#Limlife spoilers
kratergate · 1 year
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in which i make the hunt for tango more dramatic and badass than it actually was
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shepscapades · 1 year
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He could not have said anything worse, actually.
Don’t touch me i might explode
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Joel from nearly any other Life series wouldn’t have hesitated to kill anyone if it got him just that much more time in the game. Joel in 3rd Life had no allegiances to anyone and frequently betrayed anyone’s trust on a whim. Last Life Joel was the same, he continued in a lone wolf fashion and left a trail of carnage behind him. He had Etho bound to him in Double Life, and they lived and died by chaos. But here in Limited Life, Joel found a pack. People he trusted wholeheartedly no matter what, people he didn’t want to lose, people he wanted to trust him. 
Joel wanted to give his time up to Jimmy despite being so low himself, gave up a kill to try and help him live that much longer, and he ran out of time. Joel killed Grian for time only after being ordered to, only after it became clear he wasn’t going to be able to kill Scar. He refused to kill Grian again, even when he had minutes left and no hope to get time from anyone else. 
This is Joel loyal. Dedicated to the end, willing to give up anything for his pack if only given the chance. He will still leave a trail of carnage behind him but he doesn’t walk it alone. 
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zedif-y · 1 year
Joel wakes up screaming.
His first thought, honestly, isn’t very coherent. A mishmash of need more time and a throat-tearing scream escaping him as he opens his eyes to–
His scream dies down. Joel looks around– at least, he thinks he’s looking around. Hard to tell when it’s all pitch black and he can’t see a thing, is he sure his eyes are working–?
Joel brings a hand to his face, “Did I go blind– What the heck!”
His voice comes out shrill, a hair away from a shriek (because no, it wasn’t a shriek, it was all manly and stuff, thank you.) as his hand kind of– it kinda–
He knows where his head is. Obviously. Be a bit weird if he didn’t. He knows where his head is, and he knows where his hand is. Both are important. So when he reached towards his head, right, gotta see if there’s a cloth over his eyes, or if he’s gone blind or whatever stupid thing must’ve happened to him after… After he…
His thoughts go fuzzy for a second, like that feeling you get when you think you’ve forgotten something but can’t remember what. Like knowing the shape of something you’ve lost, its absence so pressing that it chokes you like sand, clogging your lungs with each second it's gone but what the heck is it–?!
Where was he, again?
Oh. Right. He was freaking out.
The point is– because there was a point, right before things got all weird there– his hand went through his head.
It… He doesn’t even know how to explain it. It felt like… Not much, really. Didn’t feel like anything. But that’s the issue with it, the issue of something should be there, like skin and muscle and bone and perhaps even a brain. But instead, Joel put his hand where his face should be and he felt nothing, no matter how hard he tried, how far he reached and pushed and–
Joel wants to scream. Or laugh. Or cry. Either of the three, though preferably not that last one.
It’s so weird. He just wants…
There it is again. That feeling. The clawing, desperate something in his chest that twists and writhes–
“Hey, Joel.”
Joel screams. (First option, then.)
Jimmy just stares at him, unimpressed. His sunglasses are blocking his eyes.
For some reason, it makes Joel want to cry.
Jimmy sighs, “Are you done?” Joel gapes at him.
Are you serious, “Am I d– What the heck, Jimmy?” He snaps, “Don’t sneak up on me like that, I’m not bloody Grian–”
Since when did Jimmy get so quiet, anyway?
“Of course you’re not Grian,” Jimmy says, his voice all weird. Off. “It’d be easier if you were. He’s already moved on.”
Joel’s hackles rise, “What d’you mean it’d be easier?” He snarls, like snapping teeth. “And he hasn’t moved on, he’s just–”
“Looking for new friends?” Jimmy deadpans. Joel’s jaw clicks shut. “ ‘s what I thought.”
Oh, Joel wants to punch him in the–
Wait a second.
It comes back to him then, slamming into him like a wave. The bubbling, helpless laughter in his chest as he leaps and runs across a flimsy dirt bridge. The way he knows he’s fallen before, fallen a million different times and came out both dead and alive but he doesn’t care.
("–you can't keep doing this–")
He doesn’t (didn’t) care, because why should he, he’s got– he’s got water. He’s got water, like everyone else on this blumin’ server, he’ll live, surely, so there’s no need to be scared.
("–got to let go, eventually, right–?")
No need to worry, even as yellow feathers plummet and disappear from view and lightning strikes where Jimmy’s voice cut off–
“Joel!” Jimmy shouts, practically right in his face. “Joel, are you even listening–?”
This, Joel decides, is not Jimmy.
It's got the shape of Jimmy, sure. Right hair and face and everything. Right voice, right bloody curve of his eyebrows, which makes Joel laugh, because it isn't him.
It can't be. It can't be, because Jimmy's dead. Jimmy's gone, he ran out of time because he fell like an idiot so no, this can't be him, there's no way.
On all levels except physical, Joel can't seem to breathe.
There's no way this is Jimmy, he thinks, just the right amount of hysterical. It's just not possible.
Because if this is him, (and that's a big, gigantic if) then that means– That means wherever he went, Joel followed. Joel followed, and now they're in the Void, or Limbo, or whatever the heck it's called, and that means that Joel–
Joel failed Grian, too.
"You're not Jimmy," He says at last, with his not-there tongue and not-there face. His voice sounds distant. "He'd be like, crying. Screamin' about dying first again, going oh my gosh!" Joel tells Not-Jimmy, pitching his voice up and then laughs, laughs, and laughs.
Until he can't breathe. Until it hurts to.
Until it's not much of a laugh at all.
Light shines on Not-Jimmy's sunglasses. He's still the only thing Joel can see.
Joel reaches out, pretending to see two, shaking hands grab Jimmy by the shoulders. He pretends, thinks about it hard enough that he almost feels the texture of Jimmy's denim under his palms. He thinks, imagines, pretends, whatever, that the fabric crinkles under his touch, that the sob that makes his way past his lips is a laugh as he says, "I'm sorry."
Something wet trickles down his not-there face.
" 'm sorry, Jim," Joel rasps out, and it hurts. "You weren't supposed to– I had a surprise for you, you know?"
Jimmy's voice is quiet, "What kind of surprise?" He asks, and Joel…
Joel thinks he might be falling apart.
(Or maybe, his mind supplies, he shattered a long while ago. Like glass hitting the floor.)
He grins, or at least, he tries to. "I was gonna break your curse," He confesses, with his terrible, trembling mouth. "I was gonna sacrifice myself for you, be all heroic and everything."
Jimmy says nothing. Joel still can't see his eyes.
"I'm sorry."
He's getting tired of pretending.
"Will you come with me now?" Jimmy– Not-Jimmy says, his voice ringing like the toll of a bell. "You've said your piece, not many are afforded that luxury."
Joel blinks. Death stands before him, no sunglasses to cover empty sockets.
For a moment, Joel considers fighting. Again, and again, and again.
But he is so, very tired.
He sighs.
I don't feel very lucky, Joel wants to say. And you still aren't Jimmy. 
"Whatever," He says instead. He feels his entire being slip away like sand, like time held tightly between two fists. "Take me away, or whatever it is you do."
Joel closes his eyes, "I'll tell him when I see him."
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rainyinautumn · 2 years
you're telling me that in this session Martyn "Hand of the King" InTheLittleWood killed his ally at his request in order to strategically take him down to his next life AND that Tango "I See Red" Tek actually agreed to let a friend kill him for the greater good of the team AND that Grian "I Can't Let Him Die" Minecraft is taking measures to keep a pledge to he made protect someone in the first episode??? how am I supposed to cope with this???????
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Boat Boys are truly divorced
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meteor752 · 2 years
Scar will see Grian AFK and say “Is anyone gonna show him the world?” And then not wait for an answer
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radi0dontt · 2 years
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‼️⚠️ you are … the boogeyman ⚠️‼️
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yb-cringe · 1 year
love being hunger. love being giving and giving and giving more and more of you away. love consuming you. love eating you until you are nothing. love being giving starving dogs food. love being bitten by starving dogs when you have no food left. love being giving your hands to starving dogs.
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scott when martyn betrayed and killed him to win: *wiping tears* i have never been so proud
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martynsimp69 · 1 year
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what a mess. it’s not even monday anymore
(bloodless version under the cut)
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possibilityofbirds · 1 year
Grian killing Scar and then proceeding to die of fall damage the day after the 3rd Life anniversary??? Are we SURE this shit's not scripted??
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redwinterroses · 1 year
You know, Last Life had some pretty good moments, and Double Life was okay in the angst department, but there was definitely a lot we had to build up around things to actually give it weight. Not like 3rd Life, where it seems like every other line was either poetry or foreshadowing. And that's cool -- as much as I love the other series, I think 3rd Life will always have a certain magic that can't be recaptured.
But holy crap. Session 7 of Limited Life had some of the most banger lines and dramatic moments and genuinely gives 3rd Life a run for it's money. Skizz's sacrifice (sacrificial skizz in EVERY universe </3), Bdubs' and Scott and Grian all giving up time to keep someone from going out (in VERY different flavors), and Jimmy's fall, Joel's frenzy, Impulse's long-awaited vengeance.... There's just SO MUCH.
I am so very satisfied and happy.
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zedif-y · 1 year
thinking about how the clock from impulse this season is so... meaningless. which is ironic given the whole Time theme.
starting from when it was given- impulse gives it to bdubs to ensure his safety. he gives it to bdubs for him to spare his life when it comes down to it... but impulse never promises anything in return.
compare it to double life, where impulse says, specifically, that the clock means they'll be "together forever!"
it's not the one-way promise it is in limited life, where the clock is more of a token than it is a symbol of their bond. impulse has bdubs promise not to kill him, but that's it. he may not have killed bdubs directly, but he led him to tango's trap, and what does bdubs say on the way?
"I believe you. I trust you."
i think about the way purpose shapes an object. about how it shows the intentions of who made it.
in third life, impulse made a clock for himself. it's sleek, simple but imperfect, small dents in the metalwork. nothing fancy, made to serve its purpose. it's his. it doesn't have to be anything special.
in double life impulse crafts it with love. it's for bdubs- it has to be perfect. it's carefully polished, carefully designed and put together. it's special not just because bdubs is his soulmate, but because bdubs asked it of him. "I'm not making that mistake again," impulse says. he's not settling for something functional. this clock is a promise- their vows to each other, their love and devotion.
in limited life impulse makes it in a hurry. it's almost worse than the first one, quickly polished with more than a few corners cut. it's hasty as a plea, an mere whisper of the promise it once held.
the kicker is this: bdubs has seen every version. has held and traced each golden surface with his hands, felt the weight of them in his palms. the bloodstained and cracked, the perfectly polished, the one backed with an uneven sheet of gold.
i wonder if he could tell. i wonder if he stared down at the recent clock, and frowned, seeing it for the bargaining token that it was. did his heart ache, just a little, thinking back on what it used to mean, what he wants it to mean?
just food for thought.
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elis-corner · 1 year
The whole dad has a favourite and mum has a favourite thing going on is scarily accurate XD
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coldstormyday · 1 year
Wow, I sure do love my favourite Soup Group from the SMP server Hermitcraft finally featuring in Limited Life.
The members are Impulse, Cleo and Lizzie and they always have been. Oh boy, they really love soup, every single one of them.
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