#Logan Staats
tepkunset · 1 year
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fangirl-dot-com · 5 months
🍾Track 5 - Don't Blame Me
*sorry for the delay folks! I made this chapter a little bit longer because you all have been so patient with me! I got my paper done and my teacher looked over it before I turned it in and she liked it! so I hope you all like this chapter! for Logan I am using Kimi during Lotus for his body claim and then for reader I am using Nico during Renault. the cars are going to be switching*
“And that is pole mate. Good job!” 
Logan was shaking as he took his cooldown lap around the track to get back to the pits. He was wondering if his radio was working correctly. 
“Did you say pole?” his voice shakily responded. 
“Yep! Great pace and congrats are in order.” 
He didn’t respond to that, still in disbelief. As he pulled the yellow and black car into Parc Ferme at the number 1 spot, his head whipped around. He let out a sigh in relief as his eyes landed on your own yellow car pulling into the number 2 spot. 
The blond went through his routine of turning off the engine and undoing the steering wheel before standing up and putting it back on. As he was bending down, he felt a slap to his back. Once the wheel had finally been placed in correctly, he turned in the direction of the hand. 
He could see your eyes crinkled through the opening of your visor as your hand clasped his. When he felt your glove, he finally recognized that this was not a dream and Logan was on pole for the first time in his career at the Bahrain Grand Prix. 
A flash of red also came up beside him and scrunched green eyes followed. 
“Mate, you were flying! Your time is so close to almost a one second gap!” he heard Charles say as the three of them took their helmets off so that they could be weighed. 
Logan let out a small laugh. “I was just driving.” 
You shook your head. “Just driving my ass. Lo, this is unbelievable.” 
The American turned his head to look at the other cars slowly pulling in. Max’s car was first in the line, signifying his P4 spot for tomorrow’s race. His face did not look happy as he took his own helmet off and glared at the stewards. Logan shrank in a bit at the sight of the angry Dutchman. When blue eyes met gray, Logan quickly turned his face to the side. 
“I think Max might be mad at me,” he muttered to you as you and Charles lined up for pictures. Charles sighed. 
“He’s not mad at you mate. He’s mad because they messed up their quali strategies. He was supposed to do three laps but they only let him do one.” 
Logan nodded his head and smiled for the flashing cameras. Once they were done and Charles went to be interviewed, Logan looked back at where the Dutchman had been. Only this time, Max was smiling wide as he looked at the two Lamborghini drivers. His hand waved them over. Logan nodded before making his way over to be interviewed after you were done.  
You had already found yourself conversing with Charles while Logan went over to Max. Logan was still a bit weary, but his fears melted once he was brought into a giant hug from the Red Bull driver. He sighed a bit and visibly deflated in hug. 
Once he pulled away, his eyes landed on some other familiar drivers that made his blood run cold. Alex and Oscar were looking at him like he just ran over their family dog and Lando had a murderous look in his eyes. 
Max saw the moment that Logan tensed. His gray eyes followed Logan’s line of sight and he sighed once he saw who he was looking at. He looked back to Logan. 
“He, dat is niet nodig. Negeer ze gewoon. Jij staat op pole en zij niet.” (Hey, there’s no need for that. Just ignore them. You’re on pole and they’re not.)
Logan sighed. “Waarschijnlijk eindig ik niet zoals altijd.” (I’ll probably just end up not finishing like always.) 
The Dutchman rolled his eyes. “Zeg dat niet. Je heb teen betere auto dan de meeste mensen op de baan. Laat ze niet bij je komen. Je bent een goede chauffeur.” (Don’t say that. You have a better car than most of the people on track. Don’t let them get to you. You’re a good driver.) 
Logan felt a bit better at the words being spoken to him. He was glad that he had begun to brush up on his Dutch so he wasn’t as rusty as he thought. He snorted as he looked at the other drivers’ wide eyes as they tried to look like they weren’t listening on their conversation. 
He looked over back at you and saw that you were pretending to tap a watch on your wrist. His eyes widened as the noticed the time. He turned to Max. 
“I got to go back to the garage. I think Y/n and I were going out to dinner tonight and you’re welcome to join if you want to. George and Lewis are also joining and she was supposed to ask Charles.”
Logan’s head turned back to you as he mentioned your name. Max smiled fondly at how he observed Logan looking at you. Hopefully, for Logan’s sake and mental health, you weren’t as oblivious as someone that was on the receiving end of his own glances. 
The American turned back to Max as he waited for the answer. The older man nodded. 
“Yeah, just text me the address and I’ll be there.” 
Max wished he would have said yes sooner, because the smile on Logan’s face practically rivaled the sun at the acceptance of a dinner invitation. 
“Great! I will see you there.” 
Logan gave the man a half hug before lightly jogging over to you. You saw the smile on Logan’s face as he got closer.
“Max said he can come to dinner,” Logan mentioned as the two of you began to walk to the garage. 
You smiled up at him. “Great because Charles also said that he can come as well. George and Lewis already have the address, and I made sure that the restaurant had vegan options before I gave them the location just in case we needed to change it or something.” 
Logan watched as you rattled on about the menu before he suddenly stopped as the two of you were in the hallway. Your brows pinched as you turned to your friend. 
“You ok Logs?” 
Logan’s face suddenly brightened as he pulled you into a hug. Although you were confused, your arms wrapped around his waist. He dug his face into the top of your head. 
“We’re P1 and P2 for tomorrow’s race,” he muttered. You let out a sigh of relief, thankful that his sudden stop wasn’t anything too serious. 
You pulled back just a bit to look him in the face. As you studied him a bit, you realized how close the two of you were. 
Had he always had those green flecks in his blue eyes? 
And had you always had that freckle near your top lip? 
Logan’s head was a bit bent as he stared down at you. He glanced around as he lightly licked his lips as they had gotten dry in the desert air. His eyes eventually met yours again. His forehead moved down to rest against yours and you were just enveloped in him. 
Logan. Logan. Logan. 
He took up too much space in your soul, but you didn’t want him to ever leave. 
Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. 
You had moved into Logan’s heart years ago and still didn’t pay rent. Good thing Logan wanted to keep you there as long as possible. 
“We’re late to debrief.” 
A groan escaped his lips as Logan finally let you go. The two of you entered the conference room still wrapped in each other’s arms. Marissa gave Michael a knowing smirk as the two of you sat down next to each other. 
The two of you were listening intently at the chosen strategies for tomorrow’s race. It would be a two-stopper with Logan being pitted first to keep the lead. However, if it seemed as though you were faster, you’d be granted the opportunity to race against him. 
You truly hope that you were slower. You wanted Logan to show everyone what he could truly do. 
Michael knew that the two of you wanted hotel rooms next to each other and that is exactly what he got. However, he warned that Williams was also going to be in the same hotel and to look out for Alex and James. You jokingly said that you probably wouldn’t see them, it was a big hotel. 
But now that you were in an awkward elevator ride with Logan, Alex, and James, you weren’t laughing. 
Alex had sighed as he pressed a button, keeping his eyes low. He didn’t even want to see what floor the two of you were going to. But, his curiosity got the best of him and his eyes widened when he saw the penthouse buttons pressed. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. 
Once Alex and James stepped off the elevator and the doors closed, you and Logan burst into a fit of giggles. You actually had to hold onto Logan to keep standing up straight. 
“Did you see Alex’s eyes when he noticed what floor we were going to?” you could hardly get out with all the giggles. 
“James looked like he wanted to die!” Logan helped you out of the elevator since you were still gasping for breath. 
“I can’t wait for the press conference when James and Michael are in the same one,” you giggled. “It might not be for a few races though. I think the FIA wants little to no drama.” 
Logan sighed as he jumped on the giant bed once he entered the room. It was so nice going from an itchy single bed to a bed that had sheets probably worth more than his first salary. And the smell was so much more fresh. The environment of the room just helped him relax. He’d be lying though if he said he wasn’t nervous about tomorrow. 
But that’s why they were going out to dinner tonight, just to get the edge of just a bit before going to bed. It always hurt Logan when he had to go to sleep after a full night of isolation and his own thoughts. 
His breath hitched in his throat when you showed him the dress you were wearing for the night. It was tight in all the right places, showing off your strong body. He was glad that you were so comfortable in your own skin, seeing as you were a bit more muscular and wider. But you had to be to do your job. And Logan would pick you any day over anyone. 
He let out a low whistle which made you blush under his gaze. You took one of the pillows and threw it at his head. 
“We’re going to be late if you don’t get ready now.” 
You only got an eye roll in response, but Logan rolled over and got off the bed. You knew he didn’t need a lot of time to get ready, but you wanted to get there early. It was your turn to whistle when Logan walked out in a button up and some slacks. 
Logan may have turned a shade of pink as he rolled his sleeves up and sprayed some cologne. He somewhat knew that he was attractive. But, he still couldn’t help but compare himself to people like Lando or Charles. 
You grabbed your purse as Logan put his phone and wallet into his pockets. You turned to pout at him. 
“Can you drive?” 
And how could Logan ever say no to your puppy eyes. He even opened the door for you at the hotel and at the restaurant. You rolled your eyes as you took his hand, slinging your legs over the door frame of the Urus. 
“And they say chivalry is dead.” 
Logan snorted as he led you to the front of the restaurant. It wasn’t anything fancy, but real wealth was silent, or whatever the filthy rich people said. 
The man shot a smile at the hostess, and you could see her visibly swoon. You may have felt some jealousy bubble inside your chest, but it went away when Logan’s hand slithered across your lower waist, pulling you into his side. 
If it were just the two of you, you would have molded yourself against him. But this was a public place and the main floor was filled. Logan knew this was a possibility and booked a private room, out of sight from any unwanted eyes. (Mainly, he heard that McLaren might host a dinner here and he did not want Oscar or Lando to ruin anything.) 
Funnily enough, the two of you were the first ones there. You took a look at your phone and read the messages from the four different guys that they were almost there.
Logan and you took the liberty to get some wine for the table. He almost wanted to be petty and order the most expensive wine possible, just to flaunt a bit, since now he had a salary that rivaled Charles’s or even George’s. Eight figures would do that to a person. But he knew that you liked a more simpler wine when eating food. You claimed it helped the dishes taste better, since your tongue wouldn’t be doused with thick wine. 
The waiter had just come back with the bottle, when the same hostess opened the sliding doors, revealing Max, Charles, Lewis, and George. You smiled at them. 
“Did you four all drive together?” 
Max looked a bit sheepish. “Apparently we’re staying at the same hotel, so we just carpooled.” 
Since you and Logan were already sitting next to each other (definitely for moral support), the rest filled in the round five seater. Charles took a place by you, followed by George and Lewis. Max sat on the other side of Logan. 
Charles immediately looked at the menu. “I’ve never been here, but the dishes look fantastic.” 
It also helped that there was a plethora of Italian dishes. 
“I’ve been here once, like two years ago,” you said before taking a sip of wine. “We, uh Arrow, came to watch the opener since Pato was wanting to start training to be a reserve. I was told that there was a price limit. The limit they gave me didn’t even cover one dish. To my surprise, everyone was able to get what they wanted.” 
Lewis looked at you with a pity smile. You waved your hand. 
“It was fine in the end. I eventually left, took one of their new Mercedes, and drove to I think Burger King.” 
George almost spit his drink out at the story. Lewis smirked. 
“Sounds like something my teammate would do. And it would probably be my car he would steal.” 
It wasn’t long before the same waiter came to take the numerous orders. Knowing that everyone had a race the next morning, the dishes were light and protein packed. Lewis was delighted to see that there were many options for vegan dishes. 
Towards the end of the meal, the guys asked for the check, not seeing that Logan had already asked for it ahead. He smirked as he quietly slipped his card into the booklet and handed it back. The hostess was nice as she explained that it had already been paid for. 
“Mate,” Charles started before Logan held his hand up. 
“It’s fine. Not like it’ll do anything to the checking account you know?” 
You smirked behind your cup. 
Max also had a grin. “You have big boy money now? How much were they paying you at Williams compared to Lamborghini?” 
Logan’s eyes looked up slightly as he mentally did the math. 
“So Williams ended my salary at 1 million, so,” he winced a bit, “Andretti upped it to 30 million, give or take.” 
You huffed. “At least you made it into the millions with Williams. Arrow was paying me around nine-hundred-thousand dollars.” 
George asked, “How much were the other drivers making?” 
“O’Ward was paid around 4 million.” 
Logan’s head whipped to you. “They were paying you that little?” 
You only shrugged, really not wanting to talk about your time with Arrow. “It’s fine. I’m getting paid the same amount at Logan so I’m good.” 
Around 9 p.m., Max mentioned that they should head back to the hotel. You and Logan agreed. However, as you walked out, your eyes caught familiar people. You scoffed and kept walking. Everyone looked in the direction that your head had been and also saw the big table full of the McLaren team, including Pato and David. 
Seeing your reaction, they just kept on walking. 
You’d show them tomorrow at the race how much they fumbled. 
Arrow and Williams needed to realize that they lost the best things that they. 
The next morning, you and Logan were there bright and early to go over last minute things. Logan also definitely found out that he has a staring problem, because his eyes could not leave you as you talked to one of your mechanics. 
It was nice to see you in your environment. Logan was also very happy with mechanics and a team that actually listened to what he said and suggested. Williams never did that. 
Logan felt peace as he sat in the car, waiting to get on the track. He had never felt like this at Williams. He always felt on edge, like one mess up and he’d be replaced midseason. Maybe if they didn’t put so much pressure on him, he wouldn’t have messed up so many times. 
He knew that he could drive well. 
“Just remember Logan, Y/n is going to help create a gap. No pressure, just smooth and clear driving,” his engineer Elio said over the radio. He had been thankful for the older man. He kind of reminded him of kind uncle. Not too old to be a grandpa, but older than Logan by almost 20 years. 
“Copy. Are we ready to go?” 
“Lights out in 5.” 
Logan inhaled deeply as he flexed his fingers on the steering wheel. 
“And it’s lights out and away we go for the 2024 Bahrain Grand Prix! Logan Sargeant maintains the lead at turn 1, his teammate right behind him. Max Verstappen gets ahead of Charles Leclerc but Leclerc is not going to give up. Oh! What is going on in the back! 
It looks like both McLarens have taken each other out at turn 2! Alex Albon has dropped two places and now resides in P17 with teammate Theo in P18. 
Sargeant is going into turn 3 and is still ahead with his teammate out of the DRS zone.”
“Ok Logan, it’s a virtual safety car. Keep pace nice and steady.” 
“Who was it?” 
Elio sighed before responding. “Both McLarens are out, debris is being cleared. Safety car ending in 1 lap.” 
Logan wanted to laugh so much on the radio. What were the odds of both McLarens getting out before the first lap of the race. 
Karma was Logan’s bitch. 
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The race remained pretty uneventful after the virtual safety car was lifted. You did an amazing job maintaining pace with Charles gaining and then falling back. It seemed like he was toying with you, but your car was slower on the corners and his car was slower on the straights. It balanced out perfectly. 
It was nerve wracking when your engineers decided to call both you and Logan into the pits at the same time for a double stack.
However, people should have never doubted at you and Logan both had pit stops under 2.5 seconds each, letting the two of you keep the lead that you built. You had come out behind some drivers, but they hadn’t pitted at all. 
The Lamborghini garage erupted with cheers as you and Logan got closer to the end, still in a respectable 1-2. 
“I know that Michael and Tonino are very happy with this driver set up. 
“Charles Leclerc crosses the line with the checker flag in P3 after an intense battle of his own with Verstappen who finishes in P4.”  
Logan stood on the nose of his car and just screamed as he hunched over. Every emotion was piling on him and this was the only way of escape. When he was finished, he was pulled down into your waiting arms. The two of you couldn’t help but jump up and down and just congratulate each other. 
Charles and Max watched with fond eyes (and maybe cringed when the two of you wouldn’t break eye contact – because they were thinking Is that how we look?). 
The smile on Logan’s face could not be wiped off as he stood in the middle of you and Charles for pictures. It never left as he was being interviewed by Nico Rosberg. 
“Logan how are you feeling right now?” 
He was a bit speechless, but he was able to formulate a sentence. 
“Well, it’s just phenomenal, what the team did. I knew I was breaking some hearts of the fans when I couldn’t give them the results that I wanted to give them. Last year, I kind of felt like a play thing for everyone to use, because I just kept being let down.” 
Nico put a hand on his shoulder. “Well, I certainly hope that is not the case for this year?” 
Logan shook his head. “Not at all. Andretti came to me like some paradise in the darkest part of my life. It just took me a minute to realize that I just needed them, a good team. I’d cross the line for them, figuratively and literally. Just hoping that if I do, my lap times won’t be deleted.” 
The German through his head back and laughed at the metaphor. Logan was able to chuckle as well. You quickly switched with Logan after he was done. 
This year, they did interviews a bit different and let the race winner go first, followed by runner up and P3. 
“Y/n, my my my, that was outstanding with how you built the gap. Mind telling us how you did that?” 
You brought the microphone to your lips. 
“Well, Nico, it felt like I was wasting my time a bit, and losing my mind, just because it was just me in my little space. Charles and Max really kept me on my toes for the first half, but after the pit stop the gap just kept increasing.” 
The blond man smiled at your confession. “You definitely look like you had a good race though.”  
You nodded. “Of course. I’ve been told that I get this wild look in my eyes, but racing is just fun for me to do and I love it. I think with some of my initial moves, they were a bit more defensive than what I would like. I know some people are going to be like ‘she’s gone too far this time.’ But in the end, it’s just racing. Charles and I had a great time and Max at the beginning. It was perfect.” 
The podium was also the symbol of perfection. For the first time in decades, you got to hear the Star Spangled Banner play before the Italian anthem followed. You saw as Charles swayed back and forth and sang with it, a big smile on his face. 
Who doesn’t like the Italian national anthem? 
When the champagne came, it was a mess. Charles decided to go after you, and you went after Logan, who tried his best to spray the two of you back. While Charles went to spray his team below, Logan stopped right next to you. 
His blue eyes met yours and quickly darted to your lips that were sticky with the bubbly. 
He leaned down and whispered, “Don’t blame me, I’m about to do something crazy.” 
Logan didn’t wait for your reply and cut the distance between the two of you. You were shocked but quickly registered the feeling of his lips on yours. Your eyes immediately closed as you kissed back. 
Michael, who had gone up to receive the constructor’s trophy, quickly leaned over the rail. 
“Marissa, you owe me!” he shouted, making the Lamborghini team laugh. Many of them knew of the bet between the two siblings. 
Everyone else was shocked as the two of you were lost in your own little world. Well, you were lost until Charles came back over and dumped the rest of his champagne bottle on your heads. You quickly parted to spray him back. This time, the Ferrari driver was soaked as you and Logan attacked him. 
When the three of you stood for the picture, you on Logan’s left, Michael on his right, with Charles the other side of Michael. Your head got closer to Logan’s ear as you all smiled. 
“You’re crazy Logan Sargeant,” you whispered. 
Logan turned to face you, his bright smile back on his lips. 
“I’m not doing love right if it doesn’t make me crazy.” 
At the top, Logan missed the dark and pained looks of three drivers. Two in orange and one in blue. They all looked lonely in the sea of yellow and black. 
At the top, however, it wasn’t lonely. Logan had all that he needed. 
lamborghini_racing has posted
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lamborghini_racing happy drivers, happy boss, happy 1-2 🥳
liked by dior, lewishamilton, logangirlie, and 5,204,295 others
lambo_duo AYO THAT'S MY TEAM
papa_tonino grazie a tutti! grande gara! 💛🖤
venus2 grazie mr. tonino! glad we could bring it home first for you!
logangirlie when I say slay, I mean SLAYYYYY 💅
y/n_95 I think I cried a bit when I watched it - they really said childhood friends to lovers
formulala_delulu ngl that 1-2 was sexy. Logan leading by 15+ seconds with y/n in her own untouchable little world
lestappenlove Charles looked like he was going through a crisis when y/n and long wouldn't stop looking at each other in Parc Ferme
verstappenleclerc ikr - he was probably wondering if that's what he and Max look like
bee_lamborghini I just need every race to be like this one
venus2 has posted
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venus2 if you aren't crazy then you ain't doin it right 🖤🍾
liked by charles_leclerc, logangirlie, logang2, and 2,048,175 others
Logan.nation guys, I'm so proud of him. he really defied all the odds and showed them what they gave away! happy driver of the day as well Logan!
lambo_duo the pics go hard 🔥
phoenix95 proud of youuuuuuu 🥳❤️
venus2 i see you've taken Charles's class on instagram comments
charles_leclerc I taught my child well ☺️
lewishamilton your child 🤨
charles_leclerc *our child
loscar_no_more this was amazing (especially after you know who dnf-ed)
my_goat_logan the group picture on the podium was so wholesome
phoenix95 has posted
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phoenix95 I'll be usin for the rest of my lifeeeee 🐝
liked by armani, georgerussell63, y/n.nation, and 2,105,893 others
y/ns_world the helmet is peak (the inverted) >>>>>
charlie&y/n she really is Charles's daughter
leclerc_line so we have y/n, the oldest, ollie the middle brother, and Leo as the youngest
shark_leclerk except y/n is also Lewis's kid, Ollie and Leo are Max's
venus2 again with the caption?
phoenix95 yes, and?
venus2 ☹️
maxverstappen1 @.charles_leclerc and @.lewishamilton - your kid made mine and George's kid sad
georgerussell63 put her in timeout 🫵
phoenix95 we're good now (I gave him another kiss)
maxverstappen1 DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW
y/n.nation expert masterclass from y/n today!
lambo_duo her driving is a symbol of perfection!
venus&phoenix the duo we didn't know we needed
landonorris has posted
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landonorris definitely not what we wanted today, but we'll keep pushing 👊
liked by oscarpiastri, lando4norris, lannoLN4, and 1,204,295 others
lando_no_rizz you'll get back to it in Jeddah
loscar_no_more hmmmm maybe you're just not fit for f1?
logan2sargeant BYE 💀
ln4 next race is where it's at 👊
logangirlie karma at its finest
mclarengoldenboy head up lando, that win is coming!! 🏆
verstappen33 don't worry about lambo, they'll fall apart soon
bee_lamborghini make sure your drivers finish the race before you say something ☺️
norris4ever let's go lando!
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @disneyprincemuke @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
887 notes · View notes
bttrflyblu · 2 years
Logan Staats - Deadman (Official Music Video)
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levisgeekstuff · 4 months
Wolverine Top 7
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In een vorige post besprak ik de Wolverine run van schrijver Greg Rucka. Dat is één van mijn favoriete verhalen over de kleine Canadees. Maar het deed me ook nadenken over welke verhalen ik nóg beter vind. En kijk, hier mijn Wolverine Top 7! Ik beperk me voor alle duidelijkheid wel tot de solo-verhalen van Wolverine. Hoewel er zeker ook ijzersterke X-Mannen verhalen zijn met Logan in de hoofdrol, laat ik die hier buiten beschouwen. Klaar? Snikt 👉
7: Enemy of the state (Wolverine 81-83, Juniorpress, 2005)
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Deze run van Mark Millar volgde direct op de eerder genoemde verhaallijn van Greg Rucka. Het contrast kan echter niet groter zijn. Waar Rucka een ingetogen detectiveverhaal bracht, gaat Millar samen met tekenaar John Romita Jr voor all-out actie. Wolverine wordt gehersenspoeld door Hydra en wordt zo staatsvijand nummer 1. Het halve Marvel universum gaat achter hem aan, wat natuurlijk garant staat voor de nodige dosis actie en spanning. Een heerlijke blockbuster comic!
6: Logan (Humo presenteert 4, Panini, 2013)
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Dit verhaal door Brian K. Vaughan speelt zich af in het verleden en onthult de harde kanten van zijn karakter. We volgen Wolverine in Japan tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Een erg rauwe periode die zeer sfeervol in beeld wordt gebracht door Eduardo Risso. Zijn typische stijl met veel schaduwen past perfect bij de horror van het verhaal en de oorlog. De Nederlandse vertaling van dit topwerk werd opgenomen in de ‘HUMO presenteert’ reeks uit 2013.
5: Old Man Logan (Dark Dragon Books, 2019)
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Het fascinerende 'Old Man Logan' verscheen in de VS oorspronlelijk in 2008 als afgebakend verhaal in de reguliere Wolverine reeks. Het werd geschreven door Mark Millar met tekeningen door Steve McNiven. Deze post-apocalyptische toekomstvisie toont een oude, verbitterde Wolverine. Hij leeft in een wereld waar de superschurken hebben gewonnen en de helden zijn verslagen. De setting van dit verhaal vormde ook de basis voor de film 'Logan'. Bij ons verscheen het verhaal in 4 delen op album formaat bij Dark Dragon Books in 2019.
4: Not Dead Yet (Wolverine 39-40, Juniorpress, 1998)
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'Nog lang niet dood' is een beetje een verborgen parel uit de Wolverine reeks bij Juniorpress, geschreven door Warren Ellis en geïllustreerd door Leinil Francis Yu. Daarin wordt Wolverine geconfronteerd met een spook uit zijn verleden: een voormalige huurmoordenaar genaamd McLeish, ‘The White Ghost’. Dat zorgt voor een intens kat-en-muisspel door de straten van Hong Kong. Heerlijke comic!
3: Origin (Dark Dragon Books, 2019)
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Jarenlang was het verleden van Wolverine één groot mysterie. Daar kwam verandering in met de miniserie ‘Origin’ door Paul Jenkins en met tekeningen van Andy Kubert. Het verhaal speelt zich af aan het eind van de 19e eeuw. We volgen er James Howlett, een ziekelijke jongen uit een rijke familie in Canada. Door traumatische gebeurtenissen ontdekt hij zijn mutantkrachten en klauwen, wat leidt tot een leven vol pijn en verlies. Een diepgaand en emotioneel portret van Wolverine's vroege jaren vol worstelingen en tragedies. Bij ons verschenen in 2 delen bij Dark Dragon Books. 
2: Weapon X (Dark Dragon Books, 2022)
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Dit verhaal verscheen oorspronkelijk in Marvel Comics Present 72 tot 84. Het verhaal is volledig geschreven, getekend én geïnkt door Barry Windsor Smith. En het moet gezegd, de man levert een prachtig staaltje vakmanschap. Vooral de opbouw van het verhaal, waarbij je je als lezer even verward voelt als Logan over wat er precies allemaal gebeurt, is knap gedaan. En dan is er natuurlijk het tekenwerk. In één woord: fenomenaal. Eind 2022 verscheen het verhaal eindelijk ook in het Nederlands bij Dark Dragon Books in 2 fraaie hardcovers. Eén versie in kleur en eentje in zwart-wit. (Check mijn volledige review)
1: Ik ben Wolverine (Limited Serie 2, Juniorpress, 1985)
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De Wolverine limited serie door Chris Claremont en Frank Miller is niets minder dan een mijlpaal in de comic geschiedenis. Het verhaal volgt Wolverine naar Japan, waar hij zijn geliefde Mariko Yashida probeert te redden. Onderweg moet hij het opnemen tegen haar criminele familie en worstelt hij met zijn eigen innerlijke demonen. Claremont's krachtige dialogen en Millers dynamische tekenwerk zorgen voor een onvergetelijke comic. Dit verhaal verscheen eerst achterin Peter Parker van nummer 27 tot 35 bij Juniorpress. Later kreeg het daar ook nog een bundeling in de reeks ‘Limited Serie’.
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gpfansnl · 7 months
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𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡!🏁 De gemiddelde finish-posities van de huidige F1-coureurs lopen van plek 4 tot plek 15, waarbij Lewis Hamilton bovenaan staat. Logan Sargeant is momenteel de hekkensluiter, maar dit kan natuurlijk nog veranderen gedurende het seizoen. Welke gemiddelde finish-positie verbaasd jou het meest? Laat het hieronder weten!👇🏻
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rockzone · 1 year
Cross Country Driver - The New Truth
Release Date: 17 Mar 2023
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Comprised of core trio Rob Lamothe (Riverdogs), James Harper (Fighting Friday) and Zander Lamothe (Logan Staats Band), but with some heavyweight friends also on board, the debut album by Cross Country Driver, is a gutsy old school rock rollercoaster ride.
"The New Truth" is also a generational spanning musical adventure that features inspired performances of its key members and their previous bandmates.
Lead vocalist and guitarist Rob Lamothe is a recording and touring veteran who has shared stages with everyone from Guns N’ Roses to members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. His LA-based rock band Riverdogs achieved cult status globally in the ‘90s and found a new generation of fans after signing with Frontiers for the release of 2017’s ‘California’. Drummer Zander Lamothe is his son.
James Harper has been a mainstay of the US north-eastern music scene for over two decades and is known for his high energy performances and chameleon-like ability to play and write in numerous styles. He has written and performed with the Boston-based group Fighting Friday for many years and is also associated with other local groups.
Vivian Campbell (Def Leppard, Last In Line, Riverdogs), who contributes guitar and vocals on the song "Risen", sums up Cross Country Driver's new album perfectly saying, "Lush, rich, deep and spirited. No one makes records like this anymore. Bravo!"
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Turning hardship into music: How Indigenous performers want to reclaim their culture
Indigenous musician Logan Staats and Elder Maggie Paul say it's important to reclaim Indigenous identity. Staats and Paul performed at the 10th edition of the weeklong Spirit Song Festival, which celebrates Indigenous art and culture.
from CBC | Newfoundland and Labrador News https://ift.tt/y51Rv3G
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kosmik-signals · 3 years
Logan Staats - Ash's (OFFICIAL VIDEO) ft. Devery Jacobs
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sparkyyoungupstart · 7 years
So the new CTV show The Launch is 2 for 2 with picking excellent artists for their tracks. Logan last week, Elijah X Jamie this week. Awesome!
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tepkunset · 3 years
Underrated Native Music Artists
This list is organized by genre, because everyone has different tastes. (But I’m not confident with the genre placing of all these, so please be forgiving of that.) That said, as someone who personally has a pretty wide taste, I would certainly encourage branching out, because who knows what you might discover you like. And please feel free to add more!
Each link is to a sample song.
Digging Roots
Classic Rock
Adrian Sutherland & Midnight Shine (personal favourite!)
Derek Miller
Robbie Robertson
Elisapie (some folk too)
Jeremy Dutcher
The Halluci Nation (formerly known as A Tribe Called Red)
DJ Shub
Iskwē (personal favourite! Acākosīk is a masterpiece of an album especially, IMO)
Buffy Sainte-Marie (also Folk Rock / Rock and Country) (personal favourite!)
Joanne Shenandoah (also Country)
Samantha Crain
Tanaya Winder
William Prince (also Country)
Folk Rock
Jay Gilday
Leela Gilday
Logan Staats
Twin Flames (personal favourite! I am obsessed with their entire album Omen, and their cover of Grace Too is to die for)
Hip Hop
Frank Waln
Joey Stylez (also pop)
Leonard Sumner
Snotty Nose Rez Kids (personal favourite!)
Carsen Gray
Shawnee Kish
Wolf Saga
Fawn Wood
Tanya Tagaq
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edupunkn00b · 3 years
What Might Have Been - Chapter 13: Love
Chapter 1  - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3  - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5   - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7  - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9  - Chapter 10 -   Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 -  Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 -  Chapter 15 - [ AO3 ]     CW throughout: swearing, Mature rating
💚💙 Side A Chapter 💙💚
Songs for This Chapter: Systematic Lover by De Staat Remedy by MY BABY Babe, Nothing feels the same Now I got the taste Of your sweetest remedy Strange, How I feel this way You're stuck in my brain Like an endless melody Babe Feels like I'm in love Just can't get enough I'm in need of remedy Yeah I've been in love before I'm standing at your door Where nothing is like everything Well, I'm stumbling to the caves On these Delta Waves But you're a step ahead of me Strange, How I feel this way You're still in my brain Like an endless melody
Remus lay curled next to Logan, propped up on one elbow, watching him sleep in the dim light of their room. It was technically morning, but the mid-March sunrise wouldn't come for another couple of hours. Very slowly, Remus brushed a lock of hair away from Logan's eyes and he watched, transfixed, as Logan's eyes moved behind his eyelids. Dreaming.
"Remus?," Logan's early morning voice had a dopey quality that his daytime voice managed to avoid. Remus thought his heart would melt on the spot at the sweet sound. "Are you alright?" Perhaps Logan wasn't dreaming.
"You’re awake!," Remus grinned. He leaned in close and covered Logan's face in gentle kisses.
Logan opened his eyes and laughed happily, fully awake now. Remus rose up again, keeping their bodies pressed close together, but leaning on his own elbow to avoid smothering his love. “Yes. Yes, I am. I'm awake." He looked up at Remus' bright eyes. "Happy Birthday, Remus," He craned his neck to glimpse the old-fashioned alarm clock on the nightstand behind him. "It may only be two minutes past five in the morning, but that still makes it today." He matched Remus' position and kissed him, hand softly cradling the back of his head, fingertips dancing through his hair. "Are kisses all you have in mind for your birthday morning? How about we make some coffee and then … “ Logan did his best impression of Remus’ eyebrow waggle. “Perhaps something a little more ...?”
Remus chuckled low in his throat and felt caught in Logan’s eyes. "Hmmm … Whenever and wherever you want."
Logan smiled, brushing the backs of his fingers against Remus’ cheek. “Doctor Who reference? Fantastic!”
Much later that morning, Remus, Logan, Virgil, and Patton were gathered around the kitchen table finishing breakfast. Virgil and a suite mate had driven down together from Western the previous day and he was headed back up to Bellingham later that evening. Remus felt incredibly lucky, knowing all of his favorite people would be there for the party at Roman and Janus' house. Remy and Emile were even planning on stopping by briefly before heading back to their practicals.
"So I've been making some pretty decent cash working parties and weddings around the college," Virgil took another sip of his coffee, guarding his cup from Patton's grabby hands. "No, Pat, it will stunt your growth."
"But you started drinking coffee in high school!," Patton pointed out.
"Exactly, how do you think I know this?" He looked at his younger brother who was rapidly gaining on him in height. "On second thought, you know what? Here you go, Pat! Bottom's up!"
Logan laughed and, without looking up from the list he was preparing, plucked the cup away from Patton. Remus slid another cup in front of him. "Here, Pat, decaf. All the bitterness, none of the alertness."
Shaking his head and still laughing, Logan rolled his eyes happily, "I'm not certain that's helping!" Remus leaned over to kiss Logan's cheek and blinked in surprise when Logan turned quickly to capture the kiss with his lips instead.
"Tell us more about your gigs, Virgil," Remus prompted once he'd recovered.
Virgil smiled and winked at Remus. "It's really great. I thought there would be too much supply and not enough demand to really get off the ground, but there's essentially only one other DJ who works parties in the area. And apparently he's a bit of a pain to work with." He shook his head in disbelief. "I've had to turn down gigs and had two parties change their dates to match my schedule."
Logan grinned and rubbed Virgil's back, "That is incredible, Virge! I am quite proud of you."
"This also means that I'll have enough money saved up to go in with my suite mates on a real apartment next quarter, and stay in Bellingham over the summer, working."
Logan's eyes widened, "Oh ..." He sat staring at Virgil, stunned.
Remus grinned, putting a hand on Logan's shoulder. "I think you broke Dad, Virge."
Logan shook himself and let out a little chuckle. "Are you certain you are ready for that? Living on your own means a lot of additional responsibility."
"How old were you, Dad, when you got your own apartment in college?"
Logan shook his head. "Those were very different circumstances, Virge - "
"Were you too irresponsible to handle it all?," Patton asked.
Remus scrunched his nose, smiling crookedly at Logan. "I don't think Dad has an irresponsible bone in his body."
Logan was thoughtful, "You will need a budget - ,"
Virgil nodded, pulling out his phone and showing his father the budgeting app he'd been working on. Logan tried not to smile. "And you will need to include an additional budget for purchasing furniture - ," Virgil showed Logan the categories he had created, including a detailed list of moving expenses and a growing emergency fund. Logan looked from the app to Virgil's face. He nodded slightly, smile spreading. "You have clearly done the work." Logan pulled Virgil in for a quick hug. "I should have expected nothing less from you."
"So ... does that mean I can borrow the car on moving day?"
Janus and Roman greeted the four of them at the door holding coveralls and a bucket of paint brushes. "Happy Birthday, Re!," Roman wrapped his arms around Remus in a bear hug. "And welcome, one and all, to the Ides of March Painting Party!"
Logan and Remus shared a look, laughing, "So this was all a ruse to get us in here to help you paint the nursery?" They stepped through the door, each accepting a coverall from a grinning Janus.
"No, of course not," Janus demurred. "We are here to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of our two favorite Princes ... and to paint the nursery."
Remus raised his hand, "I'm in, as long as I can paint a mural!"
"We'd ask you to leave if you wouldn't," Roman warned, chuckling, as he wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders, leading him further inside.
"So if you're already painting the nursery," Remus quietly asked Janus, "Does that mean you've gotten some good news from the adoption agency?"
"Things are looking very, very good," Janus pried open another can of paint and started to stir. "There's nothing completely definite yet, but, we are far enough through the process now that getting the nursery ready seemed like a necessary step." Janus put down the paint stick and checked to see that Roman was engrossed in getting Patton set up with a roller and a tray of lavender paint. He lowered his voice. "We've had three very positive interviews with birth mothers." Janus worried his lip between his teeth for a moment. "There had been a fourth, but she backed out of the process entirely." He blew out a quick breath. "Once things start moving, they could move very, very quickly." Janus looked around the brightly lit room, floor covered in drop cloths, the beginnings of a dreamy lavender spreading across the walls. "It just felt right to start to prepare."
Remus hugged Janus, "I'm so happy for you two!" He rolled his eyes as Janus stiffened slightly. "I know, I know, 'not until there's a baby in your arms' ... " Remus shrugged. "You can't stop me from thinking it," he said with a grin.
Logan was a few feet away, working ahead of Patton and Roman, applying painter's tape to the baseboards and moulding. "So how does naming work?" He winked, "Or is it too soon for that?"
"Well, sometimes a birth parent will stipulate a name in the adoption agreement." Janus met Roman's eyes as he joined them. "In case they don't, we've been bouncing around a few ideas."
Roman had finished getting Patton set up and retrieved another roller tray for himself to start work on the wall opposite the planned mural. "We both really like Ashling River. it works for boys, girls, and everything in between." Logan raised an eyebrow.
Janus laughed. "And no, before you ask, no, River is not a Doctor Who reference."
"Sweetheart," Roman purred, stepping closer to Janus and nudging him with his shoulder. "Do you want to tell them what River is a reference to?"
"No, my dear," Janus fought to keep a smile from his lips. "No, I would rather not." Roman made a show of pouting, wrapping his arms around Janus' waist.
Janus adjusted the zipper on his coveralls and squared his shoulders. He smiled indulgently at Roman as he felt himself caving. He sighed heavily, but with a broad smile. "Very well ..."
Roman burst out, "It's for River Phoenix, Janus' first crush." Janus' blush was practically fluorescent.
Remus jumped in, "Oooh ... from The Last Crusade?" Remus makes a little whipping motion.
Trying hard to regain his dignity, Janus finally mumbled, "From Stand By Me."
"Respect," Remus murmured, fist bumping Janus. "Personally, I had the hots for Wil Wheaton in that one." Remus looked thoughtful. "Oh, and in Star Trek, of course." Roman laughed. "What's so funny, Ro Bro?," Remus demanded, feeling his own blush starting.
Roman looked pointedly at Logan. "When did you stop having the hots for Ensign Crusher?"
"Oh, well yeah," Remus looked closely at Logan. "Ok, maybe I have a type." Remus pulled him close, paint roller in one hand, turning Logan's chin toward him for a kiss.
Janus interrupted, "Careful there, Remus, you're about to give Logan lavender hair."
"Oooh ...," Remus shimmied his shoulders and winked at him. "That could be a whole new look for you."
"If Dad dyes his hair purple, I'm moving out," Virgil drawled as he brought in a tray of sodas and water from the kitchen.
"But you're already moving out, Virge," Patton reminded him.
"True." Virgil smirked. "I never said it was a meaningful conditional."
"Oh, Dad," Patton's phone had buzzed with a notification. "Jet just texted - their party starts in four hours."
Logan looked at Janus and Roman. "Patton's got a sleepover party tonight at his friend's house, so we'll need to leave here in about three and a half hours. Pat, you put your bag in the trunk already, right?" Patton gave Logan a thumbs up, adding a quick grin of thanks to Remus for his earlier reminder.
Janus nodded, kissing Roman's cheek and smiling at the little army of painters in front of them "Right, let's get a move on, then."
An hour and a half later, the formerly eggshell - "Ecru," Remus murmured to Logan - colored walls of the new nursery were now a soothing shade of lavender.
"According to developmental color theory, this shade will evoke a sense of imagination and creativity," Roman cheered, looking around the room. Remus had just finished sketching out the center of the mural, a fantastical scene of fairies and dragons flitting through the sky.
"What do you think, Ro?," Remus asked, grasping Roman's arm and pulling him toward the wall. "And, over here - " Remus gestured to one corner " - I'll paint a knoll with elves and unicorns and - ," Remus noticed that Roman was crying. He shook his head, "You don't like it? I can change it ..."
"No, Re ... I love it."
At the end of the joyously busy and frenetic day, Remus and Logan found themselves together in a quiet house. Remus reached for Logan's hand, drawing him close. Logan met his eyes, hand trailing down his chest, murmuring quietly, "We have the house completely to ourselves." He grinned, a little breathless. "I can't remember the last time we have been alone like this." Remus slowly nodded, eyes locked onto Logan's as he stepped closer. "It's your birthday, what shall we do?"
Remus grinned wickedly. "I've been meaning to reorganize our closet," Logan laughed, gripping Remus' jacket and walking him backwards toward the staircase. "And didn't you want to - ," Remus' words were interrupted by Logan's mouth capturing his, lips apart and teeth clicking together. After a few minutes, they broke apart for air.
"I think I like your idea better," Remus whispered before crushing their lips together once more.
Remus lay tucked against Logan's chest, one leg draped over his. Logan's arm was wrapped tightly around his body and Remus traced circles and swirls across his chest. He could hear Logan's heartbeat where his ear pressed against his skin. Remus' hair was still damp from his shower, but the room was comfortably warm, so he didn't feel a chill.
Logan lay very still, his breathing slow and even, but his eyes were still open. "Are you feeling sleepy, Love?," Remus murmured.
Logan smiled down at him. "Perhaps a little. Mostly just feeling ... relaxed." Logan kissed Remus' head, wrapping both arms around him. Logan then started to twirl his fingers through Remus' damp curls with one hand, stroking his back with the other.
Remus tilted his head up again to met Logan's eyes. "I love you so much, Lo." He pressed a line of kisses along Logan's chest. "You make me so happy. I love you."
Logan smiled again, stroking Remus face, running his fingers from his temple to his jaw, then brushed a thumb over his lips. "You've changed my whole life, Remus. I love you, too."
A sudden knocking at his door ripped Remus from his reverie.
His eyes were so swollen that he swore he could hear the sound of his eyelids scraping painfully over his corneas as he opened and blinked them. Remus looked around. He was alone in his room at Roman and Janus' house.
"Re?" Roman's voice called from the other side of the door.
"Yeah?," Remus answered, his voice breaking.
"You promised we could talk later. It's later." Roman's voice sounded tense, his tone sharp and in a higher octave than he usually spoke. "Will you come downstairs, please?"
Remus closed his eyes again, grasping for any last tendril of feeling from his daydream that he could. Daydream? Who the fuck are you trying to fool, Remus? Your delusion, you mean. Sighing shakily, he pushed himself out of his cocoon of weighted blankets and swung his legs over the side of the bed, dragging himself to a seated position. He shivered at the loss of warmth.
"Yeah, sure, Ro Bro." Remus shivered again, raking a hand through his dirty hair and tugging at the sleeves of his shirt. He swallowed against his dry throat. "I'll be right down."
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meanstreetspodcasts · 4 years
Photo Finish
The Golden Age of Radio hosted a big club of newspaper reporters whose zeal for truth and justice led them to fight crime as they fought deadlines. Randy Stone of Night Beat; Dan Holiday of Box 13; and of course Clark Kent are just a few of the reporters who went above and beyond merely reporting the news and who took an active role in their stories. But it wasn’t just the writers who played detective on the side in the world of radio journalists. One plucky photographer played gumshoe as he worked the police beat for his paper. He was Casey, Crime Photographer, and beginning on July 7, 1943, he enjoyed a long career on radio in the 1940s and early 1950s.
Casey was created by George Harmon Coxe and first appeared in Black Mask magazine in 1934. Coxe was inspired by the stories of heroic newspapermen, but he observed that “it was frequently the photographer accompanying such newsmen who frequently had to stick their neck out to get an acceptable picture.” Coxe felt it was time to give the cameraman his due and introduced readers to Jack “Flashgun” Casey, a hard-drinking, two-fisted photographer who wielded a gun as effectively as he used a camera. Coxe featured the character in 24 short stories and six novels.
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Following two B-movies in 1936 and 1937, Casey came to radio in June 1943 on CBS in Flashgun Casey, Press Photographer. Actor Matt Crowley, who played Batman, Dick Tracy, and Mark Trail on radio during his career, was the first actor heard as Casey. He was quickly succeeded by Jim Backus, later the voice of Mr. Magoo. By October, the role had been recast again, and this new Casey would stick with the character for the rest of his radio career. Actor Staats Cotsworth found his greatest radio success as Casey, but even with over 400 performances as the crime photographer he enjoyed a long career of diverse roles in radio and on television. Like J. Scott Smart of The Fat Man, Cotsworth was a bit of a renaissance man. Cotsworth acted on the stage and only moved into acting early in his career to support his work as a painter. He continued to work in radio even while he was headlining Crime Photographer; Cotsworth could be heard on The Shadow, Dimension X, The Mysterious Traveler, and Rocky Fortune throughout his tenure on Casey.
The supporting cast for Cotsworth’s run was rounded out by actresses Jan Miner and Lesley Woods as reporter Ann Williams, whose stories ran alongside Casey’s photos. Interestingly, the two also shared the role of another radio detective’s girl Friday - Mary Wesley on Boston Blackie. Bernard Lenrow was heard as Captain Logan of the police; and John Gibson played Ethelbert, the wry bartender at the Blue Note Cafe, where most Casey episodes wrapped up. Typical episodes (mostly written by Alonzo Dean Cole) involved Casey and Ann launching their own investigations into the crimes they covered, with Captain Logan often accepting their assistance, albeit reluctantly.
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Though the series is best known today as Casey, Crime Photographer, it ran under several titles including Casey, Press Photographer and just Crime Photographer. It aired on CBS in multiple incarnations from 1943 until 1954. For the final years, the radio version ran alongside a TV version. Actor Darren McGavin (perhaps best known as “The Old Man” in A Christmas Story) played Casey, with Jan Miner reprising her role as Ann for the single season TV run.
Radio historian John Dunning is less than kind to Casey, calling it “better than Mr. Keen [Tracer of Lost Persons], but lacking the polish and style of Sam Spade.” That’s a high bar to clear; few shows could measure up to Sam Spade when Howard Duff was at the microphone (today it would be akin to dismissing a series because it isn’t as good as Breaking Bad or The Sopranos). Casey, Crime Photographer, thanks largely to Cotsworth’s performance, is light and engaging mystery fare, well produced and written, and it presents a different type of character in a sea of hard-boiled private eyes.
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levisgeekstuff · 4 months
Wolverine: de Greg Rucka periode
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Af en toe vind ik het al eens tof om gewoon eens door een oudere reeks comics te scrollen. Afgelopen week was dat het geval met de Wolverine serie van Juniorpress. De pakweg eerste 30 deeltjes kon ik me allemaal nog goed herinneren. Maar van de latere delen was ik eerlijk gezegd best veel vergeten. Zo botste ik bij nummer 75 op de start van de Greg Rucka run. 👉
In de VS betekende dit de herstart van Wolverine, met een nieuwe nummer 1. Bij Juniorpress ging de originele nummering gewoon door. Toch was het toen best een frisse wind die door de reeks ging. Marvel probeerde in die periode (2003) vanalles uit om nieuwe fans naar de comics te lokken. Daarvoor trokken ze schrijvers van Vertigo en de indie comics aan. Zo ook Greg Rucka dus.
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Realistische aanpak
Die ging voor een meer realistische aanpak. Geen Wolverine in kostuum. Geen (of nauwelijks) superhelden. Gewoon rauwe, realistische misdaadverhalen. Onze held wordt zelfs niet als 'Wolverine' aangesproken, enkel als 'Logan'. Ik ben zelf wel fan van deze versie. Het voelt een beetje als een HBO dramareeks, eerder dan een superhelden comic. En dat is prima.
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Rauw tekenwerk
Het tekenwerk is van Darick Robertson, bekend van Transmetropolitan. Hoewel zijn rauwe stijl goed bij het verhaal past, vind ik het in deze comics net wat té ruw. Ok, Logan is geen standaard mens, maar hier ziet hij er vaak meer uit als een soort trol. Het contrast met de covers is ook groot. Dat zijn prachtig geschilderde tekeningen van Esad Ribic waar Wolvie meer lijkt op een verfijnde versie van Hugh Jackman.
In de tweede verhaallijn werd het tekenwerk van zowel de covers als de comic zelf overgenomen door Leandro Fernandez.
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De eerste verhaallijn van Rucka lees je in Wolverine 75 tot 77, met daarin de Amerikaanse delen 1 tot 5. Ook het tweede verhaal, 'Coyote Crossing', volgde in Wolverine 78 tot 80.
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Jammer genoeg besloot Juniorpress toen om het derde deel over te slaan en meteen in te pikken bij de nieuwe verhalen van schrijver Mark Millar. Ook een fijne periode, maar iets hééélemaal anders. Daarover schrijf ik binnenkort nog wel eens een aparte post. 😉
Maar voor de Nederlandstalige lezers was het destijds dus niet zo fijn om het slot van Greg Rucka's run niet te kunnen lezen. Zeker omdat er hier een confrontatie met aartsvijand Sabretooth op het programma staat.
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Gelukkig werd 'Return of the Native' járen later alsnog vertaald en opgenomen in de 'Duistere Kant' collectie van Panini voor Carrefour. Daarin lees je dus de Nederlandstalige versie van de Amerikaanse Wolverine 13 tot 19 en het slot van de Greg Rucka periode.
Broederschap: Wolverine 75, 76, 77 (Juniorpress, 2003)
Coyote Crossing: Wolverine 78, 79, 80 (Juniorpress, 2004)
Terugkeer van Native: Duistere Kant Collectie 10 (Panini, 2022)
Deze hele run is warm aanbevolen voor wie eens een andere Wolverine wil lezen! 🙌
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gpfansnl · 1 year
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Guenther Steiner moet zich om 14:30 melden bij de wedstrijdleiding. Nico Hülkenberg kreeg in Monaco een tijdstraf van vijf seconden na een incident met Logan Sargeant. Steiner kon zich niet vinden in de straf. "Ik probeer erachter te komen, want niemand kan het mij uitleggen! Ik heb net naar de foto gekeken en Nico zit aan de binnenkant en ligt in feite voor hem, en duikt de bocht in, maar ik zie geen botsing. Een botsing is als ze elkaar toch raken? Dat is de definitie. Ik probeer het nog steeds uitgelegd te krijgen, want volgens mij was het compleet verkeerd," aldus de 58-jarige uit Tirol. Hij vindt dat het tijd is voor 'professionals' om bij Race Control aan de slag te gaan: "F1 is een van de grootste sporten ter wereld en we hebben nog steeds leken die beslissen over het lot van mensen die miljoenen in hun carrières investeren." Omdat Steiner stewards "leken" heeft genoemd, is hij nu dus op het matje geroepen bij de FIA. In artikel 12.2.1.c staat dat "elke vorm van frauduleus gedrag of elke handeling die schadelijk is voor de belangen van een competitie of de belangen van de motorsport in het algemeen" verboden is. Volgens artikel 12.2.1.f kunnen "alle woorden, daden of teksten die morele schade of verliezen hebben berokkend bij de FIA, haar instanties, haar leden of haar leidinggevende functionarissen, en meer in het algemeen rondom het belang van de motorsport en de waarden die door de FIA worden verdedigd", niet door de beugel. Volgens artikel 12.2.1.k zou hij de regel "elke vorm van wangedrag jegens, maar niet beperkt tot: officials, officieren of stafleden van de FIA, [en meer]" ook overtreden hebben.
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catlyn-noire · 5 years
@ionlyspeakswift @sweetforeverswiftie @taylorswift @taylornation @taylor-swiftfacts @taylorswiftedit @universalmusic @swiftgallery @swiftsecrets @swiftstormm @swiftaylrs @lookwhatyoujustmademedo @readyforit13x @taylorswiftsdaily @taylorswiftdaily @lookwhatyoumademe-ooh @lookwhatyoumadenatdo @colorsinautumn @resilientswift @columbusswift @protectingswift @piecesintoplaces @talldrinkofhappy @meliswiftie13 @candycanesandpumpkinpie @shakingoffthehaters @shakeitoff @shakeoffswift @shakeoffthebadblood @blankspacebabys @blankspace17 @blankspaces @blankspacebabyy @booknerdswiftie @booknerdswift @owehimnothin @owehimnothing13 @carlylala @swiftiesince07 @stelicate @mileyyyyyy @meliswiftie13 @nickyminajesty @theyre-burning-all-the-witches @loveisaliveinswift @my-weird-heart @theoldzeyisdead @badbloodsmadloves @behindthesefourwalls @nevermissabeat13
So our Operation is to try to persuade Taylors fan base to co-ordinate against Scooter Brauns attempts to control her because Taylor deserves better. To do this we have to cost Mr. Braun enough money and apply enough political pressure that he agrees to return Taylors music to her, I have tagged you because you are the only swifties who have added me and maybe you can help me get this shared.
Scott Brauns assets are as follows:
Big Machine Records:
Current Artists:
The Cadillac Three
Ronnie Dunn
Lauren Jenkins
Reba McEntire
Jennifer Nettles
Carly Pearce
Josh Philips
Rascal Flats
Noah Schnacky
Dan Smalley
Payton Smith
Cheap Trick
Elijah Woods X Jamie Fine
Friday Pilots Club
Logan Staats
Pretty Vicious
And every Taylor Swift album/song prior to Lover which means for this to be effective we need to stop listening to these songs/albums on youtube, spotify and other streaming services and not buy the cds (if you dont already own them)
Boycot anything run by SB Projects which is scooter brauns own company and also School Boy, Sheba Publishing and RBMG
Boycot Justin Bieber, Arian Grande, Carly Rae Jespen, Hillary Duff, Demi Lovato, Tori Kelly, Usher, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Lil Dicky, Karlie Kloss, Dan + Shay, Zac Brown Band, Psy, Martin Garrix, Rixton, Eden, Steve Angello, Poo Bear, CL, The Knocks, Vic Mensa and Watt
Boycot “Never say never” the justin bieber film produced by scooter and CBS’s “Scorpion”
Boycot Esports team 100 Thieves owned by scooter.
And Mythos Studios which will be working on new marvel movies post 2018
Send messages and comments to the above people and companies demanding the release of Taylors works back to her under #boycotbigmachine
#istandwithtaylor #westandwithtaylor #scooterbraunisoverparty
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djlyer · 2 years
Fringe begins!  July 19th, 2022
Music; calming me down since birth.  Check out this setlist, it’s gorgeous.
Logan Staats - Goodbye Goldie - Vampires 
Gator Beaulieu - Single - Highway Number Six 
Lord Huron - Long Lost - Meet Me in the City
Billy Strings - Renewal - Red Daisy
Cassidy Mann - If It’s Not Forever EP- Election Night - End Times Music 
Georgia Harmer - Stay in Touch - Just The Feeling 
The Tragically Hip -   Saskadelphia - Just as Well 
Cavetown - Mans Best Friend - I Want to Meet Ur Dog 
Alice Phoebe Lou - Child’s Play - Sweet 
Star Thistle - The Best of Star Thistle - Two Thin Dimes 
The Co-Conspirators - The Unreliable Narrators - The Lonesome Death of Elijah McClain 
Sharon Van Etten - We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong - Born
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