#Lisa strikes me as that type of girl who has her whole life planned
wazzappp · 4 months
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One fun little idea I love to pull off the shelf every once and a while: mutant Lisa with ice powers
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
If Bombshells ever returned, maybe to explore the aftereffects of the war. Here are some superheroines and supervillainesses that could join the fight into the new era. The Cold War.
Jesse Quick; Jesse would totally join the families providing their homes to the displaced Jews of Europe while at the same time protecting her city from all sorts of crime. But her storyline might come with learning that in her need to help everyone and solving everyone's problems since she has the technology and the privlege, well... kinda appears as a white savior. At least to Lisa Snart which brings me to... 
Golden Glider: Well I think we can all guess that Lisa has a Jewish-like last name and while her big bro, Captain Cold, Leonard was working with the Nazis, I am so arguing that he was just conveinately converting in order to save his skin and his sister's. Anyway with her brother in jail and Europe in shambles after the war, Lisa can travel to America with other displaced Jews. Some families were kind enough to "foster" these peoples which is where Jesse comes in. Well Lisa isn't the type to accept the "pity" and dislikes how priviliged a life, Jesse leads. Then comes a whole new yet classic Flash vs the Rogues rivalry.  
Nyssa ah Gul: How can we forget another misplaced Jew. Well not Jew but Ra ah Gul's other daughter, Nyssa, whose entire adopted family died in the concentration camps while Ra was off whatevering with the Lazerus Pit. But since Ra's long gone from the picture, I suppose Nyssa will have to seek answers from Talia about why she didn't try to help her or contact her after finding out they were sisters. 
Mya: Meanwhile after WWII, India is revving up for a revolution after being used and abused by the British Empire in a war they didn't even want to be in. And after being in the war, STILL treated like second class citizens. That's why Myra, prodigy of Shiva is up to lead a revolution for her people.
Gypsy: Let’s not forget about all the other groups that Nazis were prejudiced against. Cynthia Reynolds or "Gypsy" as the SS slurred against her and her Romanian family. But with Europe's landscape in disarray, Cynthia can use her earth-bending powers to help and educate people that she is more than the fortune telling, pick pocketing stereotype that the world believes.
Volcana: Now I know we didn't really get into Italy's part in WWII, but someone with volcano powers would totally be working in Italy, specifically Pompeii. The one issue is that, like in her origin story, she was working for Mussolini against her will and the Italian still wants their "super weapon" under lock and key in case of WWIII. 
Thorn: Meanwhile the late 40s-early 50s is totally not a time to be woman with a mental illness. Especially when the "understanding" doctors try to lobtomize you. So Roselyn Forrest's double personality disorder is a big problem in her life. Especially since her second personality is a scythe weilding maniac and her uncle wants to put her in an institution. Added to the fact that she is still suffering under Irish discrimination. Hopefully the Batgirls can help, not only change child labor laws, but views on mental illness too.  Giganta: A gorilla turned into a girl. Why shouldn't that be an experiment by the crazy Americans or Russians in a way to beat each other as the world superpower. Well technically the Russians wanted to send a gorilla into space and beat the Americans, but they thought a woman astronaut (or as they called cosmonaut) would make them look better. (All true look up Valentina , first woman in space). But besides being part of the space race, Giganta can bring spotlight to Africa where she was born, and which is being divided by the major world powers for exploitation. 
Crimson Fox: Constance D' Amis, French heiress would be part of the small army of woman workers during the YALTA conferance trying to get their say into how to rebuild Europe for the benefit of all. Who knows, maybe she even talked to Selina Delgatti. Hey French heiresses and Italian heiresses must know each other. Plus she expels hormones that can make anyone under her thrall which leads me to...
Queen Bee: Another pheromone expelling woman. A villainess though. Africa wasn't the only one being exploited and colonized. The former Ottoman Empire was being exploited for its oil and Lebenon is taken over by the French (Basically ample reason for Constance to go to Lebenon and fight Queen Bee). And the former queen is certainly not above going to the Russians to fight the US/Europe to get her country back. Or just team up with Lex Luthor to take down Supergirl and get her country back. I just imagine Lex and --- to be like an evil Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet okay. All suave, witty banter. It makes sense in my head.
Catherine Colbert: A bit like Lois Lane, Catherine is an everygirl. Well if the everygirl was a daughter of an dimplomat and had her sights on making a name for herself in NASA and trying to avoid the pressures of mysgonistic men that woman aren't fit for government. Being told that she is too emotional and should stay in the kicthen, Catherine rebelled by becoming a stone faced, cutting ice queen in the diplomacy track and also a horrible cook. Artemis and Cheshire: I'm taking a bit from the YJ story in that Artemis and Cheshire are half-french, half-Vietnamese. Since their abusive father was loyal to the Nazis, he disowned them and cast off their Vietnamese mother in Japanese concentration camps. While Artemis made it to America and tried to stay on the good ol American democratic way (while fighting petty looters in the streets of Gotham as one does), Cheshire went to Vietnam where she works as an assasin, for the communists and the non-communists. It doesn't matter to her as long as she gets paid. But times are changing in Vietnam as the fights about communism between the North Vietnamese and South escalate. 
Lady Blackhawk: Zinda Blake, hero of WWII and the Blackhawk brigade comes home to nothing. No money. No pension. No respect. Life as a veteran has no perks since no one has money to pay in Europe. Plus she'd still be trying to adjust to civilian life after nonstop combat and the inevitable PTSD while the Germany she loved is split into two. Hopefully Rudi and Helen will help to keep her in a safe place until she can get back on her feet.  Miss Martian: While I don't know whose in Harley, Ivy and Viktoria's circus, I feel like Miss Martian would find a safe haven there. While she did not experience the WWII, she did experience a similar prejudice and genocide on Mars being a white martian so I bet she can help with reprations. Or just join Starfire on the fire squad...wait nevermind. Fire is Martian weakness. Well at least have her and Starfire being alien girlfriends exploring the strange Earth world together.
Rocket: Again, haven't had the joy of reading the final vol of Bombshells United so I don't know exactly what Bumblebee has been up to nor the racism she had probably experienced. But Raquel would be in a similar boat. An African American teen in an unjust pre-Civil Rights movement society with the added difficulties of teen mom hood. I really want some spotlight on her whether she joins the Batgirls or strike out on her own or helps Icon just like in the comics.
Mercy Graves: Alongside Lex wherever he is, I want a similar debut to what Mercy did in JL. Mercy takes over LexCorps during Luthor's absence, absolutely crushes it and makes it more of a success than Luthor ever did because she is not obsessed with the Kryptonian heroes. Maybe she even teams up with Waller? Who knows? Or even have two heads, Mercy Graves and Lena Luthor, making millions and making plans, evil or no, always ending on top.
Silver Banshee: A woman whose screams causes people to age. How they could NOT use her in a war, I do not know. But I picture Siobhan's arc going something like after her family dies in battle or something or other, she taps into her genetic banshee powers. Fueled with grief/cynicsm/vengeance she travels around the Iron Curtain, causing death since death is a mercy compared to living in destitute misery.
Plastique and Roxy Rocket: One is a Canadian explosives expert, another just really, really loves rockets. Both would be very useful on either side of the Cold War. They're traditionally illanesses so I could see them as double agents like Cheshire, working for whoever pays the most for their time.
Roulette: Roulette’s big thing is gambling on illegal cage fighting activities. Well lets up the ante by having her big gamble being stoking US/Russian tensions. After all the longer the war goes on, the more she gets paid for her information on the other side, her contacts for weapons, her spies etc. She'd be rolling in dough, and loving it even when under threat of nuclear destruction.
Fire and Ice: No idea how the heck they would fit in to a post WWII world. But let's suppose they want to escape Brazil and Antartica respectively to be able to help out in the aftermath after doing nothing during the war. Jessica Cruz and Aresia vs Star Sapphire Meanwhile with Hal Jordan out of the picture, let's have the infamous Green Lantern vs Star Sapphire rivalry again.
Lady Shiva: Street fighter, assassin, mother of the future Batwoman, Cassandra Cain. Lady Shiva must be part of the Cold War. She is bit of a anti-hero so I doubt anyone would know where her loyalties truly lie, but she'd be on the side of whoever her daughter wishes to protect.
Cassandra Cain: The new Black Bat, continue Katy Kane's work, and the Batgirl's work, and all the work that needs to be done after WWII. She's the new heroine.
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astroiarium · 4 years
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━━☆⌒*.박채영 /  Rosé’s Birth Chart Analysis
Rosé is Blackpink’s resident vocalist and lead dancer but as it turns out, her unique voice and charming personality reveal a soul that is more than the eye can see. 
☆ These are my interpretations of the inner planets in her chart. It may be different from other's interpretations but is still valid as everyone has different takes on birth charts. This does not strictly represent who this person is as birth charts are just indications of who a person might be, so feel free to take this with a grain of salt. ☆
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・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Position: Main Vocalist, lead dancer
Born on: February 11, 1997
Birthplace: Auckland, New Zealand
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・ 
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Sun in Aquarius (22°), Mercury in Aquarius (2 °), Venus in Aquarius (9 °)
I decided to group all three planets together to flow easily from one placement to the next. In a nutshell, she acts, talks, and loves like an Aquarius! Rosé’s chart forms a beautiful cradle shape with Aquarius, Aries, and Libra dominating her inner planets. The mix of fire and air elements create a great conversationalist who always stands up for what they believe is right. 
Starting with her sun in Aquarius, Rosé is someone who naturally stands out from the crowd. I have no doubt she was a popular girl in her high school years. Aquarius natives exude mystery. At first glance, they seem like they aren’t truly there. Their physical body may be present but in their mind, they are in a separate plane of existence entirely. And that’s exactly what makes people fall for them. For Rosé, it’s easy for me to tell what made her my Blackpink bias. She fits my preppy happy go lucky girl who at first seems shy, but once they’re comfortable their high energy is off the charts.
It used to be that she was labeled as Blackpink’s quietest member according to her profile. But as seen from their reality show, she could rival Lisa’s boisterous Arian energy! Aquarian natives are exactly like this. They are sociable but at the same time, detached from the world around them. This air element would make Rosé opinionated as well. She would most likely enjoy activities such as debating, which require intrapersonal skills as well as critical thinking and logic. These people value knowledge. They view others as sources of this as they like the idea of different perspectives. This means they most likely have big friend groups from all walks of life. Rosé is, of course, no exception to this. With her Aquarius sun being in the second decan, this would give rulership to Mercury which indicates natural-born social skills. Her friends from idol groups all around serve as proof. There are also times where her Arian moon gives her bursts of spontaneity to just casually strike a conversation with someone she deems interesting. You will find that Rosé is an easy person to converse with as she is the right amount of comical and earnest especially in topics she takes interest in. She adores unconventional themes that affect how others see her as a person. As a singer, her individualistic nature is expressed in her unique vocal timbre. She’s been praised many times in the industry for this such as when critic Almira Blancada remarked that “You would know it’s Rosé singing in a heartbeat.” For many, this is her most appealing feature. You will feel drawn to her voice which could be compared to that of a siren’s. 
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“More of you, less of me” -  Rosé’s favorite phrase.
So much Aquarius influence in her chart will conjure unorthodox ideas in her head. Rosé’s definitely one to think outside of the box and look at things from a different perspective. As mentioned earlier, her natural-born social skills are an advantage to help her gain knowledge through the people she interacts with. Like a sponge, she soaks up ideas, thoughts, and beliefs of the people around her. But a downside to this is that she may find difficulty in defining her own beliefs and morals, so it is constantly changing. To make up for this, she practices a strict religion. It is a known fact that Rosé is a Christian who regularly attends mass. In her youth, she has also sung choir for school so there is a possibility that she was raised in this religion. This gives me the feeling that she’s been taught all her life to tone down her Aquarian nature to be different and instead conform to traditional practices. Not to worry, there are still other ways in which this Aquarius influence can manifest. She is musically inclined so she expresses herself through her craft with ease. She would most likely take interest in the field of humanities and social sciences. And with her Aquarius in Mercury, she will openly discuss those topics with other people. She is an idealist to a fault and likes to voice her concerns with the world in its current state. Since Mercury is home to the air element, she will have no trouble vocalizing her inner thoughts. But there is still a drawback to this. Even though ideas come to her easily, they will come in bulk. The difficulty will present itself in trying to vocalize all of them clearly and concisely. There will be times when her expression rubs people the wrong way. Despite her intentions being pure, the delivery might be way off which is a factor essential to communication. As a result, she will appear scatter-brained or insensitive. Aquarians need mental stimuli like they need air lol. There is a primal instinct to question the status quo for her and ask thought-provoking questions. Since this planet deals with communication, some topics she brings up may not be taken lightly as she would. Of course, Rosé has probably resolved this by conversing only with people who share the same thought pattern and ideas as her. A developed Aquarius in Mercury heightens the impact of her words which she can weaponize if deemed necessary.
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An Aquarius in Venus falling in love is a wonder to everyone else so to speak. They are scared of the idea of love and commitment yet when they’re in love, they’re completely lovesick. Venus in Aquarius is vague when communicating their love calls. You think they like you but only after you've decided to "return the feelings" they'll say they only see you as a friend. Or in its antithesis, they might really like you but you’ll only find out long after they’ve moved on when they mention it randomly in a conversation. You can still pick up the subtle nuances of an Aquarian in love. They adore individuality and point it out in conversations with someone that has caught their eye. They will like talking to this person in general and look forward to forming a strong mental connection with them. They’re flirty with everyone but this person will have the honor to see the vulnerable parts Aquarius hides behind the extroverted exterior if they play their cards right. Those who naturally stand out appeal to a Venus in Aquarius the most. Rosé’s ideal type being someone nice, genuine and with a nice voice specifically confirms this.
Being in a relationship with Rosé will be a love comprising of late nights talking about the universe and purpose in life. Aquarius is a fixed sign, they are stubborn and astute in just about everything. When it comes to love, she will become blinded by a devotion without question and it seems that’s why they find the concept of love so scary. She won't be possessive and understands her partner will need time for themself. She will speak to them in a way only the two of them will understand. A secret love language if you will. This lucky person will be present in the planning of her future and with her moon in Aries, she’ll take on the challenge of making it her present.
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Moon in Aries (10 °)
Rosé’s Arian moon gives her a sense of impulsivity. Fire moons feel with their whole body. They have profound emotions that have to be addressed immediately and can’t be kept bottled inside. Because of this, Rosé is a sensitive person who can cry easily at the first cause of frustration. She likes the idea of communicating her concerns and insecurities to people but finds it hard to when actually put on the spot. Deep down there is a lingering feeling of not being good enough and so she tries to excel in everything. A con for this placement is that it’s a self-serving one. While in a healthy amount, this might seem like a positive  seeing as Rosé would be more in tune with her emotional self. It will become negative when she allows herself to react before thinking rationally. This will lead to her exploding in an argument say things she doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment. This can still apply to a casual conversation as well when she unwittingly says something that provokes the other person. This placement projects out of her when the need arises and overwhelms her Aquarius sun in outbursts of intense emotions. Aries is the first of the zodiac signs which gives a childlike naivety to Rosé's subconscious. This makes her adore instant gratification. If she wants something she has to get it, no matter what stands in her way. No matter who stands in her way. Aries moons can be competitive as well. To her, if all of it were for nothing, then what’s the point? This is what she keeps in mind when faced with a challenge that tempts her, which is what sets her apart from the impetuousness of a Sagittarius. On the other hand, this is what enables her to just be herself. Aries dislike being told what to do. They lead, not follow. In Rosé’s case, her Aquarius sun tells her to stand out and her Aries moon tells her to embrace it even if she gets called weird. This fiery element in her core also empowers her to take big risks—like auditioning for a big company like YG entertainment at the age of 15. Although she initially thought her father’s prompt for her to do it was just a joke seeing the difficulties in becoming a K-pop idol, she still went ahead and did it anyway. And if that doesn’t explain the sheer drive of an Aries, I don’t know what will. She dislikes the idea of limitation but whether or not she likes it, some things just won’t go her way. I noticed she also needs physical stimuli, which manifests in habits such as biting her fingers when no one is looking which she admits to doing.
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Mars in Libra (5 °)
Libra is in detriment in Mars. This basically means that this sign isn’t comfortable in this planet and doing things related to what it governs, which for Mars is passion, assertion, and separation. Libra’s planet of rulership is Venus, which is the exact opposite of this planet. Because Mars is a malefic planet, it urges the natives to do actions according to what this planet represents. In Rosé’s case, she just goes about it the Libra way. The typical Libra characteristics are that they are the peacemakers and hopeless romantics. They go about life in a way that their aspirations are larger than life but then they don’t put in the effort to attain them and just expect it to fall on their lap (not unlike a Pisces.) This gives me the impression that with this placement, Rosé has a side of her which makes her lack motivation to set and accomplish practical goals. As I previously mentioned earlier, what started as just a simple joke auditioning for one of the biggest entertainment companies led her to her path of stardom. If she didn’t have her impulsive Aries moon to empower her to believe in her talents on that particular day, then maybe she wouldn’t even be a part of Blackpink today! In everyday life, Libras avoid confrontation by all accounts. Unfortunately, Mars is also a planet of war and conflict as in Greek Myths, its counterpart is the war god Ares. As you can tell, this makes Rosé secretly like stirring the pot and she does it without thinking. This manifests in taking the opposing side in discussions and bringing up controversial topics. Although Libras are already known to love drama without outright expressing it, this placement basically confirms it. Without a strong Venus to create an equilibrium between these two planets, this may strongly affect her temperament in a way that her Aries moon will.
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All in all, Rosé’s chart tells me that the stars have aligned at just the right moment at the time of this wonderful girl’s birth. She embodies the true Aquarian through and through for all the good they are known for. She has the fiery core of an Aries that manages to leap out of her in just the right moments. She is someone who wants and deserves a lot of love so please give it to her! She just wants to make the world a better place :( Rosé has always had a penchant for singing and her unique voice just gives her all the more right to do it. She is one to strike inspiration in others for this and she knows it and I hope she embraces her talents fully and unwaveringly. This is why she is Blackpink’s main vocalist without a doubt. Beyond that, she is a girl with a powerful mind and a voice that speaks for it accordingly. 
    ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)   .· ´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·’* ⛧
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keywestlou · 5 years
This is one of the most disgusting stories I have ever reported.
The event took place on September 19, 2019 at the Lucois and Emma Nixon Academy Charter School in Orlando. The victim a 6 year old black first grade girl. Her name not released by authorities because of her age.
Involved was Orlando police officer Dennis Turner.
The young lady threw a “tantrum.” The policed report claimed she “battered 3 staff members by kicking and punching them.”
There was an episode. The school authorities apparently opted not to deal with it on their own. The police were called. Officer Turner arrived.
By the way, there is a full video of what transpired. Turner’s body cam recorded the whole thing.
Turner handcuffed the 6 year old. Used zip ties. She can be seen on the video crying and screaming for him not to do anything to her. Don’t arrest me, don’t put me in the police car.
The girl cried throughout. From the time Turner arrived, through the handcuffing, being led to the police car, and being placed in the police car. Screaming for help.
“Help me, help me please!” She continuously begged for help.
She was mug shot and fingerprinted.
Charges were not pursued. Officer Turner fired. Fired for arresting a child under 12 without a supervisor’s approval. He had detained another 6 year old earlier in the week.
The 6 year old girl now attends another school.
What mental trauma, if any, will she carry with her for years or life?
I wonder if the police officer would have acted differently were the girl white instead of black.
One other group perhaps worthy of bearing the mantle of poor judgment. The school staff. We all went to the grade. And other lower grades. Some one at some time got out of hand. The teacher always handled the situation. I do not recall police ever being called.
Johnny Mercer brings me back to my high school and college days. A song writer. The lyricist. His songs that I danced to included Moon River, Accentuate the Positive, Days of Wine and Roses, On the Atcheson, Topeka and Santa Fe, and In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening.
A box of his never produced works were found in Key West. The box in the custody of the well known Ellen Steininger. Ellen good friends with one of Key West’s top vocalists Bobby Nesbitt.
Ellen brought Bobby into the picture.
The music was written by Ellen’s late father in law Franz Steininger.
Bobby had the tapes digitized. The music was clear.
The Mercer/Steininger material discovered included a musical. The Arabian Knights. Sinbad, Ali Baba and Aladdin its leading characters. Bobby sang some of the songs at a recent public performance by him.
You never know what will be discovered in a box locked away for many years. Recall one of Hemingway’s wives who returned years after his death to a room at Sloppy Joe’s containing boxes of Hemingway writings and paraphernalia. Hemingway jewels.
Yesterday a disaster for me. Absolutely, without question.
My car not derivable. I had Lisa’s. A half hour into wherever I was going and I had a flat. Called AAA. My membership canceled. No problem. They let me renew and covered me for yesterday’s flat as part of it. Took a half hour to accomplish.
Tire changer could not get to me for 1 1/2 hours. Pouring outside. Thank God for cell phones. Did my podcast show while siting in the car.
AAA man showed up. Lisa’s spare was flat also.
That is how the day began. That is how the rest of the day ran. I will not bore you with further details.
I had a late dinner at Shana Key. Cheated! Even had a drink. Needed it.
Chatted with Ruthie, one of the waitresses.
Recall last year, I lost 62 pounds. A big deal!
Then came pancreatitis. Doctor told me to get off Atkins diet and eat carbs. Or, so I thought. I gained 35 pounds quickly eating carbs.
Very discouraging.
Last week when I saw the doctor, I told him carbs and me never got along. He wanted to know why I was eating carbs. I said you told me! He said no. I’m sure he did. Whatever, he wanted me to go back on an Atkin’s type diet. High protein.
Now I am dieting again. Ended the first week today. Lost 5 pounds. This is going to be a pain in the ass. I am not a happy camper.
There was joy later in the evening. Mighty Casey did not strike out. Syracuse beat Pitt at Pitt 72-49. A long time since Syracuse enjoyed such a decisive win.
Watched Trump at 6:30 in his “news conference.”
He bullshitted us. No problem. He has everything under control. He took big steps (he stopped certain flights) which have prevented the virus from hitting the U.S. He was proud to report no one had contracted the virus locally. All had contracted it outside the U.S.
He spoke too soon. Late last night, it was reported a Californian was diagnosed with the virus. He had not been out of the country. Got it here.
Last night, the New York Times in an Opinion piece described the disease as “Trumvirus.”
Learned something new last night about the President. Trump considers shaking hands “barbaric.” He has aides following him around whose sole purpose is carry a sanitizer for his use.
He’s personally going to love coronavirus if it hits the U.S.!
Another thing about Trump. Read last week he does not sleep on the plane when he takes long trips. He will only sleep in what he describes as his “own beds.”
Trump looked very tired last night. He mentioned several times how long the India trip was. He probably never slept the whole way to and back.
This is turning into a Trump blog. Did not plan it that way. The observations being shared are just coming out one after the other.
A last Trump observation. The Democrat Debate was tuesday night. The market suffered its major falls monday and tuesday. Both before the Democrat Debate.
Trump said at least 2 times last night one of the reasons the market went down is because the people had seen the nuts who were on the stage in the Debate, one of whom might run the country.
Love the guy! He fits the facts to what ever he wants the story to be. Truth  has nothing to do with anything.
I close with Bernie Sanders.
He can’t win if the Presidential candidate. Too radical.
The young are his major supporters. No wonder. He keeps ranting about all the things he will provide free.
There are not enough taxpayer dollars to pay for all the freebies.
The freebies include free college, wipe out all student loan debt, wipe out all medical bills, Medicare for all, free homes to those who cannot afford one, etc.
He’s crazy! Sincerely intended. His whole life. However his goals neither practical nor sustainable.
Enjoy your day!
    SIX YEAR OLD GIRL SCREAMS…..”HELP ME, HELP ME, PLEASE!” was originally published on Key West Lou
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