thomasglenn-blog · 11 years
Uncomfortable Situations: Thomas, Corrie
He had his head down as he tried to navigate the sidewalks of Avalon.  Today, he didn't feel like even attempting to fake interest in any of the other souls in Avalon.  It had never been that he thought he was better than the others, he just found that more often than not it caused petty drama which he didn't need at all.
A snide remark was shot off as he bumped into another person and despite his best attempts to remain impartial his temper flared up for a few brief seconds causing him to look up at the speaker and him the process lose his sense of where he'd been going.
He didn't see the curb in front of him and as he took another step Thomas felt his ankle give causing him to fall to the pavement in an undignified heap.  Embarrassed he tried to get up, only to find pain shooting through his leg.  
A member of the crowd who had now gathered to watch him came forward to try to help him up, but he brushed the man off with a "fuck off." before pulling himself to his feet ignoring the pain.
After the crowd had dispersed, taking his wounded pride with them he found himself realizing that he probably did need some kind of help, in fact when he looked down at his leg he could see a nasty gash and he realized that not only had he twisted his ankle, but he had landed on an ill placed glass bottle which had cut him.
Ignoring the pain that shot through his leg with every step he made his way to the hospital which was only a few blocks away.
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hebephrenia-blog · 11 years
its never too early for porn.
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nikolai-danesti-blog · 11 years
Better Left Unsaid | Corrie, Nikolai
Not many people in this town interested Nikolai, but the quiet Doctor was definitely on his list of curious beings. He found himself wandering to her office after wishing Ana a good day and seeing her off. He was curious as to what she’d thought of the nifty little mess of bloodied flesh he’d let her find the previous day. Knowing the good doctor, she’d probably called it a hellspawn in her report. No matter.
That only meant that his victim wouldn’t be recognized.
He gave two sharp knocks on the door to Dr. Hubble’s office before letting himself in.
“And how are you on this fine day, Doctor?” He was sure to fill his voice with a s much mirth as possible. “Anything interesting happen through here in the past few days?”
In a way he was revealing himself, but she had no proof and there was no way the murder could be tied to him. He was an expert at this, after all. It was his job to mutilate beyond recognition.
He only wanted to know what Corrie had thought when she witnessed his good work. 
"Have you found yourself busy?" Plopping down in the plush office chair in front of the desk, Nikolai gave a darkened chuckle. "You do work so hard, after all." 
Oh, how he loved to patronize her.
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livesofavalonrp-blog · 11 years
All applications have been reviewed and accepted! Thanks for joining!
Please follow:
Ana Veloz
Thomas Glenn
Nikolai Danesti
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ardentanith-blog · 11 years
Name: Arden Tanith
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Time Period: 21 Century, died in 2012
Race: Human
Abilities: Hemokinesis, telepathy
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Biography: It was storming the night Arden was born. Lightning cracked the sky and thunder shook the earth. Rain drenched the land, and when she came screaming into the world, everything silenced and stood still.
...At least that’s how her parent’s liked to tell the story. Born to an author father and an interior designer mother, Arden lived a quiet life full of wonder, color, and imagination. Her days were as vibrant as the walls of her childhood home, and her nights were filled with stories of far-off lands and peril. She excelled in all she did—sports, school, ballet. She enjoyed reading with a passion, and above all, photography was her hearts desire.
Upon graduating high school, Arden began her studies at an off-shot Art School in northern Washington, where she met close friends and made many wonderful memories. She was always careful, though, and stayed away from the wild party-driven side of college life.
It wasn’t until she was leaving a concert event one evening that everything went to hell in a hand basket. She was driving back to her dormitory, abiding the speed limit, when she was hit head-on by a drunk driver. The crash killed her, or so she thought.
That was when she woke up in Avalon.
Personality: Arden is quiet, reserved, and rather brooding, yet easy to talk to. She is knowledgeable about many things, and likes to make her point in an argument. While she is slow to trust, once one gets inside her heart, they have a true friend who would do anything for them.
This, though, can often get Arden in trouble. She’s friendly and caring to a fault, and most take advantage of her kindness. Her biggest flaw would have to be her temper, for when she loses it, she really loses it.
Face Claim: Meghan Ory
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thomasglenn-blog · 11 years
Meetings of Solitude: Thomas, Arden
Sometimes, Thomas wanted nothing more than to escape to the forest just outside of Avalon.  He couldn't get very far as the mysterious barrier prevented that, but he could get far enough away to be able to hear himself think.  
He'd been in Avalon for over a hundred years, but there were still times when it felt as if he didn't know anybody in the town.  This was partially by  his own choice as many of the "younger" citizens of the town had chosen to become well known by committing crimes like his late father would have but he didn't think he wanted to be known in that way so he usually found himself embracing the solitude.
Once or twice a week he'd pack a lunch and a small flask and go and sit by the creek that ran just outside of town.  Sometimes he'd fish, other times like today he'd just sit and think.
He was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of footsteps approaching.  When he looked up he caught a young woman walking down the path, apparently so lost in her thoughts that she probably hadn't even noticed him yet.
He was sure that he'd never even so much as glimpsed her around town before and this surprised him.
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hebephrenia-blog · 11 years
I'm on a roll tonight. >w<
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nikolai-danesti-blog · 11 years
Never Leave Me Wanting | Ana, Nikolai
The bed was almost too warm.
Nikolai rolled onto his side and yanked the curtain closed. He wasn’t quite ready to leave the overheated covers for the cold hardwood floor of his Avalon home. He was enjoying the feel of the slender body in his arms, and his post-sleep drowsiness made it difficult to focus on much else. She smelled nice to him, like muted vanilla and spices, and he knew he shouldn’t but he really liked having her around.
At first, Ana Veloz had been a bed warmer, someone to keep him company when he wanted it and satiation for his overly active libido. And for a time, she had sufficed as just that. But as of late, Nikolai found his thoughts wandering to her a bit more than usual, and that made him uneasy. He couldn’t afford a weakness like Ana, especially not with what he had planned for the next few months.
Regardless, he tucked her body into his fuzz-covered chest and nestled his nose into her hair. He could lose himself in her, completely immerse his mind and body in her existence and forget everything—even his life before Avalon. It seemed like a distant memory now.
He gave a stretch and cracked his toes under the blanket.
This felt far too nice.
“Mmm... Ana...?” He mumbled into her hair, running his fingers up her deliciously tanned throat. “Its morning already.”
He pushed his body against hers and sighed heavily. He wanted breakfast—both kinds. Sleep always put him in a mood for sex. But then again, when was he not?
“We should go to the diner for waffles.” He gave her a gentle squeeze-hug and nuzzled her jaw. “What do you say?”
Truly, he wanted to go back to sleep. But he knew she had things to do, and while he would love nothing more than to keep her in bed all day, Nikolai wanted Ana to have her own life. The last thing he needed was her thinking he was trying to control her.
He gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and offered a small smile. It felt strange on his face, but today he wanted to do whatever he could to make her happy.
That was probably the most terrifying feeling Nikolai had ever felt.
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hebephrenia-blog · 11 years
So I have all the character pages open in the tabs and I just want to say great job everyone they are all so fucking beautiful and i'm glad that you are all involved.
Sparroe, Katie, you guys really need to get in on this.
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nikolai-danesti-blog · 11 years
Name: Nikolai Danesti
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Time Period: 20th Century,  died 1923
Race: Human
Abilities: Enhanced regeneration
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Biography: Nikolai Danesti was one of the most wanted criminals of the Prohibition era. He moved to Seattle with his father at a young age, and worked for a high-ranking figure in the city’s underworld. He was given the task of intimidating his boss’ rivals within the city so that they would surrender their territory. He was also involved in convincing speakeasy owners to buy illegal alcohol from his gang.
He was very good at what he did. In 1920, his boss was nearly killed by a rival gang and he decided to get out of the criminal world. All of his ‘business’ was handed over to Nikolai, who accepted the burden with pride. Within a year, Nikolai was earning $50 million from illegal alcohol sales. Other endeavors earned him an extra $20 million a year.
He managed to bribe both the police and the important politicians of the city, and in turn his men patrolled the city to ensure that no rebellions might erupt.
For all his power, Nikolai still had surviving enemies from hidden rival gangs, and he traveled everywhere in an armor-plated limousine. Guards constantly escorted him, and violence was a daily occurrence.
In 1923, karma finally caught up with him, and Nikolai was butchered in front of his family. Two sons and his estranged wife survived him.
When he woke up in Avalon, Nikolai acknowledged this opportunity as a second chance, and at first he went about life like a good civilian. But he soon itched for the violence and adrenaline rush of a life he was used to, and began starting trouble for the folks of Avalon.
Personality: Nikolai is a very no-nonsense person with a strong will. He’s often been called stubborn, and he is very cold. His rough exterior hides a soft heart, though, and this is his biggest weakness. He doesn’t let anyone get close to him for fear of betrayal, and he is always on guard against the people of Avalon. He loves to cause trouble and is usually at the root of most problems that rear up in the quiet town.
Face Claim: Titus Welliver
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hebephrenia-blog · 11 years
So do you guys think I'm making a good mod?
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livesofavalonrp-blog · 11 years
Everyone please follow Corrie Hubble!
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livesofavalonrp-blog · 11 years
Corrie Hubble has been accepted. Please create the character account within 24 hours and submit an ask from that account. Thanks for joining!
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livesofavalonrp-blog · 11 years
Level of Activity:
Time Period:
Sexual Orientation:
Face Claim:
Para Sample(Three paragraphs minimum):
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livesofavalonrp-blog · 11 years
~If you join be active.
 Roleplaying is very time consuming. We aren’t asking you post every day, however we do expect you to be active and post at least three times a week. If you cannot, then please don’t join. If you need to go out of town or are going to be busy, let us know, and we will give you a hiatus period.
Also, being active doesn’t just mean reblogging/posting a picture. We want to see text posts people!
 ~Once accepted, activate your ask box. It makes communication easier for both conversations between characters and for the admins to talk to you.
 ~We are a solely OC RP. Original Characters only.
It’s that simple! You may also request an FC and the character will be made for you. We reserve the right to keep the character and profile and put it up for grabs if you are inactive or deactivate.
~ You may have more than one character, but only if you prove to be active.
If you want another character, you must submit another application/audition sheet. Also, you are not allowed to have more than three characters. We want other people to have a chance to RP!
 If you have multiple characters, try and be active with each one of them equally. We understand that sometimes favorites are picked, but please try to be at least active on the minimum level with your characters.
 In para’s you control your character and your character alone. Unless you have specifically asked your para partners, don’t do it. You also cannot, under any circumstance, kill your character without discussing it with the admins first.
~Be nice.
 OOC drama drags away from the fun of the RP and can ultimately cause the group to collapse. Please, don’t start drama with the other players. If there is a problem that can’t be resolved, please come to the admins about it. 
~Have decent grammar.
Don’t speak like you are texting, do not type actions (e.g. -smiles-) in a conversation on the dash, use spell-check, try to write somewhat decently.
~Reblog as text & Cut long posts.
~This is a mature RP!
 Meaning rated R+! Nothing is off limits. There will be sex, violence, and even drugs. We love smut. It isn’t required, and in respect to those who do not rp smut, please put all extreme violence/sexuality under a ‘read more’ and tag it as what it is. Also, if your character has a triggering storyline, such as self harm or depression, please keep triggering posts under a ‘read more’. It can get mighty awkward if you are scrolling and see some graphic content. If you cannot accept any of this, don’t join.
 ~Please, remember your tags.
 ~If you find you are too busy with your normal outside lives, we understand and you will always be welcomed back! However, if you do decide to leave, tell us! It takes two seconds to say “Hey, leaving this RP, sorry.” We won’t ask questions, just please give us the courtesy of letting us know.
 ~Please check the Master Blog daily to keep up on who to follow and new characters/plot lines.
 ~If you want to start a plot line, please speak with the admins.
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