#Linux life
linuxlife · 5 months
Linux Life Episode 85
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Hello everyone and welcome back to Linux Life, my ever ongoing muddling journey with Linux.
So since we last spoke I have installed Proton and Path of Exile is working fine.
Once again it used to have problems with KDE 5 Wayland but works quite happily with KDE 6 Wayland version. Which is a good thing I even tested it with the new league Necropolis expansion and it works incredibly well.
I admit I am not a huge player of games so I will eventually get around to trying other games but for now I am happy that it works.
I have however found an issue with the Cairo Dock Wayland test. The only way to add shortcuts now is to create a desktop shortcut and drag it to the dock. Previously you could drag from the KDE menu but that stopped working with the new plug-ins update.
It still can not offset the dock like the X11 version but in time I am sure they will crack it.
Screen capture can now be done using the KDE Spectacle app for the moment. Shutter has been got working with Wayland for Ubuntu but is only available a Deb file. Unfortunately he hasn’t got it working with Arch or I would go back to Shutter which is my preferred tool.
I did try a DebTap conversion but it failed to convert got stuck in a script loop. I have no idea if he intends to make an Arch version.
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Also managed to get OpenRCT 2.0 working using the GOG version of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. It’s not a game I play a lot but it is works after installation of a tool called innoextract. Not my position to question why but it worked.
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I have also been playing with a few emulators. I am now running the latest version of VICE to emulate a C64. Installed and works fine had to make a few tweaks to setup to get joysticks emulated correctly but it works.
I just wish I knew more C64 games worth playing. Tried Kikstart 2, Uridium, Uridium Plus and BoulderDash. I have documented my life of upset with Commodore 64s in my other blogs and won’t make you suffer having to read about them again.
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Also playing with Atari800 emulator. Once again my knowledge of good games is limited I have tried Boulder Dash and Jet Boot Jack but they were the only two games I ever tried. I did try some demos from the Atari 8-bit Tosec with varying levels of success. However I do have the Tosec from archive.org so I will obviously test more games in time.
I have installed OpenMSX and fMSX and the Tosecs but to be honest I am yet to try anything running as BIOS roms need putting in specific locations which sounds like a lot of work.
If anyone has any gaming recommendations on the above emulators or PC games then drop a comment in the Facebook group.
I am now working with an iPhone to connect Linux to the internet. Took a bit of a fight but it’s working. KDE can even mount the iPhone to allow file transfer.
I copied some MP3s across and can be accessed on the iPhone using VLC
If I can do things like that then I can probably copy videos made using the iPhone camera back to the Dell and edit them using KDEnlive. As of yet that’s a future project but could be an interesting idea.
Also want to install Ardour to see if it works with Pipewire and see if podcasting is possible. May even try and see if I can get some VSTs working.
So have plenty of things to attempt when we next speak. Hopefully it will be successful but may equally may break things horrifically.
We shall see.. until next time. Take care...
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sunmaybedoesthings · 26 days
Installed Arch today, got any tips?
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heart-ghost-studyblr · 2 months
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I definitely not only of these guys who said things like "Don´t do anything in your life except study to really change something". But I reserved a time in a day to practice every day, some days are good and I can produced more than I expected, and some days is just learning about concepts, doing reviews and not exactly be a Google mostly incredible Software Engineer. The place on my pictures is Igarata based on São Paulo, Brazil. It was a very fun sunday and just by the end of the afternoon and make some changes to my Kafka project (After swimming and surf a lot by morning).
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abood-ama · 3 months
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If I could do one thing before I die, it would be to spend another hour at my desk, studying electric circuits and solving differential equations. I dream about my desk and my room every day, but I know nothing in this world can bring me back to them. This is my home now.
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Help me gather the remnants of my spirit and continue my education to become a computer engineer
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nixcraft · 5 months
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beverage2000 · 1 year
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bonelessgoblin · 22 days
i guess i gotta learn linux now
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adrian-sheppy · 10 months
UR ART IS SO EPIC AWESOME INSANE **AND** U LIKE LINUX?????????????????????? HELLO? UR JUST LIKE ME FR? ?? do u think freemind would be an “i use arch. btw” kind of guy
YAY THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! im pretty noobie at linux rn tbh but its so much fun to learn about YAY. some day , I hope all my pcs will be linux based ... sighs whimsically
anyways. canonically (unfortunately) freemind doesnt really like computers (because they "blow up" when he uses them). BUT. after complaining about how computers sucks for yhe millionth time , felix and/or barney put arch on his pc and now he is so elitist about it. he is an arch guy in his heart and he would be so annoying about it too
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he uses arch btw. just in case you couldnt tell.
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The scariest thing about being the same person for 5 years straight is that some people are 5 years older than when I met them. This is extra scary because if I assume no one was using tumblr despite being below 13, that means they're all legal adults now every single one all of them that's bonkers. You used to be 13. How could this happen.
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linuxlife · 6 months
Linux Life Episode 84
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Hello everybody and welcome back to Linux Life I admit its been a little while since I made an entry which was informing you of the death of Mangelwurzel and entry of the new Dell Inspiron 3525 I am currently using to type this article on.
Reason its been so long was I actually went back to Windows (stop spitting at back please it’s not pretty) because I wanted to play Blur and a few other games. Well I did and in that time I also tried several ways to have a Linux installation in some form of VM.
So first I used Virtualbox which is a Type 2 Hypervisor basically what that means is everything is emulated in its own little sandbox and all the hardware is virtual. I did manage to get Ubuntu Studio running but to say it was rough would be an understatement.
Virtualbox does not like KDE to say the least and it was painful to run. Also the networking was slow. Sure I could have used normal Ubuntu to see if GNOME was faster but for all I have tried it many times I really don’t like GNOME. Everything needs extensions and the interface is horrible.
Finding apps requires typing in a search because of that stupid Mac Launchpad icon design. I really detest it. I’m sure if you were using a touchscreen then it makes sense but most laptops definitely are not.
Anyway after far too many hours wasted with that I moved on to try Hyper V which is a Type 1 Hypervisor which allows much more connection to base metal components... it lets you use your actual graphics card, the hard drive can be accessed better and you have access to USB and the likes which makes it much better.
Now at the time I was using Windows 11 Home as that’s what came pre-installed on the Dell. So I had to download Hyper V as it wasn’t there by default. So first I try Ubuntu as Canonical have an agreement with Microsoft due to WSL.
Sure enough it installed and was pretty fluid but it had no sound. There was an enhanced mode which refused to work as to do so it needed RDS (Remote Desktop Support) which also prevented sound from working (Huh ?).
To get RDS you need Windows 11 Pro which Microsoft informed me if I wanted a key would be £119. Hmmm not happy obliterated Ubuntu VM. Went web-side got a Windows 11 Pro for £1.67 as it was OEM key. They key would have been £3.35 but I found a 50% off code.
After a bit of fiddling I got Windows 11 Home to go to Pro using a key to switch it then once it did that registered the new OEM key and it worked and guess what I have access to Remote Desktop Services.
So as I felt that Hyper V could cope I now tried installing EndeavourOS which installed without a single hitch. I admit the network was slow but a million times quicker than Virtualbox.
It had no issues with KDE whatsoever but once again no sound. I installed several Hyper V tools and things from the AUR. Even changed out pipewire back to pulseaudio but no matter what I did, sod all worked. RDS couldn’t see the VM even including doing the various Powershell tips.
Bugger all, now sure I could have run Endeavour without sound but I had come this far damn it. OK deleted VM. OK I now have Win 11 Pro so lets try the Ubuntu stuff again.
OK now enhanced mode shows a dialogue and when I log in screen goes black and bugger all happens. Click off enhanced mode and Ubuntu is working. Enhanced mode just black. Setup Ubuntu. reboot now enhanced mode doesn’t come up and even the VM crashes now.
This wasted too many hours and days of messing around. I even got the RDS side running but when I tried to Remotely Access using RDS it crashed. What a complete waste of bloody time.
I even tried running a Ubuntu Studio VM using VMWare Player 17. It didn’t work.
I doing think about setting up a KVM version of QEMU to run a Linux installation but guess what if you want sound on QEMU you need to get a specific version called the Screamer and it won’t let you use KVM setup meaning it wouldn’t allow you to install the Linux.
By this point I just gave up I honestly don’t care what type of Hypervisor it is I am obviously too thick to get things running as they should and I gave up.
I almost tried Proxmox and XCP-NG but upon seeing what they entailed just gave up.
After all that I thought I would leave alone and just use Windows. Then everyone started informing my Facebook had been cloned, well lets just say that didn’t happen when I had Linux.
The internet under Windows just ran slower than when I had Linux. Watching YouTube stalled regularly, downloads failed due to time out and my frustration levels were getting to breaking point.
I tried to dual boot Linux as I found out how to shrink the partition in Windows and use it for Linux installation. So tried EndeavourOS but because of the Secure boot it wouldn’t let the system install.
However for some reason Fedora will install if Secure boot is still on. So I installed Fedora Beta 40 because I wanted to try the new KDE Plasma 6. Now I know it’s beta software so not to have many expectations but most of the software I use was not in the store nor could I find the appropriate dnf installer.
However Fedora now would boot but my Windows 11 wouldn’t the partition was there but it didn’t add it to the menu so now I could load Fedora but Windows wouldn’t load.
Tried OS Prober, Grub Customizer, no matter what I did could not get the Windows 11 partition to boot or get it in the options
Pissed off now I finally turned off Secure boot. Wiped the whole hard drive and installed EndeavourOS Galileo Neo (the latest version) and set up the Dell with KDE.
It now is running on KDE 6 Plasma 6.0.2 running Wayland. It is running seamlessly, the internet is quicker. No issues with YouTube. Updating fine. When I tried KDE 5 Plasma Wayland, Steam and several other programs stopped working.
Well Steam is working fine using XWayland (a Wayland to X11 bridge) and there is a version of Cairo Dock that works with Wayland (it is experimental but so far has not died on me).
So all is right with the world in that respect. Only issue is screen capture isn’t great in Wayland but someone is working on it. OBS and other video capture work fine but screen capture programs such Flameshot, Shutter and other need work.
Well Wayland is slowly being adapted so in time I am sure these things will be fixed over the next few months as more and more main distros seem to be moving to Wayland.
It works well enough and to be honest it's even faster for program launch it seems than the original X11 which is now over twenty years old.
I am yet to try the Steam Proton games such as Path of Exile but who knows maybe next time we speak I may have done so.
So with all that madness abound I bid you farewell for this episode.
Hopefully I will try not to break anything major... until next time take care.
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hychlorions · 1 month
i've been using my sibling's old laptop to play fields of mistria and it's making me want to never move on from my macbook... apple lets me update when i want and never does anything without my permission. doesn't give me ads on my homescreen. doesn't force me to log into a microsoft account to experience "family safety features". i thought apple was supposed to be the stupid pathetic OS but running windows genuinely feels like i'm fighting off a virus called microsoft login assistant 24/7
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hexenmond · 2 months
A friend of mine has her own two hour radio show every Saturday afternoon, on our local free radio. Yesterday she had me on air as a guest so we could nerd out about open source stuff and Linux. And while radio isn't really my medium, she'd invited me before and if you prompt me on any of my favourite subjects I will talk for as long as you let me, so that was quite fun.
The reason she'd come up with this idea was that I had been telling her about my plans to do a series of (in person) workshops on Linux, for un-nerdy, "regular" folks who just want their devices to work for them and maybe save some money or get an older laptop going again or avoid Win 11. Or just find community and support for something they need but are struggling with. So naturally we talked about those plans as well.
And then in the last seven minutes (with another live show coming up right after us), something started to beep. Took us a moment to realise it was the studio phone (a landline that could be put on air), but then my friend went to answer and handed it over to me fairly quickly. On the other end was a person who'd recently installed Ubuntu and who was having really weird errors in their text on screen sometimes.
This is nothing I can diagnose on the phone (if at all) when there's a queue of people waiting for us to vacate the studio so I got their phone number, and later texted them my email address asking for screenshots. But it was just so WILD to me. Somebody is listening to the local radio?? To the stuff we've just been putting out for two hours? Bantering about open source software interspersed with actually quite nice jazz stuff?!? And they are desperate or inspired enough to dig up the radio's phone number and call??????
This is still sending me a little. (Btw I have since received the screenshots, this is really wild shit – my money is on it being a Wayland issue because I've seen that be the source of random strange display problems but if it is, it's still extremely weird, and if it isn't I really don't know what else this could be.)
And then on my walk home later in the evening I happened to meet an old friend who I haven't seen in forever, going the other way on a bike with her younger kid in the trailer, and we chatted for a bit. I told her about the radio show and my plans for Linux workshops, and her eyes opened wide and she said PLEASE let me know, this is exactly what I need right now, so we checked whether our contact information was still up to date and I went home in another bit of a daze. Like, I seem to be hitting a nerve here. I did think in this town there should be enough people interested in using Linux, but for them to immediately start crawling out of hiding holes the moment I say something out loud – wicked.
I'm looking forward to this 🙃
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heart-ghost-studyblr · 2 months
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Currently studying kafka and make my way to the Confluent Certificate Developer Apache Kafka (CCDAK) which is primary use Java and Kafka.
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frogliftcertified · 1 year
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This will be half life 2 on Linux in 2012
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nixcraft · 8 months
Sister: What are you typing? Me: Notes Sister: Why are you typing like that? Me: Like what? Sister: Like that! Me: Turns on markdown render Sister: 😮 show me how to do that! What is that! Me: Markdown, its a markup language. Sister: *eyes glaze over* never mind, not worth it.
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dinonisiusrex · 3 months
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Music By Dinonisius Rex .·. d;)’(0 .·. -@- live long Tux …. LMMS
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