#Lila get exposed
trashyangelic · 2 years
Requesting Another MLB Prompt but its mainly Lila Death or Lila Exposed at this point. With some Minor salts mentioned.
After watching clips of BLOOD C, I didn't bother watching the entire anime cause then i wouldn't have made some gruesome death on Lila Rossi mainly. But also making Marinette akumatized for that. Anyway back to what I was going to say.
Major Character Death: Lila Rossi Mentioned Character Death: Caline Bustier (after believing Lila was innocent) Salt/Bashing: Lila Salt Mention Salt: Alya Salt, Adrien Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt Redemption/Sugar: Chloe Bourgeois, Nino Lahiffe, Alix Kubdel, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Le Chien Kim Sided with Marinette are: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Aurore Beaureal Pairings: JuleRose, Chlonette, Kimalix Tags: Akumatized Marinette, Lila Rossi Dies before exposing herself, Gabriel Agreste lost control of Marinette
What if Marinette got akuamtized during the day she got expelled by being framed from Lila Rossi? While her parents knew that their daughter was innocent but angry towards Damocles for not checking the secruity cameras and Caline for pushing limits on their daughter. As the akuma was placed on Marinette as for Tikki she grabbed the earrings and gave it to Chloe to be the Temporary Ladybug.
Alix who happen to be Bunnix slipped off the ring of Adrien Agreste who is Chat Noir and gave it to Nathaniel Kurtzberg. As the Fox were to Marc Anciel. Alix was angry at Adrien for not doing anything to stop Lila from hurting Marinette. Alix may have gotten the Miracle Box from Marinette when she stated that she will get akumatized very soon. But she has the list on who is getting what.
Witness shows that Marinette turn into akumatization with a large lioned with some weird horn that can grabbed random people by their ankles just to torture or kill them forcing them to watch the gruesome in front of them even they don't like violence. With her parents by her side being akumatized those people who have hurt their daughter pay the consequences by their hands. Verity as Sabine went after Caline while Weredad as Tom went after Alya Cesaire.
As for Gabriel who is Hawkmoth he soon realize that he lost control of Marinette Dupain-Cheng who went on ramapage hunting Lila Rossi.
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chocostrwberry · 3 months
Everyone had to wear yellow for her birthday party!
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aliensunflower-fics · 9 months
Man, Adrien's just wants everyone to be happy, and because he goes on the wrong way, he gets a raw deal.
Will he ever get a break in your fics?
... Okay I have gotten 1 to many asks like this even though if you check my pinned post you would see all my fics with tags a fair few of which include Adrienette or even just cool friends Adrien and Mari but to make your life even easier HERE I will link every single fic I have written (to this date) in which there is 0 Adrien salt ENJOY:
Alya Salt Prompt: Views (Alya Salt / Prompt / Mild Lila Salt )
Ladybug Is Addicted to Pastries ( Fluff / Comedy Short )
Corruption: A Prompt ( Light Adrinette / Lila Salt / Prompt)
Marinette Changes Schools: Funny Prompt ( Adrienette / Kagaminette / Felinette / Fluff / Comedy / Lila Salt)
A Sinister Sneaky Lila Prompt (Marinette Harem / Lila Salt / Prompt )
The Liar Trap: Lila Salt Prompt (Comedy / Lila Salt / Hints of Kagaminette )
Marinette The Perfect Daughter In-Law (Marinette Harem / Fluff / Comedy)
‘Akumatized’ Marinette: Funny Prompt (Marinette Harem / Fluff / Comedy / Lila Salt )
The Interview (Comedy /Gabriel Salt / Nathalie Salt / Lila Salt / BAMF Marinette)
The Interview Part 2: Live Broadcast ( Comedy / Gabriel Salt / Nathalie Salt / Lila Salt / BAMF Marinette / Hints of Daminette / Gay Adrien / AdriJon )
Jealousy & Honesty: Sugary Prompt (Innocent Lila AU / Marinette Is Insecure but Sweet / Marinette Talks to Her Mom / Prompt)
Who Framed Marinette Dupain Cheng (Comedy / Marinette Harem / Fluff / Class Sugar)
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sturchling · 1 year
I have a request. How about Lila’s mom comes to school because Lila forgot something. And she comes to class only to see them screaming at marinette to stop being “jealous” and stop “bullying” because of another lie Lila told. Lila’s mom also sees mrs. Bustier not doing anything to stop it. So she steps in and Lila pales at the sight of her mom. Then she sets things straight and goes off on Lila for lying again. In the end Lila and the class get punished. And lila gets held back a year.
Mrs. Rossi was already in an annoyed mood. She had already been running late this morning, and needed to get to work. But right as she went to leave, she saw that Lila had left her homework binder on the counter.
She was irritated with her daughter for being so irresponsible. Part of her considered just leaving it there and letting Lila face the consequences. She left it, she can take the bad grade. But then Mrs Rossi remembered that this assignment was worth a lot and if Lila got a bad grade, it would really affect her overall grade.
Mrs Rossi decided to just take it to the school, and she would deal with her daughter later. Little did Mrs Rossi know, Lila would wish her mother had left it alone. She had left the binder on purpose. Lila had planned to blame Marinette for the missing assignment, saying that the girl had wanted Lila to fail so she stole the assignment from her on the way to school.
Mrs Rossi strode into the school and up the stairs to her daughters class, texting on her phone to try and explain to her boss why she is late. Her focus was glued to her phone, that is until she heard the yelling. When she looked up, Mrs Rossi saw the entirety of her daughter’s class, standing and yelling at one girl in the back of the class. They were yelling at her for “bullying Lila” and “stealing her homework” so this girl would have a better than Lila.
But none of this made sense. Lila’s homework wasn’t stolen, Mrs Rossi had it in her hand. Why did the class think this girl stole it? And why wasn’t her daughter correcting them? Surely she knew about her homework, so this girl couldn’t have stolen it. Mrs Rossi felt her stomach twist. She had seen her daughter finally, and she was smiling maliciously.
Then Mrs Rossi understood. Her daughter was lying again. She had done this at every school in Italy. She always lied to everyone, about everything. Fake conditions, fake achievements, anything she could think of. And she had also previously used those lies to target specific students and make them miserable. She had been expelled from several schools for this behavior, but Lila had seemed better since moving to Paris. Reticently, Mrs Rossi realized that Lila had seemed better, because Mrs Rossi had been willfully ignoring it. Now the lack of the communication from the school, and several “school closures” seemed way more troubling.
She glanced at the teacher, Bustier, but Bustier wasn’t doing anything. She was just watching the chaos, like it was some twisted show. Mrs Rossi couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Well, if she wasn’t going to stop this, Mrs Rossi absolutely would. Her daughter wasn’t going to ruin another girl’s life.
Mrs Rossi stormed into the classroom, yelling, “LILA ROSSI”. The entire class whipped around at the sudden intrusion and stared at her. Most looked confused, but Lila didn’t. She looked terrified, and paled almost instantly upon seeing her mother.
“Mom… what are you doing here?” Lila glanced around the room, completely panicked. Especially when she spotted a certain binder in her mother’s arms.
“It doesn’t matter why I’m here. What matters is you are lying again! You told your class that this girl stole your homework? You know good and well that you left it at the house. It’s right here! I thought you had gotten over this lying phase of yours, but clearly not!” Mrs Rossi threw down the binder on the sad excuse of a teacher’s desk, angry beyond measure.
Lila was stuttering, trying to think of someway out of this, as she felt the stares of her class on her. This was very bad, Lila had intended for this lie to fully turn the class against Marinette. She hadn’t expected her mother to see the binder and bring it to the school. “Mom it’s not what you think, Marinette, she… she threatened me. Told me not to bring my homework or I’d be sorr-”
Lila couldn’t even finish her lie, her mother’s anger growing with every word until she exploded. “ENOUGH! You did this in every school you went to in Italy, and I thought I got the lesson through your head this time! Clearly not! I didn’t warn this school because you seemed to understand it this time, I guess that was my own naivety. Get up, you are coming with me to the principals office! I’m willing to bet he has some interesting stories to tell me of what you’ve been up to! I wonder if you have that lying disease again, or the one about saving some random celebrity pet. It’s the same nonsense every time and I’m sick of it!”
Lila tried to stammer out protests, she really did not want her mom to talk to Damocles. But deep down, she knew it was pointless, her mom was furious and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She felt the betrayed looks from the class on her back, as they realized Marinette had been telling the truth. Lila was a habitual liar, and her own mother was confirming it right in front of them, even referencing specific stories Lila had told them.
Lila reluctantly left the classroom with her mother, dreading this conversation and the after effects to come.
And man the after effects were more brutal than Lila expected. She wasn’t expelled exactly, but she almost wishes she was. But her mother had advocated against expulsion, but not for the sake of her daughter. She did it so her daughter couldn’t pull this again at another school.
Instead, Lila was suspended for the rest of the year and as a result would be held back a year and need to repeat it. When she was allowed back, she would be closely monitored by teachers, to make sure she couldn’t get away with anything or trying to bully any students. And a note was placed in her permanent record, so that if she ever did have to transfer for some reason, her next school would be warned.
As for the rest of the class and Bustier, they didn’t escape unscathed either. Most of the class was suspended as well, just for shorter periods of time. The school was a bit more lenient with them, since their actions were based on manipulation and lies, so they wouldn’t be suspended long enough that they would need to repeat the year, but they would be suspended for a few weeks and when they got back, they would have detention for the remainder of the year.
Finally, Bustier was also given an unpaid suspension. To come back to work, she had to complete several hours of retraining on class management, anti bullying tactics, and a wide range of other subjects. Her class got a long term sub in the meantime.
Mrs Rossi may have been annoyed about bringing that binder, but she is glad she did. It opened her eyes to her daughters continuing lies. She was able to put a stop to it this time, and she would make sure her daughter would never be able to pull this nonsense again. 
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mcheang · 1 year
As Nino lays out his plan for targeting Gabriel, Alya points out one thing. “Sure I know Ladybug can fix the mess an akuma causes. But Gabriel will still be mad. He already doesn’t like you, Nino. Don’t push it. For all we know, Gabriel might threaten to transfer Adrien to a different school. Remember, he totally lost it when Adrien lost his book?”
Nino: oh…right. I didn’t think of that. Then, who do we target?
Marinette grins sneakily. “I know someone who can get upset very easily.”
Adrien: really, who?
Marinette: i don’t want to spoil the surprise.
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Later, as the parent-teacher meeting commenced, Marinette bursts in, “Oh, I’m so sorry to barge in like this. But I forgot I needed Mrs Rossi’s signature for Lila’s trip to Achu.”
Caline: Marinette, can’t this wait?
Mrs Rossi: what trip to Achu?
Caline and Marinette look at her. “You know, the trip she’s taking to join Prince Ali in teaching children for free. It’s such a shame that she won’t be able to attend the school’s weeklong camping trip but it’s for a good cause.
Mrs Rossi stands up. “My daughter is doing what?”
Caline: why are you so surprised, Mrs Rossi? Lila went to Achu for months less than a week after she joined Dupont.
Mrs Rossi: she told me the school was shut down from akuma attacks!
Marinette pretended to look faint. “Oh no, was it because of her special lying disease?”
Mr Cesaire looked skeptical. “A lying disease…? Do you mean compulsive lying?”
Gabriel almost regretted not being able to akumatize Mrs Rossi, if only to make up for losing Lila Rossi as a spy since clearly Alliance can no longer use her. Oh well, there’s always the fallout when her sheep find out.
Alya and Nino were recording this with open mouths. Adrien wasn’t so bothered by this after seeing more of Lila’s hateful personality.
Needless to say, the parent-teacher conference was delayed as Sabine then angrily wanted justice for her daughter if she was indeed framed by a liar. Gabriel had to admit the teaching faculty here was lousy to fall for Lila’s reception, but that’s what makes this place so prime for his akumas! Why did he send Adrien here again? Oh right, it’s the most prestigious school and he’ll never hear the end of it from Andre because Chloe would never accept his perfect son being in another school away from her.
Later, after Marinette received an apology from Mrs Rossi, she agreed to bring Lila up. Alya and Nino looked apologetic. “We’re so sorry we didn’t believe you.”
Marinette looked behind her. “It’s ok. Keep recording. If Mrs Rossi isn’t angry enough to attract an akuma, her daughter will be. Nothing akumatizes Lila like being caught.”
Lila was immediately suspicious when Marinette of all people came to get her, however it was subdued by Marinette’s poorly hidden dislike and the fact that it was Gabriel who asked her to come.
Certain that Mr Agreste wanted her help against a stupid boy’s resistance team, she agreed.
Boy was Lila surprised to see Sabine and her mother standing in front of the classroom instead of Mr Agreste, who looked disappointed in her.
Uh oh. Now Lila could see Marinette’s triumphant face and could see what had happened. Her one consolation was that the team’s plan to anger a parent into akumatization had failed. Though she was also irked she couldn’t get akumatized and make that loser suffer for exposing her like this. This is worse than Ladybug’s exposing her in front of Adrien!
As Lila was dragged by her mother to the principal’s office, Caline tried to resume the parent-teacher conference though it was clear all now felt disheartened by her incompetence.
The resistance was confused. Angry Rossis and disappointed parents were around. Where was the akuma?
Eventually they had to give up. What a waste of free period.
Not entirely a waste though since Lila was now exposed. Alya sent the recording to the whole class as the parents left.
Outraged gasps were heard everywhere.
Nino: why didn’t you wait till class was about to start? Then we could prepare to record the akumatization.
Adrien: if Monarch didn’t come out for Mrs Rossi and Lila, I doubt he’ll come for-
Reverser promptly swooped by, ready to turn Lila nice and honest.
Adrien: never mind.
Marc was deakumatized and the class apologized to Marinette for not believing her.
Lila returned to class, sulky in her forced apology, not really bothered by their angry reactions now that she was expelled. Only Marinette’s smug attitude infuriated her. Having been forced honest by Reverser, she had confessed to having duped two other women into being her mothers and had initially planned on running away to join one of them. Her mother now has their numbers. It was a nightmare.
Alya: who else can we akumatize for the greater good? Mayor Bourgeois?
Marinette: I don’t think our plan works if we our expected target isn’t even akumatized. We’ll have to think of something else.
Monarch is disappointed he won’t get to akumatize the akuma class again for a while. Ah well, it can be a favor to Adrien.
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howhow326 · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug: season 4 Alya sugar fic (based on the Alya exposes Lila's secrets prompt that I made)
Alya pov
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"... Anansi has been rigging her wrestling matches! It's the only reason why she's made it as far as she has." was the only thing Alya needed to hear to send off alarm bells throughout her whole body. Why would Lila say something that wasn't true? Alya tried to correct her friend, thinking it had to be some type of mistake. At first, Lila was surpised her latest gossip target had a sister, but held fast to the truthfulness of her 'sources'. Alya tried to correct her again, and Lila got defensive over her friend 'attacking' her. Alya tried to fact check Lila one last time, then the green eyed monster finnally retaliated. All she had to claim was Alya harassing her and Kim, Nino, and Ms. Bustier swiftly came to her defence.
Within the blink of an eye, Alya landed in detention. Alone in her punishment, but togather with Marinette who had been a recent victim of the lying new girl. As her real friend comforted her, Alya finnaly realized her real mistake... how could Lila be friends with Maribug if she met her the same time as me? Alya finnaly gleaned the truth that Marinette had been warnning her for so long, and despite Marinette's affirmations of her being guiltless, Alya couldn't help but feel that this whole mess was her fault. What kind of journalist am I to be fooled by a school girl...
That's when a Light bulb appeared above her head. Alya is exactly the kind of journalist to solve this mess, and she will if it's the last thing she does. As soon as she got home, Alya began scowering the internet for every and any truth of Lila's claims. As she took more and more notes, she began to learn Lila's real specialty: half truths. All the photos she wowed the class of her meeting with Jagged Stone and traveling the world were real, but the "special connections" she claimed to have were all as fake as her hair. That was the real reason why Lila asked everyone to keep some of the things she said between classmates, it stopped anyone from reaching the truth. As Alya started getting ready for bed, Trixx whispered a devious plan into her ear. Normally, Alya would never agree to using the miraculous to spread a falsehood, but this mirage might be just what she needs to reveal the truth...
The next day at school was much the same; Ms. Bustier was forcing the class to write an eassy analyzing the theme of love in the popular children's book series, Hubert Porter, written by JC Bowling. Because of some of the research Alya did last night, she knew that Bustier and Bowling were the same person. She gussed that it isn't a crime to teach a class based on a book you wrote, but it was starting to get suspicious when Bustier did it three times in a row and ended each class by giving extra credit to the students who donated to the charity of her choice, a conservative group located in Florida of U.S.A.
"... and just the other day, Jagged Stone asked me to come with him on his latest tour! He got so sad when I had to tell him no!" Lila lied. Alya was almost impressed with how good the Italian was at doing it; Jagged went on tour just three days ago, but Alya was sure that he never asked Lila to come with him. Now's the time, Alya thought to herself. She go out of her seat and confronted Lila.
"Do you have any proof that Jagged Stone asked you to come with him on his tour" Alya flatly asked. Marinette got up to reel her back, but Alya gave her a look that said she has everything under control. Of course, Lila pulled her usual: she claimed that Alya was bullying her and that she just wanted to be friends. Kim jumped to her defence, as Lila filled the void that Chloe left when she went on extended vacation with her grandmother. That void being "evil chick that he can make googoo eyes at". Nino, who had started to hang out with Lila more then he was around Alya by the day, also jumped to the Italian's defense. He lectured Alya on all the ways he was "disappointed in her" and the like. Just as Ms. Bustier was about to send Alya to detention, she pulled out her trump card. "Lila's lying, and she admitted to it here!" Alta pulled out a voice recorder and pressed play. "If course I'm lying, and you can't do anything about it!" Lila's voice vindictively said.
And just like that, the class erupted into chaos. Nino got re-akumatized into Rocketear and targeted Lila for "breaking my heart". When it was over, the class all sang their swan songs to Marinette and Alya for believing some new girl over them. Except Nino, who seemed to think he was entitled to his girlfriend's forgiveness. Yeah no, their relationship is on hold and Alya is going to be too busy to come to the phone rifht now, but Nino was welcomed to leave a message. And he did. Like a lot. Alya regretted even making that suggestion. As usual, Ms. Bustier was the last person to get the hint and tried to punish Alya for (???) but this time Marinette came prepared. She discovered their lovesick teacher had fled Britain from a little too many taxes, and that was all that was needed to get her fired. After Alya learned that her choice of charity was a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist organization, she considered it good riddance.
And as for Lila, she quitely disappeared like she usually did with no sign of coming back. Good, Alya thought to herself, no one messes with my friends and gets away with it. To make sure no one forgot, Alya posted her experience onto the Ladyblog, where the truth would be known for years to come.
I challenged myself to use less dialogue in this fic and I hope you enjoy it!
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vintage-retro-queen · 7 months
Paris Reacts to Watch Us Work
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Akuma Class
Another weekend, another week without any way to watch a new episode of Total Drama.
They all were at the park, sitting there, bored out of their minds. That was until they heard a crash far away behind them. They turned to see an akuma attack from Copycat happening.
Even though Alya was excited and wanted to get great material for her blog and get Ladybug's trust to have her endorse the blog again. But when she realized and remembered that her phone was still confiscated by her parents, her excitement and happiness both went down the drain.
That was until a lava red portal appeared, and there came out Ladybug, and now seeing her new look, it looked like she combined two miraculous, one which was obviously the Ladybug earrings and the black cat ring. And along with Ladybug, was an unfamiliar girl that is dressed in a very odd outfit. They then hear the unfamiliar girl talk aloud in a deep-strong British accent. "Oy! Are you talking about us?" "And who are you?" "Your worst bloody nightmare."
The girl then throws something at Copycat that wraps around the Copycat's waist and holds him tightly. "GET OVER HERE!" the girl yelled, pulling Copycat over to her. She then aimed her hands at Copycat, which froze him into ice. The class looked shocked, surprised, and amazed at the scene they were watching.
However, the whole class was not as shocked as Adrien was when he saw Ladybug using both hers and his miraculous at the same time. And if that wasn't shocking enough, she has a new, different heroine fighting along with her and not having him have his miraculous back and save the day with her and not with some stranger.
After returning everything to normal and Theo returns to a normal Parisian citizen, Ladybug, and the unfamiliar girl does a fist pound, saying something that the class couldn't hear. They tried to head over to Ladybug, but a lot of people beat them to the punch.
"Ladybug! Who is this with you?" "All you mates, can call me Anarchia." The unknown girl, Anarchia, said, introducing herself. "How did you meet Anarchia?" "She was there for me when I was on patrol." "An armed picket-pocketer was spotted, and I quickly caught 'im 'round the same time she showed up." "She was very useful for a lot of other things aside from akuma attacks." Adrien couldn't believe that Ladybug trusted a heroine who might not be from Paris without even telling him and ever getting his consent first. "Is it true that you stopped endorsing the Ladyblog?" "Sadly, yes. Only because of various reasons. One of them is one person claiming that she is my 'best friend', which is not true because I never have any time hanging out with civilians." Alya's eyes widened after hearing that. After hearing those words come out of Ladybug's mouth, it felt like her whole world started to fall apart. However, Alya was not as shocked as Adrien was when Ladybug exposed Lila's lies. 'I thought she was going to let that go. Why can't people see that it doesn't hurt anyone?" He thought. That was until they heard Anarchia talk, "Some cottonheads never understand what the real world works and never fact checks like they are supposed to." hearing that felt like a stab to the gut to both Adrien and Alya. "Not to mention, some bloody cottonheads always lose their minds over what wanker tells them what they want to hear. That, and they never got to wake up and smell the real scent of tea to face reality." A couple of eyes widened in shock hearing that. However, before they can say anything, Anarchia continued, "However, speaking of facing reality, I do recommend this brilliant site and app I have endorsed back in London. It is called Face Reality. Because I have heard they are having some of their best reporters start here in about the next week." Alya's eyes widened upon hearing that. Face Reality was one of the world-known news blog-media industries for children, teens, and young adults. Not to mention her competition for the title of Best Blog-Media in the news world. "Are you kidding me?!" she gawked in disbelief. They all tried to get to Ladybug to see what she was doing with a different heroine. But as soon as they got to the two, the sun was already setting, and Ladybug's earrings started beeping. "Well, I say it is time for us to leave. Good day." Anarchia said, grabbing some keys, pressing one button that summons a black motorcycle, automatically driving to her, and stopping and staying by her side. As Anarchia gets on, she drives off along with Ladybug, as she uses her yo-yo, saying a quick 'Bug out', and the two leave. "Ladybug, wait!"
Unfortunately, it was too late, and the two were gone.
When Monday came around once again, they all heard the rest of the students chattering about the new episode of Total Drama.
"I'm so happy for Marinette!"
"I know, she's now one of them. That's amazing!"
"Her mom and dad must be very proud of her right now."
"Yeah, and her diary box was such a blessing in disguise."
"Yeah, and thank goodness too. Who knows what would've happened if it didn't trap Heather's hand."
"And Harold's music playing was awesome. Sure beats you know who's."
"And the MetaBetas performing there? They were amazing."
"Yeah, especially their hoodies. They look so cool!"
"More like epic if you ask me."
"You should've seen Duncan's face when he saw Marinette onstage."
"Yeah, the guy looked like one of those guys who has his eyes on the girl of his dreams."
"Not to mention the drooling he was doing."
"Honestly, I think Trent would be a perfect match for her."
"Yeah, he snagged an extra muffin for her."
"And he sang a song all about her. And it was actually for her too! So romantic!"
The class groaned and whined about how it was unfair that they got to watch the new episode and they couldn't. Even Adrien thinks it is unfair. Not to mention that Ladybug has his miraculous and has a new partner siding with her. And if that wasn't bad enough, Ladybug exposed Lila in the worst possible way. He knows that when the time comes, he will have his miraculous back and try to make Ladybug see the light and ditch that wannabe partner, Anarchia.
Celebrities + Friends and Family
It was another special weekend for all of the celebrities, friends, and families in Paris, France.
They're all getting together at the hotel, getting ready to watch the new episode of Total Drama. As they were all getting together, they were not even unaware of a familiar blonde ponytail girl getting ready to watch the new episode herself.
Two weeks ago, she noticed a lot of people coming to the hotel very often. At first, both she and her father thought that the people needed a place to stay, but when Chloe started to hear that Marinette was sent to a camp in Muskoka against her will by their classmates, that was where she drew the line. She even gives Adrien a friendship suspension until he learns to grow up and face the real world after demanding the whole truth from him, which causes him to fess up everything to her and Sabrina. Sabrina couldn't even believe it herself after hearing the whole truth from Adrien. And since Chloe was still mad at Adrien for letting Lila get off scot-free without any consequences, she decided to give Sabrina a break from everything and deal with things her way. Sabrina was surprised since this was the first time she saw this new side of Chloe, but Sabrina knew that it was only because of Lila's tactics she took it. However, Sabrina was still surprised about this new side of Chloe. Chloe told her father everything, and he couldn't believe it himself. As a result, he sent out the board of governors and education to investigate College Francois Dupont and sent the students of the school to another school that has the highest security and staff members that will have students full-on under surveillance until then. The mayor and Chloe herself were surprised to know that they were not the only ones who had called the board since a bunch of other concerned students and families were aware of it all as well. And since Sabrina once told the mayor about most of their classmates talking down about some people and some things both in person and online via social media, he not only sent temporary transfer notices to the families, he also sent another notice to all the families about checking on their kids and their electronic devices to see if they're doing anything bad without any of them knowing. 'I can't believe I'm going to say this, but Dupain-Cheng definitely deserves better than all of this. Besides, nobody messes with Dupain-Cheng's life but me! What those losers did was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!' she thought to herself with a huff while changing channels to the one that shows Total Drama.
Meanwhile, with everyone else, as they are getting ready to watch the new episode, Luka is talking to Zoe, Mirelle, Aurore, Kagami, Marc, Soqueline, Jessica, Aeon, and Fei about their call with Marinette and her friends in Muskoka. They all talked about how amazing Marinette was doing there and how the campers there were really good friends for her. All except Heather since they now know her true colors. However, they were glad that Lucy was officially the one to put Heather in her place, even if it was with her anger getting the best of her. After their talk, the show finally starts.
"Last time on Total Drama Island, the Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic losing streak against the Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, and dangerous alliances. And in the end, it was Noah, the Know-it-All, who didn't see it coming." "Well, I can understand that he's not a sports person, but he could've shown some spirit or something at least." one of the fame-rising football (soccer) players said, shrugging their shoulders. "Well, everyone has their own opinion and choice of things." another one said. "This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to Loserville, population...four. Who will sink and who will stay afloat? Find out right now on Total Drama Island."
After watching its usual theme, they watched as they now see Lucy and Marinette on the steps of the Killer Bass cabin, reading, scribbling away on a sketchpad, and listening to music. "There she is! There's my favorite little lady!" Jagged cheered. They then hear someone speak on the radio. "Alright! That was Start Again by Alayah. This next one was from 1995. A love song for the late lucky girl and New Rustale's beloved sweetheart, Luci Grassette. This is Our Perfect Love by Perfection Division in 198.5 EPIC!" "Oh! I love that song!" "I hear it's good." "I haven't heard that in a long time." "Man, I miss hearing Perfection Division." a lot of the celebrities, parents, grandparents, and other adults explained, remembering the song and band. Hearing all of that from the adults got all of the children and teenagers now intrigued about the song and band. They then quiet down as the song starts on the show.
This one's for you, Miss Grassette!
Our love for you is like the most perfect,
Your face reminds us of your gorgeous self,
Together, we are like Vicki and J.D.
Oh darling Luci,
Our beautiful,
Our glamorous,
Our perfect companion to our longing-yearning souls.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
We love our perfect times,
But not as much as we love being with you!
Oh darling Luci,
Your eyes are like our favorite candy that will never fail, You're like the most beautiful princess to ever walk New Rustvale
Your loving pretty face,
Your breathtaking soul,
Your gorgeous eyes,
Your glamorous princess being...
How can we look at another when our perfect love is so strong?
We love you Miss Grassette!
"Man, it feels good to hear Perfection Division, their singing, and Our Perfect Love again." "I know, right? It's been years since I heard their songs." "Years? For me, it feels like centuries." "Luci was so lucky to have a song about her." "She was." "That was pretty catchy." "It was, wasn't it?" "I can see why our families love it." "Yeah." Socqueline smiles as they all complimented about the song and band she and her family listened to back at the family store.
"Alright! That was Perfection Division! Can you feel the love? Because I certainly can."
"Yeah, that was a great song," Marinette commented. "Yeah. That Luci girl must've been so lucky to be featured in a song like that." "Yeah...she was." all of the teenagers and children in the room then turn to notice their families and other adults' faces looking down and sad. Some with sad smiles and some with a single tear or two falling from their face and onto the floor. Before any of them ask what happened to Luci Grassette, they hear the guy on the radio talking still. However, the guy talked in a heartbroken, melancholy, and grieving tone. "You know, it's hard to believe that it's been twenty-something years since we lost all the five members of Perfection Division in a horrific hit and run." The teenagers and the children were shocked to hear that. "That's awful." one of the girls said, putting her hand to her heart in a heartbreaking way. "It was," Nadja said mournfully, holding her daughter Manon tightly. Manon felt sorry for the people losing a great boy band and a girl who was a respected member of the community and loved by all, even people from all over the world, along with her (Luci Grassette) older brother. After a moment of silence for the late girl and the late boy band, they all hear Chris McLean talking on the loudspeakers. "All right, campers, enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of." "Welp, time to get going, Nettie," Lucy said, getting up and closing her book with a 50s diner-themed bookmark in the pages she was in. Marinette nods and gets up from her spot as well. They all then watch as the scene changes from the girls getting up from the steps of the Killer Bass cabin to a stage. "Are we gonna see a musical? I love musicals. Especially, the ones with singing and dancing." Lindsay said, feeling excited. "Um, that's exactly what musicals are, Lindsay." "Marinette, saved you a seat." Trent said, making Marinette and Lucy walk to him and Gwen. "Oh, thank you, Trent," Marinette said happily. Marinette sat down next to him while Lucy sat down next to Gwen, and the two girls started having a conversation about their favorite horror films. The four of them were not even aware of Cody trying to impress the girls but ended up falling on his seat, yet still trying to look cool.
Chris then got everyone's attention and talked to them: "Welcome to our brand-new, deluxe, state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater. Okay, this week's challenge is a summer camp favorite: a talent contest." "Yes! Awesome," said Owen. They all then see Lucy's eyes widen in surprise. They all looked confused about why she looked surprised until they then watched her confessional. "Well, that was unexpected. I haven't performed in a while since the last tour incident when the MetaBetas and I were performing in a small town. We were finished with our performance and when my friends and I were ready to head into the bus, some people were talking while we were walking. They were talking about, I don't know what, but frankly, I don't even want to know. At least, and as long as it doesn't involve me in any more dramatic situations than it did back in freshman year. But anyway, it sure has been a while performing. I honestly can't remember the last time I performed, really." "Huh, that is weird." "Yeah, I wonder what those people were talking about." "I guess we'll never know." "Yeah, but I do know that it's true that it sure is a while since Lucy and the other MetaBetas performed." "That's right. I think the last concert the girls did was last summer, I believe." Penny said, trying to remember when the last time the MetaBetas performed. After that, they continued watching the show.
"Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." Chris explain, signing a 'Got my eyes on you' to Duncan, causing him to snap his fingers with a frown. "I wonder what Duncan was thinking about doing?" "I don't know. I just hope it's nothing bad." "Hope not." Chris continued, "You will be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J., V.J., and rap legend, grand...Master Chef who will show his approval via the Chef-o-Meter. The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck." with that, Chris headed off the stage.
After that, they watched as Heather blew a whistle. "Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work," she said until Gwen cut her off. "Wait, who said you were team captain?" "She did. Just now," said Lindsay. "Lindsay, Beth, and I took a vote, and I won." "Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic." "I'm with the bambina on that," Lucy said, agreeing with Gwen. "You said it, girls." one of the celebrity girls said, crossing her arms. That was until they saw Trent walk over to Marinette, holding a muffin in his hand. "Hey, snagged you an extra muffin." "Oh, thank you," Marinette said. They all smile at that scene until Beth then walks over to them, talking to Marinette and Lucy. "Hey, Lucy, Marinette. Chris was hoping to talk to you about something. He's saying that there's an urgent call from someone." "Oh, jeez. It better not be about Slick and Brutus trying to get all the action figures in stores to find another legendary collectible again. I swear those two just won't knock it off." Lucy said, unamused, as she and Marinette headed over to the location Beth gave them. After they leave, Heather starts talking to Trent. "Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?" "Right on. Go for it." Trent said with sarcasm. "Good. Beth, Lindsay, and I will be the judges."
After watching some of them do their special talents, the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends suddenly heard a crash coming from outside; they all looked to see that it was another Akuma attack happening from none other than Copycat. Again. As they all watch as the akumatized person attacks the city, demanding Ladybug and Chat Noir's arrival and surrender, they notice a lava-red portal appearing. There, they see Ladybug come out of it. They looked surprised to see her come out of a portal that they had never seen before. Not to mention that she has a different look because, from the looks of it, they see that she is using both her miraculous and the black cat miraculous.
They understand that she's using both of them only because she announced once that Chat Noir is permanently retired due to various personal reasons. Of course, a lot of people respect that since someone shared video proof of Chat Noir being incompetent and not saving others in the past akuma attacks, such as the Syren debacle, the second Gigantitan incident where Gigantitan threw Ladybug's Lucky Charm at a room in the Dupain-Cheng bakery, which turned out to be Marinette's bedroom, and the last one where the akumatized person shot some bullets that stopped people and make them freeze like statues, unlike him, Ladybug saved some from getting shot and getting them into safety while he just did nothing but pout and sulk about Ladybug not accepting his love. Looking back, some felt disgusted about themselves for thinking that the two were a cute couple and they were an item. After all of that, Ladybug got the cat miraculous back from Chat Noir and has used it along with her miraculous ever since.
However, the only thing they don't understand is how the portal appeared and why Ladybug was using it. That was until they saw an unfamiliar girl walking out of the portal after Ladybug.
"Who is that?"
"I have never seen this one before?"
"Is she a new partner of Ladybug's?"
"I don't think she has a miraculous on her."
They then quiet down their chatter when they hear the new girl calling out aloud in a deep-toned, strong-British accent. "Oy! Are you talking about us?" "And who are you?" "Your worst bloody nightmare."
The girl then throws something at Copycat that wraps around Copycat's waist and holds him tightly. "GET OVER HERE!" the girl yelled, pulling the Copycat over to her. She then aims her hands at Copycat, which froze him into ice.
Everyone looked shocked, surprised, and amazed at what they were seeing with their very eyes. "Whoa! Did you see that?!" "She stopped the akumatized villain easily and faster than ever!" "That's a new record right there!"
After Ladybug turned everything back to normal, all of the celebrity newscasts, media, and press quickly ran out of the hotel for a quick interview of Ladybug and her new partner. When they got to her, they asked the two a lot of questions. "Ladybug! Who is this with you?" "All you mates, can call me Anarchia." The unknown girl, Anarchia, said, introducing herself to them all. "How did you meet Anarchia?" "She was there for me when I was on patrol." "An armed picket-pocketer was spotted, and I quickly caught 'im 'round the same time she showed up."
"She was very useful for a lot of other things aside from Akuma attacks." they were all very impressed with this new heroine, even when she seemed to be from another country, and whether it was an Akuma attack or not, Anarchia was very useful to stop it. "Is it true that you stopped endorsing the Ladyblog?" "Sadly, yes. Only because of various reasons. One of them is one person claiming that she is my 'best friend', which is not true because I never have any time hanging out with civilians." hearing that was very understandable. Knowing that Ladybug would never have time for anything else. Mr. Ramier and others who were having their troubles, maybe, but a civilian saying that they are best friends, which is not even true, and possibly putting a target on themselves without even knowing, that was another story that was a whole other bad level. Anarchia then tsks, saying, "Some cottonheads never understand what the real world works and never fact checks like they are supposed to." 'Ain't that the truth.' one of the news interns thought. "Not to mention, some bloody cottonheads always lose their minds over what wanker tells them what they want to hear. That, and they never got to wake up and smell the real scent of tea to face reality." 'You said it, Anarchia.' another one thought to himself. 'Tell it, girl.' the third one thought to herself. "However, speaking of facing reality, I do recommend this brilliant site and app I have endorsed back in London. It is called Face Reality. Because I have heard they are having some of their best reporters start here in about the next week." they were all intrigued with the recommendation Anarchia told them. They continued with the questioning with Ladybug and Anarchia until sunset, and Ladybug's earrings started beeping. "Well, I say it is time for us to leave. Good day." Anarchia said, grabbing some keys, pressing one button that summons a black motorcycle, automatically driving to her, and stopping and staying by her side. As Anarchia gets on, she drives off along with Ladybug, as she uses her yo-yo, saying a quick 'Bug out', and the two leave. The newscasts, media, and press also left, happy that they had an interview with Ladybug and her new partner Anarchia, not even aware of some people running and stopping behind them.
As they all head back into the room, satisfied with their interview with the two heroines, the show was still on. However, they missed almost half of the show. "What did we miss?" one of the intern reporters asked. "Not much, really. Although I think the Killer Bass are going to lose this one for sure." one of the wunderkind rappers said, crossing their arms. They then see that Trent is next. "This one goes out to someone special here at camp. Last name initials, D and C." everyone's eyes widened in surprise hearing that. Even though they can tell that most of the campers on the show are more focused on winning the challenge, the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends know who Trent is talking about. Luka and Kagami could tell that Gwen knew about it as well after seeing her smile proudly at him while crossing her arms. After hearing the song, they were all amazed. They were so amazed that they even applauded Trent along with the other campers. They all then decided to take a quick snack break and continue watching the show later. As they snack down, they talk about Trent's song for Marinette.
"That song was amazing."
"Yeah, Trent did wonderful there."
"That was so sweet of him singing a song for Marinette."
"Marinette must be really lucky by now."
"Yeah, and I wonder what's taking her and Lucy so long though."
"I don't know. They're sure taking a while with that phone call."
"Maybe it is about those two Slick and Brutus guys and the action figures."
"Oh boy. I can't imagine what that phone call is like right about now."
"It's probably for the best we don't wanna know."
After their opinion and the snack break, they continued watching the show.
"Welcome back! Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk-blowing test registered two thumbs up by Grandmaster Chef." "Bridgette's what blowing?" "I think it's best to leave that unquestionable." "But it's not enough to pull ahead of the Screaming Gophers who hold the lead with Trent's love song. So without further delay, here she is for the leaders...Heather." when Heather appears, she explains that she's going to read something. And then, reveals a box that is holding a book. Tom and Sabine's eyes widened when they realized what that book really was... "THAT'S MARINETTE'S DIARY!" they all gasped in shock and fear, worried that Heather might read something humiliating from Marinette's diary. However, as Heather places her hand on the diary, the box quickly closed in a milisecond, trapping her hand inside along with the said diary. And when it did, Heather started screaming. Even though they should wince from Heather's hand getting stuck, Gwen, the celebrities, families, and Marinette's friends all sigh in relief, knowing that Marinette's secrets are safe from Heather's scheming grasp. They all then watch Marinette's and Lucy's confessionals.
"Probably should've warned the girls that I have a box for my diary. But in this case, I'm glad I brought the box with me." "Glad you did, Marinette," Socqueline said, with Luka, Fei, Zoe, Kagami, and Tomoe nodding in agreement. "I guess one of them must've told her what happened while she and Lucy were having that phone call." one of the gaming celebrities guessed. "See, that's exactly why I don't bring a diary around me anymore. What Heather did, that's the reason." "I can't imagine what happened."
"Alright, it's down to the final act of the night," Chris announced. "Can Geoff and his rad stunts turn it around?...I seriously doubt it. Let's find out." "Why would he think that?" Just then, they see Geoff jump and break his skateboard. "Oh, that's why." "Now what? We have to send someone out there, or we're going to lose this." Bridgette said. They then watch as Marinette walks in. "There she is!" "Boy, that must've been a really long phone call." "Hey, guys." "Marinette! Thank goodness you're here. You and Lucy got to help us!" Bridgette said. "Katie and Sadie are covered in barf." "That only leaves Tyler, Duncan, or Harold. We already know Tyler stinks. What can Duncan do again?" "Carve a picture of his own skull into a tree?" "Oh, that's what Chris was talking about." a famous nature activist said, now understanding. "How the heck is going to do so in a stage when the trees are planted to the ground?" one of the wunderkinder questioned, looking not surprised. "What are we going to do?" Courtney asked, panicking. Geoff then noticed. "Wait, where's Marinette?" Bridgette and Courtney now noticed that he was right that Marinette wasn't there anymore. "Where did she go?" Just then, they all hear music playing. They watched Bridgette and Courtney look to see Harold start playing some music with his keyboard. The spotlights then shine on four girls, which turn out to be Marinette, Lucy, and the two girls of the MetaBetas, Angie and Malviña. Who are otherwise known as Miss Maleficent and Queen Red Hood. Everyone looked shocked and surprised to see them onstage. That was when the girls started singing.
Lucy: Never gets old no matter how much I'm told I'm amazing
Angie: You're amazing
Lucy: It's hard to get tired when I'm always on fire I'm blazing
Angie: Ooh, you're blazing
Malviña: All my greatness. It doesn't come for free. All my talent. It doesn't grow on trees. Take a breather. They'll take it all away.
Marinette: If the top is where you wanna stay
All Four: You gotta work hard. To make it look easy. You gotta live fast. To keep making that money. If you want to be as famous as me. You gotta work, gotta work, gotta work. Watch me work.
Everyone looked surprised and amazed, seeing Marinette perform with the MetaBetas, while the campers, too, looked surprised. Their singing and dancing were all in sync. They were even surprised with their outfits. They were wearing hoodies in their colors. Angie in purple, Malviña in black, Lucy in navy blue, and Marinette in pink. On the back of their hoodies have their logos in silver, and their stage names in rhinestones.
Angie: Haters want to be me or be with me yeah, they're fr-fr-fr-freaking
Lucy: Yeah, they're freaking
Angie: I just keep on working, lurking, smirking when they think that I'm peaking
Lucy: Never peaking, yeah
Malviña: All my greatness. It doesn't come for free. All my talent. It doesn't grow on trees. Take a breather. They'll take it all away.
Marinette: If the top is where you wanna stay
All four: You gotta work hard. To make it look easy. You gotta live fast. To keep making that money. If you want to be as famous as me. You gotta work, gotta work, gotta work. Watch me work.
After they ended their performance with a pose of their choice, there was a quick pause in the audience in front of them until the campers all started to cheer for their performance. Everyone else also cheered and applauded the five for their outstanding performance.
Chris then walks up to them, clapping. "Wicked music playing, dude. And MetaBetas, a very outstanding performance." "Hey, it's what we do." Malviña said, "And a perfect way to help endorse Total Drama." Angie added. "Especially with our newest member of the MetaBetas. Our very own Knitting Fairy." Lucy happily announced, wrapping an arm around Marinette. Marinette giggles as she waves to the others, causing them to cheer more about Marinette now being a new member of the idol group. Everyone cheered as well. "Alright, Marinette!" "Our little girl, a new member of an idol group!" "That's my Marinetta!" Marinette's friends cheered, feeling very happy for her. "And we would like to thank Harold for taking part in aiding our performance." Harold smiled and nodded to the girls as thanks and a way of saying 'happy to help.' "Congratulations, Marinette, for now being in their group. And check it out. Grandmaster Chef has declared his winner. Even though they held the lead, the Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass."
After a while of cheering, they all headed home for the night, still feeling happy for the girl for both winning the challenge for the team and being a new member of the MetaBetas. Meanwhile, in her bedroom, Chloe still watches the show, not surprised to know that Heather got some of the campers to vote off Justin. But she then watches Gwen's confessional. "If that evil little cow thinks she's getting away with this scot-free, she has another thing coming." Chloe then watches as Gwen knocks on the guys' side of the Killer Bass door. Harold answers, and Gwen asks him, "Did you say you brought a red ant farm with you?" "Yes." After that, while everyone was asleep, Heather ran out of the Screaming Gophers cabin, covered in red ants, screaming and trying to get them off of her. Chloe then laughs at Heather while she trips and falls. "Serves you right, Heather! Nobody messes with Dupain-Cheng but me!" she said.
??? & ???
The two of them watch as Lucy squints her eyes, trying to sleep while Heather is still screaming. "Man, I thought I was done with this when I was at that sleepover with Kit, Mills, Jade-Jade, and Sonya." she whisper-mumbled while putting her pillow over her head in order to drown the noise. "I can never forget the time she ranted on about what they did." one of them said, remembering the times she ranted. The second one nodded as they looked at the tablet that showed the account of Lucy and the rest of the MetaBetas. "At least we now know how to get in touch with her. Call the number. With this, we will finally get to her." "Of course."
Desc Prologue Get to Know My OC Chpt 1 Reactions Pt 1 Chpt 2 Reactions Pt 2 Chpt 3 Reactions Pt 3 Chpt 4 Chpt 5 Reactions Pt 5
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artzychic27 · 2 years
Miraculous meets the SVU
Season 20 cast, Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins, Sonny Carisi, and Peter Stone
A series of cyber bullying is going on in New York toward teenagers, mainly girls, and causes quite a few to commit suicide when their secrets are revealed to the public, making them special victims. After a round of questioning the bullies of the victims, they hit a dead end.
But then, the IP address of the online harasser is traced all the way to Paris. The team take a flight to investigate and find themselves at Francoise DuPont
They’re not too fond of the principal, especially when they see the way he handles a dispute between a regular student and one who’s apparently a sports captain. (You can tell whose side he takes) Fin and Amanda question Damocles until it looks like he’s about to pass out and gives them permission to access the computer being used to send the messages
On their way to the computer lab, they run into Zoé, whom they recognize after they questioned her about the assault of one of her classmates. Olivia asks Zoé if there’s been any bullying going on at school, and Zoé leaves 0 out
Zoé: Oh! Where to begin? First there’s this jackass, Louis. He constantly calls my friend’s artwork trash whenever he can and acts like he’s Leonardo DaVince, my half-sister acting like the queen of England just because her dad’s the mayor, and of course, Lila Rossi. I haven’t been here long enough, but let me tell you, based on what my friends told me, she is a nightmare. Oh, and I can’t forget Madame Bustier. She lets the rich and privileged students do as they please, be bullies, and forces their victims to apologize. Kind of like Damocles, but he’s more of a coward and doesn’t try to hide his bias with kind words and shit.
Olivia/Fin/Amanda/Sonny/Peter: …
Fin: … Who or what the hell is Shadow Moth?
Zoé would have gone more into detail, but she had to get to class, so now, the SVU has more suspects to question. When they check the computer, it seems whoever was doing the cyber bullying knew how to cover their tracks, because they can’t find anything on it. That, or Damocles was fucking with them and trying to protect a rich kid
Before they could figure out what more to do, Olivia got a call that another New York teenager committed suicide. And it wasn’t any ordinary teenager, this was the governor’s nephew, making this case top priority
After “gently coaxing” Damocles into letting them question some students, they seem to be getting somewhere
They start with Zoé and her classmates
Zoé: Cyber bullying isn’t up Chloé’s alley. She prefers to humiliate her targets in person. Plus, I think she’s smart enough to know her dad can’t get her out of international crimes.
Marc: Louis only likes to mess with my boyfriend. Plus, I don’t think he’s smart enough to be able to pull international cyber bullying off… Unless he hired someone, but he doesn’t have Chloé money.
Cosette: … Nah, it’s not Louis. Maybe Chloé?… Or Lila. I’d check Lila. Her mom’s a diplomat, probably. And if I’m being honest, she’s kind of arrogant… So, might wanna check that out.
Ismael: Oh, it was Lila. Word of advice, do not trust a thing she says. You know, this one girl got expelled because of her and then reinstated because of a “tragic misunderstanding.”
Reshma: I’m thinking Lila for this one. I don’t like to throw out titles, but… I think she may be a psychopath. She fits the description quite well.
Aurore: Check out Lila. If it wasn’t her, then Chloé. Lila’s more meticulous, but Chloé likes to get things done quick with her money.
Jean: Check out Lila Rossi. Oh, and while you’re at it, Gabriel Agreste.
Amanda: The designer?
Jean: Yeah, he’s her and Adrien’s boss. They model together, but whenever I see Adrien after his shoots with her, he’s wearing a TON of makeup on his face and arms… You guys are the cops who handle abuse, right?
So now, Amanda’s looking into Adrien’s welfare while Olivia and Fin handle the case. Back in New York, TARU is able to get past the firewall (Or something) and trace the messages to one of the phones in the school. They barge into the cafeteria, and are lead to Lila Rossi. And they arrest her while her friends followers advocate for her release
They show all the evidence to Mme. Rossi when she storms into the interrogation room, but she’s not buying a second of it and demands for Lila’s release. And as Lila is a minor, they have no choice
After a very frustrating conversation with Gabriel, Amanda runs into Vincent. He shows her some incriminating photos of Lila doing everything but having sex with Adrien during shoots and explains that he showed Gabriel what was going on, but he never did anything to stop it. Amanda relays this to Olivia and Fin, giving them enough reason to haul Lila and Gabriel to the interrogation room and get a warrant to search Lila’s room for “Proof that she’s stalking Adrien.”
The Paris police force look through Lila’s room for anymore evidence of her crime… Then they find a book under her bed. It’s a very disturbing scrapbook filled with news clippings of a few preteens and teenagers who had committed suicide, been arrested, or severely injured. There are also photos of the New York teenagers on some kind of hit list page with little notes detailing how one would make their lives a living hell. Each one who died has a red ex over their face. And just after that page are photos of teenagers from other states and even countries
Olivia: … Haul her ass to court.
The court date arrives, and as one would guess, Lila’s sobbing her eyes out and trying to play the victim. She somehow manages to drag this on until the judge gets fed up and orders for the trial to continue tomorrow
During that time, the SVU interrogates Gabriel, and is just so. Damn. Infuriating. He makes bullshit claims about not knowing, says Adrien is overreacting, and they’ve had just about enough of this guy
TARU pulls up a few things on Gabriel’s phone to prove he was aware of Adrien’s treatment, along with texts to and from Lila where she tells her about the “bad influences” in Adrien’s life which are most of his classmates. There’s also a few messages between him and Nathalie about this Shadow Moth guy again
After looking him up, they realize that Shadow Moth is an emotional terrorist who has been plaguing Paris for nearly a year now, only to be stopped by Ladybug and Chat Noir
Now they have a warrant to search his property and eventually find Shadow Moth’s lair, and Roger has them search the perimeter for Shadow Moth’s Miraculous
Sonny: You know. If I were a supervillain, I wouldn’t leave anything important to me where someone would get to it easily.
They head back to the interrogation room, frisk Gabriel until they find the Miraculous, and rip them off before he could transform.
To make things short and sweet because I’m running out of ideas, Mme. Bustier ruins her reputation in only five seconds by going up to the stand as a character witness for Lila and claiming Adrien should forgive Lila and Gabriel to be a good example for victims of abuse. (It takes all of Olivia willpower to not shoot that bitch) Gabriel, Nathalie, and Lila are found guilty of conspiracy, terrorism, sexual assault, suicide baiting, child abuse, child neglect, aiding in terrorism, emotional abuse, cybercrimes, and defamation.
Just as she’s about to be handcuffed, Lila grabs the glass of water on her table, shatters it to make the end sharp and charges at Olivia, only for her to pull out her gun and shoot Lila’s ankle
At the end, Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive to retrieve the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous, Adrien’s aunt takes custody of him, and Fin calls the school board to have them take in Mme. Bustier along with Damocles for questioning
(Notes? Comments?)
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So hi lol I forgot about this blog.
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animechefgirl454 · 2 years
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trashyangelic · 2 years
Can someone please make this prompt comes true? Lila Get Exposed, Class Redemption, Alya Salt
MENTIONED- Alya Salt, Lila Get Exposed, Bad Teacher Caline Bustier, Principal Damocles Salt REDEMPTION- Akuma Class Redemption, Chloe Redemption, Adrien Redemption PAIRINGS- Felinette, ChloeXSabrina, LukaXAdrienXKagami
What if Lila Rossi decided to lie about Walt Disney infront of the entire class who is a fan of disney movies since they were very little to them they already know who is Walt Disney and his biography as to Lila decided to make a lie about Walt Disney knowing him as her so called relative but it backfired on her? The class doesn't like it when Lila lied about Walt Disney in front of them.
Alya well she doesn't like Disney movies very much not like her siblings do yet agreed with Lila instead planning to set it up to her blog. While her classmates protested but had seen what happen when Marinette outted Lila all of them felt guilty and apologize to Marinette who had moved to Mrs. Mendeleiev class as it was bragged by Chloe yesterday that she is dating Felix Graham de Vanily for about 6 years straight.
While Adrien is currently dating Kagami and Luka just as Kagami and Chloe knock some sense into him about that advice he gave to Marinette was very bad but an approval by his father on his dating. Gabriel has no problem with his son being a polyamory bisexual since he was also a bisexual when he found out through Emelie who seem well amused by it.
Now its up to the class to get their redemption by getting Lila Rossi out of their classroom along with Miss Bustier when they had witness it as well to be clear those who were bullied by Chloe were told by the same advice that Miss Busiter gave to Marinette they were not very happy so they told their parents about her then Damocles on weekends. Those advices were horrible to them they wanted to outted her the day she became their teacher since day one but they didn't have evidences to get her fired but now its out for blood to them towards Bustier, Damocles, Lila, and sadly Alya.
As to Nino told Rose about Alya abusing him during his relationship with her and Rose does not seem very happy about it either after witnessing a few things that Alya did to Nino in school as well but lucky for her... she had told Juleka to catch them on her phone while taking photos hopefully it can help Nino along with his parents to get a restraining order to Alya.
While Juleka and Rose deal with Alya abusing Nino the other class decided to deal with Lila, Bustier, and Damocles. Max had an idea of hacking the principal's computer to see what he has done and also not upgrading the school system that Kim mention this morning with him while walking to school.
The rest is up to you to finished!
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ohgeezlya · 1 month
SOMETHIN’ STUPID | Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary; In which everything is outed between Five, your husband, and Lila, your brother in law’s wife.
“Then he goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid like ‘I love you.’
Warning; Angst, cheating, spoilers for S4.
A/n: I found this season to be terrible, but ugh the angst I can make with it is juicy.
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You feel nauseous, bile raising in the back of your throat, tears pricking your eyes threatening to fall. You feel embarrassed. All eyes on you, Five, Diego, and Lila.
You want to scream.
You’ve known Five since The Temps Commission, and you’ve spent years together happily married. You felt awful for being jealous of his looks towards Lila, but you just thought you were being paranoid; you could trust him. You always had.
Still, you were right. They had both been acting strangely when they returned. Exchanging heartbreaking smiles, lingering looks, and delicate touches.
Then the fucking bracelet.
You slap Five across the face with an unsteady hand, hoping to make a mark. Your wedding ring was on the hand that you smacked him, and the blow caused a tiny cut in his face.
Loud ‘oos’ and a gasp come from the siblings on the couch.
"You are disgusting. Were you with his wife, your brother's fucking wife?" Five just looked at you, his cheek cupping, grief rushing through him. You push him away when he reaches out to you.
“You don’t understand. We were stuck there for seven years. Every day I thought about coming home to you, but it felt hopeless. I felt like I was going insane.“ He trying, desperately wanting you to understand, but how can you?
“So, what, You gave up? You gave up on finding a way back?” You shake your head in disbelief. Five would never give up, the man in front of you is not the man you met all those years ago.
The one you married would’ve fought tooth and nail to get back to you.
“I knew something was going on since you got back; I’m not blind, Five. I… I thought I was being paranoid; I felt horrible for not trusting you, my husband." You look down at your ring; its typical shine is dulling.
All those years, the surviving, the fighting, saving the world. Together. Was all forgotten and all for nothing within a couple of hours—for you at least.
“It took seven years for 45 long ones to be nothing.” You mumbled taking the ring off, and throwing it at him—which he caught, a terrified glance at it in his hand.
There was a stunned silence, Klaus perched on the couch waiting for more along with the others.
You feel exposed, you don't want to be vulnerable while there’s onlookers, gawking at your ruined marriage taking place in your in-law’s living room.
“Five, I hope those fleeting moments with her were worth it.”
You turn your heel and walk away, ignoring the pleas from Five and the siblings for you to come back.
Some part of you that will love Five unconditionally wants him to run after you.
Your hands are tight around your arms, shaking.
You remember the train Five talked about...
You cautiously take steps down to the train station, the overhead lights buzzing eerily. No one was there, only yourself and the lone train.
Staggering to one of the doors, you quickly get on. Not looking back.
You take a seat, when your legs give out. Tears watering down your face, you do nothing to wipe them away. You’re tired. You don’t look back.
The train dings, the lights flickering, the train ramping up, and the doors shutting. You nervously tried to play with your ring finger but there was nothing to fidget with.
You don’t look back.
If you did.
You would’ve seen Five. Standing there solemnly, heavy tears going down his face as the weight of this breaks him. His fist tightens around your wedding ring, you leaving breaks him.
The wind from the train blows his hair to the side as he watches you leave.
Never to be seen in this timeline again.
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Dating ‘Prince Charming’ Part 2/3
[ Lila is finally starting to learn what its really like to be Adrien Agreste's girlfriend and finding out its not everything she hoped it would be. But while the liar struggles Marinette works toward her goals and meets someone new. ]
[ Prefer AO3? Link HERE! | Part 1 HERE! | Part 3 Coming Soon | Masterlist Link HERE! ]
Chloe made her grand return 3 weeks after Lila and Adrien’s big dating announcement. The bossy blonde had been away in New York with her mother and it was only in retrospect that Marinette briefly wondered if the entire timing of her and Adriens break up and Lila and Adriens announcement had been planned. After all Chloe had not taken well to Marinette dating Adrien and the class president was positive she would not take the news that Lila had swooped in right after their big breakup any better.
As it turns out Marinette had been right at least about Chloe not taking the news well. She’d walked into class early (for her) only to be met with chaos as Chloe and Lila stood opposed and yelling filled the classroom. Despite the fact that Marinette KNEW Chloe would hate whoever dated Adrien the sight was still enough to leave her mildly stunned after all Lila and Chloe had been tag team harassing Marinette since the second she and Adrien had started dating so to see the once allies now locked in a vicious match each using their unique brand of awful against each other… Well it was something. 
Luckily Marinette knew she would not have to lift a finger to fix things. Because this? This was Adrien’s problem. And Marinette had no intention of helping or playing mediator. After all Adrien had let Lila and Chloe stomp all over their relationship when they’d still been dating, heck he’d even asked Marinette to simply deal with it so now he could deal with it and Marinette severely doubted that Lila would be even half as accepting or accommodating as she had been. 
 So while the two wannabe queens duked it out Lila with fake tears and Chloe with vicious mockery Marinette simply glided past the drama and up to her seat where she pulled out her sketchbook and started adding the finishing touches to a sketch of a brand new rock and roll suit for Uncle Jagged. Now that she wasn’t chasing after Adrien 24/7 and making him gifts and worrying about him or Lila or Chloe not to mention trying to keep up with her school work and grades all while also being Ladybug well Marinette had time on her hands and she’d been using it to study, track down Hawkmoth with Alya’s help, spend time with friends but most of all she’d been using that time on her career. 
 As she wrote in what materials she would need to get a certain sheen effect on the outfit, Marinette noticed the green eyes looking up at her desperately from the front of the class. Marinette glanced up noting how Adrien seemed to be trying to plead with her to help as he tried to reign in his dramatic new girlfriend and attack dog childhood friend; she only cocked her head to the side, smiled and offered him a little wave before continuing with her work. Yeah no way was she willingly throwing herself into THAT.
 Sure enough before class could start Adrien managed to drag Lila out of the room and into the hallway no doubt to give her the same speech he had given Marinette when THEY were dating Lila bursting back into the classroom a few minutes later looking like she’d just swallowed a whole lemon only confirmed Marinette’s suspicions. 
 What Marinette had not expected was Lila openly complaining about ADRIEN at lunch, hours after the incidents of that morning. Marinette ate her steamed bun as she watched with mild surprise as the Italian wailed and threw a veritable tantrum as she told the girls all about how Adrien had put Chloe first and had asked Lila to simply deal with it. It was so painfully ironic that Marinette struggled not to roll her eyes. Honestly after the breakup Marinette had for a brief time contemplated revenge because truthfully. She was hurt and mad but Tikki had talked her out of it claiming that karma would have its way Marinette hadn’t believed the little god at the time too lost in her grief and her ice cream but now? Well now Marinette was starting to understand what Tikki meant. Because Lila wanted to be Adrien Agreste’s girlfriend no matter what it took, and she was only now starting to see what that really meant.
 Sure enough in the weeks that followed Lila and Chloe kept each other busy allowing Marinette to for the first time in years relax at school. Of course Lila tried to redirect Chloe’s hatred back at Marinette by telling the blonde about how it had been Marinette who initiated the break up. But Marinette had easily overcome Chloe’s rage with honesty after all she had only broken up with Adrien because she knew they were incompatible and that Adrien would be happier with someone else, something Chloe agreed with though the way in which the blonde agreed made Marinette’s eye twitch just a little.
 And then of course there was Adrien who was still trying to get Marinette to step in and help him handle his childhood friend and girlfriend but Marinette had been able to dodge him for weeks until they were having a class meetup at the park. Chloe was not attending due to wanting to avoid the ‘peasants’ as she so called them and Lila claimed she would be late due to an important meeting with some famous person. Honestly Marinette had not even bothered to pay attention. Adrien had noted the lack of ‘problem people’ and had decided to make a bold move calling Marinette out as they all hung out together to ‘talk to her in private’ yeah like THAT was going to happen. 
 Marinette knew Adrien’s modus operandi very well. He’d call you out, ask to talk to you privately and then lay on the guilt trip. No way was she doing that anymore she’d endured enough of them while they were dating to last a lifetime.
 “Actually I would prefer not to talk to you alone, Adrien. You're publicly dating someone and we never know when your fans or the paparazzi might be around. Besides anything you can say to me in private you can say in front of OUR friends.” 
 Adrien looked like a kicked puppy at her words. But as their classmates quickly took her side and insisted he tell Marinette whatever he needed with them around the blonde was backed into a corner.
 “Well the thing is… I was wondering if you could help? With the whole Lila, Chloe situation?”
 Marinette wasn’t even given a chance to respond. The second the words left Adrien’s mouth the entire class bristled, many giving Adrien looks of confusion and shock as if he’d just spoken pure nonsense and honestly in a way he had. Nathaniel however was the one who said it best.
 “Wait I’m sorry are you seriously asking Marinette to mediate between her long time bully and the girl you started dating not even an hour after your break up with her? Are you serious?!” 
 “W-Well I just thought-”
 “Thought what Agreste? That Marinette should put herself in the worlds worst situation completely ignoring her own feelings just to make your life easier?” 
 Oof Kim going straight for the throat.
 “B-But shes the class president!”
 “So?! That doesn’t make her a genie! She can't just clap her hands and fix everything nor should she have to!”
 Marinette had never heard Rose sound so upset in her life, which is when the young fashion designer knew it was her turn to say her piece and get things back under control.
 “Adrien.” She ignored the hopeful look he shot her. “Not only do I not want to get involved but I don’t think it would help. Chloe doesn’t like me and Lila’s ‘disease’-” she said the word with barely concealed sarcasm “acts up when I’m around. So I’m sorry but no I will not help you with this.”
 “But I’m sure if you just-”
 The look the class shot him was enough to end the conversation and Marinette let out a relieved sigh as her heart filled with warmth she really loved her friends.
 A month after the conversation in the park Lila Rossi got her second harsh wake up call to the ‘true joys’ of being Adrien Agreste’s girlfriend and it was a two for one deal. 
 Lila had seemingly been under the assumption that once she was dating Adrien her own popularity would rise to meet his but she was starting to learn that wasn’t the case. Adrien still got plenty more photo-shoots then she did and most were still solo and since they were fast approaching the spring fashion season Adrien was plenty busy with more and more shoots while Lila was left waiting for her turn in the spotlight.
 Perhaps it was the frustration at not immediately sky rocketing her way up in fame or maybe it was the snide comments from Adrien Fangirls talking about the lack of couples shoots but Lila seemingly came up with the brilliant plan to force the spotlight onto herself by demanding, manipulating and forcing Adrien to take her on big flashy fancy dates where the paparazzi always conveniently found them Marinette had no doubt Lila was the one tipping them off but she kept her mouth shut. It wasn’t her problem.
 However while Lila was enjoying her tabloid paparazzi fueled fame the class and more surprisingly Gabriel Agreste himself were beginning to notice the way it was wearing Adrien down. Between his photo-shoots and busy schedule all of Adrien’s precious free time was being filled up by Lila and her many needy antics and it was starting to show in the way Adrien carried himself and how exhausted he seemed.
 Nino was the one who led the charge just as he had when Lila manipulated the class into thinking her ‘clingy’ but where Marinette had gotten some hurtful but well meaning lectures about her Adrien obsession which in retrospect DID help her realize her love was unhealthy. Lila was not given such a kind well meaning speech instead Nino got mad, something he rarely let himself become.
 As it turns out Lila had worn Adrien down to the point where the blonde was too exhausted to function and he’d nearly passed out while standing and talking to Nino and that mixed with the fact that it had previously been Lila who painted the faux picture of Marinette as the clingy evil girlfriend isolating the boy from his friends was enough for Nino to harshly call her out. The liar did do her best to wriggle out of the situation trying to claim she only wanted ‘some’ private time with her oh so busy boyfriend but Nino was not having it and the class was too happy to back him up.
 The more Lila tried to defend and excuse her actions the angrier Nino got and much to the liars annoyance the young musician had proof and plenty of it. Between his text correspondence with Adrien that revealed the model was constantly being forced to cancel relaxing friend days to take Lila out on flashy dates that always ended with paparazzi and fans swarming the location and forcing Adrien into high stress situations, and an extremely detailed schedule planner that Nino had made to keep track of his best buds work life balance (potential evidence to blackmail Gabriel Agreste if he ever threatened to pull Adrien out of school again apparently). The facts didn’t lie and they were showing that Lila was the real ‘clingy’ girlfriend.
 Things eventually got so heated between Nino and Lila arguing that an akuma appeared to try and take advantage of the situation. Luckily for everyone Ladybug had been patrolling and stopped the naughty little butterfly from making things worse. In the end Lila was forced to grit her teeth and apologize to her darling boyfriend. Though perhaps what upset her more was the way the class proceeded to apologize to Marinette after the fact for ever accusing her of being clingy and taking up too much of Adrien’s free time.
 However Lila still thought she had one last ace up her sleeve, and so after the class luncheon ended the liar proceeded to contact Gabriel hoping to get her new boyfriends dad to reign him in and do her bidding. Unluckily for Lila however Gabriel had been paying attention to the situation and that fact that it had ALMOST led to an akuma made him look even closer into things.
 And he was not happy with what he found. The paparazzi pictures and articles that resulted from Lila and Adrien’s flashy dates had started positively enough with headlines and puff pieces about how cute the couple looked together, how it was nice to see the young Agreste in more casual settings with his girlfriend. But as the dates became more and more frequent and Lila’s constant demands and needs grew the articles slowly began to change soon they were discussing the concerning amount of money Adrien must be spending on his girlfriend, how exhausted and stressed the young Agreste heir looked under his strained smiles and was he eating and sleeping enough?
 The akuma he’d sent had only further confirmed Gabriel’s negative feelings toward Lila though it did make him re-evaluate the young Lahiffe boy. Gabriel had originally thought the wannabe musician might just be interested in Adrien for money but seeing the lengths he went to defend his friend had the designer impressed and even a little grateful. So when Lila phoned to try and throw the boy under the bus and get Gabriel to side with her, well she had another thing coming.
 Marinette heard later from Alya and the rest of the girls that Lila was ‘devastated’ how she’d wailed sobbed and thrown the tantrum of the century as she ranted and raved about Gabriel putting a 1 date a month maximum limit on Adrien and Lila. The two lovebirds could still hang out of course but it would be in the company of the rest of the class or other friends, or if they really wanted some privacy it would be strictly at the Agreste mansion for studying. Lila had told the girls that it was unfair and unjust that Gabriel was trying to get in the way of their love! Alya had relayed to Marinette that while the girls agreed that 1 date a month was a bit rough they all thought Lila’s tantrum was a bit childish especially when they all remembered how Marinette had rarely if ever got to enjoy 1 private date a month with Adrien and never in public.
 Of course just because Lila had been told ‘no’ didn’t mean the liar was going to listen. And so she began trying to find ways to manipulate Adrien into ‘accidental’ dates, bugging the blonde to take her out instead of settling for lunch at school or trying to conveniently separate the two of them from the rest of the group during weekend and after school hang outs. But each time Lila tried Nino thwarted her eventually the Italian had gotten so angry at his meddling that she phoned Gabriel again this time to try and get the musician removed or banned or ANYTHING so that he’d back off, so when she instead learned that Nino had been asked by Gabriel to keep an eye out on for his son and that Adrien knew about it well the liar was furious. 
 Marinette learned later this time from Rose and Juleka that the Italian had tried to go on another tantrum tirade only to be stopped by Alya who would not tolerate anyone badmouthing her lovely boyfriend. Needless to say, Marinette was quick to notice the following Monday how Lila pouted and avoided the Ladyblogger like the plague. Luckily Marinette made sure Alya didn’t dwell on it too much by inviting the girl over to help her brainstorm some new ideas.
 Because while Lila was focusing on leeching the fame and fortune off her boyfriend and being met with endless failures and a very hostile guard dog called Chloe. Marinette had been THRIVING. The suit she’d designed for Jagged had gone viral online and soon Jagged was passing on her contact information to a small selection of celebrities Marinette felt comfortable designing for. The fact that her identity was a secret and she had a very exclusive client list had only caused MDC to soar even higher in popularity with the public making it clear that they too wanted access to MDC fashion. And so Marinette had done her research and with the help of Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny she’d set up an online store where she would sell ready made clothes. 
 Of course just because Marinette was seeing success didn’t mean she had forgotten about her friends. In fact the entire class minus Lila, Adrien and Chloe knew very well the true identity of the elusive MDC and that was because while Marinette was taking big steps toward her dreams she was helping her friends do just the same. 
 After all it didn’t take long for the internet to learn that the mysterious MDC designed Kitty Sections outfits causing the band to have a surge of free publicity that led to many people discovering their music and falling in love with the band. 
 Then there was Nathanial, Marc and Alya who Marinette or should she say MDC collaborated with while designing her ‘hero hoodie’ fashion collection all of them saw a boost in views with Marc and Nathanial’s comic picking up new readers though it was there brand new all original idea that had really flown off the shelves earning them an online cult following. Alya meanwhile got her blog spotted by Lois Lane herself who was impressed with the young future journalist and contacted Alya for a summer internship the scream Alya had made almost gave Marinette a heart attack.
 And it didn’t end there. When Nino made a short film with Mylene and Kim of all people as his lead actors and uploaded it for free to YouTube MDC who was well known for supporting smaller creatives and signal boosting them on her social media was more than happy to make a tweet linking to the short film. Nino’s short film had been impactful and powerful despite being a comedy satire on Hawkmoth and it had quickly blown up earning Nino a summer internship at a film studio and Mylene and Kim several job offers. Kim had never been particularly interested in acting but after seeing the outpouring of love and support not to mention with the encouragement he got from his lovely girlfriend Ondine he decided to accept a few offers surprising everyone as he developed a new passion that he and Mylene bonded over.
 Max, and Alix were also boosted in a similar way to Nino, Kim and Mylene when MDC retweeted some of their creative endeavors. Alix a video where she had used spray paint to recreate a few classical paintings though that had only acted as a signal boost that allowed the skater to be noticed for her real passion Extreme Sports! When a very exclusive extreme sports training summer camp contacted Alix about her attending she’d squealed almost as loud as Alya had. Max meanwhile had his demo for his work in progress video games retweeted by MDC and saw a huge surge in interest and a few interested investors and publishers even arrived with offers, though before he could agree to anything his popularity ballooned even further when a video of him showing off Markov surfaced. He had later joked to Marinette that while he appreciated the support he wasn’t sure how he felt about suddenly gaining a ‘nerd cult’ as Kim called it. 
 Of course all of Marinette’s friends knew she was largely responsible for their sudden surge of fame and good fortune and many of them tried to dismiss their own talents and give all the credit to Marinette. But the young designer simply threw it back at them. Yes she had signal boosted them and given them a helping hand but at the end of the day the only reason they had gotten so popular and stayed so popular after the brief burst from her influence passed and the internet moved on to the next big thing was because they were talented and amazing without Marinette.
 The only problem with the classes' new found fame. Was that sooner or later Lila was bound to take notice. And take notice she did when Mylene appeared as an extra in one of Lila’s favorite daytime soaps. The liar had been so focused on Adrien and trying to leech her fame off him while beating Chloe back with a stick that she had somehow missed all the major developments. And she was livid. 
 She was supposed to be the most popular girl in school! She was meant to be the star, the one people admired and aspired to be like! The one they envied but loved too much to truly hate! And when she’d finally gotten Marinette and Adrien to break up she thought for sure that all her dreams would come true. But somehow while she’d been busy trying to reign in the pesky little blonde her classmates had all gone and gotten famous without her. Most of them wouldn’t even BE in Paris in the fast approaching summer since many of them either had internships, specialized camps, acting gigs, or in Kitty Sections case a whole music tour with Jagged Stone that for some reason Marinette was also a part of?!? 
 None of it made any sense and when Lila had gone looking for how exactly everything had happened she kept finding herself looking at MDC’s social media. The elusive and private designer was apparently a super sucker or something as every week they would highlight some small time random creator. Honestly it disgusted Lila who just handed out fame like that? Fame and popularity was meant to be exclusive! Earned! Something for only the most beautiful and talented of society. Not for chubby little idiots like Mylene or nerdy freaks like Max. 
 Of course Lila was nothing if not an opportunist. Sure in her opinion none of her talentless, average, classmates actually deserved their new found fame and popularity but the good thing was they were also a bunch of gullible idiots. And if she played her cards right they would surely carry her to the top. She already had the perfect lie, she would simply claim to be best friends with MDC and tell the class that she had been the one to recommend that the designer boost her classmates. 
 It was perfect. Genius really.
 So then why did it fail immediately?
 Lila stood in front of the class, her face frozen in shock as she was stared down by 10 pairs of angry glares. She had expected overwhelming thank you’s and the class bowing at her feet but the second the lie slipped out of her mouth the class instead turned on the liar like a close knit pack of wolves smelling a sheep. Honestly Lila could not understand where she’d gone wrong, and even if she had said something that was an obvious lie wouldn’t the class just normally brush it off as her disease? So why is it that they were acting this way?
 It was Alya who broke the silence first.
 “You want to run that by us again? Lila.” 
 The Italian girl swallowed the lump in her throat and ignored the obvious warning sign that was Alya’s sharp tone. Forcing a charming smile Lila brought out her sweetest voice determined that she could salvage whatever THIS was.
 “I was just saying that I’m so happy for all of you! I didn’t want to say anything at the time BUT me and MDC are such good friends! So when he-”
 “He?” Alix snorted and rolled her eyes. “Yeah that about confirms it.”
 The entire class seemed to agree with Alix as they all shook their heads and shot Lila disappointed and annoyed looks before returning to their own conversations and or hobbies freezing her out. Ignoring her.
 Oh that? That pissed Lila off like nothing else. Her cheeks grew hot as she stomped her foot angrily, regaining their attention. 
 “You guys think I’m telling lies again! You all promised that you wouldn’t judge me for my disease but you are!” For added effect she started to sniffle and sob expecting the class to do what they always did and feel guilty about their treatment of her and rush to comfort her.
 Instead she was met with even harsher glares.
 “Uhh yeah no duh we think you're lying because you ARE. We” Alix gestured to the people currently in class. “Have all met MDC and SHE not ‘he’ is a wonderful person who helped boost our careers because she thinks we're all super cool and talented not because you asked her too.” 
 Lila felt her face screw up like she’d just sucked a lemon but she quickly worked it to her advantage as she began to loudly sob.
 “T-That’s not fair! You know I can't help my disease!” 
 “Uhh yeah no. I’m stopping you there.” Alya stood up looking down from her perch at Lila with her hands on her hips commanding the room, Lois had been training her well. “We can accept that MAYBE your lying disease makes you claim things when your nervous or scared like how you always accuse Marinette of stuff, and we can MAYBE believe that your disease makes you mix up names and words so you end up giving the wrong information out about charities and celebrities and yes MAYBE we can believe that you sometimes make false claims about yourself when your stressed out like that time with Clara Nightingale stealing your dance moves. Whatever! But Lila that right there? You were not having an ‘oops I lied’ moment you were actively trying to deceive us to make the false claim that YOU are the reason MDC noticed us when we know the truth. And when I gave you a chance to correct yourself you tried to double down. That was intentional. That was malicious.”
 Lila felt her mouth fall open, her eyes blinking in shock. Too late she tried to recover. Tried to explain away the situation and make herself out to be innocent. But the class was done with her and they made it clear in how they iced her out. Eventually she had no choice but to suck it up and sit down at her seat. Not long later Marinette rushed into class followed by Chloe who was latched onto Adrien with Sabrina in tow.
 Soon enough the school year came to an end and Lila watched bitterly through the all seeing eyes of the internet as her classmates left for their internships, job opportunities, highly specialized summer camps, and more. Meanwhile she was stuck at home. Oh sure she got to go on a few out of country photo-shoots with Adrien but her fame was still nothing compared to her boyfriends, and it was quickly becoming less than nothing as her classmates rose in influence and popularity. Come the new school year Lila would need to find some way to force the class back under her heel.
 Marinette was having the best summer of her life! Jagged had taken Kitty Section on tour with him and insisted on Marinette coming with them as their designer. Marinette hadn’t been sure at first worried about the Hawkmoth situation and her own career. But in the end Tikki and her parents had convinced her. Her parents loved the idea of Marinette leaving Paris and going to see the world with her friends for a bit, and Tikki had reminded Marinette that she had the Horse Miraculous and could come home anytime, besides Hawkmoth had been getting lazier and lazier with both his akumas and the amount of them. So in the end Marinette agreed and it had been the BEST decision of her life.
 They visited England before eventually traveling overseas to America. The sights and sounds and new foods were filling Marinette with inspiration and she’d never been so busy sketching. Then of course there was the great company. Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny were wonderful and quickly ‘adopted’ all of Kitty Section + Marinette. They'd act like doting parents one second and then the next they’d be ordering way too much pizza for the teens to share. 
 Of course everyone missed their friends and family but video call existed and it was only for the summer anyway. Ivan was the one who was probably the worst off pouting over his beloved Mylene but the group was able to cheer him up encouraging him to write a song for his girlfriend, the piece he wrote became a new hit single the second they performed it on stage and Mylene had loved it. 
 The group stopped by Florida first where Jagged took them all to Disney World and then Universal Park, pictures of the rocker wearing mickey mouse ears and a hufflepuff scarf of all things while being followed by a gaggle of teenagers had soon gone viral, after that it was off to New York, and then Metropolis where they spent a bit of time so Alya could see them and hang out. Her internship with Lois Lane was going well but she’d still been relieved to see her friends and get some down time to just chill. After that they went to Gotham, which was Jagged’s home town. Now most parents might veto a place as dangerous as Gotham but seeing as how Paris was under siege by an emotional butterfly themed terrorist and they were from a class particularly used to dealing with deadly akumas on a regular basis well they were able to convince their parents to let it happen. And to Marinette’s surprise Gotham turned out to be her favorite place of the whole trip.
 Sure the city was gloomy but the gothic architecture somehow inspired Marinette, and while the people were not outwardly all smiles and sunshine they were kind in their own way. But the thing Marinette ended up loving most about Gotham was its beautiful parks and famous greenhouses. Thanks to the influence of Poison Ivy and Bruce Wayne the city of Gotham had become the greenest city in all of America and it was a never ending source of inspiration for the young designer. Not to mention it was thanks to all the inspiring greenery that Marinette had met HIM.
 She’d been walking through one of Gotham’s older parks admiring the beautiful blooming wisterias that had been shaped into a long hallway arch when she got bowled over by a massive terrifying but very friendly dog. Marinette had been terrified at first until she noticed the fast wagging tail and happy smile on the dog's face. Tikki had warned her that one side effect of holding the Ladybug miraculous would be extra friendly animals a rather ‘tame’ side effect compared to the super strength, increased speed, and occasional urge to hibernate when cold but still the designer had never expected to be attacked with friendly happy dog kisses, not like THIS anyway. As she squirmed and laughed she tried to gently push the dog off. That was when the dogs owner had come to her rescue. Yanking his dog off of her while admonishing it Marinette was finally able to sit up and begin wiping the dog drool off her cheek with a laugh.
 “Don’t scold the cutie too much I’m okay I swear he didn’t hurt me.”
 “Even if he didn’t hurt you he’s been trained better than that. I’m very sorry, please allow me to help you.”
 The boy’s voice was cool, firmly polite and matter of fact leaving no room for argument. To an untrained ear he might even sound annoyed or angry but Marinette could tell that wasn’t the case. As Marinette accepted the hand the boy offered and let herself be pulled up she suddenly came face to face with the most beautiful pair of green eyes she’d ever seen. 
 Where Adrien’s eyes were bright like a blinding peridot green, these eyes were soft and warm like the green of a pine tree and Marinette could feel herself melt into them. It didn’t help that the rest of the boy's face was also incredibly handsome. The designer quickly shook herself out of her thoughts and glanced away not wanting to stare. Instead she directed her attention to her assailant, the dog was sitting now staring up at her with its tail still wagging wildly. Marinette smiled and reached her hand down letting the dog sniff her before she gave him some soft pets.
 “Such a softy for a big guy. What's his name?” 
 “Titus. And I apologize again. He really is trained better than that. I don’t know what came over him.” 
 Marinette felt a little bad but she couldn’t exactly say that she was the chosen champion of a god and a side effect of that was very friendly animals so instead she shot the boy a smile.
 “Don’t worry I just seem to have that effect on animals. Back home the pigeons and crows have started fighting for dominance of my roof and balcony because they both want my attention.” 
 The boy gave her a stunned look before he made a sound that Marinette believed might be a covered up laugh. She smiled even brighter and offered the boy her hand to shake.
 “By the way my name is Marinette. And it's a pleasure to meet you.”
 The boy looked at her hand for a moment before he eventually grabbed it and shook it awkwardly.
 “Damian… It's nice to meet you too. Though I can tell by that introduction that you're not from here.”
 Marinette snorted at that.
 “Really the introduction was what gave it away but not my accent?” 
 The boy seemed to blush a little at that before he coughed awkwardly. Marinette took pity on him and giggled.
 “You are correct in your deduction mr.detective. I’m visiting from Paris, France with some friends and my uncle.” 
 If Marinette hadn’t been too embarrassed to look him in the eyes she may have noticed the spark of curiosity when she mentioned Paris. And had she known who Damian truly was at the time she would have known that his curiosity came from the fact that Batman and the other supers had recently learned about the situation in Paris thanks to Lois Lane taking on a new intern who ran the Ladyblog. Mayor Bourgeois had been doing a good job hiding the situation but he’d overlooked the civilian journalist. 
 “Hm. We don’t get many tourists. What brought you all the way out here. If I may ask.” 
 Naturally without much thought the pair began to walk through the park together as their conversation flowed. Marinette avoided using Jagged's name not wanting her new very handsome friend to take an interest in her solely for her connections. Instead she told him that Gotham was her uncles hometown and that this was the last stop on what had already been a pretty busy summer vacation. That turned into her telling him a bit about her family in general which got him talking about his family, he complained about his adopted siblings of which there seemed to be many but Marinette could tell he loved them. 
 Talking about family made him admit he’d come to the park to get away from them for a little while which got Marinette talking about the park and all the beautiful nature in Gotham which got the two of them talking about the best parks in Gotham and then Marinette brought up her sketches and suddenly they were talking about art and other hobbies. Before they had even realized it they were sitting at a bench together hidden away in the trees and wisterias chatting away. Marinette didn’t know why but something about Damian made her feel comfortable. Maybe it was the way he gave her his full undivided attention, maybe it was the way he made sure not to invade her space without consent or how he didn’t interrupt her when she spoke. Either way she felt safe, felt warm, almost like she was home. And judging by the way he seemed to relax the longer they spoke, his stiff body unwinding and his gaze softening, she thought maybe he felt just as comfortable with her as she was with him.
 Honestly Marinette could have sat there chatting with Damian all day in fact it had already been several hours when the pair were finally interrupted. Both of their phones began to ring, Marinette’s with the tell-tale alarm of an akuma attack in Paris and Damian’s with an emergency as the Riddler had broken out of Arkham. The teenagers regretfully had to go both citing emergencies before they departed. It wasn’t until later that they realized they had forgotten to exchange phone numbers.
 The akuma back in Paris had turned out to be Lila Rossi, it seems that Adrien’s fangirls had never truly warmed up to the liar and they had been trying to dig up dirt on the girl for months before finally finding there evidence. Alya may have privated the videos of Lila’s lies after finding out about the ‘lying disease’ but apparently someone had copied and saved them beforehand. And those videos had finally made their way out into the public. Luckily no one criticized Alya seeing as how she’d already had the common sense to remove the videos from her blog it helped that Alya also made a post explaining the situation in more detail which led to the general public agreeing that it had not been Alya’s fault when she had a teacher and a principle telling her to believe in a fake ‘lying disease’ clearly it was the adults at fault here not the young girl who had believed in them. 
 Needless to say the public ripped Lila to shreds for being a serial liar with more of her lies coming to light each day now that she had been exposed. And obviously the Italian had not taken it well and gotten akumatized.
 Marinette knew that she should be happy that Lila had been exposed. Her classmates certainly were, but instead Marinette could not help but mope. Damian had been SO kind she really had wanted to get to know him better. The fact she’d completely missed out on getting his number gnawed at her. Little did she know that Damian was across the city thinking the same thing as he sat on a Gargoyle statue. 
 But fate likes to play funny games. A few days later Jagged got a call from Bruce Wayne, a few of his sons namely Tim, Jason and Dick had heard about Jagged being in town and tjat the rocker had brought MDC the famous designer with him. Apparently they were huge fans and had bugged, pleaded, whined, and eventually threatened a hunger strike until Bruce would ask Jagged to pretty please introduce them. So Jagged got the go ahead from Marinette and the gaggle of teenagers plus Jagged and Penny piled into a big van and drove over to the Wayne mansion.
 Seeing it from the outside, Marinette felt only intimidation and dread. It was so huge and they were so rich. What if they were unimpressed when they found out MDC was just some teenage girl? Letting Jagged guide her and her friends push her forward Marinette nervously knocked on the door and let herself be led inside by the kind old man who introduced himself as Alfred.
 Walking through the halls in wonder Marinette slowly felt her fingers twitch with the urge to design. But she suppressed it and focused not wanting to be rude. As the group turned a corner into a large sitting room Marinette’s blue eyes somehow found a pair of familiar green. She gasped, he blinked wide eyed.
 “Marinette?” - “Damian?” 
 They blinked again, shocked. Marinette eventually snorted and laughed. Damian found himself smiling as he approached the small girl. And everyone else? Well they were just confused. Except for Damian’s family they were confused and freaked out. 
 “Is the demon spawn, smiling Dicky bird? Or am I hallucinating?”
 “No I see it too Jason. He looks genuinely happy.”
 “So it's official.” Tim added “we're all hallucinating.”
 After some introductions and explanations things settled down with Marinette happy to take the Wayne’s on as clients. And the Wayne’s in turn being suitably impressed and amazed by the young girls accomplishments though the part they found most amazing was how she interacted with not only them but Damian. She was genuine and kind, no fake smiles or hidden double meanings, nor did she let their money and fame impress or blind her in any way. Jason soon declared her a little sister and Jagged preened and puffed as he gloated about not only Marinette but Kitty Section as well. 
 The rest of the summer spent in Gotham was tons of fun with Jason teaching Juleka and Marinette how to shoot guns and ride motorcycles, Rose and Marinette learning some of Dick’s gymnastics moves, Ivan meanwhile got along well with the quiet Cass and level headed Duke. Eventually Stephanie and Bab’s returned home as well and they also took to the french teens with ease they organized girl nights where they taught the girls how to break and enter something Marinette had a natural affinity for go figure. The most surprising development however was Luka. The slightly older boy had seemingly set his sights on the awkward coffee addicted Tim and had spent the remainder of the summer wooing him. 
 But while Luka was wooing Tim there was one other couple slowly forming. Everyone had seen the spark between Damian and Marinette and soon enough everyone was shipping it. The pair were often ‘conveniently’ left alone or were sent on errands that somehow conveniently became accidental dates. Marinette had been guarding her heart after Adrien had shattered it but Damian made her want to take the risk and fall in love. He was charming, polite, kind, sarcastic, and as she’d learned after telling him about the entire Paris situation akuma’s and all he was protective but without going so far as to undermine Marinette’s strength. He trusted her to be fast and smart and strong enough to defend herself (especially after they did a bit of fight training for fun and she laid him flat on the ground) but he did worry and care about her.
 But still there was something holding back both teens. Something that shattered near the end of the vacation. Marinette had been caught by a villain. Poison Ivy to be exact. The plant villainess had taken note of the new frequent visitor to her greenhouse but what had really gotten her attention was how the plant life reacted to her. And furthermore how the plant life SPOKE about her. Ivy’s curiosity eventually grew too large and so she snatched up the young designer and brought her home. Luckily Marinette wasn’t particularly scared of Ivy or Harley, sure she didn’t like being knocked out but she felt no real fear, in the end Ivy, Harley and Marinette ended up having an unprompted girls day complete with junk food, ranting, bad American tv and more. Ivy eventually figured that Marinette was some kind of Meta one who had a strong influence over plant and animal life and that was enough for her to adopt the small half Asian girl and inject her with her special blend the same one she’d given to Harley to keep her safe in a town full of crazies.
 But while Marinette was perfectly fine hanging out with 2 of the 3 sirens Damian had not taken it so well. He had scoured the city trying to find the sirens newest abode all while he gnawed his lip until it bled. Maybe it was the stress that made him slip up or maybe it was just Marinette being too smart for her own good. But when the young Robin came bursting in through a window yelling Marinette’s name something had immediately clicked and she knew who he was. After she’d calmed the situation down and made sure no one fought anyone else, Marinette thanked Ivy and Harley for the nice day and let Robin carry her away. After talking with Tikki and deciding to be reckless and selfish for once in her life Marinette confronted Damian the next day, revealing her own identity in the process. There was some freaking out and a LOT of talking with Tikki and the rest of the bat clan but in the end it seemed to work out for the best. Ladybug was certainly happy to accept the help anyway even if Chat Noir wasn’t going to be.
 A week later Damian finally asked Marinette out. Two days after that they shared their first kiss on the ferris wheel. And come the end of summer Marinette, Kitty Section and surprise guests Damian and Tim Wayne were all boarding a flight back to Paris.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 3-Puppy
Marinette started to bundle up to go out into the Parisian Winter air. She already had her mittens and boots on.
'Scarf? Where is my scarf? Coat? Here they are! I wonder why Damian wanted to meet at the park instead of the bakery. He said he had my Christmas present with him. It better not be anything too big. Oh god, what did he get?'
"Maman, Papa, I'm gonna go to the park. Damian said he's over there." Marinette cried out.
"Well, tell him to come over!" Tom chuckled, "He shouldn't be standing out in the cold."
"Tell him he's welcome to spend Christmas with us." Sabine replied, "We don't want him spending it alone."
"I'll tell him!" Mari answered and rushed out the door.
Marinette easily spotted Damian and Titus amongst all the snow. Titus barked happily when he spotted her. She quickly pet Titus and kissed her boyfriend.
"Why did you want to meet me here? Maman and Papa said you could come inside. Oh, but Titus." she questioned, "Maybe, if we brought him through the side door it would be okay?"
"Titus is not your present, Habibiti." Damian chuckled.
Marinette looked at him confused. Then, she looked around the park, but they were the only ones there.
Damian smiled and unzipped his heavy coat. He stuck his hand in and brought out a fluffy black German Shepard puppy. Marinette stared at the puppy in shock.
"She is." Damian stated.
Marinette looked up to her boyfriend, only to get distracted by the tiny barks escaping the puppy. Mari reached out and grabbed the tiny dog.
"For me?" she questioned.
Damian smiled, "I'll have to bring her back to Gotham with me when I leave. I'll train her. She'll know how to protect you when you move."
Titus sniffed the tiny fluff in his second owner's arms and stood up to get a better look. Unfortunately, he tried to use Marinette as leverage, making all three of them fall into the snow.
"Titus!" Damian shouted, "Get off of Angel, right now!"
Marinette just laughed, "It seems Titus is happy to have a sibling. You surprised us both."
Damian helped Marinette up and they looked to see Titus sniffing the new puppy. The puppy barked happily and jumped in the snow. Marinette giggled, before leaning down and picked up the fluffy black puppy. It started to lick her face, excitedly, making her giggle.
"Don't be to hard on the pup." Marinette expressed.
"You still have to name her." he stated.
Marinette looked at the fluffy black German Shepard and smiled, "Thana."
The guy smirked, "Yes; a lovely name for her." as he petted the puppy's head.
'Anyone who dares to touch my angel will fear Death.'
"Can I show Maman and Papa?" Marinette questioned, excitedly.
"You may show them through the window." Damian explained, "I do not wish to be the reason they get a health code violation.
Marinette cuddled the puppy a bit longer, "I'll miss her so much when you take her."
"Perhaps your parents will let you visit her during Spring Break." he suggested, "I do not have a problem with paying for your flight." as he pulled a harness out from one of his pockets.
With Thana secure, Marinette set her back down. She quickly rushed to Titus' side.
"I don’t know if they will let me this time." Mari answered, "You're already stealing me away from them during the summer. I think they might want to spend a little bit more time with me."
Although he wasn't satisfied with the answer, he understood.
"That does sound reasonable." he stated, "Then until this summer, but I will send you pictures of Thana."
Marinette smiled happily, "Thank you for my Christmas gift, Habibi. I love her!"
"Titus, follow." he commanded.
The large dog followed him obediently. Thana was quick to follow the older dog and tried to remain in step next to it. Marinette grabbed onto Damian's arm as they led the dogs out of the park.
Marinette quickly sent a text to her mother, asking if they could come outside for a moment. Tom and Sabine were quick to notice Damian and their daughter, but a tiny bark grabbed their attention.
"Oh, who is this cutie?" Tom asked.
"This is Thana." Marinette answered, "She is my present from Damian."
Tom glanced up at the boy.
"I will be taking them both to the hotel." He answered the unasked question, "They will be coming with me for a long walk before we return and I'll be taking her back to Gotham with me after the holidays."
"You don't want to come in?" Sabine questioned.
"I do not want to leave them by themselves." Damian declared, "Especially, the little one."
"We can bring them through the side door and seal the bakery." Sabine smiled, "A little bit of cleaning, before we open, wouldn't be much trouble."
Marinette smiled, "We'll be right in, Maman. I want to take a picture quick."
Marinette picked up Thana. Damian put his arm around her waist and held her phone out to capture the moment. Titus leaned against his owners, as the picture was taken. Marinette kept Thana in her arms as the went through the side door. Once they were seated, Damian suggested taking Thana to her room to get use to her scent. Titus laid down by the tv, near Tom, eyeing the stairs to Marinette's room.
"You can follow them if you want." Tom spoke, "There's nothing bad up there; just her room."
Titus closed his eyes and let himself rest. He could feel this was a safe space for his owners.
Marinette quickly posted the picture to her social media.
"Merry Christmas to me! My amazing boyfriend got me this cute little puppy!"
She was too focused on Thana, not destroying her designs, that she never noticed her phone still had notifications turned on silent. Damian had dinner with the Dupain-Chengs and then decided it was best to take the dogs on a walk before taking them to eat dinner back in the hotel. Marinette yawned, as she got ready for bed.
'Oh, I need to put my phone to charge!'
When she turned it on, she hadn't expected to see a bunch of notifications from her post.
'Who is he?'
'Since when are you dating someone?'
'I thought you wanted a hamster!'
'Tell me the hottie isn't yours.'
Marinette pouted at the comment and decided it was best to answer them before bed. She didn't want people trying to barge their way in super early or have her phone go off at all hours for answers.
'Yes, the hottie is mine, Chloe.'
'I could never decide between wanting a dog, a cat, or a hamster. My boyfriend's family is big on dogs, but he owns multiple pets. I would likely lose the hamster in his home.'
'What's going to happen to the puppy?'
'Yeah? I thought your place was an animal free zone.'
'He'll be taking her back home and I'll go see her in the summer.'
'You're not really a good owner, are you?'
'Uh, it had to be her.'
'Puppies get separation anxiety. What happens if you break up? He'll stick her in the pound! How can you be so cruel!'
'How dare you! You don't know my boyfriend! He happens to be an animal activists, works in animal shelters, is a vegetarian, and he'll be training her to be a guard dog, just like his!'
'A guard dog?'
'Why a guard dog?'
'omg is he like in the mafia? That's super dangerous! You could be hurt! I was just trying to be a good friend!!!!!'
'Lila, we have NEVER been friends and we NEVER will be! We graduate soon so stop pretending to be thinking about what's "best for me" or on how "we'll be friend someday. mArInEtTe JuSt HaS tO sEe Im A gOoD pErSoN & gEt OvEr HeR jeAlOuSy". I'M NOT JEALOUS OF YOU!!! You are a toxic person and a liar! Anything you say can be disproven by using Google!'
'As for a guard dog, I'll be moving out of Paris and to the USA, with my boyfriend, after graduation. I'll be living at his family's home.'
Marinette turned off her phone and left a note in the kitchen for her parents: I don't care who it is, unless it's Damian with the dogs, I don't want to see anyone! I have not invited anyone over. I do not have any gifts for anyone and no one is allowed into my room without my permission. Right now, no one from school is allowed! I'm not babysitting anyone's siblings and I don’t have plans.
Marinette had blocked Lila on her social media and set it private. She had also added 'Lila' and 'Lila Rossi' to her banned words. If anyone from the class tried to say anything, she was clueless. Marinette assumed Lila was probably crying to everyone else on how "rude" she was or how "she didn't mean anything by it. She was just concerned."
Mari walked into class with a smile on her face. Lila was sobbing, but she didn't care. Adrien walked up to her, as other continued to console the attention seeker.
"Hey, Marinette." he spoke, "Um, some of the class showed me your post. Oh, congradulations on the boyfriend and puppy."
"Thank you, Adrien." she smiled.
'And here it comes.'
"Don’t you think you were a little too rude to Lila?" he asked.
"Adrien" Marinette smiled, "I'm tired of people, like you, trying to force me to be friends with someone I don’t like."
Marinette notice Adrien flinch, but continued, "I hate liars more than anything. I have reached the point where I don’t care that you believe her; I will laugh when you realize how big of a liar she really is. I will never like her or be friends with her. You all forced me to add her to my accounts, even after she claimed I was cyber bullying her. You can say all the shit you want about me, you little bitch, but you insult my boyfriend and I won't hold back! That night, I blocked her and made my accounts private. If anyone from the class decides to try and force me to talk with her, I will also block and mute them."
Adrien lowed his head.
Marinette leaned it, "Perhaps, you should talk to your father's model about keeping silent. If I hear her talk shit about my boyfriend, I have Jagged on speed dial and I will get him to sue her. That will throw all the lies she talked about her tinnitus, the fake cat, and all her missed school into question. I wonder how much jail time she would get for truancy, claiming to have royalties, and a disability. If her mother were to find out, I wonder what else she would learn about when she comes to the school. Maybe she'll have to be held back. Enjoy your high road."
Adrien paled, as Marinette sat down. Lila immediatley latched onto him.
"You believe me, right, Adrien?" the liar questioned.
"Of course, Lila." he answered.
As everyone took their seat, he quickly slipped her a note. Lila smiled, thinking she had won. Adrien had chosen her. She still wasn't sure if that guy was dating Marinette or trying to use him to make Adrien jealous.
'Marinette knows Jagged Stone, personally. She says if you talk about her boyfriend any more, she'll ask him to sue you about your fake tinnitus. Everything else will crumble.'
Lila turned and looked towards Marinette. Marinette was smiling, at her. It looked like one of her smiles. She could see it on her face.
Marinette continued to ignore everything that Lila said in class and Lila kept her mouth shut about Marinette's boyfriend. She never dared to bring up Marinette's social medias again.
Marinette smiled as she laid in Damian's arms in the living room. Titus and Thana laid curled up by their feet, with Alfred the cat curled up on the armrest.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"A bit of payback." she answered, "I created all new social medias so this will be my last post from my Paris account. I'll delete the account tomorrow. Anyone worth keeping was already added to my other accounts."
"What are you posting?" he questioned.
Mari turned her phone around and showed him the picture that was taken the day she moved in. The Waynes had insisted of takign her picture with them and the dogs to welcome her to the manor. During the photo, Damian had dropped to his knee and proposed. The picture had perfectly captured her shocked face and the Waynes' smiling faces. Even the dogs had been excited.
"Chaotic." he spoke, kissing her cheek, "Post it."
Marinette posted the picture and put: I got welcomed into the household and the family. Damian was quick to comment: Goodbye Ms. Dupain-Cheng. Hello Mrs. Wayne. Marinette turned to him, blushing.
"It's true, is it not?" he smirked.
"Yes, Habibi." Marinette smiled before leaning over and kissing her fiancée.
Lila snarled seeing Marinette's name was trending and she didn't know why until she clicked on someone else's post. Marinette was tagged with the Wayne family. She quickly followed them to see what was going on. Then she saw it; that guy from her Christmas post proposed to her and he was a Wayne. Marinette had hid the fact that she was dating a Wayne from all of them. The Waynes were wealthier than the Agreste. Adrien hadn't even looked her way since Marinette left and he had been spending all his time with the fencer. The only time she saw him was at photoshoots and even now those were becoming scarce. It got worse when the Wayne had announced Marinette as ZAHR, their new designer. Lila quickly clicked on the video under the announcement.
Marinette smiled to the camera, "I am very grateful to the Wayne family for not only welcoming me into their family, but also Wayne Enterprise. I have always wanted to be a fashion designer; Gabriel Agreste inspired me to be who I am today. Please, don't think I'll only be catering to the wealthy. I will be making MW a household name brand. ZAHR will cater to my personal clients; like my unofficial uncle, Jagged Stone."
Soon, Gabriel Agreste and Jagged Stone's name was trending alongside hers.
'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's okay. It'll be okay. She was the only fashion nut in the class. Adrien wouldn't rat me out. They'll never figure out I lied to them.'
About two minutes later her phone started blowing up.
'You said you knew ZAHR!'
'You're really dating ZAHR? I didn't know you liked Marinette that way!'
'You lied to us!'
'Did you really order a dress for me?'
'Why did you say Marinette was a guy?'
'Why did you say that you personally helped with the designs?'
'What happened to the money I gave you?'
'Marinette said she never wanted to be your friend!'
'No wonder she called you a toxic person!
'How could you lie and say that you were going to meet ZAHR in Milan this weekend?'
'I'm pretty sure you're not Marinette's type.'
'Marinette blocked my number!'
'Her number has been disconnected!'
'I don’t have the money to travel to Gotham!'
'I can't believe you!'
'We should have listened to Marinette!'
'What else did you lie about?'
'I never should have said anything about the stupid puppy.'
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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mcheang · 2 years
I have a prompt idea! So a rich kid transfers into DuPont who is the son of the prime minister or something. He can be bratty like Chloe and deceitful like Lila. The first thing he does is put Chloe in her place since her dad can’t do anything to him and exposes Lila as the liar she is with the help from his connections.But here’s the kicker, he has a massive crush on Marinette. But she has a massive crush on Adrien, someone he looks down on. Cue jealousy and retribution. Basically Adrien gaining an antagonist of his own because if he can have FOUR girls getting into a cat fight of her (two of whom are nasty bullies) then Marinette can have her own evil love interest. Bonus points if he is beginning to endear to Marinette after standing up to her bullies.
Remy Gusteau
Can you guess where I got his name? But I imagine him to look like Draco Malfoy if he has to keep saying “My father….” Lol
Tumblr media
Your prompt is the first in a long while that has given my that old flair of imagination :D Thank you. Also, for anyone else who wants to send me a prompt, note I have not watched the latest season yet as I am waiting for all episodes to air first. So no spoilers please.
The only reason Remy even agreed to go to Paris after the rise of Hawkmoth was because it was the capital of gastronomy.
Even so, he refused to stay as a guest at the Le Grand Paris. There is no way he is staying in the same hotel as that bully Chloe. Honestly why Ladybug even let her remain a hero after she purposefully endangered a train full of Parisians is beyond him. And ever since he saw her purposefully sabotage a cooking show, he has been asking his father why her father was even still mayor if he could not even raise his daughter properly.
Even so, the mayor personally welcomed Remy at the airport.
Mayor: my daughter attends Dupont too, she can be your tour guide.
Remy: I certainly hope she learned to improve her personality. It doesn’t look good on France if the mayor of our capital has a bully for a daughter.
The mayor paled at the threat. “Of course she has improved. Why else would Ladybug give her a miraculous again?”
Remy: I guess we’ll see.
Later that night, Andre begged his daughter to be on her best behavior because otherwise, it might cost him his job.
Naturally Chloe was appalled. She started to protest when even her mother agreed with Andre. “It would never do for my darling to lose his job. All Chloe has to do is act nice in front of the prime minister’s boy, right? That’s easy to do. Chloe, if you can’t handle even this much, ask your sister for advice.”
The next day Chloe went out of her way to greet Remy and did not even give Sabrina orders…only to be ignored by Remy.
Ugh. Who did he think he is?
Sabrina: Um, the prime minister’s son?
The only seat left available was next to Ivan, right in front of Lila.
As Caline told Remy that Marinette would be his tour guide, Lila volunteered instead.
Lila: Oh, I can do it. As the ambassador’s daughter, I’m sure Marinette would has a lot to do anyway.
Marinette scowled at Lila. And she wasn’t the only one.
Remy himself was not happy. He recognised Marinette because of her parents and uncle. He had actually been looking forward to discuss recipes with her. Why did that nobody have to butt in?
Well that nobody was Lila, and clearly she never heard of personal space. For someone supposed to be giving a tour of the classrooms and teachers, she sure talked a lot about herself instead.
Don’t tell him that everybody actually indulged her like this?
Later that day, after class ended, he asked Caline why she does not try reining in Lila’s tall tales.
Caline: Lila has a special disease. She didn’t want her classmates to see her differently because of it.
Remy stared cooly at this dumb woman. “Hmm. Do you know something, I’ve heard the other students tell me I was in the akuma class. I thought perhaps it might be due to Chloe but perhaps you have something to do with it too. I wonder if I should ask my father to bring an inspector here.”
Caline: If you think it’s needed. I have only ever encouraged my students to forgive each other.
Remy: right, which is why you never told your class they were being lied to by Lila and denied them the chance to forgive her.
True to his word, Remy did bring an inspector around, and was he thorough! Marinette’s previous expulsion case was brought up and both Damocles and Caline were fired for mishandling the case. Remy even forced them to apologize to Marinette. Some, including Adrien, might protest this was harsh, but Remy drily pointed out that Caline’s method of forgiving bullies without punishing them was called enabling. Did she expect them to forgive Hawkmoth too? And Damocles is not supposed to turn school property into some cheap owl cave, nor punish the school for Chloe’s misdeeds. They were like children in the bodies of adults.
Oh, and Lila was exposed too. She had to confess her special ability to the whole school, outing her as someone who likes to tell tall tales.
Understandably, akumas appeared. Curiously though, they never got much chance to cause chaos. Mainly because the no-nonsense inspector and Remy struck them in the head once the transformation had finished, giving them no time to react, and proceeded to keep hitting them till they passed out.
Everyone stared at them.
Remy: What? The miraculous cure will fix everything.
And Remy finally got to discuss baking with Marinette! He just didn’t understand why she was so fixated on Adrien Agreste. The model reminded Remy of Caline, always about forgiving bullies. Spoken like someone who has never been bullied himself!
He just has to help Marinette see that Adrien isn’t worth her time. Some planned situations to show how useless the boy is. Good thing he has the mayor’s daughter at his beck and call. And he just knows she is dying to be mean again.
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howhow326 · 2 years
Break My Soul
Miraculous Ladybug S4: Nino salt fic (CW: Misogynoir, casual racism)
Alya PoV
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Last week was surely the worst week of Alya's entire life.
Sunday, Alya noticed something strange about the trip Lila took last week with prince Ali... it never happened. Prince Ali was staying with his grandmother all week because she got sick. Alya was sure that this was all just some big understanding, so when she saw her green-eyed friend walking down the street she asked her about what happened. "Are you calling me a Liar?" Lila spat at Alya, all of her words dripping with venom. "What?! Of course not! I'm just saying that you didn't go with Prince Ali last week. Did you mean the week before or-" Lila cut off Alya before she could finish. "You're going to regret that." Alya tried to reach out to the girl she thought was her friend, but the liar walked away without a word.
Monday was probably the worst day of Alya's entire life. She went to school like normal, but Nino was late. Then, he burst through the door and screamed "ALYA'S CHEATING ON ME!!!", "What??? How could-" "Lila told me everything you DIRTY LIAR!!! AND I HAVE PROOF!!!" Nino took his phone out and showed the class a poorly edited photo of Alya huging some random boy. Alya was speechless, but Nino wasn't. "I'M DUMPING YOU, CHEATER!!!" In that moment, Alya finnally realized that Marinette had been right about Lila after all. Lila wasn't Alya's friend, she wasn't a celebrity, and she definitely wasn't a good person. "Nino, you have to trust me-", "I'LL NEVER TRUST YOU AGAIN, LIAR!!!" and Nino sat next to Adrien quiet the rest of the class. As Alya's heart slowly broke into pieces, Lila's smile grew larger.
Tuesday, Alya and Marinette became fully ostracized from the rest of the class. All of the girls asked the duo to delete their phone numbers, and they didn't say anything else to them. Nino still kept quiet the whole class, he didn't even speak to his best friend. As for Adrien, Alya and Marinette both knew that he knew Lila was a liar, but he argued that going against her would only do more damage. "BS" Marinette muttered under her breath. "Adrien is the most popular boy at school and he has Chloe in his pocket. You really think the class would choose Lila over him?" "I... I don't know anymore." Alya could feel the resentment of everyone in her homeroom crushing her. "H-hey, calm down! We can't get upset or else-" "-Shadowmoth will try to akumatize us, I know. I just... can't take this. I'm sorry I didn't believe you about Lila before." The more Alya thought about how many second chances she gave Lila, the more twisted her stomach became. "Don't apologize, Alya. Even when you believed Lila, you were still nice to me. You are better than everyone in that heck hole." "sniff Thanks girl." Alya said as she wiped tears from her face. The two girls continued to chat, alone togather in the cafeteria. Out the corner of Alya's eye, she could see Lila leading Nino into what looked like one of the bathrooms, but at this point she was over him. Everyone at school hated Alya and refused to talk to her, but at least things can't get worse right?
Wensday, things got worse. That was the day her classmates started bullying her. Chloe, her doormat, and Kim started name calling Alya and Marinette the minute they sat down. Rose cringed at what she saw, but she never spoke up. Mylene looked like she was enjoying what she saw. And Adrien had a dull look in his eyes, like he was above his classmates antics and not a coward. Miss Bustier walked into the class room during the middle of the name-calling, and she was very quick to get Kim to "settle down". But she never stopped Chloe and Sabrina... Alya wondered why, but she knew in her heart of hearts what was going on. Then Nino walked in, a completely different person from the last time Alya saw him. His base ball cap was gone, and his hair had been straightened and slicked up into a hairstyle that resembled pictures Alya saw of American frat boys. His blue T-shirt and jeans were replaced with black dress pants, a black wifebeater underneath a brown vest. His glasses were missing, but he had many watches on his arms. And besides the new Nino was Lila clinging to his shoulder. "HEY GUYS, LILA AND I ARE DATING!!!" Nino shouted in his 'indoor' voice. "Nino, how many times do I have to tell you to be quiet indoors!" Miss Bustier reprimanded him. "Oh Miss Bustier, please forgive Nino. You know how he gets when he's excited!" Lila spoke in her fake nice voice. "Oh, alight Lila. But make sure to control him better next time!" Miss Bustier urged the Italian. Alya did a double take at what the white teacher had suggested. Ms Bustier was always like that, being ignorant of her blatant racism and disguising it as "helping Chloe and Lila". Alya didn't think it was a sin to be racist on accident, but it was a sin to act like you know everything and still act ignorant. As for Lila... Alya didn't know if she was racist and she didn't care. Lila was already weaponizing racism against her and Marinette. The rest of class was much the same, half of the class harassed Alya and Marinette, but Ms Bustier only stopped the non-french kids from "acting uncivilized with each other".
Thursday was much the same, the exact same actually. After class Alya spotted Nino, or new Nino... evil Nino? Jerk Nino? Alya spotted jerk Nino standing on the sidewalk behind the school. Her brain wanted to ignore him, but her heart wanted to make things right with him. Alya knew that she could never get back with Nino, but she knew that he was better than Lila and didn't want her to influence him anymore. "...Nino?" "Ugh, what do you want." Nino bit at Alya with his words. "Look, just hear me out okay?" Nino stared at Alya for a bit, then he turned his head and popped a cigarette out. Oh Nino, Alya thought, when did you start smoking? "I know that you still don't believe that I never cheated on you, and that there's nothing I can say or do to be with you again-" Alya felt a trail of tears go down her cheek. "- but you have to believe me when I say that Lila is a bad influence on you. My heart has broken into pieces, and watching that girl corrupt you into someone your not is grinding those pieces to dust! You have to break up with Lila, for your sake!" For a moment, silence. Nino looked at Alya like she was nothing, a look he never gave her even when he hated her. "Are you done?" Nino blankly asked Alya. "What?" "See girl, the thing is, I never liked you like that. Having my first girlfriend was nice and all, but you were never Marinette." Alya's mouth hanged from her jaw, did Nino not hear me? "Eww, and that's the other thing; you're ugly!" Alya felt like a dagger was being pushed into her heart. "And judgmental, and bossy, and you never let me be a real man. Now Lila, that girl's got everything! She's nice, cute, not fat like you, and she let me be the person I always wanted to be!" "That... that can't be true! The Nino I knew would never speak to me like that!" Then, Alya felt something hard crash into the side of her face, knocking her off balance and onto the ground. As she looked up, she saw Nino's hand raised. "KEEP MY NAME OUT YOUR MOUTH, WITCH!!!" When Alya touched her cheek, she could feel a small cut from one of Nino's gold rings. Alya looked back at Nino, and he spat into her eye. Alya screamed. "Oh shut up!" Ladybug then dropped out of the sky, punched Nino in the gut, and then threw him into a trash can. "M'lady stop, you could have killed him!" Chat Noir meekly said as he fell down moments after Ladybug. "THEN YOU HELP HIM!" Ladybug shouted at Chat Noir. She then scooped Alya into her arms and swung back to Marinette's room. Once they were safe, Ladybug detransformed into Marinette and Alya cried into her arms.
Friday, Alya stayed home. She was treated for a possible eye infection after the Cigar Rat had spat into her eye, and she. Stayed. Home. At 3:00 p.m., Marinette came for a visit. She told Alya how her day was, that Nino and all the rich kids were cutting classes. They might be held back. Then she left. At 5:00 p.m., Nora answered a call from Nino's father, and she told him to never call this number again. Then Alya went to sleep.
Saturday, and Alya stayed home. On the news, Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting an akumatized Nino. They beat him, but Nino slapped Chat Noir's hand when he reached for him and ran off. That couldn't be good for his reputation. Ayla laid in her bed all morning and afternoon, and she wanted to disappear. She felt like nothing. She felt worthless. She felt unlovable. She felt- "Hey sis, can we talk for a bit?" Nora spoke through a crack in the door. "Sure." Nora opened the door and came into Alya's bedroom, which looked frozen in time. "Alya... what's happening to you? You're not acting like yourself." "Well, me and my bestfriend are being bullied at school. You already know about Nino, and his new girlfriend is the one that caused all this. The classroom teacher is letting this all slide because she puts white girls first, and Adrien is letting this all slide because... I don't know, he's scared." Alya said blankly. Nora looked furious "That's seriously not cool! Why didn't you tell anyone! Why didn't you tell me?!" Alya felt water leak from her eyes. "Because... maybe if I had just lied and said that I was sorry to Nino and believed that Lila went on a trip last week, none of this would be happening. I-" "Alya stop! This isn't who you are! You an ace journalist! You care more about the truth then anyone I know! So stop lying to yourself! You are seen, you are amazing, you are worthy, and you are loved!" and with those touching words, Nora hugged Alya until she stopped crying.
Sunday, Alya's parents asked her to run some errands for them because they thought she needed a breath of fresh air. She was just about done when Lila appeared behind her. "Hi... Alya." Lila spoke in what she thought was the evilest way possible. "Lila, what do you wa-" "Save it. I hope you understand by now what I meant last Sunday. Do understand, Alya, that this is not the end. It is merely the beginning. Tell me, how would you feel if the Ladyblog got hacked? If your big sis got banned from boxing? If Marinette got expelled from school? These aren't empty threats, but the reality you are living. I. HAVE. POWER. I can make heads turn! I can make mountains move! I can do the impossible and the unthinkable! So now you have a choice... choose me over Marinette, and I'll even get you back togather with Nino! Choose Marinette over me... and you will now what it's like to live in H e l l! You don't have to decide today. Just like Marinette, I'll give you some time to think about it." Lila then flipped her hair and walked away like she hadn't talked like a maniac two seconds ago. That made Alya mad.
"Lady Wifi, I am Shadowmoth. You are the most honest person in all of Paris, and yet you're life has been destroyed by the lies of one girl. I will give you back your powers and, in exchange, all I ask are Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous." "I, no-" Alya felt like her head was about to explode from pressure. "Why resist me? After all, I'm the only one that believes you are innocent." Shadowmoth whispered into Alya's ear. For a moment, Alya was about to accept Shadowmoth's offer, and smash Lila's head. But then she remembered the truth "No Shadowmoth! You aren't the only one that believes me! Marinette, my best friend in the whole world has always supported me! Ugh, I renounce your power!!!" And with those words, Alya broke the hold Shadowmoth had over her.
Last week was surely the worst week of Alya's entire life.
And this week was surely the best. Alya and Marinette went to school like normal, all apart of their master plan. "Honestly, I don't even like black girls" Nino said in his "indoor" voice. "Their too loud, annoying, and aggressive!" "Haha, Nino, aren't you black too?" Lila asked while, for the first time in her life, genuinely laughing. "What??? No! I'm not black, I'm just a dark skinned Arab!" Nino said, oblivious to the fact that people can be black and Arab at the same time. Not so oblivious to the fact that he was uplifting one race to put down black people, playing coon for an Italian girl. "The difference is?" Lila asked, not because she wanted to know but because she liked seeing her boyfriend humiliate himself in public. "Well, black people aren't cute like me!" Nino shouted in his indoor voice. All of the white kids, minus Rose and Juleka, plus Kim, laughed at the anti-black joke. Max cringed, but didn't say anything. Alya decided to raise her hand, for the plan to work. "Ms Bustier, are you seriously going to let him say that about my people?" she asked, knowing Ms Bustier definitely would. "Alya, it's just a harmless joke. And Lila, I told you to keep Nino under control!" Ms Bustier commanded. "Sorry Ms Bustier. Um, can I go to the bathroom?" Lila asked. Not like she needed to ask, since Ms Bustier would do everything she wanted in order to teach the class to "uplift white women". As she was a foot out the door, Lila winked at Nino. "Oh, uhh, Ms Bustier! Can I go to the bathroom too?" "It's not 'can I', it's 'may I'! And you better be back in 15 minutes young man! I won't have you making sexist jokes all day and failing my class!" Ms Bustier shouted at him. Per usual, Ms Bustier only stands up for black girls when white girls are threatened. Nino scurred out the room to go smoke with Lila, or drink with Lila, or do something else with Lila. Per usual, Lila and Nino didn't return to the classroom, which caused Ms Bustier to sigh. "I knew Nino was a bad influence on Lila". For a second, Alya wanted to scream at the ignorant teacher, but then she remembered that Lila didn't corrupt Nino. She only brought out his true colors.
The next day was the best day of Alya's life. Marinette's plan was quite simple for once, record the classes awful behavior and post it onto the Ladyblog. The website had actually had a lack of updates for a few days because of the drama, so when it randomly posts evidence of the beloved creator being bullied and racially harassed, Alya's entire family got akumatized and attacked the school. After Ladybug stopped the attack, alone, a full investigation was launched into Ms Bustier's homeroom. Apparently the woman used to be a kindergarten teacher, and before that she was a Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist living in Britin. And she was guilty of tax evasion. Alya almost felt sad for her. Almost. Chloe, Sabrina, and Kim were all sent to seperate reform schools full of kids that were 10x nastier than they were, pure karma. Ivan was planning a mass shooting on the school and told Mylene, who though he was joking. He got sent to a psyche ward, and she got a "slap on the wrist" of 1,000 hours mandatory community service.
The next day, Marinette and Alya were invited to a special news interview where they discussed, at length, the lies Lila had told. The special guest, aside from them, was prince Ali, who admitted he didn't know who Lila was. Lila then asked Max to permanently delete the Ladyblog off the Internet as a favor from "saving his life from a ball of paper". Max considered it, but then he remembered Lila's racism. So Max called the news segment and gave them a voice recording of Lila asking him to destroy the Ladyblog to hurt Alya. On live TV. With almost everyone in Paris watching.
Thursday, Lila broke into the news studio to spread "the truth" that Shadowmoth is Gabriel Agreste and that Alya is working with him. She was arrested and placed into an asylum far away from modern technology, a place where she would never "hurt hurself" again. Marinette and Alya had a little laugh at her desperate attempt to stay relevant... then Alya put the pieces in place and realized she was right. Marinette used the rooster Miraculous to gain the power of X-ray vision and looked through the Agreste mansion, only to find a ridiculously sized basement with a... coffin inside. Gabriel's mansion was raided within the hour. Shadowmoth attempted to put up a fight, but Ladybug had a new team of miraculous holders that were actually good at their jobs helping her this time. Gabriel was apprehended and to be brought before a U.N. court for international levels of terrorism. Chat Noir, who was Adrien, had his identity found out by all of Paris. On accident. Ladybug considered taking his miraculous away, but Rena Furtive convinced her otherwisr on the the condition he never become Chat Noir again. "Keeping Plagg might make him grow a spine" Rena argued. "Either way, if he commits a crime with a miraculous, he is definitely going to jail." "Oh, definitely." Before the day ended, Marinette finnaly got togather with Luka, the only person besides Alya that actually supported her. Luka also gave a stern talking to Juleka and Rose, who apologized to the duo for everything they didn't do. They even offered to become friends again, but Alya declined. It was nice they don't have their heads stuck up their butts anymore, Alya thought, but it will take more time to forgive them.
Friday, everything felt right with the world. Adrien moved to London to live with his aunt, and with him gone only one last blight remained. Afterschool, Nino approached Alya on the sidewalk. "So you thought you could ruin my life again and get away with it, YOU BLACK WITCH!!!" Nino screamed at Alya. "Are you done?" Alya blankly asked him. Nino raised his hand, but this time Alya caught him.
Then she punched him in his teeth.
I will not do this ever again.
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