#Lord Cardinal Lambda
timelordpropaganda · 2 months
Thought you were going to complain about hand holding before marriage or something like that.
Well, gloved handholding is tolerable. Gloved handholding is strictly for married individuals.
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torchwoodpropaganda · 3 years
Lenora, are there bathhouses on earth?
Lord Cardinal Lambda
I guess that depends on your definition of a bathhouse.
Like, we have saunas, but those aren’t really bathhouses, just steam. I think some ancient people had them, but for the most part we bathe alone.
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Madame President,
I would very much like if you were to implement a rule banning Gallifreyan students under the age of 50 from the Earth Internet. A student of mine just was encouraged by our normal weasel renegade groups to plant explosives and their actions have made someone regenerate. Instead of outright banning it I am hoping to compromise that students under 50 must be supervised when using the Internet. I feel that this is fair and will protect all students, both from abroad and home, from dangerous strangers.
-Lord Cardinal Lambda
I’m sorry Cardinal, but that isn’t an option. We must encourage our students to interact with other races. Maybe we should limit student access to explosives.
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Good Rassilon not another agency blog. Next thing you know the damned Gallifreyan Internal Revenue Service will have their own blog with propaganda. And bad propaganda at that. I’m not impressed. 3/10. -Lord Cardinal Lambda
Oh hello! Nice to meet you! I’m Nix. Agent Ryker.
You do know we were founded to take after you, right? Had to get someone to keep balance after... well, I probably shouldn’t spoil that for you.
Again, nice to meet you, Lord Cardinal Lambda. I hope we get to know each other better.
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renegadepropaganda · 4 years
Mustula fero, please do not tell me that horrid outfit you were wearing in that fan-art is the actual outfit that you where in public. You must come home, even so that I can teach you how to dress, it’s so vulgar with your neck and fingers showing. I am concerned you are serious about this renegade thing.
~Lord Cardinal Lambda
I know it is, and I will come home. I will need a pickup, and some time to prepare to be on trial.
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theranibish · 4 years
I just got caught up on here. Good luck. You’re a fool to think that the High Council isn’t already aware of what happened and even if they weren’t, no one would believe a murdering, lying, and sorry excuse of a Timelady. Even your still LEGALLY WEDDED HUSBAND is more evil and more of a concern than you Rani. We couldn’t care less.
-Lord Cardinal Lambda
First of all, we got a divorce as soon as possible. Two, obviously the high council knows, THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT you bloviating, bubbling flesh bag!  And three, you are confusing dangerous with insane. Unlike the drama queen, I play my cards looking at the long game. For your own sake pray that the High Council does not repeat the mistake or ... well you saw what I can do and you might not admit it, but you are trembling with fear even thinking about what else I am capable of ;).
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unitpropaganda · 4 years
Would it be appropriate to say that renegade Timelords tend to cause harm to your species?
Thank you for your time,
Lord Cardinal Lambda
I mean the master tries his best and an afternoon in the doctors company does tend to leave the Brigadier asking for aspirin.
I'd guess the main risk is headaches?
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ciapropaganda · 4 years
Narvin, my cherub, I am worried you are wearing yourself thin. Perhaps you and your lovers could go to Mckailon and rest a bit. Vulca and I were planning on possibly scheduling our anniversary there again. I miss the seasalt breeze in my face and making my mood boards there. It would be good for you! My chapter house has a cabin there, I can see if theres any weeks free for you to rent, its very cheap! Perhaps Lady Leela would enjoy hunting the fish! Peace, Lord Cardinal Lambda
I really could use the rest, what do you think, Leela? -Narvin
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-Lord Cardinal Lambda
Ok ok chill, I was only joking.
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timelordpropaganda · 8 months
Lady Vulca had to close the store today as we have had too many people stopping in for questions unrelated to the sale of our robes and accessories. I am so concerned I am going to try and get permission to work from home until this blows over. I don’t feel as if she will be safe alone with the baby 😞 I don’t know what I have done wrong here.
Lambda out.
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timelordpropaganda · 8 months
Good news first~
The little one got accepted to both Chapterhouse Early Learning Programs and is allowed to alternate every other week like we requested.
The VERY Bad Bad Bad news
Both houses are questioning our parenting and childbearing abilities as they do not believe her sketches for her age are of high enough quality and she is struggling to learn how to put together colors to go well together but instead can list the Preamble of the Constitution of Gallifrey and knows her rights if questioned by either the public or a Chancellory Guard. Both families are in agreement that I am a terrible influence on Murex and should be terminated from seeing her. Lady Vulca, thankfully, stepped in reminding them that Murex had been curious the day prior on my speech today and some of the things I was saying on the Panopticon Matrix channel that Lady Vulca had been watching while coloring with her. The child was curious! The first thing to do when a time got who is brainbuffing asks a question is to answer!
Lady Vulca’s Housefather reminded me that if I continued to dishonor the house that he would remove them from my life. I reminded him that his house was nearly bankrupt when I married Vulca and if I hadn’t accepted her into my brand none of them would have food on the table. We shall see what pans out.
Chapterhouse and families are something that continue to amaze me. I think everyone can relate. Don’t feel bad if you ever just need to put your communicator on silent and simply have some tea and a bath 😮‍💨🍵🫖
Cardinal Lambda Out!
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timelordpropaganda · 11 months
If @jillthecia-agent is not in the CIA than why is it in their name? This thing! I forgot this human place is awful. No good gifs, all about this bts nonsense.
TIMELORDS MAKE MY LIFE TOO HARD THEY ARE TOO DRAMATIC. But my Timelady says we must offer men’s wear as well so here I am 😑
I only did Lord Borusa’s clothing because HE LET MY HAVE FUN WITH THINGS! I could make him look powerful and sparkly and it was AMAZING and now Lady Romana wants only “independent brands” good grief. And I want intergalatic peace. Have fun looking like a damsel in distress instead of a POWERFUL RULER WHO HONORS TRADITION WHERE IT MATTERS.
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timelordpropaganda · 8 months
My housemother is visiting our home tomorrow to spend time with our tot and Vulca will not let me call the Chancellory Guard to have her removed from the planet. #WivesShouldBeAllowedToDoThings 😔
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timelordpropaganda · 9 months
Can I have a Tardis?
Do you have a license issued to your legal name? Do you have the money to pay for either a rental or purchase? Do you have a scheduled trip approved by the Ministry of Extra-Gallifreyan Travel? Do you have the itinerary and all other papers copied onto a memory device appropriate and approved for Official Matters as laid out by the High Council? Do you have a copy of your identification papers? Do you have a legal will written and in your families care in case you do not return alive? Do you have food pills and emergency supplies? Do you think you have the right to ask me these stupid questions? Do I look like a matrix connection to you?
-Lord Cardinal Lambda
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timelordpropaganda · 9 months
Best House in your opinion? Or just generally a Chapter
We just have such a grand, beautiful time. There’s always such cool works of art to study and appreciate and even participate in! My own Looming was included in a fine art work 😁.
As far as specific Chapterhouses, I love both Vulcas house and my own very, very much. They have been very supportive towards us, our marriage, and of course my little one.
Anyone who claims Prydonian is the best chapter is not fun hehe!
-Lord Cardinal Lambda
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timelordpropaganda · 4 months
Pride Month is stupid.
I am allegedly a “lesbian” and apparently an “abnormal” advanced sexual being EVERY month.
I will not be celebrating or changing my routine for this nonsense.
Earth is stupid and I will not go along with their nonsense.
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