#Lloyd Tripp
digyoman · 1 year
as someone only familiar with the tv show and unwilling to read a stephen king book for the crumbs, are there lloyd, flagg, and lloydflagg bits of book lore that the show left out that you'd like the public to know?
absolutely! i’m so glad you asked, because i know a thing or two about lloyd & flagg, and the show really didn’t do them justice. at all. there’s so much about them that the writers got wrong, or just left out entirely, and it haunts me at night. but i have a lot of details about their portrayal in the book committed to memory, and i’ve been dying for a chance to talk about them! so i will happily share my knowledge with the public. :)
but first, i want to point out that the book and the tv show are very different, especially when it comes to las vegas. in the novel, vegas isn’t a glitzy and hedonistic paradise — it’s quite literally the exact opposite of that. in the book’s vegas, rules are strict, work is the main priority, and of course, people are killed for stepping out of line. i’m only bringing this up because it has a major effect on how we’re meant to view lloyd & flagg!
okay. i’m done with my tangent. on to the book lore (under the cut because it’s long af SORRY):
contrary to how he’s portrayed in the show, lloyd is a very brutal criminal. in the first chapter he’s introduced, he gets high out of his mind, kills six people, then shoots up a convenience store. and he does all of this without remorse. :)
the newspapers call him “the baby-faced unrepentant killer” lmao!
he’s supposed to get the death penalty for his crimes; if captain tripps hadn’t swept in, it’s very likely he would’ve been sentenced to the electric chair. he’s both outraged and terrified by this possibility, and his lawyer comes up with a defense story similar to what actually happened in the tv show: he was manipulated into committing murder, and poke threatened to take his life if he didn’t comply. of course, they never get to use this story, because everybody dies before lloyd can go to trial.
during that conversation with his lawyer, he reveals that he’s a sixth-grade dropout. (there’s actually a continuity error with this, because later in the book, king says lloyd quit school after repeating his junior year for the third time. so really, you could say either is true, but i stick with sixth grade because it came first and it’s funnier.)
throughout his time in prison, he faces a lot of physical and verbal abuse from the guards. they insult him, threaten him, spit in his face, and pay other inmates to beat him up. :(
as a result, lloyd develops a very strong grudge against people in authority. he thinks of them all as selfish assholes who use their power to abuse people like him who can’t help themselves. (there’s a lot of irony here, especially when you consider what he allows to happen when he gets a taste of that power in las vegas!) his hate continues to grow as he’s left to rot behind bars, and in his starvation-induced delirium, he comes up with the concept of THE KEY: a symbol of power that allows people in charge to do whatever they want, without getting punished. he stays alive out of spite, determined to one day get revenge on the kind of people who hold THE KEY and take some of that power for himself. this makes the moment when flagg hands him the key to his cell much more impactful, and adds a lot more symbolic weight to the flawed stone he wears around his neck, as well.
something else he spends some time thinking about is the pet rabbit he had as a kid. he had won it at a school auction, somehow, and he convinced his dad to let him keep it on the condition that he would take care of it all on his own. he loved that rabbit more than anything, and he did take care of it. for a little while. but things tended to slip his mind easily, and so he ended up forgetting all about his rabbit. by the time he remembered it, two weeks had gone by, and when he ran to the little shed where he kept it in its cage, he found it had starved to death. its paws were all ragged and bloody, presumably from trying to dig its way out. anyway, as lloyd is thinking about this, he’s absentmindedly trying to unscrew a leg of his cot with his bare fingers, because he’s going crazy and he needs something to do with his hands. there’s blood everywhere. and when he looks at his hands, he can’t help but think of the bloody paws of his long-dead rabbit, left to starve, alone, in a cage. and that’s when the cold reality of his situation starts to sink in. (i’m obsessed with this symbolism it’s so good!!)
his fingertips are forever scarred, after that. even in vegas, he still has the faded marks to remind him of his experience in prison. :’)
when he starts working as flagg’s right-hand man, he becomes a lot more capable. he’s still not very bright, but he’s able to manage things effectively. i’m throwing this detail in here because the show made him into a blundering idiot and i need people to know that he is not!! over the course of the entire story, he transforms from a dumbass criminal into a decently competent guy, and that’s a very important part of his character that the tv show didn’t explore at all. (it also has an impact on his relationship with flagg, but i’ll talk about that later!)
one of his newly discovered skills is that he’s an expert diplomat! he’s had to deal with his fair share of crazy people throughout his life, and that has taught him how to anticipate and de-escalate conflict to protect himself and others from getting hurt. that’s a damn good skill to have, working for a guy like randall flagg. it’s implied that this is the only reason he’s survived for so long.
also, he’s good with kids!! can you believe it!! the former mass murderer is super loved by all the kids in vegas!! in particular, this four year old boy named dinny loves him to death. lloyd always gives him chocolate whenever he sees him and it’s the cutest thing ever. <3
he takes showers. like. all the time. dayna calls it his “cleanliness compulsion.” it’s not talked about much, but it’s heavily implied to be a trauma response from his time in prison. (and the ongoing trauma of las vegas probably doesn’t help.)
even though he gets a lot smarter under flagg’s command, his memory is still fucking awful. so, to avoid the risk of possibly forgetting something important, he carries around this little black notebook called his “memory book” where he keeps track of all the things he has to get done.
one of his main responsibilities in las vegas is to supervise/carry out public executions. he doesn’t like this job, but he gets it done, anyway. and this is so interesting, especially when it’s contrasted with how outraged he was when he was going to get the death penalty, earlier in the book!!
he dies with the most iconic last words ever: “oh shit, we’re all fucked!”
okay. here’s the thing. i don’t actually know a lot about flagg off the top of my head. i spend a lot of time thinking about lloyd (in case you couldn’t tell!) and usually only think about flagg when he factors into my thoughts about lloyd. but, since you asked, i can provide a few details!
flagg’s background is vague, even to him. he says that at some point he just "became.” but he has fleeting memories of being a marine, a klansman, a viet cong member, and having a hand in the kidnapping of patty hearst.
he’s very well-read. his pockets are stuffed with pamphlets on various topics with all different kinds of rhetoric, and he pulls from this broad spectrum of knowledge to sympathize with certain people and convince them to join his side.
he uses fake names all the time. they all have the initials ‘r.f.’
he has a lot of other nicknames, too. the people in vegas are afraid to say his name, so they call him a lot of different things: the dark man, the walkin’ dude, the hardcase, the midnight rambler… the list goes on.
in addition to not wanting to say his name, the people of vegas usually make the sign of the cross, genuflect, or make the sign of the evil eye whenever his name is brought up in conversation, as if to protect themselves.
the last lines of chapter thirty-nine, when they meet in the prison for the first time, are: “lloyd turned and looked into that grinning face with something more than gratitude. he looked at flagg with something like love.” <3
as a whole, lloyd’s relationship with flagg is very complicated. lloyd carries a mixture of reverence and fear when he’s around him — and, when things start to go downhill, he starts to question just how capable flagg really is. HOWEVER, and this is the most important thing: it does not change his loyalty to flagg. not even a little. most people would probably be looking for the fastest way out, if they were in his position, but he doesn’t. he does as he’s told, and puts up with flagg’s crazy evil shenanigans, without even considering the idea of leaving his side.
towards the end of the novel, lloyd actually has a chance to get out; one of his friends tells him he’s thinking of leaving vegas, and asks him to come along, but he says no. and he has this entire monologue where he talks about how grateful he is to flagg, how he feels like flagg changed him — he made him smarter, made him better, and without him, lloyd thinks, he would be nothing. so, he can’t even think of leaving vegas, because he can’t live without him. the new miniseries fucked this up so badly by trying to give him a “redemption arc,” and i’m only slightly (extremely) upset about it!
without a doubt, the most important flagg/lloyd scene happens after glen bateman dies. in the book, that whole confrontation takes place in a prison (!!!) and it’s not being televised, it’s just the three of them, and it’s so much more intense and intimate because of that. in this version, glen mocks flagg right to his face, and flagg gets so enraged that he orders lloyd to kill him. lloyd struggles to do it — not because he’s reluctant to do as flagg asks, but because he’s so physically and mentally drained that he can’t even shoot straight. glen tries to appeal to lloyd’s better nature, but it ultimately ends the same way: with lloyd putting bullet after bullet through him. and when it’s done, flagg gets all gentle and praises lloyd for doing as he was told. and then he coaxes lloyd to renew his promise of unconditional loyalty. the same promise he made in a different jail cell, so many months ago. and lloyd, despite all of his doubts, assures flagg that he is still his “good and faithful servant.” and he always will be.
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newagesispage · 4 months
                                                                          JUNE  2024 
Climax Foods won at the Good Food awards for their vegan cheese but they were disqualified! The rules claimed the product had to be retail ready and could nnot contain kokum butter. PETA ended up giving them an award. Why does Ted Cruz pronounce it, “vagan?” ** Why is Cruz against Biden’s help for airline passengers? 
The Stones are still on tour. They played Jazz fest in NOLA. They sure did justice to Let it Bleed but Out of Time was a bit loooong!! 
Seinfeld’s movie, Unfrosted is not getting the best reviews but I did love what he said on Kimmel. With disdain he said, “I don’t do twitter.” Yes! ** But.. Jerry has finally brought some controversy into his life. Protestors are ruining his gigs and students walked out at Duke U for his commencement address because of his support of Israel. 
Days alert: The character Rita is fucking awesome. I am reminded of Elinor Donahue from earlier Dimera times. EJ needs an assistant who knows the secrets and puts up with no shit! ** Holly really is horrible. OD ing did nothing to help her attitude. ** Bring Jen Lilley back!! ** I couldn’t be more thrilled about Diedre Hall and Christopher Lloyd’s successful turn on Hacks!!!!! ** Hooray.. Lucas is back on the scene! More Please!! ** I miss Wendy and Tripp!! ** The gang is meeting up in Montana. Do we have a summer adventure?? Just don’t kill off Clyde.  
Protesters attempted to storm the Berlin Tesla factory. ** Neurolink’s first brain chip has malfunctioned. 
So loved Jodie Whittaker but also hooray for Ncuti Gatwa of Dr. Who!!!!!! 
Joe Manchin has registered as an independent. 
The French Open put an alcohol ban in place. 
Giuliani thought he was so funny when he taunted those trying to serve him a warrant. It was the last day and he teased on his podcast that they could not find him. This made it easy to find him and the warrant was served. 
Judge Judy has sued the National Enquirer and In Touch magazine. 
Riley Keough and Elvis Presley Enterprises had to put a halt to a company called Naussany Investments and their attempt to auction off Graceland. Word is they had fraudulent paperwork that claimed Lisa Marie had taken out a loan and never repaid it. This company will probably be shunned, Elvis fans don’t fucking kid around. 
Vermont is the first state to require oil companies to pay for damage from climate change. 
Israel shut down an Ap news feed in Gaza. They later said they would return the equipment. ***** 
Ricky Stenhouse Jr. Was fined $75,000 by Nascar for a brawl with Kyle Busch. Busch knocked him out in the 2nd lap of the race. Stenhouse waited the race out to confront Busch. Stenhouse Sr. and 2 other teammates were also punished. Most think the $75,000 fine was too much. ** Christopher Bell won the Coca Cola 600. ** Stewart Haas racing will fold after this season. 
Watched a couple of Apple’s newer offerings. Sugar, with James Cromwell and Colin Farrel gave us that film noir vibe and held surprises. And Cromwell was lookin’ fine as hell!!!!Palm Royale took a bit for me to get into but once Mindy Cohn and Julia Duffy got going, forget it, I was hooked. Hooray for Carol Burnett and the cliffhanger that makes me suddenly very excited for this show to come back!! 
In Virginia, Stonewall Jackson high’s name was changed to Mountain View and Ashby-Lee was changed to Honey Run elementary. Locals have now voted to change them back. I guess they can’t celebrate their traitors enough. 
On her 18th birthday, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has filed to drop the ‘Pitt’ from her name. Other siblings have dropped the ‘Pitt’ as well. 
An appeals court has upheld Steve Bannon’s conviction. 
An investigation is looking into Matthew Perry’s death. 
Camryn Manheim has left Law and Order. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! No Sam? No Camryn? Ok.. Tony Goldwyn makes sense to replace Waterston but Manheim was my favorite part of the new L&O. We were just beginning to learn her character’s story. She was perfect!!!!! Also.. NBC boneheads have moved Organized Crime to Peacock. Way to ruin a perfect line-up! 
I am so happy for Cole Escola and his Broadway triumph with Oh Mary! 
Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. -Robert Kennedy 
Daily weed use has surpassed the daily use of alcohol. 
Uvalde shooting victims families have a $2mil settlement with the city. They are now getting ready to file lawsuits against dozens of Texas department of public safety officers and the school district. 
Louisianna has approved a bill to classify abortion pills as a controlled substance. 
The U.S. has sued Live Nation to break up the Ticketmaster monopoly. 
Kristi Noem has now been banned from ALL tribal lands in her state of South Dakota. 
Carlo Acutis died in 2006 and is now on track to become the youngest saint. 
Farm Family Foods is opening a farm to table grocery in Benson, Il and hoping to expand. Small towns are slowly losing their grocery stores. Some are left with Dollar stores, convenient stores or nothing. Good luck!!! 
So.. Harrison Butker, who I had never heard of, seems like a real pig. The Kansas City Chief seems completely unaware that he does not live in1824. He attacked pride month, the transgender community and working women. His commencement speech at the Benedictine college has been poo poo’d by nearly everyone including the college itself and especially the Benedictine sisters. They released a statement: The Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college don’t believe this represents what the founders envisioned. Instead of promoting unity, his comments seem to foster division. One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people including many women whom we have taught and influenced over the past 160 years.** The NFL has also spoke up to let us know these are not their views.** The only people afraid of a strong, financially independent and successful female, is men like this. And the only reason they are afraid is because it diminishes their power and their control. -Celeste Yvonne 
The International Court is requesting the arrest of Hamas leader Sinwar and Benjamin Netanyahu. Yes! ** What happened is not genocide. We reject that. -Joe Biden 
Get ready for a new Downton Abbey film with Paul Giamatti!!!! 
In Kansas, Ricky Alderete went to court for a stolen Jackie Robinson statue taken to scrap the metal. The community raised money to replace it but now MLB has replaced it. 
Frankie Valli and the four seasons got a star on the Hollywood Walk of fame. 
Roger Daltrey is working on a biopic of Keith Moon. 
Jordan Klepper has really been on fire lately. So you think you can Pence?  
The Arizona Senate repealed the 1864 abortion ban. 
Mystik Dan won the Kentucky Derby. 
On his visit to Biden : “The most legislatively successful President in my lifetime”. -Mark Hamill 
Trump only seems to pay attention in court when they are looking at clips of Trump .** Why do we have to hear about the gas and his general odor? ** I can see why the man looks up to President Jackson because this sounds familiar. “He assumed upon himself authority and power not conferred by the constitution and laws, but in derogation of both.” - Andrew Jackson’s Senate censure which was removed 3 years later. ** Does Fox news know how a trial works? They sure want special treatment for their boy. They kept up the mantra: “Is this America?” Yes, the process is working. Duh?!  ** Rod Blagojevich endorsed Trump. A bunch of the minions put on their red ties and showed up at the trial. J.D. Vance who once called out Trump is now one of the biggest VP wannabes. Is he a psychopath or did he also drink the flavor-aid? ** It seems that this is what it all comes down to. So many people think they can do any fucking thing they want with no consequences. Was he more influenced by Nietzsche or Cohn? ** As the defense began, witness Robert Costello was a smart ass to the judge and the courtroom was cleared. There is no respect for anyone. Trump vowed to testify but he did not. ** Eric was there every day and Don Jr. Showed up on the final day of testimony. On May 30, Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts. He will be sentenced in July. I know we’re all glad that he is starting to pay for his sins but we can’t drop the ball now. November is coming. **“I’m a very innocent man.” -Scary Clown 45/34. The trump trial is done and the Hunter Biden trial begins. ** Chad Daybell was also found guilty May 30, a great day for justice. 
Now that Trump has been found guilty, his cult members are angry. They do not seem to want to face reality. Why is violence always their answer? ** Justice has been served. Donald Trump is a racist, a homophobe, a grifter and a threat to this country. He can now add 1 more title to his list- a felon. - JB Pritzker ** People keep saying, “How can he run for President when he can’t even vote?” I do not understand this because from what I can tell, When a Florida resident is convicted, the state defers to the state the conviction came from. In NY, he CAN vote IF he is not incarcerated. But, I mean it’s time.. Lock him up. ** Social media went crazy with pics of Hillary outside the jail cell and gold Trump sneakers with ankle monitors. ** I wonder how many people in here have cars? - Trump 
Colbert called Trump’s campaign The complaining for Applause tour. ** DC Weekly is a publication out of Russia. It is said to be widely read by republicans. The paper loves to call the Truth Social crowd, “useful idiots.” When I hear Trump trying to make sense of what they, “believe,” It seems like wrestling with dementia. ** I nearly escaped death. - Trump ** I often think that the left gets so perplexed by some of the right is that this country should have progressed so much more by now. People should be much more educated now and with more knowledge there should be less racism and differences to fight over. There should be some common ideas we agree on but ignorance keeps that from happening. It is like the old slavers and successionists have just begat Trumpers. 
Truth Social lost $328 mil. ** So what is it? Is Biden a mastermind or is he a dottering old fool?  Trump claims both. ** Trump issued a cease and desist for the Trump movie that premiered at Cannes. Of course he did. The man lives for court! It will be great publicity. ** This is my country. This guy wants to destroy it. -Robert DeNiro 
Queer Planet sounds interesting!! 
Night Court was renewed for season 3. ** Hacks was renewed for season 4!! 
Randy Travis with the use of some A.I. has new music with More life!!  And he still looks great! 
The Black Keys and J Lo have cancelled their 2024 tours. 
CBS is bringing Hollywood Squares back AGAIN! 
Thanks to Holly and Beekeeper Mel for restoring my faith in nice people. 
Jennifer Aniston is producing a reimagining of 9 to 5. 
New research shows that part of the River Nile was right near most of the pyramids at the time of construction. This would make transport so much easier. This answers one of the big questions. 
The Pace Program in Illinois is a new all -inclusive care for the elderly. The program, which should be available in June, will simplify access to services and prevent fragmented care. The elderly should be able to stay in their homes longer and things should be more streamlined. I sure hope this works because it can be a mess to get started in the system. 
David DePape who was found guilty of attempting to kidnap Paul Pelosi and was given 30 years. 
Every Rainbow Fades. 
El Califade Leon in Mexico City is the first taco stand to ever get a Michelin star. 
Richard Blumenthal informed us that Justice Alito had a ‘stop the steal’ sign at his house. He flew an upside- down flag outside his house in January along with other pro Trumpers to show support. Alito claims it was his wife (just like Menedez), retaliating against the Pro Biden neighbors. This is not the only flag that they flew. Other property flew the appeal to heaven flag. Dick Durbin has asked him to recuse himself from the Jan. 6 cases. He refuses! Pretty fucking unpatriotic Mr. Alito!! It figures that you would have no respect for our flag. ** Hey.. Thomas! Alito! Resign!! 
It turns out that RFK Jr. has a lifeless worm in his brain. A past divorce claimed he couldn’t earn much for the ex because of memory loss etc. from worm and mercury poisoning. Kevin Spacey and Rob Schneider have endorsed him. So... Candidates in their 80’s or in their 70’s with worm? What? ** RFK Jr. Says that he opposes gender affirming care and hormone therapy for minors. So.. Do you want the government in your life or not?? 
Joe Biden is holding back some weapons to Israel just as Reagan and Bush did before him. ** The State Department gave $275 mil in aid to Ukraine. ** Oreos are being made again in Ukraine after the factory was repaired. 
Biden and Trump claim they will debate on June 27 and Sept. 10. 
Giuliani says that he is a pauper and can’t pay his legal bills. Why are these greedy fucks still free? 
The Green Goblin (MTG) is at it again as she tries to belittle others. The house got heated and in retaliation, she was called a blonde bad built butch body. 
The Florida Republicans wanted Barron Trump to be at the convention this year since he is 18. The Republican convention will be held in Milwaukee July 15-18. Scary Clown 45 gave his blessing but Melania’s camp said, “no.” Apparently, he has prior commitments. ** Mike Johnson and other court jesters showed up dressed like Trump to support him in court. Talk about showboating! ** Jeff Sessions was back in the news when Michael Cohen testified about trying to quash investigations into campaign contributions. ** Cohen was stealing from the Trump organization. Cohen still lives in a Trump building. What? 
Cannes brought controversy this year. Francis Ford Coppola with Megalopolis and Kevin Costner with Horizon have bet their own $ on their epics. Other films include The Apprentice, about a younger Trump that stars Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn. The film is having trouble finding a distributor. Bird and The Substance are getting lots of buzz! There is also Kinds of Kindness and All we Imagine as light. Meryl Streep and George Lucas received honorary awards. There are rumors that the French media would release a list of alleged abusive actors and directors. ** Black Dog won the Un Certain Regard, Anora won the Pale d’Or, the women of Emilia Perez won best actress and Jesse Plemons took best actor. Best screenplay went to the Substance. 
Red Lobster has filed for bankruptcy and closed dozens of stores. Everybody blames the endless shrimp. I am telling you, it’s the biscuits. Switching to using frozen and not fresh makes all the difference. Besides, middle of the road eateries are falling away. 
There was a Tom Brady roast. With tempers the way they are, it might be best to put those to bed for a while.  
The Conners will end after a shortened season 7. 
Turkey has halted trade with Israel. 
Camryn Manheim will leave Law and Order. NOOOOOO! She is the best thing there. Goldwyn is good but no Sam and no Camryn? Bummer. 
Now that Barry is done, A Gene Cousineau film from prison would be great. 
If my uterus shot bullets, would you stop regulating it?? 
The late- night hosts make fun of local news that all repeat the same lines. The latest was,” I can’t believe it’s May1st.” I grew up with the people who said this stuff all the time. This generic dialogue really works for those people. I have never really understood those who say the same things every year, are surprised when the first snow comes or wonder at how it gets dark so early. These things should no longer be a surprise to adults! 
Kristi Noem seems to have gone down for killing animals. I guess there is a limit! ** Her book was changed before it even came out. She talked of meeting Kim Jong Un but she didn’t and won’t admit it but took it out of the book? What other lies are in there?  
Millie Bobby Brown married Jake Bongiovi. 
Natasha Lyonne will join the Fantastic Four. 
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot. 
Sexual assault news: Liam Neeson and others are starting to stick up for Kevin Spacey so he may come back. ** David C. Field has a new batch of allegations by 16 women. He has been accused of sexual abuse, lewd conduct, groping, drugging and rape. ** Video was released of Sean Combs beating and kicking Cassie Ventura. Big surprise.. Another lying abuser! ** Writer, producer Eric Weinberg has been charged with 28 counts of rape and sexual battery. 
The Met Gala came. The garden theme brought such interesting looks. Mindy Kaling and Demi Moore had such structure.  J Lo showed it all and Cardi B needed 10 men. My favorites were Zendaya, Bad Bunny, Gigi Hadid, La La Anthony, Nicole Kidman, Lana Del Ray, Ayo Edebiri, Usher, Lily James, Cole Escola, Kieran Culkin, Jazz Charton, Sydney Sweeney, Michelle Williams, Meg Ryan, Daniel Levy, Cynthia Erivo, Odell Beckham, Josh O’Conner and Sarah Paulson. Greta Gerwig looked so uncomfortable. Tyla was in sand!  
Russia is apparently using North Korean weapons and Cuban soldiers to kill Ukrainians. 
Knives Out 3 with Daniel Craig is in the works. 
I want some Bob Schieffer art!!!!!! 
R.I.P. Duane Eddy, Taji the giraffe, Richard Tandy, Susan Backlinie, Darius Morris, Edgar Lansbury, Bernard Hill, Daniel Kramer, Andrew Davis, Susan Buckner, Sam Rubin, Bob Ellison, Rudy Moreno, Jim Simons, victims of the Houston storms, Gayle McKinney- Griffin, Pete McCoskey, Ian Gelder, Alice Stewart, Jon Wysocki, Bill Walton, Sam Butcher, Richard Foronjy, Iowa tornado victims, Chester, Pa. Shooting victims, war victims, Richard Sherman, Johnny Wactor, Memorial Day storm victims, Mexico election victims, Morgan Spurlock, Darryl Hickman, Haiti missionaries, Alice Munroe, Charlie Colin, Caleb Carr, President Raisi, Hossein Amirabdollahian, Jeannie Epper, landslide victims, Grayson Murray, Gujarat fire victims, Mark Damon, Dabney Coleman and Roger Corman. 
0 notes
kwebtv · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
From the Golden Age of Television
The Nativity of the Child Jesus  -  CBS  - December 22, 1952
Religious Drama
Running Time:  60 minutes
A Presentation of Westinghouse Studio One
The Robert Shaw Chorale
Paul Tripp as Joseph
Miriam Wolfe as the Virgin Mary
Thomas Chalmers as King Herod
Lloyd Bochner - Magi
Hurd Hatfield as Narrator
An adaptation of the 14th and 15th century English Miracle Plays with dialogue in Elizabethan English. 
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flydeltajets · 2 years
ok last post b4 i go do smth else
hi! ok so i just wanted to jot down some of the ocs i most frequently talk about
airline ocs nicholas collett sykes - delta airlines aldrich lloyd cyrus smith - american airlines louis (no full name yet) - united airlines diedrich (no full name yet either) - boeing vincent willem plesman - KLM shin sook-ja - korean air yu “freida” jinghua - cathay pacific dietmar pitcairn - eastern air lines henrietta clemence wendell - trans world airways alexandra quesada - federal aviation administration diana tripp - pan american world airways ashlyn (no full name yet) - virgin atlantic philippe (no full name yet) - air france
cruise ocs stefan wilhelmsen - royal caribbean international nomiki chandris - celebrity cruises astraea chandris - azamara club cruises casimir lichtenberg - serenade of the seas cordelia lichtenberg - jewel of the seas raelyn lichtenberg - radiance of the seas chen zhihao - quantum of the seas chen guiqing - ovation of the seas chen ming-hui - spectrum of the seas harmony bellamy - harmony of the seas fredrick (no full name yet) - oasis of the seas harald (no last name yet) - majesty of the seas (now majesty of the oceans) sarah (no last name yet) - empress of the seas (now empress) ingunn prima skaugen/strand - song of norway (rip) håkon wilhelmsen/strand - nordic prince (rip x2) kjerstin raphael vasa - logos hope (really neat ship u should check it out)
unrelated/human ocs willow “blue” mccarran - MH-60R and F/A-18E pilot for the US navy alexis sylvia stanton - blue’s cousin who’s in the army wilson moore - everyone calls him ceiling fan, don’t ask why andrew “andy” sullivan - commanding officer of the USCGC steadfast takahashi machiko - commanding officer of the USCGC polar sea annalise “anna” sullivan - andy’s twin sister and CO of the USCGC healy isaac “kabob” alonso - E-2D pilot and head of carrier air wing 11 (CVW-11) leslie hannaford - gunner’s mate on the USCGC steadfast caroline (no full name yet) - shooter onboard the USS theodore roosevelt holly janssen - head medic person on the USS theodore roosevelt viktorija “fountain” petrauskas - blue’s co-pilot and bff 4 lyfe cameron “cam” moore - wilson’s older sibling and USCG recruiter ioanna culianu - MH-65 dolphin pilot for the US coast guard liang “jackson” guiying - iykyk sanicas - mystical bird like creature that travels between worlds bhinnehawk - sanicas’s brother (literally that “i hope i dont have to fight my evil self” meme LMAO) emberly - dimension hopper (+ former pokemon trainer?? idk man) sadira - emberly’s sister chad - just chad. malcolm/mikhail/augustus - exists almost exclusively within my genshin au lore yes, i have quite a few military ocs. yes, i am very critical of the us military and i hate it as much as the next person with a lick of common sense. we exist.
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randomlyrandoms · 4 years
Celebrity Deaths 2020
JANUARY Lexii Alijai - Jan. 1 (Rapper) Nick Gordon - Jan. 1 (Reality Star) Carlos De Leon - Jan. 1 (Boxer) Don Larsen - Jan. 1 (Baseball Player) Sam Wyche - Jan. 2 (Football Coach) John Baldessari - Jan. 2 (Conceptual Artist) Derek Acorah - Jan. 3 (TV Show Host) Gene Reynolds - Jan. 3 (Director) Andrea Arruti - Jan. 3 (Voice Actress) Walter Learning - Jan. 5 (Director) Ria Irawan - Jan. 6 (Movie Actress) Neil Peart - Jan. 7 (Drummer) Silvio Horta - Jan. 7 (Screenwriter) Elizabeth Wurtzel - Jan. 7 (Novelist) Harry Hains - Jan. 7 (TV Actor) *Edd Byrnes - Jan. 8 (TV Actor) Buck Henry - Jan. 8 (Screenwriter) Maxie - Jan. 8 (YouTube Star) Alexis Eddy - Jan. 9 (Reality Star) Brian James - Jan. 10 (Rugby Player) Stan Kirsch - Jan. 11 (TV Actor) La Parka - Jan. 12 (Wrestler) Rocky Johnson - Jan. 15 (Wrestler) *Dwayne Johnson's Dad* Christopher Tolkien - Jan. 16 (Novelist) David Olney - Jan. 18 (Folk Singer) Bubby Jones - Jan. 18 (Race Car Driver) Joe Shishido - Jan. 18 (Movie Actor) Jimmy Heath - Jan. 19 (Saxophonist) Terry Jones - Jan. 21 (Comedian) Jim Lehrer - Jan. 2(Journalist) Gudrun Pausewang - Jan. 23 (Young Adult Author) Jim Lehrer - Jan. 23 (Journalist) Clayton Christensen - Jan. 23 (Non-Fiction Author) Sean Reinert - Jan. 24 (Drummer) Rob Rensenbrink - Jan. 24 (Soccer Player) **Kobe Bryant - Jan. 26 (Basketball Player) *Gianna Bryant - Jan. 26 (Family Member) *Kobe's Daughter* Bob Shane - Jan. 26 (Rock Singer) John Altobelli - Jan. 26 (Baseball Manager) Keri Altobelli - Jan. 26 (Family Member) Jack Burns - Jan. 27 (Comedian) Harriet Frank Jr. - Jan. 28 (Screenwriter) Nicholas Parsons - Jan. 28 (TV Show Host) Tofig Gasimov - Jan. 29 (Politician) John Andretti - Jan. 30 (Race Car Driver) Fred Silverman - Jan. 30 (TV Producer) Mary Higgins Clark - Jan. 31 (Novelist) Anne Cox Chambers - Jan. 31 (Entrepreneur) 
FEBRUARY Gene Reynolds - Feb. 3 (Director) Nadia Lutfi - Feb. 4 (Movie Actress) Kamau Brathwaite - Feb. 4 (Poet) Kirk Douglas - Feb. 5 (Movie Actor) Beverly Pepper - Feb. 5 (Sculptor) *Raphael Coleman - Feb. 6 (Movie Actor) Jhon Jairo Velásquez - Feb. 6 (Criminal) Orson Bean - Feb. 7 (Movie Actor) Paula Kelly - Feb. 8 (Stage Actress) Robert Conrad - Feb. 8 (TV Actor) Qing Han - Feb. 8 (Illustrator) Keelin Shanley - Feb. 8 (Journalist) Mirella Freni - Feb. 9 (Opera Singer) Abam Bocey - Feb. 10 (Comedian) Lyle Mays - Feb. 10 (Planist) Louis-Edmond Hamelin - Feb. 11 (Non-Fiction Author) Jamie Gilson - Feb. 11 (Children's Author) Hamish Milne - Feb. 12 (Pianist) Jimmy Thunder - Feb. 13 (Boxer) Lynn Cohen - Feb. 14 (Movie Actress) Esther Scott - Feb. 14 (Voice Actress) John Shrapnel - Feb. 14 (Movie Actor) Caroline Flack - Feb. 15 (TV Show Host) Amie Harwick - Feb. 15 (Doctor) Vatroslav Mimica - Feb. 15 (Director) Jason Davis - Feb. 16 (Voice Actor) Zoe Caldwell - Feb. 16 (Stage Actress) Tony Fernandez - Feb. 16 (Baseball Player) Frances Cuka - Feb. 16 (TV Actress) Harry Gregg - Feb. 16 (Soccer Player) Ja'net Dubois - Feb. 17 (TV Actress) Owen Bieber - Feb. 17 (Activist) Charles Portis - Feb. 17 (Novelist) Lindsey Lagestee - Feb. 18 (Country Singer) Ashraf Sinclair - Feb. 18 (Movie Actor) Pop Smoke - Feb. 19 (Rapper) Jose Mojica Marins - Feb. 19 (Director) Gust Graas - Feb. 19 (Painter) Lisel Mueller - Feb. 21 (Poet) Tao Porchon-Lynch - Feb. 21 (Fitness Instructor) Katherine Johnson - Feb. 24 (Mathematician) Clive Cussler - Feb. 24 (Oceanographer) David Roback - Feb. 24 (Guitarist) Ben Cooper - Feb. 24 (Movie Actor) Mario Bunge - Feb. 24 (Philosopher) Jahn Teigen - Feb. 24 (Pop Singer) Dieter Laser - Feb. 29 (Movie Actor)
MARCH Jack Welch - March 1 (Entrepreneur) James Lipton - March 2 (TV Producer) Roscoe Born - March 3 (Soap Opera Actor) Nicholas Tucci - March 3 (Movie Actor) Roscoe Born - March 3 (Soap Opera Actor) Javier Perez De Cuellar - March 4 (Politician) Marnie the Dog  - March 5 (Dog) Danny Tidwell - March 6 (Dancer) McCoy Tyner - March 6 (Pianist) Henri Richard - March 6 (Hockey Player) Mart Crowley - March 7 (Playwright) Max Von Sydow - March 8 (Movie Actor) **Cookie Pansino - March 8 (Dog) Josie Harris - March 9 (Reality Star) Lorenzo Brino - March 9 (TV Actor) Eric Taylor - March 9 (Country Singer) Beba Selimovic - March 10 (Folk Singer) Josie Harris - March 10 (Reality Star) Michel Roux - March 11 (Chef) Charles Wuorinen - March 11 (Composer) Genesis P-Orridge - March 14 (Rock Singer) Roy Hudd - March 15 (Comedian) Wolf Kahn - March 15 (Painter) Stuart Whitman - March 16 (TV Actor) Roger Mayweather - March 17 (Boxer) Lyle Waggoner - March 17 (TV Actor) Alfred Worden - March 18 (Astronaut) Peter Whittingham - March 19 (Soccer Player) Kenny Rogers - March 20 (Country Singer) Pradip Kumar Banerjee - March 20 (Soccer Player) Mike Longo - March 21 (Pianist) Sol Kerzner - March 21 (Entrepreneur) Carmen De Mairena - March 22 (TV Actress) Serena Liu - March 22 (TV Actress) Stuart Gordon - March 24 (Screenwriter) Terrence McNally - March 24 (Playwright) Manu Dibango - March 24 (Saxophonist) Bill Rieflin - March 24 (Drummer) Floyd Cardoz - March 25 (Chef) Fred "Curly" Neal - March 26 (Basketball Player) Jimmy Wynn - March 26 (Baseball Player) Mark Blum - March 26 (Movie Actor) John Callahan - March 28 (Soap Opera Actor) Jan Howard - March 28 (Country Singer) Tom Coburn - March 28 (Politician) Linda Roper - March 28 (TikTok Star) Alan Merrill - March 29 (Rock Singer) Joe Diffie - March 29 (Country Singer) Krzysztof Penderecki - March 29 (Composer) Bill Withers - March 30 (Soul Singer) Tomie dePaola - March 30 (Children's Author) Andrew Jack - March 31 (Voice Actor) Smokinhottballz - March 31 (TikTok Star) Wallace Roney - March 31 (Trumpet Player)
APRIL Bucky Pizzarelli - April 1 (Guitarist) Ellis Marsalis Jr. - April 1 (Piantist) Adam Schlesinger - April 1 (Bassist) Eddie Large - April 2 (Comedian) Logan Williams - April 2 (TV Actor) Tom Dempsey - April 4 (Football Player) Shirley Douglas - April 5 (TV Actress) Honor Blackman - April 5 (Movie Actress) James Drury - April 6 (Movie Actor) Mac P Dawg - April 6 (Rapper) Earl G. Graves Sr. - April 6 (Entrepreneur) Al Kaline - April 6 (Baseball Player) Ital Samson - April 6 (Rapper) John Prine - April 7 (Country Singer) Hal Willner - April 7 (Music Producer) Allen Garfield - April 7 (Movie Actor) Mort Drucker - April 8 (Cartoonist) Chynna Rogers - April 8 (Rapper) Linda Tripp - April 8 (Politician) Glenn Fredly - April 8 (R&B Singer) Tarvaris Jackson - April 12 (Football Player) Tim Brooke-Taylor - April 12 (Comedian) Stirling Moss - April 12 (Race Car Driver) Luminor - April 12 (Rock Singer) Rick May - April 13 (Voice Actor) Brian Dennehy - April 15 (Stage Actor) Lee Konitz - April 15 (Saxophonist) Adam Alsing - April 15 (TV Show Host) Henry Grimes - April 15 (Bassist) Howard Finkel - April 16 (Sportscaster) Steve Cash - April 16 (YouTube Star) Jane Dee Hull - April 16 (Politician) Norman Hunter - April 17 (Soccer Player) Peter Beard - April 19 (Photographer) Tom Lester - April 20 (TV Actor) Derek Jones - April 21 (Guitarist) Jerry Bishop - April 21 (Radio Host) Laisenia Qarase - April 21 (Politician) Shirley Knight - April 22 (Movie Actress) Fred the Godson - April 23 (Rapper) Jace Prescott - April 23 (Family Member) *Dak Prescott's Brother* Harold Reid - April 24 (Country Singer) Per Olov Enquist - April 25 (Playwright) Aarón Hernán - April 26 (Soap Opera Actor) Ashley Ross - April 27 (Reality Star) Troy Sneed - April 27 (Gospel Singer) Nur Yerlitas - April 27 (Fashion Designer) Eavan Boland - April 27 (Poet) Mark Beech - April 27 (Non-Fiction Author) Jill Gascoine - April 28 (TV Actress) Yahya Hassan - April 29 (Poet) Irrfan Khan - April 29 (Movie Actor) Sam Lloyd - April 30 (TV Actor) Rishi Kapoor - April 30 (Movie Actor) Chuni Goswami - April 30 (Cricket Player)
MAY Matt Keough - May 1 (Baseball Player) Cady Groves - May 2 (Country Singer) Erwin Prasetya - May 2 (Bassist) Dave Greenfield - May 3 (Pianist) Don Shula - May 4 (Football Coach) Michael McClure - May 4 (Poet) Millie Small - May 5 (World Music Singer) Didi Kempot - May 5 (Pop Singer) Brian Howe - May 6 (Rock Singer) Florian Schneider - May 6 (Flute Player) Ben Chijioke - May 7 (Rapper) Andre Harrell - May 7 (Entrepreneur) *Roy Horn - May 8 (Magician) Percy Inglis - May 8 (Facebook Star) **Little Richard - May 9 (Rock Singer) Kristina Lugn - May 9 (Poet) **Corey La Barrie - May 10 (YouTube Star) Nick Blixky - May 10 (Rapper) Betty Wright - May 10 (R&B Singer) Jerry Stiller - May 11 (Movie Actor) Hutton Gibson - May 11 (Family Member) *Mel Gibson's Father* Michel Piccoli - May 12 (Movie Actor) *Gregory Tyree Boyce - May 13 (Movie Actor) Beckett Cypher - May 13 (Family Member) *Melissa Etheridge's Son* Rolf Hochhuth - May 13 (Playwright) Phyllis George - May 14 (Sportscaster) Fred Willard - May 15 (Movie Actor) Jorge Santana - May 15 (Guitarist) Lynn Shelton - May 15 (Screenwriter) El Chino Antrax - May 16 (Criminal) Shad Gaspard - May 17 (Wrestler) Ken Osmond - May 18 (TV Actor) Ravi Zacharias - May 19 (Religious Leader) Hagen Mills - May 19 (TV Actor) Jerry Sloan - May 22 (Basketball Coach) Mory Kante - May 22 (World Music Singer) Zara Abid - May 22 (Model) Eddie Sutton - May 23 (Basketball Coach) Hana Kimura - May 23 (Wrestler) Mota Jr - May 23 (Rapper) Jimmy Cobb - May 24 (Drummer) Anthony James - May 26 (TV Actor) Richard Herd - May 26 (TV Actor) Stanley Ho - May 26 (Entrepreneur) Larry Kramer - May 27 (Screenwriter) Houdini - May 27 (Rapper) Sam Johnson - May 27 (Politician) Bob Kulick - May 29 (Guitarist) Hassan Hosny - May 30 (Movie Actor) Blake Fly - May 30 (Instagram Star) Christo - May 31 (Painter)
JUNE Joey Image - June 1 (Drummer) Kailum O'Connor - June 1 (Snapchat Star) Chris Trousdale - June 2 (Pop Singer) Wes Unseld - June 2 (Basketball Player) Héctor Suárez - June 2 (Movie Actor) Mary Pat Gleason - June 2 (TV Actress) Bruce Jay Friedman - June 3 (Novelist) Steve Priest - June 4 (Bassist) Ybc Bam - June 4 (TikTok Star) Basu Chatterjee - June 4 (Director) Reche Caldwell - June 6 (Football Player) Chirru Sarja - June 7 (Movie Actor) Bonnie Pointer - June 8 (Rock Singer) Pierre Nkurunziza - June 8 (Politician) Ain Kaalep - June 9 (Poet) Paul Chapman - June 9 (Guitarist) Pau Donés - June 9 (Pop Singer) Jas Waters - June 9 (Screenwriter) George Canseco - June 12 (TikTok Star) Grandma Daisy - June 13 (Instagram Star) Sabiha Khanum - June 13 (Movie Actress) Sushant Singh Rajput - June 14 (Movie Actor) Yohan - June 16 (Pop Singer) Charles Webb - June 16 (Novelist) Eden Pastora - June 16 (Politician) Vera Lynn - June 18 (Pop Singer) John Bredenkamp - June 18 (Entrepreneur) Ian Holm - June 19 (Movie Actor) Tray Savage - June 19 (Rapper) Carlos Ruiz Zafon - June 19 (Young Adult Author) Pedro Lima - June 20 (Soap Opera Actor) Jim Kiick - June 20 (Football Player) Nastya Tropicelle - June 21 (YouTube Star) Steve Bing - June 22 (Film Producer) Joel Schumacher - June 22 (Director) Siya Kakkar - June 24 (TikTok Star) Huey - June 25 (Rapper) Kelly Asbury - June 26 (Director) Ramon Revilla Sr. - June 26 (Movie Actor) Linda Cristal - June 27 (Movie Actress) Pete Carr - June 27 (Guitarist) Rudolfo Anaya - June 28 (Novelist) Carl Reiner - June 29 (TV Actor) Johnny Mandel - June 29 (Composer) Benny Nardones - June 29 (Pop Singer) Young Curt - June 29 (Rapper) Willie Wright - June 29 (Soul Singer) Ida Haendel - June 30 (Violinist)
JULY Hugh Downs - July 1 (TV Show Host) Reckful - July 2 (Twitch Star) Earl Cameron - July 3 (Movie Actor) Saroj Khan - July 3 (Dancer) Sebastián Athié - July 4 (TV Actor) Bhakti Charu Swami - July 4 (Religious Leader) Nick Cordero - July 5 (Stage Actor) Charlie Daniels - July 6 (Country Singer) Ennio Morricone - July 6 (Composer) **Naya Rivera - July 8 (TV Actress) Flossie Wong-Staal - July 8 (Biologist) Jack Charlton - July 10 (Socccer Player) Morris Cerullo - July 10 (Religious Leader) Marlo - July 11 (Rapper) Nicole Thea - July 11 (Dancer) **Kelly Preston - July 12 (Movie Actress) Joanna Cole - July 12 (Children's Author) Benjamin Keough - July 12 (Family Member) *Elvis Presley's Grandson* Grant Imahara - July 13 (Reality Star) Zindzi Mandela - July 13 (Politician) Galyn Gorg - July 14 (TV Actress) John Lewis - July 17 (Politician) Zizi Jeanmaire - July 17 (Dancer) Miura Haruma - July 18 (TV Actor) El Dany - July 18 (Rapper) Kansai Yamamoto - July 21 (Fashion Designer) Demitra Roche - July 22 (Reality Star) *Regis Philbin - July 24 (TV Show Host) John Saxon - July 25 (Movie Actor) Peter Green - 25 (Guitarist) Olivia De Havilland - July 26 (Movie Actress) Malik B - July 29 (Rapper) Herman Cain - July 30 (Politician) Karen Berg - July 30 (Self-Help Author) Alan Parker - July 31 (Director)
AUGUST Wilford Brimley - Aug. 1 (TV Actor) Ryan Breaux - Aug. 2 (Family Member) *Frank Ocean's Brother* Leon Fleisher - Aug. 2 (Pianist) John Hume - Aug. 3 (Politician) Dick Goddard - Aug. 4 (TV Show Host) FBG Duck - Aug. 4 (Rapper) Horace Clarke Aug. 5 (Baseball Player) Isidora Bjelica - Aug. 5 (Playwright) James Drury - Aug. 6 (Movie Actor) Kurt Luedtke - Aug. 9 (Screenwriter) Tetsuya Watari - Aug. 10 (Movie Actor) Trini Lopez - Aug. 11 (World Music Singer) Ash Christian - Aug. 13 (TV Actor) Linda Manz - Aug. 14 (Movie Actress) Julian Bream - Aug. 14 (Guitarist) Shwikar - Aug. 14 (Movie Actress) Robert Trump - Aug. 15 (Family Memeber) *Donald Trump's Brother Emman Nimedez - Aug. 16 (Director) Kobe Nunez - Aug. 17 (YouTube Star) Gary Cowling - Aug. 17 (Stage Actor) Dale Hawerchuk - Aug. 18 (Hockey Player) Ben Cross - Aug. 18 (Movie Actor) Jack Sherman - Aug. 18 (Guitarist) Landon Clifford - Aug. 19 (YouTube Star) Chi Chi DeVayne - Aug. 20 (Reality Star) Frankie Banali - Aug. 20 (Drummer) Allan Rich - Aug. 22 (Movie Actor) Lori Nelson - Aug. 23 (Movie Actress) Benny Chan - Aug. 23 (TV Actor) Riley Gale - Aug. 24 (Rock Singer) Gail Sheehy - Aug. 24 (Non-Fiction Author) Lute Olson - Aug. 27 (Basketball Coach) **Chadwick Boseman - Aug. 28 (Movie Actor) El Loco Valdés - Aug. 28 (Comedian) Cliff Robinson - Aug. 29 (Basketball Player) John Thompson - Aug. 30 (Basketball Coach) Tom Seaver - Aug. 31 (Baseball Player) Pranab Mukherjee - Aug. 31 (Politician)
SEPTEMBER Erick Morillo - Sept. 1 (DJ) Ian Mitchell - Sept. 2 (Guitarist) Annie Cordy - Sept. 4 (Movie Actress) Lloyd Cadena - Sept. 4 (YouTube Star) Lucille Starr - Sept. 4 (Country Singer) Ethan Peters - Sept. 5 (Instagram Star) Kevin Dobson - Sept. 6 (Soap Opera Actor) Lou Brock - Sept. 6 (Baseball Player) Xavier Ortiz - Sept. 7 (TV Actor) Stevie Lee - Sept. 9 (Movie Actor) Diana Rigg - Sept. 10 (Movie Actress) Barbara Jefford - Sept. 12 (Stage Actress) Anthony Woodle - Sept. 13 (Director) Alien Huang - Sept. 16 (TV Show Host) Winston Groom - Sept. 17 (Novelist) Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Sept. 18 (Supreme Court Justice) Destiny Riekeberg - Sept. 19 (TikTok Star) Jackie Stallone - Sept. 21 (Family Member) *Sylvester Stallone's Mother* Michael Lonsdale - Sept. 21 (Movie Actor) Tommy DeVito - Sept. 21 (Guitarist) Zaywoah - Sept. 22 (Instagram Star) Joe Laurinaitis - Sept. 22 (Wrestler) Archie Lyndhurst - Sept. 22 (TV Actor) Juliette Greco - Sept. 23 (Movie Actress) Gale Sayers - Sept. 23 (Football Player) Dean Jones - Sept. 24 (Cricket Player) Yuko Takeuchi - Sept. 27 (TV Actress) Mac Davis - Sept. 29 (Country Singer) Helen Reddy - Sept. 29 (Pop Singer) Archie Lyndhurst - Sept. 30 (TV Actor) Quino - Sept. 30 (Cartoonist)
OCTOBER Derek Mahon - Oct. 1 (Poet) Murray Schisgal - Oct. 1 (Screenwriter) Bob Gibson - Oct. 2 (Baseball Player) Thomas Jefferson Byrd - Oct. 3 (Movie Actor) Kenzo Takada - Oct. 4 (Fashion Designer) Armelia McQueen - Oct. 4 (Stage Actress) Johhny Nash - Oct. 6 (Pop Singer) Eddie Van Halen - Oct. 6 (Guitarist) Tommy Rall - Oct. 6 (Dancer) Mario Molina - Oct. 7 (Chemist) Whitey Ford - Oct. 8 (Baseball Player) María García Galisteo - Oct. 9 (TV Actress) Joe Morgan - Oct. 11 (Baseball Player) Conchata Ferrell - Oct. 12 (TV Actress) Saint Dog - Oct. 13 (Rapper) Rhonda Fleming - Oct. 14 (Movie Actress) Fred Dean - Oct. 14 (Football Player) Johnny Bush - Oct. 16 (Country Singer) Doreen Montalvo - Oct. 17 (Stage Actress) Pinky Curvy - Oct. 17 (Instagram Star) James Redford - Oct. 17 (Director) Sid Hartman - Oct. 18 (Journalist) Spencer Davis - Oct. 19 (Guitarist) Marge Champion - Oct. 21 (Dancer) Frank Bough Oct. 21 (TV Show Host) Matt Blair - Oct. 22 (Football Player) Kastiop - Oct. 23 (YouTube Star) Jerry Jeff Walker - Oct. 23 (Country Singer) Diane DiPrima - Oct. 25 (Poet) Lee Kun-hee - Oct. 25 (Entrepreneur) DeOndra Dixon - Oct. 26 (Family Member) *Jamie Foxx's Sister* Billy Joe Shaver - Oct. 28 (Country Singer) Tracy Smothers - Oct. 28 (Wrestler) Bobby Ball - Oct. 28 (Comedian) Leanza Cornett - Oct. 28 (Pageant Contestant) Travis Roy - Oct. 29 (Memoirist) Nobby Stiles - Oct. 30 (Soccer Player) Herb Adderley - Oct. 30 (Football Player) *Sean Connery - Oct. 31 (Movie Actor) Rance Allen - Oct. 31 (Religious Leader) Betty Dodson - Oct. 31 (Novelist) MF Doom - Oct. 31 (Rapper)
NOVEMBER Eddie Hassell - Nov. 1 (TV Actor) Nikki McKibbin - Nov. 1 (Pop Singer) Magda Rodríguez - Nov. 1 (TV Producer) John Sessions - Nov. 2 (Comedian) Max Ward - Nov. 2 (Entrepreneur) Elsa Raven - Nov. 3 (Movie Actress) Ken Hensley - Nov. 4 (Rock Singer) Geoffrey Palmer - Nov. 5 (Movie Actor) BraxAttacks - Nov. 5 (Rapper) King Von - Nov. 6 (Rapper) SauxePaxk TB - Nov. 6 (Rapper) **Alex Trebek - Nov. 8 (Game Show Host) Bert Belasco - Nov. 8 (TV Actor) Tom Heinsohn - Nov. 10 (Basketball Player) Phyllis McGuire - Nov. 11 (Football Player) Mo3 - Nov. 11 (Rapper) Asif Basra - Nov. 12 (Movie Actor) Doug Supernaw - Nov. 13 (Country Singer) Paul Hornung - Nov. 13 (Football Player) Des O'Connor - Nov. 14 (TV Show Host) Soumitra Chatterjee - Nov. 15 (Movie Actor) Ray Clemence - Nov. 15 (Soccer Player) Kirby Morrow Nov. 18 (Voice Actor) Bobby Brown Jr - Nov. 18 (Family Member) *Bobby Brown's Son* Jake Scott - Nov. 19 (Football Player) Jan Morris - Nov. 20 (Non-Fiction Author) Mustafa Nadarevic - Nov. 22 (TV Actor) Hal Ketchum - Nov. 23 (Country Singer) David Dinkins - Nov. 23 (Politician) Abby Dalton - Nov. 23 (TV Actress) i_o - Nov. 23 (DJ) Joe Luna - Nov. 23 (Comedian) Bob Ryder - Nov. 24 (Journalist) Aaron Melzer - Nov. 24 (Rock Singer) Flor Silvestre - Nov. 25 (World Music Singer) Ahmad Mukhtar - Nov. 25 (Politician) Heavy D - Nov. 25 (Reality Star) Diego Maradona - Nov. 25 (Soccer Player) Markus Paul - Nov. 25 (Football Coach) Sadiq Al-Mahdi - Nov. 26 (Politician) Tony Hsieh - Nov. 27 (Entrepreneur) David Prowse - Nov. 28 (Bodybuilder) Lil Yase Nov. 28 (Rapper) Ben Bova - Nov. 29 (Non-Fiction Author) Papa Bouba Diop - Nov. 29 (Soccer Player) Jerry Demara - Nov. 30 (World Music Singer) Paid Will - Nov. 30 (Rapper) Nobby Stiles - Nov. 30 (Soccer Player)
DECEMBER Hugh Keays-Byrne - Dec. 1 (Movie Actor) Alexis Sharkey - Dec. 1 (Instagram Star) Michael Marion - Dec. 1 (Family Member) *Bobbie Thomas's Husband* Pamela Tiffin - Dec. 2 (Movie Actress) DC Fontana - Dec. 2 (Screenwriter) Pat Patterson - Dec. 2 (Wrestler) Alison Lurie - Dec. 3 (Novelist) Whitney Collings - Dec. 3 (Reality Star) David Lander - Dec. 4 (TV Actor) Sara Carreira - Dec. 5 (Instagram Star) Tabaré Vázquez - Dec. 6 (Politician) Natalie Desselle-Reid - Dec. 7 (TV Actress) Dick Allen - Dec. 7 (Baseball Player) Joselyn Cano - Dec. 7 (Instagram Star) Alejandro Sabella - Dec. 8 (Soccer Coach) Paolo Rossi - Dec. 9 (Soccer Player) V.J. Chitra - Dec. 9 (TV Actress) Phil Linz - Dec. 9 (Baseball Player) Barbara Windsor - Dec. 10 (Soap Opera Actress) Tommy Lister - Dec. 10 (Movie Actor) Carol Sutton - Dec. 10 (Movie Actress) Kim Ki-duk - Dec. 11 (Director) John Le Carre - Dec. 12 (Novelist) Ann Reinking - Dec. 12 (Stage Actress) Terry Kay - Dec. 12 (Novelist) Charley Pride - Dec. 12 (Country Singer) Gérard Houllier - Dec. 14 (Soccer Coach) *Jeremy Bulloch - Dec. 17 (Movie Actor) Rosalind Knight - Dec. 19 (TV Actress) K.T. Oslin - Dec. 21 (Country Singer) PlasmaMasterDon - Dec. 21 (YouTube Star) Stella Tennant - Dec. 22 (Model) Rika Zarai - Dec. 23 (World Music Singer) Rebecca Luker - Dec. 23 (Stage Actress) Leslie West - Dec. 23 (Guitarist) Kay Purcell - Dec. 23 (TV Actress) Danny Hodge - Dec. 24 (Wrestler) Genevieve Musci - Dec. 25 (YouTube Star) KC Jones - Dec. 25 (Basketball Player) Tony Rice - Dec. 25 (Guitarist) Lin Qi - Dec. 25 (Entrepreneur) Brodie Lee - Dec. 26 (Wrestler) Phil Niekro - Dec. 26 (Baseball Player) Tito Rojas - Dec. 26 (Folk Singer) Ty Jordan - Dec. 26 (Football Player) Nick McGlashan - Dec. 27 (Reality Star) William Link - Dec. 27 (Screenwriter) Fou Ts'ong - Dec. 28 (Pianist) Armando Manzanero - Dec. 28 (Composer) Jessica Campbell - Dec. 29 (Movie Actress) Pierre Cardin - Dec. 29 (Entrepreneur) Luke Letlow - Dec. 29 (Politician) Shabba Doo - Dec. 30 (Movie Actor) Frank Kimbrough - Dec. 30 (Pianist) Phyllis McGuire - Dec. 31 (Pop Singer) Alexi Laiho - Dec. ?? (Guitarist) 
18 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 4 years
Reviews: The Stand: Captain Trips
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Halloween Havoc rambles on!  I decided to read a Stephen King Classic via it’s comic book adaptation from Marvel Knights 4 and Afterlife with Archie scribe and future Riverdale showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sarcasa. A deadly plauge sweeps across the US that kills in it’s wake while the goverment tries to cover it up. Because that’s not at all terrifingly close to home.  But as this pandemic creeps around the US we meet 5 dispearte people with a part to play in what the world becomes after the end: Stu, a hard nosed man who finds himself imprisoned by the government since he was next to patient zero for the outbreak and lived. Frannie, a young woman who finds herself pregnant and dealing with her disaproving mother and the babie’s less than ideal dad. Larry, a would be one hit wonder whose come home to new york to dry out and to let Stephen King go on for several pages about how much he fucking hates new york, because that was important. Nick, a deaf and mute teen drifter who finds himself subbing for a kind sherieff who sadly got the disease. And Lloyd, a dumb criminal who finds himself in jail after a robbery gone bad. And waiting in their dreams and the shadows for his acendency, the walking dude, Randall Flagg, evil itself. Waiting paitently for the soon dawning time of his ascendency. Spoilers and the review itself under the cut. 
So yeah i’m back to doing some comics reviews and I.. genuinely missed it. I did. I just needed to reajdust from doing one issue at a time to doing full arcs as well as get it in my head to do one.  And while I didn’t INTEND to review these, I ended up liking this series, at least for this mini, so much I couldn’t resist diving into them critically.  As for why I decided to read these comics it’s simple: i’ve never read the Stand but always wanted to. No real complex motives: I’ve liked some adaptations of King’s works with It: Chapter One being the reason I finally started watching horror movies after a good decade or two of avoiding them like the plauge, finally breaking down my squeamish cowardly barrier and opening up a greater world. Granted the sequel was a giant balloon parade of disapointment, but I can get to that some other day. Point is I like Stephen King: he seems like a decent enough guy, has had some good adaptations of his works and even the bad ones have some fun. Like this trailer for maximum overdrive where it’ shard to tell if it’s his tragic drug addiction or just him that’s responsibile for that wonderful delivery. 
So yeah, with little options to read the stand and the series out of print, I decided to dive into the comics because they seemed accurate enough from the way reviews had them and frankly before horror films, I really got into horror through comics, with my gateway there being Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s afterlife with archie. Many of you may know RAS, as i’m calling him so I don’t horribly mangle his namem, as the guy behind riverdale, sabrina, which is partialy based off his own sabrina comic and kathy keene, but before he became Archie’s golden boy, he was a writer at marvel, hence these mini series, and wrote the wonderful fantastic four series marvel knight’s 4, which I might cover at some point, which followed the four as they lost all their money and had to live like us normal folks. It’s really fucking good stuff and easily one of the best runs on the characters period. Afterlife with Archie is no slouch either so pairing both guys who brought me to the terrordance of horror seemed like a match made in heaven.  So that’s where we Stand, pun intended: I haven’t read the stand or watched the mini series, only know or remember some spoilers, and am walking into this blind but eager to see what happens. So if your willing to join me on the ride and on my fresh perspective, here’s Stephen King’s the stand by RAS and Mike Perkins.  Now since, at least at this early stage, The stand is divided up by the characters and what their going through as the virus hits, i’m going to cover this character by character, with an additional section on the progress of the pandemic itself and the government response.  Before I dig in I will say there is something I really love here: The Pacing. NOw I will grant it’s slow: By the end of this mini we only JUST meet big bad Randall Flag as the pademic and it’s goverment coverup both kick into high gear.  So why does it work? Simple: The characters. By opening up as the end of the world is happening instead of shortly before or after like most post apoclayptic stories, and focusing on each of our surivivors we get a real sense of who our heroes were before society collapsed as it collapses, and get to really care about them and WANT to see how they react to the end of the world and what they become. It justifies the series, and the book’s , massive length by using that giant stretch of time to get us invested in the cast and really want to see where this story goes. It’s really good storytelling and holds up really well. So with that out of the way, we can dive into the meat of the story itself. And before we can get to our protaganists, let’s get to the plauge itself 
The story starts with a soldier breaking out of quarantine after getting hit with a miltary virus, infecting his wife and child  while trying to go awol and dying.. thus starting the plauge known as Captain Tripps. It crashes into a small town gas station, where we met Stu, one of our heroes, more of him later and starts to slowly grip the nation as the book goes on.  The Goverment handles making a plauge that will end up dooming the human race.. by pretending it dosen’t exist, supressing the media, and cordening off whole cities and taking them over. An early attempt by the media to get the story out get the reporters shot horribly, and we get to see all the gore in this version. it’s not plesant but it’s a well done sequence. We get an even worse sequence where the general in charge of the facility captain tripps came from seeing tons of dead bodies in the cafeteria from their sceintests failed attempts at a cure, one of which is horribly bloated, and then shoots himself..... yeah I got nothing. Just.. wow. Good horrible stuff. 
So yeah tha’ts basically how it goes: the goverment can’t figure out how to stop it and tries desperatley to cover it up or downplay it instead.. and why yes our own goverment’ sbungled handling of coronavirus, with our own PRESIDENT, in the hospital right now, does make this extra chilling to me thanks for asking!  It SOMEHOW gets worse with the final issue as various media outlets rebel against the goverment  supression with tv, newspaper and radio all reporting on this despite the risk.. that comes true as the goverment STILL dosen’t learn their lesson and kills them all and we end as the virus only gets worse and the president urges everyone that it’s all fine despite teh mass bodies dumped into the sea and to just take some juice. Just.... just..... 
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Yes exactly thank you Jon. It’s good stark horrible stuff, I just have no more commentary other than please make it stop. I will say however it’s well done stuff that lets the creeping dread seep in until it really hits fever pitch at the end. 
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Stu Redman: 
As I mentioned, we meet Stu very early on, as he’s on site when patient zero crashes his car into a gas station.  Unfortuntely for him this gets him and hsi town swept up to a goverment black site where as seen above, he has no time for the bullshit their feeding him and is in no mood to actually cooperate till they actually talk to them. Which.. yeah it’s entirely resonable: the Goverment is holding him here against his will, refusing to tell him anything and asking to get samples from him. How does he know their not just going to shoot him the second their done with him? He dosen’t and given what we’ve seen this version of the goverment, and hell the real goverment do, yeah. Maybe blind trust needs to be earned rather than demanded. Just saying.  Stu gets his answers, that everyone else they brought in and thus his whole town is dead, and they don’t know how to stop the virus.. and that they don’t know where it came from but as the above makes clear, that’s a load of garbage. So Stu relcutantly and grumpliy coperates. He’s basically if Ron Swanson got freaky friday’d into nick millers body. 
Stu eventually gets taken to a diffrent facility after the jounalist thing and becomes even more coperative, as they start bringing in an armed guard every time someone visits him.. and Stu starts to get even more wary of this shit as it’s very obvious he’s become expendable, he uses those exact words, and by the end of this mini is plotting his escape. He also has dreams.. of iowa cornfields.. and a sinster man in black floating above them.  I like stu a lot: A hard nosed down to earth guy who dosen’t take shit, but is clever enough to know when to bite his tounge and bide his time, easily sussing out both why he’d been moved to a new facility and just how disposable he now is: He’s a man who will fight when needed but knows when to hold back and wait for it. He’s also a nice protaganist ot be our main viewpoint in the goverment sections and is easily my second faviorite. My faviorite is coming shortly. 
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Frannie Goldsmith: 
Frannie is a college student who just ended up pregnant by her  boyfriend Jesse. She dosen’t want to marry him despite him offering.. and given his reactions to her telling him this are to whine “but you were supposed to be on the pill”, which she was and gave plenty of reasons why that may not have worked, and then give a loud , what was probably groaning “Aw hell” before proposting.. yeah good call. 
Frannie’s dad takes it well as he’s sad, but he understands and loves his daughter and wants to support her. Her mother.. is a selfish nightmare who bearates her for it, berates her husband, who usually backs down as Frannie is used to at this point, for standing up for her and then just for added terrible points physically abuses Frannie, who is PREGNANT, by slapping her hard. I know that can’t hurt the baby but fucking really.  Thankfully Frannie’s father decides even if he wont’ divorce the crone to stand up to her at least, and points out she really hasn’t been the same since Frannie’s brother died, igorning her up until the pregnancy and calling her out. She leaves in a huff defeated, and Frannie leaves to go stay at a hotel for a bit while tryign to find somewhere to stay, with her mom not wanting to talk to her and her dad insiting she come around.  Given her mother had signs of the virus earlier.. she dosen’t. She dies, Frannie, having come home to help her is devistated and we actually get a devistating if confusing bit as she hugs her dad and talks about eating the pie. Something lost in translation but the visuals cover well enough. And that’s where he story ends, though with a montage in the last issue, which is all we get of htem as the issue is focused on Flagg and the pandemic response instead. Not a bad move mind as it’s easily the best issue of the series, just a note.  Frannie is a likeable enough character, a strong woman who knows what she wants, wants to keep her baby and has decent enough family drama.. if well worn at this point but fraknly the book was written all the way back in the late 70′s so this is forgivable as it probably wasn’t AS common as it is now. Frannie has plenty of personality but her plot is one of the less intresting as it’s pretty easy to tell where it’s going in comparison to the other, more intresting plots going on around it. That said you still connect to frannie enough for it to not feel like a drag on the story and to feel important, so it’s not too bad a section. 
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Larry Underwood: Larry Underwood is a musician whose also a bit o fa scumbag, using people and drugs like theres no tommorow and riding high, in both senses, off the sucess of his single.. a title that sums up the 70′s in a nutshell “Baby Can You Dig Your Man?”. Just.. it sounds like a parody song from SCTV... so in other words good job on making a goofy 70′s pop hit title stephen. Respect. 
But yeah a friend of Larry’s seeing he’s hit bottom suggets he had back to new york. Larry bunks with his mom who worries it’s too late for him to change from the scumbag he is now and that only a great catstrophe could do that. 
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So yeah obviously it’s gonna, but we’ll likely see that as the series goes on. So mostly Larry’s segment is one incident of him having a one night stand that seems a bit overblown.. I mean it is scummy of him but her screaming “your not a good guy and what not as seen above just seems narmy as hell and utterly stephen king in terms of writing.. but the scene of him trying to convince himself she’s wrong after is really strong. Larry’s self doubt, self hate and wondering if he’s that bad is really strong stuff and really godo character stuff showing he is an asshole who uses people including his own mom.. but also genuinely DOSEN’T want to be that person but dosen’t know how. We also get a crushing bit where he calls for his friend who helped him only to find out not only is the guy in the hopstial but it’s getting bad. As the chapter ends larry looses his mom too.  The one real weakness of this bit is King goes on a bit of an author tract that’s kept via larry’s narration, which by the way I love how the books narration is kept REALLY damn well via the caption boxes, it’s really nicely done and a way to help keep some of the bits from the book while still taking bits out where necessary. It’s a nice touch. But back on point yeah.. Larry REALLY hates new york.. which to me translates as Stephen King REALLY hating new york, and wanting you to know how much he hates new york, how much the city was festering back then, how much of a crap hole it is, how it farts turds during thunder storms etc. IT’s likely trimme down from the text but boy does it feel unecessary> We get it, 70′s pre clean-up intiative new york was REALLY fucking awful. You didn’t like it there. But if you want to rant about new york for several paragraphs.. 
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Like I get that he’s TRYING to make the point Larry dosen’t like new york and dosen’t fit in at home but instead of trying into his character arc entirely it just feels like an excuse for King to ramble about his hatred of new york. I’ts easily the weakest part of this mini series and I only think it was kept because RAS, as made clear in the question and answer sessions with marvel.com in the back of one of the issues, is a huge king fan and wanted to keep as much as possible. It’s the one time I feel the comic, and the story it’s retelling, really stumbled that bad. Thankfully with that rant over we can get onto my faviorite character
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Nick Andros: Nick is easily has both the most unique narriatve and is the most intresting character to me. A mute and deaf teenage drifter, he goes from town to town finding work.. and between towns get beatup by a bunch of local assholes the ringleader of which is your standard Stephen King bully because depending on the kindness of strangers in a stephen king story is just asking for a beating.  Though oddly enough that ends up working as Nick finds himself in a jail cell with the local Sheirff and after getting a pad and paper, not only verifies he was working with someone in town, and who he is , but also who beat him down. And oddly for a king story since while he DOES have a heroic sheirff i’ve heard of, most of his law enformcent seem to be corrupt hicks at best, this one.. is a nice guy who makes sure the assholes that assaulted nick are brought in despite the ringleader being his wife’s nephew and knowing he’ll get no sex for a while because of it.. the narrative points this out because we needed to knwo that apparently. 
But said wife happily takes Nick in along with the Shierff while the sheirff takes 3/4 of the assholes in, with said nephew booking it out of town. But soon our kindly sheiff takes ill from the virus and Nick gladly fills in for him as his new deputy to make sure the idiots at the jail don’t starve. He continues this throught the book even as he looses his new family tragically due to the virus.. and soon his prisoners catch it too and clearly aren’t long for the world.  Nick is a THROUGHly likeable character. Just from body laungage it’s clear there’s a bit of an edge and a bit of harshness to him.. but he’s mostly just a good kid who goes out of his way to make sure three assholes who tried beating him to death get fed and watered, and wants to do the right thing despite the world crappign on him constnatly. He’s throughly intresting and his disablity is nicely portrayed, with him being portrayed as a normal guy who simplyg ot dealt a really crappy hand and does his best with it. Easily the best part of this mini, closely followed by the last issue but we’ll get to that in a second. We have one more character to get through. 
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Lloyd Henried This bit will go fast since he’s only in two sections this mini but Lloyd is a dimwitted crminal who clearly gets a thrill from the crime sprees and murders he and his pal have done but also dosen’t murder inscreimatley. Unfortunatley his partner in crime does and Lloyd gets arrested after his first scene and hsi friend gets his face gunned off. Lloyd is last scene with his lawyer teaching him to lie. He’s basically just a dumb criminal at this point who likes thrills. Not a lot to dig into comapred to the other characters soooooo let’s move on to our final focus character and the focus of the final issue only, but hitned at before... 
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Randall Flagg The breakout character of the piece, one of king’s most loved and most used villians. The Walking Dude. The Devil HImself. I had high expecations of this character with all that hype and he did NOT disapoint. 
Flagg is a mysterious supernatural drifter who dosen’t even know how long he’s existed but is evil itself. He makes anyone he passes feel nervous, glass crack and everyone uneasy, yet when needed can slip in and out of any extremist or hate group easily and hands out pamphliets for whatever will get people riled up the most, good cause or bad. and easily worms his way in and out of heavily armed groups and into women’s beds. My words do not do kings words put onto the final issue justice. They jsut impart he is evil, he is here, and he is about to RISE. And you’d better be prepared to run. After a few issues of only appearing in one dream.. we meet our antagonist and he is a lot. Throughly engaging, throughly creepy and throughly unesettling we get a full sense of who flagg is a drifter who SEEMS resonable enough when talking but just.. gets under your skin, yhou just feel.. WRONG around him. This one sequence REALLY got me excited to see what this bastard does. Not a lot elsse to say  throughly engaging creepy impressive villian who lived up to the hype and star of one of the best single issues i’ve read. No notes. 
So yeah overall.. I really love this story so far. Obviously I have a LONNNG way to go and 5 more mini series to go so I hope you’ll join me but the art is good, the decisions fantastic and the writing adapted well, clearly compressed but in a way that works. A fantastic way to read the story for a newcomer such as myself and if you can find it somehwer,e read it. Ill continue with it as hte month, or months probably, go on. Until then check back on my blog for regular ducktales coverage and some more halloween fun, hit up my asks if you have some comics you’d like to see me cover, and until next time, happy halloween. 
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lloyd-henreid · 4 years
( ooc: no one agrees with me but pre-tripps lloyd smelled like old ketchup under the seat of a hot car and i'm right )
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malsrp · 5 years
#1. Aaron Roeder — Terry Chen — tag: aroeder 2. Aida Wilks — Julia Garner — tag: awilks 3. Alexander Lightwood — Matt Daddario — tag: alightwood 4. Alexandria Gillham — Gemma Arterton — tag: agilham 5. Alia Maxwell — Vanessa Morgan — tag: amaxwell 6. Alisia Carabajal — Bridget Regan — tag: acarabajal 7. Alissa Kytönen — Nicola Peltz — tag: akytonen 8. Alyx Humphries — Joe Brooks — tag: ahumphries 9. Amadej Moralis — Matthew Daddario — tag: amoralis 10. Amanda H. Nørgaard — Selena Gomez — tag: anorgaard 11. Amelie Robin — Felicity Jones — tag: arobin 12. Angel Devaris — Neels Visser — tag: adevaris 13. Anna B. Mathiasen — Anna B. Mathiasen — tag: amathiasen 14. Anthony Higgins [ Race ] — Christian Navarro — tag: ahiggins 15. Antoine Neuhaus — Avan Jogia — tag: aneuhaus 16. Apolline Tachel — Taylor Swift — tag: atachel 17. April Olson — Amber Heard — tag: aolson 18. Archie Andrews — KJ Apa — tag: aandrews 19. Arlan Havernathy — Vasiliy Makarov — tag: vmakarov 20. Árni Sveinsson — Bruno Mars — tag: ásveinsson 21. Arron Castillo — Dylan Sprayberry — tag: acastillo 22. Asmarina Tesmi — Letitia Wright — tag: atesmi 23. Aurora Moon — Emma Stone — tag: amoon 24. Austin Valero — Danny Schwarz   —  tag: avalero 25. Ava Hunter  —  Danielle Campbell  —  tag: ahunter 26. Bastiaan Morgan  — Jacob Young  —  tag: bmorgan 27. Beau Amarante  —  Douglas Booth  —  tag: bamarante 28. Bellamy Blake  —  Bob Morley  —  tag: bblake 29. Bentley French  —  Keegan Allen  —  tag: bfrench 30. Blair McKenzie/McKenna  — Joe Brooks/Matt Bomer  —  tag: bmckenzie; bmckenna 31. Blake Anderson  —  Nick Robinson  — tag: banderson 32. Bobbi Downes  —  Cole Sprouse  — tag: bdownes 33. Bonilla Serrato  —  Hunter Schafer  — tag: bserrato 34. Breana Logston — Hayley Lu Richards  —  tag: blogson 35. Broderick Boyer — Trevor Noah  —  tag: bboyer 36. Brooke Nicholas —  Scarlett Johansson  —  tag: bnicholas 37. Buddy Wiltsie — Freddie Stroma  — tag: bwiltsie 38. Caleb Whitton  — Vasiliy Makarov  — tag: cwhitton 39. Caley Greene  —  Margot Robbie  —  tag: cgreene 40. Casey Finch  —  Ashton Irwin  —  tag: cfinch 41. Caty White  —  Madelaine Petsch  — tag: cwhite 42. Celeste Goodman  —  Virginia Gardner  — tag: cgoodman 43. Célia Méndes  —  Marina Moschen  —  tag: cméndes 44. Cerin Ó'Caoimh  — Spencer MacPherson  —  tag: cócaoimh 45. Charisse Walther — Odeya Rush — tag: cwalther 46. Chelsea Tassinari — Brittany Snow  —  tag: ctassinari 47. Cheryl Blossom — Madelaine Petsch — tag: cblossom 48. Christopher Candler — Rey Valentin — tag: ccandler 49. Ciel Phantomhive — Jakub Gierszal — tag: cphantomhive 50. Ciera Folger — Zendaya — tag: cfolger 51. Clarissa Fairchild — Katherine McNamara — tag: cfairchild 52. Clarke Griffin — Eliza Taylor  — tag: cgriffin 53. Claude Donovan — Matt Cohen — tag: cdonovan 54. Cleopatra Mercia — Danielle Campbell — tag: cmercia 55. Cody Chester — Austin Mahone — tag: cchester 56. Connor Dreyer — Ryan Lochte — tag: cdreyer 57. Conrad Benham — Theo James — tag: cbenham 58. Corey Hamilton — Gregg Sulkin — tag: chamilton 59. Curt Wagoner — Ellar Coltrane — tag: cwagoner 60. Dallas Ference — Richard Madden — tag: dference 61. Dalton Fuller — Ed Westwick — tag: dfuller 62. Dana Bela — Griffin Powell-Arcand — tag: dbela 63. Deane Trager — Hayden Thompson — tag: dtrager 64. Deanna Scofield — Madison Beer — tag: dscofield 65. Demi-leigh Maclean  —  Victoria Justice — tag: dmaclean 66. Destin Rumancek — Penn Badgeley ��� tag: drumancek 67. Diamond Turk — Tristan Lake Leabu — tag: dturl 68. Diana Lanham — Gina Carano — tag: dlanham 69. Dmitry Alkaev — Andrew Boldar — tag: dalkaev 70. Dominik Aaron — Felix Mallard — tag: daaron 71. Dorothea Lightwood-Bane — India Eisley — tag: dlightwoodbane 72. Dorothy Baum — Kaniehtiio Horn — tag: dbaum 73. Doyle Barish — Ty Simpkins — tag: dbarish 74. Dwight Apolinar — King Bach — tag: dapolinar 75. Dyana Roy — Lyrica Okano — tag: droy 76. Edelira Réyes — Ana De Armas — tag: eréyes 77. Eden Farley — Diane Vulpine — tag: efarley 78. Eleanor Blackburn — Rachel-Marie Jones — tag: eblackburn 79. Elden Pointer — Harrison Gilbertson — tag: epointer 80. Eliot Waugh — Hale Appleman — tag: ewaugh 81. Émelié Overgard — Georgia Henley — tag: eovergaard 82. Emilio Youngberg — Brendon Thwaites — tag: eyoungberg 83. Emily Robin — Thomasin McKenzie — tag: erobin 84. Erin Madden — Anna Kendricks — tag: emadden 85. Essi Hanski — Lachlan Watson — tag: ehanski 86. Eva Coleman — Holliday Grainger — tag: ecoleman 87. Eva Rosales — Aimee Carrero — tag: erosales 88. Evangelina Stigall — Anya Chalotra — tag: estigali 89. Evie Trippe — Morgan Lily — tag: etrippe 90. Ezequiel Hanby — Ryan Guzman — tag: ehanby 91. Faye Thompson — Katherine Langford — tag: fthompson 92. Felix Tenner — Timothée Chalamet — tag: ftenner 93. Finn Jagger — Sam Riley — tag: fjagger 94. Forrest Nilges — Lucas Zumann — tag: fnilges 95. Gabriela Méndes — Camila Queiroz — tag: gméndes 96. Genevive Janowski — Hailee Steinfield — tag: gjanowski 97. Georgette Fresne — Ciara Bravo — tag: gfresne 98. Georgianne Rentfro — Dalilah Bela — tag: grentfro 99. Gino Warkentin — Andrew Garfield — tag: gwarkentin 100. Grace Quinn — Lucy Hale — tag: gquinn 101. Hailee Lewis — Chloe Norgaard — tag: hlewis 102. Harley Quinn — Margot Robbie — tag: hquinn 103. Harper Finch — George Shelley — tag: hfinch 104. Harry Hook — Thomas Doherty — tag: hhook 105. Hayley Marshall-Kenner — Phoebe Tonkin — tag: hmarshallkenner 106. Hazel Arden — Katheryn Winnick — tag: harden 107. Hunter Harris — Mikkel Jensen — tag: hhunter 108. Imelda Navarro — Alex Steele — tag: inavarro 109. Isis Monohan — Emily Rudd — tag: imonohan 110. Israel Preston — Landon Liboiron — tag: ipreston 111. Ivy Romano — Ariana Grande — tag: iromano 112. Jacqui Valo — Natalie Dormer — tag: jvalo 113. James Carstairs — Choi Jun-Hong — tag: jcarstairs 114. Jamie Kostelnik — Camren Bicondova — tag: jkostelnik 115. Jared Rubio — Sebastian Stan — tag: jrubio 116. Jaskier Pankratz — Joey Batey — tag: jpankratz 117. Jason Kleinman — Chris Pine — tag:jkleinman 118. JC Garner — Jonny Weston — tag: jcgarner 119. Jed Achorn — Hayden Christensen — tag: jachorn 120. Jellybean Jones — India Eisley — tag: jbjones 121. Jenna Ormond — Carlson Young — tag: jormond 122. Jeremy Lindsay — Cameron Palatas  — tag: jlindsay 123. Jericho Lefévre — Stephen James Hendry — tag: jlefévre 124. Jimmie Souen — Conner Dennis — tag: jsouen 125. Joaquin Desantos — Rob Raco — tag: jdesantos 126. Joaquin Nero — Jamie Campbell-Bower — tag: jnero 127. Johanna Söderström — Anya Chalotra — tag: jsoderstrom 128. Jonathon Pruette — James Marsden — tag: jpruette 129. Jordan Burton — Devon Aoki — tag: jburton 130. Joshua Hope — Vasiliy Makarov — tag: joshhope 131. Jude Byrom — Ezra Miller — tag: jbyrom 132. Jude Godfrey — Sterling Knight — tag: judegodfrey 133. Jughead Jones — Cole Sprouse — tag: jugheadjones 134. Julie R. Mogensen — Bailee Madison — tag: jmogenson 135. Julio Guarnieri — Gael Garcia Bernal — tag: jguarnieri 136. Julius Satchell — Chris Pine — tag: jsatchell 137. Juliyn Godfrey — Austin Butler — tag: juliyngodfrey 138. Justine Schoolcraft — Melissa Benoist — tag: mbenoist 139. Kade Westfield — Cole Sprouse — tag: kadewestfield 140. Kailyn Howard — Ash Stymest — tag:khoward 141. Kameron Grainger — James Reid — tag:kgrainger 142. Kammy Milkovich — Rasmus Ledin — tag: kmilkovich 143. Kareem Mauriello — Graham Philips — tag: kmauriello 144. Karisa Sandström — Bridget Satterlee — tag: ksandstrom 145. Karleen Widell — Nathalie Emmanuel — tag: kwidell 146. Kaylah Robles — Kirsty Mooney — tag: krobles 147. Kendrick Slabaugh — Brenton Thwaites — tag: kslabaugh 148. Kenzi Malikov — Ksenia Solo — tag: kmalikov 149. Kian Westfield — Cole Sprouse — tag: kianwestfield 150. Killian Jones — Colin O’Donaghue — tag: kjones 151. Kira Connor — Katherine McNamara — tag: kconnor 152. Kiran Wilson —  Paris Brosnan — tag: kwilson 153. Kirk Rich — Zac Efron — tag: krich 154. Kis Szabolcs — Alicia Vikander — tag: kszabolcs 155. Kisanet Isaias — Rihanna — tag: kisaias 156. Kitty Sullivan — Tina Guo — tag: ksullivan 157. Klaus Hargreeves — Robert Sheehan — tag: khargreeves  158. Krista Albertsdóttir — Naomi Scott — tag: kalbertsdóttir 159. Kristyn Dilley — Cara Delevigne — tag: kdilley 160. Koda Westfield — Cole Sprouse — tag: kodawestfield 161. Lacey Tauber — Adrianne Palicki — tag: ltauber 162. Lauranne Leemburg — Daisy Ridley — tag: lleemburg 163. Laurence Lachord — Toby Nichols — tag: llachord 164. Leah Holt — Crystal Reed — tag: lholt 165. Lennox Hamilton — Chay Suede — tag: lhamilton 166. Lenore Francoeur — Dascha Polanco — tag: lfrancouer 167. Leon Ó'Caoimh — Chris Collins — tag: lócaoimh 168. Lesli Mclaurin — Demi Lovato — tag: lmclaurin 169. Lexa Kom Trikru — Alycia Debnam-Carey — tag: lkomtrikru 170. Liam Dunbar — Dylan Sprayberry — tag: ldunbar 171. Liberato Pisani — Tanner Buchanan — tag: lpisani 172. Lita Balsley — Veronika Bonell — tag: lbalsley 173. Livia Hullett — Esme Creed-Miles — tag: lhullett 174. Lizbeth Burton — Maya Hawke — tag: lburton 175. Lola Porter — Rachel Hilbert — tag: lporter 176. Lorie Garnett — Elle Fanning — tag: lgarnett 177. Lucas Abbott — Drew Acker — tag: labbott 178. Mackenzie Greyr — Jaira Burns — tag: mgreyr 179. Madelaine Thomas — Dove Cameron — tag: mthomas 180. Majestas Upriti — Natalie Dormer — tag: mupriti 181. Makkai Barnabás — Judah Lewis — tag: mbarnabás 182. Mal — Dove Cameron — tag: mal 183. Marina Alves — Zendaya — tag: malves 184. Mark Blackthorn — Jamie Campbell-Bower — tag: mblackthorn 185. Mark Westlock — Luke Bilyk — tag: mwestlock 186. Matteusz Villegas — Samuel Larsen — tag: mvillegas 187. Matthias Brewer — Henry Cavill — tag: mbrewer 188. Maxxie Oliver — Mitch Hewer — tag: moliver 189. Melanie Widing — Kate Beckinsale — tag: mwiding 190. Mercedes Abbott — Lyndsy Fonseca — mabbott 191. Merida Dunbroch — Felicia Day — tag: mdunbroch 192. Mia Alloway — Taylor Momsen — tag: malloway 193. Micah Martin — Tom Holland — tag: micahmartin 194. Mickey Milkovich — Noel Fisher — tag: mmilkovich 195. Mihai Fenrirson — Asa Butterfield — tag: mfenrirson 196. Milosz Sheehan — Ilja Van Vuuren — tag: msheehan 197. Mira Martin — Amanda Seyfried — tag: miramartin 198. Monty Green — Christopher Larkin — tag: mgreen 199. Morgana Pendragon — Katie McGrath — tag: mpendragon 200. Morgyn Kennedy — Bill Skarsgard — tag: mkennedy 201. Murdock — Sharlto Copley — tag: murdock 202. Murphy McManus — Norman Reedus — tag: mmcmanus 203. Nadia Lowe — Tiera Skovbye — tag: nlowe 204. Neal Caffrey — Matt Bomer — tag: ncaffrey 205. Neil Crowley — Emile Hirsch — tag: ncrowley 206. Nelle Leng — Chloe Bennet — tag: nleng 207. Nicholas West — Max Lloyd-Jones — tag: nwest 208. Nikki Howe — Dylan Sprayberry — tag: nhowe 209. Niko King — Rob Raco — tag: nking 210. Nine/Nina — Kiernan Shipka — tag:nnine 211. Noah Lamont — Marlon Teixiera — tag: nlamont 212. Nola Delpozo — Anya Taylor-Joy — tag: ndelpozo 213. Octavia Blake — Marie Avgeropoulos — tag: oblake 214. Olivia Octavian — Elizabeth Gillies — tag: ooctavian 215. Olympia Green — Lana Condor — tag: ogreen 216. Orion Kirk — Dominic Sherwood — tag: okirk 217. Oscar Ellinger — Penn Badgley — tag: oellinger 218. Otto Feehan — Nat Wolff — tag: ofeehan 219. Paige Kerler — Abbie Cornish — tag: pkerler 220. Paris Dupont — Lucky Blue Smith — tag: pdupont 221. Patrick S. Knudsen — Joe Keery — tag: pknudsen 222. Paul Mann — Henry Cavill — tag: pmann 223. Peter Rumancek — Landon Liboiron — tag: prumancek 224. Phoenix Monsoon — Edu Beber — tag: pmonsoon 225. Poppy Martin — Danielle Campbell — tag: pmartin 226. Presley Lowe — Zoey Deutch — tag: plowe 227. Quentin Coldwater — Jason Ralph — tag: qcoldwater 228. Quinn Simons — Emilija Baranac — tag: qsimons 229. Rebecca Conway — Rihanna — tag: rconway 230. Reino Kantee — Rami Malek — tag: rkantee 231. Remi O'Reilly — Dylan Sprouse — tag: roreilly 232. Renée Gorski — Jenna Dewan — tag: rgorski 233. Reo Calhoun — Alexander Koch — tag: rcalhoun 234. Rhys Gray — David Henrie — tag: rgray 235. Riian Floyd — Andy Biersack — tag: rfloyd  236. Riley Bowman — Blake Lively — tag: rbowman 237. Robin Buckley — Maya Hawke — tag: rbuckley 238. Romain Plourde — Hudson Thames — tag: rplourde   239. Rory Gearheart — Hudson Thames — tag: rgearheart 240. Rosa Hurley — Kimberry Behets — tag: rhurley 241. Rosemary Daniele — Thaliá — tag: rdaniele 242. Rosia Obryan — Scarlett Sperduto — tag: robryan 243. Ruby — Katie Cassidy — tag: ruby 244. Rupert Fulgham — Jeremy Irvine — tag: rfulgham 245. Sabrina Spellman — Kiernan Shipka — tag: sspellman 246. Sammie Brandes — Taron Egerton — tag: sbrandes 247. Samuel Silver — Thomas Doherty — tag: ssilver 248. Sara Narjus — London Vale — tag: snarjus 249. Sascha Trent  — Rasmus Ledin — tag: strent 250. Scarlet Patton — Alexandra Daddario — tag: spatton 251. Seren Haines — Cody Longo — tag: shaines 252. Shane Holden — Julian Schratter — tag: sholden 253. Shayne Fox — Alex Watson — tag: sfox 254. Simon Lewis — Alberto Rosende — tag: slewis 255. Skylar Mattiachi — Jelle Haen — tag: smattiachi 256. Sophia Tulloch — Alina Kovalenko — tag: stulloch 257. Sophie Lassiter — Abigail Cowen — tag: slassiter 258. Sophie Windsor — Elizabeth Gillies — tag: swindsor 259. Spencer Henderson — Tyler Blackburn — tag: shenderson 260. Stiles Stilinski  — Dylan O’Brien — tag: sstilinski 261. Susanna Sandström — Bridget Satterlee — tag: ssandstrom 262. Suzume Ahumada — Constance Wu — tag: sahumada 263. Szymon Trujillo — Devon Bostick — tag: strujillo 264. Tabitha Mersey — Miranda Kerr — tag: tmersey 265. Talia Sholes — Lara Robinson — tag: tsholes 266. Taylor Beauford — Asa Butterfield — tag: tbeauford 267. Tess Friedkin — Jessica Lowndes — tag: tfriedkin 268. Thomas Escamilla — Nathan Saignes — tag: tescamilla 269. Tiberius Blackthorn — Asa Butterfield — tag: tblackthorn 270. Tinkerbell — Dove Cameron — tag: tinkerbell 271. TJ Hammond — Sebastian Stan — tag: tjhammond 272. Toby Kao — Selena Gomez — tag: tkao 273. Toni Topaz — Vanessa Morgan — tag: ttopaz 274. Trista Dutra — Corbin Reid — tag: tdutra 275. Valentin Sainz — Richard Madden — tag: vsainz 276. Venus Gallo — Dove Cameron — tag: vgallo 277. Verona Watkins — Maisie Williams — tag: vwatkins  278. Veronica Beck — Phoebe Tonkin — vbeck 279. Veronica Lodge/Luna — Camilla Mendes — tag: vlodge 280. Vigo Oldbuck — Zac Efron — tag: voldbuck 281. Viki Leick — Gigi Hadid — tag: vleick 282. Violet Addison — Elizabeth Gillies — tag: vaddison 283. Wendell Bray — Michael Grant Terry — tag: wbray 284. William Croxton — James McAvoy — tag: wcroxton 285. Xavier Camden — Thomas Doherty — tag: xcamden 286. Yalena Yardeen — Hannah John-Kamen — tag: yyardeen 287. Zaid Kyle — Chris Wood — tag: zkyle 288. Zakariah Franco — Nick Robinson — tag: zfranco 289. Zarka Nyék — Dakota Kuhn — tag: znyék 290. Zoe Cole — Antonia Thomas —tag: zcole
31 notes · View notes
nadia-cross · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog
basics !
FULL NAME.   Nadine Jacqueline Cross
NICKNAME. Dia, Nadia, Dina
GENDER.  Cis female
HEIGHT.  5′2″
AGE.  37
ZODIAC. Scorpio
SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, very vague understanding of ancient and modern Greek
physical characteristics !
EYE COLOR.  Warm brown
BODY TYPE.  Curvy, not quite hourglass
ACCENT.  Nondescript, though she sometimes picks up a certain cadence/twang
VOICE.   High, sometimes airy, very "girly". She can be soft spoken, but she's got the voice of someone who is used to taking charge in some way, shape, or form
POSTURE.  Proper, but not rigid. She carries herself like a cat who isn't quite on the hunt, but might be ready to pounce all the same
SCARS.  The only really noticable one is on her right hip, a small pale sort of crescent mark
BIRTHMARKS.  None, they faded as she grew
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH.  Allegedly Manchester, New Hampshire
HOMETOWN.  New York, New York
FIRST WORDS. Sky! Moon! Cwoud!
SIBLINGS.  Older adopted brother Jackson, deceased
PARENTS.   Birth parents unknown. Adopted parents: Allison and Tobias Cross, deceased. Eleanor and Herbert Windsor (aunt and uncle).
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.   Her parents showed obvious preference for their natural born son, especially as Nadine got older. Her aunt and uncle were incredibly distant and made it very clear early on that they did not actually want her, and only raised her out of duty.
adult life !
OCCUPATION.  Ex-professor, currently a Queen
CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Las Vegas, Nevada 
CLOSE FRIENDS.  Randall Flagg, Lloyd Henreid, Spark
CRIMINAL RECORD.  Nothing that stuck ;)
VICES. Pridful, sometimes judgmenal, very vindictive. Used to drink too much, though Tripps put an end to that.
sex and romance !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Bi/pan, possibly demisexual
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   Bi/panromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  (equal)
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  |  switch
LIBIDO.  ...... aggressively high....
TURN ON’S.   [Dia would rather die than air that to just any one]
TURN OFF’S.   Sleazeballs, being demeaned or talked down too or talked over/around.
LOVE LANGUAGE. Attention (giving and receiving), which comes in many forms, be it personal time, acts of service (she loves cooking and preparing little surprises). A better term would be devotion– she will utterly devote herself to someone.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   Again, she devotes herself completely. She can be clingy, if not sometimes anxious. She's used to being alone and feeling lonely, and that shows in her abundance of affection. But she really, truly loves with all that she is (loneliness aside) and can be incredibly intense and passionate. She's faithful as all hell. There are few she lets in close, but once you have her, she's all yours as long as you'll have her
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.  She's Always a Woman - Billy Joel
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  Reading, very rarely sculpting, BuzzFeed quizzes.... 
MENTAL ILLNESSES. PTSD, anxiety, mild depression, possible mood disorder
PHYSICAL ILLNESSES. Occasional fatigue, gets feverish/hot to the touch.
FEARS.  Abandonment, aggressive/strange men (especially if they're more physically threatening than her). Death, hurting others. Those who would consider themselves on the opposing side. Losing her found family, especially having them taken away.
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Lower than she likes to let on, though she's pretty damn confident
VULNERABILITIES. Her inability to let herself be vulnerable makes her pretty damn vulnerable. Her size. She's way more easily hurt emotionally than she lets on and VERY sensitive/soft, as hard as she acts. Her desire for companionship can sometimes lead to her being easily used, which is partially why she's so shut off to most.
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solatgif · 2 years
TGIF: Roundup for August 5, 2022
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Read all the way through for info on our Fall Leaders’ Dialogue event, a book giveaway, and our book reviews collection!
This week featured a panel discussion on Understanding Spiritual Abuse in the Asian American Church and an interview with Joanna Wong on Addressing Abuse in the Church. David J. Schuman shared about Abuse and Desertion in Marriage, and I reviewed Defending Shame.
I rounded up our most viewed videos on Instagram, and you can find them all in our Most Popular YouTube Playlist. Our Featured playlist shows off some of our favorites, and you can also check out our videos with Authors and Artists.
Our monthly newsletter features our most popular resources. Read our latest edition and join for free. Check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.
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Join us for our Fall 2022 SOLA Leaders’ Dialogue: The Potentials and Perils of Working With the Asian Immigrant Church. Sep 8, 2022, 9am–1:30pm, New Life Presbyterian Church of Orange County, CA. Speakers include Steve Chang (Living Hope Community Church), with Ben Pun (Anchor Church), Daniel Low (Bread of Life Church), Will Chang (New Life Presbyterian Church), and Kevin Yi (Church Everyday). The first 100 registrants will receive a FREE copy of Analog Christian by Jay Kim (IVP), and coffee/pastries and lunch are provided for all attendees.
Articles From Around The Web 
Faith Chang: Magnanimity and A Book Deal
“Part of what sanctification has looked like in my life has been God reframing my thoughts of greatness, or more specifically, my own desires for greatness. Which is to say, he’s humbled me.”
Related: Keeping Heart: An Interview with Faith Chang by Aaron Lee
Richard Chin: Gospel Shaped Unity
Gospel citizenship entails a gospel-wrought unity in the face of opposition from the outside.
Related: 10 Traits Of A Humble Leader by Moses Y. Lee
Hong-Hsin Lin with Jonathan Seitz: Why Taiwan Loves This Canadian Missionary Dentist
“George Leslie Mackay arrived in Taiwan 150 years ago and is still beloved there today.”
Related: Telling Our Stories: Taiwanese Immigrants And Chinese Refugees by Fred Mok and Heidi Tai
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We’re hosting a giveaway for a physical copy of Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp! There will be 3 winners. Special thanks to P&R Publishers for providing our giveaway! This giveaway is in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut. Read my review.
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
Lloyd Kim: TGC: The Privilege of Reaching the Unreached
In his message at TGC21, Lloyd Kim defines social justice as giving equity, fairness, and inalienable rights to all people, and he explains why the gospel is included as a right. Kim gives five objections and solutions for why Christians might not be answering the call to global missions.
Truth in Love Podcast: Counsel from Habakkuk
Tom Sugimura speaks with Dale Johnson from ACBC on how Habbakuk’s counsel informs our view of God, our circumstances and our counseling.
Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: On Worship by H. B. Charles Jr., Taste and See by Irene Sun, God Rescues by Jared Kennedy. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
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Check out our Book Reviews for reading recommendations, with an emphasis on Asian American authors.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
Aaron Lee: Understanding Shame in the Bible: A Book Review of “Defending Shame”
What does Scripture have to say about shame? Can shame be used for our sanctification? In Defending Shame, Te-Li Lau discusses the formative power of shame in Paul’s letters.
David J. Schuman: What the Bible Says about Abuse and Desertion in Marriage
“God cares about your safety. He sees your suffering and desires for it to end. Abuse is never your fault. It has no place in a marriage.”
Hannah Chao and Jason Chao: Addressing Abuse in the Church: An Interview with Joanna Wong
Ways in which churches are ignorant of potential abuses that their members are experiencing at church, work, or home; first steps that church leadership should take to better care for its members; and the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.
Thomas Hwang: Understanding Spiritual Abuse in the Asian American Church
Soojin Park, Joanna Wong, and Jason Min discuss how churches can create a culture that guards against spiritual abuse and bring healing to those who have experienced it.
TGIF: Roundup for July 29, 2022
Saving Local Media Outlets Is a Way to Love Your Neighbor / 2 Overlooked Topics in Premarital Care / The Secret to Happiness
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
0 notes
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Jason Saint [December 1st, 2017]
2017 was a banner year for Jason Saint and Horrorshow. Here are some statistics:
Wrestlers managed: Gangrel, Meng, The Barbarian, Kevin Thorn, Michael Elgin, Simon Dean, Shane Mercer, Jake Crist, Tripp Cassidy, Kongo Kong, Amazing Maria, Sugar Dunkerton, Matt Knicks, Jeremy Hadley, Dru Skillz, Scarlet, Adam Bueller, Dalton Bragg, Cole Radrick, Zodiak, Joseph Schwartz, Hy Zaya, Larry D, Samantha Heights, Barackus, Curt Stallion, The Boys From Jollyville, Calvin Tankman, Tanu The Savage, Corey Storm, Jade Dawson, Jonathan Wolf, Arik Cannon, Brad Cash, Michael Hayes, Tony Gunn, Adam Revolver, Ted McNaler, and more.
States traveled to: Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Missouri, Michigan, Iowa, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts.
Notable companies worked for: IWA Mid-South, Glory Pro, Strong Style Wrestling, Fest Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Freedom, Funkdafied Wrestling Federation, Heroes & Legends Wrestling, New South Wrestling, United Pro Wrestling, Wild Cat Wrestling Outlaws, World Wrestling Alliance, Kentucky Elite Pro Wrestling, Prodigy Pro Wrestling, Big B Pro Wrestling, Fighting Evolution Wrestling, Revolution Championship Wrestling, Fight The World Wrestling, Wrestling Theology Fellowship, Pro Wrestling King, EMERGE Wrestling, Smashmouth Pro Wrestling, Southern Underground Wrestling, All Star Pro Wrestling, WrestleArts, Battle On The Borders.
Notable attacks:
Fameasser by Billy Gunn
ATM Driver by Ron Mathis
Spin-kicked by Myron Reed
TKO from Austin Theory
Busted open with light tube by Hy Zaya
Busted open with barbed wire bat by Cole Radrick
Backfist To The Future by Eddie Kingston
Pushed from atop a ladder to ringside by Reed Bentley
Given a sliced bread on the outside by Jimmy Lloyd
Green misted by Sage Sin
Dived on by AR Fox
Flipped into the ring, atomic dropped by Brian Christopher
Given the Novacain by Simon Dean
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onestolendare · 7 years
Bootleg trading !!
Hey folks I’m a new Bootleg trader and I would love to expand my collection so let’s trade (I also gift in reasonable amounts) I usually reply in 24 hours :) [Side Info I don’t list full cast info for my videos but I have them on my computer.]
Videos: Amelie (with Philipa Soo) Avenue Q OBC Book Of Mormon (with Ben Platt) Come From Away OBC Dear Evan Hansen OBC Dear Evan Hansen (with Micheal Lee Brown & Olivia Puckett) Great Comet OBC Great Comet (with Shoba Narayan & Dave Malloy)   Heathers (with Dan Domench) Hamilton OBC Hamilton Bway 2016 (with a lot of understudies and standby’s) Hamilton Bway 2016 Replacement Cast Hamilton Angelica Tour August 2017 Legally blond (idk the cast tho) Les Mis bway 2007 Next To Normal 8/3/2010 Newsies 2014 Closing Night Newsies 6/3/2016 National Tour  Spring Awakening (1st National Tour Amazing quality !!) Rent 10th anniversary cast Wicked (with Stephanie J. Block) Wicked (Kristin Chenoweth last performance) 
Wants: ANYTHING NOT ON THIS LIST but I’ll love you if you have Bare (Off-Broadway),Bring it on, Chicago, In The Heights, Hamilton Chicago, or anything Waitress !! But i don’t accept rar folders cause my computer can’t open those :c
Audios: (under the cut with full cast info)
Hamilton: (chronological)
27/7/2013 Vassar College (tracked) Cast: Utkarsh Ambudkar, Daveed Diggs, Joshua Henry, Chris Jackson, Lin Manuel Miranda, Javier Muñoz, Ana Nogueira, Presilah Nunez, Anika Noni Rose
01/09/16 (tracked) Jon Rua (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Leslie Odom Jr., Renee Elise Goldsberry, Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Eliza Hamilton), Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Anthony Ramos, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Jonathan Groff
Jun 16, 2016 | bwaycomet's master - Limited trade (2:1) - Miguel Cervantes (Hamilton), Daniel Breaker (Aaron Burr), Ari Afsar (Eliza), Aubin Wise (s/b Angelica), Amber Ardolino (u/s Peggy/Maria), Colby Lewis (s/b Washington), Chris De'Sean Lee (Lafayette/Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Mulligan/Madison), Jose Ramos (Laurens/Philip), Alexander Gemignani (King George III), Malik Shabazz Kitchen (Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Jose Amor (Seabury), John Michael Fiumara (Charles Lee), Remmie Bourgeois (George Eacker), Chloe Campbell, Jean Godsend Floradin, Aaron Gordon, Holly James, Justice Moore, Samantha Pollino, Candace Quarrels
Hamilton - Broadway - July 29, 2016 - MP3 Untracked - LIMITED TRADE (2:1)  (Javier Munoz (Alexander Hamilton), Sydney James Harcourt (u/s Aaron Burr), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Schuyler), Christopher Jackson (George Washington), Andrew Chapelle (u/s Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Okieriete Onaodowan (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Ramos (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Elizabeth Judd (u/s Angelica Schuyler), Alysha Deslorieux (u/s Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds)​, Rory O'Malley (King George).  Elizabeth's first performance as Angelica. :
MPEG - TRACKED (ZIP) | August 9, 2016 Javier Muñoz (Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza), Austin Smith (u/s Aaron Burr), Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Angelica), Nicholas Christopher (s/b George Washington), Andrew Chappelle (u/s Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Okieriete Onaodowan (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Thayne Jasperson (u/s John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Sasha Hutchings (u/s Peggy/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George III)
M4A - UNTRACKED | Broadway | December 8, 2016 Cast: Javier Muñoz (Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza), Brandon Victor Dixon (Burr), Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica), Nicholas Christopher (Washington), Seth Stewart (Lafayette/Jefferson), Jordan Fisher (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George) Notes: Jasmine’s last performance as Peggy/Maria. Jasmine gets a little ovation after her high note in “Say No To This” and right as “Room Where It Happens” starts.
San Francisco, April 7, 2017: Michael Luwoye (Alexander Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Angelica Schuyler), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George III) 
Mai 2017  cast: Donald Webber Jr (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Hamilton), Nik Walker (u/s Aaron Burr), Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica Schuyler), George Washington (Bryan Terrell Clark), James Monroe Iglehart (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), J. Quinton Johnson (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Lee Medina (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Alysha Deslorieux (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Brian D'Arcy James (King George), David Guzman (u/s Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Samuel Seabury (Thayne Jasperson), Gregory Haney (u/s Charles Lee), Rickey Tripp (George Eaker), Ensemble: Lauren Boyd, Sasha Hollinger, Elizabeth Judd, Kim Taylor, Tanairi Sade Vazquez, Voltaire Wade-Greene (swing), Zelig Williams
FLAC - UNTRACKED | 1st National Tour - Tempe, AZ | February 1, 2018 Ryan Alvarado (S/b Alexander Hamilton), Julia K. Harriman (Elizabeth Schuyler), Nicholas Christopher (Aaron Burr), Sabrina Sloan (Angelica Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Josh Andres Rivera (S/b Lafayette/Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Mulligan/Madison), Ruben J. Carbajal (Laurens/Philip), Peter Matthew Smith (King George III)​
Others: (alphabetical)
Bandstand - Papermill Playhouse - November 15, 2015 - WAV (Tracked & Untracked) Cast: Corey Cott (Donnie Novitski) , Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan) , Beth Leavel (Mrs. Adams) Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright) 
The Band’s Visit - Off-Broadway - November 30, 2016 - M4a (Untracked)  Cast: Ari'el Stachel (Haled/Trumpet), Tony Shalhoub (Twefig/Conductor), Sharone Sayegh (Israeli Soldier 1/Anna),  Kristen Sieh (Israeli Soldier 2/Iris), George Abud (Camal/Violin), Alok Tewari (Simon/2nd Clarinet),  Harvey Valdes (Guitar/Oud), Sam Sadgursky (Clarinet/Flute), David Garo Yellin (Cello), Rachel Prather (Ticket girl/Julia), Daniel David Stewart (Papi), Andrew Polk (Avram), John Cariani (Itzik), Katrina Lenk (Dina), Bill Army (Zelger),  Erik Lieberman (Telephone Guy), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy/Guard) 
Dear Evan Hansen  Cast: Colton Ryan (u/s Evan Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Rachel Bay Jones Heidi Hansen), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy) notes: Colton's second performance as Evan. 
Dear Evan Hansen 10/7/2015 Arena Stage Cast: Ben Platt, Mike Faist, Laura Dreyfuss, Will Roland, Alexis Molnar, Michael Park, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Rachel Bay Jones Notes: Contains Cut Songs
Dear Evan Hansen 21/11/2017 Broadway anyirismusical’s master Cast : Noah Galvin, Mike Faist, Will Roland, Laura Dreyfus, Kristolyn Lloyd, Rachel Bay Jones, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Michael Park Notes: Noah’s first show as Evan
Miss Saigon - Broadway - March 29, 2017 (Matinee) - M4a (Untracked)  Cast: Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Lianah Sta. Ana (alt. Kim), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Ericka Hunter (u/s Gigi) notes: This is Ericka’s first show as Gigi!
Hadestown (July 31, 2016 Matinee): Cast: Nabiyah Be (Eurydice), Damon Daunno (Orpheus), J. Bernard Calloway (u/s Hades), Amber Gray (Persephone), Matt Saldivar (Hermes), Lulu Fall, Jessie Shelton, Erica Sweany (Fates). New York Theatre Workshop.
In The Heights - March 8th, 2007 - Off-Broadway Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Asmeret Ghebremichael (u/s Carla), Andrea Burns, Robin de Jesus, Karen Olivo, Mandy Gonzalez, John Herrera, Priscilla Lopez, Olga Merediz, Eliseo Roman, Seth Stewart
In the Heights - Off-Broadway - June 9, 2007 - MP3 (Tracked) Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda (Usnavi), Mandy Gonzalez (Nina), Joshua Henry (u/s Benny), Karen Olivo (Vanessa), Robin de Jesus (Sonny), Doreen Montavlo (u/s Abuela Claudia), John Herrera (Kevin), Priscilla Lopez (Camila), Andrea Burns (Daniela), Janet Dacal (Carla), Eliseo Roman (Piragua Guy), Rickey Tripp (u/s Graffiti Pete), Doreen Montalvo (Bolero Singer)
Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder / Audio / 2015-11-13, National Tour (Cleveland, OH): Cast: John Rapson (D'Ysquith Family); Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro); Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward); Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith); Mary VanArsdel (Miss Shingle)*hochbergaudio’s master
School of Rock / Audio / 2015-11-09, Broadway:  Cast: Alex Brightman (Dewey); Sierra Boggess (Rosalie); Spencer Moses (Ned); Mamie Parris (Patty); Dante Melucci (Freddy); ​Evie Dolan (Katie); Jared Parker (Lawrence); Isabella Russo (Summer); Bobbie MacKenzie (Tomika); Brandon Niederauer (Zack)
Spring Awakening 12/2/2011 2NT LA (tracked) Cast: Christopher Wood, Elizabeth Judd, Coby Getzug, Courtney Markowitz, Jim Hogan, Aliya Bowles, Rachel Geisler, Emily Mest, George Salazar, Devon Stone, Daniel Plimpton, Sarah Kleeman, Mark Poppleton  
Wicked / Audio / 2013-05-28, Broadway: Cast: Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba); Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda); Derek Klena (Fiyero); Adam Grupper (The Wizard); ​John Schiappa (Doctor Dillamond); Randy Danson (Madame Morrible); Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose); F. Michael Haynie (Boq) *Lindsay and Derek’s first show
Wicked / Audio / 2014-02-22, Broadway:  Caat: Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba); Alli Mauzey (Glinda); Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Carol Kane (Madame Morrible); Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose); Michael Wartella (Boq) *Lindsay, Alli, Kyle, and Tom’s final show
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calebyap · 6 years
Bethlehem Conference 2018 on the Holy Spirit
Sam Storms – Don’t Quench the Spirit | PasCon 2018
John Piper – Seeking the Spirit | PasCon 2018
John Piper – Preaching in the Holy Spirit | PasCon 2018
Francis Chan – Praying in the Spirit | PasCon 2018
Jason Meyer – Biography on Martyn Lloyd-Jones | PasCon 2018
Sam Storms - Preaching as Power: How Not to Quench the Spirit When You Preach | PasCon2018
Kevin DeYoung - That All May See Your Progress: How We Can Improve As Preachers | PasCon2018
Jonathan Dodson – Gospel Power: The Essential Role of the Holy Spirit in Discipleship | PasCon18
Jonathan Parnell – Spirit-Empowered Gospel Community | PasCon2018
Aaron Menikoff – Shepherding in the Fruit of the Spirit | PasCon2018
Don Whitney – Prayer in the Life of the Disciple | PasCon2018
Paul Tripp - Danger of Familiarity | PasCon2018
Chuck Steddom – The Worship Leader’s Heart | PasCon2018
David Powlison – Serious Mental Health Problems: How Can Churches Help? | PasCon 2018
David Powlison – Depression & Anxiety: How Can Churches Help? | PasCon 2018
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trekfm · 4 years
305: Film Felicity
Back to the Future.
There are some films that have a relatively easy road to production, then there are some that have been rejected many times over and even when they enter production, are plagued with issues all the way through, most of those end up as box office bombs, but every once in a while, the film gods smile and the movie becomes something truly special.
In this episode of The 602 Club hosts Matthew Rushing and Christy Morris talk about Back to the Future. We discuss being rejected, almost someone else, the cast, another change, risks and rewards, perspective, the music, effects, a classic, ratings and our recommendations.
Chapters Rejected (00:04:30) Almost Someone Else (00:14:40) Christopher Lloyd (00:22:02) Lea Thompson (00:28:40) Crispin Glover (00:32:21) Thomas F. Wilson (00:35:45) Another Change (00:37:50) Risks and Rewards (00:41:26) Perspective (00:44:48) The Music (00:47:06) The Effects (00:51:28) A Classic (00:53:38) Ratings (00:56:01) Recommendations (00:57:52)
Host Matthew Rushing
Co-Host Christy Morris
Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Associate Producer) Davis Grayson (Associate Producer) Daniel Noa (Associate Producer) Ryan Maillet (Associate Producer)
Social Twitter: @The602Club Instagram: @the602clubtfm
New podcast episode:
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brokehorrorfan · 7 years
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In addition to the Drag Me to Hell details revealed earlier today, Scream Factory has announced four new titles coming to Blu-ray in February: Games, The Night Walker, Gate II, and Colossus: The Forbin Project.
Games will be released on Blu-ray on February 13. The 1967 psychological thriller is directed by Curtis Harrington (Night Tide) and written by Gene R. Kearney (Night of the Lepus). Simone Signoret, James Caan, and Katharine Ross star.
The Night Walker will be released on Blu-ray on February 20. The  1964 psychological thriller is directed by William Castle (House on Haunted Hill, 13 Ghosts) and written by Robert Bloch (Psycho). Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Taylor, Hayden Rorke, Judi Meredith, Rochelle Hudson, and Lloyd Bochner star.
Gate II will be released on Blu-ray on February 20. The 1990 sequel to The Gate sees the return of both director Tibor Takács and writer Michael Nankin. Louis Tripp reprises his role as Terry, starring alongside Pamela Segall.
Colossus: The Forbin Project will be released on Blu-ray on February 27. The 1970 science fiction thriller is directed by Joseph Sargent (Jaws: The Revenge) and written by James Bridges (The China Syndrome). Eric Braeden, Susan Clark, Gordon Pinsent, and William Schallert star.
Specs for these titles are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
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lloyd-henreid · 4 years
He slides Lloyd a chocolate bar. It's definitely not a chocolate pie, and by the looks of it, it's probably been in *someone's* pocket since before Tripps. Maybe even longer. But it's the thought that counts, right?
Lloyd watches the chocolate side toward him before raising his eyes to Trash. He doesn’t have to look at the chocolate long to know it’s been all over the place, but he smiles a gentle, genuine little smile nonetheless and rests his too immaculately clean hand on it.
“Hey,” Lloyd says softly, “thanks, man. You’re a real cool dude, you know that?”
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