echofromthepast · 5 months
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Retrieved April 30, 2024
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linuxrus · 2 years
What is a "Distro" of “distribution?”
Linux has a number of different versions to suit any type of user. From new users to hard-core users, you’ll find a “flavor” of Linux to match your needs. These versions are called distributions (or, in the short form, “distros”). Nearly every distribution of Linux can be downloaded for free, burned onto disk (or USB thumb drive), and installed (on as many machines as you like).
Popular Linux distributions include:
Each distribution has a different take on the desktop. Some opt for very modern user interfaces (such as GNOME and Elementary OS’s Pantheon), whereas others stick with a more traditional desktop environment (openSUSE uses KDE).
You can check out the top 100 distributions on the Distrowatch.
And don’t think the server has been left behind. For this arena, you can turn to:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Ubuntu Server
SUSE Enterprise Linux
Some of the above server distributions are free (such as Ubuntu Server and CentOS) and some have an associated price (such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Enterprise Linux). Those with an associated price also include support.
Which distribution is right for you?
Which distribution you use will depend on the answer to three simple questions:
How skilled of a computer user are you?
Do you prefer a modern or a standard desktop interface?
Server or desktop?
If your computer skills are fairly basic, you’ll want to stick with a newbie-friendly distribution such as Linux Mint, Ubuntu (Figure 3), Elementary OS or Deepin. If your skill set extends into the above-average range, you could go with a distribution like Debian or Fedora. If, however, you’ve pretty much mastered the craft of computer and system administration, use a distribution like Gentoo. If you really want a challenge, you can build your very own Linux distribution, with the help of Linux From Scratch.
If you’re looking for a server-only distribution, you will also want to decide if you need a desktop interface, or if you want to do this via command-line only. The Ubuntu Server does not install a GUI interface. This means two things your server won’t be bogged down loading graphics and you’ll need to have a solid understanding of the Linux command line. However, you can install a GUI package on top of the Ubuntu Server with a single command like sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. System administrators will also want to view a distribution with regards to features. Do you want a server-specific distribution that will offer you, out of the box, everything you need for your server? If so, CentOS might be the best choice. Or, do you want to take a desktop distribution and add the pieces as you need them? If so, Debian or Ubuntu Linux might serve you well.
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voskhozhdeniye · 5 months
What is DistroWatch?
DistroWatch is a website dedicated to talking about, reviewing and keeping up to date with open source operating systems. This site particularly focuses on Linux distributions and flavours of BSD, though other open source operating systems are sometimes discussed.
There is a lot of information out there on Linux distributions and this site tries to collect and present that information in a consistent manner to make it easier to locate.
The front page of DistroWatch primarily features release announcements of new versions of Linux distributions as well as links to reviews, podcasts and newsletters about open source operating systems. While our weekly newsletter, DistroWatch Weekly, contains hands-on reviews of new distribution releases along with a summary of new developments in the open source community.
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bakersfield-row · 1 year
Let's say that you find out that your current Linux OS was busted somehow. What do you migrate to?
Funnily enough I’m actually migrating distros rn. My old install was so shit and bloated that at this point it was just best to nuke it. It was a hard to decide which one I’d migrate to, but I decided on Linux Mint with the help of an advisor. However, if by some unholy miracle that the third most popular Linux distro on distrowatch went bust literally tomorrow, I’d probably switch to Zorin.
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psycheterminal · 11 months
So, we're going to go through this step by step.
Before we begin, let's keep a few things clear:
Linux is not Windows, it is its own system, with its own culture, history and way of doing things.
There are many "distributions", "distros" or "flavors" of Linux. What works for you may be different from what people recommend.
You'll want to read up on how to use the terminal; the basics an absolute beginner needs is short, but important. It's not hard to learn, just takes a bit of time and effort.
WINE is not a Windows Emulator, it should not be treated as such.
Proton is a compatibility tool built on WINE by Valve, which has its own compatibility database, called ProtonDB. It still isn't an emulator and can have quirks.
Not everything will work on Linux. Dead by Daylight actively blocks Linux players from joining a game, as an example. The Windows Edition of Minecraft is another. (But the Java Edition does!)
There are many FOSS alternatives to popular programs, but they may lack maturity and features compared to their commercial counterparts.
You might want to invest in an external drive. It'll keep your files safe and you'll be able to move all your files to a
Step 1: why do you want to switch? Are you concerned about privacy? Are you wanting to boycott Windows? Is 11 not an option for your hardware? Want to try something new? Be honest with yourself on what you want to do. Write down your hardware specs. You'll want to know what kind of processor, RAM, video card and memory you're working on.
Step 2: Make three lists: Programs you need for work, programs you use at home (that aren't games) and games you like to play. Check each of these for if they already have a Linux port. For games, you can check if it's Steamdeck compatible! For those where you can't find one or it's not clear, you can check for the program on WINE HQ and ProtonDB (for games.) Not all of them might be compatible!
There might be Linux-based alternatives for several things, but keep in mind that Adobe does NOT support Linux and does NOT work on WINE! Sea of Thieves and LibreOffice works, Dead by Daylight and Scrivener do not.
Step 3: Get a GOOD QUALITY USB drive stick! I recommend one that's at least 30 GB. That sounds like a lot, but operating systems these days are huge-but there's some fun stuff you can get. It's really important that you get a good quality one, not just a random stick off a reseller like Wish.
Step 4: Remember when I asked you why you were switching? Time to pick a Linux version. There is no "one, true Linux" version-the operating system is open, groups make their own versions and put it out into the world. If you're confused, check out Distrowatch. Read a list here. Download an option-if you have a few sticks around, try multiple ones.
Step 5: Plug in your USB and use either UNetbootin or Rufus to create your boot device. Rufus might be easier if you're not super computer savvy. When looking over the options, make sure there's some storage, set it to most of what's left. Take out your boot stick for now.
Step 6: Find out how to boot to your BIOS. Every computer has a BIOS. Check out your model of laptop/motherboard to figure out what it is. Arrange boot order so that your USB gets checked first.
Step 7: If you have an external drive, move all your personal stuff, game saves, etc to it or purchase cloud drive storage for it. Always back up your files, and with multiple methods.
Step 8: You aren't going to be installing Linux quite yet; instead, boot it up from USB. Note, it'll be a bit slow on USB 2.0, though a USB-3 device and slot should make matters easier. Test each version you're considering for a week. It is super important that you test! Sometimes problems crop up or you turn out to not like it!
Step 9: Once you find a distro you like and have tested, consider if you want to dual boot or completely wipe Windows. Some programs for work might require Windows or you might have a few games that ONLY work on Windows and that's perfectly fine! Just keep in mind, as of Windows 11, this option is not recommended. If you want to use dualboot, you want to keep Windows 10 and NOT update. There's great tutorials on how to make it happen, search engines should be able to point you to one.
Step 10: Fully install Linux and immediately update. Even the latest installers will not have the current security patches. Just let it update and install whatever programs you want to use.
Step 11: Enable compatibility tools in Steam if you're a gamer. File, options, compatibility. Also, check the Software Store in your OS for open source re-implementations for your favorite older games!
You're now a Penguin!
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henrys-log · 1 year
I'm quite pleased with Linux Mint 21.2.
Now i've always been a fan on Linux Mint because of it's simplicity, this is seriously a really good linux distro to use.
It really does deserve the #2 spot on distrowatch!
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xylophonetangerine · 2 years
A distribution being near the top on distrowatch means you should avoid it as it's favoured by the type of people who go on distrowatch.
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kennak · 1 year
★短い答え Arch Linuxの血統で毛並みが良い(後述)。 Archの利点である、シンプルな設計で、ローリング・リリースの「常に最新バージョンでシステムが統合される」という特徴を継承しながら、初心者にとって導入が難しいということや、常に最新すぎて安定性を損なうので自己対処スキルが必須というハードルの高さを解消している。 Ubuntuで���用されている固定リリースよりも、継続的な使用感をもたらすローリング・リリースのほうが好まれている。またManjaro掘り下げると、Archのシンプル設計の筋の良さがUbuntuよりも優れているし、その情報は確実にArchのドキュメントに存在している。 ★長い答え Linuxディストリビューション情報サイトのDistroWatch Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. では、一昔は圧倒的人気であったUbuntu それからMintを軽く抑えてManjaro Linuxが人気です。Manjaroは、Arch Linuxがベースになっています。ArchはLinux上級者に人気のディストリビューションで、シンプリシティ、ミニマリズムの設計哲学があります。Arch Linux は、x86_64 向けに独自に開発された、あらゆる用途に対応できる万能 GNU/Linux ディストリビューションです。その開発は、シンプリシティ、ミニマリズム、およびコードの簡潔性に焦点を当てています。Arch は最小限の基本システムの状態でインストールされ、ユーザー自身が、ユーザーの理想とする環境のために必要なものだけをインストールして構築することができます。GUI の構成設定ツールは公式には提供されず、ほとんどのシステム設定はシェル上でテキストファイルを編集することで行います。Arch はローリングリリースモデルをベースとしており、常に最先端であるように努め、ほとんどのソフトウェアは最新の安定バージョンが提供されます。原則 シンプルであること シンプリシティは Arch の開発における絶対的な主たる方針です。多くの GNU/Linux ディストリビューションは自身を「シンプル」だと定義していますが、シンプルであること自身にはいろいろな意味があります。 Arch Linux はシンプリシティを、「不必要な追加、修正、あるいは複雑化を行わない」ことと定義し、ユーザーごとに、必要に応じた軽量な UNIX ライクベースのシステム構築を可能とします。要するに、エレガントで最小主義なアプローチだということです。これは、たとえばPCの上級者が、市販のPCの規定のスペックや、いろいろ不要な仕様には満足できず、ベアボーンから自由に構成して自作PCにする、というのと同じです。とにかくパーツとマニュアルだけ寄越せと。 それ故、必然的にArchは玄人好みのディストロだし、自作PC同様、初心者にはかなりハードルが高いディストロです。しかし、自分で構成させるので、Wikiが他のディストロを寄せ付けないレベルで充実しています。Ubuntuコミュニティも強力で情報は豊富ですが、細かい設定の情報はArchのほうが上で、実際Linuxで困ったことがあれば、”arch” とキーワードくっつてググると的を得た情報がヒットすることが多いです。 1からパーツを組み立てるので勉強にもなります。かといってソースコードから逐一コンパイルする必要もなく、ちゃんとバイナリベースのパッケージシステムがあり、それがローリングリリースされています。 公式以外にもコミュニティベースのレポジトリは充実しており常に最新にメンテナンスされています。Linuxで使えるアプリでArchで使えなかったアプリは今までにひとつもありませんでした。 Ubuntu=メーカーが販売してるPC 素人向けの情報豊富 Arch = ベアボーンからパーツ組み立てる自作PC 玄人向けの情報豊富 みたいな棲み分けです。 Archは素晴らしいので自分も数年ほどずっと使っていました。しかし、不満も出てきました。 1.ローリングリリースでカーネル含め、あまりにも頻繁に最新バージョンにアップデートするので、更新作業がうっとうしくなる、ちょっとアップデートさぼってたら、カーネル、デスクトップ環境、各種コアライブラリ、軒並み全部アップデートするはめになりしんどい。何よりカーネルもデスクトップ環境もさほど安定してないのを掴まされることはある。 2.インストールはCUIでいいんだけど、さすがに何回も毎度同じ作業をするのはしんどい。 これを解消しているのがManjaroです。Manjaroのレポジトリーは、Archのレポより1テンポくらい遅く管理されていて、ArchのStableバージョンはManjaroのTestバージョン相当、という具合により慎重で安定したバージョンが提供されており、アップデートもさほど頻繁ではありません。 とにかく足元のカーネルがそんなしょっちゅうアップデートされて安定性も損なったら話にならないわけで、カーネルの安定性が一番重要。 ManjaroのキラーコンテンツはManjaro settings managerで、カーネルのアップデートの状態がわかりやすく、コントロールしやすいことです。だいたい、一番新しい、LTS+RecommendedのLinuxカーネルをインストールして走らせておけば間違いありませんし、この選択自体ころころ変わるということもありません。 後の使い勝手は、Arch長年使ってたのでよくわかりますが、まったく変わりません。コアシステムの部分は上記のとおりManjaro独自のレポですが、非公式のコミュニティレポはArchと共通なので豊富な資産はそのままということになります。 また、最初からデスクトップ環境とパッケージでGUIインストール環境も提供されているので、初心者への導入ハードルの高さもまったくありません。 あれ、それなら別にUbuntuじゃなくても良くない?ローリングリリースのほうが良いし、ってのが今の流れだと思います。
なぜUbuntuではなくManjaro Linuxのほうが最近人気でオススメされるんですか? - Quora
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Сейчас точно поставлю на закачку кучу дистрибутивов linux, с distrowatch что бы более менее выйти в сеть, и попасть нормально на сайт visaglobal да Андрюша?
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DistroWatch Is Manipulating You, So Let's Fix The Rankings!
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dvdregionseven · 2 years
Living out in the boonies means my internet is metered so I can't do my biennial "try the most popular Linux ISOs on distrowatch" binge I've been doing for the past 20± years.
By the third day my deodorant still kind of works but I smell like salted meat instead of sweat. You know when you leave a steak to dry brine overnight in the fridge? I smell like that.
Talkin' 'bout Linux on the pervert site. Haven't showered in a few days. Monster Zero, Coke Zero, syrupy coffee. Playing Cities Skylines and listening to retrowave. I know what it looks like. It's pretty Stallman. But I'm different. I have a system.
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bestpctips · 2 years
VanillaOS 22.10 Review
There is a new Ubuntu derivative in the Linux world called VanillaOS. It is so new that it is not yet on DistroWatch; there isn’t even a Wikipedia article about it! In fact, it is still in the beta testing phase and available only in an “unstable” version. Read our VanillaOS 22-10 Review. Written by Adam Hunt The distribution’s website explains that: “Vanilla OS arose out of the need for an…
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bobgilop · 2 years
Rapidcomposer 2.9 x86 torrent
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Feature Light Edition for hobbyist musicians Full Edition for professional composers Core functionality: creating, editing. Windows 32/64-bit macOS 64-bit (Intel, Apple Silicon) Editions Decide which edition is suitable for you. Available for Windows and macOS (standalone, VST, VST3, AU, AU MFX). Test drive RapidComposer today Download RapidComposer Demo Version. Should you wish to upload your own Linux or BSD torrents and have them added to this list, please visit our Upload Torrent page. RapidComposer is a unique, non-destructive, phrase-based music prototyping software designed for composers, songwriters and musicians of all musical styles. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin and a Standalone Application.
An archive of past torrents we have seeded can be found below. RapidComposer by MusicDevelopments is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin and an Audio Plugin Host and a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. The torrents we are hosting are listed in our weekly newsletter. If you want to download RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2020.2.3 full license, please click to DOWNLOAD symbol and complete check out a little help my website is maintained. Whether you are a seasoned professional or simply ready to take your music to the next level, RapidComposer is the complete solution you need for faster and more productive music composition. In an effort to help the open source community, DistroWatch shares (or "seeds") stable releases of distributions, generally for a week after the new version of the distribution is released. WiN X86 X64 69.61 MB RapidComposer is a rapid music prototyping software designed for composers, song-writers and musicians of all musical styles. This takes a lot of the burden of providing network bandwidth off the publisher. Large files, such as ISO images, can be shared more quickly among groups of people because each person downloading the file can also help share it with others. Torrent ArchiveAn archive of the torrents we have shared.īittorrent is a powerful peer-to-peer file sharing technology which makes transferring large files with many people easier. Windows 10 21H2 MUL 16in1 x86-圆4 - Integral Edition 2022.1.14 Item Preview. Amadine 1.2.8 Release year : 2022 Version : 1.2.8 Developer : Belight Software, ltd Architecture : x86 (64-bit) Interface language : English Tablet : K'ed by TNT Distribution time : before the appearance of the first 3-5.
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acepolh · 2 years
Mp3 gain linux mint
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OpenSUSE 15.3 - The Xfce desktop and application menu I also tried out the live desktop media with Xfce for the same architecture.
For the purposes of this trial I installed openSUSE using the full install 4.4GB ISO for x86_64 machines. These range in size from about 600MB up to about 950MB. There are also live desktop editions of the distribution which are available in GNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce, and Rescue flavours. The full install images are about 4.4GB in size while the network installers tend to be about 150MB in size. openSUSE's installation media is available in both net-install and off-line installer flavours for x86_64, AArch64, IBM Z, and PowerPC systems. There are several editions of openSUSE, built for multiple hardware architectures.
Due to the upgrade path, it is highly recommended to upgrade to Leap 15.2 before upgrading to Leap 15.3. Users upgrading to openSUSE Leap 15.3 need to be aware that upgrading directly from versions before openSUSE Leap 15.2 is not recommended. People upgrading from previous versions should first upgrade to 15.2 as upgrading from earlier releases isn't supported. OpenSUSE 15.3 offers 18 months of security updates and support. The Xfce desktop though received a major update, moving from version 4.14 to 4.16 which introduces a number of improvements. The KDE Plasma desktop is still shipping version 5.18 and GNOME remains at version 3.34. For the most part major packages have stayed at the same versions they were earlier in the 15.x series. Most of these focus on containers and small improvements to development tools. There are a few other new features and upgrades.
openSUSE Leap 15.3 is built not just from SUSE Linux Enterprise source code like in previous versions, but built with the exact same binary packages, which strengthens the flow between Leap and SLE. There is one huge change from the previous Leap versions.
For the most part, openSUSE 15.3 is a minor update to the 15.x series which brings the community-focused, freely available openSUSE distribution closer in its technology to the business-oriented SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE). OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 is the latest release in the distribution's series of stable versions. Listen to the Podcast edition of this week's DistroWatch Weekly in OGG (18MB) and MP3 (13MB) formats.
Opinion poll: Writing an ISO/IMG file to a thumb drive.
Torrent corner: 4MLinux, Arch, CentOS, Clonezilla, Kali, Lakka, NixOS, MakuluLinux, openSUSE, OviOS, Rescuezilla, Septor, Tails.
Released last week: CentOS, openSUSE 15.3, Kali 2021.2.
Questions and answers: Writing an ISO directly from the web to a thumb drive.
News: Nemo gets new search capabilities, Rocky publishes status update and seeks volunteers, tips for protecting against out of memory termination.
We wish you all a wonderful week and happy reading! Plus we are pleased to share the releases of the past week and list the torrents we are seeding. What tools do you use to write ISO and IMG files to a thumb drive? Let us know in the Opinion Poll. Our Questions and Answers column this week discusses writing downloaded files directly to removable media when local hard drive storage is not available. We also share tips on counter-acting an operating system's out of memory (OOM) process when a memory-heavy program needs to be protected. Then, in our News section, we report on the Linux Mint team adding new search functions to the Nemo file manager along with the Rocky Linux project looking for volunteers to help round out the young distribution. We begin this week with a look at openSUSE Leap 15.3 and some of its key features. The project published a new version last week which introduces binary compatibility with its commercial sibling SUSE Linux Enterprise. OpenSUSE is the community branch of the SUSE family. Welcome to this year's 22nd issue of DistroWatch Weekly!
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doc-gworldz · 6 years
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DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 804 This week in DistroWatch Weekly: Review: Condres OS 19.02 "MATE"News: Devuan plans first conference, CentOS marks 15th birthday, UBports to run on new PinePhoneQuestions and answers: Securely erasing hard drivesReleased last week: Ubuntu 16.04.6, NuTyX 10.6, Fatdog64 800Torrent corner: 4MLinux, Alpine, Archman, Clonezilla, Condres OS, Container, Fatdog64, KaOS, LibreELEC, Live Raizo, Nitrux, NuTyX, SmartOS, SolydXK, SwagArch, UbuntuOpinion poll: Removing data from old hard drivesNew distributions: MiyoLinuxReader commentsRead more in this week's issue of DistroWatch Weekly.... from DistroWatch.com: DistroWatch Weekly
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psycheterminal · 11 months
This is not a be-all, end all guide. I recommend checking out Distrowatch and asking in r/pickadistro on Reddit if you're not sure still what might be right for you. I trust anyone using this guide knows how to use a search engine, otherwise how are you here?
Want to install Linux? Here's a guide for you.
Got older hardware? Puppy Linux and Lubuntu might be your jam.
Want a middle of the road do it all OS? Linux Mint, Pop!OS, Elementary, Ubuntu, MX Linux and Debian will all be of help.
Want to go full FOSS? OpenSUSE may be up your alley.
Want things to look close to Windows? Zorin and Elementary might be your solution.
Want cutting edge Arch without having to build it yourself? EndeavourOS, Manjaro and Geruda may answer your call.
Want to run a server? Debian will be your jam.
Want to use something for a school? Edubuntu may be what you need.
Are you an artist who wants all the cool stuff pre-installed? Ubuntu Studio will do that for you!
Gamer? Pop!OS, Geruda Linux and Mint will provide.
Programmer who wants to understand this? Check out Linux From Scratch.
Want to just pick one because this is confusing? Linux Mint Cinnamon.
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