#Lipid Content Testing
fanservices123 · 10 months
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Compressive Strength Testing,
Dental,Biomedical,Pharma,Strength Testing Lab, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Nashik,India
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trickricksblog08 · 1 year
5G Planned Marburg Zombie Epidemic?
A lot of y’all been asking me about this, so here’s a rundown & my thoughts.
Military Attorney Todd Callender & his research team & thousands of whistleblowers point to a planned Marburg Epidemic, paid for by tax payer dollars in the Prep Act.
Inside the lipid Nanoparticles from the vaccines are sealed chimeric pathogens — including E. coli, Marburg, Ebola, & different pathogens can be released by different frequencies pulsed through a 5G Network.
When they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal for one minute, three different times as a pulse, it would cause those lipid nano-particles to swell & release these pathogenic contents.
The #1 side effect of the Pfizer is to delete the 1P36 gene, which will turn people into zombies.
1P36 Gene Deletion is a disease with zombie-like symptoms, that make a person aggressive, with a propensity to bite.
In 2011, the CDC published “Preparedness 101: for a Zombie Apocalypse” The CDC said it used popular cultural reference to zombies to promote preparedness for different emergencies and disasters.
In 2011, “CONPlan8888-11 Counter Zombie Dominance” was published. US Strategic Command.
On October 4, (Back-Up Date October 11) 2:22 ET, FEMA and FCC will are conducting a National Emergency Alert — It is believed this test will be used to send a high frequency signal through devices (smart phones, radios, & TV’s) with the intention to activate Graphene Oxide and other nanoparticles received through the vaccines.
I believe Donald Trump averted this catastrophe although I feel it could have been their plan all along & why they want people vaccinated so badly.
I don’t know why, but my first immediate thought was when Trump banned Huawei & ZTE equipment when president, due to National Security Concerns.
Did you know Joe Biden hasn’t lifted a finger to undue this ban? In fact, he’s implemented more restrictions.
God is in control. Do not succumb to the fear.
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pathcares · 4 days
Full Body Checkup Noida : Ensuring Your Health with Dr. Path Cares
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining good health can often take a backseat. However, regular health checkups are essential to ensure your body is functioning optimally and to catch any potential issues early. A Full Body Checkup noida can provide a comprehensive assessment of your overall health, covering all major organs and systems. At Dr. Path Cares, we offer thorough and affordable health checkup packages that cater to your specific needs.
Why is a Full Body Checkup Important?
A Full Body Checkup noida helps you monitor various health parameters, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, and more. By opting for regular checkups, you can detect any abnormalities at an early stage, allowing for timely medical intervention. This preventive approach not only saves lives but also helps in managing health expenses by avoiding costly treatments for advanced diseases.
What Does a Full Body Checkup Include?
At Dr. Path Cares, our Full Body Checkup noida covers a range of essential tests, including : Blood tests (CBC, blood sugar levels)Kidney and liver function tests Lipid profile to check cholesterol levelsUrine and stool tests ECG and chest X-ray Thyroid function tests These tests provide a detailed picture of your health, allowing our experienced doctors to recommend lifestyle changes or treatments if necessary.
Benefits of Choosing Dr. Path Cares for a Full Body Checkup noida
At Dr. Path Cares, we believe in the importance of personalized care. Our team of expert medical professionals is dedicated to providing accurate results and advice tailored to your specific health needs. By opting for a Full Body Checkup noida with Dr. Path Cares, you can expect
Comprehensive and affordable health checkup packages Quick and accurate test results State-of-the-art diagnostic technology Expert consultation with experienced healthcare providers
When Should You Get a Full Body Checkup noida ?
It's recommended to get a Full Body Checkup noida at least once a year, especially for individuals over the age of 30. If you have a family history of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease, regular checkups are crucial to manage your health effectively.
Book Your with Dr. Path Cares Today
Don't wait for symptoms to appear before taking action. Prioritize your health by booking a Full Body Checkup noida with Dr. Path Cares. With our affordable packages and expert medical care, you can stay one step ahead in maintaining your well-being.
By seamlessly integrating the keyword Full Body Checkup noida throughout the blog, we ensure that the content aligns with SEO requirements while providing valuable information to potential patients.
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myserendipities · 8 days
"In a new study, researchers made the skin on the skulls and abdomens of live mice transparent by applying to the areas a mixture of water and a common yellow food coloring called tartrazine. Living skin is a scattering medium. Like fog, it scatters light, which is why it cannot be seen through. "We combined the yellow dye, which is a molecule that absorbs most light, especially blue and ultraviolet light, with skin, which is a scattering medium. Individually, these two things block most light from getting through them. "But when we put them together, we were able to achieve transparency of the mouse skin," said Ou, who, with colleagues, conducted the study while he was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University before joining the UT Dallas faculty in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in August. The "magic" happens because dissolving the light-absorbing molecules in water changes the solution's refractive index—a measure of the way a substance bends light—in a way that matches the refractive index of tissue components like lipids. In essence, the dye molecules reduce the degree to which light scatters in the skin tissue, like dissipating a fog bank. In their experiments with mice, the researchers rubbed the water and dye solution onto the skin of the animals' skulls and abdomens. Once the dye had completely diffused into the skin, the skin became transparent. The process is reversible by washing off any remaining dye. The dye that has diffused into the skin is metabolized and excreted through urine. "It takes a few minutes for the transparency to appear," Ou said. "It's similar to the way a facial cream or mask works: The time needed depends on how fast the molecules diffuse into the skin." Through the transparent skin of the skull, researchers directly observed blood vessels on the surface of the brain. In the abdomen, they observed internal organs and peristalsis, the muscle contractions that move contents through the digestive tract. The researchers have not yet tested the process on humans, whose skin is about 10 times thicker than a mouse's. At this time it is not clear what dosage of the dye or delivery method would be necessary to penetrate the entire thickness, Ou said. "In human medicine, we currently have ultrasound to look deeper inside the living body," Ou said. "Many medical diagnosis platforms are very expensive and inaccessible to a broad audience, but platforms based on our tech should not be." Ou said one of the first applications of the technique will likely be to improve existing research methods in optical imaging."
source: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-09-yellow-dye-solution-tissue-transparent.html
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coherentmicom · 13 days
The Revival of Botanicals Extracts in the Cosmetics Industry
Emergence of Clean Label Products
Consumers are increasingly looking for natural and organic products that have fewer synthetic ingredients. This has led to a surge in demand for clean label products containing herbal medicines extracts. According to market research, sales of clean beauty products grew by over 25% between 2016 to 2020. Herbal medicines extracts satisfy the consumer need for products with simple, recognizable ingredients sourced from plants. Cosmetic companies are responding to this demand by innovating with herbal medicines formulations. Widespread Applications in Skin and Hair Care
Botanicals Herbal medicines extracts find various uses across skin and hair care categories. In skin care, plant extracts provide anti-aging benefits by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Popular anti-aging herbal medicines include grapeseed, green tea, and pomegranate extracts which are rich in antioxidants. For moisturization and hydration, hyaluronic acid from Irish moss and squalane from olives and amaranth plants deliver long lasting effects. In hair care, herbal medicines treat various hair and scalp problems. Amla extract strengthens hair follicles while reducing hair fall. Burdock root extract cleanses the scalp and soothes irritation. Neem extract has gained prominence for its ability to kill bacteria and treat dandruff. Beyond their therapeutic properties, herbal medicines also impart aesthetic benefits like softness, sheen and manageability. Addressing Concerns Through Science-Backed Formulation While consumer demand for Botanicals is high, there are also concerns regarding their instability, allergies and interactions. Cosmetic scientists address this through extraction processes and formulation techniques that optimize herbal medicines activity while ensuring safety, efficacy and stability. Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction yields lipid-soluble antioxidant compounds without toxic residues. Nanoemulsification and biopolymer encapsulation help active compounds penetrate deep into the skin and hair cuticles. Stability tests prove formulations last the intended shelf life without changes in color, odor or performance. Clinical studies demonstrate herbal medicines effectively treat specific skin and hair conditions. Regulatory dossiers substantiate claims through scientific proof. These measures assure consumers of herbal medicines’ functional benefits and build brand trust. Regional Sourcing Supports Sustainability Cosmetic marketers highlight regional sourcing of herbal medicines to underscore their sustainability credentials. Tropical herbal medicines like babassu and buriti palms from the Amazon support forest livelihoods. Seaweeds sourced from the pristine coasts of Brittany, France put money back into coastal communities. Neem trees grown on family farms in India empower rural women. Regional sourcing ensures traceability, avoids over-harvesting vulnerable herbal medicines, and supports developing economies. It ties into consumers' interests in ethical and eco-friendly products. Sustainably grown and harvested herbal medicines satisfy needs for natural solutions as well as sustainability. Their regional source serves as a unique selling proposition that elevates brands.
Future Potential Through Novel Ingredients Markets constantly seek novel Botanicals ingredients that address unmet needs. Current research explores new sources like Baobab from Africa valued for vitamin C content. Anti-pollution herbal medicines gewntheol and calendula are gaining interest to fight urban environmental stress. Marine herbal medicines have opened up possibilities from algae strains and microalgae cultures. Extremophile plants surviving harsh conditions offer adaptations worth studying. Technology enabled discovery through genomics, metabolomics and bioprospecting will lead to compounds with applications not imagination. While regulatory substantiation takes time, the future potential for new natural actives remains vast if backed by science. This creates an ongoing opportunity for innovation that keeps the herbal medicines industry vibrant. In conclusion, the rising demand for natural products has spurred a revival of Botanicals extracts in the cosmetics industry. Cosmetic companies are addressing consumer needs through formulations incorporating key regional herbal medicines substantiated by science. Looking ahead, continued research on novel natural ingredients promises to further propel this industry through ongoing innovation. Regional sourcing of herbal medicines also helps brands highlight their sustainability credentials. Overall, herbal medicines satisfy consumer demand for clean, natural products with functional efficacy and constitute a significant pillar for the future growth of the cosmetics industry.
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.newsanalyticspro.com/botanicals-natures-pharmacy/
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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darkmaga-retard · 28 days
Peter Halligan
Aug 22, 2024
We have become familiar with the use of the term “lipid nanoparticles” in the experimental    C19 modified mRNA and viral vector injection. We have also learned how the “virus” or, at least, the “spike” protein has evolved at the angstrom level, We have learned of the adulterations ad contaminants (base metals, e coli, endotoxins, DNA etc) and adulterations (fragments of monkey virus DBA) have altered the characteristics of the injection way beyond the contents of the injections used in the clinical trials.
We have learned that we have been subjected a huge human experiment.
We have learned that the RT-PCR test is not an appropriate tool for determining the infectiousness of a substance, only its presence. 5.6 billion people worldwide have been experimented o with 13.6 billion injections for a false diagnosis oof 700 million cases and 7 million deaths over four and a half to 5 years. Maybe 17 million have been killed by the injections and at least another 14 million from the use of inappropriate drugs like Remdesivir and midazolam, withholding of treatments like HXQ and IVM and the psychological stress lading to death from lockdowns and forced isolation. Maybe 31 million killed because of the intervention of the US military, bioweapons researchers, politicians and health regulator, aided and abetted by the MSM.
And we have learned that the combined effects of failed mRNA and viral vector technology have killed several times more people globally than were killed by the C19 disease caused by the SARS-COV2 virus and its spike protein. Outbreaks of monkey pox, shingles and jumps in cancer and heart disease rates are growing larger by the day. Cause and effect – correlation does equal causation using Bradford-Hill criteria.
A subscriber and friend, Mihael B, emailed research from a dozen years ago outlining the impact of the use of nanomaterials on human physiology.
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aswin122 · 1 month
Best Omega 3 Capsules in India: A Guide to Optimal Heart Health
Omega-3 fatty acids have gained significant attention for their remarkable health benefits, particularly in supporting heart health, brain function, and overall well-being. As more people in India become aware of the importance of these essential fats, the demand for high-quality omega-3 supplements has surged. This article will explore the best omega-3 capsules in India, focusing on their benefits, considerations, and why Curegarden stands out as a top choice.
Understanding Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that are vital for human health. They come in three primary forms: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). While ALA is found in plant sources like flaxseed and walnuts, EPA and DHA are mainly derived from fish and other marine life. These fatty acids play a crucial role in reducing inflammation, supporting cardiovascular health, and promoting cognitive function.
Benefits of Omega-3 Capsules Heart Health: Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for their cardioprotective properties. They assist in lowering blood pressure, lipid levels, and heart disease risk. By incorporating the best omega-3 capsules in India into your daily routine, you can take a proactive step toward maintaining a healthy heart.
Brain Health: DHA, a key component of omega-3s, is essential for brain development and function. Regular consumption of omega-3 capsules may improve cognitive performance, reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and support mental well-being.
Joint Support: Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate joint pain and stiffness, particularly in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. This makes omega-3 capsules a valuable addition to a holistic approach to joint health.
Eye Health: DHA is also a major structural component of the retina. Adequate intake of omega-3s can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which is a leading cause of blindness.
Skin Health: Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain the skin's lipid barrier, keeping it hydrated and reducing the risk of dermatitis and other skin conditions.
Choosing the Best Omega 3 Capsules in India When selecting omega-3 supplements, quality and purity are paramount. Here are some factors to consider:
EPA and DHA Content: The effectiveness of an omega-3 supplement largely depends on its EPA and DHA content. Look for capsules that provide a high concentration of these fatty acids, as they are responsible for the majority of omega-3 benefits.
Purity and Sustainability: Choose a brand that sources its fish oil from clean, sustainable sources. It's essential to ensure that the capsules are free from heavy metals, PCBs, and other contaminants.
Absorption and Bioavailability: Opt for omega-3 capsules that are formulated for maximum absorption. This ensures that your body receives the full benefits of the supplement.
Brand Reputation: Trustworthy brands like Curegarden prioritize quality, safety, and efficacy in their products. With a commitment to providing the best omega 3 capsules in India, Curegarden ensures that you get a product that meets the highest standards.
Why Curegarden Omega-3 Capsules? Curegarden has established itself as a leader in the Indian market, offering omega-3 supplements that are crafted with precision and care. Here’s why Curegarden should be your go-to choice:
High-Quality Ingredients: Curegarden sources its omega-3 from the finest, sustainably sourced fish oils. This guarantees that each capsule is packed with the purest and most potent form of EPA and DHA.
Advanced Formulation: The omega-3 capsules from Curegarden are designed for optimal absorption, ensuring that your body can fully utilize these essential fats.
Safety and Purity: Curegarden adheres to strict quality control measures, testing each batch for heavy metals, PCBs, and other impurities. This dedication to purity ensures that you receive a safe and effective product.
Commitment to Health: With a focus on creating products that enhance well-being, Curegarden is a brand you can trust. Their omega-3 capsules are not just supplements; they are a step toward a healthier life.
Potential Considerations While omega-3 capsules are generally safe for most people, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:
Fishy Aftertaste: Some omega-3 capsules may leave a fishy aftertaste or cause burping. To avoid this, look for capsules that are enteric-coated or take them with meals.
Allergies: Individuals with fish allergies should consult a healthcare provider before taking omega-3 supplements. While rare, some people may experience allergic reactions to fish oil.
Dosage: It's essential to follow the recommended dosage on the product label or as advised by a healthcare professional. Excessive intake of omega-3s can lead to adverse effects, such as blood thinning.
Conclusion Omega-3 fatty acids are a cornerstone of good health, offering a range of benefits from heart support to brain function. When searching for the best omega-3 capsules in India, it's crucial to choose a product that prioritizes quality, purity, and efficacy. Curegarden stands out as a trusted brand that delivers on all these fronts, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their health with omega-3 supplements.
Don't settle for less when it comes to your well-being. Invest in the best omega 3 capsules in India from Curegarden and take a significant step toward a healthier, more vibrant life. Whether you're focused on heart health, cognitive function, or overall wellness, Curegarden has you covered.
Call to Action: Explore Curegarden's omega-3 capsules today and experience the difference that quality makes. Your health deserves nothing but the best.
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ainews · 1 month
Enzymes are proteins that are essential for the biochemical functioning of all living organisms. One type of enzyme is a kinase, which helps catalyze the transfer of phosphate groups from one molecule to another. Kinases play an important role in signaling pathways in cells, and they are also used ubiquitously in products such as detergents and cleaners. However, many of these products contain a flammable component that can be quite hazardous if not handled properly.
The flammability of kinase is due to the presence of lipids and fatty acids in the compound, which provide an energy source for combustion. Specifically, phospholipids and free fatty acids in the kinase serve as fuel for the reaction, while the phosphate groups help the lipids bond together to form a stable fuel source. This means that if a product containing kinase is exposed to extreme heat or flames, it could lead to an explosive reaction.
Furthermore, an excessive concentration of kinases in a product may increase the flammability of the product. To reduce the chances of an accidental fire, it is important that manufacturers properly regulate the energy content of their products and conduct combustion tests to ensure that their product does not pose an increased risk of fire.
Overall, kinase is an important enzyme used in many products, but its flammability makes it important for manufacturers to be cautious when handling and storing products containing this enzyme. Taking the necessary safety precautions can help to decrease the chances of an accidental reaction and reduce any potential hazards.
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prerna-razobyte · 2 months
Lipid profile testing practice in Guwahati
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Overview of Lipid Profile Tests A lipid profile is one type of blood test that determines the quantity of various types of lipids in the blood. This test is very relevant on what risks would make you vulnerable to acquiring cardiovascular diseases. In Guwahati, there are many recommended laboratories that are able to provide lipid profile testing and thereby provide an excellent means through which people can take care of their hearts.
Lipid Profile, its Significance. Lipid profile is a procedure that gives information concerning cholesterol and triglyceride level in the body. Low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are types of cholesterol that build up as waxy deposits in the arteries and raise your chances of a heart attack and stroke. On the other hand, there is the bad cholesterol known as Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol which deposits cholesterol in your bloodstream while also high-Density Lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol which picks cholesterol in your bloodstream. It was clearly emphasized on how one can manage their lipid levels and therefore have a healthy heart.
Lipid profile consists of a number of elements; these include the total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol among others. A standard lipid profile test includes the following components: A standard lipid profile test includes the following components: 1. Total Cholesterol: They determine the general cholesterol content of the blood stream. 2. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol: Otherwise known as the ‘bad’ cholesterol, it results in blockage of arteries. 3. High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol: Also referred to as ‘good’ cholesterol, its aides in the elimination of the bad cholesterol, the LDL cholesterol from the arteries. 4. Triglycerides: Unfavourable form of fat located in the blood; leads to heart disease in the event it builds up in the vessels. FREE COVID-19 TESTING CENTRES IN GUWAHATI Guwahati currently boasts of various accredited laboratories and health care facilities where you can get the lipid profile test. Some of the top facilities include: These centres offer correct and reliable testing for the purpose of giving positive feedback on the lipid levels.
Conclusion Lipid profile testing is an uncomplicated yet significant facet of managing the patient’s cardiovascular risk. If nothing else, the simple idea of controlling cholesterol and triglyceride levels can lower the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. The lipid profile test should be taken only in a recognized laboratory in Guwahati, get yourself tested today for a better tomorrow.
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agamgupta1287 · 2 months
A Quick Guide to Fatty Liver Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, and Diet Tips
The liver, an essential organ for sustaining life, performs numerous functions, including aiding fat digestion by producing necessary fluids. However, when the liver accumulates excess fat, it can lead to inflammation and damage, a condition known as fatty liver disease or hepatic steatosis. This widespread chronic health condition affects millions of people globally. In this blog, we delve into understanding the condition, its symptoms, available treatments, and effective dietary strategies for managing fatty liver.
What is Fatty Liver Disease?
The liver plays a vital role in filtering toxins and processing nutrients from food. Fatty liver disease occurs when excess fat accumulates in liver cells, impairing its function. There are two main types:
Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD): Heavy alcohol use is the primary cause in this case.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): It is the most common form, not directly caused by alcohol consumption.
Fatty Liver Diseases and Symptoms
Fatty liver disease often progresses without noticeable symptoms. However, some individuals may experience:
Fatigue or mental confusion
Unexplained weight loss
Upper right abdominal pain or discomfort
Red palms
Nausea and loss of appetite
If you experience these symptoms, consult an experienced doctor promptly for appropriate evaluation and management.
Diagnosis of Fatty Liver Disease
Usually, doctors recommend a combination of approaches for diagnosis:
Blood tests: Liver function tests and lipid profiles can reveal abnormal liver enzyme levels, indicating potential liver damage.
Imaging tests: Imaging techniques, such as ultrasound or MRI scans, help doctors visualize the liver and assess fat content.
Remember, early detection is crucial to improving fatty liver disease management. Routine blood tests are useful for high-risk individuals.
How to Treat Fatty Liver Disease
Currently, there is no specific medical treatment for fatty liver disease, but it is possible to prevent or reverse it, especially in the early stages. Treatments focus on addressing the underlying causes and preventing further liver damage. They may involve:
Lifestyle modifications: Weight loss, alcohol abstinence, regular exercise, and a healthy diet are essential for managing fatty liver disease.
Addressing risk factors: Controlling diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol levels through medications can significantly improve liver health.
Dietary Recommendations for Managing Fatty Liver Disease
Dietary changes are the first line of treatment for fatty liver disease. Here are some key recommendations to include in your diet for fatty liver disease management:
Limit saturated and unhealthy fats: Focus on lean protein sources and healthy fats, like those found in olive oil and fish.
Reduce sugar intake: Added sugars and sugary beverages contribute to fat storage in the liver. Opt for natural sweeteners and fruits.
Increase fibre intake: Fibre helps regulate blood sugar and promotes gut health, which is beneficial for managing fatty liver disease.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps flush toxins and keeps your liver functioning optimally.
Final Word 
Fatty liver disease is manageable, provided one makes healthy lifestyle choices. If you suspect fatty liver disease, consult a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and advice. Nowadays, access to experienced doctors has become more convenient with the availability of online healthcare apps. Such apps also provide personalised programmes, including weight loss diet plans and exercises and tools to monitor health status remotely. Download and register on a trusted healthcare app and access resources for managing this chronic condition with ease.
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Understanding the Different Types of Medical Tests
Medical tests are essential tools in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of various health conditions. Understanding the different types of medical tests can help patients make informed decisions about their healthcare and alleviate anxiety about the procedures. This guide will provide an overview of the most common types of medical tests, their purposes, and what to expect during each procedure.
Blood Tests
Blood tests are among the most frequently performed medical tests. They can provide valuable information about a person's overall health and help diagnose a wide range of conditions, including infections, anemia, diabetes, and heart disease. Common blood tests include:
. Complete Blood Count (CBC): Measures different components of the blood, such as red and white blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets.
. Blood Chemistry Tests: Evaluate various substances in the blood, including glucose, electrolytes, and enzymes.
. Lipid Profile: Assesses levels of cholesterol and triglycerides to evaluate cardiovascular risk.
Imaging Tests
Imaging tests are used to create detailed pictures of the inside of the body. They are crucial for diagnosing conditions, planning treatments, and monitoring progress. Common types of imaging tests include:
. X-rays: Utilize radiation to capture images of bones and certain tissu
es. They are often used to diagnose fractures, infections, and tumors.
. Ultrasound: Uses sound waves to create images of internal organs. It is commonly used during pregnancy and to examine the heart, blood vessels, and abdominal organs.
. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Employs magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of soft tissues, including the brain, spinal cord, and joints.
. CT Scan (Computed Tomography): Combines X-ray images taken from different angles to create cross-sectional views of the body, useful for detecting tumors, injuries, and internal bleeding.
Urine Tests
Urine tests are simple, non-invasive tests that can provide significant insights into a person's health. They are commonly used to diagnose urinary tract infections, kidney disease, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders. Types of urine tests include:
. Urinalysis: A general test that assesses the appearance, concentration, and content of urine.
. Urine Culture: Identifies bacteria or yeast in the urine to diagnose infections.
. 24-Hour Urine Collection: Measures substances in urine over a full day to evaluate kidney function and detect specific metabolic disorders.
Genetic Tests
Genetic tests analyze DNA to identify changes or mutations that could lead to genetic disorders. They are valuable for diagnosing inherited conditions, guiding treatment decisions, and providing information about the risk of developing certain diseases. Types of genetic tests include:
. Diagnostic Genetic Testing: Identifies specific genetic conditions based on symptoms.
. Carrier Testing: Determines if a person carries a gene for a hereditary disorder, which can be passed to offspring.
. Prenatal Testing: Detects genetic abnormalities in a fetus during pregnancy.
. Predictive Testing: Assesses the risk of developing genetic conditions later in life.
A biopsy involves the removal of a small sample of tissue for examination under a microscope. It is often used to diagnose cancer, infections, and inflammatory conditions. Common biopsy procedures include:
. Needle Biopsy: A needle is used to extract a small tissue sample.
. Surgical Biopsy: A more extensive procedure that removes a larger tissue sample.
. Endoscopic Biopsy: Uses an endoscope to take tissue samples from internal organs.
Understanding the different types of medical tests is crucial for making informed healthcare decisions. Blood tests, imaging tests, urine tests, genetic tests, and biopsies each play a unique role in diagnosing and managing various health conditions. By being informed about these tests, patients can better understand their health and work collaboratively with their healthcare providers.
For comprehensive information on medical tests and self-testing options, visit PatientSelfTesting. At PatientSelfTesting, we are committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge they need to take control of their health through accurate and accessible medical testing solutions. Understanding the different types of medical tests is the first step towards proactive health management.
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oaresearchpaper · 4 months
Trace Metals in Otamiri River Biofilms: Owerri, Nigeria
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This study utilized biofilms as model in ecotoxicology to estimate pollutant loading of a natural water body. Water samples were collected from six sampling locations sited between the upper and middle courses of the Otamiri River in the southeastern city of Owerri, Nigeria and fixed with conc. HNO3. Biofilms were grown in microcosms housing serially arranged sterile glass slides at the sampling locations, harvested after 1, 2 and 3 weeks, minced in sterile sample bottles with distilled water and fixed with conc. HNO3. Natural biofilms were also collected from submerged surfaces and fixed. Pb, Cu and Cd contents were determined in samples with atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The studentized t-test was used to compare trace metals levels in water column and biofilms, while single factor ANOVA was used to determine spatial homogeneity in mean variance. Mean Pb concentrations ranged from 1.5950-3.2900 (2.4303 ± 0.0835) mg/kg, Cu from 4.2934-7.5020 (5.6212 ± 0.1938) mg/kg and Cd from 0.0308-1.0559 (0.2082 ± 0.0005) mg/kg in the slide biofilms. However, they ranged from 0.0017-0.0267 (0.0150 ± 0.0003), 0.0333-0.6067 (0.2047 ± 0.0929) mg/L and totally undetected, respectively in water columns. Trace metals levels in slide and natural biofilms differed very markedly from those in water column (sig. t-values = 0.000, each), even as levels in slide and natural biofilms did not (sig. t-value = 0.747) at P<0.05. Pb and Cu concentrations increased from location 1 to 6 in both water columns and biofilms, even as there was homogeneity in spatial mean variances in slide [F(1.1458)<Fcrit(4.1300)] and natural biofilms concentrations [F(1.2812)<Fcrit(4.1300)] at P<0.05. Although mean Pb and Cu levels were below regulatory limits and Cd undetected in water columns, their average concentration exceedances were between 32 and 70 times higher in the biofilms. Results question the assignment of water potable based on regulatory standards alone.
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Biofilms are consortium of microorganisms which form on solid surfaces in aqueous or wet environments (Costerton et al. 1994). They could be found in surface and ground waters, in drinking water piping and wastewater treatment plants, and on other technical equipment such as in the medical field (Wanner and Bauchrowitz, 2006). Biofilms execute a niche and so, interact strongly with their environment; are greatly affected by, as well as in return, affect the physical and chemical conditions in their enmeshing habitats.
Biofilms prefer to live in sessile communities (Flemming and Wingender, 2001) and include bacteria, algae, amoebas, ciliates and fungi in a great variety of compositions. Sunlight favours the growth of photoautotrophic components of biofilms such as algae and cyanobacteria and they conduct photosynthesis and thus, build up their biomass from inorganic substances. By this function therefore, these autotrophs are primal species in the trophic chain. However, in the absence of sunlight, biofilms are formed mostly by heterotrophic bacteria, which degrade organic substances, with the less frequent chemoautotrophic bacteria which utilize inorganic substances (Wanner and Bauchrowitz, 2006). In streams, algae-dominant autotrophic biofilms are mostly found on the riverbed and bacterial-dominant heterotrophic biofilms are found in the pore systems under the river bed (Lock, 1993). As biomass producers and decomposers therefore, biofilms are important components in the trophic web.
In biofilms, microorganisms are embedded in a slimy matrix which consists of extracellular polymeric substances that are excreted by the organisms themselves. These polymeric substances contain mainly high-molecular polysaccharides, proteins, other carbohydrates (such as uronic acid), and small amounts of lipids and nucleic acids (Wanner and Bauchrowitz, 2006).
As microorganisms, biofilms have been particularly utilized as interesting models in ecotoxicology to estimate the pollutant loading of natural water bodies and the hazard potential of toxic substances. Their suitability for this purpose lies in the central role they play in ecosystem metabolism and interaction with toxic substances (Doering and Uehlinger, 2006), and on the other hand because, as immobile biological elements, they accumulate pollutants over a long period of time and may thus reveal chronic impacts (Wanner and Bauchrowitz, 2006). Examples of such pollutants are the trace metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Al, etc), which are recalcitrant in the environment.
Though they are important trace nutrients for water organisms, they can also be toxic at elevated enough concentrations. An exploratory determination of levels of some trace elements of the Otamiri River, one of the major river systems in Owerri, the capital of Imo State, southeastern Nigeria revealed concentrations that were below permissible limits by regulatory bodies, or even undetected by analytical instruments used. However, even low metal concentrations can have negative impacts on water organisms as well as local consumers, especially when considered on the merit of their bioaccumulative potentials over a length of time. Unfortunately, current researches in this area have been concentrated on the comparison of concentrations with these regulatory standards as criteria for assigning the river water potable. This current research therefore investigated the accumulation potentials of some heavy metals of environmental and public health importance (Cu, Pb and Cd) in consortium of resident biofilms of Otamiri River against background levels in water columns. The study approaches are as follows:  - Determination of the concentrations of the trace elements in slide and natural biofilms of the river - Comparison of the concentrations of the trace elements in biofilms with water column levels as well as regulatory standards, and - Determination of spatial variation in trace metals concentrations in biofilms.
Source : Trace Metals in Otamiri River Biofilms: Owerri, Nigeria | InformativeBD
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spookysaladchaos · 4 months
Global Top 5 Companies Accounted for 80% of total Ceramides In Personal Care market (QYResearch, 2022)
Ceramides are a family of waxy lipid molecules. A ceramide is composed of sphingosine and a fatty acid. Ceramides are found in high concentrations within the cell membrane of cells. They are one of the component lipids that make up sphingomyelin, one of the major lipids in the lipid bilayer. Contrary to previous assumptions that ceramides and other sphingolipids found in cell membrane were purely structural elements, ceramide can participate in a variety of cellular signaling: examples include regulating differentiation, proliferation, and programmed cell death (PCD) of cells.
In our report, our statistical standard is based on 100% content. Active Ingredient Contents is 100%.
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According to the new market research report “Global Ceramides In Personal Care Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Ceramides In Personal Care market size is projected to reach USD 0.44 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 4.8% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Ceramides In Personal Care Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Ceramides In Personal Care Top 8 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Ceramides In Personal Care include Evonik, Croda, Solus Advanced Materials, Vantage, Toyobo, Macrocare, Unitika, Ashland, etc. In 2022, the global top five players had a share approximately 80.0% in terms of revenue.
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therealgutdoctor · 5 months
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🌱 Supercharge Your Body with Top 15 Detox Foods! 🌟 In today's world, we're surrounded by toxins due to pollution, wildfires, chemical exposures, and contaminated foods. It's essential to actively support your body's natural detox processes to maintain optimal health. 🥦 Enhance Your Detox with These 15 Superfoods: Leafy Greens: Packed with antioxidants and essential minerals. Algae & Sea Vegetables: Like chlorella and spirulina, rich in nutrients. Berries: Full of vitamins C and A, and antioxidants. Citrus Fruits: Great for their vitamin content and fiber. Herbs & Spices: Turmeric, ginger, parsley enhance detoxification. Filtered Water: Hydrate with at least 8-10 glasses daily for cleansing. Detox Drinks: Wellness shots or medical shakes that support natural cleansing. Garlic: Activates liver enzymes that help clear out toxins. Green Tea: Contains catechins that assist in liver function. Apples: High in fiber and essential nutrients for detox. Avocados: Help in producing glutathione for liver detox. Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 oils and improve liver cleansing. Beets: High in antioxidants for blood and liver purification. Olive Oil: Provides a lipid base that absorbs harmful toxins. Flaxseeds: Provide fiber that binds to toxins for elimination. 🌿 Cut out added sugars, excessive caffeine, alcohol, refined flours, and trans fats to maximize your body's detox capability. At The Real Gut Doctor, we specialize in tailored dietary plans and preventative care to help you manage exposure to daily toxins and boost your health. 👉 Ready to detox and revitalize your body? Visit our clinic and let us guide you to a healthier lifestyle with our expert-designed detox protocols. Book your free discovery call today! Telehealth services available in all 50 states. We ship lab tests and treatment protocols to your door steps. #DetoxForHealth #NaturalDetox #HealthyLiving #BoostYourEnergy #OrganicWellness #DetoxifyYourBody #TheRealGutDoctor #PreventativeCare #CleanEating #Superfoods #TheRealGutDoctor #FunctionalMedicineAtItsBest
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testbankprovidersell · 8 months
Test Bank for Biology How Life Works Third Edition James Morris
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Table of Contents 1. Life: Chemical, Cellular and Evolutionary Foundations Case 1. The First Cell: Information, Homeostasis, and Energy 2. The Molecules of Life 3. Nucleic Acids and Transcription 4. Translation and Protein Structure 5. Organizing Principles: Lipids, Membranes, and Cell Compartments 6. Making Life Work: Capturing and Using Energy 7. Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Energy from Carbohydrates and Other Fuel Molecules 8. Photosynthesis: Using Sunlight to Build Carbohydrates Case 2. Cancer: Cell Signaling, Form, and Division 9. Cell Signaling 10. Cell and Tissue Architecture: Cytoskeleton, Cell Junctions, and Extracellular Matrix 11. Cell Division: Variations, Regulation, and Cancer Case 3. Your Personal Genome: You, from A to T 12. DNA Replication and Manipulation 13. Genomes 14. Mutation and Genetic Variation 15. Mendelian Inheritance 16. Inheritance of Sex Chromosomes, Linked Genes, and Organelles 17. The Genetic and Environmental Basis of Complex Traits 18. Genetic and Epigenetic Regulation 19. Genes and Development Case 4. Malaria: Coevolution of Humans and a Parasite 20. Evolution: How Genotypes and Phenotypes Change Over Time 21. Species and Speciation 22. Evolutionary Patterns: Phylogeny and Fossils 23. Human Origins and Evolution Case 5. The Human Microbiome: Diversity Within 24. Bacteria and Archaea 25. Eukaryotic Cells: Origins And Diversity 26. Being Multicellular Case 6. Agriculture: Feeding a Growing Population 27. Plant Form, Function, and Evolutionary History 28. Plant Reproduction: Finding Mates and Dispersing Offspring 29. Plant Growth and Development 30. Plant Defense 31. Plant Diversity 32. Fungi Case 7. Biology-Inspired Design: Using Nature to Solve Problems 33. Animal Form, Function, and Evolutionary History 34. Animal Nervous Systems 35. Animal Movement: Muscles and Skeletons 36. Animal Endocrine Systems 37. Animal Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems 38. Animal Metabolism, Nutrition, and Digestion 39. Animal Renal Systems: Water and Waste 40. Animal Reproduction and Development 41. Animal Immune Systems 42. Animal Diversity Case 8. Conserving Biodiversity: Rainforest and Coral Reef Hotspots 43. Behavior and Behavioral Ecology 44. Population Ecology 45. Species Interactions and Communities 46. Ecosystem Ecology 47. Biomes and Global Ecology 48. The Anthropocene: Humans as a Planetary Force Read the full article
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Machine Learning-Aided Non-Invasive Imaging for Rapid Liver Fat Visualization - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/machine-learning-aided-non-invasive-imaging-for-rapid-liver-fat-visualization-technology-org/
Machine Learning-Aided Non-Invasive Imaging for Rapid Liver Fat Visualization - Technology Org
The proposed framework, which is label-free and rapid, can enable an early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of liver diseases.
Steatotic liver disease (SLD), previously known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which includes a range of conditions caused by fat build-up in the liver due to abnormal lipid metabolism, affects about 25% of the population worldwide, making it the most common liver disorder.
Often referred to as “silent liver disease,” SLD progresses without noticeable symptoms and can lead to more severe conditions like cirrhosis (liver scarring) and liver cancer.
A liver biopsy―an invasive procedure involving liver tissue sample extraction from the body―is the conventional method of testing for SLD. To simplify detection, a research team led by Professor Kohei Soga of Tokyo University of Science (TUS) had previously introduced near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) as a non-invasive method to visualize the total lipid content in the liver.
NIR light, with longer wavelengths (800-2500 nm) than ultraviolet and visible light shows absorption attributed to various organic substances, including biomolecules in tissues, enabling the identification of fat distribution in the liver.
Now, in a new study published in the journal Scientific Reports, the research team, including Prof. Kohei Soga, Associate Professor Masakazu Umezawa, and Associate Professor Masao Kamimura from TUS, and Professor Naoko Ohtani from Osaka Metropolitan University, has improved upon this method by having a machine learning model differentiate the type of lipids present in the liver at a pixel-by-pixel level.
The framework differentiates lipids based on the hydrocarbon chain length (HCL) and degree of saturation (DS) of fatty acids, helping estimate the risk of SLD progression, steatohepatitis (NASH), and SLD/NASH-associated liver cancer.
“In addition to qualitative information, such as the total lipid content, we can now also visualize qualitative information, such as the characteristics of the distribution of fatty acids contained in lipids, mainly triglycerides,” says Dr. Umezawa.
Notably, identifying lipids based on molecular composition using NIR-HSI faced challenges due to the overlapping absorption spectra of various biomolecules. To address this, the researchers used a support vector regression machine learning model, which was trained to recognize the composition of 16 fatty acids.
This training data was obtained through gas chromatography analysis of liver samples of mice that were fed diets of varying fat content. By applying machine learning to NIR-HSI data, it became possible to interpret the spectral information in terms of the distribution of fat (DS and HCL) within the liver.
DS, indicating the double bonds or degree of saturation of the fatty acids, is calculated as the CH2 fraction from the sum of the CH and CH2 numbers. HCL, representing the fatty acid chain length, is determined by the ratio of CH3 + CH2 + CH + 1(COOH) groups to the number of CH3 groups.
Using this method, the researchers successfully determined the fatty acid composition in mice livers, revealing correlations with the fat contents in their diets. For instance, the livers of mice on a diet rich in saturated fats like palmitic acid and myristic acid exhibited a notably high DS, whereas mice fed with unsaturated fats such as α-linoleic acid showed a low DS.
The DS, HCL, and total lipid content were depicted as a color map, offering a unique visual representation of fat distribution in the liver, thus simplifying the diagnosis of fatty liver conditions. “Visualization of lipid distribution in higher-dimensional information rather than simply using total lipid content as a single parameter provides a novel tool for revealing the pathophysiological conditions of liver diseases and metabolism,” remarks Dr. Umezawa.
Indeed, by providing a rapid and label-free technique to identify fatty liver, which affects a large population segment, the method could be a potential alternative to invasive liver biopsy procedures, transforming liver care.
This novel framework could also find potential applications in pharmacological research, such as drug metabolism, toxicity, and efficacy; studies on metabolic disorders through metabolic imaging; and identifying responders and non-responders in clinical trials.
The researchers also expect the framework to find applications in identifying personalized nutritional strategies―tailoring plans and optimizing interventions for better nutrition―through biomarker identification and treatment response prediction. In summary, the novel framework developed by the researchers could revolutionize healthcare and related research.
Source: Tokyo University of Science
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