#London Cross-country championships
insidecroydon · 7 months
Muddy marvelous! Nolan wins first London cross-country title
City slickers: Croydon Harrier Dom Nolan (No137) is already prominent as the men’s field makes its way up Parliament Hill at the start of the London Cross-country championships Croydon Harrier Dominic Nolan is London Cross-country champion. Nolan, 28, ploughed through boggy conditions to beat a field of more than 400 over six miles of one of the world’s best-known and toughest courses, around…
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The Unkillable Lion (GN Wrestler Reader x Russio)
Warning: Mentions of blood, swearing and bad writing
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W/N = Wrestler Name
Your heart beat was bumping, nerves settled in, its happening!!
You are going to walk out at Wembley Stadium for the match of your life. A match in your home country, the biggest ever and in front of a sold out crowd. But not infront of your family....It sucked. Not only was your family stuck in Australia but your sister and girlfriend lost the finals of the Women's World Cup and all you could do was call and text them since thier flights were delayed. You could physically be here for them. You sighed resuming your stretching
*Crowd roars*
You glanced at the backstage monitor the screen just showed the graphic of the next match
For the Newly reinstated NJPW Intercontinental Championship
"The Unkillable" W/N
"The King" Minoru Suzuki (C)
Excalibur on the commentary team "Up next will The King Suzuki be knocked off his throne? Or will The Unkillable be Killed on their home soil"
Jim ross would respond "There is no doubt that this match with be a slobber knocker"
You smiled before feeling a hand on your shoulder, you turn to see Kenny Omega
Y/N:"Great match out there today Kenny" He smiled
Kenny:"Do I ever have a bad match" giving you a really look
F/N:"Fair Point"
Kenny:"This crowd is red hot, they are gonna have your back I'd say even against Suzuki. And i have ni doubt your family and gal are gonna be watching from Australia"
You looked at him with a determined smile "Thanks Ken"
"5 minutes F/N" You hear from the gorilla position.
"Now go show them what the Elite is all about " you smirked and winked before leaving to go tear the house down
"Calm down mum, F/N will be fine."
"Well you know what i am like Jorge"
"They are a Bronze they will survive anything, right Luc?" Jorge would turn to his sister who had a far away look in her eye. Jorge slightly frowned, the impact of losing the World Cup final was still being processed.
"Luc?" Lucy felt a nudge of a leg moving her leg, she looked to her side to see Keira "Jorge was saying Bronze's can survive anything, personally i think he is correct" Bronze smiled as she looked at the tv and starred at her sibling face. She felt so much pride seeing her sibling being apart of something so big and living their dream.
"Yeah they will survive, though knowing Y/N there will be blood"
"BLOOD!" the room would jump at the sound of Alessia Russo sudden outburst.
"Bloody hell Les!" Ella Toone would say placing her arm on her chest from being startled "Sorry i just didn't know, i don't even know what this match actually is. will their actually be blood" Alessia would say looking at Bronze with slight worry but also embarrassment. She felt bad as she still didn't understand Y/N's job fully. She hated watching them get hurt but to star bleeding???
"Well basically a No Holds Barred Match is anything goes. No count outs they can use any sort of weapon, go anywhere in the stadium." Lucy would say earing the attention of some of the lionesses who were also watching and those new to the sport. Since the flights were delayed, the group decide to have a massive hang out with the team and families "And yes Y/N has a history being busted open" Lucy would say with grimace on her face. Making Alessia more nervous and scared for Y/N.
Alessia met Y/N on her first match for the Senior England Team, Y/N was supporting their sister Lucy during the match and the duo would have a brief encounter but would greet each other everytime. One of the things Russio like about Y/N was they always greeted everyone and shook peoples hands. no matter if they were players, team's family's or staff. As a wrestler Y/N always showed respect and etiquette to everyone.
It wasnt until Alessia moved to London after signing for Arsenal, That their paths would cross at a gym from there the duo would grow closer. Everytime Y/N would go across the country or abroad, Alessia would miss the charming wrestler. And when Russio did the same Y/N would miss the clumsy but talented footballer.
It wasn't until a gym session 2 months ago after the duo both hadn't seen each other for nearly two months that one thing led to another that the duo would engage in a heated night of passion..........in the gym bathroom.........and then Y/N's Car......and then Y/N's bed. Basically a LOT of PASSION happened that night.
The duo would become an item, keeping it on the low and eventually would tell thier families tho both were SCARED TO FUCK to tell Lucy. Given the fact that the last time Lucy found out F/N had a partner.....well F/N doesn't know actually their partner just vanished, no sign of where they went but it smelt of Lucy's involvement.
When the duo announced to Lucy, it was a surprise as she seemed to beam with happiness seeing her teammate and her siblings together. She knew Russio well and trusted her and when Lucy embraced Russio, she would whisper "If anything happens to them, remember it's very easy for me to find you" Before hugging her sibling leaving Les gulping slightly before smiling nervously.
Alessia's worry grew she struggles to watch F/N wrestle, seeing them getting hurt and thrown around scared her. and now blood? She would be lying is she said she understood wrestling. She was snapped out of her trance by a hand on her shoulder "Les? They will be ok. this is their job" Alessia turned to the voice and smiled at her best friend Ella Toone. "She's right. They will fuck that guy up" Russio smiled at Mary Earps comment.
*Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne plays at Wembley"
The crowd roars as the lionesses and focus on the screen.
You hear the rumble of the crowd, you wanted for your cue to leave, you couldn't wait to leave and see the crowd and start the walk to the ring.
Lucy breathed out, feeling nervous for you as Les got excited
You started to walk down the Hallway, every step the view of the crowd getting more and more in view. As you step out the crowd cheered like maniac and wanted for you to remove your hood and ignite your pyro.
"Oh my god, the colour of their gear" Stanway pointed out. Gaining the attention of the lionesses "Its the same colour scheme as our away kit" The lionesses couldn't help but feel flattered at the gesture whilst the Bronze family were filled with pride
You removed the hood revealing your face and the pyro went off to loud cheers as you screamed and shouted to the fans to cheer. you felt the breeze against your skin as you stood there for the moment to take it all in. you looked out to the sea of people. Your fellow countrymen and fans that came to see you. Lucy watched with pride, She knew the feeling you had right now. whilst Les smiled at the cute reaction you showed You nodded as you began to walk down the ramp high fiving the fans and kids in the front row.
"A year ago a team of Lionesses walked onto the pitch of Wembley and played with pride and passion to become champions of Europe. One of those Lionesses was Lucy Bronze" Nigel McGuiness paused. The lionesses ears were listening at the commentator with smiles. they may have lost the finals but they did achieve greatness with winning the euros. As Lucy's name was mentioned
"Now a year later, W/N Bronze walks into the same Arena. With the goal to become champion like their sister. This isn't a try and fail for Y/N this is a must for them. They HAVE to walk out of Wembley champion" Les couldn't help but the amount of pressure you must be under, she didn't think of the story of his match and started to worry what if you did lose. She has lost the finals of the World Cup, she couldn't bear to see you lose too "They need to win, so when they walked down the streets, people will come up to then and say. 'Hey you are the NJPW Intercontinental Champ, W/N Bronze right?.' And Not 'oh isn't Lucy Bronze your sister.'"
The group would frown as you entered the ring. Did the commentator really say that. They thought it was harsh, but Lucy knew. She hated seeing you accomplish so much but still be referred as the other sibling. Alessia also knew she would see interviews of you and every time you were undermined and Lucy was brought up you can feel your energy switch.
As you made your way to the ring, the crowd's energy continued to surge and you couldn't help but feel the support from your home country. The cheers and chants were overwhelming and it motivated you even more for the match. You knew that this was a critical moment in your career, and you had to give it your all and you couldn't LOSE
The Lionesses and your family continued to watch with bated breath. Lucy felt the pride of being your sister and couldn't help but recall her own moments of glory at Wembley. She understood the immense pressure you were under, and her heart swelled with hope for your success. Alessia, on the other hand, was torn between her excitement for you and her deep concern. She wasn't familiar with wrestling and seeing you in a No Holds Barred match with the potential for blood made her uneasy. The support and reassurance of her friends helped ease her worries, but she couldn't help but feel a knot in her stomach.
"F/N started in the outskirts of Sunderland before heading to Japan, Joining the Faction Chaos by recommendation of Will Ospreay, there Y/N would win multiple tag titles and tournaments before betraying Okada and leaving Chaos and Joining the Bullet Club. A year later F/N would be kicked out of the BC with the Elite and headed to AEW. And now to Wembley. What a journey for this Youngblood" Jim Ross said as he praised you. the commentary about your journey and the pressure to succeed struck a chord with Lucy, Alessia and your Family. They knew how much this meant to you, not just as a wrestler but as an individual trying to step out of your sibling's shadow.
The atmosphere in Wembley Stadium shifted as "The King" Minoru Suzuki made his way to the ring. He was a legendary figure in the world of professional wrestling, known for his no-nonsense, hard-hitting style and a reputation as one of the toughest men in the business.
Suzuki's presence alone exuded an aura of intimidation. His face bore the scars of countless battles, and his cold, unflinching stare made it clear that he had no intention of relinquishing his Intercontinental Championship without a brutal fight.
You watched as he swaggered down the ramp. You prepared yourself mentally as you knew he was gonna try and murder you but you were prepared to fight no matter the cost
The crowd which had been firmly behind you, was now divided. Some cheered for the local hero, "The Unkillable" W/N Bronze, while others cheered to the reigning champion, Suzuki, Hoping that he would tear you apart. The air was electric with anticipation and you could feel the weight of the moment pressing upon you.
The referee checked both competitors for any concealed weapons, making it clear that in a No Holds Barred match, anything could and would happen. The tension in the ring was palpable as the official signaled for the match to begin.
You and Suzuki locked eyes and for a brief moment, He tilted his head before smiling like a maniac, You replied with a smirk. Both of you understood the magnitude of the battle about to take place.
So you decided to throw a chop to the Japanese legend. A loud smack can be heard as Suzuki was caught off guard before accepting the challenge "Come on then wanker" You say trying goad him
Then he did, You felt the chop ripple threw your body sending electricity throughout your body. The each delivering thunderous knife-edge chops to the other. The sound of flesh meeting flesh reverberated throughout the stadium, and the crowd's cheers and gasps grew louder with each strike. Your chest and Suzuki's were both bright red from the onslaught of chops, and neither of you showed any signs of backing down. It was a test of willpower, a battle of endurance, and the audience couldn't believe the spectacle they were witnessing.
"Why why are doing this" Alessia had her hands to her face, During the chop off. She hated seeing you het hit like this and hearing the sounds of the smack echoing around the area "Fucking hit hm F/N" But lucy on the other hand was invested and wanted you to slap the shit out of your opponent
But in a sudden turn of events, Suzuki let out a deep, guttural laugh, his sadistic grin never leaving his face.
"Oh shit" You regretted your challenge
The crowd's gasps turned into collective exclamations of shock and your friends and family watched as the chop sent you to the ground like a bag of potatoes. Alessia squealed as she turned into her father's direction who was laughing at his daughters reaction. "Jesus Christ" Lucy would hear from her brother as he held his child in his arms. Meanwhile you laid there as Suzuki was taunting you "I think my chest is caved in" You would say feeling like you got shot. This was gonna be a war.
Many moments would happen during the match, You power bombing Suzuki through a table, him hitting you with a chair, brawling in the crowed. It wasn't until you took a barbed wire bat to the head that cut you open above the eye. Your family gave a grim look whilst Alessia shrieked and hid her face in Ella's shirt. You looked dazed as the blood dripped down your face and you spat out the blood that fell into your mouth. It was a site that made the crowd stare at you. The match went almost 28 mins before you found yourself in a Gotch powerbomb set up as he went to lift you, You countered with a DDT just as Alessia peeked out
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"Focking hell" Toone would say as Your family and lionesses cheered. Alessia heart filled with excitement and amazement. You fighting with such passion made her heart flutter
And then you hit a Bronze Maker (Flatliner) when he ran for you
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As you laid down you heard the chants for you and the rhythm of claps from 81.000 strong behind you. The whole stadium was alive for Y/N Bronze. You staggered up and saw Suzuki now bleeding from the head was on one knee you had to stop him so you ran and dropkicked him into the corner
Alessia was in a trance.
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Seeing your chance and the adrenaline pumping jumped to the top rope top, The crowd rumbling they knew what was next after sticking your tongue out with dried blood over your face, you hit your iconic The moonsault stomp "HERE IT COMES"
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The crowd popped sending a massive shockwave throughout the arena
"HOLY SHIT!" Mary Earps said in shock
"THAT WAS FUCKING SICK" Stanway said in a hyped voice
"I FELT THAT ONE" Hemp would say as she grimaced
"GO ON Y/N" Millie Bright said a pumped up attitude
"COME ON Y/N" Lucy calm demeanour changed as she couldn't keep still and fully stood up bouncy.
"Come on babygirl/babyboy" Alessia whispered to herself
You stood over the body of your Suzuki and grabbed both arms and brought him to his knees "COME ON KID, MAKE A NAME FOR YOURSELF AND ARCHIVE GREATNESS" Jim Ross adding more excitement and goosebumps with his words and passion
"NIGHT NIGHT MOTHERFUCKER" You shouted as you used the last of your strength to drive your knee into Suzuki's head.
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"LION KILLER!!!!" Excalibur shouted on commentary. The crowd roared with passion, as it was like a button you hit on Suzuki's head to make them roar. The room of Lionesses watched on with anticipation
You fall on top of Suzuki and pin him. You hear the referee land on the canvas. And everyone counted with him
"ONE" the ref screamed along with the crowd
"TWO" The Bronze's, Alessia and the lionesses screamed
It felt like forever that you watched the hand come down but eventually
Lucy had goosebumps all over her body. Could it be, Will she finally see you achieve your dream
Alessia was on the break of tears. The art of wrestling, her love and proudness of you was beaming
"THREE!" Your heart stopped. The crowd roared, your family was in a mixture of tears and joy.
Lucy was hugging and shaking Keira around with joy. She was overwhelmed by seeing you achieve your dream. She saw you start from a underdog to a champion. This meant more to her then the World Cup.
Alessia was tearing up as Ella and Mary were teasing but also cheering. She now understood the moments wrestling made and how it made fans feel. And to see you in such a moment made her cry and celebrate with her friends and lucy
You layed there, you did it. You thought looking up to the sky with the open roof of Wembley in view, you don't know how long it took until you realized the ref standing over you with the belt. You slowly sat up onto your knees and held the title staring at it like a new born baby. You then shot up with pride ignoring the pain and held it above your head and the crowd roared once again. A image will for ever be in the minds for Fans's Lucy and Alessia.
As the celebrations went on Omega, The Young Bucks, Ibushi and Hangman came out and praised you as you were lifted onto the Buck's Shoulders. Ella nudging Alessia as she saw the jealous look on her face. But then music hit
"Woah hold on here" Jim Ross said as out of the entrance way came Will Ospreay and members of the United Empire "Its Ospreay, we saw him earlier tonight when he beat Jericho." Excaliber would say "So is the Aussie Open and Jeff Cobbs but that snake Don Callis and Takashita are alongside them." You looked confused as the young bucks set you down. Kenny, Ibushi and Hangman glared at Takeshita and Don Callis due to Earlier events.
As they entered the ring, The Golden Elite stood behind you and the United Empire behind Ospreay as the two of you had a face to face. The stadium rumbled at the sight. Making this a match they wanted. Don would step forward and in response so would Kenny. A action that made Don step back. Kenny was now to you right making it Osprey's left. Kenny glared at will, He still wasn't done with the aerial assassin. As a gesture of he wasn't finished he held up the finger triggers to Ospreay
The Lionesses were Intrigued by this situation. Alessia was annoyed that you didn't get a full celebration and wanted you to have your moment. but Lucy knew something was off by your stance.
And then
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"OH MY GAWD!" Jim Ross shouted
"WHAT!! Nigel was flabbergasted
Alessia was wide eyed as most of the Lionesses. Lucy eyebrow raised in surprise
You just SuperKicked Kenny
The arena was stunned, The Golden Elite were frozen. The United Empire then rushed The Elite and started to dismantle them. As you and Ospreay starred at each other, A growing smirk came to both of your faces
"Oh don't tell me" Jim Ross would say kn commentary. You would then make the United Empire hand sign and hug will laughing. "Oh that son of a bitch!" You both grabbed Kenny as you set him up for Will's hidden blade.
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You would laugh and stick your tongue out
"Oh you two are definitely related" Lucy would hear Hemp say to which Lucy shrugged smirking "It's a family thing" . Alessia however was shocked at your evil side and couldn't help but blush at the cockiness you were showing.
You then decided to lift Kenny on your shoulders and hit him with his own move. The One Winged Angel
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You sat there laughing with Ospreay as your girlfriend blushed more
"Oooh you like when your playmate is a baddie" Mary bumped Alessia making her more embarrassed.
There you stood at Wembley. With your new wrestling family and champion
A few days later
"BABY!!" Alessia was caught off guard but welcomed you picking her up and holding her "I missed you so much" you placed her down and kissed her to which see kissed you back after a minute of tongue twirling of you would part for breathe. "I missed you" You said to your girlfriend. "I missed you too sweetheart"
You smiled with pride " I am so fucking proud of you babe" You said. She smiled sadly but then she cupped your cheeks "Not as proud as me champ" You smiled smugly "Well i am a talented bastard." Alessia fought back a laugh before looking down and biting her lip. You placed your finger on her chin lifting her to look at you. "Whats wrong pet" You gave her a cocky smile. Alessia loved it and knew what was happening. One of her teammates blabbed to you about her liking your bad side. She inches closer.
"THERES MY BOY/GIRL!" all of a sudden you felt yourself picked up into the arms of you sister Lucy. To which you hugged back. The two of you started to playfight "LETS GO CHAMP" Lucy would start saying. You haven't seen her this happy since the Euros. You couldn't help but be happy with Lucy's reaction to your win. Ever since you were a child you wanted her approval and recognition. She was the best sister ever. You notice people at the airport started to look at you and so did lucy. Alessia couldn't help but smile at the cute behaviour before her
"YEAH MY BROTHER/SISTER IS A CHAMPION AND WHAT!" Lucy shouted as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder and leading you away. You reached out your hand to Alessia who grabbed her stuff and your hand and walked with you "Seriously Y/N i am so proud of you bro" Lucy squeezed you closer as you rested you head on her shoulder for a sec "Thanks Lu. I am proud of you two. You were amazing throughout" She smiled sadly before cheering up "Thanks child" You rolled your eyes "That reminds me i got both of you Souvenirs from the show and Keira also" The girls smiled, Lucy was extra thankful as you mentioned her partner is was having a hard time with her injury.
The duo mentioned they got something for you two as you walked out of the airport not before a squeak came from Alessia after you gave a cheeky squeeze to her bum, showing off the cocky side once more leading to you and Lucy laughing at her flustered look
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The End
this took so long, like 2 - 3 months. kept dropping in and out of it but i hope my Wrestling readers and woso readers enjoyed it. If you are a fan of both then consider yourself spoiled.
but this leads to a question would you like more wrestling x woso? let me know
and all feedback is welcome.
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formulaarchive · 2 months
Sam Birds 'CV' on his website circa 2002.
2002: Well, I really thought this would be my year - I wanted to win the JICA British title and start some European racing. However, with the new regulations and the restrictor, which favours smaller, lighter boys, it was not to be. I had some silly problems in the first race, which left me trailing the championship at 17th . However, a good place in the second race put me up to 6th. Bad luck dogged me, with a black flag for "weaving" and a couple of dnfs, so I stayed in 6th place. Some fantastic drives, through the field, earning me good publicity for the first time in a long while. 
Went to Garda for first ever ICA race - wow! I love this. Came 2nd and 4th in heats and 4th in final. Parma - again great results in practice and heats, but developed fever for race and finished 10th. Mind you, there were some 90+ entrants and I was the youngest!
Portugal. Qualified fourth in group. Set fastest lap in 2 heats. Sadly, didn't finish race but did enough to qualify for finals in Angerville. One of only four Brits to get through!
Did practice race in Spa, just to test engines ready for the final. Highest non=Belgian finisher by 11 positions. Finished third, almost photo finish with Thonon who went on to win European Championship!
European Championship. One DNF (shunted off) plus technical problems in two heats where I had to "nurse" kart home meant very poor qualifying position and didn't make finals. Started 15th in Federation Cup, had great drive and reliable kart this time, overtook almost one kart per lap, came in 5th. 
Future: Hope to concentrate on practice for ICA in Europe/UK. This will be my route for next year and after that ……………
2001: After Common Entrance, I won a place at Charterhouse, in Godalming. Fabulous school and here they recognise karting as a sport and not just a hobby. Am on the short list for a sports scholarship. During this year I joined Ricky Flynn Motorsport and have learned a lot. Many technical problems, but also some very good results - have had a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in various heats/races.
2000: Still having problems persuading the school that I should be allowed to race on weekends. Could NEVER do Friday practice and had problems on Saturdays, because I was in every team for football, rugby, cricket, athletics and cross country! However, in 2000 I was joint winner of Buckmore Park Series and 2nd in winter series.
1999: After such success in Formula 6, rather a shock to enter Formula Junior Yamaha which was a leap too far. Many technical problems, plus my prep. School was unsupportive. However, see pic on this site of me ahead of di Resta - it really did happen once!
1997/8: Persuaded my parents to buy me a kart for 10th birthday present, but only used it very briefly, as I raced in Formula 6, courtesy of Sandown Karting. Won trophy almost every race. Novice trophies in first, second and third races, after that, always on podium. Once I had finished being a novice, very often came in half a lap ahead of the rest of the field.
1996/7: Still too tiny to buy a kart, so went indoor racing at Playscape in London. Won most races, even against instructors. Thanks Mike for your encouragement.
1995: Aged 8, had first lessons at Silverstone. Far too small to reach pedals but thoroughly enjoyed experience and couldn't wait to get back into a kart.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Happy birthday Princess Anne! We dig into the archives to celebrate *PICTURES*
By Madeleine Silver | Published 15 August 2015
Princess Anne may be The Queen‘s only daughter, but with three European Championship medals under her belt, the 1971 BBC Sports Personality of the Year title, an Olympics to her name (Montreal in 1976) and a stint as the president of the FEI (1986-1994),  this horsewoman is an icon of the equestrian world in her own right.
On her 65th birthday today (15 August 2015), we’ve dug into the archives to celebrate Princess Anne’s status as equestrian royalty — from her competition days to watching the next generation in action.
Princess Anne in pictures
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Princess Anne and Doublet on their way to an eventing European Championship individual gold medal at Burghley in 1971
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Princess Anne and Goodwill at the European Championships in Kiev 1973
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Princess Anne makes her Olympic debut in Montreal in 1976 with Goodwill, in front of an impressive crowd for the dressage. She was the first member of the British royal family to compete in an Olympic
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Princess Anne and  Stevie B at the 20th fence of the 1981 Burghley cross-country course
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Stevie B and Princess Anne take a tumble in the water at Burghley in 1981
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The Queen and Princess Anne in the royal procession at Ascot in June 1983
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In July 2010, Princess Anne presents Major Moylaw with his prize at the Great Yorkshire Show
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Princess Anne at the National Pony Society Championships in 2010
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The next generation: Princess Anne helps Zara Phillips officilally retire her European and world champion horse Toytown at Gatcombe in 2011
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2011 Burghley Horse Trials winner William Fox-Pitt receives his prize from Princess Anne, who won the title herself 40 years earlier on Doublet
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A proud moment: Princess Anne and her father Prince Philip watch Zara and High Kingdom in the dressage phase of the London 2012 Olympic Games in Greenwich Park
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Princess Anne presents Zara, and her team mates Nicola Wilson, Tina Cook, Mary King and William Fox-Pitt, with their silver medals at London 2012
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magdasabs · 1 year
My pleasure and kinda "duty" to tell about fun stuff as a long time Sweden fan ;)
Ok so this was before Julia had met Emma and before she'd signed for then Kopparbergs/Göteborg (the team later became part of Häcken when the club took them in). I think she was the only one left who played for a Stockholm based team. Nattis, Ippe, Anna Oscarsson and Tove Almqvist played for other clubs than AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby. Tove definitely did, she played in Linköping with Magda, Pernille, Frido and Stina among her team mates and then she went to Vittsjö. Ippe left Hammarby for Linköping after season 2017 and Julia left for Gothenburg in the summer transfer window 2018 (yes I googled it lol). So it was probably within this time frame their little travel mishap transpired. It also fits with when Instagram started with stories in 2016. This group was in the 2015 U19 Euro squad that won the gold and they were good friends already then. But it can't have been before 2016 because their little incident was shared in insta stories.
The four of them visited Julia in Stockholm (Johanna wasn't there, probably had a league game or something and Tove's best friend Stina wasn't even in Sweden). They'd went with Ippe to buy a new iPhone. Someone shared a story when they were on the subway train and Ippe unpacked her new phone. She made a huge deal of it of course lmao and was over excited. I kid you not, it was like "Omg omg omg!" and shrieks of excitement and joy from her. Tove sat next to Ippe and almost cried from laughter.
A while later Anna shared a story when they were at a platform and waited for the subway train. It was outdoors and I recognised it as the station Globen near the Globe arena (now named Avicii arena). They were laughing so much they bent forward and held their stomaches. All but Nattis who wasn't the least amused. She could be seen in the background standing with her arms crossed and a annoyed look on her face like "I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit".
Anna could barely speak when she asked Tove to come help her tell what had happened. And what had happened was they'd somehow managed to get on the right subway train - heading in the wrong direction. They didn't notice they were heading in the wrong direction for fifteen (15) minutes. They'd passed several stations before anyone reacted. The most hilarious is that everyone but Tove had lived and played in Stockholm for several years and had just very recently left for other clubs. Julia even still lived and played in Stockholm! As someone who doesn't live in Stockholm but has been there much, I can tell you it's fairly easy to find your way around the subway map in comparison to London where I've also visited.
When their subway train, this time in the right direction lmao, arrived Anna said "Idiots on world tour" about them. It became very fitting as this group went on vacations together regularly for a couple of years. Some were in the U23 national team and naturally got to travel to other countries together that way. Once Anna posted a story when she and Tove were at a player hotel. They were in a public area like the hotel lobby or near the dining room. Anna filmed Tove when she made a kick forward. Her flip flop flew through the air and almost hit one of the Dutch U23 players. Whoops. In a added story Anna had frozen the footage and zoomed in on Tove's face when she followed the flight of her flip flop towards the Dutchies. She did a funny caption to it but I don't remember what. Tove's face was priceless anyway as she watched her flip flop in horror. Of course the two of them broke down in fits of laughter afterwards.
Others have been called up to the senior national team for looks in training games or for competitive games and championships. At one camp Ippe was Anna's roomie. They were chilling in their hotel room laying on their beds. Anna checked her phone. An apparently very bored Ippe posted a story when she first had her back towards Anna. The collar of her Sweden training jacket covered half her face so you could only see her eyes. Then she quickly turned around and hit Anna hard on the arm or leg. Anna exclaimed "Ouch! Cut it out Filippa!" and hit Ippe back on her leg but stopped herself halfway so she wouldn't hit her full force. Then she returned to checking her phone and Ippe rolled back so she was turned away from Anna again. Still with the collar covering half her face. Through all of this Ippe didn't utter a sound. Didn't laugh, didn't giggle and didn't say anything. She just got an idea to film when she was being a little shit to Anna and wanted to do something eh creative.
The members of the Idiots on world tour have changed slightly it seems but the core group is the same. I think last time they as a big group of friends went on a December vacation after season was in 2019. Julia had met Emma, Anna hadn't met Matilda, Elena hadn't met Benni, Ippe had met Megan, Nattis was either single or with that male Djurgården ice hockey player, Stina was probably single as she had still to meet her bf whom she met after she'd moved to Gothenburg and she didn't move there until 2020.
And now with this recent boat ride the Idiots are on world tour again. Some of them will get to travel half way around the the world in less than one months time when Sweden fly out to the base camp in Wellington, NZ.
Thank you for taking the time to share all of that! It's really cool that you remember it
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newsaljazeera · 9 months
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spitonews · 1 year
Athletics, running: Brett Robinson returns focus to London Marathon, Paris Olympics after world cross-country championships in Bathurst
After competing in the toughest edition of the world cross-country championships in history, Australian marathon record-holder Brett Robinson has shifted his focus back to the streets of London. Robinson finished 31st in the world cross-country championships at Bathurst’s Mount Panorama and now has eight weeks to finalise his preparation for the London Marathon, to be held on April 23. The…
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hostor-infotech · 1 year
Athletics, running: Brett Robinson returns focus to London Marathon, Paris Olympics after world cross-country championships in Bathurst
After competing in the toughest edition of the world cross-country championships in history, Australian marathon record-holder Brett Robinson has shifted his focus back to the streets of London. Robinson finished 31st in the world cross-country championships at Bathurst’s Mount Panorama and now has eight weeks to finalise his preparation for the London Marathon, to be held on April 23. The…
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hutz224 · 1 year
World Masters Cross Country Championships preview part 2
With statistical assistance from Scott Lawrence
This blog episode will cover the 50+ and 55+ age groups. But first I owe a sincere apology to one of Australia's best ever cross country runners, Anna Thompson Munro. I have known Anna for about 25 years, yet I entirely missed her entry in the W45 events at Bathurst. My feeble excuse is that she entered as Anna Munro, whereas for years I have known her as Anna Thompson. Once alerted to my omission, I hastily consulted Wikipedia, which listed five of her appearances for Australia in the World Cross Country Championships. I subsequently learned that Anna has competed in the World Cross Country nine times! She represented Australia seven years in a row from 2002 to 2008, then again in 2010 and 2011, an extraordinary record. Her contest with Anna Kasapis in the W45 race should be a beauty.
Anyway, let's get back to the other age groups. The M50 race sees six countries represented. New Zealander Wim Luijpers has great recent track form, running 4:12 for 1500m in November. He will start as favourite. If someone travels halfway around the world for a 6k race, it's a fair bet that they might be a serious runner, and it looks that way for Frenchman Frederic Gilbert, who ran 4:22/9:15 for 1500m/3k indoors last year. Victorian Ant Rickards last week ran 16:49 for 5000m. He and another Victorian, Andrew McEvoy, who had a strong winter in 2022, are likely to be the nearest challengers to the two overseas visitors. Richard Hope is a former Victorian half marathon champion, but his current form is unknown.
(L to R) Luijpers, Gilbert, Rickards
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There is only one foreign W55 entrant, so the race is likely to be yet another showdown between two Victorians, who have raced each other many times over the years, and a New South Wales speedster. Julie Norney Petrie has been in sparkling parkrun form of late, while Bev Thomas is a proven cross country runner. The two met twice in Victorian cross country events last winter - Bev beat Julie over 12k, while the result was reversed over 10k. This should be another great contest. Charlotte Middleton (NSW) is the dark horse, with outstanding 800m/1500m times in 2022, but she may be better suited to the 2k relay.
(L to R) Norney, Thomas, Middleton
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Well, what an interesting line up we have in the M55 category. A few overseas runners, but the locals will dominate. Shaun Creighton (ACT) needs no introduction. What a career he has had, both as an elite open age athlete and then as a reborn 50+ runner. Lately Shaun has been running big distances and looks to have peaked nicely for this one. I think he is close to the hottest favourite in any of the overage divisions. The podium places will be hotly contested. Paul Arthur (NSW) is a former City to Surf winner and it's good to see him back in action. He will have strong opposition from John Meagher (Vic). I expect to see these three guns take the medals, but Michael Eury (Vic), Ken Wilson (NSW) and Bruce Davie (Vic) may not be far behind.
(L to R) Creighton, Meagher, Eury
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In the W55 race, it's impossible to ignore Krishna Stanton (ACT now Qld). She was already famous as a Commonwealth Games silver medallist, Olympian and Australian champion at various distances. Then, from seemingly nowhere, Krishna set a world W55 marathon record in London last year. She looks impossible to beat here. Liz Miller (NSW) is another former Australian representative, but her form is unknown. If she is fit, the podium beckons. Englishwoman Julie Wilson is the only overseas entrant and she has a recent fast 3000m time, as does Karen Blay (NSW), so look for either or both to challenge for a medal.
(L to R) Stanton, Blay
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So that's it for part 2 of this series. Part 3 will feature the 60+ and 65+ events. Please feel free to comment on these predictions on the usual social media platforms, especially if I have left out any nine-time Australian cross country representatives! Until next time, keep on running ...
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ziggycor · 1 year
Skinny dipping freely
Power gliding through the air
Water skiing on bumpy seas
Basket balloon ground rising
Snow skiing down the Alps
Toboggan riding in the Olympics
Fairground car bumping
Riding from sea gently
Race riding a bicycle
Roaring round bends on a motorbike
Running the London marathon
Jogging in the local summers park
Cross country woods race
Just a simple walk in sunshine summer park
Or a more arduous peak walk
Climbing up Jack and the Beanstalk
Downhill slalom ski racing
Formula One season championship
Grandstand annual steeplechase
Newmarket track flat racing
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moneeb0930 · 1 year
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How the Dibaba sisters from Ethiopia became the fastest family on earth
Ethiopian distance runner Tirunesh Dibaba made history at the 2008 Beijing Olympics when she became the first woman to win gold in both the 5,000-metre and 10,000-metre races. She defended her gold medal title in the 10,000 metres at the 2012 London Olympics, becoming the first woman to win the event at two consecutive Olympics.
She was inspired by a family of runners. In fact, she and her sisters have been amazing in the field of distance running. The Dibaba sisters — Tirunesh, Genzebe, Anna, and Melat — are the only siblings in recorded history to hold concurrent world records, and they are a fiercely competitive family from a humble background.
They were raised in a round mud hut in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, without electricity. Their parents were subsistence farmers who grew wheat, barley and teff. As a matter of fact, the Dibaba siblings are seven in all, and all of them run. Tirunesh, however, is the most decorated, having three Olympic gold medals. She had wanted to enroll in school but opted for the Corrections (Prisons Police) sports club.
At age 15, she debuted internationally on Ethiopia’s junior squad at the 2001 world cross-country championships, where she placed fifth. She continued with junior-level silver medals in cross-country and on the track in 2002. She won the world junior cross-country title in 2003, set a 5,000-metre junior world record and won gold in the 5,000 metres at the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) world track and field championships, making her the youngest-ever world champion in her sport.
Her sister, Genzebe, is not doing badly in sports. Ejegayehu, who is their older sister, is also an Olympian who won silver from Athens. Their cousin, Derartu Tulu, was the first Black African woman to win Olympic gold in the 1992 games. She won another Olympic gold medal in Sydney in 2000.
“It’s not a stretch to say they are the world’s fastest family”, Ato Boldon, NBC’s track analyst, told Vogue in 2016. The sisters have remained a household name in Ethiopia, a country that has produced some of the world’s greatest runners, alongside Kenya.
The mother of the Dibaba sisters told Vogue that the siblings are successful thanks to the environment they were raised in, especially the ready supply of milk they get from the family cows. According to Vogue, author David Epstein has said that much of Ethiopia and Kenya lies in an altitude “sweet spot” high enough to cause physiological changes but not so high that the air is too thin for hard training.
The runners’ feat is also attributed to their diet — especially teff rich in iron and calcium — and their “small lightweight frame”. The Dibaba sisters have the body type good for sports, analysts say. Boldon said in 2016 that if one compares the sisters to a car, they would be a Ford Focus with a Ferrari engine.
The Dibabas are good at sports but they don’t really like watching sports. They prefer movies, especially Amharic films, said Tirunesh, who in 2008 married fellow track-and-field Olympic medalist Sileshi Sihine in a nationally televised wedding ceremony.
And just like other successful athletes, the Dibabas have invested their monies back into their communities. The sisters, alongside their in-laws, are real estate moguls owning several buildings in Addis Ababa. Still, the sisters continue to shine brightly in the sports world.
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24x7newsbengal · 1 year
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4 Things to do before Starting a new Relationship after a Breakup or Divorce
Being happily married or in a stable relationship impacts positively on mental health. They play at Bramall Lane and have since being founded in 1889. נערות ליווי בחיפה They have four FA Cups to their name, but the youngest of these dates to 1925, so it is a little less shiny than it might be! Luton Town was founded in 1885 and has been plagued by financial troubles throughout its history. This song touched many people, and it still does today, because whenever life's troubles get to be too much for us, we can turn it up loud. When we enter the arena with an arsenal of self-love, high standards, and an understanding of the process, we can create and enjoy the ride of a relationship at a much deeper level. It will make you realise things could be much, much worse, and that whatever you have endured - there's a high chance someone else has endured far, far worse and lived to tell the tale. Affleck and de Armas have been stepping out for regular dog walks throughout the pandemic. What you need is a little assistance in figuring out what works best for you and as luck would have it, we specialize in just that sort of thing.
Their best Premiership result is finishing eighth in the league, and they once took third place in the Championship. In 2007, they came eighth in the Premiership. They made it into the Premiership twice since then, though they have been in the Championship most of the time. It is a way that many Muslims learn thankfulness and appreciation for what they have. No one knows how to live in the "right" way. You find one or two styles you like and you kind of get stuck there. There's evidence at Clovis sites that they slaughtered enormous game like mastodon and mammoths with their unique projectile points. On the flip side, the horrific Hillsborough disaster occurred at a Liverpool game. The game is particularly impressive there as this is the mother country for football, the place in which it was invented centuries ago and professionalized in the late Victorian period. There are hundreds of them to roll through, so how does anyone even settle on one? Yes, we are even in the same church.
They are currently in the Premier League, as of the last few years, having moved back and forth between the top two divisions a few times. Maybe a few rounds of "never have I ever" can get down to it. I have a Powerpoint presentation ready for this! Known as the Canaries Yellows, this team dates to 1902. They once placed third in the Premiership, but have not always been in the top league. Wigan Athletic is a relative newbie on our list, as it only dates back to 1932. They were in the lower divisions in the late 1900s but made it into the Premiere League for eight years in this century. Most of the major clubs are over a hundred years old, and this means they were founded at a time when instead of a modern logo, a team would have a badge that looked more like a family crest. This massive London behemoth is one of the richest clubs in the world, in keeping with its beginnings when it was founded in 1905 by Gus Mears, a richer sort of type than many of the other teams' founders.
This team has solid Industrial Age roots, being founded by members of the Thames Ironworks. The images typically look a little like something you might see on a knight's shield, with lions rampant and crossed swords being popular choices. 56. “Sharing the same passionate love with another person gives a feeling of being alive! It's time to find out with this fiendishly difficult quiz that gives you only a fragment of the logo. Sometimes for a long time. Like any mental or emotional health issue, treatment requires time and effort, as well as the help of a clinician. You can end up with some dated hair that makes you look like you took a time machine from a very uncool place. You'll both have fun and it's a great way to spend time together. The student feels good and is motivated to feel that way again. So how do we figure out your true inner personality? The key to the right hair cut is matching it to your personality. Picking the right hairstyle is so much more work than most people think. The discovery tab helps you find influencers, discover the best people to follow or unfollow, and see who’s reacted to-or interacted with-your company or mentioned your brand.
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losttrailrunner · 2 years
Liked on YouTube: BRUTAL RACE!! My FIRST EVER Cross Country!! XC running is harder than I thought...
Liked on YouTube: BRUTAL RACE!! My FIRST EVER Cross Country!! XC running is harder than I thought…
BRUTAL RACE!! My FIRST EVER Cross Country!! XC running is harder than I thought… Today we’re in Parliament Hill for the Cross Country London Championships.. dipping my toe into the XC water and seeing what all the fuss is about! Red Hat https://ift.tt/VizTGuO Night of the 10k PBs Video https://youtu.be/KB7Ox7Q34MQ Serpentine Running Clubhttps://www.serpentine.org.uk/ England Athletics…
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Eliud Kipchoge (born November 5, 1984) is a Kenyan long-distance runner who competes in the marathon and formerly specialized in the 5000-meter distance. Regarded as the greatest marathon runner of all time, he is the 2016 and 2020 Olympic marathon champion and the world record holder in the marathon with a time of 2:01:09 set at the 2022 Berlin Marathon. He has run four of the five fastest marathon times in history. His run broke the previous world record by 1 minute and 18 seconds. It was the greatest improvement in a marathon world record time since 1967. On October 12, 2019, he ran the marathon distance on a special course in Vienna, achieving a time of 1:59:40. He is the first person to run under 2 hours. He was born in Kapsisiywa, Nandi County, in Kenya. He graduated from the Kaptel Secondary School in Nandi County. He ran 2 mi to school daily. He was raised by a single mother. He is the youngest of four children. His wife and three children live in Eldoret, Kenya. He lives and trains in Kaptagat. He won his first individual world championship title in 2003 by winning the junior race at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships and setting a world junior record over 5000 m on the track. He became the senior 5000 m world champion at the 2003 World Championships in Athletics with a championships record, then followed by an Olympic bronze for Kenya in 2004 and a bronze at the 2006 IAAF World Indoor Championships. A five-time World Championship 5000 m finalist, he took silver medals at the 2007 World Championships, 2008 Olympics, and 2010 Commonwealth Games. He switched to road running in 2012 and made the second-fastest-ever half marathon debut with 59:25 minutes. On his marathon debut, he won the 2013 Hamburg Marathon in a course record time. His first victory at a World Marathon Major came at the Chicago Marathon in 2014, and he went on to become series champion in 2016, 2017, and 2018. He won the London Marathon a record 4 times. He has won 12 of the 13 marathons he has entered. His only loss was a second-place at the 2013 Berlin Marathon. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CklBWKuLUlg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 10.17
690 – Empress Wu Zetian establishes the Zhou Dynasty of China. 1091 – London tornado of 1091: A tornado thought to be of strength T8/F4 strikes the heart of London. 1346 – The English capture King David II of Scotland at Neville's Cross and imprison him for eleven years. 1448 – An Ottoman army defeats a Hungarian army at the Second Battle of Kosovo. 1456 – The University of Greifswald is established as the second oldest university in northern Europe. 1534 – Anti-Catholic posters appear in Paris and other cities supporting Huldrych Zwingli's position on the Mass. 1558 – Poczta Polska, the Polish postal service, is founded. 1604 – Kepler's Supernova is observed in the constellation of Ophiuchus. 1610 – French king Louis XIII is crowned in Reims Cathedral. 1660 – The nine regicides who signed the death warrant of Charles I of England are hanged, drawn and quartered. 1662 – Charles II of England sells Dunkirk to Louis XIV of France for 40,000 pounds. 1713 – Great Northern War: Russia defeated Sweden in the Battle of Kostianvirta in Pälkäne. 1771 – Premiere in Milan of the opera Ascanio in Alba, composed by Mozart at age 15. 1777 – American Revolutionary War: British General John Burgoyne surrenders his army at Saratoga, New York. 1781 – American Revolutionary War: British General Charles, Earl Cornwallis surrenders at the Siege of Yorktown. 1800 – War of the Second Coalition: Britain takes control of the Dutch colony of Curaçao. 1806 – Former leader of the Haitian Revolution, Emperor Jacques I, is assassinated after an oppressive rule. 1811 – The silver deposits of Agua Amarga are discovered in Chile becoming in the following years instrumental for the Patriots to finance the Chilean War of Independence. 1814 – Eight people die in the London Beer Flood. 1860 – First The Open Championship (referred to in North America as the British Open). 1861 – Aboriginal Australians kill nineteen Europeans in the Cullin-la-ringo massacre. 1907 – Marconi begins the first commercial transatlantic wireless service. 1912 – Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia declare war on the Ottoman Empire, joining Montenegro in the First Balkan War. 1919 – Leeds United F.C. founded at Salem Chapel, Holbeck after the winding up of Leeds City F.C. for making illegal payments to players during World War I 1931 – Al Capone is convicted of income tax evasion. 1933 – Albert Einstein flees Nazi Germany and moves to the United States. 1940 – The body of Communist propagandist Willi Münzenberg is found in South France, starting a never-resolved mystery. 1941 – World War II: The USS Kearny becomes the first U.S. Navy vessel to be torpedoed by a U-boat. 1943 – The Burma Railway (Burma–Thailand Railway) is completed. 1943 – Nazi Holocaust in Poland: Sobibór extermination camp is closed. 1945 – A massive demonstration in Buenos Aires, Argentina, demands Juan Perón's release. 1952 – Indonesian Army elements surrounded the Merdeka Palace demanding President Sukarno disband the Provisional People's Representative Council. 1956 – The first commercial nuclear power station is officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in Sellafield, England. 1961 – Directed by their chief Maurice Papon, Paris police massacre scores of Algerian protesters. 1961 – The first attempt of the apartheid analogy, by Ahmad Shukeiri,[6][7][8] it was on Oct 17, 1961. 1965 – The 1964–65 New York World's Fair closes after two years and more than 51 million attendees. 1966 – The 23rd Street Fire in New York City kills 12 firefighters. 1969 – The Caravaggio painting Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence is stolen from the Oratory of Saint Lawrence in Palermo. 1970 – FLQ terrorists murder Quebec Vice-Premier and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte. 1973 – OPEC imposes an oil embargo against countries they deem to have helped Israel in the Yom Kippur War. 1977 – The hijacked Lufthansa Flight 181 lands in Mogadishu. The remaining hostages are later rescued. 1979 – Mother Teresa is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 1979 – The Department of Education Organization Act creates the U.S. Department of Education. 1980 – As part of the Holy See–United Kingdom relations a British monarch makes the first state visit to the Vatican. 1988 – Uganda Airlines Flight 775 crashes at Rome–Fiumicino International Airport, in Rome, Italy, killing 33 people. 1989 – The 6.9 Mw Loma Prieta earthquake shakes the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Coast, killing 63. 1989 – The East German Politburo votes to remove Erich Honecker from his role as General Secretary. 1991 – 1991 Rudrapur bombings by Sikh separatists, who explode two bombs, during a Ramlila Hindu celebration in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, killing 41 people. 1992 – Having gone to the wrong house, Japanese student Yoshihiro Hattori is killed by the homeowner in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1994 – Russian journalist Dmitry Kholodov is assassinated while investigating corruption in the armed forces. 2000 – The Hatfield rail crash leads to the collapse of Railtrack. 2001 – Israeli tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi becomes the first Israeli minister to be assassinated in a terrorist attack. 2003 – Taipei 101, a 101-floor skyscraper in Taipei, becomes the world's tallest high-rise. 2017 – Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) capture the last foothold of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Raqqa, marking the end of the Battle of Raqqa. 2018 – The recreational use of cannabis is legalized in Canada. 2018 – Kerch Polytechnic College attack in Crimea. 2019 – Drug dealers in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico force the government to back down on an arrest. 2019 – The 17 October Revolution starts in Lebanon.
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