#Liz’s nano prompts
winxwannabe · 11 months
41. ”your hands are so cold!” and musa x stella
“You’ve gotta stop worrying about the details.”
“I’m not worried. I’m perfectly calm.”
“Uh-huh. You’re doing the foot thing.”
Musa immediately stops the foot thing - tapping her left one from side to side on the edge of the carpet. But in the second it takes her brain to process she’s even doing it, Stella takes her hand in both of hers. Her gasp is less surprised and more akin to a ha! “And your hands are so cold!”
The Solarian princess lets go before Musa can move, and promptly disappears out the door of the recording booth. “I’m just saying, hon.” Stella’s voice is fainter, but still clear. “This doesn’t seem like a very inspiring place for making music.”
“C’mon. Jason pulled a lot of strings to get me in here. If I can show these execs what I can do, it’ll be a huge push for my career.”
Through the glass, Musa watches her eyebrows knit together in distaste. “I still don’t like that guy. We’re fighting to protect the whole universe from the Black Circle, and he still thinks you need to prove something. That’s sleazy with a capital ick.”
Musa smiles lightly as Stella comes back into the booth, carrying a bright blue cardigan that she’d stuffed in her bag before they left. “I’m just saying,” Stella continues, draping the fabric over Musa’s shoulders. “You’re one of the most talented people I’ve ever met. And if someone tries to tell you otherwise, you direct them to me, okay?”
Some sort of magic charm is on the cardigan - there has to be, because the moment she slips her arms into it it feels like she’s next to a campfire on a summer night. Or backstage at Red Fountain, ready to put her future at Alfea on the line for the sake of singing. Stella had been there, too, doing the same doting, hovering routine. It was funny how little some things changed over the years. “Thanks for worrying about me, Stel. Really.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about, sweetie.” Stella leans forward and kisses her on the nose. “Now show ‘em what you got.”
2x15 of 4Kids Winx is one of the only times Stella goes all out with pet names with someone who isn’t Brandon and I’m here for it. I’m answering prompts for NaNo! Send me a number and a ship for a drabble.
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pheita · 4 years
Sunday Love: Don’t ever doubt us
This prompt was too good to not use if for my NaNo WIP and so here we are, technically in the last third of the story. Anyway, have fun @sunday-romance​
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Liz looked around. The events of the last few days were still haunting them and the fact that everyone was hiding in an old nuclear shelter was enough to tell how serious the situation was. Her thoughts went to Anne, and she hoped that the old lady had been spared from the attacks of their enemy. Everyone had spread out a little in the room. In one corner Odette and Makrov sat snuggled up and hummed a melody. Zaima and Molly lay in another corner, exhausted from their task of covering the retreat, and with Elif as a kind of guardian angel watching over them. Tamika and Sandra discussed something Liz didn't want to worry about right now. She looked down at Rodrigo, who had his head in her lap and was sleeping. The injuries he suffered in the last attack had still not healed, despite Anne's help. How he could still stand in that state was a mystery to her. Her gaze wandered over the others. Lillianne and Violetta sat in a corner like frightened rabbits and didn't dare to sleep. Liz couldn't blame them, the last week was a roller coaster ride for them too. "What's wrong?" Rodrigo asked quietly. Surprised, she looked down and saw that he must have been awake the whole time. "I'm worried about how things are going to go on. The Council infiltrated  and taking Lillianne's father's side only makes things harder. Even the Gladius group was attacked because of us. He managed to paint us as the bad guys." Painstakingly, he sat up. Rodrigo pulled a face and held his ribs, but he smiled tensely. "Liz, look around you. All six keepers are in one place and working together. We still have some guards on our side. With Lillianne and Violetta, we have allies who know exactly how our enemy thinks." She sighed and leaned against the wall behind her. Rodrigo leaned against her with another sigh. "I am not sure. We keepers have been kept on a leash by the guardians all this time. How many times have our predecessors been used in similar ways without realizing or even knowing it?" She felt his giggle all over her body. "Liz, there is one thing you must remember." "What's that?" "We two are stronger than our predecessors. We accomplished more in a few months than others have in years. And we have each other. Don't ever doubt us. That is the ground on which doubts grow." Liz smiled a little, but it fell apart in a moment. "How can you be so positive?" "I must. On my life.... Either I'm positive or I'm going to fall apart. And I didn't just find my grandparents just to fall apart now." They both had to laugh this time. "You're impossible." "I know, but you know what my plan is once we figure all this out?" "Tell me about it." She sat down differently so she could look at him. Rodrigo began to glow and leaned forward so that their foreheads touched. "I'll take you to Abuela's and the two of us will get stuffed with good Mexican food until we look like stuffed turkeys." Liz looked at him confused for a moment, then she started laughing. "You are so impossible." "But that's why you love me, isn't it?" "Among other things," Liz rolled her eyes. Maybe Rodrigo was right, and maybe it wasn't all as hopeless as she thought. "I am just the sunshine in your life." "Now you're getting corny." "So?" Laughing, he slipped into a half-recumbent position.
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witchoil · 7 years
NaNo Mini Projects
Hi guys!
So I’m not doing real NaNoWriMo this year bc I’m disorganized and insecure in my original work, but I AM going to collect up all of the fic-writing I do and see how much I get done!
So far, I am working on:
Clone Wars era Obi Wan/Ventress Fic Battle w Liz @editoress
Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Reader/Niner fic for @coyotefather
but I want to do more! Please send me prompts or ideas for ficlets - or I guess even original fiction - that you might like to see me do.
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winxwannabe · 11 months
I’m going to stop accepting prompts this Wednesday so I can try and get them all done before the end of the month. Last chance to check the list and send one in!
Below the cut are all the current prompts I have and for what ship, to make sure you don’t double up or if you’re just curious.
38. “You’re not going anywhere!” Sparxshipping
31. “I own you.” Sparxshipping
19. “I don’t want to be friends.” Solarflare
46. “Hold me just a little longer.” Sparxshipping
39. “If you don’t rest, you won’t get better/heal” Sparxshipping
12. “I gotta say, I’m a little surprised.” Icy x Sky
49. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” Bloom x Sky
15. “You called me, remember?” #TeamRedheads
32. “Get on your knees.” Sparxshipping
22. “You’re burning up.” Sparxshipping
18. “I don’t like the way they look at you.” Bloom x Jim
7. “You’re a terrible liar.” Bloom x Jim
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winxwannabe · 8 months
32. "Get on your knees." for Bloom and Valtor 😇
Remember when these were for NaNo in November? Yeah, me neither. ANYWAY:
It’s anger - so much anger.  At the world, at each other, and what they’ve become.
She has bruises down the inside of her thighs and bite marks on her neck she has to cover with makeup. Once when he’s on his stomach next to her she sees the raised scarlet lines of healing skin, and knows they’re the result of her nails. She’s taken to keeping them long ever since.
It’s painful, but a pain like worrying your tongue over a cut on the roof of your mouth. Bloom always swears this time, she’ll stop for good. There have been plenty of times Baltor’s thrown her out of Cloud Tower, screaming to never come back unless she wants to end up like Faragonda. Sometimes they manage to stay away from each other for several days. She even dreams about mundane things like school dances and homework.
The last time Bloom dreamed, she’d woken up to him in her bed at Alfea, one hand dipping between the waistband of her shorts while the other covered her mouth, keeping her gasps from waking anyone. She lost track of how many times she’d come that night, Baltor whispering praise into the skin of her shoulder.
It’s a vicious cycle of inflicting pain until it’s too much, and someone breaks and shows a morsel of compassion that the other takes. Then they get mad all over again because no, they can’t have compassion, not when this is happening.  It’s easier to watch a human smash into a concrete wall when you remember they ripped a section of hair from your skull two nights ago, not that they held you to their chest and moaned your name.
She thinks of Sky sometimes, when she’s alone. How open their relationship had been, before Diaspro reclaimed what was originally hers. How that, ironically, started this entire mess because Bloom had been desperate to get him back, no matter the cost. Only one man offers her a guarantee, for a very expensive price.
She pays it. Sky’s been free of dark magic for weeks now, Diaspro in a cell awaiting trial on Eraklyon.
Still, she comes back.
She’s been degraded, doesn’t know how many times Baltor’s told her to get on her knees in Griffin’s office or the sorcery lab. Sometimes she fights back, leaving him with a scar or an unusable potion because she’s swiped it off the counter to push him onto it. It’s almost better when she doesn’t, instead keeping her gaze locked onto his while mouthing the line of his cock through those ridiculously old fashioned pants. Those are the only nights she feels like she wins anything, that she might actually have a legitimate reason to keep doing this.
She doesn’t, though. Not really. She shouldn’t want a damn thing he offers her. Her family, friends, boyfriend - it should all be enough. It used to be. And the realization that it isn’t anymore infuriates her, starting the cycle over again.
There is no winning. There is only tiptoeing towards an invisible line that, when crossed, will change the trajectory of everything she’s known. She won’t walk so much as be dragged across it, clinging onto the half she wasn’t aware she had until months ago. The thought terrified her only months ago.
There are bags under her eyes, teeth marks on her collarbone, and fingerprints burned into the flesh of her hip like a pseudo-mark. She looks like she’s been in war, and in a twisted way she has.
The sun sets. The bustle of campus goes quiet. Her roommates go to sleep.
Bloom goes to Cloud Tower.
I wanted to write something but not any current WIPs. Here we are instead.
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winxwannabe · 11 months
37. “Where were you when I needed you?” for bloom and Jim please and thank you
“What do you mean no?”
“I mean no,” Jim said, rather pointedly, only glancing up from polishing the dark metal of his hook. “Tinkerbell’s beyond redemption, Bloom - there’s no point in trying to get through to her. Especially if the only way involves getting that brat back here.”
“We have to try! The darkness in her heart might be able to be repelled. She needs us -”
Bloom was cut off by Jim slamming the hook into the fallen tree he was sitting on. “And where were you when I needed you?”
She blinked. “I…what do you mean?”
Jim stared at her for several long, quiet moments, then sighed and started working to free his weapon from the bark. “It’s been two months,” he finally elaborated. “Since the Queen retreated. Two months since you left. And if your story’s to be believed, coming back wasn’t even your choice. Forget about us, already?”
“Never,” the words tumbled out so quickly there was no way she could have been lying.
He must have realized, too, because Bloom saw his lips turn upwards in the most imperceptible smile. “You could have fooled me, luv.”
Bloom narrowed her eyes, but still found herself smiling. She stepped closer and sat on the other side of the still-embedded hook. “There wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t think about you. Not a single alleyway I walked by without looking for you in the shadows.”
That earned her a chuckle. “Closets opened peacefully?”
“Not since you jumped out of the last one.” Bloom reached down and grabbed the hilt of the hook. Together, the two of them pulled it out of the wood. She smiled at him, but it dissipated when she saw the bags under his eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here Jim. To help you fight for Neverland.”
Something cold slid against her neck, and Bloom realized it was the hook, sliding around her neck and tugging her face towards his. “I can protect my home. That’s not what I missed.”
“Oh. Oh…”
“Oh,” Jim repeated, and that smirk was on his face again. The one Bloom used to think meant he was planning something deceitful, but now knew was just his own form of armor. “But…maybe I misread that…situation. Did I?”
“I…wouldn’t say that. Necessarily.”
His smirk widened. “What a relief. I’m not usually wrong about those things, you know.”
Bloom found herself matching his look. “Shameless flirt.”
“Stubborn fairy.”
She reached up and took his hand, guiding the hook off her neck. “I missed you, too.”
Bloom x Jim Nation, how we doing?? It's been too long; bless you for sending this, anon! Damn, I forgot how much I love writing these two. Sure hope it doesn't awaken anything (again)! I'll probably stop taking prompts in a few days because I've got a few to do now, so send one in if you've been thinking!
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 3
This is a more or less direct follow up to yesterday. And we meet the first magical granny! I know some people were waiting for it.  Prompts were Youth and “You did this?” both for October 3rd.  Rating G 
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It was still strange for Liz to stay with Sandra, even after a month. Finding a job was harder than she thought and for the first time in her life she realized how good she always had it. Lost in thought, she went down the stairs and almost collided with an elderly lady in the hallway. More as a reflex, Liz held out her hand so the woman would not fall. "Thank you, dear. A fall wouldn't have been good now," the lady giggled for inexplicable reasons. "Are you all right?" "Sure, don't worry, dear. But you don't appear like that with you." Liz sighed and suppressed the desire to scream. "So clearly?" "You don't need magic for that." Liz found the comment strange. She looked skeptically at the old woman. Suddenly, the woman pulled out a chain with a well-known coin on it. "You are a guard," whispered Liz astonished. "I am a little too old for that. But why don't you come upstairs for some tea? I think we should talk." "Should we?" "Has your grandmother ever spoken of an Anne?" "Yes, ....oh, you are Anne."
Anne just grinned amusedly and put one hand gently on Liz's shoulder. "This is me. I think I still owe your grandmother." Confused, Liz followed up a floor again with Anne's purchases in her hand and a buzzing head. Her grandmother had always told her how easily Anne could talk her into things, but she had never said that it was an incredible talent. Less than five minutes later she was sitting at the small wooden table in Anne's kitchen, with cookies in front of her, watching Anne scurry around the kitchen like an excited rabbit to make tea. "Say, dear, what's your name?" "Liz... actually, Elisabeth." "Mina always hated her name too. I can understand that. Wilhelmina was an old name even back then, and we were young and wanted adventure." The gentle smile of pleasant memories was on Anne's lips when she sat down with Liz. "You have achieved a great deal, I understand." "At least I managed to keep her from taking her mother's name." The giggle seemed a little spiteful at Liz, but who could tell? In the family, it was always kept a secret what the bearer of the evening star tattoo called himself. She did not even know her father's "hero name". "Why? What was my grandmother's name as the Evening Star?" "Vespera. I heard there's a new Vespera. You did this?" Slowly Liz nodded in surprise that she had adopted her grandmother's name without knowing it. "Yes, that's me. I've had the tattoo for half a year now." "May I see it?" Smiling, Liz pulled down her shirt on her left shoulder and turned around a little so Anne could see her back. Carefully Anne walked the lines of the crescent moon with a star hanging from it, followed by the clouds behind it. "Beautiful work. But it does not heal properly. Wait, dear." The next moment, Liz felt a pleasant warmth followed by something wet. It took a moment before she realized that Anne's strongest magic was water and she was just making sure the tattoo was healing better. "Granny never said anything about healing." "It wasn't that important, but it was very practical sometimes. But this is weird." "What's strange?" Anne let go of the tattoo and looked at Liz seriously. "That it doesn't heal properly is because your magic and the tattoo magic collides." "That exists? Liz had to admit that she didn't really know much about it, mainly because her grandmother died when she was ten and her father never talked about the tattoo. "He didn't explain it to you, did he? What else did I expect from Daniel. He was always stubborn, even as a child. That the magic collides is either because you didn't want the evening star or something else is bothering you that has to do with it. If I had to guess, I'd say your moving in with Sandra has something to do with it." The haunting look of Anne was gentle, though. Liz took a deep breath. "My dad kicked me out because I dropped out of med school. Music is my thing, but he never wanted to understand that. And mother says nothing about everything." It was now Anne's turn to sigh. "It's good that Mina doesn't have to experience all this. Dear, it is never wrong to follow your path. You are a clever girl, and if you need someone to talk to who is not Sandra, you know where I live." "Thank you." A slight smile appeared on Liz's face. Maybe things weren't as bad as she thought.
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@merigreenleaf @elenajohansenauthor @captainpenguin-fly @donovyn-nyx
@adie-dee @petrolstationflowers @mouwwie @writinginslowmotion @chris-the-dragonslayer​ @nana-writes​ @viawrites-andacts​ @bookishdiplodocus​ @cometworks​
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 26
Since we are closing in with Halloween it is Liz and Rodrigo in planning of Halloween.  Prompts were “Costume” and “trust me for once” for October 26th
Rating G 
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If there was one thing Rodrigo didn't mind, it was Halloween. He never really understood why an American custom suddenly became so popular in Germany. On the other hand, carnival had always been a bit suspicious to him. It was probably because of the dressing up and the fact that he never had a plan. All the more panicky he looked at the note that Liz had put in his hand. "In costume?", he asked cautiously. "Where is the fun if you don't wear one?", Liz rejoiced. Her eyes shone like a child under a Christmas tree. "That's not really my thing." "Halloween?" "Costumes. Halloween. Carnival. I'm just not comfortable there." She came a little closer and put her arm around his shoulder, even if she had to stretch a little for it. "Maybe it's because you didn't know until now that you are a mage and always had to hide," she asked quietly so only he could hear. Rodrigo thought about it for a moment. "Perhaps. No idea." "Will you try? For me?" "For you?" laughed Rodrigo, "You are great." "I know, that's why you like me. So?" He took a deep breath in and out once. "So... I'll do my best, whatever that is." "You're the best," Liz confirmed and kissed him on the cheek before she disappeared. Rodrigo still looked a little skeptical after her before he put the note away and went back to work. Rick crept up behind him and gave Rodrigo a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Gosh, good Liz really goes for you. So if you need any costume ideas, I can help."
Laterally, Rodrigo looked up at Rick with a questioning look. "Everything but Lestat." "Hey, just trust me for once." "I know your obsession with Queen of the Damned. So no, trust in your choices is limited." Rick grinned broadly and bent conspiratorially toward him. "How do you feel about superheroes?" "Huh?" Rodrigo had been confused by the unexpected switch. "Well, our dear Liz has a soft spot for Marvel. I can think of three heroes she likes and I'm very sure which of two options she'll choose for her costumes." It took Rodrigo about two seconds to discuss with himself whether he wanted to know or not. On the other hand, she wanted to go to the party with him and why not match his costume to hers? "All right, what do you think?" Rick grinned wider. "It'll either be Black Widow or Miss Deadpool. I bet on Miss Deadpool." "Betting? Don't tell me you bet what it is." Rick looked back at her boss for a moment. "What do you think?" "I think everything's a bet, so yes." "Smart guy." Rick left him alone with that. Rodrigo's head was spinning. If Liz chooses one of these costumes, he's gonna have to do some research. But most of all, he had to find out which one it really is and how he can get the right costume within two weeks. The thought that Tamika would probably shake her head and help him with the research was almost an incentive. Sometimes he had to annoy Tamika a little.
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     @captainpenguin-fly​​​​​​​​​​ @merigreenleaf​​​​​​​​​​ @adie-dee​​​​​​​​​​ @petrolstationflowers​​​​​​​​​​ @mouwwie​​​​​​​​​​ @writinginslowmotion​​​​​​​​​​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​​​​​​​​​​ @nana-writes​​​​​​​​​​ @viawrites-andacts​​​​​​​​​​ @bookishdiplodocus​​​​​​​​​​ @cometworks​​​​​​​​​​  @elenajohansenauthor​​​​  
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 17
We are with Liz, Sandra and their surrogate grandma Anne again.  The prompts were “shelter” and “Give me a minute or an hour” for October 17th Rating G 
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The ringing of the doorbell took Liz out of her thoughts. She had been cleaning up for an hour and was still not finished or satisfied. Frustrated, she went to open the door and found Sandra and Anne standing in the hallway, grinning broadly. "Surprise." Sandra smiled at her, and Anne had homemade cake in her hand. "This is really a surprise. What are you doing here?" "Début, my dear. We must celebrate that you've got your own place." When Anne said that, Liz couldn't say no. In the last few months, she had become a surrogate grandma. "Let's go inside the basic shelter. I'll go find some dishes. Give me a minute or an hour. Depends on where I put everything." Anne's laughter made Liz turn around to her guests one last time. Then she saw Sandra waving paper plates and Anne lifting the lid from the transport box to show that the cake was already cut. "We thought of everything. Now sit down and eat something first. You have already eaten something today, haven't you?" Liz could only bow her head guiltily in response to Anne's question. "Does the coffee and croissant count this morning?" "Liz, it's almost 7 pm!" Before she could say anything else, Sandra pushed her into the sofa and Anne held out her cake. "You're not gonna do that every night, are you?" What are you living in the same house for?" laughed Sandra. She pushed an empty box aside to have some space. "That wasn't really the idea." "Just accept it, dear."
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@captainpenguin-fly​​ @merigreenleaf​​ @adie-dee​​ @petrolstationflowers​​ @mouwwie​​ @writinginslowmotion​​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​​ @nana-writes​​ @viawrites-andacts​​ @bookishdiplodocus​​ @cometworks​​  @elenajohansenauthor​
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Guiding Star Day 2
Today’s prompts were for October 2nd  Mercy and “That’s the easy part”  of Fictober and OC-tober  We are before the story again. This time we meet Liz, one of the main characters, and her best friend and magic guardian Sandra Rating G 
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Liz ran up and down like a caged tiger. She was aware that Sandra followed her with her eyes. "Have mercy on my carpet and spit out what's on your mind." The annoyed tone was still soft despite everything. Liz knew this differently from her friend. "I'm dropping out of college." It just popped out. But it felt infinitely good. "Oh, really?" Sandra just raised an eyebrow. "That's all?" "Liz, honey, how long have we known each other? I knew from the beginning you weren't gonna last long. You're a musician, not a doctor." Slowly, Liz nodded. At the same time, a relieved smile appeared. "That was the easy part." "Your parents will be a different caliber." "There's a world of difference," Liz laughed bitterly. Since she could think, her parents had been telling her that she would become a doctor just like everyone else in the family. "You know, you can stay here until you get on your feet." "Thanks, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to take that offer." "I know." Without warning, Sandra hugged her. At least Liz had an ally in what was about to happen.
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@captainpenguin-fly​​ @merigreenleaf​​ @elenajohansenauthor​​ @donovyn-nyx @adie-dee​​ @petrolstationflowers​​ @mouwwie​​ @writinginslowmotion​​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​ @nana-writes​ @viawrites-andacts​ @bookishdiplodocus​
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 21
I just love magic grandma Anne, so here we are again how she meets Rodrigo. Or more how he meets Anne. Have fun.  The prompts where “Laugh” and “this makes it all worth it” for October 21  Rating G 
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The confusion Rodrigo felt since Liz said she wanted him to meet someone special increased even more when they entered the house where she lived. "Who are we going to see?" "Wait, but don't worry, not to me," Liz laughed and pulled him up the stairs. "That's what worries me." He stumbled behind her to the second floor where she stopped. Liz turned her to him with a grin. "This was where Anne lives. She was a friend of my grandmother's and she's become something of a surrogate grandmother." "And we're here because...?" Rodrigo insisted. "She has the same element as you, and since you said Tamika couldn't help you..." "Oh, you thought she could give me lessons?" "That was the plan." The grin seemed to stay on her face when she rang Anne's doorbell. It took a while for the door to open, but Anne had the smell of freshly baked cookies on her. Liz hugged the old lady first. "Anne, this is Rodrigo I told you about." "Hello, Rodrigo, come in, we're very busy." A little overwhelmed, it took him a moment to respond to the call. Behind him Liz laughed quietly to herself. He noticed how tidy the small apartment was and hoped that Anne hadn't bothered so much because of visitors. In the living room there were already cookies and tea ready. "Sit down and help yourself," Anne said with a smile. For reasons, he could not explain, Rodrigo liked her immediately. "First of all, I want to thank you for wanting to help me with my magic." Anne looked at him and nodded a little. "My boy, teaching the young generation of mages, that's worth all I have experienced. Especially when there are young mages like you who have had no one to show them what they can do." He frowned and looked first at Liz, who even shrugged her shoulders, and then at Anne. "This happens more often?" "Not like with you. But far too often parents do not find someone who can command the same element as the child, which leads to us having mages whose abilities are underdeveloped." "It somehow makes sense." Something told him she was going to teach him more than he could possibly know at this moment.
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  @captainpenguin-fly​​​​​ @merigreenleaf​​​​​ @adie-dee​​​​​ @petrolstationflowers​​​​​ @mouwwie​​​​​ @writinginslowmotion​​​​​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​​​​​ @nana-writes​​​​​ @viawrites-andacts​​​​​ @bookishdiplodocus​​​​​ @cometworks​​​​​  @elenajohansenauthor​
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 15
We are back with Liz, this time in her teenage years  The prompts were “myth” and “not interested, thank you” for October 15 
Rating G 
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The restlessness grew slowly but surely in Liz as she sat there listening to her father philosophize once again about the importance of the family's mission to carry the Tattoo of the Evening Star to the next generation and protect the magical world. At the age of 15 she felt it was a fairy tale hour with myths invented by her father. Her grandmother had been different and on days like today she missed her very much. "Elisabeth, listen to me when I speak." Her father's eyebrows were drawn back together. A clear sign that he was beginning to get angry. "Not interested, thank you. Besides, I have to go to piano lessons," she explained with a wave to the clock behind him. "What?" Confused, he turned around and she took the chance to leave. She had the feeling that he was getting more and more exhausting with every year. Apart from that, she really had to go to piano lessons. She was on the bus just as her phone was going off. Relieved, she realized that it was Sandra who wanted to know if they wanted to go to the movies this weekend. At least one part of her life was normal. Relaxed, she leaned back and put the headphones in her ears.
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@captainpenguin-fly​ @merigreenleaf​ @adie-dee​ @petrolstationflowers​ @mouwwie​ @writinginslowmotion​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​ @nana-writes​ @viawrites-andacts​ @bookishdiplodocus​ @cometworks​  @elenajohansenauthor​
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 12
It is time for some action! See Rodrigo in action as tattoo bearer wearing the name “Lucifer” in this role.  Liz is Vespera but both don’t know who the other one is as a precaution. Prompts were “Drip” and “Watch Me” for October 12  Rating T just in case. Fighting demons can be spooky. 
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The demons were different this time. Rodrigo couldn't tell what exactly was different, but they were stronger, more agile and seemed to have gained intelligence. A combination that wasn't useful to anyone. He looked over at Vespera. Her eyes glowed in a frenzy. He had seen this glow before when they had to deal with a superior number the other day. His gaze went again to the three demons before him. No matter what Tamika had told him how they came into being, these ones proved it all lies. "Lucifer!" Vespera pushed him aside. Just in time they toppled over. Rodrigo saw the attack rush past her ear. The fight had gone on too long and her sweat was dripping on his clothes. His head was buzzing. He did not yet have complete control over the power of the tattoo, but something told him that he was able to move the scales in their favor. "Thank you. Stay back. I got this." She looked at him with her blue eyes. She didn't need to express the doubt. "You can't do this." "Watch me."
With a confident grin and the strange feeling that he could do it, he stood up and scanned the surroundings. He found a house that was higher than the others and flew over it. With small undirected attacks he lured the demons behind him. If he had calculated the time correctly, he would have exactly the seconds he needed to collect the magic. High up on the house he stood like the world's best target. The demons came towards him and Rodrigo tried to keep his mind from prophesying his death. He couldn't say how he knew the incantation, but instinctively he took the right signs to draw into the air from his memory to enhance his abilities. Vespera made sure that the demons stayed nicely in line and he could catch them all at once. The first demon was only a few meters away when he was done collecting and amplifying and could send out a stronger energy beam. As usual, the demons went up in smoke again. Vespera landed beside him and put her hands on her hips. "That was an unnecessary risk." "But it worked." "How did you know about this technique?" Her anger was brief and got exchanged with curiosity. "I just knew. I have no idea why." She hummed thoughtfully. "I know this. Really annoying in the middle of a fight. As long as it saves our asses, I'm in." He started laughing and looking for the wall behind him to prop up. "You can say that again." She sat down next to him and nudged him with her shoulder. "Next time just say you have a plan." "Don't worry." For a moment they just sat there in silence, happy to have made it through. "Hey, can you show me how to do that?" she suddenly grinned at him. "I can try. I don't know if it works for you." "We'll see."
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@captainpenguin-fly​ @merigreenleaf​ @adie-dee​​ @petrolstationflowers​ @mouwwie​ @writinginslowmotion​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​ @nana-writes​ @viawrites-andacts​ @bookishdiplodocus​ @cometworks​  @elenajohansenauthor​
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 20
We are with 18 years old Liz and Sandra again. Just a cute lil thing about their friendship. Prompts were “Glow” and “Did I ask?” for October 20  Rating T for mentions of sex 
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Liz knew that something was up, just by the way Sandra was glowing. There was this meaningful grin on her best friend's face that clearly said she was going to burst if she couldn't tell why she was in such a good mood. Still Liz ignored it. After the math exam, she was not mentally ready to endure Sandra's good mood. It was also quite funny to see her vibrating with tension, if that was possible at all. They were on their way home and had already done half of it. "I had sex with Laura," Sandra blurted out. "Urgh, did I ask?" "No, that's why I'm saying it." Liz rolled her eyes and stood in front of Sandra, put her hands on her shoulder and looked at her seriously. "Sweetie, I love you so much, but not today. Okay? I'm already in a bad mood." "Don't let math get you down." Sandra took her hands and pushed them back down. "You know I need this crap if I'm going to study? We're graduating next year." Liz had heard the dramatic sigh of Sandra before. This kind of sighing was reserved for when she started talking about studying again that was still far away for Sandra. "Liz, little one, sweetie, my honey pie, I think you just need to get laid." At first, Liz didn't know what to say, but then she started laughing. "Damn it, Sandra, you got ideas." "I mean it." "I know, but I don't think it's gonna solve my math problem." Sandra made a face and looked at Liz with her eyes narrowed. "Maybe you will, when you clear your head." "You're really crazy," Liz continued to laugh and turned to walk further. "Come on, that's why you like me. Crazy together." "And that's why my father hates you." The thought that this conversation alone would give her father a heart attack made Liz's mood much better.
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@captainpenguin-fly​​​​ @merigreenleaf​​​​ @adie-dee​​​​ @petrolstationflowers​​​​ @mouwwie​​​​ @writinginslowmotion​​​​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​​​​ @nana-writes​​​​ @viawrites-andacts​​​​ @bookishdiplodocus​​​​ @cometworks​​​​  @elenajohansenauthor​
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 8
And we are with Liz and Rodrigo today.  The amusement park mentioned in this piece, the Heidepark, is an amusement park in Germany not far from where the story is set.  The prompts were “Festival” and “I am not doing that again” for October 8th Warnings: mentions of height  Rating G
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It was not difficult to guess that Liz was up to something, just as she stood in front of Rodrigo with a suppressed grin and big eyes. He had quickly learned to read it as a sign that she was going to ask him for something. The fact that they were standing in front of an amusement park ride made things worse. "Let's take the drop tower," Liz decided without warning. Rodrigo looked up to see where people were hanging in their seats and were brought back to the ground with jerky falling movements. That didn't look like fun in his world, but apparently it did in Liz's world. "I don't think that's fun." "I don't think you can say that until you've tried it. Why else would we be at the spring faire?" "Because of the festival food?" Liz thought about it for a moment. "That, too. But for the rides. Come on, just once. Please?" He had to confess that she knew how to get him to go along. Who could say no when she looked at you like Bambi? "All right, just once. I'd prefer a roller coaster." "If you want to go on a roller coaster, we have to go to Heidepark. The wooden roller coaster is awesome!" Her enthusiasm for the rides was somewhat contagious, and so Rodrigo found himself a little later excited and tense in one of the seats. The height wasn't the problem, but that he didn't trust the technology was one. All the time he was clinging to the bar in front of him while people were screaming and yelling around him. Liz on the other side was just laughing. Sometimes he really wondered if she wasn't a little crazy. She was still laughing when they were back on solid ground. Rodrigo wanted to fall to the floor and kiss it like the pope. "I won't do that again," he explained in a shaky voice. "Why not? It is funny, isn't it?" "I do not trust it. Too much can go wrong." "Spoilsport. Come on, let's get some cotton candy." Cotton candy got his head up. "I can't remember the last time I had cotton candy." "Then it's time. Even if Liz was crazy, at least it was in a good way.
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pheita · 4 years
NaNo Prep Day 22
Now we will meet a new character: Lillianne, who is a friend of Liz and will be important later on. 
Prompt were “Alone” and “And neither should you” for October 22 
Rating G 
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Nothing had changed in Liz's old school, but on the other hand she had only graduated a year ago. In the crowd she was looking for Lillianne, who would graduate today. Even though they were a year apart in age, Liz and Lillianne had a lot in common, such as singing. No sooner had she thought of that as younger students from the school choir passed her by as if someone wanted to remind her that it was where she met Lillianne. It took Liz a few minutes to find her. As expected, she stood there alone. That was exactly why Liz had come. Unfortunately, it was no surprise that Lillianne's parents did not consider it important to be there today. "Hey Lilly!" Liz had sneaked in from the side. Lillianne turned around and blinked a few times when she saw Liz. "What are you doing here?" she asked in amazement. "I figured I didn't want to be alone on a day like this, so neither should you." Unexpectedly, Lillianne fell around her neck. "Thanks, Liz. That's so sweet of you." "You're welcome, nobody should be alone on a day like this. And afterwards, we'll have dinner." "Are you sure?" The uncertainty in Lillianne's eyes was killing Liz. She wanted to cuddle her right there and then. "That's me. A little partying never hurt anyone.” With that, Liz pushed her friend towards the assembly hall.
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 @captainpenguin-fly​​​​​​ @merigreenleaf​​​​​​ @adie-dee​​​​​​ @petrolstationflowers​​​​​​ @mouwwie​​​​​​ @writinginslowmotion​​​​​​ @chris-the-dragonslayer​​​​​​ @nana-writes​​​​​​ @viawrites-andacts​​​​​​ @bookishdiplodocus​​​​​​ @cometworks​​​​​​  @elenajohansenauthor​
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