fernando-arciniega · 1 year
Crea un logo de videojuego: Características, sugerencias, plataformas gratuitas y consejos de inspiración
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Los logotipos desempeñan un papel crucial en la identidad de un videojuego, ya que capturan la esencia del juego y transmiten su personalidad única. Un logotipo bien diseñado puede generar interés, atraer a los jugadores y establecer una conexión duradera con el público objetivo. En esta guía completa, exploraremos todas las etapas del proceso de creación de un logotipo para videojuegos, desde las características esenciales hasta las plataformas gratuitas disponibles y las fuentes de inspiración. ¡Prepárate para crear un logotipo que haga que tu juego destaque!
I. Características clave de un logotipo de videojuego:
- A. Identidad y personalidad del juego - B. Legibilidad y escalabilidad - C. Atractivo visual y estética - D. Temática y coherencia con la jugabilidad - E. Versatilidad y adaptabilidad
II. Sugerencias para la creación de logotipos de videojuegos:
- A. Conoce tu juego a fondo - B. Investiga y comprende tu audiencia objetivo - C. Define tus objetivos de diseño - D. Experimenta con estilos y elementos gráficos - E. Diseña para la versatilidad y adaptabilidad - F. Aplica principios de diseño efectivos
III. Plataformas gratuitas para diseñar logotipos de videojuegos:
- A. Canva - B. Adobe Spark - C. Logomakr - D. FreeLogoDesign - E. DesignEvo
IV. Dónde encontrar inspiración para tu logotipo de videojuego:
- A. Explora otros logotipos de videojuegos exitosos - B. Analiza el arte conceptual y el diseño del juego - C. Examina logotipos de juegos de otras industrias - D. Utiliza plataformas de diseño y redes sociales
V. Consejos adicionales para crear un logotipo de videojuego exitoso:
- A. Mantén la simplicidad y evita la sobrecarga visual - B. Elige colores adecuados para transmitir emociones - C. Utiliza fuentes legibles y apropiadas para el tema del juego - D. Asegúrate de que tu logotipo sea escalable y funcione en diferentes tamaños - E. Obtén comentarios y realiza pruebas iterativas Crear un logotipo para tu videojuego es un proceso emocionante y desafiante que requiere tiempo, investigación y creatividad. Al comprender las características clave, seguir las sugerencias adecuadas, utilizar plataformas gratuitas y buscar inspiración en diferentes fuentes, estarás un paso más cerca de desarrollar un logotipo que represente la esencia de tu juego y atraiga a los jugadores. Recuerda que el logotipo es la primera impresión que los jugadores tendrán de tu juego, así que ¡haz que sea inolvidable! Read the full article
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zenncom · 2 months
Discover the Power of AI: The Best Logo Maker Tools of 2024
In today's fast-paced digital world, creating a standout logo is crucial for establishing a strong brand identity. With advancements in artificial intelligence, designing a logo has never been easier or more accessible. logo maker ai Whether you're a startup looking to make a memorable first impression or an established business seeking a fresh look, AI-powered logo makers offer a quick and efficient solution. At Zenn, we’ve explored the top AI-driven logo maker tools available in 2024 to help you find the perfect match for your brand's needs.
What Makes AI Logo Makers Stand Out?
AI logo makers leverage sophisticated algorithms to generate designs that reflect your brand's personality and values. These tools can analyze your preferences, industry trends, and color schemes to produce a range of logo options, ensuring that you find a design that resonates with your audience. Here’s why AI logo makers are becoming the go-to choice for many businesses:
Efficiency: AI logo makers can create multiple design variations in minutes, saving you time compared to traditional design methods.
Affordability: Most AI tools offer cost-effective pricing models, making high-quality logo design accessible to businesses of all sizes.
Customization: Despite their automated nature, these tools allow for a high degree of customization, ensuring your logo aligns perfectly with your brand's vision.
Top AI Logo Maker Tools of 2024
Looka: Looka combines ease of use with advanced AI to deliver a wide array of professional logo designs. With its intuitive interface, you can create a unique logo by simply inputting your business name and choosing your preferred style.
Tailor Brands: Tailor Brands offers a comprehensive branding solution. Its AI-driven logo maker not only helps you design a logo but also provides additional tools for creating branded assets and managing your brand’s presence online.
Hatchful by Shopify: Hatchful is known for its user-friendly experience and a wide range of industry-specific templates. It's an excellent choice for entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to get started quickly.
Wix Logo Maker: Wix’s AI logo maker is part of its broader suite of design tools. It’s particularly useful for users who want to integrate their logo seamlessly with other web design elements.
LogoMakr: LogoMakr offers a simple yet powerful interface that allows for easy logo customization. Its AI technology ensures that your design is unique and aligned with current trends.
Embracing AI for logo design opens up a world of possibilities for creating a unique and professional brand identity quickly and affordably. By utilizing these cutting-edge tools, you can ensure that your logo not only stands out but also effectively communicates your brand’s essence. logo maker ai For more insights and a comprehensive list of the best AI logo makers available in 2024, check out Zenn’s detailed guide.
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openaigeek · 5 months
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Logomakr AI is a revolutionary tool in the world of graphic design, offering users the ability to create stunning logos with ease.
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markt-ing · 6 months
أفضل موقع تصميم شعار بالذكاء الاصطناعي مجانا
هناك العديد من المواقع التي توفر خدمات تصميم الشعارات باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي مجانًا.
فيما يلي أفضل المواقع لتصميم شعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي مجانا:
Logomaker (https://www.logomaker.com/): تقدم أداة سهلة الاستخدام لتصميم الشعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي. يمكنك اختيار الرموز والألوان والخطوط والنصوص وتخصيصها وفقًا لاحتياجاتك.
DesignEvo (https://www.designevo.com/ar/): توفر واجهة بسيطة ومبتكرة لإنشاء شعارات احترافية. تحتوي على مجموعة كبيرة من الرموز والأشكال والخطوط التي يمكنك استخدامها لإنشاء تصميم مخصص لشعارك.
Canva (https://www.canva.com/): على الرغم من أن Canva ليست مخصصة فقط لتصميم الشعارات، إلا أنها توفر مجموعة واسعة من القوالب والأدوات المجانية لإنشاء شعارات فريدة. يمكنك استخدام الأدوات المتاحة لتخصيص الألوان والخطوط والرموز والصور وتحميل شعارك النهائي.
Hatchful by Shopify (https://hatchful.shopify.com/): يعتبر Hatchful أداة مجانية تقدمها Shopify لإنشاء شعارات متميزة. تتيح لك المجموعة الواسعة من القوالب والخيارات تصميم شعار يناسب نشاطك التجاري.
LogoMakr (https://logomakr.com/): توفر واجهة بسيطة ومرنة لتصميم الشعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي. يحتوي على مكتبة ضخمة من الرموز والأشكال والخطوط التي يمكنك استخدامها لتخصيص شعارك.
تابع بقية المواقع في هذا المقال👇👇👇 الحصري لمعرفة بقية المواقع المجربة في تصميم الشعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي مجانا:
يرجى ملاحظة أنه قد يكون هناك قيود على استخدام بعض العناصر أو القوالب المجانية المتاحة، وقد يتعين عليك دفع رسوم إضافية للحصول على تصميمات عالية الدقة أو ملفات المشروع النهائية في بعض المواقع.
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4everpups · 9 months
In Search of Shiba Inu for Sale. Taking on pet ownership? Shiba Inu pups are cute. Any home benefits from their fun activities and appealing personalities. 4everpups specializes in matching you with these gorgeous babies. Shiba Inu puppies demonstrate the delights of canine companionship with their unique beauty and lively behavior.
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makedifferenceblogspot · 10 months
Create a logo with just one click now. Free AI logo generator without watermark?
In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of digital content creation, having a unique and visually appealing logo is essential for any brand or individual. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, it has permeated various aspects of design, including logo creation. Many online platforms now offer free AI logo generators that promise to deliver professional-looking logos without the hassle of hiring a designer or investing in expensive software. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using free AI logo generators and highlight some popular options that don't impose watermarks on your creations.
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The Rise of AI Logo Generators
Traditionally, creating a logo involved collaboration with a graphic designer, a process that could be both time-consuming and costly. However, with the advent of AI technology, logo creation has become more accessible to individuals and small businesses with limited resources. AI logo generators leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze design trends, color schemes, and industry-specific elements, providing users with quick and tailored logo options.
Benefits of Using AI Logo Generators
Cost-Effective: One of the most significant advantages of using free AI logo generators is their cost-effectiveness. Small businesses and startups, especially those on a tight budget, can benefit from these tools without compromising on the quality of their brand representation.
Time Efficiency: Traditional logo design processes often involve multiple iterations and lengthy communication with designers. AI logo generators streamline this process, allowing users to create and customize logos in a matter of minutes. This time efficiency is crucial, especially for those looking to establish an online presence promptly.
User-Friendly Interface: Most AI logo generators feature user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible to individuals with little to no design experience. With a simple drag-and-drop or click-to-edit functionality, users can experiment with various design elements effortlessly.
Customization Options: While AI logo generators automate the initial design process, they also offer a range of customization options. Users can adjust color schemes, fonts, and icon placement, ensuring that the final logo aligns with their brand identity.
Top Free AI Logo Generators without Watermarks
Hatchful by Shopify: Hatchful is a user-friendly AI logo generator that caters to various industries. It provides a wide range of templates, allowing users to customize their logos according to specific preferences.
LogoMakr: LogoMakr offers an extensive library of graphics and icons that users can incorporate into their logos. With an intuitive editing interface, users can experiment with different elements to create a unique design.
Canva: While Canva is known for its broader design capabilities, it also features a logo maker with AI-driven suggestions. Canva's platform is user-friendly and offers a plethora of design elements for customization.
In conclusion, free AI logo generators are a valuable resource for individuals and small businesses seeking an affordable and efficient way to create professional-looking logos. The benefits of cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, user-friendly interfaces, and customization options make these tools a compelling choice for those looking to establish a strong visual identity. By exploring options like Hatchful by Shopify, LogoMakr, and Canva, users can unleash their creativity without the constraints of watermarked logos, paving the way for a visually compelling brand presence in the digital landscape.
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top10legend · 10 months
Unleash Your Creativity: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing a Logo Online
In the digital age, where every business, brand, or personal venture needs a unique identity, designing a logo online has become an accessible and creative endeavor. Whether you're an entrepreneur starting a new venture or an individual looking to express your personal brand, this step-by-step guide will help you unleash your creativity and design a logo that stands out.
Step 1: Define Your Brand Identity
Before diving into the design process, take a moment to define your brand identity. What values and messages do you want your logo to convey? Understanding your brand personality will guide your design choices.
Step 2: Research and Inspiration
Explore existing logos within your industry or niche. Draw inspiration from a variety of sources, including competitors, successful brands, and design trends. This research phase is crucial for sparking creativity and understanding what resonates with your target audience.
Step 3: Choose an Online Design Platform
Select a user-friendly online design platform that suits your skill level and preferences. Platforms like Canva, LogoMakr, and Looka offer intuitive interfaces, extensive libraries of graphics, and customization options for creating professional-looking logos.
Step 4: Begin with Basic Elements
Start by incorporating basic elements such as text, shapes, and colors into your design. Experiment with different layouts and arrangements to find a combination that aligns with your brand identity.
Step 5: Typography Matters
Choose fonts that complement your brand. Typography plays a crucial role in logo design, influencing the overall feel and readability. Experiment with different fonts and text arrangements until you find the perfect match.
Step 6: Play with Colors
Colors evoke emotions and convey meaning. Select a color palette that aligns with your brand personality and resonates with your target audience. Consider the psychological impact of different colors on perception.
Step 7: Experiment with Shapes and Icons
Incorporate shapes or icons that symbolize your brand essence. Experiment with various graphics and icons available on the online design platform to add visual interest and relevance to your logo.
Step 8: Keep it Simple and Scalable
Simplicity is key in logo design. A simple and clean logo is more memorable and versatile. Ensure that your design looks good and remains recognizable when scaled to different sizes.
Step 9: Seek Feedback
Share your initial designs with friends, family, or colleagues to gather feedback. Outside perspectives can provide valuable insights and help you refine your logo further.
Step 10: Finalize and Download
Once you're satisfied with your design and have received feedback, finalize it. Download your logo in various formats to ensure compatibility across different platforms and use cases.
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leotechevo · 1 year
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Try 10 Free Logo Maker Platforms 2023
Creating a logo for your store is an important first step in the design process. A well-designed logo will help customers to understand what your brand represents, and can also help solve some of the problems that companies face with their branding. The best logos are memorable and specific—the more distinctive and interesting a logo is, the better it can work as a symbol for your company. A logo maker is a tool or platform that allows users to create custom logos for their business or organization. This may include a wide variety of graphical elements, such as graphics, icons, and fonts. Users can usually also customize these elements and add text to create personalized logos that fit perfectly with their brand’s style and identity. Logo makers are perfect for those looking to create a website, application, or product and don't know where to start. If you're looking for a simple logo maker, professional logo maker, or custom logo maker, this list is for you. 
There are new several online platforms that offer free logo maker tools to help individuals and businesses create their own logos.
Adobe Spark
Tailor Brands
Read More
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bananatrack · 2 years
Free logo creator online best
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LogoMakr’s easy to use canvas gives you endless design possibilities, so feel confident that you’ve found the BEST software to design your custom logo, invitation, flyer, banner and pretty much any design need you have. With LogoMakr, you don’t need to worry that someone else has your exact design, as you take creative control in designing your one of a kind logo with our abundance of design tool options.
Other logo companies use an AI generator and present designs to you which they likely presented to many others in your industry, so your design is never truly unique. Once you have the perfect design, purchase your files for just 40.00 we provide you with every file type needed to take your concept to the next level. With our online logo maker you can create, edit, and save as many logos as you like.
Unlike other logo maker apps, LogoMakr allows you to take full charge of your design and customize every inch of your logo without having design skills. Over 20 Million businesses have trusted our free logo maker to design a logo. Vectr’s logo maker does not send you to a template page or give you a chance to see pre-made versions first. No design experience required Make a Logo for Free. Search among these 3D logo designs, get insipred, and make your own 3D text/shape logos, pyramid logos or cube logos, etc., without any difficulty.
Use it to generate a wide range of possibilities for your own logo. Vectr is a free online graphic design tool that you can use to make logos and other digital assets for your brand. DesignEvos 3D logo creator helps you make great 3D logos for free from abundant professional templates. When you finish designing your logo, you also can use Fotor's logo creator to make the background of your logo transparent.LogoMakr is the easiest and most professional way to create a custom logo design that no else has. The Adobe Creative Cloud Express logo maker is instant, intuitive, and intelligent. Make an awesome gaming logo in seconds using Placeit's online logo maker. It is great for a startup business Expand Your BrandĪn eye-catching logo is the simplest way to connect with more potential partners and allow them to remember you and your brand. All of our logo design materials available to non-premium users is enough for you to design a wonderful logo. One of the Fotor logo generator's main features is that you are free to create a logo for your brand or business in a few minutes. It provides a service much like a premium, absolutely free of charge. Where the Wix free tool really shines is its sheer simplicity. To summarize, once you have logo design ideas, make logos with Fotor's logo maker and turn ideas into real logos in minutes. Some of the best online logo creation tools are free, so we’re giving the best free online logo creator: Wix Logo Maker. Tailor Brands is a powerful all-in-one graphic design tool that will help you design a custom and. Or you can use stickers to make a unique logo design from scratch. Wix logo maker provides the best of both worlds: answer a few simple questions, and it will. A few clicks later, one stunning and amazing logo is in your grasp. You simply need to drag and drop them easily. Free logo design templates, logo design icons, stickers and illustration, and fonts are well-designed too fit you and your customer's tastes. Do not worry, too much because preparation work has already been taken care of by Fotor's logo creator. If you are not a professional designer with no design experience with logo design ideas, you still want to make your own logo. Beyond being a logo maker, you can make use of Envato Elements for video editing, make flyers, business cards. Because of the simple UI and pre-made logo design templates, a logo can be created in just some clicks. Create your own logo design with Free Logo Design, 100 free, fast and effective Via our logo creator in 3-steps you can create and upload your own logo, in minutes. Create your logo design free by accessing logo software online that is hosted on the website. Our online design tool allows entrepreneurs, small businesses, freelancers and associations around the world to create professional-looking logos in minutes. For both plans, pricing is dependent on the number of contacts you have.
There are two plans: Email which starts at 20/month and Email Plus which starts at 45/month. It also has a tremendous user-website interface. There are plenty of online logo maker tools nowadays through which you can create a logo free of charge. Like its website builder and online store, Constant Contact offers its logo maker for free with the purchase of any of its plans. It has 7048 logo designs with which you can create your logo for your sport and gaming, automobile, and other businesses. With Fotor's logo creator, you can experience an amazing process for making a logo, just like the professionals do. Envato Elements is one of the best websites for free logo design.
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mmorgeb · 2 years
Free logo creator vector
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LogoMakr’s easy to use canvas gives you endless design possibilities, so feel confident that you’ve found the BEST software to design your custom logo, invitation, flyer, banner and pretty much any design need you have. With LogoMakr, you don’t need to worry that someone else has your exact design, as you take creative control in designing your one of a kind logo with our abundance of design tool options. Related: logo, logo template, food logo. Download logo editable vector graphics for every design project. Mega logo collection, abstract design concept for branding with golden gradient. 2709 logo Vectors & Graphics to Download. Use our letter logo maker to create a free letter logo easily An ever-growing collection of letter logo templates from A-Z can give you endless design options. No more graphic designers bargaining, no more wait time, and no more over the board charging for a unique brand identity. Next, add your business name and optional. Choose the category that best suits your business, then choose from the listed logo styles, like Modern, Innovative, or Creative.
Other logo companies use an AI generator and present designs to you which they likely presented to many others in your industry, so your design is never truly unique. If a client has commissioned the design of a logo for them, you can start here and get inspired by our unmatched number of logo images, concepts, mockups, examples: in summary, vector resources of all kinds. A DIY Free Logo Creator for Every Type of Business Select from thousands of professional logo design templates using our free logo maker online, and download in minutes. Creating a modern logo with Hatchfuls free logo maker is quick and easy to complete almost instantaneously.
Unlike other logo maker apps, LogoMakr allows you to take full charge of your design and customize every inch of your logo without having design skills. Use our free online logo maker and download it After you are happy with your logo design you can either save it to your account or use the Free Logo Download option to download your design instantly. LogoMakr is the easiest and most professional way to create a custom logo design that no else has.
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galaxydigitals-blog · 5 years
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Make a Free Logo Design online!
Read More: https://bit.ly/396AbXr
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obligr · 5 years
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4th Day Free Digital Marketing Training from Obligr™ India Pvt Ltd
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top10legend · 10 months
Unleash Your Creativity: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing a Logo Online
In the digital age, where every business, brand, or personal venture needs a unique identity, designing a logo online has become an accessible and creative endeavor. Whether you're an entrepreneur starting a new venture or an individual looking to express your personal brand, this step-by-step guide will help you unleash your creativity and design a logo that stands out.
Step 1: Define Your Brand Identity
Before diving into the design process, take a moment to define your brand identity. What values and messages do you want your logo to convey? Understanding your brand personality will guide your design choices.
Step 2: Research and Inspiration
Explore existing logos within your industry or niche. Draw inspiration from a variety of sources, including competitors, successful brands, and design trends. This research phase is crucial for sparking creativity and understanding what resonates with your target audience.
Step 3: Choose an Online Design Platform
Select a user-friendly online design platform that suits your skill level and preferences. Platforms like Canva, LogoMakr, and Looka offer intuitive interfaces, extensive libraries of graphics, and customization options for creating professional-looking logos.
Step 4: Begin with Basic Elements
Start by incorporating basic elements such as text, shapes, and colors into your design. Experiment with different layouts and arrangements to find a combination that aligns with your brand identity.
Step 5: Typography Matters
Choose fonts that complement your brand. Typography plays a crucial role in logo design, influencing the overall feel and readability. Experiment with different fonts and text arrangements until you find the perfect match.
Step 6: Play with Colors
Colors evoke emotions and convey meaning. Select a color palette that aligns with your brand personality and resonates with your target audience. Consider the psychological impact of different colors on perception.
Step 7: Experiment with Shapes and Icons
Incorporate shapes or icons that symbolize your brand essence. Experiment with various graphics and icons available on the online design platform to add visual interest and relevance to your logo.
Step 8: Keep it Simple and Scalable
Simplicity is key in logo design. A simple and clean logo is more memorable and versatile. Ensure that your design looks good and remains recognizable when scaled to different sizes.
Step 9: Seek Feedback
Share your initial designs with friends, family, or colleagues to gather feedback. Outside perspectives can provide valuable insights and help you refine your logo further.
Step 10: Finalize and Download
Once you're satisfied with your design and have received feedback, finalize it. Download your logo in various formats to ensure compatibility across different platforms and use cases.
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mktvistas2020 · 4 years
Take notes!
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Below are the four types of guidelines we want you to follow like we explained in the meeting. So make sure you adhere strictly to them. 
The following are the general formatting guidelines and standards to be maintained for all deliverables throughout the fest:
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: Body 12, Headings 14 (Bold)
Alignment: Main headings centre-aligned; Subheadings left-aligned; and body justified.
Line Spacing: 1.5
Cover Page, Table of Contents and Page Numbers are necessary.
Table of contents format: S.NO; Particulars; Page numbers.
Borders on the pages are required.
Report must be converted to pdf.
Between 5-10 slides for most rounds.
Heavy use of SmartArt and Charts.
All your presentations should follow a 7*7 rule, which means no more than 7 words and 7 lines should be present in a particular slide and should be saved &submitted in the same format (CAP00_RoundName).
A3 format
Use Canva/ photoshop/ any other professional software you are comfortable with
Pixels: higher than 1080p
Logo on the bottom right corner
Unique hashtag on the bottom left corner
Convert file to PDF.
All of them to be posted on your Instagram account.
Visuals>text is expected.
Along with all this, we require you to make a Logo and a business card for yourself. We understand that you guys do not know photoshop yet so you can use other applications like:
The Logo and name are the identity of you for the rest of your journey, so let your Logo be smart, simple and good. We also require an explanation to your Logo, in the coming rounds (why is it designed like how you have).
Google is your best ally, so research on the aspects of the business card.
File Name Format: CAP Number_Task Name_Full Name (eg. CAP 01_Marketing plan Divesh R)
E-Mail Subject Format: CAP Number_Task Name_Full Name (eg. CAP 01_Marketing Plan_Divesh R)
Formatting irregularities will lead to negative marking. 
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hakueishirei · 4 years
sister sleepover stream!! the pilot
(aka: the bro bro radio spin-off/parody)
Warnings: kyodai-baka, bad jokes, potential ooc ahead (I’ve only seen up to s4 part 1, so forgive me if I get and of characterizations wrong! I appreciate constructive criticism, so please, don’t hesitate if something seems off!)
Disclaimer: 1) I don’t own any of the haikyuu boys -no matter how much I may want to; 2) please note that the original “Bro Bro Radio” series alluded to in this pilot -and for which this spin-off was made- was created by @sosugasweet. 3) I did use discord and puppeteered all of the bots in this particular episode, but I will include credit for those who may join in/help in future “streams”; 4) The logo and fake youtube/haikyuu!!tube pages were made with logomakr and fakedetail respectively (links in names), so credit and thanks to those two sites as well! I only did minimal editing to change the color to suit its name ;) 
And finally: 5) all images came from the original anime series.
Special Thanks: to @sosugasweet for creating BBR and letting me join in the fun, as well as giving me free reign to run with this! (Make sure to go check it out if you haven’t already!) And of course, to @akaashichigo and the rest of the cheese cult/server for giving my this brain-baby!
Summary: The sisters of Nekoma and Karasuno hold a video sleepover and talk. Saeko, after a previous sleepover, decides to record their video call and post it on Haikyuu!!tube later without anyone the wiser. Along the way, an idea is born... will it see fruition? Only the viewers may know...
= the pilot = << please click the link! ;) it’ll take you to google photo album for the pilot!
Main Characters: Tanaka Saeko, Haiba Alisa, Hinata Natsu, Yamamoto Akane
Bonus!: Nekoma Boys ;)
Liked the pilot? Please vote here to decide whether SSS continues or not!
(Continuation, similar to Bro Bro Radio, will be open to participation in the Cheese Cult!)
Cheese Cult Tag!: @drainedjaz  @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @mlkytobio @cali-writes-sometimes  @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @from-left-to-write @akaashit-baeji  @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi @hanibuni @cupofkenma  @kawanisshi @milkandc00kiez @thiccbokuto @shinsukestan @sufiawrites @wakaitoshi @skyguy-peach @fern-writes-ig @briswriting @airybby @kawaiikraykray @bubbleteaa @miyuswriting @raevaioli @ouikarwa @pineapplekween @estherwritess @keiji-n @achoohq @badlywritten-hq @mochibeaa @hanzwrites @chxrry-wxne
Please let me know if you’d like to be added/removed in case this is continued!
Thank you! :)
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