#Link’s beads are back yippee!!!
mikeystrawberry · 5 months
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tired doodle of post-finale/future hairstyles
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reptilerach · 7 years
“Rejection”; Chapter Fifteen
NOTES: Another late chapter. Yippee. I’m pretty much addicted to the Pokemon TCG Online now, as that’s all I’ve been playing lately. Perhaps later I’ll post another Undertale drawing that I did a couple of weeks ago; it’s really hard for me to work on Disbelief! and requests as school is hitting in the butt with exams and other crap…
Same excuses as always. Hope that the links at the bottom of every chapter (a newly-added addition) helps! Enjoy another fluff-filled adventure!
You raced towards Papyrus, smiling like there was no tomorrow. Papyrus ran backwards, throwing blue attacks to stop you from gaining on him. But you were in perfect sync with the battle; there was no attack that he could hurl to bring you to a complete halt. A bead of sweat dripped down his skull, surprised by your sudden offense.
Finally, he spun around and slid across the ice slickly with a hand on the ground to steady himself. He landed on hard ground, and screamed proudly, “NYEH-HEH-HEH!!! THIS ALL ENDS NOW!” Your knowing smirk fell, so instead you put on an expression of pure determination. Your soul burst from your chest, and it was a bright red.
Sans nearly tripped over himself while running along the side to keep up with Papyrus’s battle with (Y/N). He watched in awe as he saw her soul charge out from her chest, shining a brilliant crimson. His pupils widened, and his smile froze to one of shock. He watched as Papyrus smashed a fist into the ice below heroically, concentration strained across his face.
The words “COOL DUDE” were made out of bones, protruding out of the ground at a fast pace. She jumped over the 4 foot tall attacks as smoothly as slicing butter with a knife, and kept racing towards his direction. Papyrus summoned a bone staff, and twirled it around. He did an awesome backflip, and created a crack on the thin ice by bringing the staff down with a great amount of strength.
(Y/N) noticed, but ran around the island on which Papyrus had stood regardless. She ran around in circles, slipping every now and then on the ice. Papyrus kept whacking the ice with his bone staff, creating cracks all around him to keep her from getting too close. With a sudden blast of courage, she ignored it and sprinted towards the island.
Papyrus was breathing quite heavily now, but to be honest, so were you. All these special attacks were exhausting, pushing your brain to think fast. Otherwise, you’d sink into the water and become a human popsicle. Papyrus showed no signs of mercy, but neither did you. Your soul flew in front of you, dodging the bones being thrown directly at it in the air.
20 yards away… 10 yards away… You focused all of your energy into one last leap. Papyrus glanced upwards and grimaced. With one final battle cry, he threw a humongous, fifty foot tall bone. You gasped, and clenched your teeth. Just as you were about to crash into it, you felt your body grow light. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw how your whole being radiate a blue aura. Your soul was a beautiful cerulean; instinctively, you whipped your head over to Sans.
He had his hand out in front of him, and his left eye flared wildly with a teal flame. His right eye was closed, and he used his magic to lift you up all the way over the bone. He dropped you once you were at a safe distance; you flew through the air right at Papyrus with your arms extended and your lips curved in a wicked smile. The tall skeleton’s jaw dropped, and you laughed triumphantly..
You tackled the poor guy, scattering the both of you across the ice. Papyrus was laughing, while you clung onto his armor. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and you hugged each other until you came to a stop by the lake’s edge. Sans teleport right next to Paps; you gazed up at him happily. The flame in his eye had dissipated, and he grinned proudly in return. Sighing, you rest a cheek on Papyrus’s chest.
Your face was very red, mostly because of the cold. Papyrus got up, but still held you like a baby in his arms. “IT SEEMS THAT YOU HAVE BESTED ME, HUMAN (Nickname)! I CONGRATULATE YOU, AND APPLAUD YOUR MAGNIFICENT JUMP OVER MY LAST ATTACK!” You giggled, but kept your attention on Sans. “that was pretty nice, (nickname). there’s snow way i’d be able to do that.”
He gave you a thumbs up, and winked knowingly. You blushed; pretty sure he couldn’t tell however as your face was already flushed from the crisp air and harsh wind. “Snow kidding?” You laughed, and Papyrus groaned. You could feel the rumble of his bones when he slapped his forehead with disgust. “Ab-snow-lutely!” Sans replied, causing Paps to scream in frustration.
Papyrus held you like that for the whole time you walked back to Snowdin. The skelebros stopped at Snowdin’s town square; when Papyrus got to the Christmas tree, he put you down firmly on your feet again. You were grateful he didn’t choose to run all the way back; the battle had warmed you up a little bit, but now that you were still, the wind returned to bite you in the butt.
You closed your eyes, and shivered. You didn’t realize your soul was out the entire time the three of you walked back, but now you saw how Sans had been inspecting it. He laughed, and pointed it out like a sore thumb. “ya gonna put that away? it’s indecent to show it off when you aren’t fighting.” He makes it sound like I’m wearing a shirt with no bra. Creep.
You blushed, and nodded. But, as you tried to stick out an arm to guide it back inside your chest, you winced and drew your arm back to your side. Sans frowned worriedly, and stepped a little closer to you. “you alright bud?” He asked politely, and you smiled. “Y-yeah…j-just c-c-cold, that’s all.” You stuttered, and cringed when another breeze blew past hard enough to make your hair flap wildly.
Sans’ soul skipped a beat, and he grinned gleefully at the idea that popped into his head. He slid his big blue jacket off his shoulders, and took (Y/N)’s hand. It was freezing, unlike his. She flinched, and snapped her eyelids open. “W-whatcha d-doin?” She stammered, and her cheeks lit up. Sans smirked, and guide her hand through a sleeve of the jacket.
“i’m giving you my jacket. duh.” Her eyes widened, and her soul switched from a very pale blue to a magnificent hot pink. “Why?” She asked, and Sans rolled his pupils. “to keep you warm. duh.” He stepped behind her, and put her other arm through the other sleeve. “I know that! But… why? Aren’t you going to be cold?”
Sans chuckled, and stood less than a foot away from her chest. Her soul was between him and the front of her shirt; he had to restrain himself with an odd difficulty to not take it closer to his eye sockets for observation. “i’m a skeleton, ‘ms. i’m-supposed-to-know-everything-about-everyone’. we don’t get cold.” He zipped up the hoodie, but kept his fingers on the zipper for a few moments after.
Being about eight inches smaller than (Y/N), he had to look up in order to keep eye contact. With a shit-eating smile, he sneered one last “duh.” She gave him a playful snarl, making her soul glow a brighter and deeper shade of red-pink. Sans was secretly star-struck by her ability to do this; it made him wonder once again if she was using her powers right now without even knowing it. 
Chapter Ten (Where all the chapters before that are.)
Chapter Twenty (Links for Chapters 11 --> 19)
Chapter Thirty (Links for Chapters 21 --> 29)
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