
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
Speaking of trauma and stuff, name all the characters you think have trauma in bomb rush cyberfunk, any crew, any reason. Feel free to use HCs and stories and fanfics to explain!!! Bc RN I am drowning in your content/pos
First and foremost, thank you for the interest in my ideas and stuff!! Even though art and fan fic writing has been on the backburner for me while I try to get the BRC wiki to a point where I can call it “finished” at least for now. So like, doing posts like this is the only way right now that I can share my stuff at the moment. ;u;
Second, OH BOY, this is gonna be a hell of a topic. Uhh, content warnings for mentions of abuse and injuries and trauma in general. I mean, given the topic, it’s definitely going to get dark. The big ones are probably going to be my 4 Devil Theory OCs, but I have some ideas for a few other characters…
Also this is gonna be VERY long just fair warning! No seriously, I think I basically wrote the equivalent of a short fan fic here. That ended up being the reason this took so long to answer. :u
Let’s start off with Felix! Since you brought up an interesting point about why he might be distancing himself from others. For other people’s reference, this is the reblog I’m referring to.
Actually let’s break this up into sections so it’s a bit easier to read, not to mention easier to get to certain characters.
So again, from your post! Felix distances himself even from friends a lot of the time, because it’s a subconscious thing where he doesn’t want to end up too attached to someone. And then hurting badly if he loses them.
Related to Old Amsterdam, maybe Felix somehow survived whatever happened that led to it being destroyed/buried and then having New Amsterdam built on top of it. The current fandom theory is that it was a giant flooding disaster. It’s mentioned in a couple of dialogs with the Oldheads that at least those three (i.e. Boombap, Oldschool, and Classic) still remember the original Amsterdam, and the way they talk, they definitely lived there for at least a short amount of time before the city got wiped out. Presumably they and other people managed to flee whatever disaster before it happened, while other people weren’t so lucky maybe?
Heck, I know there’s one particular dialog, I think from Boombap specifically, where he mentions how Felix was just a kid while Boombap himself was in his prime as a writer. Presumably back during Old Amsterdam, but maybe even during the early start of New Amsterdam?
So maybe Felix as a small child remembers the disaster, either having to stay with his parents and losing them while managing to survive himself. Or otherwise they all fled but something happened along the way where Felix had to leave by himself. There’s also fan theories about the coffin in the Old Amsterdam under Versum Hill, that maybe it was used to save him, but also kinda preserve him? Then again maybe the coffin is unrelated in that regard, and Felix has some other connection to it (maybe a very distant descendant of whoever actually made it).
We don’t know the exact time frame between Old Amsterdam being destroyed and New Amsterdam being built, other than the Oldheads being around for both based on the game dialog. Again, they mention having memories of Old Amsterdam and how it compares to New Amsterdam and all. But still, it could have been a decently long amount of time in the past, since we don’t quite know how old the Oldheads themselves are… I always imagined them in the 60s to 80s range tbh, and then most of the case being in the range of 25 to 35.
Well, okay, the Old Amsterdam stuff and the Oldheads’ ties into the game’s lore is an interesting topic, but I’m getting a bit too off-topic for this post, sorry!!
Anyways, Felix as a very young child was in Amsterdam at the time of the disaster, manages to survive, but loses his parents at minimum. That kind of loss, especially in such a presumably horrifying way, isn’t something that can be easily overcome.
But also! Here’s my additional idea for this: Felix doesn’t want to remember what happened back then. In fact, I like to think he’s repressed that particular part of his life so hard he genuinely can’t remember now. At least not willingly. Good thing DJ Cyber was helping Felix remember only the part about how to stop Faux, otherwise he might’ve seen some REALLY depressing stuff. I like to think the first bits of each dream Felix has at the end of each chapter (besides the 4th one, which just gets right into the actual dream stage) are subconscious symbolisms of those locked away memories.
The first dream has a black and white image of “Old Amsterdam”, with someone wearing his mask in a boat. The second dream has a bunch of people standing before a pyramid of stairs, and if you knock off the person at the top, the rest at the bottom start cheering. The third dream has a long line of people, waiting for something or waiting to go somewhere maybe. The fifth dream has a line of crows you have to chase away, leading up to the group of big crows that reveal Felix.
… granted I only have my own ideas of what those could symbolize, but I feel like there’s definitely something interesting there.
Anyways, as far as Felix knows, he grew up in New Amsterdam as an orphan. There was nothing else before that. Nope. But even if he never remembers the truth of what happened to him as a kid, that trauma is still affecting him as an adult.
Like what you pointed out in your reblog, I like to think Felix eventually realizing that pushing away people who care about him just to “protect” them isn’t a healthy way of handling his feelings. Even if he never remembers the root cause of why he felt the need to do that in the first place, I’d think he learns to handle it better from now on, especially with the events of BRC teaching him friendship and stuff (not quite but like, you get the idea lol).
So now, Cueball! Oh boy, poor Cueball. He has two sources of trauma: the stuff that led to him going full-cyber, and Eight Ball being killed.
With the first, reiterating what I said in my big DOT EXE post: as a teen living in the US (or whatever is the equivalent in the universe of BRC), Cueball got COVID, and the resulting Long COVID left him in damn terrible health. Overall physically weaker, damaged immune system, some nerve damage, sense of taste and smell being messed up (“Can you imagine biting into a chocolate bar, and tasting nothing but a like, raw meat kinda taste? I still remember that. Wouldn’t wish that even on my worst enemies.”).
And his own friends being worried they might “catch” it from him too (even though it’s at the point where it’s just the Long COVID) so then this poor guy is socially isolated while he’s still getting through high school on top of all of this. Doesn’t help that both of his parents are convinced it isn’t that bad and it's just him being lazy or finding "excuses". It isn’t until years later when they finally take him to see some doctors to try and get him some kind of help, and even then, they only take him to see quack doctors that recommend snake oils over anything that could actually help him.
Even with Eight Ball eventually stepping in and helping Cueball moving away from his awful parents, seeing better doctors in New Amsterdam… and then it turns out Cueball’s condition is so severe that there isn’t much that can be done by that point. So then the full-cyber conversion happens, because from Cueball’s point of view, his only other options are to either continue to suffer, or just straight up die.
I mean, you can imagine that would leave some pretty significant trauma on anyone. But Cueball is repressing most of it. Especially since, he’s had other people pity him and feel sorry for what he went through, and he hates that. The only person he ends up telling about any of this in particular is Bō (my Devil Theory OC that I ship with him), and even then only after they’ve been dating for a while.
By this point, he’s mostly mad at his parents for letting it get as bad as it did, especially with how stubborn they were about taking it seriously at all. Not to mention, like I said in the DOT EXE post, Cueball originally had plans to becoming a chef or baker. But he couldn’t exactly do that with his sense of smell and taste getting messed up, nevermind everything else he had to deal with. There’s a bit of resentment there towards his parents, the people who were supposed to, y’know, keep him safe.
Oh also, he is dead to them. Quite literally. I imagine in some countries in the BRC universe, a person going full-cyber or even just getting a cyberhead makes the person be considered legally dead. Y’know, Ship of Thesesus, “How much do you replace of a person before they stop being the same person?” kind of thing. And if not legally, I can imagine some people just have that kind of thought towards cybernetics like that.
His parents even made a grave for him and held a funeral for him. To clarify, by that point he was already living in New Amsterdam with his brother and the other DOT EXE guys, going through the procedures to go full-cyber. He told them what was going to happen to him, and they basically cut contact and acted like he completely died.
But if he had a chance at the time, Cueball would have flown back home, dig open his own “grave”, then push his parents in and bury them alive. Otherwise, he just likes to think that if he’s dead to them, then they’re dead to him too. Hell, they probably are dead by the point of the game, but Cueball refuses to even think about them either way.
The main trauma response (not sure if that’s the right word for this?) from all this is that Cueball gets really worried for his non-cyber friends whenever they get sick. Also getting mad if they try to keep going around as if they’re not sick, “Dude!! Go rest!! You’re either gonna make it worse or get someone else sick!!”
He is also still very distrustful of doctors in general, even if they’re genuine. He goes along with Bō for his doctor visits like a bodyguard. He’s worried for his boyfriend, but it takes him a while to admit he might be overreacting.
So then besides that! Cueball also has the trauma from Eight Ball dying. Maybe he even saw it himself, I don’t think the game specifies if the other DOT EXE members were around when it happened, or if the police/Faux managed to catch Eight Ball alone and take him out then. Personally it feels more that it’s the former, like they were all talking together nearby after losing the crew battle, then Eight Ball got shot and the others ran for it before they were next.
From a different previous post of mine, basically what I’m thinking is that Cueball was not coping with Eight Ball’s death very well. At all. To the point of even making fun of Eight Ball for just dying “so easily”. Which of course pisses off the rest of DOT EXE and gets him kicked out, leading to him joining BRC to continue to try and ignore Eight Ball’s death. Even considers just deleting his memories of Eight Ball completely, even though doing so would leave gaps in his memories that are too noticeable to ignore.
Fortunately! I think he’d eventually get a better handle on his feelings and what happened, and reconcile with the rest of DOT EXE later. He still sticks with BRC though, but at least he lives with the rest of DOT EXE again.
This one is for the spring palette Eclipse member. This is gonna be a bit shorter, but mostly because, I don’t want to get into too much detail on what happened to her, since the character herself probably wouldn’t do so either, at least to most people. So, to the point: She is studying at the local university, and at one point ended up abused by a professor she thought she could trust. That guy very nearly got away with it, if it weren’t for the rest of Eclipse stepping in to make sure he didn’t.
Though even with the scumbag punished, for a very long time afterwards Vela ends up very distrustful of men in general. She does go to therapy to help cope with things at least, especially since she wants to avoid coping in a way that ends up hurting her more. The leader of Eclipse in particular, Cassiopeia, encouraged Vela to make sure to go to therapy, and of course all of them helped support her during this time too.
It definitely does help, with her becoming less distrustful over time. She even gets a boyfriend later on! After a lot of patience from him, which Vela really appreciates and loves him for. Unfortunately, the rest of Eclipse finding out about this is the reason (in my little headcanon/AU story thing at least) for them kicking her out of their crew. So then similar to Cueball, leading to her joining up with BRC.
To clarify, they didn’t kick her out because she’s dating a man, they kicked her out because she hid something fairly important from the rest of them. With what she went through, combined with the crew overall having a, well, dislike towards men in general, she was worried about what they would think of her if she told them. So kinda poor communication on both sides?
I like to think they do eventually sort things out, but also like with Cueball, Vela probably sticks with BRC for writer stuff. However, she’s still very happy to have her friends back by thatpoint!
(Also I ended up deciding that Vela’s boyfriend is someone I’ve talked about before already. Remember the guy who I said his friends joke about his “theoretical” girlfriend, because he insists he’s dating someone but they’ve still never met her? But yeah that’s probably for another post. :P )
For Rise, I think some people might debate if it really “counts” as trauma, but I think it still does. A lot of this is copy-pasted from a document that I don’t think I’ve shared publicly yet, or at least not outside of this one BRC server I’m on.
In essence, Rise was emotionally neglected by her parents. Rise's parents are the high/upper class kind of people. Rich! Snooty! Looking down on the poor! etc. They saw their daughter as more of a reflection of their own reputation and stuff instead of her own person. So plenty of criticizing her for her appearance, what she ate, who she hung out with, what she studied in school, etc.
I have a headcanon where Rise has a huuuuge interest in marine biology and ocean stuff. It’s partly why she ends up hanging out on Pyramid Island, at least in my mind! She knows a lot, possibly even more than most people who go to school for the same topic!
But then whenever she'd ramble to her parents about it, she was basically met with a lot of dismissive "Yes yes, that's nice dear" and stuff like that. And after a certain point they were like, "When are you going to be interested in something more practical? Like medical science or business?" and that basically made her never want to talk about anything to her parents ever again, let alone her hobbies and interests.
At one point they wanted Rise to get into ice skating, but only because they wanted to have the prestige of having an "Olympic gold-medalist~" as a daughter. But also making sure she didn't get into any sports that were too "masculine" in their eyes, oh no, what a scandal that would have been for these poor rich assholes!! She got into skating alright... inline skating, specifically just to spite them. From that, Rise made more genuine friends, then became a writer through that as well. Her first time getting caught by police, her parents were horrified and actually paid to get her out and scrub her records (like with what was happening with Faux).
But then Rise keep doing writer stuff, again out of spite towards her parents, and kept getting caught, etc. Eventually they just forced her to move out of London (or maybe, Neo London? Who knows how bad the floods were in the rest of the world) where they were living, and she ends up in New Amsterdam from there. They would have disowned her on top of that, but then that would be even more of a scandal in their socialite circles, oh no!! So they just quietly sent her off and even try to pretend she's just overseas studying at some prestigious university or something.
The only "contact" Rise has with her parents these days is them actually sending her money every now and then. In their mind, if she isn't something like a doctor or CEO, it means she's probably living off of dirt without their help. She always donates the money they send her to a local charity, she sure as hell wouldn't want to keep it even if she did need it.
Rise doesn’t mind if people assume she’s just some rich kid that got into writer stuff for the sake of clout/because it was trendy. She doesn’t care for other people’s opinions too much, and besides she thinks her beef with her parents is between just her and them, and nobody else's business unless she chooses to share it.
Though, even after that, Rise tends to have trouble opening up to people, at least outside of being a writer and all. Especially when it comes to talking about her oceanic interests. So like, for my headcanons she ends up becoming besties with Rave and Shine in particular once they’re all with BRC! But even then, she’s afraid to bring up her interests, and for the longest time they mostly like to talk about writer stuff or gossip and the like. She gets there eventually, it just takes her a while.
Now for my Devil Theory OCs! I’ve already written a lot in this post, and these four might be a bit shorter than the rest all together. Also like with Rise, this is mostly copy-pasted and cleaned up/added to from a document I haven’t shared outside of a Discord server.
He is the spring palette Devil Theory guy, and the one in my headcanons/stories who ends up joining BRC. His parents started off verbally abusive with him as a small kid, until it escalated into physical abuse by the time he was in middle school. His dad was the source of the worst of it, but his mom definitely wasn’t a saint either in all of this, being abusive as well. It’s effectively a sense of “If my son wasn’t around, he’d just go after me” cowardice, just “agreeing” with her husband for her own safety. Sai at least had Daishō (and eventually Bō and Nunchaku) to help him through it, in particular Daishō letting him stay over at Daishō's house for days at a time just to avoid his parents.
Unfortunately, the abuse still continued whenever Sai came home. Despite what was happened, back then he still had hopes that his parents might change eventually. They hammered into him the mentality of “family is everything no matter what”, and was hoping that would actually win out in the end. But then because of that, he never really fought back, thinking it would just make things worse, even once he grew older and was physically capable of fighting back.
It also didn’t help that for most of his life living in New Amsterdam, Sai felt pretty isolated. Him and his parents moved from Puerto Rico (fun fact, with a lot of maps that show what the Earth would look like if all the ice caps melted, Puerto Rico is still around since most of it is actually pretty mountainous! So not as badly affected by any potential world flooding disasters, at least compared to Old Amsterdam and other places). He gets picked on a lot as a kid for being Latino and just generally an outsider. Even a lot of teachers and adults end up not trusting him due to his “attitude”.
Daishō is pretty much his only friend for a very long time, and before joining BRC he only ever considered him, Bō, and Nunchaku as his friends. Basically, he doesn’t feel like he has a lot of other people to turn to for help. And at any rate, he wouldn’t want to risk his own friends getting hurt because of his parents. Especially since, his dad in particular is a cop, and has been using those connections to cover up what’s been going on.
This eventually accumulated into his breaking point sometime in high school. His father managed to give him a nasty cut on his lower leg, and his mother just sloppily stitched it up, seeing no need to go to the hospital (because otherwise the people at the hospital would probably find out about what was going on). Sai eventually snapped sometime after that, and beat the fuck out of his dad.
He would have done the same to his mom (who, again, was also very much physically abusive, even if not to the same extent as his dad), if she hadn't managed to barricade herself in a bathroom. Afterwards, both his parents decided to skip town out of “embarrassment” instead of trying to involve the police against Sai (i.e. realizing that what they were doing to Sai would have to be investigated as well, in a way that couldn’t be covered up with cop connections anymore). He hasn’t seen them since and plans to keep it that way.
Is it any wonder the poor guy ends up with anger issues? He at least gets a better hold of them later in life at least, especially once he joins BRC.
Bō, the blond one (winter palette for Devil Theory), mostly dealt with his mother being horribly controlling and abusive to him (largely emotionally, but also sometimes physically). Meanwhile his father was a doormat who effectively enabled her, even helping her cover up what was going on.
At one point she attempted to homeschool him to protect him from being "corrupted”. She and the father followed, from what Bō could remember, a “very strange niche of Christianity”, with confusing ideology, seemingly just her picking and choosing what she wanted to believe from the Bible (which, unfortunately applies to a lot of Christians out there, but I digress…). They never actually went to church, but she would insist they were are True Christians. Her attempts at homeschooling him were equally confusing, at least for him.
But then that resulted in Bō needing to be held back a bit once the proper authorities found out she wasn't doing a good job, and thus forced her to let him attend regular school. They tried to catch him up as best as possible, but eventually just let the schools "handle" him from there. Between that and continued abuse at home, he was all around miserable during this time. Also really not helping that he ended up with poor social skills due to how his mother was isolating him so much.
Fun fact, he met Sai and Daishō sometime towards the end of primary school for all of them (roughly middle school, from what I can tell from research?). They had planned to bully him into helping them with homework, thinking an older kid would know more about what they were studying. But then they found out about him needing to catch up on a lot of things, and actually helped him out instead! Also for a frame of reference on ages, Bō is 31 in the present, while Sai and Daishō are both about 28, and Nunchaku is about 27.
Anyways, back to the note about his mother isolating him. She would also manipulate Bō’s relationships, either scaring off other kids he tried to make friends with, making him paranoid that they secretly hated him, or otherwise making it so that he could rarely (if ever) see them too often.
Daishō and Sai were the only ones she couldn’t successfully scare off nor turn Bō against. They also helped him stand up to her and defend himself. This eventually led to Bō being disowned and kicked out of his home for being so “disobedient”, but he considers this the best possible outcome. As far as he knows, his mother and father both moved out in the country to get away from the “corrupting” influence of the city, so at least he doesn’t have to worry about ever meeting them again.
Unfortunately, he was still left with a lot of issues. One is with food. She would often say she was going to cook one thing and then make something completely different, intentionally adding ingredients or buy snack foods that he didn’t like, or add certain spices that would alter the taste in ways he didn’t expect. She did this mostly as a way to make sure he wouldn’t be a picky eater, forcing him to eat or go hungry. Even if it meant eating something that he found repulsive.
As an adult, this resulted in Bō being very, very picky about his food. He wants it a certain way, and if it isn’t the way he wants or is expecting, he refuses to eat it. Especially if it’s something he hasn’t tried before, he needs to be told what it’s like, be able to at least sample it first, and if it’s homemade food he has to trust the person who’s cooking it anyways. For ordering at restaurants, if they get his order wrong, he’d rather just throw it out and go hungry than ask for them to correct it. His friends (and eventually Cueball) have to be the ones to step in and get it fixed, even when Bō insists they don’t have to, “I’m fine, really, I’m not that hungry anyways I swear!”
Another thing is that he’s afraid of the dark. This one was a result of his mom often locking him in their basement as a punishment whenever he acted up (i.e. just acting like a kid would). He’s embarrassed that he has to sleep with a night light, or really any sort of light, but his friends and Cueball are very accommodating of that.
Appearance-wise she’s the one based off of Devil Theory’s summer palette. She was born and raised in the United States, specifically in California. Her parents placed a lot of pressure on her to be successful no matter the topic (school, sports, exercising, even just hobbies), but she could never meet their standards, nor did she really want to in the first place. This led to a lot of mental and emotional abuse related to that, most of it in the form of guilt-tripping her about not being able to do “better”.
Skateboarding was one hobby she kept secret from them, in particular because she knew they would try and force her to become the next Tony Hawk or something, when she wanted to keep it as a fun hobby for stress relief. Especially given everything else they were putting her through. Another hobby was fixing machines, including cars, which she mostly did in secret away from her parents lest they try and force her to study mechanical engineering or something.
After a certain point this escalated into physical abuse in the form of pushing Nunchaku past her limits for any physical training/exercising she did for sports in particular, as well as attempts to control her health and diet. In regards to school sports, they basically forced her to join just about every sport team the school had to offer, even if she hated the sport in question. There were times she thought she would die from a heart attack or just exhaustion in general. Other times she was either actually sick or just pretending to be sick in order to get out of practice and sneak off to finally relax.
She also wasn’t having a fun time at school anyways. She was pretty open about being a butch lesbian since maybe around middle school. Her parents at first tried to discourage it, but then eventually tried to use it to their advantage. In short, her dad was a local politician, a conservative one at that, and used his daughter as a sort of “See, I’m not a bigot, my daughter is a lesbian!” thing. Outside of that they didn’t really do much to be supportive, other than not mistreating her specifically because she’s a lesbian (which is, y’know, bare minimum).
Also, they didn’t bother helping her with the bullying she was dealing with at school over her identity and her being a part of every team (most of the other kids thought she was stuck up for doing that, not knowing/accepting that her parents were the ones to force her to do that). Most of Nunchaku’s real friends were either kids from outside of her school or online.
The latter is how she ended up friends with Sai, Daishō, and Bō! It was mostly a shared love of anime between the four of them, I think I mentioned that in the big DT post a while back? But yeah, eventually they became closer friends once they realized they were all deal with shitty parents, so then deciding to stick together and help support one another.
Truthfully, her eventual move to New Amsterdam was less “just moving”, and more her friends helping her successfully run away from home once she turned 18. As far as she knows, her parents have long since written her off as a “failure” and have stopped looking for her. She’s glad that they aren’t trying to drag her back, but deep down she’s also still hurt that they just gave up on her like that, after all the pressure they put on her.
Despite the whole “be good at ALL of the sports” obsession her parents had, Nunchaku still enjoys some sports and plays games with others. She’s just, y’know, not doing it to be the best, she just wants to have fun! Though there are times where she get competitive, like with writer stuff, but at least it’s on her own terms.
Daishō, the leader of Devil Theory (also for appearance he’s the autumn palette), has been through some awful stuff himself. Though, a big part of his problems is that he’s convinced what he went through wasn’t nearly as bad as what his friends went through. Even though, trauma is not a competition. Still, I’ll get into that a bit more later.
Anyways, starting off with the root of his problems, his rich parents had a messy divorce around the time he was in early primary school (i.e. roughly early elementary school). The parents' animosity against one another was so bad to the point where they lived in separate houses, with Daishō actually living in a house of his own. His parents wanted to see each other as little as possible, so Daishō's "own" house would be where he was dropped off when he wasn’t meant to be with one of his parents. But because of how much both of them worked (and sometimes them going on vacations by themselves), he spent most of his time at that third house anyways.
He was basically cared for/raised by a nanny and a few housecleaners at this point, and those people were certainly a lot more like parents to him than his actual parents. He still sends his old nanny gift cards and stuff for the holidays, sometimes having lunch to catch up, etc. So just to emphasize, he has no love for either of his parents in the present day.
Anyways, both of his parents tried to manipulate him, in order to get him on their “side” against the other parent. Said manipulation changed often, but ranged from bribery, threats, and outright abuse. Never physical abuse, since they were at least careful not to leave “evidence” (with them thinking poor mental health resulting from shitty parents doesn’t count as evidence of anything bad).
Daishō himself was kind of desperate to either get his parents back together and maybe somehow fix the whole mess the three of them were in, or otherwise just get them to calm the hell down and leave him out of it. Him wanting to fix things was moreso when he was a kid, and then the latter was more as a teen when he started getting sick of their bullshit. Though sometimes his feelings would yo-yo between the two.
Eventually, all of this drama and manipulation led to an instance of attempted murder by his mother on him and his father. During which his father also left him for dead. Daishō got his foot almost hacked off by his own mom, but at least managed to get away despite what happened. The only other major downside to this is that she somehow got away with it in court. That whole thing basically killed what little hope he had left for either parent.
So from there, he just decided to beat them at their own game. Manipulating them, especially getting a ton of cash out of each of them in exchange for his "loyalty", telling lies about one parent to the other as “dirt” they could use later, stuff like that. After a certain point, he had effectively scammed enough money out of both of them that he felt safe enough to cut them both out of his life. The scamming was also enough to leave them both poor as hell, especially since they continued to use their respective money to try and get back at each other during all of this.
As far as he knows, his mom went back to her home country "in shame", while his dad just outright vanished. Good riddance either way, in his opinion.
So now going back to how he thinks what he went through wasn’t as “bad” as what the others went through. Other than the murder, he thinks it wasn't as bad because they weren't "directly" abusive towards him, at least not all of the time like what the other three went through.
Because of that he feels like he has to be the one to make sure everyone else is alright and happy. He has to be the one in charge, he has to be the one to fix things, he has to be the one to organize things, because his friends deserve to have that kind of happiness before he does.
Of course, with what happened in the game, he and his friends almost getting killed by Faux has put a lot of guilt on Daishō. Especially since he was mainly the one pushing for their deal with Faux, being convinced that Faux would have their backs and they could enjoy being All City and keep having fun together. With how badly things turned out, the guilt is still eating him up to this day...
One Last Section for Devil Theory
Just going over how each of them lost at least part of their legs, which led to all of them ending up with the cybernetic legs they have in the game:
With Sai, the cut on his lower leg got badly infected, made worse from him trying to hide it from both his friends and just people in general, not to mention being worried that going to the hospital might lead to him getting arrested if they found out what he did to his dad. Eventually it got bad enough that there was no saving it and he had to get that part of his leg amputated.
Bō lost part of his legs not from anything his mother did, but while he was an adult, long after being disowned by her. It was due to an accident (i.e. a failed secret test with a walking tank, where other people got injured as well), which got covered up by the police. Bō actually isn’t even sure what exactly happened that day, no one else who got injured know either, especially not that it was because of the police in the first place.
For Nunchaku, she lost most of her lower legs due to a factory accident as an adult. With her being new to New Amsterdam once she moved, she was in desperate need of a job, and ending up working for a shady factory that had a ton of questionable dealings and safety regulations. Her getting hurt lead to many other employees quitting, because it was the last straw and a bunch of other employees also got badly injured in the same accident. It was in fact the most severe accident at that factory up to that point, which led to it being finally shut down. She now works as a mechanic at a shop run by another former factory employee who was her mentor.
Lastly, for Daishō, when his mother tried to kill him, his foot ended up so mangled that he was better off just amputating it. It didn’t help that he also had to crawl and even walk with it for a while before he managed to get it looked at. Mostly because he went into hiding for a bit because, y’know, attempted murder.
With all of them getting injuries that resulted in cutting off a foot or lower leg (I'm imagining a bit after Bō's accident, that was the last one chronologically), Daishō ends up declaring, "Clearly we're all fucking cursed, let's just get this over with already." And paid for all of them to just get what's left of their lower legs replaced with fancy cybernetics, as seen in the game. This eventually leads them to becoming writers ("With these legs we could probably manage it pretty good, right?"), and then forming Devil Theory.
Not to mention the abuse all four of them faced, from their parents, and even other people like employers as adults, led to them adopting an "If the world wants to treat you like trash, then you should be allowed to trash it right back" kind of attitude. Hence how they act as Devil Theory.
Suffice to say, a lot of the problems they caused as Devil Theory would have been avoided if they all got some dang therapy!! Bō at least went for a bit as an older teen after being disowned, but stopped after a while, convincing himself he’s “fine” now. The rest refuse outright though also insist they're fine. They're not fine. They’ll get better eventually, but it will require someone convincing them that they’re not really fine, and them accepting that in turn.
So… I think that’s it. I know this is, a lot. So much. Maybe too much, lol. But if you read this all the way through, then thank you!!
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oh-katsuki · 8 months
original pinned!
hello :)) okay so i mentioned this a little bit ago, but i will be moving blogs in the coming days and will be shifting entirely onto the blog @woahjo. i've decided to go by the same pseud i currently use, (because i feel like i'm lying if i don't and i hate that LMFAO) though i considered going by a new one, and my ao3 will be staying the same. i also won't be reposting anything to the new blog just yet (maybe a few of my favorites eventually), but i'll be leaving this blog up! the new blog (ofc) is a writing blog and will function essentially the same way this one does. please come join me over there if you like. i'd feel very honored <3
i'm not sure how many people really care all that much about what i have to say about this, but i'll say a little bit anyway bc i feel a lot of responsibility and big feelings towards this blog.
tldr; i'm switching blogs. it's silly to get emotional but i love it here, i love you, please come say hello over on the new one if you'd like.
i've been feeling this way for a while, and while the recent discourse had an effect, it's mostly a result of my own feelings. i just think it may be time to get a bit of a fresh start. i've had this space for nearly three years now and the community that's been built on this blog is beyond what i ever could have imagined when i first started writing. i know i'm getting a little sappy, but frankly, im shocked people wanted to be here and follow my writing at all. (i never know what to say when people tell me they do) it really humbles me and i hope to continue writing for many many years to come.
i recently took a long look at the way i view fandom culture and space, as well as how it affects me, and i sort of came out on the other side realizing that it might be time for a change of scene. i love this space. i love this community. it's something that i am deeply proud of to a point that i feel very emotional over leaving (clearly lol). in fact, i'm incredibly nervous about posting this. there's a lot of anxiety in posting your art for people to see and it makes me feel vulnerable to type a post like this telling y'all just how much i appreciate you and the part you've all played in this lovely little spot. i'm very emotionally attached to this place.
but!!! i'm excited for the type of creative refresh effect a new blog might have, as well as the ability to get to chat with you guys a little more and make friends. things get lost on here (both because tumblr sucks and because my blog is so messy that it makes me physically nervous to think about) and im hoping to be able to keep my new blog clean and tidy so that everything is easier to find. i've been feeling writer's block for a while now and i feel like having "more space to roam" (for lack of a better phrase) might have a really nice effect.
anyway, all this to say that i love it here. for those of you that choose to follow me to my new blog, please come say hello. and of course the group of old mutuals who are no longer active, i love y'all. if you ever come back to tumblr when ur old and gray, come say hi since i'll probably be writing x reader anime fic still. lol
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
Have the origin of my fic Things that Won't Last! (I'm still archiving old AU's)
So, Douxie and Krel get off on the wrong foot. Douxie cuts in line, and he isn't able to make it up by freeing Krel from the ice bc in this AU it was Zoe who helped to make the time trap. Afterwards, Krel is a little rude to Douxie for the cutting in line incident, and Douxie is rude right back because his grief over Merlin is impacting his ability to be polite to people who aren't polite back. Their friends try to get the two of them to maybe be a little nicer to e/o but eventually give up. Besides, it's not like Douxie and Krel's snark is actually hurting anyone, it's just annoying to deal w/the two of them.
It goes on like this for years until the Arcane Order kidnaps Douxie and Krel. (They also knock out Claire in the process, and by the time she wakes up Douxie and Krel have been so thoroughly hidden away that she can't find them).
In the mean time, Bellroc and Skrael forcibly merge Krel w/Gaylen's core. They also try to steal Douxie's magic from him, but all they can manage is to mess w/his connection to it. It still hurts, of course, and makes Douxie feel empty, but it doesn't completely break him. What does break Douxie is when Krel comes to kill him. His steps are jaunty, and his eyes, the tips of his hair, wings glow a sickly gold, the same gold of Morgana and the Green Knight. Douxie doesn't have the magical strength to fight back, so he pleads with Krel for a few short moments before shaking his head.
"There's nothing I can do to reason with you, is there? I know you hate me, but please just make it fast for the sake of our friends."
Douxie closes his eyes and waits for a blow that doesn't come. He opens his eyes, and watches as a neon red and electric purple light burns off the gold.
"Speak for yourself. I… I never hated you," Krel says before he takes Douxie's hand. And they run, and then Krel flies the two of them away from the base until they awkwardly crash-land in an empty field. Douxie is too tired to say the instinctual biting words at Krel. They find out they're slightly closer to Arcadia Oaks than NYC, so they decide to start a roadtrip together.
(They for some reason can't pick up burner phones, and of course between Gaylen's core and Douxie's new Magical Trauma™️ Claire can't portal to them.)
They decide not to kill themselves by renting a car and driving w/o stops aside from switching off drivers, so instead they have to stay at a lot of motels that, coincidentally, only have rooms with one bed! Technically, said beds are big enough that Douxie and Krel can go to opposite sides of the bed, but more than once Douxie wakes up to find Krel clinging to him. Maybe an excuse could be made for how Krel has wings he didn't have before and sure, one of them is stretched out behind him, but the other is protectively laid over the two of them.
Douxie doesn't say anything because even though Krel gets on Douxie's nerves during every waking moment (or at least he did before their capture) he's always found Krel attractive… and Douxie knows he ruined anything they could've had
Both of them silently agree to be nicer to each other, and yet they also both are unnerved by how nice their companion is being. And yet, when their conversations don't devolve into biting snark too, they find they like each other as friendly acquaintances. (They both consider themselves too far gone for more.)
After multiple close calls in fights (and multiple times of listening to Douxie cry himself to sleep, not reaching out bc Krel knows that Douxie dislikes him for no reason and yet once he's asleep Krel reaches out to comfort and hold Douxie) Krel ends up tinkering w/some Akiridion technology he had on him when captured and attaches it to Douxie's staff, and this amplifies what magic Douxie can summon. Douxie thanks Krel, and it's probably the first time he's ever given such a genuine unguarded smile to Krel.
"I never thought Akiridion technology and magic could have ever been so compatible." I never allowed myself to wonder if we could've been so compatible.
And then, sometime after this, the softness couldn't last. Krel is lamenting the changes brought about after having been merged w/Gayen's core, and Douxie tries to make a soft comment about how not everything's changed, but. Douxie is tired. It's far too easy to make an assholish comment about how thankfully Krel's still slightly shorter than Douxie. He's found that he really likes Krel, though, and internally he's screaming because he doesn't want to go back to how they were.
On instinct, Krel snarks back that Douxie should wipe the smirk off his face, or Krel would remove it for him. He doesn't want to go back to their rivalry either. Douxie asks just how Krel would remove said smirk.
And finally, the tension that's built between them for years finally breaks when Krel kisses Douxie, and Douxie kisses Krel back before Krel can apologize for overstepping. This time, when they fall asleep Krel is already holding onto Douxie.
(When they get back to Arcadia Oaks and their friends, said friends are thankful that the two of them are alive but also very confused by the way they're holding hands)
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chimivx · 28 days
//spoilers for chapter 7 (please prep yourself for this)
NOT THE "good luck"
WOOYOUNG !!! MY MAN WOOYOUNG STEPPING UP !! I had the fattest feeling in the world that there was no way he'd hurt her for some superficial reason, like getting his dick wet ✋ Bro atp what's even the point of being in a greek life house if all they do is treat both of you like dogshit- and it's THE WAY woo thinks she's more important than a group of lowlives 😔😭 SET MY BOY AND GIRLY FREE !!!!! He just wants her to be happy :(( He just wants to be happy with her 🥹🥹🥹
On the other hand, despite him being my pookie, the Yunho disappointment is so real. Seonghwa disappointment is so real. This Joong disappointment is becoming real. It's like no one has any independent thought and its SO FRUSTRATING (props to you for writing their characters) !! As much as I was rooting for Yunho after his love confession, I cannot say with good heart that this man deserves our girly and good on her for exposing everything because— that is a LOT to keep bottled up for so long. Everyone needs to go back to therapy fr.
Mannnnnnn it just feels like the atz boys (old and new) are in cahoots just trying to find ways to make girly's life miserable one way or another. For WHAT REASON !!!
Me, gripping my hair and rocking back and forth like a maniac
I think I'm just the most mad at Yunho tbh (rant incoming). Even as a reader you can feel how sweetly he used to treat our girly and how much he probably loved her this entire time. Likewise the way our girly was so genuinely in love with Yunho that even Wooyoung couldn't deny it. Idk what's going on in yunho's head for him to feel the need to have attached himself to Mina on top of that. 100% the whole date event thing and girly's relationship with woo played a big part in how things turned out but it's just so fucking childish of him !! THAT'S WHAT THIS IS YUNHO IS JUST ACTING LIKE a child. He can't stand the idea of his favorite toy being in someone else's hands, but he also can't stand the idea of only having one toy to play with. And my girly is NOT A TOY!!!!!! To be real, as much as they connected, I don't think Yunho has the genuine capability to perceive Rory as anything but a possession for him to have and tuck away as he sees fit. What has even been the point of comforting her after the (what we know now as faked) woo and yeji affair??? IM JUST SO MAD FOR SO MANY REASONS BC I WAS ROOTING FOR HIM DESPITE HIM BEING SO WISHY WASHY !!! I was truly holding onto an ounce of hope that he'd clean up his act....!And of COURSE this mf stays silent the entire time everything went down. He cares too much about protecting what's left of his image (his fucking ego) than comforting or protecting the girl he supposedly is in love with.
Meanwhile we have MY MAN WOOYOUNG !! over here willingly throwing everything away for even a chance at fixing things with the girl HE never stopped loving. WE CHEERED !!!!!! 🥂🥳🎉
I hope everyone in these two houses rot fr (many complex emotions that i can't put into words).
I think what also rubs me wrong is what ever the fuck Seonghwa is doing but I don't have enough words to express the way I feel about it??? Like- can there not be ONE man in that house who doesn't fuck her and then fuck her over 😭😭😭😭😭
(Lighter note)
Also PLEASE the way San is obviously so whipped and down bad for Rory despite him being such a slut (i love you fictional san, never change) All it took was a single kiss and that man was rethinking all of his decisions and plans for the entire night. They're so cute when they interact with each other 😭🥹 But I understand that San is prob not a romanceable character route so we will take the light-hearted crumbs we can get ✋😔 I don't think we can handle an additional romanceable route anyways 😭😭😭😭😭😭
When seonghwa had to witness rory's interaction with wooyoung at the cafe, i was sitting here kicking my feet in the air like i'm the happiest girl in the world. We know youre an undercover asshole now hwa... I need more backstory interactions between wooyoung and rory bc 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 every single one we've gotten (e.g. library scene, beer pong) gave me a little spark of joy amongst all the angst we've been subject to 😔 But I'm also a hella sucker for angst so TRULY i win either way 🤪
Idk woo was so clearly and genuinely in love with rory without condition that it sucks for everything to have ended up the way it did.... I'm sure he regrets ever entertaining the idea of letting her go- and now's his time to try to redeem himself with (hopefully) pure intentions.
That is all from me for rn I !!!! Feel bad for the text wall LMFAO but pls know I'm looking forward to whatever happens next 🫶 Happy writing !!!
" I had the fattest feeling in the world that there was no way he'd hurt her for some superficial reason, like getting his dick wet ✋ "
" Mannnnnnn it just feels like the atz boys (old and new) are in cahoots just trying to find ways to make girly's life miserable one way or another. For WHAT REASON !!! "
If we're talking the piwon boys... they just want the reason above that Wooyoung didn't... LMFAO. They're simply sleazy frat boys.
YOUR MONOLOGUE ABOUT YUNHO. My darling dear. The boy does not know what he wants and its insufferable. I genuinely think hes got the friend/feelings thing going on. He can't figure out the feeling after sleeping with Aurora, so it manifests into this thing, like oh, I love you, I like you, I have feelings for you, when really it's simply just him loving her as a friend, but he still wants to fuck LMFAO. Which is unfortunate and he needs to sort that out.
I think I may plan to write little snippets of San and his adventures in ATZ, LOL. I'm obsessed with him and Rory, but they're absolutely 100% platonic... but they'd deff get it on. He's probably my fav ATZ boy at the moment, aside from our hero Wooyoung.
Thank you for always leaving your thoughts, your comments, I appreciate it SO much, it keeps me going!!! I'm sitting here laughing at this in real time, and sharing allllll the feels with you!
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vega-482 · 2 years
My Stanley and Narrator refs (plus more info)
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Probably born in america but has latine parents (don't ask me which country(ies), i couldn't decide)
He's latino mestizo/mixed race, but doesn't know much else besides that
He can physically speak but he stutters a lot, he's slightly more fluent in spanish than english but still stutters, which caused him to get bullied as a kid, which then gave him severe anxiety, therefore making him develop selective mutism. It became so severe that he had to learn ASL to communicate a bit better, but still has some problems when speaking to strangers 
Not sure if he has ADHD, is autistic, or both, but when he gets sensory overload gets very stressed, he freezes completely and cannot even sign to communicate u_u
Knows english, spanish and ASL
When he gets to know someone better, he speaks more to them and sometimes even without stuttering
Stims by pressing buttons and other similar stuff, he likes the clicking noises :y
Only expressive when he has strong emotions, otherwise his face is very deadpan
Knows he is sexually and aesthetically attracted to men and other genders, but has only had romantic feelings for men
Used to have piercings on his face but had to take em off bc of the dress code, still has some hidden ones tho
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The Narrator
Because he's an immortal entity he doesn't care about gender, but in human terms he'd be a man, that's what feels right to him
He didn't know that he was trans (well he didn't ever consider that he was trans or cis) in his human form until he somehow accidentally transformed into human and found out
Doesn't need glasses to see, he just likes the aesthetic :y
Human form is weak (as much as an old man is lol) and can only make? some apendages that look like the adventure line(tm), kinda like weird tentacles, and phase through walls, but that transforms him back into his light form
Light form can be 2d, projected kinda like a shadow, or 3d, it can float and change size, he can be tinyy or big, but only in light form
Light form can grab objects and is usually solid unless he wants to phase thru walls, he cannot phase through organic stuff/bodies
He cannot alter his shape either, just size
His hands feet and head aren't attached to the rest of the body in light form
His glasses do the -anime glowy glasses- thing 🤔
Unsure about sexuality but is gay 4 stanley ahah
Can only shift to human <-> light  by phasing objects
When changing to light form and back, that resets his human body (can cure injuries, hunger, etc)
He's neurodivergent as a human, idk how it works as a god-like entity tho 
Can only read Stanley's thoughts in his light form, in human form he can't 
idk I’ll add more stuff when I remember
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heleizition · 8 months
oho? more ocs? more ocs? pls more ocs for these starving children! (i am the starving children. tell me everything, im making grabby hands at the vague concept of 'other old ocs') the whole mystery of identity is just excellent. i love 'SOMEone is this and that but WHO might it BE- drama and despair'. and thank YOU for making angel!! soft hair!! sweetness!!! delight!!! (gods being dicks? some might call it 'pulling a zeus') was there a time where god was more involved in the world beyond the war between angels and demons? do they pick favorites in people before the 'feels cody love and gets tricked into Emotional Attachment'-thing? (no worries about late replies, it be like that)
yesss some of the ocs are eve, chronos and nathaniel ! this is my most recent art of them :3
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eve is my . very first oc. i made her when i was 10/11, in my first year of middle school ! chronos n nath are twins bc they were almost the same character but in different stories at first, and then they had their own stories,,,, they're demons ! they don't have a specific storyline in the demon/angel story yet, but they def used to be good buddies of abel, know cain, know nell titania and jasper.... jospehine (also pictured in here) is on the demon side too, as high ranking as abel,,,, she's probably. eve & the twin's unit chief, or old boss. they knew each other in their past life :3 and she feels like she failed to protect them then...... oh jo my baby ...
i also have gabriel and stephan !
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most recent art of them... they're angels :3. not sure about them yet. used to be something in their past life . both were too broken by life to allow themselves to love . but now its okay, they can :).
this group of oc all have a shared past life !!!! its . not the first story i made for them, but it's the ultimate one i wanna say... made it when i was 15........; i love these ocs very very much.
the "guessing who is the Important One" is a concept i got from obsessing over d.gray man who has a situation like that. i love it so much. its so good. im super bad at guessing too so im always surprised in this kind of situation sEJSEFJOFE
I LOVE ANGEL SOOO MUCH i spent the week end listening to music and thinking abt Them and earth life . they're the sweetest silliest they're the glue that holds everyone together and don't realise it. they're so good.
god used to be more involved. you can see god as......... a young one, for their kind ? <=== implying that there may be more gods... like humans are anything but ants in the sand.....
earth and humans were their first creations and then they made angels and demons . at first it was bc they got bored of humans. too many of them, too many things to follow, angel and demons were Less in numbers, and more fun bc they had more abilities... at first they were very involved, acting as the higher being that was to be worshipped and fought for, but they got bored... which is how we ended up where we are. they thought if they kickstarted something big like that, with cody, things would be more intense and fun.
they don't really pick favorite either, but since they gave cody part of them, they could feel some of it, which in a why helped them realise that the little ants they created have feelings and that feelings are more powerful, precious and intense than god ever thought <3
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gladiatorcunt · 4 days
Didn’t know you were a kpop fan babe 😧 Kinda not surprised, but still… Your faves?
“kinda not surprised” erm
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(i got into it like around 2015 and i typically go for 3rd gen to earlier when it comes to music, also i don’t interact with any fandoms on social media anymore since i’ve gotten older (and i don’t rlly keep up with the idols themselves) beyond what edits i see or what gets so popular i have to see it on my fyp)
red velvet (my girlies)
loona (haseul could’ve been the baekhyun of loona if they used her properly beyond 1 line)
exo (masterclass in discography and actually being a capital i idol but also mess and mismanagement, arguably a big part of some of their issues is the tension between sk and china, etc.)
vixx (still a fair bit underrated imo when you consider how long they’ve been active, their vocal ability, being known for their concepts, like ughhhhh leo is one of the only idols who i will be like ‘that’s my husband and we have 6 kids <3’ about)
monsta x (very solid discography, talented, rappers that genuinely have something which there a lot of rappers in kpop groups just bc they’re trying to get appeal, still mildly irritated over the wonho thing bc the way companies deal with stuff like that when the idol is innocent is just so annoying. queen is one of the best bsides in kpop history.)
ramble under the cut
honorary shinee (jonghyun is my golden standard male vocalist), boa, snsd, sunmi, btob mentions
unfortunately jay park is cute and i do like mommae, dean’s like one album he did (i didn’t listen to the other one if that even was a full second album), i used to fw hyuna but she’s pissed me the fuck off
fave time out jail ig: bts (just really grew out of being into them ig since boy with luv came out, some of their tiktok fanbase proudly bullying people and how i feel about the quality of their music now (missing house of cards type quality) + the western validation debate + being on tumblr when people made jungkook’s whole personality at 19 yrs old being goo goo ga ga over banana milk and having a noona kink)), nct (the t*eil thing, but imo if people like that want to hide then they will so i think at least some of the members didn’t know, i don’t keep up with that so i’m not sure if any other info has since come out. i believe he did it with how things are rn and as a csa survivor i just feel a bit gross with being overly supportive of them)
and then there is the can of worms that is the group named after colors (another case where imo they were better earlier on, playing with fire >>>>)
i don’t really have any 4th gen faves, i love ateez and i like some stray title tracks (as in random not stray kids lmao) & bsides from groups here and there
i have mixed feelings about 4-5th gen (imo music is not the focus so much as international reach and social media presence), riize (wonbin is so fine though like sm employs pretty boy idols and refuses to manage them properly) and new jeans (i really wished i liked their music because literally everyone else does), ive’s title tracks are pretty solid (i don’t know anything about their bsides), le sserafim is ehhhhhhhh (i think i literally only like anti fragile + they do need to improve technically for me), enhyphen (i will say is the closet to being a fave for me because i eat up their obsessive songs that are apparently about their webtoon???????? and that one jyp cover (i assume bc he was there) bangs, also again they’re fine 😖)
for the life of me i can’t fully commit to aespa but their concept is cool (and the lore should stick to them and not be attached to every sm group imo)
talking about the songs i like & listen to regularly/industry opinions is a different discussion (that i dipped into too much here) i fear so i’ll shut up!!! i could probably get back into it if a company debuted a group and was like ‘안녕하세요! we are D.I.L.F!’ and the members are all at least in their mid 40’s and they groan when they try to bow
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shaanks · 3 months
Shanks and/or Kid.
Quin my lovely friend! :"D Thank you so much! Let's do both~ :3c
How I feel about this character:
I genuinely love him, like. I think he's fascinating from a narrative standpoint, the place that he has to stand kind of straddling the gulf between the old era that birthed him and the new era he's been charged with stewarding in, like. He's tragic in my mind, because from a character standpoint he has everything - looks, intelligence, potential, power, influence - and yet he either loses or has to let go of everything he really loves, and wants to keep around.
I love that he plays really loosey goosey like his job is Beach and he's a silly funny guy, but can get awfully serious at the drop of a hat, I love the way he carries himself and the very careful vocal cadence he holds onto. Fascinating 2 me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Oh goodness, you see the problem with hims I feel him to be THE king slut of all time, so I can be persuaded about like. a TON of pairings for him lmfao. The ones I usually default to are the same ones everyone does, Buggy and Mihawk, altho due to the way Shanks is and the advent of the Cross Guild I've had some funny forays into Shanks trying to seduce Crocodile lmfao. (and like. Me. lmfao <3)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Luffy, Benn, Ace, the whole RHP crew tbh. It's odd bc I usually subscribe to the "all vice captains are insane about their captains" thing but I just haven't ever gotten that with Shanks and Benn lmfao.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Weirdly, it seems to be an unpopular opinion that he's a good guy, so probably that? I can't think of anything else I think about him that's especially against the grain.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I just want him to live through this lmfao. There are several people in this that I love and am very worried about it, and he's one of them. I'd love for him to be able to reconcile with Buggy too, because so much of what's kept them apart for the last two decades has been misunderstanding of a difficult situation that happened when they were teenagers during a really traumatic event. I know that's not usually how things work in this story, but ya know.
Alrighty :"D Round 2
How I feel about this character:
I find him endlessly endlessly endearing to be perfectly honest. Setting aside the fact that I'm so attracted to him it regularly makes me act very silly, like. He's so smart! He's loyal to a fault! His crew adores him, he sticks to his convictions (for better or worse), he will tell you what's on his mind and deal with you honestly, and expects that of the people around him. Even when he acts all gruff about it, you can tell when someone has earned his respect.
He takes responsibility for the people in his care, he's incredibly brave and charismatic, and goddamn does he ever commit to his aesthetic, and the bit. I love him is the tl;dr. It's so funny bc I made it like 5 jokes into dunking on him about Law in Sabaody before I realized I'd backed myself into a corner about him bc like. Personally imo 2 me, if you think about him with any kind of seriousness, I think it's hard not to love him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Oh man. Killer obv top spot, but I've also gotten really attached to the big Kid Pirates Polycule bc of your thoughts on that subject. I like the KidLawLu polycule too, altho that's more for fun play in my mind. Fascinatingly I think he'd have gotten on like gangbusters with Ace, though I'm as inclined to make that platonic as romantic lmfao, either way. (Also, again...me. I love him lmfao.)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
In a more serious way probably this is where Kid and Law and Luffy fall in my mind. I love their dynamic and how goofy they all fucking act about it lmfao.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
That he's really fucking smart. He's an excellent tactician when he wants to be, he's a mechanical engineer, like. Those prosthetics aren't just a bunch of junk mashed together that he's forcing to move, they have artificial articulating musculature, they have functional hydraulics, they WORK. Hell, Damned Punk is a plasma canon that you can SEE has actual refined mechanical pieces to it that he's able to pull together without even looking.
Also not for nothing but figuring out magnetic polarity and then getting that shit to behave itself in reasonable ways so that you can use it reliably in battle requires intelligence and serious skill.
His wisdom stat is a lil low but my boy's fucking brilliant.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I get it. I GET why Oda [redacted current arc spoilers] for both him and Law. All I'm saying is he better fucking live through it. Him and his crew. I wanna see them again. :(
Alrighty!!! This was wonderful friend ; u ; Thank you for askin about my boys, I love any chance I can get to ramble about em. <3
if anyone else wants to play, give me a character and I'll break their ass down!
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serenedash · 2 years
HOW did you make your Baldr cosplay. You've inspired me to wanna try and make one too, got any tips on doing it?
aaaaaa I feel so honored I inspired you!!!! ;0; my disclaimer is that I am the farthest thing from a professional lol, but I will show you how I did it! My cosplay philosophy is that I am lazy and want to spend as little money as possible ⭐ I always use clothes I already own, the base outfit I already owned I only needed to get the belts, hoodie and wig
This is long I'm so sorry I just went thru the whole process :')
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Here is every part of the finished cosplay:
Black jeans
Pants chain (mine is just an old one from hot topic)
Blue belts x2 (got these on Amazon, $10 USD each)
Black shirt + vest (or you can do one black button down, in canon Baldr looks like he's wearing a black vest over a white shirt but I felt like my vest was too low it would've looked weird)
Black fingerless gloves
Hoodie (Amazon, $18 USD) + tassel (Joann's Fabrics $10 USD)
Mark of mastery by MadeByFjori on Etsy ($6 USD) I bought it unpainted to save money and just got some metallic gold paint :) its really good quality and shipped fast! I had taped a safety pin on the back of it to attach it to the hoodie (I had tried super gluing it but it mf broke off!!! Tape it is,)
Wig (mine is the Skyelar classic in silver from Arda Wigs!) If you have no experience styling wigs that's fine since Baldr's hair is so choppy that if you fuck it up it works LOL I always style my wigs while wearing them thats just me, I brushed the hair in front of my face and cut the bangs around the bottom of my eyes and went from there. I also cut part of the sides framing my face
If you have dark hair like me I recommend a skin colored wig cap!!! Dark hair spilling out from a white wig will look weird, they sell them kn the Arda Wigs site
Optional: Starlight keyblade from Spirit Halloween ($40 USD) it's solid plastic, lightweight and looks amazing! The only bad thing I've found is the keychain just. Is not durable. Last year it broke off at a convention and I lost it 😔
Optional: face mask by KumalatteCreations on Etsy ($16 USD) I wear it with all my KH cosplays lol I have 2 masks for cosplay from them, really great quality, fit and has a place to insert a filter. I have the OSFA teen/women size because my face is tiny :')
Okay but let's talk real shit: the Hoodie. It's a plain white sweatshirt from Amazon, size up to get that oversized look Baldr has. Also disclaimer: do NOT get a thick hoodie I tried my best to get a light weight one and oh my god. For something that is essentially Just Sleeves I was SWEATING TO DEATH okay anyway materials:
Hoodie base
Gold fabric (I bought 1 yard and had more than enough)
Black buttons x2
Black ribbon
Fabric scissors, fabric glue, needle/thread, safety pins
Black and orange markers
If you get a hoodie like mine where the hood strings have metal around the edges, use white paint or white out (I did not have time to buy white paint,) to paint over the metal so its not distracting
Now the How To:
Pull out your hood strings if applicable, paint any metal like I mentioned above
Use fabric glue to add black ribbon around the sleeves, do this in sections not all at once, do the ends of the ribbon around the back of your armpit to hide the ends. On my hoodie there was a hem on the sleeves that I followed so it was easy to make it even on both sides
Crop sweatshirt in half and cut down the middle front but DO NOT go all the way to the top where the hood is, stop about 2 inches away from it otherwise you will be me having to sew that shit back together
Measure where you want the front to fold open, you will probably have to cut more off of the sweatshirt bc if its too big you will be pinning that shit onto the top of your shoulders, basically shorter in the front and longer in the back (I know mine is so messy I didn't measure I just guessed I know wtf @ me-)
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Flip hoodie inside-out and add gold fabric to the inside of the hoodie, leave about half an inch room around the edge for hemming, yes the entire inside too, I found that when I moved around I could see the back of the inside and it looks weird when the gold fabric suddenly stops
If you have a sewing machine or want to do this by hand then fold over the edges and hem it on top of the gold (not me tho I was con crunching and glued that shit all the way around,) it cleans up the edges and adds the white border to the part you will pin open
What I WANTED to do was to sew the buttons onto the hoodie and add button holes on what would get pinned but I did not have the time so I sewed the buttons directly onto the front pieces so when I fold it open I used 2 safety pins on each side to hold it up
For the tassel: I colored it with a peachy/light orange sharpie and a black one. I measured how long I wanted it to be and cut the other end off and used fabric glue on the end to stop fraying. I wrap it around the buttons and do a simple loop knot to keep it in place
if you end up doing what I did irt the tassel, don't go in with a regular orange marker bc it came out so dark on the fabric its made of like I just happened to have this peach/skin tone sharpie that came out the right shade on the gold fabric
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Finally, pin the mark of mastery in place!
Now you are Baldr :)
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irladagio · 6 months
Hello all, I thought I would share my au because I have wanted to for a while. It’s been in development for 5-6 years now. This took me an 1hr 30minutes and it shows so bare with me please 🫶🏽
 This is just a brain dump it’s insanely unorganized and possibly confusing.
Alright it focuses around the JR because I love them and I probably love them more bc of this au that I’ve grown attached to.
So I kinda tried to stay canon but also definitely strayed away from it a lot
Everyone got a power boost bc it’s more fun when they’re all powerful and have to go through character arcs, I have a lot of OCs in this which are super dear to me 🫶🏽
Alright I’m going to start with the basis. 
Basically the JR is the most powerful organization in their set multiverse. We knew this ofc. Dream runs it and sometimes leans on his close employees for advice, help, etc but he obviously has a problem so he usually does it all himself by this I mean paper work and his daily duties which is usually just paper work.
There are a lot of divisions including justice division, cooking/chefs, security division, orphanage staff, hired mercenaries, medical divisions, office workers, receptionists, maids/janitors, and I’m sure a lot more. 
The JR runs a lot of things and it’s hard to keep track of everything even for dream.
The plot is based on them chasing criminals specifically meme squad, then outcome B happens, but a shadow organization rises with growing power, dream and the jr wondering how they stayed off their radar and these guys are total bad news. Every bad thing, every big criminal has had an association with these guys ( I don’t have a name for them yet, I’ve just been referring to them as AJR, anti-justice reigns, weak name I know) they have a deep hatred for the jr and do everything in their power to take them down. Majority of the story is the JR against AJR the rest is meme squad and inner demon battles 😃
I guess I’ll move on to respective characters unless I forgot something 
Dream- CEO of JR, runs it like a business is basically a politician, businessman, warrior(??),  paperwork man, father (??🧐🧐)
Same backstory as OG, ate 50000 apples, grew light wings, villainized nightmare.
His powers- as I mentioned I gave people power boosts, so he has all his og powers and more. His sword lights up yellow when he uses his powers and a lot of magic comes out of it when used (think raiden shogun) honestly in powers he can shoot light, and if he needed to he probably could incinerate someone/thing. He can shoot a lot of it but if overused he’d need probably couple hours of rest. I wanted to paint him in a way to be a like god but not there completely (again think raiden but a bit more inferior) 
Personality- same old same old
Polite, respectful, serious with his job and with life in general
Has morals even though they are a bit twisted in a way
He honestly is supposed to be the MC but he’s not really there it’s funny to me he’s just so busy he becomes overshadowed by the other side MCs I didn’t account for that at first but then it felt purposeful.
Ink- Dreams right hand, but moreover assassin/mercenary, here for the money (but that’s where character development come in) 
His backstory is kinda the same but I added some stuff to fix plot holes or just Wtv didn’t make sense, I don’t feel like expanding right now
(I’ll do separate posts with more details on characters maybe lmao probably not)
Powers- alrighty this is gonna be hard to explain. So he has his og powers ink blah blah, but he can use it to morph it into stuff like idk if he wanted to prank someone he could make his ink into food and they would eat it and they just ate his powers not actually food (idk another example😭), I created this as a joke but then added it because I liked it. He can use the ink on/in his body to morph himself, so like change his body this shouldn’t be confused with changing his complete appearance like skin tone eye color etc but he can change like the shape of his body or gender kinda like if he wanted to appear as a girl he could. But he would still look  like same eye color, same skin tone, same hair color etc. but he could shape of his nose, mouth, he usually uses it for fun/to scare people and not on missions unless he has to. 
Personality- rude ahole, absolutely gives no fks, nice is a one in a lifetime occurrence 
his rudeness is from trauma and his lack of knowing how to interact with others 
Sassy 100%
When the character development pops in he becomes better still a ahole tho. 
He cares I promise he just needs a shove in the right direction
(GENDERFLUID INK GENDERFLUID INK, using “he” here bc it’s easier and I have a headache)
Finch- (my favorite and you can tell by all the trauma and pain I gave him 💝🫶🏽🥰)
JD Captain, Inks respective rival, way too loyal to dream until he’s not
This is where I’m scared to post about my AU. Because this guy is the one who probably got the biggest boost. 
His backstory- it’s still based on the 1930-40s in WW2 in America specifically Odessa, Texas.
this was how his downhill of a life started (until he met dream)
Lives with mother and father and 6 siblings because in that time people had way too many kids. And I like the idea of youngest sibling finch. Father gets drafted for war, dies. (This was fav parent btw) mother sad and traumatized, takes it out on kids ⁉️ finch got the worst of it bc MC plot , she wanted him to be perfect which messed with self esteem and just imagine her lovely reaction when he came out to her. Runs away bc it’s too much mental and emotional abuse. This is the shaky part. Comes into contact with a spirit , specifically spirit of anger,revenge , and all things karma. This come into the story later. Okay so I quite haven’t figured this part out but upon coming in contact with this spirit bro gets possessed 😱 and his au shows a rift which he gets sucked into and spit out into dreamswaps au where ever I haven’t done that world building yet. The part where he gets his freaking eye stabbed out is still in the works but I have a basis that I’m not sharing yet but after that dream finds him with a couple guards , and he’s sent to the JR hospital gets new eye and and soon after 3-4 years of insane hard work becomes promoted to captain this is important because it establishes just how hardworking he is. Most wouldn’t get such a promotion until at least 6-7 years? For him to get it so young, so early, is envying and insane. For others they’re jealous and believe he’s undeserving until he really proves himself worthy of such a position and gains the respect (I so graciously believe he deserves)
As you can there is a lot for him and that’s because originally there’s so little so I had a lot of room to implement what would usually be hcs into his character.
Alrighty powers- 
This is hard to explain the spirit gives him these established powers but it makes him lose control if used excessively leaving the spirit to take over and a pain for whoever's around
These powers run on emotions and if he is careless with his expression then the above may happen.
He can like use the magic to float stuff sometimes himself but that takes a lot. 
He can make daggers (similar to an idea that I believe @fresh-trans-fish had)
Still has that scrappy spear of his. 
He has very scared to use these powers but after time bonding with said spirit he became more comfortable in it.
THE CRYSTALS- part of keeping the spirit in control. 
They need each other , spirit (doesn’t have a name yet I’m working on it) and finch need each other to live cause spirit needs a host and will fade out without one and finch is stabilized by said spirit 
Personality- silent man probably the equivalent of the quiet kid maybe a little more mental unstable 
A leader at heart 
Cares about doing the right thing 
Crazy in the way where he talks to himself constantly 
internally hyper, externally calm
Anxiety definitely 
I gave him borderline bc that’s my own hc in og (makes dealing with his powers harder)
Kind but people don’t see it
Tough willpower 
Claims to never cry, probably has a mental breakdown after very shift
He has learned over the years to be less wound up off the job. 
Also he has a bsf (she will be introduced later but she is important to his character development she’s an OC ofc )
Okay, that’s not everything obviously there’s still the OCS but I’m so lazy and I hate writing on my phone. So here’s a quick basis of the MC OCs 
Ash- lead doctor in the medical department, close with dream been in the JR for a LONG time, like a mother to certain people (cough cough finch and katja) 
Katja- co captain to finch and bsf to him also, hates ink in a weird sibling way, 24
Eliza- weird relationship to dream, people don’t know why she’s always in the JR also oddly close with ink and finch, late 20s
Amayah- lead detective, cool uncle vibes, early 30s
Brianna- dreams adopted daughter (that’s all I’ll say about that 😃)
Tbh there’s probably so much I’m forgetting but it’ll come to me and I’ll write it down.
Autocorrect made this 10x more painful. 
Okay that’s definitely not everything (I’ve said for the fifth time) but if any questions then please comment 
I hope this has a good reach but lmk your thoughts! 
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would love to hear more about your tes characters if you'd like to share :)
omg hello! well. since you asked!! adjusts my spectacles in a scholarly fashion. under the cut to save dash space!
Skyrim: Kharish gra-Shatul (Orsimer)
tall! buff!! femme!! ...who lives in Winterhold and so nobody ever gets to see the beef because of all the layers required by the cold :( (<-sad face mine bc I love women's muscles. she does not particularly care whether they are visible as long as they remain effective.) Kharish joins the College of Winterhold a few years prior to the game questline, first just as Urag's general assistant, then as the library's acquisitions specialist following the successful retrieval of a particularly interesting scrap of Shalidor's notes. she takes her position very seriously and has developed a correspondence with some other notable libraries (under the pen name "Violetta," because she's found some of her pen pals professional contacts are less likely to respond dismissively if the letter is not attached to an obviously Orsimer name). specializes primarily in alteration because it's useful for conservation of old texts, but knows her way around some conjuration as well. has a VERY BIG VOICE which is unfortunate in a library setting but she's working on it. trying very hard to learn how to tell a joke but just cannot get the hang of it. (Enthir has attempted to teach her some standard formulaic jokes but she laughs too hard to tell the punchline right.)
she also has an unrequited crush on Colette, who has no idea that's what's going on and is in fact convinced her life is being threatened every time Kharish looms awkwardly over her like HELLO MISTRESS MARENCE. AS I HAVE SOME UNOCCUPIED TIME I THOUGHT I WOULD COME TO HEAR YOUR LECTURE TODAY. I HAVE NO DOUBT IT WILL BE MOST ENLIGHTENING! and then stares at her from the back row of the classroom with a goofy smile and her chin in her hands.
her favorite color is blue :)
Kharish is not the archmage, which is probably best for all involved as she does not have the kind of interpersonal savvy required of a leadership/administrative position lol. Mirabelle survives (though never really fully recovers from the injuries sustained during questline events) and gets to be Archmage Ervine :')
Oblivion: Molly Cadoret (Breton)
Tamriel's least magical Breton. erstwhile barber hailing from Kvatch. having the worst time of her life. wears the Kvatch armor through everything and initially took it off the corpse of a cute lady guard who flirted with her sometimes... beat her first daedra to death with a rake in sheer panic and never really stopped the panicking part. because she's from Kvatch she never met the emperor and Baurus is the one given the imperial mandate to deliver the amulet and find the heir--he initially tries to sneak Martin out with the intent to send Blades reinforcements for the city, but Martin won't leave unless everyone in the chapel can and Molly in her (stolen? borrowed?) guard armor gets put on a small team of fighters sent into the gate to try to find how to close it. as the only survivor Baurus asks her to come with them so she can provide an account of what the interior of the gate looked like etc to the Blades. she does not understand how she keeps surviving the gates, surviving, surviving, surviving. Martin doesn't survive; why did she?
the door in Niben Bay is a gate, or close enough--she goes into it hoping, just a little bit, it might be the last one for her. and it is, but not for the reasons she expected. the first time she meets Sheogorath she offers to trim his beard for him in a panic (she's gotten very good at panicking by now). she doesn't pick up on the fact that she's being positioned as his successor until pretty late, at which point she has a lot of intense but mixed feelings. the passing of the torch, so to speak, leaves her with unprecedented control over her own mind at last, and being able to literally shut off the terror center of her brain means she sleeps all the way through the night for the first time since the destruction of Kvatch. she eventually loses herself to the mantle, but the tradeoff is she doesn't feel like a rabbit in a snare 24/7 anymore. it's... not the healthiest of recovery strategies (understatement of the era lol).
I named her after Molly Grue (my love...), and while she's a very different character I definitely was thinking a lot about the kinds of meta-narrative questions Molly Grue presents in the context of my Molly--specifically her choice to lose her own identity in mantling Sheogorath as a parallel to the Molly Grue/Maid Marian dichotomy + the desire to exchange the unfavorable reality for a beautiful dream (WHICH I am dutifully restraining myself from rambling about again as that's not really the question here).
Morrowind: Haldryn Elora (Dunmer)
trans lesbian. gap between her two front teeth. short twiggy lil thing with the wimpiest arms you ever saw. Haldryn (Hallie to her ma and her friends) was raised in Chorrol by an Argonian woman, Vakka-Ei (Sun-in-Her-Eyes), next door to an elderly gay Dunmer couple. her neighbors cheerfully answered whatever questions she has about Dunmer culture she had growing up--she loved stories about the Tribunal the most and considers herself fairly devout, though once she gets booted over to Vvardenfell she learns there's a lot more to... everything, and her attempts at home at acting out traditions and culture she didn't really know were (predictably) not quite the same. but it's a learning experience! and she is eager to learn! this is her big adventure!
she sees the golden ghost of Nerevar pretty regularly from a young age, though he doesn't say much and never introduces himself, so she refers to him as "the gold man." her ma assumes this is an Altmer imaginary friend, which she thinks is a little weird, but the whole thing seems harmless enough. he talks a little more as Hallie gets older, and she finds him standing silently over her shoulder many times throughout the events of the game. she grows to resent him--she gets the feeling sometimes, standing in front of the gods, that they don't really see her.
and, well, they don't.
the confrontation with Almalexia in particular absolutely shatters her. she primarily fights with a pair of bound daggers and doesn't summon them for the majority of this fight, desperately trying to say the right thing to fix it instead. she ends up summoning a pair of bound swords instead of daggers at exactly the wrong (or right?) moment.
she never sees Nerevar again after this. she wishes, very hard, she'd never seen him in the first place.
the only place I've really publicly shared art of them so far is on artfight (along with a bit more prose-y summaries) but I have,, a number of things in the art blog drafts waiting for the Right Time(TM). watch this space as they say!
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sillyandquiteawkward · 8 months
Haiii I wrote a big essay on the Bayley family a while ago but I'm still insane about them so I'm assigning them pigeons I think they'd be based purely on vibes
Artemus – Strasser pigeon
The very reason I wanted to start this was because I was reading up on the smartest pigeons in the world, and lo and behold, it fits VERY WELL with our good (?) Doctor Bayley. Strasser pigeons are one of the most intelligent birds out there, being able to easily observe patterns and formulate extensive escape plans even under stress, with one of the websites I was reading about them in saying "From the moment they hatch, these [birds] are likely thinking about how to escape from their nest", which is just the Artemus mood ever. I like to think this bird is a side project for Dr. Bayley to relax from the Other, Bigger projects, but then he ends up attached much like every other project he does <3
Octavia – King pigeon
For Octavia I wanted to go with a primarily 'utilitarian' bird, given her workaholic tendencies and need to show off how good at working she is, and Kings perfectly fit that description because they are the show offs of the pigeon world. They can be used for racing, messaging AND for therapy, which I think would be right up Octavia's alley in terms of . Everything. She could use a fluffy feathery friend in my head and these guys are great for anything you need them to be, and also very clever if you're willing to spend some time teaching them stuff. Octavia is the kinda gal who would probably go to beauty competitions with her bird in my head (because 1 her bird is the prettiest one and 2 she would like to win thank you very much) <3
Ignatius – Lahore pigeon
I chose Lahore for Ignatius because I remember seeing you talk about once how he's the most 'successful' one out of the Bayleys despite not being as practical so to speak, and that immediately made me think about this breed of pigeons. Not only is their contrast really nice and fitting for a sleek personality like Ignatius, but they are also one of the most popular pigeon species in the world, praised for their beauty, sociability, and high adaptability rates compared to other such birds– much like Iggy is 2 me <3
Sorry for no pics im. Shy but you can look em up and tell me if I got it teehoo
omg hiiiiiii ilu. speaking of the bayleys and pigeons. they are pigeons in my wing au. ouhg this art feels so old (four years ago)
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my thoughts about this is i wanted art to be a common pigeon, bc hes got that little bit of iridescence that is akin to him thinking hes hot shit. i cant remember what breed oct was, but she was just a light brown pigeon type, maybe shes not as flashy but gets stuff done. and i wanted iggy to be very very plain, but pretty in his own right as a white dove (peace love etc)
but i really like the species you picked out too!! i really like the idea that the bayleys keep pigeons, i think that pairs well with their trading company background.
i think art could get really into breeding pigeons and he would tend to the smarter breeds i think, although hes not terribly fond of cleaning up after animals. the delight of genetics could just outweigh the animal care. hed have fun drawing them too. old man sits on his clinic rooftop next to his birds when the insomnia hits but his brain wont let him Work on his science. also would pair well with the thought hed breed animal test subjects :(
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i think oct would like the utility of the king pigeons, but she wouldnt bother to raise the birds herself at all. thats not in her wheelhouse to care about, but shed still call all the company birds HER birds, even if she didnt raise and care for them. she knows all their names (as a good leader should) and probably has a strong affection for just one in particular. definitely a fan of the prettiest/most useful bird of the bunch.
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ooo and i really like the lahore for iggy, they kind of also just Look like him with its long feet feathers and different shape. [ignatius voice] i just think their neat (hiding how much he relates to them)! iggy would be the one to be arms deep in the flock at all times (oh to escape paperwork and management by hiding in the barn with the animals (not to mention sending off the carrier pigeons and watching them leave with a bit of yearning)
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llycaons · 1 year
ep14 (pt1): oh boy romantic montage time
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wwx as a teenager is genuinely more compassionate than he's portrayed as
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aw shit mention of the oath
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I've often been confused by this sequence. if they showed wwx actually entering the shell instead of suddenly cutting to him inside this big red cavern, I think it would have made more sense
also I've often complained that animals don't have large rooms in their bodies like that but I just realized....oh yeah it's an ancient twisted monster. animal biology need not apply so 🤡
honestly I found this fight scene very drawn-out and uninteresting. the special effects for the fight were somewhat awkward and I was kind of bored. this was good though
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wyb does 'devastated' very well
I'm kind of missing the donhua ngl. I like cql the best but the donghua was just so focused and clever and creative with the story
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wwx is all kinds of fucked up after this fight....not just from his concerning readiness to die but probably also from connecting with this cursed fucking sword. he seems really out of it, and seems to be in a drowsy sort of honesty when he's like 'oh lan zhan...I didn't think I'd be able to meet you again' which is a very...nitimate thing to say? bc later when lwj gives him spiritual energy and he's a little more himself
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he sees lwj all lit up and helping him and he starts complaining about how 'boring' it is. face your feelings, wwx! stop avoiding them! you think lwj is beautiful and unique and special and you like him a lot!
it's also. I feel like wwx doesn't feel like he even has the right to have an attachment outside of the jiangs? in some scenes he's really enthusiastic about himself and lwj being partners but in others he hastily denies it in order to smooth things over with jc, so jc doesn't feel abandoned. oof. we'll get to that
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okay the top one is the viki and the bottom one is the youtube version which I remember! why are the translations the opposite of each other! also the youtube version is literally higher quality im so mad
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god damn I love the lyrics to wuji. they almost don't matter, since they never come up after this and they're not relevant to the song's significance within the narrative, but they're perfect. it's about the struggles of a lifetime, about grief and joy, the ups and downs of being in the world, of reputation lost and gained. vague and poetic, and achingly relevant. that last line about sharing a tune together at the horizon....that's the finale, isn't it? just beautifully put together and a powerful reflection of the story itself, wwx's rise and fall and the pains and joys he's going to face. cannot believe a 16 yr old wrote that. tho if it was anyone, it would be lwj wouldn't it
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lwj is ALWAYS the one leaving without saying goodbye! no wonder wwx lost faith! in this context the gusu situation is a little urgent but like. he couldn't have left a note?
I've read a few fics where they sleep together in the cave and 1. nasty and 2. that would make him just leaving after so much worse 😭 I do not endorse the first time cave sex headcanon. I still don't think it would realistically happen until ep 43. too early here, and after sunshot wwx is terrified of anyone touching him because they'll be able to tell he's lost his core. so as fun as angsty sunshot hookups are, I simply cannot see it. tho that would technically also be a factor in ep43, I don't think wwx cares as much by then if lwj knows
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aw shit good job jzx
jc is yelling at wwx AGAIN and complaining about not being recognized for his efforts. my dude he just woke up from a week-long fevered sleep chill out. also can jzx stop crowding him? it's like these idiots have no idea how to treat sick people ALSO. why did jc have to run for help? they had a ton of people there. couldn't they have removed the boulders themselves? huh, maybe the wens were hanging around and all they could do was flee
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wwx and ljw have such main character energy that wen chao KNEW they stayed behind to kill the false xuanwu...okay
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the shidis are learning archery and jyl is just...standing there. okay! couldn't have had her like, reading or doing crafts. nope. just standing there. probably looking out for her returning brothers but like. come on
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I really love that jfm personally goes to teach the little disciples. he's gentle and encouraging, and provides a reassuring and secure presence, and I'm sure his students love him. despite his flaws I'm very fond of him esp here
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oh wwx, fainting again. first of many
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this detail is legit so freaking cute. and wwx's warm smile upon seeing it and knowing he's home 🥰 this supports my 'wwx is a hopeless romantic' agenda. I did laugh when the donghua gave one of them huge boobs but the wx subtext in that show was so potent I can't really accuse them of straightwashing. more evidence for him being bi is all
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good for you, jc
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see, here he's trying to make jc feel better by calling lwj boring and jc just - lashes out. wwx tries this entire scene to deflect praise onto jc and diminish his accomplishments and to support jc and jc just treats him like shit. no wonder their relationship is so terrible later if jc treats him like this just bc he's mad. can't he see that wwx has no more control over this situation than jc does? he's just the acceptable target in jc's eyes bc jc can't be mad at his parents!
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like wen chao was trying to murder mm and string up her body to attract the monster which they were going to be expected to fight without weapons. what the fuck was he supposed to do? and he's not even the one who started the fight! AND if he hadn't stayed behind, how could everyone else has escaped? I didn't see jc offering any other solutions! jesus
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it sucks that jfm is implying that jc doesn't have the right temperament to lead the clan, but he's literally the only person in authority to push back against jc's treatment of wwx this arc. and he's literally right that you shouldn't speak from anger. it's not what a leader should do, it's not fair or just, it doesn't allow you to speak wisely or carefully, and it's not something that will lead anywhere good. but after this arc all jc does is lead from anger and bitterness!
it's also so twisted that wwx feels responsible for this and tries to defend jc as 'he's just mad and venting' which he says is fine here but later in the story he bitterly complains about. like I know he loves and misses LP as an adult but this entire situation was absolutely noxious for everyone involved. ppl talk about jyl being parentified but wwx felt obligated to do the same for jc as well and put aside all his own needs and emotions for jc's as soon as this shit starts up. he acts like the undeserving servant as soon as he feels like he needs to I feel dizzy
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