#Linux Archman
rlxtechoff · 2 years
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linuxlife · 5 years
Linux Life Episode 62
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Well hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to my ongoing Linux adventure.  If you are a regular you know the Xeon I was using broke so I replaced it with a G540 Intel machine.
Well that machine has now been retired back to its corner due to getting my i7 laptop repaired thanks to the guys at Project Reboot.   So now I have my i7 laptop back under my fingers and to be honest I am quite enjoying using my old friend again.
It is the machine that keeps raising from the dead.  It’s an Ivy Bridge i7-3630QM CPU running at 2.40GHz, 4 core, 8 thread machine but I jokingly refer to it as the potato as the on board graphics card is an Intel HD400 thing which is pretty useless.
So  I have a reasonable spec laptop but a potato graphics card which kind of defeats the point of having such a good processor.  But if it works which it does with simple things and can still do things beyond playing games (which I very rarely do) then its fine.
I have edited podcasts, ran Quark on the laptop and completely edited and designed Amigaville using it so I know its not completely useless.  Sure it only has 8GB of RAM but to be honest it is more than capable of running things so I can’t complain.
So now I have it back I originally tried installing Namib Linux, now someone suggests a fix on their website and sure enough it mostly works, however various web sites just refused to load or search which was a little annoying.  So Namib is still a no go for the moment.  Bless it the guy who does Namib is working the whole thing on his own and he has been exceptionally busy with college and stuff.  Maybe one day he will get there and sort it out.
So at the moment I am running Archman Linux which is using KDE.  Now as I said last episode I previously had not been a huge KDE fan as it was always a problematic setup.  However it has vastly improved over the years and initially I tested it using BlueStar Linux but it had its own issues such as the colour scheme although changeable several of the dialogues didn’t change making it very hard to read some of them.
Archman seems very competent and to be honest I am actually enjoying using this i7 laptop potato.  Playing some minor games such as Terraria, Extreme Tux Racer, Gdash (Boulder Dash thing) and providing I am not trying to run anything slightly more game savvy than a toaster I’m fine.
Now I still don’t understand why my i7 desktop works completely fine yet every time i have installed Namib on any other machine it causes issues.
To be honest I have been pretty busy since we last spoke and virtually nothing has had to do with Linux.  So this is a pretty short entry this episode.
If you want to offer any suggestions, topics, advice, criticism (constructive please) then feel free to send me an email at [email protected]
So until next episode ... Take care...
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techsolveprac · 5 years
Six easy steps to install Archman Linux by verifying ISO, creating Flash Drive and Installing Archman Linux as a single boot host operating system by replacing Windows.
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nzktsworld-blog · 5 years
Bilgisayarın kısaca tanımını kısaca yapacak olursak  çok sayıda mantıksal ve aritmetik işlemleri çok kısa sürede yapabilen aygıtlardır.
Yazılım ve donanım olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır.
Donamın kısmına bakarsak bilgisayarın elektronik parçalarından oluşan bütün kısımlarıdır.Bunlar nelerdir dersek Anakart (motherboard),İşlemci (CPU),Ana bellek (RAM),Sabit disk (HDD),Salt Okunur Bellek (ROM),Disk sürücüler (CD/DVD),Giriş-çıkış cihazları (input-output devices),Güç ünitesi (power supply). Bu kısımların işlem ve görevleri farklı olmak üzere veri iletimi veri dolaşımı ve veri aktarımını sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır. Yazılımdan bahsedecek olursak kod tabanlı ve grafik tabanlı olmak üzere çeşitli işletim sistemleri bulunmaktadır. İşletim sistemi bilgisayarın bu mantıksal ve aritmetik işlemlerin hızlı ve geniş kapsamlı çalışmasına yardımcı olur. Yani işletim sistemi bilgisayarın donanım birimlerini birbiriyle entegre bir şekilde çalıştırıp yönetme ve yönlendirmemize yarayan sistem bütünüdür.
yerli ve yabancı olmak üzere çeşitli işletim sistemleri bulunmaktadır. İşletim sistemleri kodlama dilleriyle çalışmaktadır. Birkaç işletim sisteminden bahsedecek olursak ; 
windows 3,11 ( ilk grafik tabanlı işletim sistemidir).
Grafik tasarımlı işletim sistemi en yaygın ve günümüzde de kullanılandır.Grafik tasarımlı işletim sisteminde .bir çok işlemini ve veri aktarımını aynı anda yapabilmek mümkündür. Yani çoklu pencere işlemleri yapabiliriz.
Grafik tabanlı işletim sistemleri:
macOS, OS/2, Window3,0, windows 95,98,XP, vista seven(7) (basik ve ultimate),eight(8), ten(10).
Grafik tasarımlı dışında bir işletim sisteminden de bahsedecek olursak birde kod tabanlı işletim sistemi bulunmaktadır.MS DOS komut satırlı bir işletim sistemidir.Bu işletim sistemi grafik tabanlı işletim sisteminin aksine sadece kodlar ile işlem yapabildiğimiz ve sadece bir pencerede işlem yapabildiğimiz işletim sistemleridir.Bilgisayarımızı açtığımız zaman C:/ şeklinde gelen komutuna kodlar yazarak bilgisayarımızda işlem yaparız. Bu işletim sisteminde sadece bir tek işlem yapabiliriz. Aynı anda iki işlem yapılamamaktadır.
yerli işletim sistemlerinden de bahsedecek olursak:
Archman linux,
mebus linux: MEB tarafından geliştirilmiştir.
Milis lınux
Pis linux
Gibus: gelir idaresi tarafından geliştirilmiştir.
turkx: Türk azeri işletim sistemidir.
Pardus: Tübitak tarafından geliştirilmiştir.Askeri ve emniyet tarafından kullanılır.
Genel olarak işletim sistemleri açık uçlu oldukları zaman kodlarda değişiklikler yapılarak yeni işletim sistemleri geliştirilebilmektedir. Kaynak kodları kapalı olan işletim sistemlerinde kod değişikliği yapılamadığından geliştirme yapılamaz.
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orkunsancak · 3 years
archman linux
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dashcamtravel · 3 years
Archman Linux 2021.0501
Archman Linux 2021.0501 Author: Archman Team Date: 05/01/2021 Size: 1.46 GB License: Open Source Requires: Windows Any Downloads: 573 times  TIP: Click Here to Repair or Restore Missing Windows Files  Download@Authors Site Rate This Software: 4 (7 votes)1 .Booo2 .Not Geeky3 .Average4 .Good5 .Geek-o-licious   Major Geeks Special Offer: Try Desktop.Tech for free and see why this is our favorite…
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View On WordPress
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amrselim · 4 years
تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 https://bit.ly/36nGo0L شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr Places to find me! https://bit.ly/OcqQ6x https://bit.ly/2nqASDv Wordpress: https://bit.ly/SsszPw Instagram: https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP Twitter: https://twitter.com/omarselm #4 4mLinux #9 9Front #A AbsoluteLinux AcademiX AirSlax AlpineLinux ALT Linux Anarchy Linux Android-x86 Antergos Antivirus Live CD antiX Linux Aptosid Arabbix ArchBang ArchLabs Archlinux Archman ArchStrike ArcoLinux ArtixLinux AryaLinux Astra Linux Austrumi AV Linux #B BackBoxLinux Bee free BigLinux Bio-Linux BlackArch BlackBox Linux BlackLab BlackPantherOS BlackSlash blag BlankOn Bluestar Bodhi BOSS Linux BunsenLabs ByzantineOS #C CAELinux Caine Caixa Magica Calculate Linux Calculate Linux Desktop Canaima CentOS Chakra ChaletOS ChameleonOS ClearOS Clonezilla CommodoreOS Condres OS ConnochaetOS CRUX Cucumber #D Damn Small Linux Damn Small Linux Not Dapper Linux Daylight Linux Debian Debian facile Debian-FAI DebianEdu deepin DEFT Devil-Linux Devuan DragonFly BSD Dragora DuZeru Dyne:bolic #E EasyOS Edubuntu elementaryOS Elive Linux Emmabuntüs Emmi OS EndeavourOS Endless OS EnsoOS EpiLinux Escuelas Linux Estobuntu Estrellaroja Exe GNU Linux ExTiX #F Fatdog64 Fedora Atomic Fedora Server Fedora Silverblue Ostree Fedora Spins Fedora Workstation FerenOS Finnix FreeBSD FreeDOS FreeNAS Frenzy Frugalware Funtoo FuryBSD #G G4L GeckoLinux Gentoo GhostBSD GNewSense GoboLinux Gparted GreenieLinux GRML GuixSD #H Haiku hamOS Hannah Montana Linux HardenedBSD Heads Huayra Hyperbola #I io GNU Linux #K Kali Linux Kanotix KaOS KDE neon Knoppix Kodachi KolibriOS Korora Kubuntu Kubuntu Focus Kwort #L Linux Lite Linux Mint LinuxConsole Linuxfx LiveRaizo LMDE Lubuntu LuninuxOS LXLE OS #M Macpup Mageia MakuluLinux Manjaro Matriux MauiLinux MenuetOS MidnightBSD MilagrOS MinerOS Minimal Linux MiniNo MINIX Modicia Musix Muslimbuntu MX Linux #N Nanolinux Nas4Free Neptune NetBSD NethServer Netrunner Nitrux NixOs Nova NST NuTyX #O obarun Omni OS OpenBSD openEuler OpenIndiana OpenMandriva openSUSE OPNsense OracleLinux OS108 OSGeo live OviOS #P Parabola CLI Parabola LXDE Pardus Parrot Parrot Home Parrot Security Parrot Studio Parrot Variant Parsix Parted Magic PCLinuxOS PeachOSI PearOS Pentoo Peppermint PeppermintOS Pinguy PinguyOS Pisi Linux Plamo Linux Plasma Mobile PLD Linux plopLinux PNPI-OS PointLinux Pop!_OS PORTEUS PrimTux Puppy Linux PureOS #Q Q4OS QubesOS Quirky #R Raspberry Pi Desktop ReactOS Reborn OS Red Star OS Redcore redox Refracta Regolith Linux Rescatux RevengeOS RoboLinux Rockstor ROSA FRESH Runtu #S Sabayon Sabily SalentOS Salix ScientificLinux SELKS SemiCode OS Septor Siduction Simplicity Linux SimplyMEPIS Slackel Slackware Slax SliTaz Snallinux Solus SolydK SolydX SparkyLinux Springdale Stresslinux SubgraphOS SuperGamer susOS SwagArch SystemRescueCd #T Tails Tanglu TempleOS Tiny Core Trident Trisquel TROM-Jaro TrueOS Tsurugi Linux TurnKey Linux Tux N Vape #U Ubuntu Ubuntu Budgie Ubuntu Cinnamon Ubuntu Mate Ubuntu Server Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Unity Remix UbuntuDDE UbuntuKylin Ufficio Zero Ultimate Edition Ultimate Linux Uruk #V VectorLinux Venom Linux VineLinux VoidLinux Voyager VyOS #W WattOs #X Xubuntu #Z Zentyal Zenwalk Zevenet
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kirito-1011 · 5 years
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Archman GNU/Linux 2020.01 Archman GNU/Linux is a Turkish-based GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch Linux.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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linuxlife · 4 years
Linux Life Episode 67
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Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to my ongoing quest regards Linux.  Well I did say I was getting frustrated with the slowness of Manjaro well due to having to fight with it virtually every time when I built something from the AUR.  I eventually had enough.  So now the i7 desktop is now running Archman Mate.
The problem with Manjaro as I said was it seemed to be sluggish to load, respond and generally work.  It did work but for some reason everything took far longer than it should.  Also building anything would be problematic.
I will explain what I mean.  Now Arch has a tendency to build from source which is not a problem.  However most Arch versions with the exception of Manjaro if they script is in the wrong order it will normally correct so it will be able to build the program.Manjaro will just stop dead make you find a series of libraries which itself could have made.  It's counter productive.  Now I know sometimes AUR scripts are not perfect but just installing say Fuse the spectrum Emulator.
It uses libspectrum now every other Arch distro I have used discovers this and build this first and then Fuse.  Manjaro just stalls, informs  libspectrum is needed and stops.  So now I have to go back to pamac install libspectrum first and now I can install Fuse.  I'm sure someone seems to think this is a good idea as you see what you need before building the program in question.
However I just need a program to work and find all these unnecessary install steps annoying.  If it needs such then like every other version out there install the library first and then build.  However it will stop warn and not install.
This is very much like the old issue I used to have with Debian when it will inform you of the dependencies but not where they are.  So you end up installing one library, then another, then another and still may not be close to being able to install the program you want.
It's inconvenient.  I really don't understand how Manjaro is listed and praised so highly.  I really don't.  I have found it slow, obnoxious and obstructive.  But for some reason people like it.  Well let's just say I don't.
If you like Manjaro that's your prerogative.  To be honest I admit I think I am pretty fussy about things.  This is why I have shifted many times and through many versions of Linux.
Don't get me wrong now I will at least attempt to see if their is a fix if there is an issue which previously I wouldn't.  Well I would but I have learned several things over time about symbol links going missing and how to sort them and that amending one or two files may be enough to save you having to totally reinstall the distribution.
As I have said before the reason why I use an Arch system over a Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora system is the applications are in a much more central location on Arch.  On the others you normally need to keep adding PPAs and pointing the distros to file servers you have no idea whether they are safe or not.
Admittedly several scripts at the AUR may not work so I'm not saying it's perfect but nine times out of ten I can get the programs I want either from the central repositories of  the distribution I'm using or the AUR.
Do they move their mirrors and files.  They probably do but that is sent with the updates normally so I don't have to manually enter the movements.
Obviously I understand that if I was running a server I would want a machine that I set up once and  then hopefully only have to do occasional updates the likes of Debian/Fedora are commonly used and I respect that.  If I was to setup a central server then I would be looking at them but I don't have a server need.
As a desktop user I like to install programs try them, love them or hate them, keep them or remove them so I need a pretty dynamic setup.  Hence why the Arch system suits me.
However I have discovered once I find something I like I will tend to stick with it.  For example my usage of Shutter to grab screenshots.  Sure there is Flameshot and Greenshot and probably others but they don't always manage to grab game shots very well which I normally can get Shutter to do.
Shutter hasn't been updated in a long time and getting it to build on various distros can be a long trek but Archman for example made sure it built without stopping by building the libraries in the right order which Manjaro could not do.
Maybe it's because Archman is using Mate where as when I was running Manjaro it was KDE.  Given Shutter is primarily based in Gnome and Perl maybe Mate just knows how to deal with it better as it's based on the Gnome system.  I don't know you see for all I am quite technically minded.
When it comes to complex programming my brain has decided it just doesn't want to get involved.  I tried programming many years ago and discovered it was not for me.  I just don't have the patience to find a missing semicolon or symbol in a several thousand lines of code program.  
As much as I like to investigate programs I really don't have the patience to sit and learn programs that are incredibly complex either.  I know Blender is an incredible tool and as well as being a 3D modelling software is capable of  producing animation and some even use it for video production.
I have sat and rendered a model from example files and sat and waited for several hours for what turns out to be a two minute animation.  Yes it's impressive but to be honest I know in my heart I would not sit and do such.
I love Emulation.  It fascinates me seeing a machine running on my PC which was never meant to.  Being able to try out programs and games I never could.
For example MAME includes MESS so it can run several computer systems as well as arcade games so I was able to play with Irix as there is now SGI Emulation in there.  It's far from perfect and obviously not a huge amount of stuff is widely available to download for it.
However I have always wanted to see the Irix system in action and unless I was willing to pay the silly amounts asked on eBay for machines such the Octane and the Indigo.  This is the only way I will get to try out such.
Hence why I now have Previous on most of my setups.  It's an Emulation of  the Next Systems so I can play with NextStep.  Once again software is pretty limited and getting some of the stuff to work is a bit of a challenge.  However seeing it and how you can see Mac OS X has integrated many of its features and improved makes it fascinating to me.
It never ceases to amaze me how the emulator programmers keep getting things working.  I wouldn't know where the hell to start.  Seeing them get things like Yusu, Xenia and Citra which are running emulation of Switch, Xbox 360 and 3DS games respectively.  OK they are not perfect but the fact they have done so just proves how incredibly dedicated these people are.
I have always said my ideal desktop operating system which would never be possible.  Is a machine where I can run Linux, Windows, Mac, Amiga, Next, BeOS and more from one desktop with one simple double click.  Integrated Emulation at desktop level.  Integration between clipboards and software.  It's very idyllic and would never happen as the companies responsible for said technology would vehemently prevent such.  But hey a man can dream.  Either that or I'm just lazy and want everything under one roof to save me leg work.
Anyway I think that's enough waffle for this episode.  So until next time ...take care.
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doc-gworldz · 5 years
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DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 840 This week in DistroWatch Weekly: Review: Fedora 31 WorkstationNews: Fedora working to improve Python performance, FreeBSD getting faster networking thanks to Netflix, elementary team plans new greeter and system installerTips and tricks: Monitoring and recording user activityReleased last week: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1, FreeBAS 12.1, NethServer 7.7Torrent corner: Archman, batocera, Clonezilla, Container, EasyOS, FreeBSD, FuguIta, KDE neon, NethServer, Obarun, OpenIndiana, OSMC, SmartOS, Star, XigmaNASOpinion poll: How many people use your main home computer?Reader comments Read more in this week's issue of DistroWatch Weekly.... from DistroWatch.com: DistroWatch Weekly
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linuxinfo-blog1 · 6 years
The Most Popular Linux Distros Of 2018
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2018 has come to a close and it is time to look back and see what were the 100 most popular Linux distros (distributions) of the past year.  We gathered our list from Distro Watch.  I find it amazing to see how Manjaro has come to dominate over the past year while Linux Mint has remained near the top.  Two dark horses that have made the top 5 are MX Linux and elementary while the once dominate Ubuntu has slipped to the number 5 spot. Where is your Linux distro on the list?  What are your thoughts on the list and do you find any of the numbers surprising? Here is the list:   Rank Distribution 1 Manjaro 2 Mint 3 elementary 4 MX Linux 5 Ubuntu 6 Debian 7 Solus 8 Fedora 9 openSUSE 10 Zorin 11 Antergos 12 CentOS 13 Arch 14 ReactOS 15 TrueOS 16 Kali 17 Lite 18 KDE neon 19 antiX 20 Lubuntu 21 PCLinuxOS 22 deepin 23 Endless 24 Peppermint 25 FreeBSD 26 SmartOS 27 Puppy 28 SparkyLinux 29 Ubuntu MATE 30 Parrot 31 Slackware 32 Mageia 33 Tails 34 Xubuntu 35 ArcoLinux 36 ArchLabs 37 Ubuntu Kylin 38 Q4OS 39 Bluestar 40 Bodhi 41 Archman 42 Devuan 43 Kubuntu 44 Voyager 45 Red Hat 46 Android-x86 47 Feren 48 Gentoo 49 Pop!_OS 50 LXLE 51 Slax 52 4MLinux 53 Nitrux 54 Robolinux 55 Ultimate 56 KaOS 57 Redcore 58 Netrunner 59 Ubuntu Budgie 60 KNOPPIX 61 Alpine 62 Qubes 63 Sabayon 64 SwagArch 65 ClearOS 66 Gecko 67 NixOS 68 DragonFly 69 GhostBSD 70 Ubuntu Studio 71 Neptune 72 ArchBang 73 Calculate 74 Trisquel 75 BlackArch 76 BunsenLabs 77 Scientific 78 Clonezilla 79 OpenBSD 80 Emmabuntüs 81 Pinguy 82 ROSA 83 siduction 84 AUSTRUMI 85 Tiny Core 86 NuTyX 87 Porteus 88 Raspbian 89 Container 90 Void 91 SteamOS 92 Absolute 93 BackBox 94 SolydXK 95 ExTiX 96 Oracle 97 Artix 98 Kodachi 99 Vector 100 Omarine   Read the full article
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-07 00 LINUX now
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Spring Content Releases – Week 1 Livestream Recaps
Announcing Google App Engine Deep Dive
Employee Spotlight: Favian Ramirez, Business Development Representative
Say hello to our new Practice Exams system!
Linux Insider
Bluestar Gives Arch Linux a Celestial Glow
Mozilla Trumpets Altered Reality Browser
Microsoft Offers New Tool to Grow Linux in Windows
New Firefox Extension Builds a Wall Around Facebook
Neptune 5: A Practically Perfect Plasma-Based Distro
Linux Journal
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Subutai Blockchain Router v2.0, NixOS New Release, Slimbook Curve and More
VIDEO: When Linux Demos Go Wrong
Linux Magazine
Solomon Hykes Leaves Docker
Red Hat Celebrates 25th Anniversary with a New Code Portal
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Linux Today
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Slashdot Linux
Russia Files Lawsuit To Block Telegram Messaging App
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GraphicsMagick – A Powerful Image Processing CLI Tool for Linux
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Gerbera – A UPnP Media Server That Let’s You Stream Media on Home Network
Android Studio – A Powerful IDE for Building Apps for All Android Devices
System Tar and Restore – A Versatile System Backup Script for Linux
OpenBSD 6.3 released ( Download of the day )
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Linux/Unix desktop fun: sl – a mirror version of ls
Raspberry PI 3 model B+ Released: Complete specs and pricing
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amrselim · 4 years
تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 https://bit.ly/36nGo0L شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr Places to find me! https://bit.ly/OcqQ6x https://bit.ly/2nqASDv Wordpress: https://bit.ly/SsszPw Instagram: https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP Twitter: https://twitter.com/omarselm #4 4mLinux #9 9Front #A AbsoluteLinux AcademiX AirSlax AlpineLinux ALT Linux Anarchy Linux Android-x86 Antergos Antivirus Live CD antiX Linux Aptosid Arabbix ArchBang ArchLabs Archlinux Archman ArchStrike ArcoLinux ArtixLinux AryaLinux Astra Linux Austrumi AV Linux #B BackBoxLinux Bee free BigLinux Bio-Linux BlackArch BlackBox Linux BlackLab BlackPantherOS BlackSlash blag BlankOn Bluestar Bodhi BOSS Linux BunsenLabs ByzantineOS #C CAELinux Caine Caixa Magica Calculate Linux Calculate Linux Desktop Canaima CentOS Chakra ChaletOS ChameleonOS ClearOS Clonezilla CommodoreOS Condres OS ConnochaetOS CRUX Cucumber #D Damn Small Linux Damn Small Linux Not Dapper Linux Daylight Linux Debian Debian facile Debian-FAI DebianEdu deepin DEFT Devil-Linux Devuan DragonFly BSD Dragora DuZeru Dyne:bolic #E EasyOS Edubuntu elementaryOS Elive Linux Emmabuntüs Emmi OS EndeavourOS Endless OS EnsoOS EpiLinux Escuelas Linux Estobuntu Estrellaroja Exe GNU Linux ExTiX #F Fatdog64 Fedora Atomic Fedora Server Fedora Silverblue Ostree Fedora Spins Fedora Workstation FerenOS Finnix FreeBSD FreeDOS FreeNAS Frenzy Frugalware Funtoo FuryBSD #G G4L GeckoLinux Gentoo GhostBSD GNewSense GoboLinux Gparted GreenieLinux GRML GuixSD #H Haiku hamOS Hannah Montana Linux HardenedBSD Heads Huayra Hyperbola #I io GNU Linux #K Kali Linux Kanotix KaOS KDE neon Knoppix Kodachi KolibriOS Korora Kubuntu Kubuntu Focus Kwort #L Linux Lite Linux Mint LinuxConsole Linuxfx LiveRaizo LMDE Lubuntu LuninuxOS LXLE OS #M Macpup Mageia MakuluLinux Manjaro Matriux MauiLinux MenuetOS MidnightBSD MilagrOS MinerOS Minimal Linux MiniNo MINIX Modicia Musix Muslimbuntu MX Linux #N Nanolinux Nas4Free Neptune NetBSD NethServer Netrunner Nitrux NixOs Nova NST NuTyX #O obarun Omni OS OpenBSD openEuler OpenIndiana OpenMandriva openSUSE OPNsense OracleLinux OS108 OSGeo live OviOS #P Parabola CLI Parabola LXDE Pardus Parrot Parrot Home Parrot Security Parrot Studio Parrot Variant Parsix Parted Magic PCLinuxOS PeachOSI PearOS Pentoo Peppermint PeppermintOS Pinguy PinguyOS Pisi Linux Plamo Linux Plasma Mobile PLD Linux plopLinux PNPI-OS PointLinux Pop!_OS PORTEUS PrimTux Puppy Linux PureOS #Q Q4OS QubesOS Quirky #R Raspberry Pi Desktop ReactOS Reborn OS Red Star OS Redcore redox Refracta Regolith Linux Rescatux RevengeOS RoboLinux Rockstor ROSA FRESH Runtu #S Sabayon Sabily SalentOS Salix ScientificLinux SELKS SemiCode OS Septor Siduction Simplicity Linux SimplyMEPIS Slackel Slackware Slax SliTaz Snallinux Solus SolydK SolydX SparkyLinux Springdale Stresslinux SubgraphOS SuperGamer susOS SwagArch SystemRescueCd #T Tails Tanglu TempleOS Tiny Core Trident Trisquel TROM-Jaro TrueOS Tsurugi Linux TurnKey Linux Tux N Vape #U Ubuntu Ubuntu Budgie Ubuntu Cinnamon Ubuntu Mate Ubuntu Server Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Unity Remix UbuntuDDE UbuntuKylin Ufficio Zero Ultimate Edition Ultimate Linux Uruk #V VectorLinux Venom Linux VineLinux VoidLinux Voyager VyOS #W WattOs #X Xubuntu #Z Zentyal Zenwalk Zevenet by BIMarabia
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tqvcancun · 4 years
PING: Archman, Pop!_OS, ReactOS, VSCode, ProtonMail, Inkscape…
Habemus PING, que ya descansó la semana pasada, pero no esta porque hay temas interesantes que recoger incluyendo lanzamientos y otra cosas.
Archman 2020-04. Nueva versión de esta distro de reciente creación, basada en Arch Linux, con Calamares como instalador de sistema y con el escritorio Xfce al frente. Más info en el anuncio oficial.
Pop!_OS 20.04 Beta. Para quien interesa probar llega también la versión previa de Pop!_OS, basada en la próxima Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. En GitHub tenéis todos los detalles.
ReactOS 0.4.13. Porque no todo es Linux, he aquí la nueva versión del ‘Windows libre’, cuyo desarrollo no cesa y trae unas cuantas novedades de interés. Más información en el anuncio oficial.
Visual Studio Code 1.44. Pasando con las aplicaciones, nos vamos con una que sirve para crearlas, en concreto, uno de los editores de código más populares del momento y las notas de lanzamiento de su última versión.
ProtonMail. Si hace unas semanas hablábamos de ProtonMail Bridge, la noticia se completo con esta otra: la aplicación ya es de código abierto, según informan en el blog del proyecto.
Inkscape 1.0 RC1. Con algo más de margen entre una y otra, hace meses que recogimos el lanzamiento de la beta de Inkscape y esta semana ha sido anunciada la primera versión candidata, por lo que ya queda menos para el lanzamiento final.
Plasma Browser Integration. Y nueva versión del complemento para el navegador web que no puede faltarle a ningún usuario de KDE Plasma para disfrutar de la mejor integración. Todas las novedades, en el anuncio oficial.
Firefox. Hablando de navegadores web, tres noticias de Firefox en una: la del lanzamiento de Firefox 75 que se nos pasó poner porque no hubo PING; la nueva de Firefox para Android, que se aproxima a su lanzamiento estable; y un pequeño truco que publican en OMG! Ubuntu! que vaya tela…
Kiwi Broser. Y otra más de navegadores para Android: Kiwi Broser se convierte al código abierto. En GitHub tenéis el código de este proyecto, en el caso de que no lo conocierais, a la espera de que llegue a F-Droid. Podéis echarle un vistazo en Google Play, aunque todavía no ha sido actualizado.
Steam Controller. Para terminar, una curiosidad: el Steam Controller pasó a mejor vida, pero puede estar cerca de tener una continuación, según nos cuentan en MC. Eso sí, con un rediseño que apunta al Xbox Elite.
Fuente: MuyLinux
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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