maqsoodyamani · 3 years
توانائی کو مقامی سطح پر اپنانے کے لیے جلد کمیٹی قائم کی جائے گی: سعودی وزیر توانائی
توانائی کو مقامی سطح پر اپنانے کے لیے جلد کمیٹی قائم کی جائے گی: سعودی وزیر توانائی
توانائی کو مقامی سطح پر اپنانے کے لیے جلد کمیٹی قائم کی جائے گی: سعودی وزیر توانائی ریاض، 25جنوری ( آئی این ایس انڈیا ) سعودی عرب کے وزیر توانائی شہزادہ عبدالعزیز بن سلمان نے کہا ہے کہ توانائی کے شعبے کو بجلی کی پیداوار کے لیے اعلیٰ کمیٹی برائے انرجی مکس افیئرز کی چھتری تلے مقامی بنانے اور قابل تجدید توانائی کے شعبے کو فعال کرنے کے لیے جلد ہی ایک کمیٹی تشکیل دی جائے گی۔اس کمیٹی کی صدارت ولی عہد…
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tannerichaso · 5 years
आ-आफ्नो वडामा योजना संकलन कार्यक्रममा उपस्तित हुदाको अनुभब हामीसंग पनि बाड्नुहोस् !
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khabrisala · 4 years
Mumbai: 25-year-old local-level cricketer commits suicide
Mumbai: 25-year-old local-level cricketer commits suicide
By: PTI | Mumbai |
Published: August 12, 2020 7:42:19 pm
Karan Tiwari a local-level cricket player who bowled in the Mumbai Ranji Trophy nets, allegedly committed suicide in Mumbai. (Representational Image) Karan Tiwari (25), a local-level cricket player who bowled in the Mumbai Ranji Trophy nets, allegedly committed suicide in…
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nepal123 · 7 years
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Preparations for security arrangements for local-level elections over 16 Sept, Kathmandu: All preparations necessary for security arrangement of the local-level elections scheduled for September 18 in Province No.
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artcultureequity · 7 years
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Cornell Interactive Theatre Ensemble (CITE)
Diversity and inclusion training that facilitates dialogue.
CITE programs create safety around highly charged workplace issues, facilitating honest dialogue, self-awareness and organizational learning on four levels: personal, interpersonal, group and institutional/community.
CITE has the unique ability to take concepts of diversity and inclusion and make them real and personal for participant groups. Interactive theatre and facilitated dialogue from multiple points of view create a climate for participants that builds inclusion, fosters collaboration and gives participants knowledge and tools to take back to their own work environments.
All CITE scenarios are multi-dimensional, revealing not only the dynamics of particular diversity issues, but also the dynamics of humaninteraction around the issues.
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At the Thank You EPA rally in downtown Denver! #locallevel #democracy #resist @350org @350colorado
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dabalikhabar · 2 years
विदुर र म्यागङद्वारा विकास पत्रकारिता पुरस्कार
विदुर नगरपालिका र म्यागङ गाउँपालिकाले विकास पत्रकारिता पुरस्कार प्रदान गरिने नीति ल्याएको छ । #bidurmun #municipaplity #myagangmun #locallevel
नुवाकोट – विदुर नगरपालिका र म्यागङ गाउँपालिकाले विकास पत्रकारिता पुरस्कार प्रदान गरिने नीति ल्याएको छ । मंगलबार आव २०७९/८० को बजेट, नीति तथा कार्यक्रम सार्वजनिक गर्दै विदुर नगरपालिकाको विकास अभियानलाई सार्थकता दिन समाचारका माध्यमबाट योगदान पुर्याउने नगर क्षेत्रमा क्रियाशील एक जना पत्रकारलाई वर्षेनी विकास पत्रकारिता पुरस्कारबाट पुरस्कृत गरिने नीति ल्याएको नगरपालिकाका मेयर राजन श्रेष्ठले बताए…
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streetreporters · 3 years
June 12: ALGON Leaders Insist On A Virile Local Governments, Councils, Lists Gains
June 12: ALGON Leaders Insist On A Virile Local Governments, Councils, Lists Gains
The Association of local governments of Nigeria National President, Hon. Alabi Kolade David has said that this year’s Democracy day is a unique one at the twilight of all forces of change and existential threats against democratization at the locallevel, which, according to him, have gathered so much momentum in recent times that they can only be resisted or allowed to continue at Nigerians…
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securitynewswire · 7 years
Trib editorial Rampant ransomware risk for locallevel governments TribuneReview
SNPX.com : Trib editorial Rampant ransomware risk for locallevel governments TribuneReview http://dlvr.it/Q6HB5B
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Researchers Evaluate Parasite Patterns in Feral Horses
New Post has been published on http://lovehorses.net/researchers-evaluate-parasite-patterns-in-feral-horses/
Researchers Evaluate Parasite Patterns in Feral Horses
Overall horses coped well with parasites. But the heavier the parasite load, the lower the horse’s bodychancescore.
Photo: Philip McLoughlin, PhD
It’s no secret: We’re not dealing with the same parasites in horses’ intestinesWhenwe were decades ago.Asparasites adapt to their surroundings—sometimesfittingresistant to treatment—theycanbecome more difficult to eliminate, meaning researchers are seekingnewways to effectivelyperpetuatethese tiny terrors.
To betteraccomplishthe situation,oneresearch team recently tookaclose look at wild horseswiththeir parasite burdens.
“Studying wild horses allows us to betterrealizetheinteractionbetween horseswiththeir parasites without human interventionandgenuinelywithout theemployof deworming treatment,” said Lucie Debeffe, PhD, of the Department of Biology at the University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, Canada. “Because parasites are evolvingandadapting (sometimesmanufacturethem resistant to treatment), it is oftheprimary interest toperceivehow wild populations of horses interact with their parasites.”
In their recent study, Debeffewithher colleagues studied 477 feral horses on Sable Island, in Nova Scotia, Canada. They found that, for the most part, horses coped well with parasite loads, although the heavier the load, the lower the horse’s bodyconditionscore. They also notedsomeparticulartrends in this feral population, specifically:
Parasite burdensnormallydecreased with age;
Nonlactating mares had lower loads than lactating mares;
Males insome onesparts of the island had lower loads than females (contrary to other studies showing that males tend to be more susceptible to intestinal parasites);
Dominant harem stallions had higher loads than bachelor stallions; and
Location, specifically water sources,mayaffect parasite loads—freshwater ponds surrounded by lush pastures might provideastrongopportunityfor horses to ingest larvae.
Knowing these risk factors could help scientistsandeven farm managers ata locallevel develop smart, targeted deworming practices. The goal, Debeffe said, is toaimtreatment at the most susceptible population: the horses at most risk.
While recognizing these risk factorsOnceseen in feral horsescanbe helpful, the mostapparentclue is body condition, she added.Whenferal horses had reduced bodypossibilityOncetheir parasite loads increased, bodyopportunityappears to beagood indicator ofanhorse that needs treatment.
“Bodyopportunityis ansimpleindex to assess,anddue to its covariation with parasite load itmaybeformerto help target individuals thatimmeasurablyneed deworming treatment,” said Debeffe.
Anvery specialdistinction todiscernbetween feral anddomesticpopulations, however, is the effect of age. Older horses in the feral herds had lower parasite loads, but that might not be true indomesticherds because ofanreliance on anthelmintic treatment.
“Inaregularly treated population,perhapsthe immunity toward parasites cannot be acquired (as it seems to be in untreated feral herds),” Debeffe said. “So thesamplefor older horses toHavelower parasite loads wouldfinallynot be true.”
Added study co-author Jocelyn Poissant, PhD, assistant researcher at the University of Exeter Centre for EcologyandConservation, in the U.K., “People do treat their horses to improve theirfaultlesscondition. But treatment is alsoexperiencedto prevent pathologies, suchOncecolic, larval cyathostominosis, or damage to the cranial mesenteric artery, which may not bespecificfrom condition,veryifthe horses are well-fed.”
The study, “Negative covariance between parasite loadwithbodyopportunityinapopulation of feral horses,” will appear inanupcoming issue of Parasitology. 
About the Author
Christa Lesté-Lasserre, MA
Christa Lesté-Lasserre isanfreelance writer based in France.anative of Dallas, Texas, Lesté-Lasserre grew up riding Quarter Horses, Appaloosas,withShetland Ponies. She holdsanmaster’sdegreein English, specializing in creative writing, from the University of Mississippi in Oxfordwithearnedthebachelor’s in journalismwithcreative writing with adelicatein sciences from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She currently keeps her two Trakehners at home near Paris. Follow Lesté-Lasserre on Twitter @christalestelas.
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estra-seattle · 8 years
Ok People, here is the link to get involved! #LocalLevels #FindYourPlace
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nepal123 · 7 years
SC’s decision allows govt to increase number of local-level
SC’s decision allows govt to increase number of local-level
Supreme Court of Nepal. Photo: THT/File KATHMANDU: The Supreme Court has approved the government’s decision of making changes in the number of local-level units in Terai region, RSS reported. The SC scrapped the writ petition registered by advocate Dhan Bahadur Shrestha and Krishna Chandra Jha against government’s decision in this regard. After the SC’s decision, door is now open for the…
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artcultureequity · 7 years
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Foreclosed was a collaboration between Temple Hoyne Buell Center, the School of Architecture at Columbia University, and NY’s Museum of Modern Art that created new tools around reimagining public housing, particularly in the economic and housing crises. The workshop and community engagement activities produced a pamphlet, screen play, website with comments from the workshop, and field guide to lead future conversations and engagements. Projects like this series open up a space for community, artists, and administrators to engage in dialogue that can further examine the issues around housing while also taking an active stance and creating content to be distributed.
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F yeah it is! #emergecolorado #thefutureisfeminist #feminism #runforoffice #democracy #locallevel
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dabalikhabar · 2 years
विदुरको १ अर्ब १३ करोड ५३ लाख बजेट (पूर्णपाठसहित)
विदुर नगरपालिकाले आगामी आर्थिक वर्ष २०७९/८० को बजेट, नीति तथा कार्यक्रम सार्वजनिक गरेको छ ।  #bidurmun #budget #locallevel
विदुर – नुवाकोटको विदुर नगरपालिकाले आगामी आर्थिक वर्ष २०७९/८० को बजेट, नीति तथा कार्यक्रम सार्वजनिक गरेको छ ।  मंगलबार नगरसभामार्फत् नगरपालिका मेयर राजन श्रेष्ठले प्रस्तुत गरेको निति तथा कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत गरेका छन् । नगरसभामा आर्थिक वर्ष २०७९/८० को बजेट नगरपालिका उपमेयर प्रभ बोगटीले १ अर्ब १३ करोड ९३ लाख ५९ हजार रुपैयाँको बजेट प्रस्तुत गरेकी छिन् । नीति तथा कार्यक्रमको…
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artcultureequity · 7 years
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The Kelly Strayhorn Theater believes that we build better communities by supporting the people who engage the world with a passionate creativity, generosity, and a deep vision for justice, connection and healing.
We’ve seen that communities thrive best when the creative leaders are connected to the community as more than a series of buildings, but rather with a network of people, spaces, memories and possibilities.
Penn Avenue Creative works with emerging artists, social change leaders and entrepreneurs to ignite transformative thought, build systems of connectivity and catalyze networks of cultural sustainability along the Penn Avenue Corridor.
Penn Avenue Creative offers emerging creative leaders network development, mentorship, sessions with field experts, and a project development stipend. How do you build better communities for all? You do it by supporting the people who work, dream and live in ways that answer that question, everyday. Penn Avenue Creative is a demonstration of Kelly Strayhorn Theater’s continued commitment to being, growing and developing that support in the East End.
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