#Link looking at rhett like ''I can't believe you did that to me!'''
sassylegshayne · 1 year
marry me, idiot.
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AH ITS HERE!!!! I will say, like I've been saying, I'm still in the really early stages of this fic. like this has been edited twice where as every chapter of sylcd is done three times over so. I really have no clue when the next chapter will be out as I haven't finished it yet; might be during sylcd's final chapters or it might be after. 3.2k words let me know what you guys think!! enjoy mwah xx
series masterlist
"Okay, we have a slight issue." You heard the voice beside you clear as day despite the headphones that sat over your ears.
"Is the issue something you caused for us?" You turned to your best friend with a brow quirked.
"That's extremely rude but very true, yes." Spencer nodded as he took a sip from his cup, spinning his chair to face you. Spence and you had been close for a while, you joining the crew only a few months after Spence had, the two of you spending countless hours editing beside each other. The two of you grew close after a couple of longer projects. The two of you leaning on each other for advice and well needed breaks from time to time.
It has become a joke around the office about Spencer being your work husband; he had a knack for picking you up an drink on his way in, or grabbing lunch for the both of you, or Spencer's ability to pause anything he was working on at the snap of a finger for you. He was pretty much head over heels for you, and you were the only one blind enough to not see it. It's funny to think that you felt the same exact way, and everyone but Spencer could tell.
"So, remember when we started here and we became friends and we made that joke about when we turned thirty."
You stared blankly back at your best friend, the joke about marrying if you're both still single by thirty a distant memory in your mind by this point. It crossed your mind once recently. Last year, you spent your entire 'Dirty Thirty' party that the office threw for you clinging to Spencer.
You made a habit of keeping him alongside you for every big moment of your life since you'd met. You wanted to look back on these moments, that were destined to be great already, to include Spencer.
"Okay, so you do remember, that's great." Spencer clapped his hands together as he grinned at you.
"I saw a TikTok about the wedding gifts you get from inviting companies and rich people, even if you don't know them and I want in!" Spence argued, wiping his sweaty palms off on his pants as he worked his way towards the problem with this rambling explanation.
"I think it's unfair that just because two people are getting married they get to have all that stuff. With all my info had, I made some quick wedding invitations and sent some out, fully expecting PR packages to come back." He trailed off as
"Charles Spencer," You quietly chastised, wanting to not believe a word he was saying, but knowing deep down that Spencer was being truthful. "You are insane, I can't believe you did that!"
"T'm sorry, okay. Listen, Y/N, I thought it was gonna be a funny joke to give you a bunch of fake wedding gifts for our fake wedding on your real birthday! I didn't expect people to accept, but I know that is my fault for inviting some people that actually agreed."
"Charles," You started, using his legal name yet again. He wasn't usually worried about you using it, it wasn't some secret he was keeping it anything, but the tone in your voice told him that you weren't happy at all. "Who all accepted?"
"I'm sorry, I know I'm never gonna say that enough, but it was only a few people!" Spencer knew his voice was just getting higher and higher the more you two spoke, his anxiety spiking.
"Yes, okay, Rhett and Link accepted," A gasp left you as Spencer cringed, knowing his mistake. "Kathy Bates politely declined but sent an autographed headshot!" He removed the framed photo from his backpack before setting it beside your monitor.
He grinned worriedly, gesturing towards it as you let your forehead meet the desk, groaning.
"Besides the people that own the company we work for, who else said yes?" You asked through gritted teeth as Spencer looked to his phone, finding the note that held his list.
"Rapid fire, Tana Mongeau, Carrot Top, and Rob Schneider. It's not that many people, Y/N, we can just call it off." Spencer placed his hand on your back, rubbing softly as you groaned again, completely shocked by just how royally fucked this whole thing was gonna turn out to be no matter what you did.
"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N but. will you marry me?"
"emergency meeting at my desk in ten please need advice bc Spencer's an idiot"
"That's was very rude and I am plenty offended." Spencer quipped, setting his phone down on his desk after reading the group chat message you'd sent out. You shot him a glare, all argued out for the day after spending the last hour trying to convince Spence to let you tell your friends, hoping they'd help you figure out the story you'd make up in place of a wedding.
He finally caved, feeling terrible about the mess he had drug you into, allowing you to explore different ways out of this mess. In no time, Courtney, Damien and Shayne accompanied the two of you at your desks, various stolen chairs offering comfort to your friends.
"What did Spencer do now?" Damien asked, causing Spence to scoff and shake his head.
"I'm starting to get upset that everyone just assumes that I really fucked something up this bad." He defended himself as he leaned back in his chair, practically able to hear your eyes rolling.
"You did, though. You lied to people and now we're getting married." You stayed simply, eyes wide as you began to argue with your future better half yet again.
"You're already my work wife, we're pretty much married." You rolled your eyes once as Spencer countered you, reaching his hand towards your mug of coffee, being stopped as you lightly slapped at him.
"l'm sorry, I don't know if l'm missing something and everyone else is up to speed but, uh, when did y'all get together long enough to lead to getting married?" Shayne questioned, pulling your attention from Spencer as you took in the looks from those around you.
Damien's face held a mix of confusion and excitement, Courtney was rendered speechless and it seems like Shayne was using every last braincell he had to piece together this puzzle.
"Okay, phew, wow, that is what this meeting is about, honey." Spencer cooed as he grinned goofily at you, wrapping your left hand in his as he held your palm to his chest.
You tried your best to hid the smile that so desperately wanted to grace your lips, taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes, the feeling of a migraine quickly approaching.
You took your time explaining through the story, Spencer chiming in when needed but mostly stuck to nodding along as you spoke.
"Spencer," Damien pointed his index finger at the shorter man, both with brows raised at each other. "You're an idiot, my guy. Why did Rhett and Link seem like a good idea? Why did any of this seem like a good idea, but especially our bosses."
You sighed, resting your head in the palm of your hand as you awoke your monitor. You sat up as an email sat at the top of your inbox labeled important.
"Congratulations to Y/N and Spencer!"
You couldn't tell how long you spent staring at the desktop, the company wide email from the Mythical Management staring directly back. The noise of your friends chatter drown out as the words in the letter repeated over and over in your mind.
You had to go through with this, or you had to hide behind the arrangement and a shitty excuse of a prank. No other options popped into your head.
"Y/N? You okay?" A warm, familiar hand rested on your shoulder, giving you a gentle squeeze.
Spencer's eyes worriedly searched your face as his brow furrowed at your slumped frame. His gaze followed you, his heart sinking as he Scanned over the email.
"I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair as he leaned back once more.
The other three moved, all looking over your shoulders to read the message. Gasps and murmurs broke out between them as they say back down.
Your small group sat in silence for a moment. You thought you'd have more time to find a solution, a couple of days at least, but now you couldn't leave this room without some semblance of a plan.
"Let's get married." You still sat with a blank stare at the computer, your mind running a million miles a minute. You slowy explained your thoughts as thoroughly as you could.
Spencer and you were known as each other work spouses, even fans making memes about it. The two of you have talked about the agreement in the podcast, on an episode of Board AF, and in an upcoming reddit video with Shayne.
The fans always reacted well when the two of you were together, engaging with the content. There's countless edits of the two of you, even with the small amounts of videos you've been in together.
You can blame it on the arrangement you'd made, pull lan and a few of the other higher ups aside, presenting the idea.
Spencer and you would get married; you could make the content last up until next April, as planning a fake wedding would take some time anyways. That would mean an announcement video, probably a celebratory video with others in cast, even the process of picking out different parts of the wedding for Pit videos if they really wanted to milk it. Maybe even a TNTL gauntlet with your bridesmaids and groomsmen.
The one thing you wanted to thank Spencer for was the convenience of sharing one braincell. You could release the wedding video, the big finale in which the joke is revealed to the audience, playing it up as a fake relationship until April 1st. Spencer had thought it was funny to put the wedding date on the invitations as April Fool's Day, but it worked perfectly.
You took a deep breath, nodding your head as your eyes darted around your friends, anxious for their thoughts.
Spencer quickly wrapped his arms around your shoulders, kissing your forehead before he grinned at you.
"You are a fucking genius, lan's gonna love this idea. We can say we were prepping for the video, getting our invitation letters together accidentally sent it out. We can use whatever stuff we get as presents for the bogus invites for another video, too." Spencer added, looking to his friends as he chewed on his lip.
"I hate how quickly the two of you worked this out. We weren't needed." Shayne laughed softly, shrugging his shoulders.
"So it's not a stupid plan?" You asked, quickly distracted as the office door opens, lan's head peaking inside.
You lock eyes, offering him an awkward smile. He entered, coughing softly as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Hey, uhm, can I talk to you guys in a little bit? Probably like twenty minutes, in the conference room." lan spoke, a tight lipped smile on his face as he looked between you and the man seated beside you.
You felt a pit in your stomach growing rapidly as you swallowed, nodding your head. This was horrific, it felt like you had disappointed your dad but he wouldn't admit it yet.
And the conferernce room? There was no doubt in your mind that if this wasn't happening in lan's office then it would be bigger than you expected. Lisa would have to be there, maybe Daniel, if they were that concerned; Rachel would probably be forced into it, no matter how much she wouldn't want to be involved. n nodded before promptly exiting, barely acknowledging the cast members.
You groaned loudly as the door shut, Spencer copying you.
"This sucks and I hate you." You shoved at his shoulder, huffing.
He rubbed his arm, pouting a bit.
"It does and I hate me too." He chuckled as a smile appeared on your soft lips.
Spencer felt like the boundaries between the two of you were figured out very early on, never set prematurely, always discovered naturally. Kissing your cheek was okay, forehead was okay, drunkenly kissing your neck was okay sometimes. Hand holding was very normal and platonic and something you two did constantly. Cuddling and spending the night together was normal, but you two wouldn't sleep in the same bed.
He knew that, so far, this system had worked If that didn't happen soon, things might get nuddy, feelings getting involved. Spencer knew his feelings on you, he had since about two years into your friendship.
For six years now, he's known just how much he cares about you with every fiber of his being. He knows he really would do anything for you, anything to be with you. He respected every boundary you set.
Spencer had a thing for constantly taking advantage of the things he could have. You were always greeted with some sort of kiss, never once on the lips. Your fingers laced well with his, especially when you were on his left side. He constantly sat close beside you, tossing an arm around your shoulders, resting a hand on your knee, giving your thigh a gentle joy in excitement.
Spencer yearned for you for so long that he'd learned to accept it. He didn't want to cut you out of his life to get over his feelings, he cared too much about you, so his only option was to accept his feelings and keep close to you. You two were best friends, where one was, the other wasn't far behind. You loved him, so fucking much you loved him. He knew this, but he also knew that you didn't love him in the way he wanted you to.
Your group is quick to disband, giving the two of you some space before your meeting. Spencer let the two of you sit in silence before he decided to pack his bag for the day, despite it barely even starting. He could feel your eyes on him, his back to you.
"Packing because figure they're gonna send us home today, no matter what they decide. Give them time to think it all over." You smiled, enjoying just how well he knew you. His words settled in, prompting you to follow suit.
As you zipped your bag shut, it hit you that in just a few minutes before you were supposed to face the consequences of your best friends well intended actions. It was a toss up over which of you was more nervous, the both of you with pounding hearts.
"I love you, dude." You mumbled as you wrapped your arms around Spencer's waist, sighing softly.
"I love you, too, dude." He chuckled, rubbing your back as he kissed your forehead.
"C'mon, champ, let's go knock 'em dead." Spencer winked as he held the door open for you. You took a deep breath before leaving you little editing room bubble.
The room was much, much more packed than either of you had expected it to be. The people you expected to be there were indeed, but alongside them sat Kiana, Selina, and Lizzy.
Spencer thanked his lucky stars when neither Rhett nor Link joined the lot of you. He found himself sitting back a bit, allowing you to take the reigns of explaining your bullshit reasoning for the situation you'd found yourselves in.
Three hours, three scarily long hours later and you finally stood from your chair, your feet tingling and your head pounding. Spencer and you said your polite goodbyes to everyone before heading back toward your office.
"I think that was fine." You stated, arms crossed as you stare down the hall ahead.
He chuckled, nudging his shoulder into yours.
"That went really well, you heard Daniel. It's gotta go through if he liked it that much. It's gonna work out."
You nodded your head, a smile tugging on your lips as you both grabbed your bags.
"Wanna hangout or, uh, give me a ride home? Shayne drove me this morning." Spencer smiled heepishly as he followed you into the parking lot.
"If I'm your fiancee now, I think you should tell me if there's something going on between the two of you." You poked as you both got into your car.
You scooted your chair away from your desktop as you rubbed your eyes, now realizing just how long you'd been sat starting at your screen playing Minecraft with Spencer.
You smiled softly, feeling a tug at your heart at the sight before you. He sat slumped into your couch, eyes focused and brow furrowed as you cat napped on top of the cushion behind him.
Craig and Spencer had a love hate relationship, both of them usually eager for your attention at the same time, causing them to butt heads. Your cat and your best friend were both horribly stubborn.
But then there'd be moments like this, or when Craig curls up with Spencer on your couch, or when he follows Spence through your own house, even if you're still right where your kitty left you.
You stretch, taking off your headphones as you rise and stretch, catching Spence glancing over at you, smiling softly.
"Oh shit, you're still here?" You questioned as you walked past the couch, heading into your kitchen, yawning softly. You check your watch, catching it at just past five in the afternoon.
Spencer chuckled, watching as his eyes followed your every move as you danced around your small kitchen, seemingly opening every cabinet to find what you needed.
"Check your email, Charmander." You mindlessly called out to him, the nickname leaving him to roll his eyes as he dug into his pocket.
"You are the absolute worst with nicknames, need you to know that. Just call me Charles at this point." He laughed as you flipped him off as you turn, spoon in your mouth.
You join him on your couch with two peanut butter and banana sandwiches on one plate, sitting it on the space between you. Spencer nods a thanks to you as he grabbed his, taping your sandwiches together as a toast.
He loads into his email, refreshing it as you take your first bite. His wide eyes cause you a bit of stress, making you sit up straight.
"Good or bad?"
"Uh, good, I think. My schedule got changed." Spencer quickly switched over to his calendar, it had to be good; they don't just switch the schedule halfway through the month.
His eyes scanned over the new or changed parts, reading the first one he saw.
'Engagement Shoot' scheduled for tomorrow at 10AM.
"We did it, Joe." Spencer turns to you with a grin, quickly pulling you into a tight hug. You groaned and rolled your eyes, before quickly squealing as you wrapped your arms around him, bouncing in your seat.
They got what they wanted, right?
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
I've never seen it discussed anywhere... In the GMMore "Link's Morbid Reality Show", Link has been (badly) edited. He said "you looked like you were in love w (ith me)" . They clearly muted the with ME. And twitchy Rhett to respond " I am ", then proceed to have a whole emotional crisis in the span of 4 seconds (eyes flutter, gulp, head shake). That looked spontaneous and sincere? Am I reading too much into this?
Okay there's so much confusing stuff here, for more than one reason.
First, I am very confused at myself because I know the incident you are talking about and yet somehow I had registered it in my mind as Link meaning that Rhett looked like he was in love with Jessie (?!?!?!?!) and Rhett responding "I am". I have no idea why I reached that conclusion once because clearly Jessie was not mentioned there and the whole situation had nothing to do with her.
So, as for the moment itself... we could give it the benefit of the doubt and hypothesise that Link actually didn't say anything and it was just a random mouth move that coincidentally looked suspicious. But this would imply Link meant Rhett looked really in love with fake plants, which then wouldn't explain Rhett's gentle reaction and admittance, as Rhett hasn't any particular interest in fake plants.
Does his mouth look like he said "me"? It sort of does. But wouldn't it be crazy for Link to just say that cold-blood and even crazier for Rhett to openly confirm it? In front of everyone, viewers and crew alike? In a time when they still were not at all open about abandoning their faith? I also don't understand why Link would say Rhett looked in love with him as Rhett wasn't really looking at him at all during that wheel sketch.
But let's accept he said it and then the sound was muted by the crew. Does this mean the crew knows???? For 8 freaking years???? Openly??? I just can't believe that. It seems wild. I am sure they all at least suspect but openly knowing? That's different. This would suggest there are dozens of contracts of confidentiality for every new person hired. And it is true they had fewer employees back then but still some of these people have left, so they can not be controlled anymore, and some are still there and on daily contact with newer employees... If I were them, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, if so many people knew, and knew for sure.
So I watched it again and again, and in slower speed so I think I have a theory now. Link did not say "me". He said "Well I saw you in the very end and you looked very...pleased, like you were in love with... hm... uhhh" *smiles*
It's a little hard to explain. What I mean is that his phrase trailed off after the "love with" part and then he smiled, so he opened his mouth in a relaxed "uh" position. But he actually didn't say anything so there was nothing for the crew to edit out. In fact, if you volume it up a lot you will hear his exhale in the uhh part which would be the muted one supposedly, therefore it wasn't actually muted.
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See... it's a "hm.. uhh" situation. He says "you were in love with" but then he is unsure whether it makes any sense to continue it with "the fake plants".
The problem is that even though he doesn't mean much, he is very cute while saying it and this affects Rhett.
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You can see that he is full of affection and he swallows hard.
And because Link hasn't completed "with what" Rhett feels safe enough to send a message that he believes will pass under everyone's radar. Because that's not the look of being in love with fake plants. And he is not in love with fake plants anyway!!! But unfortunately it also passed under Link's radar too. We also know that Link complained for years on end that Rhett didn't talk about his feelings to him and it is also heavily implied in the "We Dug a Medium-sized Hole" video, so that wouldn't make sense if Rhett had said so much so early and so openly. It's Rhett's language to pass heavily coded messages (even to us, i.e through TLCOBC and Hazel) but these are frequently lost on Link, who always prefers straightforward communication.
Now, here's the next question. Is it probable that Rhett would say this, even as a coded message, in early 2015?
I have already said I believe they're more than friends for years now but I have never said since when. Well, I believe they became a thing after late 2013 and somewhere in or before early 2015. After late 2013 because that's when we have the plexiglass kiss that changed everything for Link, so after that incident things between them started progressing more quickly.
During or before early 2015 because look at that:
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This is from a gifset poor me had made two years ago, see its other gif here
Here you see Rhett looking at Link through the monitor, apparently finding him cute and stealing a jaw stroke while he was pulling his hand back, with the excuse that he touched him exactly because he was pulling his hand back!
The thing is that this could indeed pass unnoticed by the viewers (and it did) but not by Link himself, for whom Rhett would have little excuse if confronted later, because it was very clearly a conscious stroke. Look how Link pulled back his hands, capable of not making any more contact, while Rhett made all the moves necessary to stroke him. He dragged his hand under Link's chin. In the other gif, you can see Link realise it. This was so consious and yet so sneaky that I assume Rhett wouldn't do it if they weren't already on the same page about "wanting or pursuing more".
And this was March 2015. So I reasoned that if this was happening by March 2015, then something happened between them before that time but of course after late 2013. Your February 2015 ask further strengthens this. My bet is during Christmas vacation or early 2015 when they got together again after the vacation? Something like that.
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jacularmetteld · 4 years
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
Mac n Cheese Has No Limit?
Mac n Cheese is not something we eat regularly here in Finland. Our go-to macaroni based comfort food is macaroni casserole, which you can buy at every grocery store big and small. Sadly, the ready-made version contains minced meat, so if I want to eat macaroni casserole, I need to make it from scratch (and I sometimes do). But mac n cheese, that I've only made once, and although it appears to be the comfort food of choice for many people, for me, personally, it was too much cheese. In other words, my mac n cheese limit wasn't hard to find.
But what if you add mac n cheese to another dish? At what point is it too much for an average palate, such as those of Mythical crew members? Let's find out!
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So, this time on GMM, Rhett and Link must try to figure out which of the four panelists, Layne, Chris, Emily or David, taps out first, as the mac n cheesy mash ups get stranger each round. Whoever knows /guesses how their employees behave, wins "a sexy set of six mac abs" whatever that means.
Before the first round, the panelists all look rather happy to be there!
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In the first round, things are still relatively normal, as the first dish to test the limits is buffalo wings with a man cheese crust. Link predicts Chris is the one to tap out in this round, because he seems like a guy who prefers wings without bones. But no, Chris doesn't mind bones. And I can't believe Link just said Chris likes bones with a straight face. Link, no! (Please tell me he had a chicken crumb in his teeth, and that was all.)
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Well, nobody tapped out. Moving on!
In the second round, mac n cheese has been turned into jello. I think the mac is interfering with the jiggle a bit, and as pretty as this creation looks there is no way someone could enjoy eating it. Well, Layne seems to be the only one with a normal palate, and she gives up. And because both Rhett and Link assume this is too much for Chris, they are now both at -2 points.
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Isn't there a rule about not mixing fish and cheese? Well, according to the majority of folks eating the mac n cheese tuna sushi roll in the third round, that rule is not carved in stone. Emily, David and Rhett are into this creation, for Link the most problematic part is the seaweed, not so much the macaroni and cheese, but Chris is struggling, and taps out. Link seems to have a system, because he has guessed Chris for the third time, and even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
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In the fourth round, Josh serves everyone their very own ball of haggis n mac n cheese. I have no idea what haggis tastes like, or if it really is as bad as it sounds (I assume it's not, since people continue to eat it), but I find the sight of the unopened blobs somehow very aesthetically pleasing. They are so uniform, and smooth. The insides, however...Well, Emily taps out without even tasting the stuff, and David somehow keeps his cool and even takes another bite.
Although there was only one correct guess in the whole game, there is a winner, and for once, it's Link! And when it comes to mac n cheese, according to Lindsay Lohan, limit's not a thing...there's no limit...the limit does not exist!
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In More, Rhett and Link continue with the cheesy theme, and play pictionary with melted cheese and string cheese brushes.
Pictionary is one of my favourite games, and I would gladly watch the guys play it even with a pen and paper, but the cheese does add another layer to the whole thing. A layer of cheese, that is.
After Rhett's accurate depiction of the seahorse, who doesn't discriminate, with a birthday hat, Link draws Guy Fieri playing the flute, and I think he does a very good job. You'd think it would be the toughest part of this round to recognize Guy Fieri from a cheesy stick figure, but no, Rhett gets that part right immediately. It's the flute that takes a while to figure out, but he gets there eventually. (But there doesn't seem to be a scoring system, or a time limit in this game, so take all the time you need.)
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At this point, Link gets his prize for winning the game in the main episode. I love how he says he could put noodles on his own abs. I'm sure he could, actually, and he would. He probably already has. Why do I feel Rhett wanted to see Link put that thing under his shirt, and when Link didn't he was a bit disappointed?
(That thing is too realistic, though. Every time Link turned to draw, I forgot he was still wearing it, and I freaked out a little when he turned back to face the cameras. 😂)
I say this with nothing but love for him, but Rhett isn't very good at this game. Instead of continuing to draw, he resorts to hand gestures, trying to explain a snow cone, and I almost started to think he's purposefully guessing everything but the correct answers. Or, he's too distracted by Link's fake abs to think about anything but boobies and racks. 😳
Link trying to guess which voluptuous Rhett is trying to draw is absolutely hilarious, and also proves his knowledge of ladies with big butts focuses on the ones with actual talents instead of just a butt. But he gets to a Kardashian eventually, "the Kim one". Rhett trying to warn Link to be careful when he starts to draw what Kim is riding on results in an immediate response from Link: "Kim's butt is oozing..." #nofilterlink
I have to say, Rhett's emu did look a lot like Mike Wazowski. The fact Link found the correct species of big bird in the end is enough reason to celebrate. Maybe with some mac n cheese, or a pasta dish of your choice!
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mythicalsecretsanta · 6 years
Part Of That World (T)
This gift is for: @mythosethan A lonely lighthouse keeper’s son finds love in a strange place. I Hope you like this. From your Secret Santa, @cypriusgray
Read below:
I don’t understand this. How can you feel so much for one person. This is getting harder to control But it feels so right. I think I will tell him, soon.                   Link Neal age 16
Being the son of the lighthouse keeper was lonely. Link was being raised by his single father. The only time he has any interaction with people is during school. The rest of his time was spent by the ocean.
For as long as he could remember, Link loved the ocean. He would draw the animals that he would find in the tide pools.
Link would spend hours just sitting and watching the ocean from the tops of the cliffs. Today he didn’t notice the clouds rolling in and got caught in a sudden storm.
Link started to run. The path became slippery. Link thought to himself that he might want to slow down. It was too late, he felt his feet slipping out from under him. Everything started to move in slow motion. Link’s body slammed into the water. If that wasn’t enough the waves forced him to hit his head on the rocks.     
Before passing out Link swore he could feel a pair of strong arms around him. As his lungs were about to burst he felt a pair of salty lips press against his and suddenly he could breath. The stangest thing was a feeling of being propelled through the water by a tail.
Link slowly opened his eyes. He found himself sitting on a ledge. There was a soft blue glow coming from a glass bowl. Link touched his head and felt something sticky.
“Don’t touch that!” A raspy voice boomed.
Link quickly removed his hand from his face. Link squinted and saw an outline of a face in the shadows. His heart started to beat a little faster.
“Who-who are you?” Link stammered.
Instead of speaking the young man pulled himself up onto the ledge next to Link. Link watched the boy and gasped at his tail. Link quickly slid until he hit the back wall.
“You’re-you’re a mermaid!”
“Do I look like a mermaid? I’m a merman. Please, don’t hit your head again.” The young merman said.
The young mer slid closer to Link. His soft fingertips glossed over the gash and down his cheek. Link sighed. The mer’s fingers were cool.
Link couldn’t keep his eyes open he was very tired. His head was starting to throb. He wanted to go home. “I think it might be time for me to go home.”
“You can’t.”
“Whata mean I can’t? Are you keeping me prisoner?”
“You hit your head and the tide is high. I really don’t think you would make it to the surface but you can go ahead and try, if you want.”
Links teeth started to chatter from the cold. The mer reached out and touched Link’s arm.
“Come, get into the water with me. You’ll be warmer.” The mer said as he reached out for Link’s hand.
As Link fell into the water the young mer wrapped his arms around Link. Link felt safe. No, what was he thinking? He bumped his head that is why he is thinking these thoughts. These thoughts can’t be how he feels.
Link push out of the mer’s arms and immediately started to sink. The mer grabbed Link tighter. “We can’t wait. Ok, listen to me. You’re going to take a deep breath on three and your going to hold on to my shoulders and don’t let go. Ok? ONE, TWO, THREE.”
“Wait, what is your name?” Link whispered.
“Rhettmus.” the mer said.
“ I think I’ll call you Rhett.”
Rhett counted down again and Link held on tight. The mer’s tail propelled them swjftly through the water. By the time Links lungs were empty they reached the surface.
“I can't  go any further. You have to make this part on your own.” Rhett said as he unwrapped Link’s arms from around his neck. Link floated to shore. It took him a moment to get his strength back. Link wobbled a little as he stood up. Rhett watched him go.
Link’s next memory was waking up in the hospital. Link’s dad was there when he woke up.
“How you feeling, son?” Links dad asked.
Link didn’t answer him. He gently touched his head.
“You were really lucky. You needed six stiches. Oh, here’s something you had in your hand.“Link’s dad said handing him a glass bottle. Inside was a letter.
Link had a hard time waiting for his dad to leave. As soon as he did, Link tore into the bottle.
The letter read…
If you want to talk just send me a letter in a bottle. Rhett
That’s how it went for five years. Messages in bottles and short meet ups. Rhett helped Link to become stronger and Link told Rhett about humans. Then one day Link didn’t show up. All Rhett found was a bottle with a message inside…
Dear Rhett, I'm  not going to see you for awhile. I’m going to college on the mainland. I promise that I will return. There are other things I must do. Yours, Link
From that day forward, Rhett spent most of his days watching the cliff and the tide pools. Everyday he would leave disappointed. Where did the boy go. Why did he feels so, empty?
Four years passed Without a sign of the boy. Rhett looked up at the cliff like he always did but today was diffrent. There stood his boy, no not his boy now but a man. Rhett watched as Link tossed something into the water. Rhett swam as fast as he could to find it. It was a bottle with a letter in it.
The letter simply said…
Meet me at the grotto.
Rhett swam so fast. It wasn’t hard to find the grotto. Rhett dived down deep and popped out of the water expecting Link to be wating but he wasn’t there.
Bubbles rose out of the water. For a moment, Rhett wanted it to be like the old days. With a quick look, Rhett knew that this would never be the same.
There before him was a person he didn’t know. It looked like the boy who left him but he was now a man.
Link’s blue eyes shone with unshed tears. Here was someone who waited four years without a response from him.
“Rhett I need to tell you why I left. I mean…I did go to school but there was other reasons, too.” Link said looking down.
Link pulled himself up onto the ledge and took a deep breath.
“I wanted to get away from you. No, that’s not right. I needed to get away from my feelings for you. I didn’t know what it was but now I do. It was love. I love you, Rhett.” Link said with a small sob.
“My poor human. How sad that you didn’t know that you were in love. I knew right from the first time I saw you that I loved you.” Rhett announced.
Rhett jumped up onto the shelf next to Link and pulled him closer. Link put his head on Rhett’s shoulder. His breathing started to slow down. They sat there for a few seconds in silence.
“I wish that I knew that you cared. I spent many nights awake thinking of you. You see, these feelings are not what humans grow up to believe. It’s one man and one woman.”
“That’s so silly. Merpeople are like the Clown Fish. We can be male or female. We can switch. Would you like me to be female?” Rhett asked.
“NO! I don’t think that would make me love you any more than I do now.” Link yelped. Link looked at his glow in the dark watch.
“I have to leave so I don’t get caught by the tide” Link said as he turns to go.
Rhett captures Link’s face in his hands. He places a soft kiss on Links forehead. Then places kisses down his  cheek. Rhett places a strong kiss on Link’s lips.
Link tasted the briney taste of Rhetts lips. Sloely the kiss became more passionate. Link had to push Rhett away.
“Sorry, gotta beat the tide.“Link said breathlessly.
Link bobbed up and down taking deep breaths. On the last one he began to swim. Link must have missread the tide because his lungs were starting to burn. There was a burst of bubbles and Rhett appeared. He gave Link a salty kiss. Link’s lungs filled with air. Rhett gave Link a sweet kiss on the cheek and waved good by.
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asherlockstudy · 17 days
That moment about Rhett and Jess having another guy in bed didn't read to me as being related to Link so much (and I say this as a big Rhink shipper), instead it seemed as though it was more about Rhett and his recent tenacious flirting with bicuriosity publicly, because Rhett's reaction reminded me of situations when a teenager likes something but is a bit shy about it and when it's being discussed he's being evasive and shy but also secretly pleased about it.
(Also Rhett can't really handle Link being something that he is not, so if Link's getting comfy with his newfound sexuality you betcha Rhett will not be behind too (I wish I was kidding, but I think their codependency and competitiveness' can take them to weird places).
Unrelated (but also kind of related) but sometimes I feel as though the whole thing will be about Link and Rhett coming out as non-straight/bisexual, and going through rounds of 'deconstructions' and 'the first time I realized' video discussions and in the end they'll still be like 'but of course not WITH EACH OTHER' asdfgfdsf
I think Link just spoke too carelessly at the moment and it wasn’t anything all that significant, however his choice to not correct or laugh about it afterwards was very suspicious. Rhett did not look pleased IMO, he looked uncomfortable but like he was in a position that he couldn’t make too big of a roundabout so he was giving a pressed smile.
Rhett will have a much bigger problem getting comfortable with it, although I agree he wishes he were more like Link. But Link, also, I just don’t believe he is as comfortable as he acts or as he sort of pushes himself to be. Just by their vibes I get that feel.
I totally agree about how this shit will go. It will be Link first, then after months it will also be Rhett. And then, logically!!!!!, it ought to be a SIKE we are together haha 😅 but I am sometimes not sure we’ll get this either. Of course, at this point they will expect that anyone would pick up on their own the reason oh so suddenly both these super tight childhood friends realised they are not straight
But at this rate let’s just pray we will live to see this day 😅
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
Tap the nose
I was watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean the other day for the millionth time. There is a scene where the pirate duo Pintel and Ragetti storm in Elizabeth Swan’s house. Elizabeth hides inside a closet and the pirates are searching the room, knowing she must be hiding somewhere in there. Pintel demands that she comes out and promises they won’t hurt her while he rolls his eyes at Ragetti. Ragetti muffles a laugh and taps or rubs his nose in a signal.
After being initially startled, Ragetti understood Pintel’s meaningful look. He looks mischievous and secretive and he taps or draws his finger on his nose. It is a secret. Between them. They are going to attack Elizabeth but they will catch her off guard.
This was the first time I realised I have seen a similar gesture before and perhaps there is an ongoing symbolism that is associated with it. In the context of the POTC movie, it can mean only two things:
Oh we are lying to her
Oh we are keeping our true intentions a secret
Exactly because of the scene’s context the gesture means they are lying to her by keeping a critical secret from her.
But was this gesture created for the movie? No.
Yesterday I made the connection that the gesture is strikingly similar to the one Rhett repeated many times during their second Lie Detector Test.
Rhett tapped his nose on two separate occasions. The first one was when Link asked him whether he thinks they are authentic on GMM. Rhett answers a simple “yes” and then pointedly asks for the next question while he clearly draws his finger on his nose.
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This is more like a draw. Regrettably to Rhett, Link draws the attention to the gesture and asks whether it meant he was lying. Rhett repeats the gesture many times, now clearly a tap, and claims its their signaling system that they established when they were children. He never answers what it means and then Link asks if there is something on his nose, in a weak attempt to help Rhett change his answer but they both miserably fail in this one. Rhett doesn't get Link's intention and thinks Link has forgotten. "This and this. You know what that means", he says and repeats the move one last time.
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He probably adds a jaw touch in the end which I don't know what it could mean but his expressive face this time makes me lean on the probability that the gesture meant some sort of warning like "ALERT! stop talking". In the context of the video, perhaps Rhett has thoughts about their authenticity in the show. The detector didn't detect any lie there but maybe Rhett didn't agree with a question like that, which could easily expose him not believing they are authentic on the show. And lie detectors are not reliable anyway.
Rhett won't find peace in this video. His discomfort intensifies when Link asks him whether he thinks of him as a silver fox. There is a ton I could write about this moment but let's stick to the gesture, that makes another appearance.
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The nose tap can't mean a yes or no. If it meant "yes", Rhett would not have used it after the "authenticity yes" because it would be pointless. On the other hand if it meant "no", he could straight up say he doesn't consider Link a silver fox and save himself from the uneasiness.
So we return to the recurring possibilities of "I'm lying", "this is meant to be a secret" and "Warning!" . Unlike the authenticity case, here the "I'm lying" option doesn't make much sense. I'm lying because I think you are entirely unattractive? Doesn't make sense for a comedian to hide that. I'm lying because I think you are HUGELY attractive? This could be the one, but still signaling this as a lie seems a bit excessive to me.
So, in this second case, "this is a secret, watch out" seems to be the best contender for me. After all why Link would ignore him and insist "just say it, just say it"?
So we have three instances (including the POTC one) where it seems this nose tap indicates that something is a secret and must not be revealed. If Ragetti uses a similar gesture, then Rhett and Link didn't make up their signaling system on their own but they were inspired by something. I did some research.
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Where to begin with this? Everything except for the last fits. This is a secret. Don't bring it up. Watch out! This is dangerous. This is only between us.
In short, the gesture means that something is a secret that would be dangerous if revealed. More insight for the origins of the gesture can be read in this tumblr post. The gesture is likely Italian and it's interesting that Ragetti has an Italian sounding name.
Which means Rhett felt a lot was at stake if they revealed two things that are apparently true, 1) that they are not authentic on GMM and 2) that he thinks Link is very attractive and Link knows it.
In truth, I had landed on this conclusion as the only possible one before making all these connections and I doubt I am the only one. But when there's backup it's more justifiable to make a post.
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
"There's A Wiener on the Left!"
In Finland, when I hear someone talk about Easter (in Finnish, Pääsiäinen), the first thing that comes to mind, for me at least, are witches. It's a tradition here for kids to go around town dressed up as witches on Palm Sunday, and trade decorated branches of willow for candy. It's quite similar to trick or treating on Halloween, something not as big a deal around here. But because witches equal Easter in my mind, I find it very fitting that in today's GMM, Rhett and Link were joined by Gavin Leatherwood from the Chilling adventures of Sabrina.
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I've watched the first season of Sabrina, but something else has always come up, and I haven't watched the rest yet. Of course, I have watched the og Sabrina the Teenage witch, but let's not bring that up. No, actually, let's: I'm not ashamed to admit that I quite enjoyed the show, even the stiff robotic cat. But even though some quite unusual animals and other oddities are kinda the theme of today's game, they actually have very little to do with witchcraft, and more with the magic of photoshop. It's time to spot the differences in some pretty wicked pictures!
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Rhett starts the episode by instantly asking Gavin if he prefers leather or wood, (Rhett likes both) just because, Leatherwood. Imagine being a guest on the show, meeting these two dorks for the first time, and this being the first thing they ask you? And then, you end up playing a game where each round ends with someone putting a curse on themself? 😂
Okay, Disney should consider making a Mickey Mouse movie where all the characters' faces would be replaced with dog faces. That Mickey Dog looks amazing!
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Buzzer wood would make a fun name for a Toy story fan fic, and I know my mind is pretty deep in the gutter to say that. It doesn't help when Rhett says things like "I like buzzer wood, it's soft."
After Rhett and Gavin find the differences in the koala mask pics, Link has to walk under a ladder and flip a fish to bring bad luck on himself. I had to find out more about the fish thing, and apparently it is a thing, only not while cooking the fish but when serving it.
I'm not very good at this game. I only thought about how my mom has the same green Ikea dish brush that is in the second picture, and then I started to think I should load my dishwasher. If I was playing along, I'd end up doing all the cursed punishments.
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Opening an umbrella indoors is considered to bring bad luck in Finland, too, but this is the first time I've heard about Leonardo DaVinci inventing masturbation. Way to go, Rhett!
I spotted the nose in the stairs photo immediately, yay! Honestly, giving Link scissors and a hammer to smash a mirror with was possibly the worst idea ever. He didn't even know which hand to use with which tool! The horror on Rhett's face is very real, but somehow, the chaotic energy in this shot is also very much what GMM is all about.
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I don't think the picture of the chickens taking a bath is that weird, but just pretty funny, but now I really need to see that freckle. I'm glad Link lost this round, so we get to see his yo-yo skills. This round was bad luck to whoever has to swipe the salt off the floor.
I made an eight-legged cat from clay last week, but the dog is way cooler. I don't know why, but I think Gavin just put a curse on that pretty little rainbow with his wicked eye. But, I have to ask with Gavin, why would Link imagine a little girl in a gown pointing at the rainbow instead of Gavin? Oh, because he's Link. Obviously.
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In the last photos, I spotted the creeper, but not the other mistakes. I love how Rhett's first guess, after Stevie said women are more prone to spot the last mistake, was boobies - I don't believe that would apply to all women. When Link guessed there's a wiener on the left, I tried to take a better look at the creeper to see if it was a wiener and not a person. I mean, it's possible, I guess. The Try guys just posted a video with Zack's wiener, so it's not unheard of. But, gosh, Rhett really can't whistle. That was equally painful and hilarious to watch.
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Rhett also loses the final round, and somehow, his punishment is to get serenaded by two guys while getting a foot massage? I love how Link harmonizes the Happy Birthday song, he's really good at that!
In More, the guys play Light as a feather, stiff as a board with different objects. I've never tried this, but I did once play with a Ouija board with my friends, and I may have tricked them to think we talked to the spirit of someone who used to live where my family home is. I feel a bit guilty for doing that, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. I just didn't think they'd buy it.
Link admitting to Gavin that he and Rhett are the most sheltered middle-aged men he'll ever meet is somehow quite adorable, and I think the part where Link is doing awesome yo-yo tricks while whistling Deck the Halls in the background as Rhett struggles with the cardhouse while Gavin observes the situation, is one of those moments where you could send someone who isn't familiar with GMM, without context, and see how they react. But Link with that yo-yo...😯😍
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Link may have shaky hands, but his reaction speed is phenomenal! I'm glad Gavin took his leather jacket off, it would have sucked if they spilled that orange juice on it.
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Okay, I'm gonna stop now. They definately saved the best part of today's show to the end, because seeing Wushu sit on a pizza box up against the sky while the guys sing that song from Lion King is possibly the best thing I've seen in a while. And it's the perfect scene to end this post:
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