mesavis · 7 months
DesignEvo : Créez votre logo en quelques clics
DesignEvo est votre allié pour créer un logo professionnel en quelques minutes seulement. Que vous soyez un entrepreneur, un blogueur, un propriétaire de site web ou simplement à la recherche d'une identité visuelle, DesignEvo vous offre une solution simple et efficace.
Comment ça Marche ?
Choisissez un Modèle: Avec une collection de plus de 10 000 modèles de logos, DesignEvo propose une variété étendue de choix dans diverses catégories. Que ce soit pour votre entreprise, votre site web, votre chaîne YouTube ou votre blog, vous trouverez sûrement le modèle qui correspond à vos besoins.
Personnalisation Facile: Une fois votre modèle sélectionné, personnalisez-le aisément en ajustant le texte, les couleurs et les icônes selon vos préférences.
Personnalisez Votre Logo:
Texte et Polices: Intégrez le nom de votre entreprise ou de votre projet et choisissez parmi plus de 100 polices pour trouver celle qui reflète votre style.
Icônes et Formes: Explorez une bibliothèque d'icônes vectorielles gratuites et ajoutez des éléments qui représentent votre activité.
Couleurs: Personnalisez les couleurs de votre logo pour le rendre unique.
Téléchargez Votre Logo: Téléchargez votre logo au format JPG et PNG en haute résolution. Optez pour le forfait Plus pour accéder aux fichiers vectoriels (PDF, SVG) et aux fichiers de police utilisés dans la conception de votre logo.
Pourquoi Utiliser DesignEvo ?
Rapidité et Simplicité: Inutile d'être un designer professionnel. Avec DesignEvo, vous pouvez créer un logo en quelques clics seulement.
Économique: Contrairement à l'embauche d'un graphiste, DesignEvo est gratuit, avec des options payantes pour des fonctionnalités supplémentaires.
Liberté Créative: Vous avez un contrôle total sur la conception de votre logo. Personnalisez-le selon vos goûts et vos besoins.
Droits d'Auteur: Une fois votre logo créé, vous en possédez les droits d'auteur.
Exemples d'Utilisation
Logo de Profil sur les Réseaux Sociaux: Optez pour un logo attractif pour votre page Facebook, votre chaîne YouTube ou votre compte Twitter.
Logo d'Application et de Logiciel: Un logo mémorable peut aider votre application à se démarquer.
Logo d'Entreprise: Créez une identité visuelle professionnelle pour votre entreprise.
Logo de Marque: Mettez en avant votre marque personnelle.
Logo de Site Web et de Blog: Attirez davantage de visiteurs avec un logo accrocheur.
Témoignages d'Utilisateurs
"DesignEvo est le créateur de logo le plus facile que j'ai jamais utilisé. Les modèles sont excellents et la personnalisation est un jeu d'enfant !" - Fisher Jenkins
"Un logiciel de conception vraiment bon. Absolument simple, de nombreuses suggestions et très facile à utiliser. Le rapport qualité-prix est tout à fait approprié. Toujours un plaisir." - Olaf Greiner
En conclusion, DesignEvo représente un outil pratique pour créer rapidement et facilement des logos professionnels.
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fernando-arciniega · 1 year
Crea un logo de videojuego: Características, sugerencias, plataformas gratuitas y consejos de inspiración
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Los logotipos desempeñan un papel crucial en la identidad de un videojuego, ya que capturan la esencia del juego y transmiten su personalidad única. Un logotipo bien diseñado puede generar interés, atraer a los jugadores y establecer una conexión duradera con el público objetivo. En esta guía completa, exploraremos todas las etapas del proceso de creación de un logotipo para videojuegos, desde las características esenciales hasta las plataformas gratuitas disponibles y las fuentes de inspiración. ¡Prepárate para crear un logotipo que haga que tu juego destaque!
I. Características clave de un logotipo de videojuego:
- A. Identidad y personalidad del juego - B. Legibilidad y escalabilidad - C. Atractivo visual y estética - D. Temática y coherencia con la jugabilidad - E. Versatilidad y adaptabilidad
II. Sugerencias para la creación de logotipos de videojuegos:
- A. Conoce tu juego a fondo - B. Investiga y comprende tu audiencia objetivo - C. Define tus objetivos de diseño - D. Experimenta con estilos y elementos gráficos - E. Diseña para la versatilidad y adaptabilidad - F. Aplica principios de diseño efectivos
III. Plataformas gratuitas para diseñar logotipos de videojuegos:
- A. Canva - B. Adobe Spark - C. Logomakr - D. FreeLogoDesign - E. DesignEvo
IV. Dónde encontrar inspiración para tu logotipo de videojuego:
- A. Explora otros logotipos de videojuegos exitosos - B. Analiza el arte conceptual y el diseño del juego - C. Examina logotipos de juegos de otras industrias - D. Utiliza plataformas de diseño y redes sociales
V. Consejos adicionales para crear un logotipo de videojuego exitoso:
- A. Mantén la simplicidad y evita la sobrecarga visual - B. Elige colores adecuados para transmitir emociones - C. Utiliza fuentes legibles y apropiadas para el tema del juego - D. Asegúrate de que tu logotipo sea escalable y funcione en diferentes tamaños - E. Obtén comentarios y realiza pruebas iterativas Crear un logotipo para tu videojuego es un proceso emocionante y desafiante que requiere tiempo, investigación y creatividad. Al comprender las características clave, seguir las sugerencias adecuadas, utilizar plataformas gratuitas y buscar inspiración en diferentes fuentes, estarás un paso más cerca de desarrollar un logotipo que represente la esencia de tu juego y atraiga a los jugadores. Recuerda que el logotipo es la primera impresión que los jugadores tendrán de tu juego, así que ¡haz que sea inolvidable! Read the full article
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divierteteetb · 1 month
Las mejores apps para crear logos en tu celular
En #ETBDigital te traemos las mejores aplicaciones para crear logos en dispositivos Android e iOS, perfectas para emprendedores, pequeñas empresas y cualquier persona que quiera darle un toque personal a su proyecto.
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Canva: La reina de los diseños gráficos. Con una interfaz intuitiva y una biblioteca inmensa de elementos, Canva te permite crear logos personalizados con facilidad, también tiene versión web muy fácil de usar. 
Logo Maker: Especializada en la creación de logotipos, esta app ofrece una gran variedad de plantillas y herramientas de edición para que puedas dar rienda suelta a tu creatividad.
Adobe Express: Si buscas una experiencia más profesional, Adobe Express es una excelente opción. Con potentes herramientas de diseño y acceso a la nube de Adobe, podrás crear logos de alta calidad, aunque es de pago por licencia. 
Looka: Utiliza inteligencia artificial para generar ideas de logotipos basadas en tus preferencias. Es una excelente opción si necesitas inspiración y si te gusta la IA. 
DesignEvo: Ofrece una amplia gama de plantillas y elementos personalizables para crear logos únicos y llamativos.
Antes de empezar a diseñar tu logo, lo que te recomendamos es: 
Definir tu marca: ¿Cuáles son los valores, la personalidad y el público objetivo de tu marca?
Simplicidad: Un buen logo es fácil de recordar y reconocer. Evita diseños demasiado recargados.
Versatilidad: Asegúrate de que tu logo se vea bien en diferentes tamaños, colores y formatos.
Originalidad: Destaca entre la competencia con un diseño único.
¿Cuál de estas aplicaciones te llama más la atención? Con las apps  adecuadas, crear un logo profesional nunca ha sido tan fácil ¡Descarga estas apps, deja volar tu imaginación y comienza a construir tu marca!  
Recuerda siempre tener una conexión a internet que te permita conectarte con todo lo que te apasiona, para planes o datos móviles ingresa aquí.  Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales para más información y blogs, encuéntranos en Facebook como: ETB.Colombia, en Twitter: @ETB y @ETBsoluciones  y en YouTube: ETBCorporativo ¡Te esperamos!
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melvinboy · 2 months
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markt-ing · 6 months
أفضل موقع تصميم شعار بالذكاء الاصطناعي مجانا
هناك العديد من المواقع التي توفر خدمات تصميم الشعارات باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي مجانًا.
فيما يلي أفضل المواقع لتصميم شعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي مجانا:
Logomaker (https://www.logomaker.com/): تقدم أداة سهلة الاستخدام لتصميم الشعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي. يمكنك اختيار الرموز والألوان والخطوط والنصوص وتخصيصها وفقًا لاحتياجاتك.
DesignEvo (https://www.designevo.com/ar/): توفر واجهة بسيطة ومبتكرة لإنشاء شعارات احترافية. تحتوي على مجموعة كبيرة من الرموز والأشكال والخطوط التي يمكنك استخدامها لإنشاء تصميم مخصص لشعارك.
Canva (https://www.canva.com/): على الرغم من أن Canva ليست مخصصة فقط لتصميم الشعارات، إلا أنها توفر مجموعة واسعة من القوالب والأدوات المجانية لإنشاء شعارات فريدة. يمكنك استخدام الأدوات المتاحة لتخصيص الألوان والخطوط والرموز والصور وتحميل شعارك النهائي.
Hatchful by Shopify (https://hatchful.shopify.com/): يعتبر Hatchful أداة مجانية تقدمها Shopify لإنشاء شعارات متميزة. تتيح لك المجموعة الواسعة من القوالب والخيارات تصميم شعار يناسب نشاطك التجاري.
LogoMakr (https://logomakr.com/): توفر واجهة بسيطة ومرنة لتصميم الشعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي. يحتوي على مكتبة ضخمة من الرموز والأشكال والخطوط التي يمكنك استخدامها لتخصيص شعارك.
تابع بقية المواقع في هذا المقال👇👇👇 الحصري لمعرفة بقية المواقع المجربة في تصميم الشعارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي مجانا:
يرجى ملاحظة أنه قد يكون هناك قيود على استخدام بعض العناصر أو القوالب المجانية المتاحة، وقد يتعين عليك دفع رسوم إضافية للحصول على تصميمات عالية الدقة أو ملفات المشروع النهائية في بعض المواقع.
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sewingroyalpirate · 10 months
تصميم و عمل ختم اون لاين مجاناً بكل سهوله
كان يوسف يحتاج إلى عمل ختم اون لاين لإرساله مع بعض الوثائق الهامة، لكنه لم يجد أي محل قريب منه يقوم بعمل تصميم ختم مجاني.
فكر في البحث على الانترنت عن طريقة سهلة وسريعة لعمل ختم اون لاين.
فوجد عدة مواقع تقدم خدمة تصميم ختم مجاني أو بأسعار رمزية.
قرر أن يجرب أحد هذه المواقع، وهو mystampReady، والذي يتيح له تصميم ختم بنفسه باستخدام أداة السحب والإفلات والقوالب الجاهزة.
كان مندهشا من سهولة وسرعة التصميم، وقام بحفظ التصميم بصيغة PNG، وطباعته على ورق خاص.
كان ختمه جاهزا في دقائق معدودة، وبدون أي تكلفة إضافية.
شعر بالسعادة والرضا، وقرر أن يشارك تجربته مع أصدقائه وزملائه.
في مقالنا تصميم و عمل ختم اون لاين مجاناً بكل سهوله:
سنتعرف على طريقة عمل ختم الكتروني اون لاين مجاناً.
وسنستعرض بعض المواقع التي تساعدك على تحقيق هذا الهدف.
مثل mystampReady، DesignEvo، Stamp Maker، وGraphicSprings.
سنشرح لك خطوات التصميم والحفظ والطباعة.
وسنعطيك بعض النصائح والإرشادات للحصول على ختم احترافي وجذاب.
انضم إلينا في هذه الرحلة المثيرة، وابدأ في إبداع ختمك الخاص بك.
أفضل المواقع التي يمكنك من خلالها تصميم وعمل ختم الكتروني اون لاين مجاناً:
موقع تصميمك.
موقع mystampReady.
موقع DesignEvo.
موقع Stamp Maker.
موقع GraphicSprings.
ولمعرفة المزيد من التفاصيل، وكيفية استخدام تلك المواقع، تابع المقال.
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iamvector · 11 months
How to create svg icons online for free?
Free SVG icons are a powerful and smart means of communicating your ideas across audiences. Knowing that it would simply up the effect of your creation, these magic shapes are just so hard to overlook.
Graphic designers are often found to experiment with an array of methods for using icons on their websites, applications, and other digital content. Lately, the use of non-standard fonts has also gained tremendous popularity amongst designers. However, there has been a hullabaloo on the Internet over what’s better, icon fonts, or free SVG icons?
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What’s Better- Icon Fonts Or Free Svg Icons?
Although icon fonts are highly customizable with its standard CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) styling rules over image icons, their designing is quite limited to monochromatic colors, size, standard transforms, and animations, They can also turn out to be glitchy, leading to the generation of multiple server requests. Additionally, your browser’s expected failure to identify the icon font can show up a blank space instead of fonts themselves.
On the other hand, SVG is a bundle of XML code rather than an image or a font. This makes them reasonably sized, highly performant, and scalable. Plus, they can undergo modifications without losing quality as opposed to icon fonts.  You can also edit, color, or animate each individual bit of an SVG icon, unlike the conventional icon font. 
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) refers to a vector image format that can be encoded with the help of Extensible Markup Language (XML) syntax. It is a scalable image that is created with a series of coordinates. It is directly linked within a browser, adding further to its scalability. 
Guide on how to create SVG icons .
Let us understand how to create SVG icons. Here is much that you need to know for creating free SVG icons.
Drawing Icons
The first step to creating your own free SVG icon is to sketch them out. Draw each design on a distinct artboard and save each of them in a separate file. Now, open the vector design program of your choice. A vector image program entails drawing icons with the help of different colors, shapes, and path administration on a virtual drawing board. Following this, you export the .svg file, and the coding will take place behind the scene.
Affinity Designer, Inkscape, Sketch, DesignEvo., Vecteezy, CorelDRAW, and Vectr are some of the popularly used vector image programs. Alternatively, you can consider trying the readily available free SVG icons download on free vector icon websites out there.
Understand The Artboards
The artboard size won’t be a matter of concern if it’s a single icon. You will just need to ensure that it has a decent size, meaning neither too large nor too small. However, if you are seeking to create a uniform icon set, your artboards should be of the same size.  
Draw Over A Grid
Consider drawing the icons over a grid so they turn out as symmetrical as possible. Also, use a square Artboard and customizable stroke size for maximum efficiency. If you are creating a mono-colored icon, it would be best to set your design tool to solid black. Do not worry, as it can be easily changed in the application or the stylesheet to your desired color.
Keep Shapes Simple
While creating free SVG icons, make sure that the vector shapes are simple. It will bring out a simpler SVG code that loads in the blink of an eye and is least susceptible to show-up errors. Cut out the unnecessary points. For instance, a circle must need not more than four-vector points. Anything more than that can easily invite technical fuss. 
It is also essential to know that SVG images are based on universal shapes which can be created virtually by employing numbers and coordinates. The seven main shapes include line, path, circle, ellipse, polygon, and polyline. In terms, each shape is denoted as <circle>, <line>, and so on.
Layer Them Right
Consolidate shapes and layer them over one another to generate versatile imagery. Transform any grouped layers, circles, or ellipses to aggravate paths. This will assist you in creating free SVG icons with small file sizes and make sure that their quality remains intact across different channels.
You can reshuffle the artboards, retitle them, and export them as SVG files. Now, start creating a new Illustrator document with a resolution of 64x64px.
Read rest of the article here
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raymondsdesigns · 1 year
Top Ten Logo Makers: Unveiling the Ultimate Branding Tools
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Looka(recommended): Looka combines artificial intelligence with human design expertise to generate stunning logos. It offers a simple step-by-step process and provides branding kits with various file formats for diverse applications.
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Canva Logo Maker: Canva is a household name when it comes to graphic design, and its logo maker lives up to its reputation. With a user-friendly interface and an extensive library of templates, icons, and fonts, Canva makes logo creation a breeze for beginners and experts alike.
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Adobe Illustrator: For those seeking complete creative control, Adobe Illustrator remains a powerhouse. Although it requires design skills, its robust features and versatility allow you to craft unique and professional logos that truly stand out. Note: Adobe Illustrator is an application not a website.
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LogoMaker by Wix: As a popular website builder, Wix also offers a logo maker that integrates seamlessly with their platform. It boasts an intuitive editor, AI-powered design suggestions, and customization options, making it an excellent choice for Wix website owners.
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Hatchful by Shopify: Geared towards entrepreneurs and small businesses, Hatchful by Shopify specializes in creating modern and stylish logos. With pre-designed templates and an easy-to-navigate interface, it's ideal for those looking for a quick and cost-effective solution.
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BrandCrowd: BrandCrowd's logo maker allows you to generate and customize stand-out logos in minutes. BrandCrowd gives you access to a professional library of thousands of customizable logo designs - making creating your logo inexpensive and straightforward. Its logos, created by designers around the globe, give you unlimited possibilities.
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Turbologo: Turbologo is the online logo maker tool. You can create your own logo in few minutes and only pay if you're pleased satisfied. Our online logo creator helps business owners, start-ups, and freelancers make a logo design that's both professional and high quality.
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DesignEvo: DesignEvo focuses on simplicity and convenience, offering thousands of templates and icons to choose from. With its drag-and-drop functionality, crafting a professional logo is effortless, even for those without design experience.
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Tailor Brands: Tailor Brands integrates AI and machine learning to design logos, ensuring they align perfectly with your brand's vision. Along with logos, it also offers other branding materials like business cards and social media graphics.
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Logomaker by Ucraft: Ucraft's logo maker provides an array of customization options, enabling you to create a logo that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, you can download your logo in high-resolution without any watermarks.
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julirobert · 1 year
How Much Does a Logo Design Cost and where to buy?
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The cost of a logo design can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the designer's experience, the complexity of the design, the scope of the project, and the location. It's important to note that these are general estimates, and prices can vary widely. Additionally, factors such as revisions, licensing, and usage rights may also affect the overall cost. It's recommended to discuss your specific needs and budget with designers to get accurate pricing information.
Logo design prices can vary depending on various factors, including the designer's experience, the complexity of the design, the scope of the project, and the region or market where the designer operates. Here are some common pricing models and ranges you may come across in the industry:
Hourly Rate: Some designers charge an hourly rate for their services. The rates can range from $50 to $150 per hour or even more for highly experienced or specialized designers.
Fixed Price Packages: Many designers offer fixed price Logo Design packages that include specific deliverables. These packages can range from $200 to $2,000 or more, depending on the designer's expertise and the level of customization required.
Tiered Pricing: Some designers have tiered pricing structures that offer different levels of service or deliverables at varying prices. For example, a basic package might include a logo design for $300, while a premium package with additional branding materials could cost $800.
Contest Platforms: Online platforms like 99designs or DesignCrowd allow you to host logo design contests where multiple designers submit their work, and you choose the winning design. Contest prices can start from around $200 and go up to $1,000 or more, depending on the prize amount you set.
It's important to note that pricing is subjective and can vary based on the designer's expertise and the specific requirements of your project. When hiring a logo designer, it's recommended to review their portfolio, discuss your needs, and request a detailed quote or proposal to get a better understanding of the pricing they offer.
Where to get your Logo Package Design?
There are several options available to get a logo package design:
Hire a professional graphic designer: You can find talented graphic designers on various platforms such as freelance websites (e.g., Upwork, Freelancer) or design marketplaces (e.g., 99designs, DesignCrowd). Look for designers with experience in logo design and package design to ensure they can provide a comprehensive logo package design.
Design agencies: Consider reaching out to design agencies that specialize in branding and logo design. They can create a logo package tailored to your specific needs and provide additional services like brand strategy and identity development.
Online logo design services: There are numerous online logo design services that offer pre-made logo templates or custom logo designs at affordable prices. Some popular platforms include Logojoy, Tailor Brands, and DesignEvo. While these services may not provide extensive package designs, they can be a budget-friendly option.
DIY with design software: If you have design skills or want to take a hands-on approach, you can use design software like Adobe Illustrator, Canva, or Sketch to create your logo package design. These tools offer templates and design resources to assist you in creating a professional-looking logo package.
When choosing a logo package design option, consider factors such as your budget, timeline, and desired level of customization. It's essential to communicate your requirements clearly to the designer or service provider to ensure they understand your vision and deliver a package that aligns with your brand.
What is Logo Design?
Logo design is the process of creating a unique and visually appealing symbol or graphic representation that represents a brand, company, organization, or product. It is an essential part of a company's visual identity and serves as a recognizable symbol that helps customers and the public identify and remember the brand.
A well-designed logo is typically simple, memorable, versatile, and relevant to the brand it represents. It often combines visual elements such as shapes, colors, typography, and symbols to convey a specific message or evoke certain emotions.
Logo designers work closely with clients to understand their brand values, target audience, and overall design preferences. They then use their creative skills and design principles to develop several concepts and iterations of the logo. The process may involve sketching by hand, using graphic design software, and refining the design until the client is satisfied.
A professionally designed logo can have several benefits for a business, including:
Brand Recognition:  A logo helps customers to identify and differentiate a brand from its competitors. It becomes a visual representation of the company's values, products, and services.
Memorable Impression: A well-designed logo can leave a lasting impression on customers, making it easier for them to recall and recognize the brand in the future.
Professionalism and Credibility: A professionally designed logo can enhance the perceived professionalism and credibility of a business. It gives the impression that the company pays attention to detail and is committed to its brand image.
Versatility: A logo needs to work across different mediums and platforms, such as websites, social media profiles, business cards, packaging, and signage. A good logo design is versatile and can be adapted to different sizes and formats without losing its visual impact.
Brand Consistency: A logo serves as a foundation for a company's visual identity, including colors, typography, and overall design style. Consistent use of the logo helps maintain brand consistency and strengthens brand recognition over time.
Overall, logo design plays a crucial role in establishing a brand's identity and creating a visual connection between the brand and its target audience.
Logo Design is a creative process that involves careful consideration and planning. Throughout the logo design process, there are several key steps and factors to keep in mind in order to create an effective and memorable logo. Let's summarize the important aspects and considerations when concluding the logo design process
In conclusion, logo design is a thoughtful and iterative process that requires research, creativity, and attention to detail. By considering the brand's values, target audience, simplicity, versatility, and uniqueness, along with incorporating feedback and ensuring scalability, a logo design can effectively represent a brand and leave a lasting impression.
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dapur-asik · 1 year
5 Aplikasi Desain Logo Di Android, Cara Mudah Membuat Logo Profesional
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5 Aplikasi Desain Logo Di Android, Cara Mudah Membuat Logo Profesional - Saat ini, branding menjadi bagian penting dalam setiap bisnis, terutama untuk menarik perhatian calon pelanggan. Salah satu elemen branding yang paling penting adalah logo. Logo yang profesional dan menarik dapat meningkatkan kesan dan mengenali merek Anda. Namun, membuat logo yang sempurna tidaklah mudah. Tapi, dengan aplikasi desain logo di Android, Anda dapat membuat logo dengan mudah dan cepat.
Apa itu Aplikasi Desain Logo di Android?
Aplikasi desain logo di Android adalah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk membuat logo. Aplikasi ini tersedia untuk smartphone yang menjalankan sistem operasi Android. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat logo tanpa harus memiliki keterampilan desain grafis. Sebagian besar aplikasi desain logo di Android juga menawarkan fitur yang sangat berguna untuk membuat logo yang menarik dan profesional.
Apa Keuntungan Menggunakan Aplikasi Desain Logo di Android?
Ada beberapa keuntungan yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi desain logo di Android. Di antaranya: 1. Mudah Digunakan Aplikasi desain logo di Android dirancang untuk pengguna yang tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam desain grafis. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan dan dapat dipelajari dalam waktu singkat. 2. Hemat Waktu Dibandingkan dengan mencari dan menyewa seorang desainer grafis, membuat logo menggunakan aplikasi desain logo di Android jauh lebih hemat waktu dan biaya. Anda hanya perlu membayar biaya kecil atau bahkan bisa menggunakan aplikasi desain logo android gratis. 3. Hasil yang Memuaskan Sebagian besar aplikasi desain logo di Android menawarkan banyak template dan opsi kustomisasi yang membuat hasil yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih memuaskan.
5 Aplikasi Desain Logo Android Terbaik
Berikut adalah daftar 5 aplikasi desain logo android terbaik: 1. Canva Canva adalah aplikasi desain grafis populer yang juga menawarkan fitur pembuatan logo. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan dan menyediakan banyak template logo yang dapat disesuaikan dengan merek Anda. Canva juga menyediakan ribuan elemen desain yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat logo yang lebih menarik. ✅ Nama Aplikasi ⭐ Canva: Foto, Video, Desain ✅ Developer ⚡ Canva Pty Ltd ✅ Rating 4,7 / 5 (11,9 Juta Ulasan) ✅ Link Aplikasi Klik Disini ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2. Logo Maker Plus Logo Maker Plus adalah aplikasi desain logo android yang sangat populer. Aplikasi ini menawarkan banyak template dan opsi kustomisasi, sehingga pengguna dapat membuat logo yang sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur canggih seperti pengaturan warna, efek, dan banyak lagi. ✅ Nama Aplikasi ⭐ Logo Maker Plus Graphic Design ✅ Developer ⚡ Logopit ✅ Rating 4,7 / 5 (194 ribu Ulasan) ✅ Link Aplikasi Klik Disini ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 3. DesignEvo DesignEvo adalah aplikasi desain logo android gratis yang menawarkan lebih dari 10.000 template logo. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan dan menawarkan opsi kustomisasi yang luas. Selain itu, DesignEvo juga menyediakan opsi untuk mengekspor logo dalam format berbeda seperti JPG, PNG, SVG, dan lain-lain. ✅ Nama Aplikasi ⭐ DesginEvo - Logo Maker ✅ Developer ⚡ PearlMountain Technology Limited ✅ Rating 3,8 / 5 (5,79 ribu Ulasan) ✅ Link Aplikasi Klik Disini ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4. Logo Maker Logo Maker adalah aplikasi desain logo android yang menyediakan banyak pilihan template logo yang dapat disesuaikan dengan merek Anda. Aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur canggih seperti pengaturan warna, efek, dan banyak lagi. Anda dapat dengan mudah menambahkan teks, ikon, dan bentuk pada logo Anda. ✅ Nama Aplikasi ⭐ Pembuat Logo Desain Logo Maker ✅ Developer ⚡ Splendid App Maker ✅ Rating 4,7 / 5 (338 ribu Ulasan) ✅ Link Aplikasi Klik Disini ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5. Adobe Spark Adobe Spark adalah aplikasi desain grafis yang sangat populer di kalangan profesional. Aplikasi ini menawarkan fitur pembuatan logo yang sangat mudah digunakan dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat logo dengan tampilan yang profesional. Aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan banyak template dan opsi kustomisasi. ✅ Nama Aplikasi ⭐ Adobe Express: Graphic Design ✅ Developer ⚡ Adobe ✅ Rating 4,8 / 5 (188 ribu Ulasan) ✅ Link Aplikasi Klik Disini ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dengan menggunakan aplikasi desain logo di Android, Anda dapat membuat logo yang menarik dan profesional dengan mudah dan cepat. Dengan banyaknya aplikasi desain logo di Android yang tersedia, Anda dapat memilih yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan budget Anda. Canva, Logo Maker Plus, DesignEvo, Logo Maker, dan Adobe Spark adalah beberapa aplikasi desain logo android terbaik yang dapat Anda coba. Mulailah membuat logo untuk merek Anda sendiri dengan aplikasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Read the full article
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leotechevo · 1 year
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maker-crack-i5 · 1 year
Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack License Key With Free Download
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 See what Crack Maker (crackcut8) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. DP Animation Maker Crack lets you create the living, breathing worlds from your still images and turn them into live moving scenes. Icecream Slideshow Maker Crack: In past, it was tough to create a professional slideshow because they required a lot of PC skills. Windows Movie Maker Crack is among the most original and popular windows movie editing program. It'is a tool used to make videos. Check out Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on It's highly addictive so we called it Emoji Crack! Why keep using the same old emoji that everyone has seen a million times? With our Emoji Maker you can. Easy Video Maker Crack is a powerful program for editing and creating multimedia content on the PC. Using the application requires some. Passport Photo Maker Crack is a software utility that helps people crop pictures according to the requirements of various ID types. The quilt maker's cheeks were full. She blew into them so they appeared as if about to explode. The needle continued its sharp, constant descent and rise. Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack is a powerful video editing software. This software supports almost all Microsoft Windows. Xara 3D Maker 7 Crack gives you a basic and exact approach to making illustrations, it offers you easy to use interface which you can alter. Photo Collage Maker Crack For Windows. In the eventuality that you habitually shut down your computer when you are not using it and want to. Create a unique crack logo in just a few clicks and without any help! Using DesignEvo logo maker you can make a professional crack logo for free instantly. Easy Video Maker Crack is a cutting-edge video editing and utility production application that offers a wide range of features to let you. Maker Crack (@makercrack) on TikTok | 1 Likes. #Maths #Physics #Chemistry #Science #Sport. Tasting Notes Dark milk chocolate set off with the "crack" of house-made maple toffee, using the finest Minnesota-harvested maple syrup straight from the. Windows Movie Maker Crack is a fantastic program that comes with many video editing segments. It captures the reality and incredible. DP Animation Maker Crack Smart 2D animation software that lets you turn still images into live moving scenes. Create living. Youtube Movie Maker Crack Edition is a well-known application. The Platinum Edition comes with all the bells and whistles, as well as. Windows Movie Maker Crack + License Key Free Download. This app has an easy-to-use user interface that is well-organized. This software is also capable of.
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Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack License Key With Free Download
Crack Maker (crackcut8) - Profile | Pinterest
Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music - [download]
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maker-crack-oj · 1 year
YouTube Movie Maker Crack With Serial Key [Latest]
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 See what Crack Maker (crackcut8) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. DP Animation Maker Crack lets you create the living, breathing worlds from your still images and turn them into live moving scenes. Icecream Slideshow Maker Crack: In past, it was tough to create a professional slideshow because they required a lot of PC skills. Windows Movie Maker Crack is among the most original and popular windows movie editing program. It'is a tool used to make videos. Check out Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on It's highly addictive so we called it Emoji Crack! Why keep using the same old emoji that everyone has seen a million times? With our Emoji Maker you can. Easy Video Maker Crack is a powerful program for editing and creating multimedia content on the PC. Using the application requires some. Passport Photo Maker Crack is a software utility that helps people crop pictures according to the requirements of various ID types. The quilt maker's cheeks were full. She blew into them so they appeared as if about to explode. The needle continued its sharp, constant descent and rise. Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack is a powerful video editing software. This software supports almost all Microsoft Windows. Xara 3D Maker 7 Crack gives you a basic and exact approach to making illustrations, it offers you easy to use interface which you can alter. Photo Collage Maker Crack For Windows. In the eventuality that you habitually shut down your computer when you are not using it and want to. Create a unique crack logo in just a few clicks and without any help! Using DesignEvo logo maker you can make a professional crack logo for free instantly. Easy Video Maker Crack is a cutting-edge video editing and utility production application that offers a wide range of features to let you. Maker Crack (@makercrack) on TikTok | 1 Likes. #Maths #Physics #Chemistry #Science #Sport. Tasting Notes Dark milk chocolate set off with the "crack" of house-made maple toffee, using the finest Minnesota-harvested maple syrup straight from the. Windows Movie Maker Crack is a fantastic program that comes with many video editing segments. It captures the reality and incredible. DP Animation Maker Crack Smart 2D animation software that lets you turn still images into live moving scenes. Create living. Youtube Movie Maker Crack Edition is a well-known application. The Platinum Edition comes with all the bells and whistles, as well as. Windows Movie Maker Crack + License Key Free Download. This app has an easy-to-use user interface that is well-organized. This software is also capable of.
Easy Video Maker Platinum Crack & Serial Key Full [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack License Key With Free Download
Crack Maker (crackcut8) - Profile | Pinterest
Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music - [download]
Passport Photo Maker Crack Serial Key [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Crack & Registration Key
YouTube Movie Maker Crack With Serial Key [Latest]
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maker-crack-4l · 1 year
Easy Video Maker Platinum Crack & Serial Key Full [Latest]
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 See what Crack Maker (crackcut8) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. DP Animation Maker Crack lets you create the living, breathing worlds from your still images and turn them into live moving scenes. Icecream Slideshow Maker Crack: In past, it was tough to create a professional slideshow because they required a lot of PC skills. Windows Movie Maker Crack is among the most original and popular windows movie editing program. It'is a tool used to make videos. Check out Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on It's highly addictive so we called it Emoji Crack! Why keep using the same old emoji that everyone has seen a million times? With our Emoji Maker you can. Easy Video Maker Crack is a powerful program for editing and creating multimedia content on the PC. Using the application requires some. Passport Photo Maker Crack is a software utility that helps people crop pictures according to the requirements of various ID types. The quilt maker's cheeks were full. She blew into them so they appeared as if about to explode. The needle continued its sharp, constant descent and rise. Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack is a powerful video editing software. This software supports almost all Microsoft Windows. Xara 3D Maker 7 Crack gives you a basic and exact approach to making illustrations, it offers you easy to use interface which you can alter. Photo Collage Maker Crack For Windows. In the eventuality that you habitually shut down your computer when you are not using it and want to. Create a unique crack logo in just a few clicks and without any help! Using DesignEvo logo maker you can make a professional crack logo for free instantly. Easy Video Maker Crack is a cutting-edge video editing and utility production application that offers a wide range of features to let you. Maker Crack (@makercrack) on TikTok | 1 Likes. #Maths #Physics #Chemistry #Science #Sport. Tasting Notes Dark milk chocolate set off with the "crack" of house-made maple toffee, using the finest Minnesota-harvested maple syrup straight from the. Windows Movie Maker Crack is a fantastic program that comes with many video editing segments. It captures the reality and incredible. DP Animation Maker Crack Smart 2D animation software that lets you turn still images into live moving scenes. Create living. Youtube Movie Maker Crack Edition is a well-known application. The Platinum Edition comes with all the bells and whistles, as well as. Windows Movie Maker Crack + License Key Free Download. This app has an easy-to-use user interface that is well-organized. This software is also capable of.
Easy Video Maker Platinum Crack & Serial Key Full [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack License Key With Free Download
Crack Maker (crackcut8) - Profile | Pinterest
Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music - [download]
Passport Photo Maker Crack Serial Key [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Crack & Registration Key
YouTube Movie Maker Crack With Serial Key [Latest]
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Caramel Crack Dark Milk – TC Chocolate Maker
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Windows Movie Maker Crack With Registration Code [Latest]
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maker-crack-7j · 1 year
Caramel Crack Dark Milk – TC Chocolate Maker
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 See what Crack Maker (crackcut8) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. DP Animation Maker Crack lets you create the living, breathing worlds from your still images and turn them into live moving scenes. Icecream Slideshow Maker Crack: In past, it was tough to create a professional slideshow because they required a lot of PC skills. Windows Movie Maker Crack is among the most original and popular windows movie editing program. It'is a tool used to make videos. Check out Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on It's highly addictive so we called it Emoji Crack! Why keep using the same old emoji that everyone has seen a million times? With our Emoji Maker you can. Easy Video Maker Crack is a powerful program for editing and creating multimedia content on the PC. Using the application requires some. Passport Photo Maker Crack is a software utility that helps people crop pictures according to the requirements of various ID types. The quilt maker's cheeks were full. She blew into them so they appeared as if about to explode. The needle continued its sharp, constant descent and rise. Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack is a powerful video editing software. This software supports almost all Microsoft Windows. Xara 3D Maker 7 Crack gives you a basic and exact approach to making illustrations, it offers you easy to use interface which you can alter. Photo Collage Maker Crack For Windows. In the eventuality that you habitually shut down your computer when you are not using it and want to. Create a unique crack logo in just a few clicks and without any help! Using DesignEvo logo maker you can make a professional crack logo for free instantly. Easy Video Maker Crack is a cutting-edge video editing and utility production application that offers a wide range of features to let you. Maker Crack (@makercrack) on TikTok | 1 Likes. #Maths #Physics #Chemistry #Science #Sport. Tasting Notes Dark milk chocolate set off with the "crack" of house-made maple toffee, using the finest Minnesota-harvested maple syrup straight from the. Windows Movie Maker Crack is a fantastic program that comes with many video editing segments. It captures the reality and incredible. DP Animation Maker Crack Smart 2D animation software that lets you turn still images into live moving scenes. Create living. Youtube Movie Maker Crack Edition is a well-known application. The Platinum Edition comes with all the bells and whistles, as well as. Windows Movie Maker Crack + License Key Free Download. This app has an easy-to-use user interface that is well-organized. This software is also capable of.
Easy Video Maker Platinum Crack & Serial Key Full [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack License Key With Free Download
Crack Maker (crackcut8) - Profile | Pinterest
Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music - [download]
Passport Photo Maker Crack Serial Key [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Crack & Registration Key
YouTube Movie Maker Crack With Serial Key [Latest]
DP Animation Maker With Crack Download - Free Download 4 Paid Software
Caramel Crack Dark Milk – TC Chocolate Maker
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Windows Movie Maker Crack With Registration Code [Latest]
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maker-crack-cb · 1 year
Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack License Key With Free Download
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 See what Crack Maker (crackcut8) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. DP Animation Maker Crack lets you create the living, breathing worlds from your still images and turn them into live moving scenes. Icecream Slideshow Maker Crack: In past, it was tough to create a professional slideshow because they required a lot of PC skills. Windows Movie Maker Crack is among the most original and popular windows movie editing program. It'is a tool used to make videos. Check out Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on It's highly addictive so we called it Emoji Crack! Why keep using the same old emoji that everyone has seen a million times? With our Emoji Maker you can. Easy Video Maker Crack is a powerful program for editing and creating multimedia content on the PC. Using the application requires some. Passport Photo Maker Crack is a software utility that helps people crop pictures according to the requirements of various ID types. The quilt maker's cheeks were full. She blew into them so they appeared as if about to explode. The needle continued its sharp, constant descent and rise. Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack is a powerful video editing software. This software supports almost all Microsoft Windows. Xara 3D Maker 7 Crack gives you a basic and exact approach to making illustrations, it offers you easy to use interface which you can alter. Photo Collage Maker Crack For Windows. In the eventuality that you habitually shut down your computer when you are not using it and want to. Create a unique crack logo in just a few clicks and without any help! Using DesignEvo logo maker you can make a professional crack logo for free instantly. Easy Video Maker Crack is a cutting-edge video editing and utility production application that offers a wide range of features to let you. Maker Crack (@makercrack) on TikTok | 1 Likes. #Maths #Physics #Chemistry #Science #Sport. Tasting Notes Dark milk chocolate set off with the "crack" of house-made maple toffee, using the finest Minnesota-harvested maple syrup straight from the. Windows Movie Maker Crack is a fantastic program that comes with many video editing segments. It captures the reality and incredible. DP Animation Maker Crack Smart 2D animation software that lets you turn still images into live moving scenes. Create living. Youtube Movie Maker Crack Edition is a well-known application. The Platinum Edition comes with all the bells and whistles, as well as. Windows Movie Maker Crack + License Key Free Download. This app has an easy-to-use user interface that is well-organized. This software is also capable of.
Easy Video Maker Platinum Crack & Serial Key Full [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Pro Crack License Key With Free Download
Crack Maker (crackcut8) - Profile | Pinterest
Crack Maker (Peter Plaznik Mashup) by Des McMahon on Amazon Music - [download]
Passport Photo Maker Crack Serial Key [Latest]
Windows Movie Maker Crack & Registration Key
YouTube Movie Maker Crack With Serial Key [Latest]
DP Animation Maker With Crack Download - Free Download 4 Paid Software
Caramel Crack Dark Milk – TC Chocolate Maker
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Windows Movie Maker Crack With Registration Code [Latest]
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