#Local Mer Girlfriends Save Four Eyed Human Man. More At Eleven
comradelup · 4 years
30, mermaids blupcretia ?
30. kiss under a full moon
i’m soooo sorry for how late this is akfnakfnsjfn but i like how it turned out!
“This is a bad idea,” Lucretia says, but she still keeps up with Lup, which has to count for something.
“But it’ll be fun!” Lup insists, the current plus her swimming speed letting her hair trail after her. Lucretia’s always been envious of Lup’s talent when it came to swimming, but they both know Lucretia is way more agile.
“Not if it gets us killed,” Lucretia remarks, sounding more than a bit apprehensive.
“C’mon Lucy!” Lup says, sending a beaming smile over her shoulder. “It’s a full moon tonight! I know you love seeing it as much as I do.”
Lucretia sighs, unable to argue with that. They have done this multiple times before and yes, it’s dangerous, but they’ve never been hurt before. Plus, it’s so fun!
Lup gives her one last smile before turning back forward. “Look at that!” she exclaims, finding a burst of speed as she climbs higher and higher. In the distance is a massive ship that casts a shadow from the moonlight over the ocean floor.
Lucretia catches up and puts her hands on Lup’s upper arm. “We should go back.”
“Babe, we’ll be fine,” Lup assures her, her hands over Lucretia’s. “I promise.”
“Are you sure?” Lucretia asks, eyes darting between Lup and the ship’s wooden hull.
Lup nods, and she gently removes Lucretia’s arms in order to wrap her arms around Lucretia’s waist holding her close. “I’ll always keep you safe.”
Lucretia blushes and ducks her head. “Flattery won’t save you if humans attack,” she says, but she has a cute little smile on her face.
Lup uses one hand to tilt Lucretia’s chin up, smirking as she leans in and captures Lucretia’s lips in her own.
Lup’s hand moves to cup Lucretia’s face, while Lucretia’s hands move to Lup’s shoulders. Their tails twist together and Lup keeps hugging her closer and closer; she can’t get enough of this feeling, and the light of the full moon makes Lucretia look beautiful.
Then there’s a splash.
Both girls break the kiss as their heads whip to the source of the disturbance. And they see a body sinking— a human body. Pale skin, dark hair, a white shirt, and strange blue garments around his weird human legs. A weight is tied to his feet, keeping him from floating to the surface, and his arms are bound.
He’s conscious, but facing away from them. He jerks violently, trying in vain to free himself.
“Let’s go,” they both say as they pull apart, quietly and in unison; Lup swims towards him and Lucretia swims away.
“Lup, what are you doing?” Lucretia hisses, begrudgingly following her girlfriend.
But Lup doesn’t answer, too busy swimming up behind the man and wrapping her arms under his. She pulls with all her might, but he’s still struggling and the weight is too heavy. He flinches at her presence and looks like he wants to speak, but only bubbles come out; right, humans breathe air.
Lup lets go, letting the weight sink the last few feet until it thuds against the ocean floor. She swims around until she’s facing his… well, face.
He has a bit of stubble on his face, and he’s puffed out his cheeks to try and hold in some air. His eyes are wide as he stares at Lup and in front of them is some strange contraption. A small black frame holding together pieces of glass in front of his eyes and supporting themself on his nose and weird human ears. Though, it isn’t held well, the impact of being thrown overboard his ship dislocating it pretty thoroughly. Lup does him the kindness of getting the thing off of him and tossing it to the side, letting it sink to the floor.
Now he should be able to see better, but also it’s freed up his face so she can lean in and give him oxygen.
Her mouths meets his in what could almost be considered a recreation of her kiss with Lucretia, but instead of their lips moving together, Lup pushes air into his mouth, letting him take in a breath through her.
She pulls back and studies his face for any reaction. He seems to be getting re-oxygenated, but he also looks bewildered by the event that just took place.
“Yeah yeah, mermaids are real and one just kissed you, let’s focus on keeping you alive?” Lup tells him, even though she knows humans can’t understand her language. She turns to Lucretia and points down at the weight. “Break the chain! Use some rocks.”
The man tries to look over his shoulder at who Lup’s speaking to, but Lucretia’s already diving down to follow the order. Meanwhile Lup’s swimming behind him in order to undo the binding on his arms. It’s cloth, much easier to rip, so she does it no problem.
As soon as he’s able to he reaches for his legs (more specifically the part right above his feet— there’s probably a name for that) and tries to shake off the heavy metal shackles keeping him tied to the weight. Lup reaches down too and tries to do the same, both to no avail. Feet below them, Lucretia’s got a sharp looking rock and is attacking the chain at the base of the weight.
The man suddenly looks back to Lup with a panicked expression. Wordlessly, she sucks in a breath, takes his face in her hands, and brings his lips to hers in order to feed him air again. Really, humans should have developed gills before they started trying to sail over the water.
As they pull away Lup hears a crack and a yell from Lucretia. “Got it!”
Already, the man is floating up towards the surface. Lup puts her arms around him and starts swimming, much faster than he could ever hope to go. She angles them towards the ship so they can break the surface in its shadow and hide from the hostile humans that did this to him in the first place.
Once they’re there, she hears him suck in a huge breath. Seconds later Lucretia joins them, and the three of them tread water to keep their heads in the air. It seems to be much easier for the girls than him, but Lup isn’t surprised.
“We really shouldn’t be out here,” Lucretia says, and she’s staring at the ship. “They could realize that he didn’t drown.”
“No, we’ll be fine,” Lup says, “Humans can’t see through the water as well as us.”
Lucretia turns back to her. “Then what do we do with him?”
She nods to the man, who looks incredibly lost. Of course he is, he can’t understand a single word they’re saying. They ignore him.
“We’ll get him to shore somehow,” Lup says, “We can give him air underwater and swim him to land.”
Lucretia’s face twists into apprehension. “I don’t like the idea of going to land.”
Lup resists the urge to roll her eyes. She loves Lucretia, but she’s so scared. “We’ll drop him off near land, then. Look, we can’t exactly leave him here!”
Lucretia opens her mouth to respond, but the man interrupts her. They don’t understand what he says, but they watch him turn between the two of them and repeat himself.
Lup shrugs and shakes her head, her best way of saying she doesn’t get it. The man takes a beat, thinking, then points to himself and says, “Barry.”
“Huh?” Lup says. Her confusion is evident.
“Barry,” he repeats, pointing at himself.
“Lucretia,” Lucretia says, pointing to herself with a small smile.
“Oh,” Lup says. Both of them look to her and she points to herself. “Lup.”
Barry smiles. Pointing to each of them in turn, he says, “Barry, Lucretia, Lup.”
Lup nods, a smile of her own rising on her face. This is gonna be… well, interesting for sure, but maybe a bit fun too.
The man suddenly gestures to his face, saying something as he makes shapes with his hands. He makes little squares in front of his eyes and realization hits Lup a second time.
“Right! Whoops! Hold on,” she says, and Lucretia starts laughing. Barry laughs along with her as Lup dives under the waves to go find his accessory.
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