somosprojetoamigos · 4 months
Remédio da Pfizer contra tipo de câncer de pulmão obtém bons resultados em testes
Um medicamento do laboratório Pfizer reduz significativamente a progressão do câncer e melhora os resultados de sobrevivência de pessoas em fases avançadas de uma forma rara de câncer de pulmão, segundo os resultados de ensaios clínicos publicados nesta sexta-feira (31). Lorlatinibe, um produto já aprovado e disponível sob a marca Lobrena nos Estados Unidos, foi testado em um ensaio clínico com…
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iebpharma360 · 7 months
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ralfmaximus · 4 months
More than half of patients (60%) diagnosed with advanced forms of lung cancer who took lorlatinib were still alive five years later with no progression in their disease, data presented at the world’s largest cancer conference showed. The rate was 8% in patients treated with a standard drug, the trial found. The results are the longest progression-free survival (PFS) outcomes ever recorded in patients with non-small cell lung cancer, the world’s most common form of the disease. 
Unprecedented good results from a new cancer drug.
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mezzopieno-news · 7 months
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È arrivata in Italia una nuova terapia che riesce a bloccare la progressione di un tipo di neoplasia ai polmoni che ha già sviluppato metastasi cerebrali.
Il lorlatinib può essere assunto quotidianamente per via orale tramite compresse ed è stato reso rimborsabile dal Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, è in grado di rendere inoffensivi i tumori ALK positivi, quelli che colpiscono prevalentemente i giovani e le persone sotto i 50 anni. Questo sottotipo di tumore polmonare è molto aggressivo e il nuovo principio riesce a superare la barriera ematoencefalica e ad agire a livello cerebrale, anche su pazienti precedentemente trattati senza successo con altre terapie. “Gli esiti dello studio CROWN, sui quali si è basato il via libera di Aifa, indicano che lorlatinib è più efficace delle cure che finora abbiamo considerato standard… Il 72% dei partecipanti ha visto sparire le metastasi cerebrali e un ulteriore 10% ha comunque avuto una risposta intracranica; il 64% dei malati a tre anni dall’inizio di lorlatinib non è andato in progressione (rispetto al 19% di chi assumeva la terapia finora standard)” spiega Filippo de Marinis, direttore della Divisione di Oncologia toracica dell’Istituto Europeo di Oncologia.
Nel 2023 sono stati in Italia 44mila nuovi casi di tumore polmonare, uno dei più difficili da trattare; più del 70% dei pazienti arriva alla diagnosi quando la malattia è già in stadio avanzato ed esistono poche cure per questo tipo di cancro, soprattutto quando si presentano già delle metastasi.
Fonte: Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco; Filippo de Marinis; foto di Anna Shvets
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b2bbusiness · 6 months
Advancements and Market Trends in Colorectal Cancer Treatment
Colorectal cancer, a type of cancer that starts in the colon or rectum, is one of the most prevalent and deadly cancers worldwide. Despite significant progress in early detection and treatment options, colorectal cancer remains a significant health challenge, driving ongoing research, innovation, and investment in the market. This article explores the current landscape of the colorectal cancer market, including recent advancements, emerging trends, and future prospects.
Market Overview: The global colorectal cancer market has experienced steady growth in recent years, driven by factors such as the rising incidence of colorectal cancer, an aging population, and advancements in treatment options. According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States, highlighting the significant market potential for colorectal cancer treatments.
Key Players: Several pharmaceutical companies and biotech firms are actively involved in the development and commercialization of colorectal cancer therapies. Key players in the market include:
Roche Holding AG: Roche's blockbuster drug, Avastin (bevacizumab), is widely used in the treatment of colorectal cancer, particularly in combination with chemotherapy.
Merck & Co., Inc.: Merck's immunotherapy drug, Keytruda (pembrolizumab), has shown promising results in treating advanced colorectal cancer with specific genetic mutations.
Bayer AG: Bayer's Stivarga (regorafenib) is approved for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer that has progressed after standard therapies.
Bristol Myers Squibb: Bristol Myers Squibb's Opdivo (nivolumab) is another immunotherapy option being explored for the treatment of colorectal cancer.
Pfizer Inc.: Pfizer's Xalkori (crizotinib) and Lorbrena (lorlatinib) are among the targeted therapies being investigated for colorectal cancer treatment.
Recent Advancements: The colorectal cancer market has witnessed several significant advancements in recent years, driving improvements in patient outcomes and treatment efficacy. These advancements include:
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy has emerged as a promising approach for colorectal cancer treatment, particularly in patients with specific genetic mutations or microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) tumors. Drugs like Keytruda and Opdivo harness the body's immune system to target and destroy cancer cells.
Targeted Therapies: Targeted therapies, which specifically target cancer cells based on their genetic makeup, have shown efficacy in colorectal cancer treatment. Drugs like Stivarga and Xalkori inhibit specific molecular pathways involved in cancer growth and progression.
Biomarker Testing: Advances in biomarker testing have enabled oncologists to personalize treatment approaches based on the unique genetic profile of each patient's tumor. Biomarker testing helps identify patients who are most likely to benefit from targeted therapies or immunotherapy.
Minimally Invasive Surgery: Minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgeries, have become standard in the treatment of colorectal cancer. These techniques offer faster recovery times, reduced postoperative pain, and improved cosmetic outcomes compared to traditional open surgery.
Emerging Trends: Several emerging trends are shaping the future of the colorectal cancer market:
Combination Therapies: Researchers are exploring the potential benefits of combining immunotherapy with other treatment modalities, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and radiation therapy, to enhance treatment efficacy and overcome resistance mechanisms.
Liquid Biopsies: Liquid biopsy techniques, which involve analyzing tumor-derived genetic material in blood samples, hold promise for early detection, monitoring treatment response, and detecting the emergence of resistance mutations in colorectal cancer patients.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning algorithms are being increasingly utilized to analyze complex genomic and imaging data, predict treatment outcomes, and identify novel therapeutic targets in colorectal cancer.
Patient-Centric Care: There is a growing emphasis on patient-centered care in the management of colorectal cancer, with healthcare providers focusing on improving patient education, support services, and survivorship care to enhance overall quality of life.
For more insights into the Colorectal Cancer market forecast, download a free report sample
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stranotizie · 8 months
Con la pubblicazione della determina in Gazzetta Ufficiale (n.283/4 dicembre 2023), l’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA) ha autorizzato la rimborsabilità in prima linea di lorlatinib, inibitore della tirosin-chinasi (TKI) di terza generazione, in pazienti adulti affetti da tumore del polmone non a piccole cellule (NSCLC) in stadio avanzato positivo per la chinasi del linfoma anaplastico (ALK), non trattati in precedenza con un inibitore di ALK1 . Si tratta di un passo avanti ulteriore nel trattamento di questa specifica neoplasia, presente nel 5-7% dei casi di tumore del polmone non a piccole cellule e con una maggiore incidenza in pazienti più giovani (sotto i 50 anni), preferenzialmente – ma non esclusivamente – non fumatori, la cui malattia risponde molto meno ai regimi chemioterapici standard. Secondo gli ultimi dati AIOM-AIRTUM, lo scorso anno in Italia sono state stimate circa 44.000 nuove diagnosi di tumore al polmone (uomini =30.000; donne = 14.000). La maggior parte dei casi di tumore del polmone corrisponde all’istologia non a piccole cellule (NSCLC). All’interno di questo gruppo, la ricerca scientifica ha individuato numerose alterazioni molecolari che possono determinare l’insorgenza e lo sviluppo della patologia neoplastica. Tra queste, l’alterazione a carico del gene ALK, che rappresenta un importante target terapeutico. I pazienti affetti da NSCLC ALK+ presentano un’alta incidenza di metastasi cerebrali al basale (fino al 40% ) e un alto rischio di sviluppo di metastasi lungo tutto il percorso terapeutico, con il conseguente impatto sulla qualità di vita. “Il tumore del polmone rappresenta una patologia frequente e molto complessa – spiega Silvia Novello, Professore Ordinario di Oncologia Medica presso il Dipartimento di Oncologia dell’Università di Torino e presidente di WALCE Onlus – Grazie alle nuove tecnologie di sequenziamento del DNA, sono ormai note molte alterazioni molecolari del NSCLC che condizionano la biologia di questo tumore, alcune delle quali si realizzano nelle prime fasi di sviluppo e sono essenziali per la sua crescita e, quindi, possono rappresentare dei target terapeutici. L’identificazione di questi target è fondamentale per poter identificare il bersaglio di farmaci che garantiscono ai pazienti un’aspettativa di vita sorprendentemente superiore e questo è possibile solo con una corretta e tempestiva profilazione molecolare. In questo contesto effettuare il testing molecolare completo al basale per identificare la proteina ALK è indispensabile per orientare correttamente già la prima decisione terapeutica. I pazienti con NSCLC ALK+ sono più giovani della media, uomini e donne in prevalenza non fumatori e in buone condizioni generali, ma con un’alta incidenza di metastasi cerebrali al basale (fino al 40%). Il sistema nervoso centrale è inoltre per questi pazienti un sito frequente di progressione della malattia; pertanto, la prevenzione delle metastasi cerebrali durante la prima linea di trattamento assume un ruolo fondamentale nella gestione della malattia. Le terapie ‘targeted’ agiscono in modo mirato su specifici bersagli molecolari, migliorando l’aspettativa di vita dei pazienti e la qualità della stessa rispetto alla chemioterapia tradizionale”. È il caso di lorlatinib, inibitore della tirosin chinasi (TKI) di terza generazione e disegnato specificatamente per superare la barriera ematoencefalica e agire quindi a livello cerebrale, nonché per essere attivo anche in pazienti precedentemente trattati in cui si siano sviluppate delle mutazioni secondarie di resistenza. Oggi è rimborsato in Italia anche come monoterapia in prima linea per il trattamento di pazienti adulti affetti da tumore del polmone non a piccole cellule in stadio avanzato positivo per la chinasi del linfoma anaplastico (ALK) non trattati in precedenza con un inibitore di ALK, oltre che come trattamento di II linea, o successive, in pazienti pretrattati con almeno un inibitore di ALK di II generazione. Lo studio CROWN La nuova indicazione di lorlatinib in prima linea di trattamento è supportata dallo studio CROWN, internazionale, multicentrico, randomizzato, in aperto, a 2 bracci paralleli, che ha confrontato lorlatinib in monoterapia verso crizotinib in monoterapia, in 296 pazienti affetti da NSCLC ALK-positivo avanzato non trattati in precedenza. Obiettivo dello studio CROWN è la dimostrazione della maggiore efficacia, in termini di sopravvivenza libera da progressione, di lorlatinib rispetto a crizotinib nel trattamento del NSCLC ALK-positivo avanzato non trattato in precedenza. Questa superiorità è stata, e continua ad essere, dimostrata presentando risultati senza precedenti nella classe terapeutica. Sulla base dei dati aggiornati dello studio CROWN , lorlatinib rappresenta la risposta ai principali bisogni terapeutici della patologia NSCLC ALK+, candidandosi come il nuovo ‘standard of care’ per il trattamento di I linea. Oltre che sulla sopravvivenza libera da progressione, lorlatinib ha determinato miglioramenti statisticamente significativi anche del tempo alla progressione di malattia a livello intracranico e del tasso di risposta obiettiva sia sistemica che intracranica, che si sono mostrate consistenti anche in termini di durata della risposta stessa rispetto a pazienti affetti da NSCLC avanzato ALK positivo non precedentemente trattato. Sicuramente senza precedenti il dato di profilassi rispetto all’insorgenza di metastasi cerebrali in pazienti senza patologia intracranica al basale. “I risultati dello studio CROWN offrono prospettive interessanti per continuare a ottimizzare le opzioni terapeutiche disponibili nel trattamento di prima linea nella malattia ALK riarrangiata – afferma Filippo de Marinis, Direttore Divisione di Oncologia Toracica IEO_Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Presidente AIOT (Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Toracica) e Membro dello Steering Committee CROWN – Fino ad oggi, infatti, lo standard di trattamento dei pazienti affetti da tumore del polmone non a piccole cellule avanzato con traslocazione di ALK è stato rappresentato da un trattamento di prima linea con inibitori di ALK di seconda generazione. I dati dello studio di fase III CROWN hanno invece consentito di evidenziare la superiorità di lorlatinib sia in termini dell’endpoint primario (sopravvivenza libera da progressione), che in termini di risposte obiettive e di controllo intracranico. La maggiore efficacia di lorlatinib è stata evidenziata in tutti i parametri valutati, con una riduzione del rischio di progressione di malattia pari al 73%, mentre l’82% dei pazienti con metastasi cerebrali ha riscontrato una risposta intracranica, che è stata completa nel 71% dei casi. La terapia mirata continua, quindi, a portare risultati significativi, dimostrando anche benefici a lungo termine mai riscontrati prima nei pazienti con carcinoma polmonare non a piccole cellule avanzato”. “Grazie alla nuova indicazione, offriamo una nuova opportunità alle persone con tumore del polmone non a piccole cellule ALK+ che potranno usufruire di un percorso terapeutico basato sulla medicina di precisione – conclude Biagio Oppi, External Communications Director di Pfizer in Italia – Per Pfizer, che peraltro è da sempre in prima linea nella lotta contro i tumori, è un momento straordinario per l’area Oncologia: grazie all’acquisizione di Seagen, perfezionata a dicembre, abbiamo ora una pipeline formidabile con innovazioni terapeutiche in grado di trasformare la qualità di vita dei pazienti”. Fonte
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meghra · 10 months
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techninja · 11 months
Overcoming Challenges: The Current Landscape of ALK-Positive Lung Cancer Treatment
The ALK-positive lung cancer treatment market has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, offering hope to patients diagnosed with this specific form of lung cancer. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a gene mutation found in a subset of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). The discovery of ALK-positive lung cancer has paved the way for targeted therapies, revolutionizing the landscape of lung cancer treatment. This article explores the current state of ALK-positive lung cancer treatment, including the latest developments, challenges, and future prospects.
Targeted Therapies:
One of the most promising advancements in the ALK-positive lung cancer treatment market has been the development of targeted therapies. Drugs like crizotinib, alectinib, and lorlatinib have been specifically designed to inhibit the activity of the ALK gene, reducing the growth and spread of cancer cells. These therapies have shown remarkable efficacy in clinical trials, leading to their approval by regulatory agencies like the FDA.
Personalized Medicine:
ALK-positive lung cancer treatment exemplifies the shift toward personalized medicine. By identifying the ALK mutation in a patient's tumor, oncologists can tailor treatment plans to target the specific genetic alteration driving the cancer. This approach minimizes the side effects associated with traditional chemotherapy and offers better outcomes for patients.
Emerging Therapies:
While current ALK-positive lung cancer treatments have extended patient survival rates, ongoing research continues to yield new therapies. Brigatinib, ensartinib, and repotrectinib are among the promising candidates in the pipeline. These next-generation ALK inhibitors aim to overcome resistance that can develop during treatment, providing more options for patients with advanced disease.
Combination Therapies:
Combination therapies have emerged as a promising approach to managing ALK-positive lung cancer. Pairing ALK inhibitors with other targeted therapies or immunotherapies has shown potential in overcoming drug resistance and achieving more robust responses. The use of combination treatments is an evolving area of research with the potential to improve outcomes for patients.
Despite the significant progress, the ALK-positive lung cancer treatment market faces several challenges. Resistance to ALK inhibitors remains a concern, with some patients developing resistance mutations that render the treatment less effective. Ongoing research is focused on understanding the mechanisms of resistance and finding strategies to overcome them.
Access to Treatment:
Access to ALK-positive lung cancer treatments can be limited, particularly in regions with limited healthcare resources. The high cost of targeted therapies poses a barrier to many patients. Efforts are underway to address these issues, with advocacy for broader insurance coverage and more affordable options for patients.
Future Prospects:
The future of ALK-positive lung cancer treatment looks promising. Advances in genomics and the discovery of new therapeutic targets are expected to lead to more effective treatments. Immunotherapies and combination approaches are likely to play a significant role in managing this cancer type.
Clinical Trials:
Clinical trials are a crucial part of advancing ALK-positive lung cancer treatment. These trials explore new drugs, treatment combinations, and innovative approaches to managing the disease. Patients are encouraged to participate in clinical trials to contribute to the development of better therapies and to potentially benefit from cutting-edge treatments.
The ALK-positive lung cancer treatment market has made significant strides in recent years, providing patients with hope and improved outcomes. Targeted therapies, personalized medicine, and ongoing research are transforming the landscape of lung cancer treatment. Challenges remain, but with continued innovation and patient advocacy, the future holds great promise for those affected by ALK-positive lung cancer. It is imperative that we continue to invest in research, improve access to treatment, and support patients on their journey towards better outcomes.
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ptmasterguide · 3 years
In this article, we will discuss Lorlatinib (Dosage Overview). So, let’s get started. Indications Lorlatinib is indicated for the treatment of patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose disease has progressed on• crizotinib and at least one other ALK inhibitor for metastatic disease; or• alectinib as the first ALK inhibitor…
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shifadrug · 2 years
Lorbrexen 100 Mg Side effect, Extra Information
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Lorbrexen 100 Mg is used to treat a certain type of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in adults that has spread to other parts of the body. Lorbrexen 100 Mg is in a class of medications called kinase inhibitors. It works by blocking the action of the abnormal protein that signals cancer cells to multiply. This helps to stop or slow the spread of cancer cells.
Side Effects Of Lorbrexen 100 Mg
Lorlatinib may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:
weight gain
muscle, joint, or back pain
vision changes
rash or itching
Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately or get emergency medical treatment:
swelling in your arms, legs, hands and feet
difficulty breathing
shortness of breath, cough, or fever
numbness and tingling feeling in your joints or arms and legs
difficulty thinking or confusion
seeing things or hearing voices that do not exist
changes in mood, feeling sad or anxious
problems with speech
difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
unusual dreams or nightmares
headache, dizziness, blurred vision, feeling faint, chest pain, or shortness of breath
feeling more hungry or thirsty than usual, increased urination, extreme tiredness, weakness, confusion, or breath that smells fruity
Lorbrexen 100 Mg may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication.
Extra Information Lorbrexen 100 Mg (Lorlatinib)
Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. Your doctor will order certain lab tests and an electrocardiogram (ECG; test that measures the electrical activity in the heart) before and during your treatment to check your body's response to lorlatinib. Your doctor will also check your blood pressure before and during your treatment. Your doctor will also order a lab test before you begin your treatment to see whether your cancer can be treated with lorlatinib.
Do not let anyone else take your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription.
It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.
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yeshealthplease · 4 years
Patient-reported outcomes from the randomized phase III CROWN study of first-line Lorlatinib versus in ALK+ NSCLC
Patient-reported outcomes from the randomized phase III CROWN study of first-line Lorlatinib versus in ALK+ NSCLC
Patient-reported outcomes from the phase III CROWN study showed that time to treatment deterioration (TTD) in pain in chest, dyspnea, and cough was comparable between those who received lorlatinib and patients who took crizotinib. The research was presented today at the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer’s 2020 World Conference on Lung Cancer Singapore. Lorlatinib, a…
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radhika677 · 3 years
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sorafenib,comprising Goserelin as an active ingredient, is an anti-cancer regimen. It is a prescription drug used in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer. sorafenib tablets price is an injectable gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist. It is available in the strengths of 3.6mg and 10.8mg. Enquire about albumin-bound paclitaxel price in india and other Life-Saving Drugs on Magicine Pharma and know the latest price in India. With a wide reach all over the world, we offer high-quality affordable medicines and surgical instruments with the benefits of fast delivery and secure payment options. Order now online!
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microcosmfortwo · 4 years
Cancer Chronicles #1
It has been 2 weeks I’ve started in Oncology. 2 weeks since I stepped into a rotation I’ve both eagerly awaited and deeply feared. 
I still remember the last time I stepped into Ward 48, SGH, as a 4th year student. Doe-eyed and overly enthusiastic about everything around me. Desperately trying to understand unpronounceable drug names and decipher the crooked course of cancer and chemotherapy. 
Atezolizumab. Brigatinib. Cisplatin. Doxorubicin. Etoposide. Fluorouracil. Gemcitabine. Herceptin. Irinotecan. Lorlatinib. Methotrexate. Nivolumab. Oxaliplatin. Pertuzumab. Ramucirumab. Sorafenib. Temozolomide. Vincristine. 
and the list goes on. 
While the science and biochemistry have provided endless wonder, it is the patients who really make each journey and walk unique. 
I’ve seen the good. 
A middle aged man of 55, newly diagnosed with colorectal cancer, simply admitted for his first cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy (this is chemotherapy given after a surgery meant to potentially cure a patient, to clean up any sneaky cancer cells that might’ve escaped into the bloodstream). 
I’ve seen the amazing. 
A spritely grandfather of 86, a former sprinter in his heydays. When the cancer came back after having had his first liver tumour burned away with a heater probe, he was placed on an experimental trial, with a immunotherapy drug. Usually, individuals like this don’t live (well) past a year; He powered through 2.5 years before disease started to turn the tide. 
But as always, I’ve seen the bad. 
Lung cancer spreading to the brain despite prompt and amazing therapy, rendering the patient bumbling and confused in a matter of days. 
And then, there are some patient whose suffering is unimaginable, a private affair, an experience even others similarly afflicted can barely fathom. 
A young father of 37, having never smoked in his life, ravaged by aggressive lung cancer. He came in walking, and left on a bed, unable to feel anything below his waist. 
A proud mother of 2, fighting for one last shot at chemo having already gone through 17 surgeries, with cancer blocking passages that should be open like the ureters and the bowel, and creating passages which should not be, like fistulas and sinus (these are abnormal connections between hollow organs like bowel or connections between hollow organs and skin; pee mixes with poo in the bladder and digestive juice leaks out through the skin, stinging and burning). 
I’m finally beginning to understand why cancer is called,
The Emperor of All Maladies. 
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lucadezzani · 7 years
Top Pharma News of the Week
Top Pharma News of the Week
All The Most Important Pharmaceutical News Stories Of The Week – February 2018 – Week #3 US, EU, and Japan Health Authorities Accept Regulatory Submissions for Review of Pfizer’s Third-Generation ALK Inhibitor Lorlatinib
  February 12, 2018
Pfizer Inc. has announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepted and granted Priority Review to the company’s New Drug Application for…
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